旅游与文化 翻译

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Part I
1.charming autumn scenery in a most fresh air and clear weather 秋高气爽,秋色宜人
2.the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织第15届全体大会3.to travel ten thousand li and read ten thousand books 读万卷书,行万里路
4.enriching themselves mentally and physically 承天地之灵气,接山水之精华
5.tourist arrival 旅游人数
6.foreign currency receipts 外汇收入
7.outbound tourists 出境旅游人数
8.unique, rich and varied tourism resources 得天独厚的旅游资源
9.World Cultural and Natural Heritages sites 世界文化遗产地和世界自然遗产地
10.t o add radiance and charm to each other 交相辉映
11.a thriving modern metropolis 繁华的现代化大都市
12.a patchwork of cottages 村舍星罗棋布
13.t o exist side by side 鳞次栉比
14.I nternational Architecture Exhibition 万国建筑博览会
15.c lock towers and turrets , marble pillars 钟塔、角楼和大理石柱
16.e ach representing a distinctively individual appearance 风格迥异,各领风骚
17.t he rainy season 梅雨季节
18.t o linger longer 留连忘返
19.e xcellence, elegance and the best quality 卓越超群,富丽堂皇,一流质量
20.e mbroidery, inlaid lacquer 刺绣,金漆镶嵌
21.g old and silver jewelleries, water-color woodblock prints 金银首饰,木刻水印
22.c arvings in jade, ivory, bamboo and woven bamboo baskets 玉雕、牙雕,竹雕,竹编筐篮
23.b ird cages, lanterns 鸟笼灯笼
24.d ouble-sided embroidery and sandal wood fans from Suzhou 双面绣和苏州的檀香扇
25.t erracotta teapots from Yixing, and clay figures from Wuxi 宜兴的陶制茶壶和无锡的泥人
26.t he Peach Blossom Fair 桃花节
27.t he Daci Temple Fair 大慈寺庙会
28.t he Chengdu Tourism Festival 成都旅游节
29.a place blessed with favorite climate, fertile land, rich resources and outstanding talents 物华天宝,人杰地灵30.s uperb artistic style of aiming at catching the sprit of the landscape 写意山水
31.a rtistic gems 艺术瑰宝
32.U NESCO Heritage Committee 联合国教科文组织遗产委员会
33.t he list of World cultural heritage 世界文化遗产名录
34.b ronzeware 青铜器
35.b amboo, wood and lacquer ware 竹木漆器
36.i nscribed bones and tortoise shells 甲骨
37.s eals 玺印
38.a rchaeology
39.r estoration room 文物修复馆
Part II景点描述常用语
Match work:
如诗如画poetic and picturesque
山外有山mountains beyond mountains
石刻碑文stone inscriptions
经典佳作great classics
华夏祖先Chinese ancestor
吉祥之地propitious places
锦绣大地 a land of splendors
自然景观tourist attraction;
山青水秀beautiful mountains and clear waters
山水风光scenery with mountains and rivers; landscape
诗情画意 a scene full of poetic and artistic conception
景色如画picturesque views
诱人景色inviting views
旅游景点scenic spot; tourist destination; places of attraction 名山大川famous mountains and great rivers
人文景观places of cultural interest
名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites
避暑胜地summer resort
度假胜地holiday resort
避暑山庄mountain resort
国家公园national park
古建筑群ancient architectural complex
手工艺品artifact; handicrafts
工艺精湛exquisite workmanship
独具匠心original / ingenious design
心旷神怡soothing and relaxing。
