20国际营销 英文版 课件 (15)




Channel-of-Distribution Structures 2 of 5
Import-Oriented Distribution Structure
• Importer controls fixed supply of goods
• Limited supply sold at high price to small group of customers • Demand for products exceeds supply • Market penetration and mass distribution not necessary
• Japanese system changing
• U.S. government’s Structural Impediments Initiative, deregulation, Walmart causing some changes
• Ultimately, local merchants must demand quality products and competitive and fair prices
• Ideally, company will control or be involved in process through various channel members to final consumer
• Selection of middlemen a high priority
Exhibit 15.3 International Channel-ofDistribution Alternatives
Channel-of-Distribution Structures 5 of 5

International Marketing 国际市场营销 课件

International Marketing  国际市场营销 课件

The existence of lucrative markets in foreign countries Saturated ( 饱 和 的 ) markets in the home country Response to incoming competitive activity
Further reasons for firms becoming involved in international marketing (1)Today, new product development typically requires so much expenditure that in many cases firms intending to introduce new products must adopt an international perspective. (2)The higher turnover derived from international sales might enable a firm to initiate new product research and development that in the long term will give it a competitive edge. (3)Corporate plans can be anchored (v. 抛 锚 、 锚 定 ) against a wider range of (international) opportunities.
亚洲: 欧洲: 非洲: 拉丁美洲: 北美洲: 大洋洲: 南极洲: 大西洋: 太平洋: 印度洋: 北冰洋:
Asia Europe Africa Latin America/South America North America Oceania Antarctica Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean



• 1.2 The Concepts of International Marketing
• 1.3 Related International Economic Organizations
与国际市场营销相关的国 际经济组织
1.1The Concepts of Marketing
Technological factors
• 社会文化因素 • 科技因素
protection laws
Taxation policyΒιβλιοθήκη Employment laws
Government policy
1.1.2. Marketing philosophy
• a way of organizing and controlling marketing. The whole philosophy of marketing is changing. Previously, marketing involved creating a demand for a specific product or service. That approach is obsolete. Today marketers must interact with the market, determine what products and services are needed, and supply enough information to the market about those products so that the products find their own market.



Learning Objective 15-1
Discuss how the international trade system and the economic, political-legal, and cultural environments affect a company’s international marketing decisions.
– Avoid expensive and embarrassing mistakes – Take advantage of cross-cultural opportunities
Impact of Marketing Strategy on Cultures
KFC has become one of Japan’s leading Christmas dining traditions.
International Trade System (2 of 2)
Because of nontariff obstacles, Walmart recently suspended its once ambitious plans to expand into India.
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Consumer lifestyles, beliefs, and values Business norms and approaches Cultural and social norms Languages
Geographic Characteristics
Climate Country size Population density—urban, rural Transportation structure and market accessibility



Marketing Promotion
内容简介 Learning Objectives
1. The changing face of U.S. business 2. The scope of the international marketing task
3. The increasing importance of global awareness
风险大, 难度大 Higher Risk and More Difficulties
1.2 国际市场营销与国际贸易
International Marketing & International Trade
国际贸易: 国家之间有形产品与无形服务的交换活动
Exchange of the visible products and invisible services among the nations 国与国之间分工的结果
Outcome of the International Labor Division
What are in common for the both?
Business Purpose: Earning profit 交换对象:商品和劳务
Marketing and International Marketing
Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and wue with others.



Sociocultural Environment
• Sociocultural environmrnt 1) high persistence core cultural
values 2) existence of subcultures 3) shift of secondary cultural values through time
Economic Environment
I The economic environment for marketing comprises the overall economy
II It includes: Business cycles Spending patterns Consumer income issues
• It provides important opportunities to improve customer value
Prosperity production employment demand
Recession production employment demand
Recovery production employment demand
• Consumer Income It influences whether or not consumers 6
• Business cycles and Spending patterns Spending patterns are linked to the
business cycle. The level of business activity that moves from prosperity to recession, to recovery.



The means by which a company communicates its value proposition to customers This includes advertising, public relationships, sales promotion, and personal selling
Marketing Overview
Definition of Marketing
Marketing Definition
The process of creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers through the satisfaction of their needs and wants
Product differentiation
Market Segmentation
Developing unique features or services that differentiate a product from its competitors
Targeting specific customer groups with products that meet their unique needs
It helps businesses identify the most profitable target market and develop marketing strategies that are detailed to the specific needs and preferences of that market segment



CH11. Definition of MarketingMarketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. 2. Core Concepts of Marketinga. Target Markets &Segmentationb. Needs, Wants, and Demandsc. Product or offeringd. Value and satisfactione. Exchange and Transactionsf. Relationships and networksg. Marketing channelsh. Supply Chaini. Competitionj. Marketing Environment 3、 Simple Marketing SystemIndustryMarket(a collection of sellers ) a collection of buyers )4. Company Orientations(导向) Towards the Marketplace(1)production concept 生产导向 expand resources→ Consumers prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive daily commodities (生活须品) (成本) (价格) (2)product Concept 产品导向 research development ,innovation→ Consumers favor products that offer the most quality, performance or Innovative features.(reliability ) (speed )Risky(3)selling concept 销售导向 advertise, promote sales→ Consumers will buy products only if the company aggressively promotes/sells theseproducts. (4)marketing concept 市场导向→ focuses on needs/wants of target markets&delivering value better than Competitors 5. Customer Delivered Value(a ) the Selling conceptStarting point focus means ends(b ) the marketing Concept6. Evolving Views of Marketing’s roleprofits through sales volume selling and promotionExisting products Factoryprofits through customer satisfactionIntegrated marketingcustomer needss Marketa Marketing as an equal function b. Marketing as more important function. ProductionC.Marketing as the major function d . The customer as the Controlling factor other sections need to Serve for Marketing and achieve the marketing needse. The customer as the Controlling function and marketing as the integrative function.project manager 项目经理→Solve Customer’s problems and Contact the customers 7. need 、want 、 demandneed: basic requirements for people’s survival ( food, clothes ) want: more advanced/specific requirements (coke, KFC )demand: not only specific requirements but also the ability of payment 8. The Four Ps The Four Cs Marketing Mix (营销组合)【Combination of techniques and skills and marketing condition 】➢ Product →Customer Solution (not only Consider the quality, performance, features ofproducts but also brand, related service)➢Price→定价cost of production, profits, demand, competitors.➢Promotion→specific methods used to push customers to buy product(gifts. discount, Coupon)give stimulators➢place→move the product from the manufacturer➢where we buy→retailers (distribution channels), where the market locatedThe Four Cs➢Convenience for place➢Customer Solution products + services➢Customer Cost customers are more likely to but Products with more convenience➢Communication for Promotion information about the product, company, promotional information(benefits)though media, face-to-face communications9. Customer Satisfactioncustomer Satisfaction →value →benefit ÷cost①increase the benefits and reduce the costs at the same time→technology changeiphone, car②increase the benefits reserve the cost steady at the same time→手机、加量不如价③reserve the benefits and reduce the costs at the same time→促销(New Arrival)④increase the benefits by more than increasing the cost→iphone Plus⑤reduce the cost by more than reducing the benefits10.transaction 交易five Conditions must be satisfied to achieve transaction①at least two parties②each party must have something valve to the other party③each party is capable of the ability of communication and delivery④each party believes appropriate or desirable to deal with other parties→both of them canbenefit from the transaction not a zero Sum game but a win-win gameone winner one loser⑤each party is free to accept or reject the exchange and offer→not much interference(government)11.Scope of market10 terms of entity can be marketeda)Goods产品(physical goods实物)b)Service 服务(insurance, security, medication)c)idea (innovation, creation, new tech, small company with technology sell itself)d)persons (组织人)e)information→Culture related products→movief)property→expensive product(real property不动产house, building)real estate 房地产(persuade to buy real property)financial property(stock、bound债秀、future期货)g)experience体验→theme park、翔伞、真人CSh)event→Olympic games, Expo, Shows, trade fairi)place→scenic sports, cities, countries (investment)j)organization→(universities, hospital,museum)12.Four levels of Competition1)brand competition→company Sees the competitors as other companies offering same products or Services to the Same customers at similar prices大众Vs丰田top and second in sales, same level of salesprice花冠、高夫w迈腾-suv途锐in2)industrial competition→company Sees the competitors as all companies that make the same products 大众VS宝马VS奔驰VS起亚all provide cars, how to compete with othersdesign a new model 向上→辉腾向下→高尔夫(cheap)多品牌竞争大众(斯科达、西雅特)宝马BMW斯莱斯(奥迪、宾利)mini cooper(兰博尼、布加迪)3)form competition→company sees the competitors as all the companies that supply the same services 大众→transportation→motor bike BMW produces motor bike本田、雅马哈、川崎摩托车4)generic Competition→company sees the competitors as all the companies that compete for the same customers'dollars大众→people→same sun of money 10万(car/house/travel)CH2 Winning Markets: Market-Oriented Strategic planning1.market-oriented strategic planningachieve profits and growth➢objectives→start from the Head office to each division➢resources→money, human resources, capital., raw material.(skilled workers, basic labor)Relations, technology resources, place resources➢skills→Special methods will be used or applied to achieve or realize the objectives➢opportunity→policy(reform and opening up, e-car, government Support, diplomatic relationship)Japanese cars→USA(economical)oil crisisbusiness unit业务单位2.objectivesCorporate and division strategic planningbusiness unit planningthe marketing processproject level planningthe marketing plan3.Strategic-Planning, Implementation and Control ProcessPlanning Implementation Control4.Define the corporate mission→What shoud be done for the company*values: culture of company*competitive Scopes:a)industry Scope→industry or range of the industry in which the company operate美的→家电领城(白色)索尼→电子产品奥克斯空调→车b)products and application scope→the product that company will supply富士康OEM provides services for big companyc)Competence scope竞争力→know the range of technology and other core competence董明珠→空调、电池NEC→TV、laptopapple→iOS, Chips, designingd)market Segment Scope→the type of market or the customersthe company will serve→group of the customers sharing same similaritybased on education, income, age…phones→income,age,sexe)vertical scope 垂直范围→the company have the number of channellevels from raw materials to final products and distnbution→Start with one Company and end in another companyDesigning, manufacturing, resembling, distributingonly cover one industry that they have advantage in apple: design, marketing, never produce raw material, never resemble productsf)geographical scope→range of regions and countries in which the company will operaterestaurant→local5.Establishing Strategic Business Units(SBU)建立战略义务单位*three characteristics of SBU①It’s the Single business, which is separated from the rest of the companyBMW -lots of sections, but it has different business unitsSBU- motorbike②It has it’s own Competitorsmotorbikes of BMW VS雅哈…→摩托③It has its own manager who is responsible for strategic planningand profit, performance管宝马摩托的经理与管宝马汽车的经理是平级的*Sign分配how to sign the resources?to the business unitsin order tohead office must evaluate the performance, profit, potential of the business unit.(重点)The Boston consulting Group's Growth Share Matrix矩阵Question Mark➢high market growth rate and low market share➢most business units Start from question mark➢need a lot of money, investment, resources to develop its market shareexpand the production→buy more machines, raw materials, hire more employees, build more factories➢result: not sure they have to think hard whether to continue to pour their money into this or not●Stars(不一定赚钱,甚至还需要继续投资) most shining ones 最需要钱→are the leaders of high market growth rate and high market share→Star was question mark oncealways show great performance in both growth market&market share*Where star makes money?Star不定赚钱公司要继续砸钱以保持优越Star doesn’t necessarily make a profit, the company still need to continuously pour the cash (money)to reserve the high growth rate&market share●Cash Cow最赚钱impossible to develop quickly→is the former star of slow growth rate and the largest market share→produce a lot of cash for the company*why?1)the largest market share2)higher profit rate利润率→pays the company’s bills Income heavily rely on cash cowit supports"other business units●Dogs不赚钱,甚到还会亏→are business units with weak market share→in low growth market maybe from cash Cow or question marks→make low profits or even lossSpecific Strategies for each sale (不是一一对比,一个sale可用1-2个strategy)(a)build the object of build strategy is to increase the market share even giving up short-term earning if that purpose of achieving.it is necessary→always need large investmentappropriate for question Marks/ Stars until it becomes star饿了么滴滴、支付宝红包、微信摇一摇→billions dollars for marketing(b)hold to preserve market shareSuitable for strong cash cow→mate sure it can continuouslyAchieve positive cash flow foreign language training young students’ study(c)harvest increase the short-term cash flow regardless of the long-term effect, make sure to make money within a short period of time→don’t care about the futuremaximize the use of the final profitwithdraw the business and get money back quickly reduce the cost input成本下降利润上升→cast flow reboostedSuitable for dog, question mark, weak cash cow马自达内置差一点,价格降一半4)divest剥夺放弃to sell the business because the resources can be better used elsewhere sell stars, question marks to Small company诸基亚手机大公司垃圾是小公司的宝贝Product Life Grade Theory (three stages)(USA→always new products)1) new product Stagenew product will only be produced and sold in the United States because of lag:A. imitation lag 模仿滞后(it takes time for another country to make similar product, long time to copy or imitate train employees)B. demand lag 需求滞后(they have no idea about the product. It takes time to develop a market and create demand)2)maturing stageexport this new product to other developed countries (similar market Condition→income, interest, habit)make the same product in Eu and Japan, sell them to the local market→production cost, transportation cost, better local servicelocalization export↓try to buy the same product from other developed countries→economic choice, manufacture advantages3)standardized stageeven the developing countries can make the same product, have quality control, more manufacture to developing countriesgive up manufacture and buy products*How does the USA reserve its advantage in export? Innovation.CH3 Analyzing Consumer Markets and Buying Behavior**Buying Behavior: Study how individuals and groups, organizationsSelect, buy, we, and dispose of goods, services, ideas or experiences tosatisfy their needs and desires. 1. Simple Response Model (external 外部)↓ ↓sales promotion: discount internal decision advertising based on personalities reference group age, gender government)①Economic : policy →exchange rateRevaluation of RMB →buy abroadDevaluation of RMB →buy domestic products 贸战②IT →buy online(不针对某品)③political: 萨德,中韩关系break of the relationship④Cultural: culture -related productsHollywood movies, KFC, MCCultural Factors1. Culture is the most foundamental determination of the people’s behavior.When a child grow up in the USA, he/she is exposed to these cultural values: freedom, achievement and success individualism ……(1)freedom : independence (leave family earlier than in China )right(do sth. freely ) (2)achievement and success: how much contribution you can make to the society(3)individualism: emphasize on individual characters and seek more individual benefits or rights(4)efficiency and practicability: 效率和实践性trying is encouraged深圳速度→efficiency(5)material comfort物质享受(6)humanitarianism人道主义2. Subculture→each culture consists of smaller subcultures that provide morespecific identification and socialization for their membersnationality国籍racial groups种族geographical region地理位置在美中国人→餐饮、IT黑人→taxi driver白人→businessdo similar things3.Social class→are relatively homogeneous and divisionalthey are hierarchically or deal and their members share similar valves, interests and behavior, show distinct products and brand preference→income, education and occupationPeople in the USA are divided into 7 cases.1)Top class: “upper upper”less than 1%of USA’s population→Social elites who live on inherited wealth, they give large sums to charity and maintain more than one home. They send their children to top Schools.This small group serves as a reference group for others.标杆make contribution to the country表率作用how much you donate this year2)“lower lower":more than 7% of the population→people on welfare, visible poverty, Usually out of work and some of them are uninterested in finding a permanent work. most depend on the charity, social aid for income→jobless people, don’t like to workbeg restaurant for basic food, sleep in the park3)lower upperPeople coming up from the middle class who have earned high income or wealth through professions (professional sills→lawyers, dentists, scientists, engineers)or business, they tend to be active in Social and civic affairs.They buy status symbol products (top brands)and hope to be accepted in the “upper upper”about 2% very rich or powerful in politics施瓦辛格→加州州长4)”middle class”: about 32%, average pay, white and blue collar workersthey often buy -popular products (普通商品not very expensive)to keep up with the trend. they believe in spending more money on experiences for their children and aiming them towards college educationWorking class4. personal influence①age and family life Cycle Stage②lifestyle③occupation→economic circumstance④personality& self-concept5. Maslow's Hierarchy of NeedsSelf-actualization(setf-development and realization)→top class already achieve recognition Esteem needs(self-esteem,recognition)→receive more respect,recognition(donate,buy, luxuries) Social needs(Sense of belonging, love)→学生不买车买衣服书Reflect social status, buy things belong to the group Safety needs(security-protection)→qualityPsychological needs(food, water, shelter)→quantityCH4 Marketing Channels1. What is marketing channels?→refers to the middle man or intermediaries who are involved in the process of moving the products to the buyers and customers.2. two groups of channels1) merchants→deeply involved in buying and selling. They have to buy the products first and then resell. They have the title(ownership) of goods. They make money by price difference.e.g.: distributor 经销商Whole seller批发商retailer零售商exporter →distributor wholesaler →retailer →Individual customers(生产商)middlemanprice increases a lot2) agents→they do not need to buy the products first, they just help the exporter Search for customers and negotiate with the customers on behalf of the manufacturer.Conclude the deal/ transaction达成交易make money by commission(佣金) given by exporterpercent of the total valuese.g.: broker经纪人→use client’s money find business opportunitymanufacturer’s representativessales agent代理商Q: What kind of the product need relatively longer/ shorter channels?Consuming products 消费品→个人longerindustrial products工业品→公司shorter价格敏感、时间宝费→reduce channels3. advantages of marketing channels1)saving exporter’s money and time→if they want to sell products by themselves, they need to establish large Sales department, hire people which need money2) increasing the sales→sell through channels can achieve more sales because they are professionals. local channels know more about the market3) transferring more attention to manufacturer’s main business→manufact→Save all resources on manufact which they are good at and have advantage, same input different output4) improving the service→the channels can provide better service (presell and aftersell)near the customers and know well宝马→4s店→修车4.jobs and functions of agents1) gather information about the potential and current customers2) develop communication to stimulate the purchasing3) reach an agreement on price and other terms, help manufacturer and buyer conclude a dealcontract, delivery, payment, Insurance4) place orders(下订单)with manufacturer5) finance inventory at different levels 库存管理6)provide service of storage and transportation7) provide for buyer’s payment and bills8) oversee监管the extra transfer of ownership from one organization to another5. Commission for agents*On what kind of circumstance the percentage is big/small?Large, long- term order低many competitors →make Compromisesmall, Short-term order高△del credere→payment6. main considerations for agent selection1) make sure the potential agents are respectable businessmen(good business reputation)2)make sure the potential agents have their own resources to access the customers and government3) make sure the potential agents have well-developed facilities to achieve the goals.经营场所premise,location,places of the business→close to customers(office, well decoration, good transportation)good image vehicle5)make sure the potential agents have a long-term interest in handling exporter’s productswilling to sell the product for a long time very risky, expensive (find, confirm) to frequently change agents potential→affect the image7. different kinds of merchants in the market1) distributor direct buyers on manufacturer, given special rights→top level in channel system excusive selling nighty独家经销商≠专卖店in the specific area, this distributor can controlthe sales, other people have to buy from the distributorfirst and then resell2) consignment distributor委托经销商not necessary for consignment distributor to arrange the payment immediately for the goods they bought, pay after successfully selling them lower risk, arrange payment partially(→more troubles for exporters: more paperwork, but higher profits3) import house进口商行Complete transaction 交易not regular buyer,only buy the products when receiving an order help the customer to purchase4) state-buying organizationstate-owned corporationlarge buying quantitygiven special nights and licensescontrol the exporting and importing in specific areasbuy products through these corporation5)wholesaler批发商large buyer, buy products directly from the exporter if there is no distributorlarge quantity and sell to retailer零售商hope to become distributor6) retailer零售商much bigger than any wholesalere.g. Supermarket Chain store沃尔玛buy from wholesaler or directly from the exporterlarge quantity→have more influence on the manufacturerProducts with their own brand→leave the manufacture to other manufacturers·for small manufacturer·sales will increase, less favorable brand image·for big manufacturer, top brand higher price, sales can’t be guaranteed ·increase the sales volume(销售量)·can’t simply reduce the price which would lower the imageCH5 Marketing Communication→”P”romotion1. marketing communication mix→combination of the major skills and techniques for communicating with the customers.①promotional sub mix: short-term marketing objective→increase the sales within a short period of time→manufacturer has to provide specific information about the products and brands to the customers,provide stimulates and incentives to push the buyer to make a decision to buy the product immediatelyAd.discount, off, gifts coupons P.O.P.= point of purchase(place) given directly at the P.O.P(打折,show, try)可以立马买到②Public relation sub mix :→make more people like your company/ brand·focus on long-term marketing objectives·establish favorable brand image or reputation in the market·provide information about the company history, story of the leader - background ·noncommercial media:news, report, documentary→don’t have to payIntel→computer chips CPUAMD→second largest Computer chips manufacture through news (provide scholarship and position for graduates in Suzhou University)(merge with ATI)2. Consideration for marketing communication selection1) product characteristic→different products need different communicationsconsuming products: heavy advertisements, sales promotionindustrial products: personal selling2) marketing objectives→long/short term3) marketing environment→location, culture, political policy, law4) targeted audience→find customers who have the same interest hit the customers who are likely to be persuaded, and final communication is the budget and whether it is acceptable3. Specific techniques and media can be used for the marketing communication1) personal Selling:most efficient way→persuade the buyerhigh success rate but low efficiency 效率低limited coverageface-to-face talking:①give detailed information②Customers achieve more attention③get feedback and response which can be handled immediately*useful for large buyer& expensive products2) special trade presslike magazines, with limited readers, people work in specific industry, more likely to be persuaded and interested in companies introduced in the special trade presse.g.纺织品出版物3)direct advertising(sales literature and direct mail)有联系Sales literature:pointed materials (e.g. pricelist. Brochure. catalogue)it will be given directly to the customersprovide detailed information readers will catch information at their Conveniencehow to? through personal selling, trade fairs, direct maildirect mail: samples (used for confirming the quality of the product)(buyer’s sample -ask manufacturer to produce similar product)gifts (improve the relations with customers)mass media pros: large coverage variety of choicescons: expensivee.g. radio: popular, used when other media are not availablespoken language with music backgroundnewspaper: economic choice, limited coverage, select geographically(local restaurant→local newspaper)relatively detailedInformation, word description and picturesBillboard: improve brand familiarity 品牌熟悉度by repeating many timesmagazine: high-quality photos, more impressive, focus customers with common interest, football magazines( football fans players)。


International Promotion
advertisement& Communication
Learning Objectives
1. Local market characteristics that affect the advertising and promotion of products 2. The strengths and weaknesses of sales promotion and public relations in global marketing 3. When global advertising is most effective; When modified advertising is necessary
Perform marketing research Specify the goals of the communication Develop the most effective message(s) for the market segments selected Select effective media Compose and secure a budget Execute the campaign, and Evaluate the campaign relative to the goals specified
• Once a market offering is developed to meet target market needs, intended customers must be informed of the offering
Integrated marketing communications (IMC) comprises: • advertising • sales promotions • personal selling • direct selling, and • public relations • All these mutually reinforcing elements of the promotional mix have as their common objective as the successful sale of a product or service



从“海尔中国造”到“海尔世 界造”
海尔相信本土化制造是海尔国际化道路上关键的一步。1996年, 海尔在印尼设立了第一家海外工厂,到2002年海尔已在全球设立 了十余家工厂,这些工厂每年生产上百种产品,这些产品大部分 都在当时销售。 世界跨国公司大多选择劳力成本低的地区开设工厂。当1999年海 尔在美国设厂时,有一家业界权威杂志驻美国记者立即对海尔的 做法提出质疑:传诵国内劳动力成本低的优势,到人力成本昂贵, 市场饱和的欧美投资建厂,海尔是否明智? 试和你的小组成员就以下问题展开讨论:
- The attractiveness of International market
- The saturation of domestic market needs and intensive market competition
- (be continue)
The scope and challenge of International Marketing
Case analysis
2008年1月1日,中国运动品牌老大李宁将其触角伸向了美国耐克总部 所在地的波特兰,建立第一个海外鞋产品研发中心。但许多人不知道的 是,李宁的第一家海外直营店其实早于两年半前在荷兰开张了。
2007 年,李宁公司与一家荷兰经销商签署合同,在南部的马斯特里 赫特市开设了一家李宁旗舰店。这也是李宁的“海外第一店”。选择马 斯特里赫特,而非阿姆斯特丹,主要考虑到马城位于德国和比利时的边 境上,在那个区域又是最富裕的。李宁想通过马城特殊的地理位置来渗 入周边地区,以此作为跳板,间接深入欧洲的三大市场:英国、法国、 德国。李宁认为,荷兰市场与英、法、德市场有许多共通性,其规模又 小得恰到好处,正适合用来作为实验基地。

国际市场营销学培训讲义(英文版)PPT课件( 22页)

国际市场营销学培训讲义(英文版)PPT课件( 22页)

Marketing Mix
Product customer wants and needs
customer cost
Promotion customer communication
customer convenience
----Political ----Public relation 10PS ----Probing ---Partition ---Prioritizing ---position
- To take advantages of the regulations and polices of domestic and foreign market - To acquire resources. - To avoid risk - To expand product life cycle
- The attractiveness of International market
- The saturation of domestic market needs and intensive market competition
- (be continue)
The scope and challenge of International Marketing
International corporations…. These companies’ business were located all around
the world….. More and more companies engage in International
marketing….. See next page Let’s try to think some Chinese International companies…. again, try to think about some foreign-owned Chinese companies….



国际市场营销学培训讲义(英文版) International Marketing Training HandbookSession 1: Introduction to International Marketing1.1 Definition of International Marketing- Explanation of international marketing and its importance in today's globalized world.- Overview of key concepts, such as globalization, market segmentation, and cultural diversity.1.2 Benefits and Challenges of International Marketing- Discussion on the advantages of expanding into international markets, such as increased sales and new business opportunities. - Identification of common challenges, such as cultural differences, legal and regulatory complexities, and competitive pressures.1.3 International Marketing Strategies- Introduction to different strategies for entering international markets, including exporting, licensing, joint ventures, and direct investment.- Examination of factors influencing strategy selection, such as market potential, risk assessment, and resource allocation. Session 2: Market Research and Analysis2.1 Understanding Global Consumers- Analysis of cultural differences and their impact on consumer behavior.- Identification of global consumer segments and trends to targeteffectively.2.2 Market Research Methods- Overview of primary and secondary research methods for gathering market intelligence.- Explanation of techniques for analyzing market data, such as surveys, focus groups, and data mining.2.3 Assessing Market Potential- Examination of key factors to consider when evaluating market potential, including market size, growth rate, and competition.- Introduction to tools and frameworks for assessing market attractiveness and competitiveness.Session 3: Market Entry Strategies3.1 Exporting and Importing- Discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of exporting and importing.- Explanation of export and import processes, including logistics, documentation, and international trade regulations.3.2 Licensing and Franchising- Overview of licensing and franchising as market entry strategies. - Examination of the benefits, risks, and considerations involved in entering into licensing and franchising agreements.3.3 Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances- Introduction to joint ventures and strategic alliances as collaborative market entry strategies.- Analysis of the advantages, challenges, and factors for successful partnerships.Session 4: Product and Brand Management4.1 Adaptation vs. Standardization- Examination of product and brand adaptation strategies to suit local market preferences.- Discussion on the benefits and risks of standardizing products and brands across international markets.4.2 Product Development and Innovation- Overview of product development processes for international markets.- Introduction to strategies for fostering innovation and staying competitive in global markets.4.3 Branding and Positioning- Explanation of brand building and positioning strategies for global brands.- Examination of the role of culture, communication, and customer perception in successful international branding.Session 5: Communication and Promotion5.1 Integrated Marketing Communications- Introduction to integrated marketing communications (IMC) and its role in international marketing.- Explanation of different promotional tools and channels, such as advertising, public relations, and digital marketing.5.2 Cultural Sensitivity in Communication- Discussion on the importance of cultural sensitivity and adaptation in international communication.- Analysis of successful cross-cultural marketing campaigns and the lessons learned.5.3 Digital Marketing in International Markets- Overview of digital marketing strategies and tactics for reaching global audiences.- Examination of the challenges and opportunities in leveraging digital platforms for international marketing.Note: This training handbook provides an overview of key topicsin international marketing and can be customized to suit specific training objectives and participant needs.Session 6: Pricing and Distribution6.1 Pricing Strategies in International Markets- Explanation of factors affecting pricing decisions in international markets, such as currency fluctuations, local market conditions, and competition.- Introduction to pricing strategies, such as cost-based pricing, market-based pricing, and value-based pricing.6.2 Distribution Channels and Logistics- Overview of distribution channel options in international markets, including direct sales, distributors, agents, and e-commerce.- Examination of logistics considerations, such as transportation, warehousing, and customs regulations.6.3 Channel Management and Relationship Building- Discussion on the importance of effective channel management and relationship building with international partners.- Introduction to strategies for selecting, managing, and incentivizing channel partners.Session 7: Legal and Ethical Considerations7.1 International Legal Framework- Overview of international trade laws and regulations, such as tariff and non-tariff barriers, intellectual property protection, and contract laws.- Explanation of the role of international organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), in promoting fair trade practices.7.2 Ethical Issues in International Marketing- Analysis of ethical dilemmas and challenges in international marketing, such as cultural sensitivity, advertising standards, and environmental sustainability.- Discussion on the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in international business practices.7.3 Risk Management and Compliance- Introduction to risk management strategies for mitigating legal and ethical risks in international marketing.- Explanation of compliance standards, such as anti-corruption laws and data privacy regulations, that businesses need to adhere to in global markets.Session 8: Market Expansion and Growth8.1 Emerging Markets and Opportunities- Analysis of emerging markets and their potential for business expansion and growth.- Discussion on strategies for entering and succeeding in emerging markets, such as adaptation to local conditions and collaboration with local partners.8.2 International Business Development- Overview of strategies and considerations for expanding and growing international business operations.- Discussion on factors such as market diversification, innovation, and strategic partnerships.8.3 Sustainable International Marketing- Examination of sustainability and responsible business practices in international marketing.- Introduction to concepts such as green marketing, social entrepreneurship, and inclusive business models.Session 9: Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation9.1 The Importance of Cross-Cultural Communication- Explanation of the challenges and opportunities presented by cross-cultural communication in international business.- Analysis of cultural dimensions and their impact on communication styles and business practices.9.2 Cross-Cultural Negotiation- Overview of negotiation strategies and techniques in cross-cultural settings.- Examination of cultural norms and practices that influence negotiation processes and outcomes.9.3 Managing Cultural Differences- Discussion on strategies for managing and leveraging cultural differences in international business.- Introduction to intercultural competence skills, such as empathy, adaptability, and cultural intelligence.Session 10: International Marketing Plan10.1 Developing an International Marketing Plan- Step-by-step guide to developing an international marketing plan. - Explanation of key components, such as market analysis, target market selection, marketing objectives, and implementation strategies.10.2 Evaluating and Monitoring International Marketing Performance- Introduction to metrics and tools for evaluating the performance of international marketing activities.- Discussion on the importance of monitoring and adjusting strategies based on market feedback and changing conditions. 10.3 Case Studies and Best Practices in International Marketing- Analysis of real-world case studies and best practices in international marketing.- Examination of successful international marketing campaigns and their underlying strategies and tactics.Note: This training handbook provides an overview of key topics in international marketing and can be customized to suit specific training objectives and participant needs. The content can be expanded upon by incorporating additional case studies, interactive exercises, and group discussions to enhance participant engagement and learning.。

20国际营销 英文版 课件 (5)

20国际营销 英文版 课件 (5)
▪ Cultural electives:
• areas of behavior or to customs that cultural aliens may wish to conform to or participate in but that are not required
BEIJING, CHINA: German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao toast after the EU–China Business Summit at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The summit was boosted by the settlement of a trade row that had left 80 million Chinese-made garments piled up in European seaports, unable to be delivered to shops under a quota pact agreed to at the time. Drinking half a bottle is a cultural elective, but taking a sip is more of an imperative in this case.
Culture, Management Style, and Business Systems
Chapter 5
Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


ks and Disruptive Technologies
• Innovator’s Dilemma • Value network • Sustaining Technologies • Disruptive Technologies
Binary Code
The Digital Revolution: A Brief History
• 1937 to 1942: World’s first electronic digital computer was developed at Iowa State University
• 1947: The transistor was invented • 1950s: Invention of the silicon chip
Ad Agency Executive
Unilever digitized TV commercials stored as product videos, and created Web series for Yahoo! Food built around Hellman’s Mayonnaise.
• increased from 68 million to 450 million; in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou, one-third of all residents use the Internet
• 37% of European adults—136 million people—shopped online in 2008. Online retail and travel sales will have a CAGR of 8% between 2008 and 2014


2. Develop an awareness of the four most reliablestrategic approaches for setting a company apart from rivals and winning a sustainable competitive advantage.
How to manage each functional piece of the business (R&D, production, marketing, HR, finance, and so on)
will we get there?” is its strategy
What Do We Mean By “Strategy?”
Consists of competitive moves and business approaches used by managers to run the company
❖ Business(es) to be in and market positions to
stake out
❖ Buyer needs and groups to serve ❖ Direction to head
3. How should it get there?
❖ A company’s answer to “how
3. Learn that business strategies evolve over time because of changing circumstances and ongoing management efforts to improve the company’s strategy.


Ingram, Laforge, Avila, Schwepker, and Williams
Multimedia Presentations
Steven J. Remington, Ph.D.
Buena Vista University August, 2000
Copyright © 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.
Contributions of Personal Selling
Salespeople and the Customer
Industrial buyers prefer to deal with salespeople who:
• Are honest • Understand general business and economic trends, as
– (1700s Europe; 1850s US)
• Post-Industrial Revolution Era
– (1800s Europe; 1900 US) – Canned Sales Presentation
• The War and Depression Era • Professionalism: The Modern Era
• Insider Sales (non-retail) • Direct-to-Consumer
Sales (retail) • Combination Sales Jobs
Copyright © 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.
Characteristics Of Sales Careers
image • Coordinate all aspects of the product and service to
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▪ The marketing system develops around the philosophy of selling a limited supply of goods at high prices to a small number of affluent customers
▪ In the resulting seller’s market, market penetration and mass distribution are not necessary because demand exceeds supply, and in most cases
LO3 How distribution patterns affect the various aspects of international marketing
LO4 The functions, advantages, and disadvantages of various kinds of middlemen
Japanese Distribution Structure
▪ Distribution in Japan has long been considered the most effective non-tariff barrier to the Japanese market The Japanese distribution structure is different enough from its U.S. or European counterparts
Import-Oriented Distribution Structures
▪ The customer seeks the supply from a limited number of middlemen and this affects the development of intermediaries and their functions.
International Distribution Systems
▪ Import-Oriented Distribution Structure ▪ Tight distribution structures: Japan ▪ Trends: From Traditional to Modern Channel
LO5 The importance of selecting and maintaining middlemen LO6 The growing importance of e-commerce as a distribution
alternative LO7 The interdependence of physical distribution activities
LO1 The variety of distribution channels and how they affect cost and efficiency in marketing
LO2 The Japanese distribution structure and what it means to Japanese customers and to competing importers of goods
Channel-of-Distribution Structures
▪ The distribution process
• physical handling and distribution of goods, • the passage of ownership (title), and • the buying and selling negotiations between producers and
International Marketing Channels
Chapter 15
Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
▪ It has four distinguishing features:
1. A structure dominated by many small middlemen dealing with many small retailers—high density of middlemen
middlemen and between middlemen and customers
▪ Channel structures range from those with little developed marketing infrastructure such as those found in many emerging markets to the highly complex, multi-layered system found in Japan
▪ Distribution systems are local rather than national in scope
▪ The relationship between the importer and any middleman in the marketplace is considerably different from a mass-marketing system, the importer performs all the functions
Import-Oriented Distribution Structures
▪ In an import-oriented or traditional distribution structure, an importer controls a fixeபைடு நூலகம் supply of goods