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Conversation 2 她什么时候成为电影明星的? When did she become a movie star? 当她三岁的时候. When she was three years old. 当你开始学英语时你多大了? How old were you when you started learning English? 我也是三岁的时候。 I was three, too.
1. 跳跃,跳起 2.大量的 3.蜿蜒 4.古代的,古老的 5.神话故事
1. leap 2. heavily 3. wind 4. ancient 5. myth
21.effect n. 结果, 效果 22.plough v. 耕地 23.desert v. 废弃 24.sight n. 眼界,视域 25.retire v. 退休 26.company n. 公司 27.workshop n. 车间 28.helper n. 帮手,助手 29.employ v. 雇用 30.temptation n. 诱惑
新概念英语二册第二单元复习 L25-40
1.porter n. 搬运工 2.wonder v. 感到奇怪 3.critic n. 评论家 4.pretend v. 假装 5.appreciate v. 鉴赏 6.notice v. 注意到 7.hang v. 悬挂,吊 8.campfire n. 营火, 篝火 9.creep v. 爬行 10.comfortable ad. 舒适的,安逸的
1.记录 2.焦急的 3.打算 4.巨大的 5.标准
1. record 2. anxiously 3. intend 4. immense 5. standard
51.capital n. 首都 52.fantastic ad. 巨大的 53.design v. 设计 54.complain v. 抱怨 55.continually ad. 不断地 56.appreciate v. 鉴赏 57.notice v. 注意到 58.campfire n. 营火, 篝火 59.comfortable ad. 舒适的,安逸的 60.leap v. 跳跃,跳起
Conversation 5 丹.鲁宾逊焦虑了整整一个星期。 Dan Robinson has been worried all week. 上周二他收到当地警察局的一封信, Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police. 丹奇怪警察为什么找他. Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police.
1.罕见的 2.耕地 3.物品, 东西 4.结果, 效果 5.废弃
1. rare 2. plough 3. article 4. effect 5. desert
Conversation 1 她是什么时候出生的 ? When was she born? 她出生于1973年。 She was born in 1973 . 她学英语多久了? How long did she study English? 他学了6年零5个月。 He studied for 6 years and 5 months.
Conversation 3 你长大时将要做什么?
What are you going to be when you grow up?
I’m going to be a computer programmer.
那你将要怎样做呢? How are you going to do that? 我打算学习计算机科学。 I ’m going to study computer science.
Conversation 6
一天下午,她乘小船从海岸出发,遇上 了风 暴 One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm.
天将黑时,小船撞在了一块礁石上,姑 娘跳进了海里。 Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea.
1.物品, 东西 2.挣扎 3.后悔 4.径直 5.撞坏的
1. article 2. struggle 3. regret 4. straight 5. battered
41.afterwards ad. 以后 42.record n. 记录 43.swimmer n. 游泳运动员 44.anxiously ad. 焦急的 45.intend v. 打算 46.solid ad. 固体的, 硬的 47.government n. 政府 48.immense ad. 巨大的 49.stadium n. 露天体育场 50.standard n. 标准
I saw him go out. I am very glad to be working with you. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long. He was asked to be sent to work in the countryside.
Conversation 4 她要搬到哪去? Where is she going to move? 他打算搬到纽约去。 She is going to move to New York. 你打算干什么? What are you going to do? 我将在一两年内找到一份兼职工作。 I’m going to find a part-time job in a year or two.
Conversation 7 他发觉自己的新工作令人兴奋得多。 He is finding his new work far more exciting. 他看到有两个小偷从一家商店里冲出 来, 奔向等在那里的一辆汽车。 He saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car. 小偷的车损坏严重,很容易辨认。 The thieves' car was badly damaged and easy to recognize.
Conversation 8
她打算早上5点钟从法国海岸出发。 She is going to set out from the French coast at five o'clock in the morning. 她是一个游泳能手,很多人认为她一定 能 成功。 She is a strong swimmer and many people feel that she is sure to succeed. 黛比计划每两小时休息一下。 Debbie intends to take short rests every two hours.
一般现在时 现在进行时 一般过去时 一般将来时 现在完成时 过去完成时 过去将来时 过去进行时
Have a try
1.- _____ you ____your homework yet? -Yes. I ____ it a moment ago. A. Did; do; finished B. Have; done; finished C. Have; done; have finished D. will; do; finish 2.-How long have you _____here? A. been B. gone C. come D. arrived
1.感到奇怪 2.假装 3. 鉴赏 4.营火, 篝火 5.舒适的,安逸的
1.wonder 2.pretend 3.appreciate 4.cபைடு நூலகம்mpfire n 5.comfortable
11.soundly ad. 香甜的 12.leap v. 跳跃,跳起 13.heavily ad. 大量的 14.stream n. 小溪 15.form v. 形成 16.wind v. 蜿蜒 17.rare ad. 罕见的 18.ancient ad. 古代的,古老的 19.myth n. 神话故事 20.trouble n. 麻烦
1.结果, 效果 2.废弃 3.退休 4.雇用 5.诱惑
1. effect 2. desert 3. retire 4. employ 5. temptation
31.article n. 物品, 东西 32.wrap v. 包裹 33.explain v. 解释,叙述 34.cliff n. 峭壁 35.struggle v. 挣扎 36.regret v. 后悔 37.straight ad. 径直 38.fright n. 害怕 39.battered ad. 撞坏的 40.shortly ad. 很快, 不久
Have a try 5. —What did your son say in the letter? —He told me that he ______ the Disney World the next day. A. will visit B. has visited C. is going to visit D. would visit
Have a try
6. They _____ a football game from 7 to 9 last night. A. were watching B. watch C. watched D. are watching
Have a try
7. —What did your son say in the letter? —He told me that he ______ the Disney World the next day. A. will visit B. has visited C. is going to visit D. would visit
Have a try
3. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _____ when he _____ at the party. A. left, had arrived B. left, arrived C. had left, had arrived D. had left, arrived 4. We ______ four thousand new words by the end of last year. A. had learned B. have learned C. learned D. will have learned
1.抱怨 2.不断地 3.鉴赏 4.巨大的 5.设计
1. complain 2. continually 3. appreciate 4. fantastic 5. design
61.rare ad. 罕见的 62.ancient ad. 古代的,古老的 63.effect n. 结果, 效果 64.plough v. 耕地 65.desert v. 废弃 66.sight n. 眼界,视域 67.retire v. 退休 68.temptation n. 诱惑 69.article n. 物品, 东西 70.struggle v. 挣扎