浙江省湖州市2017-2018学年高二下学期期末考试试题第I 卷(共40分)一、选择题:本大题共 10个小题,每小题4分,共40分在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一 项是符合题目要求的.1•设全集 U =R ,集合 A = {x |x 兰 2},B ={x2x c 2},贝U A“ B =( )A. {x —2W x c l }B . {xx 兰一2}C . {xxW2}D . {x1W xE 2}2•函数f x =xlnx 的图象在1, f 1「I 点处的切线的倾斜角是()2 二 ~3正确的证法是( )A .假设n -k k N ,证明n =k 1时命题也成立B. 假设n =k ( k 是正奇数),证明n =k 1时命题也成立C. 假设n =k ( k 是正奇数),证明n -k 2时命题也成立D. 假设n =2k • 1 k • N ,证明n =k 1时命题也成立5•从2名男生和3名女生中选两人参加两项不同的活动,则这两人中既有男生又有女生的概6•将函数f x ;=sin2x 的图象向左平移个长度单位,得到函数 g x 的图象,则函数6g x 的单调递减区间是()3.已知 sin ) COST则sin2二等于(24 24 2525 12 2512 254•用数学归纳法证明命题 当n 是正奇数时,x n +y n 能被x + y 整除”在第二步的证明时,率是()3 A.-53B.-44C.-57_1012•平面向量 a 二 m, -1 , b = 2,4 ,且 a — b 及 a b40二7 二A . 2k a., 2k 二,k Z|[12 12二 7 二C.k :-., k 二,k Z||12 12D. E2八 * ZX 27.函数v = — +1 n x 的图象可能是(x丁或小军出演,6号角色不能由小丁出演,则不同的角色分配方案有(9.设x , y , z 都是正数,且2 - 3 - 5,则(在答题纸上)x + vi11.已知x, v • R 且1 i ,则复数z = x yi 的虚部是 ________________3-2iB . 1 k,兰 k ,_6 38.某班六位学生参演一个文艺节目,分别饰演其中的6个不同角色,其中 1号角色只能由小A . 192种B . 288种 C. 240 种 216种A . 2x 3y 5zB. 5z : 2x : 3yC. 3y :5z : 2xD.3y :2x : 5z10.已知X 三0,-,2°'2,且 ------ ; ----- ( a211 cos I 2丿::tan1 - cos二a,则(P <aaD.-16二、填空题 (本大题共 第n 卷(共 110 分)7小题,多空题每题 6分,单空题每题 4分,满分36分,将答案填C.D .4 213•多项式x 1 x 2的展开式中,含x的系数为____________________ ,展开式的各项系数和为 __________ •(均用数字作答)14.已知函数f (x )=4cosx cos. x -一I,则函数f(x )的最小正周期T= ____________ ,在区间o,I上的值域为1 2」15.如图所示,用4种不同的颜色给图中5个区域涂色(4种颜色可不用完),要求每个区域涂一种颜色,且相邻区域不涂同一种颜色,则不同的涂色方法有2-ax b In x-1 , a,b R,当x 1 时,f x - 0恒成立,则a的取值范围是17.单位向量a,b,c满足be-*,贝U a—2入b—(2 —2九)扣"° )的取值范围是 __________ .三、解答题(本大题共5小题,共74分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)318.已知函数f x = x -ax-1, R , a R.(i)求f x在定义域内为增函数,求实数a的取值范围;(n)若a =3,求f x在〔-2,2】上的最大值与最小值.19.从n个正整数1, 2 , 3,…,n中任取两个不同的数,若取出的两数之和等于7的概率为一.28(I)求n的值;(n)若1-2^ = a o a i x a2X2• 11( • a n x n.①求爲的值;②在1a o,a i,a2,a3,ll),a n?中任取不同的3个元素,求取出的3个元素的乘积是负数的概率20.如图,三棱锥P - ABC中,E , D分别是棱BC , AC的中点,PB二PC二AB = 4 , AC =8 , BC =4 .3 , PA=2、6.(I)证明:BC _平面PED ;(n)求直线PC与平面PAB所成的角的正弦值.2 2x y21.已知点F是椭圆C : —2 2a b=1 a b 0的右焦点,O是坐标原点, OF = 2,过F作x轴的垂线交椭圆于直线A , B两点,且也OAB的面积是103(I)求椭圆C的标准方程;(n)若直线I与椭圆C交于P , Q两点,且与x轴交于点M ,且=2/0^ ,求CPQ 的面积取得最大值时丨的斜率•22.已知函数fx=l nx m m Rx —11⑴当时,求函数 f x的单调区间;x三i1, 时,证明: f x 1.2017学年第二学期期末调研测试卷高二数学答案—S选择題(本大题共却小題・毎小題4分,共40分.在毎小超给出的叫平选项中,只冇一项11. L 岳:12. 2* 5:19. S6, 162:14. JT,[0.3]t is. 1441 16. a<6t 17. -I T3_三七解答题〔本小鈕,共恥幷・解普应耳!B文宇说明、址列过程感禳算步SL ) 1S.(本小题满分14分)C^Sffi/(jr)=x s-ai-l ・R・R.11 m/t V)崔定丈域內为増竈歆・求丈数应的取值范国;<n)若—3・^/(x)在卜2池]上的母人值与最那值.昭{l)f'(x\=ix2-a.-------------------- 2井號题知广(叮=3卫-口王0即口兰在J?上帕咸立........ ... 分Uh ------------------ 分\ -!nnn5汕口= 3时* /(r)=r3-3ir-l ・<(x)=3r'-3 .得在卜药2]上『匕)的塔区间是[1 •马和[4・一1卜 --- 8分减△间迳卜L・ 1]* 10 5?所以是汀口=吹{_<(「1>『(2)} = 1,————12分f^)=^{f(-2),f(\}}=-3.-------------------------------- 14^嵩二数孚曲淮(共4更)一第[页19.体小閒満井沾岗从用牛正整數1.2,弓,…M中任取两十不同的熟若嗾出的两數之和臬于了的摄事胃需一仃)求用的血(TI)若(l-2x)ft=角+。
2017-2018学年浙江省湖州市高二下学期期末考试物理试题 解析版
![2017-2018学年浙江省湖州市高二下学期期末考试物理试题 解析版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1c04cd976529647d27285229.png)
浙江省湖州市2017-2018学年高二下学期期末考试物理试题一、单项选择题(本题共13小题,每题3分,共39分,每小题只有一个正确答案)1. 下列物理量中,属于标量的是A. 力B. 速度C. 时间D. 冲量【答案】C【解析】力、速度和冲量都是既有大小又有方向的物理量,是矢量;而时间只有大小无方向,是标量,故选C.2.缩短至4个半小时。
下列说法正确的是A. 4个半小时指的是时刻C. 由题目信息可以估算列车在任意段时间内的平均速度D. 研究“复兴号”列车经过某一站牌的时间,不能将其看做质点【答案】D【解析】4个半小时对应时间轴上的一段,所以是时间间隔。
3. 下列物理学史符合史实的是A. 亚里士多德认为力是改变物体运动状态的原因B. 麦克斯韦预言了电磁波的存在C. 汤姆孙发现了质子D. 普朗克提出来原子核式结构模型【答案】B【解析】伽利略认为力是改变物体运动状态的原因,选项A错误;麦克斯韦预言了电磁波的存在,选项B正确;汤姆孙发现了电子,选项C错误;卢瑟福提出了原子核式结构模型,选项D错误;故选B.4. 如图所示,弹簧秤沿水平桌面拉着物块一起向右做加速运动,下列说法正确的是A. 桌面对物块作用力的方向竖直向上B. 弹簧秤对手和对物块的力是一对作用力和反作用力C. 物块受到除重力外其它力的合力方向水平向右D. 物块拉弹簧秤的力与弹簧秤拉物块的力大小相等【答案】D【解析】桌面对物体有向上的支持力和向后的摩擦力,则桌面对物体作用力的合力不是竖直向上的方向,故A错误;弹簧秤对手和手对弹簧秤的拉力是一对作用力和反作用力,而与弹簧秤对物块的力不是相互作用,故B错误;物块向右加速运动,则所受的合力方向水平向右,则受到除重力外其它力的合力方向不是水平向右,选项C错误;不论物体如何运动,物块拉弹簧秤的力与弹簧秤拉物体的力大小始终相等,故D正确。
浙江省湖州市2017-2018学年高二下学期期末考试试题第Ⅰ卷(共40分)一、选择题:本大题共10个小题,每小题4分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.设全集U R =,集合{}2A x x =≤,{}22x B x =<,则A B = ( ) A .{}21x x -≤< B .{}2x x ≥- C .{}2x x ≤ D .{}12x x ≤≤2.函数()ln f x x x =的图象在()()1,1f 点处的切线的倾斜角是( )A .34πB .23πC .3πD .4π 3.已知1sin cos 5θθ+=,则sin 2θ等于( ) A .2425 B .2425- C .1225 D .1225- 4.用数学归纳法证明命题“当n 是正奇数时,n n x y +能被x y +整除”,在第二步的证明时,正确的证法是( )A .假设()n k k N *=∈,证明1n k =+时命题也成立 B .假设n k =(k 是正奇数),证明1n k =+时命题也成立C. 假设n k =(k 是正奇数),证明2n k =+时命题也成立D .假设()21n k k N =+∈,证明1n k =+时命题也成立5.从2名男生和3名女生中选两人参加两项不同的活动,则这两人中既有男生又有女生的概率是( )A .35B .34 C. 45 D .7106.将函数()sin 2f x x =的图象向左平移6π个长度单位,得到函数()g x 的图象,则函数()g x 的单调递减区间是( )A .72,21212k k ππππ⎡⎤++⎢⎥⎣⎦,k Z ∈B .2,63k k ππππ⎡⎤++⎢⎥⎣⎦,k Z ∈ C. 7,1212k k ππππ⎡⎤++⎢⎥⎣⎦,k Z ∈ D .22,263k k ππππ⎡⎤++⎢⎥⎣⎦,k Z ∈ 7.函数2ln x y x x=+的图象可能是( )A .B . C. D .8.某班六位学生参演一个文艺节目,分别饰演其中的6个不同角色,其中1号角色只能由小丁或小军出演,6号角色不能由小丁出演,则不同的角色分配方案有( )A .192种B .288种 C. 240种 D .216种9.设x ,y ,z 都是正数,且235x y z ==,则( )A .235x y z <<B .523z x y <<C.352y z x << D .325y x z <<10.已知0,2πα⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,0,2πβ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,且1cos tan 21cos 2ααβαα-<<⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭,则( ) A .42ααβ<< B .2αβα<< C.84ααβ<< D .168ααβ<<第Ⅱ卷(共110分)二、填空题(本大题共7小题,多空题每题6分,单空题每题4分,满分36分,将答案填在答题纸上)11.已知,x y R ∈且132x yi i i+=+-,则复数z x yi =+的虚部是 ,z = . 12.平面向量(),1a m =- ,()2,4b = ,且a b ⊥ 及0a b c ++= ,则m = ,c = .13.多项式()()412x x ++的展开式中,含2x 的系数为 ,展开式的各项系数和为 .(均用数字作答)14.已知函数()4cos cos 3f x x x π⎛⎫=⋅- ⎪⎝⎭,则函数()f x 的最小正周期T = ,在区间0,2π⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上的值域为 . 15.如图所示,用4种不同的颜色给图中5个区域涂色(4种颜色可不用完),要求每个区域涂一种颜色,且相邻区域不涂同一种颜色,则不同的涂色方法有 种.16.设函数()()()22ln 1f x x ax b x =-+-,,a b R ∈,当1x >时,()0f x ≥恒成立,则a 的取值范围是 .17.单位向量a ,b ,c 满足12b c ⋅= ,则()()22201a b c λλλ---≤≤ 的取值范围是 .三、解答题 (本大题共5小题,共74分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)18. 已知函数()31f x x ax =--,x R ∈,a R ∈. (Ⅰ)求()f x 在定义域内为增函数,求实数a 的取值范围;(Ⅱ)若3a =,求()f x 在[]2,2-上的最大值与最小值.19. 从n 个正整数1,2,3,…,n 中任取两个不同的数,若取出的两数之和等于7的概率为328. (Ⅰ)求n 的值;(Ⅱ)若()201212nn n x a a x a x a x -=++++ . ①求3a 的值;②在{}0123,,,,,n a a a a a 中任取不同的3个元素,求取出的3个元素的乘积是负数的概率.20. 如图,三棱锥P ABC -中,E ,D 分别是棱BC ,AC 的中点,4PB PC AB ===,8AC =,BC =PA =(Ⅰ)证明:BC ⊥平面PED ;(Ⅱ)求直线PC 与平面PAB 所成的角的正弦值.21. 已知点F 是椭圆()2222:10x y C a b a b+=>>的右焦点,O 是坐标原点,2OF = ,过F 作x 轴的垂线交椭圆于直线A ,B 两点,且OAB ∆的面积是103. (Ⅰ)求椭圆C 的标准方程; (Ⅱ)若直线l 与椭圆C 交于P ,Q 两点,且与x 轴交于点M ,且2P M M Q = ,求O P Q ∆的面积取得最大值时l 的斜率.22.已知函数()()ln 1mf x x m R x =+∈-. (Ⅰ)当12m =时,求函数()f x 的单调区间; (Ⅱ)当12m ≥,()1,x ∈+∞时,证明:()1f x >.。
沿斜面匀速上滑,则物体与斜面间的动摩擦因数 μ 为( )
A. B.μ=tanθ C. D. 8.(3 分)下列说法正确的是( ) A.红外线的光子动量大于紫外线 B.天然放射现象说明原子是有结构的 C.在发生轻核聚变或重核裂变后,核子的平均质量均变小 D.不同频率的光波在同一介质中传播的速度大小相等 9.(3 分)关于甲、乙、丙、丁四个实验,以下说法正确的是( )
第 2 页(ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 19 页)
丁:单色光通过单缝明暗条纹 A.四个实验产生的条纹均为干涉条纹 B.甲、乙两实验产生的条纹均为等距条纹 C.丙实验中,产生的条纹间距越大,该光的频率越大 D.丁实验中,产生的明暗条纹为光的衍射条纹 10.(3 分)选修 3﹣4 如图所示,白炽灯的右侧依次平行放置偏振片 P 和 Q,A 点位于 P、 Q 之间,B 点位于 Q 右侧。旋转偏振片 P,A、B 两点光的强度变化情况是( )
A.A、B 均不变 C.A 不变,B 有变化 11.(3 分)质量为 m1 的铀核
B.A、B 均有变化 D.A 有变化,B 不变 经过若干次 α 衰变和 β 衰变后,会变成质量为 m2 的铅
,关于该过程,下列说法中正确的是( )
A.衰变过程中释放出的 α 射线的穿透能力比 β 射线强,而电离能力比 β 射线弱
A.a 光的波长 λ1 小于 b 光的波长 λ2 B.a 光、b 光同时照射一群基态氢原子能发出 9 种频率的光 C.a 光、b 光同时照射一群基态氢原子发出的所有光中,波长最短的是 λ2 D.a 光、b 光同时照射一群基态氢原子发出的所有光中,光子能量差最大值为 12.09eV 17.(4 分)如图,空气中有一折射率为 的玻璃柱体,其横截面是圆心角为 90°、半径为 R 的扇形 OAB.一束平行于横截面,以入射角 θ 照射到 OA 上,OB 不透光.若只考虑 首次入射到圆弧 AB 上的光( )
2017-2018学年浙江省湖州市高二(下)期末化学复习试卷 Word版含解析
![2017-2018学年浙江省湖州市高二(下)期末化学复习试卷 Word版含解析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/718344166c85ec3a87c2c5cb.png)
2017-2018学年浙江省湖州市高二(下)期末化学复习试卷一、选择题(每小题只有一个选项符合题意,每小题3分,共48分)1.下列说法正确的是()A.环保热词“PM2.5”是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5 微米(1微米=1×10﹣6米)的颗粒,“PM2.5”与空气形成的分散系属于胶体B.食盐中加入少量碘化钾,食用后可补充人体内碘元素的不足C.石油催化裂化的主要目的是提高汽油等轻质油的产量与质量,石油裂解的主要目的是得到更多的乙烯、丙烯等气态短链烃D.晶体硅是通信工程中制作光导纤维的主要原料2.下列说法正确的是()A.水、双氧水、水玻璃都是纯净物B.乙醚和乙醇互为同分异构体C.乙醇、氯气、葡萄糖都是非电解质D.甲酸与硬脂酸属于同系物3.“官能团”是决定有机物性质的原子或原子团,下列原子团不是“官能团”的是()A.﹣NH2B.﹣CHO C.﹣COOH D.﹣CH2CH34.下列离子方程式书写不正确的是()A.FeO溶于稀硝酸:FeO+2H+═Fe2++H2OB.醋酸与碳酸钙反应:2CH3COOH+CaCO3═2CH3COO﹣+Ca2++H2O+CO2↑C.Ba(OH)2溶液与稀硫酸反应:Ba2++2OH﹣+2H++SO42﹣═BaSO4↓+2H2OD.往AlC13溶液中加入过量氨水:Al3++3 NH3•H2O═Al(OH)3↓+3NH4+5.N A表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列叙述正确的是()A.1 L 0.1 mol•L﹣1 CH3COOH溶液中含有的CH3COO﹣为0.1N AB.常温下,1 L 0.1 mol•L﹣1 NH4NO3溶液中含有的氮原子数为0.2N AC.在反应KIO3+6HI═KI+3I2+3H2O中,每生成3mol I2,同时转移的电子数为6N A D.常温常压下,22.4 L乙烯中含有的共用电子对的数目为6N A6.绿色:环境保护也是我们的生活理念.下列实验符合“绿色环保”思想的是()A.氯气溶于水制氯水B.铜与浓硫酸反应C.实验室制备并收集氯化氢气体D.一氧化碳还原氧化铜7.中国第二艘载人飞船神舟六号发射任务的是长征二号F运载火箭.该运载火箭使用偏二甲肼[NH2N(CH3)2]和四氧化二氮(N2O4)作为推进剂,发生反应后生成N2、CO2和H2O (g),则该反应中N2O4()A.只是氧化剂B.只是还原剂C.既是氧化剂又是还原剂D.既不是氧化剂又不是还原剂8.为提纯下列物质(括号内为杂质),所用的除杂试剂和分离方法都正确的是()序号不纯物除杂试剂分离方法A CH4(C2H4)酸性KMnO4溶液洗气B 苯(Br2)NaOH溶液过滤C 乙醇(水)生石灰蒸馏D SiO2(Al2O3)NaOH溶液过滤A.A B.B C.C D.D9.下列反应类型相同的是()A.乙烯与溴化氢制溴乙烷与苯与溴反应制溴苯B.蛋白质水解生成氨基酸与淀粉发酵生成酒精C.乙醇脱水制乙烯与乙醇、乙酸脱水制乙酸乙酯D.甲烷和氯气制一氯甲烷与苯和硝酸反应制硝基苯10.下列各组物质,在常温下不发生反应的是()①硫化氢和二氧化硫②铝与氧化铁③铜与稀硝酸④石英与纯碱⑤一氧化氮与氧气⑥硅与氧气.A.②③⑤B.②④⑥C.①②⑥D.①③⑤11.为验证蔗糖能水解,且水解产物有还原性,可能有以下实验步骤:(1)加入稀硫酸;(2)加入几滴CuSO4溶液;(3)加热;(4)加入蒸馏水;(5)加入烧碱溶液至中性;(6)加入新制Cu(OH)2.最佳顺序是()A.(4)(1)(3)(6)(3)B.(4)(3)(1)(6)(5)(3)C.(1)(3)(2)(6)(3)D.(4)(1)(3)(5)(6)(3)12.现有氮及其化合物的转化关系如下图,则下列说法不正确的是()A.路线①②③是工业生产硝酸的主要途径B.路线ⅠⅡⅢ是雷电固氮生成硝酸的主要途径C.氮气可在足量的氧气中通过一步反应生成NO2D.上述所有反应都是氧化还原反应13.m g Na在足量Cl2中燃烧,生成的固体质量为(m+3.55)g,则m g Na与O2反应,生成的固体质量可能为()①(m+0.8)g②(m+1.0)g③(m+1.2)g ④(m+1.4)g⑤(m+1.6)g.A.①④B.①C.④D.均可以14.充分燃烧某液态芳香烃X,并收集产生的全部水,恢复到室温时,得到水的质量跟原芳香烃X的质量相等.则X的分子式为()A.C10H16B.C11H14C.C12H18D.C13H2015.某澄清溶液中可能含有下列离子:K+、NH4+、Fe2+、Fe3+、Ba2+、SO42ˉ、HCO3ˉ、Clˉ,为鉴别其中含有的离子,进行如下实验:①用玻璃棒蘸取原溶液滴在pH试纸上,试纸显红色;②另取少量原溶液加入BaCl2溶液,生成不溶于稀硝酸的白色沉淀;③取②中上层清液加入酸化的硝酸银溶液,生成白色沉淀.下列关于原溶液的说法正确的是()A.原溶液中一定不存在Ba2+和HCO3﹣B.取③中滤液加入KSCN,溶液显红色,则原溶液一定有Fe3+C.原溶液中一定存在SO42﹣和Cl﹣D.为确定原溶液中是否含有K+,可通过焰色反应直接观察焰色是否为紫色来确定16.现有Si和Al2O3的固体混合物样品,加入NaOH溶液使混合物完全溶解,所得溶液中c(Na+):c(AlO2﹣):c(OH﹣)=6:2:1,则原固体混合物中硅元素与氧元素的质量比为()A.3:2 B.3:1 C.7:8 D.7:16二、简答题(本大题有5小题,共32分)17.按要求书写方程式:(1)实验室制氨气的化学方程式(2)钠与水反应的离子方程式.18.工业上用铝土矿(主要成分为Al2O3,只含Fe2O3杂质)为原料冶炼铝的工艺流程如下:(1)试剂X为;操作②的名称为;(2)反应②的离子方程式为.19.某学生对SO2与漂粉精的反应进行实验探究:操作现象取4g漂粉精固体,加入100mL水部分固体溶解,溶液略有颜色过滤,测漂粉精溶液的pH pH试纸先变蓝(约为12),后褪色ⅰ.液面上方出现白雾;ⅱ.稍后,出现浑浊,溶液变为黄绿色;ⅲ.稍后,产生大量白色沉淀,黄绿色褪去(1)Cl2和Ca(OH)2制取漂粉精的化学方程式是.(2)pH试纸颜色的变化说明漂粉精溶液具有的化学性质是.(3)用离子方程式解释现象ⅲ中黄绿色褪去的原因.20.实验室常用离子化合物甲来制备氮气.取6.4g的甲隔绝空气加热,充分反应后生成2.24L (标准状况下测定,下同)的氮气和3.6g的水.另取相同质量的甲与足量的氢氧化钠浓溶液混合并加热,充分反应后能收集到2.24L气体乙,乙能使湿润的红色石蕊试纸变蓝.回答下列问题:(1)甲的化学式;乙的电子式.(2)若将足量的气体乙通入均为0.3mol•L﹣1的以下溶液中,最终没有沉淀产生的是.A.NaNO3B.Fe(NO3)3C.Al(NO3)3D.AgNO3(3)NO和乙在一定条件下(填“可能”或“不能”)发生反应,判断理由是.21.已知A、B、C、D、E、F六种有机物存在如下转化关系,E分子中有两个甲基,F能使Br2的CCl4溶液褪色.请回答下列问题:(1)D和E含有的官能团名称:D,E;(2)由F生成高聚物的化学方程式.(3)六种有机物中能跟Na反应的是(填字母)(4)由A生成B和C的化学反应方程式为.三、实验题(本大题有2小题,共12分)22.下列操作错误的是()(填序号)A.用蒸发皿进行加热蒸发实验时,不垫石棉网B.浓硫酸不慎沾到皮肤上,迅速用NaOH溶液清洗,再用水洗C.蒸馏时,将温度计水银球插入液面以下D.闻气体气味时,用手在容器口轻轻扇动,使少量气体飘入鼻孔中E.使用分液漏斗和容量瓶时,首先检查是否漏水23.用如图仪器A、B和胶管组成装置收集NO气体(①仪器A已进行气密性检查;②除水外,不能选用其他试剂),试在右框画出你设计的装置图,要求标注试剂及气流方向.24.下面是甲、乙、丙三位同学制取乙酸乙酯的过程,请你参与并协助他们完成相关实验任务.(1)甲、乙、丙三位同学分别设计了下列三套实验装置:请从甲、乙两位同学设计的装置中选择一套作为实验室制取乙酸乙酯的装置,较合理的是(选填“甲”或“乙”),对比甲、乙装置,请分析丙装置的优点(2)按所选择的装置组装仪器,在试管①中先加入3mL乙醇,并在振荡下缓缓加入2mL 浓硫酸,冷却后再加入2mL冰醋酸,在试管②中加入适量的饱和Na2CO3溶液,对试管①加热.•写出试管①中反应的化学方程式(注明反应条件);‚试管②中饱和碳酸钠溶液的作用是.A.中和乙醇和乙酸B.溶解乙醇并中和吸收乙酸C.乙酸乙酯在饱和碳酸钠溶液中的溶解度比在水中的小,有利于分层析出D.加速酯的生成,提高其产率ƒ从试管②中分离出乙酸乙酯,应选择的装置是.四、计算题(本大题有1小题,共8分)25.某硫酸厂以硫铁矿为原料生产硫酸的过程如下:生产过程化学反应反应情况硫铁矿的煅烧4FeS2+11O22Fe2O3+8SO24%的硫元素损失而混入炉渣催化氧化2SO2+O22SO3SO2转化率为90%SO3的吸收SO3+H2O=H2SO4SO3吸收率为100%(1)现用100吨含硫40%的硫铁矿生产硫酸,可生产98%的浓H2SO4吨.(除上述硫的损失外,忽略其它损失)(2)将含Cu与CuO的混合物20.8g加入到50mL 18.4mol•L﹣1的浓H2SO4中,加热充分反应至固体物质完全溶解,冷却后将混合液稀释至1000mL,测得溶液中c(Cu2+)=0.3mol•L ﹣1.试计算:①反应放出的气体在标准状况下的体积(不考虑气体的溶解)是.②稀释后的溶液中含有的c(H+)是.2017-2018学年浙江省湖州市高二(下)期末化学复习试卷参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(每小题只有一个选项符合题意,每小题3分,共48分)1.下列说法正确的是()A.环保热词“PM2.5”是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5 微米(1微米=1×10﹣6米)的颗粒,“PM2.5”与空气形成的分散系属于胶体B.食盐中加入少量碘化钾,食用后可补充人体内碘元素的不足C.石油催化裂化的主要目的是提高汽油等轻质油的产量与质量,石油裂解的主要目的是得到更多的乙烯、丙烯等气态短链烃D.晶体硅是通信工程中制作光导纤维的主要原料考点:常见的生活环境的污染及治理;硅和二氧化硅;石油的裂化和裂解;煤的干馏和综合利用;微量元素对人体健康的重要作用.分析:A.分散质粒子直径在1nm~100nm之间的分散系属于胶体;B.盐中添加少量碘酸钾;C.石油裂化是将重油转化为轻质油,裂解是得到小分子的烯烃等;D.晶体硅没有导光性,不能制作光导纤维.解答:解:A.PM2.5分散在空气中可能形成胶体,故A错误;B.盐中添加少量碘酸钾,不是碘化钾,故B错误;C.石油催化裂化的目的是提高汽油等轻质油的产量与质量,裂解的目的是得到小分子的烯烃,故C正确;D.晶体硅没有导光性,不能制作光导纤维,制作光导纤维的材料是二氧化硅晶体,故D错误.故选C.点评:本题考查化学与生活,明确元素的单质及其化合物的性质是解决本题的关键,题目难度不大.2.下列说法正确的是()A.水、双氧水、水玻璃都是纯净物B.乙醚和乙醇互为同分异构体C.乙醇、氯气、葡萄糖都是非电解质D.甲酸与硬脂酸属于同系物考点:混合物和纯净物;电解质与非电解质;芳香烃、烃基和同系物;同分异构现象和同分异构体.分析:A、同种物质组成的为纯净物;B、分子式相同结构不同的有机物为同分异构体;C、水溶液中和熔融状态下都不导电的化合物为非电解质;D、羧基和饱和链烃基连接形成饱和一元羧酸;解答:解:A、同种物质组成的为纯净物,水玻璃是硅酸钠的水溶液,属于混合物,故A 错误;B、分子式相同结构不同的有机物为同分异构体,乙醚和乙醇分子式不同,结构不同,不属于互为同分异构体,故B错误;C、水溶液中和熔融状态下都不导电的化合物为非电解质,氯气为单质,不是电解质,故C 错误;D、羧基和饱和链烃基连接形成饱和一元羧酸,甲酸与硬脂酸含有一个羧基,烃基是饱和烃基,都是饱和一元羧酸,属于同系物,故D正确;故选D.点评:本题考查了物质分类方法,物质类别的结构特征和概念实质理解,掌握基础是关键,题目较简单.3.“官能团”是决定有机物性质的原子或原子团,下列原子团不是“官能团”的是()A.﹣NH2B.﹣CHO C.﹣COOH D.﹣CH2CH3考点:烃的衍生物官能团.分析:常见官能团有羟基、氨基、羧基、醛基、酯基等,烃基不属于官能团.解答:解:官能团决定有机物的主要性质,题中﹣NH2、﹣CHO、﹣COOH都是官能团,﹣CH2CH3为烃基,不是官能团.故选D.点评:本题考查有机物的官能团的判断,题目难度不大,注意把握常见有机物的官能团的种类、结构和性质,注意苯环、烃基不是官能团.4.下列离子方程式书写不正确的是()A.FeO溶于稀硝酸:FeO+2H+═Fe2++H2OB.醋酸与碳酸钙反应:2CH3COOH+CaCO3═2CH3COO﹣+Ca2++H2O+CO2↑C.Ba(OH)2溶液与稀硫酸反应:Ba2++2OH﹣+2H++SO42﹣═BaSO4↓+2H2OD.往AlC13溶液中加入过量氨水:Al3++3 NH3•H2O═Al(OH)3↓+3NH4+考点:离子方程式的书写.分析:A.亚铁离子被硝酸氧化;B.醋酸与碳酸钙反应生成醋酸钙和二氧化碳和水;C.Ba(OH)2溶液与稀硫酸反应生成硫酸钡和水;D.往AlC13溶液中加入过量氨水反应生成氢氧化铝和氯化铵.解答:解:A.FeO溶于稀硝酸中发生氧化还原反应:3FeO+NO3﹣+10H+=3Fe3++5H2O+NO↑,故A错误;B.醋酸与碳酸钙反应,离子方程式:2CH3COOH+CaCO3═2CH3COO﹣+Ca2++H2O+CO2↑,故B正确;C.Ba(OH)2溶液与稀硫酸反应,离子方程式:Ba2++2OH﹣+2H++SO42﹣═BaSO4↓+2H2O,故C正确;D.往AlC13溶液中加入过量氨水,离子方程式:Al3++3 NH3•H2O═Al(OH)3↓+3NH4+,故D正确;故选:A.点评:本题考查了离子方程式的书写,明确反应实质及离子方程式书写方法是解题关键,题目难度不大.5.N A表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列叙述正确的是()A.1 L 0.1 mol•L﹣1 CH3COOH溶液中含有的CH3COO﹣为0.1N AB.常温下,1 L 0.1 mol•L﹣1 NH4NO3溶液中含有的氮原子数为0.2N AC.在反应KIO3+6HI═KI+3I2+3H2O中,每生成3mol I2,同时转移的电子数为6N A D.常温常压下,22.4 L乙烯中含有的共用电子对的数目为6N A考点:阿伏加德罗常数.专题:阿伏加德罗常数和阿伏加德罗定律.分析:A、醋酸是弱酸存在电离平衡;B、1L0.1mol/L的NH4NO3溶液中含有溶质硝酸铵0.1mol,0.1mol硝酸铵中含有0.2mol氮原子;C、在反应KIO3+6HI═KI+3I2+3H2O中,反应中元素化合价变化计算电子转移;D、根据气体摩尔体积的应用条件分析判断,标准状况下气体摩尔体积为22.4L/mol.解答:解:A、醋酸是弱酸存在电离平衡,1 L 0.1 mol•L﹣1 CH3COOH溶液中含有的CH3COO﹣小于0.1N A ,故A错误;B、1L0.1mol/L的NH4NO3溶液中含有溶质硝酸铵的物质的量为0.1mol,0.1mol硝酸铵中含有0.2mol氮原子,含有的氮原子数为0.2N A,故B正确;C、在反应KIO3+6HI═KI+3I2+3H2O中,碘元素化合价+5价和﹣1价变化为0价,电子转移5mol,生成3mol碘单质,每生成3mol I2转移的电子数为5N A,故C错误;D、常温常压下,22.4 L乙烯不是1mol,含有的共用电子对的数目不一定为6N A,故D错误;故选B.点评:本题考查了考查阿伏加德罗常数的有关计算和判断,题目难度中等,注意标准状况下气体摩尔体积为22,.4L/mol,阿伏加德罗常数是历年高考的“热点”问题,这是由于它既考查了学生对物质的量、粒子数、质量、体积等与阿伏加德罗常数关系的理解,又可以涵盖多角度的化学知识内容6.绿色:环境保护也是我们的生活理念.下列实验符合“绿色环保”思想的是()A.氯气溶于水制氯水B.铜与浓硫酸反应C.实验室制备并收集氯化氢气体D.一氧化碳还原氧化铜考点:绿色化学;气体发生装置;浓硫酸的性质实验;探究氯水、氯气的漂白作用.专题:实验题.分析:A、绿色环保的思想是减少环境污染物的排放,氯气微溶于水,用烧杯制取氯气会导致氯气污染;B、浓硫酸与铜在加热的条件下生成二氧化硫气体,不能排向空气,可用碱液吸收;C、实验缺少尾气吸收装置,HCl有强烈刺激性,不能排向空气;D、CO有毒,不能排向空气;解答:解:A、氯气微溶于水,用烧杯制取氯气会导致氯气污染,应有尾气吸收装置,故A错;B、浓硫酸与铜在加热的条件下生成二氧化硫气体,二氧化硫有毒,不能排向空气,该实验用浸有碱液的棉花起到尾气吸收的目的,故B正确;C、HCl有强烈刺激性,不能排向空气,应用带有双孔橡胶塞的集气瓶收集,并有尾气处理装置,故C错误;D、CO有毒,不能排向空气,本实验缺少尾气吸收装置,故D错误.故选B.点评:本题考查实验室气体的制备与性质实验,有毒气体不能排向空气,做题时注意实验的设计是否符合绿色环保思想.7.中国第二艘载人飞船神舟六号发射任务的是长征二号F运载火箭.该运载火箭使用偏二甲肼[NH2N(CH3)2]和四氧化二氮(N2O4)作为推进剂,发生反应后生成N2、CO2和H2O (g),则该反应中N2O4()A.只是氧化剂B.只是还原剂C.既是氧化剂又是还原剂D.既不是氧化剂又不是还原剂考点:氧化还原反应.分析:反应的化学方程式为:2N2O4+NH2N(CH3)2═3N2↑+2CO2↑+4H2O,N2O4中N元素化合价降低,由+4价降低到0价,NH2N(CH3)2中C、N元素化合价升高,被氧化,以此解答该题.解答:解:2N2O4+NH2N(CH3)2═3N2↑+2CO2↑+4H2O中,C2H8N2中N的化合价﹣3,N2O4中N的化合价为+4价,反应生成N2,N2O4中的N元素化合价降低,N2O4应为氧化剂,故选A.点评:本题考查氧化还原反应,为高考高频考点,把握发生的化学反应及元素的化合价变化为解答的关键,注意从化合价变化角度分析,题目难度不大.8.为提纯下列物质(括号内为杂质),所用的除杂试剂和分离方法都正确的是()序号不纯物除杂试剂分离方法A CH4(C2H4)酸性KMnO4溶液洗气B 苯(Br2)NaOH溶液过滤C 乙醇(水)生石灰蒸馏D SiO2(Al2O3)NaOH溶液过滤A.A B.B C.C D.D考点:物质的分离、提纯的基本方法选择与应用.专题:化学实验基本操作.分析:A.乙烯被酸性高锰酸钾氧化生成二氧化碳气体;B.苯与水溶液分层;C.水与生石灰反应生成氢氧化钙,可增大沸点差,易于分离;D.二者都与氢氧化钠溶液反应.解答:解:A.乙烯被酸性高锰酸钾氧化生成二氧化碳气体,引入新杂质,应用溴水除杂,故A错误;B.苯与水溶液分层,应用分液的方法分离,故B错误;C.水与生石灰反应生成氢氧化钙,可增大沸点差,蒸馏可得到乙醇,故C正确;D.二者都与氢氧化钠溶液反应,应用酸溶液分离,故D错误.故选C.点评:本题考查较为综合,涉及物质的分离、提纯,为高频考点,侧重于学生的分析、实验能力的考查,注意把握物质的性质的异同以及实验的严密性的评价,难度不大.9.下列反应类型相同的是()A.乙烯与溴化氢制溴乙烷与苯与溴反应制溴苯B.蛋白质水解生成氨基酸与淀粉发酵生成酒精C.乙醇脱水制乙烯与乙醇、乙酸脱水制乙酸乙酯D.甲烷和氯气制一氯甲烷与苯和硝酸反应制硝基苯考点:有机化学反应的综合应用.专题:有机反应.分析:A、乙烯与溴化氢制溴乙烷为加成反应,苯与溴反应制溴苯为取代反应;B、蛋白质水解生成氨基酸为水解反应;淀粉发酵生成酒精不是水解反应;C、乙醇制取乙烯为消去反应,乙酸制取乙酸乙酯为取代反应;D、甲烷与氯气发生取代反应,苯与不\浓硝酸反应生成硝基苯为取代反应,据此解答即可.解答:解:A、乙烯与HBr反应制取溴乙烷为加成反应,苯与溴反应制取溴苯为取代反应,两者不同,故A错误;B、蛋白质水解为水解反应淀粉变为酒精不是水解反应,故两者不同,故B错误;C、乙醇脱水为消去反应,乙酸与乙醇发生酯化反应生成乙酸乙酯,也为取代反应.两者不同,故C错误;D、甲烷与氯气反应生成一氯甲烷为取代反应,苯在浓硫酸作用下与浓硝酸反应生成硝基苯为取代反应,两者类型相同,故D正确,故选D.点评:本题考查有机物的结构与性质,侧重有机反应类型的考查,熟悉烯烃、烷烃的性质及常见有机反应类型即可解答,题目难度不大.10.下列各组物质,在常温下不发生反应的是()①硫化氢和二氧化硫②铝与氧化铁③铜与稀硝酸④石英与纯碱⑤一氧化氮与氧气⑥硅与氧气.A.②③⑤B.②④⑥C.①②⑥D.①③⑤考点:二氧化硫的化学性质;氮的氧化物的性质及其对环境的影响;硅和二氧化硅;铝的化学性质;铜金属及其重要化合物的主要性质.分析:①常温下,硫化氢和二氧化硫发生氧化还原反应生成S;②高温下,铝与氧化铁发生铝热反应;③常温下,铜与稀硝酸反应生成NO;④常温下,石英与纯碱不反应;⑤常温下,一氧化氮与氧气反应生成二氧化氮;⑥常温下,硅与氧气不反应.解答:解:①常温下,硫化氢和二氧化硫发生氧化还原反应生成S和水,故不选;②高温下,铝与氧化铁发生铝热反应,常温下二者不反应,故选;③常温下,铜与稀硝酸反应生成NO、硝酸铜和水,故不选;④常温下,石英与纯碱不反应,高温下,二者反应生成硅酸钠和二氧化碳,故选;⑤常温下,一氧化氮与氧气反应生成二氧化氮,二氧化氮是红棕色气体,故不选;⑥常温下,硅与氧气不反应,加热条件下二者反应生成二氧化硅,故选;故选B.点评:本题考查元素化合物知识,明确物质性质是解本题关键,注意反应条件、反应物浓度、反应物的量都影响产物,题目难度不大.11.为验证蔗糖能水解,且水解产物有还原性,可能有以下实验步骤:(1)加入稀硫酸;(2)加入几滴CuSO4溶液;(3)加热;(4)加入蒸馏水;(5)加入烧碱溶液至中性;(6)加入新制Cu(OH)2.最佳顺序是()A.(4)(1)(3)(6)(3)B.(4)(3)(1)(6)(5)(3)C.(1)(3)(2)(6)(3)D.(4)(1)(3)(5)(6)(3)考点:物质的检验和鉴别的实验方案设计.分析:蔗糖在酸性条件下水解生成葡萄糖,葡萄糖在碱性条件下与新制氢氧化铜浊液发生氧化还原反应,加入氢氧化铁浊液前应先加入碱调节至碱性,据此进行排序.解答:解:验证蔗糖能水解,且水解产物有还原性的操作方法为:先(4)加入蒸馏水溶解蔗糖,然后加入稀硫酸、加热,使蔗糖水解,再加入烧碱溶液至中性后加入新制Cu(OH)2、加热,最后根据反应现象判断蔗糖水解情况及水解产物的性质,所以正确的顺序为:(4)(1)(3)(5)(6)(3),故选D.点评:本题考查了性质实验方案的设计方法,题目难度中等,明确蔗糖的性质及正确的操作方法为解答关键,注意加入新制的氢氧化铜浊液前需要先加入碱中和,为易错点.12.现有氮及其化合物的转化关系如下图,则下列说法不正确的是()A.路线①②③是工业生产硝酸的主要途径B.路线ⅠⅡⅢ是雷电固氮生成硝酸的主要途径C.氮气可在足量的氧气中通过一步反应生成NO2D.上述所有反应都是氧化还原反应考点:氮的氧化物的性质及其对环境的影响.专题:氮族元素.分析:A、工业上生成硝酸的路径:合成氨→氨的催化氧化→一氧化氮转化为二氧化氮→二氧化氮和水反应获得硝酸;B、氮气和氧气在雷电作用下生成一氧化氮,一氧化氮会迅速被氧气氧化为二氧化氮,二氧化氮和水反应获得硝酸;C、氮气和氧气的反应只能一步到一氧化氮;D、有元素化合价变化的反应都属于氧化还原反应.解答:解:A、根据工业上生成硝酸的路径:合成氨→氨的催化氧化→一氧化氮转化为二氧化氮→二氧化氮和水反应获得硝酸,所以路线①②③是工业生产硝酸的主要途径,故A 正确;B、氮气和氧气在雷电作用下生成一氧化氮,一氧化氮会迅速被氧气氧化为二氧化氮,二氧化氮和水反应获得硝酸,即路线ⅠⅡⅢ是雷电固氮生成硝酸的主要途径,故B正确;C、氮气和氧气的反应只能一步到一氧化氮,一氧化氮直接被空气中的氧气氧化即可转化为二氧化氮,两步转化过程条件不一样,故C错误;D、上述过程的反应合成氨、氨的催化氧化、一氧化氮转化为二氧化氮、二氧化氮和水反应中都有元素化合价变化,都属于氧化还原反应,故D正确.故选C.点评:本题考查学生含氮元素物质之间的转化知识,注意化学反应的归纳和整理是解题关键,难度不大.13.m g Na在足量Cl2中燃烧,生成的固体质量为(m+3.55)g,则m g Na与O2反应,生成的固体质量可能为()①(m+0.8)g②(m+1.0)g③(m+1.2)g ④(m+1.4)g⑤(m+1.6)g.A.①④B.①C.④D.均可以考点:化学方程式的有关计算.分析:钠在氯气中燃烧生成氯化钠,固体增重质量为氯元素质量,依据Na~Cl计算钠的质量和物质的量钠与氧气反应常温下生成氧化钠,加热生成过氧化钠,利用极值法计算生成固体的质量.解答:解:mg Na在足量氯气中燃烧,生成NaCl的质量为(m+3.55g),则m(Cl)=3.55g,Na~Cl1 35.5n 3.55g解得n=0.1mol;常温下生成氧化钠,加热生成过氧化钠,钠与氧气反应,全部生成Na2O时,固体质量增重×16g/mol=0.8g;全部生成过氧化钠时,固体质量增加0.1mol×16g/mol=1.6g,所以钠与氧气反应生成固体的质量:(m+0.8)g≤m(固体)≤(m+1.6)g,故选:D.点评:本题考查了有关方程式的计算,熟悉钠的性质是解题关键,注意极值法的应用.14.充分燃烧某液态芳香烃X,并收集产生的全部水,恢复到室温时,得到水的质量跟原芳香烃X的质量相等.则X的分子式为()A.C10H16B.C11H14C.C12H18D.C13H20考点:有关有机物分子式确定的计算.分析:设该烃的化学式为C x H y,燃烧会生成二氧化碳和水:CxHy+(x+)O2xCO2+H2O,因得到水的质量跟原烃X的质量相等,进而求出该烃中碳氢原子的个数比解答:解:烃燃烧会生成二氧化碳和水:CxHy+(x+)O2xCO2+H2O,12x+y 9y因得到水的质量跟原烃X的质量相等,即12x+y=9y,得x:y=2:3,分析选项只有C中C12H18的原子个数比是2:3.故选C.点评:本题是对化学式判断的考查,解题的关键是找到信息中的等量关系,进而判断出化学式中两原子的个数比,从而判断其化学式.15.某澄清溶液中可能含有下列离子:K+、NH4+、Fe2+、Fe3+、Ba2+、SO42ˉ、HCO3ˉ、Clˉ,为鉴别其中含有的离子,进行如下实验:①用玻璃棒蘸取原溶液滴在pH试纸上,试纸显红色;②另取少量原溶液加入BaCl2溶液,生成不溶于稀硝酸的白色沉淀;③取②中上层清液加入酸化的硝酸银溶液,生成白色沉淀.下列关于原溶液的说法正确的是()A.原溶液中一定不存在Ba2+和HCO3﹣B.取③中滤液加入KSCN,溶液显红色,则原溶液一定有Fe3+。
2017学年第二学期期末调研测试卷高二英语(参考答案及评分标准)第一部分:听力(每小题1.5分,满分30分)1. B2. C3. B4. C5. C6. A7. A8. B 9. C 10. C11. C 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. A 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. A第二部分:阅读理解(满分35分)21. D 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. G 34. D 35. E第三部分:英语知识运用(每小题1.5分,满分45分)第一节:完形填空36.B 37. D 38.C 39. B 40. C 41.A 42. B 43. A 44. C 45.A 46. D 47. B 48. A 49. C 50. A 51. D 52. B 53. A 54. D 55.C 第二节56. effects 57. Driven 58. thinking 59. physically 60. means61. it/that 62. that 63. an 64. unfit 65. into第四部分:写作第一节:应用文写作(满分15分)Dear Jeff,The approaching summer vacation makes me extremely excited. So valuable is it that I cannot let it pass meaninglessly.I’ll schedule the first few days on a journey with several friends to refresh myself. Then it’s a must to share some daily routine with my mother, who has been doing a lot for me. Meanwhile, I’ll spend time im proving my skill at playing the piano. Of course, my last plan is to get a driving license.What about your arrangements?Yours truly,Li Hua一、评分标准:1.本题总分为15分,按5个档次给分。
)1•下表反映了中国古代地方管理制度演变的过程朝代西周秦元制度①郡县制行省制特点以血缘为纽带②中央节制地方表格中①②应填入的内容是A. ①分封制②贵族政治B.①宗法制②贵族政治C.①宗法制②中央垂直管理地方D.①分封制②中央垂直管理地方2•据《资治通鉴》记载,贞观初年,唐太宗签署了征兵18岁以下体壮者的救书,但魏征就是不肯署救,结果把这事闹黄了?魏征是门下省正五品的给事中,居然有权阻止最高指示的下达,这说明A. 唐朝门下省有权参与中央最高决策B.唐代尊卑等级秩序不是很严格C唐朝君主至高无上的地位开殆动摇D•门下省有草拟、审核诏令大权3•有学者在论及甲午战争时指出,“北洋水师提督丁汝昌也没有受过海军训练。
”该作者认为,清政府战败的原因在于A. 军事制度落后B,政治腐败C.武器装备落后D.统帅无能4. 20世纪初,美国有一篇文章题为《最新的鼓伟大的共和国》写道;“令人注意的是,如果中国成功地按美国政府的模式建立起一个联邦共和国,由在欧美留过学的具有西方观念的人任领导,日本将不再是东方最西化的国家,”该文评论的历史事件是A. 戊戌变法B.辛亥革命C五四运动D.国民革命5. 中国共产党领导新民主主义革命的28年,是波澜壮阔的28年。
下列对这28年间重大历史事件按时序排列正确的是①收回汉日、九江英租界②民主革命纲领的制定③国民党军队主力被消灭④甘肃会宁会师A.①②③④B.②④①③C.③①②④D.②①④⑧6,右图为中国人民政治协商会议会徽,整个会徽图案庄严富丽,下列选项对其“政治含义”解读不正确的是A. 红星表示无产阶级领导B. 齿轮、嘉禾表示工农联盟为基础C. “1949 ”表示人民民主统一战线进入新阶段的年份D. 四面红旗表示工人、农民、小资产阶级和民族资产阶级的大联合7. 为纪念周恩来诞辰120周年,高二某班开辟了“杰出外交家一一周恩来”专栏,下列选项不能用作该栏小标题的是A.和平共处五项原则的首倡者B, 日内瓦首次展现大国风范C. “求同存异”凝聚万隆精神D,会见尼克松实现中美建交8. 2001年6月,“上海五国机制”发展为区域性多边合作组织一一上海合作组织。
浙江省湖州市2017-2018学年高二下学期期末统考地理试卷 Word版含答案
![浙江省湖州市2017-2018学年高二下学期期末统考地理试卷 Word版含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2349edbdf524ccbff1218468.png)
卷Ⅰ 选择题一、选择题。
1.高铁沿线防护设施P 的主要作用是A.防噪音B.防滑坡C.防风沙D.防洪水 2.兰新高铁沿线可以观察到的地理现象是A.三月茶树吐嫩黄B.风力电机迎风飞旋C.沟壑纵横风雨狂D.花开四季香飘万里 3.兰新高铁运营后产生的影响是①人口外迁规模迅速萎缩 ②缓解兰新铁路货运压力 ③缩短运输距离节约时间 ④加强东、西部经济联系 A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.②④下图为我国主要城市多年平均相对湿度、平均气温、日照时数的相对值折线图,完成4、5题。
4.甲乙丙三条折线中,分别与平均湿度、 平均气温、日照时数相对应的是 A.甲、乙、丙 B.丙、乙、甲 C.甲、丙、乙D.乙、丙、甲5.影响乌鲁木齐、杭州两城市日照时数 差异的主要因素是A.天气状况B.纬度C.下垫面性质D.地形下图为2000、2010年安徽、贵州、宁夏和新疆四省区省际平均人口净迁移率(人口净迁移率=净迁出人口/总人口)比较图。
北 京 天津呼和浩特哈尔滨 杭州 济南 武汉 昆明 乌鲁木齐兰新高铁局部路段景观图-人口净迁移率(%)6.2010年四省区中安徽人口净迁移率最大的主要原因是A.经济发展水平最低B.人口增长过快,压力过大C.环境人口容量最小D.距经济发达地区距离更近7.1949年以来,新疆一直是西北地区最大的人口净迁入区,其影响因素主要是 A.国家政策、经济发展状况 B.地理位置、自然地理环境 C.国土面积、人口自然增长率 D.产业结构、交通运输状况下图为我国东北地区1958-2007年平均暴雪量(单位:mm )等值线空间分布图。
2017-2018学年浙江省湖州市高二下学期期末英语试题(解析版) 听力
![2017-2018学年浙江省湖州市高二下学期期末英语试题(解析版) 听力](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b7eab14027284b73f3425004.png)
2017-2018学年浙江省湖州市高二(下)期末英语试卷一、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,共25.0分)AAfter a terrible electrical accident,which caused him to become both blind and deal,the whole world became completely dark and quiet for Robert Edwards for almost ten years.The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an end to his life.His family,especially his wife,did their best to tend and comfort him and finally he regained the will to live.One hot summer afternoon,he was taking a walk with a slick near his house when a thunderstorm started all at once.He stood under a large tree to avoid getting wet,but he was struck by the lightning.Witness thought he was dead but he woke up some 20 minutes later lying face down in muddy water at the base of the tree.He was trembling badly,but when he opened his eyes,he could hardly believe what he sow --- a plough and a wall.When Mrs Edwards came running up to him,shouting to their neighbors to call for help,he could see her and heat her voice for the first time in nearly ten years.The news of Robert regaining his sight and hearing quickly spread,and many doctors came to examine him.Most of them said that he regained hit sight and hearing from the shock he got from the lightning.However,none of them could give a correct as to why this should have happened.The only reasonable explanation given by one doctor was that,since Robert lost his sight and hearing as a result of sudden shock,perhaps the only way for him to regain them was by another sudden shock.1.The reason for Robert's attempts to kill himself was that ______ .A. nobody in the world eared about himB. a terrible traffic accident happened to himC. he was struck by the lightning once moreD. he couldn't stand living in a dark and silent world2.What was Robert doing when he was struck by the lightning?______A. Sheltering from the rain under u tree.B. Lying on the ground.C. Taking a walk with a stick.D. Driving a car.3.We can inter from the text that ______ .A. many doctors came because Robert was badly injuredB. there was no exact explanation for Robert's recoveryC. Robert's wife sent for doctors immediately after the shockD. a sudden injury in the head led to Robert's recovery4.What's the best title of the whole passage?______A. Terrible Electrical Accident.B. Robert Edwards and His Wife.C. What a Sudden Shock.D. An Unforgettable Experience.【答案】【小题1】D 【小题2】A 【小题3】B 【小题4】C【解析】1.D.细节理解题.根据文章的第一段的第二句The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an end to his life.His family可知罗伯特自杀的原因是他不得不生活在黑暗和寂静的世界;故选D.2.A.细节理解题.根据文章第二段第二句"He stood under a large tree in order not to get himself wet.Unfortunately he was struck do wn by a lightning"他站在一棵大树下,为了不让自己湿的.不幸的是他被一个闪电击中;故选A.3.B.推理判断题.根据文章最后一段第四句"The only reasonable explanation given by one doctor was that,since Edwards lost his sight and hearing as a result of a sudden shock in a terrible accident,perhaps the only way for them to regain was by another sudden shock"这是我的一个医生给出的唯一合理的解释,因为爱德华兹失去了他的视力和听力的一种突然的冲击在一场可怕的车祸,或许他们恢复的唯一途径是通过另一个突如其来的打击;可知没有准确的解释;故选B.4.C.标题判断题.该段文字共有三段,它围绕着罗伯特由于电击导致视力与听力的丧失,以致于想轻生,后来第二次突然的电击竟然使他康复.故选C.文章讲述Robert因为受到电击,失明失聪,生活在黑暗寂静的世界里,他几次都想自杀,但有一次他在树下躲雨的时候,意外被闪电击中,却恢复了视力,医生也不能确定具体原因.做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.BEating is best when it's a social occasion.Think of the meal a family enjoys in the evening when everyone's together after work or school,or the big get-togethers over food at Spring Festival.But now,in the age of the internet and social media,anyone with an internet connection can enjoy a social eating event.Mukbang - a South Korean phrase meaning "eating broadcast" - is an unusual food eraze that's sweeping the country.This is a meal where only one person gets to eat,while viewers watch live streams of hosts devouring large quantities of food.They leave comments on the dishes the host is tucking into,and the host responds to them live.So why have people taken to this unusual new food trend?Jeff Yang,an Asian-American cultural critic,thinks that it's down to "the loneliness of unmarried or uncoupled South Koreans".He believes that eating on your own can be hard in a country like South Korea,where social eating is such a long tradition.However,mukbang gives people the feeling that they seems to be part of something larger.Millions of people have trouble with food.Either they eat too much of it,or too little.Some say that the popularity of mukbang helps people with these disorders.Those who always eat too much and put on weight can watch mukbang streams to satisfy their appetite.And those who don't eat enough can build their appetite by watching delicious food bong eaten.Even though mukbang is a South Korean phenomenon,it's also taken off in the US.But unlike South Koreans who sit down to enjoy noodles and kimchi,Americans enjoy their own native dishes.This means that viewers of US mukbang streamers will see locals stuffing themselves with hamburgers,fries and ice cream.5.According to Paragraph 2."eating broadcast" is ______ .A. a TV show in which only one person gets to cat while viewers watchB. a live program where a host is crazy about various kinds of foodC. a fashion that many viewers watch one person eating large quantities of foodD. an online broadcast where a host cats lots of food while interacting with viewers6.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?______A. Americans would like to sit down to enjoy noodles and kimchi.B. Mukbang is becoming more and more popular in the US.C. The dishes of South Korea are also popular in the US.D. Viewers of US will see South Koreans feeding themselves with hamburgers and fries.7.What's the author's attitude towards this new food trend?______A. Objective.B. Negative.C. Favorable.D. Worried.【答案】【小题1】D 【小题2】B 【小题3】A【解析】1.D.词义猜测题.根据文章第二段Mukbang - a South Korean phrase meaning "eating broadcast" - is an unusual food eraze that' s sweeping the country可知Mukbang是韩国的一个短语,意思是"饮食广播",它是一种不寻常的美食,正在席卷全国;故选D.2.B.细节理解题.根据文章最后一段Even though mukbang is a South Korean phenomenon, it's also taken off in the US. But u nlike South Koreans who sit down to enjoy noodles and kimchi, Americans enjoy their own native dishes可知穆克邦在美国越来越受欢迎;故选B.3.A.推理判断题.根据文章最后一段Even though mukbang is a South Korean phenomenon, it's also taken off in the US. But u nlike South Koreans who sit down to enjoy noodles and kimchi, Americans enjoy their own native dishes可知作者对这种新的食品潮流持客观态度;故选A.本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了在社交场合吃饭是最好的选择.想想一个家庭在晚上下班或放学后聚在一起,或者春节吃东西的大型聚会.考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.CThroughout modern history,there has perhaps never been a scientist as iconic (标志性的)as Stephen Hawking.On March 14,the British physicist passed away at his home in Cambridge,England.Since then,many people have expressed their condolences on social media.Whether be was educating the world with his knowledge of the universe,or making fun of himself in TV shows like The Simpsons,it's hard to imagine what the world will be like now Hawking is no longer in it.Hawking was an icon for many reasons,but he will be best remembered for his work in the field of science.Building on German scientist Albert Einstein's work.Hawking explained his belief that space started with the Big Bang,and will end with black holes.This proposal kicked off a series of investigations,including into the origin of the universe itself."This complex set of law can give us the answers to questions like how did the universe begin," Hawking wrote in his 2010 work The Grand Design."Where is it going and will it have an end?If so,how will it end?"His work in science abide,he also managed to overcome many difficulties in his personal life.While studying for a postgraduate degree in cosmology at Cambridge University,he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease at the age of 21.His illness left him paralyzed and he was told he only had a short time to live.However,he went on to become one of the greatest minds the world has ever known."I felt it was very unfair---why should this happen to me," he wrote in his 2013 memoir."At the time,I thought my life was over and that I would never realize the potential I felt I had.But now,50 years later,I can he quietly satisfied with my life."Hawking leaves behind a great legacy.His signature book A Brief History of Time:From the Big Bang to Black Holes published in 1988,became one of the world's best-soiling science publications.He inky no longer be with us,but Hawking will continue to inspire the world for generations to come.As he once said himself,"Look up at the stars and not down at your feet."8.What can we know about Stephen Hawking from the passage?______A. He left us humans a priceless legacy,A Brief History of Time.B. He was born with a disease which left him paralyzed.C. He was well-known as an icon only for his achievement in science.D. He always complained life was unfair to him after he became paralyzed.9.The underlined words "kickedoff" in Paragraph 3 can be best replaced by ______ .A. answer forB. set offC. put forwardD. lead to10.What is conveyed in the sentence "Look up at the stars and not down at your feet."?______A. Just do what you love and believe in,and success will come naturally.B. However tough life may seem,be curious and there is always hope ahead.C. Be determined and confident rather than keep feeling frustrated all dayD. You cannot improve your past,but you can improve your future.【答案】【小题1】A 【小题2】B 【小题3】B【解析】1.A.细节理解题.根据第一段句子:Throughout modern history,there has perhaps never been a scientist as iconic (标志性的)as Stephen Hawking.在整个现代历史中,可能从来没有一个科学家像斯蒂芬霍金那样具有标志性.可见霍金给我们人类留下了无价的遗产,一段短暂的历史.所以选A.2.B.词义猜测题.根据文章第三段内容: a series of investigations, including into the origin of the universe itself.可见这个建议应该是开始了一系列的调查,包括对宇宙起源本身的调查.,A 回答;B.引起;C.提出.D.导致.可见kick off的意思是"引起".3.B.考查句意理解题.本文主要写了霍金的一生中,他在科学领域的工作也成功地克服了个人生活中的许多困难.本文用他的话结束本文"仰望星空,而不是俯视你的脚".是为了表达霍金的那种无论生活多么艰难,都要充满好奇心,永远有希望的精神激励着后人,故文章讲述了英国科学家霍金去世的消息并高度评价了他对人类的伟大贡献及对世界的影响.做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.二、阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共10.0分)Ways to boost your chances of a good night's rest Experts have found more evidence of the harm caused by disturbing our body clocks,linking it to depression and mental disorder.It's a warning to our body's natural rhythms,which influence our sleep as well as a range of other processes in our body.Here are the things we can do for a good night's sleeps?• Limit evening light.Are you inseparable from your mobile phone?Do you chock your social media late into the night?(1) These devices produce powerful blue light that is particularly bad for our sleep.Having a cut-off time for stopping using these devices of an hour and a half before bed is ideal.We should also limit other forms of electric light after surest.• (2) A glass or two of wine,or a sip or two of brandy,for many is a pre-bed routine.But despite what you might think,experts say that a glass of wine before bedtime actually doesn't improve our sleep.Alcohol has a strange effect in that it makes it easier to fall asleep,but it make it harder to stay asleep and it affects the quality of our sleep.• Be consistent.It may be tempting to stay up late on Friday or Saturday.(3) This helps to reduce social mismatch between when we sleep during the working week compared with the weekend.The bigger the social mismatch,the more harmful it is for health.• Have a pre-bed routine.Having a pre-bed routine helps signal to our bodies that it's time for sleep.Activities such as reading a book or having a bath can help to mentally relax and get us ready for bed.Parents do this with their child to get good sleep.They have a set routine where they feed,bath their children and put them into bed.(4)• Make your bedroom a place of rest.Easily portable computers and phones have transformed our bedrooms from sanctuaries (保护区)of rest into places of entertainment.Bui if we want to boost our chances of a good night's rest,we need to reclaim them for sleep.(5) Keeping your bedroom cool is also important because it's easier for our bodies to sleep in colder temperatures.A.Avoid a night wine.B.Get a good night's sleep.C.If so,you're likely to be disturbing your sleep.D.There's nothing around them and then they read them a story.E.To do this we should keep phones and computers in other rooms.F.Our body clocks are designed to follow the rise and toll of our sleep.G.However,ideally we should go to bed at similar times throughout the week.11. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G12. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G13. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G14. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G15. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G【答案】【小题1】C 【小题2】A 【小题3】G 【小题4】D 【小题5】E 【解析】CAGDE1.C.文章衔接题.根据后文These devices produce powerful blue light that is particularlybad for our sleep.可知这些设备产生强烈的蓝光,对我们的睡眠特别不利.C项:If so,you're likely to be disturbing your sleep.如果是这样,很可能会打扰你的睡眠.符合文意,故选C.2.A.段落理解题.根据后文A glass or two of wine,or a sip or two of brandy,for many is a pre-bed routine.可知对许多人来说,一杯或两杯葡萄酒,或一口或两口白兰地,都是睡前的常规.A项:Avoid a night wine.避免喝夜酒.符合文意,故选A.3.G.逻辑推理题.根据后文This helps to reduce social mismatch between when we sleep during the working week compared with the weekend.可知这有助于减少工作周睡眠时间与周末之间的社会不匹配.G项:However,ideally we should go to bed at similar times throughout the week.然而,理想情况下我们应该在一周中的类似时间睡觉.符合文意,故选G.4.D.语境辨析题.根据前文They have a set routine where they feed,bath their children and put them into bed.可知他们有一套固定的日常饮食,给孩子洗澡,然后把他们放在床上.D项:There's nothing around them and then they read them a story.他们周围什么都没有,然后他们读了一个故事.符合文意,故选D.5.E.理解判断题.根据前文Easily portable computers and phones have transformed our bedrooms from sanctuaries (保护区)of rest into places of entertainment.可知便携式电脑和手机使我们的卧室从休息区变成了娱乐场所.E项:To do this we should keep phones and computers in other rooms.要做到这一点,我们应该把电话和电脑放在其他房间.符合文意,故选E.本文是一篇选句填空,文章主要介绍了如何提高晚上的睡眠质量:1、限制夜间光线;2、避免喝夜酒;3、要始终如一;4、有一套固定的日常规律;5、让你的卧室成为一个休息的地方.做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.三、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共30.0分)When I was seventh grade,I volunteered at a local hospital during the summer.I spent most of the time there with Mr.Gillespie.He never had any.and(16),and nobody seemed to care about his condition.I spent many days there(17)his hand talking him,helping with anything that needed to be done.He became a close friend of mine.(18)he responded with only a(n)(19)squeeze of my hand.Mr.Gillespie was in a coma (昏迷).I left for a week,and when I came back,Mr.Gillespie was (20) I didn't have the (21) to ask any of the nurses where he was,for (22) that they might tell me be had died.(23) with many questions(24),I continued to volunteer there.Several years later,I was at a gas station when I noticed a (25) face.When I realized who it was,my eyes filled with tears.He was alive! I (26) the courage to ask him if his name was Mr.Gillespie,and if he had been in a coma about five years ago.With a(n)(27) look on his face,he replied yes.I explained how I knew him.His eyes welled up with tears,and he gave me the warmest hug.He began to tell me how,as he (28) there comatose (昏迷的),he could hear me talking to him the whole time.He thought it was an angel,not a person,who was there with him.Mr.Gillespie firmly believed that it was my (29)and touch that had kept him alive.Then he told me about his life and what had(30)him before he was put in the coma.We both cried for a while,said our goodbyes and(31)our separate ways.Although I have not seen him since then,he fills my heart with (32)every day.I know that I made a (33) between his lifeand his death.More(34),he has made a very big difference in my life,too.I will never forget him and what he (35) for me:he made me an angel.16. A. relatives B. visitors C. doctors D. friends17. A. shaking B. breaking C. taking D. holding18. A. if B. as if C. even if D. when19. A. specific B. occasional C. potential D. evident20. A. dead B. lost C. gone D. unconscious21. A. courage B. opportunity C. attempt D. feeling22. A. exchange B. fear C. convenience D. sure23. A. So B. But C. Although D. While24. A. unsolved B. undone C. unanswered D. uncovered25. A. familiar B. strange C. same D. expected26. A. let out B. got into C. put up D. got up27. A. determined B. uncertain C. ashamed D. excited28. A. lay B. laid C. sat D. kneed29. A. courage B. noise C. voice D. care30. A. happened to B. come around C. came about D. met with31. A. ran B. stepped C. wandered D. went32. A. curiosity B. joy C. sympathy D. appreciation33. A. difference B. comment C. promise D. turn34. A. absolutely B. particularly C. clearly D. importantly35. A. contributed B. headed C. did D. sacrificed【答案】【小题1】B 【小题2】D 【小题3】C 【小题4】B 【小题5】C 【小题6】A 【小题7】B 【小题8】A 【小题9】C 【小题10】A 【小题11】D 【小题12】B 【小题13】A 【小题14】C 【小题15】A 【小题16】D 【小题17】B 【小题18】A 【小题19】D 【小题20】C 【解析】1-5 BDCBC 6-10 ABACA 11-15 DBACA 16-20 DBADC1.B.考查名词及语境理解.根据后半句and nobody seemed to care about his condition 可判断,没有人来看望他.故答案为B.2.D.考查动词及语境理解.由下文的me holding his hand 可知握着手和他交谈,用holding.故答案为D.3.C.考查连词及语境理解.此处表示尽管他的反应只是偶尔挤压一下我的手,但他已经成为我亲密的朋友.所以用even if引导让步状语从句.故答案为C.4.B.考查形容词及语境理解.A.specific特定的;B.occasional 偶尔的;C.potential 有潜力的;D.evident 明显的;根据下文内容Mr. Gillespie was in a coma (昏迷)可知他的反应只是偶尔挤压一下我的手,故答案为C.5.C.考查形容词及语境理解.A.dead死的;B.lost丢的;C.gone没有;D.unconscious 没有意识的;根据下文 ask any of the nurses where he was可知作者一周后回到医院,发现Mr.Gillespie不见了.故答案为C.6.A.考查名词及语境理解.A.courage勇气;B.opportunity机会;C.attempt 尝试;D.feeling 感觉;根据I didn't have the (6)to ask any of the nurses where he was 可知作者不敢问护士Mr.Gillespie去了哪里,因为害怕听到他去世的消息.故答案为A.7.B.考查名词及语境理解.根据for (7)that they might tell me be had died可知for fear that意为"生怕,唯恐".因为害怕听到他去世的消息,故答案为B.8.A.考查连词及语境理解.根据前后文的关系是表示因果,因此用连词so连接,故答案为A.9.C.考查形容词及语境理解.根据前面出现的many questions可知,应该用unanswered (未答复的).故答案为C.10.A.考查形容词及语境理解.根据下文内容可知,作者在一个加油站注意到一张熟悉的(familiar)脸.故答案为A.11.D.考查动词短语及语境理解.A.let out 发出;B.got into 进入;C.put up张贴;D.got up 起床;根据语境可知,作者最后鼓起勇气去问他是不是Mr.Gillespie.根据第一段最后一句可知,作者在此处问他大约五年前是不是昏迷过.故答案为D.12.B.考查形容词及语境理解.根据常识及With a(n)(12)look on his face, he replied yes 可知他的表情应该是有点不确定,故答案为B.13.A.考查动词及语境理解.根据常理可知,在医院里,昏迷的人一定是躺着的.故答案为A.14.C.考查名词及语境理解.根据上文第12空后面的talking to him可知,此处应为voice(声音).故答案为C.15.A.考查动词短语及语境理解.A.happened to碰巧;B.come around苏醒,周而复始;C.came about 发生;D.met with遇见,会晤;happen to sb.意为"发生在……身上",他向作者讲述发生在他身上的导致他昏迷的事情.故答案为A.16.D.考查动词及语境理解.作者和Mr.Gillespie两人痛哭一番,互相道别,然后各自走自己的路.故答案为D.17.B.考查名词及语境理解.A.curiosity 好奇心;B.joy快乐;C.sympathy同情心;D.appreciation 欣赏;根据前文Although I have not seen him since then可知尽管我们没有再见面,但是他让我的内心一直充满了快乐,故答案为B.18.A.考查名词及语境理解.显然作者在Mr.Gillespie的生与死之间起了很大作用.make a difference意为"起作用,有影响".故答案为A.19.D.考查副词及语境理解.A.absolutely 绝对地;B.particularly 尤其;C.clearly 清楚地;D.importantly 重要地;根据下文"he has made a very big difference in my life,too"可知,此处表示"更重要的是".故答案为D.20.C.考查动词及语境理解.A.contributed贡献;B.headed前往;C.did 做到;D.sacrificed 牺牲;此处表示"我永远不会忘记他为我所做的一切:他使我成了天使".故答案为C.文章讲述作者在做医院的自愿者的时候,曾照顾一个昏迷的人.在离开一段时间回来时,发现这个人不在了,作者害怕他已经死了,也不敢询问他的情况,但是几年后,他们意外的在加油站见面,Mr.Gillespie向作者表示感谢,作者也觉得很快乐.近几年高考试题中的完形填空有新的变化,试题所涉及的知识面不断拓宽,综合难度不断提高.做完型填空首先要通读全文,了解大意.一篇完形填空的文章有许多空格,所以,必须先通读一至两遍,才能大概了解文章的内容.千万不要看一句,做一句.其次要逐句分析,前后一致.选择答案时,要考虑整个句子的内容,包括搭配、时态、语法等.答案全填完后,再通读一遍文章,检查是否通顺流畅了,用词得当,意思正确.四、语法填空(本大题共1小题,共15.0分)36.Smoking cigarettes,as is known to all,produces a good many harmful (1) (effect)on health.So why do so many adolescents still smoke?(2) (drive)by curiosity,some may just want to experiment,(3) (think)it makes them look tough orcool.Others may think it will help them with stress in their lives possibly due to pressure from parents or teachers.What they do not realize is how easy it is to become addicted to smoking.At first,they become (4) (physical)addicted to nicotine,which (5) (mean)that after a while their bodies become accustomed to having nicotine in them.Then they become addicted through habit.When they do the same thing over and over again,they begin to do (6)automatically.In fact it is the mental addiction rather than the physical one (7) makes it really hard to quit smoking.Sadly the withdrawal symptoms can be quite severe for some people.When (8) adolescent realizes how (9) (fit)he or she is becoming,it is too late.Of course the best way to deal with the problem is not to get (10) the habit in the first place!【答案】【小题1】effects【小题2】Driven【小题3】thinking【小题4】physically【小题5】means【小题6】it/that【小题7】that【小题8】an【小题9】unfit【小题10】into【解析】1.effects.考查名词.根据修饰词a good many harmful可知,用复数effects,表示"多方面的影响".2. Driven.考查非谓语动词.做原因状语,因为drive和主语是被动关系,表示"被驱使",所以用过去分词Driven.3. thinking.考查非谓语动词.做伴随状语,和主语some是主动关系,用现在分词thinking.4.physically.考查副词.修饰形容词addicted to nicotine,用副词physically.5.means.考查谓语动词.定语从句的关系词which ,代指主句,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数means.6.it/that.考查代词.代指名词the same thing ,做do的宾语,用it/that.7.that.考查定语从句.代指先行词the physical one,用关系词that 引导定语从句makes it really hard to quit smoking.8.an.考查冠词.表示"一个青少年",修饰名词adolescent 用不定冠词an.9.unfit.考查形容词.本句表示"当青少年意识到他或她变得多么不健康时,为时已晚.",用形容词unfit.10.into.考查固定短语.表示"养成做某事的习惯",用固定短语get into the habit.所以用into.众所周知,吸烟会对健康产生很多有害的影响.本文分析为什么这么多的青少年仍然吸烟,以及戒烟困难的原因.语法填空的解题方法1.有提示词填空的解题技巧①给出的提示词是名词:要考虑是否填名词的复数形式以及该名词的形容词、副词形式.②给出的提示词是动词:要认真分析句子的结构,理解句子的意思.a.如果填空处是谓语,要考虑时态、语态和动词的第三人称单数;b.如果填空处是非谓语,根据对句子成分的分析和对语境的理解,要考虑填to do、doing 还是done,同时,也要考虑该动作发生时间的先后以及与主语的关系(是主动关系还是被动关系),并填写相应的形式;c.在平时的模拟题中,有时还要根据句意填写该动词的名词形式,甚至是形容词或者副词形式.③给出的提示词是形容词:一般要考虑其副词形式以及比较级和最高级形式,同时还要关注是否要加表示否定或其它意义的前缀、后缀.2.无提示词填空的解题技巧按照考纲要求,无提示填空最多填3个单词,一般是填1个单词的,高考中考查的角度主要有:①代词:这类设空比较少,通常是根据句子意思填一个与语境相关的代词(通常是指示代词),这就要同学们认真体会句子意思了,在没有头绪时大胆猜想是否是填代词;②冠词:如果设空处后面是名词,那么可以考虑是否要填冠词,再根据句子意思分析是特指还是泛指,并填上合适的冠词,当然,在一些固定搭配中也会涉及冠词,这就要同学们做好积累了;五、书面表达(本大题共2小题,共40.0分)37.假定你是李华,你的一位美国笔友Jeff询问你的暑假安排,请根据以下要点给他回一封电子邮件,要点如下:1.外出旅游;2.分担家务;3.个人兴趣(如学骂驶,学乐器等).注意:1.词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;【答案】Dear Jeff,The approaching summer vacation makes me extremely excited. So valuable is it that I cann ot let it pass meaninglessly.(高分句型一)【写信目的】I'll schedule the first few days on a journey with several friends to refresh myself. Then it's a must to share some daily routine with my mother, who has been doing a lot for me.(高分句型二) Meanwhile, I'll spend time improving my skill at playing the piano. Of course, my last plan is to get a driving license.【我的暑假安排】What about your arrangements?Yours truly,Li Hua【解析】本文属于提纲作文,动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题.平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果.高分句型一:So valuable is it that I cannot let it pass meaninglessly.它是如此宝贵,我不能让它毫无意义地通过.so +形容词+that是英语的固定句型"如此…以至于…",So +形容词置于句首,句子要做部分倒装.高分句型二:Then it's a must to share some daily routine with my mother, who has been doing a lot for me.那就必须和我母亲分享一些日常事务,她一直在为我做很多事情.本句是定语从句,先行词是mother,在定语从句中做主语.英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.38.阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要.Normally and naturally, a daughter is more attached to her mother in comparison to her father or other siblings. The attachment is also due to the fact that the daughter find s it caster to confide in (向…吐露个人隐私) the mother on personal and biological matters at different stages while growing up.The bonding between mother and daughter will increase with their being together and。
15.下列关于遗传病与优生的叙述中,正确的是 A.多基因遗传病容易与后天获得性疾病相区分 B.胎儿生长发育的第一阶段致畸的潜在危险较大 C.单基因遗传病发病率都很低,多属罕见病 D.选择性流产不属于优生的措施之一 16.下列关于生物科学发展史上几个重大史实的叙述,正确的是 A.施莱登和施万的论断形成了较为完备的“细胞学说” B.斯巴兰扎尼通过“肉块消失”实验证明了胃蛋白酶的存在 C.摩尔根等人证明了控制果蝇眼色的基因位于 X 染色体上 D.孟德尔运用“类比——推理”法揭示了遗传的两个基本定律 17.研究小组考察了一个自然湖泊中处于食物链顶端的某鱼种群的年龄分布状况,其中 3+ 至 8+阶段的个体具有繁殖能力,结果如下表。以下叙述错误 的是 ..
年龄 个体数 0+ 92 1+ 187 2+ 121 3+ 70 4+ 67 5+ 68 6+ 62 7+ 71 8+ 64 9 ≥12 264
A.种群的年龄结构是指种群中不同年龄的个体数 B.由表中数据推测,该种群数量的变化趋势是保持稳定 C.种群密度的大小是是否对该种鱼采取捕捞措施的重要依据 D.在食物充足的条件下,该种群数量增长曲线可能呈“S”型 18.右图为某家庭成员示意图,其中 3 号从 2 号体内 继承的染色体数为 A.22 条 B.1-22 条 第 18 题图 C.1-23 条 D.0-22 条 19.如图表示反射弧中的传入神经元,a 结构位于感受器,下列相关说法正确的是 A.从功能上来说,b 为树突,d 为轴突 B.c 结构位于反射弧的神经中枢 C.若在 d 处给予刺激,则可形成一次完整的反射 第 19 题图 D.e 结构参与构成效应器 20.右图为细胞周期中细胞核的某一变化,此过程发生在 A.末期,核仁、核膜正在重新形成 B.间期,染色质已复制,正在螺旋化形成染色体 C.前期,核膜逐渐解体为膜状小泡 第 20 题图 D.中期,染色体螺旋程度最高 21.如图表示生物体内遗传信息的传递和表达过程。下列相关 叙述不 正确的是 . A.①~⑥过程中均存在嘌呤与嘧啶配对的关系 B.③过程中 mRNA 可结合多个核糖体翻译出多条相同的肽链 C.②过程发生时,至少启动 1 个基因片段打开双螺旋 D.烟草花叶病毒感染烟草后可发生图中的④①②③过程
2017-2018学年浙江省湖州市高二下学期期末英语试题(解析版) 听力
![2017-2018学年浙江省湖州市高二下学期期末英语试题(解析版) 听力](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0a212927c5da50e2524d7fb5.png)
2017-2018学年浙江省湖州市高二(下)期末英语试卷一、阅读理解(本大题共10小题,共25.0分)AAfter a terrible electrical accident,which caused him to become both blind and deal,the whole world became completely dark and quiet for Robert Edwards for almost ten years.The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an end to his life.His family,especially his wife,did their best to tend and comfort him and finally he regained the will to live.One hot summer afternoon,he was taking a walk with a slick near his house when a thunderstorm started all at once.He stood under a large tree to avoid getting wet,but he was struck by the lightning.Witness thought he was dead but he woke up some 20 minutes later lying face down in muddy water at the base of the tree.He was trembling badly,but when he opened his eyes,he could hardly believe what he sow --- a plough and a wall.When Mrs Edwards came running up to him,shouting to their neighbors to call for help,he could see her and heat her voice for the first time in nearly ten years.The news of Robert regaining his sight and hearing quickly spread,and many doctors came to examine him.Most of them said that he regained hit sight and hearing from the shock he got from the lightning.However,none of them could give a correct as to why this should have happened.The only reasonable explanation given by one doctor was that,since Robert lost his sight and hearing as a result of sudden shock,perhaps the only way for him to regain them was by another sudden shock.1.The reason for Robert's attempts to kill himself was that ______ .A. nobody in the world eared about himB. a terrible traffic accident happened to himC. he was struck by the lightning once moreD. he couldn't stand living in a dark and silent world2.What was Robert doing when he was struck by the lightning?______A. Sheltering from the rain under u tree.B. Lying on the ground.C. Taking a walk with a stick.D. Driving a car.3.We can inter from the text that ______ .A. many doctors came because Robert was badly injuredB. there was no exact explanation for Robert's recoveryC. Robert's wife sent for doctors immediately after the shockD. a sudden injury in the head led to Robert's recovery4.What's the best title of the whole passage?______A. Terrible Electrical Accident.B. Robert Edwards and His Wife.C. What a Sudden Shock.D. An Unforgettable Experience.【答案】【小题1】D 【小题2】A 【小题3】B 【小题4】C【解析】1.D.细节理解题.根据文章的第一段的第二句The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an end to his life.His family可知罗伯特自杀的原因是他不得不生活在黑暗和寂静的世界;故选D.2.A.细节理解题.根据文章第二段第二句"He stood under a large tree in order not to get himself wet.Unfortunately he was struck do wn by a lightning"他站在一棵大树下,为了不让自己湿的.不幸的是他被一个闪电击中;故选A.3.B.推理判断题.根据文章最后一段第四句"The only reasonable explanation given by one doctor was that,since Edwards lost his sight and hearing as a result of a sudden shock in a terrible accident,perhaps the only way for them to regain was by another sudden shock"这是我的一个医生给出的唯一合理的解释,因为爱德华兹失去了他的视力和听力的一种突然的冲击在一场可怕的车祸,或许他们恢复的唯一途径是通过另一个突如其来的打击;可知没有准确的解释;故选B.4.C.标题判断题.该段文字共有三段,它围绕着罗伯特由于电击导致视力与听力的丧失,以致于想轻生,后来第二次突然的电击竟然使他康复.故选C.文章讲述Robert因为受到电击,失明失聪,生活在黑暗寂静的世界里,他几次都想自杀,但有一次他在树下躲雨的时候,意外被闪电击中,却恢复了视力,医生也不能确定具体原因.做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.BEating is best when it's a social occasion.Think of the meal a family enjoys in the evening when everyone's together after work or school,or the big get-togethers over food at Spring Festival.But now,in the age of the internet and social media,anyone with an internet connection can enjoy a social eating event.Mukbang - a South Korean phrase meaning "eating broadcast" - is an unusual food eraze that's sweeping the country.This is a meal where only one person gets to eat,while viewers watch live streams of hosts devouring large quantities of food.They leave comments on the dishes the host is tucking into,and the host responds to them live.So why have people taken to this unusual new food trend?Jeff Yang,an Asian-American cultural critic,thinks that it's down to "the loneliness of unmarried or uncoupled South Koreans".He believes that eating on your own can be hard in a country like South Korea,where social eating is such a long tradition.However,mukbang gives people the feeling that they seems to be part of something larger.Millions of people have trouble with food.Either they eat too much of it,or too little.Some say that the popularity of mukbang helps people with these disorders.Those who always eat too much and put on weight can watch mukbang streams to satisfy their appetite.And those who don't eat enough can build their appetite by watching delicious food bong eaten.Even though mukbang is a South Korean phenomenon,it's also taken off in the US.But unlike South Koreans who sit down to enjoy noodles and kimchi,Americans enjoy their own native dishes.This means that viewers of US mukbang streamers will see locals stuffing themselves with hamburgers,fries and ice cream.5.According to Paragraph 2."eating broadcast" is ______ .A. a TV show in which only one person gets to cat while viewers watchB. a live program where a host is crazy about various kinds of foodC. a fashion that many viewers watch one person eating large quantities of foodD. an online broadcast where a host cats lots of food while interacting with viewers6.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?______A. Americans would like to sit down to enjoy noodles and kimchi.B. Mukbang is becoming more and more popular in the US.C. The dishes of South Korea are also popular in the US.D. Viewers of US will see South Koreans feeding themselves with hamburgers and fries.7.What's the author's attitude towards this new food trend?______A. Objective.B. Negative.C. Favorable.D. Worried.【答案】【小题1】D 【小题2】B 【小题3】A【解析】1.D.词义猜测题.根据文章第二段Mukbang - a South Korean phrase meaning "eating broadcast" - is an unusual food eraze that' s sweeping the country可知Mukbang是韩国的一个短语,意思是"饮食广播",它是一种不寻常的美食,正在席卷全国;故选D.2.B.细节理解题.根据文章最后一段Even though mukbang is a South Korean phenomenon, it's also taken off in the US. But u nlike South Koreans who sit down to enjoy noodles and kimchi, Americans enjoy their own native dishes可知穆克邦在美国越来越受欢迎;故选B.3.A.推理判断题.根据文章最后一段Even though mukbang is a South Korean phenomenon, it's also taken off in the US. But u nlike South Koreans who sit down to enjoy noodles and kimchi, Americans enjoy their own native dishes可知作者对这种新的食品潮流持客观态度;故选A.本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了在社交场合吃饭是最好的选择.想想一个家庭在晚上下班或放学后聚在一起,或者春节吃东西的大型聚会.考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.CThroughout modern history,there has perhaps never been a scientist as iconic (标志性的)as Stephen Hawking.On March 14,the British physicist passed away at his home in Cambridge,England.Since then,many people have expressed their condolences on social media.Whether be was educating the world with his knowledge of the universe,or making fun of himself in TV shows like The Simpsons,it's hard to imagine what the world will be like now Hawking is no longer in it.Hawking was an icon for many reasons,but he will be best remembered for his work in the field of science.Building on German scientist Albert Einstein's work.Hawking explained his belief that space started with the Big Bang,and will end with black holes.This proposal kicked off a series of investigations,including into the origin of the universe itself."This complex set of law can give us the answers to questions like how did the universe begin," Hawking wrote in his 2010 work The Grand Design."Where is it going and will it have an end?If so,how will it end?"His work in science abide,he also managed to overcome many difficulties in his personal life.While studying for a postgraduate degree in cosmology at Cambridge University,he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease at the age of 21.His illness left him paralyzed and he was told he only had a short time to live.However,he went on to become one of the greatest minds the world has ever known."I felt it was very unfair---why should this happen to me," he wrote in his 2013 memoir."At the time,I thought my life was over and that I would never realize the potential I felt I had.But now,50 years later,I can he quietly satisfied with my life."Hawking leaves behind a great legacy.His signature book A Brief History of Time:From the Big Bang to Black Holes published in 1988,became one of the world's best-soiling science publications.He inky no longer be with us,but Hawking will continue to inspire the world for generations to come.As he once said himself,"Look up at the stars and not down at your feet."8.What can we know about Stephen Hawking from the passage?______A. He left us humans a priceless legacy,A Brief History of Time.B. He was born with a disease which left him paralyzed.C. He was well-known as an icon only for his achievement in science.D. He always complained life was unfair to him after he became paralyzed.9.The underlined words "kickedoff" in Paragraph 3 can be best replaced by ______ .A. answer forB. set offC. put forwardD. lead to10.What is conveyed in the sentence "Look up at the stars and not down at your feet."?______A. Just do what you love and believe in,and success will come naturally.B. However tough life may seem,be curious and there is always hope ahead.C. Be determined and confident rather than keep feeling frustrated all dayD. You cannot improve your past,but you can improve your future.【答案】【小题1】A 【小题2】B 【小题3】B【解析】1.A.细节理解题.根据第一段句子:Throughout modern history,there has perhaps never been a scientist as iconic (标志性的)as Stephen Hawking.在整个现代历史中,可能从来没有一个科学家像斯蒂芬霍金那样具有标志性.可见霍金给我们人类留下了无价的遗产,一段短暂的历史.所以选A.2.B.词义猜测题.根据文章第三段内容: a series of investigations, including into the origin of the universe itself.可见这个建议应该是开始了一系列的调查,包括对宇宙起源本身的调查.,A 回答;B.引起;C.提出.D.导致.可见kick off的意思是"引起".3.B.考查句意理解题.本文主要写了霍金的一生中,他在科学领域的工作也成功地克服了个人生活中的许多困难.本文用他的话结束本文"仰望星空,而不是俯视你的脚".是为了表达霍金的那种无论生活多么艰难,都要充满好奇心,永远有希望的精神激励着后人,故文章讲述了英国科学家霍金去世的消息并高度评价了他对人类的伟大贡献及对世界的影响.做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.二、阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共10.0分)Ways to boost your chances of a good night's rest Experts have found more evidence of the harm caused by disturbing our body clocks,linking it to depression and mental disorder.It's a warning to our body's natural rhythms,which influence our sleep as well as a range of other processes in our body.Here are the things we can do for a good night's sleeps?• Limit evening light.Are you inseparable from your mobile phone?Do you chock your social media late into the night?(1) These devices produce powerful blue light that is particularly bad for our sleep.Having a cut-off time for stopping using these devices of an hour and a half before bed is ideal.We should also limit other forms of electric light after surest.• (2) A glass or two of wine,or a sip or two of brandy,for many is a pre-bed routine.But despite what you might think,experts say that a glass of wine before bedtime actually doesn't improve our sleep.Alcohol has a strange effect in that it makes it easier to fall asleep,but it make it harder to stay asleep and it affects the quality of our sleep.• Be consistent.It may be tempting to stay up late on Friday or Saturday.(3) This helps to reduce social mismatch between when we sleep during the working week compared with the weekend.The bigger the social mismatch,the more harmful it is for health.• Have a pre-bed routine.Having a pre-bed routine helps signal to our bodies that it's time for sleep.Activities such as reading a book or having a bath can help to mentally relax and get us ready for bed.Parents do this with their child to get good sleep.They have a set routine where they feed,bath their children and put them into bed.(4)• Make your bedroom a place of rest.Easily portable computers and phones have transformed our bedrooms from sanctuaries (保护区)of rest into places of entertainment.Bui if we want to boost our chances of a good night's rest,we need to reclaim them for sleep.(5) Keeping your bedroom cool is also important because it's easier for our bodies to sleep in colder temperatures.A.Avoid a night wine.B.Get a good night's sleep.C.If so,you're likely to be disturbing your sleep.D.There's nothing around them and then they read them a story.E.To do this we should keep phones and computers in other rooms.F.Our body clocks are designed to follow the rise and toll of our sleep.G.However,ideally we should go to bed at similar times throughout the week.11. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G12. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G13. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G14. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G15. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G【答案】【小题1】C 【小题2】A 【小题3】G 【小题4】D 【小题5】E 【解析】CAGDE1.C.文章衔接题.根据后文These devices produce powerful blue light that is particularlybad for our sleep.可知这些设备产生强烈的蓝光,对我们的睡眠特别不利.C项:If so,you're likely to be disturbing your sleep.如果是这样,很可能会打扰你的睡眠.符合文意,故选C.2.A.段落理解题.根据后文A glass or two of wine,or a sip or two of brandy,for many is a pre-bed routine.可知对许多人来说,一杯或两杯葡萄酒,或一口或两口白兰地,都是睡前的常规.A项:Avoid a night wine.避免喝夜酒.符合文意,故选A.3.G.逻辑推理题.根据后文This helps to reduce social mismatch between when we sleep during the working week compared with the weekend.可知这有助于减少工作周睡眠时间与周末之间的社会不匹配.G项:However,ideally we should go to bed at similar times throughout the week.然而,理想情况下我们应该在一周中的类似时间睡觉.符合文意,故选G.4.D.语境辨析题.根据前文They have a set routine where they feed,bath their children and put them into bed.可知他们有一套固定的日常饮食,给孩子洗澡,然后把他们放在床上.D项:There's nothing around them and then they read them a story.他们周围什么都没有,然后他们读了一个故事.符合文意,故选D.5.E.理解判断题.根据前文Easily portable computers and phones have transformed our bedrooms from sanctuaries (保护区)of rest into places of entertainment.可知便携式电脑和手机使我们的卧室从休息区变成了娱乐场所.E项:To do this we should keep phones and computers in other rooms.要做到这一点,我们应该把电话和电脑放在其他房间.符合文意,故选E.本文是一篇选句填空,文章主要介绍了如何提高晚上的睡眠质量:1、限制夜间光线;2、避免喝夜酒;3、要始终如一;4、有一套固定的日常规律;5、让你的卧室成为一个休息的地方.做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.三、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共30.0分)When I was seventh grade,I volunteered at a local hospital during the summer.I spent most of the time there with Mr.Gillespie.He never had any.and(16),and nobody seemed to care about his condition.I spent many days there(17)his hand talking him,helping with anything that needed to be done.He became a close friend of mine.(18)he responded with only a(n)(19)squeeze of my hand.Mr.Gillespie was in a coma (昏迷).I left for a week,and when I came back,Mr.Gillespie was (20) I didn't have the (21) to ask any of the nurses where he was,for (22) that they might tell me be had died.(23) with many questions(24),I continued to volunteer there.Several years later,I was at a gas station when I noticed a (25) face.When I realized who it was,my eyes filled with tears.He was alive! I (26) the courage to ask him if his name was Mr.Gillespie,and if he had been in a coma about five years ago.With a(n)(27) look on his face,he replied yes.I explained how I knew him.His eyes welled up with tears,and he gave me the warmest hug.He began to tell me how,as he (28) there comatose (昏迷的),he could hear me talking to him the whole time.He thought it was an angel,not a person,who was there with him.Mr.Gillespie firmly believed that it was my (29)and touch that had kept him alive.Then he told me about his life and what had(30)him before he was put in the coma.We both cried for a while,said our goodbyes and(31)our separate ways.Although I have not seen him since then,he fills my heart with (32)every day.I know that I made a (33) between his lifeand his death.More(34),he has made a very big difference in my life,too.I will never forget him and what he (35) for me:he made me an angel.16. A. relatives B. visitors C. doctors D. friends17. A. shaking B. breaking C. taking D. holding18. A. if B. as if C. even if D. when19. A. specific B. occasional C. potential D. evident20. A. dead B. lost C. gone D. unconscious21. A. courage B. opportunity C. attempt D. feeling22. A. exchange B. fear C. convenience D. sure23. A. So B. But C. Although D. While24. A. unsolved B. undone C. unanswered D. uncovered25. A. familiar B. strange C. same D. expected26. A. let out B. got into C. put up D. got up27. A. determined B. uncertain C. ashamed D. excited28. A. lay B. laid C. sat D. kneed29. A. courage B. noise C. voice D. care30. A. happened to B. come around C. came about D. met with31. A. ran B. stepped C. wandered D. went32. A. curiosity B. joy C. sympathy D. appreciation33. A. difference B. comment C. promise D. turn34. A. absolutely B. particularly C. clearly D. importantly35. A. contributed B. headed C. did D. sacrificed【答案】【小题1】B 【小题2】D 【小题3】C 【小题4】B 【小题5】C 【小题6】A 【小题7】B 【小题8】A 【小题9】C 【小题10】A 【小题11】D 【小题12】B 【小题13】A 【小题14】C 【小题15】A 【小题16】D 【小题17】B 【小题18】A 【小题19】D 【小题20】C 【解析】1-5 BDCBC 6-10 ABACA 11-15 DBACA 16-20 DBADC1.B.考查名词及语境理解.根据后半句and nobody seemed to care about his condition 可判断,没有人来看望他.故答案为B.2.D.考查动词及语境理解.由下文的me holding his hand 可知握着手和他交谈,用holding.故答案为D.3.C.考查连词及语境理解.此处表示尽管他的反应只是偶尔挤压一下我的手,但他已经成为我亲密的朋友.所以用even if引导让步状语从句.故答案为C.4.B.考查形容词及语境理解.A.specific特定的;B.occasional 偶尔的;C.potential 有潜力的;D.evident 明显的;根据下文内容Mr. Gillespie was in a coma (昏迷)可知他的反应只是偶尔挤压一下我的手,故答案为C.5.C.考查形容词及语境理解.A.dead死的;B.lost丢的;C.gone没有;D.unconscious 没有意识的;根据下文 ask any of the nurses where he was可知作者一周后回到医院,发现Mr.Gillespie不见了.故答案为C.6.A.考查名词及语境理解.A.courage勇气;B.opportunity机会;C.attempt 尝试;D.feeling 感觉;根据I didn't have the (6)to ask any of the nurses where he was 可知作者不敢问护士Mr.Gillespie去了哪里,因为害怕听到他去世的消息.故答案为A.7.B.考查名词及语境理解.根据for (7)that they might tell me be had died可知for fear that意为"生怕,唯恐".因为害怕听到他去世的消息,故答案为B.8.A.考查连词及语境理解.根据前后文的关系是表示因果,因此用连词so连接,故答案为A.9.C.考查形容词及语境理解.根据前面出现的many questions可知,应该用unanswered (未答复的).故答案为C.10.A.考查形容词及语境理解.根据下文内容可知,作者在一个加油站注意到一张熟悉的(familiar)脸.故答案为A.11.D.考查动词短语及语境理解.A.let out 发出;B.got into 进入;C.put up张贴;D.got up 起床;根据语境可知,作者最后鼓起勇气去问他是不是Mr.Gillespie.根据第一段最后一句可知,作者在此处问他大约五年前是不是昏迷过.故答案为D.12.B.考查形容词及语境理解.根据常识及With a(n)(12)look on his face, he replied yes 可知他的表情应该是有点不确定,故答案为B.13.A.考查动词及语境理解.根据常理可知,在医院里,昏迷的人一定是躺着的.故答案为A.14.C.考查名词及语境理解.根据上文第12空后面的talking to him可知,此处应为voice(声音).故答案为C.15.A.考查动词短语及语境理解.A.happened to碰巧;B.come around苏醒,周而复始;C.came about 发生;D.met with遇见,会晤;happen to sb.意为"发生在……身上",他向作者讲述发生在他身上的导致他昏迷的事情.故答案为A.16.D.考查动词及语境理解.作者和Mr.Gillespie两人痛哭一番,互相道别,然后各自走自己的路.故答案为D.17.B.考查名词及语境理解.A.curiosity 好奇心;B.joy快乐;C.sympathy同情心;D.appreciation 欣赏;根据前文Although I have not seen him since then可知尽管我们没有再见面,但是他让我的内心一直充满了快乐,故答案为B.18.A.考查名词及语境理解.显然作者在Mr.Gillespie的生与死之间起了很大作用.make a difference意为"起作用,有影响".故答案为A.19.D.考查副词及语境理解.A.absolutely 绝对地;B.particularly 尤其;C.clearly 清楚地;D.importantly 重要地;根据下文"he has made a very big difference in my life,too"可知,此处表示"更重要的是".故答案为D.20.C.考查动词及语境理解.A.contributed贡献;B.headed前往;C.did 做到;D.sacrificed 牺牲;此处表示"我永远不会忘记他为我所做的一切:他使我成了天使".故答案为C.文章讲述作者在做医院的自愿者的时候,曾照顾一个昏迷的人.在离开一段时间回来时,发现这个人不在了,作者害怕他已经死了,也不敢询问他的情况,但是几年后,他们意外的在加油站见面,Mr.Gillespie向作者表示感谢,作者也觉得很快乐.近几年高考试题中的完形填空有新的变化,试题所涉及的知识面不断拓宽,综合难度不断提高.做完型填空首先要通读全文,了解大意.一篇完形填空的文章有许多空格,所以,必须先通读一至两遍,才能大概了解文章的内容.千万不要看一句,做一句.其次要逐句分析,前后一致.选择答案时,要考虑整个句子的内容,包括搭配、时态、语法等.答案全填完后,再通读一遍文章,检查是否通顺流畅了,用词得当,意思正确.四、语法填空(本大题共1小题,共15.0分)36.Smoking cigarettes,as is known to all,produces a good many harmful (1) (effect)on health.So why do so many adolescents still smoke?(2) (drive)by curiosity,some may just want to experiment,(3) (think)it makes them look tough orcool.Others may think it will help them with stress in their lives possibly due to pressure from parents or teachers.What they do not realize is how easy it is to become addicted to smoking.At first,they become (4) (physical)addicted to nicotine,which (5) (mean)that after a while their bodies become accustomed to having nicotine in them.Then they become addicted through habit.When they do the same thing over and over again,they begin to do (6)automatically.In fact it is the mental addiction rather than the physical one (7) makes it really hard to quit smoking.Sadly the withdrawal symptoms can be quite severe for some people.When (8) adolescent realizes how (9) (fit)he or she is becoming,it is too late.Of course the best way to deal with the problem is not to get (10) the habit in the first place!【答案】【小题1】effects【小题2】Driven【小题3】thinking【小题4】physically【小题5】means【小题6】it/that【小题7】that【小题8】an【小题9】unfit【小题10】into【解析】1.effects.考查名词.根据修饰词a good many harmful可知,用复数effects,表示"多方面的影响".2. Driven.考查非谓语动词.做原因状语,因为drive和主语是被动关系,表示"被驱使",所以用过去分词Driven.3. thinking.考查非谓语动词.做伴随状语,和主语some是主动关系,用现在分词thinking.4.physically.考查副词.修饰形容词addicted to nicotine,用副词physically.5.means.考查谓语动词.定语从句的关系词which ,代指主句,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数means.6.it/that.考查代词.代指名词the same thing ,做do的宾语,用it/that.7.that.考查定语从句.代指先行词the physical one,用关系词that 引导定语从句makes it really hard to quit smoking.8.an.考查冠词.表示"一个青少年",修饰名词adolescent 用不定冠词an.9.unfit.考查形容词.本句表示"当青少年意识到他或她变得多么不健康时,为时已晚.",用形容词unfit.10.into.考查固定短语.表示"养成做某事的习惯",用固定短语get into the habit.所以用into.众所周知,吸烟会对健康产生很多有害的影响.本文分析为什么这么多的青少年仍然吸烟,以及戒烟困难的原因.语法填空的解题方法1.有提示词填空的解题技巧①给出的提示词是名词:要考虑是否填名词的复数形式以及该名词的形容词、副词形式.②给出的提示词是动词:要认真分析句子的结构,理解句子的意思.a.如果填空处是谓语,要考虑时态、语态和动词的第三人称单数;b.如果填空处是非谓语,根据对句子成分的分析和对语境的理解,要考虑填to do、doing 还是done,同时,也要考虑该动作发生时间的先后以及与主语的关系(是主动关系还是被动关系),并填写相应的形式;c.在平时的模拟题中,有时还要根据句意填写该动词的名词形式,甚至是形容词或者副词形式.③给出的提示词是形容词:一般要考虑其副词形式以及比较级和最高级形式,同时还要关注是否要加表示否定或其它意义的前缀、后缀.2.无提示词填空的解题技巧按照考纲要求,无提示填空最多填3个单词,一般是填1个单词的,高考中考查的角度主要有:①代词:这类设空比较少,通常是根据句子意思填一个与语境相关的代词(通常是指示代词),这就要同学们认真体会句子意思了,在没有头绪时大胆猜想是否是填代词;②冠词:如果设空处后面是名词,那么可以考虑是否要填冠词,再根据句子意思分析是特指还是泛指,并填上合适的冠词,当然,在一些固定搭配中也会涉及冠词,这就要同学们做好积累了;五、书面表达(本大题共2小题,共40.0分)37.假定你是李华,你的一位美国笔友Jeff询问你的暑假安排,请根据以下要点给他回一封电子邮件,要点如下:1.外出旅游;2.分担家务;3.个人兴趣(如学骂驶,学乐器等).注意:1.词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;【答案】Dear Jeff,The approaching summer vacation makes me extremely excited. So valuable is it that I cann ot let it pass meaninglessly.(高分句型一)【写信目的】I'll schedule the first few days on a journey with several friends to refresh myself. Then it's a must to share some daily routine with my mother, who has been doing a lot for me.(高分句型二) Meanwhile, I'll spend time improving my skill at playing the piano. Of course, my last plan is to get a driving license.【我的暑假安排】What about your arrangements?Yours truly,Li Hua【解析】本文属于提纲作文,动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题.平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果.高分句型一:So valuable is it that I cannot let it pass meaninglessly.它是如此宝贵,我不能让它毫无意义地通过.so +形容词+that是英语的固定句型"如此…以至于…",So +形容词置于句首,句子要做部分倒装.高分句型二:Then it's a must to share some daily routine with my mother, who has been doing a lot for me.那就必须和我母亲分享一些日常事务,她一直在为我做很多事情.本句是定语从句,先行词是mother,在定语从句中做主语.英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.38.阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要.Normally and naturally, a daughter is more attached to her mother in comparison to her father or other siblings. The attachment is also due to the fact that the daughter find s it caster to confide in (向…吐露个人隐私) the mother on personal and biological matters at different stages while growing up.The bonding between mother and daughter will increase with their being together and。
1. What is the weather like now?A. Sunny.B. Cloudy.C. Rainy.2. What does the man want to order?A. French fries.B. A large soft drink.C. A bacon sandwich,3. Where is Jacob now?A. Ai home.B. At school.C. At a supermarket.4. What do the speakers mainly talk about?A. Having a class reunion.B. Planning a birthday party.C. Visiting a family member.5. What is the man’s job?A. He is a model.B. He is a designer.C. He is a salesman.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6 What does the man think of the jeans?A. They are too long.B They are too short.C. They the wrong style.7. When will the man pick up the jeans?A. Tomorrow.B. This evening.C. This afternoon.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
1. What is the weather lie now?A. Sunny.B. Cloudy.C. Rainy.2. What does the man want to order?A. French fries.B. A large soft drin.C. A bacon sandwich,3. Where is Jacob now?A. Ai home.B. At school.C. At a supermaret.4. What do the speaers mainly tal about?A. Having a class reunion.B. Planning a birthday party.C. Visiting a family member.5. What is the man’s job?A. He is a model.B. He is a designer.C. He is a salesman.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6 What does the man thin of the jeans?A. They are too long.B They are too short.C. They the wrong style.7. When will the man pic up the jeans?A. Tomorrow.B. This evening.C. This afternoon.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
2017-2018学年浙江省湖州市高二下学期期末考试地理试题 扫描版
![2017-2018学年浙江省湖州市高二下学期期末考试地理试题 扫描版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8eef233fccbff121dd368360.png)
题序 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 答案 A A D C B C A B A B B A C 题序14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 —答案 A D B D B D A D A D B B —二、非选择题(本大题共4小题,共50分)26.(10分,每格1分)(1)太平洋(上)地幔(或软流层)(2)水果和灌溉农业带冷藏保鲜技术(3)环境技术市场(4)位于谷地,早春受冷气团影响小受沿海寒流影响,多云雾夏季受副热带高气压控制,云雾不易扩散27.(10分,每格1分)(1)沉积岩(石灰岩)流水侵蚀(2)西电东送改善大气质量缓解能源供应紧张状况(促进产业结构调整)(3)分散广(大)(4)加强小城镇基础设施建设,吸引农村居民入住发展农产品加工等劳动密集型工业,增加第二产业就业人口发展旅游业等第三产业,以吸纳大量农村剩余劳动力。
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1. What is the weather like now?A. Sunny.B. Cloudy.C. Rainy.2. What does the man want to order?A. French fries.B. A large soft drink.C. A bacon sandwich,3. Where is Jacob now?A. Ai home.B. At school.C. At a supermarket.4. What do the speakers mainly talk about?A. Having a class reunion.B. Planning a birthday party.C. Visiting a family member.5. What is the man’s job?A. He is a model.B. He is a designer.C. He is a salesman.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6 What does the man think of the jeans?A. They are too long. B They are too short. C. They the wrong style.7. When will the man pick up the jeans?A. Tomorrow.B. This evening.C. This afternoon.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
8. What vehicle did the woman just take?A. A taxiB. A plane.C. A train.9. How long will the woman rent the car for?A. Four days.B. Five days.C. Seven days.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。
10 Where will the woman go tomorrow morning?A. To the airportB. To a tennis court.C. To the police station.11. What is the purpose of the woman’s v isit to London?A. Taking a holiday.B. Going on a business trip.C. Checking out some schools.12. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates.B. Boss and employee.C. Father and daughter.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。
13. Why didn’t the man want to take part in the contest at first?A. He feels nervous singing alone.B. He doesn’t like singing.C. He dislikes his voice.14. How many people has the woman been practicing with?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.15. What day is it today?A. Tuesday.B. Wednesday.C. Thursday.16. Where will the speakers practice together?A. At John’s houseB. At the school canteen.C. At the local community center听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。
17. When did Jordan go to college?A. In 1981.B. In 1984.C. In 1990.18. Where did Jordan win his first Olympic gold medal?A. In Chicago.B. In Barcelona.C. In Los Angeles.19. What did Jordan do in 1993?A. He joined the NBA.B. He retired from basketball.C. He returned to the Bulls.20. How long did Jordan play professional baseball for?A. About two years.B. About five years.C. About six years.第二部分;阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
AAfter a terrible electrical accident, which caused him to become both blind and deal, the whole world became completely dark and quiet for Robert Edwards for almost ten years. The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an end to his life. His family, especially his wife, did their best to tend and comfort him and finally he regained the will to live.One hot summer afternoon, he was taking a walk with a slick near his house when a thunderstorm started all at once. He stood under a large tree to avoid getting wet, but he was struck by the lightning. Witness thought he was dead but he woke up some 20 minutes later lying face down in muddy water at the base of the tree. He was trembling badly, but when he opened his eyes, he could hardly believe what he sow --- a plough and a wall. When Mrs Edwards came running up to him, shouting to their neighbors to call for help, he could see her and heat her voice for the first time in nearly ten years.The news of Robert regaining his sight and hearing quickly spread, and many doctors came to examine him. Most of them said that he regained hit sight and hearing from the shock he got from the lightning. However, none of them could give a correct as to why this should have happened. The only reasonable explanation given by one doctor was that, since Robert lost his sight and hearing as a result of sudden shock, perhaps the only way for him to regain them was by another sudden shock.21 The reason for Robert’s attempts to kill himself was that .A. nobody in the world eared about himB. a terrible traffic accident happened to himC. he was struck by the lightning once moreD. he cou ldn’t stand living in a dark and silent world22. What was Robert doing when he was struck by the lightning?A. Sheltering from the rain under u tree.B. Lying on the ground.C. Taking a walk with a stick.D. Driving a car.23. We can inter from the text that .A. many doctors came because Robert was badly injuredB. there was no exact explanation for Robert’s recoveryC. Robert’s wife sent for doctors immediately after the shockD. a sudden injury in the head led t o Robert’s recovery24. What’s the best title of the whole passage?A. Terrible Electrical Accident.B. Robert Edwards and His Wife.C. What a Sudden Shock.D. An Unforgettable Experience.BEating is best when it’s a social occasi on. Think of the meal a family enjoys in the evening when everyone’s together after work or school, or the big get-togethers over food at Spring Festival. But now, in the age of the internet and social media, anyone with an internet connection can enjoy a social eating event.Mukbang - a South Korean phrase meaning “eating broadcast” - is an unusual food eraze that’s sweeping the country. This is a meal where only one person gets to eat, while viewers watch live streams of hosts devouring large quantities of food. They leave comments on the dishes the host is tucking into, and the host responds to them live.So why have people taken to this unusual new food trend? Jeff Yang, an Asian-American cultural critic, thinks that it’s down to “the loneliness of unmarried or uncoupled South Koreans”. He believes that eating on your own can be hard in a country like South Korea, where social eating is such a long tradition. However, mukbang gives people the feeling that they seems to be part of something larger.Millions of people have trouble with food. Either they eat too much of it, or too little. Some say that the popularity of mukbang helps people with these disorders. Those who always eat too much and put on weight can watch mukbang streams to satisfy their appetit e. And those who don’t eat enough can build their appetite by watching delicious food bong eaten.Even though mukbang is a South Korean phenomenon, it’s also taken off in the US. But unlike South Koreans who sit down to enjoy noodles and kimchi, Americans enjoy their own native dishes. This means that viewers of US mukbang streamers will see locals stuffing themselves with hamburgers, fries and ice cream.25. According to Paragraph 2. “eating broadcast” is .A. a TV show in which only one person gets to cat while viewers watchB. a live program where a host is crazy about various kinds of foodC. a fashion that many viewers watch one person eating large quantities of foodD. an online broadcast where a host cats lots of food while interacting with viewers26. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. Americans would like to sit down to enjoy noodles and kimchi.B. Mukbang is becoming more and more popular in the US.C. The dishes of South Korea are also popular in the US.D. Viewers of US will see South Koreans feeding themselves with hamburgers and fries.27. What’s the author’s attitude towards this new food trend?A. Objective.B. Negative.C. Favorable.D. Worried.CThroughout modern history, there has perhaps never been a scientist as iconic (标志性的) as Stephen Hawking.On March 14, the British physicist passed away at his home in Cambridge, England. Since then,many people have expressed their condolences on social media. Whether be was educating the world with his knowledge of the universe, or making fun of himself in TV shows like The Simpsons, it’s hard to imagine what the world will be like now Hawking is no longer in it.Hawking was an icon for many reasons, but he will be best remembered for his work in the field of science. Building on Ger man scientist Albert Einstein’s work. Hawking explained his belief that space started with the Big Bang, and will end with black holes. This proposal kicked off a series of investigations, including into the origin of the universe itself. “This complex set of law can give us the answers to questions like how did the universe begin,” Hawking wrote in his 2010 work The Grand Design. “Where is it going and will it have an end? If so, how will it end?”His work in science abide, he also managed to overcome many difficulties in his personal life. While studying for a postgraduate degree in cosmology at Cambridge University, he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease at the age of 21. His illness left him paralyzed and he was told he only had a short time to live. However, he went on to become one of the greatest minds the world has ever known. “I felt it was very unfair---why should this happen to me,” he wrote in his 2013 memoir. “At the time, I thought my life was over and that I would never realize the potenti al I felt I had. But now, 50 years later, I can he quietly satisfied with my life.”Hawking leaves behind a great legacy. His signature book A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes published in 1988, became one of the world’s best-soiling science publications. He inky no longer be with us, but Hawking will continue to inspire the world for generations to come. As he once said himself, “Look up at the stars and not down at your feet.”28. What can we know about Stephen Hawking from the passage?A. He left us humans a priceless legacy, A Brief History of Time.B. He was born with a disease which left him paralyzed.C. He was well-known as an icon only for his achievement in science.D. He always complained life was unfair to him after he became paralyzed.29. The underlined words “kick off” in Paragraph 3 can be best replaced by .A. answer forB. set offC. put forwardD. lead to30. What is conveyed in the sentence “Look up at the stars and not down at your feet.”?A. Just do what you love and believe in, and success will come naturally.B. However tough life may seem, be curious and there is always hope ahead.C. Be determined and confident rather than keep feeling frustrated all dayD. You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。