参照依据:The Employment Act 20071.招聘1.1试用期1.1.1签订试用期合同1.1.2试用期时间:最长不能超过六个月,若任要延长需与雇员签订协议,可延长最多不超过六个月。
详见就业法:第42条Termination of probationary contracts.(2)A probationary period shall not be more than six months but it may be extended for a further period of not more than six months with theagreement of the employee.(3) No employ shall employ an employee under a probationary contract formore than the aggregate period provided under subsection (2).(4) A party to a contract for a probationary period may terminate the contractby giving not less than seven days’ notice of termination of the contract, orby payment, by the employee, of seven days’ wages in lieu of notice.1.2 临时工:1.2.1 合同最短为一天,连续工作6个月后,若双方同意可在进行6个月适用。
1.2.2 临时工在连续工作六天后应享有一天的带薪休假且任何公共假日和带薪休假都将算为连续工作的一部分。
Questions & AnswersHiring Workers in East AfricaMay 17, 2011________________________________________________________________Q: I think in Kenya maternity leave allowed to women is 3 months. That is what I have been advised by my HR manager. Please confirm.-Sonal SejpalA: As per Kenyan Employment Act 2007, maternity leave is specified to be at least 90 calendar days + annual leave entitlement for the year.-Eve Hawa SinareA: in Tanzania maternity leave is 3 months and paternity leave is 3 days________________________________________________________________Q: What is the legal compliance for expatriates working in East Africa (i.e., an Indian or US person working for a US company in Uganda)?-Sonal SejpalA: In order to be employed in Kenya, a foreign national would need to obtain a work permit from the Immigration Department under the Immigration Act (Cap 172).The foreign national’s employment would be governed by Kenyan Law and the employee would need to be registered under various laws as follows:a)income tax registration under the Income Tax Act (Cap 470);b)NSSF registration as a contributor under the National Social Security Fund Act (Cap 258);andc)NHIF registration as a contributor under the National Hospital Insurance Fund Act, 1998. Further, the Employment Act requires an employee’s salary to be paid in the currency of Kenya (Kenya Shillings).________________________________________________________________Q: How do you compute a daily salary rate from a monthly salary since employers use different formulas?-Eve Hawa SinareA: In Tanzania, the daily rate is calculated from the basic salary of the employee divided by the number of days in the month usually 30 days.-Sonal SejpalA: In Kenya, wages are computed based on working days. You should divide the monthly salary by the working days.-Moses AdrikoA: In Uganda, most employers do not provide for a daily rate except if the work is manual and if so the daily rate would not be based on 30-day wages rate________________________________________________________________Q: Pleasecomment on the issue of statutory overtime pay in Kenya. The Employment Act 2007 seems silent on this.-Sonal SejpalA: Overtime entitlement is provided for in the wages orders under the Labour Institutions Act. Under the General Wages Order, overtime above normal hours is must be paid at 1.5 times the normal hourly rate. Overtime for rest days and public holidays is 2 times. ________________________________________________________________Q: Kindly talk about defined contributions being introduced in Kenya beginning 1st July.-Sonal SejpalA: the Public Service Ministry had early this year announced a scheme planned to roll out on 1st July, 2011 in which civil servants would benefit from a medical cover that would run parallel to the NHIF. There have been concerns raised by various stakeholders. Consultations are still ongoing mainly on who will run the scheme and if this will duplicate services offered by NHIF________________________________________________________________Q: What is legality of having a specific period employment contract -- say one year? Is there any term specified in law after which an employer is bound to take an employee on a permanent basis, rather than keeping for specific period?-Sonal SejpalA: Thereis no period after which an employer is obligated to retain an employee permanently. However, in the case of redundancy, or unfair termination, where there is no break in employment, the continuous period running between one fixed term contract and another fixed term contract may be considered by the court.________________________________________________________________Q: "Managers are not entitled to overtime pay." What is your view on this?-Sonal SejpalA: In Kenya, there are no definite provisions on this issue. This is respected, in our experience, by custom. We are not aware of any challenges by managers. When we draft management level contracts, we make no reference to overtime.________________________________________________________________Q: In Kenya, are we required to pay for the off day?-Sonal SejpalA: An employee is entitled to at least one rest day. Where an employee works on the rest day, he or she would be entitled to overtime.________________________________________________________________Q: What happens in situations where the sick leave days provided in cap 299 is not consistent with the employment act?-Sonal SejpalA: In Kenya, under the Employment Act, the MINIMUM sick leave is 7 days with full pay and 7 days with half pay subject to a medical certificate. The General Wages Order provides for MAXIMUM sick leave of 30 days with full pay and 15 days with half pay.________________________________________________________________Q: in Kenya, which law should we follow for sick leave?-Sonal SejpalA: provisions relating to sick leave as well as other conditions of employment are provided for both in the Employment Act, 2007 and in the General Wages Order promulgated under the Labour Institutions Act, 2007. With regard to sick leave, there is no overlap between the provisions of the Employment Act and the General Wages Order. The Employment Act provides for the minimum sick leave applicable and the General Wages Order provides for the maximum sick leave applicable.Section 30 of the Employment Act provides that after two (2) consecutive months of service with his employer, an employee shall be entitled to sick leave of not less than seven (7) days with full pay and thereafter of seven (7) days with half pay, in each period of twelve (12) consecutive months of service, subject to production by the employee of a certificate of incapacity to work signed by a duly qualified medical practitioner or a person acting on the practitioner’s behalf in charge of a dispensary or medical aid centre.Regulation 12 of the General Wages Order provides that after two (2) continuous month’s service with an employer, an employee shall be entitled to a maximum o f thirty (30) days’ sick leave with full pay and thereafter a maximum of fifteen (15) days’ sick leave with half pay in each period of twelve (12) consecutive months’ service provides that an employee shall not be entitled to such payment unless he produces to the employer a certificate of incapacity covering the period of the sick leave claimed signed by a medical practitioner in charge of a dispensary or medical aid centre, or by a person authorized by him in writing and acting on hisbehalf. An employee shall not be eligible for sick leave in respect of any incapacity due to gross neglect on his part.________________________________________________________________Q: Is compassionate leave an entitlement in Kenya by common practice? Should a contract include the travel allowance and if so how do you state it?-Sonal SejpalA: The General Wages Order makes provision for compassionate leave but this is deductible from the annual leave entitlement. Many employers give compassionate leave as a matter of practice.-Eve Hawa SinareA: In Tanzania compassionate leave is for 4 days within a leave cycle of 12 months. Any additional compassionate leave will be deductable from annual leave-________________________________________________________________Q: What about the construction wages order?-Sonal SejpalA: There are two orders which may be relevant: The Regulation of Wages (Electrical Construction Industry) Order and the Regulation of Wages (Building and Construction Industry) Order, 1998. The former Order applies to all persons (other than managers) employed in an undertaking or part of an undertaking which consists in the carrying on of work in the electrical construction order. The latter Order relates to works carrying on work in the construction of buildings and construction of railway lines or any lattice work structure.________________________________________________________________Q: Are written agreements needed in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda?-Eve Hawa SinareA: It is not mandatory to have a written contract but written particulars must be given to an employee if the contract is oral. In practice employers are advised to have written contracts.-Sonal SejpalA: In Kenya, it is mandatory to provide a written contract if the employment is for a period of three (3) or more months.________________________________________________________________Q: Is there an at-will concept in these jurisdictions or must all terminations be for good reason and subject to challenge?-Eve Hawa SinareA: In Tanzania, we have no at will concept under the new law. A reason has to be given and the reason has to be fair and the process of termination has to be fair as well.-Sonal SejpalA: In Kenya, we do not have an "at will" concept. Under the Employment Act, an employee has a right to claim unfair termination if employed for 13 months or more. In this case, the employer should have fair reasons for termination.________________________________________________________________Q: Did you say probation in Tanzania is a maximum of 7 months?-Eve Hawa SinareA: No, it is 6 months and may be extended to 12 months-Sonal Sejpal:A: Probationary contracts in Kenya should not be more than six (6) months but may be extended for a further period of six (6) months with the consent of the employee.________________________________________________________________Q: Is compassionate leave an entitlement in Kenya by common practice?-Sonal SejpalA: Yes, the entitlement to compassionate leave in Kenya is a common practice. Under the Regulation of Wages (General) Order, compassionate leave would be offset from the employee’s annual leave. In addition, under the order, an employee may be granted up to 5 days compassionate leave without pay in any one year. However, this is not a legal obligation on the employer.________________________________________________________________Q: Can an employee who is serving their notice period be summarily dismissed?-Sonal SejpalA: The Employment Act provides for the various ways in which a contract can be terminated including termination with notice or pay in lieu of notice and summary dismissal for gross misconduct. There are no provisions in law on whether an employee who is already serving a notice period can still be summarily dismissed and we have not come across any case law that addresses this question. On the face of it, it would appear prejudicial (depending on the circumstances) to the employee to subject them to two consecutive modes of termination and this may be a basis for an unfair termination claim by an employee especially where the subsequent summary termination leads to loss of salary or termination benefit s. Having said that, I don’t see why an employee cannot be summarily dismissed i n this situation if the facts relating to misconduct etc emerge after notice is given to him.________________________________________________________________Q: What is the legality of having a specific period employment contract -- say one year? Is there any term specified in law after which an employer is bound to take an employee on a permanent basis, rather than keeping the employee for specific period?-Moses AdrikoA: In Uganda there is general freedom of contract and you can have a fixed termcontract, which can include or exclude a probationary period. Generally an Employer can not include a probation period of longer than 6 MONTHS.-Sonal SejpalA: The Employment Act recognizes both fixed term employment and permanent employment. An employer who has engaged an employee for a certain period would not be obligated to turn the fixed term employment into permanent employment. The only term after which an employer is bound to take an employee on a permanent basis relates to casual employees. Any casual employee that either works for a continuous period of more than one (1) month working days or performs work which cannot reasonably be expected to be completed within a period of three (3) months or more shall be deemed to be an employee entitled to a contract of service paid on a monthly basis.Unlike the case in Kenya, some jurisdictions have provisions which obligate an employer to convert successive fixed term contracts to permanent employment contracts after a certain successive period of employment. In England, the Fixed Term (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Employees Regulations (2002) contains a specific provision which provides for the recognition of among others, fixed term employee rights in redundancy cases and the conversion of fixed term employment to permanent employment where an employee serves on successive fixed term contracts for more than four (4) years.We have not come across a Kenyan case that examines the principles of legitimate expectation and continuity of employment.The question of continuity of employment would most likely arise in the calculation of termination payments such as redundancy pay and contractual gratuity. Under the Employment Act, 2007, in the event of a redundancy, an employee is entitled to a minimum severance pay of fifteen (15) days pay for every year worked. Automatic renewal of fixed term contracts would have implications on the employer as there is a likelihood of a court presuming that the employment was continuous even though it was under multiple contracts. Furthermore, where a fixed term contract expires and the employer continues to engage the employee, it may be imputed that the employer intended for the employment to continue on the same terms.________________________________________________________________Q: In Kenya, if you provide Social Security, is it obligatory to provide pension? If yes, how is the pension calculated?-Sonal SejpalA: In Kenya, there is no statutory obligation to provide pension to your employees. There is a statutory obligation to ensure that your employee is registered for statutory social security (NSSF) and to remit contributions. If there is a pension scheme applicable, this should be stated in the contract.-Désiré KamanziA: In Rwanda, apart from the mandatory social security contributions, no other pension scheme would be mandatory... For the social security, both the employer and employee contribute (5 and 3% respectively of the net salary).-Moses AdrikoA: In Uganda, there is no obligation to provide pension. However there is a mandatory Social Security Scheme to which an employer must contribute 10% of the employees’ wages and the employee would contribute 5% of his wages. The employer is entitled to receive a lump sum payment from the Social Security Fund on reaching the retirement age of 55________________________________________________________________Q: For single termination in Kenya, kindly repeat the treatment of severance pay. Is severance pay expected? If yes, how is it calculated? Thanks.-Sonal SejpalA: The Employment Act only requires that severance pay is paid to an employee if the employee is declared redundant.It is calculate at 15 days pay for each complete year worked.The Employment Act does not contain provisions which differentiate between single employee redundancies and group redundancies.。
第1篇一、劳动法的基本概念1. 劳动法是什么?劳动法是调整劳动关系、规范劳动行为、保障劳动者合法权益、促进劳动就业、维护社会和谐稳定的一部法律。
2. 劳动法的基本原则有哪些?劳动法的基本原则包括:平等原则、自愿原则、协商原则、合法原则、公平原则、诚实信用原则、保护劳动者权益原则、保障社会公共利益原则。
3. 劳动法的作用是什么?劳动法的作用主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)规范劳动关系,保障劳动者合法权益;(2)维护社会稳定,促进经济发展;(3)提高劳动生产率,提高劳动者素质;(4)推动劳动就业,实现人力资源合理配置。
二、劳动合同案例问答1. 劳动合同应当具备哪些条款?劳动合同应当具备以下条款:(1)劳动合同的名称;(2)劳动合同的当事人;(3)劳动合同的期限;(4)工作内容和工作地点;(5)劳动报酬;(6)工作时间和休息休假;(7)社会保险;(8)劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护;(9)劳动合同解除、终止的条件;(10)违反劳动合同的责任;(11)其他约定事项。
2. 劳动合同可以口头约定吗?劳动合同应当采用书面形式,不得口头约定。
3. 劳动合同到期后,用人单位应当如何处理?劳动合同到期后,用人单位应当与劳动者协商一致,续订或者终止劳动合同。
4. 劳动者解除劳动合同应当符合哪些条件?劳动者解除劳动合同应当符合以下条件:(1)劳动者有法定解除劳动合同的情形;(2)劳动者与用人单位协商一致解除劳动合同;(3)劳动者提前通知用人单位解除劳动合同。
三、劳动争议案例问答1. 劳动争议是指什么?劳动争议是指劳动者与用人单位之间因劳动权利义务发生的争议。
2. 劳动争议的解决途径有哪些?劳动争议的解决途径包括:(1)协商;(2)调解;(3)仲裁;(4)诉讼。
3. 劳动争议仲裁委员会的职责是什么?劳动争议仲裁委员会的职责是:(1)受理劳动争议案件;(2)审查劳动争议案件的事实和法律依据;(3)作出仲裁裁决;(4)监督仲裁裁决的执行。
常见劳动法规问题解答 HR猫猫
![常见劳动法规问题解答 HR猫猫](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/068069f31a37f111f0855b33.png)
6. 童工与强迫劳动:童工标准、保护机制和强迫劳动强迫劳动:任何人不得强迫劳动,也不得帮助他人聘用、买卖或使用强迫劳动力。
童工:52. 解释:在本部分中,除文本另有规定——“雇佣”指在以下情况中雇佣儿童:(a)儿童作为某人的助理而提供劳动,且为了获得报酬的目的该儿童的劳动被视作该另一人的劳动;(b)儿童的劳动是为了任何个人或组织的收益,无论该儿童从中直接或间接地获利;(c)存在劳务合同,提供劳务的一方为儿童,无论用工方是直接或通过中介订立的合同。
劳动法 问答题
![劳动法 问答题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b9eb98813b3567ec112d8a7b.png)
劳动法 问答
![劳动法 问答](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/84f700b8c9d376eeaeaad1f34693daef5ff71359.png)
1. 劳动法的作用是什么?劳动法的主要作用是保护劳动者的权益,确保他们在劳动过程中享有公正的待遇和合理的工作条件。
2. 什么是劳动合同?劳动合同是一种劳动者和用人单位之间签订的书面协议,约定了双方在劳动关系中的权利和义务。
3. 劳动法规定了什么工作时间和休假制度?根据劳动法的规定,一般工作时间不超过八小时每日,平均每周不超过四十四小时。
4. 如何保障劳动者的工资待遇?劳动法规定了最低工资标准,并规定了用人单位应及时足额支付劳动者工资的义务。
5. 如何处理劳动纠纷?若劳动者与用人单位之间发生劳动纠纷,可以通过和解、调解或仲裁的方式解决。
劳动合同1. 劳动合同的作用是什么?劳动合同是雇主和雇员之间就劳动关系达成的一种书面协议。
2. 劳动合同可以解除吗?劳动合同可以通过双方协商解除。
3. 劳动合同到期后是否需要续签?劳动合同到期后,雇主和雇员可以根据实际情况自由决定是否续签。
工资和工时1. 雇主应该如何支付工资?根据《劳动合同法》,雇主应该按照约定的时间和支付方式支付工资,并且必须向劳动者提供工资结算单据,明细列出工资的组成部分和扣款情况。
2. 雇主可以减少工资吗?除非在法律法规允许的情况下,雇主是不能擅自减少工资的。
劳动法 问答
![劳动法 问答](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2c743bea85254b35eefdc8d376eeaeaad1f316e4.png)
劳动法对劳动者有哪些保护?劳动法对劳动者的保护主要包括以下方面:1. 工资保护劳动法规定,用人单位应当按照劳动合同约定支付劳动者工资,并保证工资不低于当地最低工资标准。
2. 工时限制劳动法规定,用人单位应当遵守国家规定的工时制度,保证劳动者的正常工作时间和休息时间。
3. 劳动合同保护劳动法规定,劳动者与用人单位之间应当签订书面劳动合同,明确双方的权利和义务。
4. 休假制度劳动法规定,劳动者享有带薪年休假、婚假、丧假、产假、陪产假等休假权利。
5. 社会保险保障劳动法规定,用人单位应当按照国家规定为劳动者缴纳社会保险费,包括养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险。
劳动法对用人单位有哪些规定?劳动法对用人单位的规定主要包括以下方面:1. 维护劳动秩序劳动法规定,用人单位应当建立和完善劳动纪律,维护劳动秩序。
劳动法 问答
![劳动法 问答](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d404f9e1f424ccbff121dd36a32d7375a417c635.png)
1. 劳动合同的订立和解除- 什么是劳动合同?劳动合同是劳动者和用人单位之间约定劳动关系的协议,明确双方权利和义务。
- 劳动合同如何订立?劳动合同应当采用书面形式,并明确双方约定的劳动条件、劳动报酬等内容。
- 劳动合同可以解除吗?在一定条件下,双方都有解除劳动合同的权利。
2. 劳动制度和工时安排- 什么是劳动制度?劳动制度是用人单位根据经营特点和工作需要,对劳动者劳动时间、休假等进行规定的制度。
- 用人单位的工时安排是否有限制?根据劳动法,用人单位每日工作时间不超过8小时,每周工作时间不超过44小时。
- 加班有什么要求?劳动者加班应当经过双方协商一致,并支付加班工资。
3. 劳动报酬的支付- 用人单位应当如何支付劳动报酬?劳动报酬应当按照劳动合同约定的方式和时间支付。
- 用人单位未按时支付工资怎么办?劳动者有权要求用人单位按时支付工资,并有权要求支付相应的滞纳金。
- 劳动报酬可以随意扣除吗?用人单位不得无故扣发劳动者的工资,扣除或者无故减少劳动者工资的,应当依法承担相应的责任。
4. 劳动保护- 如何保障劳动者的安全和健康?用人单位应当采取必要的劳动保护措施,提供安全环境和设备,预防劳动者职业病和事故伤害的发生。
- 对于孕产期女职工有什么特殊保护?孕产期女职工有特殊保护,用人单位应当根据国家有关规定,提供适宜的工作条件和休假待遇。
- 如何处理与劳动合同有关的纠纷?劳动纠纷可以通过协商、调解、仲裁或者诉讼等方式解决。
12.-(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2), the provisions of Sub-Parts A to D and F shall not apply to seafarers whose terms and conditions of employment are regulated under the Merchant Shipping Act, 2003.遵从本章第(2)小节的规定,即从A到D部分的规定及F部分规定,但是这些规定不适用于船员,船员的雇用条款和雇用条件遵从商船法,2003。
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), the provisions of this Part apply to seafarers who work on fishing vessels and shall be to the extent that in the event there is any conflict between the provisions of this Act and the Merchant Shipping Act and its regula- tions, the provisions of this Act shall prevail.(2)尽管有第(1)节的规定,本部分适用于工作在渔船上的船员,并一定程度上如果本法案和商船法有冲突的话,本法案占第一位。
(3) Where the provisions of any written law relating to vocational training regulates an employment standard stipulated in section 13(l) of this Act, the provisions of that other law shall apply.(3)在本章13(l)出现的任何旨在规范就业标准的,书面的职业培训法律条款条款,这样的规定也适用于本法律规定。
劳动法 问答
![劳动法 问答](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/506c514d91c69ec3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec4dad74b.png)
劳动法 问答
![劳动法 问答](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6c2fa645df80d4d8d15abe23482fb4daa58d1d97.png)
二、劳动者的基本权利1. 工资福利权利:劳动者有权按照约定获得劳动报酬、加班费和福利待遇等。
2. 工作时间权利:法定工作时间不超过八小时,加班时限不超过三小时。
3. 休息休假权利:劳动者每周应当至少休息一日,法定节假日和带薪年休假等假期。
4. 劳动保护权利:用人单位有义务为劳动者提供安全、卫生的工作环境和必要的劳动保护设施等。
三、用工单位的责任1. 遵守劳动法规:用人单位应当遵守国家的劳动法律法规和有关规定,保护劳动者的合法权益。
2. 缴纳社会保险:用人单位应当为劳动者缴纳养老、医疗、失业、工伤和生育保险的费用。
3. 给予合理薪酬:用人单位应当按照国家规定和双方约定给劳动者合理的工资和福利待遇。
4. 提供安全工作环境:用人单位应当为劳动者提供安全、卫生的工作环境和必要的劳动保护设施等。
四、用工合同的签订与变更1. 用工单位与劳动者在用工前应当签订劳动合同,规定用工条件和劳动报酬等内容。
2. 双方应当签订固定期限的劳动合同,期限不得超过三年,但法律规定的除外。
3. 双方协商一致,可以在劳动合同约定期限届满前变更或续订劳动合同。
五、劳动争议解决1. 劳动纠纷应当首先通过双方协商解决。
2. 未经协商或协商不成的,劳动者可以向所在单位或者劳动保障部门申请调解或仲裁。
3. 对仲裁做出的裁决不服的,可以向人民法院提起诉讼。
劳动法 问答
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Questions & AnswersHiring Workers in East AfricaMay 17, 2011________________________________________________________________Q: I think in Kenya maternity leave allowed to women is 3 months. That is what I have been advised by my HR manager. Please confirm.-Sonal SejpalA: As per Kenyan Employment Act 2007, maternity leave is specified to be at least 90 calendar days + annual leave entitlement for the year.-Eve Hawa SinareA: in Tanzania maternity leave is 3 months and paternity leave is 3 days________________________________________________________________Q: What is the legal compliance for expatriates working in East Africa (i.e., an Indian or US person working for a US company in Uganda)?-Sonal SejpalA: In order to be employed in Kenya, a foreign national would need to obtain a work permit from the Immigration Department under the Immigration Act (Cap 172).The foreign national’s employment would be governed by Kenyan Law and the employee would need to be registered under various laws as follows:a)income tax registration under the Income Tax Act (Cap 470);b)NSSF registration as a contributor under the National Social Security Fund Act (Cap 258);andc)NHIF registration as a contributor under the National Hospital Insurance Fund Act, 1998. Further, the Employment Act requires an employee’s salary to be paid in the currency of Kenya (Kenya Shillings).________________________________________________________________Q: How do you compute a daily salary rate from a monthly salary since employers use different formulas?-Eve Hawa SinareA: In Tanzania, the daily rate is calculated from the basic salary of the employee divided by the number of days in the month usually 30 days.-Sonal SejpalA: In Kenya, wages are computed based on working days. You should divide the monthly salary by the working days.-Moses AdrikoA: In Uganda, most employers do not provide for a daily rate except if the work is manual and if so the daily rate would not be based on 30-day wages rate________________________________________________________________Q: Pleasecomment on the issue of statutory overtime pay in Kenya. The Employment Act 2007 seems silent on this.-Sonal SejpalA: Overtime entitlement is provided for in the wages orders under the Labour Institutions Act. Under the General Wages Order, overtime above normal hours is must be paid at 1.5 times the normal hourly rate. Overtime for rest days and public holidays is 2 times. ________________________________________________________________Q: Kindly talk about defined contributions being introduced in Kenya beginning 1st July.-Sonal SejpalA: the Public Service Ministry had early this year announced a scheme planned to roll out on 1st July, 2011 in which civil servants would benefit from a medical cover that would run parallel to the NHIF. There have been concerns raised by various stakeholders. Consultations are still ongoing mainly on who will run the scheme and if this will duplicate services offered by NHIF________________________________________________________________Q: What is legality of having a specific period employment contract -- say one year? Is there any term specified in law after which an employer is bound to take an employee on a permanent basis, rather than keeping for specific period?-Sonal SejpalA: Thereis no period after which an employer is obligated to retain an employee permanently. However, in the case of redundancy, or unfair termination, where there is no break in employment, the continuous period running between one fixed term contract and another fixed term contract may be considered by the court.________________________________________________________________Q: "Managers are not entitled to overtime pay." What is your view on this?-Sonal SejpalA: In Kenya, there are no definite provisions on this issue. This is respected, in our experience, by custom. We are not aware of any challenges by managers. When we draft management level contracts, we make no reference to overtime.________________________________________________________________Q: In Kenya, are we required to pay for the off day?-Sonal SejpalA: An employee is entitled to at least one rest day. Where an employee works on the rest day, he or she would be entitled to overtime.________________________________________________________________Q: What happens in situations where the sick leave days provided in cap 299 is not consistent with the employment act?-Sonal SejpalA: In Kenya, under the Employment Act, the MINIMUM sick leave is 7 days with full pay and 7 days with half pay subject to a medical certificate. The General Wages Order provides for MAXIMUM sick leave of 30 days with full pay and 15 days with half pay.________________________________________________________________Q: in Kenya, which law should we follow for sick leave?-Sonal SejpalA: provisions relating to sick leave as well as other conditions of employment are provided for both in the Employment Act, 2007 and in the General Wages Order promulgated under the Labour Institutions Act, 2007. With regard to sick leave, there is no overlap between the provisions of the Employment Act and the General Wages Order. The Employment Act provides for the minimum sick leave applicable and the General Wages Order provides for the maximum sick leave applicable.Section 30 of the Employment Act provides that after two (2) consecutive months of service with his employer, an employee shall be entitled to sick leave of not less than seven (7) days with full pay and thereafter of seven (7) days with half pay, in each period of twelve (12) consecutive months of service, subject to production by the employee of a certificate of incapacity to work signed by a duly qualified medical practitioner or a person acting on the practitioner’s behalf in charge of a dispensary or medical aid centre.Regulation 12 of the General Wages Order provides that after two (2) continuous month’s service with an employer, an employee shall be entitled to a maximum o f thirty (30) days’ sick leave with full pay and thereafter a maximum of fifteen (15) days’ sick leave with half pay in each period of twelve (12) consecutive months’ service provides that an employee shall not be entitled to such payment unless he produces to the employer a certificate of incapacity covering the period of the sick leave claimed signed by a medical practitioner in charge of a dispensary or medical aid centre, or by a person authorized by him in writing and acting on hisbehalf. An employee shall not be eligible for sick leave in respect of any incapacity due to gross neglect on his part.________________________________________________________________Q: Is compassionate leave an entitlement in Kenya by common practice? Should a contract include the travel allowance and if so how do you state it?-Sonal SejpalA: The General Wages Order makes provision for compassionate leave but this is deductible from the annual leave entitlement. Many employers give compassionate leave as a matter of practice.-Eve Hawa SinareA: In Tanzania compassionate leave is for 4 days within a leave cycle of 12 months. Any additional compassionate leave will be deductable from annual leave-________________________________________________________________Q: What about the construction wages order?-Sonal SejpalA: There are two orders which may be relevant: The Regulation of Wages (Electrical Construction Industry) Order and the Regulation of Wages (Building and Construction Industry) Order, 1998. The former Order applies to all persons (other than managers) employed in an undertaking or part of an undertaking which consists in the carrying on of work in the electrical construction order. The latter Order relates to works carrying on work in the construction of buildings and construction of railway lines or any lattice work structure.________________________________________________________________Q: Are written agreements needed in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda?-Eve Hawa SinareA: It is not mandatory to have a written contract but written particulars must be given to an employee if the contract is oral. In practice employers are advised to have written contracts.-Sonal SejpalA: In Kenya, it is mandatory to provide a written contract if the employment is for a period of three (3) or more months.________________________________________________________________Q: Is there an at-will concept in these jurisdictions or must all terminations be for good reason and subject to challenge?-Eve Hawa SinareA: In Tanzania, we have no at will concept under the new law. A reason has to be given and the reason has to be fair and the process of termination has to be fair as well.-Sonal SejpalA: In Kenya, we do not have an "at will" concept. Under the Employment Act, an employee has a right to claim unfair termination if employed for 13 months or more. In this case, the employer should have fair reasons for termination.________________________________________________________________Q: Did you say probation in Tanzania is a maximum of 7 months?-Eve Hawa SinareA: No, it is 6 months and may be extended to 12 months-Sonal Sejpal:A: Probationary contracts in Kenya should not be more than six (6) months but may be extended for a further period of six (6) months with the consent of the employee.________________________________________________________________Q: Is compassionate leave an entitlement in Kenya by common practice?-Sonal SejpalA: Yes, the entitlement to compassionate leave in Kenya is a common practice. Under the Regulation of Wages (General) Order, compassionate leave would be offset from the employee’s annual leave. In addition, under the order, an employee may be granted up to 5 days compassionate leave without pay in any one year. However, this is not a legal obligation on the employer.________________________________________________________________Q: Can an employee who is serving their notice period be summarily dismissed?-Sonal SejpalA: The Employment Act provides for the various ways in which a contract can be terminated including termination with notice or pay in lieu of notice and summary dismissal for gross misconduct. There are no provisions in law on whether an employee who is already serving a notice period can still be summarily dismissed and we have not come across any case law that addresses this question. On the face of it, it would appear prejudicial (depending on the circumstances) to the employee to subject them to two consecutive modes of termination and this may be a basis for an unfair termination claim by an employee especially where the subsequent summary termination leads to loss of salary or termination benefit s. Having said that, I don’t see why an employee cannot be summarily dismissed i n this situation if the facts relating to misconduct etc emerge after notice is given to him.________________________________________________________________Q: What is the legality of having a specific period employment contract -- say one year? Is there any term specified in law after which an employer is bound to take an employee on a permanent basis, rather than keeping the employee for specific period?-Moses AdrikoA: In Uganda there is general freedom of contract and you can have a fixed termcontract, which can include or exclude a probationary period. Generally an Employer can not include a probation period of longer than 6 MONTHS.-Sonal SejpalA: The Employment Act recognizes both fixed term employment and permanent employment. An employer who has engaged an employee for a certain period would not be obligated to turn the fixed term employment into permanent employment. The only term after which an employer is bound to take an employee on a permanent basis relates to casual employees. Any casual employee that either works for a continuous period of more than one (1) month working days or performs work which cannot reasonably be expected to be completed within a period of three (3) months or more shall be deemed to be an employee entitled to a contract of service paid on a monthly basis.Unlike the case in Kenya, some jurisdictions have provisions which obligate an employer to convert successive fixed term contracts to permanent employment contracts after a certain successive period of employment. In England, the Fixed Term (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Employees Regulations (2002) contains a specific provision which provides for the recognition of among others, fixed term employee rights in redundancy cases and the conversion of fixed term employment to permanent employment where an employee serves on successive fixed term contracts for more than four (4) years.We have not come across a Kenyan case that examines the principles of legitimate expectation and continuity of employment.The question of continuity of employment would most likely arise in the calculation of termination payments such as redundancy pay and contractual gratuity. Under the Employment Act, 2007, in the event of a redundancy, an employee is entitled to a minimum severance pay of fifteen (15) days pay for every year worked. Automatic renewal of fixed term contracts would have implications on the employer as there is a likelihood of a court presuming that the employment was continuous even though it was under multiple contracts. Furthermore, where a fixed term contract expires and the employer continues to engage the employee, it may be imputed that the employer intended for the employment to continue on the same terms.________________________________________________________________Q: In Kenya, if you provide Social Security, is it obligatory to provide pension? If yes, how is the pension calculated?-Sonal SejpalA: In Kenya, there is no statutory obligation to provide pension to your employees. There is a statutory obligation to ensure that your employee is registered for statutory social security (NSSF) and to remit contributions. If there is a pension scheme applicable, this should be stated in the contract.-Désiré KamanziA: In Rwanda, apart from the mandatory social security contributions, no other pension scheme would be mandatory... For the social security, both the employer and employee contribute (5 and 3% respectively of the net salary).-Moses AdrikoA: In Uganda, there is no obligation to provide pension. However there is a mandatory Social Security Scheme to which an employer must contribute 10% of the employees’ wages and the employee would contribute 5% of his wages. The employer is entitled to receive a lump sum payment from the Social Security Fund on reaching the retirement age of 55________________________________________________________________Q: For single termination in Kenya, kindly repeat the treatment of severance pay. Is severance pay expected? If yes, how is it calculated? Thanks.-Sonal SejpalA: The Employment Act only requires that severance pay is paid to an employee if the employee is declared redundant.It is calculate at 15 days pay for each complete year worked.The Employment Act does not contain provisions which differentiate between single employee redundancies and group redundancies.。