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Home in Heart


Scene I

(The woman is cleaning the table after breakfast while the man is ready for work. )

W: Don’t forget to have the parents’ meeting this afternoon. Y our company is near the school. Y ou are to find time to go to the school.

M: No time. Y ou should go instead of me.

W: Y ou are always busy from morning to night. (throw a bowl onto the floor) When will you care about our child and me? (become very angry)

M: Don’t find faults with me. Don’t you know I have been working so hard that I have been exhausted.

W: My God, I can’t live with you again. Divorce! (shout)

M: Isn’ t that a parents’ meeting ? Who is going is not the same? Really annoying! (Mobile phone is ringing) Manager Zhang! Ok! Ok! Ok! I’ll come at once!

Scene II

M: Honey! Honey! I am back! Honey! Why don’t you turn on the lights? I have a good piece of news to tell you. Our manager has promised me to raise my salary and offered me a three-day holiday, for I finished a good case. Honey! Oh! Divorce Petition.

( I have taken all my belongings .The house will be yours . The savings will be mine. Our child lives with me. Anyway, you are too busy to take care of him. However, you must offer 800 yuan for his growing each month.

Scene III

(arrive at parents’ home, and knock at the door)

Mum: (open the door, and be surprised)

My dear son! Why do you come back alone? Where are your wife and my lovely little grandson? What happened?

Son: (smile) Nothing! Nothing! I just miss you!

Mum: My dear! Our son has come back.

Dad: Dear son! (Give hugs) Y ou are always busy, but why have you got time today?

Son: I was really busy some time ago, but now I have free time, so I come back and visit you and my mum.

Mum: (anxious) What’s up? Is there anything wrong with your work? Did you quarrel with my daughter-in-law?

Son: Mum! I’m fine. Everything goes on well! I finished an good case, and I will get a more perfect position and salary soon. My boss gave me a 3-day holiday to have a good rest.

Then, mum, could you let me in?

Mum: (Happy)

Of course, come in!

(and turn to her husband)

My dear, since our dear son comes back, we should cook more delicious dishes for him. So I think you can help me to buy some materials for cooking. Ok?

Dad: (go out ) Ok!

Scene IV

(Mum and son sat in the sofa of their sitting room.)

Mum: Fruits are good for your health, and you should eat more. (Phone rang)

Hello, what’s wrong, my dear? (on the telephone line)

Dad:I almost forgot the chrysanthemum tea that I have prepared is on the windowsill. Y ou’d better drink it before it gets cold.

Mum: Ok, I’m going to drink it. (As soon as she drank it , the phone rang again)

Mum: Hello.

Dad: Is it the time we should pay our water bill?

Mum: Y es.

Dad: I’ll do it on my way home, won’t I ?

Mum: Ok, ok, It’s up to you. (sit in the sofa again and talk to his son) Y our dad is always like that. Once he goes out, he can make tens of calls to me. All his savings are donated to telecommunications. ( The phone rang again)

Father: My dear, I know that you like eating yellow croakers. I bought three, are they enough? Mum: They are enough, there are three people altogether.

Man: Mum, Dad is too considerate, you are no longer a kid, is that call necessary?

Mum: My fool son! you don’t understand your father. He is always thoughtful, and keeps the family in his mind. Y ou see, he was afraid that I might fall down when I answered the call, so he bought a mobile phone for me. My dear son, you should realize that home is not the place to deposit money, but a place to put your heart in, understand?

( pat her son on the shoulder)

Man: (Think carefully) The home--- the place to put heart in ( recall the scene : his wife is doing housework) why haven’t I given her telephone calls? (stand up and be ready to go)

Mum: Hey, where are you going?

Man: I’m going to meet your daughter-in law.

Scene V

S: Honey! Don’t leave me. ? Honey! (hold her hand)

Sorry! It’s my fault! I thought if I can make more money, we and our dear son will have a more comfortable life and will be happier. But now, I know I am wrong! Now, I promise to you, from now on, I will put my heart in our home.

D: Honey! (burst into tears)

S: Honey!


( A: Home is the rich soil where young trees grow.

B: Home is a tent which keeps out of the wind and rain.

C: Home is a harbor which takes a shelter from wind.

D: Home is the gas station of one’s life.
