公司理财-金融学案例原题及答案-Solution to Case 24-Debt Versus Equity Financing




《公司理财》试题及答案第一章公司理财概述一、单项选择题1、在筹资理财阶段,公司理财的重点内容是( B ) 。

A 有效运用资金B 如何设法筹集到所需资金C 研究投资组合D 国际融资二、填空题1、在内部控制理财阶段,公司理财的重点内容是如何有效地(运用资金) 。

2 、西方经济学家和企业家以往都以(利润最大化)作为公司的经营目标和理财目标。

3、现代公司的理财目标是(股东财富最大化) 。

4、公司资产价值增加,生产经营能力提高,意味着公司具有持久的、强大的获利能力和(偿债能力) 。


三、简答题1、为什么以股东财富最大化作为公司理财目标?(1)考虑到了货币时间价值和风险价值; (2)体现了对公司资产保值增值的要求; (3)有利于克服公司经营上的短期行为,促使公司理财当局从长远战略角度进行财务决策,不断增加公司财富。

2、公司理财的具体内容是什么?(1)筹资决策; (2)投资决策; (3)股利分配决策。

第二章财务报表分析一、单项选择题1、资产负债表为( B ) 。

A 动态报表B 静态报表C 动态与静态相结合的报表D 既不是动态报表也不是静态报表2、下列负债中属于长期负债的是( D ) 。

A 应付账款B 应交税金C 预计负债D 应付债券3、公司流动性最强的资产是( A ) 。

A 货币资金B 短期投资C 应收账款D 存货4、下列各项费用中属于财务费用的是( C ) 。

A 广告费B 劳动保险费C 利息支出D 坏账损失5、反映公司所得与所占用的比例关系的财务指标是( B ) 。

A 资产负债率B 资产利润率C 销售利润率D 成本费用利润率二、多项选择题1、与资产负债表中财务状况的计量直接联系的会计要素有( ABC ) 。

A 资产B 负债C 所有者权益D 成本费用E 收入利润2、与利润表中经营成果的计量有直接联系的会计要素有( BCD ) 。

A 资产B 收入C 成本和费用D 利润E 所有者权益三、填空题1、资产的实质是(经济资源) 。











请讨论:6、股评专家说“某只股票的价值被市场低估”的依据是什么?7、股评专家果真被“庄家”收买吗?8、股票内在价值与市场价格关系如何?如何正确看待这种关系?练习题:一、名词解释时间价值复利年金现值终值永续年金永久性债券零息债券附息债券风险资本资产定价模型套利定价理论二、计算分析题1.现有本金2 000元,年利率为8%,每年计息一次,到期一次还本付息,则第5年年末的本利和是多少?2.假设企业按10%的年利率取得贷款100 000元,要求在6年内每年年末等额偿还,则每年的偿付金额应为多少元?3.有一项现金,前3年无流入,后5年每年年末流入500万元,年利率为10%,其现值为多少?4.某公司优先股每年可分得股息0.5元,要想获得每年8%的收益,股票的价格最高为多少时才值得购买?5.某公司拟于2008年4月1日购买一张面额1 000元的债券,其票面利率为12%, 每年4月1日计算并支付一次利息,并于5年后的3月31日到期。




[12]企业准备投资某项目,计划项目经营 企业准备投资某项目, 企业准备投资某项目 五年, 五年,预计每年分别可获得投资收益为 200,000元、250,000元、300, , 元 , 元 , 000元、280,000元、260,000元、 元 , 元 , 元 在保证项目的投资收益率为12%的条件 在保证项目的投资收益率为 的条件 企业目前投资额应在多少元之内? 下,企业目前投资额应在多少元之内?
付款方式: 答:A付款方式: 付款方式 P=80000[(P/A,14%,8-1)+ 1 ] ( , , ) =80000[ 4.2882 + 1 ]=423056(元) ( B付款方式:P=132000[(P/A,14% , 付款方式: 付款方式 ( , 7)—(P/A,14%,2)] ) ( , , ) =132000[4.2882–1.6467]=348678(元) ( C付款方式:P=100000+90000(P/A,14%, 付款方式: 付款方式 ( , , 6) ) =100000 + 90000×3.888=449983 (元) × 应选择B付款方式 付款方式。 应选择 付款方式。
答: F = P(F/P,i, n) ( , ) =1280000×(F/P,12%,8) × =1280000×2.4760 × =3169280 ( 元)
[4]某企业需要在 年后有 某企业需要在4年后有 某企业需要在 年后有1500000元的现 元的现 金需求, 金需求,现在某投资基金的年收益率为 18%,如果,企业现在投资该基金应投 ,如果, 入多少元才能获得4年后所需的资金 年后所需的资金? 入多少元才能获得 年后所需的资金? 分析:F=150000; i =18%; n=4 分析

公司理财第九版罗斯课后案例答案 Case Solutions Corporate Finance

公司理财第九版罗斯课后案例答案  Case Solutions Corporate Finance

公司理财第九版罗斯课后案例答案 Case Solutions CorporateFinance1. 案例一:公司资金需求分析问题:一家公司需要资金支持其新项目。







现在,我们需要进行以下计算:净现金流量 = 年度现金流量 - 年度投资现金流量年度投资现金流量 = 100万美元年度现金流量 = 50万美元净现金流量 = 50万美元 - 100万美元 = -50万美元根据计算结果,公司的净现金流量为负数(即净现金流出),意味着公司每年都会亏损50万美元。


2. 案例二:公司股权融资问题:一家公司正在考虑通过股权融资来筹集资金。










新的WACC可以通过以下公式计算得出:新的WACC = (股本比例 * 股本成本) + (债务比例 * 债务成本)假设公司的股本成本为12%,债务成本为8%:新的WACC = (0.8 * 12%) + (0.2 * 8%) = 9.6%•方案二:以新股发行筹集5000万美元,并将其用于项目投资。





PS:书中课后例题不出,大家可以当习题练练~考试题型:1.单选题10分 2.判断题10分 3.证明题10分 4.计算分析题60分 5.论述题10分注:第13章没有答案第一章1.在所有权形式的公司中,股东是公司的所有者。






















公司理财习题参考答案第三章 财务管理价值观念三、计算题3.甲银行可提供2年期定期存款服务,名义年利率为4%,该存款每季计息一次;乙银行同样可提供2年期定期存款服务,名义年利率为3.9%,该存款每月计息一次。





请问:(1)甲公司每期支付的租金为多少?(2)如果合同规定甲公司须于每年年初支付租金,那么甲公司每期支付的租金应为多少?3.解:甲银行的实际利率为:4)4%41()1(+=+甲i%06.4=甲i乙银行的实际利率为:12)12%9.31()1(+=+乙i%97.3= i甲银行的实际利率高,所以应该选择甲银行。

4.解:)16%8/()16%5/(10,,,,A F A P F =⨯ A ⋅=⨯324.301829.210(万元)39.1=A 6.解: (1))8%,6,/(500A P A ⨯=(万元)52.80=A (2)[]1)7%,6,/(500+⨯=A P A (万元)82.74=A第四章 有价证券估价三、计算题1.某债券面值为1000元,票面利率为12%,期限为5年,某公司对此债券进行投资,要求获得15%的报酬率,则该债券价格为多少时才能进行投资?2.有一面值为1000元的债券,票面利率为8%,每年支付一次利息,2000年5月1日发行,2005年4月30日到期。

现在是2003年4月1日,假设投资的必要报酬率为10%,问该债券的价值是多少?3.股票市场预期A 公司的股票股利将在未来三年内高速增长,增长率达15%,以后转为正常增长,增长率为10%,已知A 公司最近支付的股利为每股3元,投资者要求的最低报酬率为12%。



工程一财务管理总体认知一、单项选择题1.以下各项企业财务管理目标中,能够同时考虑资金的时间价值和投资风险因素的是(D )。

A.产值最大化B.利润最大化C.每股收益最大化D.企业价值最大化2.企业筹资活动的最终结果是( D )。

A.银行借款B.发行债券C.发行股票D.资金流入7.相对于每股收益最大化目标而言,企业价值最大化目标的缺乏之处是( D )。

A.没有考虑资金的时间价值B.没有考虑投资的风险价值C.不能反映企业潜在的获利能力D.*些情况下确定比拟困难9.以下法律法规同时影响企业筹资、投资和收益分配的是( A )。

A.公司法B.金融法C.税法D.企业财务通则10.在市场经济条件下,财务管理的核心是〔B 〕。

A.财务预测B.财务决策C.财务控制D.财务分析二、多项选择题2.企业财务管理的根本容包括( ACD )。

A. 筹资决策B.技术决策C.投资决策D.盈利分配决策3.财务管理的环境包括( ABCD )。

A.技术环境B.经济环境C.金融环境D.法律环境4.以下工程中属于“利润最大化〞目标存在的问题有( ABCD )。

A.没有考虑利润实现时间和资金时间价值B.没有考虑风险问题C.没有反映创造的利润与投入的资本之间的关系D.可能导致企业短期财务决策倾向,影响企业长远开展5.以股东财富最大化作为财务管理目标存在的问题有( ABC )。

A.通常只适用于上市公司B.股价不能完全准确反映企业财务管理状况C.对其他相关者的利益重视不够D.没有考虑风险因素6.以下财务管理的目标当中,考虑了风险因素的有( BCD )。

A.利润最大化B.股东财富最大化C.企业价值最大化D.相关者利益最大化7.在分配活动中,企业财务管理的核心任务是( BC )。

A. 确定筹资构造B. 确定分配规模C.确定分配方式D. 确定投资方向8.利润最大化目标和每股利润最大化目标存在的共同缺陷有( ABD )。

A.没有考虑货币时间价值B.没有考虑风险因素C.没有考虑利润与资本的关系 D. 容易导致短期行为11.以下属于货币市场工具的有(BD )。








净现值对销售数额变动的敏感性如何?根据你的答案,说明当预测销售量减少500单位时会发生什么情况?c.营运现金流(OCF)对可变成本数值变动的敏感性如何?根据你的答案,说明当估计的可变成本降低1美元时会发生什么情况?14、题财务盈亏平衡点LJ 玩具公司刚刚购买了一台250000 美元的机器,以生产玩具车。

该机器将在其5 年的使用期限内以直线折旧法计提折旧。

每件玩具售价为25 美元。

每件玩具的可变成本为6 美元,每年公司的固定成本为360000 美元。



请问项目的财务盈亏平衡点是多少?解答:【EAC+固定成本*(1-税率)—折旧*税率】/(销售单价—单位变动成本)*(1—税率)则:EAC = 初始投资额/ PVIFA12%,5=$250,000 / 3.60478=$69,352.43每年的折旧:$250,000 / 5=$50,000现值盈亏平衡点=[EAC + FC(1 –tC) –Depreciation(tC)] / [(P –VC)(1 –tC)]= [$69,352.43 + $360,000(1 –0.34) –$50,000(0.34)] / [($25 –6)(1 –0.34)]= 23,122.20 或23,122 件第八章25.债券估值Morgan集团公司目前发行在外的有两份债券。





【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】Case SolutionsFundamentals of Corporate FinanceRoss, Westerfield, and Jordan9th editionCHAPTER 1THE McGEE CAKE COMPANY1.The advantages to a LLC are: 1) Reduction of personal liability. A soleproprietor has unlimited liability, which can include the potential loss of all personal assets. 2) Taxes. Forming an LLC may mean that more expenses can be considered business expenses and be deducted from the company’s income. 3) Improved credibility. The business may have increased credibility in the business world compared to a sole proprietorship. 4) Ability to attract investment. Corporations, even LLCs, can raise capital through the sale of equity. 5) Continuous life. Sole proprietorships have a limited life, while corporations have a potentially perpetual life. 6) Transfer of ownership. It is easier to transfer ownership in a corporation through the sale of stock.The biggest disadvantage is the potential cost, although the cost of forminga LLC can be relatively small. There are also other potential costs, includingmore expansive record-keeping.2.Forming a corporation has the same advantages as forming a LLC, but thecosts are likely to be higher.3.As a small company, changing to a LLC is probably the most advantageousdecision at the current time. If the company grows, and Doc and Lyn are willing to sell more equity ownership, the company can reorganize as a corporation at a later date. Additionally, forming a LLC is likely to be less expensive than forming a corporation.CHAPTER 2CASH FLOWS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AT SUNSET BOARDS Below are the financial statements that you are asked to prepare.1.The income statement for each year will look like this:Income statement2008 2009Sales $247,259 $301,392Cost of goods sold 126,038 159,143Selling & administrative 24,787 32,352Depreciation 35,581 40,217EBIT $60,853 $69,680Interest 7,735 8,866EBT $53,118 $60,814Taxes 10,624 12,163Net income $42,494 $48,651Dividends $21,247 $24,326Addition to retainedearnings 21,247 24,3262.The balance sheet for each year will be:Balance sheet as of Dec. 31, 2008C-26 CASE SOLUTIONSCash $18,187 Accounts payable $32,143 Accountsreceivable 12,887 Notes payable 14,651 Inventory 27,119 Current liabilities $46,794 Current assets $58,193Long-term debt $79,235 Net fixed assets $156,975 Owners' equity 89,139Total assets $215,168 Total liab. &equity $215,168In the first year, equity is not given. Therefore, we must calculate equity as a plug variable. Since total liabilities & equity is equal to total assets, equity can be calculated as:Equity = $215,168 – 46,794 – 79,235Equity = $89,139CHAPTER 2 C-5Balance sheet as of Dec. 31, 2009Cash $27,478 Accounts payable $36,404 Accountsreceivable 16,717 Notes payable 15,997 Inventory 37,216 Current liabilities $52,401 Current assets $81,411Long-term debt $91,195 Net fixed assets $191,250 Owners' equity 129,065Total assets $272,661 Total liab. &equity $272,661The owner’s equity for 2009 is the beginning of year owner’s equity, plus the addition to retained earnings, plus the new equity, so:Equity = $89,139 + 24,326 + 15,600Equity = $129,065ing the OCF equation:OCF = EBIT + Depreciation – TaxesThe OCF for each year is:OCF2008 = $60,853 + 35,581 – 10,624OCF2008 = $85,180OCF2009 = $69,680 + 40,217 – 12,163OCF2009 = $97,734C-26 CASE SOLUTIONS4.To calculate the cash flow from assets, we need to find the capital spendingand change in net working capital. The capital spending for the year was: Capital spendingEnding net fixed assets $191,250– Beginning net fixedassets 156,975+ Depreciation 40,217Net capital spending $74,492And the change in net working capital was:Change in net working capitalEnding NWC $29,010– Beginning NWC 11,399Change in NWC $17,611CHAPTER 2 C-5 So, the cash flow from assets was:Cash flow from assetsOperating cash flow $97,734– Net capital spending 74,492– Change in NWC 17,611Cash flow from assets $ 5,6315.The cash flow to creditors was:Cash flow to creditorsInterest paid $8,866– Net new borrowing 11,960Cash flow to creditors –$3,0946.The cash flow to stockholders was:Cash flow tostockholdersDividends paid $24,326– Net new equityraised 15,600Cash flow tostockholders $8,726Answers to questions1.The firm had positive earnings in an accounting sense (NI > 0) and hadpositive cash flow from operations. The firm invested $17,611 in new netC-26 CASE SOLUTIONSworking capital and $74,492 in new fixed assets. The firm gave $5,631 to its stakeholders. It raised $3,094 from bondholders, and paid $8,726 to stockholders.2.The expansion plans may be a little risky. The company does have a positivecash flow, but a large portion of the operating cash flow is already going to capital spending. The company has had to raise capital from creditors and stockholders for its current operations. So, the expansion plans may be too aggressive at this time. On the other hand, companies do need capital to grow. Before investing or loaning the company money, you would want to know where the current capital spending is going, and why the company is spending so much in this area already.CHAPTER 3RATIOS ANALYSIS AT S&S AIR1.The calculations for the ratios listed are:Current ratio = $2,186,520 / $2,919,000Current ratio = 0.75 timesQuick ratio = ($2,186,250 – 1,037,120) / $2,919,000Quick ratio = 0.39 timesCash ratio = $441,000 / $2,919,000Cash ratio = 0.15 timesTotal asset turnover = $30,499,420 / $18,308,920Total asset turnover = 1.67 timesInventory turnover = $22,224,580 / $1,037,120Inventory turnover = 21.43 timesReceivables turnover = $30,499,420 / $708,400Receivables turnover = 43.05 timesTotal debt ratio = ($18,308,920 – 10,069,920) / $18,308,920 Total debt ratio = 0.45 timesDebt-equity ratio = ($2,919,000 + 5,320,000) / $10,069,920C-26 CASE SOLUTIONSDebt-equity ratio = 0.82 timesEquity multiplier = $18,308,920 / $10,069,920Equity multiplier = 1.82 timesTimes interest earned = $3,040,660 / $478,240Times interest earned = 6.36 timesCash coverage = ($3,040,660 + 1,366,680) / $478,420 Cash coverage = 9.22 timesProfit margin = $1,537,452 / $30,499,420Profit margin = 5.04%Return on assets = $1,537,452 / $18,308,920Return on assets = 8.40%Return on equity = $1,537,452 / $10,069,920Return on equity = 15.27%CHAPTER 3 C-11 2. Boeing is probably not a good aspirant company. Even though bothcompanies manufacture airplanes, S&S Air manufactures small airplanes, while Boeing manufactures large, commercial aircraft. These are two different markets. Additionally, Boeing is heavily involved in the defense industry, as well as Boeing Capital, which finances airplanes.Bombardier is a Canadian company that builds business jets, short-range airliners and fire-fighting amphibious aircraft and also provides defense-related services. It is the third largest commercial aircraft manufacturer in the world. Embraer is a Brazilian manufacturer than manufactures commercial, military, and corporate airplanes. Additionally, the Brazilian government is a part owner of the company. Bombardier and Embraer are probably not good aspirant companies because of the diverse range of products and manufacture of larger aircraft.Cirrus is the world's second largest manufacturer of single-engine, piston-powered aircraft. Its SR22 is the world's best selling plane in its class. The company is noted for its innovative small aircraft and is a good aspirant company.Cessna is a well known manufacturer of small airplanes. The company produces business jets, freight- and passenger-hauling utility Caravans, personal and small-business single engine pistons. It may be a good aspirant company, however, its products could be considered too broad and diversified since S&S Air produces only small personal airplanes.3. S&S is below the median industry ratios for the current and cash ratios.This implies the company has less liquidity than the industry in general.However, both ratios are above the lower quartile, so there are companiesC-26 CASE SOLUTIONSin the industry with lower liquidity ratios than S&S Air. The company may have more predictable cash flows, or more access to short-term borrowing.If you created an Inventory to Current liabilities ratio, S&S Air would havea ratio that is lower than the industry median. The current ratio is below theindustry median, while the quick ratio is above the industry median. This implies that S&S Air has less inventory to current liabilities than the industry median. S&S Air has less inventory than the industry median, but more accounts receivable than the industry since the cash ratio is lower than the industry median.The turnover ratios are all higher than the industry median; in fact, all three turnover ratios are above the upper quartile. This may mean that S&S Air is more efficient than the industry.The financial leverage ratios are all below the industry median, but above the lower quartile. S&S Air generally has less debt than comparable companies, but still within the normal range.The profit margin, ROA, and ROE are all slightly below the industry median, however, not dramatically lower. The company may want to examine its costs structure to determine if costs can be reduced, or price can be increased.Overall, S&S Air’s performance seems good, although the liquidity ratios indicate that a closer look may be needed in this area.CHAPTER 3 C-11 Below is a list of possible reasons it may be good or bad that each ratio is higher or lower than the industry. Note that the list is not exhaustive, but merely one possible explanation for each ratio.Ratio Good BadCurrent ratio Better at managingcurrent accounts. May be having liquidity problems.Quick ratio Better at managingcurrent accounts. May be having liquidity problems.Cash ratio Better at managingcurrent accounts. May be having liquidity problems.Total asset turnover Better at utilizing assets. Assets may be older anddepreciated, requiringextensive investmentsoon.Inventory turnover Better at inventorymanagement, possibly dueto better procedures.Could be experiencinginventory shortages.Receivables turnover Better at collectingreceivables.May have credit termsthat are too strict.Decreasing receivablesturnover may increasesales.Total debt ratio Less debt than industrymedian means thecompany is less likely toexperience creditproblems. Increasing the amount of debt can increase shareholder returns. Especially notice that it will increase ROE.Debt-equity Less debt than industry Increasing the amount ofC-26 CASE SOLUTIONSratio median means thecompany is less likely toexperience creditproblems. debt can increase shareholder returns. Especially notice that it will increase ROE.Equity multiplier Less debt than industrymedian means thecompany is less likely toexperience creditproblems.Increasing the amount ofdebt can increaseshareholder returns.Especially notice that itwill increase ROE.TIE Higher quality materialscould be increasing costs. The company may have more difficulty meeting interest payments in a downturn.Cash coverage Less debt than industrymedian means thecompany is less likely toexperience creditproblems. Increasing the amount of debt can increase shareholder returns. Especially notice that it will increase ROE.Profit margin The PM is slightly belowthe industry median. Itcould be a result of higherquality materials or bettermanufacturing. Company may be having trouble controlling costs.ROA Company may have newerassets than the industry. Company may have newer assets than the industry.ROE Lower profit margin maybe a result of higherquality. Profit margin and EM are lower than industry, which results in the lower ROE.CHAPTER 4PLANNING FOR GROWTH AT S&S AIR1.To calculate the internal growth rate, we first need to find the ROA and theretention ratio, so:ROA = NI / TAROA = $1,537,452 / $18,309,920ROA = .0840 or 8.40%b = Addition to RE / NIb = $977,452 / $1,537,452b = 0.64Now we can use the internal growth rate equation to get:Internal growth rate = (ROA × b) / [1 – (ROA × b)]Internal growth rate = [0.0840(.64)] / [1 – 0.0840(.64)]Internal growth rate = .0564 or 5.64%To find the sustainable growth rate, we need the ROE, which is:ROE = NI / TEROE = $1,537,452 / $10,069,920ROE = .1527 or 15.27%C-26 CASE SOLUTIONSUsing the retention ratio we previously calculated, the sustainable growth rate is:Sustainable growth rate = (ROE × b) / [1 – (ROE × b)]Sustainable growth rate = [0.1527(.64)] / [1 – 0.1527(.64)]Sustainable growth rate = .1075 or 10.75%The internal growth rate is the growth rate the company can achieve with no outside financing of any sort. The sustainable growth rate is the growth rate the company can achieve by raising outside debt based on its retained earnings and current capital structure.CHAPTER 4 C-21 2.Pro forma financial statements for next year at a 12 percent growth rate are:Income statementSales $ 34,159,35COGS 24,891,530 Other expenses 4,331,600 Depreciation 1,366,680EBIT $ 3,569,541Interest 478,240Taxable income $ 3,091,301Taxes (40%) 1,236,520Net income $ 1,854,78Dividends $ 675,583C-26 CASE SOLUTIONSAdd to RE 1,179,197Balance sheetAssets Liabilities & EquityCurrent Assets Current LiabilitiesCash $ 493,92AccountsPayable $ 995,680Accounts rec. 793,408 Notes Payable 2,030,000 Inventory 1,161,574 Total CL $ 3,025,680 Total CA $ 2,448,902Long-term debt $ 5,320,000ShareholderEquityCommon stock $ 350,000Fixed assets Retainedearnings 10,899,117Net PP&E $ 18,057,088 Total Equity $ 11,249,117Total Assets $ 20,505,990 Total L&E $ 19,594,787CHAPTER 4 C-21 So, the EFN is:EFN = Total assets – Total liabilities and equityEFN = $20,505,990 – 19,594,797EFN = $911,193The company can grow at this rate by changing the way it operates. For example, if profit margin increases, say by reducing costs, the ROE increases, it will increase the sustainable growth rate. In general, as long as the company increases the profit margin, total asset turnover, or equity multiplier, the higher growth rate is possible. Note however, that changing any one of these will have the effect of changing the pro forma financial statements.C-26 CASE SOLUTIONS3.Now we are assuming the company can only build in amounts of $5 million.We will assume that the company will go ahead with the fixed asset acquisition. To estimate the new depreciation charge, we will find the current depreciation as a percentage of fixed assets, then, apply this percentage to the new fixed assets. The depreciation as a percentage of assets this year was:Depreciation percentage = $1,366,680 / $16,122,400Depreciation percentage = .0848 or 8.48%The new level of fixed assets with the $5 million purchase will be:New fixed assets = $16,122,400 + 5,000,000 = $21,122,400So, the pro forma depreciation will be:Pro forma depreciation = .0848($21,122,400)Pro forma depreciation = $1,790,525We will use this amount in the pro forma income statement. So, the pro forma income statement will be:Income statementSales $ 34,159,35COGS 24,891,530 Other expensesCHAPTER 4 C-214,331,600Depreciation 1,790,525EBIT $ 3,145,696Interest 478,240Taxable income $ 2,667,456Taxes (40%) 1,066,982Net income $ 1,600,473Dividends $ 582,955Add to RE 1,017,519C-26 CASE SOLUTIONSThe pro forma balance sheet will remain the same except for the fixed asset and equity accounts. The fixed asset account will increase by $5 million, rather than the growth rate of sales.Balance sheetAssets Liabilities & EquityCurrent Assets Current LiabilitiesCash $ 493,92AccountsPayable $ 995,680Accounts rec. 793,408 Notes Payable 2,030,000 Inventory 1,161,574 Total CL $ 3,025,680 Total CA $ 2,448,902Long-term debt $ 5,320,000ShareholderEquityCommon stock $ 350,000Fixed assets Retainedearnings 10,737,439Net PP&E $ 21,122,400 Total Equity $ 11,087,439Total Assets $ 23,571,302 Total L&E $ 19,433,119CHAPTER 4 C-21 So, the EFN is:EFN = Total assets – Total liabilities and equityEFN = $23,581,302 – 19,433,119EFN = $4,138,184Since the fixed assets have increased at a faster percentage than sales, the capacity utilization for next year will decrease.CHAPTER 6THE MBA DECISION1. Age is obviously an important factor. The younger an individual is, the moretime there is for the (hopefully) increased salary to offset the cost of the decision to return to school for an MBA. The cost includes both the explicit costs such as tuition, as well as the opportunity cost of the lost salary.2. Perhaps the most important nonquantifiable factors would be whether ornot he is married and if he has any children. With a spouse and/or children, he may be less inclined to return for an MBA since his family may be less amenable to the time and money constraints imposed by classes. Other factors would include his willingness and desire to pursue an MBA, job satisfaction, and how important the prestige of a job is to him, regardless of the salary.3.He has three choices: remain at his current job, pursue a Wilton MBA, orpursue a Mt. Perry MBA. In this analysis, room and board costs are irrelevant since presumably they will be the same whether he attends college or keeps his current job. We need to find the aftertax value of each, so:Remain at current job:Aftertax salary = $55,000(1 – .26) = $40,700CHAPTER 6 C-27 His salary will grow at 3 percent per year, so the present value of his aftertax salary is:PV = C {1 – [(1 + g)/(1 + r)]t} / (r–g)]PV = $40,700{[1 – [(1 +.065)/(1 + .03)]38} / (.065 – .03)PV = $836,227.34Wilton MBA:Costs:Total direct costs = $63,000 + 2,500 + 3,000 = $68,500PV of direct costs = $68,500 + 68,500 / (1.065) = $132,819.25PV of indirect costs (lost salary) = $40,700 / (1.065) + $40,700(1 + .03) / (1 + .065)2 = $75,176.00Salary:PV of aftertax bonus paid in 2 years = $15,000(1 –.31) / 1.0652= $9,125.17Aftertax salary = $98,000(1 – .31) = $67,620C-26 CASE SOLUTIONSHis salary will grow at 4 percent per year. We must also remember that he will now only work for 36 years, so the present value of his aftertax salary is: PV = C {1 – [(1 + g)/(1 + r)]t} / (r–g)]PV = $67,620{[1 – [(1 +.065)/(1 + .04)]36} / (.065 – .04)PV = $1,554,663.22Since the first salary payment will be received three years from today, so we need to discount this for two years to find the value today, which will be: PV = $1,544,663.22 / 1.0652PV = $1,370,683.26So, the total value of a Wilton MBA is:Value = –$75,160 – 132,819.25 + 9,125.17 + 1,370,683.26 =$1,171,813.18Mount Perry MBA:Costs:Total direct costs = $78,000 + 3,500 + 3,000 = $86,500. Note, this is also the PV of the direct costs since they are all paid today.PV of indirect costs (lost salary) = $40,700 / (1.065) = $38,215.96Salary:CHAPTER 6 C-27 PV of aftertax bonus paid in 1 year = $10,000(1 – .29) / 1.065 = $6,666.67 Aftertax salary = $81,000(1 – .29) = $57,510His salary will grow at 3.5 percent per year. We must also remember that he will now only work for 37 years, so the present value of his aftertax salary is: PV = C {1 – [(1 + g)/(1 + r)]t} / (r–g)]PV = $57,510{[1 – [(1 +.065)/(1 + .035)]37} / (.065 – .035)PV = $1,250,991.81Since the first salary payment will be received two years from today, so we need to discount this for one year to find the value today, which will be:PV = $1,250,991.81 / 1.065PV = $1,174,640.20So, the total value of a Mount Perry MBA is:Value = –$86,500 – 38,215.96 + 6,666.67 + 1,174,640.20 = $1,056,590.90C-26 CASE SOLUTIONS4.He is somewhat correct. Calculating the future value of each decision willresult in the option with the highest present value having the highest future value. Thus, a future value analysis will result in the same decision. However, his statement that a future value analysis is the correct method is wrong since a present value analysis will give the correct answer as well.5. To find the salary offer he would need to make the Wilton MBA asfinancially attractive as the as the current job, we need to take the PV of his current job, add the costs of attending Wilton, and the PV of the bonus on an aftertax basis. So, the necessary PV to make the Wilton MBA the same as his current job will be:PV = $836,227.34 + 132,819.25 + 75,176.00 – 9,125.17 = $1,035,097.42This PV will make his current job exactly equal to the Wilton MBA on a financial basis. Since his salary will still be a growing annuity, the aftertax salary needed is:PV = C {1 – [(1 + g)/(1 + r)]t} / (r–g)]$1,035,097.42 = C {[1 – [(1 +.065)/(1 + .04)]36} / (.065 – .04)C = $45,021.51This is the aftertax salary. So, the pretax salary must be:Pretax salary = $45,021.51 / (1 – .31) = $65,248.576.The cost (interest rate) of the decision depends on the riskiness of the use offunds, not the source of the funds. Therefore, whether he can pay cash orCHAPTER 6 C-27 must borrow is irrelevant. This is an important concept which will be discussed further in capital budgeting and the cost of capital in later chapters.CHAPTER 7FINANCING S&S AIR’S EXPANSION PLANS WITH A BOND ISSUEA rule of thumb with bond provisions is to determine who benefits by theprovision. If the company benefits, the bond will have a higher coupon rate.If the bondholders benefit, the bond will have a lower coupon rate.1. A bond with collateral will have a lower coupon rate. Bondholders have theclaim on the collateral, even in bankruptcy. Collateral provides an asset that bondholders can claim, which lowers their risk in default. The downside of collateral is that the company generally cannot sell the asset used as collateral, and they will generally have to keep the asset in good working order.2.The more senior the bond is, the lower the coupon rate. Senior bonds getfull payment in bankruptcy proceedings before subordinated bonds receive any payment. A potential problem may arise in that the bond covenant may restrict the company from issuing any future bonds senior to the current bonds.3. A sinking fund will reduce the coupon rate because it is a partial guaranteeto bondholders. The problem with a sinking fund is that the company must make the interim payments into a sinking fund or face default. This means the company must be able to generate these cash flows.4. A provision with a specific call date and prices would increase the couponrate. The call provision would only be used when it is to the company’s advantage, thus the bondholder’s disadvantage. The downside is theCHAPTER 7 C-29 higher coupon rate. The company benefits by being able to refinance at a lower rate if interest rates fall significantly, that is, enough to offset the call provision cost.5. A deferred call would reduce the coupon rate relative to a call provision witha deferred call. The bond will still have a higher rate relative to a plain vanillabond. The deferred call means that the company cannot call the bond for a specified period. This offers the bondholders protection for this period. The disadvantage of a deferred call is that the company cannot call the bond during the call protection period. Interest rates could potentially fall to the point where it would be beneficial for the company to call the bond, yet the company is unable to do so.6. A make-whole call provision should lower the coupon rate in comparison toa call provision with specific dates since the make-whole call repays thebondholder the present value of the future cash flows. However, a make-whole call provision should not affect the coupon rate in comparison to a plain vanilla bond. Since the bondholders are made whole, they should be indifferent between a plain vanilla bond and a make-whole bond. If a bond with a make-whole provision is called, bondholders receive the market value of the bond, which they can reinvest in another bond with similar characteristics. If we compare this to a bond with a specific call price, investors rarely receive the full market value of the future cash flows.CASE 3 C-30 7. A positive covenant would reduce the coupon rate. The presence of positivecovenants protects bondholders by forcing the company to undertake actions that benefit bondholders. Examples of positive covenants would be: the company must maintain audited financial statements; the company must maintain a minimum specified level of working capital or a minimum specified current ratio; the company must maintain any collateral in good working order. The negative side of positive covenants is that the company is restricted in its actions. The positive covenant may force the company into actions in the future that it would rather not undertake.8. A negative covenant would reduce the coupon rate. The presence ofnegative covenants protects bondholders from actions by the company that would harm the bondholders. Remember, the goal of a corporation is to maximize shareholder wealth. This says nothing about bondholders.Examples of negative covenants would be: the company cannot increase dividends, or at least increase beyond a specified level; the company cannot issue new bonds senior to the current bond issue; the company cannot sell any collateral. The downside of negative covenants is the restriction of the company’s actions.9.Even though the company is not public, a conversion feature would likelylower the coupon rate. The conversion feature would permit bondholders to benefit if the company does well and also goes public. The downside is that the company may be selling equity at a discounted price.10. The downside of a floating-rate coupon is that if interest rates rise, thecompany has to pay a higher interest rate. However, if interest rates fall, the company pays a lower interest rate.CHAPTER 8STOCK VALUATION AT RAGAN, INC.1.The total dividends paid by the company were $126,000. Since there are100,000 shares outstanding, the total earnings for the company were: Total earnings = 100,000($4.54) = $454,000This means the payout ratio was:Payout ratio = $126,000/$454,000 = 0.28So, the retention ratio was:Retention ratio = 1 – .28 = 0.72Using the retention ratio, the company’s growth rate is:g = ROE × b = 0.25*(.72) = .1806 or 18.06%The dividend per share paid this year was:= $63,000 / 50,000D= $1.26DNow we can find the stock price, which is:C-84 CASE SOLUTIONSP 0 = D 1 / (R – g )P 0 = $1.26(1.1806) / (.20 – .1806)P 0 = $76.752.Since Expert HVAC had a write off which affected its earnings per share, we need to recalculate the industry EPS. So, the industry EPS is:Industry EPS = ($0.79 + 1.38 + 1.06) / 3 = $1.08Using this industry EPS, the industry payout ratio is:Industry payout ratio = $0.40/$1.08 = .3715 or 37.15%So, the industry retention ratio isIndustry retention ratio = 1 – .3715 = .6285 or 62.85%。





PS:书中课后例题不出,大家可以当习题练练~考试题型:1.单选题10分 2.判断题10分 3.证明题10分 4.计算分析题60分 5.论述题10分注:第13章没有答案第一章1.在所有权形式的公司中,股东是公司的所有者。























2003年改组为华旗股份有限公司,总股本2 500万股。

公司章程中规定,公司净利润按以下顺序分配:(1)弥补上一年度亏损;(2) 提取10%的法定公积金;(3)提取15%任意公积金;(4)支付股东股利。







华旗公司于2015年1月15 FI召开董事会会议,要求公司的总会计师对公司目前财务状况做出分析,同时提出新的财务政策方案,以供董事会讨论。








C .分工理论.投资组合理论1.5.1 单项选择题1 .不能偿还到期债务是威胁企业生存的( )。

A .外在原因B .内在原因C .直接原因D .间接原因 2.下列属于有关竞争环境的原则的是()。

A .净增效 益原则B .比较 优势 原则C .期权 原则D .自利行为原则3.属于信号传递原则进一步运用的原则是指( )4 .从公司当局可控因素来看,影响报酬率和风险的财务活动是 ( )。

A .筹资活动B .投资活动C .营运活动D .分配活动 5 .自利行为原则的依据是( )。

A .理性的经济人假设B .商业交易至少有两方、交易是“零和 博弈”,以及各方都是自利的6 .下列关于“有价值创意原则”的表述中,错误的是(习题一A . 自 利行 为 原 则D .期权原则B .比较优势原 则C . 引 导原则A .任何一项创新的优势都是暂时的B .新的创意可能会减少现有项目的价值或者使它变得毫无意义C .金融资产投资活动是“有价值创意原则”的主要应用领域D .成功的筹资很少能使企业取得非凡的获利能力7 .通货膨胀时期,企业应优先考虑的资金来源是()A .长期负债B .流动负债C .发行新股D .留存收、人益8.股东和经营者发生冲突的根本原因在于()。

A .具体行为目标不一致B .掌握的信息不一致C .利益动机不同D ,在企业中的地位不同9 .双方交易原则没有提到的是()。

A .每一笔交易都至少存在两方,双方都会遵循自利行为原则B .在财务决策时要正确预见对方的反映C .在财务交易时要考虑税收的影响D .在财务交易时要以“自我为中心”10.企业价值最大化目标强调的是企业的()A .预计获利能力B .现有生产能力C .潜在销售能力D .实际获利能力11.债权人为了防止其利益受伤害,通常采取的措施不包括()。

A .寻求立法保护B .规定资金的用途C .提前收回借款D .不允许发行新股12.理性的投资者应以公司的行为作为判断未来收益状况的依据是基于()的要求。
































2003年改组为华旗股份有限公司,总股本2 500万股。













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