上海海事大学国际物流Chapter 11 International Land and Multi-Modal Transportation


上海海事大学国际物流Chapter 10 International Air Transportation

上海海事大学国际物流Chapter 10 International Air Transportation
– – – – – specialized cargo; emergencies; delivery to destinations that are not served by scheduled airlines; seasonal cargo ; Project Cargo (Products that do not fit in the cargo bay of a traditional cargo aircraft; Items exceed the volume or weight restrictions of traditional aircrafts and require special handling and carriage. )
• Express air services guarantee a pre-determined delivery date; the service is called “time-defined delivery,” generally the next day or overnight. Examples include FedEx, UPS, DHL. • Door/Desk to Door/Desk Service • Door/Desk to Airport(收件人自行办理相关手续) • Courier on board(专人派送)
8,225 7,945 6,301 6,126 5,497 5,482
EVA Air(长荣航空)
The top ten cargo carriers in the world account for almost half of the world's freight transportation revenues.

上海海事大学国际物流Chapter 11 International Land and Multi-Modal Transportation

上海海事大学国际物流Chapter 11  International Land and Multi-Modal Transportation
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According to “United Nations Convention on International
Multimodal Transport of Goods 1980”, the multimodal
transportation should include:
MTO must sign the intermodal contract with shippers.
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North American Landbridge(北美大陆桥)
指利用北美的大铁路从远东到欧洲的“海—陆—海”联运。包括:美国大陆桥、加拿大大陆桥和墨西哥大陆桥。 美国大陆桥有两条线路:一条是从西部太平洋沿岸至东部大西洋沿岸的铁路和公路运输线;另一条是从西部太平 洋沿岸至东南部墨西哥湾沿岸的铁路和公路运输线。远东——北美东海岸货物中50%以上通过此大陆桥进行运输。
New Asia-Europe continental bridge(新亚欧大陆桥)
东起中国连云港,西至荷兰鹿特丹,途经哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉 克斯坦、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、波兰、德国和荷兰等国,全长10,900km,是横跨亚欧两大洲, 连接太平洋和大西洋,实现海一陆一海统一运输的国际大通道。 远东至西欧,经新亚欧大陆桥比经苏伊士运河的全程海运航线缩短运距8,000km;比通过巴 拿马运河缩短运距1,l000km。远东至中亚、中近东,经新亚欧大陆桥比经西伯利亚大陆桥, 缩短运距2,700~3 300km。 有助于缓解西伯利亚大陆桥运力紧张的状况。
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Truck Transportation
The Swiss “Rolling Highway”



卸时间, 也小不批计量算接滞受期货费物和托速运的
遣费。 货运程序
h 国航系 赵 刚
绪论 国际航运生产组织基础
➢ 租船运输的营运组织取决于各种租船合同。 ➢ 租船运输的运费或租金水平的高低, 直接受租船合同
签订时的航运市场行情波动的影响。 ➢ 租船运输中的有关船舶营运费用及开支, 取决于不同
和运达目的1港);配 置 技 术 性 能 较 高 、
班经轮营经班营轮的运特输点必须具备的123班另4运3物较4作))))条))行轮输好,对提接装承件能通计费的地以海单受运、常满费率需保满上作货人卸班足;表要证足运为物与费2设机3术员4轮各所;货对运输))),货和构。和备公种规运外输的需 需 需交主理。、业定司性质贸合要租要要付之舱的务设都质量易同求赁给有货间费费水立负和;的;,物不等专船一目平相责类特的规均用舶套中较应转别并殊地定计,码配适高的运的且需点装入不头备用的营要工货能;。和技于船业
国航系 赵 刚
绪论 国际航运生产组织基础
第二节国际航运活动的特点及要素 国际航运活动的特点
国际航运的环境是全球性的 国际航运活动是一种市场活动 国际航运活动具有激烈的竞争性 各国政府都对该行业进行不同程度的干预 各国的航运活动必须受国际公约和规章的约束 国际航运活动需要多种运输方式的配合 以国际航运活动为中心形成了专业性的行业群体
h 国航系 赵 刚
绪论 国际航运生产组织基础
第二节国际航运活动的特点及要素 国际航运活动的要素
国际航行船舶 国际性商港 国际贸易海运货源 国际航运经营人及行业群体 国际航运法规 海上航道与国际运河 国际航运信息及通讯系统 国际航运安全系统

人大国际物流(MBA)精IL11 国际物流企业ppt课件

人大国际物流(MBA)精IL11 国际物流企业ppt课件
– 服务对象一般都较少,只有一家或数家 – 服务时间较长,往往长达几年 – 需求方业务流程各不一样,而物流、信息流是随价值
流流动的,因而要求第三方物流服务应按照客户业务 流程来定制
Narrowed Defined 3PL
• 是合同导向的一系列服务 overall service
DHL 250艘船/最大航运公司/丹麦GDP37%
International 3PL
• 强势的国际物流企业的优势在于其网络 network
– 一般是通过资本,合作来扩张网络。筹措资金或并购 公司,建设物流基础设施,扩大运输规模,在各地建 立分支机构 investment and cooperation
– 物流操作:采购物流采用供应商库存管理VMI为主 的管理;生产物流采用JIT为主的仓储配送管理; 销售物流采用零库存、全国范围内多点配送的管理
– 信息系统:采购与销售物流的信息、运输车辆的信 息资源共享;信息系统建设是构成汽车供应链管理 的重要一步,体现其管理能力的价值,可吸引更多 的业务、更多的客户
– 核心竞争力
– 服务水平
• 交货准时,破损率, 丢失率,信息反馈速 度等
– 物流成本
– 服务的地理范围
– 自拥资产/非自拥资产
• 建立/维护良好关系 relationship
– 捆绑式的合同关系
• 有效的沟通 communication
– 数据保密 – 绩效衡量的方式一致:
量化/动态/经济挂钩 – 考虑争议仲裁问题 – 考虑免责条款

LM11 国际物流 物流运输管理课件

LM11 国际物流   物流运输管理课件
一标准集装箱 ,失误率小于1%
• 政策优势
– 香港政府的自由港-中转地 – 英国政府遗留下来的较完善的法治体系,氛围 – 中国政府给予的倾斜政策
• Atlantic Line • 大西洋为全球第二大洋,联系欧洲,北美,拉丁美和
非洲 • 北美-欧洲:连接美国,加拿大 & 北欧,地中海各国
– 经济最发达的地区,经济联系广泛 – 大量的,各类的货物输入,输出 – 货运量大,航船多,是最早的现代海上运输线
较高,货物换手处理多,货币问题 等等
两国政府,海关,商务部门,多个 中间商等
两国文化,形成文化差异,乃至文 化冲突
• 运输方式:水路,天路,陆路(铁路,公 路,管道)
物流量 贸易费
水路 运输

铁路 运输

航空 运输
Байду номын сангаас
水路 运输

航空 运输

陆路 运输
• 远洋运输简称海运,是国际运输中最重要的方式 ,约占全球物流量的90%,贸易量的一半
• 但巴拿马堵塞严重,船舶被迫走好望角 • 北美路桥时间上比“过巴拿马”省5天
– 是船舶被迫的,高成本选择
• 后来,因东部港口和铁路的拥堵,而西伯 利亚大陆桥的发展,而衰落
• 西伯利亚陆桥-起海参崴,经莫斯科
– 西伯利亚铁路-东欧铁路-欧洲各地:铁铁线 – 西伯利亚铁路-俄公路-欧洲各地:铁卡线 – 西伯利亚铁路-俄船舶-欧洲港口:铁海线
把海与海连接起来的运输方式 • 即,两边是海运,中间是陆运,大陆把海



《国际货物运输期末考试》一、中英文互译:1、Order B/L:指示提单2、清洁提单:Clean B/L3、已装船提单on board B/L4、FCL,LCL:整箱货,拼箱货二、单项选择题1.在班轮运输方式下,对装卸费收取较为普遍采用的办法是(A)。







A.记名提单B.不记名提单C.指示提单D.班轮提单8.班轮提单的签发日期是指(B)A.开始装船的日期B.装船完毕的日期C.货物送至装运港的日期9.必须经背书才能转让的海运提单是(C)A.记名提单B.不记名提单C.指示提单10.海运提单之所以能够向银行办理抵押贷款,是因为( D ) 。





绪论 国际航运生产组织基础
解:JA-B=[4000÷(24×16)] ×40 = 417 ΔT -ΔS = 20200-19700 = 500 ∵ JA-B < ΔT -ΔS ∴ D总 =ΔS - ΔL + JA-B = 19700 — 5500 + 417 = 14617(t) D净 = D总 - ∑J – C = 14617 – [(4000+6500)/(24×16)+ 4] ×40 – 30 - 12×2 – 200 = 13109(t) 船舶舱容系数 ω = V/ D净 = 21000/13109 = 1.6 ∵μ〈 ω ∴最大的货载量QMAX = D净 =13109(t)
绪论 国际航运生产组织基础
租船运输的营运组织取决于各种租船合同。 租船运输的运费或租金水平的高低, 直接受租船合同 签订时的航运市场行情波动的影响。 租船运输中的有关船舶营运费用及开支, 取决于不同 的租船方式,由船舶所有人和船舶承租人分担,并在 租船合同中订明。 租船运输主要服务于专门的货运市场,承运大宗类货 物,如谷物、油类、矿石、煤炭、木材、砂糖、化肥、 磷灰土等,并且一般都是整船装运的。
船舶保险是对船舶在运输过程中因自然灾害和意 外事故所造成的财产损失的一种补偿办法。
绪论 国际航运生产组织基础
船员配备的目的在于保证船舶正常生产,安全 航行,是船舶适航的重要条件之一,配备足够的 持有证书的船员和备有船员名册,也是船舶签证 时的一项重要内容。

上海海事大学国际物流Chapter 7 International Commercial Documents

上海海事大学国际物流Chapter 7  International Commercial Documents

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Export Documents
Export Taxes
• Several countries require exporters to pay an export tax on certain commodities. • It can make sense in the case where the goods are minerals in short supply, or when the product has been heavily subsidized by the government.
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HS编码查询 /
Consular Invoice
• Commercial invoice printed on stationery(纸) of importing country’s Consulate, and stamped by Consulate. • Necessary for exports to some countries.
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上海海事大学 高洁
Commercial Invoice
• The invoice sent by the seller to the buyer, detailing the goods purchased and the amount due. • Depending on the Terms of Payment, it may be sent directly to the importer(with the merchandise) or indirectly, through the banking channels.

上海海事大学国际物流Chapter 4 International Contracts

上海海事大学国际物流Chapter 4  International Contracts

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Contents of the CISG
Sphere of Application and General Provisions (Art1-13) 2 Formation of the Contract (Art. 14-24) 3 Sale of Goods (Art.25-88) 4 Final Provisions (Art.89-101)
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Countries that have ratified the CISG
Description: Dark green-ratified light green-signed, not yet ratified November 2010
CISG Governs over 80% of all international trade.
CISG第一条第一款: • (1)本公约适用于营业地在不同国家的当事人之间 所订立的货物销售合同:
– (a)如果这些国家是缔约国;或 – (b)如果国际私法规则导致适用某一缔约国的法律。
满足两个条件: 1. 当事人营业地位于不同国家; 2. 国际私法规则导致适用的法律必须是某缔约国的法律
Main Provisions
• • • • • • • • • Contract Formation Creation of the Contract Buyer’s Obligations Seller’s Obligations Passing of Risk Breach of Contract Remedies for breach of contract Early delivery/Excess quantity Force Majeure



Unit 11 Global Logistics.Text 1ⅠComprehension Questions1.Why so many firms join in the global market?The need to increase or maintain profits and sales sends many firms into global markets.2.What elements do the global operating strategies centre?technology, manufacturing, marketing, and logistics.3.What factors does the company choose the best options depend on?free trade markets without a large investment in a logistics system, a GTC or ETC is recommended.4.Briefly illustrate the strategic options of the global logistics.The first and most common option is to develop a proprietary system.A second strategic option is to use third parties.General trading companies (GTCs) are a third option.The last option, the export trading company(ETC) is an adaptation of GTCs.5.What is the global transportation?Global transportation is defined as exporting and importing products or services beyond the boundaries of a country.6.What type products move by ocean freight?High-density, lower-valued products normally move by ocean carrier.7.Under what conditions, airfreight movement can be cheaper than water?Vghen total integrated logistics costs are considered, airfreight movement can be cheaper than water due to reduced inventory carrying and customer service costs.8.What is the role of warehousing in international trade?Global warehousing serves the same purposes as its domestic counterparts;that is receiving, transferring, picking, and shipping.9.Please briefly illustrate why material handling vary globally.Some systems will be among the world’s best, and usually highly mechanized or automated.10.How do you understand the importance of information systems in modern trades?Technologies such as EDI, automated data collection, and radio frequency systems are not sophisticated in some developing countries.Therefore, communications in these countries may be poor, and available information may be inaccurate. Information systems can solve these problems. ⅡTranslate the following sentences into Chinese1.The need to increase or maintain profits and sales sends many firms into globalmarkets.International trade is growing more rapidly, worldwide than domestic economies.增加或维持利润和销售的需要把企业带进了全球市场,全球贸易比国内经济增长更迅速更广泛。



客户提交订单 > 验证订单 > 确认订单 > 生成订单号 > 安排发货。
跟踪货物运输状况 > 协调供应商和承运商 > 安排运输计划和时间表。
办理报关手续 > 监测并回应运输过程中出现的问题 > 实时更新货运信息。
货物到达目的地 > 签收物品 > 满意度调查 > 提供售后服务。
基本概念 重要性 核心技术和工具
供应链是一系列关联活动,旨在为客户提供 价格合理、高质量和高效率的服务。
供应链管理对企业业绩、客户满意度和市场 声誉至关重要。
零库存管理、物流信息系统、供应链优化模 型等是关键的技术和工具。
公司经过20多年的发展,现已成为全球物流 领域的知名品牌,服务范围覆盖全球200多 个国家。
全球物流市场正在快速增长, 数字化创新正在推动其发展。
国际物流市场竞争激烈,巨头 公司不断加强市场地位。
市场分析显示,国际物流市场 将在未来几年内持续增长,尤 其是在新兴市场。
企业面临各种风险,如贸 易政策限制、货物丢失和 损坏等。
制定合适的风险管理策略, 评估各种风险的概率和影 响程度,并实施针对性措 施。
识别风险、评估风险、规 避风险、管理风险并建立 应急机制。

上海海事大学 国航 国际贸易实务名词解释

上海海事大学 国航 国际贸易实务名词解释

国际贸易实务名词解释1海上风险:Perils of the seaPerils refers to risks which occur at sea, or at the place where the ocean and land, or the ocean and the inland river, or the ocean and the lighter are connected. The ordinary actions of the winds and waves are not included. Perils of the sea usually include Natural Calamities and Accidents.2外来风险:Extraneous RisksIt means the perils caused by other reasons except marine perils. It falls into types: General extraneous risks and Special extraneous risks.3施救费用:Sue& Labor ExpenseIt refers to the responsibility of the assured to act to keep his insured loss at a minimum. When the insured cargo suffers natural calamities or fortuitous accidents within the scope of insurance cover, the insured or his agent or any employees pays the expenses caused in saving the insured cargo in order to prevent the losses from further expanding. These charges shall be covered by the insurer.4救助费用:Salvage ChargesIt refers to compensation paid for the rescue of a ship, its cargo or passengers from a loss at sea. When the insured cargo suffers a natural calamity or an accident within the scope of insurance cover, the third party who has no contracted relations with the insured and the insurer salvages the cargo successfully. According to the relative laws, existing in the world, the insurer shall pay to the salver. The principle of “no cure-no pay” is often adopted.5实际全损:Actual Total LossIt means that the insured goods are totally suffered from loss or deteriorated, or the goods cannot be restored after being damaged. It may also refer to the fact that the title of goods cannot be owned by the insurant or the vessel has missed for quite a long time (half year for example) and with no information.6推定全损:Constructive Total LossIt is an insurance loss where the expense of recovering or repairing the insured goods would exceed their value after this expenditure had been incurred.7单独海损:Particular AverageIt means that a particular cargo is damaged by any cause and the degree of damage does not reach a total loss, which shall be borne by the owner of this individual consignment. It always refers to any other accidents except General Average, i. e. the partial loss caused directly by perils.8共同海损:General AverageIt refers to the loss which is the result of a sacrifice voluntarily made or an expense incurred; for the sole purpose of saving a ship and its cargo in face of a common danger (e. g. jettison of cargo to lighten a ship in distress). If the action taken is successful, each party to the adventure----all cargo owners and the vessel owner----bear the loss and expenses incurred based on the value of each shipment in proportion to the total value of cargo and vessel. The cargo owners whose goodsare safe and sound or uninsured in the marine perils must also contribute to pay for the loss and expenses.9平安险:Free from Particular AverageThis is a very limited cover confining the insurer’s liability, strictly speaking, to only total loss of the insured cargo except where the carrying vessel or craft is grounded, sunk or burnt, and only in such latter cases will partial loss of or damage to the cargo be answerable.10水渍险:With (Particular ) AverageIt covers partial loss due to vile weather, lightning, tsunami, earthquake and/ or flood as well as the risks covered under Free from Particular Average condition as mentioned above.11一切险:All RisksAll risks provide additional coverage besides the cover under Free from Particular Average and With (Particular) Average conditions. Contrary to its name, the clause dose not protect against all risks. The more common perils it does cover are theft, pilferage, non-delivery, fresh water damage, contamination, breakage, and leakage. Inherent vice, loss of market, and losses caused by delay are not covered.12背对背信用证:Back-to-back Letter of CreditThis is a letter of credit in the seller’s (middleman’s) favor which is offered to a bank as security for it issuing a different letter of credit in the seller’s own name to another person.13可转让信用证:Transferable Letter of CreditA transferable letter of credit is one in which the beneficiary has the right to request the paying, or negotiating bank to make either part, or all, of the credit value available to one or more third parties. This type of credit is useful for those acting as middlemen especially where there is a need to finance purchases from third party suppliers.14循环信用证:Revolving Letter of CreditThe Revolving letter of credit is used for regular shipments of the same commodity to the same buyer. It can revolve in relation to time or value. If the credit is time revolving once utilized, it is reinstated for further regular shipments until the credit is fully drawn. If the credit revolves in relation to value once utilized and paid, the value can be reinstated for further drawing. The credit must state that it is a revolving letter of credit and it may revolve either automatically or subject to certain provisions. Revolving letter of credit are useful to avoid the need for repetitious arrangements for opening or amending letters of credit.15议付信用证:Negotiation CreditA negotiating credit is opened by the issuing bank in the currency of its own country and addressed direct to the beneficiary. The letter is usually delivered to the addressee through the intermediary of correspondent bank.16对开信用证:Reciprocal CreditThis type of credit applies to barter transaction or compensation trade. Both the seller and the buyer open letters of credit in favor of each other. And the two credit s must be valid simultaneously. The applicant and beneficiary of one credit are usually the beneficiary and applicant of another credit. The opening bank is usually the advising bank of another credit.17保兑信用证:Confirmed Documentary CreditConfirmed letters of credit carry the commitment to pay of both the issuing and the advising banks. The advising banks adds its undertaking to pay to that of the issuing bank, and its commitment is independent of that of the issuing bank. Therefore, when documents conforming to the requirements of the confirmed documentary credit are presented in a timely manner, the payment from the advising to the seller is final in all respect as far as seller is concerned.18备用信用证:Standby Letters of CreditIt is a letter of credit which a bank issues on behalf of its customer to serve as a guarantee to the beneficiary of the letter of credit that the bank’s customer will perform a specified contract with the beneficiary. If the customer defaults, the beneficiary may draw funds against the letter of credit ad penalties or as payments, whichever the terms of the credit provide.19银行保函:Bank er’s Letter of GuaranteeA letter of Guarantee is an undertaking made by the guarantor bank to pay the beneficiary unconditionally according to the Letter of Guarantee provided the applicant cannot or not pay.20 D/P at sight:即期付款交单(托收)After shipment of the goods, the seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange, and send it with shipping documents to a local bank, through which and whose correspondent bank the documentary draft is presented to the buyer. The buyer shall pay against the documentary draft drawn by the seller at sight. It requires immediate payment by the buyer to get hold of the documents.21 D/P after sight:远期付款交单(托收)After shipment of the goods, the seller shall draw a usance bill of exchange and send it wih shipping documents to a local bank, through which and whose correspondent bank the documentary draft is presented to the importer. The buyer shall accept the usance draft, and make payment on the due date of the usance bill.22 D/P T/R:凭借信托收据付款(托收)In this case, the principle instructs the collecting bank to release full set of documents against trust receipt to the payer. Once the payer does not make payment, the principal bears all the risks. Thus it is almost the same risky as D/A.23 D/A:承兑交单(托收)D/A calls for delivery of documents against acceptance of the draft drawn by the seller. D/A is always after sight. In D/A terms the collecting bank is permitted to release the documents to the buyer against acceptance of a bill of exchange promising to pay at a later date (usually 30, 60 or90 days). The full set of draft is held by the collecting bank and presented to the buyer for payment at maturity, after which the collecting bank sends the funds to the remitting bank, which in turn sends them to the principal.24 T/T:电汇Telegraphic TransferTelegraphic transfer is also named as cable transfer or wire transfer.25 M/T:信汇Mail TransferThe buyer gives money to a local bank which sends a trust deed for payment to its correspondent bank at the seller’s end by mail and entrusts it with the task to pay money to the seller.26 D/D:票汇Demand DraftThe buyer buys a draft from a local bank sends it by mail to the seller, the seller or his appointed person can collect money from the relative bank at his end against the draft sent by the buyer. Demand draft is often used when the customer wants to transfer the funds to his beneficiary by himself.27 L/G:银行保函Letter of GuaranteeA letter of Guarantee is an undertaking made by the guarantor bank to pay the beneficiary unconditionally according to the Letter of Guarantee provided the applicant cannot or not pay.28清洁提单:Clean B/LThis is a B/L which bears no superimposed clause or natation which declares a defective condition of the goods and/or the packaging.29已装船提单:On Board B/L or Shipped B/LIt is a B/L acknowledging that the relative goods have been received on board for shipment on a specified vessel.30全式提单::Long Form B/LThis refers to a B/L form with all terms and conditions written on it. Most B/L’s are in short term forms which incorporate the long form clauses by reference.31简式提单:Short Form B/LIt is a B/L without the terms and conditions written on it. The terms are incorporated by reference to the long form B/L.32倒签提单:Ante-dated Bill of LadingWhen the actual loading date is later than the date of shipment prescribed by the L/C, in order to avoid non-acceptance of the B/L by banks, the carrier, at the request of the shipper, sometimes will issue a B/L with a date of signature that suits the requirement of the L/C. The B/L thus signed is an ante-dated B/L.33预借提单:Advanced Bill of LadingAn advanced B/L is issued at the request of the shipper before the commencement of the actual loading operation. When the expiry date of the L/C is due and the seller has failed to get the goods ready for shipment, he will ask the carrier to issue an advanced B/L in order to negotiate payment at the bank before the credit expires.34直达提单:Direct B/LIt is issued by the carrier or his agent to the shipper when the goods are to be transported from the port of loading direct to the port of destination. Buyers usually prefer to such B/Ls because transshipment increases the chance of cargo damage and loss. Sometimes an L/C prohibits transshipment of goods.35转船提单:Transshipment B/LIt is issued when there is no direct service between two ports, but when the ship owner is prepared to transship the goods at an intermediate port at the expense of his own. The intermediate port must be shown in the B/L.36联运提单:Through B/LThis B/L covering a shipment of goods by more than one mode of transportation. The first carrier collects the freight for the whole voyage and is responsible for arranging transshipment and forwarding of the goods at ports other than the port of destination. This arrangement is advantageous to the shipper since otherwise he has to deal with the other individual carriers by himself.37有条件的接受:Modified AcceptanceA reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additions, limitations or other modifications is a rejection of the offer and constitutes a counter-offer. However , a reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additional or different terms which do not materially alter the terms of the offer constitutes an acceptance, unless the offeror, without undue delay, objects to the discrepancy.38发盘:OfferAn offer is a promise conditioned on acceptance which, no matter whether from a seller or a buyer, must be communicated to the offeree and must clearly undertake a performance definite as to all essential terms.39还盘:Counter OfferCounter offer is reply to an offer in which contains additions, limitations or other modifications. Counter offer is a rejection of the offer and therefore constitutes a new offer.40接受:AcceptanceAcceptance is a final and unqualified expression of assent to the terms of an offer. Acceptance results in the formation of a contract: both parties are bound and neither can withdraw from the bargain without incurring liability to the order.41逾期接受:Late AcceptanceThe acceptance notice that does not reach the offeror within the time of validity is called a late acceptance. Late acceptance is generally considered invalid. But under two conditions, the late acceptance remains effective: one condition is when the offeror regards it as valid, another is when the late acceptance is caused by transmitting delay not by sending delay.42投递原则:Dispatch TheoryIn the absence of specific instruction to the contrary by the offeror, a person may mail an acceptance to the offeror and the contract is said to be perfected when the acceptor places this acceptance in the mail box for return mail even if, in fact, it never reaches the offeror. This is known as the “postal rule” (“Mailbox Rule”), i.e. the dispatch theory.43到达原则:Receipt TheoryThe CISG states that an acceptance is not effective until it reaches the offeror.44指示性抬头:To orderSuch as “pay to the order of ABC Co. Ltd.” Such a bill of exchange can be negotiate or transferred to another party after endorsement by the payee or the amount may be collected by the payee himself.45记名抬头:Restrictive payeeSuch as ”pay ABC Co. Ltd. only ”. Such a bill of exchange cannot be negotiated or transferred to another party by endorsement and only the payee named can collect the amount.46持票人抬头:To bearerSuch as “pay to bearer”. Such a bill exchange does not need the endorsement by another party and can be negotiated or transferred merely by delivery.47出票:IssuanceIssuance means the act of the drawer in filling up the bill of exchange with particulars required, and after signature, the drawer presents the bill to the payee.48提示:PresentationIt refers to the act of the holder of the bill of exchange presenting the bill to the drawee, asking the latter either to pay or to accept the bill.49承兑:AcceptanceAcceptance a draft is a signification by the drawee of his assent to the order given by the drawer.50背书:EndorsementA bill of exchange is a negotiate instrument, thus it can be transferable in the international money market. In the case of a “to order” bill of exchange, an endorsement starts from the first holder, i.e. the payee by signing his name on the back of the bill.51汇票转让:Drafts TransferDrafts holder may transfer the bills refers to the transfer of rights to another person or to grant certain rights to be exercised bills. However, the drawer in the notes on the record "not negotiable", the Notes may not be transferable; endorser of the notes on the record "not negotiable", nor his subsequent re-endorsing. Endorsee endorsement for Note Assignment liable to ensure the hands of the subsequent bill acceptance and payment of duty. Endorser of the notes cannot be accepted or paid, shall undertake to pay "law" provides the amount and fees.。

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上海海事大学 高洁
Truck Transportation
Two Overloaded Trucks in Sudan
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Rail Transportation
• About 40% of all ton-miles in the United States are transported by rail. • About 12% of international shipments within the European Community are shipped by rail. • Traditionally, railroads have had three business activities: bulk freight (coal, steel, chemicals, and so on), breakbulk freight in boxcars, and automobiles. • Railroads are increasingly involved in intermodal shipments, with an increasing numbers of containers and trailers on flatcars. • Rail “land-bridge” developed across United States carrying freight between Asia and Europe.
上海海事大学 高洁
Multimodal Transport
Land Bridges
• Landbridge involves two ocean movements joined by a land or transcontinental transportation system. • Cargo travels across ocean, is transloaded to train which takes it across land to another port where it is loaded unto another ship for more ocean travel.
• An Australian trucking technique, consisting of having one tractor pulling multiple trailers • Road trains are the conceptual equivalent of trains, but operating on a road. • Road trains have between three and seven trailers.
MTO should issue one intermodal document and collect the freight
for whole trip. To use at least two modes to complete the whole trip.
上海海事大学 高洁
Multimodal Transport Vs Segmented Transport
A Typical European Semi-Truck
上海海事大学 高洁
Truck Transportation
A North-American Semi-Truck
上海海事大学 高洁
Truck Transportation
• A technique that consists of placing truck trailers on speciallydesigned railroad cars, so that the trailers can be carried over long distances more economically. • In Switzerland, trucks must piggy-back if they are crossing the country. • In the United States and Canada, this is an increasingly common way of moving trailers for long distances.
上海海事大学 高洁
Multimodal Transport
Land Bridges
• Land bridge usage is increasing:
– Ocean trip through Panama Canal takes longer than time spent transloading cargo at both ports and shipping time between ports; – The costs are lower; – Increased number of ships that cannot go through Panama Canal (post-Panamax ships).
New Asia-Europe continental bridge(新亚欧大陆桥)
东起中国连云港,西至荷兰鹿特丹,途经哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉 克斯坦、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、波兰、德国和荷兰等国,全长10,900km,是横跨亚欧两大洲, 连接太平洋和大西洋,实现海一陆一海统一运输的国际大通道。 远东至西欧,经新亚欧大陆桥比经苏伊士运河的全程海运航线缩短运距8,000km;比通过巴 拿马运河缩短运距1,l000km。远东至中亚、中近东,经新亚欧大陆桥比经西伯利亚大陆桥, 缩短运距2,700~3 300km。 有助于缓解西伯利亚大陆桥运力紧张的状况。
Segmented Transport
Multimodal Transport
more than once
More than one
more than one set of
One set of
上海海事大学 高洁
Basic Terms
• • • • • One consignment; One multimodal transportation operator; Once freight collection; One set of document; One Insurance policy.
MTO must take the responsibility for the whole transportation. Intermodal Transportation must be the continuous transportation among different modes.
上海海事大学 高洁
North American Landbridge(北美大陆桥)
指利用北美的大铁路从远东到欧洲的“海—陆—海”联运。包括:美国大陆桥、加拿大大陆桥和墨西哥大陆桥。 美国大陆桥有两条线路:一条是从西部太平洋沿岸至东部大西洋沿岸的铁路和公路运输线;另一条是从西部太平 洋沿岸至东南部墨西哥湾沿岸的铁路和公路运输线。远东——北美东海岸货物中50%以上通过此大陆桥进行运输。
上海海事大学 高洁
Rail Transportation
A Traditional European Freight Train with Bulk and Box Cars
上海海事大学 高洁
Rail Transportation
A US Double-Stack Container Train
上海海事大学 高洁
Rail Transportation
A European Single-Stack Container Train
上海海事大学 高洁
Multimodal Transport
• Also called intermodal Transport.
United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods 1980 (联合国国际货物多式联运公约):
上海海事大学 高洁
Truck Transportation
A Road Train in Australia
上海海事大学 高洁
Truck Transportation
Overloaded Trucks
• In many instances, it is common to see trucks carrying cargo of a greater weight or greater volume than they are designed to carry. • A phenomenon not limited to trucks. It is also common for trains.
上海海事大学 高洁
Multimodal Transport
• Sea+Air • Air+Road • Rail/road/inland waterways+Sea+Rail/road/inland waterways • Land bridge • Mini-Land bridge • Micro-Land bridge • Piggyback • Sea train
Chapter 11 International Land and Multi-Modalportation
• Semi-Trucks have different configurations (size, number of axles, length) in different countries. • Semi-Trucks have different weight limits.