
Module1GettingtoknowyouUnit1Greetings词汇 :morning 清早,上午 afternoon下午语法知识 :人称代词 I 〔我,主格〕,be 动词 amUnit2Myclassmates 词汇:book 书 ruler 尺子 pencil 铅笔 rubber 橡皮语法知识:人称代词 me 〔我,宾格〕,不定冠词 a 〔一个〕,祈使句 Giveme ,please. 〔请给我 〕 Unit3Myface词汇:eye 眼睛 mouth 嘴巴 face 脸 nose 鼻子 ear 耳朵语法知识 :形容词性物主代词 my 〔我的〕,your 〔你的〕指示代词 this 〔这个〕,be 动词 is祈使句 Touch 〔触摸 〕 Look! 〔看!〕要点句子:Thisismyface. 这是我的脸。
Touchyourear. 触摸你的耳朵。
Hi,Alice!It’ syou! 嗨,爱丽丝!这是你!Look!Thisisyoureye. 看!这是你的眼睛。
Myeye 我的眼睛?No.It ’snotme. 不。
要点句子:Hello!Hi! 你好!Goodmorning.清早好。
Goodafternoon. 下午好Goodbye.再见。
Hi! I ’ mDanny.你好!我是丹尼。
Givemearubber,please. 请给我一块橡皮。
Hereyouare. 给你。
Thankyou. 感谢。
Module2Me,myfamilyandfriendsUnit1Myabilities要点句子:Whatcanyoudo 你会做什么?Icandance/read/sing/draw. 我会跳舞 /词汇:dance 跳舞 read 阅读 sing 唱歌 draw 画画语法知识:神情动词 can特别疑问句 WhatcanyoudoUnit2Myfamily词汇:grandfather 爷爷,外公 grandmother 奶奶,外婆 father爸爸mother妈妈me我语法知识:要点句子:人称代词 he〔他〕 ,she 〔她〕Thisismymother. 这是我的妈妈。

人称代词I〔我,主格〕,be动词am Goodafternoon.下午好Goodbye.再见。
eye眼睛mouth嘴巴face脸nose鼻子ear耳朵语法知识:形容词性物主代词my〔我的〕,your〔你的〕指示代词this〔这个〕,be动词is祈使句Touch 〔触摸〕Look!〔看!〕重点句子:Thisismyface.这是我的脸。

牛津小学英语 1A简介牛津小学英语 1A 是一套针对小学一年级学生的英语教材。
教材内容牛津小学英语 1A 分为八个单元,每个单元都涵盖了各个语言技能,且内容逐渐难度递增,符合学生的学习进度。
以下是每个单元的概要:1.Unit 1: Introduction–词汇: hello, goodbye, apple, book–句型: Hello/Goodbye, I’m [name].2.Unit 2: Numbers–词汇: one, two, three, four–句型: How many [objects]?, I have [number] [objects].3.Unit 3: Toys–词汇: doll, ball, car, bear–句型: This is my [object]. I like [object].4.Unit 4: Colours–词汇: red, blue, yellow, green–句型: What colour is this? It’s [colour].5.Unit 5: School–词汇: pen, pencil, bag, desk–句型: What’s in your bag? I have [objects] in my bag.6.Unit 6: Family–词汇: father, mother, sister, brother–句型: This is my [family member]. His/Her name is [name].7.Unit 7: Food–词汇: apple, banana, bread, cake–句型: Do you like [food]? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.8.Unit 8: Animals–词汇: cat, dog, bird, fish–句型: What’s your favourite animal? Myfavourite animal is [animal].教学方法牛津小学英语 1A 采用了多样化的教学方法,旨在激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。

v1.0可编写可改正Module1 Getting to know youUnit1 Greetings:重点句子:morning 清晨,上午 afternoon下午Hello! Hi!你好!法知 :Good morning.清晨好。
人称代 I (我,主格),beam Good afternoon.下午好Goodbye. 再。
Hi! I ’ m Danny. 你好!我是丹尼。
Unit2 My classmates:重点句子:bookruler尺子 pencil笔 rubber 橡皮Give me a ruler,please.我一把尺。
法知:Give me a rubber, please.我一人称代 me(我,格),不定冠 a(一个),橡皮。
祈使句 Give me ⋯, please.(我⋯⋯)Here you are.你。
Thank you.。
Unit3 My face:重点句子: This is my face.是我eye 眼睛 mouth嘴巴 face的。
nose 鼻子 ear耳Touch your ear. 触摸你的耳。
Hi, Alice! It’s you!,!1是你!Look! This is your eye.看!是你法知 :形容性物主代my(我的),your (你的)指示代 this (个),be is祈使句 Touch ⋯(触摸⋯⋯) Look!(看!)Module 2 Me, my family and friendsUnit1 My abilities:dance 跳舞 read sing唱歌draw画画法知:情 can特别疑句 What can you doUnit2 My family:grandfather ,外公 grandmother 奶奶,外婆father 爸爸 mother me 我法知:人称代 he(他) , she (她)形容性物主代my(我的)Be is重点句子:What can you do你会做什么I can dance/ read/ sing/ draw.我会跳舞 // 唱歌/ 画画。
一年级上册英语素材知识点整理 牛津上海版

一年级上册英语素材知识点整理牛津上海版grandfather 爷爷,外公 grandmother奶奶,外婆 father 爸爸 mother妈妈 me 我语法知识:人称代词he(他), she(她)形容词性物主代词my(我的)Be动词is特殊疑问句Who is he/ she?Unit3 My friends词汇:fat 胖的 thin瘦的 tall 高的 short 矮的语法知识:形容词性物主代词my(我的)Be动词is特殊疑问句Who is he/ she?情态动词can(会)Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit1 In the classroom词汇:one 一 two 二 three 三four 四 five 五 six 六语法知识:数词1-6可数名词复数特殊疑问句How many …?Unit2 In the fruit shop词汇:apple 苹果 pear 梨 peach 桃子 orange 桔子语法知识:重点句子:This is Danny. He’s my classmate. He’s fat.这是丹尼。
This is Kitty. She’s my friend. She’s thin.这是吉蒂。
She’s my friend. She is thin. She can dance. Who is she?她是我的朋友。
她是谁?重点句子:One, two, three! Three pencils. 一,二,三!三支铅笔。
How many books? (有)多少本书?Two books. 两本书。
重点句子:Apples, please. 请给我苹果。
How many apples? (你要)多少苹果?可数名词复数形式 特殊疑问句How many …? Unit3 In the restaurant 词汇:hamburger 汉堡包 pizza 披萨 cake 蛋糕 pie 馅饼 语法知识: 情态动词mayMay I have …, please?Module 4 The natural worldUnit1 On the farm 词汇:chick 小鸡 duck 鸭子 cow 奶牛 pig 猪 语法知识:指示代词this (这个), that (那个) 特殊疑问句What ’s this? What ’s that? Be 动词is, amUnit2 In the zoo 词汇:bear 熊 tiger 老虎 monkey 猴子 panda 熊猫 语法知识:一般疑问句Is this …? Is that …? 特殊疑问句What ’s this? What ’s that? Be 动词is Unit3 In the park 词汇:red 红色 blue 蓝色 yellow 黄色 green 绿色 重点句子:Can I help you? 需要点什么?/ 有什么需要帮忙的吗? May I have a hamburger, please? 我可以买一个汉堡吗? Here you are. 给你。

M1 U1 GreetingsUsing the key words in contextUsing formulaic expressions to greet people ,bid farewell. Using the common pattern to introduce oneself.M1 U2 My classmatesUsing nouns to identify school suppliesUsing simple language to point out objectsUsing imperatives to give simple instructions.Using formulaic expressions to offer people things.Using formulaic expressions to express thanks.M1U3 My faceUsing nouns to identify parts of the bodyUsing formulaic expressions to introduce oneselfUsing pronouns to show which item is being referred to Using imperatives to give simple instructionsUsing pronouns to show which item is being referred to Using imperatives to catch people’s attentionUsing pronouns to refer to particular peopleM2U1 P1 MY AbilitiesUsing verbs to indicate actionsUsing the modal verb can to express abilitiesAsking wh-questions to find out a person’s ability. E.g., What can you do?Using verbs to indicate actions. E.g., I can sing.M2U2 My familyUsing pronouns to identify people. E.g., meUsing nouns to identify family members. E.g., mother, father, grandfather, grandmotherUsing nouns to identify family membersUsing possessive adjectives to express possessionAsking wh-questions to find out a person’s identityUsing pronouns to identify peopleUsing formulaic expressions to confirm or denyM2U3 My friendsUsing adjectives to describe people. E.g., thin, fat, tall, shortUsing pronouns to identify peopleUsing adjectives to describe peopleAsking wh-questions to find out a person’s identityUsing the modal verb can to express abilitiesM3U1 In the classroomUsing numerals to count from one to sixUsing numerals to show quantityUsing numerals to count from one to sixUsing numerals to show quantityAsking questions to find out quantity?M3U2 In the fruit shopUsing nouns to identify fruit.e.g., apple, pear, peach, orangeAsking questions to find out quantitye.g., How many..?Using formulaic expressions to request something.Using formulaic expressions to reply requestsUsing formulaic expressions to express thanksM3U3 In the restaurantUsing nouns to identify food.e.g., pizza, hamburger, cake, pieHear specific information in response to simple questions.e.g., Give me a hamburger, please. Here you are.Using formulaic expressions to request somethingUsing an indefinite article to refer to somethingUsing formulaic expressions to greet customersM4U1 On the farmUsing nouns to identify common farm animalsUsing some onomatopoeic words to imitate the sounds of the farm animalsUsing verbs to give instructionsUsing the key pattern to role-play as farm animalAsking wh-questions to find out specific information about something Using a pronoun to refer to somethingM4U2 In the zooUsing nouns to identify animalsUsing adjectives to describe things.Asking yes/no questions to obtain simple responses.e.g., Is this a bear?Using formulaic expressions to confirm or deny.e.g., Yes./No. It’s a panda.M4U3 In the parkUsing adjectives to identify colours.e.g., It’s red.Asking wh-questions to find out the colours of objects.e.g., what colour is it?Using adjectives to identify coloursUsing imperatives to give simple instructionsUsing onomatopoeic words to indicate animal soundsUsing adjectives to describe animalsAsking wh-questions to find out specific information about an animal.。

沪教版牛津一年级上册英语重要知识点复习2019.1.3Module 1 Unit 1 GreetingsI我you你hello你好hi你好morning早晨XXX下午good 好XXX再见am是I’m我是XXXAliceTomFangGood morning!早上好。
Good afternoon!下午好。
I’m XXX.你好!我是XXX.Hello。
I am Kitty.]你好!我是Kitty.Nice to see you.很高兴见到你。
I am我是XXXSamMissXXX2019.1.3Module 1 Unit 2My classmatesbook书ruler尺子XXX铅笔rubber橡皮give给XXX我a 一个an一个XXX请XXX这儿nice摩登的Give me a ruler。
Here you are.给你。
Thank you.谢谢。
How nice!好漂亮啊!A book!一本书。
2019.1.3Module 1 Unit 3 My faceeye眼睛XXX嘴巴face脸nose鼻子ear耳朵touch摸this 这个that那个your你的my我的look看Hello。
I’m XXX.你好,我是XXX。
touch your mouth.XXX,摸你的嘴。
This XXX.这是我的嘴。
touch your face.XXX,摸你的脸。
This is my face.这是我的脸。
This is your eye.看,这是你的眼睛。
It’s you.这是你。
It’s not me.不,这不是我。
2019.1.3Module 2 Unit 1 My abilitiesXXX跳舞read读书sing唱歌draw画画can能够what什么do做flower花house房子What can you do?你能做什么?I can dance.我能跳舞。

第 1 页Module1 Getting to know youUnit1 Greetings 词汇:morning 早上,上午afternoon 下午语法知识:人称代词I (我,主格),be 动词am Unit2 My classmates 词汇:book 书ruler 尺子pencil 铅笔rubber 橡皮语法知识:人称代词me (我,宾格),不定冠词a (一个),祈使句Give me …, please.(请给我……)Unit3 My face 词汇:eye 眼睛mouth 嘴巴face 脸nose 鼻子ear 耳朵语法知识:形容词性物主代词my (我的),your (你的)指示代词this (这个),be 动词is祈使句Touch …(触摸……)Look! (看!)Module 2 Me, my family and friendsUnit1 My abilities 词汇:dance 跳舞read 阅读sing 唱歌draw 画画语法知识:情态动词can特殊疑问句What can you do? Unit2 My family 词汇:重点句子:Hello! Hi! 你好!Good morning. 早上好。
Good afternoon. 下午好Goodbye. 再见。
Hi! I ’m Danny. 你好!我是丹尼。
重点句子:Give me a ruler, please. 请给我一把尺。
Give me a rubber, please. 请给我一块橡皮。
Here you are. 给你。
Thank you. 谢谢。
重点句子:What can you do? 你会做什么?I can dance/ read/ sing/ draw. 我会跳舞/阅读/唱歌/画画。
重点句子:This is my mother. 这是我的妈妈。
Who is she? 她是谁?She ’s my grandmother. 她是我的奶奶。

上海牛津英语一年级上下册知识点Module1Gettingtoknowyou Unit1Greetings词汇:morning早上,上午afternoon下午语法知识:人称代词I(我,主格),be动词amUnit2Myclassmates词汇:book书ruler尺子pencil铅笔rubber橡皮语法知识:人称代词me(我,宾格),不定冠词a(一个),祈使句Giveme…,please.(请给我……)Unit3Myface词汇:eye眼睛mouth嘴巴face脸nose鼻子ear耳朵语法知识:形容词性物主代词my(我的),your(你的)指示代词this(这个),be动词is祈使句T ouch…(触摸……)Look!(看!)重点句子:Thisismyface.这是我的脸。
Module2Me,myfamilyandfriendsUnit1Myabilities 重点句子:Hello!Hi!你好!Goodmorning.早上好。
重点句子:Whatcanyoudo?你会做什么?Icandance/read/sing/draw.我会跳舞/词汇:dance跳舞read阅读sing唱歌draw画画语法知识:情态动词can特殊疑问句Whatcanyoudo?Unit2Myfamily词汇:grandfather爷爷,外公grandmother奶奶,外婆father爸爸mother妈妈me我语法知识:人称代词he(他),she(她)形容词性物主代词my(我的)Be动词is特殊疑问句Whoishe/she?Unit3Myfriends词汇:fat胖的thin瘦的tall高的short矮的语法知识:形容词性物主代词my(我的)Be动词is特殊疑问句Whoishe/she?情态动词can(会)Module3PlacesandactivitiesUnit1Intheclassroom词汇:one一two二three三four四five五six六语法知识:数词1-6可数名词复数特殊疑问句Howmany…? 重点句子:Thisismymother.这是我的妈妈。

人称代词I(我,主格),be动词am Goodafternoon.下午好Goodbye.再会。
eye眼睛mouth嘴巴face脸nose鼻子ear耳朵语法知识: 形容词性物主代词m y(我的),your(你的)指示代词this(这个),be动词is祈使句Touch (触摸)Look!(看!)重点句子:Thisismyface.这是我的脸。
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Unit1 My classroom 我的教室
1.文具类单词:book书, ruler尺子, pencil铅笔,
rubber橡皮, pen钢笔, bag包
2.课堂用语指示句型:Stand up, please. 请起立。
Sit down, please.请坐。
Open your book.打开你们的书。
Close your book.合上你们的书。
3.日常问候句型:How are you? 你身体好吗?
Fine, thank you. 很好,谢谢你。
Good morning. 早上好。
4.韵律诗:____, ____, I can see. _____, _____, for you and me!
5.儿歌:Good morning
拓展内容:school bag书包
Good afternoon. 下午好。
Good evening.晚上好
And you? 你呢?I’m fine, too.我也很好。
Unit2 Numbers 数字
1.数字单词:one 1, two 2, three 3, four 4, five 5, six 6
2.借物品句型:Give me a rubber, please. 请给我一块橡皮。
Give me a pencil, please. 请给我一支铅笔。
3.介绍人物句型:Hi, May. This is Tim. 你好,梅. 这是Tim.
Hello, I’m May.你好,我是梅.
Hello. May. 你好,梅.
4.听口令:Show me给我看…clap拍手…. Say说….
How many..? 多少…?
5.韵律诗:One two three, it’s a tree. Four five six, pick up sticks. 拓展内容:seven 7, eight 8, nine 9, ten10 , zero 0.
Unit3 My abilities 我的能力
1.能力单词:read读,write写, draw画
sing唱, dance跳舞, jump跳
3.课堂用语指示句型: Raise your hand. 举手。
Put it down. 放下。
Show me your book. 给我看你们的书。
3.询问年龄句型:How old are you? 你几岁了?
I’m five years old.我5岁。
4.I can句型:I can 我能... Thank you, teacher. 谢谢你,老师。
5. song歌曲
拓展内容:All right. 好的。
Unit4 My body 我的身体
1.五官单词:face脸蛋, eye眼睛, ear耳朵, mouth嘴巴, nose鼻子
2.动作指令句型:Touch your toes. 摸摸你的脚趾头。
Touch your arms. 摸摸你的手臂。
Wave your hand. 挥挥你的手。
3.介绍身体部位句型:Look! This is my hand. 看!这是我的手。
This is my arm. 这是我的手臂。
5.Song 歌曲
拓展内容:knee膝盖, shoulder肩膀
Unit5 Fruit 水果
1.水果类单词:apple苹果, orange橘子, pear梨子,
lemon柠檬, melon瓜, peach桃子
2.指示句型:Smell the melon. 闻闻瓜。
Feel the apple. 触摸苹果。
Taste the peach.尝尝桃子。
3.介绍远近的句型:This is an apple. 这是一个苹果。
That’s a pear.那是一只梨。
4.猜水果:What is this? 这是什么?It is a/an ... 它是一个…
5.故事:Is this a/an…?这是一个…吗?
Yes, it is.是的,它是。
No, it isn’t. 不,它不是。
拓展内容:banana香蕉, watermelon西瓜, big大的, small小的red红色, yellow黄色, green绿色, white白色
orange橙色, pink粉色
Unit6 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节
1. 单词:taro芋头, moon月亮, bean豌豆,
leaf树叶, moon cake月饼, autumn秋天
2. 指示句型:Look at your hands. 看看你的双手。
Wash your hands. 洗洗你的双手。
Eat a cake. 吃一块蛋糕。
3. 交流句型:What do you like to eat? 你喜欢吃什么?
I like to eat moon cakes. 我喜欢吃月饼。
4. 故事: You/ I have got a…你/我有一个…
5. Song歌曲
拓展内容:sun太阳, spring春天, summer夏天, winter冬天
Can I help you? 我能为你服务吗?Yes,please.是的。
Unit7 My Family 家人
1. 单词:father 父亲, mother 母亲, sister 姐姐/妹妹, me我
2. 指示句型:Point to your… 指出你的…
3. 交流句型:This is my brother. 这是我的哥哥。
Have you got a brother? 你有哥哥吗?
No, I have got a sister. 没有,我有一个妹妹。
4.游戏:This is my father. 这是我的父亲。
This is my mother. 这是我的母亲。
This is my sister. 这是我的姐姐/妹妹。
This is my cat. 这是我的小猫。
This is me. 这是我。
5. Rhyme韵律诗
拓展内容:grandfather 爷爷/外公, grandmother奶奶/外婆
Unit8 Playtime 游戏时间
1. 单词:bicycle 自行车, balloon 气球, doll 洋娃娃
ball 球, slide 滑梯, swing 秋千2. 句型:Go to the slide. 去滑滑梯。
Pick up the doll. 捡起洋娃娃。
He has got a bicycle. 他有一辆自行车。
She has got a balloon.她有一个气球。
3. 游戏:I have got a/an…我有一个…
He has got a/an…他有一个…
What have you got? 你有什么?
What has he/she got? 他/她有什么?
4. Tongue twister 绕口令
拓展内容:bike 自行车。