





一、李群(Lie Group)李群是一种同时具有群结构和流形结构的数学对象。








二、李代数(Lie Algebra)李代数是李群的切空间上的代数结构。






对于两个向量场X和Y,李括号[X, Y]被定义为它们的Lie导数的对易子。


它由三个无限小旋转生成元构成,通常记作J₁, J₂和J₃。

它们之间的李括号满足以下关系:[J₁, J₂] = J₃, [J₂, J₃] = J₁, [J₃, J₁] = J₂。









第4章李群李代数⼀、概述1. 李群和李代数的核⼼思想封结⼳逆法则;法则;可以理解为专门⽤于矩阵旋转的东西,符合封结⼳逆1. 可以理解为专门⽤于矩阵旋转的东西,符合,李代数可以理解为旋转向量旋转向量;;李群可以理解为旋转矩阵旋转矩阵,李代数可以理解为2. 李群可以理解为3. 李群是连续群,李代数可以表出李群的导数,所以李代数表⽰的是李群的局部性质;4. 进⽽我们可以理解为:旋转向量表达了旋转矩阵的局部(旋转发⽣那⼀瞬间的领域内)性质;5. 由拉格朗⽇中值定理可知:导数控制函数。









2. 李群的两种求导模型(都是映射到了李代数空间)1. BCH公式线性化(将李群的变化与李代数的变化联系起来);;(复杂)求导模型;(复杂)2. 对李代数求导的对李代数求导的求导模型1. 需要求出左右雅可⽐矩阵的逆;扰动模型;(精简);(精简)对微扰动求导的扰动模型3. 对微扰动求导的1. 不需要求出左右雅可⽐矩阵的逆;3. 这两种求导模型都是会有误差存在的4. 李群和李代数的基础符号1. 特殊正交群SO(3),特殊欧式群SE(3);2. 特殊正交群上的李代数\mathfrak{so}(3),这⾥我们具象化为三维\phi向量或者反对称阵\widehat{\phi};3. 特殊欧式群上的李代数\mathfrak{se}(3),这⾥我们具象化为六维\xi向量或者四维⽅阵\widehat{\xi};\rho表⽰三维空间中的平移,\phi表⽰三维空间中的旋转。




关键词:数据融合;李群李代数;扩展卡尔曼滤波中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-3044(2019)08-0192-021 引言数据融合一直是研究领域的一个热点,是针对一个系统使用多种传感器这一特定问题而展开的一种关于数据处理的研究。




2 李群李代数在数据融合系统模型中研究2.1 引言由于该系统模型算法步骤推导过程复杂,受篇幅限制,只给出具体的算法步骤来分析。


2.2 扩展卡尔曼滤波卡尔曼滤波算法的核心是动态调整权值,本质是通过预测结合测量来估计当前系统的状态,Kalman Filter用预测和测量进行状态估计,并根据卡尔曼增益K来决定用哪个来估计,当系统为线性高斯模型时,滤波器能给出最优的估计,实际系统存在不同程度的非线性,通过线性化方法将非线性系统转换为近似的线性系统,即为扩展卡尔曼滤波EKF,核心思想是围绕滤波值将非线性函数展开成泰勒级数并略去二阶及以上项,得到一个近似的线性化模型,然后应用卡尔曼滤波完成状态估计。

三维空间转动变换 李群的基本概念

三维空间转动变换 李群的基本概念
x2 x2 x3
P’ P x1 x’1Biblioteka x1x1x’1
x'2 x1 sin x2 cos
x'3 x3
R(e3, ) sin
sin cos
0 0
x'2 x'3
R(e3, ) x 2 x3
●利用物理中常用的泡利矩阵,可将转动矩阵写成矩阵指 数函数的形式
r' ea x'a
则 x1' R11 R12 R13 x1
a 1 3
x2 ' R 21
x3 ' R31
R 22 R 32
R 23 x2 R33 x3
xa '
R abx b
♣距离不变要求矩阵R是实正交矩阵 (距离与x2联系,两个列矩阵相乘xT x)
1 (i n!
1 n n!
泡利矩阵: 0 1 0 i 1 0
1 1 0, 2 i
ab ab1 i abcc c1
1 abc 1
abc : 123,231,312 abc : 321,213,132
a2 1, 12 i3, Tra 0, Tr(ab ) 2ab, etc.
♣O(3)群:三维实正交矩阵群 SO(3)+空间反演变换σ群
1. 绕x3(z)转动ω角的变换矩阵 R(e3, )


cos cos cos sin sin (cos cos sin sin cos ) cos sin R(, , ) sin cos cos cos sin (sin cos sin cos cos ) sin sin sin cos sin sin cos
cos( ) sin( ) 0 R(, 0, ) sin( ) cos( ) 0 0 0 1
因此,单位元不仅处在零参数 0 处,亦处 在 0 与 0 处,所以三个欧勒角不是正则参 数.
下面我们给出每一个 U SU(2) 所对应的三维空间正 交变换 R U 的具体表达式. 将(1)、(2)与(4)代入(3)得
* x i x x x ix a b x 3 a b 1 2 3 1 2 * * * x ix x x ix x b a b a 2 3 2 3 1 1 r ( x , x , x ) 由上式可以确定出 之间的 1 2 3 与 r ( x 1, x 2 , x 3 )
M UMU (3)
由于U是幺正矩阵,所以 U U1 . 另矩阵的迹在 相似变换下不变,所以 M 与 M 一样也是一无迹厄 米矩阵. 由于任何 2 2 无迹厄米矩阵都可由泡利 矩阵线性组合给出,所以 M 可以表示成
M r

x 3 x k k x ix 2 k 1 1
M r x 1 1 x 2 2 x 3 3 x3 x ix 2 1 x 1 ix 2 x3



物理学中的群论——三维转动群主讲翦知渐群论-三维转动群第四章三维转动群三维转动群的表示4.1 维转动群的表示§拓扑群和李群42§4.2轴转动群SO (2)§4.3 三维转动群SO (3)§4.4二维特殊幺正群SU (2)§4.1拓扑群和李群连续群的基本概念1拓扑群无限群分为分立无限群和连续无限群有关有限群的理论对于分立无限群来说几乎全部成立定义4.1 连续群的维数, a2, …, a n所标明连续群G的元素由一组实参数a1其中至少有一个参数在某一区域上连续变化,且该组参数对标明群的所有元素是必需的而且足够的则该组参数中连续参数的个数l 称为连续群的维数。

在具体的群中,参数的取法可能不唯一例子如下的线性变换T(a,b)x'= T(a,b)x = ax +b,a,b∈(-∞,+∞), a≠0构成的集合,定义其上的乘法为:T(a1,b1)T(a2,b2)x = T(a1a2, a1b2+b1)x,b b T封闭律是显然的逆元素为T-1(a,b) = T(1/a, -b/a) ,单位元是T(1,0)结合律也容易证明因此{T(a,b)}构成个连续群。


由于群元素的连续性质,需要在群中引入拓扑由于群元素的连续性质需要在群中引入简单说拓扑是个集子集族简单地说,拓扑是一个集合以及它的子集族拓扑学研究的是某个对象在连续变形下不变的性质为简单起见,我们仅讨论其元素可与l 维实内积空间的某个子有对应关系的群有一一对应关系的群集Sl该子集称为参数空间定义4.2 拓扑群群元的乘法法则和取逆法则在群的所有元素处都连续的群,称为拓扑群定义4.3 简单群和混合群拓扑群G的任意两个元素x1和x2在参数空间中如果能用一条或者多条道路连接(道路连通),则该群的参数空间是连通的,该群称为连通群或简单群。




第五章 三维旋转群SO(3)
本章将讨论物理上常用的一种李群三维旋转群 SO(3). 旋转群在物理学的应用中占有十分重要的地位. 它不仅是描述物理系统在普通坐标空间中各向同性的 对称群,也是处理物理系统内部对称性的有用工具. 本章我们将介绍三维旋转群SO(3)的基本知识.
§5.1 三维旋转群SO(3)
r R z ()R y ()R z ( )r R(, , )r
R(, , ) R z ()R y ()R z ( ) cos sin 0 cos 0 sin cos sin 0 sin cos 0 0 1 0 sin cos 0 0 sin 0 cos 0 0 1 0 1
(2) 接着绕新坐标系的 为 r ,其矩阵形式为: r R y (2)

R y () Rz ()R y ()Rz ()
这样绕新坐标系 y 轴的转动,变成绕原坐标系坐 标轴的转动,其中
cos 0 sin R y () 0 1 0 sin 0 cos
2 1 2 1
U(, , ) U1 ( )U 2 ()U1 ( )
U SU(2) R U SO(3) V SU(2) R V SO(3) UV SU(2) RUV SO(3) (8)
现在要证明的是 R UV R UR V ,即两元素乘积的映射等于 两元素映射的乘积. 由前面的(2)、(3)、(4)与(6)式得
M (3)式 VMV
SO(3)群是三参数 [ 2 n(n - 1), n 3] 的李群,在§4.5节 例3中,我们曾求得SO(3)群的群元素. 在那里,三个 群参数选为坐标系绕三个坐标轴的三个转角 1 、 2 、 2 . 在实际应用中,人们通常取三个欧勒角 ( ) 作 为SO(3)群的群参数. 这一节,我们将导出该情况下, SO(3)群的群元素的具体形式. 1


j 2m j j = i −2 m ' ( −1) m −m ' Dm = ( −1) 2( m −m ') Dm ' mi ' m = Dm ' m , j j j Dm ' m 是 Dm ' m ' 的等价表示,以后我们用 Dm ' m 作为转动群表示。 j j 2j j 下面我们讨论 Dm ' m 与 R 之间的关系:由于 D ( u ) = ( −1) D ( − u ) ,当 j = l (整数)时,
r r 算符应有 R(m, ϕ ) = MR(n , ϕ ) M −1 , 所以绕转轴转相同角度的群元属于同一类, 做 M 变换时,
它们的特征标用 χ j (ϕ ) 来表示, 我们选最简单的表示矩阵来计算它。 绕 z 轴转 ϕ 角的表示矩 阵元
⎛ −iα 2 ⎜e 若取 u1 (α ) = ⎜ ⎜ 0 ⎝ ⎞ 0 ⎟ , 则由 h′ = u1 (α ) hu −1 (α ) ,即 α ⎟ i e2⎟ ⎠ ⎞ 0 ⎟⎛ z α ⎟⎜ i ⎝ x + iy e2⎟ ⎠ ⎛ iα x − iy ⎞ ⎜ e 2 ⎜ −z ⎟ ⎠⎜ ⎝ 0 ⎞ 0 ⎟ , α ⎟ −i 2 ⎟ e ⎠
这 R(α , β , γ ) 是相同的转动。所以 SU(2) 群 u 与转动群 R 是二对一的同态关系。 2. 三维转动群的表示
R 与 SU(2) 同态,因此 D j 也是 R 的表示,与 R(α , β , γ ) 同态的 u(α , β , γ ) 为
α +γ
2பைடு நூலகம்
, b = −e
我们可以通过幺正矩阵 M μ v = δ μ v i −2 μ 的相似变换去掉因子 ( −1)m −m ' ,



Euler anglesThisarticle is about the Euler anglesused in mathematics .For the use of thetermin physics and aerospace engi-neering ,see Rigid body dynamics .For chained rotations,chained rotations .Euler angles are three angles introduced by Leonhard Euler to describe the orientation of a rigid body .[1]To describe such an orientation in 3-dimensional Euclidean space three parameters are required.They can be given in several ways,Euler angles being one of them;see charts on SO(3)for others.Euler angles are also used to describe the orientation of a frame of reference (typ-ically,a coordinate system or basis )relative to another.They are typically denoted as α,β,γ,or φ,θ,ψ.Euler angles represent a sequence of three elemental rota-tions ,i.e.rotations about the axes of a coordinate system .For instance,a first rotation about z by an angle α,a sec-ond rotation about x by an angle β,and a last rotation again about y ,by an angle γ.These rotations start from a known standard orientation.In physics,this standard initial orientation is typically represented by a motionless (fixed ,global ,or world )coordinate system ;in linear al-gebra,by a standard basis .Any orientation can be achieved by composing three el-emental rotations.The elemental rotations can either occur about the axes of the fixed coordinate system (extrinsic rotations )or about the axes of a rotating coordi-nate system,which is initially aligned with the fixed one,and modifies its orientation after each elemental rotation (intrinsic rotations ).The rotating coordinate system may be imagined to be rigidly attached to a rigid body.In this case,it is sometimes called a local coordinate system.Without considering the possibility of using two different conventions for the definition of the rotation axes (intrin-sic or extrinsic),there exist twelve possible sequences of rotation axes,divided in two groups:•Proper Euler angles (z-x-z,x-y-x,y-z-y,z-y-z,x-z-x,y-x-y )•Tait–Bryan angles (x-y-z,y-z-x,z-x-y,x-z-y,z-y-x,y-x-z ).Tait–Bryan angles are also called Cardan angles ;nau-tical angles ;heading,elevation,and bank ;or yaw,pitch,and roll .Sometimes,both kinds of sequences are called “Euler angles”.In that case,the sequences of the first group are called proper or classic Euler angles.1Proper Euler anglesyzProper Euler angles representing rotations about z ,N ,and Z axes.The xyz (original)system is shown in blue,the XYZ (ro-tated)system is shown in red.The line of nodes (N )is shown in green.1.1Classic definitionEuler angles are a means of representing the spatial ori-entation of any reference frame (coordinate system or basis )as a composition of three elemental rotations start-ing from a known standard orientation,represented by another frame (sometimes referred to as the original or fixed reference frame,or standard basis ).The reference orientation can be imagined to be an initial orientationfrom which the frame virtually rotates to reach its ac-tual orientation.In the following,the axes of the origi-nal frame are denoted as x ,y ,z and the axes of the rotated frame are denoted as X ,Y ,Z .In geometry and physics ,the rotated coordinate system is often imagined to be rigidlyattached to a rigid body .In this case,it is called a “local”coordinate system,and it is meant to represent both the position and the orientation of the body.The geometrical definition (referred sometimes as static)of the Euler angles is based on the axes of the above-mentioned (original and rotated)reference frames and an 121PROPER EULER ANGLESadditional axis called the line of nodes.The line of nodes (N)is defined as the intersection of the xy and the XY coordinate planes.In other words,it is a line passing through the common origin of both frames,and perpen-dicular to the zZ plane,on which both z and Z lie.The three Euler angles are defined as follows:•α(orφ)is the angle between the x axis and the N axis.•β(orθ)is the angle between the z axis and the Z axis.•γ(orψ)is the angle between the N axis and the X axis.This definition implies that:•αrepresents a rotation around the z axis,•βrepresents a rotation around the N axis,•γrepresents a rotation around the Z axis.Ifβis zero,there is no rotation about N.As a conse-quence,Z coincides with z,αandγrepresent rotations about the same axis(z),and thefinal orientation can be obtained with a single rotation about z,by an angle equal toα+γ.1.2Alternative definitionThe rotated frame XYZ may be imagined to be initially aligned with xyz,before undergoing the three elemental rotations represented by Euler angles.Its successive ori-entations may be denoted as follows:•x-y-z,or x0-y0-z0(initial)•x’-y’-z’,or x1-y1-z1(afterfirst rotation)•x″-y″-z″,or x2-y2-z2(after second rotation)•X-Y-Z,or x3-y3-z3(final)For the above-listed sequence of rotations,the line of nodes N can be simply defined as the orientation of X after thefirst elemental rotation.Hence,N can be simply denoted x’.Moreover,since the third elemental rotation occurs about Z,it does not change the orientation of Z. Hence Z coincides with z″.This allows us to simplify the definition of the Euler angles as follows:•α(orφ)represents a rotation around the z axis,•β(orθ)represents a rotation around the x’axis,•γ(orψ)represents a rotation around the z″axis.1.3ConventionsDifferent authors may use different sets of rotation axes to define Euler angles,or different names for the same angles.Therefore any discussion employing Euler angles should always be preceded by their definition.[2]Unless otherwise stated,this article will use the convention de-scribed above.The three elemental rotations may occur either about the axes xyz of the original coordinate system,which is assumed to remain motionless(extrinsic rotations),or about the axes of the rotating coordinate system XYZ, which changes its orientation after each elemental rota-tion(intrinsic rotations).The definition above uses in-trinsic rotations.There are six possibilities of choosing the rotation axes for proper Euler angles.In all of them,thefirst and third rotation axes are the same.The six possible sequences are:1.z-x’-z″(intrinsic rotations)or z-x-z(extrinsic rota-tions)2.x-y’-x″(intrinsic rotations)or x-y-x(extrinsic rota-tions)3.y-z’-y″(intrinsic rotations)or y-z-y(extrinsic rota-tions)4.z-y’-z″(intrinsic rotations)or z-y-z(extrinsic rota-tions)5.x-z’-x″(intrinsic rotations)or x-z-x(extrinsic rota-tions)6.y-x’-y″(intrinsic rotations)or y-x-y(extrinsic rota-tions)Euler angles between two reference frames are defined only if both frames have the same handedness.1.4Signs and rangesAngles are commonly defined according to the right hand ly,they have positive values when they rep-resent a rotation that appears clockwise when looking in the positive direction of the axis,and negative values when the rotation appears counter-clockwise.The oppo-site convention(left hand rule)is less frequently adopted. About the ranges:•forαandγ,the range is defined modulo2πradians.A valid range could be[−π,π].•forβ,the range coversπradians(but can't be said to be moduloπ).For example could be[0,π]or [−π/2,π/2].3 Angles of a given frameas columns of a matrixof the theoretical ma-Hence the three Eulerthe same result algebra,which is more with unit vectors(X,Y, be seen that:for Y3,projecting itfirstz and the line of nodes. isπ/2−βand cos(π/2−function,inverse cosine functionargument.In this ge-of the solutions is valid. as a sequence of rota-but there will be only is because the sequence frame is not unique if the[3]be useful to represent42TAIT–BRYAN ANGLES2Tait–Bryan anglesTait–Bryan angles.z-y′-x″sequence(intrinsic rotations;N coin-cides with y’).The angle rotation sequence isψ,θ,Ф.Note that in this caseψ>90°andθis a negative angle.The second type of formalism is called Tait–Bryan an-gles,after Peter Guthrie Tait and George H.Bryan.The definitions and notations used for Tait-Bryan angles are similar to those described above for proper Euler an-gles(Classic definition,Alternative definition).The only difference is that Tait–Bryan angles represent rotations about three distinct axes(e.g.x-y-z,or x-y’-z″),while proper Euler angles use the same axis for both thefirst and third elemental rotations(e.g.,z-x-z,or z-x’-z″).This implies a different definition for the line of nodes. In thefirst case it was defined as the intersection between two homologous Cartesian planes(parallel when Euler angles are zero;e.g.xy and XY).In the second one,it is defined as the intersection of two non-homologous planes (perpendicular when Euler angles are zero;e.g.xy and YZ).Tait–Bryan angles.z-x’-y″sequence(intrinsic rotations;N coin-cides with x’)2.1ConventionsThe three elemental rotations may occur either about the axes of the original coordinate system,which remains motionless(extrinsic rotations),or about the axes of the rotating coordinate system,which changes its orientation after each elemental rotation(intrinsic rotations). There are six possibilities of choosing the rotation axes for Tait–Bryan angles.The six possible sequences are:1.x-y’-z″(intrinsic rotations)or x-y-z(extrinsic rota-tions)2.y-z’-x″(intrinsic rotations)or y-z-x(extrinsic rota-tions)3.z-x’-y″(intrinsic rotations)or z-x-y(extrinsic rota-tions)4.x-z’-y″(intrinsic rotations)or x-z-y(extrinsic rota-tions)5.z-y’-x″(intrinsicrotations)or z-y-x(extrinsic rota-tions):the intrinsic rotations are known as:yaw, pitch and roll6.y-x’-z″(intrinsic rotations)or y-x-z(extrinsic rota-tions)2.2Alternative namesThe principal axes of an aircraftTait-Bryan angles,following z-y’-x″(intrinsic rotations) convention,are also known as nautical angles,because they can be used to describe the orientation of a ship or aircraft,or Cardan angles,after the Italian mathemati-cian and physicist Gerolamo Cardano,whofirst described in detail the Cardan suspension and the Cardan joint. They are also called heading,elevation and bank,or yaw,pitch and roll.Notice that the second set of terms is also used for the three aircraft principal axes.3.2Extrinsic rotations 53Relationship with physical mo-tionsSee also:Givens rotations and Davenport rotations3.1IntrinsicrotationsAny target orientation can be reached,starting from a known reference orientation,using a specific sequence of intrinsic rotations,whose magnitudes are the Euler angles of the target orientation.This example uses the z-x′-z″sequence.Intrinsic rotations are elemental rotations that occur about the axes of the rotating coordinate system XYZ ,which changes its orientation after each elemental rotation.The XYZ system rotates,while xyz is fixed.Starting with XYZ overlapping xyz ,a composition of three intrinsic rotations can be used to reach any target orientation for XYZ .The Euler or Tait-Bryan angles (α,β,γ)are the amplitudes of these elemental rotations.For instance,the target orien-tation can be reached as follows:•The XYZ system rotates by αabout the Z axis (which coincides with the z axis).The X axis now lies on theline of nodes.•The XYZ system rotates about the now rotated X axis by β.The Z axis is now in its final orientation,and the X axis remains on the line of nodes.•The XYZ system rotates a third time about the new Z axis by γ.The above-mentioned notation allows us to summarizethis as follows:the three elemental rotations of the XYZ-system occur about z ,x ’and z ″.Indeed,this sequence is often denoted z-x’-z″.Sets of rotation axes associated with both proper Euler angles and Tait-Bryan angles are commonly named using this notation (see above for de-tails).Sometimes,the same sequence is simply called z-x-z ,Z-X-Z ,or 3-1-3,but this notation may be ambiguous as it may be identical to that used for extrinsic rotations.In this case,it becomes necessary to separately specify whether the rotations are intrinsic or extrinsic.Rotation matrices can be used to represent a sequence of intrinsic rotations.For instance,R =X (α)Y (β)Z (γ)represents a composition of intrinsic rotations about axes x-y’-z″,if used to pre-multiply column vectors ,whileR =Z (γ)Y (β)X (α)represents exactly the same composition when used to post-multiply row vectors .See Ambiguities in the def-inition of rotation matrices for more details.3.2Extrinsic rotationsExtrinsic rotations are elemental rotations that occur about the axes of the fixed coordinate system xyz .The XYZ system rotates,while xyz is fixed.Starting with XYZ overlapping xyz ,a composition of three extrinsic rota-tions can be used to reach any target orientation for XYZ .The Euler or Tait-Bryan angles (α,β,γ)are the ampli-tudes of these elemental rotations.For instance,the tar-get orientation can be reached as follows:•The XYZ system rotates about the z axis by α.The X axis is now at angle αwith respect to the x axis.•The XYZ system rotates again about the x axis by β.The Z axis is now at angle βwith respect to the z axis.•The XYZ system rotates a third time about the z axis by γ.In sum,the three elemental rotations occur about z ,x andz .Indeed,this sequence is often denoted z-x-z (or 3-1-3).Sets of rotation axes associated with both proper Euler angles and Tait–Bryan angles are commonly named usingthis notation (see above for details).Rotation matrices can be used to represent a sequence of extrinsic rotations.For instance,R =Z (γ)Y (β)X (α)64GIMBAL MOTION RELATIONSHIPrepresents a composition of extrinsic rotations about axes x-y-z ,if used to pre-multiply column vectors ,while R =X (α)Y (β)Z (γ)represents exactly the same composition when used to post-multiply row vectors .See Ambiguities in the def-inition of rotation matrices for more details.3.3Conversion betweenintrinsic and ex-trinsic rotations A rotation represented by Euler angles (α,β,γ)=(−60°,30°,45°),using z-x’-z″intrinsic rotationsThe same rotation represented by (γ,β,α)=(45°,30°,−60°),using z-x-z extrinsic rotationsAny extrinsic rotation is equivalent to an intrinsic rotation by the same angles but with inverted order of elementalrotations,and vice versa.For instance,the intrinsic rota-tions x-y’-z″by angles α,β,γare equivalent to the extrin-sic rotations z-y-x by angles γ,β,α.Both are represented by a matrixR =X (α)Y (β)Z (γ)if R is used to pre-multiply column vectors ,and by a ma-trixR =Z (γ)Y (β)X (α)if R is used to post-multiply row vectors .See Ambiguities in the definition of rotation matrices for more details.3.3.1The proof of the conversion in the pre-multiply caseThe rotation matrix of the intrinsic rotation sequence x-y’-z″can be obtained by the sequential intrinsic element rotations from the right to the left:R =Z ′′Y ′X.In this process there are three frames related in the in-trinsic rotation sequence.Let’s denote the frame 0as theinitial frame,the frame 1after the first rotation aroundthe x axis ,the frame 2after the second rotation around the y’axis and the frame 3as the third rotation around z″axis.Since a rotation matrix can be represented among these three frames,let’s use the left shoulder index to denote the representation frame.The following notation means therotation matrix that transforms the frame a to the frame b and that is represented in the frame c :cR a →b .An intrinsic element rotation matrix represented in thatframe where the rotation happens has the same value as that of the corresponding extrinsic element rotation ma-trix:R 1→0=X,1R 2→1=Y,2R 3→2=Z.The intrinsic element rotation matrix Y’and Z″repre-sented in the frame 0can be expressed as other forms:Y ′=0R 2→1=0R 1→01R 2→10R −11→0=XY X −1Z ′′=0R 3→2=0R 1→01R 3→20R −11→0=X (1R 2→12R 3→21R −12→1)X−1=XY ZY −1X −1The two equations above are substituted to the first equa-tion:R =Z ′′Y ′X=(XY ZY −1X −1)(XY X −1)X =XY ZY −1(X −1X )Y (X −1X )=XY Z (Y −1Y )=XY Z Therefore,the rotation matrix of an intrinsic element ro-tation sequence is the same as that of the inverse extrinsicelement rotation sequence:R =Z ′′Y ′X =XY Z.4Gimbal motion relationshipEuler basic motions are defined as the movements ob-tained by changing one of the Euler angles while leav-ing the other two constant.Euler rotations are never ex-pressed in terms of the external frame,or in terms of the co-moving rotated body frame,but in a mixture.Theyconstitute a mixed axes of rotation system,where the first angle moves the line of nodes around the external axis z ,the second rotates around the line of nodes and4.2Intermediate frames7the third one is an intrinsic rotation around an axisfixed in the body that moves.These rotations are called precession,nutation,and intrinsic rotation(spin).As an example,consider a top. The top spins around its own axis of symmetry;this cor-responds to its intrinsic rotation.It also rotates around its pivotal axis,with its center of mass orbiting the piv-otal axis;this rotation is a precession.Finally,the top can wobble up and down;the inclination angle is the nutation angle.While all three are rotations when applied over individual frames,only precession is valid as a rotation operator,and only precession can be expressed in general as a matrix in the basis of the space.4.1Gimbal analogyZZNXxLeft:A three axes z-x-z gimbal where the external frame and external axis x are not shown and axes Y are perpendicular to each gimbal ring.Right:A simple diagram showing the Euler angles and where the axes Y of intermediate frames are located.If we suppose a set of frames,able to move each with respect to the former according to just one angle,like a gimbal,there will exist an externalfixed frame,onefi-nal frame and two frames in the middle,which are called “intermediate frames”.The two in the middle work as two gimbal rings that allow the last frame to reach any orientation in space.In these conditions,each Euler rotation works on one of the rings,independently from the rest.4.2Intermediate framesThe gimbal rings indicate some intermediate frames. They can be defined statically too.Taking some vectors i,j and k over the axes x,y and z,and vectors I,J,K over X,Y and Z,and a vector N over the line of nodes,some intermediate frames can be defined using the vector cross product,as following:•origin:[i,j,k](where k=i×j)•first:[N,k×N,k]•second:[N,K×N,K]•final:[I,J,K]These intermediate frames are equivalent to those of the gimbal.They are such that they differ from the previous one in just a single elemental rotation.This proves that:•Any target frame can be reached from the reference frame just composing three rotations.•The values of these three rotations are exactly the Euler angles of the target frame.86PROPERTIES5Relationship to other representa-tionsMain article:Rotation formalisms in three dimensions§Conversion formulae between formalismsEuler angles are one way to represent orientations.There are others,and it is possible to change to and from other conventions.5.1Rotation matrixAny orientation can be achieved by composing three el-emental rotations,starting from a known standard ori-entation.Equivalently,any rotation matrix R can be decomposed as a product of three elemental rotation ma-trices.For instance:R=X(α)Y(β)Z(γ)is a rotation matrix that may be used to represent a com-position of intrinsic rotations about axes x-y’-z″.How-ever,both the definition of the elemental rotation ma-trices X,Y,Z,and their multiplication order depend on the choices taken by the user about the definition of both rotation matrices and Euler angles(see,for instance, Ambiguities in the definition of rotation matrices).Un-fortunately,different sets of conventions are adopted by users in different contexts.The following table was built according to this set of conventions:1.Each matrix is meant to operate by pre-multiplyingcolumn vectors(see Ambiguities in the definition of rotation matrices)2.Each matrix is meant to represent an active rota-tion(the composing and composed matrices are sup-posed to act on the coordinates of vectors defined in the initialfixed reference frame and give as a re-sult the coordinates of a rotated vector defined in the same reference frame).3.Each matrix is meant to represent the compositionof intrinsic rotations(around the axes of the rotating reference frame).4.Right handed reference frames are adopted,and theright hand rule is used to determine the sign of the anglesα,β,γ.For the sake of simplicity,the following table uses the following nomenclature:1.1,2,3represent the anglesα,β,γ.2.X,Y,Z are the matrices representing the elementalrotations about the axes x,y,z of thefixed frame(e.g.,X1represents a rotation about x by an angleα).3.s and c represent sine and cosine(e.g.,s1representsthe sine ofα).4.Each matrix is denoted by the formula used to cal-culate it.If R=Z1X2Z3,we name it Z1X2Z3 .To change the formulas for the opposite direction of ro-tation,change the signs of the sine functions.To change the formulas for passive rotations,transpose the matri-ces(then each matrix transforms the initial coordinates of a vector remainingfixed to the coordinates of the same vector measured in the rotated reference system;same ro-tation axis,same angles,but now the coordinate system rotates,rather than the vector).5.2QuaternionsUnit quaternions,also known as Euler–Rodrigues param-eters,provide another mechanism for representing3D ro-tations.This is equivalent to the special unitary group description.Expressing rotations in3D as unit quaternions instead of matrices has some advantages:•Concatenating rotations is computationally faster and numerically more stable.•Extracting the angle and axis of rotation is simpler.•Interpolation is more straightforward.See for exam-ple slerp.•Quaternions do not suffer from gimbal lock as Euler angles do.5.3Geometric algebraOther representation comes from the Geometric alge-bra(GA).GA is a higher level abstraction,in which the quaternions are an even subalgebra.The principal tool in GA is the rotor R=[cos(θ/2)−Iu sin(θ/2)]whereθ= angle of rotation,(u)=rotation axis(unitary vector)and (I)=pseudoscalar(trivector in R3)6PropertiesSee also:Charts on SO(3)and Quaternions and spatial rotation9The Euler angles form a chart on all of SO(3),the special orthogonal group of rotations in 3D space.The chart is smooth except for a polar coordinate style singular-ity along β=0.See charts on SO(3)for a more complete treatment.The space of rotations is called in general “The Hypersphere of rotations ",though this is a misnomer:the group Spin(3)is isometric to the hypersphere S 3,but the rotation space SO(3)is instead isometric to the real pro-jective space RP 3which is a 2-fold quotient space of the hypersphere.This 2-to-1ambiguity is the mathematical origin of spin in physics .A similar three angle decomposition applies to SU(2),the special unitary group of rotations in complex 2D space,with the difference that βranges from 0to 2π.These are also called Euler angles.The Haar measure for Euler angles has the simple formsin(β).dα.dβ.dγ,usually normalized by a factor of 1/8π².For example,to generate uniformly randomized orienta-tions,let αand γbe uniform from 0to 2π,let z be uniform from −1to 1,and let β=arccos(z ).7Higher dimensionsIt is possible to define parameters analogous to the Euler angles in dimensions higher than three.[4]The number of degrees of freedom of a rotation matrix is always less than the dimension of the matrix squared.That is,the elements of a rotation matrix are not all com-pletely independent.For example,the rotation matrix in dimension 2has only one degree of freedom,since all four of its elements depend on a single angle of rotation.A rotation matrix in dimension 3(which has nine ele-ments)has three degrees of freedom,corresponding to each independent rotation,for example by its three Euler angles or a magnitude one (unit)quaternion.In SO(4)the rotation matrix is defined by two quater-nions ,and is therefore 6-parametric (three degrees of freedom for every quaternion).The 4×4rotation matri-ces have therefore 6out of 16independent components.Any set of 6parameters that define the rotation matrixcould be considered an extension of Euler angles to di-mension 4.In general,the number of euler angles in dimension D is quadratic in D;since any one rotation consists of choos-ing two dimensions to rotate between,the total number of rotations available in dimension D is N rot =(D 2)=D (D −1)/2,which for D =2,3,4yields N rot =1,3,6.A gyroscope keeps its rotation axis constant.Therefore,angles measured in this frame are equivalent to angles measured in the lab frame 8Applications8.1Vehicles and moving framesMain article:rigid body See also:axes conventionsTheir main advantage over other orientationdescrip-Industrial robot operating in a foundry.tions is that they are directly measurable from a gimbal mounted in a vehicle.As gyroscopes keep their rotation axis constant,angles measured in a gyro frame are equiva-lent to angles measured in the lab frame.Therefore gyros are used to know the actual orientation of moving space-craft,and Euler angles are directly measurable.Intrin-sic rotation angle cannot be read from a single gimbal,108APPLICATIONSso there has to be more than one gimbal in a spacecraft. Normally there are at least three for redundancy.There is also a relation to the well-known gimbal lock problem of mechanical engineering[5].Heading,elevation and bank for an aircraft with axes DIN9300 The most popular application is to describe aircraft at-titudes,normally using a Tait–Bryan convention so that zero degrees elevation represents the horizontal attitude. Tait–Bryan angles represent the orientation of the aircraft respect a reference axis system(world frame)with three angles which in the context of an aircraft are normally called Heading,Elevation and Bank.When dealing with vehicles,different axes conventions are possible.When studying rigid bodies in general,one calls the xyz system space coordinates,and the XYZ system body co-ordinates.The space coordinates are treated as unmov-ing,while the body coordinates are considered embedded in the moving body.Calculations involving acceleration, angular acceleration,angular velocity,angular momen-tum,and kinetic energy are often easiest in body coordi-nates,because then the moment of inertia tensor does not change in time.If one also diagonalizes the rigid body’s moment of inertia tensor(with nine components,six of which are independent),then one has a set of coordinates (called the principal axes)in which the momentof inertia tensor has only three components.The angular velocity of a rigid body takes a simple form using Euler angles in the moving frame.Also the Euler’s rigid body equations are simpler because the inertia tensor is constant in that frame.Polefigures displaying crystallographic texture of gamma-TiAl in an alpha2-gamma alloy,as measured by high energy X-rays.[6] 8.2Crystallographic textureIn materials science,crystallographic texture(or pre-ferred orientation)can be described using Euler angles. In texture analysis,the Euler angles provide a mathemat-ical depiction of the orientation of individual crystallites within a polycrystalline material,allowing for the quan-titative description of the macroscopic material.[7]The most common definition of the angles is due to Bunge and corresponds to the ZXZ convention.It is important to note,however,that the application generally involves axis transformations of tensor quantities,i.e.passive ro-tations.Thus the matrix that corresponds to the Bunge Euler angles is the transpose of that shown in the table above.[8]8.3OthersEuler angles,normally in the Tait–Bryan convention,are also used in robotics for speaking about the degrees of freedom of a wrist.They are also used in Electronic sta-bility control in a similar way.Gunfire control systems require corrections to gun-order angles(bearing and elevation)to compensate for deck tilt (pitch and roll).In traditional systems,a stabilizing gyro-scope with a vertical spin axis corrects for deck tilt,and stabilizes the optical sights and radar antenna.However, gun barrels point in a direction different from the line of sight to the target,to anticipate target movement and fall of the projectile due to gravity,among other factors.Gun mounts roll and pitch with the deck plane,but also require stabilization.Gun orders include angles computed from the vertical gyro data,and those computations involve Eu-ler angles.Euler angles are also used extensively in the quantum me-chanics of angular momentum.In quantum mechanics, explicit descriptions of the representations of SO(3)are very important for calculations,and almost all the work has been done using Euler angles.In the early history of quantum mechanics,when physicists and chemists had a。



3.3 SO(3)群的欧拉角表示
1. 绕z轴转动alpha角 R(ez; ®)~r = ~r 0; 0 · ® < 2¼
2. 绕y’轴转动beta角 R(e0y; ¯)~r 0 = ~r 00; 0 · ¯ · ¼
3. 绕z’’轴转动gamma角 R(e0z0; °)~r 00 = ~r 000; 0 · ° < 2¼
¡ sin μ
cos μ
R(n^; w) = S(μ; Á)R(ez; w)S¡1(μ; Á)
n2x(1 ¡ cos w) + cos w nxny(1 ¡ cos w) + nz sin w
nxny(1 ¡ cos w) ¡ nz sin w n2y(1 ¡ cos w) + cos w
¡i 2
1 2
i(a¤b ¡ ab¤)
nxnz(1 ¡ cos w) ¡ ny sin w nynz(1 ¡ cos w) + nx sin w
1 nxnz(1 ¡ cos w) + ny sin w nynz(1 ¡ cos w) ¡ nx sin w CA
n2z(1 ¡ cos w) + cos w
nx = sin μ cos Á; ny = sin μ sin Á; nz = cos μ


r R z ()R y ()R z ( )r R(, , )r
R(, , ) R z ()R y ()R z ( ) cos sin 0 cos 0 sin cos sin 0 sin cos 0 0 1 0 sin cos 0 0 sin 0 cos 0 0 1 0 1
采用欧勒角描述SO(3)群的转动时,其转动方 式如下: (1) 先将坐标系绕z轴转 角,这时矢量 r 变 为 r ,其矩阵形式为: 其中
r R z ()r
cos sin 0 R z ( ) sin cos 0 0 0 1
SO(3)群是三参数 [ 2 n(n - 1), n 3] 的李群,在§4.5节 例3中,我们曾求得SO(3)群的群元素. 在那里,三个 群参数选为坐标系绕三个坐标轴的三个转角 1 、 2 、 2 . 在实际应用中,人们通常取三个欧勒角 ( ) 作 为SO(3)群的群参数. 这一节,我们将导出该情况下, SO(3)群的群元素的具体形式. 1
(2) 接着绕新坐标系的 为 r ,其矩阵形式为: r R y ()r
轴转 角,变矢量 r

R y () Rz ()R y ()Rz ()
这样绕新坐标系 y 轴的转动,变成绕原坐标系坐 标轴的转动,其中
cos 0 sin R y () 0 1 0 sin 0 cos
a b 1
2 2
SU(2)群与SO(3)群一样也是一个三参数李群. SO(3)与SU(2)两群间存在着同态关系,具体地 说就是SO(3)群中的一个元素对应于SU(2)群中的两 个元素,下面我们来证明这一结论. 设三维空间矢量 r 的分量为 ( x 1, x 2 , x 3 ) . 它与 泡利矩阵的点积为:

视觉SLAM十四讲 第四讲 李群与李代数

视觉SLAM十四讲 第四讲 李群与李代数

18 4.1 李群李代数基础
• 请读者验证 so(3) 和 se(3) 满足李代数各性质。 • 注:
• 不同书籍对se(3)的平移/旋转分量的先后顺序定义不同。这里使用平移在前的方式,也 有地方是旋转在前的。
• 把李代数理解成向量形式或矩阵形式都是可以的。向量形式更加自然一些。
4.2 指数映射和对数映射反对称符号来自• 两侧右乘R(t),得
• 可以看到,对R求导后,左侧多出一个
13 4.1 李群李代数基础

14 4.1 李群李代数基础
• 该式说明,对任意t,都可以找到一个R和一个 的对应关系
• 该关系称为指数映射(Exponential Map)
• 这里的
• 问题:
• so(3)的定义和性质? • 指数映射如何求?
15 4.1 李群李代数基础
• 李代数(Lie Algebra):
• 每个李群都有与之对应的李代数。李代数描述了李群单位元数的正切空间性质。
16 4.1 李群李代数基础
• 其中二元运算[,]被称为李括号(Lie Bracket)。
• 直观上说,李括号表达了两个元素的差异。
• 完整形式非常复杂,见:https:///wiki/Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff\_formula
• 部分展开式:(方括号为李括号)
28 4.3 李代数求导与扰动模型
• 当其中一个量为小量时,忽略其高阶项,BCH具有线性近似形式:
• 这里的
• 通常记作小写的so(3)和se(3)。书中以哥特体突出显示。
• 事实上是李群单位元处的正切空间。
• 李代数的引出:



李群定义 我们所讨论的拓扑群所在的拓扑空间 G 与 R × R × L × R = R r 实空间之 间 存 在 着 1-1 对 应 有 映 射 g : R r → G 使 g ( a1, a 2 , L , a r ) ∈ G
a i ∈ R, i = 1, 2,3, L , r g ( a ) = g ( a1 , a2 , L, ar )
' 8
′ ′′ 再作变换得到 X ′ 4 和 X8 1 0 0 ′ 0 − 1 0 X′ 4 = 0 0 0 三
1 0 0 1 ′′ = X8 0 1 0 3 0 0 − 2
作为 SU(3)群的无穷小产生子
自旋 我们都知道电子有自旋 儿自旋变量只能取 ±
α, β 是连续可微的函数 满足 γ = f (α, β) 和 γ = f (γ ,0) = f ( 0, γ ) g ( a ) −1
其 参 量 为 a' 则 0 = f (a , a ' )
g (α)( g ( β) g (γ )) = ( g (α) g ( β)) g (γ ) ⇒ f [α, f ( β, γ )] = f [ f (α, β), γ ] 并且 f
ai = 0
0 i = − i 0
0 − 1 = 1 0 i 0 ai = 0 = 0 − i
ai =0
它们之间有对易式 将 X i 乘以
[X , X ] = 2ε
i j
2 i
X i 变为 Pauli 矩阵 σi



李代数知识点总结李代数的概念是由挪威数学家Sophus Lie提出的。


李代数的基本概念是李括号(Lie bracket)和李群(Lie group), 其中李括号是在向量空间上定义的二元运算,满足一定的性质。



一、李代数的基本定义和性质1. 定义:李代数是定义在一个向量空间上的一种代数结构,它是一个满足以下性质的向量空间和二元运算的组合:(1)封闭性:对于任意两个元素x, y∈V,它们的李括号[x, y]∈V;(2)双线性:李括号[x, y]是关于x和y线性的;(3)对称性:李括号的对称性[x, y] = −[y, x];(4)Jacobi等式:对任意的x, y, z∈V,李括号满足Jacobi等式[x, [y, z]] + [y, [z, x]] + [z, [x, y]] = 0。

2. 李代数的例子:一个最简单的李代数是一维向量空间R上的李代数,它的李括号可以定义为对任意的x, y∈R,[x, y] = 0。

另一个例子是三维欧几里得空间R^3上的李代数,它的李括号可以定义为对任意的x=(x1, x2, x3), y=(y1, y2, y3)∈R^3,[x, y] = (x2y3 − x3y2, x3y1 − x1y3, x1y2 − x2y1)。

3. 李代数的性质:李代数有许多重要的性质,其中最重要的是Lie括号的Jacobi等式,它保证了李代数的代数结构的稳定性。




群论-4 三维转动群

群论-4 三维转动群
—— 三维转动群
主讲 翦知渐
第四章 三维转动群
§4.1 §4.2 §4.3 §4.4 拓扑群和李群 轴转动群SO(2) 三维转动群SO(3) 二维特殊幺正群SU(2)
§4.1 拓扑群和李群
无限群分为分立无限群和连续无限群 有关有限群的理论对于分立无限群来说几乎全部成立 连续群的元素个数是不可数的 1 连续群的定义 连续群G的元素由一组实参数a1, a2, …, an 确定 ——该组参数对标明群的所有元素是必需的而且足够的 其中至少有一个参数在某一区域上连续变化 该组参数中连续参数的个数 l 称为连续群的维数
取逆法则的连续性:对于任意元素x, 其邻域中的任何元素的逆均属于其逆x-1 的邻域
简单群和混合群 拓扑群G的任意两个元素x1和x2在参数空间中如果能用一条或 者多条道路连接(道路连通),则该群的参数空间是连通的, 该群称为连通群或简单群。 若群的参数空间形成不相连结的若干片,则该群称为混合群。 连通群:三维转动群SO(3) 混合群:三维实正交群O(3) ;{T(a, b)} 多重连通群 简单群根据其参数空间的拓扑,进一步分为单连通和多连通 的。若任意群元在参数空间中的连通道路恰有k条,并且它们 不能通过在参数空间内部的连续形变而重合,则称该群为k重 连通。k称为连通度。 双连通
4) T(ϕ)是一个作用在函数f(x, y)上的转动变换,函数f(x, y)定 义于(x, y)平面上,而转动轴为z轴:



李群中的三维旋转群1、群的定义群的定义:设G 是一个集合,若满足下面四个条件,则称G 为一个群(Group )。

(1) G 中有一种对应规则(通称为乘法):对G 中任意二元素g ,h ∈G ,对应G 中的一元素k (称为g 与h 之乘积)记为,k=g ▫h (或gh )。


(2) 乘法满足结合律:对G 中任意三元素g ,h ,k 满足:(gh)k=g(hk)。

(3) G 中存在一个幺元e ,使对G 中任意元素g ,均有:ge=eg=g 。

(4) G 中每一元素g ,均存在一个逆元g -1,使g g -1= g -1g=e 。


若一群G 的任意两个元素的乘法均可交换:gh=hg ,∀g ,h ∈G ,则称G 为可交换群或Abel 群。

2、 什么是李群Lie 群的定义:设G 是一个r 维流形,同时G 又是一个群,其幺元记为e 。

因e 又是流形G 中的一点,所以可取定一个包含e 的局部坐标领域U ;在U 中取定坐标系{U ,φ}。

设取e 为坐标原点;()(0,0,,0)e ϕ=对U 中的三元素g ,h ,k ,设其坐标分别为121212()(,,,)()(,,,)()(,,,)r r r g x x x h y y y k z z z ϕϕϕ=== 则群的乘法k=gh 可以用相应的坐标来表示:121212()(,,,)()(,,,)()(,,,)r r r g x x x h y y y k z z z ϕϕϕ=== 111212221212331212(,,,;,,,),(,,,;,,,),(,,,;,,,).r r r r r r z f x x x y y y z f x x x y y y z f x x x y y y ===在上式不至引起混淆可记为(,)z f x y =,我们要求这r 个函数12,,,r f f f是无限次可导的,即光滑的。



代表恒元E的点可以通过一条完全在群空间 R
(2) 群元素 简单李群:群元素可表示为无穷多个无穷小元素的乘积
混合李群:除无穷小元素外,还需在群空间每一个连续片 给出一个特殊元素(包括恒元),它们的乘积才能表示出 任意群元素
(A)ax (x) j 0xa
I(j0) i
(Ax)a j 0 xa
PA(x)(x)i jI(j0)(x) j1
这样 李群中无穷多个无穷小元素对标量函数的作用 就 可以用g个微量微分算符I(0)j完全描写
A(α) A,B是无穷小元素,但不一定很小, B(β) 参数α,β是无穷小量
2. 局域性质 ➢无穷小元素与任意元素R的乘积,是R的邻近元素
➢粗略地说,无穷多个无穷小元素相继乘到群元素上,在 群空间表现为 由元素R对应点出发的一条连续曲线
1. 邻近元素 在群空间中,邻近的点对应的元素为邻近元素
无穷小元素 因常把恒元的参数选为零,恒元邻近的元素,参数是无 穷小量,称为无穷小元素 注意:不要把无穷小元素看成是一个很小的元素
无穷小量是一个极限过程 无穷小元素与群元素的微分运算相联系
空间是连通的 简单连续群:群空间是连通的连续群
如 SO(3)群,又称简单李群

第一章 李群的概要_2

第一章  李群的概要_2

令 iJ z , 则 J z i ( x

y x 这是角动量Z分量算符(ħ =1)

ex.3 x1 1 x1 2 x2 f 1 ( x1 x2 a ); x2 3 x1 4 x2 f 2 ( x1 x2 a )
单位元:1= 4=1, 2= 3=0 在此附近展开
ˆ 当并不很小时而很大时。 P 此算子使g(0)变到g(/N) r 在 点上 g g 0 i i g 0 群空间
k 1

i 1

2 g g N N
r i g 0 i g N N i 1
a * b b * a
(有三个独立参量,a,b是复数) a,b很小
1 2 1 2 2 u i v 1 3 2 i
b 1 a g a , b I ( a , b ) * b 1 a*

i i 1 u du u 3u 2 1 v f u u , v , 1 , 2 , 3 2 2 2
i i 1 v dv v 2 1 u 3 v f v u , v, 1 , 2 , 3 2 2 2 f u i u u1 v 1 { } 0 2
0 1 无穷小生成元 dg 0 1 0 d 1 0 0 g e 0 1 0 令 ,则



经典李群概述及其应用第一部分群论简介及发展1.1 对群论的认识群论起源于对代数方程的研究,它是人们对代数方程求解问题逻辑考察的结果。
















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群的定义:设G 是一个集合,若满足下面四个条件,则称G 为一个群(Group )。

(1) G 中有一种对应规则(通称为乘法):对G 中任意二元素g ,h ∈G ,对应
G 中的一元素k (称为g 与h 之乘积)记为,k=g ▫h (或gh )。


(2) 乘法满足结合律:对G 中任意三元素g ,h ,k 满足:(gh)k=g(hk)。

(3) G 中存在一个幺元e ,使对G 中任意元素g ,均有:ge=eg=g 。

(4) G 中每一元素g ,均存在一个逆元g -1,使g g -1= g -1g=e 。


若一群G 的任意两个元素的乘法均可交换:gh=hg ,∀g ,h ∈G ,则称G 为可交换群或Abel 群。

2、 什么是李群
Lie 群的定义:设G 是一个r 维流形,同时G 又是一个群,其幺元记为e 。

因e 又是流形G 中的一点,所以可取定一个包含e 的局部坐标领域U ;在U 中取定
坐标系{U ,φ}。

设取e 为坐标原点;
()(0,0,,0)e ϕ=
对U 中的三元素g ,h ,k ,设其坐标分别为
r r r g x x x h y y y k z z z ϕϕϕ=== 则群的乘法k=gh 可以用相应的坐标来表示:
r r r g x x x h y y y k z z z ϕϕϕ=== 111212221212331212(,,,;,,,),(,,,;,,,),(,,,;,,,).
r r r r r r z f x x x y y y z f x x x y y y z f x x x y y y ===
在上式不至引起混淆可记为(,)z f x y =,我们要求这r 个函数12,,,r f f f

这r 个函数称为G 的乘法函数。

它完全确定了群G 的结构。

这样的群G 就称为一个r 维Lie 群。

(1) 因为幺元e 的坐标为(0,0,,0) ,所以ex xe x ==,用坐标表示出来就是:
1212(,,,;0,0,,0)(0,0,,0;,,,),1,2,,j r j r j f x x x f x x x x j r === 这以关系可简记为(,0)(0,)f x f x x ==。

(2) 群的乘法满足结合律要求;()()gh k g hk =,用坐标表示出就是;
1111111211111((,,,;,,),,(,,,;,,);,,)(,,,;(,,;,,,),,(,,;,,,))1,2,,j r r r r r r j r r r r r r f f x x y y f x x y y z z f x x x f y y z z f y y z z j r
== (3) G 的每一个元素g 都有唯一的逆元g -1,g -1设的坐标为1(,,)r x
x ,则关系式g g -1= g -1g=e 用坐标表示出就是;
1111(,,;,,)(,,;,,)01,2,,j r r j r r f x x x x f x x x x j r
这一关系可简记为(,)(,)0f x x
f x x == 。

直接用乘法函数来研究Lie 群是相当困难的、复杂的。

Lie 的重要贡献在于引进了无穷小变换的概念,使问题大大简化。

这就是Lie 代数的理论。

3、 李群中的三维旋转群
三维旋转群SO (3)。

三维空间饶固定点的一个转动g ∈SO (3),可用单位向量
OP 的方向,一实数θ表示饶OP 转动的角度。

是g 可用(,)n θ

定,所以SO (3)的元素由三个独立参数所确定。


所以SO (3)可以用一个以π


此球内的一点Q 表示一个绕OQ 为轴转动角度为OQ 的转动。

但要注意,此球面上的对径点对应的是群SO (3)的同一个元素,即0(,)n π
与0(,)n π-

所以我们可以用一个半径为π,并将球面的对径点叠合起来的球来表示SO (3)。

这样的模型对研究群SO (3)的整体构造非常有用,(利用这一模型不难证明SO (3)作为一个流行不是单连通的),但对处理一些实际问题却很不方便。

通常对SO (3)我们习惯用Euler 角(,,)θϕψ来描述一个

如图(,,)(,,)g x y z x y z '''−−→
33,g g g x g g g x g g g g y g g g y g g g z g g g z '⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎪'== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎪'⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭
现在用Euler 角来表示出ij g :
cos sin 0sin cos 000
1z g ϕϕϕϕ
ϕ-⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝

cos sin 0sin cos x g θθθθθ⎛⎫ ⎪=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ cos sin 0sin cos 000
1z g ψψψ
ψ-⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝

cos cos cos sin sin cos sin cos sin cos sin sin sin cos cos sin sin sin sin cos sin cos cos sin sin sin cos sin cos z x z g g g g ψθϕ

==+-+- ⎪

因此SO (3)的元素也可由(,,)θϕψ三个独立参数(坐标)确定。

可知SO (3)是一个三维不可交换Lie 群。

为了便于今后将SO (3)推广到n 维的情况,我们再介绍另一种刻划SO (3)的方法。

三维欧式空间3 的内积:
1(,,),(,,),j j j x x x x y y y y x y x y x y x y x y =====++∑
线性变换:()ij g g = 1112131
g g g g x x x g x g g g x g g g x ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪'−−→== ⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭ 3(3),,,,detg>0g SO gx gy x y x y ∈⇔=∀∈ 且 通过直接计算不难验证:,,t gx gy x g gy =
这里t g 表示g 的转置,即t
ij ji g g =。

由3,,,,t x g gy x y x y =∀∈
即得:t g g I =,这里100010001I ⎛⎫

= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭

所以,(3),det 0.t t g SO g g gg I g ∈⇔==>
(仅满足t t g g gg =的线性变换所构成的群称为O (3)——正交群,SO (3)也称为特殊正交群)
3阶矩阵g 共有9个元素(实参数),条件t t g g gg I ==具体写出来,共有6个方程要满足:
0,ij ij
j ij ij
j g g
i g g
i k
所以ij g 9个元素中可以选取3个作为独立参数。

这又一次阐明了SO (3)是一个三维Lie 群。
