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Do not make rash and hasty decisions.


The Master and his Student

Once, a Master was walking on the banks of a river. Suddenly, he heard a cry. He ran to the riverside and saw his Student in the water. The Student was waving his arms and crying out loud. When he saw the Master, he shouted, “Master! Please help me. I will drown in the river.”

The Master asked his Student to stay calm. He said, “Son! Do not panic! I shall find a way to bring you out. But how did you fall into the river?”

The Student r eplied, “I was learning how to swim with the help of a log of wood. After a while, I felt I could swim without it. So, I left the log and started swimming without it. The force of the stream was very rough and I lost my balance.”

The Master looked around for another log of wood, and found one lying upon the bank. He threw it towards his Student and said, “Let this be a warning to you. In future, never throw away the log until you are quite sure you have learnt to swim without it.”


MORAL : Perseverance paves way to success

The King and The Spider

Vikram was a brave king. Once, he had to fight against a large army with just a fewsoldiers, he was defeated. He had to run for his life.Vikram took shelter in a forest cave. He was very depressed. His courage had left him.He was blankly gazing at the ceiling of the cave. An interesting scene captured hisattention.A small spider was trying to weave a web across the cave ceiling. As the spider crawledup, a thread of the web broke and the spider fell down. But the spider did not give up. Hetried to climb again and again. Finally, the spider successfully climbed up and completedthe web.Vikram began to think, "If a small spider can face failure so bravely, why should I giveup? I will try with all might till I win". This thought gave strength to the defeated king.Vikram got out of the jungle and collected his brave soldiers. He fought against the largearmy. He was defeated again. But now, he would not give up his fight.Vikram again and again fought against the large army and finally, after many attemptsdefeated the large army and regained his kingdom. He had learnt a lesson from the spider.


The Paper Kite

A beautiful Paper Kite was flying high in the sky. It was brightly coloured, with long, curly tassels and a long string.

The Paper Kite was so high up, above all the trees and other kites, that it was giddy with excitement.

Admiring itself, it said loudly, “0 look at me flying so gracefully! If I were free, I could go far away.”The Paper Kite tugged at its string, as it wanted to fly right through the clouds and above the
