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New Horizon English Course 1
Reading stories can be fun. In addition, it is a good way of learning. There are various kinds of stories. Some of them, besides interesting, disclose certain significant meanings of life. In this unit, let’s read some stories and learn some lessons from them. What’s more, you may share your favorite stories with your classmates and try to learn something from them.
invite, argue , amazed” and phrases “jump in, out of sympathy, dress up” etc.
2. To make students know how to use “what” to
introduce a clause and the structure “why don’t we/you” to make suggestions
5.Why did wealth and success go into the house with love? Wherever love goes, wealth and success go with him.
ask her to invite them in
ask love to go into her house
New Horizon English Course 1
Section A: wealth, success and love
Watch and Discuss
Directions: Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows:
New Horizon English Course 1
Warming-up Activities
2. Discuss what kind of stories you like reading.
I like reading jokes fables martial stories fairy tales love stories detective stories My classmate likes reading jokes fables martial stories fairy tales love stories detective stories
New Horizon English Course 1
Section A: wealth, success and love
Passage Structure
Second reading: read the passage again and try to identify the structure of this passage
. 我们总得设法找钱付房租。 - We must find money for the rent somehow. 2. 说不出什么原因,我就是不相 信那个人。 - Somehow I don’t trust that man.
1. What can we learn from this film clip?
We are moved by the love between Rose and Jack.Love makes us strong and selfless.
Section A: wealth, success and love
New Horizon English Course 1
Warming-up Activities
1. The word “story” is equivalent to “故事” in Chinese. There are also varied styles of English stories. Read the following terms concerning stories and identify their Chinese meanings. 神话 myth ______ 笑话 ______ jokes 寓言 ______ fables 传说 故事 ______ legend 童话 故事 ______ fairy tales 爱情 故事 ______ love stories 武侠 故事 ______ martial stories 宗教 故事 ______ religious stories 侦探 故事 ______ detective stories
The story developing in four stages: A: A woman invited three wise men into her house out of sympathy, but they didn’t accept it as her man was not at home(2-6) B: the woman invited them in again after her husband came back, but they said they didn’t go into a house together, as their names were Wealth, Success and Love. They asked her to discuss with her man which one of the three they wanted in their house. (7-12) C: the man and his wife had a heated discussion. They finally took their daughter-in-law’s advice and invited Love into their house, (13-17) D: surprisingly, the other two followed Love and they explained to the amazed woman: wherever there is love, there is also wealth and success! –This is the lesson (18-20)
2.Why did the woman invite them since she didn’t know any of them? 3.What suggestion did the woman’s family give her?
out of sympathy
4.What’ s the woman’s final decision?
New Horizon English Course 1
Unit 3: Learn a lesson from unusual stories
Zhou Zengmei
New Horizon English Course 1
1. To grasp the new words “differ, recognize, sympathy,
Extensive Reading
Reading Through
New Horizon English Course 1
Section A: wealth, success and love Extensive reading 1
three men
1.How many men did the woman see in the front of garden ?
New Horizon English Course 1 wealth
e.g. - Which is the most important, wealth, success or love? 什么最重要,财富、成功还是爱?
1. 大多数人认为健康比财富重要。 - Most people think t源自文库at health is more important than wealth. 2. 大卫做了十年的电脑工程师,在这个领域有丰富的经验。 - David has been working as a computer engineer for ten years with a wealth of experience in this field.
New Horizon English Course 1 New Words
wealth differ view somehow following tale wise recognize sympathy exactly invite add extremely argue daughter-inlaw advice amazed wherever Phrases and Expressions as well out of point to fill with/be filled with jump in take someone’s advice
New Horizon English Course 1 differ 不同于
e.g. Chinese differs greatly from English in pronunciation. 汉语发音跟英语大不相同。 . 他们来自不同的国家,文化背景各 不相同。 - They are from different countries and their cultures differ from one another. 2. 我们在那个问题上跟他意见不同。 - We differ from him on that question.
New Horizon English Course 1
somehow 以某种方式;不知为什么 e.g. - Could it be possible for a person to choose one and somehow get the other two as well? 一个人能不能选择一个并同时设法得到另外两个?
New Horizon English Course 1
Part I: Para. 1 Main Idea Differing views on the importance of wealth, success and love.
Part II: Para.2-20
Main Idea A tale reveals that wherever there is love, there is also wealth and success.
3. To practice reading and Speaking skills;
4. to enable students to find what is the most important in life, wealth, success or love
Unit 3
Preparation Reading Through
Summary & Exercises Merry Learning
New Horizon English Course 1 Section A: wealth, success and love


Lead-in Warming-up activities Watch and discuss