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Unit 1 Lesson 1 【教材分析】

《快乐英语教材》根据教育部《英语课程标准》 (实验稿)》的精神编写,以功能训练为主,突出语言的实践性和交际性,符合儿童的认知特点,有利于培养他们的学习兴趣与语感;有利于学生了解英语国家的文化、习俗,培养他们对异国文化的正确态度;有利于培养学生用英语进行交流和做事情的能力,提高他们的思维能力和认识世界的能力。本单元的重点是学习有关生活作息方面的动词及动词短语,需要掌握What time is it? 等几个重点句型。作为第一单元的第一课,主要是向学生呈现动词词组:go to school\gut up\have breakfast\hurry up 及重点句型:What time is it? It ' s….It' s time to…。并复习数字的内容。


1. Knowledge Aims:

(1) The Words: get up, time, hurry up, breakfast, slippers.

(2) The Structure: What time is it? It ' s … .

It' s time to … .

(4) The Functions: talk about the time.

2. Ability Aims:

(1) Listening: Listen and answer. / Listen and repeat.

(2) Speaking: Make sentences with the new structure/ look and say.

(3) Reading: Read the text/ Read and answer the questions.

(4) Writing: The new words./ The key structures. / Listen and write.

3. Emotion Aims:

Let the students make a timetalbe and do something on time.


1. Focuses: The new words and the key structures. Improving English abilities.

2. Difficulties: The key structures.


一、Leading in by guessing

1. Warm Up

(1) Greeting

T: Good morning, everyone!

Ss: Good morning, Mr Yin.

T: How was your spring festival?

Ss: That ' s great.

T: Who is the busy person in your family?

2. free talk and Lead In (Let them talk about who the busy person is.)

T: (click on the PPT and show mother s pictures.) I think your mothers are the

busiest person in the family.Do you agree?

Ss: Yes.

T: You know Womem' s Day is coming soon. We should say: Happy Women 's Day for our mothers. Yes or No?

Ss: Yes.

T:Let ' s say together.

(Ss say it together.)

T: 我们的妈妈每天不仅要工作,还要为我们做饭,叫我们起床,确实是太辛苦了。那么我们


Ss: 应该。

T: 老师觉得呀你们应该养成良好的作息习惯,下面老师给你们带来了一位好朋友。它能帮助大家养成良好的生活习惯,你们猜猜它是谁?

Ss: It ' s …。

(如学生说出具体时间有困难,老师可带学生数一下钟表的指针,或直接回答数字也可) 设计意图:本课是开学来的第一堂英语课,精彩的寒假生活使学生变得十分兴奋,但往往会忽略了为家人操劳的母亲。因此,我设计了Greeting 这一环节,让学生谈论Who is the busiest person in your family? ,让他们谈论谁是家里最辛苦的人。“ 00”后孩子自私,他们将父母的付出算做理所应当,不懂得感恩。通过这个环节,重点加强学生的情感态度和价值观的形成教育,使学生懂得感激父母。然后,鼓励学生养成良好的作息时间。从而导入了本课的教学内容。

二.Present the new structure and the new text:

1.New structure and the new words:

T:look, what is it?(show a clock)

Ss: I t ' s a clock.

T: Yes, It ' s a clcok.

T: Look, What time is it? ( 点击课件出示重点句。)[ 由于本句子在前册书已经学过,所


Ss: I t ' s …… . 如学生不会回答,教师可以指着时针与学生一齐数一数,所以这个数一定要大一些,如12。这样可以代学生复习一下1-12 的数字,又可以加深对时钟的认识。
