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Unit 1

Try to be: friendly, alert, calm, skillful, honest, confident, intelligent, nice, helpful, distinct, polite

Try not to be: sleepy, unclear, lazy, dishonest, clumsy, stupid, prejudiced, inefficient, unhelpful, rude, offhand

greeting and saying goodbye

Addressing people


Table manners

Visiting someone’s home

Giving gifts and flowers

Title +surname+(given name)

Miss Mrs. Ms.

1.4non-verbal signals and body language may influence the way people see


a.The style of language, the choosing of words

b.Tone of voice


d.Noises you make

e.Body language and the way you stand or sit

f.Appearance (clothes)

g.The way you smile

Unit 2


1 信头:公司的名称、地址、电话号码、传真号、网址、信件编号

2 日期:

(BE)日月年25(th) June, 2009;

(AE) 月日年June 25(th), 2009

3 信内地址: 信纸的左上角、信头的下方。收信人的姓名和地址,若是写给公司某个部门的,直接写公司或部门名称。

4 称呼:Dear Mr….

Dear Ms…Dear Sir, Dear

Madam Dear Sir or Madam

5 信的正文: courtesy, conciseness, clarity, correctness, completeness

6 结束语: Y our sincerely

Y our faithfully, your truly

7 签名:打印,签名,签名下方有写信人的头衔

Common abbreviations

& Co. =and company

@ =at(a price of)..

a/c = account

admin. = administration

approx. = approximately

ASAP or asap = as soon as possible

attn = for the attention of

b/f = brought forward

c.c. = cubic centimetre

c.c. / cc = carbon copy (photocopy)

c/f = carried forward

c/o = care of

CEO = chief executive officer

Corp. = Corporation

dept. = department

do = ditto (the same)

doz. Or dz. = dozen

ea. = each

enc./encl. = enclosure

etc. = and so on

ft = foot/ feet

incl.= including / inclusive

lb / lbs = pound(s)

i.e./ ie = that is

Inc. = incorporated

Ltd. = Limited

MD = managing director

Misc. = miscellaneous

N/A = not applicable

No.(US#) =number

oz. = ounce

p.a. = per annum/ per year

p.p. = per pro (on behalf of )

PA = personal assistant

PC = personal computer

plc/p.l.c. = public limited corporation

POB = Post Office Box PS/P.S. = postscript Rd = road

recd = received

ref. = reference

Sq. = square

St. = street

yd / yds = yard(s)

R = Registered trademark

C = copyright

TM = trade mark

Unit 3

3.2 Getting people to do things

requesting: agreeing to or refusing requests

offering to help:accepting or rejecting offers

asking permission:giving or refusing permission

unit 4

•City college of Wuhan University of Science and Technology

•Special No.1 Huang Jia Da Wan

•East Lake Scenery District


•Hubei 430083


4.1 A

make notes & take notes

•Note-making: noting down ideas before writing a report or letter or before a phone call or meeting. 打底稿,写笔记

•Note-taking: taking notes after or during a conversation or meeting. 做记录

4.2 report

A good report

•is well researched and logically presented

•provides enough information to enable decisions to be made

•uses a style appropriate for the purpose

•is accurate, clear and concise

•supports all claims and conclusions with evidence

4.3 planning and editing a report

•When planning a report there are two main points to consider:

•1. the purpose

•2. the reader
