上海海事大学国际物流Chapter 11 International Land and Multi-Modal Transportation

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Multimodal Transport
Land Bridges
• Landbridge involves two ocean movements joined by a land or transcontinental transportation system. • Cargo travels across ocean, is transloaded to train which takes it across land to another port where it is loaded unto another ship for more ocean travel.
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Multimodal Transport
• Sea+Air • Air+Road • Rail/road/inland waterways+Sea+Rail/road/inland waterways • Land bridge • Mini-Land bridge • Micro-Land bridge • Piggyback • Sea train
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Multimodal Transport
Land Bridges
• Land bridge usage is increasing:
– Ocean trip through Panama Canal takes longer than time spent transloading cargo at both ports and shipping time between ports; – The costs are lower; – Increased number of ships that cannot go through Panama Canal (post-Panamax ships).
New Asia-Europe continental bridge(新亚欧大陆桥)
东起中国连云港,西至荷兰鹿特丹,途经哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉 克斯坦、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、波兰、德国和荷兰等国,全长10,900km,是横跨亚欧两大洲, 连接太平洋和大西洋,实现海一陆一海统一运输的国际大通道。 远东至西欧,经新亚欧大陆桥比经苏伊士运河的全程海运航线缩短运距8,000km;比通过巴 拿马运河缩短运距1,l000km。远东至中亚、中近东,经新亚欧大陆桥比经西伯利亚大陆桥, 缩短运距2,700~3 300km。 有助于缓解西伯利亚大陆桥运力紧张的状况。
Segmented Transport
Multimodal Transport
more than once
More than one
more than one set of
One set of
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Basic Terms
• • • • • One consignment; One multimodal transportation operator; Once freight collection; One set of document; One Insurance policy.
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Siberian land bridge(西伯利亚大陆桥)
又称第一欧亚大陆桥,全长11896 km。 将货物由远东海运到俄罗斯东部港口,再经跨越欧亚大陆的西伯利亚铁 路运至波罗的海沿岸如爱沙尼亚的塔林或拉脱维亚的里加等港口,然后 再采用铁路、公路或海运运到欧洲各地。
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Truck Transportation
A Road Train in Australia
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Truck Transportation
Overloaded Trucks
• In many instances, it is common to see trucks carrying cargo of a greater weight or greater volume than they are designed to carry. • A phenomenon not limited to trucks. It is also common for trains.
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According to “United Nations Convention on International
Multimodal Transport of Goods 1980”, the multimodal
transportation should include:
MTO must sign the intermodal contract with shippers.
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Rail Transportation
A European Single-Stack Container Train
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Multimodal Transport
• Also called intermodal Transport.
United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods 1980 (联合国国际货物多式联运公约):
Chapter 11 International Land and Multi-Modal Transportation
Truck Transportation
• Semi-Trucks have different configurations (size, number of axles, length) in different countries. • Semi-Trucks have different weight limits.
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Rail Transportation
A Traditional European Freight Train with Bulk and Box Cars
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Rail Transportation
A US Double-Stack Container Train
• "International multimodal transport" means the carriage of goods by at least two different modes of transport on the basis of a multimodal transport contract from a place in one country at which the goods are taken in charge by the multimodal transport operator to a place designated for delivery situated in a different country.
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Truck Transportation
Two Overloaded Trucks in Sudan
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Rail Transportation
• About 40% of all ton-miles in the United States are transported by rail. • About 12% of international shipments within the European Community are shipped by rail. • Traditionally, railroads have had three business activities: bulk freight (coal, steel, chemicals, and so on), breakbulk freight in boxcars, and automobiles. • Railroads are increasingly involved in intermodal shipments, with an increasing numbers of containers and trailers on flatcars. • Rail “land-bridge” developed across United States carrying freight between Asia and Europe.
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North American Landbridge(北美大陆桥)
指利用北美的大铁路从远东到欧洲的“海—陆—海”联运。包括:美国大陆桥、加拿大大陆桥和墨西哥大陆桥。 美国大陆桥有两条线路:一条是从西部太平洋沿岸至东部大西洋沿岸的铁路和公路运输线;另一条是从西部太平 洋沿岸至东南部墨西哥湾沿岸的铁路和公路运输线。远东——北美东海岸货物中50%以上通过此大陆桥进行运输。
• An Australian trucking technique, consisting of having one tractor pulling multiple trailers • Road trains are the conceptual equivalent of trains, but operating on a road. • Road trains have between three and seven trailers.
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Truck Transportation
The Swiss “Rolling Highway”
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Truck Transportation
A United States Piggy-Back Train
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Truck Transportation
Road Trains
MTO must take the responsibility for the whole transportation. Intermodal Transportation must be the continuous transportation among different modes.
A Typical European Semi-Truck
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Truck Transportation
A North-American Semi-Truck
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Truck Transportation
• A technique that consists of placing truck trailers on speciallydesigned railroad cars, so that the trailers can be carried over long distances more economically. • In Switzerland, trucks must piggy-back if they are crossing the country. • In the United States and Canada, this is an increasingly common way of moving trailers for long distances.
MTO should issue one intermodal document and collect the freight
for whole trip. To use at least two modes to complete the whole trip.
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Multimodal Transport Vs Segmented Transport