21世纪大学英语读写教程2 reading aloud 课文及翻译
21世纪大学英语读写教程2 reading aloud 课文及翻译
![21世纪大学英语读写教程2 reading aloud 课文及翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3b0ee15058fafab069dc024b.png)
"Very hesitantly I selected a tube of blue paint, and with infinite precaution made a mark about as bigas a bean on the snow-white field. At that moment I heard the sound of a motorcar in the drive and threw down my brush in a panic. I was even more alarmed when I saw who stepped from the car: the wife of Sir John Lavery, the celebrated painter who lived nearby.“我迟疑不决地选了一管蓝色颜料,然后小心翼翼地在雪白的底子上的画上蚕豆般大小的一笔。
"'Painting!' she declared. 'What fun. But what are you waiting for? Let me have the brush — the big one.' She plunged into the paints and before I knew it, she had swept several fierce strokes and slashesof blue on the absolutely terrified canvas. Anyone could see it could not hit back. I hesitated no more.I seized the largest brush and fell upon my wretched victim with wild fury. I have never felt any fear of a canvas since."‘在画画呢!’她大声说道。
21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册A B课文翻译及课后翻译题
![21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册A B课文翻译及课后翻译题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bc0b17dfb9f3f90f76c61b10.png)
第一单元Text A、Winston Churchill—His Other LifeMy father, Winston Churchill, began his love affair with painting in his 40s, amid disastrous circumstances. As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he had been deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war. But when the mission failed, with great loss of life, Churchill paid the price, both publicly and privately: He was removed from the Admiralty and lost his position of political influence.我的父亲温斯顿?丘吉尔是在 40 几岁开始迷恋上绘画的,当时他正身处逆境。
1915 年,作为海军大臣,他深深地卷入了达达尼尔海峡的一场战役。
Overwhelmed by the disaster — "I thought he would die of grief," said his wife, Clementine — he retired with his family to Hoe Farm, a country retreat in Surrey. There, as Churchill later recalled, "The muse of painting came to my rescue!"“我本以为他会因忧伤而死的。
6. Why did Mark Twain feel such shame as cannot be described? Firstly, his name didn’t bring him the respect that he expected; secondly, his companion had seen the whole scene. 7. Who finally invited Mark Twain into the sleeping car? The conductor. 8. Where did Mark Twain and his companion stay on the train? In the big family compartment. 9. How did the porter serve them on the train?] He gave them his best service, trying to satisfy their every need. 10. Why did Mark Twain’s companion look rather ashamed when they were on the train? Because he thought Mark Twain was right after all. He was sorry to have said that people wouldn’t care about Mark Twain. 11. What was the reason that Mark Twain was invited onto the train? He was mistaken for the mayor of New York.
Unit1Very hesita ntlyI select ed a tube of blue paint, and with infini te precau tionmade a mark aboutas big as a bean on the snow-whitefield.At that moment I heardthe soundof a motorc ar in the driveand threwdown my brushin a panic. I was even more alarme d when I saw who steppe d from the car: the wife of Sir John Lavert y, the celebr atedpainte r who livednearby."'Painti ng!‟shedeclar ed.‟Whatfun. But what are you waitin g for? Let me have the brush-the bigone.‟she plunge d into the paints and before I knew it, she had sweptsevera l fierce stroke s and slashe s of blue on the absolu telyterrif ied canvas. Anyone couldsee it couldnot hit back. I restit utedno more. Seized the larges t brushand fell upon my wretch ed victim with fury. I have neverfelt any fear of a canvas since."1.When his wife died of a stroke in her sixtie s, the 72-year-old retire d profes sor was overwh elmed by grief.Life wouldbe too diffic ult for him withou t anybod y to rely on.2.Last monthtwo amateu r painte rs held an exhibi tionof theirpictur es in London .Many people went to see it, includ ing a few celebr atedprofes sors.3.when sevenastron autsdied in the challe ngerdisast er in the mid-1980s,it plunge d the wholeworldinto shockand grief.4.Aftercomple tingher second primeminist ry, she remain ed active ly involv ed in politi cal affair s. She came to the rescue severa l timeswhen the govern mentwas in diffic ulty.5.Aftercomple tingher second primeminist ry, she remain ed active ly involv ed in politi cal affair. she came to the rescue severa l timeswhen the govern mentwas in diffic ulty.6.As long as you keep workin g hard all your life, you will recall your past with a glow of satisf actio n.7.We must awaken people to the import anceof enviro nment protec tionnow, or it will soon be too late.8. That offici al was remove d from office of beinginvolv ed in a politi cal scanda l. Had he knownthis wouldhappen, he mighthave acteddiffer ently.Unit2This belief in hard work is the firstof threemain factor s contri butin g to Asianstuden ts' outsta nding perfor mance. It spring s from Asians' common herita ge of Confuc ianis m, the philos ophyof the 5th-centur y-BC Chines e sage teachi ngs have had a profou nd influe nce on Chines e societ y. One of Confuc ius‟sprimar y teachi ngs is that throug h effort, people can perfec t themse lves.Confuc ianis m provid es anothe r import ant ingred ientin the Asians‟succes s as well. In Confuc ianphilos ophy, the family playsa centra l role--an orient ation that leadspeople to work for the honorof the family, not just for themse lves. One can neverreplay one's parent s, and there's senseof obliga tionor even guiltthat is as strong a forceamongAsians as Protes tantphilos ophyis amongthosein the West1.Female studen ts consti tutethe majori ty of our class. By contra st, theirclassis made up of malesonly.2.Americ an childr en can usuall y watchTV threehoursa day, wherea s theirChines e counte rpart s have to work on theirhomewo rk during most theirafter-school time.3.His develo pment of a series of new resear ch method s led to his huge succes s. He said he owed all this to his parent s‟encour ageme nt.4.He resent ed beingexclud ed from discus sions that direct ly concer ned his future.5.The fact that theseproble ms are contin ually showin g up sugges ts that this new device has to be readju sted.6.As one of the many Asianstuden ts who have surged into the best Americ an univer sitie s in recent years, ZhangHua says that many of his ideasare basedon tradit ional Chines e philos ophy.7.To startwith, it is not merely moneythat makesMr. Youngwork so hard. He is commit ted to educat ing the youngand tiresto motiva te them to get aheadin life.8.As time was runnin g out, we droveeven faster in the hope that we couldmake it to the airpor t in time.Unit3The firstcultur al transl atorI ever met was an instal latio n engine er, George by name, who worked for an Americ an compan y whereI was the direct or of intern ation al operat ions.The compan y had just starte d a jointventur e with a Japane se firm, and the Americ an manage mentneeded someon e to trainthe Japane se employ ees in its unique techno logy.George's solidunders tandi ng of the equipm ent, its instal latio n and use made him the best-qualif ied employ ee for the job ,so everyo ne was happywhen George accept ed a two-year contra ct for tempor ary transf er to Japan.Form the start,George was well accept ed by all the Japane se employ ees. Japane se manage rs oftendistru st anyone sent to repres ent US owners, but George was so natura lly nonass ertiv e that no one couldsee him as a threat to theircareer s. So they felt comfor table asking his advice on a wide rangeof matter s, includ ing the odd behavi or of theirpartne rs across the ocean.Engine ers throug houtthe compan y apprec iated George's expert ise and his friend ly and capabl e help, and they got into habitof turnin g to him whenev er they had a proble m-any proble m. And thesecret aries in the office were eagerto help this nice bachel or learnJapane se.1When this tempor ary job came to an end, George was offere d a perman ent job, whichhe accept ed at once.2.To ensure that theirventur es in Japanare profit able,the Americ an compan ies need cultur al transl ators even more than langua ge transl ators.3.As a cultur al transl ator, George was eagerto help the Japane se employ ees who came to ask his advice on a greatmany matter s, both within and outsid e of his fieldof expert ise.4.Someho w or other,George persua ded the Americ an manage r to go alongwith the Japane se accoun tant‟sdecisi on, thus smooth ing over the confli ct betwee n the two.5.Confli cts and argume nts do ariseat timesbetwee n the Americ an manage rs and theirJapane se counte rpart s. But sinceboth partie s have the good senseto compro mise,theseconfli cts are preven ted from escala tinginto big emotio nal battle s.6.All the Japane se employ ees, the person nel manage r includ ed, apprec iated George‟sfreque nt help with the multit ude of proble ms they run into.7.My spoken Japane se is not good enough to expres s myself well. Pleasedon‟tgetoffend ed if I someti mes say stupid things.8.with a solidunders tandi ng of tradit ional Chines e medici ne and a good master y of Englis h, dr. Zhangis highly qualif ied to trainforeig n doctor s who came to Chinato studyChines e medici ne.Unit4Failur e is neverpleasa nt. It hurtsadults and childr en alike.But it can make a positi ve contri butio n to your life once you learnto use it. Step one is to ask,”WhydidIfail?”Resist the natura l impuls e to blamesomeon e else. Ask yourse lf what you did wrong, how you can improv e. If someon e else can help, don‟tbeshyaboutinquir ing.Succes s, whichencour agesrepeti tionof old behavi or ,is not nearly as good a teache r as failur e. You can learnfrom a disast rouspartyhow to give a good one, from an ill-chosen firsthousewhat to look for in a second .Even a failur e that seemstotalcan prompt freshthinki ng, a change of direct ion.1.Protec tingchildr en from the knowle dge that they have failed is anythi ng but benefi cialto theirgrowth and develo pment.2.Emerso n does not thinkthereis a worldof differ encebetwee n succes s and failur e.A mature person is one who is good at turnin g failur e into succes s.4.She was so obsess ed with becomi ng a succes s in ice skatin g that she neverprepar ed hersel f for challe ngesof the real world.5.He suffer ed a comple te nervou s breakd own when he learne d that his compan y had gone bankru pt.6.When talkin g abouthis succes s, Mr. Smithis very proneto exagge ratio n.7.The compan y starte d by sellin g radios but now has branch ed out into sellin g comput ers as well. 8.In fact, failur e is nothin g to be afraid of. Once we learnhow to use it, it can make a positi ve contri butio n to our growth and develo pment.Unit5Balanc ing work and school was diffic ult. "I was stayin g up late studyi ng , and goingto work earlyeverymornin g .I was having a hard time concen trati ng in class, and a hard time on the job becaus e I was so tired," she says . But she endedup with two A's in her firstsemest er anyway.Prisci lla decide d to pursue an archae ology major,and in the summer of 1992,she got her fist opport unity to really test out her intere st in the subjec t. The archae ologi cal filedschool of Washin gtonStateUniver sitywas sponso ringa summer resear ch projec t at a site alongs ide the SnakeRiverin Washin gton. Prisci lla threwhersel f into the work, and the projec t superv isors were impres sed. At the end of the summer, one of the profes sorsoffere d her a job. "He said, ' We just got a contra ct for projec t in NorthDakota. We want to hire you if you're willin g to take a semest er off from school.‟“Theofferwas a divers ion from Prisci lla's pursui t of her BA. "But by then I no longer doubte d that I wouldultima telyfinish school,so I felt comfor table grabbi ng this opport unity,”shesays.1.The univer sityoffere d Prisci lla only a smallloan and she had to come up with the rest of the moneyhersel f.2.With smallincome from her restau rantjob, marrycouldbarely make (both) ends meet. That‟swhy she foundsome cleani ng work to do in the apartm ent buildi ng whereshe lived.3.During her firstsemest ers, she oftenstayed up late studyi ng becaus e she knew she had to get the highes t GPA in her classto qualif y the schola rship.4.Anyone who wantsto find employ mentin/ with that compan y must have at leasta master‟sdegree; if not a Ph. D. otherw ise he or she will not be accept ed.Only if you comple telythrowyourse lf into your studie s will you ultima telyachiev e your long-term goal of becomi ng an archae ologi st.6.In the office Beth always looked happyand had a readysmile. But deep down, she was tiredof beinga secret ary. She wanted to do someth ing more creati ve.7.A migran t farm labore r from Mexico, my father was overjo yed when I was accept ed by the Univer sityof Washin gtonand became the firstperson in my family to attend colleg e.8.When Prisci lla looked back on her yearsof hard strugg le, she said that it was no easy job to balanc e work and study.Unit6He had been procla imed”thefinest mind alive”,”thegreate st genius of the late 20th centur y”, and "Einste in's heir ".Knownto millio ns, far and wide, for his book A BriefHistor y of Time, Stephe n Hawkin g is a star scient ist in more ways than one. His gift for reveal ing the myster ies of the univer se in a stylethat non-scient istscan enjoymade Hawkin g an instan t celebr ity and his book a bestse llerin both Britai n and Americ a. It has earned a placein the Guinne ss Book of Record s for spendi ng 184 weeksin The Sunday Times”top-ten" list, and has sold more than five millio n copies worldw ide--virtua lly unhear d-of succes s for a scienc e book.How did all this happen? How has a man who is almost comple telyparaly zed and unable to speakexcept throug h a comput er overco me theseincred ibleobstac les and achiev ed far more than people ever dreamof?1.Stephe n Hawkin g, a Britis h scient ist specia lizin g in theore tical cosmol ogy has been procla imedthe greate st genius of the late 20th centur y.2.Everytime he releas es a new record, the singer dreams of its/ it earnin g a placeinthe…top-ten‟list one the radio.3.Locate d to the northw est of London, Oxford Univer sityis well known/ notedfar and wide for its academ ic excell ence.4.An intell ectua l giant, Einste in was respon sible for modernman‟snewconcep t of time and space.5.This medica l resear ch is aimedat findin g new treatm entsfor inheri ted blooddiseas es, becaus e the drugsnow in use cannot cure thesecompli cated diseas es.6.This year is the one hundre dth annive rsary of the foundi ng of our univer sity.A privat e school initia lly, it has now become a world-famous univer sityspecia lizin g in theore tical resear ch.7.Two yearsago, bob was feelin g boredwith his job as a restau rantmanage r. Luckil y he won a schola rship to the stateuniver sity.8.Askedwhat kind of studen t Stephe n was at colleg e, Prof. white,the then Chairof the Physic s depart ment, recall s: “Heimpres sed me as a very bright studen t with an instin ctive insigh t into physic s.”。
大学英语Reading aloud部分翻译
![大学英语Reading aloud部分翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/98b6459571fe910ef12df8f3.png)
英语reading aloud 原文及翻译整理Unit1You were a star in high school, made all the right moves, and now you think you’re ready for college. Better think again. The rules are different, the expectations have changed, and the stakes are a little higher.你在中学里是明星,迈出的每一步都很正确,为此,你现在认为自己已经为大学作好了准备。
College is a rare opportunity to define yourself more fully — even, perhaps, to redefine yourself. What do you want to be known for when you graduate? Frankly, what makes you think you are even going to graduate? Only half of those starting out as freshmen graduate in four years. I’ve seen high school honors students not last the fall semester. I’ve also seen average students graduate with a 4.0. What makes the difference? From my experience, there are 10 rules every freshman should know.大学是你更充分地打造自己—甚至也许是重新打造自己的一次难得的机会。
21世纪大学新英语读写译教程2第二册Unit 3-7课文翻译
![21世纪大学新英语读写译教程2第二册Unit 3-7课文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/90ebdedece2f0066f53322f5.png)
Unit 3Text A〔Chinese〕1994年元旦前夕,我生下一名女婴并建立了一项新的业务。
难道这就是可怜的乔治的结局吗? 他对于这家他曾经如此忠诚地服务过的、现已成熟的合资企业,就再也没有什么可以贡献的了吗? 他只得离开他已开始爱上的这个国家吗? 不! 面对着要离开日本的威胁,乔治心有不甘,于是将自己重新塑造成了一名“文化翻译”。
一份耕耘一份收获答案只是参考请大家努力自学21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册课文翻译及课后答案第一单元UNIT1 翻译TEXT A 温斯顿丘吉尔——他的另一种生活玛丽索姆斯我的父亲温斯顿丘吉尔是在40几岁开始迷恋上绘画的当时他正身处逆境。
在那儿正如丘吉尔日后所回忆的“绘画女神拯救了我” 一天他正在花园里漫步正巧碰上他的弟妹在用水彩画素描。
UNIT1 TEXT A我的父亲温斯顿·丘吉尔是在40几岁开始迷恋上绘画的,当时他正身处逆境。
可你还在等什么呢? 把画笔给我---大的那支。
21世纪大学英语读写教程(第二册)课文翻译及课后答案第一单元UNIT1翻译TEXT A温斯顿丘吉尔——他的另一种生活玛丽索姆斯)我的父亲温斯顿丘吉尔是在40几岁开始迷恋上绘画的,当时他正身处逆境。
21世纪大学英语读写教程(第二册)课文翻译及课后答案1-7单元一耕耘~一收获答案只是考~获大家努力自份份参学世获大英获获程学写教第二册获文获及获后答翻21()案第一获元UNIT1翻获TEXT A温斯获丘吉获他的一获生活——另?获获索姆斯?My father wesond chuill love affair with painting in 40 , amid disastrouscircumistance,as lord of admirality he invovceled in deeply dadanieeracompaign that could be shortened a bloody war .with mission failed 我的父获斯获温丘吉获是在几恋画当获获始迷上获的~获他正身获?40 逆境。
水彩获料、油获料、获获她赶来她找画画、帆布布画很个画快耘获获获里便堆获了一获获者可能想要或需要的各获获--- 西。
他几--- 凝获着他的第一获空白布~乎获常地获获。
第一单元StructureVII.1. Amazed at the great changes that are taking place in shanghai, many foreign visitors leave China with a completely new view of our country.2. Unpleasantly startled by the appearance of a mouse, we promptly decided to clean our apartment.3. Tired of their own cooking, they’ve decided to go to a restaurant for a change.4. Frightened by the horror film, the little girl was alert to every sound in the house that night.5. Deeply disappointed with the actress’s performance, tom soon switched to another channel.6. Embarrassed about still being in bed at 10 a.m., when my friends came I pretended to be sick with a terrible headache. VIII.1. So I did2. So did my brother3. So she was4. So they do; so do his classmates5. So am IClozeIXlonely; overcame; refuge; finally; however; where; delighted; contemplated; entry; campaign; distract; plunged into; Within a month; rescue; when; overwhelming第二单元StructureVII.1. After the earthquake the government spent millions of dollars to help the victims rebuild their houses.2. ill you reconsider your decision? No one wants you to leave.3. Some of Lu Xun’s writings were lost for decades, but they were rediscovered in the mid-80s.4. I see no need to restate the policy on late homework.5. The library’s been rearranged, and I can’t find any of the books I need.6. I hope this dictionary will be reprinted soon—I’d like to buy one.7. Stevie Wonder’s earliest albums have been unavailable for several years, but they’re being re-released next month.8. I didn’t care much for the book the first time, but I enjoyed it when I reread it.9. John Harding is best known for reinterpreting Shakespeare’s plays.10. You’ve misunderstood me—let me rephrase what I said.VIII.A. gardener calculator receiver container commander remainder hike inspector steamer processorsupervise builder contributor consumer paint teenagerB. 1.superviser 2. inspector 3. remainder 4. processor 5. gardener6. calculator7. commander8. container9. hiking 10. teenagersStructureIX1. It was for the benefit of the old people in the neighborhood that we organized this volunteer group.2. It is only when we look back that we realize how far we have come.3. It is his secretary who does all the work.4. It is through the act of giving that we experience our fullest strength and power.5. It was gold that led them to undertake the long and risky journey to California.6. As I recall, it was you who suggested this idea in the first place.7. It wasn’t until last week that they finished their report on the project.8. It’s her beautiful eyes that I can’t forget.X.1. The elephant weighs about 3,600 kg, whereas the blue whale weighs up to 130, 000 kg.2.The word ‘youngster’ has a cheerful connotation, whereas ‘offspring’ sounds rather clinical.3. Confucianism emphasizes family ties, whereas Protestantism teaches individual responsibility.4.The earliest mammals appeared on the earth hundred millions years ago, whereas the first evidence of humans dates from only about one million year ago.5. The aim of the natural science is to predict and control natural process, whereas the aim of the social science is to understand human behavior.6. He must be about sixty, whereas his wife looks about thirty.ClozeXIII1. immigrant2. than3. obligation4. motivated5. widespread6. however7. although8. discrimination9. but/although 10. One day11. guilty 12. horrified 13. repay 14. owe第三单元ClozeVIII.1. among2. conflicts3. made4. understanding5. since6. conscious of7. so8. run into9. with 10. crazy 11. that is12. since 13. That’s is 14. escalating 15. parties第四单元元StructureVII.1. a) their laughter and conversation sound as if they’re enjoying each others’ company.b) Their laughter and conversation sound as if they were in the same room with us.2. a) the secretary has been working in her office late every night this week, as if her boss is under serious deadline.b) The secretary has been staying in her office late every night this week, as if she had no home to go to.3. a) you’re so pale! You look as if you’re getting sick.b) You’re so pale! You look as if you had seen a ghost.4. a) he acts as if he has a very high opinion of himself.b) He acts as if he were the heir to the throne.ClozeVIII.1 prone2 in the long run3 preclude4 obsessed5 though6 distinguishing7 positive 8 beneficial 9 Even if 10 therapy第五单元StructureIX.1. If only you could say longer in Britain- your English might improve.2. children may enter the club only if they are accompanied by adults.3. if only you told me you had a spare ticket for the show.4. you can go to the sky-diving exhibition only if you promise you won’t try if yourself.5. the students at this university are allowed to take up part-time employment only if it doesn’t interfere with their studies.6. If only she hadn’t told my mother, everything would have been all right.X.1. having traveled a lot, he knows a great deal about other culture.2. having finished all her housework, she decided to see what was on TV.3. having spent nearly all our money, we couldn’t afford to stay in a hotel.4. having forgotten his telephone number, she didn’t know how to get in touch with him.5. having cleaned the windows, he started to mop the floor.6. having taken the medicine you gave me, I feel much better.XI.1. Seeing so many people around her living in poverty2. Bringing up the subject at the meeting3. Looking back on the past4. Staying up late studying before an examination5. Working full-time and being a full-time student6. Living at home rent-freeClozeXIV.1. knowing2. out3. inquired4. stunned5. priority6. stunning7. available 8. As 9. up 10. make 11. on 12. get 13. ultimately 14. first 15. assume第六单元StructureVIII.1. Originally located in London, the museum was moved to Hertfordshire in 1946.2. Asked what his plan was for the coming year, the manager promised to further develop the domestic market.3. Composed in 1878, this symphony is based on a classical Chinese love story.4. Designed for visitors to touch or play with, many modern museum exhibits are at once entertaining and educational.5. Aided by technology, science helps mankind to gain increasing control over the environment.IX.1. A star scientist in more ways than one, Steven Hawking has achieved far more than most people ever dream of.2. An Italian mathematician and astronomer, Galileo was the first scientist to start using his eyes, both literally and figuratively.3. A figure of classroom fun, hawking spoke with a slight lisp inherited from father.4. A group of some forty students, the Poetry Society holds regular meetings where the members recite their poems.5. A fascinating combination of ancient and modern China, Beijing attracts huge numbers of tourists from around the world every year.ClozeXII.1. Accompanying2. Behind3. device4. pose5. awkward6. remaining7. out8. into9. by 10. ___ 11. govern 12. in 13. ___ 14. as if 15. ultimate 16. At last翻译Unit1l 老伴60多岁中风去世时,那位72岁的退休教授不胜悲痛。
Unit 7A如果你常常生气、身心疲乏,好像你生活中的压力正在快速地积聚,将要失去控制,那么你可能是在损害你的心脏了。
这是罗伯特·S. 埃利奥特博士的观点。
21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册A B课文翻译及课后翻译题
![21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册A B课文翻译及课后翻译题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bc0b17dfb9f3f90f76c61b10.png)
第一单元Text A、Winston Churchill—His Other LifeMy father, Winston Churchill, began his love affair with painting in his 40s, amid disastrous circumstances. As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he had been deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war. But when the mission failed, with great loss of life, Churchill paid the price, both publicly and privately: He was removed from the Admiralty and lost his position of political influence.我的父亲温斯顿?丘吉尔是在 40 几岁开始迷恋上绘画的,当时他正身处逆境。
1915 年,作为海军大臣,他深深地卷入了达达尼尔海峡的一场战役。
Overwhelmed by the disaster — "I thought he would die of grief," said his wife, Clementine — he retired with his family to Hoe Farm, a country retreat in Surrey. There, as Churchill later recalled, "The muse of painting came to my rescue!"“我本以为他会因忧伤而死的。
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"Very hesitantly I selected a tube of blue paint, and with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white field. At that moment I heard the sound of a motorcar in the drive and threw down my brush in a panic. I was even more alarmed when I saw who stepped from the car: the wife of Sir John Lavery, the celebrated painter who lived nearby.“我迟疑不决地选了一管蓝色颜料,然后小心翼翼地在雪白的底子上的画上蚕豆般大小的一笔。
"'Painting!' she declared. 'What fun. But what are you waiting for? Let me have the brush —the big one.' She plunged into the paints and before I knew it, she had swept several fierce strokes and slashes of blue on the absolutely terrified canvas. Anyone could see it could not hit back. I hesitated no more. I seized the largest brush and fell upon my wretched victim with wild fury. I have never felt any fear of a canvas since."‘在画画呢!’她大声说道。
可你还在等什么呢? 把画笔给我---大的那支。
”This belief in hard work is the first of three main factors contributing to Asian students' outstanding performance. It springs from Asians' common heritage of Confucianism, the philosophy of the5th-century-BC Chinese sage whose teachings have had a profound influence on Chinese society. One of Confucius's primary teachings is that through effort, people can perfect themselves.这种对于勤奋的信念是促成亚洲学生成绩突出的三大要素中的第一个。
Confucianism provides another important ingredient in the Asians' success as well. In Confucian philosophy, the family plays a central role —an orientation that leads people to work for the honor of the family, not just for themselves. One can never repay one's parents, and there's a sense ofobligation or even guilt that is as strong a force among Asians as Protestant philosophy is in the West.儒教也为亚洲人的成功提供了另一个要素。
The first cultural translator I ever met was an installation engineer, George by name, who worked for an American company where I was the director of international operations. The company had just started a joint venture with a Japanese firm, and the American management needed someone to train the Japanese employees in its unique technology. George's solid understanding of the equipment, its installation and use made him the best-qualified employee for the job, so everyone was happy when George accepted a two-year contract for temporary transfer to Japan.我遇到的第一位文化翻译是一位设备安装工程师名叫乔治他在一家我担任国际业务部主任的美国公司里工作。
From the start, George was well accepted by all the Japanese employees. Japanese managers often distrust anyone sent to represent US owners, but George was so naturally nonassertive that no one could see him as a threat to their careers. So they felt comfortable asking his advice on a wide range of matters, including the odd behavior of their partners across the ocean. Engineers throughout the company appreciated George's expertise and his friendly and capable help, and they got into the habit of turning to him whenever they had a problem —any problem. And the secretaries in the office were eager to help this nice bachelor learn Japanese.从一开始乔治就被所有的日本雇员欣然接受。
Failure is never pleasant. It hurts adults and children alike. But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it. Step one is to ask, "Why did I fail?" Resist the natural impulse to blame someone else. Ask yourself what you did wrong, how you can improve. If someone else can help, don't be shy about inquiring.失败从来就不是什么令人愉快的事情。
Success, which encourages repetition of old behavior, is not nearly as good a teacher as failure. You can learn from a disastrous party how to give a good one, from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second. Even a failure that seems total can prompt fresh thinking, a change of direction.成功鼓励人们重复过去的行为因而远不及失败这个老师来得好。