

中英诗歌精彩翻译赏析 ppt课件

中英诗歌精彩翻译赏析 ppt课件

Age will mellow and refine.
Friendships that have stood the test--- 经历岁月和变迁,
Time and change----are surely best; 友情才为最牢靠。
Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray; 额头可皱发可白,
Or too elated:
In an instant I shall vanish without trace. 在转瞬间消灭了踪影。
We meet on the sea of dark night,
You on your way, I on mine,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand 掌内包无限,
And Eternity in an hour.
Bian Zhi-lin
你站在桥上看风景, You watched the sight from a bridge, 看风景人在楼上看你。 As a sightseer watched you from a tower 明月装饰了你的窗子, The moon adorns your window, 你装饰了别人的梦。 And you adorn another’s dream.
(裘小龙 译)
梦幻众中面貌 黝湿枝上疏花
(周钰良 译)

中英诗歌精彩翻译赏析 ppt课件

中英诗歌精彩翻译赏析 ppt课件

Western Wind
Anonymous 15th century
Western wind when wilt thou blow, The small rain down can rain? Christ, if my love were in my arms And I in my bed again!
雨洗红手车 油油焕光彩。 车旁走白鸡, 此境有诗在。
---张悦光 译
天是灰色的 路是灰色的 楼是灰色的 雨是灰色的 在一片死灰之中 走过两个孩子
一个鲜红 一个淡绿
A Feeling
by Gu Cheng
The sky is ash gray, The road is ash gray, The bulidings are ash gray, The rain is ash gray. In the ash of death Two children pass by:
Literature is the Essence of Life 文学是人生的精髓
1.Philosophy is life etherealized 哲学是气化的人生(气体,汽)
2.Poetry is life distilled 诗是蒸馏的人生(液体,水)
3. Fiction or novel is life Crystallized 小说是固体化的人生(固体,冰)
Friendship never knows decay.
For ’mid old friends, tried and true, Once more we our youth renew. But old friends, alas! May die; New friends must their place supply. Cherish friendship in your breast----New is good, but old is best; Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold.


• Then they imported some pewter mugs and a chafing dish or two from Sixth Avenue, and became a "colony".(欧.亨利作品选,2002,12)
因• 戴为那译个:小然背区后景构他:造们复从杂第,六鲜大街买来些锡镴 有杯人去子打、扰一,两所只以烘搞锅艺,术组的成 了 一 个 “ 聚 居 人都区不”约。而(同欧地. 亨去利那作里品定居选。, 2 0 0 2 , 1 1 7 )
王译:如果商人去收颜料、纸张和画布的 账款,在这条街上转弯抹角、大兜圈子 的时候,突然碰上一文钱也没收到,空 手而回的他自己,那才有意思呢!(欧. 亨利短篇小说选,2006,258)
回头路用在这里并不恰当,而碰上空手而回的自己又不太符合汉语用语的习惯, 所以我们觉得用发现自己又绕回了原处更为恰当。
• After the doctor had gone Sue
went into the workroom and cried
a Japanese napkin to a pulp(欧.亨
a soft wet substance that is made by crushing wood, cloth or other material and then used to make paper. 浆状物; 纸浆 牛津高阶英汉双解词典
and to earth were loosed.(欧.亨利


〔呂按:版面效果喧賓奪 主,因為「圖書館評介」
是這次報告的主題,是首 頁字體理當強調的對象, 「翻譯賞析」只是補充說
英二B 97121213 蔡瑩燊 97121240 呂明依
明所屬科目。又, 「評介」
97121257 洪晨軒
宜改為「介紹」 ,因為你
們並沒有評論。 〕
97121240 呂明依
• 000 ─ Generalities • 100 ─ Philosophy &
psychology • 200 ─ Religion • 300 ─ Social sciences • 400 ─ Language • 500 ─ Natural sciences &
mathematics • 600 ─ Technology
ISBN國際標準書號 特藏號 分類號 著者號 著者區分類號 種次號 續編號 年代號 (版次號) 冊次號 部次號 (複本號)
館藏目錄檢索點 Access Point
97121213 蔡瑩燊
資料名稱 雙面翻譯 The Interpreter 作 者 薛迪波拉克; Pollack, Sydney
次要作者 妮可基嫚;Kidman, Nicole;西恩潘;Penn, Sean
首認先識先 書567000來 本000找 分自 應 藝書 類然 用 術吧 方科 科法學 學
800 文學 900 史地 000 總類
97121257 洪晨軒
杜威十進分類法 Dewey Decimal Classification
• 000 ─ 總類 • 100 ─ 哲學類 • 200 ─ 宗教類 • 300 ─ 自然科學類 • 400 ─ 應用科學類 • 500 ─ 社會科學類 • 600 ─ 中國史地類 • 700 ─ 世界史地類 • 800 ─ 語文類 • 900 ─ 美術類



A. 为什么这三句西双版纳不见了?
a) If you dislike the coldness in winter,you can go to Kunming,a "Spring City" with no hot summers or freezing winters.In Kunming,you can pay a visit to the fascinating Stone Forest and the Dian Lake.(最后一 句没翻译)
c) If you dislike the coldness in winter,you can go to Kunming,a "Spring City" with no hot summers or freezing winters.In Kunming,you can pay a visit to the fascinating Stone Forest and the Dian Lake.
b) If you are not used to cold,you can go to Kunming which is a city without extremes of heat or cold.There are attractive Stone Forest and the Dian Lake.You can appreciate the subtropical scenery.
• <ch13>答:中国幅员广大,各地景色、气候差异很大,可以说一年 四季都可以旅游。
• 对于这句话的翻译,译者可将其分译为两句话,用diversion的翻译技 巧。(例句:China is a wast land with great contrasts in landscape and climate . Consequently ,tourists may pay a visit anytime. )这也 是建立在对于原文理解的基础上的,因为这个所以那个,因果联系是 很明显的。


• 处理原则: 信息忠实原文,谋篇迁就译语 习惯,达到交际目的。
• “谋篇迁就译语习惯”,是什么“化”
• 合译法:to be able to do结构把原文中不同的结构全 部串起来;
• 语义加交际翻译法:四字成语或习惯用法都很难在英语 中找到对应词语; – survey the whole chess-board :“通观全局” – blaze a new trail :“开拓创新”
– —— 如译为 Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humanities虽然达意,但缺少一种古典的韵 味与优雅的文气。这是赞词和校训的一种风格。
– —— 采用西方通用的表达法,将其译为拉丁 语,意指 for the sake of honour (作为一种荣 誉)。
• “在任何一个国家,外交工作都是一个重要且 特殊的领域,它肩负着维护国家利益和塑造 国家形象的神圣使命。”
翻译目的→文本功能→语言形式 →翻译策略
不同的文本功能需要不同的语言手 段来实现。 译者应采取相应的翻译策略及方法
•直译/意译? •语义翻译/交际翻译? •忠实于原文的内容还是—— •忠实于译文的交际目的?
1) 开头:描述受赞人所处大环境,其重 要地位。
2) 主体:叙述出身与成长、工作经历、 优点与成就、社会影响、人格魅力。
• 3 解读原意、增加主语
• 意合型: • “对于自小爱书成痴、酷爱文学的他来说,爷爷的思
• 为使译文更加符合英语读者的思维习惯,将主语转 换成 he , his hobby:
• “From his early childhood, he was very fond of reading literary books. His hobby was supported by his open-minded grandfather and his loving and hard-working mother.”


3.扬抑抑格即每个音步由一个重读音节和两个非重读音节构 成。如课本313页的例3.
4.抑抑扬格(Anapest),即每个音步由两个非重读音节加 上一个重读音节构成。如课本313页的例4.
此外,根据诗行的长短、即音步的多少,可分为8种音步: 一音步(monometer),二音步(dimeter),三音步 (trimeter),四音步(tetrameter),五音步 (pentameter),六音步(hexameter), 七音步 (heptameter)和八音步(octameter)。
创造性原则要求译者抓住原诗的精髓,摈弃有 碍原诗意境再现的一切束缚,将这种精髓完全传 达出来。创造性和忠实性也并非两个对立的概念/共74页
许渊冲先生在《毛泽东诗词四十二首》英法格律体译文 序言中提出诗词翻译“三美论”,认为诗歌翻译不但要传达诗 歌的意美,还要尽可能传达它的音美和形美。(方梦之:译学 词典)
诗歌是一种令其浑身冰冷到无法温暖的东西。 ——狄金森
诗歌令我或笑或哭或疲倦,令我的脚趾摆动,令我想做这做那或什么 都不做。
诗歌是一种表达诗人内心情感和内在思想的音乐。 它在文化交流中起着重要的作用,帮助人们更深 入的了解某一种文化。因此不同国家间的诗歌翻 译十分重要。
美国诗人及评论家罗伯特.弗洛斯说过:“诗歌是翻译 中的遗失地带。”他特别指出诗歌是一种不可触碰的 美,一旦触碰,这种美就会消失殆尽。这种诗歌不可 译观点在某种程度上是正确的。
以下是一首唐诗名字的三种不同译本,通过对这些译本 标题翻译的比较来揭示意美的实现方式。



1.Learn to save money, and then manage our life more easily and sucessfully. If you are a saver, please retain it; if not, start from now without any hesitation!2.In a word, take good advantage of ads and live a quality life, not only for the sake of our economy, but for ourselves!3. But I want to say, don’t believe in destiny, you are the matter of yourself. If you believe you can get happiness and you try your best to happiness, the happiness will always be with you.----- from students’ essaysText 1You should remind yourselves of the rules of the library.You are asked to remind yourselves of the rules of the library.Students are asked to remind themselves of the rules of the library.Text 2(After a quarrel between the two lovers)With a flow of words, she started to argue with him, then she checked herself and said calmly, ―Listen, John, I imagine you‘re tired of my company. There‘s no sense in having tea together. I think I‘d better leave you right here.‖―That‘s fine,‖ he said. ―Good afternoon.‖―Good-by.‖―Good-by.‖Text 3Policeman : What‘s your name, boy?Black psychiatrist: Dr Poussaint. I‘m a physician.Policeman: What‘s your first name, boy?Black psychiatrist: AlvinText 41. Door!2. Shut the door (will you) /(please)?3. I could do without the draught from that door.4. May we have the door shut (please)?5. Would you mind closing the door (please)?6. I wonder if you would mind closing the door.7. I‘m sorry to trouble you, but could I ask you to close the door for me please.Text 5DEAR MEG:I‘m going crazy waiting for the guy I love to ditch the girl he‘s going with so we can get married.Ted says the only reason he‘s seeing the other woman is because she gives him money and he wants to pay off his debts before we get married. He doesn‘t have a job, but plans to start looking when he‘s out of debt.He won‘t tell me how long this will take and I‘m getting very depressed waiting around. Does this make any sense to you? How much longer shoud I wait?-- DEPRESSEDDEAR MEG:I‘m 15 and my boyfriend is 17. I‘m writing because I‘ve always liked your advice and I‘m sure you can help me.Joey wants me to run away with him to Idaho. I truly want to go, but I don‘t want to hurt my parents because I love them, too.He‘s given me a month to make up my mind. I want to marry Joey, but I‘m young and I want to finish school first. Still, if I love him, I should want to go where he goes, right? Please anwser fast, Meg.-- CONFUSEDText 6Sure! 值不少钱呢,plenty of dough。


3. (Algernon: How are you, my dear Ernest? What brings you up to town?) .
Jack: Oh, pleasure, pleasure! What else should bring one anywhere?
译 另文译:杰克:哦嗨,寻 找欢乐作子乐呗呀,!找一乐个子人呗出!门一,个还人为出了门别,的还为 吗 了?别的(吗余?光中译)
10. What had once seemed shallow and tedious now loomed in memory like paradise. (P. Benchley: Jaws) 译文:过去一度认为是浅薄、无聊的事情现在却像天堂美景 一样在脑际萦回。(王瑞译)
赏析:原文中用了一个明喻(“like paradise”),译文也直译 其成明喻;原文中主语是个从句,译文也用了单句结构作译 句的主位,译句中间不作任何停顿,读来悠缓、绵长,饱含 感情。“loomed in memory”译成“在脑际萦回”,选词精 当,生动形象。
1. “Let me put one little kiss on those holmberry lips, Tess; or even on that warmed cheek, and I'll stop - on my honour, I will!“ ( Thomas Hardy: Tess of the d'Urbervilles)
2. Sickness and trouble: that's what Ethan's had his plate full with, ever since the very first helping. (Edith



古典诗歌起源于古代文明 ,如古希腊、古罗马、古 印度等,其发展历程漫长 且丰富多彩。
随着历史的演变,古典诗 歌在不同地域和民族中呈 现出不同的风格和特点, 形成了多元化的传统。
古典诗歌对现代诗歌和文 学产生了深远的影响,是 世界文学宝库中的重要组 成部分。
注重传达原诗的意义和精神,不拘泥于原文的形式和语言特征。意译能够使译 文更加流畅自然,易于理解,但可能牺牲原诗的某些风格和韵味。
注重原诗的韵脚、韵律和声调,在译文中尽可能地再现原诗 的音韵美。通过押韵、音节对应等手法,使译文具有和谐的 音乐感。
把握原诗的节奏感,通过调整译文词汇和句子的长度、断句 和连句等手法,再现原诗的节奏变化,使译文具有动态的美 感。
每首古典诗歌都有其独特的风格,反映了作者的个人特点和 时代背景。在鉴赏时,要注意辨析诗歌的风格,了解作者的 创作特点和历史背景,以更全面地理解诗歌。
04 古典诗歌的代表作品赏析
这首诗以简洁明快的语言,描绘了一 个宁静的夜晚,月光洒在床前,引发 了诗人的深深思念。其意境深远,让 人感受到诗人对家乡和亲人的深深思 念。
在译文中创造性地再现原诗中的意象和象征意义,通过形象的比喻、生动的描绘等手法,使译文读者 能够感受到原诗的意境和美感。同时,要注意保持意象的整体性和统一性,避免过多的解释和说明。
03 古典诗歌的鉴赏方法
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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1.Learn to save money, and then manage our life more easily and sucessfully. If you are a saver, please retain it; if not, start from now without any hesitation!2.In a word, take good advantage of ads and live a quality life, not only for the sake of our economy, but for ourselves!3. But I want to say, don’t believe in destiny, you are the matter of yourself. If you believe you can get happiness and you try your best to happiness, the happiness will always be with you.----- from students’ essaysText 1You should remind yourselves of the rules of the library.You are asked to remind yourselves of the rules of the library.Students are asked to remind themselves of the rules of the library.Text 2(After a quarrel between the two lovers)With a flow of words, she started to argue with him, then she checked herself and said calmly, ―Listen, John, I imagine you‘re tired of my company. There‘s no sense in having tea together. I think I‘d better leave you right here.‖―That‘s fine,‖ he said. ―Good afternoon.‖―Good-by.‖―Good-by.‖Text 3Policeman : What‘s your name, boy?Black psychiatrist: Dr Poussaint. I‘m a physician.Policeman: What‘s your first name, boy?Black psychiatrist: AlvinText 41. Door!2. Shut the door (will you) /(please)?3. I could do without the draught from that door.4. May we have the door shut (please)?5. Would you mind closing the door (please)?6. I wonder if you would mind closing the door.7. I‘m sorry to trouble you, but could I ask you to close the door for me please.Text 5DEAR MEG:I‘m going crazy waiting for the guy I love to ditch the girl he‘s going with so we can get married.Ted says the only reason he‘s seeing the other woman is because she gives him money and he wants to pay off his debts before we get married. He doesn‘t have a job, but plans to start looking when he‘s out of debt.He won‘t tell me how long this will take and I‘m getting very depressed waiting around. Does this make any sense to you? How much longer shoud I wait?-- DEPRESSEDDEAR MEG:I‘m 15 and my boyfriend is 17. I‘m writing because I‘ve always liked your advice and I‘m sure you can help me.Joey wants me to run away with him to Idaho. I truly want to go, but I don‘t want to hurt my parents because I love them, too.He‘s given me a month to make up my mind. I want to marry Joey, but I‘m young and I want to finish school first. Still, if I love him, I should want to go where he goes, right? Please anwser fast, Meg.-- CONFUSEDText 6Sure! 值不少钱呢,plenty of dough。




我有时请外国friends吃饭,就用那个康熙窑油底蓝五彩大盘做salad dish,他们都觉得古色古香,菜的味道也有点old-time……我不懂什么年代花纹,事情忙,也没工夫翻书研究。

可是我有hunch;看见一件东西,忽然what d‘you call灵机一动,买来准OK。


O yeah,我姓张的不是sucker,休想骗我!‘----钱钟书《围城》,第二章是呀! 值不少钱呢,可出了大价。












他说“very well”二字,声音活像小洋狗在咕噜--“vurrywul”。


当时张先生跟鸿渐拉手,问他是不是天天“go downtown”。

Text 1●Two boys stood near a jeweler‘s shop.●Two boys saw a man break a window of a jeweler‘s shop and steal all the watches.●Two boys took a man with several watches in his hand for a thief.●Two boys ran after a man with several watches in his hand.Two boys stood near a jeweler‘s shop. They saw a man break the window of a jeweler‘s shop and steal all the watches. They ran after him because they took him for a thief.Text 2A: Does the baby cry at night?B: a) Yes, it does.b) Awfully.c) All babies do.d) At about half past three.e) He‘s two m onths old.f) Directly.Cheng p12Text 3A: Lucy is suing the magazine for using her photo.B: This one? But it‘s a boy.A: Intelectual rights.Text 4Lights, please.Cheng p185Text 5Linus: Do you want to play with me, Violet?Violet: You‘re younger than me. (Shut the door)Linus: (puzzled) She didn‘t answer my question.Text 6A: Peckie refused again.B: Oh, damn. Where are the gloves?Cheng p189Text 7 A young lady home from school was explaining, ―Take an egg, ―she said, ―a nd make a perforation in the base and a corresponding one in the apex. Then apply the lips to the aperture and by forcibly inhaling the breath the shell is entirely discharged of its contents.‖ An old lady who was listening exclaimed, ―It beats all how fol ks do things nowadays. When I was a gal they made a hole in each and sucked.‖Liu p245Text 8 (The doorbell rings)Husband: See who that is.Wife: I‘m in pajamas.Husband: O.K.Text 9 Husband: That‘s the phone.Wife: I‘m in the bathroom.Husband: O.KText 10I‘m sorry to trouble you, but could I ask you to close the door for me, please.1)Would you mind closing the door (please)?2)I could do without the draught from that door.3)Shut the door, won‘t you.4)Shut the door, will you!5)Door!6)Were you born in a barn?7)I know a little boy who never leaves the door open.Text 11(Jenny comes to Alan‘s house. She is conducting a survey for the Governmen t.)Alan: Won‘t you come in, Miss—er—.Jenny: Cartwright, Jenny Cartwright.Alan: I‘m Alan Marlow.( Alan shows Jenny into the living room.)Alan: Oh, won‘t you make yourself comfortable, Jenny?(After some minutes of talk, which is omitted here)Jenny: Mr. Marlow…Alan: Call me Alan.Text 12A: John‘s bought a new Bentley.B: a) JOHN‘s bought a new Bentley?b) John‘s BOUGHT a new Bentley?c) John‘s bought a NEW Bentley?d) John‘s bought a new BENTLEY?Text 1(Houlden makes a phone call. He is very drunk.)―Who is this?‖ this very cold, lady‘s voice said.―This is me. Holden Caulfield. Lemme speaka Sally, please.‖―Sally‘s asleep…Do you know what time it is?‖―Yeah. Wanna talka Sally. Very important. Put her on.‖Text 2A: Whatsa matter?Upset stomach?B: Not really.Just tired.Kids asleep?A: Not yet.Coffee ready?B: Inna minute.Tired, honey?A little.Text 3A: Been skiing?B: Not lately. You?A: Last week. In Aspen.B: Lotta snow?A: Some.B: Meet any chicks?A: Couple. Lotsa guys.B: Get high?A: Little mellow. Good grass. B: Colombian gold?A: Don‘t know. Couldn‘t tell.Text 4next week ---- /neks wi:k/wouldn‘t he come ---- /wudn i k m/Text 5Till a‘ the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi‘ the sunI will love thee still, my dear,While the sands o‘ life shall run.Text 61) Tom Lincoln used to say Abe was going to have ― a real eddication,‖ explaining, ―You air a-goin‘ to larn readin‘, writin‘, and cipherin‘.‖2) ―May God starve ye yet,‖ yelled an old Irish woman who now threw open a nearby window and struck out her head.―Yes, and you,‖ she added, catching the eye of one of the policemen. ―You bloody murthering thafe! Crack my son over the head, will you, you hard-hearted, murthering devil? Ah, ye--‖Text 7C V C ------ weal – woe(Alliteration 头韵)C V C ------ cut – run(Assonance 腹韵)C V C ------ fits – starts(Consonance 附韵)C V C ------ time – tide(Reverse Rhyme 倒韵)C V C ------ sing – song (Pararhyme 头尾韵)C V C ------ wimp – limp(Rhyme 韵)Text 8On the morning of February 12, a Sunday, the granny woman was there at the cabin. And she and Tom Lincoin and the moaning Nancy Hanks welcomed into the world of battle and blood, of whispering dreams and wistful dust a new child, aboy.Text 91)有关动物的象声词Text 10 A creak of hinges and a booming thud at the back of the church indicates the arrival of a latecomer. As the priest turns back to the altar to read the offertory prayer, and the rest flutter the pages of their missals to find the English translation in its proper place, all hear the hurries tiptap of high-heeled shoes on the tiled surface of the central aisle.The Eagle He clasps the crag with crooked hands, Close to the sun in lonely lands,Ring‘d with the azure world, he stands.The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls,He watches from his mountain walls,And like a thunderbolt, he falls.钢爪抓崖岩,独立太阳边;岩高万簌寂,四野尽蓝天。
