Flicker Noise 器件参数萃取




附件A、三极管的Pspice模型参数.Model <model name> NPN(PNP、LPNP) [model parameters]第 2 页共9页附件B、PSpice Goal Function第 3 页共9页附件CModeling voltage-controlled and temperature-dependent resistorsAnalog Behavioral Modeling (ABM) can be used to model a nonlinear resistor through use of Ohm抯 law and tables and expressions which describe resistance. Here are some examples.Voltage-controlled resistorIf a Resistance vs. Voltage curve is available, a look-up table can be used in the ABM expression. This table contains (Voltage, Resistance) pairs picked from points on the curve. The voltage input is nonlinearly mapped from the voltage values in the table to the resistance values. Linear interpolation is used between table values.Let抯 say that points picked from a Resistance vs. Voltage curve are:Voltage ResistanceThe ABM expression for this is shown in Figure 1.第 4 页共9页Figure 1 - Voltage controlled resistor using look-up tableTemperature-dependent resistorA temperature-dependent resistor (or thermistor) can be modeled with a look-up table, or an expression can be used to describe how the resistance varies with temperature. The denominator in the expression in Figure 2 is used to describe common thermistors. The TEMP variable in the expression is the simulation temperature, in Celsius. This is then converted to Kelvin by adding 273.15. This step is necessary to avoid a divide by zero problem in the denominator, when T=0 C.NOTE: TEMP can only be used in ABM expressions (E, G devices).Figure 3 shows the results of a DC sweep of temperature from -40 to 60 C. The y-axis shows the resistance or V(I1:-)/1A.Figure 2 - Temperature controlled resistor第 5 页共9页Figure 3 - PSpice plot of Resistance vs. Temperature (current=1A)Variable Q RLC networkIn most circuits the value of a resistor is fixed during a simulation. While the value can be made to change for a set of simulations by using a Parametric Sweep to move through a fixed sequence of values, a voltage-controlled resistor can be made to change dynamically during a simulation. This is illustrated by the circuit shown in Figure 5, which employs a voltage-controlled resistor.第 6 页共9页Figure 4 - Parameter sweep of control voltageThis circuit employs an external reference component that is sensed. The output impedance equals the value of the control voltage times the reference. Here, we will use Rref, a 50 ohm resistor as our reference. As a result, the output impedance is seen by the circuit as a floating resistor equal to the value of V(Control) times the resistance value of Rref. In our circuit, the control voltage value is stepped from 0.5 volt to 2 volts in 0.5 volt steps, therefore, the resistance between nodes 3 and 0 varies from 25 ohms to 100 ohms in 25 ohm-steps.第7 页共9页Figure 5 - Variable Q RLC circuitA transient analysis of this circuit using a 0.5 ms wide pulse will show how the ringing differs as the Q is varied. Using Probe, we can observe how the ringing varies as the resistance changes. Figure 6 shows the input pulse andthe voltage across the capacitor C1. Comparing the four output waveforms, we can see the most pronounced ringing occurs when the resistor has the lowest value and the Q is greatest. Any signal source can be used to drive the voltage-controlled resistance. If we had used a sinusoidal control source instead of a staircase, the resistance would have varied dynamically during the simulation.第8 页共9页Figure 6 - Output waveforms of variable Q RLC circuit第9 页共9页。



文章编号 :1009 - 2552 (2008) 05 - 0121 - 03中图分类号 : T N773 文献标识码 :A 用于零中频 G PS 接收机的低闪烁噪声混频器彭光宇 , 莫亭亭(上海交通大学微电子学院 , 上海 200240)摘 要 : 设计了一种用于零中频 G PS 接收机的低闪烁噪声混频器 。

通过对吉尔伯特 ( G ilbert ) 混频 器噪声机制的分析 , 以及对 MOS 管偏置在不同区域时噪声性能的研究 , 将吉尔伯特混频器的开关 MOS 管偏置在线性区 , 从而降低其闪烁噪声 。

该电路采用 TS MC 0 . 18μm C MOS 工艺进行了仿 真 , 结果显示 , 改进后的混频器明显降低了低频区域的闪烁噪声 , 而对混频器的其他性能没有影响 。

关键词 : C MOS ; 零中频 ; 混频器 ; 闪烁噪声 ; 热噪声 ; 线性区A lo w flicker noise mixer f o r zero 2IF GPS receiverPE NG G uang 2yu , M O Ting 2ting( Schoo l of Micro electronics , Shangha i Jiaoto ng U niv ersity , S hangha i 200240 , C hina )Abstract : A l ow flicker noise m ixer for z ero 2IF G PS receiver is presented. Based on physical understanding of noise m echanism in G ilbert mixer , as well as the MOSFET noise characteristics in di fferent operating regi ons , the design reduces the flicker noise of the switches in a G ilbert cell by biasing the switches into the linearregi on. The circuit is im plem ented and sim ulated in TS MC 0 . 18μm C MOS technol ogy , the sim ulati on result shows that the proposed mix er reduces the flicker noise obvi ously , without any harm to other perform ance . K ey w or d s : C MOS ; z ero 2IF ; m ixer ; flicker noise ; therm al noise ; linear regi on跨导级 ,开关级和输出负载组成 。

flicker free参数

flicker free参数

flicker free参数
Flicker free(无闪烁)参数是指在显示器的运行过程中消除或


使用 flicker free 技术和功能的显示器能够通过调整亮度和刷新率等因素来减少或消除屏幕闪烁。


而现代 LCD
(液晶显示)技术通常采用 flicker free 技术,通过控制背光和刷新方式来避免或最小化闪烁。

一些 flicker free 参数包括:
1. 背光技术:一些显示器使用不同的背光技术,如LED(发

2. 刷新率:液晶显示器的刷新率表示屏幕上的图像更新的频率。


60 Hz(每秒60次更新),但某些显示器可以提供更高的刷新率,如120 Hz或更高。

3. PWM调制(脉冲宽度调制):一些显示器使用 PWM 调制


flicker free 参数
会包括使用不同的 PWM 调制方式来减少闪烁。

总的来说,flicker free 参数是指显示器使用的技术和功能,用于减少或消除屏幕闪烁,提供更舒适和稳定的视觉体验。

Multisim14电子系统仿真与设计第8章 Multisim14的仿真分析方法

Multisim14电子系统仿真与设计第8章 Multisim14的仿真分析方法

8.4 瞬态分析(Transient)
通过分析参数(Analysis Parameters)选项卡,可以设 置分析开始的初始条件、分 析开始和结束的时间等。
输出(Output)选项卡设置 同直流工作点分析, 本例选 择为3号和4号结点的电压。 其余选项卡可采用默认设置。
完成分析设置后,点击Run可进行仿真分析,结果显示在Grapher View窗口中:
本例选择电阻R1为扫描元件,设置其 扫描开始数值为1kΩ、结束数值为20kΩ、 扫描点数为4。选择扫描分析类型为瞬态分 析,并设置瞬态分析结束时间为0.01秒。从 仿真分析结果可见,R1在1kΩ~20kΩ之间 变化时,放大器的输出波形由饱和失真到 基本不失真。显然,R1=20kΩ比较合适, 此时输出波形基本不失真。
分析结果为谱密度曲线。其中, 上面的曲线是R1对输出结点噪声 贡献的谱密度曲线,下面的曲线 是Q1对输出结点噪声贡献的谱密 度曲线。
第8章 Multisim14的 仿真分析方法
8.3 交流扫描分析(AC Sweep)
交流扫描分析能完成电路的频率响应 分析,生成电路的幅频特性和相频特性。 分析中所有直流电源被置零,电容和电感 采用交流模型,非线性元件(二极管、三 极管、场效应管等)使用交流小信号模型。 无论用户在电路输入端加入了何种信号, 交流扫描分析时系统均默认电路的输入是 正弦波,并以用户设置的频率范围来扫描。

flicker free参数

flicker free参数

Flicker Free参数1. 什么是Flicker Free参数?Flicker Free参数是指一种用于显示设备的技术参数,旨在消除屏幕闪烁现象。



Flicker Free参数通过调整显示设备的刷新率和亮度控制方式,使屏幕显示稳定、连续、无闪烁。


2. Flicker Free参数的重要性2.1 提升视觉舒适度由于人眼对快速亮度变化敏感,屏幕闪烁可能导致眼睛疲劳、视觉模糊甚至头痛等问题。

Flicker Free参数的应用能够减少这些不适感,提高用户长时间使用显示设备时的视觉舒适度。

2.2 改善阅读和工作效率在长时间阅读或处理文档、电子书籍等工作时,如果屏幕存在闪烁现象,用户的注意力和专注度会受到干扰。

Flicker Free参数的使用可以帮助用户更好地集中注意力,提高工作效率和阅读体验。

2.3 保护视力健康长时间暴露在屏幕闪烁的环境下可能对视力造成损害。

Flicker Free参数通过减少眼睛的疲劳度,降低患眼部不适和视觉问题的风险,有助于保护用户的视力健康。

3. Flicker Free参数的实现方式3.1 调整刷新率显示设备的刷新率是指每秒刷新屏幕图像的次数,通常以赫兹(Hz)为单位表示。



3.2 使用直流调光(DC Dimming)传统液晶显示器使用脉宽调制(PWM)来控制背光亮度。



3.3 优化背光源背光源是显示设备的重要组成部分,对屏幕闪烁有着直接影响。


电子行业-行业分类→电子元器件应用-客制化元件模型之参数萃取程(PDF 10页)

电子行业-行业分类→电子元器件应用-客制化元件模型之参数萃取程(PDF 10页)

客制化元件模型之參數萃取程作者:台灣安倫科技股份有限公司電子儀器事業群資深應用工程師 許仲延Jackson Hsu一、簡介隨著電子消費產品不斷的推成出新,產品必須多元化才能符合消費者的需求,但是除了產品多元化之外,產品的特性以及穩定性也相當重要。


一般在設計電路時不外乎是利用晶圓代工廠(Foundry) 所提供的元件模型(Device Model) 來模擬含括數十顆或是上百顆元件的複雜電路,而不管在數位或是類比積體電路(IC) 設計都需要主動(Active) 以及被動(Passive) 兩種元件,因此元件模型的建立變成相當的重要。


本文將以被動元件電感(Inductor)、電容(Capacitor) 為例,利用安捷倫的IC-CAP 以及ADS/RFDE-Momentum 兩種軟體建立模型。

並且提出有效率的萃取流程(Extraction Flow) 以及方式。

圖1 為元件設計與模型化建立的流程圖,首先利用ADS/RFDE-Momentum 完成所需要的電路佈局圖,接著再以ADS/RFDE-Momentum 針對被動元件做EM 電磁模擬(Electromagnetic Simulation) 值,如果我們已經根據實際的基板量測值做過基板參數校正,則該電磁模擬結果就可以當成實際量測的重要參考依據。

當元件設計完成後,接下來就以IC-CAP 做為元件量測與參數萃取的軟體工具。


而且IC-CAP 與ADS/RFDE-Momentum 有平台相互連結的功能,所以只需要在一個工作平台就可以實現模型的建立。

圖1元件設計與模型化概念流程二、被動元件電路佈局圖A、Substrate 特性的萃取利用ADS/RFDE-Momentum可以完成電路的佈局圖,首先開啟主視窗如圖2 所示,選定Layout 的形狀後就可以在主視窗裡完成佈局圖。



附件A、三极管的Pspice模型参数.Model <model name> NPN(PNP、LPNP) [model parameters]第 1 页共9页第 2 页共9页附件B、PSpice Goal Function第 3 页共9页附件CModeling voltage-controlled and temperature-dependent resistorsAnalog Behavioral Modeling (ABM) can be used to model a nonlinear resistor through use of Ohm抯 law and tables and expressions which describe resistance. Here are some examples.Voltage-controlled resistorIf a Resistance vs. Voltage curve is available, a look-up table can be used in the ABM expression. This table contains (Voltage, Resistance) pairs picked from points on the curve. The voltage input is nonlinearly mapped from the voltage values in the table to the resistance values. Linear interpolation is used between table values.Let抯 say that points picked from a Resistance vs. Voltage curve are:Voltage ResistanceThe ABM expression for this is shown in Figure 1.第 4 页共9页Figure 1 - Voltage controlled resistor using look-up tableTemperature-dependent resistorA temperature-dependent resistor (or thermistor) can be modeled with a look-up table, or an expression can be used to describe how the resistance varies with temperature. The denominator in the expression in Figure 2 is used to describe common thermistors. The TEMP variable in the expression is the simulation temperature, in Celsius. This is then converted to Kelvin by adding 273.15. This step is necessary to avoid a divide by zero problem in the denominator, when T=0 C.NOTE: TEMP can only be used in ABM expressions (E, G devices).Figure 3 shows the results of a DC sweep of temperature from -40 to 60 C. The y-axis shows the resistance or V(I1:-)/1A.Figure 2 - Temperature controlled resistor第 5 页共9页Figure 3 - PSpice plot of Resistance vs. Temperature (current=1A)Variable Q RLC networkIn most circuits the value of a resistor is fixed during a simulation. While the value can be made to change for a set of simulations by using a Parametric Sweep to move through a fixed sequence of values, a voltage-controlled resistor can be made to change dynamically during a simulation. This is illustrated by the circuit shown in Figure 5, which employs a voltage-controlled resistor.第 6 页共9页Figure 4 - Parameter sweep of control voltageThis circuit employs an external reference component that is sensed. The output impedance equals the value of the control voltage times the reference. Here, we will use Rref, a 50 ohm resistor as our reference. As a result, the output impedance is seen by the circuit as a floating resistor equal to the value of V(Control) times the resistance value of Rref. In our circuit, the control voltage value is stepped from 0.5 volt to 2 volts in 0.5 volt steps, therefore, the resistance between nodes 3 and 0 varies from 25 ohms to 100 ohms in 25 ohm-steps.第7 页共9页Figure 5 - Variable Q RLC circuitA transient analysis of this circuit using a 0.5 ms wide pulse will show how the ringing differs as the Q is varied.Using Probe, we can observe how the ringing varies as the resistance changes. Figure 6 shows the input pulse and the voltage across the capacitor C1. Comparing the four output waveforms, we can see the most pronounced ringing occurs when the resistor has the lowest value and the Q is greatest. Any signal source can be used to drive the voltage-controlled resistance. If we had used a sinusoidal control source instead of a staircase, the resistance would have varied dynamically during the simulation.第8 页共9页Figure 6 - Output waveforms of variable Q RLC circuit第9 页共9页。



1.答、热噪声(Thermal Noise):也就是约翰逊噪声(Johnson Noise)或白色噪声(White Noise),这种噪声敏感于温度的变化,由导体中的自由电子和振动粒子之间的热量的相互作用而产生,它的频率在频谱总均匀分布。

散粒噪声(Shot Noise):这种噪声是由各种形式半导体中载流子的分散特性而产生的,这种噪声为晶体管的主要噪声。

闪烁噪声(Flicker Noise):又称为超越噪声(Excess Noise)、粉红噪声(Pink Noise)或1/f噪声,通常由双极型晶体管(BJT)和场效应管(FET)产生,且发生在频率小于1kHz 以下。



2答:失真分析(Distortion Analysis)用于分析电子电路中的非线性失真和相位偏移,通常非线性失真会导致谐波失真,而相位偏移会导致互调失真。



对节点6进行瞬态分析的结果如下图10.3所示,其中End time(TSTOP)设置为0.1s。




·1259·低相噪、高集成度频率源的研制周文衎 童 超 王晓江(南京电子设备研究所,南京 210007)zhouwenkan1314@摘 要:本文介绍了一种低杂散、低相噪、高集成度的频率源的研制。

该频率源采用Hittite 公司的鉴相器HMC830LP6G ,通过锁相产生1GHz 信号,杂散抑制≥70dBc 、相噪达到-116dBc/Hz@1kHz 。

由于鉴相器内部集成VCO ,所有器件布局在50×20mm 的范围内,大大减少了电路板的面积,提高了设计的集成度,实现了小型化。

关键词:低杂散,低相噪,HMC830,高集成度Design of Low Phase Noise and High Integration Frequency SynthesizerZHOU wenkan, TONG chao,WANG xiaojiang(Nanjing Electronic Equipment Institute, Nanjing 210007)Abstract: In this paper, a frequency synthesizer with low spurious and phase noise is presented. In this design we implement phase detector HMC830LP6G of Hittite to generate a signal of 1GHz,the spurious is below -70dBc and phase noise reach a level of -116dBc/Hz@1kHz.As VCO is inner integrated ,all components can be arranged in a area of 50×20mm,so the PCB is highly integrated, and make minimization possible. Keywords: Low spurious, Low phase noise, HMC830, High Integration1 引言HMC830是Hittite 公司推出的一款鉴相器,内部集成了VCO 以及分频器,支持小数、整数两种模式,可输出25MHz 到3000MHz 信号,鉴相频率最高可到100MHz 。



CMOS VCO设计综述摘要:本文从相位噪声理论的发展和主流低噪声设计技术两个方面,阐述了CMOS VCO 的发展现状和未来的趋势。

在理论方面,从线性时不变模型到线性时变模型的发展成功的解释了低频噪声和高频谐波噪声转变为相位噪声的物理机理,为CMOS VCO的低噪声设计提供了理论依据和指导。

而随着理论的发展,新的优化技术也不断出现,例如高Q值电感设计技术,互补型结构,对称性设计,尾电流管滤波技术,Harmonic Tuning技术,Back to Back V aractor,AAC技术等等。



在Transceiver中,压控振荡器是一个非常关键的模块,其位置如图1所示:图1. 接收机原理图由图1可以看出:VCO和鉴相器/电荷泵(PFD/CP),分频器(Divider)以及晶振(Xtal)一起构成了频率综合器,为混频器提供本振信号,实现对输入RF信号的频率搬移,如图2(a)所示:图2 (a)理想本振信号下频率搬移示意图;(b)带相位噪声本振信号下的频率搬移示意图图2(a)给出的是本振为理想信号情况下的频率搬移示意图,此时本振在频谱上表现为一个脉冲。




设计人员习惯用相位噪声(Phase Noise)来表征本振信号边带的大小(第二节会详述),因此降低本振信号的相位噪声成为提高接受机性能的关键。

频率综合器的各个模块包括VCO,Xtal,PFD/CP以及Divider都会引入噪声源影响本振信号的相位噪声,但是由于噪声引入位置的不同,对于Xtal,PFD/CP,Divider 处的噪声PLL表现出低通特性而对于VCO的噪声PLL表现出高通特性[16]。

放大器中的噪声 及措施

放大器中的噪声 及措施
4.9.4 晶体管的噪声
➢电阻热噪声:各电极的体电阻(基极体电阻)自由电子热运动产生的噪声。 (白噪声)
➢分配噪声:载流子在基区分配比例随机变化所产生的噪声称为分配噪声。 (有色噪声)
➢ 1/f 噪声:低频时比较显著。在1kHz以上,则可以忽略。(有色噪声)
atmospheric interference cosmic interference
干扰 与
external interference
internal noise
hum noise shot noise
contact noise flicker noise
natural interference
4.10.6 减小噪声系数的措施
选用低噪声元器件 正确选择晶体管放大级的直流工作点
选择合适的工作带宽 选用合适的放大电路 降低放大器的工作温度
Fn1 3 dB APH1 ?
Fn2 10
APH2 0.2
Fn3 6 dB
4.10.3 多级放大器的噪声系数
Hale Waihona Puke 混频器中放Fn1 3 dB
APH1 ?
Fn2 10
APH2 0.2
Fn3 6 dB
未加入高放时接收机噪 声系数为

flicker noise原理

flicker noise原理











第 1 页共 1 页。



蓝宝石插件效果说明蓝宝石插件效果说明滤镜组滤镜英文名滤镜中文名Adjust S_ChannelSwitcherS_ClampChrom a 色度和亮度的钳位调整S_DuoTone 双色调渐变的色彩替换S_Gamma RGB反差系数调整,不错S_Hotspots 可控高亮区域的调整,不错S_HueSatBright 一个HSL色彩空间调色器S_InvertS_Monochrome 灰度化,不错S_QuadToneS_ShowBadColorsS_Threshold 针对各色彩通道的对比度强化S_Tint 双色调的着色器S_TriToneBlur+S harpen (模糊与锐化)S_Blur 多种方式的模糊,不错S_BlurChannels 多种方式的通道模糊S_BlurChroma 少见的色度模糊,不错S_BlurMoCurves带有变形效果的运动模糊S_BlurMotion 区域运动模糊效果,不错S_ConvolveS_ConvolveCompS_DebandS_DefocusPrism 带有色散的虚焦模糊S_EdgeBlur 边缘模糊,用于字幕的效果不错S_GrainRemove 降噪,速度较快S_RackDefocus 可调项较多的虚焦模糊S_RackDfComp 双层的虚焦模糊合成S_Sharpen 简单的锐化S_SoftFocus 柔焦效果S_ZBlurS_ZConvolveS_ZDefocusCompos ite S_EdgeFlash 加光的层叠加效果S_Layer 多种混合方式的层叠加效果S_MathOps 多种数算方式的层混合效果S_MatteOps 通道边缘噪声处理,多用于抠像S_MatteOpsComp处理通道噪声并进行层叠加S_ZComp Z方向的层叠加效果Distort (扭曲)S_Distort 自定义镜头变形效果,不错S_DistortBlur 带有模糊的自定义镜头变形效果S_DistortChroma带有色散的自定义镜头变形效果S_DistortRGB 带RGB通道分离的自定义镜头变形效果,好S_Shake 镜头震动效果S_WarpBubble2 双重的噪波变形效果S_WarpChroma 连续的色相扭曲,可以模仿某些空间观测的色散效果,好S_WarpCornerPinS_WarpDrops 自定义的水波纹效果,不错S_WarpFishEye 鱼眼镜头效果S_WarpMagnifyS_WarpPerspecti ve 平面图像的透视叠放,好S_WarpPolar 圆盘状扭曲S_WarpPuddle 较简单的水波纹效果S_WarpPuff 以自身为镜头层的液化变形S_WarpRepeat 复制自身并进行平均化,不错S_WarpTransfor m 多种线性变形效果的综合S_WarpVortex 漩涡变形,好S_WarpWaves 波动变形S_WarpWaves2Lightin g S_DropShadow 简单的阴影S_EdgeRays 边缘光效果S_Glare 虹状眩光效果S_Glint 光斑效果S_GlintRainbow 虹色星光效果S_Glow 光晕效果S_GlowAura 条纹光斑效果S_GlowDarks 暗区加光效果S_GlowDist 透射加光效果S_GlowEdges 边缘加光效果S_GlowNoise 加光噪波效果S_GlowOrthicon 超正析摄象管效果,增强了边缘对比并降低亮度S_GlowRainbow 多层色散透射效果S_GlowRings 彩色光环效果,不错S_LensFlare 镜头眩光效果S_LensFlareAut oTrack 仿真镜头眩光效果,不错S_Light3DS_Rays 光芒放射效果S_SpotLight 聚光灯效果S_Streaks 胶片曝光效果,类似加光的运动模糊S_ZGlowRender S_Clouds 简单的云状噪波杂色噪波S_CloudsColorSmooth彩色云状噪波S_CloudsMultColor有景深的云状噪波S_CloudsPerspectiveS_CloudsPsyko 色散噪波效果S_CloudsVortex 漩涡状噪波S_Gradient 简单的线性渐变色填充S_GradientMulti环形渐变色填充S_GradientRadialS_Grid 网格效果S_ShapeS_Sparkles 星光镜效果S_SparklesColorS_TextureCells 细胞噪波效果S_TextureChrom aSpiral 带有色散的螺旋状噪波效果S_TextureFluxS_TextureFolded 褶皱噪波效果S_TextureLoopsS_TextureMoire 摩尔纹效果S_TextureNeuronsS_TextureNoiseEmboss水面反射效果S_TextureNoiseP aint 水彩笔触噪波,不错S_TexturePlasma 电离噪波效果S_TextureSpots 点状噪波,不错S_TextureTilesS_TextureWeave 编织物效果S_Zap 闪电效果S_ZapFrom 放射闪电效果S_ZapTo 闪电充填效果Stylize S_AutoPaint 油漆效果S_BandPass 放射线余辉效果S_BleachBypassS_CartoonS_CartoonPaintS_Diffuse 弥散效果S_DogVisionS_EdgeColorize 边缘加色效果S_EdgeDetect 突出边缘效果S_EdgeDetectDo uble 双重的突出边缘效果S_EdgesInDirect ion 方向性的突出边缘效果S_Emboss 浮雕效果S_EmbossDistort 变形浮雕效果S_EmbossGlass 带有色散的变形浮雕效果S_EmbossShiny 加光的浮雕效果S_Etching 雕版印刷效果S_FilmDamageS_FilmEffect 模仿胶片效果,有少量模板S_FlysEyeCircles 圆形复眼效果S_FlysEyeHex 六角形复眼效果S_FlysEyeRect 矩形复眼效果S_Grain 噪点效果S_GrainStatic 随机噪点效果S_HalfTone 双色点阵效果彩色点阵效果S_HalfToneColor双色环形纹理效果S_HalfToneRingsS_JpegDamage 模仿JPEG压缩造成的图像损失S_Kaleido 多边形万花筒效果S_KaleidoPolar 圆形万花筒效果S_Mosaic 可调项较多的马赛克效果S_PosterizeS_PseudoColor 热成像效果S_PsykoBlobs 水面油渍效果S_PsykoStripes 条纹油渍效果S_ScanLines 模仿电视效果S_ScanLinesMono模仿黑白电视效果S_Sketch 手绘效果S_Solarize 负片效果S_Technicolor2StripS_Technicolor3StripS_TileScrambleS_TVDamageS_VignetteS_Zebrafy 扭曲的单色底片效果S_ZebrafyColor 带有色彩漂移和扭曲的底片效果S_ZFogExponent ial 指数增长的蒙雾效果S_ZFogLinear 线性增长的蒙雾效果Time S_Feedback 延迟视频回馈效果S_FeedbackBub ble 带有变形的延迟视频回馈效果S_FeedbackDistortS_FieldRemove 去场工具S_Flicker 随机闪烁效果S_FlickerMatch 同步闪烁效果S_FlickerMatch Color 对色彩通道的同步闪烁效果S_FlickerMatch Matte 指定区域的同步闪烁效果S_FlickerMchM atteColor 同时带有变色和蒙板的同步闪烁效果S_FlickerRemove去除闪烁S_FlickerRemoveColor去除色彩闪烁S_FlickerRemov eMatte 指定区域的消除闪烁S_FlickerRmMat teColor 去除指定区域的色彩闪烁S_FreezeFrame 跳帧效果,不错S_GetFrame 静帧效果S_JitterFrames 随机抽帧效果S_MotionDetect 帧变化检测,好S_NearestColor 检测指定的色彩部分S_RandomEdits 帧乱序播放,好S_ReverseClip 帧反序播放S_ReverseEdits 指定区段帧的反序播放,不错S_TimeAverage 指定帧平均合成,类似于追迹效果S_TimeDisplace 动态贴图替换S_TimeSlice 参数与时间有关的帧切分效果色偏移效果S_TimeWarpRGBS_Trails 追迹效果S_TrailsDiffuse 带有像素扩散的追迹效果Transiti S_DissolveBlur 模糊过渡,不错液化过渡,不错ons S_DissolveBubbleS_DissolveDefocus像素扩散过渡S_DissolveDiffuseS_DissolveDistortS_DissolveEdgeRaysS_DissolveFilmS_DissolveGlintS_DissolveGlintRainbowS_DissolveGlowS_DissolveLensFlareS_DissolveLuma 各种亮度过渡水波纹过渡,不错S_DissolvePuddle可控斑点过渡S_DissolveSpeckleS_DissolveStatic 随机像素过渡S_DissolveTilesS_DissolveVortex 漩涡过渡S_DissolveWaves 波浪过渡S_Swish3DS_SwishPanS_TVChannelChangeS_WipeBlobs 气泡转场,不错S_WipeBubble 液化划像,不错S_WipeCells 细胞结构过渡S_WipeChecker 网格划像S_WipeCircle 圆形划像S_WipeClock 扇形划像S_WipeClouds 云雾转场,少见S_WipeDiffuse 像素扩散划像S_WipeDots 点阵划像双楔形划像S_WipeDoubleWedge四楔形划像S_WipeFourWedgesS_WipeLine 线性划像S_WipeMoireS_WipePixelate 随机像素块划像S_WipePlasmaS_WipePointalize矩形划像S_WipeRectangleS_WipeRings 多重环形划像S_WipeStar 星形划像S_WipeStripes 条纹划像S_WipeTiles 多边形划像S_WipeWeaveS_WipeWedge 楔形划像AE蓝宝石插件Genarts sapphire中英文对照:1.Sapphire AdjustsS_ClampChroma(色度和亮度的钳位调整)S_DuoTone(双色调渐变的色彩替换)S_Gamma(RGB反差系数调整,不错)S_Hotspots(可控高亮区域的调整,不错)S_HueSatBright(一个HSL色彩空间调色器)S_Monochrome(灰度化,不错)S_Threshold(针对各色彩通道的对比度强化)S_Tint(双色调的着色器)2.SapphireBlur+SharpenfS_Blur(多种方式的模糊,不错)S_BlurChannels(多种方式的通道模糊)S_BlurChroma(少见的色度模糊,不错)S_BlurMoCurves(带有变形效果的运动模糊)S_BlurMotion(区域运动模糊效果,不错)S_DefocusPrism(带有色散的虚焦模糊)S_EdgeBlur(边缘模糊,用于字幕的效果不错)S_GrainRemove(降噪,速度较快)S_RackDefocus(可调项较多的虚焦模糊)S_RackDfComp(双层的虚焦模糊合成)S_Sharpen(简单的锐化)S_SoftFocus(柔焦效果)S_ZDepthCueBlur(模拟变焦模糊,不错)3.SapphireCompositeS_EdgeFlash(加光的层叠加效果)S_Layer(多种混合方式的层叠加效果)S_MathOps(多种数学运算方式的层混合效果)S_MatteOps(通道边缘噪声处理,多用于抠像)S_MatteOpsComp(处理通道噪声并进行层叠加)S_ZComp(Z方向的层叠加效果)4.SapphireDistortS_Distort(自定义镜头变形效果,不错)S_DistortBlur(带有模糊的自定义镜头变形效果)S_DistortChroma(带有色散的自定义镜头变形效果)S_DistortRGB(带RGB通道分离的自定义镜头变形效果,好)S_Shake(镜头震动效果)S_WarpBubble(噪波变形效果)S_WarpBubble2(双重的噪波变形效果)S_WarpChroma(连续的色相扭曲,可以模仿某些空间观测的色散效果,好)S_WarpDrops(自定义的水波纹效果,不错)S_WarpFishEye(鱼眼镜头效果)S_WarpPerspective(平面图像的透视叠放,好)S_WarpPolar(圆盘状扭曲)S_WarpPuddle(较简单的水波纹效果)S_WarpPuff(以自身为镜头层的液化变形)S_WarpRepeat(复制自身并进行平均化,不错)S_WarpTransform(多种线性变形效果的综合)S_WarpVortex(漩涡变形,好)S_WarpWaves(波动变形)S_WarpWaves2(双重的波动变形)5.SapphireLightingS_DropShadow(简单的阴影)S_EdgeRays(边缘光效果)S_Glare(虹状眩光效果)S_Glint(光斑效果)S_GlintRainbow(虹色星光效果)S_Glow(光晕效果)S_GlowAura(条纹光斑效果)S_GlowDarks(暗区加光效果)S_GlowDist(透射加光效果)S_GlowEdges(边缘加光效果)S_GlowNoise(加光噪波效果)S_GlowOrthicon(超正析摄象管效果,增强了边缘对比并降低亮度)S_GlowRainbow(多层色散透射效果)S_GlowRings(彩色光环效果,不错)S_LensFlare(镜头眩光效果)S_LensFlareAutoTrack(仿真镜头眩光效果,不错)S_Rays(光芒放射效果)S_SpotLight(聚光灯效果)S_Streaks(胶片曝光效果,类似加光的运动模糊)6.SapphireRenderS_Clouds(简单的云状噪波)S_CloudColorSmooth(杂色噪波)S_CloudsMultColor(彩色云状噪波)S_CloudsPerspective(有景深的云状噪波)S_CloudsPsyko(色散噪波效果)S_CloudsVortex(漩涡状噪波)S_Gradient(简单的线性渐变色填充)S_GradientRadial(环形渐变色填充)S_Grid(网格效果)S_Sparkles(星光镜效果)S_TextureCells(细胞噪波效果)S_TextureChromaSpiral(带有色散的螺旋状噪波效果)S_TextureFolded(褶皱噪波效果)S_TextureMoire(摩尔纹效果)S_TextureNoiseEmboss(水面反射效果)S_TextureNoisePaint(水彩笔触噪波,不错)S_TexturePlasma(电离噪波效果)S_TextureSpots(点状噪波,不错)S_TextureWeave(编织物效果)S_Zap(闪电效果)S_ZapFrom(放射闪电效果)S_ZapTo(闪电充填效果)7.SapphireStylizeS_AutoPaint(油漆效果)S_BandPass(放射线余辉效果)S_Diffuse(弥散效果)S_EdgeColorize(边缘加色效果)S_EdgeDetect(突出边缘效果)S_EdgeDetectDouble(双重的突出边缘效果)S_EdgesInDirection(方向性的突出边缘效果)S_Emboss(浮雕效果)S_EmbossDistort(变形浮雕效果)S_EmbossGlass(带有色散的变形浮雕效果)S_EmbossShiny(加光的浮雕效果)S_Etching(雕版印刷效果)S_FilmEffect(模仿胶片效果,有少量模板)S_FlysEyeCircles(圆形复眼效果)S_FlysEyeHex(六角形复眼效果)S_FlysEyeRect(矩形复眼效果)S_Grain(噪点效果)S_GrainStatic(随机噪点效果)S_HalfTone(双色点阵效果)S_HalfToneColor(彩色点阵效果)S_HalfToneRings(双色环形纹理效果)S_JpegDamage(模仿JPEG压缩造成的图像损失)S_Kaleido(多边形万花筒效果)S_KaleidoPolar(圆形万花筒效果)S_Mosaic(可调项较多的马赛克效果)S_PseudoColor(热成像效果)S_PsykoBlobs(水面油渍效果)S_PsykoStripes(条纹油渍效果)S_ScanLines(模仿电视效果)S_ScanLinesMono(模仿黑白电视效果)S_Sketch(手绘效果)S_Solarize(负片效果)S_Zebrafy(扭曲的单色底片效果)S_ZebrafyColor(带有色彩漂移和扭曲的底片效果)S_ZFogExponential(指数增长的蒙雾效果)S_ZFogLinear(线性增长的蒙雾效果)8.SapphireTimeS_Feedback(延迟视频回馈效果)S_FeedbackBubble(带有变形的延迟视频回馈效果)S_FieldRemove(去场工具)S_Flicker(随机闪烁效果)S_FlickerMatch(同步闪烁效果)S_FlickerMatchMatte(指定区域的同步闪烁效果)S_FlickerMatchColor(对色彩通道的同步闪烁效果)S_FlickerMchMatteColor(同时带有变色和蒙板的同步闪烁效果)S_FlickerRemove(去除闪烁)S_FlickerRemoveMatte(指定区域的消除闪烁)S_FlickerRemoveColor(去除色彩闪烁)S_FlickerRmMatteColor(去除指定区域的色彩闪烁)S_FreezeFrame(跳帧效果,不错)S_GetFrame(静帧效果)S_JitterFrames(随机抽帧效果)S_MotionDetect(帧变化检测,好)S_NearestColor(检测指定的色彩部分)S_RandomEdits(帧乱序播放,好)S_ReverseClip(帧反序播放)S_ReverseEdits(指定区段帧的反序播放,不错)S_TimeAverage(指定帧平均合成,类似于追迹效果)S_TimeDisplace(动态贴图替换)S_TimeSlice(参数与时间有关的帧切分效果)S_TimeWarpRGB(色偏移效果)S_Trails(追迹效果)S_TrailsDiffuse(带有像素扩散的追迹效果)9.Sapphire TransitionsS_DissolveBlur(模糊过渡,不错)S_DissolveBubble(液化过渡,不错)S_DissolveDiffuse(像素扩散过渡)S_DissolveLuma(各种亮度过渡)S_DissolvePuddle(水波纹过渡,不错)S_DissolveSpeckle(可控斑点过渡)S_DissolveStatic(随机像素过渡)S_DissolveVortex(漩涡过渡)S_DissolveWaves(波浪过渡)S_WipeBlobs(气泡转场,不错)S_WipeBubble(液化划像,不错)S_WipeCells(细胞结构过渡)S_WipeChecker(网格划像)S_WipeCircle(圆形划像)S_WipeClock(扇形划像)S_WipeClouds(云雾转场,少见)S_WipeDiffuse(像素扩散划像)S_WipeDots(点阵划像)S_WipeDoubleWedge(双楔形划像)S_WipeFourWedges(四楔形划像)S_WipeLine(线性划像)S_WipePixelate(随机像素块划像)S_WipeRectangle(矩形划像)S_WipeRings(多重环形划像)S_WipeStar(星形划像)S_WipeStripes(条纹划像)S_WipeTiles(多边形划像)S_WipeWedge(楔形划像)。



附件A、三极管的Pspice模型参数.Model <model name> NPN(PNP、LPNP) [model parameters]第 1 页共9页第 2 页共9页附件B、PSpice Goal Function第 3 页共9页附件CModeling voltage-controlled and temperature-dependent resistorsAnalog Behavioral Modeling (ABM) can be used to model a nonlinear resistor through use of Ohm抯 law and tables and expressions which describe resistance. Here are some examples.Voltage-controlled resistorIf a Resistance vs. Voltage curve is available, a look-up table can be used in the ABM expression. This table contains (Voltage, Resistance) pairs picked from points on the curve. The voltage input is nonlinearly mapped from the voltage values in the table to the resistance values. Linear interpolation is used between table values.Let抯 say that points picked from a Resistance vs. Voltage curve are:Voltage ResistanceThe ABM expression for this is shown in Figure 1.第 4 页共9页Figure 1 - Voltage controlled resistor using look-up tableTemperature-dependent resistorA temperature-dependent resistor (or thermistor) can be modeled with a look-up table, or an expression can be used to describe how the resistance varies with temperature. The denominator in the expression in Figure 2 is used to describe common thermistors. The TEMP variable in the expression is the simulation temperature, in Celsius. This is then converted to Kelvin by adding 273.15. This step is necessary to avoid a divide by zero problem in the denominator, when T=0 C.NOTE: TEMP can only be used in ABM expressions (E, G devices).Figure 3 shows the results of a DC sweep of temperature from -40 to 60 C. The y-axis shows the resistance or V(I1:-)/1A.第 5 页共9页Figure 2 - Temperature controlled resistorFigure 3 - PSpice plot of Resistance vs. Temperature (current=1A)Variable Q RLC networkIn most circuits the value of a resistor is fixed during a simulation. While the value can be made to change for a set of simulations by using a Parametric Sweep to move through a fixed sequence of values, a voltage-controlled resistor can be made to change dynamically during a simulation. This is illustrated by the circuit shown in Figure 5, which employs a voltage-controlled resistor.第 6 页共9页Figure 4 - Parameter sweep of control voltageThis circuit employs an external reference component that is sensed. The output impedance equals the value of the control voltage times the reference. Here, we will use Rref, a 50 ohm resistor as our reference. As a result, the output impedance is seen by the circuit as a floating resistor equal to the value of V(Control) times the resistance value of Rref. In our circuit, the control voltage value is stepped from 0.5 volt to 2 volts in 0.5 volt steps, therefore, the resistance between nodes 3 and 0 varies from 25 ohms to 100 ohms in 25 ohm-steps.第7 页共9页Figure 5 - Variable Q RLC circuitA transient analysis of this circuit using a 0.5 ms wide pulse will show how the ringing differs as the Q is varied.Using Probe, we can observe how the ringing varies as the resistance changes. Figure 6 shows the input pulse and the voltage across the capacitor C1. Comparing the four output waveforms, we can see the most pronounced ringing occurs when the resistor has the lowest value and the Q is greatest. Any signal source can be used to drive the voltage-controlled resistance. If we had used a sinusoidal control source instead of a staircase, the resistance would have varied dynamically during the simulation.第8 页共9页Figure 6 - Output waveforms of variable Q RLC circuit第9 页共9页。



运算放大器电路固有噪声的分析与测量第七部分:放大器的内部噪声作者:德州仪器 (TI) 高级应用工程师 Art Kay本文将讨论决定运算放大器 (op amp) 固有噪声的基本物理关系。



最坏情况下的噪声分析和设计的 5 条经验法则大多数运算放大器产品说明书列出的仅仅是一个运算放大器噪声的典型值,没有任何关于噪声温度漂移的信息。





本节总结了最坏情况下的噪声分析和设计的 5 条经验法则。





在一些设计中的噪声主要来自输入ESD 保护电阻的热噪声。

这样的话,宽带噪声的变化超过典型值的 10% 是非常不可能的。

事实上,许多低噪声器件的这种变化一般都低于 10%。

请参见图7.1 示例。

图 7.1 基于典型值估算的室温条件下的宽带噪声经验法则2:放大器噪声会随着温度变化而变化。

对于许多偏置方案 (bias scheme) 来说(如,与绝对温度成正比的方案,PTAT),噪声以绝对温度的平方根成正比地增大,因此在大范围的工业温度内噪声的变化相对很小(如,在25℃至 125 ℃之间仅发生 15% 的变化)。





零中频的问题是LO泄露,DC Offset,flicker noise噪声和IP2(AM Suppression)问题,设计难度大。

1, LO和RF频率相同,LO的频率可以直接泄漏到入射信号端,形成很强的LO泄漏干扰2,由于基带信号在零频附近,由于偶次失真项引起的干扰开始影响接收机的性能,如偶次项失真产生的DC部分会影响电路的直流工作点,形成DC offset,另外一个偶次项失真就是IP23,基带附近的Flicker Noise替代了原来的高斯白噪声,形成基底噪声,影响接收机的信躁比4,直接在RF进行IQ分离,会出现IQ通路很难匹配;5,基带滤波器通常采用有源滤波器实现,在IC Layout中占很大面积,而且Noise Figure很大只要克服上述主要缺点,零中频和低中频还是一种趋势2, 1)本振泄漏(LO Leakage)零中频结构的本振频率与信号频率相同,如果混频器的本振口与射频口之间的隔离性能不好,本振信号就很容易从混频器的射频口输出,再通过低噪声放大器泄漏到天线,辐射到空间,形成对邻道的干扰;2)偶次失真(Even-Order Distortion两个高频干扰经过含有偶次失真的LNA将产生一个低频干扰信号。

若混频器是理想的,此信号与本振信号coswL Ot混频后,将被搬移到高频,对接收机没有影响。

然而实际的混频器并非理想, RF口与IF口的隔离有限,干扰信号将由混频器的RF口直通进入IF口,对基带信号造成干扰。

3)直流偏差(DC Offset)直流偏差是零中频方案特有的一种干扰,它是由自混频(Self-Mixing)引起的。





1. 散弹噪声(shot noise,白噪声,在频谱中表现为平坦的)
2. 热噪声(thermal noise,白噪声,在频谱中表现为平坦的)
3. 闪烁噪声(flicker noise,1/f 噪声)
4. 突发噪声(burst noise,脉冲噪声)
5. 雪崩噪声(Avalanche noise,反向击穿时才出现的噪声)

在频域,通常其单位用nV/rtHz,和pA/rtHz 来表征。

Figure 1 输入电压噪声和电流噪声曲线图例
Figure 2 噪声种类分布图
Figure 3 放大器噪声分量分解
其中电阻的噪声表征形式为,K 为玻尔兹曼常数,K=1.3806505 乘以J/K,T 为环境温度,其单位是开尔文(K),K=273.15+摄氏度。

这个公式分了6 项:

Flicker noise degeneration technique for VCO

Flicker noise degeneration technique for VCO

专利名称:Flicker noise degeneration technique forVCO发明人:Chun Geik Tan,Randy Tsang申请号:US11590073申请日:20061030公开号:US07486154B1公开日:20090203专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:An oscillating circuit having improved noise degeneration includes an oscillator and a noise degeneration circuit. The oscillator is adapted to provide a differential oscillating signal between first and second output terminals, and includes first andsecond transistors in communication with the first and second output terminals. The noise degeneration circuit includes cross-coupled capacitors and cross-coupled third and fourth transistors operated in a linear region. The noise degeneration circuit reduces the low frequency gm of the first and second transistors to lower the effect of flicker noise. At relatively high frequencies, the capacitors provide a virtual AC ground to the source terminals of the first and second transistors. The noise degeneration circuit receives a voltage signal from a biasing circuit adapted to track variations in electrical characteristics of the third and fourth transistors.申请人:Chun Geik Tan,Randy Tsang地址:Singapore SG,Foster City CA US国籍:SG,US代理机构:Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione更多信息请下载全文后查看。

flicker noise

flicker noise

flicker noiseFlicker Noise(闪烁噪声)是一种特殊的噪声,通过自发的随机过程而产生,它可以随机地以瞬间发出声音或信号,通常在电子设备中展现。

1. Flicker Noise的特点(1)无定位性:Flicker Noise随机现象,因此无法确定其位置,也是噪声中频谱最宽的;(2)频率谱分布:Flicker Noise会呈现出大量的脉冲信号,其频谱通常会形成“1/f”的分布形态,这种分布形态的影响较为明显,也是出现Flicker Noise的典型表现;(3)低分辨率:Flicker Noise只在低分辨率的情况下才能表现出明显的特征,高分辨率的环境中,它的影响就会显得不那么明显;2. Flicker Noise的成因(1)热噪声:在物理设备中,由于热量的紊乱,随机的噪声会随机发出;(2)并联流动电路:当有一组并联流动电路时,因路径上存在噪声源,从而可能导致噪声的出现;(3)随机采样:当信号系统采样极限有限时,随机采样会出现信号失真,这可能会导致Flicker Noise出现;(4)不规则变化:由于信号的不规则变化,可能也会引起Flicker Noise的产生。

3. Flicker Noise的影响(1)设备耗电量增加:Flicker Noise的出现会使设备为了抵消噪声,耗尽更多电能;(2)信号失真:Flicker Noise会影响信号传输所需要的抗噪比,进而影响信号质量,从而导致信号失真;(3)特性参数变化:Flicker Noise会影响特性参数的变化,像是频率谱的变化、时域的变化等,从而影响系统的表现;(4)系统性能变差:Flicker Noise的出现可能会降低系统的性能,抑制信号的传输,甚至影响系统的稳定性。

4. Flicker Noise的抑制方法(1)调整噪声带宽:限定噪声的范围,将噪声带宽调至低频处,以降低噪声所带来的影响;(2)分析噪声源:识别出产生Flicker Noise的原因,如热噪声,可以采取减少电子设备运行时间,降低热噪声等措施来抑制;(3)设备整饰:对设备进行整饰,尽量使其增加灵敏度、减少报警器的故障,以抑制Flicker Noise的产生;(4)采用特定的滤波器:使用低通滤波器、低噪声放大器等,采用分流滤波或降噪处理,以消除Flicker Noise的影响。

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F.Sischka Agilent Technologies GmbH, Munich
modeling toolkits NOISE.DOC | 22.04.02
Franz Sischka
Noise Modeling for Semiconductors -2-
1. Introduction
Fig.1: low frequency noise spectral density current of a bipolar transistor [A2/Hz], measured at the Collector. Broadband noise in bipolar or FET models is determined essentially by thermal noise and shot noise. These noise sources are automatically determined within the model from the large signal model parameters. An important prerequisite for this is, however, that the noise determining parameters, e.g. the Base resistor of bipolar transistors, has been determined carefully and that their values have a physical meaning. The low frequency noise, on the other hand, dominated by the 1/f noise, is modeled by some specific model parameters. In general, these are the AF and KF and sometimes BF/EF parameters, covered in this chapter. With some models, like the BSIM3v3, an alternate 1/f noise model is available too [10,15].
Noise Terms Definitions
In order to keeps things simple, we consider white noise of a resistor. This frequencyindependent and bias-independent noise is described in terms of a voltage by the well-known formula
v nR 2 = 4 ⋅ k ⋅ T ⋅ ∆f ∗ R
v nR 2 4 ⋅ k ⋅ T ⋅ ∆f R effective noise voltage (root means square value), in [V2] this product represents a power, with dimension [A*V] resistance value
Phase noise of oscillator circuits is among the key parameters of today's communication systems. It limits the modulation quality of the information signal, and the cross-talk to adjacent channels. In the receiver, on the other hand, it can reduce the selectivity and the demodulation quality. With today's trend to even more complex modulation schemes, low phase noise becomes even more critical. Therefore, minimizing noise with the design of high frequency communications circuits is a must for the cost-effective exploitation of limited bandwidth, and to obtain low bit error rates. In order to predict the noise behavior of such systems correctly, accurate noise models are required. Without them, the design and optimization of an amplifier's noise figure or the phase noise of oscillators cannot be successful. A key element is the transistor. While for linear circuits the modeling of the noise at the operating frequency f0 is sufficient, non-linear circuits do also convert the low-frequency noise up to the operating frequency range. For oscillators as an example, the 1/f low frequency noise at fm will be mixed upwards to contribute to the phase noise of the total circuit at the frequencies f0+fm and f0-fm . Therefore, noise modeling of transistors can be split into a high and a low frequency segment. Fig.1 depicts the Collector low-frequency noise spectral density [A2/Hz] of a bipolar transistor. It can be seen that the resolution of the toolkit measurement setup is at about 0.2nA / Hz .
v nR 2 Snv = ∆f = 4 ⋅k ⋅T ∗ R
In some cases, the square root of Snv is used, called the equivalent noise voltage, Env [V/√Hz].
Env = v nR 2 ∆f
Note: using Env instead of Snv does not require to calculate noise transmissions/amplifications using squares of R, amplification etc. See below.
v nR 2 is called power noise spectral density. ∆f
However, this is not exact, referring to the dimensions. A more appropriate term is therefore voltage noise spectral density. Its symbol is usually Snv, and its dimension is [V2 / Hz]
modeling toolkits NOISE.DOC | 22.04.02
Franz Sischka
Noise Modeling for Semiconductors -4-
Note: When expressing noise in terms of currents, e.g. same terminology applies.
v nR 2 = 4 ⋅k ⋅T ∗ R ∆f
This result can be plotted against frequency. In case of our resistor, it is a constant value. For semiconductors, such a plot can also exhibit frequency dependencies, e.g. 1/f noise. In any case, such a plot shows a spectrum. Therefore, this term
modeling toolkits NOISE.DOC | 22.04.02
Franz Sischka
Noise Modeling for Semiconductors -3Since there is much confusion about noise terms, noise units etc., we will first commence with a small chapter on
amplSv2 = Sv1源自(ampl)2RSv = Si * R2
SiC = ß2 * SiB
modeling toolkits NOISE.DOC | 22.04.02
Franz Sischka
1. Introduction 2. Types of Noise in Semiconductors 3. Noise Models in Semiconductors 4. 1/f Noise Measurement Setup 5. AF, KF and BF/EF Noise Parameter Extraction and Verification 6. Appendix: Noise floor information on the toolkit measurement setup 7. Acknowledgements and Publications