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My birthday always makes me feel cheerful.我的生日总是让我心情喜悦。

2. be radiant with joy 喜行于色e.g. She was radiant with joy when I asked her to marry me.当我请求她嫁给我时,她真是喜行于色。

{真是个大男人的句子啊!}3. be pleased beyond description 喜不胜言e.g. I was pleased beyond description that I got this job.得到了这份工作让我喜不胜言。

4. eyes twinkle with pleasure 喜上眉梢e.g. His eyes twinkle with pleasure every time he remembers last winter.每当他想起去年冬天,就喜上眉梢。

5. light up with pleasure 喜笑颜开e.g. His face lit up with pleasure when she came in.她进来的时候,他马上喜笑颜开。

6. be extremely delighted 欢天喜地e.g. We're extremely delighted at your success.我们因为你的成功而欢天喜地。

7. be wild with joy,be ecstatic,be exuberant 欣喜若狂e.g. The crowd was wild with joy when he scored the final goal.当他投入最后一球得分,人们欣喜若狂。

e.g. We were ecstatic to be together again.能重新相聚,我们真是欣喜若狂。

e.g. The children could not have been any more exuberant at the

birthday party. 孩子们在生日聚会上真是无比开心。

8. wear a happy expression,look cheerful 面带喜色;面带笑容e.g. He was wearing a happy expression even though he was really worried. 即使他很担心,他也总是面带笑容。

e.g. You look cheerful today. What's the good news?你今天看上去很高兴。

有什么好事?9. be overjoyed 喜出望外e.g. Belinda was overjoyed to hear from you after so long.隔了这么久才收到你的信,贝琳达喜出望外。

4. Don't let me down.不要让我失望.Down 在英文的口语里面解释成心情不好, 心情低落, 或是觉得很失望. 例如有一首很有名的英文歌曲里就有这么一句, Please don't let me down. 请不要让我失望. Down 也有沮丧的意思在内. 跟blue (忧郁) 这个字差不多, 所以下次当你看到别人心情不好, 不妨过去问一下, Why are you feeling down? 或是Why are you feeling blue?请注意Let down 和turn down 虽然听来很类似, 但它们的意思却截然不同. Let down 是让人家失望的意思, 而turn down 则是拒绝别人的邀请.

5. I don't give a shit.I don't give a damn.不屑一顾Shit 跟damn 都是最不值钱的东西, 连shit 跟damn 都不给, 就是说根本不屑一顾. 比如说你知道有人在背后说你坏话, 你就可以这么说, I don't give a shit.

6. People have dirty looks on their faces.人们的脸都很臭.有一次老美跟我说他来上学的时候路上塞车, 车上的人脸都很臭, 他就是说People have dirty looks on their faces. 我当时觉得很

有趣, 因为dirty 在这里并不是指脏的意思, 或是说长的难看, 而是说脸很臭的意思, 各位觉得呢?看过有关学习的英语短语的相关知识的人还看了:1.有关英语学习短语2.有关教育的英语短语3.关于人生的英文短句4.英语关于学习的名言短句5.有关学校的实用英语短句
