
















交通平安的英语作文4篇篇一:英语写作范文——交通事故Traffic accidentsWith the increasing of the number of the traffic accidents ,a lot of people injured or killed by traffic accidents. The reason why there are so many traffic accidents is that there are so many cars and trucks on the road, and the drivers are lack of traffic sense and responsibility. Some drivers do not obey the traffic rules and drunken driving caused the accident.In my opinion, most road accidents can be avoided. The best way to reduce the number of traffic accidents is to make some rules that all drivers must follow and be strict with them. If we reinforce the traffic security education and more people comply with traffic regulations, I believe one day traffic accidents can be avoided.交通事故随着交通事故的数字不断增长,许多人在交通事故中受伤或死亡。







引言对欧盟数据显示乘客驾驶汽车行驶的公里数,1999是1970的两点五倍,汽车驾驶占有的份额达到79%( 1970年74%)。

在美国汽车运输中,汽车运输比例甚至在总额行驶千米数占更高比例, (1998年是84%)。

在1999年,欧盟的75%货物运输(包括短程海运和航运) 是通过公路运输的。








这些交通运输主要的边际外部成本包括交通堵塞,交通意外,环境成本和路面损坏 (针对重型车辆)。









例如, 它不仅包括实体基础设施或虚拟基础设施膨胀的能力,但也包括空间规划。

















外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)英文原文POSSIBILITIES AND LIMITA TIONS OF ACCIDENT ANALYSISS.OppeAbstraetAccident statistics, especially collected at a national level are particularly useful for the description, monitoring and prognosis of accident developments, the detection of positive and negative safety developments, the definition of safety targets and the (product) evaluation of long term and large scale safety measures. The application of accident analysis is strongly limited for problem analysis, prospective and retrospective safety analysis on newly developed traffic systems or safety measures, as well as for (process) evaluation of special short term and small scale safety measures. There is an urgent need for the analysis of accidents in real time, in combination with background behavioural research. Automatic incident detection, combined with video recording of accidents may soon result in financially acceptable research. This type of research may eventually lead to a better understanding of the concept of risk in traffic and to well-established theories.Keyword: Consequences; purposes; describe; Limitations; concerned; Accident Analysis; possibilities1. Introduction.This paper is primarily based on personal experience concerning traffic safety, safety research and the role of accidents analysis in this research. These experiences resulted in rather philosophical opinions as well as more practical viewpoints on research methodology and statistical analysis. A number of these findings are published already elsewhere.From this lack of direct observation of accidents, a number of methodological problems arise, leading to continuous discussions about the interpretation of findings that cannot be tested directly. For a fruitful discussion of these methodological problems it is very informative to look at a real accident on video. It then turns out that most of the relevant information used to explain the accident will be missing in the accident record. In-depth studies also cannot recollect all the data that is necessary in order to test hypotheses about the occurrence of the accident. For a particular car-car accident, that was recorded on video at an urban intersection in the Netherlands, between a car coming from a minor road, colliding with a car on the major road, the following questions could be asked: Why did the driver of the car coming from the minor road, suddenly accelerate after coming almost to a stop and hit the side of the car from the left at the main road? Why was the approaching car not noticed? Was it because the driver was preoccupied with the two cars coming from the right and the gap before them that offered him thepossibility to cross? Did he look left before, but was his view possibly blocked by the green van parked at the corner? Certainly the traffic situation was not complicated. At the moment of the accident there were no bicyclists or pedestrians present to distract his attention at the regularly overcrowded intersection. The parked green van disappeared within five minutes, the two other cars that may have been important left without a trace. It is hardly possible to observe traffic behavior under the most relevant condition of an accident occurring, because accidents are very rare events, given the large number of trips. Given the new video equipment and the recent developments in automatic incident and accident detection, it becomes more and more realistic to collect such data at not too high costs. Additional to this type of data that is most essential for a good understanding of the risk increasing factors in traffic, it also important to look at normal traffic behavior as a reference base. The question about the possibilities and limitations of accident analysis is not lightly answered. We cannot speak unambiguously about accident analysis. Accident analysis covers a whole range of activities, each originating from a different background and based on different sources of information: national data banks, additional information from other sources, especially collected accident data, behavioral background data etc. To answer the question about the possibilities and limitations, we first have to look at the cycle of activities in the area of traffic safety. Some ofthese activities are mainly concerned with the safety management of the traffic system; some others are primarily research activities.The following steps should be distinguished:- detection of new or remaining safety problems;- description of the problem and its main characteristics;- the analysis of the problem, its causes and suggestions for improvement;- selection and implementation of safety measures;- evaluation of measures taken.Although this cycle can be carried out by the same person or group of persons, the problem has a different (political/managerial or scientific) background at each stage. We will describe the phases in which accident analysis is used. It is important to make this distinction. Many fruitless discussions about the method of analysis result from ignoring this distinction. Politicians, or road managers are not primarily interested in individual accidents. From their perspective accidents are often treated equally, because the total outcome is much more important than the whole chain of events leading to each individual accident. Therefore, each accident counts as one and they add up all together to a final safety result.Researchers are much more interested in the chain of events leading to an individual accident. They want to get detailed information abouteach accident, to detect its causes and the relevant conditions. The politician wants only those details that direct his actions. At the highest level this is the decrease in the total number of accidents. The main source of information is the national database and its statistical treatment. For him, accident analysis is looking at (subgroups of) accident numbers and their statistical fluctuations. This is the main stream of accident analysis as applied in the area of traffic safety. Therefore, we will first describe these aspects of accidents.2. The nature of accidents and their statistical characteristics.The basic notion is that accidents, whatever there cause, appear according to a chance process. Two simple assumptions are usually made to describe this process for (traffic) accidents:- the probability of an accident to occur is independent from the occurrence of previous accidents;-the occurrence of accidents is homogeneous in time.If these two assumptions hold, then accidents are Poisson distributed. The first assumption does not meet much criticism. Accidents are rare events and therefore not easily influenced by previous accidents. In some cases where there is a direct causal chain (e.g. , when a number of cars run into each other) the series of accidents may be regarded as one complicated accident with many cars involved.The assumption does not apply to casualties. Casualties are often related to the same accident andtherefore the independency assumption does not hold. The second assumption seems less obvious at first sight. The occurrence of accidents through time or on different locations are not equally likely. However, the assumption need not hold over long time periods. It is a rather theoretical assumption in its nature. If it holds for short periods of time, then it also holds for long periods, because the sum of Poisson distributed variables, even if their Poisson rates are different, is also Poisson distributed. The Poisson rate for the sum of these periods is then equal to the sum of the Poisson rates for these parts.The assumption that really counts for a comparison of (composite) situations, is whether two outcomes from an aggregation of situations in time and/or space, have a comparable mix of basic situations. E.g. , the comparison of the number of accidents on one particular day of the year, as compared to another day (the next day, or the same day of the next week etc.). If the conditions are assumed to be the same (same duration, same mix of traffic and situations, same weather conditions etc.) then the resulting numbers of accidents are the outcomes of the same Poisson process. This assumption can be tested by estimating the rate parameter on the basis of the two observed values (the estimate being the average of the two values). Probability theory can be used to compute the likelihood of the equality assumption, given the two observations and their mean.This statistical procedure is rather powerful. The Poisson assumptionis investigated many times and turns out to be supported by a vast body of empirical evidence. It has been applied in numerous situations to find out whether differences in observed numbers of accidents suggest real differences in safety. The main purpose of this procedure is to detect differences in safety. This may be a difference over time, or between different places or between different conditions. Such differences may guide the process of improvement. Because the main concern is to reduce the number of accidents, such an analysis may lead to the most promising areas for treatment. A necessary condition for the application of such a test is, that the numbers of accidents to be compared are large enough to show existing differences. In many local cases an application is not possible. Accident black-spot analysis is often hindered by this limitation, e.g., if such a test is applied to find out whether the number of accidents at a particular location is higher than average. The procedure described can also be used if the accidents are classified according to a number of characteristics to find promising safety targets. Not only with aggregation, but also with disaggregation the Poisson assumption holds, and the accident numbers can be tested against each other on the basis of the Poisson assumptions. Such a test is rather cumbersome, because for each particular case, i.e. for each different Poisson parameter, the probabilities for all possible outcomes must be computed to apply the test. In practice, this is not necessary when the numbers are large. Then the Poissondistribution can be approximated by a Normal distribution, with mean and variance equal to the Poisson parameter. Once the mean value and the variance of a Normal distribution are given, all tests can be rephrased in terms of the standard Normal distribution with zero mean and variance one. No computations are necessary any more, but test statistics can be drawn from tables.3. The use of accident statistics for traffic safety policy.The testing procedure described has its merits for those types of analysis that are based on the assumptions mentioned. The best example of such an application is the monitoring of safety for a country or region over a year, using the total number of accidents (eventually of a particular type, such as fatal accidents), in order to compare this number with the outcome of the year before. If sequences of accidents are given over several years, then trends in the developments can be detected and accident numbers predicted for following years. Once such a trend is established, then the value for the next year or years can be predicted, together with its error bounds. Deviations from a given trend can also be tested afterwards, and new actions planned. The most famous one is carried out by Smeed 1949. We will discuss this type of accident analysis in more detail later.(1). The application of the Chi-square test for interaction is generalised to higher order classifications. Foldvary and Lane (1974), inmeasuring the effect of compulsory wearing of seat belts, were among the first who applied the partitioning of the total Chi-square in values for the higher order interactions of four-way tables.(2). Tests are not restricted to overall effects, but Chi-square values can be decomposed regarding sub-hypotheses within the model. Also in the two-way table, the total Chisquare can be decomposed into interaction effects of part tables. The advantage of 1. and 2. over previous situations is, that large numbers of Chi-square tests on many interrelated (sub)tables and corresponding Chi-squares were replaced by one analysis with an exact portioning of one Chi-square.(3). More attention is put to parameter estimation. E.g., the partitioning of the Chi-square made it possible to test for linear or quadratic restraints on the row-parameters or for discontinuities in trends.(4). The unit of analysis is generalised from counts to weighted counts. This is especially advantageous for road safety analyses, where corrections for period of time, number of road users, number of locations or number of vehicle kilometres is often necessary. The last option is not found in many statistical packages. Andersen 1977 gives an example for road safety analysis in a two-way table. A computer programme WPM, developed for this type of analysis of multi-way tables, is available at SWOV (see: De Leeuw and Oppe 1976). The accident analysis at this level is not explanatory. It tries to detect safety problems that need specialattention. The basic information needed consists of accident numbers, to describe the total amount of unsafety, and exposure data to calculate risks and to find situations or (groups of) road users with a high level of risk. 4. Accident analysis for research purposes.Traffic safety research is concerned with the occurrence of accidents and their consequences. Therefore, one might say that the object of research is the accident. The researcher’s interest however is less focused at this final outcome itself, but much more at the process that results (or does not result) in accidents. Therefore, it is better to regard the critical event in traffic as his object of study. One of the major problems in the study of the traffic process that results in accidents is, that the actual occurrence is hardly ever observed by the researcher.Investigating a traffic accident, he will try to reconstruct the event from indirect sources such as the information given by the road users involved, or by eye-witnesses, about the circumstances, the characteristics of the vehicles, the road and the drivers. As such this is not unique in science, there are more examples of an indirect study of the object of research. However, a second difficulty is, that the object of research cannot be evoked. Systematic research by means of controlled experiments is only possible for aspects of the problem, not for the problem itself. The combination of indirect observation and lack of systematic control make it very difficult for the investigator to detectwhich factors, under what circumstances cause an accident. Although the researcher is primarily interested in the process leading to accidents, he has almost exclusively information about the consequences, the product of it, the accident. Furthermore, the context of accidents is complicated. Generally speaking, the following aspects can be distinguished: - Given the state of the traffic system, traffic volume and composition, the manoeuvres of the road users, their speeds, the weather conditions, the condition of the road, the vehicles, the road users and their interactions, accidents can or cannot be prevented.- Given an accident, also depending on a large number of factors, such as the speed and mass of vehicles, the collision angle, the protection of road users and their vulnerability, the location of impact etc., injuries are more or less severe or the material damage is more or less substantial. Although these aspects cannot be studied independently, from a theoretical point of view it has advantages to distinguish the number of situations in traffic that are potentially dangerous, from the probability of having an accident given such a potentially dangerous situation and also from the resulting outcome, given a particular accident.This conceptual framework is the general basis for the formulation of risk regarding the decisions of individual road users as well as the decisions of controllers at higher levels. In the mathematical formulation of risk we need an explicit description of our probability space, consistingof the elementary events (the situations) that may result in accidents, the probability for each type of event to end up in an accident, and finally the particular outcome, the loss, given that type of accident.A different approach is to look at combinations of accident characteristics, to find critical factors. This type of analysis may be carried out at the total group of accidents or at subgroups. The accident itself may be the unit of research, but also a road, a road location, a road design (e.g. a roundabout) etc.中文译文交通事故分析的可能性和局限性S.Oppe摘要交通事故的统计数字, 尤其国家一级的数据对监控和预测事故的发展, 积极或消极检测事故的发展, 以及对定义安全目标和评估工业安全特别有益。



Metro Operation Accident Analysis and CountermeasuresLI Wei-wei TANG Zhen-min,Prof.(School of Trafic&Transportation。

Beijing Jiaotong University Classification and code of disciplines:620.5020[Abstract] On the subway home and abroad in recent years the incident based on the analysis, the author affect the safe operation of the MTR of persons, vehicles, track, power supply, signal, and social disasters, the main reasons were discussed; light of these reasons put forward Some preventive measures prior to the incident, as well as treatment measures after the accident; highlight the 'people-oriented' big security concept put forward 'people - cars - Track - Safety Management' and safe operation of the system and the emergency rescue system, a combination approach. And implementation of these measures will reduce the realization of subway accidents caused by the accident and reduce casualties and property losses.[Keywords:] metro; accidents; impact factor; Safety Measures1 IntroductionMetro is an important component of urban public transport is one of the importance of safety goes without saying that the MTR. In recent years, the world's subway accidents continue to occur, China's Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities have undergone a lot of subway accident. Therefore, the analysis of factors affecting the accident subway operators to develop countermeasures to prevent accidents and sudden accident relief measures for improving the safety of subway operation status, to prevent accidents and reduce accident losses are of great significance.2 Metro Operation Accident AnalysisMetro Operational Safety involves not only people - Vehicles - rail and other system factors, but also by the social environment and train-related equipment (signal system, power supply systems) and other factors. Metro home and abroad in recent years, the analysis of accident statistics shows that: people, vehicles, track, power supply, signals and social disasters such as major factors for railway accidents.2.1 The human factorsFrom 2002 and 2003 on the Shanghai Metro, on the 2nd line of the classification of accident statistics show that: general accident was mainly due to failure to comply with the safety of passengers travel rules, and risk of accidents due to negligence caused by staff responsibilities. Human factors is the main reason for the accident Zhaozhi Metro, including:(1) crowded. For example, in 2001 the evening of December 4, Beijing Subway Linea woman waiting on the platform at the station, when the truck entering the site, they were crowded under the flow of people crowded the site, on the spot by the train crushed to death. In another example, in May 1999 in Belarus, but also because of Mass Transit Railway station staff too much, confusion and crowded, leading to 54 passengers were crushed to death events.(2) accidentally and deliberately jump off the track of people. For a long time, because workers who jump subway tracks subway train delays caused by the repeated occurrence of the event, short of a minute or two, or as long as 35 minutes. The subwaytrain as soon affected, not punctuality driving, is bound to affect the overall situation across the board would need to be adjusted. Affects not only the parties to the passengers on the train, but also the whole route or other passenger rail lines on the road may be delayed.(3) Staff treatment measures shall not be treated. For example, the South Korean city of Daegu subway fire in 2003 that the market, subway drivers and an integrated control center personnel to the disaster has not shirk the responsibility. Fire in front of the station has already occurred, and the other is still a train, No. 1080 into the smoke-filled site, the station has power, the train can not be the case of driving, the driver did not take any decisive measures to evacuate the passengers, but the door closed, and still ask for instructions how to deal with scheduling. Even more incredible is that in 5 minutes after the accident, the scheduler has the gall to issue 'to allow the 1080 car for the starting' instructions.2.2 Vehicle Factors(1) results in metro train accident in the derailment of the main factors. For example, the London subway, at the January 25, 2003, a hung eight cars of the Central Line subway train passing through central London in a subway station, derailed and hit the tunnel wall, the last three cars crashed into the platform , 32 passengers suffered minor injuries. In the same year in September, a slow-moving subway train derailed at King's Cross subway station, and lead to subway outages for several hours. Another example, in March 2000 occurred in Hibiya Line subway train derailment accident, resulting in 3 dead 44 injured in the tragedy. Again, the United States in June 2000 took place with the subway train derailment accident, when 89 passengers were injured.(2) There are factors other vehicles. For example, the March 20, 2003, the Shanghai Metro Line automatically unlock the gate delay hook failure, outage more than 1 hours. In another example, April 4, 2002, the Shanghai Metro Line doors could not be opened due to mechanical failure, outages half an hour.2.3 orbital elementsMay 22, 2001, Shihlin, Taipei Danshui Line subway station near the rail cracks occur, the MTR was forced to slow down, and instead manually driving, 10 million passengers to go to work blocked.地铁运营事故分析及其对策研究[摘要] 在对近年来国内外地铁发生的事故分析的基础上,笔者对影响地铁安全运营的人、车辆、轨道、供电、信号以及社会灾害等主要原因进行了探讨;针对这些原因提出了一些事故发生前的预防对策以及事故发生后的处理措施;突出强调了“以人为本”的大安全观,提出“人—车—轨道—安全管理”的安全运营系统及应急救援体系相结合的对策。



Vision Zero –Implementing a policy for traffic safetyRoger JohanssonRoad Safety Division Swedish Road Administration Roda Vagen 1 78187 BorlangeSwedenKeywords:Vision Zero Road Safety ImplementationAbstractThe scope of this paper is to outline in a general way the safety philosophy inherentin present road—and street design trace the he present road design philosophy are the main cause of the global road safetycrisis clearly indicating in Vision Zero。

They include a newbasic mechanism for creating error—tolerance in the road system and new designprinciples for road—and street design。

The tradition of “blaming the victim" is hereby questioned and focus is put on theneed for professionals to act based on these new standards。

During the last 10 yearsthe fatalities in Sweden have dropped from approximately 550/year to 450/year。

英语六级作文 Road Accidents 道路交通事故

英语六级作文 Road Accidents 道路交通事故

Road Accidents 道路交通事故Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Road Accidents. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1)道路事故会给人们的生命和财产带来很大的损失2)分析道路事故发生的主要原因3)如何降低事故发生率Road Accidents_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________行文思路本题属于提纲式文字命题。



高分范文Road AccidentsRoad accidents, [1]as one of the important social problems, have always been paid great concern. In most of the big cities, every day, there happen quite a few road accidents. In these accidents, many people suffer great property losses [2]and some of them even lose their lives.[3]The following reasons contribute to road accidents. [4]Above all, traffic is becoming heavier and heavier, especially in big cities. More and more vehicles on road [5]increase the chances of accidents. [4]In addition, many drivers lack safety awareness and e ven don’t comply with the traffic regulations. For example, some drivers run the red light or drive after being drunk. [4]Besides, the [6]weak supervision and management of traffic control sectors is a noticeable reason.[7]Considering the seriousness of the traffic problem, [8]it is high time for us to take more effective measures to solve it. [4]Firstly, the government should invest more money to improve public transportation and provide more transportation waysfor people to choose. [4]Secondly, stricter laws and regulations should be made to punish those who break traffic regulations. [4]Finally, drivers should enhance safety awareness and develop good driving manners. [9]Only in this way could road accidents be avoided successfully.道路交通事故,作为一个重要的社会问题,一直倍受关注。


























外文文献(一)外文原文Front axle general is in the front of the bus, also known as steering axle or drive bridge. Automobile front axle is the last important assemblies, including the steering knuckle kingpin, steering, front beam and other components. Front axle through the suspension and frame, used to support the ground and the frame between the vertical load, but also bear the braking force and lateral force and the force of torque, and ensure that the steering rotation right movement. The axle is connected with the frame through the suspension, support most of the weight of vehicle, and wheel traction or braking force, as well as the lateral force after suspension to frame. In the car used in the steering bridge, the stress condition is more complex, so it should have enough strength. In order to ensure the wheel turns to the correct positioning of angle, make manipulation of light and reduce tire wear, steering bridge should have enough stiffness. In addition, should also try to reduce the weight of the bridge. In short, because of the automobile in the running process of the front axle, the abominable working environment, complicated working condition, the load is alternating load, thus the parts easy to fatigue cracking and even rupture phenomenon. This requires that the structural design must have enough strength, stiffness and resistance to fatigue failure of the ability.The front axle is the main load-bearing parts: the front axle, my company has a tubular and forging type two structural forms, but mainly to forging type mainly. The front ends of each with a fist shape bold part as the kingpin of the site installation. In both sides of the spring support for partial surface, used for the installation of steel plate spring and accessories. Need note here is: U type bolt passes through the front mounting holes need matter beneath the back nut in, often can appear with the front axle sleeve back band interference problem. Why can appear such problem? Design is a problem, because the front dorsal ribs affects front axle load, therefore must have a certain size requirements, and if both before and after the U bolt distance design is too small, not enough gap assembly will appear above problem. Two technical problems, technical problems in two cases. The first is the front dorsal rib symmetry is not good or mounting hole symmetrical degree andeasy to cause the problem; the second is that some host plant in order to avoid the vulnerable, without taking into account the reality of the product and blind to the sleeve outer diameter. Kingpin: is the impact of vehicle performance of main parts. Kingpin has stop groove, pin lock bolt through the stop groove masterPin fixed on the front axle kingpin bore, so that it can't move can not move axially. Knuckle pin machining accuracy is very high, my company is one of the parts of key control. Steering knuckle: steering knuckle is the main steering part of front axle. It uses the main pin and the front axle is hinged by a pair of axle bearing supporting hub combination, to achieve the function of turning. Brake assembly: is the realization of the wheel brake main component, a brake oil and gas brake two forms. Implemented in the vehicle brake command, brake friction plate through the expansion and brake drum machining surface contact friction realization of vehicle brake. Front axle brake option is very critical, if the choice is undeserved, can appear before and after the brake force is not a match, the braking force is not up to the requirements of many problems. Hub combination : by two rolling bearings mounted on the steering knuckle, drive the rotation of the wheels. At the same time with the friction plate to form a friction pair, to realize the brake wheel. Arm: straight rod arm, tie rod arm, respectively, and a straight rod assembly and the tie rod assembly. Formed a steering mechanism and a steering trapezoidal mechanism. The steering mechanism to complete the vehicle steering, steering trapezoid determines the vehicle inside and outside corner is reasonable. The tie rod assembly: is to adjust the beam before the main parts. The rod body is made of seamless steel tube manufacturing, both ends of the spherical hinge joint structure is the joint assembly, by a thread after the installation of the tie rod arm, the rod body is adjustable, so as to adjust the toe. Front axle under the front of the car weight, the car forward thrust from the frame to the wheel, and with the steering device arranged on parts make joint type connection, the implementation of the automobile steering. The front axle is the use of both ends of it through the main pin and the steering knuckle is connected to the steering knuckle, swing to realize vehicle direction.In order to make the running vehicle has good linear driving ability, front axle should meet the following requirements: in order to make the running vehicle has good linear driving ability, front axle should meet the following requirements:1sufficient strength,in order to ensure the reliable bearing wheel and frame ( or monocoque ) between the work force. 2 correct positioning of the wheels, so that the steering wheel movement stability, convenient operation and reduce tire wear. Front wheel positioning includes kingpin inclination, caster, camber and toe-in. 3sufficient rigidity, the force deformation small, ensure the main pin and a steering wheel positioned right angle remains constant. 4knuckle and master pin, steering and front axle between the friction should be as small as possible, to ensure that the steering operation for portability, and has sufficient abrasion resistance. 5 steering wheel shimmy should be as small as possible, in order to ensure the vehicle normal, stable exercise. 6 front axle quality should be as small as possible, in order to reduce unsprung mass, improve vehicle ride comfort.1mini car front axle 1mini car front mini car front suspension generally adopt the independent suspension structure. Front axle load is relatively small, the structure is simple. Mini car front axle usually disconnected movable joint structure, which is composed of a front axle body, strengthen the transverse swing arm, arm etc.. 2 car front axle2 car front axle front axle suspension with Mcpherson car. It bears the driving and steering functions, the suspension is connected with the vehicle body, and the lower end of the wheel bearing housing connected, wheel camber is through the suspension and the bearing shell of the connecting bolt to adjust, auxiliary frame through the elastic part by controlling the arm, ball hinge connected with suspension, improve the driving stability and ride comfort. 3off-road vehicle front axle3off-road vehicle front axle Off-road vehicle steering and driving front axle has two tasks, it is known as the steering driving axle. And it generally drive the movable bridge, with a main driver, differential and the axle shaft. The difference is, due to the need, half shaft is divided into two segments, and by a universal joint, while the main pin are made under paragraph two. The 4truck front axle 4truck front axle truck front axle with I-shaped cross section is mainly used to improve the front bending strength. The upper two plus wide plane, to support the steel plate spring. The front ends each having a fist shape portion, which has a through hole, as a kingpin only. Main pin and left steering knuckle hinge, with a threaded wedge pin crossed with the main pin hole of vertical through holes on the lock pin wedge surface, the main pin is fixed in the axle hole, so that it cannot rotate.In general, common material needed to define the material properties including: elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio, density, specific heat, thermal expansion coefficient. The front axle is mainly composed of two parts, material composition, i.e., front axle and steering knuckle such as zero Department of materials. The front axle is adopted as the material of45 steel, steering knuckle materials using 40Cr.Torsion bar of automobile front independent suspension is the key component, is a slender rod, the induction quenching process is the manufacturing process difficult point, this paper introduces the torsion bar quenching inductor and its process test results, determined using half ring type inductor continuous quenching technology, this method can meet the technical requirements and the quantities of torsion bar production.The forging forging molding, not only greater deformation, but also requires a certain deformation force,Therefore the selection of J53series double disc friction press comparative economics, this series press combined slipping flywheel, combined slipping flywheel can provide highly deformed large forgings with enough to form, and can provide for forgings will required deformation capacity, and not to overload, the series press equipment investment, the cost of the mold and forging cost than die forging hammer and the forging crank press cheap cheap host. At present, the domestic automobile front axle machining process are the following: (1) of two plane milling plate spring seat; the drill two spring seat plane ten holes; the rough milling of two main pin hole of upper and lower end surfaces; the fine mill main pin hole of upper and lower end surfaces; the drilling and reaming main pin hole; the broaching the main pin hole; the main pin hole on the lower end of the countersink reaming pin holes;. In this scheme, the following questionQuestions:1 adopting main pin hole positioning countersink on the lower end, and the end surface of the main pin hole verticality can not be guaranteed, the main pin hole size height can not be guaranteed to the main pin hole; the positioning of the drill pin hole, drill through the cross intersection holes, easy cutting phenomenon, students offset, causing the main pin hole and the locking pin hole center distance can not be guaranteed. (2) of two plane milling plate spring seat; the drill two spring seat plane ten holes; the drilling and reaming pin holes on the rough milling of a main pin hole on upper end; the fine mill main pin hole of upperand lower end surfaces; the drilling and reaming main pin hole. In this scheme, there are the following problems: the process is used to drill the locking pin hole after the drill main pin hole, and the pin - fL: fL size and position size is the key size, kingpin is difficult to ensure the accuracy of the first; fine mill main pin hole of the upper and lower ends after processing the main pin hole, end relative to the main pin hole verticality is difficult to guarantee. (3) of two plane milling plate spring seat; the drill two spring seat plane ten holes; the drilling and reaming pin holes; the rough milling kingpin on upper end; the drilling and reaming main pin hole; the fine mill main pin hole on the lower end surface. In this scheme, there are the following problems : the main pin hole and the pin hole cross intersecting hole size tolerance of0.1mm is not easy to maintain; to adopt the reaming main pin hole, the dimensional tolerances are not easy to be ensured; the final finish milling main pin hole on the lower end surface. The main pin hole and upper and lower end verticality is not easy to guarantee; the main pin hole size can not be guaranteed.Along with our country transportation enterprise rapid development, auto transport carrying capacity and running speed are continually increasing with. So people to the safe operation of the automobile is more and more attention, so the automobile axle design also raised taller requirement. As a result of foreign automobile development starts early, technical inputs, thus technically far ahead of China market, but also there are many insufficient places, still need to improve, technology also needs a breakthrough. Steam car industry as our focus on the development of pillar industries, its prospect is very wide. At present, auto parts production has certain potential, but most enterprises in product research, development and other aspects of the defect, especially lack of less product independent development capacity, can not adapt to the system support, delivery of modules, to participate in international division of labor. Because of this, in the future development, Chinese enterprises should actively absorb the international advanced automotive technology, and constantly improve the self body lines, such as braking systems, steering systems, expand the industry of product variety, improve the integral technology level, increase the strong technological development capability, urges the enterprise faster development, adapt to the trend of globalization of automobile industry.100 years ago, the car was just beginning, the steering is modelled on the carriageand bicycle steering mode, using a joystick or a handle to make the front wheel deflection, thus realizes the steering. Due to the manipulation of effort and unreliable, so often fatal accident. The first horseless pull four wheel vehicle comes out, have a front axle and a front wheel assembly, the assembly being mounted on the crankshaft, front axle center around a point of rotation, using a rod connecting the front axle, focus, through the floor and extends upward, the wheel is fastened on the rod end, in order to manipulate the car. This device in a vehicle speed not exceeding the speed, or very good, but when the vehicle speed is increased, the driver asks to improve steering accuracy, in order to reduce tire wear, prolong the service life of tyre. In 1817, the Germans Lincoln Spang Jay presented similar to the modern automobile, the front wheel with knuckle and beam connection, he developed a kind of automobile front wheel on the main shaft to allow independent rotary structure, which is connected with the steering wheel, steering knuckle and a rotatable pin and front axle, thereby the invention of modern steering trapezoidal mechanism.Since China's reform and opening up, execute in the country the household contract responsibility system reform, make the rural economy is all-time and active. Rural freight traffic and population flow increased dramatically, speeding up the transportation mechanization into rural classicsEconomic development urgent need, it is also the needs of the market that has Chinese distinguishing feature of transport machinery -- emerge as the times require small truck. It has solved the countryside transportation need, fill the villages, townships, towns and urban transportation network is blank, active rural economics, for the surplus rural labor force to find a way out, so that tens of thousands of farmers to be on comparatively well-off road.Small truck manufacturing process is simple, cheap, purchase a car farmers generally in a year or so we can recover the cost. In addition, the highway construction has promoted the rapid development of small truck, the98% villages are on the road, so that the small truck with play.We want to develop a small truck to optimize the design, to make new products, diversification of varieties to meet a variety of needs. In a small truck design, how the complex road conditions to ensure the smooth running of the car quickly, is a serious problem. Then there is the subject of research and design.Automobile front axle driving system important constituent, it is connected with the frame through the suspension, steering wheel mounted at both ends, used to support frame and transmission wheel and frame between a variety of force, and drives the steering knuckle swing to realize vehicle steering. Using the hinge device causes the wheel to deflect a certain angle, so as to realize the steering of a vehicle axle called steering bridge, general vehicle used for steering bridge bridge, the front for steering bridge. Steering bridge not only can make the left and right wheels arranged at the front end to deflect a certain angle to realize the steering, should also be able to bear vertical load and by the road, the brake force is exerted on the longitudinal force and lateral force and the force formed by the moment. Therefore, the steering bridge must have sufficient strength and rigidity. Wheel steering process of internal friction between the pieces should be as small as possible, and to keep the vehicle steering light and the direction stability.Steering axle is generally composed of front axle, steering knuckle, steering knuckle arm, steering knuckle pin and the hub.Front axle general is in the front of the bus, also known as steering axle or drive bridge. The suspension is connected with the frame, used to support the ground and the frame between the vertical load, but also bear the braking force and lateral force and the force moment, and ensure that the steering rotation right movement. In the car used in the steering bridge, stress is more complex, so it should have enough strength. In order to ensure the correct positioning of the steering wheel angle, make the manipulation of light and reduce tire wear, steering bridge should have enough stiffness. In addition, should also try to reduce the weight of the bridge.Front axle under the front of the car weight, the car forward thrust from the frame to the wheel, and the steering device on parts make joint type connection, the implementation of the automobile steering. The cross-country vehicle front axle but also bear and rear axle the same driving task. General cargo vehicle with front engine rear drive arrangement, the front for steering bridge.Automobile front axle design should ensure adequate design strength, to ensure reliable bear acting force between wheel and frame; ensure the adequate rigidity, so that the wheel positioning parameters constant; ensure that the steering wheel have thecorrect localization angle, so that the steering wheel movement stability, convenient operation and reduce the tire friction; steering bridge quality as small as possible, in order to reduce non spring quality, improve the ride comfort of vehicles.译文前桥一般位于汽车的前部,也称转向桥或从动桥。



2020年交通事故案例学习与分析英文版Title: Case Study and Analysis of Traffic Accidents in 2020In 2020, a significant number of traffic accidents occurred, highlighting the importance of studying and analyzing these cases. By examining the factors contributing to these accidents, we can identify patterns and trends that can help prevent similar incidents in the future.Throughout the year, various types of traffic accidents were reported, ranging from minor collisions to fatal crashes. It is crucial to delve into the details of each case to understand the root causes and potential solutions. By studying these incidents, we can gain valuable insights into the factors that contribute to accidents, such as driver behavior, road conditions, and vehicle malfunctions.Analyzing the data from 2020 traffic accidents can provide a comprehensive overview of the most common causes of such incidents. By identifying these trends, we can develop strategies to improve roadsafety and reduce the number of accidents in the future. Additionally, studying these cases can help law enforcement agencies better enforce traffic laws and regulations to prevent reckless driving and other risky behaviors on the road.In conclusion, studying and analyzing traffic accidents from 2020 is crucial for improving road safety and preventing future incidents. By examining the factors contributing to these accidents, we can develop effective strategies to reduce risks and enhance overall traffic safety. This document aims to provide a detailed analysis of the various traffic accidents that occurred in 2020 and offer insights into how we can work towards a safer and more secure road environment.。



交通事故用英文写一篇作文英文:Traffic accidents are a serious issue that affects people all over the world. They can result in injuries, property damage, and even death. It's important to understand the causes of these accidents and how to prevent them.One major cause of traffic accidents is distracted driving. This can include texting while driving, using a phone, eating, or even just daydreaming. When a driver is not fully focused on the road, they are more likely to make mistakes and cause an accident.Another cause is speeding. When drivers exceed the speed limit, they have less time to react to unexpected situations and are more likely to lose control of their vehicle. This can lead to collisions with other vehicles or objects on the road.Drunk driving is also a major cause of traffic accidents. When a driver is under the influence of alcohol, their reaction time and judgment are impaired. This canlead to reckless driving and accidents.To prevent traffic accidents, it's important topractice safe driving habits. This includes staying focused on the road, obeying traffic laws, and avoiding distractions. It's also important to never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.中文:交通事故是一个影响全球人民的严重问题。



交通事故原因英语作文英文回答:Attention Captivating Opening HookIn the heart-stopping moments before a catastrophic collision, the gears shift, and fate takes a sinister turn. The echoes of screeching tires and shattering glass reverberate through the air like a chilling symphony of destruction. It's a sobering reminder that life can change in an instant, leaving behind a trail of pain and shattered dreams.Paragraph 1: Human ErrorThe dominant factor contributing to traffic accidents is undoubtedly human error. Distracted driving, speeding, and impaired judgment account for a significant portion of road fatalities. The lure of mobile devices, the rush ofadrenaline, and the effects of alcohol or drugs can cloud our focus, leading to catastrophic consequences. Addressing human behavior through awareness campaigns, stricter enforcement, and advanced vehicle safety features can mitigate these risks.Paragraph 2: Environmental FactorsThe environment also plays a crucial role in traffic safety. Poor road conditions, inadequate lighting, and adverse weather can create hazardous driving environments. Potholes, uneven surfaces, and slippery roads can compromise vehicle stability and increase the likelihood of accidents. By investing in infrastructure improvements, enhancing road signage, and providing real-time weather updates, we can minimize the impact of external factors on road safety.Paragraph 3: Vehicle Defects and MaintenanceWhile human error and environmental factors dominate the discussion, vehicle defects and inadequate maintenance cannot be overlooked as significant contributors to traffic accidents. Faulty brakes, malfunctioning airbags, and tire blowouts can lead to catastrophic failures, rendering drivers helpless in the face of an impending collision. Regular vehicle inspections, stringent quality control measures, and responsible driving practices can reduce the risks associated with vehicle-related defects.Paragraph 4: Intersection Hazards and CongestionIntersections and congested areas present unique hazards that contribute to traffic accidents. Poor visibility, inadequate signage, and aggressive driving often lead to collisions at these critical points. Additionally, traffic congestion can increase driver frustration, leading to risky maneuvers and heightened accident risks. By optimizing traffic flow, redesigning intersections, and promoting safe driving practices, we can mitigate these risks and enhance road safety.中文回答:引人入胜的开头:在灾难性碰撞发生的令人心惊胆战的时刻之前,齿轮换档,命运发生了险恶的转变。
























关键字:道路交通安全;交通事故;交通安全措施Abstract: This article through the comparison in road traffic safety conditions between China and developed countries, combined with current characteristics of road traffic safety in China, find out the gap in traffic safety between China and foreign countries, analyzes the reasons for the gap generated and puts forward the corresponding improvement measures.Key words: road traffic safety, The traffic accident; Traffic safety measures公路交通受人、车、路、环境等复杂因素的影响,因此不可避免地发生交通事故,这是一个社会问题,世界各国都投入了大量的人力、物力来研究应对交通事故的政策与具体的安全管理措施。




1 各国道路交通安全状况对比2004年,世界卫生组织(World Health Organization, 简称WHO)举办的世界卫生日(World Health Day)首次以道路交通安全为主题,从而将道路交通安全上升到人类社会公共卫生层面的高度上来。




























汽车⼯程客运车辆中英⽂对照外⽂翻译⽂献(⽂档含英⽂原⽂和中⽂翻译)中英⽂翻译Passenger vehicles in the United StatesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe neutrality of this article is disputed. Please see the discussion on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is resolved. (December 2007)Note: this article adopts the U.S. Department of Transportation'sdefinition of a passenger vehicle, to mean a car or truck, used for passengers, excluding buses and trains.The United States is home to the largest passenger vehicle market of any country in the world.[1]Overall, there were an estimated 254.4 million registered passenger vehicles in the United States according to a 2007 DOT study.[2] This number, along with the average age of vehicles, has increased steadily since 1960, indicating a growing number of vehicles per capita. The United States is also home to three large vehicle manufacturers: General Motors, Ford Motor Company and Chrysler, which have historically been referred to as the "Big Three." Chrysler however is no longer among the top three; but is number five, behind Toyota and Honda. The motor car though has clearly become an integral part of American life, with vehicles outnumbering licensed drivers.[2] StatisticsThe United States Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration as well as the National Automobile Dealers Association have published data in regard to the total number of vehicles, growth trends, and ratios between licensed drivers, the general population, and the increasing number of vehicles on American roads. Overall passenger vehicles have been outnumbering licensed drivers since 1972 at an ever increasing rate, while light trucks and vehicles manufactured by foreign marques have gained a larger share of the automotive market in theUnited States. In 2001, 70% of Americans drove to work in cars.[3] New York City is the only locality in the country where more than half of all households do not own a car (the figure is even higher in Manhattan, over 75%; nationally, the rate is 8%).[3]Total number of vehiclesAccording to the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics for 2009 there are 254,212,610 registered passenger vehicles. Of these, 193,979,654 were classified as "Light duty vehicle, short wheel base, while another 40,488,025 were listed as "Light duty vehicle, long wheel base." Yet another 8,356,097 were classified as vehicles with 2 axles and 6 tires and 2,617,118 were classified as "Truck, combination." There were approximately 7,929,724 motorcycles in the US in 2009. [4] According to cumulative data[1]by the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) the number of motor vehicles has also increased steadily since 1960, only stagnating once in 1997 and declining from 1990 to 1991. Otherwise the number of motor vehicles has been rising by an estimated 3.69 million each year since 1960 with the largest annual growth between 1998 and 1999 as well as between 2000 and 2001 when the number of motor vehicles in the United States increased by eight million.[1]Since the study by the FHA the number of vehicles has increased by approximately eleven million, one of the largest recorded increases. The largest percentage increase was between the years of 1972and 1973 when the number of cars increased by 5.88%.Age of vehicles in operationIn the year 2001, the National Automobile Dealers Association conducted a study revealing the average age of vehicles in operation in the US. The study found that of vehicles in operation in the US, 38.3% were older than ten years, 22.3% were between seven and ten years old, 25.8% were between three and six years old and 13.5% were less than two years old. According to this study the majority of vehicles, 60.6%, of vehicles were older than seven years in 2001.[5] This relatively high age of automobiles in the US might be explained by unaffordable prices for comparable new replacement vehicles and a corresponding gradual decline in sales figures since 1998.[6] Also, many Americans own three or more vehicles. The low marginal cost of registering and insuring additional older vehicles means many vehicles that are rarely used are still given full weight in the statistics.The median and mean age of automobiles has steadily increased since 1969. In 2007 the overall median age for automobiles was 9.4 years, a significant increase over 1990 when the median age of vehicles in operation in the US was 6.5 years and 1969 when the mean age for automobiles was 5.1 years.[7] Of all body styles, pick-up trucks had the highest meanage in 2001 (9.4 years), followed by cars with a mean age of 8.4 years and van with a mean age of 7.0 years. As SUVs are part of arelatively new consumer trend originating mostly in the 1990s, SUVs had the lowest mean age of any body style in the US (6.1 years). The average recreational vehicle was even older with a mean age of 12.5. For all body styles the mean vehicle age increased fairly steadily from 1969 to 2001.[7] In March 2009, RL Polk released a study conducted between 2007 to 2008 which indicated that the median age of passenger cars in operation in the US increased to 9.4 years, and that the median age for light trucks increased from 7.1 years in 2007 to 7.5 years in 2008.SalesIn the year 2009, about 5.5 million new passenger cars were sold in the United States[6] according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. This figure “Includes domestic and impor ted vehicles." (Department of Transportation) The number of vehicles sold in the US has been decreasing at a gradual yet continuous rate since 1999, when nearly 8.7 million vehicles were sold in the US. Looking back at history however, reveals that such decline is only part of normal market trends and most likely only a temporary affair. Overall, 1985 was a record year with cars sales totaling just over eleven million.[6] While imports have been gaining ground in terms of units sold during the 2000s and have regained roughly the same market share they held in 1992, the sales of domestic vehicles are still more than double those of imported vehicles. It should be noted, however that the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics "Includes carsproduced in Canada and Mexico" as domestic vehicles as both countries are part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), thus including many cars by Asian and European manufacturers - many V olkswagens are made in Mexico, Toyotas in Canada, also. In 2006 the sales of vehicles made in NAFTA states totaled 5.5 million, while the sale of imported vehicles totaled 2.2 million. 923,000 vehicles were imported from Japan, making it the greatest exporter of vehicles to the US. Germany was the second largest exporter of vehicles to the US, with 534,000 units exported to the US in 2006. Imports from all other nations, except Germany and Japan, totaled 729,000.[8]美国的客运车辆From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia这篇⽂章的中⽴性是有争议的。



交通安全方面的知识和事例英文版First, what is the traffic safety facilities ?To maintain traffic order to ensure traffic safety, give full play to the function of road traffic , in accordance with the provisions along the road to traffic lights, traffic signs and markings and traffic separation barrier and other transportation hardware in general.Second, how to compensate for damage to transportation facilities and punishment ?Perpetrators damaged transport infrastructure , should take the initiative to call the police , in addition to compensation for restoration of damaged transportation facilities all required fees , according to " Shantou SEZ Road Traffic Administration Punishments" Article XVII of the perpetrators at 500 or a fine of 1,000 yuan . Damage to transportation facilities escape , according to regulations re place .Third, what is the road traffic signs ?Road traffic signs with graphic symbols, colors and text traffic participants to pass specific information for traffic management facilities. Fourth, how to classify road traffic signs ?Divided into the main road traffic signs signs and auxiliary signs two categories.Main sign is divided into:Warning signs, prohibition signs , directional signs , guiding signs , tourist signs and road construction safety signs.Fifth, what are the warning signs ?Warning signs to warn vehicles and pedestrians sign of dangerous locations . In the shape of an equilateral triangle is the line , the color is yellow , black border and black pattern .Six , what is the ban on signs ?Prohibition signs are prohibited or restricted vehicles, pedestrians traffic behavior signs. Its shape is generally circular , octagonal or individual equilateral triangle vertex line down . Its color is usually white , red circle and red slash and black pattern , "No vehicle parking signs" for the blue , red circle and red slash .Seven , what is the indicator ?Signs are indicative of vehicles and pedestrians moving logo. In the shape of round, square or rectangular , the color blue and white pattern . Eight , what is the guiding signs ?Pass on the road guide sign is the direction , location and distance information signs. Its shape , except for location identification , milestones , sub- confluent flags, rectangular or square. Its color, blue and white pattern for the general road , highway to green background white pattern .Nine , what is the auxiliary flag ?Auxiliary flag is close to the lower edge of the main sign , a sign from the Help function . In the shape of a rectangle , the color is white , black , black border. Is used to represent time , vehicle type , warnings and prohibitions grounds , regional or distance can not fully express the main flag information .Ten of several new , common traffic signs explanation:1 vehicular parking signs:This flag is round, blue , red circle and red slash , which means that banning all vehicles. Cross double slash as prohibiting temporary or long vehicle parking signs. Monoclinic lever long as no vehicle parked flag temporary parking ( drivers are not allowed to leave the cab ) is unrestricted.(2) stop and yield signs:The flag is octagonal , the color is red and white , which means that vehicles must stop at the stop line outside lookout , that it is safe before allowing access .3 vehicle access is prohibited signs:This flag is round, white , red circle and red slash , black car graphics , which means that banning all motor vehicles ( including motorcycles ) traffic. Attached to the lower edge of the " two motorcycles except " Auxiliary flag , allowing two motorcycle traffic.Eleven , what is the road traffic markings ?Road traffic markings on the pavement by the delineation of the various lines, arrows , text, elevation tag , protruding signs and delineators and other traffic safety facilities constructed . Its role is to control and guide traffic . Can be used in conjunction with traffic signs , can also be used alone.Traffic marking according to the functions can be divided into three categories: prohibited marking , marking instructions and warning markings .Twelve , double solid yellow center line What is the function ?Center double solid yellow line represents strictly prohibited overtaking vehicles across the line , pressure lane and turn left . Also expressed strictly prohibited vehicles and pedestrians crossing. Which acts as the center or center- minutes drive isolation barrier greenbelt .Thirteen , central yellow broken line What is the function ?Central yellow broken line represents the solid line and prohibiting overtaking vehicles to turn left across the line , dashed line allows vehicles to ensure safety in case of overtaking and turning left across the line .XIV single solid yellow center line What is the function ?Center yellow single solid line represents vehicular overtaking across the line , pressure lane or turning left .Fifteen , single solid yellow line road edge What is the function ?Edges of the road yellow solid line represents a single long ban on all vehicles parked or temporary ( including temporary parking passengers up and down ) .Sixteen , road yellow mesh wire What is the function ?Yellow line represents the road network is strictly forbidden all vehicles long or temporary parking and prevent traffic jams. When the yellow wire mesh suspended in front of a vehicle , the latter must be in a yellow mesh cable car waiting outside until the confirmation yellow mesh wire suspended there is sufficient space in front of the car, before passing through the yellow mesh wire .Seventeen of several new , common traffic marking explanation:1 crosswalk lines :For a group of white crosswalk line parallel to the thick solid line ( zebra ) , in the control of traffic lights junction, using two thick solid line drawn parallel white crosswalk lines range , which means that allow pedestrians crossing the roadway .Pedestrians crossing the roadway must be walking in the crosswalk , the crosswalk lights are set , you must also pass by signal indication .(2) notice marked crosswalk line :Set the appropriate location in the crosswalk line before the white diamond pattern , is used to prompt the front close to the crosswalk , pedestrian motor vehicle to be careful crossing the road .3 No U-turn marks :No U-turn at the intersection before setting the appropriate position by a U-turn arrows and a fork pattern consisting of yellow pattern , which means that prohibit vehicles to turn .4 diversion line :Diversion lines mainly in the form of one or several junctions terrain settings under a white V-shaped lines or diagonal line area , which means that the vehicle must be specified routes, must not cross the line pressure line or traveling .Mainly used too broad , irregular, or driving conditions more complicated intersection , interchange ramp mouth or other special place .5 center ring:Set the center of the white circle at the intersection or rhombic area , the vehicle used to distinguish large and small turns, and the instructions for vehicles to turn left , the vehicle must not pressure lane . Vehicle turning left , you must close small turning circle center .6 deceleration marking :Set in the toll plaza , exit ramp or other requirements vehicle deceleration sections of white dotted , dashed in the form of a single , double and triple dashed dotted line perpendicular to the driving direction . Should be used to alert the front slow down .7 Taxi temporary stops white border :Set in a taxi on the road temporarily stops , except for temporary parking of taxi passengers up and down , other vehicles are not allowed to dock . Taxi stops , you must comply with in-line stop, to stop that , that is on the go, not occupying hospitality .8 bus stops white border :Set at the bus stop on the road , only a temporary parking permit passengers up and down the city's buses and other vehicles are not allowed to dock . Bus stops must be parked in the border by bit , the turn down passengers, shall not cross the line .False sense of security knowledgeSmoking does not affect driving safety car .According to the survey , the perpetrators in order to transport more than smokers , smokers than non-smokers 50% more traffic accidents . Investigators analyzed the reasons for causing the accident , the driver of the vehicle that smoking tobacco in touch , take a cigarette lighter , cigarette and mouth to find titles cigarettes, smoke filled the eyes distracted . In addition, cigarettes contain nicotine and tar can consume a lot of the body's vitamin B12, and the body lacks vitamin B12, can cause visual impairment .A small amount of alcohol will not pose a threat to safe driving . Drinking and driving is one of the reasons of traffic accident , a littlealcohol as would hinder driving. Study found that blood alcohol levels ranging from 0.5 ‰ to 1 ‰, the likelihood of an accident will increase five -fold. If increased to 1.5 ‰, the possibility of an additional six times . Listening to music can eliminate irritating driving fatigue.From an ergonomic standpoint , vocal can regulate a person's feelings and psychology, makes one feel comfortable and excited, so people in top working condition . However , listening to music on driving safety irritating obvious hazards, motorists should choose soothing rhythm , melody lively music.。



第5卷第3期2005年6月交通运输系统工程与信息Journal of T ranspo rtati on System s Engineering and Info r m ati on T echno logy V o l 15N o 13June 2005文章编号:100926744(2005)0320127214A Rev iew of Traff ic I nc iden t D ura tion Ana lysisW enqun W ang ,H aibo Chen ,M argaret C .B ell(Institute fo r T ranspo rt Studies ,U niversity of L eeds ,L eeds L S 29JT ,U K )Abstract : T h is paper review s the findings of research in incident durati on analysis.A brief introducti on of traffic incidents ,incident types ,and incident m anagem ent system s is given first .T he theo retical argum ent of the distributi on of the incident durati ons is exp lained .Several m ethods used to analyse the incident durati ons ,including variance analysis ,regressi on ,nonparam etric regressi on ,decisi on tree ,hazard durati on ,and fuzzy logic ,are described .T he research concludes that the mo st research found that the distributi on of the incident durati on is righ t skew ed and that standardisati on of the data co llecti on is i m po rtant fo r the incident durati on analysis .It is also found that thetraditi onal statistic m ethods have difficulties in modelling the incident durati on w ith the incomp lete incident data .T he future research in incident durati on analysis w as recomm ended such as artificial intelligence m ethods and standardisati on of the data co llecti on .Key words : traffic incident ;incident durati on ;incident m anagem ent CLC nu m ber : U 491.3交通事故持续时间分析综述王文群,陈海波,玛格利特・贝尔(利兹大学交通研究所,英国)摘要: 对交通事故持续时间分析的发展现状进行了综述.首先简要介绍了交通事故的定义,事故种类和交通事故管理系统,并分析了交通事故持续时间的统计分布.然后,对最近应用的几种主要的交通事故持续时间的分析方法及结论进行了概述.主要包括:方差分析,线性回归,非参数回归,决策树法,hazard du rati on m ethod ,模糊逻辑.主要的结论包括:大量的研究发现交通事故持续时间的分布形状是向左偏斜的钟型分布.交通事故数据采集标准化是事故分析中非常重要的环节.传统的统计分析方法处理不完整的数据有局限性.最后,本文提出了将来的发展方向,包括应用人工智能方法建立事故持续时间模型,及建立交通事故数据库标准.关键词: 交通事故;事故持续时间;事故管理中图分类号: U 491.3收稿日期:2005204218王文群(1971-),男,英国利兹大学交通研究所博士研究生,主要研究方向为交通信息采集与处理技术、智能控制理论、交通系统仿真等Λ1 I n troduction T raffic inciden t is any non 2recu rring even t that cau ses a reducti on of roadw ay cap acity o r an abno r m al increase in dem and .T hese even tsinclude veh icle b reakdow n s ,traffic acciden ts ,deb ris on the road ,and o ther unp lanned even ts sign ifican tly affecting roadw ay operati on s .T raffic inciden ts have several i m pacts on the traffic system s and the societies .F irstly ,trafficinciden ts are cau sing thou sands of hou rs of congesti on delay every year.T hese congesti on s m ake the traffic system un reliab le,and the jou rney ti m es un stab le.T he delay that a veh icle w ill exp erience as a resu lt of an inciden t depends on m any facto rs including inciden t severity (cap acity reducti on),inciden t du rati on,traffic vo lum e and the ti m e w hen the veh icle arrives at the inciden t locati on(Garib et al,1997).Inciden t disrup ts the level of the service being p rovided. P revi ou s research show s that the reducti on of the capacity is greater than the physical reducti on in roadw ay sp ace w hen an inciden t occu rs(FHA, 2000).Secondly,safety of bo th the road u sers and the p ersonals invo lved in dealing w ith the inciden t is a seri ou s concern associated w ith the m o to r w ay inciden t.R esearch show s that the inciden t scene increases the risk of secondary crashes.A Califo rn ia study found that each ti m e an acciden t occu rs the po ssib ility of ano ther acciden t occu rrence increases by at least600%(V o lp e N ati onal T ran spo rtati on System s Cen tre,1995). In th is repo rt,ano ther case study in M inneso ta found that13%of all the p eak p eri od crashes w ere the direct resu lt of a p revi ou s inciden t. R esearch found that inciden t in ju ry rates fo r shou lder co llisi on s w ere sub stan tially h igher than the rates fo r all o ther acciden t catego ries,w ith 41%of all shou lder co llisi on s invo lved in ju ries (FHA,2000).T he longer the inciden t du rati on is and the greater chance of additi onal crashes w ou ld be.M o reover,secondary crashes is often m o re severe than the o riginal inciden t.T he o ther effects of an inciden t include environm en tal i m pact,co st of goods and services, fuel con sum p ti on,veh icle m ain tenance co sts, reducti on in p roductivity,reduced quality of life, and negative p ub lic i m age of p ub lic agencies invo lved in inciden t m anagem en t activities etc.T raffic inciden t can be catego rised in to differen t typ es.P revi ou s studies show ed that 70%of all the m o to r w ay inciden ts w ere reco rded by the po lice and the inciden t m anagem en t cen tres.T he o ther30%w ere m ino r inciden ts w ith little o r no i m p act on traffic and no t repo rted.A cco rding to its natu re,an inciden t can be classified in to acciden t,veh icle b reakdow n, and o ther inciden t.A bou t80%of the reco rded inciden ts are veh icle b reakdow n inciden ts,w h ich is the m ajo r type of the inciden ts.A round10% are acciden ts.T he rem ain ing10%are the o ther k inds of inciden ts,such as p edestrian on the m o to r w ay,deb ris on the m o to r w ay,etc.(FHA, 2000).Inciden t m anagem en t is defined as the system atic,p lanned,and coo rdinated u se of hum an,in stitu ti onal,m echan ical,and techn ical resou rces to reduce the du rati on and i m pact of inciden t and i m p rove the safety of m o to rists, crash victi m s,and inciden t responders.A ctivities of the inciden t m anagem en t p rocess w h ich can be characterized in to the fo llow ing catego ries, including inciden t detecti on,verificati on, respon se,clearance,m o to rist info r m ati on,traffic M anagem en t(FHA,2000).T he first u rban freew ay inciden t m anagem en t system in the U n ited States w as estab lished in the D etro it area by M ich igan D epartm en t of T ran spo rtati on(M DO T)in1960’s(Rob in son and N ow ak,1993).T h is system con sists of fou r elem en ts,nam ely the CCTV system,variab le m essage sign s,M o to rist aid telep hones,and ram p m etering.T h is system has been effective in p roviding inciden t detecti on,traffic m anagem en t, m o to rist info r m ati on.It w o rk s clo sely coo rdinated w ith the M ich igan State Po lice (M ich igan D epartm en t of T ran spo rt,2003).O ther inciden t m anagem en t p rogram s in the U SA include Ch icago Em ergency T raffic Patro l inciden t m anagem en t p rogram,M inneso ta D epartm en t of T ran spo rtati on’s H ighw ay H elper p rogram,D enver,M ile-H igh Cou rtesy Patro l p ilo t p ro ject,L o s A ngeles inciden t m anagem en t p rogram,etc.T hey have been the foundati on s and p ilo t p ro jects of the m odern In telligen t821交通运输系统工程与信息2005年6月T ran spo rt System s.O regon D ep artm en t of T ran spo rtati on (ODO T)dep loyed one of the first inciden t m anagem en t p rogram s ou tside m ajo r u rban area in1995in the U SA.R egi on2Inciden t R espon se (I R)P rogram is to assist disab led veh icles along freew ay and h ighw ay co rrido rs.It help s relieve non-recu rren t congesti on th rough qu ick inciden t detecti on,verificati on,respon se,and rem oval clean up.A repo rt show s the effects of th is p rogram on tw o co rrido rs of In terstate5and H ighw ay18fo r the p eri od betw een1995and2000 (B ertin i,et al,2001).O ne m ajo r finding w as that the du rati on of delay-cau sing inciden ts has dropp ed sub stan tially w ith the i m p lem en tati on of the I R p rogram(T he drop w as app rox i m ately 30%on H ighw ay18and15%on In terstate5).A long w ith the reducti on of average inciden t du rati on,the average delay per inciden t has dropp ed66%on H ighw ay18and36%on In terstate5.B ased on reducti on s in delay and fuel con sum p ti on,it show ed that the ODO T’s R egi on 2I R p rogram has been beneficial and co st effective.T he repo rt also suggested som e i m p rovem en ts,such as data reco rding,data accu racy and details.M o reover,standard ter m ino logy shou ld be u sed to reco rd inciden t.In the U K,the traffic con tro l system s,such as TRAN SYT and SCOO T have been app lied popu larly in m ajo r cities.Together w ith CCTV system s,these system s have been u sed to m on ito r and m anage traffic,and respond to the traffic inciden ts in the u rban area.Since1997traffic con tro l cen tres have been developed to m anage and con tro l the traffic on the m o to r w ays and trunk road netw o rk in the U K. Tw o cen tres w ere launched in N ew po rt and Conw y in W ales.T he cen tre in N ew po rt is respon sib le fo r the traffic con tro l on the m o to r w ays and the truck roads in Sou th W ales.T he o ther con tro ls the traffic in N o rth W ales.T he cen tres are run tw en ty2fou r hou rs a day and seven days a w eek to m on ito r and m anage the road netw o rk in con juncti on w ith the po lice and trunk road agen ts w ho deal w ith the inciden ts w hen necessary.N ow,the cen tres have m o re respon sib ilities in the inciden t m anagem en t.T hey take the Em ergency T elephone(ET S)calls, reco rd the detailed inciden t info r m ati on,and deal w ith the veh icle b reakdow n inciden ts in o rder fo r the po lice to concen trate on dealing w ith m o re seri ou s cri m es o r acciden ts.In England,the p ropo sal of the T raffic Con tro l Cen tres(TCC s)p ro ject w as raised in 1998.In the last several years,it has been funded and develop ed.N ow the TCC s have been in op erati on.T he TCC p ro ject is bu ilt upon the ex isting traffic m anagem en t system,w h ich allow s the po lice and the H ighw ays A gency to m anage traffic on the m o to r w ay and trunk road netw o rk in respon se to inciden ts.B y p roviding the p latfo r m fo r the traffic m anagem en t,con tro l and info r m ati on system s to m anage the traffic on the m o to r w ays and trunk road netw o rk in England,the H ighw ays agency ai m s to i m p rove jou rney ti m e reliab ility on the m o to r w ays and trunk road netw o rk,reduce disrup ti on cau sed by m ajo r inciden ts,p rovide alternative rou te advice to m in i m ise the effect of congesti on and inciden ts,m in i m ise delays due to road w o rk s,and influence road u sers’decisi on s befo re they set ou t on a jou rney abou t po ten tial rou te,ti m e and m ode of travel by p roviding reliab le and accu rate info r m ati on.2 Traff ic I nc iden t D ura tionInciden t du rati on is the ti m e p eri od betw een the occu rrence and the clearance of an inciden t.It has the fo llow ing elem en ts:detecti on,respon se and clearance(FHA,2000).F igu re1show s the ti m e sequence of the inciden t clearance p rocess.D etecti on ti m e is the ti m e peri od betw een the ti m e of the inciden t occu rrence and the ti m e of the acknow ledgem en t to the operato r in the traffic con tro l cen tre.R espon se ti m e is the ti m e peri od921第3期A R eview of T raffic Incident D urati on A nalysisinciden t occu rrence and the ti m e that the first respon se team arrives at the inciden t scene .T h is ti m e no r m ally includes the verificati on ti m e .C learance ti m e is the ti m e peri od betw een the respon se team arrival ti m e and the inciden tclearance ti m e.F ig .1 Incident durati on and the componentsW hen dealing w ith an inciden t ,it is no t easy to distingu ish the exact ti m e that each stage starts .Fo r exam p le ,w hen it w as detected by the p atro l po lice ,an inciden t is reco rded at theclearance stage w ithou t having the respon se ti m e .Som eti m e ,the veh icle b reakdow n inciden t w as dealt w ith by the rescue com p any w ithou t being repo rted to the traffic con tro l cen tre o r the po lice .In these cases ,li m ited info r m ati on w as availab le to evaluate the inciden t du rati on s .T hese m ake theinciden tdu rati onanalysisandfo recastex trem ely com p licated .D rakopu lo s et al.(2001)set up the freew ay crash ti m eline (i.e .ti m e stam p )after analysing 2,819crashes w h ich occu rred on In terstate 94in M il w aukee Coun ty in the U SA .T he ti m eline is the ti m e that elap ses betw een successive even ts .In their study ,they found that the average crash du rati on w as 52.3m in .T he enfo rcem en t agency w as no tified 3.4m in after a crash ,and the first responding officer arrived at the crash scene 6.0m in later .T he am bu lance dispatcher w as no tified 5.1m in after the first responding officer arrived at the scene ,and the first am bu lance arrived at the scene 7.5m in later ,rem ained at the scene 20.9m in ,and arrived at the ho sp ital 10.9m in after it left the crash scene .T h is study found that the u se of m ob ile p hones to repo rt inciden ts has 3.4m inu tes .B efo re m ob ile phones w ere u sed w idely ,the average ti m e to no tify the enfo rcem en t agency w as esti m ated to be 5.2m in fo r the u rban crashes acro ss the U n ited States in 1990(Evanco ,1999).A no ther m ain finding of their research w as that the detecti on ti m e and the respon se ti m e w ere no t affectedbycrashand w eatherconditi on s .How ever ,they repo rted that the clearance ti m e w as statistically related to crash type ,crashseverity ,need fo r em ergency m edical services tran spo rt ,air bag dep loym en t ,ligh t conditi on ,m anner of co llisi on ,road conditi on ,num ber of in ju ries ,num ber of invo lved veh icles ,need fo r tow ing services ,and ex ten t of veh icle dam age .3 D istr ibution s of I nc iden t D ura tionIn last several decades ,m any studies have been carried ou t toesti m ate thestatisticaldistribu ti on of inciden t du rati on s .T h is distribu ti ongivesthetrafficm anageranindicati on of the average and variance of the inciden t du rati on .M o reover ,the p robab ility of theinciden t du rati oncan be calcu lated via param etric esti m ati on ,p rovided that a goodm athem atical descri p ti on of the distribu ti on isknow n .Go lob et al .(1987)analysed the du rati on s of theinciden tsinvo lvinglargetruck s ,anddem on strated that the acciden t du rati on fits a logno r m al distribu ti on .T he research w as based on the acciden t du rati on data ob tained from the Califo rn ia H ighw ay Patro l disp atch reco rds of acciden ts on freew ays in the greater L o s A ngeles area du ring a tw o -year peri od .In to tal ,332h ighw ay and 193ram p acciden ts w ere included inthe log .T hey arguedthatthe acciden t du rati oncom p rised m any differen t sequen tial stages ,each of w h ich m ay be influenced by the p receding activity .T hey stated that each inciden t m aycon sist of :1)detecti on ,2)in itial respon se ,3)em ergency m edical respon se (if requ ired ),4),()5)031交通运输系统工程与信息2005年6月acciden t investigati on,6)deb ris rem oval,7) cleanup,and8)recovery.T hey assum ed that the am oun t of ti m e requ ired fo r com p leti on of any sequence of activities directly influences the ti m e requ ired fo r sub sequen t activities.Fo r exam p le, the longer the inciden t detecti on ti m e,the m o re seri ou s the congesti on it m ay cau se,and thu s the m o re difficu lties to access the inciden t scene.B ased on th is assum p ti on,the m odel fo r the du rati on of the n th activity in the inciden t m anagem en t w as fo r m u lated as fo llow s(Go lob et al,1987):Y n-Y n-1=Z n Y n-1,Z n>0(1) w here,Y n is the ti m e of com p leti on of n th respon se activity,m easu red from the start of the inciden t;Z n is the random facto r that relates the du rati on of the n th activity to the cum u lative ti m e requ ired fo r p receding activities.T henY n=Y n-1(1+Z n)=Y n-2(1+Z n-1)(1+Z n)...=Y07n i=1(1+Z i)(2) o rY n=Y07n i=1W i(3) w hereW i=1+Z i W i>0o rln Y n=ln Y0+ln W1+ln W2+ (4)A cco rding to the Cen tral L i m it T heo rem,the sum of the ter m s on the righ t side of Equati on4 w ill be app rox i m ately no r m ally distribu ted. T herefo re,ln Y n is no r m ally distribu ted.T h is i m p lies that the to tal inciden t du rati on distribu ti on is logno r m al.T h is hypo thesis w as tested w ith the inciden t du rati on data.In th is test,332h ighw ay acciden ts and193ram p acciden ts w ere catego rized in to16 group s acco rding to the acciden t type and lane clo su re.T here w ere typ ically w ith12to57 acciden ts in each group.T he Ko l m ogo rov2Sm irnov test show ed that the inciden t du rati on fitted a logno r m al distribu ti on w ith sign ificance levels from0.31to0.99(Go lob et al.1987).In their research,the com parison w as m ade betw een logno r m al and log2un ifo r m distribu ti on.It show ed that the log2un ifo r m distribu ti on cou ld be rejected in half of all catego ries,w h ile logno r m al distribu ti on cou ld no t be rejected fo r all catego ries.T herefo re,they concluded that the acciden t du rati on fo r hom ogeneou s group s of acciden ts,w ou ld be log2no r m ally distribu ted.T h is study w as the first attem p t in p roviding the theo retical argum en t of the statistical distribu ti on of inciden t du rati on s.Since then,a grow ing num ber of researchers have conducted the analysis of inciden t du rati on s based on the logno r m ally distribu ted m odel.4 I nc iden t D ura tion M odelsIn the last several decades,m any m ethods have been developed to m odel the traffic inciden t du rati on.T hese m ethods include analysis of variance,regressi on,non-param etric regressi on,hazard2based m ethod,decisi on tree, and fuzzy logic,as described in th is secti on.4.1 Ana lysis of Var i anceGiu liano(1989)ex tended Go lob’s research by app lying a logno r m al distribu ti on in inciden t du rati on analysis.T he du rati on info r m ati on of the acciden ts sto red in the Califo rn ia H ighw ay Patro l(CH P)dispatch logs w as co llected from I -10F reew ay in L o s A ngeles,Califo rn ia,U S.A fter rem oving the inciden ts that either have incom p lete reco rds o r occu rred in the bad w eather,Giu liano found that the m ean du rati on of the rem ain ing inciden ts w as37m inu tes;the standard deviati on w as30m inu tes.M o reover,it w as found that the du rati on s of512inciden ts (270acciden ts,202veh icle b reakdow n inciden ts, and40o ther inciden ts)confo r m ed to a logno r m al distribu ti on,based on the resu lt of the Ko l m ogo rov2Sm irnov test w h ich show s that the131第3期A R eview of T raffic Incident D urati on A nalysissign ificance level of0.613.Sub sequen tly,the inciden ts w ere o rgan ised in to several catego ries acco rding to their characteristics.Fu rther Ko l m ogo rov-Sm irnov tests confir m ed that the hypo thesis cou ld no t be rejected,excep t fo r the catego ry of the veh icle b reakdow n inciden t o ther inciden t w ith no lane clo su re in dayti m e.It show s that the distribu ti on of inciden t du rati on of the m o st inciden t catego ries are logno r m al distribu ted.A fter the distribu ti on test,analysis of variance w as app lied by Giu liano(1989)to esti m ate the inciden t du rati on as a functi on of vari ou s indep enden t variab les such as inciden t type,ti m e of day of occu rrence,truck invo lvem en t,etc.T he differences betw een the variab les iden tified in the analysis of variance cou ld be u sed directly to estab lish app rop riate inciden t catego ries.Giu liano found that the facto rs affecting the inciden t du rati on w ere inciden t typ e,lane clo su re,ti m e of day,acciden t type and truck lvem en t.T he inciden t catego ries estab lished w ere based on the tests of sign ificance.T he analysis led to the developm en t of tw o m odels,one fo r all inciden ts(M odel I),and one fo r acciden ts(M odel II).T he th ree variab les defined fo r M odel I to esti m ate all inciden t du rati on s are inciden t type,lane clo su res,and ti m e of day.T he th ree variab les fo r M odel II to esti m ate acciden t du rati on s are acciden t typ e, ti m e of day and truck invo lvem en t.T he m ain resu lts and findings of th is research w ere as fo llow s.F irstly,the inciden t du rati on fits a logno r m al distribu ti on. Ko l m ogo rov-Sm irnov test show ed that a logno r m al distribu ti on fo r the inciden t du rati on data cou ld no t be rejected in m o st catego ries. Secondly,it show ed that the standard deviati on s w ere very large fo r all catego ries.T h irdly,the average du rati on of the n igh t2ti m e inciden ts w ere longer than that of the dayti m e inciden ts in each catego ry.Fou rth ly,lane2clo sing acciden ts generally have longer du rati on s than acciden ts w ith no lanes clo sed.How ever,the veh icle b reakdow n du rati on s are longer w hen no lanes w ere clo sed.F ifth ly,it show ed that truck invo lvem en t is a h igh ly sign ifican t facto r of the acciden t du rati on resu lting in sign ifican tly longer m ean du rati on and larger standard deviati on than the non2truck acciden ts.T he resu lts of the analysis of variance w ere u sed to generate the inciden t catego ries.T h is study did no t include inciden ts w ith truck invo lvem en t in the final catego ry generati on becau se of the relatively s m all num ber of th is k ind of acciden t(20of the270 acciden ts in the sam p le invo lving truck s).T h is m ay affect the perfo r m ance of the m odel.F inally, Giu liano show ed that acciden ts are a m ino r part of the en tire popu lati on of inciden ts w hereas veh icle b reakdow n is the m ain inciden t on m o to r w ays.A s m all reducti on in the du rati on s of veh icle b reakdow n inciden ts w ou ld sign ifican tly reduce the po ten tial hazard to the road u sers.Giu liano indicated a comm on p rob lem of ob tain ing com p lete and accu rate data in inciden t du rati on analysis.D ue to the difficu lty in getting access to po lice log reco rds fo r com p rehen sive info r m ati on of the inciden t characteristics and the du rati on data,a con siderab le num ber of inciden ts w ere excluded from the inciden t du rati on analysis.A s a resu lt,on ly270of295ob served acciden ts,202of519veh icle b reakdow n inciden ts,and40of62o ther inciden ts w ere u sed in the du rati on analysis.T he difficu lty of the data co llecti on leads to s m all sub2sam p le sizes w ith in each inciden t type.T h is cou ld m ake the resu lt un reliab le due to the s m all sam p le size.Su llivan(1997)developed a m odel, I M PA CT,to p redict the inciden t occu rrence and associated delays based on the assum p ti on that the inciden t du rati on fits a logno r m al distribu ti on.It had fou r sub2m odels,nam ely inciden t rate,inciden t severity,inciden t du rati on,and delay.M o st of the inciden t du rati on data ob tained from the database w as the231交通运输系统工程与信息2005年6月inciden t clearance ti m e.D ue to the li m ited num ber of inciden ts having the detecti on and respon se ti m e,in o rder to esti m ate the delay, Su llivan first esti m ated the average inciden t detecti on and respon se ti m e based on ano ther dataset w h ich con tained the to tal inciden t du rati on(Go lob et al.1987,Giu liano1989). T hen the average detecti on and respon se ti m es w ere added to the average clearance ti m e of the inciden ts.T he inciden ts w ere group ed in to several catego ries acco rding to inciden t typ e, m anagem en t system,and the locati on.T he average inciden t du rati on s in the catego ries are in the range of16and47w ith standard deviati on s betw een18and40.Sub sequen tly,th is m odel w as app lied to esti m ate the delay,bu t on ly rough esti m ates of the inciden t du rati on and the related delay w ere ach ieved.T h is study concluded that the inciden t du rati on sub-m odel shou ld be refined and validated to i m p rove its accu racy becau se the du rati on esti m ates w ere based on differen t datasets.T hey suggested that a comm on nati onal strategy fo r co llecting inciden t data is needed,acknow ledging that clearly defined standards of inciden t data co llecti on w as crucial to the success of their u se in fo recasting.4.2 Regression M ethodR egressi on m odels have been w idely u sed becau se of their effectiveness and si m p licity. Inciden t du rati on analysis invo lves m any independen t catego ry variab les as descri p to rs of the characteristics of an inciden t.W ang(1991)developed a regressi on m odel to p redict the inciden t clearance ti m e.T here w ere 121inciden ts u sed in th is research.A statistical test w as first carried ou t to iden tify the i m po rtance of the variab les.W ang found that there w ere9variab les that have strong relati on sh i p s w ith the dependen t variab le.T hey are as fo llow s:・Op erati onal facto rs:heavy w recker (W R ECKER),assistance from o ther respon se agencies(O TH ER),sand salt,pavem en t op erati on s(SAND);・Inciden t2typ e facto rs:num ber of heavy veh icles invo lved(N TRU CK),heavy loading (H EAV Y),liqu id o r uncovered b roken loadings in heavy veh icles(NON CON),severe in ju ries in veh icles(SEV I N J),freew ay facility dam age cau sed by inciden t(RD S I D E);・Environm en tal facto rs:ex trem e w eather conditi on s(W X).A ll these p aram eters are u sed in their inciden t du rati on linear regressi on m odel since they are statistically sign ifican t.Khattak et al.(1995)developed a ti m e sequen tial p rocedu re regressi on m odel.T he m erit of th is app roach is that it can be u sed w ith a few variab les at the earlier stage of the inciden t to esti m ate the inciden t du rati on and at later stages can be up dated w hen m o re info r m ati on is availab le.T he data of109inciden ts occu rred on freew ays in the Ch icago area over a peri od of tw o years and details w ere m ade availab le by the Illino is D epartm en t of T ran spo rtati on fo r th is research.Since the sam p le size w as s m all,the au tho rs carried ou t the data rep resen tativeness test befo re m odelling.T he sam p le w as com pared w ith the data from the Ch icago A rea Exp ress w ay A nnual R epo rt,w h ich reco rded all the detected inciden ts on freew ays in the Ch icago area.T he resu lts show ed that there w ere no strong b iases in the sam p le data set in ter m s of h ighw ay facility locati on s,occu rrence ti m es and w eather conditi on s.T herefo re,the sam p le cou ld be u sed to rep resen t the characteristics of the inciden ts occu rring in the Ch icago area.T he p aram eters u sed in the m odel are as fo llow s:・Inciden t characteristics including inciden t typ e(acciden t,veh icle b reakdow n),veh icle type (ligh t,heavy),num ber of veh icles invo lved, in ju ries and fatalities,and state p roperty dam age.・R espon se and op erati onal facto rs including the respon se ti m e,num ber of rescue veh icles,331第3期A R eview of T raffic Incident D urati on A nalysisw hether a heavy w recker w as needed if sanding salting w as needed becau se of a sp ill ice on the p avem en t and w hether o ther agencies such as m edical services and ow ners of the veh icles invo lved p roviding assistance.・Environm en tal conditi on s,such as w eather and visib ility.・L ocati on characteristics,such as the locati on w here the inciden t occu rred and distance from the city cen tre.・Seasonal facto rs such as m on th of the year.・F low conditi on s as reflected in ti m e of day and day of the w eek variab les.・M o to rist info r m ati on cap tu red,and w hether o r no t inciden t info r m ati on w as dissem inated.T he ti m e sequen tial inciden t du rati on m odel w as based on the sequen tial acqu isiti on(and decay)of inciden t2related info r m ati on over the inciden t du rati on.F irst,the m odel iden tifies the inciden t stages on the availab ility of info r m ati on du ring the inciden t.A t the in itial stage,w hen an inciden t is first repo rted, no r m ally little info r m ati on is know n.D u ring the sub sequen t stages,m o re and m o re info r m ati on is availab le,and con sequen tly better p redicti on s can be m ade.Secondly,certain p revi ou sly acqu ired info r m ati on cou ld later becom e irrelevan t in p redicting the rem ain ing inciden t du rati on s,and cou ld be rem oved from m odelling.T he ti m e sequen tial p rocedu re p rovides successively m o re and m o re accu rate inciden t du rati on p redicti on s du ring an inciden t m anagem en t p rocess.T he au tho rs found that the m o st i m po rtan t variab les deter m in ing the inciden t du rati on w ere inciden t characteristics,such as inciden t typ e,severity, etc.Garib et al.(1997)u sed205inciden ts, co llected from a7.3-m ile secti on on In tersecti on 880in A lam eda Coun ty,O ak land,Califo rn ia, U SA,to develop a regressi on m odel fo r the inciden t du rati on p redicti on.In their research,it w as found that the du rati on s of the inciden ts fitted a logno r m al distribu ti on.Garib et al.also found that the po lice respon se ti m e is the m o st sign ifican t facto r.O ther i m po rtan t facto rs include w eather conditi on s,ti m e of day,truck invo lvem en t,the num ber of veh icles invo lved and the num ber of lanes affected.In terestingly,they found that inciden t du rati on w as sho rter in rainy w eather conditi on s than in dry w eather conditi on s based on the data u sed.How ever,the au tho rs did no t validate the m odel in th is research. Fu rther m o re,due to the exact start ti m e and the end ti m e of the inciden t w ere no t know n as a resu lt of the li m itati on of the data co llecti on,the ob served inciden t du rati on w as co rrected u sing a special algo rithm.T h is m ay reduce the accu racy of the m odel esti m ati on.Cohen and N ouveliere(1997)developed a linear regressi on m odel to p redict the du rati on s of inciden ts on the u rban exp ress w ay in F rance.T he inciden t data w as ex tracted from the inciden t log reco rded by the po lice.In to tal,1132inciden ts w ere u sed in the research.T he au tho rs found that the inciden t data w as no t reliab le becau se there w ere m any erro rs and m issing data in the database.T here w ere10variab les con sidered in th is m odelling w o rk such as m echan ical p rob lem, in ju ry,lo rries invo lved,acciden t,fire b rigades and o r m edical help,m o to rb ike invo lved, inciden t on in terchange o r on ram p s,respon se ti m e fo r the first help,num ber of passenger-cars invo lved and peri od of traffic.T he residual resu lt of their research is show n in F igu re2.T he pap er did no t give exp lanati on as to w hy the m odel failed to p redict acciden t du rati on s less than abou t11m inu tes.M o reover,the au tho rs po in ted ou t that it is very i m po rtan t to co llect reliab le,exhau stive and p recise data fo r inciden t du rati on analysis.4.3 Nonparam etr ic Regression M ethodR ecen tly,nonparam etric regressi on m ethods have been app lied to inciden t du rati on m odelling.A n advan tage of th is app roach is that it does no t431交通运输系统工程与信息2005年6月。

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3. 行车安全政策事故统计的应用分析那些假设的基础上描述的测试程序的类型及其优点。
























4. 事故分析研究目的交通安全的研究是有关的事故及其后果的发生。




















POSSIBILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF ACCIDENTANALYSISKeyword:Consequences; purposes; describe; Limitations; concerned; Accident Analysis; possibilitiesAbstraet:Accident statistics, especially collected at a national level are particularly useful for the description, monitoring and prognosis of accident developments, the detection of positive and negative safety developments, the definition of safety targets and the (product) evaluation of long term and large scale safety measures. The application of accident analysis is strongly limited for problem analysis, prospective and retrospective safety analysis on newly developed traffic systems or safety measures, as well as for (process) evaluation of special short term and small scalesafety measures. There is an urgent need for the analysis of accidents in real time, in combination with background behavioural research. Automatic incident detection, combined with video recording of accidents may soon result in financially acceptable research. This type of research may eventually lead to a better understanding of the concept of risk in traffic and to well-established theories.1. Introduction.This paper is primarily based on personal experience concerning traffic safety, safety research and the role of accidents analysis in this research. These experiences resulted in rather philosophical opinions as well as more practical viewpoints on research methodology and statistical analysis. A number of these findings are published already elsewhere.From this lack of direct observation of accidents, a number of methodological problems arise, leading to continuous discussions about the interpretation of findings that cannot be tested directly. For a fruitful discussion of these methodological problems it is very informative to look at a real accident on video. It then turns out that most of the relevant information used to explain the accident will be missing in the accident record. In-depth studies also cannot recollect all the data that is necessary in order to test hypotheses about the occurrence of the accident.For a particularcar-car accident, that was recorded on video at an urban intersection in the Netherlands, between a car coming from a minor road, colliding with a car on the major road, the following questions could be asked:Why did the driver of the car coming from the minor road, suddenly accelerate after coming almost to a stop and hit the side of the car from the left at the main road? Why was the approaching car not noticed? Was it because the driver was preoccupied with the two cars coming from the right and the gap before them that offered him the possibility to cross? Did he look left before, but was his view possibly blocked by the green van parked at the corner? Certainly the traffic situation was not complicated. At the moment of the accident there were no bicyclists or pedestrians present to distract his attention at the regularly overcrowded intersection. The parked green van disappeared within five minutes, thetwo other cars that may have been important left without a trace. It is hardly possible to observe traffic behaviour under the most relevant condition of an accident occurring, because accidents are very rare events, given the large number of trips. Given the new video equipment and the recent developments in automatic incident and accident detection, it becomes more and more realistic to collect such data at not too high costs. Additional to this type of data that is most essential for a good understanding of the risk increasing factors in traffic, it also important to look at normal traffic behaviour as a reference base. The question about the possibilities and limitations of accident analysis is not lightly answered. We cannot speak unambiguously about accident analysis. Accident analysis covers a whole range of activities, each originating from a different background and based on different sources of information: national data banks, additional information from other sources, specially collected accident data, behavioural background data etc. To answer the question about the possibilities and limitations, we first have to look at the cycle of activities in the area of traffic safety. Some of these activities are mainly concerned with the safety management of the traffic system, some others are primarily research activities.The following steps should be distinguished:- detection of new or remaining safety problems;- description of the problem and its main characteristics;- the analysis of the problem, its causes and suggestions for improvement;- selection and implementation of safety measures;- evaluation of measures taken.Although this cycle can be carried out by the same person or group of persons, the problem has a different (political/managerial or scientific) background at each stage. We will describe the phases in which accident analysis is used. It is important to make this distinction. Many fruitless discussions about the method of analysis result from ignoring this distinction. Politicians, or road managers are not primarily interested in individual accidents. From their perspective accidents are often treated equally, because the total outcome is much more important than the whole chain ofevents leading to each individual accident. Therefore, each accident counts as one and they add up all together to a final safety result.Researchers are much more interested in the chain of events leading to an individual accident. They want to get detailed information about each accident, to detect its causes and the relevant conditions. The politician wants only those details that direct his actions. At the highest level this is the decrease in the total number of accidents. The main source of information is the national database and its statistical treatment. For him, accident analysis is looking at (subgroups of) accident numbers and their statistical fluctuations. This is the main stream of accident analysis as applied in the area of traffic safety. Therefore, we will first describe these aspects of accidents.2. The nature of accidents and their statistical characteristics.The basic notion is that accidents, whatever there cause, appear according to a chance process. Two simple assumptions are usually made to describe this process for (traffic) accidents:- the probability of an accident to occur is independent from the occurrence of previousaccidents;-the occurrence of accidents is homogeneous in time.If these two assumptions hold, then accidents are Poisson distributed. The first assumption does not meet much criticism. Accidents are rare events and therefore not easily influenced by previous accidents. In some cases where there is a direct causal chain (e.g. , when a number of cars run into each other) the series of accidents may be regarded as one complicated accident with many cars involved.The assumption does not apply to casualties. Casualties are often related to the same accident and therefore the independency assumption does not hold. The second assumption seems less obvious at first sight. The occurrence of accidents through time or on different locations are not equally likely. However, the assumption need not hold over longtime periods. It is a rather theoretical assumption in its nature. If it holds for short periods of time, then it also holds for long periods, because the sum of Poisson distributed variables, even if their Poisson rates are different, is also Poisson distributed. The Poisson rate for the sum of these periods is then equal to the sum of the Poisson rates for these parts.The assumption that really counts for a comparison of (composite) situations, is whether two outcomes from an aggregation of situations in time and/or space, have a comparable mix of basic situations. E.g. , the comparison of the number of accidents on one particular day of the year, as compared to another day (the next day, or the same day of the next week etc.). If the conditions are assumed to be the same (same duration, same mix of traffic and situations, same weather conditions etc.) then the resulting numbers of accidents are the outcomes of the same Poisson process. This assumption can be tested by estimating the rate parameter on the basis of the two observed values (the estimate being the average of the two values). Probability theory can be used to compute the likelihood of the equality assumption, given the two observations and their mean. This statistical procedure is rather powerful. The Poisson assumption is investigated many times and turns out to be supported by a vast body of empirical evidence. It has been applied in numerous situations to find out whether differences in observed numbers of accidents suggest real differences in safety. The main purpose of this procedure is to detect differences in safety. This may be a difference over time, or between different places or between different conditions. Such differences may guide the process of improvement. Because the main concern is to reduce the number of accidents, such an analysis may lead to the most promising areas for treatment. A necessary condition for the application of such a test is, that the numbers of accidents to be compared are large enough to show existing differences. In many local cases an application is not possible. Accident black-spot analysis is often hindered by this limitation, e.g., if such a test is applied to find out whether the number of accidents at a particular location is higher than average. The procedure described can also be used if the accidents are classified according to a number of characteristics to find promising safety targets. Not only with aggregation, but alsowith disaggregation the Poisson assumption holds, and the accident numbers can be tested against each other on the basis of the Poisson assumptions. Such a test is rather cumbersome, because for each particular case, i.e. for each different Poisson parameter, the probabilities for all possible outcomes must be computed to apply the test. In practice, this is not necessary when the numbers are large. Then the Poisson distribution can be approximated by a Normal distribution, with mean and variance equal to the Poisson parameter. Once the mean value and the variance of a Normal distribution are given, all tests can be rephrased in terms of the standard Normal distribution with zero mean and variance one. No computations are necessary any more, but test statistics can be drawn from tables.3. The use of accident statistics for traffic safety policy.The testing procedure described has its merits for those types of analysis that are based on the assumptions mentioned. The best example of such an application is the monitoring of safety for a country or region over a year, using the total number of accidents (eventually of a particular type, such as fatal accidents), in order to compare this number with the outcome of the year before. If sequences of accidents are given over several years, then trends in the developments can be detected and accident numbers predicted for following years. Once such a trend is established, then the value for the next year or years can be predicted, together with its error bounds. Deviations from a given trend can also be tested afterwards, and new actions planned. The most famous one is carried out by Smeed 1949. We will discuss this type of accident analysis in more detail later.1. The application of the Chi-square test for interaction is generalised to higher order classifications. Foldvary and Lane (1974), in measuring the effect of compulsory wearing of seat belts, were among the first who applied the partitioning of the total Chi-square in values for the higher order interactions of four-way tables.2. Tests are not restricted to overall effects, but Chi-square values can be decomposed regarding sub-hypotheses within the model. Also in the two-way table, the total Chisquare can be decomposed into interaction effects of part tables. Theadvantage of 1. and 2. over previous situations is, that large numbers of Chi-square tests on many interrelated (sub)tables and corresponding Chi-squares were replaced by one analysis with an exact portioning of one Chi-square.3. More attention is put to parameter estimation. E.g., the partitioning of theChi-square made it possible to test for linear or quadratic restraints on therow-parameters or for discontinuities in trends.4. The unit of analysis is generalised from counts to weighted counts. This is especially advantageous for road safety analyses, where corrections for period of time, number of road users, number of locations or number of vehicle kilometres is often necessary. The last option is not found in many statistical packages. Andersen 1977 gives an example for road safety analysis in a two-way table. A computer programme WPM, developed for this type of analysis of multi-way tables, is available at SWOV (see: De Leeuw and Oppe 1976). The accident analysis at this level is not explanatory. It tries to detect safety problems that need special attention. The basic information needed consists of accident numbers, to describe the total amount of unsafety, and exposure data to calculate risks and to find situations or (groups of) road users with a high level of risk.4. Accident analysis for research purposes.Traffic safety research is concerned with the occurrence of accidents and their consequences. Therefore, one might say that the object of research is the accident. The researchers interest however is less focused at this final outcome itself, but much more at the process that results (or does not result) in accidents. Therefore, it is better to regard the critical event in traffic as his object of study. One of the major problems in the study of the traffic process that results in accidents is, that the actual occurrence is hardly ever observed by the researcher.Investigating a traffic accident, he will try to reconstruct the event from indirect sources such as the information given by the road users involved, or by eye-witnesses, about the circumstances, the characteristics of the vehicles, the road and the drivers. As such this is not unique in science, there are more examples of an indirect study of11 11the object of research. However, a second difficulty is, that the object of research cannot be evoked. Systematic research by means of controlled experiments is only possible for aspects of the problem, not for the problem itself.The combination of indirect observation and lack of systematic control make it very difficult for the investigator to detect which factors, under what circumstances cause an accident. Although the researcher is primarily interested in the process leading to accidents, he has almost exclusively information about the consequences, the product of it, the accident. Furthermore, the context of accidents is complicated. Generally speaking, the following aspects can be distinguished:- Given the state of the traffic system, traffic volume and composition, the manoeuvres of the road users, their speeds, the weather conditions, the condition of the road, the vehicles, the road users and their interactions, accidents can or cannot be prevented.- Given an accident, also depending on a large number of factors, such as the speed and mass of vehicles, the collision angle, the protection of road users and their vulnerability, the location of impact etc., injuries are more or less severe or the material damage is more or less substantial. Although these aspects cannot be studied independently, from a theoretical point of view it has advantages to distinguish the number of situations in traffic that are potentially dangerous, from the probability of having an accident given such a potentially dangerous situation and also from the resulting outcome, given a particular accident.This conceptual framework is the general basis for the formulation of risk regarding the decisions of individual road users as well as the decisions of controllers at higher levels. In the mathematical formulation of risk we need an explicit description of our probability space, consisting of the elementary events (the situations) that may result in accidents, the probability for each type of event to end up in an accident, and finally the particular outcome, the loss, given that type of accident.A different approach is to look at combinations of accident characteristics, to find critical factors. This type of analysis may be carried out at the total group of12accidents or at subgroups. The accident itself may be the unit of research, but also a road, a road location, a road design (e.g. a roundabout) etc.13 13。
