References for part of Vocabulary Exercises181. altantean: exceedingly strong2. gorgonize: change sb. into a gorgon/ stone, paralyze, stupefy sb.3. mount one’s Pegasus: (humor) write a poem4. a chimera in sb’s brain:a product of sb’s i magination201. the choice of Heracles: the choice between a short but glorious life and a long yetboring life2. hydra-headed: hard to overcome or resist because of its pervasive or enduring quality or its many aspects3. cleanse the Augean Stable: accomplish a task or problem requiring so much effortto complete or solve as to seem impossible4. the Shirt of Nessus/Tunic of Nessus /Nessus-robe/Nessus’ shirt: sth that brings destruction to sb.5. Pillars of Heracles: an ancient name for two promontories on either side of the strait of Gibraltar, held by legend to have been parted by the arm of Heracles6. Herculean effort: great effort211. sow dragon’s teeth: bring about disputes2. a Cadmean victory: a victory won after a heavy loss of lives221. oedipal: having an Oedipal complex2. sphinx riddle: a puzzling or mysterious person/thing231.Procrustean bed: a regulation/rule exhibiting merciless disregard for individual differences or special circumstances2. labyrinth: a maze3. Daedalian: skillful4. icarian: reckless, daredevil5. clue: variant of clew something that serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem or mystery6. Ariadne’s thread (logic): the solving of a problem with multiple apparent means of proceeding through an exhaustive application of logic to all available routes7. the Ship of Theseus (a philosophical proposition): whether an object which has all its component parts replaced remains fundamentally the same 241. the apple of discord: sth. that causes disagreement among people2. Achilles’ heel: a weakness/ vulnerable point3. hector v: intimidate or dominate in a blustering way5. Achilles and Patroclus: sworn brothers, bosom friends6. fight like a Trojan: fight/ work extremely hard7. sulky like Achilles in his tent: very morose, bad-tempered, and resentful; refusingto co-operate or be cheerful8. a Trojan horse: the hidden danger; a covert wrecker9. myrmidon: a faithful follower who carries out orders without question251. the Electra complex: in psychoanalysis, a daughter's unconscious libidinal desire for her father.2. the Orestes complex: in psychoanalysis, a son's hatred of his mother.261. lotus-eater: sb. who lives in luxury and comfort free of care and worries2. mentor: a wise and trusted counselor or teacher3. cyclopean: of or constituting a primitive style of masonry characterized by the use of massive stones of irregular shape and size; huge, gigantic4. tantalizing: exciting (another) by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach5. siren song: sth beautiful but potentially dangerous6. between Scylla and Charybdis: in a position where avoidance of one danger exposes one to another danger271. harpy: a predatory person and shrewish woman2. Palinurus: an ill-fated person3. hypnotic: inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific4. dido: a mischievous prank or antic; a caper5. ibyllic/sibylline: prophetic; oracular。
乌拉诺斯的儿子克洛诺斯(Cronus)推翻父亲成为第二代神王。乌拉诺斯在逃离时预言克洛 诺斯也将和他一样被自己的儿子推翻。为了避免冲掉老爸的覆辙,克洛诺斯把妻子迈亚所生 的子女一个接一个地吞进自己的肚子里,只有最小的宙斯由于母亲的计谋得以逃脱。 由于克洛诺斯就像无情的时间一样吞噬一切,所以从他的名字 Cronus 中产生了表示时间的 词根 chron。还有一种说法是,词根 chron 来自时间之神 Chronus。在俄耳甫斯教派的希腊 神话中,Chronus 是掌管时间的原始神,比混沌之神还要早。
chaos: ['keɪɒs] n.混沌、混乱。 chaotic: [keɪ'ɒtɪk] adj.混乱的、无秩序的。
2. geography(地理):希腊神话中的大地女神盖亚
在古希腊神话中,掌管地球的女神称为“盖亚”(Gaia 或 Gaea),通常被翻译为“大地女神”。 她由混沌之神卡俄斯所生。盖亚通过自我繁殖诞生了天神(表示天地之分离)、海底神(表 示大地之凹陷)和山脉神(表示大地之凸起),并与天神结合生了六男六女十二个泰坦巨神 及三个独眼巨人和三个百臂巨神。她是世界的开始,所有的神都是她的子孙后代。 从盖亚的名字产生了表示“地球”的词根 geo-,从词根 geo-产生了许多与地球、大地有关 的单词。 geography:[dʒɪ'ɒgrəfɪ] n. 地理学。记:geo 大地+graphy 描绘→描述大地的概貌就是地理 geology:[dʒɪ'ɒlədʒɪ]n. 地质学。记:geo 大地+logy 表示学科→研究大地的学科 geologist: [dʒɪ'ɒlədʒɪst]n. 地质学家。记:geo 大地+logy 学科+ist 表示人物→研究大地的学 者 geometry:[dʒɪ'ɒmɪtrɪ] n. 几何学。记:geo 大地+metry 测量→最早的几何是测量大地的技术
1. Olympus:奥林匹斯山,是古希腊神话中众神的居所。
2. Zeus:宙斯,古希腊神话中最高统治者和众神之王。
3. Poseidon:波塞冬,古希腊神话中海洋之神和地震之神。
4. Hades:冥王哈迪斯,古希腊神话中地下世界的主宰。
5. Athena:雅典娜,古希腊神话中智慧女神、城邦守护女神。
6. Apollo:阿波罗,古希腊神话中太阳神、音乐艺术之神。
7. Aphrodite:阿佛洛狄忒,古希腊神话中爱与美的女神。
8. Hercules:赫拉克勒斯,古希腊神话中英雄人物,以其力大无穷而闻名。
9. Pandora's Box:潘多拉的盒子,古希腊神话中描述人类灾难由此而来的故事。
10. Trojan War:特洛伊战争,古希腊神话中发生在特洛伊城的战争。
古希腊诗人荷马(Homer)的两部史诗伊利亚特(Iliad)和奥德赛(Odys sey)包含了绝大部分的希腊神话。
他们的价值观就是我们现在所熟悉的individuali sm(个人主义),也正是美国人的价值观和人生观的核心。
”二、希腊神话故事对英语词根和习语的影响1、有些英语单词的词根来源于希腊神话中众神的名字,例如:第一,Flora, 古希腊神话中的花神。
她的丈夫西风之神Zephyr 送给她一座花园。
Flora 作为词根,相当于植物plant .同源的单词有floral(花的,植物的), florist(种花人), flourish(繁荣,茂盛)。
puzzle n. 谜题dizzy v. 头昏眼花The ride on the roller coaster dizzied us.dazzle v. 眼花,耀眼The bright morning sun dazzled me.crazy adj.maze n. 迷宫amazing adj. 令人惊异的HeraHera(赫拉)是宙斯(Zeus)的妻子,宙斯是希腊神话中的主神,天堂的统治者,其他神和人间英雄的父亲。
-her- 继承,遗传heir n.继承人,后嗣heritable adj.可遗传的,可继承的heritage n.遗产,继承权,传统inherit vt.继承,遗传而得inherent adj.内在的,与生俱来的hereditary adj.世袭的,遗传的Hera是婚姻的保护神、罗马的婚姻女神,June(六月)即得名于Hera的罗马名字Juno。
罗马人曾在卡匹托尔山(the Capitoline Hill,美国国会山的得名即源于此)盖了一座神庙奉祀Juno Moneta。
这样,Juno Moneta 又成了罗马人钱财的守护神。
1. Zeus - 宙斯(天神)、宙斯电
2. Hera - 赫拉(婚姻与家庭女神)
3. Ares - 阿瑞斯(战神)
4. Athena - 雅典娜(智慧女神)
5. Poseidon - 波塞冬(海神)
6. Hades - 冥王哈得斯(冥王)
7. Apollo - 阿波罗(太阳神、音乐与艺术神)
8. Artemis - 阿尔忒弥斯(狩猎和月亮女神)
9. Hermes - 赫尔墨斯(信使神)
10. Aphrodite - 阿佛洛狄忒(爱与美的女神)
11. Dionysus - 狄俄尼索斯(酒神)
12. Hestia - 赫斯提亚(家居和火神)
13. Prometheus - 普罗米修斯(普罗米修斯计划)
14. Pandora - 潘多拉(潘多拉盒子)
1. Herculean - 赫拉克勒斯的(艰巨的、英勇的)
2. Odyssey - 《奥德赛》(冒险)
3. Nemesis - 复仇女神网(报应、仇敌)
4. Titan - 泰坦神族(巨人)
puzzle n. 谜题dizzy v. 头昏眼花The ride on the roller coaster dizzied us.dazzle v. 眼花,耀眼The bright morning sun dazzled me.crazy adj.maze n. 迷宫amazing adj. 令人惊异的HeraHera(赫拉)是宙斯(Zeus)的妻子,宙斯是希腊神话中的主神,天堂的统治者,其他神和人间英雄的父亲。
-her- 继承,遗传heir n.继承人,后嗣heritable adj.可遗传的,可继承的heritage n.遗产,继承权,传统inherit vt.继承,遗传而得inherent adj.内在的,与生俱来的hereditary adj.世袭的,遗传的Hera是婚姻的保护神、罗马的婚姻女神,June(六月)即得名于Hera的罗马名字Juno。
罗马人曾在卡匹托尔山(the Capitoline Hill,美国国会山的得名即源于此)盖了一座神庙奉祀Juno Moneta。
这样,Juno Moneta 又成了罗马人钱财的守护神。
●Gods:The old theogony——the TitansCronus(克罗诺斯): God of the sky.Rhea(瑞亚): Goddess of time.Oceanus(俄刻阿诺斯): God of water.Tethys(泰西斯):Goddess of the sea.Wife of Cronus.Crius(克瑞斯): God of growth。
Lapetus (伊阿佩托斯): God of soul.Father of Prometheus、Atlas、Epimetheus and MenoetiusPhoebe(福柏): Goddess of the moon. Leto与阿斯特瑞亚之母。
Coeus (科俄斯): God of intelligence.Themis (忒弥斯): Goddess of order and justice.Second wife of Zeus.时序三女神母Mnemosyne(谟涅摩叙涅): God of memory。
Firth wife of Zeus.Mother of the ninth Muse. Hyperion(许配利翁): God of light.Thea(忒亚): Wife of Hyperion.The old theogony——the GodsZeus(宙斯): the god of the sky.Zeus King of the sky and the earth. Ruler of the Olympian gods. He was the rain god , and the cloud gatherer,who holds the terrible thunderbolt.eagle, His bird the eagle, his tree is the oak . He is married to Hera but,is famous for hismany affairs. He is also known to punish those that lie or break oaths.Hera(赫拉): Zeus' wife and sister. Queen of the gods. Goddess of marriage and childbirthand takes special care of married women.Most stories concerning Hera have to do withher jealous revenge for Zeus‘s infidelities.Poseidon(波塞冬): Brother of Zeus . God of the sea , protector of all waters. His weaponis a trident , which can shake the earth , and shatter any object.He is second only to Zeusin power among the gods.He was widely worshiped by seamen。
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么AchillesThe hero of Homer’s Iliad, the son of Peleus and Thetis and slayer of Hector阿基里斯:荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中的英雄,是珀琉斯和西蒂斯之子,杀害赫克托耳的人 Achilles heel/Achilles' heel艾基利斯之踵的弱点, 要害;Achillean adj.阿基里斯的, 勇敢的Adonisn. A strikingly beautiful youth loved by Aphrodite.阿多尼斯被阿佛洛狄忒所恋的美少年常作adonis:A very handsome young man.美少年很英俊的年轻男子;美少年, 小白脸AgamemnonThe king of Mycenae and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, who was the son of Atreus and the father of Orestes, Electra, and Iphigenia;His wife Clytemnestra killed him upon his return from Troy.阿伽门农:迈锡尼的国王,特洛伊战争中的希腊联军统帅,阿特柔斯的儿子,俄瑞斯忒斯、伊莱克特拉以及依菲琴尼亚的父亲。
他刚从特洛伊返回就被其妻克吕泰尼丝特拉杀害n.[希神]阿伽门农, 特洛伊战争中希腊军队的统帅AndromedaThe daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia and wife of Perseus, who had rescued her from a sea monster。
安德洛墨达:塞弗斯和卡西欧匹亚的女儿,其丈夫珀修斯曾把她从海妖手里救出【希神】安德罗米达(埃塞俄比亚公主, 后与 Perseus 结婚) ;the Andromeda【天】仙女星座Augean stables奥吉亚斯王(Augeas)的牛棚(国王养牛三千头, 三十年未曾洗过牛棚, Hercules 引河水于一日之内清洗干净) ; augean极脏的AntigoneThe daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta She performed funeral rites over her brother's body in defiance of her uncle Creon.安提戈涅:奥迪帕斯和伊俄卡斯塔的女儿,不顾舅父克利翁的反对而为哥哥的遗体举行了埋葬仪式;[希神] 安提歌尼(底比斯王俄狄普斯之女, 因违抗禁令而自杀身亡)Aphrodite (Also called: Cytherea) (Venus)[希神]阿芙罗狄蒂(爱与美的女神)Venus: The goddess of sexual love and physical beauty.维纳斯:性爱和形体美的女神[罗神]维纳斯, [天]金星aphrodisiac n. 春药Apollon. The god of prophecy, music, medicine, and poetry, sometimes identified with the sun. 阿波罗司预言、音乐、医药、诗歌之神,有时等同于太阳神;阿波罗, 美男子, 太阳神 Argos[希神]Jason寻找金羊毛所乘的船, [天]南船座Ares[希神] 阿瑞斯, 战神Artemis (Diana)The virgin goddess of the hunt and the moon and twin sister of Apollo.阿耳忒弥斯:狩猎女神和月神Diana:The virgin goddess of hunting and childbirth traditionally associated with the moon and identified with the Greek Artemis.黛安娜(月亮和守猎女神)狩猎和分娩女神,传统上同月亮有关系并且与希腊阿耳忒弥斯(月亮和狩猎女神)是一致的,黛安娜(罗马神话中之处女性守护神;[诗]月AsclepiusApollo's son, the god of medicine阿斯克勒庇俄斯:医药神,阿波罗的儿子,药神Athena (Roman: Minerva)The goddess of wisdom, the practical arts, and warfare.智能、技艺及战争女神;[希神]雅典娜Athenaeum n.雅典娜神庙;atheneum n.雅典庙宇,文艺协会, 图书馆;Athenian n.雅典人 adj.雅典(人)的,MinervaThe goddess of wisdom, invention, the arts, and martial prowess密涅瓦:掌管智能发明艺术和武艺的女神n.智能和技术及工艺之神AtlasA Titan condemned by Zeus to support the heavens upon his shoulders.阿特拉斯神被宙斯降罪来用双肩支撑苍天的一个擎天神;A person who supports a great burden栋梁之才, 担负重任的人; 地图, 地图集BellerophonThe Corinthian hero, who with the aid of the winged horse Pegasus, slew the Chimera. 柏勒罗丰:古希腊科林斯的英雄,骑飞马柏加索斯杀死了吐火女怪喀迈拉CeresThe goddess of agriculture.谷物女神,刻瑞斯;[罗神]谷类的女神, 犹如希腊神化中的DemeterDemeterThe goddess of the harvest, daughter of Rhea and Cronus and mother of Persephone 得墨忒耳:主管收获的女神,是瑞亚和克罗诺斯的女儿,珀尔塞福涅的母亲【希神】德墨特尔(主管生产及保护婚姻的女神)RheaThe sister and wife of Cronus and the mother of Demeter, Hades, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon, and Zeus雷亚:克罗纳斯的妹妹和妻子,季米特里、海兹、赫拉、赫斯蒂、波塞顿及宙斯的母亲CronusA Titan who ruled the universe until dethroned by his son Zeus.克罗诺斯希:腊神话中的一个提坦,在被他的儿子宙斯废黜之前一直统治着宇宙( 巨人Titans 之一)ChimeraA fire-breathing she-monster usually represented as a composite of a lion, goat, and serpent.客迈拉:一种通常被描绘成狮子、山羊和蛇的组合体吐火的雌性怪物[常Chimera ]【希神】(吐火女怪)凯米拉(狮头、羊身、蛇尾); 怪物;【建】狮头羊身蛇尾装饰 CharonThe ferryman who conveyed the dead to Hades over the river Styx卡戎:送亡魂过冥河去阴间的神;[希神](将亡魂渡到阴界去的)冥府渡神;[谑]摆渡的船夫CerberusA three-headed dog guarding the entrance to Hades.冥府守门狗:守护冥府入口的长有三头的狗StyxThe river across which the souls of the dead are ferried, one of the five rivers in Hades 冥河冥府五条河之一条,死者的灵魂渡过此河进入冥府;black as the Styx漆黑;cross the Styx死HadesThe god of the netherworld and dispenser of earthly riches哈德斯:冥界之神,人间财富的分发者This netherworld kingdom, the abode of the shades of the dead冥府冥界的王国,死人幽灵的居所(also) hades Hell 地狱 n.冥府, 地狱, 阎王CupidThe god of love; the son of Venus丘比特:爱之神;维纳斯的儿子A representation of Cupid as a naked, cherubic boy usually having wings and holding a bow and arrow used as a symbol of love.丘比特:小天使般的少年裸体画像,通常有双翼并手持弓箭,被用作爱的象征爱神丘比特(爱神, 双翼、手持弓箭的美童),[cupid ]美少年, 美少年的(雕)像, Cupid's bow 爱神的弓;弓形嘴唇ErosThe god of love, son of Aphrodite伊洛斯爱神:阿佛洛狄忒之子;[希神]爱神, 愿望, 性爱erotic adj. 性欲的, 色情的n.好色之徒erotic film n.黄色片;erotica n.色情书籍, 色情(艺术)作品;erotology n.色情文学, 色情文艺DamoclesGreek courtier to Dionysius the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse, who according to legend was forced to sit at a banquet table under a sword suspended by a single hair to demonstrate the precariousness of a king's fortunes达摩克利斯:希腊传说中的叙拉古国王狄奥尼西奥斯的朝臣,据传说其被迫坐在上悬宝剑的餐桌旁,宝剑由一根头发系住,以此来暗示君王命运的多危n.达摩克利斯,为叙拉古(Syracuse)暴君Dionysius的宠信DanaeThe daughter of Eurydice and Acrisius and mother of Perseus who was imprisoned by her father in a bronze chamber达那厄:欧律狄刻和阿克瑞斯的女儿,珀尔修斯的母亲,被其父亲监禁在一青铜密室中[希神]达娜厄(Argos国王之女,珀尔修斯之母)EurydiceThe wife of Orpheus, whom he failed to rescue from Hades when he looked back at her and so violated the command of Pluto on their journey back to the upper world of the living.欧律狄刻:俄耳甫斯的妻子,没能被丈夫救出地狱,因为他们在走出冥界之前他回头看了妻子,违反了冥王的规定;【希神】欧律狄斯(歌手俄耳甫斯之妻)PerseusThe son of Dana and Zeus, and husband of Andromeda who killed the Gorgon Medusa 珀尔修斯:达那厄和宙斯的儿子和安德洛墨达的丈夫,他杀死了蛇发女戈耳戈·梅杜莎;[天]英仙座GorgonAny of the three sisters’ Stheno, Euryale, and the mortal Medusa who had snakes for hair and eyes that if looked into turned the beholder into stone.戈耳贡:斯塞诺、尤里安勒和人形的可怕的梅杜萨三姐妹中的任何一个,梅杜萨以毒蛇为头发,看到她眼睛的人都会变为石头;【希神】三个蛇发女怪之一(人一见她即化为石);令人作呕的人[景象], 丑陋可怕的女人Gordius〈希神〉戈耳迪Gordian adj. (古代费吕加国王)戈尔地雅斯(Gordius) 的 Gordian knot【希神】戈尔地雅斯难结(按神谕, 能解开此结者可为亚细亚国王, 后来此结被亚历山大大帝解开); [喻]难题; 难事; (问题或故事情节) 关键, 焦点cut the Gordian knot 以斩钉截铁的手腕解决问题An intricate knot tied by King Gordius of Phrygia and cut by Alexander the Great with his sword after hearing an oracle promise that whoever could undo it would be the next ruler of Asia.戈德斯结弗利吉亚王国的戈德斯国王打的一个非常复杂的结。
hero 英雄出自希腊神话,意思是半人半神的,神和人所生的。
hercules taskHercules 希腊神话中的大力神海格利斯阿波罗为了惩罚hercules,命令他为欧利瑟斯国王服务12年。
hercules task在英语里来比喻非常艰难的任务。
以make herculean efforts 来形容巨大的努力。
hercules' choice 现在英语指代永垂不朽。
Achilles' heel 中文为阿基利斯脚踵。
Gordian knot 中文翻译为“戈尔迪之结” 意思为棘手问题,难解问题。
Troy 特洛伊太著名了,不用说了。
Oedipus complex 恋母情结(弑父娶母的)故事太悲惨了,希腊神话三大悲剧的代表,心理学上弗洛伊德用来表示子女对父亲带有敌意,并对自己的母亲有爱慕感情的一种心理病态。
Electra Complex,恋父情结,是指女儿亲父反母的复合情结。
Greek mythology希腊神话课件英文
![Greek mythology希腊神话课件英文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d962f78f02d276a200292e5a.png)
Hephaestus 赫菲斯托斯
Son of Zeus and Hera.God of fire. He is the smith and armorer (兵器制造者) of the gods.He is kind and peace loving .He is the only god to be lame(瘸的,跛的) and physically ugly. However, he married the most beautiful goddess- Aphrodite ( 阿弗洛狄德)
Hera 赫拉
She was zeus´ s sister and wife. She was in charge of marriage and childbearing, is the patron saint (守护神) of women.
Emperor of the sea, brother of Zeus . It was said that he was half man and half fish. He was violent and cruel,and he could do what he wanted.
Greek Gift(s)阴谋害人的礼物;黄鼠狼拜年,不安好心 The Web of Penelope故意拖延的策略;永远做不完的工作 The Augean Stable(s)肮脏的地方;藏垢纳秽之所;积弊 An Apple of Discord争斗之源;不和之因;祸根 The Trojan Horse木马计;暗藏的危险;奸细 Achilles’ heel 阿基里斯之踵;致命的弱点 Under the rose 秘密的 ......
读希腊神话学英文单词AchillesThe hero of Homer’s Iliad, the son of Peleus and Thetis and slayer of Hector阿基里斯:荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中的英雄,是珀琉斯和西蒂斯之子,杀害赫克托耳的人Achilles heel/Achilles' heel艾基利斯之踵的弱点, 要害;Achillean adj.阿基里斯的, 勇敢的Adonisn. A strikingly beautiful youth loved by Aphrodite.阿多尼斯被阿佛洛狄忒所恋的美少年常作adonis:A very handsome young man.美少年很英俊的年轻男子;美少年, 小白脸AgamemnonThe king of Mycenae and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, who was the son of Atreus and thefather of Orestes, Electra, and Iphigenia;His wife Clytemnestra killed him upon his return fromTroy.阿伽门农:迈锡尼的国王,特洛伊战争中的希腊联军统帅,阿特柔斯的儿子,俄瑞斯忒斯、伊莱克特拉以及依菲琴尼亚的父亲。
他刚从特洛伊返回就被其妻克吕泰尼丝特拉杀害n.[希神]阿伽门农, 特洛伊战争中希腊军队的统帅AndromedaThe daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia and wife of Perseus, who had rescued her from a sea monster。
安德洛墨达:塞弗斯和卡西欧匹亚的女儿,其丈夫珀修斯曾把她从海妖手里救出【希神】安德罗米达(埃塞俄比亚公主, 后与Perseus 结婚) ;the Andromeda【天】仙女星座Augean stables奥吉亚斯王(Augeas)的牛棚(国王养牛三千头, 三十年未曾洗过牛棚, Hercules 引河水于一日之内清洗干净) ;augean极脏的AntigoneThe daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta She performed funeral rites over her brother's body in defiance of her uncle Creon.安提戈涅:奥迪帕斯和伊俄卡斯塔的女儿,不顾舅父克利翁的反对而为哥哥的遗体举行了埋葬仪式;[希神] 安提歌尼(底比斯王俄狄普斯之女, 因违抗禁令而自杀身亡)Aphrodite (Also called: Cytherea) (Venus)[希神]阿芙罗狄蒂(爱与美的女神)Venus: The goddess of sexual love and physical beauty.维纳斯:性爱和形体美的女神[罗神]维纳斯, [天]金星aphrodisiac n. 春药Apollon. The god of prophecy, music, medicine, and poetry, sometimes identified with the sun.阿波罗司预言、音乐、医药、诗歌之神,有时等同于太阳神;阿波罗, 美男子, 太阳神Argos[希神]Jason寻找金羊毛所乘的船, [天]南船座Ares[希神] 阿瑞斯, 战神Artemis (Diana)The virgin goddess of the hunt and the moon and twin sister of Apollo.阿耳忒弥斯:狩猎女神和月神Diana:The virgin goddess of hunting and childbirth traditionally associated with the moon andidentified with the Greek Artemis.黛安娜(月亮和守猎女神)狩猎和分娩女神,传统上同月亮有关系并且与希腊阿耳忒弥斯(月亮和狩猎女神)是一致的,黛安娜(罗马神话中之处女性守护神;[诗]月AsclepiusApollo's son, the god of medicine阿斯克勒庇俄斯:医药神,阿波罗的儿子,药神Athena (Roman: Minerva)The goddess of wisdom, the practical arts, and warfare.智能、技艺及战争女神;[希神]雅典娜Athenaeum n.雅典娜神庙;atheneum n.雅典庙宇,文艺协会, 图书馆;Athenian n.雅典人adj.雅典(人)的,MinervaThe goddess of wisdom, invention, the arts, and martial prowess密涅瓦:掌管智能发明艺术和武艺的女神n.智能和技术及工艺之神AtlasA Titan condemned by Zeus to support the heavens upon his shoulders.阿特拉斯神被宙斯降罪来用双肩支撑苍天的一个擎天神;A person who supports a great burden栋梁之才, 担负重任的人; 地图, 地图集BellerophonThe Corinthian hero, who with the aid of the winged horse Pegasus, slew the Chimera.柏勒罗丰:古希腊科林斯的英雄,骑飞马柏加索斯杀死了吐火女怪喀迈拉CeresThe goddess of agriculture.谷物女神,刻瑞斯;[罗神]谷类的女神, 犹如希腊神化中的DemeterDemeterThe goddess of the harvest, daughter of Rhea and Cronus and mother of Persephone得墨忒耳:主管收获的女神,是瑞亚和克罗诺斯的女儿,珀尔塞福涅的母亲【希神】德墨特尔(主管生产及保护婚姻的女神)RheaThe sister and wife of Cronus and the mother of Demeter, Hades, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon, and Zeus雷亚:克罗纳斯的妹妹和妻子,季米特里、海兹、赫拉、赫斯蒂、波塞顿及宙斯的母亲CronusA Titan who ruled the universe until dethroned by his son Zeus.克罗诺斯希:腊神话中的一个提坦,在被他的儿子宙斯废黜之前一直统治着宇宙( 巨人Titans 之一)ChimeraA fire-breathing she-monster usually represented as a composite of a lion, goat, and serpent.客迈拉:一种通常被描绘成狮子、山羊和蛇的组合体吐火的雌性怪物[常Chimera ]【希神】(吐火女怪)凯米拉(狮头、羊身、蛇尾); 怪物;【建】狮头羊身蛇尾装饰CharonThe ferryman who conveyed the dead to Hades over the river Styx卡戎:送亡魂过冥河去阴间的神;[希神](将亡魂渡到阴界去的)冥府渡神;[谑]摆渡的船夫CerberusA three-headed dog guarding the entrance to Hades.冥府守门狗:守护冥府入口的长有三头的狗StyxThe river across which the souls of the dead are ferried, one of the five rivers in Hades冥河冥府五条河之一条,死者的灵魂渡过此河进入冥府;black as the Styx漆黑;cross the Styx死HadesThe god of the netherworld and dispenser of earthly riches哈德斯:冥界之神,人间财富的分发者This netherworld kingdom, the abode of the shades of the dead冥府冥界的王国,死人幽灵的居所(also)hades Hell 地狱n.冥府, 地狱, 阎王CupidThe god of love; the son of V enus丘比特:爱之神;维纳斯的儿子A representation of Cupid as a naked, cherubic boy usually having wings and holding a bow andarrow used as a symbol of love.丘比特:小天使般的少年裸体画像,通常有双翼并手持弓箭,被用作爱的象征爱神丘比特(爱神, 双翼、手持弓箭的美童),[cupid ]美少年, 美少年的(雕)像,Cupid's bow 爱神的弓;弓形嘴唇ErosThe god of love, son of Aphrodite伊洛斯爱神:阿佛洛狄忒之子;[希神]爱神, 愿望, 性爱erotic adj. 性欲的, 色情的n.好色之徒erotic film n.黄色片;erotica n.色情书籍, 色情(艺术)作品;erotology n.色情文学, 色情文艺DamoclesGreek courtier to Dionysius the Elder, tyrant of Syracuse, who according to legend was forced to sit at a banquet table under a sword suspended by a single hair to demonstrate the precariousnessof a king's fortunes达摩克利斯:希腊传说中的叙拉古国王狄奥尼西奥斯的朝臣,据传说其被迫坐在上悬宝剑的餐桌旁,宝剑由一根头发系住,以此来暗示君王命运的多危n.达摩克利斯,为叙拉古(Syracuse)暴君Dionysius的宠信DanaeThe daughter of Eurydice and Acrisius and mother of Perseus who was imprisoned by her father in abronze chamber达那厄:欧律狄刻和阿克瑞斯的女儿,珀尔修斯的母亲,被其父亲监禁在一青铜密室中[希神]达娜厄(Argos国王之女,珀尔修斯之母)EurydiceThe wife of Orpheus, whom he failed to rescue from Hades when he looked back at her and soviolated the command of Pluto on their journey back to the upper world of the living.欧律狄刻:俄耳甫斯的妻子,没能被丈夫救出地狱,因为他们在走出冥界之前他回头看了妻子,违反了冥王的规定;【希神】欧律狄斯(歌手俄耳甫斯之妻)PerseusThe son of Dana and Zeus, and husband of Andromeda who killed the Gorgon Medusa珀尔修斯:达那厄和宙斯的儿子和安德洛墨达的丈夫,他杀死了蛇发女戈耳戈·梅杜莎;[天]英仙座GorgonAny of the three sisters’ Stheno, Euryale, and the mortal Medusa who had snakes for hair and eyesthat if looked into turned the beholder into stone.戈耳贡:斯塞诺、尤里安勒和人形的可怕的梅杜萨三姐妹中的任何一个,梅杜萨以毒蛇为头发,看到她眼睛的人都会变为石头;【希神】三个蛇发女怪之一(人一见她即化为石);令人作呕的人[景象], 丑陋可怕的女人Gordius〈希神〉戈耳迪Gordian adj. (古代费吕加国王)戈尔地雅斯(Gordius) 的Gordian knot【希神】戈尔地雅斯难结(按神谕, 能解开此结者可为亚细亚国王, 后来此结被亚历山大大帝解开); [喻]难题; 难事; (问题或故事情节) 关键, 焦点cut the Gordian knot 以斩钉截铁的手腕解决问题An intricate knot tied by King Gordius of Phrygia and cut by Alexander the Great with his swordafter hearing an oracle promise that whoever could undo it would be the next ruler of Asia.戈德斯结弗利吉亚王国的戈德斯国王打的一个非常复杂的结。
1、Erotic /ɪˈrɒtɪk/
意思:relating to sex; trying to arouse sexual desire
例句:There are some erotic contents in his new book.
这个词来自希腊神Eros 爱罗斯,对应罗马神丘比特。
2、Aurora /ɔːˈrɔːrə/
例句:Aurora usually appears in Arctic areas.
Aurora 是希腊中的曙光女神。
3、Nemesis /ˈneməsɪs/
例句:Dishonesty will be followed by nemesis. Nemesis 涅莫西斯是希腊的复仇女神。
4、Zephyr /ˈzefə/
Zephyr 是希腊的西风之神。
5、Tantalize /ˈtæntəlaɪz/
意思:torment or tease (someone) with the sight or promise of something that is unobtainable
例句:The poor boy is still tantalized by his ex-girlfriend.
在希腊神话中,Tantalus 试图在宴席上把自己的儿子作为菜品献给众神。
The Golden Touch (Minas)Midas,was a King of Macedonian Bromium, where he ruled over the Brigians and planted his famous rose gardens.One day,the old hero Silenus,Dionysus' former teacher, was found sleeping and drunken in the rose gardens.The gardeners tied him and led him before Midas. Then Silenus told some wonderful tales to Midas. Midas enjoyed the tales very much and entertained Silenus for five days and nights, and then ordered a guide to lead him to Dionysus' headquarters.Dionysus,who had been worrying about Silenus,was glad to see him back and asked how Midas wished to be rewarded.He replied without hesitation:‘Please turn all I touch into gold. ' However, not only stones, flowers and the furniture of his house turned to gold. Midas was delighted at first then he found the water he want to drink and the food he want to eat turned to gold too. Midas soon begged to be freed from his wish, because he was fast dying of hunger and thirst. Dionysus told him to visit the source of the river Pactolus and there wash himself. He obeyed, and was at once freed from the golden touch, but the sands of the river Pactolusare bright with gold to this day.点金术弥达斯是马其顿勃洛弥恩的国王。
古希腊神话单词单词:Athena1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2释义:古希腊神话中的智慧女神、战争女神,雅典城的守护女神。
1.3英文解释:In Greek mythology, Athena is the goddess of wisdom, war, and the patron goddess of Athens.1.4相关词汇:Pallas(帕拉斯,常与Athena相关联的名称)、Minerva(罗马神话中的智慧女神,等同于Athena)。
---2. 起源与背景2.1词源:源于古希腊语,名字可能与雅典城(Athens)的名字有密切联系,据说是因为她是雅典城的守护神。
---3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1)Athena Parthenos:帕特农神庙中的雅典娜神像。
例句:The Athena Parthenos was a magnificent statue in the Parthenon.翻译:帕特农神庙中的雅典娜神像是一座宏伟的雕像。
(2)Temple of Athena:雅典娜神庙。
例句:Many pilgrims visited the Temple of Athena to offer their prayers.翻译:许多朝圣者前往雅典娜神庙祈祷。
---4. 实用片段(1)“I'm reading about Greek mythology. Athena is so amazing. She has both wisdom and strength.” “Yeah, she is really a great goddess. In the stories, she always gives good advice to heroes.”翻译:“我正在读古希腊神话。
The Golden Touch (Minas)之阳早格格创做Midas,was a King of Macedonian Bromium, where he ruled over the Brigians and planted his famous rose gardens.One day,the old hero Silenus,Dionysus' former teacher,was found sleeping and drunken in the rose gardens.The gardeners tied him and ledhim before Midas. Then Silenus told some wonderful tales to Midas. Midas enjoyed the tales very much and entertained Silenus for five days and nights, and then ordered a guide to lead him to Dionysus' headquarters.Dionysus,who had been worrying about Silenus,was glad to see him back and asked how Midas wished to be rewarded.He replied without hesitation:‘Please turn all I touch into gold. ' However, not onlystones,flowersand the furniture of his house turned to gold. Midas was delighted at first then he found the water he want to drink and the food he want to eat turned to gold too. Midas soon begged to be freed from his wish, because he was fast dying of hunger and thirst. Dionysus told him to visit the source of the river Pactolus and there wash himself. He obeyed, and was at oncefreed from the golden touch, but the sands of the river Pactolusare bright with gold to this day.面金术弥达斯是马其顿勃洛弥恩的国王.他统制勃里癸亚群众,培植闻名遐遐的玫瑰花.一天,狄俄僧索斯往日的教授森林之神老西勒诺斯喝醉了,躺正在弥达斯的花园里酣然大睡.园丁创制了他,把他捆起去收去睹弥达斯.西勒诺斯给弥达斯道了一些很蓄意义的故事,让弥达斯很下兴.于是他衰情款待老山神五天五夜,而后派背导护收他回到狄俄僧索斯的大本营.狄俄僧索斯背去正在为西勒诺斯担心,瞅到西勒诺斯仄安回去很下兴.他询问问弥达斯有什么央供,他该当何如酬报他.弥达斯毫出有早疑天回问道,“请恩准使我摸到的十足皆形成金子.”然而,形成金子的出有然而仅是石块、花朵战屋内的陈设.他坐下用饭时,他吃的食物战喝的火也皆形成金子.过了出有暂,弥达斯恳供狄俄僧索斯使他从他那希视中解脱启去,果为他饿渴接加,快死了.狄俄僧索斯逗弄弥达斯,启心得很.他喊弥达斯前往帕克托罗斯河的源头,正在河里洗个澡.弥达斯照章止事,坐时排除了面金术,然而帕克托罗斯河的沙子于今果含金而闪闪收光.Baucis and PhilemonZeus and Hermes like visiting the world in disguise.One day they came to a village.At a thousand housesthey knocked,and a thousandtimes they were refused.At last they arrived at a humble cottage,where the old coupleBaucis and her husband Philemon lived.Although they were poor,they made the best to offer them . They offered their guests their best seat,and immediately set about preparing dinner for them.Moved at the hospitality ofthe house,the gods told their true identity.“We are gods”,saidZeus.“While the neighbors would pays the penalty for their wickedness you shall be free from misfortune.Coming along with us”.When they were near the top of the hill,Bancis and Phile mon looked back and saw all the village below covered by amarsh ,and that among the general ruin and destruction their old cottage alone survived,changed into a grand temple.At their request they were made the guardians of the sacred place of Zeus.After they died, they turned into an ash and linden,standing side by side in front of the temple.鲍西丝战费莱受奥林波斯山上的神皆喜欢乔拆改扮到人间瞅察.有一天,宙斯战海我朱斯乔拆去到一个村落里.他们敲了许多人家的门,却一次又一次天被拒之门中.末尾他们去到一间大略的小茅屋前,那里住着鲍西丝战她的老陪费莱受,老俩心虽然很贫贫,却竭力去款待二位天神,给他们最佳的座位,并坐时为他们准备早餐.二位天神深深天被他们的衰情款待所冲动,证明黑自己的真正在身分.“咱们是天神”宙斯道,“您们将摆脱出有幸,然而您们的邻人们将果他们的邪恶受到处奖.跟咱们走吧!”当他们快到奥林波斯山顶时,鲍西丝战费莱受转头瞅睹所有乡村淹出正在一片沼泽之中;而他们的旧茅屋却末究完佳无益,而且形成了一座金碧灿烂的神殿.出于二老的央供,他们被指使为宙斯所住宫殿的瞅护者.他们死后,他们形成了天蜡树战菩提树,并肩站正在神殿前.MarpessaMarpessa was the only daughter of King Evenus.She was noble and graceful.The king proposed that whoever can beat him in a carriage race would win his daughter. Death would be the penalty for the loser. The king was sure of his victory,for his horses came from Ares' stables. Manyyoung princes lost their lives.Last came Idas,prince of Messenia. He was confident,because he had Poseidon on his side.He borrowed horses from Poseidon and then win the king.Then the King Evenusdrowned himself in a river cause he lose his daughter.Idas and Marpessa arrived at a riverside.They spent the night in a temple nearby.When morning came,Idas found that Marpessa had been stolen by Apollo, who was attracted by her beauty. Idas decided to fight die for hislove.Apollo held his arrows .Idasdrew his sword.The duel was about to start whensuddenly they heard a thunderbolt round about,and Zeus himself arrived to stop the unequal contest.He gave Marpessa thechoice between immorality and eternal glory on one side and onthe other a mortal life of faithful love mixed with endless caresand grieves.Marpessa turned down the sweet promises of Apollo and chose Idas. Apollo left with disappointment.玛彭莎玛彭莎是国王伊万诺斯的独死女,她下贵文俗.国王提出:如果有人念得到玛彭莎,必须正在战车比力中战胜他.牺牲将动做对于波折者的处奖.国王确疑自己不妨胜利,果为他的马去自阿瑞斯的马厩.许多年少的王子便那样丧了命.莫塞僧亚的王子伊达斯末尾退场,他很有自疑心,果为他有海神波塞冬的收援.海神借给了他马,使他末尾赢得了角逐.而国王伊万诺斯果为得去了女女末尾投江自尽.出有暂伊达斯战玛彭莎去到江边.他们正在附近一寺庙中过夜.早朝醉去,伊达斯创制阿波罗将玛彭莎偷走了.阿波罗迷恋于玛彭沙的好貌,伊达斯决断与之决斗.决斗将要启初.突然,他们周围响起了雷电声.本去是宙斯赶去遏止那场出有公仄的决斗.宙斯让玛彭莎做出采用:要么少死出有老,享受永暂的枯耀;要么对于恋爱忠贞出有渝,而过一种充谦忧虑战悲伤的凡是人的死计.玛彭莎开绝了阿波罗苦蜜的许诺.她采用了伊达斯.阿波罗低头丧气天走了.伊达斯则感触万分喜悦.TheseusTheseus’s father, Aeg ues, was king of Athens and his mother a princessof Troezen.When he was still an infant his father left him and went back to his own kingdom.Before he left,Aegeus buried his sword under a hugestone. At the age of sixteen he became a strong young man,Theseus take the sword from under the rock,and then set out to look for his father.It was a journey of adventures,But he arrived his father’s kingdom at last.King Aegeus had recently married Medea,a bad woman.She was anxious to have the Athenian throne for her own child. She wanted to poisoned Theseus. But the king found her plan and saved Theseus. Medea killed herself.At this time the city of Athensneeded to offer sacrifices to King Minos of Crete. They needed to send seven boys and seven girls to Crete every year to feed the half man,half bull Minotaur.Theseus decided to set out to kill the Minotaur. Before he left he promised his father that if he succeeded he would change the black sails of his ships to white ones.With the help of princess Ariadne of Crete,he killed the Minotaur and won the love of Princess.But whenhe neared Athens he forgot to put up the promised white sails,and his anxious father,saw the black sails,threw himself down into the sea in despair.Theseus was so shocked and regretful by his f ather’s death when he heard this.At last, Theseus became the king of Athens.特建斯特建斯的女亲是俗典国王埃我忒斯,而他的母亲是特隆泽的一位公主.当他还正在襁褓中时,他女亲便离启他,返回自己的王国去了.临止前,埃我忒斯将自己的剑埋正在一齐巨石之下.特建斯16岁时便少成了身强体壮的年少人,他从巨石下拿出宝剑,并起程去觅找他的女亲.旅途惊险至极,然而他毕竟乐成达到女亲的王国——俗典.国王埃我忒斯新近嫁了梅底.梅底是个心底歹毒的女人.她一心念让自己的孩子继启俗典王国的王位.她试图毒死特建斯,然而是被国王创制.梅底只佳自杀.那段时间,俗典乡背去要背克里特国王米诺斯进贡,每年须背克里特王国进贡七对于童男童女去喂养半人半牛的怪物.特建斯决断去杀死怪物.临止前,他背女亲包管,一朝乐成,他将把船上的乌帆换成黑帆.正在克里特公主阿瑞安得妮的助闲下,他完毕了任务并赢得了克里特公主的爱.然而正在快到俗典时,他记记换约定佳的黑帆.他焦急的女亲瞅到乌帆,以为女子死了,便绝视天跳海自尽了.特建斯知讲此事悔恨万分.那样特建斯接替他的女亲,成了俗典的国王.Eros And PsycheThere was a king who had three very beautiful daughtersand the beauty of the youngest named Psyche was so wonderful that no words could express. Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, was jealous. She provoked her son, Eros, to punish Psyche. But when he saw Psyche, he was amazed by her beauty and loved her immediately. He decided to get marry with Psyche secretly. One day, Psyche got lost in the forest and discovered a magnificent palace. Then she met Eros and fell in love with him. Eros treated her so well but never let her know what he looks like. He told Psyche that he couldn’t tell her who he is but his love was true. Psyche believed him and feltso happy. She invited her two sisters to the palace, However, Psyche’s luxurious life caused her sisters’envy. After they had known that Psyche had never seen her husband’s looks, they told Psyche the inhabitants in the valley said her husband was a monster. They gave Psyche a knife and let her cut off her husband’s head. When Eros had fallen asleep, Psyche lighten the lamp and held the knife. Suddenly, she found her husband was so gorgeous instead of an ugly monster. She was regret but it was latecause Eros opened the eyes and found everything. “O foolish Psyche, is it thus you repay my love? After having disobeyed my mother’s commands and made you my wife, will you think me a monster and cut off my head?” So saying, he fled away, leaving poor Psyche lying on the ground with tears.厄洛斯战普绪卡有一个国王,他有三个劣好的女女.其中,最小的那个,普绪卡,少得是最漂明的,她的好,无法用谈话形容.安佛洛狄忒,真真的好神,得知以去很嫉妒.她指使她的女子,厄洛斯,去处奖她.但是当厄洛斯,瞅到普绪卡的时间,惊同于她的好貌并坐时爱上了她.他决断悄悄背着他的母亲战普绪卡完婚.有一天,普绪卡正在森林里迷路并创制了一座豪华的宫殿.接着,她逢到了厄洛斯并爱上了他.厄洛斯对于她非常佳然而从去出有让她瞅到自己的格式.他报告普绪卡他当前出有克出有及够报告她他是谁然而是他的爱是果然.普绪卡疑赖了并很快乐的死计,还邀请她的二个姐姐到宫殿里去干客.然而,她的姐姐们瞅到妹妹犹如许俭华的死计,很嫉妒.当她们得知妹妹本去出有知讲丈妇的格式时,她们报告普绪卡,附近的村民道她的丈妇是一个妖怪,并给了她一把特别的刀,让她砍掉厄洛斯的头.正在厄洛斯死睡以去,普绪卡面明灯并拿着刀去到丈妇床边.忽然,她创制自己丈妇居然如许迷人.然而是太早了,厄洛斯已经醉去并创制了十足.“笨笨的普绪卡,您便是那样酬报我对于您的爱的么?我违背了我母亲的下令并嫁了您,而您却认为我是妖怪要杀我?”道完那个,厄罗斯便飞走了,留住普绪卡倒正在天上,痛哭流涕.Pandora’s BoxPrometheus was a Titan. He and his brother, Epimetheus created men with mixed mud and water. They taught men some skills also.To help men, Prometheus stole the fire from Zeus. This gifts allowed men to make weapons subdue the other animals, cultivate the earth, cook, warm their homes… Zeus burst in to anger and punished Prometheus.Zeus made a woman named Pandora—— The first woman in the world. She, along with a mysterious box, was then presented to Epimetheus, who gladly accepted her, though his brother cautioned him to beware of Zeus and his gifts. Pandora was warmed not to open the box. But she could not control her curiosity. One day, she slipped off the cover and looked in, thousands of tiny monsters escaping from the box——envy, revenge, ill, disaster, death…. They were running and flying out of the box in all directions, spreading out into the world. Pandora hastened to WordStr the lid! But the whole contents of the box had escaped, only one thing excepted. After a minute, she heard a small voice cry out, "Please open the lid of the box. I'm not like the others, Ican help to fix what you have done; I can reduce the pain and suffering of mankind. " Pandora opened the box again, the last thing left was “hope”.From that day on, people began to get sick, grow old, and die. But they would always have Hope to help them. This was the punishment of Zeus upon men for taking fire from the gods.潘多推宝盒普洛米建斯是一个泰坦神,他战他的弟弟厄庇朱透斯用泥土战谁创制了人类,然而惟有男人.并教会他们百般技能,为了助闲人类,普洛米建斯以至去匪盗了宙斯的圣火,进而使得人们不妨抗打动物袭打,耕耘,干饭,温温房屋.宙斯知讲以去喜收冲冠并处奖了普洛米建斯.宙斯创制了天下上第一个女人喊潘多推.并把她以及一个神秘的盒子收给了厄庇朱透斯动做礼物.纵然被兄少告诫要留神,然而厄庇朱透斯很喜欢潘多推.潘多推被告诫出有要挨启盒子,然而她无法统制她的佳偶心.一天,她沉沉揭启盒子,于是妨害人类的洪量天灾落临人间——嫉妒,抨击,徐病,劫易,牺牲等.潘多推坐时合上盖子,然而险些所有的劫易皆已经集播启去——除了一般.那时,她听到盒子里有一个微小的声音——“请挨启盒子,我战其余人纷歧样,我能助闲人类,不妨补充的缺面,减少他们的痛苦”潘多推再次挨启盒子——末尾剩正在盒子里的是期视.于是从那一天起,人们的死计有了徐病,衰老,牺牲的困扰.然而由于有期视的存留,人们依旧脆强的死计下去.那十足,便是宙斯果为人类匪与圣火,而给人类的处奖.。
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春天时,Flor a和丈夫Zephyr手挽手在园子里漫步,他们一路走过的地方百花齐放。
cereal从拉丁语变化而来,意即“of Ceres”属于谷物女神的。
因此字根“chron”意指“t ime”。
所以他们衍生出的单词都含贬义:erotic色情的:cupidity 贪心,贪婪。
衍生词:morphine(吗啡),mariju ana(大麻),两者都是opium(鸦片)的提取物。
1、Pandora’s box(潘朵拉的盒子) :普罗米修斯(Prometheus)为人类盗来了天火,激怒了宙斯(Zeus)。
结果Ep imetheus上当,接近了Pandora,Pandora于是就将手中的盒子打开,放出了里面的罪恶、灾难、疾病、不幸,只留下了“希望”在盒子里。
于是Pandora’s box就成了“灾难的根源”的代名词。
2、the sword of Damocles(达摩克利斯之剑)[3]:Damocles是叙拉古王朝的一位大臣,非常羡慕帝王的荣华富贵。
因此the sword of Damocles就成了“富贵中隐藏的危险”的同义语,也可以指形势危急,千钧一发。
3、Damon and Pythias[3] :Damon和Pythias是好朋友。
Pythias出事被判了死刑,为了使他能够回家探视亲人,Da mo留在牢中作人质,如果Pythias不按时返回,就处死Damon。
国王深受感动,将二人全部释放,因此,Damon and Pythias意思就是“生死之交”。
4、Penelop’s web:源自史诗《奥德赛》(Odyssey)[4]。
在这漫长的二十年中,许多王公贵族向Penelop 求婚,她都托辞说必须等织完布后才能予以考虑,一到晚上,她又将白天织好的布再拆开。
因此Penelop’s web就成了一项永远也完不成的工作。
5、apple of discord[5]:意思是“不和的根源、发生纠纷的事端”。
此事导致漫长的特洛伊战争(Trojan War)。
6、Judgment of Paris[5]:意思是“不爱江山爱美人”。
为难之际,Zeu 拨开云雾向人间看去,看到了Troy的二王子Paris正在牧羊于是将决定权交给了Paris。
7、Helen of Troy:由于是Helen导致特洛伊城的沦陷,“Helen of Troy”就成了“红颜祸水,倾国尤物”的代名词。
8、The Trojan horse[4]:意思是“用以使敌方或对手上当误以为于自己有益的破坏性的事物或人”。
The Trojan Horse经过不断引用已成为一个广泛流传的成语,常用来比喻the hidden danger(暗藏的危险);the covert wreckers(内奸):to engag e in underhandactivities等意义。
9、Stables of Augeas(奥革阿斯的牛圈):意思是“最肮脏的地方:积累成堆难以解决的问题”。
11、Swan song[3]:字面译做“天鹅之歌”,源于希腊成语Kykneion asma。
12、Under the rose:直译“在玫瑰花底下”。
Under the rose于是有了“秘密地,私下地,暗中”的意义。