00012英语(一) 浙江2002年7月自考 试题

浙江省2002年7月高等教育自学考试英语(一)试题课程代码:00012Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points, 1 point for each)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并写在答题纸相应的位置上。
1.I love my home-town______I spent my childhooD.A. whereB. whichC. whenD. that2.Once his curiosity______, he uses certain methods and procedures to obtain new knowledge and great understanding.A. has arousedB. has arisenC. has been arousedD. has been arisen3.He______a happier life if he were living alone.A. livedB. can liveC. would have livedD. could live4.______ the moon moves round the earth is well knowen to all of us.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. As5.He ______the 9∶20 train because he didn't leave home till 9∶25.A. may not catchB. can catchC. couldn't have caughtD. could catch6.If my project isn't______of by the headmaster all my work will have been wasted.A. disapprovedB. approvedC. disapprovalD. approval7.The fund was______for setting up a telecommunication system.A. intendedB. interruptedC. interactedD. inserted8.The children______well at the table yesterday.A. expressedB. conductedC. showedD. behaved9.Your mind will______your reading speed if you ask it to.A. pay attention toB. be alert toC. keep up withD. be aware of10.The reporter______wanted to ask her a few questions, not to make her angry.A. merelyB. suddenlyC. firstlyD. finallyⅡ.Mistake Recognition(10 points, 1 point for each)(下面的句子中每个句子都有四处划线并标以A 、B 、C 、D ,其中有一处错误的。

(10%)1) 仅;朴素地;完全地 ad. s __ __ __ __ __2) 潮流;当前的 a./n. c __ __ __ __ __ __3) 保护;保存 v. p __ __ __ __ __ __ __4) 模仿;仿制 v. i __ __ __ __ __ __5) 物质;实质 n. s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __6) 下降;传下 v. d __ __ __ __ __ __7) 有能力的 a. c __ __ __ __ __ __8) 准确性 n. a __ __ __ __ __ __ __9) 交易;讨价还价 n./v. b __ __ __ __ __ __10)占领;使忙碌 v. o __ __ __ __ __11)奇迹 n. m __ __ __ __ __ __12)密集的,浓密的 a. d __ __ __ __13)足够的,充分的 a. s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __14)牺牲品,受害者 n. v __ __ __ __ __15)企图,试图 v. a __ __ __ __ __ __16)文化;文明;教养 n. c __ __ __ __ __ __17)加宽,变宽 v. w __ __ __ __18)实现,完成 v. a __ __ __ __ __ __19)较小的;少数的 a. m __ __ __ __20)意图,打算 n. i __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __Ⅱ.根据句子的意思将括号中的词变成适当的形式并且填入答题纸上相应的空格。
(10%)1.Rainforests _________(cut) from Brazil to Indonesia at such a rate that they could well disppear from the earth’s sur face before the year 2050.2.________(believe) in your friend and his ability to do this work.3.A person ________(seize) by a panic attack may show all or as few as four of these symptoms.4.In most large companies management ________(involve) in planning the advertising.5.You might do well ________ (try) some of the techniques outlined above.6.Another popular shop is the “dime store”, sometimes ________ (refer) to as the “five and ten”.7.Man-eating ________ (may, start) because people were eager to become as strong and brave as their enemies.8.Almost everyone spends a considerable amount of present moments ________(worry) about the future.9.The Atlantic Ocean is more than 4,000 miles wide where Columbus________(cross) it.10.________(be) aware that I was wriggling in my chair while he was talking, which was impolite indeed, I stopped immediately.Ⅲ.根据句子的意思选择正确的答案,并把其字母填入答题纸上相应的空格。

第一部分选择题I. V ocabulary and Structure (10 points,1 point each)从下列各句后的四个选项(人、B. C. D)中选出一个能场入句中空白处的.佳选项,井在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1. He kept asking silly questions until my patience finally .A. set inB. ran outC. gave upD. got over2. Companies spend millions of dollars trying to convince customers that theirproducts are to others'.A. outstandingB. valuableC. superiorD. unique3. Walking in the street, the popular movie star does not mind .A. recognizedB. recognizingC. to be recognizedD. being recognized4. It is quite surprising that John should here every time we need him.A. turn upB. turn downC. turn outD. turn in5. I like Carter personally, I don't think what he's doing is right.A. WhenB. WhileC. WhatD. Where6. This shirt much softer than that one.A. is feelingB. is feltC. was feelingD. feels7. I wonder why they haven't arrived yet. I told them how to get here, but I them a map.A. should giveB. ought to giveC. ought to have givenD. must have given8. I do not feel that you have enough resources to such a program.A. carry offB. carry overC. carry outD. carry away9. You can never rely on the British weather. Take an umbrella with you just .A. in caseB. in no caseC. in this caseD. in that case10. By the year 2020 the population of the world to 8 billion.A. increasesB. will increaseC. is increasingD. will have increasedII. Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point each)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各砚的四个选项(A. B. C, D)中选出能筑入文中相应数字空白处的最佳选项,井在答皿卡上将该项涂照。
自考《英语一》00012讲义_Unit_02_(含 课文、生词表、课后练习及答 案)

Unit 2 A Path to FollowA FAMOUS QUOTE When one door of happiness closes, another opens. —Helen Adams Keller 一扇幸福之门关闭时,另一扇便会开启。
— 海伦·亚当斯·凯勒 Helen Adams Keller (1880-1968), US author, political activist and educator. Though blind and deaf from an early age, she learned to read, write, and communicate with sign language, and travelled the world over, crusading for improvement in the education and life of the physically disabled. 海伦·亚当斯·凯勒是美国的作家、政治活动家和教育家。
Speaking ActivityShowing GratitudeSample Dialogue Read the following conversation. Pay attention to how the speakers show gratitude and respond to each other. Mr. Wang: Mr. Wilson, since you're leaving for home tomorrow, would you accept this little present as a souvenir from China? Mr. Wilson: Oh…Thank you very much but you really shouldn't have… Mr. Wang: It's a mere trifle. I hope you'll like it. Mr. Wilson: It's exactly what I've been wanting for a long time.I shall always remember China and the happy days I've spent with my Chinese friends here. Mr. Wang: I hope you'll come and see us again next year. Mr. Wilson: Well, Mr. Wang, I should certainly like to do that. Mr. Wang: It's a date then. Mr. Wilson: Mr. Wang, I think it's time for me to leave now. Thank you again for the trouble you've taken to make my visit a success. Mr. Wang: I'm only too glad to have been of help to you. Mr. Wilson: Goodbye. Mr. Wang: Goodbye. Guided Practice Directions: Express thanks to a friend who helped you. Use your own information. You may use the following tips to help you. Thank you very much but you really shouldn't have… I shall always remember… I hope… Thank you again for the trouble you've taken to… I'm only too glad to have been of help to you.Text ACracked or Perfect: We Can Make a Difference! New Words cracked adj. damaged with lines on its surface but not completely broken 破裂的,有裂纹的 bearer n. a person whose job is to carry something 挑夫 pot n. a container of various kinds, made for a particular purpose 罐,容器 pole n. a long thin straight piece of wood or metal, used especially for supporting things 杆子 crack n. a line on the surface of something where it has broken but not split into separate parts 裂纹;裂缝 deliver v. to take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to 递送;传送 portion n. one part of something larger 部分 stream n. a small narrow river 小河;溪 master n. a man who has people working for him, often as servants in his home (男)主人 accomplishment n. an impressive thing that is done or achieved after a lot of work 成就;成绩 imperfection n. a fault for weakness in somebody/ something 缺点;瑕疵 miserable adj. very unhappy or uncomfortable 痛苦的;非常难受的 perceive v. to understand or think of somebody/ something in particular way 理解为;将……视为;认为 bitter adj. making you feel very unhappy; caused by great unhappiness 令人不快的;使人悲痛的 apologize v. to say that you are sorry for doing something wrong or causing a problem 道歉;谢罪 load n. the total amount of something that something can carry or contain 装载量;容纳量 flaw n. a mistake in something that means that it is notcorrect or does not work correctly 错误;缺点 compassion n. a strong feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help 同情;怜悯 trail n. a path through the countryside (乡间的)小路,小径 reply v. to say or write something as an answer tosomebody/something 回答;答复 decorate v. to make something look more attractive by putting things on it 装饰;装潢 grace v. to make something more attractive; to decorate something 为……增色;为……锦上添花;装饰 moral n. a practical lesson that a story, an event or anexperience teaches you 寓意;教益 being n. existence 存在Phrases and Expressions be ashamed of to feel shame or embarrassment aboutsomebody/something or because of something you have done 为……感到惭愧 leak out to allow liquid to get out through a small hole or crack 渗漏;泄露 feel sorry for to feel pity or sympathy for somebody 怜悯;同情 take notice of to pay attention to somebody/ something or know about something 注意 cheer…up to become more cheerful; to make somebody/something more cheerful 振奋起来;使变得更高兴 take advantage of to make use of something well; to make use of an opportunity 利用Proper Names India 印度(南亚国家)Text APre-reading Questions 1. Do you ever feel ashamed? 你曾经感到过羞愧吗? 2. What suggestions have you got from your teachers or anybody else about how to gain confidence?关于如何增强自信,你从老师或者其他人那里得到过什么建议? Cracked or Perfect: We Can Make a Difference! A water bearer in India had two large pots. Each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. ①One of the pots had a crack in it, while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master's house. ②The cracked pot arrived onlyhalf full. For fully two years this went on every day, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his master's house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, while the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its imperfection andmiserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it ha been made to do. ③ After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, and want to apologize to you." "Why?" asked the bearer, "What are you ashamed of?" "For these past two years I have been able to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your master's house. ④Because of my flaws, youdon't get full value from your efforts," the pot said. The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and out of compassion he said, "As we return to the master's house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path." And so as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it up. ⑤But at the end of the trail, itstill felt bad because half its load had leaked out, and so again he expressed his feelings to the water bearer. The water bearer replied by saying, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path, and not on the otherpot's side? That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. ⑥I planted seeds on your side of the path and every day,while we've been walking back from the stream, you've watered them. ⑦For two years I've been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my master's table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have such beauty to grace his house." The moral of this story is that we all have our faults, but we all have a path to follow and that path we take must have a reason to our being. ⑧Key Sentences 1. Each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. 每一个水罐挂在扁担的一端,他将扁担担在肩上。

Unit 11. 他们发现要掌握一门外语是困难的。
(find it hard to)They find it hard to master a foreign language.2.这项研究说明成功人士在许多方面是相似的。
(similar)The research shows that successful people are similar in many ways.3.成功的语言学习者不只依赖书本或者教师。
(depend on)Successful language learners do not just depend on books or teachers.4.我们愿意帮助我们的朋友。
(be willing to)We're willing to help our friends.5.我们应该独立地,积极地并且有目的地学习新东西。
( purposefully) We should learn new things independently, actively and purposefully. Unit 21.中国以其丝绸产品领先于世界。
(lead…with)China leads the world with its silk products.2.除了收入所得税外,有些州还要收购物税。
(in addition to, charge)3.销售税随你所购物品的价格而变。
(vary with)Sales tax varies with the prices of the goods you buy.5.妈妈说他每天花太多的时间看电视。
(spend…in)Unit 31.水手们担忧他们会遇上坏天气。
(afraid)The sailors are afraid that they may meet bad weather.2.这座山有泰山的一半高。
(half as…as)This mountain is half as high as Mount Tai.3.这所学校平均每个班有45人。

Self-esteem (自尊) and Self-confidence ① Think back to when you did something new for the first time.Self-confidence isn’t always what we think it is.Many experts say that self-confidence and self-esteem are different.Self-confidence is about what we can do byvirtue of our efforts.It grows along with the quality of the effort.② Self-esteem is more fundamental (基本的) and is about the feeling of being worth something, just because we are who we are, and not because we have done something.A good sportsman can have a huge success and self-confidence, because .he’s good at his sport.In the same time his self-esteem can be low, if his parents have never recognized and diveasured him for the person he is deep inside, but only for his performances in sports.③ Build self-esteem if you were not born with it.Some peoplejust have it, as if they were born with it.They talk in front of a crowd of people, sell themselves at job interviews or start an interesting conversation with people they’ve never met before.④ Self-confidence isn’t something you receive as a birthgift.It’s something you develop gradually as you turn over the pages of the thick book of life.If you work goal-directed to improve your belief in yourself, you’ll eventually build up your courage to do what self-assured (自信的) people find natural, instead of developing pounding hearts, breathing difficulties and divembling hands.⑤ Regardless of fear and shyness you’ll have to get out of your hiding to improve your self-confidence.Be more visible to your surroundings.Do something else than you used to.Try yourself in different situations.We all have many great abilities that just have to be exposed.Task l 16.Paragraph ①:17.Paragraph ②:18.Paragraph ③:19.Paragraph ④:20.Paragraph ⑤:Task 221.Self-confidence is about ______.22.Self-esteem is about ______.23.A good sportsman may ______.24.A man with high self-esteem is more likely to ______.25.To get out of our hiding we need to ______.参考答案:【文章导读】本文主要讲述了自尊和自信是什么、它们是怎样形成的、如何去培养自尊自信。

Australian Aborigines(土著居民)Some aborigines live in the desert of Western Australia. They gather wild plants and hunt wild animals. Their desert envirorunent averages less than eight inches of rain per year. Andthe temperature in summer may rise to 48°C. The few permanent(永久的)water holes are separated by hundreds of square miles of sand and rock.On a typical day, the aborigines get up just before sunrise. The people breakfast on water and food left over from the night before. Children are sent to fetch water. In the cool of the early morning, the adults talk and make plans for the day. Where should they go for food—to places they have been to recently, or to new places? The women decide which plants they want to collect, and where those plants are most likely to be found. Then they take up their sticks and set out with large wooden bowls of drinking water on their heads. Their children ride on their hips(膀)or walk alongside. Meanwhile, the men may have decided to hunt animals. They go to a stream where they will wait to get any animal that may come along. They lie patiently behind a screen of bush they have set up, hoping for a chance to throw a spear(矛)at the animal. If they miss, the animal will run away. So they can only throw once.B y noon, the men and women are back at camp. The women are usually with theirwooden bowls each filled with fruits or other plant foods; the men are often with only some small animals such as rabbits. Since the men's food-getting is less certain of success than the women's, most of t he aborigines'diet is plant food.I.Some Australian aborigines live by hunting and collecting wild plants.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given2.There are many permanent water holes near the aborigines'homes.A.T rueB.FalseC.Not Given3.T he aborigine children usually start schooling around eight years old.A.TrueB.False4.T he aborigines get up early in the morning.A.TrueB.False5.T he aborigines have supper leftovers for breakfast.A.TrueB.False6.T he aborigine adults make plans in the evening.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given C.Not Given C.Not Given C.Not Given7.Wh en setting out to work, the aborigine women leave their children at home.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given8.T he aborigine men run after wild animals and try to catch them.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given9.T he aborigines mainly eat plant food.A.TrueB.FalseIO. The aborigines'diet makes them strong and healthy.A.TrueB.FalseC.Not Given C.Not Given第二部分:阅读选择(第11~15题,每题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的4个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出1个最佳选项,井在答题纸相应位置上将该项涂黑。

Setting Effective GoalsAvital Schweitzer,17,is clearly goal-directed.She works hard to achieve the various tasks in her life.This summer she attended a program at the University of California,Santa Barbara,for high school students who are interested in research.Avital says that she rarely clearly states and discusses her goals.But goal-setting has always played a role in her life.During her junior year,for instance,she set personal goals to win a tennis championship and to become debate-team captain.Avital says,"In an academic environment when I set goals for myself,I often make lists that I need to complete in order to achieve them.The lists can include doing problem sets,meeting with a teacher or asking specific questions.When I run into difficulties,I reach out to resources for help or advice,like the Internet,my teachers or my parents.I think that learning about the best types of goals to set and standard methods to achieve these goals could be very useful in my day-to-day life.”Who else is better to turn to for this kind of insight into the art and science of goal-setting than your own father? Avital's dad, Maurice Schweitzer,a Wharton professor of operations and information management, has researched the topic extensively. He said,"Goals are powerfully motivating and will help us get where we want to be. Across every field, people who set specific, challenging goals do better than people who go out and just aim to do their best."1. Avital was a student of the University of California, Santa Barbara.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given2. Avital is interested in research.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given3. Avital often shares her goals with her best friends.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given4. Avital won a tennis championship in junior high.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given5. Avital wanted to become debate-team captain during her junior year.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given6. Avital often makes lists of goals to find which goal is the best for her.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given7. Avital believes that it is best to solve her problems through theInternet.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given8. Avital has gained from her father the insights about goal-setting.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given9. Avital's father has done much research on goal-setting.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given10. To Avital's father, aiming to do best is more important than goal-setting.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given二、阅读选择:第11~15题,每题2分,共10分。

自考英语一(00012)模拟试卷及答案1I. 用国际音标注出下列单词中划线字母或字母组合的读音。
(每小题0.5分,共10分)1. spoil2. island3. profit4. market5. cause6. scheme7. weight8. various9. add10. structure11. strengthen12. upright13. catch14. view15. found16. note17. area18. debt19. century20. obtainII.词汇选择填空(从每小题的A. B. C. D四个答案中选出一个正确答案,对原文不得作任何改动。
每小题1分,共20分)1. To our surprise,she suddenly ______ in front of us.A. appealedB. appearedC. appeasedD. prepared2. They have ______ to meet me at the airport.B. readyC. arrangedD. settled3. She know nothing about his journey ______ he was likely to be away for three months.A. except thatB. except forC. besidesD. beside4. Who is to ______ for starting the fire?A. chargeB. blameC. accuseD. indict5. They ______ Tom to be their representative.A. selectedB. pickedC. electedD. chose6. The sky is _____ after the rain.A. clearing outB. clearing awayC. clearing upD. clearing off7. He ______ to realize that he was mistaken.A. cameB. tookC. madeD. got8. She was ______ hit when her only daughter got killed in a car crash.B. bigC. hardD. much9. I'm so tired I can ______ walk.A. almostB. hardlyC. nearlyD. probably10. You'd better have that bad tooth _______ out.A. pullB. pulledC. to pullD. pulling11. John has some trouble ________ his girlfriend.A. inB. toC. onD. with12. I think all this is ______ bit stupid.A. a littleB. a fewC. littleD. few13. Tom and Many are going to _____ married when they return from abroad.A. makeB. takeC. getD. have14. Don't trust him _____ he says.E. no matter howF. no matter whyG. no matter whenH. no matter what15. He always keep a dictionary ________ within his _______.A. reachB. touchC. arrivalD. getting16. I promise I'll remember ______ the book to you.A. returnB. to returnC. returningD. returned17. They _______ several extra bus lines during the rush hours.A. getB. haveC. runD. take18. Julia _____ a pleasant hour talking with friends.A. spentB. tookC. wentD. cost19. They succeeded _____ overcoming the difficulties they encountered.A. toB. onC. inD. of20. I'll not go to the party _______ I am invited.A. orB. tillC. unlessD. whenIII. 语法选择填空(每小题的A. B. C. DL四个答案中,选出一个正确答案,对原文不得作任何改动。

全国高等教育自学考试,英语(一)答案课程代码:00012 Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points, 1 point for each) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并写在答题纸相应的位置上。
1.I love my home-town______I spent my childhooD. A. where B. whichC. whenD. that 2.Once his curiosity______, he uses certain methods and procedures to obtain new knowledge and great understanding. A. has aroused B. has arisen C. has been aroused D. has been arisen 3.He______a happier life if he were living alone. A. lived B. can live C. would have lived D. could live 4.______ the moon moves round the earth is well knowen to all of us. A. What B. That C. Which D. As 5.He ______the 9∶20 train because he didn't leave home till 9∶25. A. may not catch B. can catch C. couldn't have caught D. could catch 6.If my project isn't______of by the headmaster all my work will have been wasted. A. disapproved B. approved C. disapproval D. approval 7.The fund was______for setting up a telecommunication system. A. intended B. interrupted C. interacted D. inserted 8.The children______well at the table yesterday. A. expressed B. conducted C. showed D. behaved 9.Your mind will______your reading speed if you ask it to. A. pay attention to B. be alert to C. keep up with D. be aware of 10.The reporter______wanted to ask her a few questions, no t to make her angry. A. merely B. suddenly C. firstly D. finally Ⅱ.Mistake Recognition(10 points, 1 point for each) (下面的句子中每个句子都有四处划线并标以A、B、C、D,其中有一处错误的。

自考英语0012句子翻译整理1决策者应该能够对将来作出最好的推测Decision makers should be able to make the best guess at the guture2有人认为经理们所做的一切均与决策有关.Some people think that everything managers do involves decision making.(or Some people think that everything managers do has something to do with decision making.) 3没有正确的选择就没有正确的决定If there are no correct alternatives,there are no correct decisions to be made.4不同的人对同样的问题有不同的看法所以解决的办法也不同Since different people have different ideas about the same problem,so the approaches to it vary from person to person.5决策者往往是公司业务发展的关键Decision makers usually hold the key to the business development of the company.11他由朋友陪同去听音乐会1.His friend accompanied him to a concert.12他已说服她改变决定He has argued her out of her decision.13在某种程度上他的成功是由于幸运he owed his success in part to luck.14按照他的建议手续已经大大简化According to his suggestion,the formalities have been much simplified15电台预报明天天气会变冷The broadcasting station predicts that it will turn cold tomorrow16运动的定义是位置或地方的改变Motion is defined as a change in position or place.17我和他的观点一样I have the same opinion as he does.18和其他乘客一样他也病了He was ill,as were the other passengers.19据报道那个人被一辆汽车撞倒The man was knocked down by a car ,as was reported.20他并不是连那一点斗看不出来的傻瓜He was not such a fool as to fail to see that point.21他不如约翰身体好He is not as healthy as John.22按美国英语的拼法来拼写这个单词Spell the word as it is spelled in American English.23我讲话时候看到一条狗躺在草地上As I was speaking, I saw a dog lying on the grass.24尽管很努力他还是没有把数学学好Hard as he worked,he could not learn maths well.25有什么样的父亲就有什么样的儿子As is the father,so is the son26他在一所中学当英语老师He worked as an English teacher in a high school27黑洞是什么天文学家还没有完全解决这个问题Astronomers have not yet fully answered the question of what black holes are28据说黑洞可以将周围的一切物体如星星吞食掉It is said that a black hole can swallow up everything such as stars around it.29对黑洞的研究刚刚开始各种各样的假说会层出不穷The study of black holes is just beginning.Speculations aboutthem are endless.30科学家仍不能说出黑洞内发生了什么Scientists can not tell what happens inside a black hole.31如果我们认识了黑洞黑洞就不那么可怕了If we get to know something about them, black holes will not be that frightful.32黑洞产生强的引力A block hole exerts a strong gravitational pull.33由于管理不善他的公司垮台了His company collapsed owing to mismanagement.34 80年代我国发射了多颗卫星.Quite a few staellites were launched in the 80's in our country.35药物开始见效了吗?Has the medicine begun to operate?36他的身影消失在黑暗中He was swallowed up in darkness.(or Darkness swallowed him up.)37安乐死的确能解除临终病人的痛苦Euthanasia does relieve the dying patients from their sufferings38你知道不知道荷兰是欧洲唯一允许施行安乐死Do you konw that the Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits the practice of euthanasia?39支持这一观点的医生并不意味着他们不关心病人It does not mean that doctors who are for this idea don't care for their patients.40在第一个医生诊断疾病之后必须又另外一名医生确认病情After a doctor makers a diagnosis,a second doctor must confirm it.41反对者认为病人并不一定真正希望结束生命可能请求之后另有他求Those who are against it believe that patients do not really want to end their life,but that there is something else behind the request.42他们要求释放犯人They requested that the prisoners be released.43他的才能将保证他得到成功His capability will ensure his success.44他们正准备开展一场全国性的争论.They are going to open up a nationwide debate.45他对天气变化很敏感He is very sensitive to changes of weather.46近年来他的工作质量逐渐下降The quality of his work has been deteriorating these years.47水的污染使居民们很容易得病The contamination of water makes the residents vulnerable to diseases.48处理有关的政府部门没有统计The government department dealing with the matter does not keep statistics.49正因为她无法养家才同意做家仆.She accepted a job working as a domestic just because she found it difficult to provide for her family.50她是一名沙特外交官直接从菲律宾到伦敦来工作的She was brought over by a Saudi diplomat directly from the Philippines to work in London.51家仆的工作状况得到了新闻媒介的关注The working conditions of the domestics have received media attention.52雇主们总是威胁要把我们遣送回国The employers always threaten to send us back to our country.53开发资源要适度.Resources should be exploited moderately.54这项命令执行得很好This order was well executed.55这个项目值得进一步调度This project deserves further study.(or This project is deserving of further study.)56我们已将费用减至最低额We've already reduced the expenses to the minimum.57不论她如何说我也不相信这个消息I won't believe the news despite what she says.58这条小船能把他们运到河的那边吗?Can this small boat bring them over to the other side of the river?59这一章是关于热能转化成动力的This chapter is on the transformation of heat energy into dynamic energy.60一群人自发的聚集在事故现场A group of people gathered spontaneously on the spot of the accident.61这次争吵是由误会引起的The quarrel originated form misunderstanding.1949年后军队接管了这个城市The army took over the city after 1949.63为了你的健康你不该承担太繁重的工作You should not take on too much work for the sake of your health.64近几年机器人的应用越来越广泛和深入The application of robots has increasingly become prevalent and far-reaching these years.65新开发的机器人有触觉可以看见物体还能做决定The newly developed robots have a sense of touch and the ability to see and make decisions. 66机器人在汽车行业应用广泛Robots are widely employed in the automotive industry.67感光材料、数字照相机都是照相器材Both light-sensitive materials and electronic digital cameras are photographic equipment.68机器人与自动化机器有重大的区别Robots differ greatly from automatic machines.Vocabulary Exercises69在关键时刻我们应该有能力面对一切困难At a critical moment,we should be capable of facing difficultion.70对那个问题进行考虑后他们把注意力转移到别的事情上去上After considering that problem,they switched their attention to something else71把漆喷在桌子上Spray the table with paint.72我们应该让孩子们接触新思想We should expose children to new ideas.73我们有大量的自然资源We have plenty of natural resources.74对于她对法律的无知他持批评态度He was critical of her for her ignorance of law.75在过去的三年里他从一个职业转向另一个职业He switched from one occupation to another in the past three years.76生活质量这一术语涉及很广泛The term "quality of life" covers a very wide scope of meanings.77在生活节奏快、工作压力大的社会中放松一下有利于健康.In a society in which life is fast-paced and work is stressful, it is beneficial to your health to try to find time to relax.78人们的兴趣和爱好与社会环境和个人学习经历有关Our tastes and preferences are all related to social contexts and learning experiences.79积极的休闲态度是鼓励人们创造性地利用空间时间的基础Positive leisure attitudes are essential for motivating people to use their leisure in creative ways. 80研究与观察结果表明人们越来越关心生活的质量Observations and research finding indicate that people are increasingly concerned with the quality of life.81他在纠正学生错误时总是采取积极的态度He always takes a very positive attitude when correcting pupils'mistakes82旅客在登机前必须在提包上栓上标签Passengers must attach labels to their suitcases before boarding the plane.83他的肤色与他是否是个好律师无关The colour of his skin is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.84一艘船在大雾中隐隐出现A ship loomed through the heavy fog.85我方什么也没有做错We've done nothing wrong on our part.86学校应该把学生的全面发展作为自己的目标Schools should set as their objective the attainment of abalanced development of their students.87不难理解高速旅行给身体带来的不适It is not dificult to understand the maladjustment that brought to the body by high speed travel. 88引起这一不同的原因之一是不同的人体活动由不同的因素控制One reason for this discrepancy is that different bodily events are controled by different factors. 89食物中的蛋白质使人兴奋而食物中的碳水化合物使人容易入睡Protein in food stimulates wakefulness,while carbohydrates promote sleep.90时差反应是每一个国际旅行者可能遇到的问题The problem of Jet Lag is on every international traveller comes across at some time.91等待几天直到身体的调节机制自然适应新时区这并不可行It is not feasible to wait for a few days until the body's regulatory mechanisms adjust naturally to a new time zone.92我们要增进两国之间的互相了解We want to promote mutual understanding between the two countries.93这个计划似乎是可行的The plan seems feasible94他同现代生活不合拍.He is out of step with modern life.95要战胜困难首先我们要战胜自己To overcome diffculties,we must first overcome ourselves.96在他的思想和行动之间存在很大差异There is a big lag between his thought and action.97那位模特正在寻找一个机会来有力地显示自己That fashion model was looking for a chance to show off herself to advantage.98你的假设不是建立在充分的事实基础上的Your assumption is not based on full facts.99老龄化已成为一个社会问题Aging has become a social problem.100人们反对这一看法来自于出生率的下降People objected to the idea that it is because of drop of birthrate.101人们寿命的长短取决于种种因素How long people will live depends on many factors.102估计寿命是预计一个人能活的平均年数Expectation of life is the prediction of the average number of years that one can live. 103长寿在改变我们生活改变我们的社会Long life is altering our life and our society.104他总是不注意自己的健康He always neglects his health.105这件商品的价格与它的价值很不相称The price of this commodity is out of proportion to its value.106他对事件的描述接近事实His account of the incident approximated to the fact.107他勉强承认了他声明中的谬误之处He has reluctantly acknowledged the fallacies in his statement.108热烈的喝彩表达了他们对演出的赞赏The fervent cheers expressed their appreciation of the performance.109记忆可分为长期记忆和短期记忆Memory can be classified into long-term memory and short-term memory.110情况发生了根本的变化Things altered fundamentally.111我们急匆匆赶回学校怕天会下雨We hurried back to school lest it should rain.112到认真研究这个问题的时候了It's time the problem was carefully studied.113如果我缄口不言就好了If only I had kept my mouth shut.114他轻轻走进房间怕别人听到He tiptoed into the room for fear that he should be heard.115我那天十分匆忙否则我就会停下来和你谈一会儿I was in a terrible hurry that day,otherwise I would have stopped to have a chat with you for a while.116额在写一份报告否则我不会熬夜I was writing a report; otherwise I would not have stayed up late117没有你的帮助我们就不会取得这么大的成功Without your help,we would not have made such a big success.118这种条件下我也会这样做Under that condition,I would have done the same.119如果她没有一直努力学习她的英语就不会讲的这么好If she hadn't been studying hard,she would not have spoken English so well120别忘了提醒他以免他忘记了.Don't forget to remind him in case he should forget.121要不是明天考试我就和你们一起去看电影了If we weren't to take an exam tomorrow,I would have gone to the cinema with you.122如果他几个月以前把实情告诉你就好了If only he had told you the truth several months ago.123我宁愿你你去度假I would rather you went on holiday.124我宁愿你对此事一无所知I would rather you had known nothing about it.125是该准备期末考试的时候了It's time that we got ready for the final exams.126如果没有交通事故我们原会到的早些But for the traffic accident, we would have arrived a bit earlier.127没有空气和水我们就无法生存We would not live without air and water.128我本要和你一起去但我不得不准备考试I would have gone with you but I have to prepare for an exam.129中华人民共和国万岁Long live the People's Republic of China.130如果不是他今天早上吃了药他的头疼现在会更厉害But that he had taken some medicine this morning,his headache would be worse.131在美国每四年举行一次总统大选Presidential election occurs in the United State every four years.132多数党被提名者得到的支持率往往高出少数党候选人A major party nominee usually gets higher approval rating than a minor-party nominee.133策略在总统竞选中起关键性作用Strategy plays a critcal role in the presidential campaign.134为了争取选票总统候选人特别关注那些重要的州To win electoral votes, presidential candidates are particularly concerned with those important states.135美国有十几个政党其中只有两个是主要党There are over a dozen political parties in the United States,among which there are only two major parties.136他的回国将对政治界产生很大的影响His return to the country will make a great impact on the political circle.137每个人都应该关心自己国家的未来Everyone should be concerned with future of his country.138香港回归在世界各地引起了很大的震The Return of Hong Kong caused a great stir throughout the world.139我认为那个被偷的录音机是我的I identified the stolen tape-recorder as mine.140他是该校最有权威的代表之一He is one of the most authoritative representatives of that school.141他已决心攻读硕士研究生He has made up his mind to pursue postgraduate study142动物研究对人类医学发展作出了重大的贡献Animal research has been central to the development of human medicine.143动物研究是否与人类健康有关人们持不同的态度People think differently about whether animal research is relevant to physical health of man. 144用于实验的动物数量在过去二十年中已大大减少了The number of animals used in laboratory tests has declined over the past 20 years.145研究的新成果表明少数实验可以放弃使用动物New research findings show that a small number of laboratory tests can be done without using animals.146尽管医学技术越来越先进但离完全停止使用动物做实验仍然很远Although medical technology becomes more and moreadvanced, stopping testing on animals altogether is a long way away.147这位艺术家在这幅画像中将你的容貌的每个细节都体现出来了The artist has reproduced every detail of your appearance in the portrait.148我们应该力争达到更高的生产率We should aim with efforts for higher productivity.149他提供了对这一问题极为重要的论据He has given evidence central to this problem150我认为他的话不切我们的话题I don't think what he said relevant to our topic of conversation151由于越来越多的人进入到这座城市这座城市的治安正发生变化The city's security is undergoing some changes, due to the increasing number of people swarming into it.152最近的研究成果表明白日做梦是日常生活的一部分Recent research indicates that daydreaming is part of daily life.153白日做梦不仅有利于心态平衡而且能提高人们的自控力,Daydreaming not only contributes to emotional equilibrium but also improves self-control 154历史上许多科学家与发明家曾充分利用白日梦Historically, scientists and inventor took full advantage of daydreaming.155有的作曲家在作曲时几乎像进入了很深的白日梦状态While composing, some composers seemed to approach a state of deep daydreaming.156在梦境中不要将自己描绘成失败者而应该是成功者Don't picture yourself as loser but as winner in your dreamland.157充其量有100人参加了会议There were only 100 people present at the meeting at best.158他用两年时间写完一本书叫做<往事反思>It took him two years to finish writing a book entitled Reflection of Past.159我们应该正视生活中的困难而不是逃避它们We should confront the difficulties in life instead of escaping from them160老师的赞赏增强了他的信心The teacher's praise enhanced his confidence.161当锻炼想象力时你应该摆脱常规的思维模式While exercising your imagination, you should be free from regular thinking pattern.162你在安装设备之前要把说明书看一遍You must go over the manual before the installation of the equipment.163如果他被迫去做他不乐意做的事他不可能高兴One can not really happy, if he is compelled to do what he does not enjoy doing.164一件工作被算成是劳作还是工作取决于个人喜好Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends on the tastes of the individual.165广义上说任何人做工作都对社会有益generally speaking, work done by anyone is beneficial for the society166劳动与工作之间的区别与体力劳动与脑力劳动的区别并不一致The difference between work and labor does not coincidewith the difference between a manual job and a mental job.167技术与劳动分工在许多领域结束了对熟练工的需求Technology and division of labor have eliminated in many fields the need for skilled workers. 168他不情愿地从事这项工作He was reluctant to undertake the work.169一个人的外貌和他的品质常常不一致A man's appearance and quality don't always coincide.170雨迫使我们停赛We were compelled by the rain to stop the match.171信息对他有很大价值Information is of great value to him172他通过努力工作赢得了许多人的尊敬He has earned respect from many people through his hard work.173这家公司在北京又设立了一个分部The company set up another division in Beijing174所有的错误都应该从这篇文章里清除掉Every error must be eliminated from the article.175探险者在美洲东部开辟了一片土地The explorers opened up a stretch of land in the eastern part of the Americans.176此人声称他的建议被忽视了This man alleged that his proposal had been ignored.177我怀疑他没能有效地控制时间I suspect that he didn't control the timing effectively.178他们的努力不起作用Their efforts do not work179你能对这一结论发表意见吗?Would you please comment on this conclusion?180他相信某些植物物种正受到灭绝的威胁He was convinced that some vegetable species are faced with extinction181她的劝说以失败而告终Her persuasions were to no avail.182我们每人都应该为他人做点事付出点东西、.Everyone of us should do something for other people, and contribute something to someone. 183这个年轻人的故事值得我们深思The story about the young man set us thinking profoundly.184女教师超人的勇气与同情心鼓舞许多学生为他人做好事The exceeding courage and compassion of that woman teacher encouraged many of her students to do nice things for others185一位具有非凡勇气的女教师与要杀她的凶手辩论A woman teacher with extraordinary courage intended to reason with her killer.186计算机将人类带入了一个新时代Computer will guide man into a new era.187电脑能帮助解决生命研究中的许多问题Computer can help solve a lot of problems in researches into man's life.188亚里士多德说过诗人长于描绘共性而专家只张于某一特性A poet, said Aristotle, has the advantage of expressing the universal; the specialists expressing only the particular.189现在有一种倾向将计算机里的数据错当成智慧Three has been a tendency to mistake data in a computer for wisdom.190计算机在工业领域的应用使生产效率发生了惊人的变化The application of computers in industry brought about astonishing changes in productivity. 191根本责任在校长身上The principal has the ultimate responsibility.192技术员掌握了珍贵的数据资料the technician possessed precious data193他曾梦想用爱战胜敌对He dreamed that he could conquer hostility with love.194两个双胞胎如此相似以至于很难区分他们The twins are so identical that it is very hard to distinguish between them.195我们必须仔细考虑电视中暴力行为对儿童的影响We must seriously reflect on the influence of violence on TV upon children196一切非法建筑物都必须拆除All unlawful buildings must be pulled down.197好书的产生是努力工作的结果Good books come about as result of hard work.198当你的朋友吵架时你应该帮助他们和解You should help them come to terms when your friends quarrel with each other.。

全国高等教育自学考试00012英语(一)历年真题(附答案)2021年10月全国高等教育自学考试课程代码:00012英语(一)试题2021年10月高等教育自学考试统一命题考试英语(一)试题答案及评分参考(课程代码00012)第一部分:阅读判断(第1~10题,每题1分,共10分)1.A2.B3.A4.B5.C6.B7.B8.A9.C 10.A第二部分:阅读选择(第11~15题,每题2分,共10分)11.D 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.C第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子(第16~25题,每题1分,共10分)16.F 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.B21.C 22.E 23.F 24.B 25.A第四部分:填句补文(第26~30题,每题2分,共10分)26.C 27.E 28.A 29.D 30.B第五部分:填词补文(第31~40题,每题1.5分,共15分)31.F 32.L 33.D 34.I 35.A36.E 37.K 38.H 39.B 40.G第六部分:完形补文(第41~50题,每题1.5分,共15分)41.effectively 42.confidence 43.majority 44.impressive45.worried 46.minutes 47.difference 48.understood49.identifying 50.daily【评分参考】本部分无0.5和1分的计分,语法错误或拼写错误均不给分:英、美拼写均可接受:大小写错误不扣分。

(课程代码 00012)PART ONEI.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points ,1 point for each item )从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并写在答题纸的相应括号内。
1.The body needs fat to keep it ___________ the cold during the long winter months. [A] between [B] from [C] for [D] out2.There are several ways ___________ we can cross the river without the help of local villagers. [A] in which [B] across which [C] to which [D] on which3.You must hurry ,___________ you ‘ll be late for class.[A] but [B] so [C] or [D] either4.The smog maybe so thick that airports are closed and chains of ________ occur on the highways.[A] conflicts [B] contracts [C] contrasts [D] collisions5.They finally ________ all hope of finding the missing dog which they liked so much. [A] gave up [B] gave in [C] gave off [D] gave out6.People who drink a lot ________ those who use drugs are likely to suffer from panic attacks. [A] less than [B] as well [C] other than [D] as well as7. ________,he is honest and popular with his neighbors. [A] As he is poor [B] Poor as he is [C] As poor he is [D] As is he poor8.I wasn't at the meeting yesterday to hear ________ other people thought about this problem.[A] which [B] who [C] what [D] that 9.Had he not taken your advice ,________. [A] he would make a bad mistake [B] would he have made a bad mistake [C] he would have made a bad mistake [D] he had made a bad mistake10.Some people are ________ to use proverbs in their everyday conversation because they see them as vehicles of too much used wisdom.[A] responsible [B] reluctant [C] relevant [D] remarkable Ⅱ.Cloze Test (10 points ,1 point for each item )下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。

英语自考翻译及答案英语自考翻译及答案【篇一:自考英语翻译历年真题第二大题汇总及答案】.words and phrases translation(20 points,1 point for each)a.directions: put the following words and phrases into chinese.16.a slender man一个身材瘦长的人17.country-wide trade全国贸易19.economic policy经济政策18.the ethiopian highlands埃塞俄比亚高原20.great-grandmother(外)曾祖母22.part-time river季节性河流24.environmental law环境法21.open sea公海23.mineral oil 矿物油25.welcoming banquet欢迎宴会b.directions: put the following words and phrases into english.26.逃学play truant27.军阀政府the warlord government28.九龙壁the nine dragon wall 29.基本方针basic principle 30.游记travel notes31.祥林嫂xiang lins wife32.排队to stand in a queue to line up 33.大陆架continental shelf34.董事会board of directors 35.深刻影响profound impact4月ii. word and phrase translation (20 points, 1 point each)16. appreciation dinner 答谢宴会17. birth defect先天性生理缺陷18. applied entomology应用昆虫学19. member state会员国、成员国20. maternity hospital 妇产医院21. over-the-counter medicine 非处方药22. green belt 防护林、绿化带23. inland waters内陆水域24. room temperature 室温、常温25. debt chain三角债、债务链b. directions: translate the following words and phrases into english.(please write the answer on your answer sheet.)26、中低纬度medium and low latitudes27.双向贸易two-way trade28、噪音污染noise pollution 29.版权保护copyright protection30、客串演出guest performance 31.福利基金welfare fund32、社会保障social security 33.国际竞争力international competiviveness34、候机室waiting hall 35.防火墙fire wall7月二、词语翻译(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)(一)将下列词语译成中文(10分)16. pottery industry陶瓷业17. summer resort避暑胜地18. 1.8 trillion dollars1.8万亿美元19. investment policy投资政策20. keen interests浓厚的兴趣21. county history(annals)县史(志)22. soda fountain汽水柜台;冷饮柜23. living organisms活生物体24. court of appeals上诉法院25. contracting states缔约国(二)将下列词语译成英语(10分)26. 流传久远widely circulated 27. 五卅运动the may 30th movement28.十五世纪初at the beginning of fifteenth century29. 有利因素favorable factors30. 游记travel notes 31. 试工期trial period32. 排队queue up 33. 大陆岸线mainland coastline34. 注册资本registered capital 35. 区域自治regional autonomy4月ii. word and phrase translation (20 points, 1 point for each) a. directions: turn the following words and phrases into chinese. (please write your answer on the answer sheet.)16. anti-doping agency反兴奋剂机构17. achilles’heel唯一致命的弱点、阿基里斯的脚踵18. enforcement power执法的权利19. geologist地质学家20. entrepreneurial spirit进取精神21. life imprisonment无期徒刑、终身监禁22. duty-free goods 免税商品23. the new testament《新约》24. global positioning system 全球定位系统25. blue chips蓝筹股b. directions: turn the following words and phrases into english. (please write your answer on the answer sheet.)26.琉璃瓦glazed tiles27.残奥会the paralympics28.丝绸之路skill road 29.旅游旺季tourist season\tourist boom 30.余震aftershock 31.中国红十字会red cross society of china32.履行义务to fulfill obligations 33.知识密集型产业konwledge-intensive industry34.多边外交multilateral diplomacy 35.同声传译simultaneous interpretation7月二、词语翻译(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)(一)将下列词语译成中文(10分)16. full diplomatic relations外交关系17. graduate school研究院;研究所18. racial discrimination种族歧视19. bilateral trade双边贸易20. a major economy一个主要的经济21. sustainable development可持续发展22. traffic congestion交通拥塞23. the international community国际社会24. gene mutation基因突变25. income tax所得税(二)将下列词语译成英语(10分)。

Ross is a public school teacher. She teaches a group of, mostly, seniors and she loves what she does.'
My job is great,'she said.'That is the only way to describe it.As teachers, we have the opportunity to completely change someone's life byproviding him or her with a good education.'
15、What can be inferred about Einstein from the passage?
A.He had many followers when he was in Switzerland.
B.He earned a Nobel Prize after World War II.
A.He was born in Munich, Germany.
B.He was a straight-A student at school.
C.He was asked to leave school.
D.He was interested in science subjects.
12、In which country did Einstein develop many of his theories?
1、Ross believes that good education can change a person's life.


自考翻译试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 下列哪个选项是“全球化”的正确翻译?A. GlobalizationB. GlobalityC. GlobalizeD. Global答案:A2. “可持续发展”在英文中通常指的是什么?A. Sustainable DevelopmentB. Continuous DevelopmentC. Long-term DevelopmentD. Environmental Development答案:A3. “人工智能”的英文缩写是什么?A. AIB. IAC. IID. AII答案:A4. “环境保护”在英文中的正确表达是:A. Environmental ProtectionB. Environmental ConservationC. Nature ProtectionD. Ecosystem Defense答案:A5. “文化交流”的英文翻译是:A. Cultural ExchangeB. Cultural InteractionC. Cultural InterchangeD. Cultural Transfer答案:A二、填空题(每题3分,共15分)6. 将下列中文句子翻译成英文:“我们的目标是提高教育质量。
”翻译:Our goal is to improve the quality of education.7. 将下列英文句子翻译成中文:"The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint."翻译:该公司致力于减少其碳足迹。
8. “经济发展”的英文翻译是:Economic Development9. “科技创新”在英文中通常指的是:Technological Innovation10. 将下列中文句子翻译成英文:“他被选为学生会主席。
”翻译:He was elected as the president of the student union.三、阅读理解题(每题5分,共20分)11. 阅读下面的英文段落,并回答问题:The concept of "e-commerce" refers to the buying and selling of goods and services, conducting transactions, or transferring business data, using the internet or other digital platforms. It has revolutionized the way businesses operate and has become an essential part of the modern economy.问题:电子商务是什么?答案:电子商务是指使用互联网或其他数字平台进行商品和服务的买卖、交易或商业数据传输。

(一).课程性质(二).大纲要求(二).大纲要求美国农民词汇1200高中3500四级4200自考3500六级6000(三).题型特色(三).题型特色(三).题型特色类型题型分值总计考点选择题10'8快速阅读10'4深度阅读非选择题10'9提取关键信息10'3连惯性15'6'判断15'4'转换30'20'120词合计66'(三).题型特色注意:请务必携带填涂机读卡的2B铅笔!!首先将姓名和准考证号填好,做题时将相应的答案涂在对应的答题卡上,切勿涂错!(四).备考重点(五).如何备考l(五).如何备考(六)学习方法讲解,,,,,,,,,,(六)学习方法讲解islet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(六)学习方法讲解•实词虚词(六)学习方法讲解时间状态过 去现 在将 来过去将来一 般一般过去时did一般现在时do/does一般将来时will/shall do一般过去将来would/should do进 行过去进行时was/weredoing现在进行时am/ is/ are doing将来进行时will / shall be doing过去将来进行时would / should be doing完 成过去完成时had done现在完成时has / have done将来完成时will / shall havedone过去将来完成时would / should have done完 成进 行过去完成进行时had been doing现在完成进行时has / have beendoing将来完成进行时will / shall havebeen doing过去将来完成进行时would / should have beendoing(六)学习方法讲解••A式:(be were)B式:A式:had +B式:AB式:C式:D式:(六)学习方法讲解••句型例句(六)学习方法讲解And, but, yet, for, so,,,, or,,,,,,等(六)学习方法讲解(七)考试复习建议(七)考试复习建议(七)考试复习建议what,(七)考试复习建议,,,as,• n.•(措施)•…•"•• ()•••…得多•…•…相关••集中••确保考点一:比较级••考点一:比较级•••考点一:比较级例如考点一:比较级as,,just,,),等。
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1999-2011 高等教育自学考试00012英语(一) 汉译英试题汇总1999. 466. 讲座结束后,教授留出半小时时间让我们提问题。
After the lecture the professor set aside half an hour for us to ask questions67. 他的成就与其说是由于机遇,不如说是由于他自身的努力。
His achievement is not so much due to opportunities as due to his own efforts.68. 只要能按时完成任务,他不在乎用什么方法。
So long as he can finish the work in time, he does not care about how to do so.69. 我们发现很难跟上科技领域的迅猛发展。
We found it difficult to keep pace with the rapid development in the field of science and technology.70. 你是否参加我们的活动已无关紧要了。
It makes no difference whether you will take part in our activity.2000. 466. 对初学者来说,用英语思维比说英语更难。
比较级It is more difficult for beginners to think in English than to speak it.67. 据说有些吃鹿肉的原始人能跑得象鹿一样飞快。
同级比较It was said that some primitive people who ate deer could run as fast as a deer.68. 要是昨天他早一点回到家,他的女儿就不会把他的手表拆了。
虚拟语气His daughter would mot have taken apart his watch if he had come home a little earlier yesterday.69. 要找到与你观点相同的学生并不容易。
定语从句You wouldn’t have got into trouble if you had taken my advice.70. 在你的朋友中有多少人从来未犯过法呢?How many of your friends have never broken the law?2000. 1066. 研究表明大量喝酒的人更易得心脏病。
Studies show that people who drink a lot are more likely tosuffer from heart attacks.67. 解决实际问题的办法事先不能预见。
Solutions to actual problems cannot be seen in advance.68. 如果当时你听从我的劝告就不会陷入困境。
You wouldn’t have got into trouble if you had taken my advice.69. 大多数单亲父母发现独自照顾家庭有困难。
Most single parents find it hard to take care of a family alone.70. 是现代技术使我们走向成功。
It is modern technology that leads us to success.2001. 466. 正是闪电造成去年那场森林火灾。
It was lightning that caused the forest fire last year.67. 空气污染直接危害了人们的健康。
Air pollution endangers people's health directly.68. 这些专家们整个上午都在讨论这个问题。
The experts have been discussing this problem all the morning.69. 许多美国人抱怨政府在这些面目上花钱太多。
Many Americans complain that the government spends too muchmoney on those programs.70. 好奇心和想象力常常被认为是成功的关键。
Curiosity and imagination are often viewed as the key to success.2001. 1066. 她有个朋友过去常常吸毒。
She has a friend who used to take/use drugs.67. 正是这些孩子需要心理治疗it is these children that (who )need psychological treatment.68. 研究表明男人比女人更容易的心脏病。
Studies show that men are more likely to suffer from heart attacks than women.69. 购买保险时你能完全信赖保险代理商么?Can you depend entirely on the agent when you buy insurance?70. 我认为她不会买象旧衣服和空瓶子这样的东西。
I don’t think she will buy such things as the used clothing and empty bottles.2002. 166. 众所周知,钻石是自然界所发现的最坚硬的物质。
It is well known that diamonds are the hardest substance found in nature.67. 我们已经根据委员会的决定制定了一个详细的计划。
We have made a detailed plan according to the committee's decision.68. 他们没有意识到,不懂礼貌的人迟早要为此付出代价。
They are not aware that the rude people will pay the price sooner or later.69. 毫无疑问,技术进步使人们能生活得更舒适愉快。
There is no doubt that technological advance enables people to live more comfortably and happily.70. 汤姆在中国生活了多年,已习惯于吃中国食物。
Tom has lived in China for years and become used to eating Chinese food.2002. 466. 你计划怎么来处理这个问题?. How do you plan to deal with this problem?67. 我们明天出不出去要看天气。
Whether or not we will go out tomorrow depends on the weather.68. 我们不愿意讨论保险的一个原因是保险很费钱。
One reason why we are unwilling to discuss insurance is that it is very expensive.69. 没有你的帮忙我们昨天就完不成任务。
Without your help we could not have finished the task yesterday.70. 据说有些单亲家庭的孩子生活很悲惨。
It is said that in some single parent families children live a miserable life.2002. 7766. 汤姆把钟拆开了,却不知道如何组装起来。
Tom took a clock apart,but he did't know how to assemble it. 767. 他们成功的原因在于他们能从错误中学到东西。
They succeeded because they can learn from their mistakes. 768. 为什么月亮看上去比除太阳以外的其他任何星星都要大得多? Why does the moon look much bigger than any other star except the sun?769. 很久以来,人们认为动植物的主要区别就是前者能四处走动而后者则不能。
It was long supposed that the main difference between animals and plants was that the former could move about while thelatter could not.770. 现在中国的核心家庭往往由父亲、母亲和一个孩子组成。
A Chinese nuclear family usually consists of the parents and the only child.2002. 1066. 如果你把这个数字和那个数字作比较,你会发现它们并不相等。
If you compare this number with one,you will find they are not equal.67. 那天她正是用这种方法掩盖自己的感情。
It was in this way that she hid her feelings that day .68. 有许多声音有意义但不是词。
There are many sounds which have a meaning and yet are not words.69. 你能为这些现象找到合理的解释吗?Can you find a reasonable explanation for these phenomena? 70. 他的沉默表明他对这个问题不感兴趣。
His silence showed that he had no interest in the problem.2003. 166. 他的理论是否经得住考验在我们之间有分歧。
Whether his theory can stand the test disagrees among us.67. 从这个意义上说,坏事也可能转变成为好事。