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Under the financial crisis to rebuilding accounting

occupation ethics question research literature review


The financial crisis has become an indisputable fact, accounting occupation morals got be pounded badly, be placed in jeopardy of accounting integrity. The accounting personnel in the country, social interests and the interests of individual units, conflicts of interest, not the interests of the temptation of forgery, alteration in accounting information or collusion, lost the basic concept of legal system, in order to meet their own selfish desires and make the non moral behavior, these are serious impact on accounting occupation and the accounting information reliability. Therefore we must strengthen the accounting occupation morals construction, establish and perfect the accounting, auditing and relevant law laws and regulations, strengthen the audit organization and the supervision of public opinion, to strengthen the accountant occupation morals education and continuing education.

The financial crisis, it is to point to a country or several countries and regions all or most of the financial indicators, sharp, and ultra-short-cycle deterioration. The accounting occupation morals is the accounting occupation activities that should be followed, reflect accountant occupation characteristics of occupation code of conduct and norms. The financial crisis as catalyst, which have been faced with the serious challenge of accounting occupation morals bottom line faced collapse, especially small and medium-sized enterprises in China faces sharp decline in the volume of trade and capital shortage of the double pressure, serious influence to the environment for the survival and development of small and medium-sized enterprises. The outbreak of the financial crisis that causes, causes the enterprise market risks increase, contradiction of supply and demand increasingly outstanding, market atrophy caused by poor liquidity, appeared the phenomenon of serious run 精


behind one's expenses; at the same time, the bank strengthened the business loan recovery efforts, making enterprises financing channels are affected, resulting in low economic benefits of business. The enterprise assets shrunk, so will the financial

statements will cover some substantial losses, especially the listed companies is to

resort to every conceivable means for accounting fraud. The distortion of accounting information has become a widespread phenomenon, make the accounting integrity system has been questioned, investors lost confidence, rethinking the accountant occupation moral construction problem is crunch time. But accountant occupation moral deterioration also exacerbated by the outbreak of the financial crisis.

What is ethical accounting? The idea of accounting ethics deals with the moral and values-based judgments and decisions an accountant or accounting agency confront daily in their practice. Due to the nature of their work as communicators of financial information to business managers, shareholders, and the general public, as well bookkeeping and auditing of business entities, accountants and accounting agencies are held to the highest standards of transparency and morality in regards to their research and the information they convey. Accounting can be used as a way to study how and why a business may succeed or fail, but above all it is a public service; those who practice it must make judgments and decisions that can sometimes supersede the interests of their clients in favor of the interests of the public at large.

Failure to apply ethical standards to accounting creates the opportunity for manipulation of facts and information that, if used to mislead, could cause a person to invest under false pretenses, or a business to represent its finances fraudulently to its shareholders. It is of the utmost importance that the public be able to trust accountants and accounting, because their financial future, and that of their family or business, could be at stake.

As an accountant, you are going to come face-to-face with plenty of ethical issues. Deciding whether someone's business practices and their actions are ethical

is something that can be fairly difficult, but holding ethical 精品文档

standards is a vital part of your job. Many people in the accounting and banking industry often find it hard to recognize a serious ethical problem. It is not that they are unethical people, but frequently they are simply aware that an ethical problem is presenting itself. Nearly everything that you do in your line of work has an ethical side of things.
