



佳能700D快速入门使用指南佳能700D单头套机(18-55mm STM)全手动操作APS-C规格数码单反采用CMOS传感器,支持全高清(1080)高清摄像。



佳能EOS 700D在外观上最明显的改变就是模式拨盘。


佳能EOS 700D的背部按键设计和佳能EOS 650D的完全一样,都是针对初级用户进行了优化,将常用到的功能都放到了触手可及的地方,并标有相应的说明图示,使用者可以迅速的掌握每个按键的功能。



佳能EOS 700D顶部有双声道麦克风如今使用单反相机录制视频已经不是什么新鲜事了,佳能EOS 700D的顶部设计了立体声麦克风,这将更有利于这台机身的独立收声性能。

图为:佳能EOS 700D模式拨盘图为:佳能新18-55mm套头的变焦环机身右侧为储存卡插槽,佳能EOS 700D支持主流的SD/SDHC/SDXC卡作为储存介质。

该机机身左侧提供了音频/视频输出口(A/V OUT)、HDMI插口(HDMI OUT)、快门线插口,并且为了视频拍摄功能还配置了MIC外接麦克风插口。

图为:佳能EOS 700D接口与存储卡槽外观性能第2段)佳能EOS 700D机身乍看之下延续了前几代机身的设计风格,不过其磨砂质感得到了一定程度的增强,使手感更为舒适。

新手如何用好佳能EF-s 18-55 F3.5-5.6 套头

新手如何用好佳能EF-s 18-55 F3.5-5.6 套头
要不要IS?小光圈镜头(fx.x-x.x)就不要配IS了,鸡肋!预算能吃下17-55 f2.8 IS,70-200 f4 IS的,再考虑IS吧。
b.用AI servo,任何时刻都非常准确。
c.AI servo档下,自动选择焦点(对焦点全开),追焦最为精确。(入门级的机器,选择单点的意义不大,0.8的取景放大率,眼睛都要看花,等机器自己对焦好了,精力放在角度、构图等等就好了)
小像场的机器的X1.6系数,并非镜头焦距变成1.6倍,而是相同机位, 镜头视野范围变小了!你的焦距没有变!你的景深效果等等都能的画质取决于CMOS 镜头,350D,400D,配18-55,50/1.8,或2K级的50/1.4,85/1.8,副厂的2.8变焦,18-200,等等,就够用了。5K元级的L头比如17-40不如不要。 1W元级L头是配全幅的,好马配好鞍啊,入门机器的CMOS跟不上。

佳能EOS M 基本使用说明书使用指南操作说明入门手册

佳能EOS M 基本使用说明书使用指南操作说明入门手册

设定时区、日期和时间 ......................................................................27
选择界面语言 ...................................................................................29
有关如何浏览光盘中的使用说明书 (PDF),请参阅第87页。
有关软件程序的概述、在计算机上安装的步骤以及如 何浏览软件使用说明书光盘,请参阅第87至88页。
EOS数码解决方案光盘 (EOS DIGITAL Solution Disk) (软件光盘)
开始前,请检查相机包装内是否包含以下所有物品。如有缺失,请与经销商联 系。
3 菜单操作 ...............................................................................39
格式化存储卡 ...................................................................................42
4 拍摄微距 (微距)....................................................................... 58 5 拍摄运动被摄体 (运动)............................................................ 59 6 拍摄夜景人像 (夜景人像)(使用三脚架).................................... 60 F 手持拍摄夜景 (手持夜景).......................................................... 61 G 拍摄逆光场景 (HDR 逆光控制)................................................. 62 x 图像回放................................................................................... 64 改变对焦方式 .................................................................................. 65 x 用触摸快门拍摄 ......................................................................... 73 j 使用自拍.................................................................................... 74












佳能 RF EF 镜头综合折页 产品手册

佳能 RF EF 镜头综合折页 产品手册

镜头综合折页RF35mm F1.8 MACRO IS STM滤镜直径52毫米约305克RF50mm F1.8 STM滤镜直径43毫米约160克RF16mm F2.8 STM滤镜直径43毫米约165克小型轻量・易携带RF85mm F2 MACRO IS STM滤镜直径67毫米约500克EF /RF 系列镜头的详细信息参见佳能官方网站。

EF 镜头RF镜头大光圈定焦镜头研磨非球面镜片x2非球面镜片x1UD 镜片x1ASC 镀膜环形USM 全时手动对焦防水滴防尘防污氟镀膜研磨非球面镜片x1UD 镜片x1BR 镜片x1ASC 镀膜DS 镀膜环形USM内对焦全时手动对焦防水滴防尘防污氟镀膜研磨非球面镜片x1UD 镜片x1BR 镜片x1ASC 镀膜环形USM 内对焦全时手动对焦防水滴防尘防污氟镀膜RF50mm F1.2 L USMRF85mm F1.2 L USMRF85mm F1.2 L USM DS滤镜直径77毫米约950克滤镜直径82毫米约1195克滤镜直径82毫米约1195克RF70-200mm F2.8 L IS USM滤镜直径77毫米约1070克RF15-35mm F2.8 L IS USM大三元镜头RF24-70mm F2.8 L IS USMx2x3滤镜直径82毫米约840克滤镜直径82毫米约900克卡口适配器控制环卡口适配器插入式滤镜卡口适配器(含插入式圆形偏光滤镜插入式滤镜卡口适配器(含插入式可变ND 滤镜超远摄变焦镜头滤镜直径67毫米约395克x2滤镜直径72毫米约750克高倍率变焦镜头x6--滤镜直径77毫米约1370克--滤镜直径67毫米约635克x1RF600mm F11 IS STM 滤镜直径82毫米约930克RF800mm F11 IS STM95毫米 约1260克RF400mm F2.8 L IS USM超远摄定焦镜头滤镜直径52毫米(插入型)约2890克x1RF600mm F4 L IS USM滤镜直径52毫米(插入型)约3090克x1RF800mm F5.6 L IS USM滤镜直径52毫米(插入型)约3140克x1x1RF1200mm F8 L IS USM滤镜直径52毫米(插入型)约3340克增倍镜约225克约340克RF1.4×RF2×小三元镜头RF24-105mm F4 L IS USMx1滤镜直径77毫米约700克RF70-200mm F4 L IS USM滤镜直径77毫米约695克RF14-35mm F4 L IS USM滤镜直径77毫米约540克x1可用滤镜后端插入式约540克EF 24-105mm f /4L IS II USMx3滤镜直径77毫米约795克EF 16-35mm f /4L IS USMx1滤镜直径77毫米约615克x2滤镜直径72毫米约780克EF 75-300mm f /4-5.6 III滤镜直径58毫米 约480克x2滤镜直径82毫米约805克EF 24-70mm f /4L IS USM x2滤镜直径77毫米约600克x5滤镜直径77毫米约1480克EF 70-300mm f /4-5.6 IS II USM滤镜直径67毫米 约710克EF 16-35mm f /2.8L III USM x2滤镜直径82毫米约790克EF 11-24mm f /4L USMx1可用滤镜后端插入式约1180克注:重量仅包含镜头本身。

18 55镜头使用技巧

18 55镜头使用技巧

18 55镜头使用技巧18-55镜头使用技巧18-55镜头是一款常见的套头镜头,适用于广泛的拍摄场景。




















© CANON INC. 2009
பைடு நூலகம்
¡不能安装近摄镜头 250D,因为没有适合的尺寸。 ¡若要精确对焦,建议采用手动对焦。
18 - 200 mm f/3.5-5.6 12 组,16 片 f/22-36* 对角线:74°20′- 7°50′ 垂直:45°30′- 4°20′ 水平:64°30′- 6°30′ 0.45 m 0.24X(200 mm 时) 291 × 452 - 62 × 93 mm(0.45 m 时) 72 mm 78.6 × 102 mm 595 g EW-78D(选购件) E-72 LP1116(选购件)
焦距 / 光圈 镜头结构 最小光圈 视角范围 最近对焦距离 最大放大倍率 视野范围 滤光镜直径 最大直径及长度 重量 遮光罩 镜头盖 镜头盒
* 所显示的数值适用于其光圈设置值增量以 1/3 级为单位显示的相机型号,而对于光圈设置值增量以 1/2 级为单位 显示的型号,该数值应为 f/22 至 f/38。 ¡相当于 35 mm 胶片格式下的 29 - 320 mm。 ¡镜头长度是指从安装面到镜头前端的距离。当装上镜头盖和防尘盖时增加 21.5 mm。 ¡除特别说明外,尺寸和重量只适用于镜头。 ¡EF1.4X Ⅱ /EF2X Ⅱ增倍镜不能与此镜头一同使用。 ¡光圈设置可以由相机指定,进行变焦操作时,相机可以自动补偿光圈设置的变化。 ¡上述所有数据均按照佳能标准测量。 ¡产品规格和外形如有改变,恕不另行通知。 原产地 :请参照保修卡或产品包装箱上的标示 进口商 :佳能(中国)有限公司 地 址 :100005 北京市东城区金宝街 89 号 金宝大厦 15 层



FD20操作指南目录 Contents1 纵览系统组成 Overview System components (4)检查室 Examination Room (5)床边模块功能 Table module functions (6)监视器功能 Monitor functions (7)控制室 Control room (8)控制室模块 Control room modules (9)监视器功能 Monitor functions (11)2 工作流程 Workflow (13)数据监视器的版面 Layout of data monitor (13)活动条 Activity bar (13)工作流程滑道Workflow slider (13)工作列表Worklist .................................. . (13)标签页Tab pages (14)病人工作流程表 Patient Workflow chart (15)工作流程简介Workflow in a nutshell (15)3 病人日程安排 Preparation (17)日程安排Scheduling (17)预先日程安排Prescheduling (18)工作列表管理(WLM) (18)预取Prefetch (18)回传Retrieve (19)4 图像采集 Acquisition (20)5 Xper image review4-1在实时监视器上回放图像Image review on Live monitor (25)在参考监视器上回放图像Image review on Reference monitor (25)复制图像到参考文件Copy image to reference file (25)存储序列到参考文件Store run to reference file (25)转换到参考监视器Switch to reference monitor (25)在回放监视器观察图像Image review on View monitor (26)快速回放Quick review.. ..................... . (26)完整的总揽Complete overview..................... . (26)6 存储透视图像Store fluoroscopy images..................... . (27)Xper 透视存储 Xper fluorostore..................... .. (27)透视抓图 Fluoro grab..................... .................... (27)7 图像处理Image processing..................... ........... .... .. (27)回放工作站View Monitor..................... ................ . (27)Xper 模块 Xper module..................... (30)8 Image archive .............. ........ ................ (33)标记Flagging......... .......................... .. (33)文件处理 File handling..... ................. .. (33)图像文件 Image files (34)自动存储 Auto-archive..................... . (34)手动存储过程 Manual archive process.... .................. . (34)1 纵览系统组成Overview System components床边控制模块Table module functions机架控制模块1 Float tabletop2 Move stand longitudinal3 Rotate L-arm4 Store position 15 Store position 26 Recall position 17 Recall position 28 Emergency stop9 On/off Lateral table lock10 Unlock table tilt11 Accept APC 1.床面浮动2.机架平行移动3.L-arm转动4.存储位置15.存储位置26.调出位置17.调出位置28.紧急停止开关9.床面侧移锁定开关10.床面倾斜解锁11.A PC 确定12 Table up/down +Tabel tilt13 SID up/down14 Frontal rotation/angulation 12.床面升降加床面倾斜13.S ID升降14.机架转动Xper图像控制模块1.Detector format size2.Select fluoroscopy flavour low3.Select fluoroscopy flavour normal4.Select fluoroscopy flavour high5.Grab(live)fluoro image orsequence6.Trace Subtract Fluoro on/off7.Reset fluoroscopy buzzer8.Auto wedge follow on/of9.Auto beam size10.Shutters11.Left wedge12.Right wedge13.measuring filed display 1.探测器格式大小2.选择低剂量透视3.选择正常剂量透视4.选择高剂量透视5.抓取(实时)透视图像或序列6.示踪减影透视开关7.复位透视蜂鸣器8.自动半透明挡板开关9.自动光栅控制10.光栅11.左半透明挡板12.右半透明挡板13.测量视野显示监视器功能 Monitor functions 实时监视器(Xper遥控器软键显示)1.file cycle on/of2.store image to Ref monitor 13.file overview on/off4.store run to Ref monitor 15.Flag image on/off6.Subtraction on/off7.Tab selection8.Decrease cycle speed 1.文件循环播放开关2.存储图像到参考监视器13.文件纵览4.存储序列到参考监视器15.图像标记开关6.减影开关7.文件页选择8.降低播放速度控制室Control room控制室模块Control room modules Xper Review Module XPer回放模块1.Workflow sliders2.Examination list or Patient folder3.System messages area4.Activity bar5.Exam list and folder dependent tools6.Acquisition and Geometry Display 1.工作流程滑道2.检查列表或病人文件3.系统消息区4.活动条5.检查列表和文件的相关工具6.采集和机架信息显示前一个序列前一帧图像停止播放下一帧图像下一个序列序列回放文件回放文件总揽序列总揽CBE 图像反白电子光栅放大图像复位注释文字层显示电生理数据减影蒙片重设像素位移骨性标记示踪测量冠脉分析左室分析血管分析透视存储标记文件处理打印删除2 工作流程 Workflow本系统支持多种工作流程。






·老镜头变砖头,自己想办法拆修今天笔者有幸拆解的这枚镜头是尼康D40的18-55mm套机镜头,全称是AF-S MIKKOR 18-55mm F3.5-5.6G II ED。















39● EF 16-35mm F/2.8L II USM基本特征:非球面镜片 UD镜片环形USM 全时手动对焦镜头结构12组16片对焦方式环形USM·内部对焦·全时手动对焦最近对焦距离0.28m最大放大倍率0.22倍滤光镜直径ø82mm最大直径及长度ø88.5×111.6mm重量635g● EF 17-40mm F/4L USM基本特征:非球面镜片超级UD镜片环形USM 全时手动对焦镜头结构9组12片对焦方式环形USM·内部对焦·全时手动对焦最近对焦距离0.28m最大放大倍率0.24倍滤光镜直径ø77mm最大直径及长度ø83.5×96.8mm重量475g● EF 20-35mm F/3.5-4.5 USM基本特征:环形USM 全时手动对焦镜头结构11组12片对焦方式环形USM·内部对焦·全时手动对焦最近对焦距离0.34m最大放大倍率0.13倍滤光镜直径ø77mm最大直径及长度ø83.5×68.9mm重量340g(2)EF标准变焦镜头● EF-S 17-55mm F/2.8 IS USM基本特征:非球面镜片 UD镜片图像稳定器环形USM 全时手动对焦镜头结构12组19片对焦方式环形USM·内部对焦·全时手动对焦最近对焦距离0.35m最大放大倍率0.17倍滤光镜直径ø77mm最大直径及长度ø83.5×110.6mm重量645g41● EF 24-70mm F/2.8L USM基本特征:非球面镜片 UD镜片非球面镜片环形USM 全时手动对焦镜头结构13组16片对焦方式环形USM·后部对焦·全时手动对焦最近对焦距离0.38m最大放大倍率0.29倍滤光镜直径ø77mm最大直径及长度ø83.2×123.5mm重量950g● EF 24-85mm F/3.5-4.5 USM基本特征:非球面镜片环形USM全时手动对焦镜头结构12组15片对焦方式环形USM·内部对焦·全时手动对焦最近对焦距离0.5m最大放大倍率0.16倍滤光镜直径ø67mm最大直径及长度ø73×69.5mm重量380g● EF 24-105mm F/4L IS USM基本特征:非球面镜片超级UD镜片图像稳定器环形USM 全时手动对焦镜头结构13组18片对焦方式环形USM·内部对焦·全时手动对焦最近对焦距离0.45m最大放大倍率0.23倍滤光镜直径ø77mm最大直径及长度ø83.5×107mm重量670g● EF 28-90mm F/4-5.6 III基本特征:非球面镜片镜头结构8组10片对焦方式微型马达·前镜片旋转式伸出对焦最近对焦距离0.38m最大放大倍率0.3倍滤光镜直径ø58mm最大直径及长度ø67×71.2mm重量190g43● EF 55-200mm F/4.5-5.6 II USM基本特征:微型USM镜头结构13组13片对焦方式微型USM·前镜片旋转式伸出对焦最近对焦距离 1.2m最大放大倍率0.21倍滤光镜直径ø52mm最大直径及长度ø70.4×97.3mm重量310g● EF-S 55-250mm F/4-5.6 IS基本特征:UD镜片图像稳定器镜头结构10组12片对焦方式DC马达·前镜片旋转式伸出对焦最近对焦距离 1.1m最大放大倍率0.31倍滤光镜直径ø58mm最大直径及长度ø70×108mm重量390g● EF 70-200mm F/2.8L IS USM基本特征:UD镜片图像稳定器环形USM 全时手动对焦镜头结构18组23片对焦方式环形USM·内部对焦·全时手动对焦最近对焦距离 1.4m最大放大倍率0.17倍滤光镜直径ø77mm最大直径及长度ø86.2×197mm重量1470g● EF 70-200mm F/2.8L USM基本特征:UD镜片环形USM 全时手动对焦镜头结构15组18片对焦方式环形USM·内部对焦·全时手动对焦最近对焦距离 1.5m最大放大倍率0.16倍滤光镜直径ø77mm最大直径及长度ø84.6×193.6mm重量1310g45● EF 14mm F/2.8L II USM基本特征:非球面镜片UD镜片环形USM 全时手动对焦镜头结构11组14片对焦方式环形USM·后部对焦·全时手动对焦最近对焦距离0.2m最大放大倍率0.15倍滤光镜直径明胶滤镜最大直径及长度ø80×94mm重量645g● EF 20mm F/2.8 USM基本特征:环形USM 全时手动对焦镜头结构9组11片对焦方式环形USM·后部对焦·全时手动对焦最近对焦距离0.25m最大放大倍率0.14倍滤光镜直径ø72mm最大直径及长度ø77.5×70.6mm重量405g● EF 24mm F/1.4L USM基本特征:非球面镜片UD镜片环形USM 全时手动对焦镜头结构9组11片对焦方式环形USM·后部对焦·全时手动对焦最近对焦距离0.25m最大放大倍率0.16倍滤光镜直径ø77mm最大直径及长度ø83.5×77.4mm重量550g● EF 24mm F/2.8镜头结构10组10片对焦方式弧形马达·后部对焦最近对焦距离0.25m最大放大倍率0.16倍滤光镜直径ø58mm最大直径及长度ø67.5×48.5mm重量270g47(5)EF标准定焦镜头● EF 50mm F/1.2L USM基本特征:非球面镜片 环形USM 全时手动对焦镜头结构6组8片对焦方式环形USM·全镜头移动式伸出对焦·全时手动对焦最近对焦距离0.45m 最大放大倍率0.15倍滤光镜直径ø72mm 最大直径及长度ø85.8×65.5mm重量590g● EF 50mm F/1.4 USM基本特征:微型USM 全时手动对焦镜头结构6组7片对焦方式微型USM·全镜头移动式伸出对焦·全时手动对焦最近对焦距离0.45m 最大放大倍率0.15倍滤光镜直径ø58mm 最大直径及长度ø73.8×50.5mm重量290g● EF 50mm F/1.8 II镜头结构5组6片对焦方式微型马达·全镜头移动式伸出对焦最近对焦距离0.45m 最大放大倍率0.15倍滤光镜直径ø52mm 最大直径及长度ø68.2×41mm重量130g49(1)变焦镜头● AF-S 70-200mm F/2.8G ED VR II镜头结构16 组 21 片(带7片ED 玻璃镜片和纳米结晶涂层的镜头元件)最小光圈级数22最近对焦距离 1.4 m (整个变焦范围)最大放大倍率0.12倍滤光镜直径ø 77mm 最大直径及长度ø 87×205.5mm重量1,530g● AF-S 14-24mm F/2.8G ED镜头结构11片14组 (2 个 ED 镜片, 3 个非球面镜片和 1 个纳米结晶涂层)最小光圈级数22最近对焦距离0.28 m (整个变焦范围)最大放大倍率0.15倍最大直径及长度ø 98 × 131.5mm重量 970g● G 型与D 型镜头不同的是,该种镜头无光圈环设计,光圈调整必须由机身来完成,同时支持3D 矩阵测光。



佳能650D使用说明(超详细)机身外观从外观上看,本次佳能EOS 650D的造型依旧延续了三位数机型的小巧袖珍式设计,标志性的右肩模式转盘设计依旧沿用,除此以外,从EOS 600D开始采用的翻转屏设计被保留了下来。

佳能EOS 650D机身外观650D的机身蒙皮与600D一样,同样是两侧贴有防滑胶皮,这一设计也是给整台相机的质感和手感都提升了一个档次,握持相机的时候也会提供不错的手感支持。

佳能EOS 650D机身外观佳能EOS 650D机身外观佳能EOS 650D机身外观顶部650D的机身顶部设计和600D机身几乎相同,只是在机身开关拨杆设计上较之前代略有不同。


佳能EOS 650D机身外观后背经过外观大致的观察,我们发现佳能650D的机身虽然较之前代没有太大的变化,不过一些细节上的改进,却是大大提升了这台相机的整体操控易用性。


佳能EOS 650D机身外观细节顶部650D的顶部进行了小改进,顶部设计了立体声麦克风,这将更有利于这台机身的独立收声性能。

佳能EOS 650D机身外观细节右肩上的模式转盘机触控按钮650D的顶部更大的改进来自于对右肩部分的全新设计,视频模式从模式转盘中独立出来,通过开关拨杆用户可以直接开启视频模式,这对于传统单反用户来说会稍显麻烦。

不过考虑到如今用单反佳能EOS 650D机身外观细节卡口佳能EOS 650D机身外观细节卡口佳能EOS 650D机身外观细节机身后背按键佳能EOS 650D机身外观机身后背按键细节佳能EOS 650D机身外观细节取景器机周边按键佳能EOS 650D机身外观细节机身接口佳能650D机身接口全面,除具有常规的数据、HDMI接口外,该机还具备遥控器接口,以及外置寸麦克风接口。

















数字图像处理器按照指定的格式处理图像传感器传输的数据,使保存的图像获得满足使用要求的质量图像记录质量约1800万有效像素图像质量l(大)m(中)S1(小)s 2(小)S3(小)RAW记录像素约1800万像素约800万像素约450万像素约250万像素约3.5亿像素约1800万像素文件大小约10MB约6MB约4MB约2MB约0.3MB约30MB约250提示什么是RAW?RAW是数码单反相机可以记录的图像格式之一。


















Canon EF Cinema Lens 说明书

Canon EF Cinema Lens 说明书

CINE-SERVO CN20×50 IAS HSuper35 Meets Super TelephotoCINE-SERVOCN 20×50 IAS HWith the advance of digital cinematography, most new digital cine cameras have made use of the entrenched large global inventory of 35mm motion picture film lenses. Digital cinematography has squarely encompassed the emerging 4K movement – in both the television-centric UHD and the cinema-centric 4K digital motion imaging production formats.In the broadcast industry, large-format cameras and lenses for digital cinema are now being adopted for applications such as dramas, documentary programs, and promotional videos because of their superb imaging characteristics.Documentary, sports coverage and natural history programs seek extended focal ranges. Such focal ranges in the Super 35mm image format size with full 4K optical performance, pose significant challenges to size and weight of the lens.In recognition of this pressing production need, the CN20×50 IAS H ultra-telephoto zoom lens in Super 35mm format has been developed, significantly extending the imaging capabilities of 4K large-format cameras.The CN20x50 IAS H is a zoom lens for the Super 35mm format, having the superiority of the longest focal length(*) of 1500mm (with a 1.5× extender) and the highest zoom ratio(*) of 20× in the world of the Super 35mm format that offer a whole new image expression.Built-in 1.5× "4K" extender is another first in the large format optical arena, which maintains excellent 4K image quality.The lens weighs only 6.6 kg and has an overall length of only405.2mm (**) a combination that will readily support carryable documentary, natural history and sports shooting.Powerful 4K images created by unprecedented 1500mm focal length4K Optical PerformanceThe 4K optical performance is carefully managed across the entire image plane to ensure superb subjective sharpness especially on the wider angle settings. Sophisticated computer simulation in the design phase produced an excellent final optimization that maintains the 4K optical performance over the entire focal range even when the built-in extender is in use and over an object distance ranging from the minimum object distance to infinity.New glass materials assisted in the goal of achieving the necessary tight control of optical aberrations.The most contemporary multilayer optical coatings ensure very high contrast by their superb control of black reproduction augmented by optical and mechanical design innovations that substantially reduced flare and any internal reflections.Similar attention to minimization of ghost images and other highlight-related color bleeding extend the operational contrast range of the lens.f = 50mmf = 1000mmConversion Table (*) As of September 2014(**) 〈PL Mount 〉 CN20x50 IAS H/P1 :405.2mm 〈EF Mount 〉 CN20x50 IAS H/E1 :413.2mm Super 35mm2/3” 35mmFocal Length(mm)50 – 1,000 App. 20 – 370 App. 75 – 1,460 with 1.5× Ext(mm)75 – 1,500 App. 30 – 560App. 110 – 2,190The lens has a 1,500mm focal length at the telephoto end (with a 1.5x extender), a total length of 405.2 mm (PL mount), and a weight of 6.6 kg. Even when shooting documentaries in a harsh natural environment, this lens enables unprecedentedly expressive and dynamic 4K images at a distance from the subject.Display for easy user settingsThe display of the lens drive unit enables easy operation of digital functions such as speed and frame presets and shuttle shot in the same way as Canon’s high-end broadcast portable television lenses.Speed Preset : A speci c zoom speed can be preset in memory Frame Preset : An angle of view can be preset in either of two memories Shuttle Shot : Automatically shuttle between two focal length.Lens with ultra-long focal length, 4K optical performance, and high carryabilityServo Cine LensThe CN20×50 IAS H has a newly designed digital servo system that employs the miniature 16-bit optical encoders that endow the control of zoom, iris, and focus with the same legendary precision for which Canon is world-famous in the 2/3” ENG/EFP domain. This new digital drive system is compact and lightweight while providing impressive power to actuate the full 20:1 zoom range in 1.5 seconds – ensuring image capture in critical moments.Wide-ranging zoom speeds up to a maximum of 180 seconds support special creative shooting. The encoders do not require any initialization operation and accordingly the system starts immediately upon switch-on.A 12-pin connection cable from the drive unit carries the standard serialcommunication for broadcast lenses – ensuring that the CN20×50 IAS can be used with all professional Super35mm digital cine cameras. The camerasupplies power to the drive unit via this connection and remote iris operation is supported.Support for Virtual Image Data OutputStudio Broadcast Lens ControllersWhen used in a studio lens-camera con guration the CN20×50 IAS H drive unit has three 20-pinconnectors that facilitate the use of Canon standard broadcast zoom and focus controllers (such as the ZSD-300D and FPD-400D).Flange-back adjustment mechanismThe lens enables ange-back adjustment with an operation as easy as that ofbroadcast ENG lenses.Macro functionThe lens enables macro shooting with an operation as easy as that of broadcast ENG lenses.Iris close functionThe lens can close the iris completely, which is necessary to calibrate black balance.Immediate system start-upThe drive unit has a high-performance encoder so that the lens requires no initialization. Since the encoder does not require the initialization operation when the lens is powered on, the system can be started immediately.Robustness and durabilityThe lens features an optimal housing structure made by combining theknow-how acquired through the development of Canon broadcast lenses with the latest simulation technologies. The lens provides a robustness and durability that can endure in severe operating environments for broadcast applications.Operability and functions ideal for broadcast lens usersThe lens o ers the equivalent servo operation feel as broadcast portable lenses for all focus, zoom, and iris controls. The focus ring is provided with a knurled rubber for superior operability, which allows theequivalent manual operation feel as broadcast portable lenses.Virtual20pin connector180°Standard Broadcast Camera InterfaceFPD-400D Focus control20p20pZSD-300D Zoom controlWorld’s rst built-in 1.5× “4K”extenderThe lens has a built-in 1.5× extender, which makes it the rst zoom lens with a servo unit for Super 35mm sensor cameras. The lens is capable of 4K resolution performance even when a 1.5× extender is inserted.The drive unit has a 20-pinconnector which outputs 16-bit precision data for zoom, iris, and focus to support precision virtual imaging systems.The lens is equipped with multiple bladesthat make the aperture diaphragmrounder and achieves a soft and naturalblur e ect. It has also adopted an oddnumber of blades so that the beams ofreceived light spreads without a ectingfacing di raction light each other andcreates a soft and elegant beam of lightwhen optimal focus is achieved.Handheld Cinematography ShootingCompatible with cinema industry standardSuper 35mm image senserSupport for cinema industry standard accessoriesThe lens can be used with standard accessories in the cinema industry, such as amatte box, follow focus gear systems, and electronically operated controllers.The focus ring is equipped with 0.8mm and 0.5mm gear modules and the zoomring is equipped with a 0.5mm gear module, and these make it possible to use thelens with standard accessories in the cinema industry.(The iris ring is equipped with a 0.5mm gear module.)Easier-to-read ring markings•The lens provides focus ring markings on angledsurfaces on the lens barrel, which makes it easy toread the focus settings from behind the camera.•Each ring marking is indicated on both sides of thelens to facilitate operation when the cinema camerausers use the lens at a movie shooting location. Thering markings indicated on one side of the barrel arecoated with luminous paint so that they can beeasily read even in the dark.•The focus ring markings are indicated both in feetand metric units (ft/m), making it unnecessary toreplace the focus ring in order to switch from feet tometric and vice versa.Easy-to-understand focal lengthindicationsThe focal length is indicated on the side of the lensfront barrel. The lens adopts customary “focal lengthindications” normally used by cinema camera users.19mm-diameter rod systemThe lens is equipped with a support holder for cinema lens supportrods that can be used with 19mm-diameter rod systems. Anextension shaft (included in the product) is required to use the19mm-diameter rod system.11-blade aperture diaphragmEF Cinema Lens 11 blades9 blades 6 bladesCompliant with wide-ranging communication standards and with a lens-to-camera communication function for added convenience EOS Lens Data Communication• For the CN20×50 IAS H/E1 using the EF mount, data management functions and image compensation are enabled by Canon’s directelectrical communication between Cinema EOS cameras and this lens.Cooke /i Lens Camera Data• The lens supports the widely accepted Cooke /i Technology for direct transmission of lens data to the camera.• Furthermore, the lens is provided with the standard 12-pin interface connector that is used in the broadcast industry. Therefore, the lens canperform the same type of communications as conventional broadcast portable lenses, such as transmission of focus, zoom, and iris position dataas well as remote-controlled operation of the iris.Focus indicators are markedon the inclined surface.The focus ring markings areindicated both in feet andmetric units(ft/m).Pitch:0.8Pitch:0.5Pitch:0.5Not all productions will requirethe digital servo drive, withmany preferring traditionalmanual cinematography styleshooting – Canon has designedthe system so that the servo unitcan be removed. In this mode themanual focus control has a total rotation angle of 180 degrees. Ifthe drive unit is removed for a speci c production and thenre-mounted – this can be done in any rotation position and there isno need to adjust gear positions (zoom, iris, and focus).®Canon’s proprietary optical technology that realizes high image quality EF Cinema lenses*Canon's superb optical material technologyLens with ultra-long focal length, 4K optical performance, and high carryabilityMultilayer coating technology that reduces lens flare and ghosting[Fluorite]Theoretically, a slight chromatic aberration always occurs in standard optical glass. The use of fluorite resolves this issue by making the ideal chromatic aberration correction. Many of Canon’s zoom lenses demonstrate a correction effect particularly at the telephoto side that has a large aberration.Theoretically, in order to shoot an object dimension in Super 35mm equivalent to that of a 2/3” format camera lens, it is necessary to have a focal length that is about 2.7 times longer, which significantly affects the size of the lens. To obtain the brightness of a long focal length lens, a large diameter lens is required, thus making the size of the lens front huge. Because there is a close relationship among focal length, optical performance, and size of the lens, highly advanced technology is required to achieve the proper optical balance among them.Canon has put together industry cutting-edge technologies such as advanced optical simulation technology, as well as the optimal layout of the glass and mechanical components, wide-diameter aspherical lens technology, and the most suitable optical glass materials to develop a lens that achieves a high level of total balance.The newly developed EF Cinema lenses and EF lenses have a coating that is optimized for digital camera photography. For example, these lenses are provided with the optimal multilayer coating to prevent the reflection of incident lights on a lens and to reduce flare and ghosting. The EF Cinema lenses use an anti-reflection lens coating that further reduces the occurrence of flare and ghosting.[UD and Hi-UD glasses]An Ultra-low Dispersion (UD) glass has characteristics similar to fluorite. Since a UD glass has low dispersion as well as abnormal dispersibility, it can produce an effect similar to fluorite with an optimal layout of the glasses. A Hi-UD glass has a high refractive index and provides chromatic and spherical aberration correction effects while also providing the low dispersion and abnormal dispersibility of a UD glass. A Hi-UD glass is used in such products as zoom lenses and works effectively to reduce the aberration fluctuations caused by focusing and zooming, in addition to reducing the chromatic aberration that occurs at the telephoto side.Aspherical lens technologyA spherical lens refracts more in the peripheral parts than in the center. For that reason, these lenses are subject to spherical aberration. On the other hand, an aspherical lens can gather all light that passes through the center and peripheral parts of the lens at one point. This technology makes it possible to use an aspherical lens to provide the same correction effect that would normally need several spherical lenses, thus reducing the overall number of lenses required. This technology therefore helps produce sharp images through high optical performance, as well as being compact and lightweight.*: Technology applied to the lenses would differ depending on the model.Focal point alignment withaspherical lensSpherical aberration ofspherical lensRough uoriteArti cial uorite crystalsFluorite lensesComparison of Color Aberration CorrectionOrdinary optical glassFluoriteLarge color aberrationSmall color aberrationBlue Green RedPUB.0190W435Specifications subject to change without notice.North & South America Canon U.S.A., Inc.Imaging T echnologies & Communications Group Broadcast and Communications Sales & Marketing Division(Headquarters)One Canon ParkMelville, NY 11747-3336T el:+1(800)321-4388Email:***************.com /Chicago 100 Park Blvd. Itasca, IL 60143T el:+1(630)250-6236 Fax+1:(630)250-0399Atlanta5625 Oakbrook Pkwy. Norcross, GA 30093T el:+1(770)849-7890 Fax:+1(770)849-7888Los Angeles 15955 Alton Parkway lrvine, CA 92618T el:+1(949)753-4330 Fax:+1(949)753-4337Dallas3200 Regent Blvd. lrving, TX 75063T el:+1(972)409-8871 Fax:+1(972)409-8869Latin AmericaT el & Fax:+1(954)757-0980MexicoCanon Mexicana S.de R.L. de C.V .Professional Broadcast & Film Industry Business DepartmentBlvd. Manuel Avila Camacho No.138 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec Mexico 11000 D.F .T el:555249 4900 Fax:555249 4901CanadaCanon Canada, Inc.Broadcast and Communications Div.6390 Dixie RoadMississauga, Ontario, L5T 1P7, Canada T el:+1(905)795-2012 Fax:+1(905)795-2140Europe/Africa/Middle East Canon Europe LtdBroadcast products Div.3 The Square, Stockley Park Uxbridge MiddlesexUnited Kingdom UB11 1ET T el:+44 (0)20 8588 8140 Fax:+44 (0)20 8588 8603Email:***********************/tv-products/AustraliaCanon Australia Pty. Ltd.CCI DivisionBuilding A, The Park Estate, 5 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113, Australia T el:+61(0)2-9805-2000ChinaCanon (China) Co., Ltd.Broadcast Equipment Products15F Jinbao Building No.89 Jinbao Street Dongcheng District, Beijing 100005, China T el:+86-10-8513-9999 Fax:+86-10-8513-9128Canon Hongkong Co., Ltd.19F The Metropolis T ower, 10 Metropolis Drive, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong T el:+852-2170-2828Asia/Japan Canon Inc.(ICP GROUP 5)30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku, T okyo 146-8501, JapanT el:+81(0)3-3757-7453 Fax:+81(0)3-3757-7086Canon Singapore Pte Ltd.1 HarbourFront Avenue, #04-01 Keppel Bay T ower, Singapore 098632T el:+65-6799-8888.sgCanon Korea Consumer Imaging Inc.Canon Bldg. 5F , 168-12 Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 135-090, Korea T el:+82-2-2191-8500http://www.canon-ci.co.krSPECIFICATIONSCN20x50 IAS H/E1 or CN20x50 IAS H/P1* M.O.D. = Minimum Object DistanceBuilt-in extender MountImage format Focal Length Zoom RatioMax. Relative Aperture (T-number) Iris Blades Angle of view[1.9 :1 26.2 × 13.8] M.O.D.*Object dimension at M.O.D [1.9 :1 26.2 × 13.8] Front Diameter Approx. Size(W × H × L)Approx. Mass Pitch of gear1.0×50 – 1,000mm1:5.0 at 50 − 560mm 1:8.9 at 1,000mm1.5×75 – 1,500mm 1:7.5 at 75 − 840mm 1:13.35 at 1,500mmEF or PL Super35mm20×29.4° × 15.7°at 50mm1.5° × 0.8°at 1,000mm19.8° × 10.5°at 75mm 1.0° × 0.5°at 1,500mm 1198.9 × 52.1cm at 75mm5.2 × 2.7cm at 1,500mm 148.3 × 78.1cm at 50mm 7.8 × 4.1cm at 1,000mm3.5m / 11.5’ (From image sensor) 1.54m / 5.1’ (From lens front with macro) φ136mm[EF Mount] 175 × 170.6 × 413.2mm [PL Mount] 175 × 170.6 × 405.2mm6.6kg/14.55lbsFocus : 0.5mm or 0.8mm Zoom : 0.5mm Iris : 0.5mmDIMENSIONSCN20x50 IAS H/P1MACRO BUTTON EXTENDER LEVERF.B.ADJUSTING LOCK SCREW 68799.51706951175AUX SWITCHIRIS OPERATIONCHANGE-OVER SWITCHMEMORY SWITCHRETURN SWITCHZOOM OPERATION SWITCHMOMENTARY IRIS AUTO SWITCHVTR SWITCHZOOM SPEED ADJUTING VOLUME93.7140.8ZOOM LEVER348.1405.2488.883.5TIE CABLEUNC3/8-16SUPPORT ROD。



镜头基础教程:镜头上文字的含义单反相机——单镜头反光相机,即SLR(single lens reflex),与目前的便携性DC相比,单反体积大,重量重,而且价格昂贵,但是单反仍在一切追求小型轻量化的今天牢牢占据着中高端位置,除了那块CCD远比小DC大外,最大的优势就是可以更换镜头以适应不同的拍摄效果,即使目前大热的单电系统,也要用可换镜头来吸引用户,可见镜头在整个相机系统中的重要性。



既然镜头如此重要,岂能不对镜头了如指掌?因此特别制作了关于镜头的宝典,今天就从认识镜头上的文字开始……镜头铭文详解上图是一张宾得的DA15镜头,最上面黑框中的SMC PENTAX-DA 15mm f/4 ED AL Limited,这是镜头的全称,下面红框中的PENTAX 15则可以视为这支镜头的昵称,注意并非每个品牌镜头都有红框中的昵称。






认识你的 18-55mm 套头大家买单反相机配的套头一般都是 18-55mm,而这样的套头一般都是各个相机厂商所生产的镜头里面最低价的一个,那么最低价的镜头能否就不好呢?No!No!No!其实关于刚开始接触拍照的人来说,这个套头已经完整够用了。


弊端一焦距最常有的套机镜头就是 18-55 这款, 18-55 这款镜头最直观的弊端就是焦距很短,平常一般性的拍摄能够知足,可是想拍摄一些远景的影像,这款镜头就心有余而力不足了。

固然在远摄方面缺少突出的表现,但当前佳能EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II镜头采纳了高精度树脂非球面镜片,能够对球面像差等各样像差进行有效赔偿,实现了全焦段的高画质。

不单这样,镜头在全部焦距下其近来对焦距离约为 0.25m,在近距离拍摄方面表现优秀,需要放大拍摄时省去了很鼎力气。


假如你兴趣在于风光的拍摄,又特别介怀短焦距这一问题,估量方面又不是很宽裕,还有此外一款镜头能够知足你,18-135 的镜头也是一款套机镜头,但在远摄方面有较为优秀的表现。

打个平常一点的比方,假如 18-55 镜头只好拉近30 米之内的光景的话,那么 18-135 的镜头就能拉近 80 米之内的光景,这就是镜头焦距的作用。








VESPID PRIME CINE LENS USER’S MANUAL玄蜂定焦电影镜头使用说明书电影镜头ContentsIntroduction (1)Safety Notes (1)Lens Parts (2)Lens Control (3)Flange Back Adjustment (4)1. Preparation (4)2. Flange Back Adjustment (5)Specification (7)After-sales Service (8)The Name and Content of Hazardous Substances (10)Click to goUsers can read the table of content(TOC) to have an overview of the Vespid Product Manual. Please click on the title or link to jump to the TOCSearch keywordThe Search-keyword Function is available in PDF Document. For example, In WPS Office, Windows users can search keywords with the keyboard shortcut <Ctrl+F> and Mac users can execute the same function with shortcut <Command+F>IntroductionBack to ContentsThank you for purchasing this product!Vespid is DZOFILM’s high-performance full frame cinema prime lens. It allows you to reproduce the details and color in filming. Clear images, natural transition from in-focus to defocus and minimal breathing in focusing...all these can be found in Vespid. A good companion for your documentory/ TVC/ MV/ commercials/ online movie/ variety show/ Live/ independent films, etc.Safety Notes● Please do not watch the sun or bright light source through the lens, otherwise it will cause visually disabled;● Never use organic solvents such as paint thinner or benzene to clean the lens;● Attach the front and rear caps when the lens is not in use;● Store the lens and filter in cool, dry locations to prevent mold and rust. Do not store in direct sunlight or with naphtha or camphor moth balls;● Please keep the lens dry and wipe the water droplets off if there are water droplets on the glass surface;● Leaving the lens near heater or in other extremely hot locations could cause damage or warping;● Use a blower to remove dust and lint from the glass surfaces of the lens or filter. T o remove smudges and fingerprints, apply a small amount of lens cleaner to a soft, clean cotton cloth or lens-cleaning tissue and clean from the center outwards using a circular motion. Do not leave smears or touch the glass with your finger.Front Cap Lens Mark Focusing RingAperture Ring Rear Cap451 2 3Focus ControlRotate the focus ring to increase or decrease the focus distance.Focusing RingAperture ControlRotate the aperture ring to stop aperture down, raising the T-stop and narrowing the aperture, or lower the T-stop to widen the aperture.Aperture Ring1.PreparationEvery Vespid lens will process flange back adjustment on standard. But due to the tolerance of different cameras, to achieve the best performance of this product and to match the cameras, please adjust flange back of the product.T ake Vespid 50mm as an example:Step Two : Attach the lens to the camera and adjust the aperture to T4;Step Three : Make the pointer align with the 1.6m scale on focusing ring, paste calibration tool on the ring with middle line of the tool aligning the 1.6m scale and the scale pointer (or choose 5’ focusing scale).Step One : Ready your subject and calibration tool. Y ou can use a "Star Chart", or other high-resolution black-and-white objects;download the "Back focus Calibration T ool for Prime Lens"(short for “Calibration Tool”) on the official website.Note : Y ou can download and print the chart on DZOFILM website-Down-load-Star Chart for Adjusting Back Flange (Click to jump to the website)Flange Back AdjustmentBack to Contents2.Flange Back AdjustmentPlease adjust as the following steps:Step Four : Set the object 1.6maway from the camera sensor plane, and adjust it to the center of the whole image.Step One : Rotate the focus ring until the image to its clearest. T ake the horizontal line in the middle of the calibration tool as the reference and observe the position of the deviating scale pointer to get the number of horizontal lines.Step Two : According to the deviation value and the reference below, add or subtract the corresponding shim to complete the flange back adjustment.Note: The direction of infinity indicates positive deviation value .The direction of the closest focusing distance indicates negative deviation value .If there are more than three horizontal lines, add or subtract the corresponding value .Example: If the scale pointer points to 3 spaces in the direction of the closest focusing distance, the deviation value is -3.If the scale pointer points to 4 spaces in the direction of infinity, the deviation value is +4. At this situation, the shim value of "+3" needs to be added to the shim value of "+1".Set the object 1.6m away from the camera sensor plane, and adjust it to the center of the whole image.Shim adjustment: "+" means adding shims, and "-" decreasing shims .Data in this sheet might have deviation and just for reference. Please adjust based on actual situation.Vespid Adjustment Referenceshim adjustment reference (mm)deviation valuemark value directiondirection of infinity focal length 16mm 21mm 25mm 35mm 40mm 50mm 75mm macro 90mm 100mm 125mm-3-2-1+1+2+3direction of the closest focusing distance-0.06-0.04-0.02+0.02+0.04+0.060-0.09-0.06-0.030+0.03+0.06+0.08-0.09-0.06-0.030+0.04+0.07+0.1-0.2-0.14-0.070+0.07+0.13+0.2-0.22-0.16-0.080+0.08+0.15+0.23-0.23-0.15-0.070+0.08+0.16+0.24-0.3-0.2-0.10+0.1+0.2+0.3-2.14-1.4-0.880+0.72+1.48+2.32-0.45-0.3-0.150+0.14+0.28+0.42-0.54-0.36-0.18+0.18+0.36+0.540.34m/1’20.291m/1’1.5m/5’1.5m/5’1.5m/5’1.5m/5’1.5m/5’1.5m/5’1.6m/5’1.6m/5’Note:How to Obtain After-Sales ServiceIf a product does not function as warranted during the warranty period, you may obtain after-sales service by contacting DZOFILM support team or DZOFILM’s authorized dealers.Charges may apply for services not covered by this After-Sales Policy.The After-Sales Policy varies with the country or region of purchase. Please contact DZOFILM for information specific to your location.Warranty ServiceDZOFILM grants a minimum warranty period of one year from the date of purchase for lenses purchased through DZOFILM’s official dealers. DZOFILM warrants that each DZOFILM product that you purchase will be free from material and workmanship defects under normal use in accordance with DZOFILM’s user manual and accompanying documenta-tion during the warranty period. Y ou may claim warranty service by returning it to the point of purchase. The owner is responsible for all shipping costs. The warranty period varies with the country or region of purchase. Stored dated receipts or other proof of purchase in a safe place, as you will need to provide a valid proof-of-purchase or receipt for the warranty service. Parts replaced during the warranty service become DZOFILM’s property.Service Outside the Warranty PeriodRequest for after-sales service will normally be accepted within a period of roughly 5 years following the end of production, during which time spares will be kept on hand, although owners may be offered an equivalent product during this period in the event that spares are not available. The specific cost standard is subject to DZOFILM’s quotation. Compatibility with consumables and accessories for the original product is not guaranteed. T o prevent waste, DZOFILM may collect returned parts or products.Service Turn Around TimeAfter we receive the product, the after-sales service will generally be completed within two weeks. This turn around time does not include the time of return shipping. If there are special circumstances, we will notify A er-sales ServiceBack to ContentsWhat This After-Sales Policy Does NOT CoverThis after-sales policy does not cover the following and charges may apply:× No valid proof-of-purchase or receipt of the product;× Damage caused by unauthorized modification, disassembly, or repair not in accordance with official instructions or manuals.× Damage caused by improper installation and operation not in accordance with official instructions or manuals.× Damage caused by the storage environment not in accordance with official instructions or manuals.× Damage caused by operation in bad weather or environment (i.e. rain, sand/dust storms, humid environment, etc.).× Damage caused by, any third party products, including those that DZOFILM may provide or integrate into the DZOFILM product at your request.× Damage caused by any third-party product.× Damage caused by force majeure;× Consumable accessories and optional parts that come with this product. PrivacyDZOFILM obeys all applicable laws and regulations concerning the handling of names, addresses, phone numbers, and other personal information provided by users.The Name and Content of Hazardous Substances点击跳转用户可以通过目录了解说明书整体结构,点击标题或链接即可跳转到相应页面。



● EF-S 18~55mm F3.5~5.6 II USM介绍佳能入门单反上配备的EF-S 18~55mm F3.5~5.6 II USM套头被很多朋友认为是一直标准的“狗头”,光学性能非常一般。



这颗EF-S标准变焦套头价格比较便宜,实惠扛造今天,小编在网上发现一位网友手中的EF-S 18~55mm F3.5~5.6 II USM镜头出现了故障,因为他手中还有别的高档镜头,这支玩意也并不常用,即便修好了也难免有些鸡肋。



EF-S 18~55mm F3.5~5.6 II USM首先我们来看看这颗镜头的大致性能,它的镜片结构为9组11枚,其中包含了1组非球面镜片。



EF-S 18~55mm F3.5~5.6 II USM采用外对焦设计,但得益于超声波马达的加入,对焦速度还是比较不错的,66.2×69mm的体积和190g的重量比较轻便,搭配400D这样的小机身非常合适,并且便于携带。

EF-S 18~55mm F3.5~5.6 II USM的镜片结构图EF-S 18~55mm F3.5~5.6 II USM的MTF曲线图下面,咱们就来看看网友是怎么拆解这款镜头的,提醒大家注意的是,我们并不知道这支镜头拆开后有没有被复原,并且这是一支坏掉的镜头。


● 拆解第一部分拧下镜头卡口处的螺丝,EF-S 18~55mm F3.5~5.6 II USM使用的是塑料卡口,反映出了它的档次水平摘下“镜头屁股”,首先看到的是控制对焦、光圈的电路板镜头中每根排线的接头都会有一个卡榫,稍不注意就会掰折将电路板模组拿下来,就可以看到镜头组和USM超声波马达啦● 拆解第二部分这就是传说中的USM超声波马达,但和小编想的似乎不太一样,貌似并不显得多么高科技对比一下EF 50mm F1.8的对焦马达,可以体现出USM的体积小了超声波马达就是通过这支连杆,连着镜头的最前方的对焦镜组前后移动镜头对焦组内与上图所示连杆链接的部分● 拆解第三部分这位网友本来想把前组拆下来,结果无奈需要特殊工具,不得不宣告放弃把镜头组也拆了下来,坏掉的光圈环就在里面开也开不开,关也关不上的光圈,在最大光圈时拍摄正常,否则就会出现err99的错误显示原厂在光圈环上的螺丝上都涂了胶水,只要拆过绝对瞒不过去光圈控制杆,目前除了佳能,其他厂商都是做在镜尾上这位网友的拆解至此就算结束了,我们反正看着他将EF-S 18~55mm F3.5~5.6 II USM 拆了个稀巴烂,至于最后装上没有,还是就事儿踏踏实实的让这个镜头永远的睡去,我们就不知道了。





一、相机及其操作1.1 相机类型在摄影领域,常见的相机类型包括单反相机(DSLR)、无反相机(MILC)、傻瓜相机(Point-and-Shoot Camera)等。


1.2 相机的基本操作每台相机都有一些基本的操作功能,如开关机、拍摄模式切换、焦距调节、曝光控制等。


1.3 其他功能设置大部分相机都提供了一些额外的功能设置,如ISO调节、白平衡设置、对焦模式选择等。


二、镜头的使用2.1 镜头类型镜头是相机中最关键的部分之一,常见的镜头类型包括标准镜头、广角镜头、长焦镜头等。


2.2 焦距和光圈镜头焦距和光圈是镜头中最重要的参数,它们关系着拍摄的视角和景深。


2.3 镜头保养镜头是摄影器材中最昂贵且易损的部件之一。



三、三脚架的运用3.1 三脚架的作用三脚架是摄影中常用的辅助器材,它可以提供稳定的拍摄平台,避免手持拍摄时的抖动。


3.2 三脚架的使用方法正确的使用三脚架需要注意选择合适的位置和高度,固定相机并调整云台,保证稳定且符合拍摄需求。

四、滤镜的运用4.1 滤镜的种类及作用滤镜是一种放置在镜头前的透明玻璃或树脂片,可以改变光线的颜色、对比度、饱和度等特性,从而产生不同的拍摄效果。



© CANON INC. 2007
¡拍摄静止主体时,图像稳定器可对相机的摇晃从 各个方向进行补偿。 ¡水平方向跟随拍摄时,对相机的垂直摇晃进行补 偿。垂直方向跟随拍摄时,对相机的水平摇晃进 行补偿。 ¡使用三脚架拍摄时,应关闭图像稳定器以节省电 池电量。 ¡手持相机拍摄和用独脚架拍摄时,图像稳定器具 有同等效果。 ¡镜头使用 EF12 ll 或 EF25 ll 增距延长管时,图 像稳定器功能仍然有效。 ¡如果设置相机的自定义功能(Custom Function)改变了指定操作 AF(自动对焦)的 按钮,则按下最近指定的 AF 按钮,可以启动图 像稳定器。
* 截至 2010 年 2 月,只有 EOS 7D、EOS 50D、 EOS 40D、EOS 30D、EOS 20D、EOS 20Da、 EOS 550D、EOS 500D、EOS 450D、EOS 1000D、EOS 400D DIGITAL、EOS 350D DIGITAL 和 EOS 300D DIGITAL 兼容 EF-S 镜头。
部件名称 电气实装部分 金属部件
铅 (Pb) × ×
汞 (Hg) ○ ○
有毒有害物质或元素 镉 六价铬 多溴联苯 多溴二苯醚 (Cd) (Cr(VI)) (PBB) (PBDE) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
○:表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/T11363-2006标准规定的限量要求以下。 ×:表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006标准规定的限量要求。 FOR P.R.C. ONLY 本标志适用于在中华人民共和国销售的电子信息产品、标志中央的数字 代表产品的环保使用期限。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
在使用本产品之前,请务必先仔细阅读本使用说明书。 请务必妥善保管好本书,以便日后能随时查阅。 请在充分理解内容的基础上,正确使用。
佳能 EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS 镜头是高性能的 标准变焦镜头, 专为兼容 EF-S 镜头 * 的单镜头反光 (SLR)数码相机而开发。 本镜头配备有一个图像稳定器,能够让您在慢速快 门下手持拍摄。 使用本镜头前,请详细阅读使用手册,使您对镜头 更熟悉并掌握正确的操作方法。 如果遇到不能解决的问题 , 请联系随机附送顾客联 络表上列印的服务中心。
* 截至 2010 年 2 月,只有 EOS 7D、EOS 50D、 EOS 40D、EOS 30D、EOS 20D、EOS 20Da、 EOS 550D、EOS 500D、EOS 450D、EOS 1000D、EOS 400D DIGITAL、EOS 350D DIGITAL 和 EOS 300D DIGITAL 兼容 EF-S 镜头。
请您参阅括号(→ **)中提供的参考页码,以了解更详细的信息。 CHI-3
有关安装和卸下镜头的详细说明,请参阅相机的使 用手册。
¡卸下镜头后,将镜头后端朝上放置,以避免划伤 镜头表面和电子触点。 ¡如果电子触点被弄脏,划伤或沾有指纹,可能会 导致腐蚀或接触不良。相机和镜头就可能无法正 常工作。 ¡如果电子触点被弄脏或沾上指纹,请用柔软的布 将其擦净。 ¡取下镜头时,需要装上防尘盖。要正确安装防尘 盖,将如图所示的防尘盖上的 ¢ 标记对准镜头安 装标记,并朝顺时针方向转动。要取下防尘盖, 则朝逆时针方向转动。
部件名称 电气实装部分 金属部件
铅 (Pb) × ×
汞 (Hg) ○ ○
有毒有害物质或元素 镉 六价铬 多溴联苯 多溴二苯醚 (Cd) (Cr(VI)) (PBB) (PBDE) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
○:表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/T11363-2006标准规定的限量要求以下。 ×:表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006标准规定的限量要求。 FOR P.R.C. ONLY 本标志适用于在中华人民共和国销售的电子信息产品、标志中央的数字 代表产品的环保使用期限。
Hale Waihona Puke CHI-43变焦4
遮光罩 EW-60C 能够阻挡不必要的光线进入镜头, 并能保护镜头, 使其避免受到雨、 雪和灰尘的侵扰。
请确保在进行对焦之前完成变焦工作。在对焦完成 后变动变焦环会影响对焦。
按箭头所示方向旋转遮光罩以将其固定。 可以将遮光罩反面安装在镜头上以便存放。
¡拍摄静止主体时,图像稳定器可对相机的摇晃从 各个方向进行补偿。 ¡水平方向跟随拍摄时,对相机的垂直摇晃进行补 偿。垂直方向跟随拍摄时,对相机的水平摇晃进 行补偿。 ¡使用三脚架拍摄时,应关闭图像稳定器以节省电 池电量。 ¡手持相机拍摄和用独脚架拍摄时,图像稳定器具 有同等效果。 ¡镜头使用 EF12 ll 或 EF25 ll 增距延长管时,图 像稳定器功能仍然有效。 ¡如果设置相机的自定义功能(Custom Function)改变了指定操作 AF(自动对焦)的 按钮,则按下最近指定的 AF 按钮,可以启动图 像稳定器。
¡ “IS”表示图像稳定器。
避免对镜头或相机造成故障或损坏的警告。 有关使用镜头和拍摄照片的补充说明。
a 安全注意事项
¡ 请勿透过镜头或相机观看太阳或明亮的光源。 否则会使视力受损。透过镜头直接观看太阳尤 其有害。 ¡ 无论镜头是否装在相机上,请勿将没有盖上镜 头盖的镜头置于太阳下。否则镜头可能汇聚光 线并引起火灾。
15.1 × 22.7 毫米 18 - 55 mm f/3.5 - 5.6 9 组,11 片 f/22 - 38* 对角线:74°20′- 27°50′ 垂直:45°30′- 15°40′ 水平:64°30′- 23°20′ 0.25 米 0.34X(55 毫米时) 约 134 × 207 - 45 × 67 毫米(0.25 米时) 58 毫米 68.5 × 70 毫米 200 克 EW-60C(选购件) E-58 LP814(选购件)
1. 图像稳定器具有与快四个档的快门等同的效果*。 此功能根据拍摄条件可提供最佳的图像稳定功能 (例如拍摄静止主体以及跟随拍摄) 。 2. 非球面镜片造就卓越的成像性能。 3. 在所有焦距情况下,可以实现 0.25 米的良好近 摄。 4. 真正的圆形光圈生成更好的背景模糊效果。
* 基于[1/(焦距× 1.6)]秒的公式。在一般情况下,它要 求快门速度为[1/ 焦距]秒或更快,以防止相机抖动。 (在 35mm 的情况下。若使用 EF-S 镜头,则为[1/ 焦距× 1.6]秒)
图像稳定器 此镜头的图像稳定器可以有效用于下列情况下的手持拍摄方式。
¡ 在较暗的环境中,例如室内或夜晚时的室外。 ¡ 全景拍摄移动主体时。 ¡ 在禁止使用闪光灯拍摄的地方, 例如艺术博物 馆和剧院舞台。 ¡ 在您站立不稳的情况下。 ¡ 在无法使用快速快门设置的情况下。
图像大小 焦距 / 光圈 镜头结构 最小光圈 视角范围 最近对焦距离 最大放大倍率 视野范围 滤光镜直径 最大直径及长度 重量 遮光罩 镜头盖 镜头盒
* 所显示的数值适用于其光圈设置值增量以 1/2 级为单位显示的相机型号,而对于光圈设置值增量以 1/3 级为单位显示的型 号,该数值应为 f/22 至 f/36。 ¡相当于 35 毫米胶片格式下的 29 - 88 毫米。 ¡镜头长度是指从安装面到镜头前端的距离。当装上镜头盖和防尘盖时增加 21.5 毫米。 ¡除特别说明外,尺寸和重量只适用于镜头。 ¡光圈设置可以由相机指定,进行变焦操作时,相机可以自动补偿光圈设置的变化。 ¡EF1.4X Ⅱ /EF2X Ⅱ增倍镜不能与此镜头一同使用。 ¡上述所有数据均按照佳能标准测量。 ¡产品规格和外形如有改变,恕不另行通知。 原产地 :请参照保修卡或产品包装箱上的标示 进口商 :佳能(中国)有限公司 地 址 :100005 北京市东城区金宝街 89 号 金宝大厦 15 层
¡安装或拆下遮光罩时,持住遮光罩的底部旋转。 为防止遮光罩变形,不要抓住它的外缘部分旋转。 ¡如果遮光罩安装不当,可能会挡住部分图像。 ¡在使用相机的内置闪光灯时应取下遮光罩,否则 遮光罩可能会挡住闪光灯,并导致周围产生阴影 区域。
¡图像稳定器不能补偿由于主体移动而导致的画面 模糊。 ¡如果您在剧烈晃动的车辆或其它运输工具内拍摄, 图像稳定器可能不会完全发挥其效果。 ¡使用图像稳定器要比一般的拍摄方式消耗更多的 电量,因此如果您使用此功能,拍摄次数会减少。
要在自动对焦模式下进行拍摄,请将对焦模式开关 设置为 AF。 要仅使用手动对焦,请将对焦模式开关设置为 MF, 然后转动对焦环进行对焦。
¡启用自动对焦功能时,请勿触摸镜头的旋转部分。 ¡对焦模式开关设置为 AF(自动对焦)时,请勿手 动调整对焦。 如果安装有遮光罩(选购件) ,您可以旋转遮光罩以 调整对焦。
© CANON INC. 2007
¡ 如果将镜头从寒冷的环境拿到温暖的环境中, 镜头表面和内部零件可能会发生结露。 为了防 止在这种情况下出现结露, 将镜头从寒冷的环 境拿到温暖的环境之前, 先将镜头放入密封的 塑料袋里。 镜头逐渐变暖以后, 再将其拿出来 使用。 将镜头从温暖的环境拿到寒冷的环境中 时,也请使用同样的方法。 ¡ 请勿将镜头放在温度过高的地方, 如处于阳光 直射的汽车内。高温可能导致镜头故障。
您在自动对焦或手动对焦模式下均可使用图像稳定 器。此功能根据拍摄条件可提供最佳的图像稳定功 能(例如拍摄静止主体以及跟随拍摄) 。
将STABILIZER(稳定器 )开关置于 1(开) 。
¡ 如果您不打算使用图像稳定器功能,请将此 开关置于 (关) 。
图像稳定器将开始工作。 2半按快门按钮时, ¡ 请确保取景器中的图像稳定,然后完全按下
EF12 ll 18 毫米 55 毫米 18 毫米 55 毫米 196
相机至拍摄主体 的距离(毫米) 近 不兼容
205 378
放大倍率 近 不兼容
0.64x 0.23x

EF25 ll
1.00x 0.51x
可安装近摄镜头 250D 或 500D(58 毫米)进行 近景拍摄。 近摄镜头的兼容性如下。 ¡ 近摄镜头 250D:可在 55 毫米距离处使用(放大 倍率为 0.22x - 0.49x) ¡ 近摄镜头 500D:可以使用(放大倍率为 0.04x 0.42x)
您可以将滤光镜装在镜头前端的滤光镜安装螺纹上。 您可以安装 EF12 Ⅱ或 EF25 Ⅱ增距延长管进行放 大拍摄。拍摄距离和放大倍率显示如下。
¡安装滤光镜时,抓住镜头前端以避免其旋转。 ¡只能安装一个滤光镜。 ¡使用一个真正的佳能滤光镜(58 毫米) 。 ¡调整偏光滤光镜之前,请先取下遮光罩。