
工程管理职业道德标准(英文版)PMI MEMBER ETHICAL STANDARDSMEMBER CODE OF ETHICSThe Project Management Institute (PMI) is a professional organization dedicated to the development and promotion of the field of project management. The purpose of the P MI Member Code of Ethics is to define and clarify the ethical responsibilities for pres ent and future PMI members.Preamble:In the pursuit of the project management profession, it is vital that PMI members cond uct their work in an ethical manner in order to earn and maintain the confidence of te am members, colleagues, employees, employers, customers/clients, the public, and the gl obal community.Member Code of Ethics:As a professional in the field of project management, PMI members pledge to uphold and abide by the following:• I will maintain high standards of integrity and professional conduct• I will accept responsibility for my actions• I will continually seek to enhance my professional capabilities• I will practice with fairness and honesty• I will encourage others in the profession to act in an ethical and professional manne r.PMI MEMBER ETHICAL STANDARDSMEMBER STANDARDS OF CONDUCTThe following PMI Member Standards of Conduct describes the obligations and expecta tions associated with membership in the Project Management Institute. All PMI Membe rs must conduct their activities consistent with the Member Standards of Conduct.I. Professional Obligations.A. Professional Behavior.1. PMI Members will fully and accurately disclose any professional or business-related conflicts or potential conflicts of interest in a timely manner.2. PMI Members will refrain from offering or accepting payments, or other forms of c ompensation or tangible benefits, which: (a) do not conform with applicable laws; and (b) may provide unfair advantage for themselves, their business or others they may rep resent.3. PMI Members who conduct research or similar professional activities will do so ina manner that is fair, honest, accurate, unbiased, and otherwise appropriate, and will m aintain appropriate, accurate, and complete records with respect to such research and pr ofessional activities.4. PMI Members will respect and protect the intellectual property rights of others, and will properly disclose and recognize the professional, intellectual, and research contributi ons of others.5. PMI Members will strive to enhance their professional capabilities, skills and knowle dge; and will accurately and truthfully represent and advertise their professional services and qualifications.B. Relationship With Customers, Clients, and Employers.1. PMI Members will provide customers, clients, and employers with fair, honest, comp lete and accurate information concerning: (a) their qualifications; (b) their professional s ervices; and (c) the preparation of estimates concerning costs, services, and expected re sults.2. PMI Members will honor and maintain the confidentiality and privacy of customer, client, employer, and similar work information, including the confidentiality of customer or client identities, assignments undertaken, and other information obtained throughout the course of a professional relationship, unless: (a) granted permission by the customer, client, or employer; or (b) the maintenance of the confidentiality is otherwise unethical or unlawful.3. PMI Members will not take personal, business, or financial advantage of confidential or private information acquired during the course of their professional relationships, no r will they provide such information to others.C. Relationship With the Public and the Global Community.1. PMI Members will honor and meet all applicable legal and ethical obligations, inclu ding the laws, rules, and customs of the community and nation in which they function, work, or conduct professional activities.2. PMI Members will perform their work consistent and in conformance with professio nal standards to ensure that the public is protected from harm.II. Obligations to PMI.A. Responsibilities of PMI Membership.1. PMI Members will abide by the bylaws, policies, rules, requirements, and procedures of the Project Management Institute, and will not knowingly engage or assist in any a ctivities intended to compromise the integrity, reputation, property, and/or legal rights of the Institute.2. PMI Members will abide by the laws, regulations, and other requirements of their respective communities and nations, and will not knowingly engage in, or assist in, any activities intended to have negative implications, including criminal conduct, professional misconduct, or malfeasance.3. PMI Members will cooperate with the Institute concerning the review of possible eth ics violations, and other PMI matters, completely, consistent with applicable policies and requirements.4. PMI Members will accurately, completely, and truthfully represent information to PMI.PMI MEMBER ETHICAL STANDARDSMEMBER ETHICS CASE PROCEDURESThe following ethics case procedures are the only rules for processing possible violatio ns of these ethical standards. These procedures are applicable to members of the Projec t Management Institute (hereinafter referred to as PMI or the Institute), and those who are seeking Institute membership. PMI members and individuals seeking PMI membersh ip understand and agree that these procedures are a fair process for resolving all ethics matters duly adopted by PMI; and they will be bound by decisions made, and require ments issued, pursuant to these procedures.A. General Provisions1. Nature of the Process. PMI has the only authority to resolve and end any ethics ma tter, regardless of circumstances. By applying for membership in the Institute, PMI me mbers and applicants agree that they will accept the authority of the Institute to apply the Member Code of Ethics, Member Standards of Conduct, and the Member Ethics C ase Procedures, and other relevant policies to resolve ethics matters.These ethics procedures are not a formal legal process; therefore, many legal rules and practices are not observed, and the procedures are designed to operate without the assistance of attorneys. Any party, of course, may be represented by an attorney with resp ect to an ethics matter. If a party has retained an attorney, that attorney may be direct ed to communicate with the Institute through the PMI Legal Counsel. The parties are e ncouraged to communicate directly with the Institute. The Institute may use the services of PMI Legal Counsel without limitation.2. Participants. Ethics cases may be decided by the PMI Ethics Review Committee, the Ethics Appeals Committee, and/or any authorized designee. A PMI member or applica nt who is the subject of an ethics complaint or investigation will be identified as the Respondent. The person(s) initiating an ethics complaint will be identified as the Compl ainant(s).3. Time Requirements. The Institute will make every reasonable effort to follow the ti me requirements noted in these procedures. However, the Institute’s failure to meet a ti me requirement will not prohibit the final resolution of any ethics matter, or otherwise prevent PMI from acting under these procedures. Complainants and Respondents are req uired to comply with all time requirements specified in these procedures. Time extensio ns or postponements may be granted by the Institute if a timely written request explain s a reasonable cause.4. Relaxation of Requirements/Global Accommodations. In light of the global nature of the international project management community, including differences related to the la nguage, custom, geographic location, and other characteristics of PMI members and app licants, the Institute recognizes that PMI members and applicants may have difficulty m eeting certain time or other requirements in these procedures. Accordingly, a PMI mem ber or applicant may submit to the Executive Director a written request for an extensio n of one or more of the time requirements; or, a reasonable accommodation related to matters of language, custom, geographic location, or the like. The Executive Director w ill forward such requests to the Chair of the Ethics Review Committee or the Chair of the Ethics Appeal Committee, as applicable. Generally, requests for such time extensions that seek to increase a deadline and other reasonable accommodations will be granted.5. Litigation/Other Proceedings. The Institute may accept and resolve ethics complaints when civil or criminal litigation, or other proceedings related to the complaint, are also before a court, regulatory agency or professional body. The Institute may also continue or delay the resolution of any ethics complaints in such cases.6. Improper Disclosure. The Institute may issue any appropriate directive(s) and require ment(s) where a PMI member or applicant provides a misleading disclosure, or fails to disclose requested information related to: PMI membership; an ethics complaint; an et hics case; or similar matter. Where a discipline, order, directive, or other requirement i s issued by the Institute under this Section, the member or applicant involved may see k review and appeal pursuant to these procedures.7. Confidentiality. In order to protect the privacy of the parties involved in an ethics c ase, all material prepared by, or submitted to, the Institute will be confidential, unless otherwise authorized by these procedures. Among other information, the Institute will n ot consider the following materials to be confidential: materials which are disclosed as the result of a legal requirement; materials which are disclosed upon the written reques t of the member or applicant who is the subject of an ethics complaint or investigation, any information relating to the member or applicant which he/she would like released to other professional organizations or third parties, and which is not otherwise confide ntial; and, all final published rulings, decisions, requirements, orders, and/or reports of t he Ethics Review Committee or the Ethics Appeals Committee.8. Failure to Cooperate. If any party refuses to fully cooperate with the Institute concer ning matters arising under these procedures without good cause, the Institute may: term inate the ethics complaint of an uncooperative Complainant; or, impose any sanction or requirement included within these rules if a Respondent is uncooperative. Where a dis cipline, order, requirement, or other directive is issued by the Institute under this Section, the member or applicant involved may seek review and appeal pursuant to these pro cedures.9. Resignation from the Institute. Should a Respondent attempt to relinquish PMI mem bership or withdraw an application during the course of any ethics case, the Institute re serves the right to continue the matter to a final and binding resolution according to th ese procedures.B. Submission of Ethics Complaints/Acceptance or Rejection.1. Executive Director. Any person, group, organization, or, in appropriate cases, the Ins titute (Complainant) may initiate an ethics complaint. Each Complainant must submit to the ¬Executive Director a detailed written description of the factual allegations support ing the ethics complaint, including the specific provisions of the Member Code of Ethi cs or Member Standards of Conduct relevant to the allegations set forth in the complai nt. The Executive Director will forward the complaint to the Ethics Review Committee Chair for review, consideration, and assignment.2. Ethics Review Committee. The Ethics Review Committee will be responsible for the investigation and resolution of each ethics complaint. Upon receipt of a complaint, the Review Committee will determine whether sufficient detail is presented to constitute a formal ethics complaint, based upon the specific Member Code of Ethics or Member Standards of Conduct provisions identified by the complaint, and to permit the Review Committee to conduct an appropriate review.3. Complaint Acceptance/Rejection Criteria. In order to determine if an ethics complaint is accepted or rejected, the Ethics Review Committee will consider whether: a proven complaint would constitute a violation of the specific Member Code of Ethics or Me mber Standards of Conduct provisions identified by the Complainant in the original sub mission; the passage of time since the alleged violation requires that the complaint be rejected; relevant, reliable information or proof concerning the charge is available; the Complainant is willing to provide testimony or other evidence concerning the complaint;and, there is reasonable cause to believe that the charge appears to be justified, consi dering the proof available.3.a. Complaint Acceptance. Upon a determination that an ethics complaint is appropriat e, the Ethics Review Committee will issue a formal Ethics Complaint Notice identifyin g each Member Code of Ethics and Member Standards of Conduct violation alleged, a nd the supporting factual basis for each complaint. This Notice will be delivered to the Respondent, and will be marked Confidential. The Review Committee may request ad ditional information to supplement or explain an allegation.3.b. Complaint Rejection. If the Ethics Review Committee determines that an allegation or complaint change should not be a formal ethics complaint, the Review Committee will return all information submitted and notify Complainant of the rejection and its ba sis by correspondence.3.b.1. Appeal of Complaint Rejection Determination. Within forty-five (45) days of the mailing date of complaint rejection correspondence, the Complainant may appeal to the Ethics Appeals Committee by stating in writing the procedural errors he/she believes were made by the Ethics Review Committee with respect to the charge rejection, if an y; the specific provisions of the Member Code of Ethics and Member Standards of Co nduct believed violated; and, the specific information he/she believes supports the accep tance of a complaint. The Ethics Appeals Committee will review the Complainant’s app eal and issue a decision based upon the record. The Appeals Committee may accept th e Review Committee decision and reject the complaint, or any part thereof; or, reverse the Review Committee decision and direct that a complaint be issued and the case res olved under these procedures.4. Ethics Complaint Response. Within forty-five (45) days of the mailing date of an Et hics Complaint Notice, the Respondent must submit a response to the Ethics Review C ommittee. The Ethics Complaint Response must include a full response to each complai nt, and a copy of each document relevant to the resolution of the ethics complaint. The Review Committee may request additional information to supplement a response.5. Complaint Referral. If the Ethics Review Committee determines that the factual alleg ations presented by a Complainant, or the information revealed by an investigation, ma y constitute a violation of Member Code of Ethics or Member Standards of Conduct p rovisions not directly related to those presented by the Complainant, the Review Comm ittee may take any of the following actions: notify the Respondent of possible, unrelate d Code or Standards violations, and any recommended corrective actions; refer the matt er to the Complainant for review and possible re-submission of a revised or new comp laint; refer the matter to other Institute, government, or professional bodies for review; or, other appropriate actions/referrals.C. Preliminary Actions and Orders.Preliminary and Temporary Orders. The Ethics Review Committee, or the Ethics Appea ls Committee, may require the Respondent to do, or to refrain from doing, certain acts by Preliminary and Temporary Order reasonably related to the complaint under consid eration pending the final resolution of the case or investigation. Such orders may inclu de, but are not limited to, a requirement that the Respondent voluntarily and immediate ly cease from representing himself or herself as a PMI member or applicant, or as oth erwise associated with the Institute until further notice; or, a restriction that the Respon dent may not pursue a PMI position or office pending the final resolution of the ethics matter under review. The Ethics Review Committee or the Ethics Appeals Committee may discipline a Respondent who fails to comply with a Temporary or Preliminary Or der. Preliminary and Temporary Orders are not subject to appeal, but may be reconside red by the Committees upon written request of the Respondent presenting substantial re asons that the order is no longer necessary.D. Ethics Review Committee Hearings.1. Ethics Review Committee. The PMI Board of Directors will appoint at least seven (7) PMI members to serve as the Ethics Review Committee to investigate and resolveethics complaint matters. The PMI Chair, with Board of Directors approval, will appoin t a Committee Chair from the seven members, who will supervise the work of the Co mmittee. The Chair may appoint one or more Vice-Chairs to assist him/her, and to als o preside over each Ethics Hearing. As directed by the Committee Chair, three (3) disi nterested members of the Ethics Review Committee will be assigned to each case, and will conduct an informal Ethics Hearing designed to collect and weigh all of the avail able information and proof, and will have full authority to convene, preside over, conti nue, decide, and conclude an Ethics Hearing.2. Hearing Schedule, Notice, and Attendance. The hearing date, time, and location for each ethics case will be scheduled by the Ethics Review Committee in consultation wit h the parties, and both parties will be notified in writing. Each party may attend the h earing in person or via telephone conference, where all participants will be able to co mmunicate with each other.3. Participation of Legal Representatives/Conduct of the Hearing. Upon request by the Ethics Review Committee, the PMI Chair, or the PMI Board of Directors, the PMI Le gal Counsel shall be available to assist the Committee at an Ethics Hearing, with privil ege of the floor, and may conduct the hearing in consultation with the Ethics Review Committee. Legal or other representatives of the parties do not have such privilege and are bound by the determinations and rulings of the Ethics Review Committee and PM I Legal Counsel. No formal legal rules of evidence, cross-examination, oath, and other procedures will apply to hearings. The PMI member or applicant, or a legal representat ive, will be permitted to ask questions of witnesses at the discretion of the Ethics Revi ew Committee. Objections relating to relevance of information and other procedural issu es will be decided by the Ethics Review Committee and these decisions are not subject to appeal.4. Hearing Record. A taped, written, or other record of the Ethics Hearing will be ma de by the Ethics Review Committee, another PMI representative, or a stenographer/recorder, as determined by the Review Committee.5. Hearing Expenses. Parties will be responsible for their expenses associated with an e thics investigation or case, including the costs associated with any witnesses or legal co unsel. The Institute will bear other general costs of conducting the Ethics Hearing, incl uding costs associated with the activities of PMI representatives.6. Closing of the Hearing Record. Any Ethics Hearing may proceed to a conclusion and decision, whether or not the parties are present, based on the appropriate written rec ord, as determined by the Ethics Review Committee. The Review Committee will revie w the hearing record, as well as any submissions presented by the parties and other rel evant information, and thereafter, will determine the outcome of the ethics case by maj ority vote in a closed session. The hearing record will be closed following the conclusi on of the hearing, unless otherwise directed by the Ethics Review Committee Chair ora Vice-Chair.7. Ethics Review Committee Decision and Order. A Decision and Order will be prepar ed by the Ethics Review Committee after the closing of the record, which will include a summary of the case, including the positions of the parties; a summary of relevant factual findings based on the record of the hearing; a final ruling on the Member Cod e of Ethics and Member Standards of Conduct violations charged; and, a statement of any corrective or disciplinary action(s), and other directives issued by the Review Com mittee. Copies of the Ethics Review Committee Decision and Order shall be sent to th e parties. The parties will also be notified that the final decision may be published con sistent with the requirements of these procedures.8. Disciplinary Actions Available. When a Respondent is found to have violated one or more provisions of the Member Code of Ethics or Member Standards of Conduct, the Institute may issue and order one or more of the following disciplinary or remedial a ctions:8.a. The denial and rejection of any PMI membership application;8.b Private reprimand and censure, including any appropriate conditions or directives;8.c. Public reprimand and censure, including any appropriate conditions or directives; 8.d. Membership probation for any period up to three (3) years, including any appropri ate restrictions or conditions concerning membership rights and any other conditions or directives;8.e. Suspension of membership status for a period of no less than six (6) months and no more than three (3) years, including any appropriate conditions or directives;8.f. Termination of membership and expulsion from the Institute.E. Ethics Appeals Committee/Appeals.1. Time Period for Submitting Appeal. Within forty-five (45) days of the mailing date of an adverse Ethics Review Committee Decision and Order, the Respondent or the Co mplainant may submit to the PMI Executive Director a written appeal of all or a porti on of the Decision and Order consistent with the requirements of these procedures. The Executive Director will forward the appeal to the Ethics Appeals Committee Chair for review, consideration, and assignment.2. Grounds for Appeal. An adverse Ethics Review Committee Decision and Order may be reversed or otherwise modified by the Ethics Appeals Committee. However, the gr ounds for appeal of an adverse decision are strictly limited to the following:2.a. Procedural Error. The Ethics Review Committee misapplied a procedure contained i n these rules, and the misapplication prejudiced the appealing party.2.b. New or Previously Undiscovered Information. Following the closing of the Hearing Record, the appealing party has located relevant proof that was not previously in his/h er possession; was not reasonably available prior to closure of the record; and, could h ave affected the Ethics Review Committee decision.2.c. Misapplication of the Code of Ethics or Standards of Conduct. The Ethics Review Committee misapplied the provisions of the Member Code of Ethics or Member Stand ards of Conduct, and the misapplication prejudiced the appealing party.2.d. Contrary to the Information Presented. The Ethics Review Committee decision is c ontrary to the most substantial information provided in the record.2.e With respect to Subsections 2.a. and 2.c. above, the Ethics Appeals Committee will consider only arguments that were presented to the Ethics Review Committee prior to the closing of the Hearing Record.3. Contents of Appeal Letter. The appealing party must submit to the PMI Executive Director a letter or other written document directed to the Ethics Appeals Committee a nd to the other party, which contains the following information and material: the ethics case name; the docket number and date of the Ethics Review Committee Decision; a statement and complete explanation of the reasons for the appeal under Section E.2, in cluding an explanation and basis for any request concerning a reduction in the disciplin e issued by the Ethics Review Committee; and, copies of any material supporting the a ppeal.F. Ethics Appeals Committee/Appeal Hearings.1. Ethics Appeals Committee. The PMI Board of Directors will appoint at least seven (7) PMI members to serve as the Ethics Appeals Committee to resolve ethics appeals. The PMI Chair, with Board of Directors approval, will appoint a Committee Chair fro m the seven members, who will supervise the work of the Appeals Committee. The C hair may appoint one or more Vice-Chairs to assist him/her, and to also preside over e ach Appeal Hearing. As directed by the Committee Chair, three (3) disinterested memb ers of the Appeals Committee will be assigned to each case, and will have full authori ty to convene, preside over, continue, decide, and conclude an ethics appeal.2. Appeal Hearings. Following receipt of a complete and proper written appeal, the Eth ics Appeals Committee will schedule a date on which to conduct an Appeal Hearing, a nd the parties will be notified in writing at least forty-five (45) days in advance of the scheduled date. The Appeals Committee will review the hearing record, as well as an y appeal submissions presented by the parties and other relevant information, and thereafter will determine and resolve the appeal by majority vote in a closed session.3. Request to Appear Before Ethics Appeals Committee. Either party may request the o pportunity to appear before the Ethics Appeals Committee in writing at least forty-five (45) days prior to the date scheduled for the Appeal Hearing. In the event that a reque st to appear before the Ethics Appeals Committee is approved, the Appeals Committee may limit the appearance in any manner. Denials of requests to appear before the App eals Committee are not subject to appeal.4. Ethics Appeals Committee Decision and Order. Following the conclusion of an Appe al Hearing, the Ethics Appeals Committee will issue an Appeal Decision and Order stat ing: the outcome and resolution of the appeal, including a summary of relevant portion s of the Ethics Review Committee Decision and Order; a summary of any relevant pro cedural or factual findings made by the Appeals Committee; the Ethics Appeals Commi ttee’s ruling(s) and decision(s) with resp ect to the matters under appeal; and, the Appea ls Committee’s final Decision and Order accepting, affirming, reversing, amending, or o therwise modifying any portion of the Ethics Review Committee Decision and Order, i ncluding any final disciplinary action or sanction issued by the Appeals Committee. Co pies of the Ethics Appeals Committee Decision and Order shall be sent to the parties. The parties will also be notified that the final decision may be published, consistent wi th the requirements of these procedures.G. Finalizing Ethics Cases.1. Events Which Will Cause Closure of an Ethics Case. An ethics case will be closed when any of the following occur: the ethics complaint has been rejected pursuant to t hese procedures; a final decision has been issued by the Ethics Review Committee wit hout appeal pursuant to these procedures; a final decision has been issued by the Ethic s Appeals Committee pursuant to these procedures; or, an ethics complaint has been ter minated or withdrawn by the Complainant(s).2. Events Which Will Cause an Ethics Case Decision and Order to Become Final. TheEthics Case Decision and Order issued by the Ethics Review Committee that is not a ppealed within the prescribed time requirements will be considered final. The Ethics Ca se Decision and Order issued by the Ethics Appeals Committee will be considered fina l.3. Referral and Notification Actions. PMI may notify appropriate governmental, professi onal, or similar bodies of any actions taken concerning a Respondent by sending a cop y of the final Ethics Case Decision and Order issued by the Ethics Review Committee and/or the Ethics Appeals Committee, or by sending another appropriate notice. This n otification may be done at any point after the time period for the Respondent to appea l an adverse decision has elapsed. During the appeal period, the Institute may respond to inquiries regarding the existence of ethics cases and indicate the existence of such p roceedings.4. Publication of Final Disciplinary Action. PMI may publish a notification of a final Ethics Case Decision and Order following the issuance of an Ethics Review Committee or Ethics Appeals Committee decision or ruling. This notification may be published fo llowing the conclusion of any appeals available to the Respondent. Any party may requ est publication of any final decision.H. Probation and Suspension Orders/Reinstatement Procedures.1. Probation Orders/Reinstatement or Referral. Following the expiration of a final decisi on/order which includes a probation requirement under these procedures, the Ethics Rev iew Committee will determine whether the Respondent has satisfied the terms of the pr obation order, and will do the following: if the Respondent has satisfied the terms of p robation in full, the Review Committee will immediately verify that the probation has been completed and reinstate the individual to full membership status following the acc eptance of a complete membership application and full payment of all membership due s; or, if the Respondent has not satisfied the terms of probation in full, the Review Co mmittee will issue any appropriate action consistent with these procedures, including, b。


ESSENCE OF PMBOK & PMP EXAM PMBOK及PMP考试精要(考试串讲教材)PROJECT MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE AREAS项目管理知识体系 (2)PROJECT LIFE CYCLE / PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESS GROUPS项目生命周期及过程组 (10)SCOPE范围管理 (18)HUMAN RESOURCE人力资源管理 (21)COMMUNICATIONS沟通管理 (25)TIME时间管理 (29)COST成本管理 (33)RISK风险管理 (38)QUALITY质量管理 (40)PROCUREMENT采购管理 (40)INTEGRATION整体管理 (19)PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES职业道德 (19)POSSIBLE EXAM QUESTIONS考点 (20)PROJECT LIFE CYCLE / PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESS GROUPS项目生命周期和项目管理过程组Project Scope Management项目范围管理- processes required to ensure that the project includes only the work required to complete the project successfully.此过程必须确保项目只包括能保证项目成功完成的工作Management by Objective (MBO)基于目标的管理–determining company’s objective and how the project fits into them. MBO focuses on the goals of an activity rather than the activity itself(manager is responsible for results rather than performing certain activities)决定公司目标及项目如何满足该目标。


项目管理术语英汉对照表A∙Abstract Resource 抽象资源∙Abstraction 抽象∙Acceleration 加速∙Acceptability Criteria 验收标准∙Acceptable Quality Level ("AQL") 可接受质量水平∙Acceptance 验收∙Acceptance Criteria 验收标准∙Acceptance Letters 验收函∙Acceptance Number 接受数目∙Acceptance Review 验收评审∙Acceptance Test 验收测试∙Acquisition Methods 采购方式∙Acquisition Negotiations 采购谈判∙Acquisition Plan 采购计划∙Acquisition Plan Review ("APR") 采购计划评审∙Acquisition Planning 采购计划编制∙Acquisition Process 采购过程∙Acquisition Strategy 采购策略∙Action 行动∙Action Item 行动项∙Action Item Flags 行动项标记∙Action Plan 行动计划∙Activation 激活∙Active Listening 积极倾听∙Activity Arrow Net 活动箭线网络∙Activity Based Costing ("ABC") 基于活动的成本核算∙Activity Based Management ("ABM") 基于活动的管理∙Activity Calendar 活动日历∙Activity Code 活动代码∙Activity Definition 活动定义∙Activity Description 活动描述∙Activity Duration 活动工期活动持续时间∙Activity Duration Estimating 活动工期估算∙Activity Elaboration 活动详述∙Activity File 活动档案∙Activity ID 活动识别码∙Activity List 活动清单∙Activity Node Net 活动节点网络双代号网络∙Activity on Arc ("AOA") 弧线表示活动双代号网络∙Activity on Arrow ("AOA") 箭线表示活动双代号网络∙Activity on Node节点表示活动单代号网络∙Activity Oriented 面向活动∙Activity Oriented Schedule 面向活动的进度计划∙Activity Properties 活动属性∙Activity Quantities 活动量值∙Activity Status 活动状态∙Activity Timing 活动定时∙Actor 执行者角色∙Actual 实际的∙Actual and Scheduled Progress 实际进展的与计划进度∙Actual Cost 实际成本∙Actual Cost Data Collection 实际成本汇总∙Actual Costs 实际费用∙Actual Dates 实际日期∙Actual Direct Costs 实际直接成本∙Actual Expenditures 实际的支出∙Actual Finish 实际完成∙Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期∙Actual Start 实际开始∙Actual Start Date 实际开始日期∙ACWP 已完成工作实际成本∙See Actual Cost of Work Performed∙Adaptation 适应∙Added value 附加价值∙Addendum 附录∙Adequacy 适当∙Adjourning 解散∙Adjustment 调节∙ADM∙Arrow Diagram Method∙ADM Project ADM 项目∙Administration 管理部门∙Administrative 行政的∙Administrative Change 行政变更∙Administrative Management 行政管理∙ADP∙Automated Data Processing∙ADR∙Alternative Dispute Resolution∙Advanced Material Release ("AMR") 材料提前发布∙AF∙Actual Finish Date∙AFE∙Application for Expenditure∙Authority for Expenditure∙Affect 影响∙Affected Parties 受影响方∙Agency 代理∙Agenda 议程∙Aggregation 汇总∙Agreement 协议∙Agreement, legal 协议合同∙ALAP∙As-Late-As-Possible∙Algorithm 算法∙Alignment 排列成行∙Alliance 联合∙Allocated Baseline 分配的基线∙Allocated Requirements 分配需求∙Allocation 分配∙Allowable Cost 允许成本∙Allowance 预留∙Alternate Resource 替代资源∙Alternative Analysis 替代分析∙Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") 替代争议解决方案∙Alternatives 可选方案∙Ambiguity 含糊不清∙Amendment 修订∙Amount at Stake 损失量∙AMR 材料提前公布∙Analysis 分析∙Analysis and Design 分析与设计∙Analysis Time 分析期∙Analyst 分析员∙AND Relationship 与关系∙Anecdotal 轶事∙Anticipated Award Cost 预期中标价∙AOA∙Activity on Arrow∙Activity on Arc∙AON∙Activity on Node∙AOQ∙Average Outgoing Quality∙AOQL∙Average Outgoing Quality Limit∙APMA∙Area of Project Management Application∙Apparent Low Bidder 最低投标人∙Application 应用∙Application Area 应用领域∙Application for Expenditure ("AFE") 支出申请∙Application for Expenditure Justification 支出申请的论证∙Application Programs 应用程序∙Applied Direct Costs 实际直接成本∙Apportioned Effort 分摊努力∙Apportioned Task 分摊任务∙Appraisal 评估∙Approach 方法∙Appropriation 拨款∙Approval 批准∙Approval to Proceed 批准继续∙Approve 同意∙Approved Bidders List 批准的投标人清单∙Approved Changes 批准的变更∙Approved Project Requirements 批准的项目需求∙APR∙Acquisition Plan Review∙AQL∙Acceptable Quality Level∙Arbitrary 随意的∙Arbitration 仲裁∙Arc 弧线∙Architectural Baseline 构架基线∙Architectural View 构架视图∙Architecture 构架∙Architecture, executable 构架可执行∙Archive 档案文件∙Archive Plan 存档计划∙Area of Project Application∙Area of Project Management Application∙Area of Project Management Application ("APMA") 项目管理的应用领域∙Arrow 箭线∙Arrow Diagram Method ("ADM") 箭线图方法∙Arrow Diagramming 箭线图方法∙Arrow Diagramming Method 箭线图方法双代号网络图∙Artifact 制品∙Artificial 人工的∙AS∙Actual Start Date∙ASAP∙As-Soon-As-Possible∙As-built Design 实际建造设计∙As-built document.tion 实际建造文档∙As-Built Records∙As-Built Schedule 实际建造进度计划∙As-Late-As-Possible ("ALAP") 尽可能晚∙As-Needed 恰如所需∙As-of Dateo见Data Date.∙As-Performed Schedule 实际进度计划∙Assembly 组装件∙Assembly Sequence 组装顺序∙Assessment 评估∙Assets 资产∙Assignment 分配委派任务∙Associated Revenue 关联收益∙Association 关联关系∙As-Soon-As-Possible ("ASAP") 尽快∙Assumption 假设∙Assumptions 假设∙Assumptions List 假设清单∙Assurance 保证∙Assurance Programo见Quality Assurance Program.∙ATPo见Acceptance Test Procedure∙Attitude 态度∙Attribute 属性∙Attrition 损耗∙Audit 审核审计∙Authoritarian 独裁的∙Authoritative 权威的∙Authority 权威权力∙Authority for Expenditure ("AFE") 开支权∙Authorization 授权o见Approval∙Authorize 批准∙Authorized Unpriced Work 批准的未定价工作∙Authorized Work 批准的工作∙Authorized Works 批准的工作∙Automated Data Processing ("ADP") 自动化数据处理∙Automatic Decision Event 自动决策事件∙Automatic Generation 自动生成∙Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备∙AUWo见Authorized Unpriced Work∙Auxiliary Ground Equipment 辅助场地设备∙Availability 可用性∙Average Outgoing Quality ("AOQ") 平均出厂质量∙Average Outgoing Quality Limit ("AOQL") 平均出厂质量限度∙Average Sample Size Curve 平均样本规模曲线∙Avoidance 避免∙Award 授予∙Award Fee 奖金∙Award Letter 中标函[编辑]B∙BAC 完工预算∙Budget at Completion∙Baseline at Completion∙Back Charge 逆向计费∙Backcharge 逆向收费∙Backward Pass 倒推法/反向计算∙Bad Debts 坏帐∙Balance 余额权衡∙Balanced Matrix 平衡矩阵∙Balanced Scorecard平衡记分卡∙Balanced Scorecard Approach ("BSA") 平衡记分卡方法∙Bank 储备∙Banking 储备∙Bar Chart 横道图∙Bargaining 讨价还价交涉∙Bargaining Power 讨价还价权力交涉权力∙Barriers 障碍∙Base 基础基数∙Baseline 基线基准∙Baseline at Completion ("BAC") 完成/完工基线∙Baseline Concept 基线概念∙Baseline Control 基线控制∙Baseline Cost 基线成本∙Baseline Dates 基线日期∙Baseline Finish Date 基线完成日期∙Baseline Management 基线管理∙Baseline Plan 基线计划基准计划∙Baseline Review 基线评审∙Baseline Schedule 基线进度计划∙Baseline Start Date 基线开始日期∙Baseline, budget 基线预算∙Baseline, business 基线商业∙Baseline, cost estimate 基线费用估算∙Baseline, technical 基线技术∙Basis of Estimate 估算根据∙Batch 批量∙Batch Operation 批运行/批处理∙BATNA∙Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement∙BCM∙Business Change Manager∙BCWP∙Budgeted Cost of Work Performed∙BCWS∙Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled∙BEC∙Elapsed Cost∙Behavior 行为/反应∙Behavior Analysis 行为分析∙Benchmark 基准∙Benchmarking标竿管理∙Beneficial Occupancy/Use 有益的占用/使用∙Benefits 效益∙Benefits Framework 效益框架∙Benefits Management 效益管理∙Benefits Management Plan 效益管理计划∙Benefits Management Regime 效益管理制度∙Benefits Profiles 效益简述∙Benefits Realization Phase 效益实现阶段∙Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement ("BATNA") 协议外最佳方案∙BATNA∙Best and Final Contract Offer 最佳及最终合同报价∙Best and Final Offer 最佳及最终报价∙Best Efforts Contract 最大努力合同∙Best Practices 最佳实践∙Best value 最佳值∙Beta Distribution 贝塔发布∙Beta Test 贝塔测试∙Beta testing 贝塔测试∙Bid 投标∙Bid Analysis 投标分析∙Bid Bond投标保证金∙Bid Cost Considerations 投标成本补偿费∙Bid document.nbspPreparation 招标文件准备∙Bid document.招标文件∙Bid Evaluation 评标∙Bid List 投标人清单∙Bid Package 标段标块∙Bid Protests 投标抗议/拒付∙Bid Qualifications 投标资质∙Bid Response 投标响应∙Bid Technical Consideration 投标技术因素∙Bid Time Consideration 投标中的时间因素∙Bid/No Bid Decision 投标/不投标决策∙Bidder 投标人∙Bidders Conference 投标人会议∙Bidders List 投标人名单∙Bidders Source Selection 投标人来源选择∙Bidding 投标∙Bidding Strategy 投标策略∙Bill 帐单∙Bill of Materials 材料清单∙Bills of Materials 材料清单∙Blanket Purchase Agreement ("BPA") 一揽子采购协议BPA ∙Blueprint 蓝图/计划设计图∙Board 委员会∙Boiler Plate 样板文件∙Bona Fide 真诚真实∙Bond 担保∙Bonus 奖金∙Bonus Schemes 奖励计划∙Booking Rates 预提费率∙BOOT∙Build, Own, Operate, Transfer∙Bottom Up Cost Estimate 自下而上成本估算∙Bottom Up Cost Estimating 自下而上成本估算∙Bottom Up Estimating 自下而上估算∙Boundary 边界∙BPA∙Blanket Purchase Agreement∙BPR∙Business Process Reengineering∙Brainstorming 头脑风暴法∙Branching Logic 分支逻辑关系∙Breach of Contract 违约∙Breadboarding 实验模型∙Break Even 盈亏平衡∙Breakdown 分解∙Breakdown Structure 分解结构∙Break-Even Chart 盈亏平衡图∙Break-Even Charts 盈亏平衡图∙Break-Even Point 盈亏平衡点∙Bribe 贿赂∙BSA∙Balanced Scorecard Approach∙Buck Passing 完全通过/推卸责任∙Budget 预算∙Budget at Completion ("BAC") 完工预算BAC∙Budget Cost 预算成本∙Budget Costs 预算成本预算费用∙Budget Decrement 预算消耗∙Budget Element 预算要素∙Budget Estimate 预算估算∙Budget Presentation 预算介绍∙Budget Revision 预算修订∙Budget Unit 预算单位∙Budgetary Control预算性控制∙Budgeted 已安排预算的∙Budgeted Cost of Work Performed ("BCWP") 已完工作预算成本BCWP ∙Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled ("BCWS") 计划工作的预算成本∙Budgeting 制定预算∙Budgeting & Cost Management 预算制定与成本管理∙Build 建设构造∙Build, Own, Operate, Transfer ("BOOT") 建造拥有经营转让∙Buildability 建造能力∙Building 建筑物∙Building Professionalism 建设专业化∙Build-to document.tion 建成文档∙Built-in Test Equipment 内置测试设备∙Bulk Material 大宗材料∙Burden 间接费用负担∙Burden of Proof 举证费∙Bureaucracy 官僚制度∙Burn Rate 消耗速度∙Burst Node 分支点∙Business Actor 业务参与者/角色∙Business Appraisal 商业评估∙Business Area 业务领域∙Business Assurance 商业保证∙Business Assurance Coordinator 商业保证协调人∙Business Case 商业案例∙Business Change Manager ("BCM") 商业变更经理BCM ∙Business Creation 商业创新∙Business Engineering 商业工程∙Business Imperative 商业需要∙Business Improvement 业务改进∙Business Manager 商务经理商业经理∙Business Modeling 业务建模∙Business Needs 商业需求∙Business Objectives 商业目标∙Business Operations 业务运作∙Business Process 业务流程∙Business Process Engineering 业务流程工程∙Business Process Reengineering ("BPR") 业务流程重组∙Business Processes 业务流程∙Business Risk 商业风险∙Business Rule 商业规则∙Business Transition Plan 业务转换计划∙Business Unit 业务单位∙Buyer 买方∙Buyer's Market 买方市场∙Buy-In 支持认同买进∙Bypassing 回避[编辑]C∙C/SCSC∙Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria∙C/SSR∙Cost/Schedule Status Report∙CA∙Control Account∙CAD∙Computer Aided Drafting∙Computer Aided Design∙Calculate Schedule 估算进度安排∙Calculation 计算∙Calendar 日历∙Calendar File 日历文件∙Calendar Range 日历范围∙Calendar Start Date 日历开始日期∙Calendar Unit 日历单位∙Calendar, Software 日历软件∙Calendars 日历集∙Calibration 校准∙CAM∙Cost Account Manager∙Computer Aided Manufacturing∙Control Account Manager∙CAP∙Cost Account Plan∙Control Account Plan∙Capability 能力∙Capability Survey 能力调查∙Capital 资本∙Capital Appropriation 资本划拨∙Capital Asset 资本资产∙Capital Cost 资本成本∙Capital Employed 占用的资本∙Capital Expansion Projects 资本扩展项目∙Capital Goods Project 资本货物项目∙Capital Property 资本财产∙CAR∙Capital Appropriation Request∙Cards-on-the-wall Planning 墙卡规划法∙Career 职业∙Career Path Planning 职业路线规划∙Career Planning职业规划∙Career Path Planning.∙Carryover Type 1 结转类型1∙Carryover Type 2 结转类型2∙Cascade Chart 层叠图∙CASEo Computer Aided Software Engineeringo Computer Aided System Engineering ∙Cash现金∙Cash Flow 现金流∙Cash Flow Analysis 现金流分析∙Cash Flow Management 现金流管理∙Cash Flow, Net 现金流净值∙Cash In 现金流入∙Cash Out 现金支出∙Catalyst 催化者∙Catch-up Alternatives 赶上计划的备选方案∙Causation 起因∙Cause 动因∙CBD∙Component-Based Development∙CBS∙Cost Breakdown Structure∙CCB∙Change Control Board∙CCDR∙Contractor Cost Data Report∙CDR∙Critical Design Review∙Central Processing Unit (CPU) 中央处理单元∙Centralized 集中的∙Certain 确定的∙Certainty.∙Certainty 确定性∙Certificate of Conformance 一致性认证∙Certification 认证∙Chain 链∙Challenge 挑战∙Champion 推动者支持者∙Change 变更变化变革∙Change Control 变更控制∙Change Control Board (CCB) 变更管理委员会∙Change document.tion 变更文档∙Change in Scope 工作范围变化∙Change Log 变更日志∙Change Management 变更管理∙Change Management Plan 变更管理计划∙Change Notice 变更通知∙Change Order 变更通知单∙Changed Conditions 变更的条款∙Characteristic 特性∙Chart 图表∙Chart of Accounts 会计科目表∙Chart Room 图表室∙Charter 章程∙Checking 检查∙Checklist 检查清单∙Checkpoint 检查点∙Checkpoints 检查点集∙Chief Executive Officer首席执行官∙Child 子项∙Child Activity 子活动∙CI∙Configuration Item∙Claim 索赔∙Clarification 澄清∙Class 类∙Classes 类∙Classification 分类∙Classification of Defects 缺陷的分类∙Clearance Number 净空数∙Client 客户∙Client Environment 客户环境∙Client Quality Services 客户质量服务∙Closed Projects 已收尾的项目∙Closeout 收尾∙Closeout Report 收尾报告∙Closeout, phase 收尾阶段∙Closing 终止∙Closure 收尾∙CM∙Configuration Management∙Construction Management∙Coaching 教练∙Code 代码∙Code and Unit Test 编码和单元测试∙Code of Accounts 帐目编码∙Coding 编码∙Collaboration 协作∙Collapsing 折叠∙Collective 集体的∙Combative 好战的∙Commercial 商务的∙Commercial Item Description 商务描述∙Commission and Handover 委托和移交∙Commissioning 试运行∙Commissions and Bonuses 酬金和奖金∙Commit 提交∙Commitment 承诺义务∙Commitment document.nbsp 承诺文件∙Commitment Estimate∙Commitment Package 承诺包∙Commitment to Objectives 对目标的承诺∙Committed Cost 已承担成本已承付成本∙Committed Costs 已承诺费用∙Common Carrier 公众运营商∙Communicating With Groups 与团队的沟通∙Communicating With Individuals 与个人的沟通∙Communication 沟通∙Communication Channels 沟通渠道∙Communication Plan, Strategic 沟通计划策略性的∙Communication Plan, Tactical 沟通计划--战术性的∙Communication Room 交流室∙Communications Management 沟通管理∙Communications Plan 沟通计划∙Communications Planning 沟通规划编制∙Community 社团∙Company 公司∙Comparison 对比∙Compatibility 兼容性∙Compensation 补偿∙Compensation and Evaluation 补偿和评价∙Competence 能力∙Competency 能力∙Competition 竞争∙Competitive:竞争的∙Compile 编译∙Compile Time 编译时∙Complete 完成∙Completed Activity 已完成的活动∙Completed Units 完工单元∙Completion 完工∙Completion Date 完成日期∙Complex 复杂的∙Component 构件组件∙Component Integration and Test 组件集成和测试∙Component-Based Development ("CBD") 基于构件的开发∙Components 组件∙Compound Risk 复合风险∙Compromise 折衷∙Compromising, in negotiating 折衷谈判∙Computer 计算机∙Computer Aided Design (CAD) 计算机辅助设计∙Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) 计算机辅助制图∙Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) 计算机辅助制造∙Computer Cost Applications 计算机化的成本管理应用∙Computer Hardware 计算机硬件∙Computer Modeling 计算机建模∙Computer Program Configuration Item 计算机程序配置项∙Computer Software 计算机软件∙Computer Software Component 计算机软件组件∙Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI) 计算机软件配置项∙Computer Software document.tion 计算机软件文档∙Computer Software Unit 计算机软件单元∙Computer-Aided 计算机辅助的∙Computerized Information Storage, Reference and Retrieval 计算机化的信息存储定位和检索∙Concept 概念∙Concept Definition document.概念定义文档∙Concept Phase 概念阶段∙Concept Study 概念研究∙Conception Phase 概念形成阶段∙Conceptual 概念性的∙Conceptual Budgeting 概念性预算∙Conceptual Design 概念性设计∙Conceptual Development 概念性开发∙Conceptual Project Planning 概念性项目计划∙Concession 让步∙Concession Making, in negotiating 谈判中的让步∙Conciliatory 调和的∙Concluding 终决的∙Conclusions 结论∙Concurrency 并发性∙Concurrent 并发事件∙Concurrent Delays 并行延迟∙Concurrent Engineering 并行工程∙Concurrent Tasks 并行任务∙Conditional Risk 条件风险∙Conditions 条件条款∙Conducting 执行∙Confidence Level 信心等级∙Configuration 配置∙Configuration Audit 配置审核∙Configuration Breakdown 配置分解∙Configuration Control 配置控制∙Configuration Control Board 配置控制委员会∙Configuration Identification 配置识别∙Configuration Item Acceptance Review 配置项验收评审∙Configuration Item Verification 配置项验证∙Configuration Item Verification Procedures 配置项验证程序∙Configuration Management 配置管理∙Configuration Management Board 配置管理委员会∙Configuration Relationships 配置关系∙Configuration Status Accounting 配置状态统计∙Conflict 冲突∙Conflict Management 冲突管理∙Conflict Resolution 冲突解决方案∙Conformance to Requirements 与需求的一致性∙Confrontation 积极面对∙Consensus 一致同意∙Consensus Decision Process 集体决策过程∙Consent 同意∙Consequences 后果∙Consideration 对价∙Considerations 对价需要考虑的事项∙Consolidate 合并∙Consortium 联盟∙Constituents 涉众∙Constraint 约束条件∙Constraint, project constraint 约束条件对项目的约束∙Constraints 约束条件∙Constructability 施工能力∙Construction 施工构造建造建筑∙Construction Contractor 施工承包商∙Construction Cost 施工成本∙Construction Management ("CM") 施工管理∙Construction Manager 施工经理∙Construction Stage 施工阶段∙Construction Work 施工工作∙Construction-Oriented 以施工为导向的∙Constructive Challenge 建设性质询∙Constructive Change 建设性变更∙Consultant 咨询顾问∙Consulting 咨询∙Consumable Resource 可消耗资源∙Consumables 消费性物资∙Contemplated Change Notice 预期变更通知∙Contending, in negotiating 争论在谈判中∙Content 内容∙Content Type 内容类型∙Context 背景∙Contingencies 不可预见费应急费用∙Contingency 不可预见费应急费用∙Contingency Allowance 应急补助∙Contingency Budget Procedure 不可预见费用预算程序∙Contingency Plan 意外事件计划∙Contract Package 合同包∙Contract Performance Control 合同履行控制∙Contract Plan 合同计划∙Contract Pre-award Meetings 合同预授予会议∙Contract Quality Requirements 合同质量要求∙Contract Requirements 合同要求∙Contract Risk 合同风险∙Contract Risk Analysis 合同风险分析∙Contract Signing 合同签署∙Contract Strategy 合同战略∙Contract Target Cost (CTC) 合同目标成本∙Contract Target Price (CTP) 合同目标价格∙Contract Type 合同分类∙Contract Types 合同类型∙Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS) 合同工作分解结构∙Contract/Procurement Management 合同/采购管理∙Contracting 签订合同∙Contractor 承包商∙Contractor Claims Release 承包商索赔豁免∙Contractor Cost Data Report (CCDR) 承包商成本数据报告∙Contractor Evaluation 承包商评估∙Contractor Furnished Equipment 承包商供应的设备∙Contractor Project Office 承包商项目办公室∙Contractor Short Listing 承包商短列表∙Contractor's Performance Evaluation 承包商的绩效评价∙Contractual 合同的∙Contractual Conditions 合同条款∙Contractual/Legal Requirements 合同的/法律上的要求∙Contributed value 贡献价值∙Contribution Analysis 贡献分析∙Control 控制∙Control Account (CA) 控制帐目∙Control Account Manager (CAM) 控制帐目经理∙Control Account Plan (CAP) 控制帐目计划∙Control and Coordination 控制和协调∙Control Chart 控制表∙Control Cycle 控制周期∙Control Gate 控制关口控制关卡∙Control Loop 控制回路∙Control Point 控制点∙Control Requirements 控制必要条件要求∙Control System 控制系统∙Control Theory 控制论∙Controllable Risks 可控风险∙Controlling 控制o参看Project Control∙Controlling Relationship 控制关系∙Coordinated Matrix 协调型的矩阵∙Coordination 协调∙Coordinator 协调员∙Corporate 公司∙Corporate Administration and Finance 公司行政和财务∙Corporate Budget. 公司预算∙Corporate Business Life Cycle 公司商务生命周期∙Corporate Constraints 公司限制因素∙Corporate Data Bank 公司数据库∙Corporate Management 公司管理∙Corporate Memory 公司记忆库∙Corporate Philosophy 公司价值体系, 公司哲学∙Corporate Planning 公司计划编制∙Corporate Project Management 公司项目管理∙Corporate Project Strategy 公司项目战略∙Corporate Quality Standards 公司质量标准∙Corporate Resources 公司资源∙Corporate Responsibility Matrix 公司责任矩阵∙Corporate Standards 公司标准∙Corporate Supervision 公司监管∙Corporation 公司∙Correction 纠正∙Corrective Action 纠正措施∙Correlation 相关性∙Cost 成本∙Cost Account 成本帐目∙Cost Account Breakdown 成本帐目分解∙Cost Account Manager (CAM) 成本帐目经理∙Cost Account Plan (CAP) 成本帐目计划∙Cost Accumulation Methods 成本累加方法∙Cost Analysis 成本分析∙Cost Applications 成本应用∙Cost Avoidance 成本规避∙Cost Baseline 成本基线∙Cost Benefit 成本效益∙Cost Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析∙Cost Breakdown Structure 成本分解结构∙Cost Budgeting 成本预算∙Cost Ceiling 封顶成本成本上限∙Cost Ceiling Bracket 成本上限范围∙Cost Center 成本中心∙Cost Check 成本检查∙Cost Classes 成本类别∙Cost Code 成本代码∙Cost Codes 成本代码∙Cost Control 成本控制∙Cost Control Point 成本控制点∙Cost Control System 成本控制系统∙Cost Curve 成本曲线∙Cost Distribution 成本分摊∙Cost Effective 成本效率成本有效的∙Cost Element 成本元素∙Cost Engineering 成本工程∙Cost Envelope 成本区域∙Cost Estimate 成本估算∙Cost Estimate Classification System 成本估算分类系统∙Cost Estimating 成本估算∙Cost Estimating Relationship 成本估算关系∙Cost Forecast 成本预测∙Cost Forecasting 成本预测∙Cost Growth 成本增长∙Cost Incurred 已发生成本∙Cost Index 成本指数∙Cost Indices 成本指数表∙Cost Input 成本投入∙Cost Management 成本管理∙Cost Model 成本模型∙Cost of Money 资金成本∙Cost of Quality 质量成本∙Cost Overrun 成本超支∙Cost Performance Baseline 成本绩效基线∙Cost Performance Index (CPI) 成本绩效指数∙Cost Performance Indicator (CPI) 成本绩效指数∙Cost Performance Measurement Baseline 成本绩效度量基线∙Cost Performance Ratio (CPR) 成本绩效比率∙Cost Performance Report (CPR) 成本绩效报告∙Cost Plan 成本计划∙Cost Plus 成本补偿∙Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract ("CPFF") 成本加固定费用合同∙Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract ("CPIFC") 成本加奖励费用合同∙Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract ("CPPC") 成本加成本百分比合同∙Cost Reimbursable Contract 成本补偿合同费用可偿还合同∙Cost Reimbursement 成本补偿∙Cost Reimbursement Type Contracts 成本补偿型合同∙Cost Reviews 成本评审∙Cost Savings 成本节约∙Cost Sharing Contract 成本共享合同∙Cost Status 成本状态∙Cost to Complete 竣工尚需成本∙Cost to Complete Forecast 竣工所需成本预测∙Cost Types 成本类型∙Cost Variance ("CV") 成本偏差∙Cost/Schedule Status Report ("C/SSR") 成本/进度状态报告∙Cost-Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析∙Costed Work Breakdown Structure 带成本信息的工作分解结构∙Cost-Effectiveness 成本效果分析法∙Costing 成本核算∙Costing Systems 成本核算系统∙Cost-Time Resource Sheet (CTR) 成本时间资源表∙Counseling 指导∙Countermeasures 对策∙CPFFCo Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract∙CPIo Cost Performance Indexo Cost Performance Indicator∙CPIF 成本加奖励费用合同o Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract∙CPIFCo Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract∙CPMo Critical Path Method∙CPNo Critical Path Network∙CPPCo Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract∙CPRo Cost Performance Ratioo Cost Performance Report∙CPUo Central Processing Unit∙CRo Change Request∙Craft 技艺∙Crash Costs 赶工成本∙Crash Duration 赶工工期∙Crashing 赶工∙Creativity 创造力∙Credit 赊欠信誉∙Credited Resource 已授予的资源∙Crisis 危机∙Criteria 标准指标∙Criterion 标准指标∙Critical 关键的∙Critical Activity 关键活动∙Critical Chain 关键链∙Critical Defect 关键性缺陷∙Critical Defective 有关键缺陷的产品∙Critical Design Review 关键设计评审∙Critical Event 关键事件∙Critical Factors 关键因素∙Critical Path 关键路径∙Critical Path Analysis 关键路径分析∙Critical Path Method (CPM) 关键路径法∙Critical Path Network (CPN) 关键路径网络图∙Critical Performance Indicator 关键绩效指标∙Critical Ratio 临界比关键比率∙Critical Sequence 关键工序∙Critical Sequence Analysis 关键工序分析∙Critical Subcontractor 关键分包商∙Critical Success Factors (CSF) 关键的成功因素∙Critical Task 关键任务∙Critical Work Item 关键工作项∙Criticality Index 关键指数∙Cross Organizational 交叉型组织跨组织的∙Cross References 交叉参照∙Cross-Stage Plan 交叉阶段计划∙CSCIo Computer Software Configuration Item ∙CSFo Critical Success Factors∙CTCo Contract Target Cost∙CTPo Contract Target Price∙CTRo Cost-Time Resource Sheet∙Culture 文化∙Culture, organizational 文化组织文化∙Cumulative Cost-to-Date 到目前为止的累计成本∙Cumulative S Curve 累计S 曲线∙Currency Conversion 货币兑换∙Current Budget 当前预算∙Current Date Line 当前日期线∙Current Finish Date 当前完成日期∙Current FY Budget Allocation 当前财政年的预算分配∙Current Start Date 当前开始日期∙Current Status 当前状态∙Current Year 当年∙Custom Duty and Tax 海关关税∙Customer 客户∙Customer Acceptance Criteria 客户验收标准∙Customer Furnished Equipment 客户提供的设备∙Customer Perspective 客户观点∙Customer/Client Personnel 客户方的职员∙Cutoff Date 移交日期∙Cutover 移交∙CV∙Cost Variance∙CWBSo Contract Work Breakdown Structure ∙Cybernetics 控制论∙Cycle 周期∙Cycle Time 周期[编辑]D∙Damages 损害赔偿金∙Dangle 悬空活动∙Data 数据∙Data Application 数据应用∙Data Collection 数据收集∙Data Date ("DD") 数据日期∙Data Entry Clerk 数据录入员∙Data Item Description ("DID") 工作项描述∙Data Processing 数据处理∙Data Refinements 数据改进∙Data Type 数据类型∙Data Structure Organization 数据结构组织∙Database 数据库∙Database Administrator ("DBA") 数据库管理员∙Database Management System ("DBMS") 数据库管理系统∙Date of Acceptance 验收日期∙Day Work Account 日常工作帐户∙DBAo”Database Administrator"∙DBMo”Dynamic Baseline Model"∙DBMSo”Database Management System"∙DCEo”Distributed Computing Environment"∙DCFo”Discounted Cash Flow"∙DDo”Data Date"∙Deactivation Plan 惰性化计划∙Deactivation Procedures 惰性化流程∙Debriefing 投标反馈听取情况汇报情况∙Decentralized 分散的∙Decision 决策∙Decision document.tion 决策文档∙Decision Event 决策事件∙Decision Making 制定决策∙Decision Making Process 决策过程∙Decision Support System 决策支持系统∙Decision Theory 决策论∙Decision Tree 决策树∙Decision Trees 决策树组∙Decomposing 分解∙Decomposition 分解∙Default 违约∙Default values 默认值∙Defect 缺陷∙Defective 缺陷产品∙Defects-Per-Hundred-Units 每百个单元有缺陷的数量∙Deficiency 缺陷∙Deficiency List 缺陷清单∙Definition 定义∙Definition Phase 定义阶段∙Definitive 确定性的∙Definitive Estimate 确定性估算∙Deflection 风险转移∙Degradation 降级∙Delay 延期∙Delay, compensable 补偿性延期∙Delaying Resource 资源延期∙Delegating 授权∙Delegation 授权∙Deliberate Decision Event 预先准备的决策事件∙Deliverable 可交付成果,可交付物∙Deliverable Breakdown Structure 可交付物分解结构∙Deliverable Deadline 可交付物的终止期限∙Deliverables 可交付成果可交付物∙Deliverables Management 交付物管理∙Delivery 交付∙Delphi Technique德尔菲法∙Demonstrate 演示证明∙Demonstrated 已证明的∙Demonstrated Past Experience 已证明的过去经验∙Demonstration 演示∙Demonstration Review 演示评审∙Department 部门∙Departmental Budget 部门预算∙Dependability 可靠性∙Dependencies 依赖关系∙Dependency 活动之间的依赖关系∙Dependency Arrow 关系箭线∙Dependency Diagram 网络图前导网络图∙Dependency Links 依赖关系∙Dependency Management 依赖关系管理∙Deployment 部署∙Deployment Lessons Learned document.nbsp 部署的经验教训文档∙Deployment Plan 部署计划∙Deployment Procedures 部署流程∙Deployment Readiness Review 部署准备评审∙Deployment View 部署视图∙Depreciation 折旧∙Descriptive 描述性的∙Design 设计∙Design & Development Phase 设计和开发阶段∙Design Alternatives 设计备选方案∙Design Appraisal 设计评估∙Design Authority 设计权威∙Design Baseline 基准设计∙Design Bid Build 设计阶段投标的建立∙Design Brief 设计大纲∙Design Build 设计的建立包括设计和构造∙Design Concept 设计概念∙Design Contingency 设计应急费用∙Design Contract 设计合同∙Design Control 设计控制∙Design Development 设计开发∙Design Management 设计管理∙Design Management Plan 设计管理计划∙Design Model 设计模型∙Design of Experiment试验设计∙Design Package 设计包∙Design Review 设计评审∙Design Subsystem 设计子系统∙Design Time 设计时间∙Design to Budget 按预算设计∙Design to Cost 按成本设计∙Design-to Specifications 按规范设计∙Desirable Logic 合意逻辑∙Detail document.tion 详细的文档∙Detail Schedule 详细的进度安排∙Detailed Design 详细设计∙Detailed Design Stage 详细设计阶段∙Detailed Engineering 详细工程∙Detailed Planning 详细计划∙Detailed Plans 详细的计划∙Detailed Resource Plan 详细的资源计划∙Detailed Schedule 详细的进度安排∙Detailed Technical Plan 详细的技术计划∙Determination 决定决心∙Determine Least Cost for Maximum Results 确定可以获得最大收获的最小成本∙Deterministic 确定性的∙Deterministic Network 确定的网络图∙Developed Country 发达国家∙Developer 开发人员∙Developing Country 发展中国家∙Development 开发∙Development case 开发案例∙Development Phase 开发阶段∙Development Plan 开发计划∙Development process 开发过程∙Deviation 偏差∙Deviation Permit 允许偏差∙Diagram 图∙DIDo”Data Item Description"∙Differences 偏差差异∙Differentials 差值∙Differing Site Conditions 不同的现场环境∙Direct Cost 直接成本∙Direct Cost Contingency 直接成本应急费用。

Activity Code
Activity Definition [Process]
Activity Description (AD) 活动描述
Activity Duration
定义 The act of formally receiving or acknowledging something and regarding it as being true, sound, suitable, or complete. See accept Those criteria, including performance requirements and essential conditions, which must be met before project deliverables are accepted. The process of obtaining the human resources needed to complete the project. A component of work performed during the course of a project. See also schedule activity. Multiple attributes associated with each schedule activity that can be included within the activity list. Activity attributes include activity codes, predecessor activities, successor activities, logical relationships, leads and lags, resource requirements, imposed dates, constraints, and assumptions. One or more numerical or text values that identify characteristics of the work or in some way categorize the schedule activity that allows filtering and ordering of activities within reports. The process of identifying the specific schedule activities that need to be performed to produce the various project deliverables. A short phrase or label for each schedule activity used in conjunction with an activity identifier to differentiate that project schedule activity from other schedule activities. The activity description normally describes the scope of work of the schedule activity. The time in calendar units between the start and finish of a schedule activity. See also actual duration, original duration,

项目管理职业道德规范(英文版)PMI MEMBER ETHICAL STANDARDSMEMBER CODE OF ETHICSThe Project Management Institute (PMI) is a professional organization dedica ted to the development and promotion of the field of project management. The purpose of the PMI Member Code of Ethics is to define and clarify the ethic al responsibilities for present and future PMI members.Preamble:In the pursuit of the project management profession, it is vital that PMI me mbers conduct their work in an ethical manner in order to earn and maintain the confidence of team members, colleagues, employees, employers, customers/ clients, the public, and the global community.Member Code of Ethics:As a professional in the field of project management, PMI members pledge to uphold and abide by the following:• I will maintain high standards of integrity and professional conduct• I will accept responsibility for my actions• I will continually seek to enhance my professional capabilities• I will practice with fairness and honesty• I will encourage others in the profession to act in an ethical and profess ional manner.PMI MEMBER ETHICAL STANDARDSMEMBER STANDARDS OF CONDUCTThe following PMI Member Standards of Conduct describes the obligations and expectations associated with membership in the Project Management Institute. All PMI Members must conduct their activities consistent with the Member St andards of Conduct.I. Professional Obligations.A. Professional Behavior.1. PMI Members will fully and accurately disclose any professional or busine ss-related conflicts or potential conflicts of interest in a timely manner.2. PMI Members will refrain from offering or accepting payments, or other fo rms of compensation or tangible benefits, which: (a) do not conform with app licable laws; and (b) may provide unfair advantage for themselves, their bus iness or others they may represent.3. PMI Members who conduct research or similar professional activities will do so in a manner that is fair, honest, accurate, unbiased, and otherwise ap propriate, and will maintain appropriate, accurate, and complete records with respect to such research and professional activities.4. PMI Members will respect and protect the intellectual property rights of others, and will properly disclose and recognize the professional, intellect ual, and research contributions of others.5. PMI Members will strive to enhance their professional capabilities, skill s and knowledge; and will accurately and truthfully represent and advertisetheir professional services and qualifications.B. Relationship With Customers, Clients, and Employers.1. PMI Members will provide customers, clients, and employers with fair, hon est, complete and accurate information concerning: (a) their qualifications;(b) their professional services; and (c) the preparation of estimates conce rning costs, services, and expected results.2. PMI Members will honor and maintain the confidentiality and privacy of cu stomer, client, employer, and similar work information, including the confid entiality of customer or client identities, assignments undertaken, and othe r information obtained throughout the course of a professional relationship, unless: (a) granted permission by the customer, client, or employer; or (b) the maintenance of the confidentiality is otherwise unethical or unlawful.3. PMI Members will not take personal, business, or financial advantage of c onfidential or private information acquired during the course of their profe ssional relationships, nor will they provide such information to others.C. Relationship With the Public and the Global Community.1. PMI Members will honor and meet all applicable legal and ethical obligati ons, including the laws, rules, and customs of the community and nation in w hich they function, work, or conduct professional activities.2. PMI Members will perform their work consistent and in conformance with pr ofessional standards to ensure that the public is protected from harm.II. Obligations to PMI.A. Responsibilities of PMI Membership.1. PMI Members will abide by the bylaws, policies, rules, requirements, and procedures of the Project Management Institute, and will not knowingly engage or assist in any activities intended to compromise the integrity, reputati on, property, and/or legal rights of the Institute.2. PMI Members will abide by the laws, regulations, and other requirements of their respective communities and nations, and will not knowingly engage in, or assist in, any activities intended to have negative implications, includ ing criminal conduct, professional misconduct, or malfeasance.3. PMI Members will cooperate with the Institute concerning the review of po ssible ethics violations, and other PMI matters, completely, consistent with applicable policies and requirements.4. PMI Members will accurately, completely, and truthfully represent informa tion to PMI.PMI MEMBER ETHICAL STANDARDSMEMBER ETHICS CASE PROCEDURESThe following ethics case procedures are the only rules for processing possi ble violations of these ethical standards. These procedures are applicable t o members of the Project Management Institute (hereinafter referred to as PM I or the Institute), and those who are seeking Institute membership. PMI mem bers and individuals seeking PMI membership understand and agree that these procedures are a fair process for resolving all ethics matters duly adopted by PMI; and they will be bound by decisions made, and requirements issued, p ursuant to these procedures.A. General Provisions1. Nature of the Process. PMI has the only authority to resolve and end any ethics matter, regardless of circumstances. By applying for membership in th e Institute, PMI members and applicants agree that they will accept the authority of the Institute to apply the Member Code of Ethics, Member Standards of Conduct, and the Member Ethics Case Procedures, and other relevant polici es to resolve ethics matters.These ethics procedures are not a formal legal process; therefore, many lega l rules and practices are not observed, and the procedures are designed to o perate without the assistance of attorneys. Any party, of course, may be rep resented by an attorney with respect to an ethics matter. If a party has ret ained an attorney, that attorney may be directed to communicate with the Ins titute through the PMI Legal Counsel. The parties are encouraged to communic ate directly with the Institute. The Institute may use the services of PMI L egal Counsel without limitation.2. Participants. Ethics cases may be decided by the PMI Ethics Review Commit tee, the Ethics Appeals Committee, and/or any authorized designee. A PMI mem ber or applicant who is the subject of an ethics complaint or investigation will be identified as the Respondent. The person(s) initiating an ethics com plaint will be identified as the Complainant(s).3. Time Requirements. The Institute will make every reasonable effort to fol low the time requirements noted in these procedures. However, the Institute’s failure to meet a time requirement will not prohibit the final resolution of any ethics matter, or otherwise prevent PMI from acting under these proce dures. Complainants and Respondents are required to comply with all time req uirements specified in these procedures. Time extensions or postponements ma y be granted by the Institute if a timely written request explains a reasona ble cause.4. Relaxation of Requirements/Global Accommodations. In light of the global nature of the international project management community, including differen ces related to the language, custom, geographic location, and other characteristics of PMI members and applicants, the Institute recognizes that PMI mem bers and applicants may have difficulty meeting certain time or other requir ements in these procedures. Accordingly, a PMI member or applicant may submi t to the Executive Director a written request for an extension of one or mor e of the time requirements; or, a reasonable accommodation related to matter s of language, custom, geographic location, or the like. The Executive Direc tor will forward such requests to the Chair of the Ethics Review Committee o r the Chair of the Ethics Appeal Committee, as applicable. Generally, reques ts for such time extensions that seek to increase a deadline and other reaso nable accommodations will be granted.5. Litigation/Other Proceedings. The Institute may accept and resolve ethics complaints when civil or criminal litigation, or other proceedings related to the complaint, are also before a court, regulatory agency or professional body. The Institute may also continue or delay the resolution of any ethics complaints in such cases.6. Improper Disclosure. The Institute may issue any appropriate directive(s) and requirement(s) where a PMI member or applicant provides a misleading di sclosure, or fails to disclose requested information related to: PMI members hip; an ethics complaint; an ethics case; or similar matter. Where a discipl ine, order, directive, or other requirement is issued by the Institute under this Section, the member or applicant involved may seek review and appeal p ursuant to these procedures.7. Confidentiality. In order to protect the privacy of the parties involved in an ethics case, all material prepared by, or submitted to, the Institute will be confidential, unless otherwise authorized by these procedures. Among other information, the Institute will not consider the following materials to be confidential: materials which are disclosed as the result of a legal requirement; materials which are disclosed upon the written request of the me mber or applicant who is the subject of an ethics complaint or investigation, any information relating to the member or applicant which he/she would like released to other professional organizations or third parties, and which is not otherwise confidential; and, all final published rulings, decisions, re quirements, orders, and/or reports of the Ethics Review Committee or the Eth ics Appeals Committee.8. Failure to Cooperate. If any party refuses to fully cooperate with the In stitute concerning matters arising under these procedures without good cause, the Institute may: terminate the ethics complaint of an uncooperative Compl ainant; or, impose any sanction or requirement included within these rules i f a Respondent is uncooperative. Where a discipline, order, requirement, or other directive is issued by the Institute under this Section, the member or applicant involved may seek review and appeal pursuant to these procedures.9. Resignation from the Institute. Should a Respondent attempt to relinquish PMI membership or withdraw an application during the course of any ethics c ase, the Institute reserves the right to continue the matter to a final and binding resolution according to these procedures.B. Submission of Ethics Complaints/Acceptance or Rejection.1. Executive Director. Any person, group, organization, or, in appropriate c ases, the Institute (Complainant) may initiate an ethics complaint. Each Com plainant must submit to the ¬Executive Director a detailed written descripti on of the factual allegations supporting the ethics complaint, including the specific provisions of the Member Code of Ethics or Member Standards of Con duct relevant to the allegations set forth in the complaint. The Executive D irector will forward the complaint to the Ethics Review Committee Chair for review, consideration, and assignment.2. Ethics Review Committee. The Ethics Review Committee will be responsible for the investigation and resolution of each ethics complaint. Upon receipt of a complaint, the Review Committee will determine whether sufficient detai l is presented to constitute a formal ethics complaint, based upon the speci fic Member Code of Ethics or Member Standards of Conduct provisions identifi ed by the complaint, and to permit the Review Committee to conduct an approp riate review.3. Complaint Acceptance/Rejection Criteria. In order to determine if an ethi cs complaint is accepted or rejected, the Ethics Review Committee will consi der whether: a proven complaint would constitute a violation of the specific Member Code of Ethics or Member Standards of Conduct provisions identified by the Complainant in the original submission; the passage of time since the alleged violation requires that the complaint be rejected; relevant, reliab le information or proof concerning the charge is available; the Complainant is willing to provide testimony or other evidence concerning the complaint; and, there is reasonable cause to believe that the charge appears to be just ified, considering the proof available.3.a. Complaint Acceptance. Upon a determination that an ethics complaint is appropriate, the Ethics Review Committee will issue a formal Ethics Complain t Notice identifying each Member Code of Ethics and Member Standards of Cond uct violation alleged, and the supporting factual basis for each complaint. This Notice will be delivered to the Respondent, and will be marked Confiden tial. The Review Committee may request additional information to supplement or explain an allegation.3.b. Complaint Rejection. If the Ethics Review Committee determines that an allegation or complaint change should not be a formal ethics complaint, the Review Committee will return all information submitted and notify Complainant of the rejection and its basis by correspondence.3.b.1. Appeal of Complaint Rejection Determination. Within forty-five (45) d ays of the mailing date of complaint rejection correspondence, the Complaina nt may appeal to the Ethics Appeals Committee by stating in writing the proc edural errors he/she believes were made by the Ethics Review Committee with respect to the charge rejection, if any; the specific provisions of the Memb er Code of Ethics and Member Standards of Conduct believed violated; and, th e specific information he/she believes supports the acceptance of a complain t. The Ethics Appeals Committee will review the Complainant’s appeal and iss ue a decision based upon the record. The Appeals Committee may accept the Re view Committee decision and reject the complaint, or any part thereof; or, r everse the Review Committee decision and direct that a complaint be issued a nd the case resolved under these procedures.4. Ethics Complaint Response. Within forty-five (45) days of the mailing date of an Ethics Complaint Notice, the Respondent must submit a response to th e Ethics Review Committee. The Ethics Complaint Response must include a full response to each complaint, and a copy of each document relevant to the res olution of the ethics complaint. The Review Committee may request additional information to supplement a response.5. Complaint Referral. If the Ethics Review Committee determines that the fa ctual allegations presented by a Complainant, or the information revealed by an investigation, may constitute a violation of Member Code of Ethics or Me mber Standards of Conduct provisions not directly related to those presented by the Complainant, the Review Committee may take any of the following acti ons: notify the Respondent of possible, unrelated Code or Standards violatio ns, and any recommended corrective actions; refer the matter to the Complain ant for review and possible re-submission of a revised or new complaint; refer the matter to other Institute, government, or professional bodies for rev iew; or, other appropriate actions/referrals.C. Preliminary Actions and Orders.Preliminary and Temporary Orders. The Ethics Review Committee, or the Ethics Appeals Committee, may require the Respondent to do, or to refrain from doi ng, certain acts by Preliminary and Temporary Order reasonably related to th e complaint under consideration pending the final resolution of the case or investigation. Such orders may include, but are not limited to, a requiremen t that the Respondent voluntarily and immediately cease from representing hi mself or herself as a PMI member or applicant, or as otherwise associated wi th the Institute until further notice; or, a restriction that the Respondent may not pursue a PMI position or office pending the final resolution of the ethics matter under review. The Ethics Review Committee or the Ethics Appea ls Committee may discipline a Respondent who fails to comply with a Temporar y or Preliminary Order. Preliminary and Temporary Orders are not subject to appeal, but may be reconsidered by the Committees upon written request of th e Respondent presenting substantial reasons that the order is no longer nece ssary.D. Ethics Review Committee Hearings.1. Ethics Review Committee. The PMI Board of Directors will appoint at least seven (7) PMI members to serve as the Ethics Review Committee to investigat e and resolve ethics complaint matters. The PMI Chair, with Board of Directo rs approval, will appoint a Committee Chair from the seven members, who will supervise the work of the Committee. The Chair may appoint one or more Vice -Chairs to assist him/her, and to also preside over each Ethics Hearing. As directed by the Committee Chair, three (3) disinterested members of the Ethi cs Review Committee will be assigned to each case, and will conduct an informal Ethics Hearing designed to collect and weigh all of the available inform ation and proof, and will have full authority to convene, preside over, cont inue, decide, and conclude an Ethics Hearing.2. Hearing Schedule, Notice, and Attendance. The hearing date, time, and loc ation for each ethics case will be scheduled by the Ethics Review Committee in consultation with the parties, and both parties will be notified in writi ng. Each party may attend the hearing in person or via telephone conference, where all participants will be able to communicate with each other.3. Participation of Legal Representatives/Conduct of the Hearing. Upon reque st by the Ethics Review Committee, the PMI Chair, or the PMI Board of Direct ors, the PMI Legal Counsel shall be available to assist the Committee at an Ethics Hearing, with privilege of the floor, and may conduct the hearing in consultation with the Ethics Review Committee. Legal or other representative s of the parties do not have such privilege and are bound by the determinati ons and rulings of the Ethics Review Committee and PMI Legal Counsel. No for mal legal rules of evidence, cross-examination, oath, and other procedures w ill apply to hearings. The PMI member or applicant, or a legal representativ e, will be permitted to ask questions of witnesses at the discretion of the Ethics Review Committee. Objections relating to relevance of information and other procedural issues will be decided by the Ethics Review Committee and these decisions are not subject to appeal.4. Hearing Record. A taped, written, or other record of the Ethics Hearing w ill be made by the Ethics Review Committee, another PMI representative, or a stenographer/recorder, as determined by the Review Committee.5. Hearing Expenses. Parties will be responsible for their expenses associat ed with an ethics investigation or case, including the costs associated with any witnesses or legal counsel. The Institute will bear other general costsof conducting the Ethics Hearing, including costs associated with the activ ities of PMI representatives.6. Closing of the Hearing Record. Any Ethics Hearing may proceed to a conclu sion and decision, whether or not the parties are present, based on the appr opriate written record, as determined by the Ethics Review Committee. The Re view Committee will review the hearing record, as well as any submissions pr esented by the parties and other relevant information, and thereafter, will determine the outcome of the ethics case by majority vote in a closed sessio n. The hearing record will be closed following the conclusion of the hearing, unless otherwise directed by the Ethics Review Committee Chair or a Vice-Ch air.7. Ethics Review Committee Decision and Order. A Decision and Order will be prepared by the Ethics Review Committee after the closing of the record, whi ch will include a summary of the case, including the positions of the partie s; a summary of relevant factual findings based on the record of the hearing;a final ruling on the Member Code of Ethics and Member Standards of Conduct violations charged; and, a statement of any corrective or disciplinary acti on(s), and other directives issued by the Review Committee. Copies of the Et hics Review Committee Decision and Order shall be sent to the parties. The p arties will also be notified that the final decision may be published consis tent with the requirements of these procedures.8. Disciplinary Actions Available. When a Respondent is found to have violat ed one or more provisions of the Member Code of Ethics or Member Standards o f Conduct, the Institute may issue and order one or more of the following di sciplinary or remedial actions:8.a. The denial and rejection of any PMI membership application;8.b Private reprimand and censure, including any appropriate conditions or directives;8.c. Public reprimand and censure, including any appropriate conditions or d irectives;8.d. Membership probation for any period up to three (3) years, including an y appropriate restrictions or conditions concerning membership rights and an y other conditions or directives;8.e. Suspension of membership status for a period of no less than six (6) mo nths and no more than three (3) years, including any appropriate conditions or directives;8.f. Termination of membership and expulsion from the Institute.E. Ethics Appeals Committee/Appeals.1. Time Period for Submitting Appeal. Within forty-five (45) days of the mai ling date of an adverse Ethics Review Committee Decision and Order, the Resp ondent or the Complainant may submit to the PMI Executive Director a written appeal of all or a portion of the Decision and Order consistent with the re quirements of these procedures. The Executive Director will forward the appe al to the Ethics Appeals Committee Chair for review, consideration, and assi gnment.2. Grounds for Appeal. An adverse Ethics Review Committee Decision and Order may be reversed or otherwise modified by the Ethics Appeals Committee. Howe ver, the grounds for appeal of an adverse decision are strictly limited to t he following:2.a. Procedural Error. The Ethics Review Committee misapplied a procedure co ntained in these rules, and the misapplication prejudiced the appealing part y.2.b. New or Previously Undiscovered Information. Following the closing of the Hearing Record, the appealing party has located relevant proof that was not previously in his/her possession; was not reasonably available prior to cl osure of the record; and, could have affected the Ethics Review Committee de cision.2.c. Misapplication of the Code of Ethics or Standards of Conduct. The Ethic s Review Committee misapplied the provisions of the Member Code of Ethics or Member Standards of Conduct, and the misapplication prejudiced the appealing party.2.d. Contrary to the Information Presented. The Ethics Review Committee deci sion is contrary to the most substantial information provided in the record.2.e With respect to Subsections 2.a. and 2.c. above, the Ethics Appeals Comm ittee will consider only arguments that were presented to the Ethics Review Committee prior to the closing of the Hearing Record.3. Contents of Appeal Letter. The appealing party must submit to the PMI Exe cutive Director a letter or other written document directed to the Ethics Ap peals Committee and to the other party, which contains the following informa tion and material: the ethics case name; the docket number and date of the E thics Review Committee Decision; a statement and complete explanation of the reasons for the appeal under Section E.2, including an explanation and basi s for any request concerning a reduction in the discipline issued by the Eth ics Review Committee; and, copies of any material supporting the appeal.F. Ethics Appeals Committee/Appeal Hearings.1. Ethics Appeals Committee. The PMI Board of Directors will appoint at leas t seven (7) PMI members to serve as the Ethics Appeals Committee to resolve ethics appeals. The PMI Chair, with Board of Directors approval, will appoin t a Committee Chair from the seven members, who will supervise the work of t he Appeals Committee. The Chair may appoint one or more Vice-Chairs to assis t him/her, and to also preside over each Appeal Hearing. As directed by theCommittee Chair, three (3) disinterested members of the Appeals Committee wi ll be assigned to each case, and will have full authority to convene, preside over, continue, decide, and conclude an ethics appeal.2. Appeal Hearings. Following receipt of a complete and proper written appea l, the Ethics Appeals Committee will schedule a date on which to conduct an Appeal Hearing, and the parties will be notified in writing at least forty-f ive (45) days in advance of the scheduled date. The Appeals Committee will r eview the hearing record, as well as any appeal submissions presented by the parties and other relevant information, and thereafter will determine and r esolve the appeal by majority vote in a closed session.3. Request to Appear Before Ethics Appeals Committee. Either party may reque st the opportunity to appear before the Ethics Appeals Committee in writing at least forty-five (45) days prior to the date scheduled for the Appeal Hea ring. In the event that a request to appear before the Ethics Appeals Commit tee is approved, the Appeals Committee may limit the appearance in any manne r. Denials of requests to appear before the Appeals Committee are not subjec t to appeal.4. Ethics Appeals Committee Decision and Order. Following the conclusion of an Appeal Hearing, the Ethics Appeals Committee will issue an Appeal Decisio n and Order stating: the outcome and resolution of the appeal, including a s ummary of relevant portions of the Ethics Review Committee Decision and Orde r; a summary of any relevant procedural or factual findings made by the Appe als Committee; the Ethics Appeals Committee’s ruling(s) and decision(s) with respe ct to the matters under appeal; and, the Appeals Committee’s final Dec ision and Order accepting, affirming, reversing, amending, or otherwise modi fying any portion of the Ethics Review Committee Decision and Order, includi ng any final disciplinary action or sanction issued by the Appeals Committee.Copies of the Ethics Appeals Committee Decision and Order shall be sent to the parties. The parties will also be notified that the final decision may b e published, consistent with the requirements of these procedures.G. Finalizing Ethics Cases.1. Events Which Will Cause Closure of an Ethics Case. An ethics case will be closed when any of the following occur: the ethics complaint has been rejec ted pursuant to these procedures; a final decision has been issued by the Et hics Review Committee without appeal pursuant to these procedures; a final d ecision has been issued by the Ethics Appeals Committee pursuant to these pr ocedures; or, an ethics complaint has been terminated or withdrawn by the Co mplainant(s).2. Events Which Will Cause an Ethics Case Decision and Order to Become Final. The Ethics Case Decision and Order issued by the Ethics Review Committee th at is not appealed within the prescribed time requirements will be considere d final. The Ethics Case Decision and Order issued by the Ethics Appeals Com mittee will be considered final.3. Referral and Notification Actions. PMI may notify appropriate governmenta l, professional, or similar bodies of any actions taken concerning a Respond ent by sending a copy of the final Ethics Case Decision and Order issued by the Ethics Review Committee and/or the Ethics Appeals Committee, or by sendi ng another appropriate notice. This notification may be done at any point af ter the time period for the Respondent to appeal an adverse decision has ela psed. During the appeal period, the Institute may respond to inquiries regar ding the existence of ethics cases and indicate the existence of such procee dings.4. Publication of Final Disciplinary Action. PMI may publish a notification of a final Ethics Case Decision and Order following the issuance of an Ethic。

PMI Code of Ethics and Professional ConductCHAPTER1.VISION AND APPLICABILITY1.1Vision and PurposeAs practitioners of project management,we are committed to doing what is right and honorable.We set highstandards for ourselves and we aspire to meet these standards in all aspects of our lives—at work,at home,andin service to our profession.This Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct describes the expectations that we have of ourselves and ourfellow practitioners in the global project management community.It articulates the ideals to which we aspire aswell as the behaviors that are mandatory in our professional and volunteer roles.The purpose of this Code is to instill confidence in the project management profession and to help an individualbecome a better practitioner.We do this by establishing a profession-wide understanding of appropriate behavior.We believe that the credibility and reputation of the project management profession is shaped by the collectiveconduct of individual practitioners.We believe that we can advance our profession,both individually and collectively, by embracing this Code ofEthics and Professional Conduct.We also believe that this Code will assist us in making wise decisions,particularly when faced with difficult situations where we may be asked to compromise our integrity or our values.Our hope that this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct will serve as a catalyst for others to study,deliberate,and write about ethics and values.Further,we hope that this Code will ultimately be used to build upon andevolve our profession.1.2Persons to Whom the Code AppliesThe Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct applies to:1.2.1All PMI members1.2.2Individuals who are not members of PMI but meet one or more of the following criteria:.1Non-members who hold a PMI certification.2Non-members who apply to commence a PMI certification process.3Non-members who serve PMI in a volunteer capacity.Comment:Those holding a Project Management Institute(PMI®)credential(whether members or not)were previouslyheld accountable to the Project Management Professional(PMP®)or Certified Associate in Project Management(CAPM®)Code of Professional Conduct and continue to be held accountable to the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.In the past,PMI also had separate ethics standards for members and for credentialed individuals.Stakeholders whocontributed input to develop this Code concluded that having multiple codes was undesirable and that everyone should beheld to one high standard.Therefore,this Code is applicable to both PMI members and individuals who have applied foror received a credential from PMI,regardless of their membership in PMI.1.3Structure of the CodeThe Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is divided into sections that contain standards of conduct which arealigned with the four values that were identified as most important to the project management community.Somesections of this Code include ments are not mandatory parts of the Code, but provide examplesand other clarification.Finally,a glossary can be found at the end of the standard. The glossary defines wordsand phrases used in the Code.For convenience,those terms defined in the glossary are underlined in the text ofthe Code.1.4Values that Support this CodePractitioners from the global project management community were asked to identify the values that formed thebasis of their decision making and guided their actions.The values that the global project managementcommunity defined as most important were:responsibility,respect,fairness,and honesty.This Code affirmsthese four values as its foundation.Page2of61.5Aspirational and Mandatory ConductEach section of the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct includes both aspirational standards and mandatorystandards.The aspirational standards describe the conduct that we strive to uphold as practitioners.Althoughadherence to the aspirational standards is not easily measured,conducting ourselves in accordance with these isan expectation that we have of ourselves as professionals—it is not optional. The mandatory standards establish firm requirements,and in some cases,limit or prohibit practitioner behavior.Practitioners who do not conduct themselves in accordance with these standards will be subject to disciplinaryprocedures before PMI’s Ethics Review Committee.Comment:The conduct covered under the aspirational standards and conduct covered under the mandatory standards arenot mutually exclusive;that is,one specific act or omission could violate both aspirational and mandatory standards.CHAPTER2.RESPONSIBILITY2.1Description of ResponsibilityResponsibility is our duty to take ownership for the decisions we make or fail to make,the actions we take or failto take,and the consequences that result.2.2Responsibility:Aspirational StandardsAs practitioners in the global project management community:2.2.1We make decisions and take actions based on the best interests of society, public safety,and theenvironment.2.2.2We accept only those assignments that are consistent with our background, experience,skills,andqualifications.Comment:Where developmental or stretch assignments are being considered,we ensure that key stakeholders receivetimely and complete information regarding the gaps in our qualifications so that they may make informed decisionsregarding our suitability for a particular assignment.In the case of a contracting arrangement,we only bid on work that our organization is qualified to perform and we assignonly qualified individuals to perform the work.2.2.3We fulfill the commitments that we undertake–we do what we say we will do.2.2.4When we make errors or omissions,we take ownership and make corrections promptly.When wediscover errors or omissions caused by others,we communicate them to the appropriate body assoon they are discovered.We accept accountability for any issues resulting from our errors oromissions and any resulting consequences.2.2.5We protect proprietary or confidential information that has been entrusted to us.2.2.6We uphold this Code and hold each other accountable to it.2.3Responsibility:Mandatory StandardsAs practitioners in the global project management community,we require the following of ourselves and our fellowpractitioners:Regulations and Legal Requirements2.3.1We inform ourselves and uphold the policies,rules,regulations and laws thatgovern our work,professional,and volunteer activities.2.3.2We report unethical or illegal conduct to appropriate management and,if necessary,to those affectedby the conduct.Comment:These provisions have several implications.Specifically,we do not engage in any illegal behavior,includingbut not limited to:theft,fraud,corruption,embezzlement,or bribery.Further, we do not take or abuse the property ofothers,including intellectual property,nor do we engage in slander or libel.In focus groups conducted with practitionersaround the globe,these types of illegal behaviors were mentioned as being problematic.As practitioners and representatives of our profession,we do not condone or assist others in engaging in illegal behavior.We report any illegal or unethical conduct.Reporting is not easy and we recognize that it may have negativeconsequences.Since recent corporate scandals,many organizations have adopted policies to protect employees whoPage3of6reveal the truth about illegal or unethical activities.Some governments have also adopted legislation to protect employeeswho come forward with the truth.Ethics Complaints2.3.3We bring violations of this Code to the attention of the appropriate body for resolution.2.3.4We only file ethics complaints when they are substantiated by facts. Comment:These provisions have several implications.We cooperate with PMI concerning ethics violations and thecollection of related information whether we are a complainant or a respondent.We also abstain from accusing others ofethical misconduct when we do not have all the facts.Further,we pursue disciplinary action against individuals whoknowingly make false allegations against others.2.3.5We pursue disciplinary action against an individual who retaliates againsta person raising ethicsconcerns.CHAPTER3.RESPECT3.1Description of RespectRespect is our duty to show a high regard for ourselves,others,and the resources entrusted to us.Resourcesentrusted to us may include people,money,reputation,the safety of others,and natural or environmentalresources.An environment of respect engenders trust,confidence,and performance excellence by fostering mutualcooperation—an environment where diverse perspectives and views are encouraged and valued.3.2Respect:Aspirational StandardsAs practitioners in the global project management community:3.2.1We inform ourselves about the norms and customs of others and avoid engaging in behaviors theymight consider disrespectful.3.2.2We listen to others’points of view,seeking to understand them.3.2.3We approach directly those persons with whom we have a conflict or disagreement.3.2.4We conduct ourselves in a professional manner,even when it is not reciprocated.Comment:An implication of these provisions is that we avoid engaging in gossip and avoid making negative remarks toundermine another person’s reputation.We also have a duty under this Code to confront others who engage in thesetypes of behaviors.3.3Respect:Mandatory StandardsAs practitioners in the global project management community,we require the following of ourselves and our fellowpractitioners:3.3.1We negotiate in good faith.3.3.2We do not exercise the power of our expertise or position to influence the decisions or actions ofothers in order to benefit personally at their expense.3.3.3We do not act in an abusive manner toward others.3.3.4We respect the property rights of others.CHAPTER4.FAIRNESS4.1Description of FairnessFairness is our duty to make decisions and act impartially and objectively.Our conduct must be free fromcompeting self interest,prejudice,and favoritism.4.2Fairness:Aspirational StandardsAs practitioners in the global project management community:Page4of64.2.1We demonstrate transparency in our decision-making process.4.2.2We constantly reexamine our impartiality and objectivity,taking corrective action as appropriate.Comment:Research with practitioners indicated that the subject of conflicts of interest is one of the most challengingfaced by our profession.One of the biggest problems practitioners report is not recognizing when we have conflictedloyalties and recognizing when we are inadvertently placing ourselves or others in a conflict-of-interest situation.We aspractitioners must proactively search for potential conflicts and help each other by highlighting each other’s potentialconflicts of interest and insisting that they be resolved.4.2.3We provide equal access to information to those who are authorized to have that information.4.2.4We make opportunities equally available to qualified candidates. Comment:An implication of these provisions is,in the case of a contracting arrangement,we provide equal access toinformation during the bidding process.4.3Fairness:Mandatory StandardsAs practitioners in the global project management community,we require the following of ourselves and our fellowpractitioners:Conflict of Interest Situations4.3.1We proactively and fully disclose any real or potential conflicts of interest to the appropriatestakeholders.4.3.2When we realize that we have a real or potential conflict of interest,we refrain from engaging in thedecision-making process or otherwise attempting to influence outcomes,unless or until:we havemade full disclosure to the affected stakeholders;we have an approved mitigation plan;and we haveobtained the consent of the stakeholders to proceed.Comment:A conflict of interest occurs when we are in a position to influence decisions or other outcomes on behalf ofone party when such decisions or outcomes could affect one or more other parties with which we have competingloyalties.For example,when we are acting as an employee,we have a duty of loyalty to our employer.When we areacting as a PMI volunteer,we have a duty of loyalty to the Project Management Institute.We must recognize thesedivergent interests and refrain from influencing decisions when we have a conflict of interest.Further,even if we believe that we can set aside our divided loyalties and make decisions impartially,we treat theappearance of a conflict of interest as a conflict of interest and follow the provisions described in the Code.Favoritism and Discrimination4.3.3We do not hire or fire,reward or punish,or award or deny contracts based on personalconsiderations,including but not limited to,favoritism,nepotism,or bribery.4.3.4We do not discriminate against others based on,but not limited to,gender, race,age,religion,disability,nationality,or sexual orientation.4.3.5We apply the rules of the organization(employer,Project Management Institute, or other group)without favoritism or prejudice.CHAPTER5.HONESTY5.1Description of HonestyHonesty is our duty to understand the truth and act in a truthful manner both in our communications and in ourconduct.5.2Honesty:Aspirational StandardsAs practitioners in the global project management community:5.2.1We earnestly seek to understand the truth.5.2.2We are truthful in our communications and in our conduct.5.2.3We provide accurate information in a timely manner.Page5of6Comment:An implication of these provisions is that we take appropriate steps to ensure that the information we arebasing our decisions upon or providing to others is accurate,reliable,and timely.This includes having the courage to share bad news even when it may be poorly received. Also,when outcomes arenegative,we avoid burying information or shifting blame to others.When outcomes are positive,we avoid taking credit forthe achievements of others.These provisions reinforce our commitment to be both honest and responsible.5.2.4We make commitments and promises,implied or explicit,in good faith.5.2.5We strive to create an environment in which others feel safe to tell the truth.5.3Honesty:Mandatory StandardsAs practitioners in the global project management community,we require the following of ourselves and our fellowpractitioners:5.3.1We do not engage in or condone behavior that is designed to deceive others, including but not limitedto,making misleading or false statements,stating half-truths,providing information out of context orwithholding information that,if known,would render our statements as misleading or incomplete.5.3.2We do not engage in dishonest behavior with the intention of personal gain or at the expense ofanother.Comment:The aspirational standards exhort us to be truthful.Half-truths andnon-disclosures intended to misleadstakeholders are as unprofessional as affirmatively making misrepresentations.We develop credibility by providingcomplete and accurate information.翻译工具翻译第1.章视觉和适用性1.1视觉和目的作为项目管理的实习者,我们做对做什么是不错和高尚的。

ESSENCE OF PMBOK & PMP EXAMPMBOK及PMP考试精要(考试串讲教材)PROJECT MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE AREAS项目管理知识体系 (2)PROJECT LIFE CYCLE / PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESS GROUPS项目生命周期及过程组 (10)SCOPE范围管理 (12)HUMAN RESOURCE人力资源管理 (14)COMMUNICATIONS沟通管理 (18)TIME时间管理 (21)COST成本管理 (25)RISK风险管理 (29)QUALITY质量管理 (31)PROCUREMENT采购管理 (31)INTEGRATION整体管理 (19)PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES职业道德 (19)POSSIBLE EXAM QUESTIONS考点 (20)PROJECT MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE AREAS项目管理知识体系Knowledge Areas知识体系Primary Inputs输入Tools & Techniques工具及技术Primary Outputs输出INTEGRATION整体制定项目章程 Develop Project Charter1.合同(如果适用) Contract(Whenapplicable)2.项目工作说明书 Project statement ofwork3.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmentalfactors4.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets1.项目选择方法 Project selectionmethods2.项目管理方法论 Project managementmethodology3.项目管理信息系统 Project managementinformation system4.专家判断 Expert judgment1.项目章程 Project charter制定项目初步范围说明书 1.项目章程 Project charter2.项目工作说明书 Project statement ofwork3.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmentalfactors4.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets1.项目管理方法系 Project managementmethodology2.项目管理信息系统 Project managementinformation system3.专家判断 Expert judgment1.项目初步范围说明书Preliminary project scopestatement制定项目管理计划Develop Project management Plan1.项目初步范围说明书 Preliminaryproject scope statement2.项目管理各过程 Project managementprocesses3.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmentalfactors4.组织过程生产 Organizational processassets1.项目管理方法系 Project managementmethodology2.项目管理信息系统 Project managementinformation system3.专家判断 Expert judgment1.项目管理计划 Progecemanagement plan指导与管理项目执行 Direct and Manage Project Execution1.项目管理计划 Progece management plan2.批准的纠正措施 Approved correctiveactions3.批准的预防措施 Approved preventiveactions4.批准的变更申请 Approved changerequests5.批准的缺陷补救 Approved defect repair6.确认的缺陷补救 Validated defectrepair7.行政收尾程序 Administrative closureprocedure1.项目管理方法系 Project managementmethodology2.项目管理信息系统 Project managementinformation system1.可交付成果 Deliverables2.请求的变更 Requestedchanges3.实施的变更请求 Implementdechange requests4.实施的纠正措施 Implementdecorrective actions5.实施的预防措施 Implementdepreventive actions6.实施的缺陷补救 Implementdedefect repair7.工作绩效信息 Workperformance information监控项目工作 Monitor and Control Project Work1.项目管理计划 Progece management plan2. 工作绩效信息 Work performanceinformation3.否决的变更请求 Rejected changerequests1.项目管理方法系 Project managementmethodology2.项目管理信息系统 Project managementinformation system3.实现价值技术 Eamed valuetechnique(EVT)4.专家判断 Expert judgment1.推荐的纠正措施 Recommendedcorrective action2.推荐的预防措施 Recommendedpreventive action3.预测 Forecasts4.推荐的缺陷补救 Recommendeddefect repair5.请求的变更 Requestedchanges整体变更控制 Integrated Change Control 1.项目管理计划 Progece management plan2.请求的变更 Requested changes3.工作绩效信息 Work performanceinformation4.推荐的纠正措施 Recommended correctiveaction5.推荐的预防措施 Recommended preventiveaction6.推荐的缺陷补救 Recommended defectrepair7.可交付成果 Deliverables1.项目管理方法系 Project managementmethodology2.项目管理信息系统 Project managementinformation system3.专家判断 Expert judgment1.批准的变更申请 Approvedchange requests2.否决的变更请求 Rejectedchange requests3.项目管理计划(更新) Projectmanagement plan(updates)4.项目范围说明书(更新)Project scopestatement(updates)5.批准的纠正措施 Approvedcorrective actions6.批准的预防措施 Approvedpreventive actions7.批准的缺陷补救 Approveddefect repair8.确认的缺陷补救 Validateddefect repair9.可交付成果 Deliverables项目收尾 Close Project 1.项目管理计划 Progece management plan2.合同文件 Contract documentation3.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmentalfactors4.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets5.工作绩效信息 Work performanceinformation6.可交付成果 Deliverables1.项目管理方法系 Project managementmethodology2.项目管理信息系统 Project managementinformation system3.专家判断 Expert judgment1.行政收尾程序 Administrativeclosure procedure2.合同收尾程序 Contractclosure procedure3.最终产品,服务或成果 Finalproduct,service or result4.组织过程资产(更新)Organizational processassets(updates)SCOPE范围范围规划 Scope Planning 1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmentalfactors2.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets3.项目章程 Project charter4.项目初步范围说明书 Preliminaryproject scope statement5.项目管理计划 Project management plan 1.专家判断 Expert judgment2.样板,表格与标准Templates,forms,standards1.项目范围管理计划 Projectscope management plan范围定义 Scope Definition1.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets2.项目章程 Project charter3.项目初步范围说明书 Preliminaryproject scope statement4.项目范围管理计划 Project scopemanagement plan5.批准的变更申请 Approved changerequests1.产品分析 Product analysis2.其他方案识别 Alternativesidentification3.专家判断 Expert judgment4.利害关系者分析 Stakeholder analysis1.项目范围说明书Projectscope statement2.请求的变更 Requestedchanges3.项目范围管理计划 Projectscope management plan制作工作分解结构 Create WBS1.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets2.项目范围说明书 Project scopestatement3.项目范围管理计划 Project scopemanagement plan4.批准的变更申请 Approved changerequests1.工作分解结构模板 Work breakdownstructure templates2.分解 Decomposition1.项目范围说明书(更新)Project scopestatement(updates)_2.工作分解结构 Workbreakdown structure3.工作分解结构词汇表 WBSdictionary4.范围基准 Scope baseline5.项目范围管理计划(更新)Project scope managementplan(updates)6.请求的变更 RequestedchangesScope Verification范围核实1.项目范围说明书Project scope statement2.工作分解结构词汇表 WBS dictionary3.项目范围管理计划 Project scopemanagement plan4.可交付成果 Deliverables1.检查 Inspection 1.验收的可交付成果 Accepteddeliverables2.请求的变更 Requestedchanges3. 推荐的纠正措施Recommended correctiveactions范围控制 Scope Control 1.项目范围说明书Project scope statement2.工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure3.工作分解结构词汇表 WBS dictionary4.项目范围管理计划 Project scopemanagement plan5.绩效报告 Performance reports6.批准的变更申请 Approved changerequests7.工作绩效信息 Work performanceinformation 1.变更控制系统 Change control system2.偏差分析 Variance analysis3.补充规划 Replanning4.配置管理系统 Configurationmanagement system1.项目范围说明书(更新)Project scopestatement(updates)2.工作分解结构(更新) Workbreakdown structure(updates)3.工作分解结构词汇表(更新)WBS dictionary(updates)4.范围基准(更新) Scopebaseline(updates)5.请求的变更 Requestedchanges6.推荐的纠正措施 Recommendedcorrective action7.组织过程资产(更新)Organizational processassets(updates)8.项目管理计划(更新) Projectmanagement plan(updates)TIME进度活动定义 Activity Definition 1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmentalfactors2.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets3.项目范围说明书 Project scope statement4.工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure5.工作分解结构词汇表 WBS clictionary6.项目管理计划 Progece management plan1.分解 Decomposition2.样板 Templates3.滚动式规划 Rolling wave planning4.专家判断 Expert judgment5.规划组成部分 Planning componet1.活动清单Activity list2.活动属性 Activityattributes3.里程碑清单 Milestone list4.请求的变更 Requestedchanges活动排序 Activity Sequencing 1.项目范围说明书 Project scopestatament2.活动清单 Activity list3.活动属性 Activity attributes4.里程碑清单 Milestons list5.批准的变更请求 Approved changerequesta1.紧前关系绘图法(PDM) PrecedenceDiagramming Method(PDM)2.箭线绘图法(ADM) Arrow DiagrammingMethod(ADM)3.进度网络样板 Schedule networktempiates4.确定依赖关系 Dependencydetermination5.利用时间提前量与滞后量 Applyingleads and lags1.项目进度网络图 Projectschedule network diagrams2.活动清单(更新) Activitylist (updates)3.活动属性(更新) Activityattributes(updates)4.请求的变更 Requesaedchanges活动资源估算Activity Resource Estimating 1.事业环境因素Enterprise environmentalfactors2.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets3.活动清单Activity list4.活动属性Activity attributes5.资源可利用情况 Resouce availability6.项目管理计划Project management l1.专家判断 Expert judgment2.多方案分析 Alternatives analysis3.出版的估算数据 Published estimatingdata4.项目管理软件 Project managementsortware5.自上而下的估算 Bottom estimating1.活动资源要求 Activityresource requirements2.活动属性(更新) Activityattributes(updates)3.资源分解结构 Resourcebreakdown structure4.资源日历(更新)Resourcecalendars5.请求的变更 Requestedchanges活动持续时间估算Activity Duration Estimating1.事业环境因素Enterprise environmentalfactors2.组织过程资产Organizational processassets3.项目范围说明书 Project scopsstatement4.活动清单 Activity list5.活动属性 Activity attributes6.活动资源要求 Activity resourcerequirements7.资源日历 Resource calendars8.项目管理计划 Project management plan●风险登记册 Risk register●活动费用估算 Activity costestimates1.专家判断 Expert judgment2.类比估算 Analogous estimating3.参数估算 Parametric estimating4.三点估算 Three-point estimates5.后备分析 Reserve analysis1.活动持续时间估算 Activityduration estimates2.活动属性 Activityattributes(updates)制定进度表Schedule Development1.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets2.项目范围说明书Project scopestatement3.活动清单 Activity list4.活动属性 Activity attributes5.项目进度网络图 Project schedulenetwork diagrams6.活动资源要求 Activity resourcerequirements7.资源日历 Resource calendars8.活动持续时间估算 Activity durationestimates9.项目管理计划 Project management plan●风险登记册 Risk register1.进度网络分析 Schedule networkanalysisi2.关键路线法 Critical path method3.进度压缩 Schsdule compression4.假设情景分析What-if scenarioanalysis5.资源平衡 Resource leveling6.关键链法 Critical chain method7.项目管理软件 Project managementsoftware8.应用日历 Applying calendars9.调整时间提前滞后量 Adjusting leadsand lags10.进度模型 Schedule model1.项目进度表 Projectschedule2.进度模型数据 Schedulemodel data3.进度基准 Schedule baseline4.资源要求 Resourcerequirements(updates)5.活动属性(更新) Activityattributes(updates)6.项目日历(更新)Projectcalendar7.请求的变更 Requesaedchanges8.项目管理计划(更新) Projectmanagement plan(updates)●进度管理计划(更新)Schedule managementplan(updates)进度控制 Schedule Control 1.进度管理计划 schedule management plan2.进度基准 Schedule baseline3.绩效报告 Performance reports4.批准的变更要求 Approved changerequests 1.进度报告 Progress reporting2.进度变更控制系统 Schedule changecontrol system3.绩效衡量 Performance measurement4.项目管理软件 Project management1. 进度模型数据(更新)Schedule model data(updates)2. 进度基准(更新) Schedulebaseline(updates)3. 绩效衡量 Performancesoftware5.偏差分析 Variance analysisi6.进度比较横道图 Schedule comparison bar chars measurements4. 请求的变更 Requesaed changes5.推荐的纠正措施Recommended corrective action6.组织过程资产(更新) Organizational process assets(updates)7.活动清单(更新) Activitylist(updates)8.活动属性(更新) Activity attributes(updates)9.项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates)COST费用费用估算Cost Estimating 1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmentalfactors2.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets3.项目范围说明书Project scope statement4. 工作分解结构 Work breakdownstructure5.工作分解结构词汇表 WBS dictionary6.项目管理计划 Progece management plan●进度管理计划 Schedule managementplan●人员配备管理计划Staffing managementplan●风险登记册 Risk registor1.类比估算 Analogous estimating2.确定资源费率 Determine resource costrates3.自上而下估算 Bottom-up estimating4.参数估算 Parametric estimating5.项目管理软件 Project managementsoftware6.供货商投标分析 Vendor bid analysis7.准备金分析 Reserve analysis8.质量成本 Cost of quality1.活动费用估算 Activity costestimates2.活动费用估算支持细节Activity cost estimatesupporting detall3.请求的变更 Requestedchanges4.费用管理计划(更新) Costmanagement plan(updates)费用预算 Cost Budgeting 1.项目范围说明书Project scope statement2.工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure3.工作分解结构词汇表 WBS dictionary4.活动费用估算 Activity cost estimates5.活动费用估算支持细节 Activity costestimate supporting detall6.项目进度 Project schedule7.资源日历 Resource calendars8.合同 Contract9.费用管理计划 Cost management plan 1.费用汇总 Cost aggregation2.储备基金分析 Reserve analysis3.参数估算 Parametric esrimating4.资金限制平衡 Funding limitreconciliation1.费用基准 Cost baseline2.项目资金要求 Projectfunding requirements3.项目管理计划(更新) Projectmanagement plan(updates)4.请求的变更 Requestedchanges费用控制Cost Control 1.费用基准 Cost baseline2.项目资金要求 Project fundingrequirements3.绩效报告 Performance reports4.工作绩效信息 Work performanceinformation5.批准的变更申请 Approved changerequests6.项目管理计划 Project management plan 1.费用变更控制系统 Cost change controlsystem2.绩效衡量分析 Performancemeasurements analysis3.预测 Forecasting4.项目绩效审核 Project performancereviews5.项目管理软件 Project managementsoftware6.偏差管理 Variance management1.费用估算(更新) Costestimates(update)2.费用基准(更新) Costbaseline(update)3.绩效衡量 Performancemeasurements4.预测完工5.请求的变更 Requestedchanges6.推荐的纠正措施 Recommendedcorrective action7.组织过程资产(更新)Organizational processassets(updates)8.项目管理计划(更新) Projectmanagement plan(updates)RISK风险风险管理规划 Risk Management Planning1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmentalfactors2.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets3.项目范围说明书 Project scopestatement4.项目管理计划 Progece management plan1.规则会议和分析 Planning meeting andanalysis1.风险管理计划 RiskManagement Plan风险识别Risk Identification1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmentalfactors1.文件审查 Documentation reviews2.信息搜索技术 Information gathering1.风险登记册 Risk register2.组织过程生产 Organizational process assets3.项目范围说明书 Project scopestatement4. 风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan5. 项目管理计划 Project management plan techniques3.核对表分析 Checklist analysis4.假设分析 Assumptions analysis5.图解技术 Diagiamming techniquesQualitative Risk Analysisi风险定性分析1.组织过程生产 Organizational processassets2.项目范围说明书 Project scopestatement3. 风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan4. 风险登记册 Risk register1.风险概率与影响评估 Risk probabilityand impact assessment2.概率和影响矩阵 Probablity and impactmatrix3.风险数据质量评估 Risk data qualityassessment4.风险分类 Risk categorization5.风险紧迫性评估 Risk urgencyassessment1.风险登记册(更新) Riskregister(updates)定量风险分析Quantitative Risk Analysis1.组织过程生产 Organizational processassets2.项目范围说明书 Project scopestatement3. 风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan4. 风险登记册 Risk register5. 项目管理计划 Project management plan●项目进度管理计划 Project schedulemanagement plan●项目费用管理计划 Project costmanagement plan1.数据收集和表示技术 Data gathering andrepresentation techniques2.定量风险分析和模型技术 Quantitativerisk analysis and modelingtechniques1.风险登记册(更新) Riskregister(updates)风险应对规划 Risk Response Planning 1.风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan2.风险登记册 Risk register1.消极风险或威胁的应对策略 Strategiesfor negative risk or threats2.积极风险或机会的应对策略 Strategiesfor positive risk or opportunities3.威胁或机会的应对策略 Strategies forboth threats and opprtunities4.应急应对策略 Contingent responsestrategy1.风险登记册(更新) Riskregister(updates)2.项目管理计划(更新) Projectmanagement plan(updates)3.与风险有关的合同协议 Risk-related contractualagreements风险监控 Risk Monitoring and Control1.风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan2.风险登记册 Risk register3.批准的变更申请 Approved changerequests4.工作绩效信息 Work performanceinformation5.绩效报告 Performance reports1.风险再评估 Risk reassessment2.风险审计 Risk audits3.变差和趋势分析 Variance and trendanalysis4.技术绩效分析 Technical performancemeasurement5.储备金分析Reserve analysis6.状态审查会 Status meetings1.风险登记册(更新) Riskregister(updates)2.请求的变更 Requestedchanges3.推荐的纠正措施 Recommendedcorrective action4.推荐的预防措施 Recommendedpreventive action5.组织过程资产(更新)Organizational processassets(updates)6.项目管理计划(更新) Projectmanagement plan(updates)QUALITY质量质量规划 Quality Planning 1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmentalfactors2.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets3.项目范围说明书Project scope statement4.项目管理计划 Progece management plan1.成本效益分析 Cost-benefit analysis2.基准对照 Benchmarking3.试验设计 Design of experiments5.质量成本(COQ) Cost of quality (COQ)6.其他质量规划工具 Additional qualityplanning tools1.质量管理计划 Qualitymanagement plan2.质量测量指标 Qualitymetrics3.质量核对表Qualitychecklists4.过程改进计划 Processimprovement plan5.质量基准 Quality baseline6.项目管理计划(更新) Projectmanagement plan(updates)实施质量保证Perform Quality Assurance 1.质量管理计划 Quality management plan2.质量测量指标 Quality metrics3.过程改进计划 Process improvement plan4.工作绩效信息 Work performanceinformation5.批准的变更申请 Approved change1.质量规划工具与技术 Quality planningtools and techniques2.质量审计 Quality audits3.过程分析 Process analysis4.质量控制工具与技术 Quality controltools and techniques1.请求的变更 Requestedchanges2.推荐的纠正措施 Recommendedcorrective action3.组织过程资产(更新)Organizational processrequests6.质量控制衡量 Quality control measurnments7.实施的变更请求 Implementde change requests8.实施的纠正措施 Implementde corrective actions9.实施的缺陷补救 Implementde defect repair10.实施的预防措施 Implementde preventive actions assets(updates)4.项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates)实施质量监控 Perform Quality Control 1.质量管理计划 Quality management plan2.质量测量指标 Quality metrics3.质量核对表Quality checklists4.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets5.工作绩效信息 Work performanceinformation6.批准的变更请求 Approved changerequests7.可交付成果 Deliverables1.因果图 Cause and effect diagram2.控制图 Control charts3.流程图 Flowcharting4.直方图 Histogram5.帕雷托图 Pareto chart6.趋势图 Run chart7.散点图 Scatter diagram8,统计抽样 Statistical sampling9.检查 Inspection10.缺陷补救审查 Defect repair review1.质量控制衡量 Qualitycontrol measurnments2.确认的缺陷补救 Validateddefect repair3.质量基准(更新) Qualitybaseline(updates)4.推荐的纠正措施 Recommendedcorrective action5.推荐的预防措施 Recommendedpreventive action6.请求的变更 Requestedchanges7.推荐的缺陷补救 Recommendeddefect repair8.组织过程资产Organizational process assets9.确认的可交付成果 Validateddeliverables10.项目管理计划(更新)Project managementplan(updates)HUMAN RESOURCE人力资源人力资源规划 1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmentalfactors2.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets3.项目管理计划 Progece management plan●活动资源需求 Activity resourcerequirements 1.组织机构图和岗位描述 Organizationcharts and position descriptions2.交际 Networking3.组织理论 Organization theory1.角色与职责 roles andresponsibilities2.项目组织图 Projeceorganization chares3.人员配备管理计划 Staffinfmanagement plan项目团队组建 Acquire Project Team1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmentalfactors2.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets3.角色与职责 roles and responsibilities4.项目组织图 Projece organizationchares5.人员配备管理计划 Staffinf managementplan招聘惯例1.预分派 Pre-assignment2.谈判 Negotiation3.招募 Acquisition4.虚拟团队Virtual teams1.项目人员分派到位 Projectstaff assignments2.资源可利用情况 Resourceavailability3.人员配备管理计划(更新)Staffinf managementplan(updates)项目团队建设 Develop Project Team 1.项目人员分派 Project staff assignments2.人员配备管理计划 Staffinf managementplan3.资源可利用情况 Resource availability1.通用管理技能 General managementskills2.培训 Training3.团队建设活动 Team-buildingactivities4.规则 Ground rules5.集中办公 Co-location6.奖励与表彰 Recognition and rewards1.团队绩效评估 Teamperformance assessment项目团队管理 Manage Project Team 1.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets2.项目人员分派 Project staffassignments3.角色与职责 roles and responsibilities4.项目组织图 Projece organizationchares5.人员配备管理计划 Staffinf managementplan1.观察与交谈 Observation andconversation2.项目绩效评估 Project performanceappraisals3.冲突管理 Conflict management4.问题登记薄 Lssue log1.请求的变更 Requestedchanges2.推荐的纠正措施 Recommendedcorrective action3.推荐的预防措施 Recommendedpreventive action4.组织过程资产(更新)Organizational processassets(updates)6.团队绩效考核 Team performance assessment7.工作绩效信息 Work performance information8.绩效报告 Performance reports5.项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates)COMMUNICATIONS沟通Communications Planning 沟通规划1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmentalfactors2.组织过程生产 Organizational processassets3.项目范围说明书Project scope statement4.项目管理计划 Progece management plan●制约因素 Constraints●假设 Assumptions1.沟通需求分析 Communicationsrequirements analysls2.沟通技术 Communications technology1.沟通管理计划 Communicationsmanagement planInformation Distribution 信息发布1. 沟通管理计划 Communicationsmanagement plan1.沟通技能 Communications skills2.信息收集和检索系统 Informationgathering and retrieval system3.信息发布系统 Information distributionmethods4.经验教训总结过程 Lessons learnedprocess1. 组织过程生产(更新)Organizational processassets(updates)2. 请求的变更 RequestedchangesPerformance Reporting绩效报告1.工作绩效信息 Work performanceinformation2.绩效衡量 Performance measurements3.完工预测 Forecasted completion4.质量控制衡量 Quality controlmeasurnments5.项目管理计划 Project management plan●绩效衡量分析 Performancemeasurements baseline6.批准的变更申请 Approved changerequests7.可交付成果 Deliverables1.信息演示工具 Information presentationtools2.绩效信息收集和汇总 Performanceinformation gathering and compilation3.状态审查会 Status review meetings4.工时汇报系统Time reporting systems5.费用汇报系统Cost reporting systems1.绩效报告 Performancereports2.预测 Forecasts3.请求的变更 Requestedchanges4.推荐的纠正措施 Recommendedcorrective action5.组织过程资产(更新)Organizational processassets(updates)利害关系者管理 Manage Stakeholders 1.沟通管理计划 Communications managementplan2. 组织过程资产 Organizational processassets1.沟通方法 Communications methods2.问题登记薄 lssue logs1.问题得以解决Resolvedissues2.批准的变更申请 Approvedchange requests3.批准的纠正措施 Approvedcorrective action4.组织过程资产(更新)Organizational processassets(updates)5.项目管理计划(更新) Projectmanagement plan(updates)PROCUREMENT采购采购规划 Plan Purchases and Acquisitions1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmentalfactors2.组织过程生产 Organizational processassets3.项目范围说明书Project scope statement4.工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure5.工作分解结构词汇表 WBS clictionary6.项目管理计划 Progece management plan●风险登记册 Risk register●与风险有关的合同协议 Risk-relatedcontractual agreements●资源要求 Resource requirements●项目进度计划 Project schedule●活动费用估算 Activity costestimate●费用基准 Cost baseline1.自制或外购分析 Make-or-buy analysls2.专家判断 Expert judgment3.合同类型 Contract types1.采购管理计划 Procurementmanagement plan2.合同工作说明书 Contractstatement of work3.自制或外购决策 Maker-or-buychanges4.请求的变更 Requestedchanges发包规划 Plan 1.采购管理计划 Procurement management 1.标准表格 Standard forms 1.采购文件 ProcurementContracting plan2.合同工作说明书 Contract statement ofwork3.自制或外购决策 Maker-or-buy changes4.项目管理计划 Project management plan●风险登记册 Risk register●与风险有关的合同协议 Risk-relatedcontractual agreements●资源要求 Resource requirements●项目进度计划 Project schedule●活动费用估算 Activity cost estimate●费用基准 Cost baseline 2.专家判断 Expert Judgment documents2.评估标准 Evaluationcriteria3.合同工作说明书(更新)Contract statement ofwork(updates)询价Request Seller Responses1.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets2.采购管理计划 Procurement managementplan3.采购文件 Procurement documents1.招标人会议 Bldder conferences2.刊登广告 Advertising3.制定合格卖方清单 Develop qualifidsellers list1.合格卖方清单 Qualifiedsellers list2.采购文件包 Procurementdocument package3.建议书 Proposals卖方选择Select Sellers 1.组织过程资产 Organizational processassets2.采购管理计划 Procurement managementplan3.评估标准 Evaluation criteria4.采购文件包 Procurement documentpackage5.建议书 Proposals6.合格卖方清单 Qualified sellers list7.项目管理计划 Project management plan●风险登记册 Risk register●与风险有关的合同协议 Risk-relatedcontractualagreements 1.加权系统 Weighting system2.独立估算 Independent estimates3.筛选系统 Screening system4.合同谈判 negotiation5.卖方评级系统 Seller rating systens6.专家判断 Expert judgment7.建议书评估技术 Proposal evaluationtechniques1.选中的卖方 Selected sellers2.合同 Contract3.合同管理计划 Contractmanagement plan4.资源可利用情况 Resourceavailability5.采购管理计划(更新)Procurement managementplan(updates)6.请求的变更 Requestedchanges合同管理 Contract Administration 1.合同 Contract2.合同管理计划 Contract management plan3.选中的卖方 Selected sellers4.绩效报告 Performance reports5.批准的变更申请 Approved changerequests6.工作绩效信息 Work performanceinformation1.合同变更控制系统 Contract changecontrol system2.买方进行的绩效审核 Buyer-conductedper-formance review3.检验和审计 Inspections and audits4.绩效报告 Performance reporting5.支付系统 Payment system6.索赔管理 Claims administration7.合同档案管理系统 Records managementsystem8.信息技术 Information technology1.合同文件 Contractdocumentation2.请求的变更 Requestedchanges3.推荐的纠正措施 Recommendedcorrective action4.组织过程资产(更新)Organizational processassets(updates)5.项目管理计划(更新) Projectmanagement plan(updates)●采购管理计划 Procurementmanagement plan●合同管理计划 Contractmanagement plan合同收尾 Contract Closure1.采购管理计划 Procurement managementplan2.合同管理计划 Contract management plan3.合同文件 Contract documentation4.合同收尾程序 Contract closureprocedure1.采购审计 Procurement audits2.合同档案管理系统 Records managementsystem1.合同收尾Contract closures2.组织过程资产(更新)Organizational processassets(updates)PROJECT LIFE CYCLE / PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESS GROUPS项目生命周期和项目管理过程组INITIATION启动(Concept)PLANNING计划(Development)EXECUTION 执行(Implementation)CONTROL控制CLOSE-OUT结束(Termination)(Finishing)Select project选择项目Create Scope Statement &scope management plan创建范围说明和范围管理计划Execute theproject plan执行项目计划Integratedchangecontrol综合变更控制Procurementaudits采购审计Determine project objectives确定项目目标Determine project team组织计划编制Manage projectprogress管理项目进程Projectperformancereporting项目绩效报告Productverification产品确认Determine highlevel deliverables, time & cost estimates确定主要可交付物、时间及成本估计Create WBS创建工作分解结构Complete workpackages ortasks完成工作包或任务Performancereporting绩效报告Formalacceptance正式接收Determine highlevel constraints & assumptions高级别的限制和约束Finalize the team & createresource management plan人员获取及创建资源管理计划Distributeinformation信息发布Scope changecontrol范围变更控制Lessons learned经验教训Determine business need确定业务需求Create WBS dictionary创建工作分解结构字典Qualityassurance质量保证Qualitycontrol质量控制Update records更新记录Develop product descriptionDefine responsibilities of the project manager 确定项目管理者责任Create Network Diagram创建网络图Teamdevelopment团队发展Riskmonitoring &control风险监控Archive records文档记录Determine high-level resource requirements制定高水平资源需求Estimate time & costs估算时间及成本Progressmeetings状态评审Schedulecontrol计划控制Releaseresources人员遣散Finalize project charter制订项目章程Determine Critical path确定关键路径Cost control成本控制Develop Schedule &schedule management plan制定进度及进度管理计划Scopeverification范围确认Develop Budget制定预算Manage byexception tothe projectplan对项目进行中的突发事件进行管理Create Communications Management Plan创建沟通管理计划Ensure compliance with plans确保按计划进行Create Quality Management Plan创建质量管理计划Reassess plans补充计划Risk management planning, identification, qualification, quantification & response planning风险管理计划,识别、定性、定量分析及应对计划编制Take corrective action纠正措施Create procurement management plan创建采购管理计划Create stakeholder management plan创建对发起人或干系人的管理计划Create project control plan创建项目控制计划Develop formal project plan制定正式项目计划Gain formal project plan approval获取对项目计划的正式许可Hold kickoff meeting项目动员大会Overall 整体Influencingtheorganization组织机构的影响Leading领导Solvingproblems解决问题Negotiating谈判Communicating沟通Holdingmeetings召开会议Stakeholdermanagement干系人管理。

第一章 愿景和适用范围1.1 愿景和目的作为项目管理实践者,我们承诺以正确和正直的方式行事。
1.2规范适用的人士道德与专业行为规范适用于:1.2.1所有PMI会员1.2.2非PMI会员但满足以下一个或多个标准的人士:1.拥有PMI认证的非会员2.申请遵守PMI认证流程的非会员3.以志愿者方式服务于PMI的非会员说明:拥有PMI®(项目管理协会)认证(不论是会员或是非会员)还需要遵守PMP®(项目管理专业人士)或CAPM®(助理项目管理专业人士)的职业行为规范,并继续遵守PMI 的道德与专业行为规范。
1.3 规范体系道德和专业行为规范被分为几部分。

项目管理协会道德与专业行为规范Project Man ageme nt In stitute Code of Ethics and Professi onal Con duct第一章愿景和适用性CHAPTER 1.VISION AND APPLICABILITY1.1愿景及目的1.1Visio n and Purpose作为项目管理的执业者,我们承诺将以正确和体面的方式行事。
As practitioners of project management, we are committed to doing what is right and honorable. We set high standards for ourselves and we aspire to meet these sta ndards in all aspects of our lives —at work, at home,and in service to our professi on.本道德和专业行为规范描述了我们对自己以及全球项目管理领域执业人员的期望。
This Code of Ethics and Professi onal Con duct describes the expectati ons that we have of ourselves and our fellow practitioners in the global project management community . It articulates the ideals to which we aspire as well as the behaviors that are mandatory in our professional and volunteer roles.本规范的目的在于使人对项目管理行业有信心,并帮助个人成为更好的专业执业者。

1.1 愿景及目的1.1 Vision and Purpose作为项目管理的执业者,我们承诺将以正确和体面的方式行事。
As practitioners of project management, we are committed to doing what is right and honorable. We set high standards for ourselves and we aspire to meet these standards in all aspects of our lives—at work, at home, and in service to our profession.本道德和专业行为规范描述了我们对自己以及全球项目管理领域执业人员的期望。
This Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct describes the expectations that we have of ourselves and our fellow practitioners in the global project management community. It articulates the ideals to which we aspire as well as the behaviors that are mandatory in our professional and volunteer roles.我们正在通过建立合理行为的职业化规范体系来达到以上目的。

尊重是指我们有义务对自己、他人和委托给我们的资源表现出高度重视。委托给我们的 资源可能包括人员、资金、声望、他人安全、以及自然或环境资源。
一个充满尊重的氛围,可以促进相互合作,从而导致信任、自信和卓越绩效。在这种氛 围中,各种不同观点和意见都能得到鼓励和重视。
3.2 尊重:期望性标准
作为全球项目管理社区的实践者: 3.2.1 我们了解他人的规范和习俗,并避免做出在他人看来可能是失礼的行为。 3.2.2 我们倾听他人的观点,设法理解他们。 3.2.3 我们直面那些与自己有冲突或不同意见的人。 3.2.4 我们以专业的方式行事,即使没有回报。
使自己受益。 3.3.3 我们不以虐待方式对待他人。 3.3.4 我们尊重他人的财产权利。
第四章 公正
4.1 公正的定义
公正是指我们有义务客观而无偏见地做出决策和行动。我们的行为必须远离利益冲突、 偏见和偏好。
4.2 公正:期望性标准
作为全球项目管理社区的实践者: 4.2.1 我们在决策制定过程中体现透明度。 4.2.2 我们经常检查自己的公正性和客观性,并采取合理纠正措施。
5.3 诚实:强制性标准
作为全球项目管理社区的实践者,我们对自己和同行有下列要求: 5.3.1 我们不参与或纵容那些用来欺骗他人的行为,包括但不限于:做出误导或错误的
陈述,只披露部分真相,断章取义地提供信息,或者滞留信息(如果这些信息被 他人知道,我们的陈述就会被认为是误导或不完整的)。 5.3.2 我们不参与意图获得个人利益或牺牲他人利益的不诚实行为。

项目管理协会道德与专业行为规范Project Management Institute Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct第一章愿景和适用性CHAPTER 1. VISION AND APPLICABILITY1.1愿景及目的1.1 Vision and Purpose作为项目管理的执业者,我们承诺将以正确和体面的方式行事。
As practitioners of project management, we are committed to doing what is right and honorable. We set high standards for ourselves and we aspire to meet these standards in all aspects of our lives—at work, at home, and in service to our profession.本道德和专业行为规范描述了我们对自己以及全球项目管理领域执业人员的期望。
This Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct describes the expectations that we have of ourselves and our fellow practitioners in the global project management community. It articulates the ideals to which we aspire as well as the behaviors that are mandatory in our professional and volunteer roles.本规范的目的在于使人对项目管理行业有信心,并帮助个人成为更好的专业执业者。

项目管理协会道德与专业行为规范Project Management Institute Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct第一章愿景和适用性CHAPTER 1.VISION AND APPLICABILITY1.1愿景及目的1.1 Vision and Purpose作为项目管理的执业者,我们承诺将以正确和体面的方式行事。
As practitioners of project management, we are committed to doing what is right and honorable. We set high standards for ourselves and we aspire to meet these standards in all aspects of our lives—at work, at home, and in service to our profession.本道德和专业行为规范描述了我们对自己以及全球项目管理领域执业人员的期望。
This Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct describes the expectations that we have of ourselves and our fellow practitioners in the global project management community. It articulates the ideals to which we aspire as well as the behaviors that are mandatory in our professional and volunteer roles.本规范的目的在于使人对项目管理行业有信心,并帮助个人成为更好的专业执业者。

项目管理职业道德规范英文版Project Management Code of Ethics and Professional ConductIntroductionProject management is the practice of planning, organizing, and controlling projects with the aim of achieving successful outcomes. In order to achieve this, project management professionals must adhere to a set of ethical principles and standards that govern their behavior and decision-making. The Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct provides guidance and parameters for project managers to conduct themselves ethically and professionally, while ensuring that the interests of their clients, stakeholders, team members, and the general public are protected.Key Principles of the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct1. Responsibility: Professional project managers are accountable for their actions and decisions and should be committed to ensuring that their actions promote the best interests of their clients and stakeholders.2. Respect: Project managers must demonstrate respect for the dignity of others, their human rights, and the cultural diversity of the communities where they work.3. Fairness: Project managers must conduct themselves in a fair and impartial manner, based on merit and free from bias or discrimination.4. Honesty: Project managers must be truthful when dealing with others, and they should avoid any conduct that makes false, misleading, or deceptive statements.5. Professionalism: Project managers should strive to maintain high standards in their professional conduct, including fulfilling their obligations to clients, stakeholders, and the professional community.Examples of Ethical and Professional Conduct1. Maintaining confidentiality: Project managers should protect the confidentiality of their clients and stakeholders and ensure that sensitive information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties.2. Avoiding conflicts of interest: Project managers should avoid any situation that creates or appears to create a conflict of interest.3. Providing accurate estimates: Project managers should provide accurate estimates of time, cost, and resources required to complete a project.4. Honoring commitments: Project managers should prioritize their commitments and ensure that they honor contracts, agreements, and obligations.5. Demonstrate respect: Project managers should value and respect the opinions, ideas, and contributions of all team members and stakeholders.Consequences of Violating the Code of Ethics and Professional ConductViolating the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct can result in serious consequences. These may include:1. Legal action: Behavior that constitutes a violation of the law can result in legal consequences.2. Damage to reputation: Unethical behavior can damage the reputation of the project manager and the organization.3. Loss of business: Clients who do not trust the ethical practices of a project manager may not engage their services, leading to a loss of business.4. Diminished status: A project manager who has been found to have violated the code of ethics and professional conduct may lose professional standing and be subject to disciplinary action by licensing boards or professional associations.ConclusionThe PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is an essential guide for project management professionals who want to uphold their professional integrity and maintain the trust of stakeholders. Adhering to the principles outlined in the code of ethics is vital in ensuring that projects are completed successfully and in a responsible and ethical way. The PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct provides a framework for ethical and professional behavior that should guide every project manager throughout their careers. By following these guidelines, project managers can uphold high standards and build successful and rewarding careers in project management.。

项目管理过程项目管理是一个系统的过程,包括以下五个主要步骤:1. 规划阶段•定义项目目标和范围,并进行项目可行性研究和风险评估。
2. 启动阶段•确定项目报告机制和沟通频率。
3. 执行阶段•监控项目进展,识别项目风险和问题并采取措施进行管理。
4. 监控与控制阶段•监控项目执行情况,排除风险和问题。
5. 结束阶段•完成项目目标并进行验收。
项目管理标准为了确保项目管理过程的顺利进行,我们需要遵循以下标准:1. PMBOKPMBOK(Project Management Body of Knowledge)是由美国项目管理协会开发的项目管理标准框架,它为项目管理提供了一套完整的方法和工具,是工业界和学术界公认的国际标准。
2. PRINCE2PRINCE2(PRojects IN Controlled Environments)是英国政府推出的一种项目管理方法,它强调项目目标的定义和管理、风险评估等方面的内容,是以过程为核心的一种项目管理体系。
3. ISO 21500ISO 21500是由国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的项目管理标准,包含了项目范围、时间、成本、质量、沟通、资源、风险等多个方面,可用于任何规模的项目,且易于实施。
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项目管理协会道德与专业行为规范Project Management Institute Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct第一章愿景和适用性CHAPTER 1.VISION AND APPLICABILITY1.1愿景及目的1.1 Vision and Purpose作为项目管理的执业者,我们承诺将以正确和体面的方式行事。
As practitioners of project management, we are committed to doing what is right and honorable. We set high standards for ourselves and we aspire to meet these standards in all aspects of our lives—at work, at home, and in service to our profession.本道德和专业行为规范描述了我们对自己以及全球项目管理领域执业人员的期望。
This Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct describes the expectations that we have of ourselves and our fellow practitioners in the global project management community. It articulates the ideals to which we aspire as well as the behaviors that are mandatory in our professional and volunteer roles.本规范的目的在于使人对项目管理行业有信心,并帮助个人成为更好的专业执业者。
The purpose of this Code is to instill confidence in the project management profession and to help an individual become a better practitioner. We do this by establishing a profession-wide understanding of appropriate behavior. We believe that the credibility and reputation of the project management profession is shaped by the collective conduct of individual practitioners.通过遵守本道德和专业行为规范,无论是从个人层面或是从集体层面,都将推进项目管理专业领域的发展。
We believe that we can advance our profession, both individually and collectively, by embracing this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. We also believe that this Code will assist us in making wise decisions, particularly when facedwith difficult situations where we may be asked to compromise our integrity or our values.我们希望本道德规范和职业行为准则能激发其他人学习、研讨,并就道德规范和价值观进行著述。
Our hope that this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct will serve as a catalyst for others to study, deliberate, and write about ethics and values. Further, we hope that this Code will ultimately be used to build upon and evolve our profession. 1.2规范适用人群1.2 Persons to Whom the Code Applies本道德和专业行为规范应用于:The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct applies to:1.2.1所有的PMI会员1.2.1 All PMI members1.2.2所有非PMI会员但符合以下一个或一个以上标准的个人1.2.2 Individuals who are not members of PMI but meet one or more of thefollowing criteria:1.拥有PMI认证的非会员1 Non-members who hold a PMI certification2.进入PMI认证申请流程的非会员2 Non-members who apply to commence a PMI certification process3.作为PMI志愿者的非会员3 Non-members who serve PMI in a volunteer capacity.评述:获得项目管理协会(PMI)的认证(无论是会员或是非会员),还需遵守项目管理专业人士(PMP)或助理项目管理师(CAPM)的职业行为准则,并继续遵守PMI道德和专业行为规范。
Those holding a Project Management Institute(PMI) credential(whether members or not) were previously held accountable to the Project Management Professional(PMP) or Certified Associate in Project Management(CAPM) Code of Professional Conduct and continue to be held accountable to the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. In the past, PMI also had separate ethics standards for members and for credentialed individuals. Stakeholders whocontributed input to develop this Code concluded that having multiple codes was undesirable and that everyone should be held to one high standard. Therefore, this Code is applicable to both PMI members and individuals who have applied for or received a credential from PMI, regardless of their membership in PMI. 1.3本规范的结构Structure of the Code本道德和专业行为规范被分为几部分,包括了对项目管理领域来说最为重要的四个价值观的行为标准。
The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is divided into sections that contain standards of conduct which are aligned with the four values that were identified as most important to the project management community. Some sections of this Code include comments. Comments are not mandatory parts of the Code, but provide examples and other clarification. Finally, a glossary can be found at the end of the standard. The glossary defines words and phrases used in the Code. For convenience, those terms defined in the glossary are underlined in the text of the Code.1.4本规范的价值观1.4 Values that Support this Code全球项目管理领域的执业者需要认同一种形成决策和行为引导基础的价值观。
Practitioners from the global project management community were asked to identify the values that formed the basis of their decision making and guided their actions. The values that the global project management community defined as most important were: responsibility, respect, fairness, and honesty. This Code affirms these four values as its foundation.1.5共识性准则和强制性准则1.5 Aspirational and Mandatory Conduct本道德和专业行为规范的每一部分都包括共识性准则和强制性准则。