



◆ 按键控制光源的变化效果。


◆ 控制器可控制10种效果。


◆ 同步控制中,调节默认主控可改变其他从控制器的效果。

SW-SET 为功能速度键,短按SW-SET 键调节速度(在渐变、跳变过程中有效),长按SW-SET 键调节控制器的控制模式。






3、连机过程中,如遇不同步现象(主控制器调节后,分控制器有一周期的不同步现象),请检查从主控制器与下一级分控制器之间的同步线(注:两机之间同步线最大距离为20M ),如果正常请依次检查前者从控制器的输出与下一级从控制器的输入之间的同步线。



HAD-YCB型矢量控制永磁同步变频电梯门机控制器使用说明书天津市核奥达新技术开发有限公司目录重要提示!一.安全规程1.安全注意事项2. 使用注意事项二.产品介绍1.指标及规格1.1.环境1.2.结构1.3.输入、输出1.4.保护功能1.5.版本说明2.安装接线2.1.安装尺寸2.2.端子说明3.门机控制器接线图4.操作面板说明5.电源和自动手动开关6.参数表三.门机调试及注意事项1.注意事项1.1.F45、F46、F47、F56、F57、F58、F59、F60参数说明1.2.偏移量学习说明2.门机调试2.1.同步带调整说明2.2.对于门的滑动程度要求2.3.新购买门机调试说明2.4.参数如何修改2.5.如何学习偏移量2.6.如何确定同步门刀收刀位置2.7.如何完成门机自学习2.8.多段速曲线图及说明2.9.学习完成后如何进入正常模式重要提示:1.轿厢运行前给出关门指令!2.轿厢运行中必须始终给出关门指令3.开关门控制信号必须是无源触点!4.厅轿门联动,不管门处于何种位置,水平关门方向不大于150牛顿力作用于门扇时,门应能够正常关闭。










环希工业 240说明书(1)

环希工业 240说明书(1)

运行指示 单元指示 数据指示
1# L 2# N 3#TC 4#TA 5#TB 6#GND 7#V4 8#GND 9#V3 10#GND 11#V2 12#GND 13#V1
电电源源220VAC±20%50Hz 输出继电器常开 输出继电器公共端 输出继电器常闭 信号地 单元4输出端[0-10V] 信号地 单元3输出端[0-10V] 信号地 单元2输出端[0-10V] 信号地 单元1输出端[0-10V]
N 1 1A 250V 50Hz
P6-2 江阴市环希工业控制设备有限公司
! 可接强电区,本 机其他端子严禁
参数号 F01 F02 F03 F04 F05 F06 F07 F08 F09 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21 F22 F23 F24 F25 F26 F27 F28 F29 F30 F31 F32 F33
14#GF1 15#GF2 16#GND 17#+10V 18#GF3 19#GF4 20#GND 21#+10V 22#G1 23#GND 24#UP 25#DOWN 26#RS
反馈1 反馈2 信号地 +10V参考电压,≤50mA 反馈3 反馈4 信号地 同17# 外部主给定1 信号地 上升端子 下降端子 启停端子
0:解锁 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ:锁定 给定从0升到10V所需时间
范围0-100秒 范围0-13*
! 按ENT则参数恢复出厂值**
端子26闭合时:0:无动作1:G0=F22 0.01:最慢 4.00:最快



















一、型号说明SLC 04C22 (A)B 为反馈电压为0-10VA 为反馈电压为±5V控制器输出路数4路控制器系列号1、主要特点A、数字化SLC04C22A(B)控制器采用单片计算机控制,可对控制器进行多种参数设置,设置参数时通过数码显示。



GH DRIVERCTB资料编号:Z L-14-808-I B C NB E I J I N GC T B S E R V O C O.,L T D.GH DRIVER使用说明书交流伺服驱动器型号:BKSC-□□□□GHX400V级 1.5~315KW (2.5~460KVA)请将此使用说明书,交给最终用户,并妥善保存CTB TECHNOLOGY北京超同步伺服股份有限公司序 言感谢您惠购北京超同步伺服股份有限公司生产的GH系列交流伺服驱动器。


G H系列交流伺服驱动器是交流感应电机(I M)及交流永磁同步电机(PM)的交流伺服驱动器,可对各种交流伺服电机的位置、转速、加速度和输出转矩方便地进行控制,G H系列交流伺服驱动器采用双32位C P U,配置丰富的控制功能模块,可以实现各种机床的控制功能。


配置G H系列交流伺服驱动器的机床,其力矩特性、加减速特性、精度特性以及效率特性都将表现非凡,并可以轻松地实现准停、C轴、刚性攻丝、电子换挡、多轴同步等功能。

G H系列交流伺服驱动器,可广泛应用于数控铣床、立式加工中心、卧式加工中心、数控镗床、数控车床、立车、重型卧车、龙门机床等产品的驱动,是各种机床动力轴的首选驱动产品。

在使用G H系列交流伺服驱动器之前,请您仔细阅读该手册,以保证正确使用。






Victron Energy Hub-4模式2和3操作指南说明书

Victron Energy Hub-4模式2和3操作指南说明书

Hub-4 mode 2 and 3This page explains how to use a Multi/Quattro as a bidirectional inverter operating parallel to the grid, integrated into a customer designed system (PLC or other). In mode 2, Advanced, or more 3, Custom.Note that it is also possible to run a Victron grid parallel storage system without designing and implementing your own control loop, logic or measurements. See the Hub-4 manual.Note that though this page mentions Hub-4, which is deprecated, it also applies to ESS.1. Overview of Hub-4 operating modes1.1 Mode 1 - StandardThe system runs automatically, and uses excess energy harvested during the day to fill the gaps when there is not enough PV power available. Typically in the evening and night. Easy configuration in Assistants and on the Color Control GX. For details refer to the main hub-4 manual.1.2 Mode 2 - AdvancedSame as standard operating mode, but customer adds custom control doing time shifting, load management or other energy management optimization algorithms. The required components in the system, as well as the general software setup, is 100% equal to the default, Mode 1. The available control points are:Grid power setpointMaximum charge percentageMaximum discharge percentageThere are two ways access those control points:Send commands to the CCGX via ModbusTCP, from an external control module, a PLC for 1.example.2.Run self-implemented scripts on the CCGX, same functionality, but then it is not needed to adda PLC to the system.For more information, see the Mode 2 details.1.3 Mode 3 - CustomCustomer self implements their control loop and grid measurements, and uses the MultiPlus and/or Quattros as simple, remote controllable, bidirectional inverter/chargers that can be set to either charge or discharge an x amount of Watts. Note that the point of control is the AC-input, not the charger itself.update:system_integration:hub4_grid_parallel_external_control_loop https:///live/system_integration:hub4_grid_parallel_external_control_loop 2019-01-2210:16Power to/from AC-input = Power to/from battery + Power to/from AC-output Necessary Victron equipment:1.Multi or Quattro inverter/charger2.Color Control GX3.Note that there is no AC sensor necessary, since the inverter/charger will act as a 'dumb' bi-directional inverter/charger. It will act on the external command given, which can for example be 'take 2000W from AC in, or feed back 100W through AC in'.Available control points:Switch (on, charger-only, inverter-only, off)Power setpoint in Watts: regulates the power on the ac-input.Disable charge flagDisable feedback flagFor more information, see the Mode 3 details.2. Details of operating mode 2 - Advanced2.1 Available control pointsa) Grid power setpoint - Modbus-TCP register 2700Positive: take power from grid.Negative: send power to grid.Default: 0W.b) Max charge current (fractional) - Modbus-TCP register 2701Reduces the charge current relative to the maximum charge current. Note that this settings has a higher priority than the Grid power setpoint.0%: disable charging. This setting may be used for time shifting. For example by disablingcharging the battery when feeding back to the grid is profitable, and leaving battery capacity for later.100%: unlimited charging. Battery, VEConfigure settings, and BMS permitting.>0% and <100%: The maximum allowed AC-In power ismax charge percentage * max charge current * battery voltage / 100The maximum charge current is taken from the settings on the Multi (which can be changed using VE configure).Because this setting limits the power taken in on the Ac-In of the multi, it may give unexpected results when the AC-Out of the Multi is also in use.c) Enable discharge - Modbus-TCP register 2702Though presented as a percentage, it is really a on/off mechanism. Setting the percentage below 50% will disable discharge. And setting it equal to or above 50% will enable discharge.See the Modbus-TCP excel sheet for scaling and datatypes, available here.2.2 Accessing the control pointsA) Via ModbusTCPSee above mentioned register numbers. Use ModbusTCP unitid 100.B) Via MQTTRecently we have added MQTT to the protocols on the CCGX. For more information, see the developer mailing list as well as the mqtt github repo.C) Running your own scriptson the CCGXStart reading here.The Hub-4 related D-Bus paths are:com.victronenergy.hub4 /AcPowerSetpointcom.victronenergy.hub4 /MaxChargePercentagecom.victronenergy.hub4 /MaxDischargePercentage2.3 BackgroundIn standard mode the Hub-4 control system tries to keep the power flowing through the grid meter at 0 Watt (so no power is taken in from the grid, nor is any power fed back to the grid). Mode 2 means you set the target for the grid power. Setting the target to 100 Watt means that the system tries to take 100 Watt from the grid. The power will be used to feed the loads or charge the battery. Similar, a negative value will instruct the system to feed back power to the grid. This will be PV power when possible, otherwise the battery will be discharged. Reset the setpoint back to 0 Watt, and you are back in standard mode again.In addition you can also control battery charge and discharge. This allows you to control when the battery is charged and discharged.2.4 NotesThe above settings are intended for power management, and will be overridden by batteryupdate:system_integration:hub4_grid_parallel_external_control_loop https:///live/system_integration:hub4_grid_parallel_external_control_loop 2019-01-2210:16safety mechanisms. For example: if the multi is in sustain mode - because the battery is almost empty - it will start charging the battery, event if the grid power setpoint is negative or themaximum charge percentage is set to zero.Sustain will always remain in operation. Disabling charge will not disable sustain. Note that this was added to the Hub-4 Assistant released in january 2016 (version 154).In mode 2 the CCGX will change the Multi's AC-In power setpoint (see Mode 3) continuously, so it does not make sense to change the setpoint in this mode.See modbustcp excel sheet for scaling and data types, available here.3. Details of operating mode 3 - Custom3.1 OperationMode 3 means you take direct control of the Multi itself by setting the power it should take/feed back on its AC input. It allows for easy control of the power flowing to the battery. The power flowing to the batter (or more precise: to DC system attached to the Multi) is equal to the AC-In power minus the AC-Out power. In mode 3 you have to create your own control loop, and update set setpoint frequently.When the grid is available, the Multi will be connected to the grid. You can control its operation with the Power setpoint. When positive, energy will flow to the grid. When negative, energy will be taken from the grid. Some examples:When set to +400W, it will feed 400W back through its input. This energy will be takenfrom the battery. If there is also a 200W AC load connected to AC output the total energytaken from the battery will be 600W. The batteries will always be discharged when thesetpoint is positive.When set to -400W, it will take 400W from the AC input. When the load on the output islower than 400W, it will charge the battery with the difference. When the load on the ACoutput is higher, it will discharge the battery with the difference. So with a negativesetpoint charge/discharge depends also on the connected loads.Important note: When using the CCGX to communicate with the HUB-4 assistant (seefurther on) you should bear in mind that the CCGX inverts the setpoint. So positivebecomes negative and vice versa.Note that it will always remain within battery and maximum inverter power limits: when thebattery is full, or when the maximum charge current as configured in VEConfigure is already met, it will not draw more power. And when instructed to discharge with 10000 watt, while it isa 2500W inverter, it will discharge with 2500W, until the battery is empty.To force the Multi to Inverter Mode, set the switch to Inverter-only. Note that when you do that, there will be no grid assist, meaning that on an overload the Inverter will switch off, signalling overload alarm. Instead of switching back to grid.When no grid is available, it will automatically switch to inverter mode (seamless), unless the switch is set to charger-only. While in inverter mode, the Power setpoint is in-effective.3.2 NotesIf no new value is sent to the Multi for longer than 500 periods (= 10 seconds at 50 Hz), the Multi will automatically fall back to 'bypass' that is: No charge/No discharge. The internal transfer relay isclosed when AC input is available. In that case any loads on the AC output are fed by the AC input. If there is no AC input available, the unit will switch to inverter mode. (Unless it is set to 'Charger Only' or receives a 'low cell' signal from the VE.Bus BMS).Send a target value to the CCGX via ModbusTCP:unit-id 246 (= CCGX VE.Bus port)register-id 37 (= /Hub4/AcPowerSetpoint)Important: The CCGX inverts the value of the setpoint. So use a positive value to instructcharging and a negative one to tell it to discharge. The unit is Watts.register-id 38 (= /Hub4/DisableCharge)Value 0: charge enabled, Value 1: charge disabled.Important: Disabling charge will also disable feedback.register-id 39 (= /Hub4/DisableFeedback)Value 0: feedback enabled, Value 1: feedback disabled.If feedback is disabled, the battery will not discharge. In case of grid failure, thisparameter will be ignored and power will be supplied to AC Out.Note that it can very well be that the Multi does not do what you want it to do, because thebattery is either empty, or full for example. Therefore, for your control algorithm, read theactual power back from the Multi, unit-id 246 and register-id 12.See modbustcp excel sheet for scaling and data types, available here.Note that the mechanism is slow, which to our opinion is not perfect, but also no problem.The 'VE.Bus to VE.Can interface' does not yet support reading and writing the hub4/grid-parallel setpoint.If your system contains a Hub-4 compatible AC-Sensor which is set up as grid meter, the CCGX will automatically enter mode 1 and start updating the AC power setpoint continuously. Starting from CCGX firmware version 1.70, you can disable this behavior in Settings→Hub4→Hub4Control. This will also disable BatteryLife. In earlier versions you can stop hub-4 control bysetting the value of /Settings/CGwacs/Devices/D<serial>/Hub4Mode in the settings D-Busservice (com.victronenergy.settings) to 3 (=hub4 control disabled). Replace <serial> with the serial number of the grid meter.3.3 Using the MK2 directly instead of CCGXIn this setup, it is not necessary to use a CCGX. Instead an MK2 is used. We have both MK2-RS232 and an MK2-USB available, see the pricelist. A direct connection to the VE.Bus RS485, without MK2 or CCGX, is not possible.Note that, as also indicated on the Datacommunication whitepaper, the MK2 protocol is not an easy protocol. That is unfortunate, but it is what it is. And we cannot give support on it unless there is a huge commercial value behind the project, read thousands of Multis or Quattros.And now, after all the warnings, the information:Use RAM ID 128 and higher. Every RAM ID is a word (2 bytes)The assistant RAM will be filled from ID 128 with ‘assistant RAM records’. Each record starts with a word that contains the AssistantID and the size of the record, and then a number of AssistantRAM words.RAM ID contents128ID_Size (1st Assistant)update:system_integration:hub4_grid_parallel_external_control_loop https:///live/system_integration:hub4_grid_parallel_external_control_loop 2019-01-2210:16RAM ID contents1291st AssistantRAM01301st AssistantRAM1……RAMn1st AssistantRAMnRAMn+1ID_Size (2nd Assistant in this VE.Bus device, if any)RAMn+22nd AssistantRAM0RAMn+32nd AssistantRAM1etceteraThe ID_Size word contains 0xZZZY, where:ZZZ = the Assistant ID. This is where you can recognize the function of the assistant (HUB4 ID = 3)Y = the number of ramIDs that will follow after the ID_Size. At the moment of writing this is 2 for the HUB-4 Assistant version. This can be increased in future releases if more parametersbecome available.So you have to scan the Assistant RAM records by looking at each ID_size record.Search for HUB4, and then AssistantRAM0 is the setpoint in Watts and AssistantRAM1 contains theflags:bit0 of AssistantRAM1 contains the flag 'disable charge'bit1 of AssistantRAM1 contains the flag 'disable feedback'Above information is an addendum to the 'Interfacing with VE.Bus products' document. Available from our whitepapers.EXAMPLE:Below you will find a communication example (assumed is that the HUB-4 assistant is the 1st assistant in the assistant list using AssistantRAM. So this means that the ID_Size is at RamID 128.) Reading the ID_Size:→ 0x05, 0xFF, 0x57, 0x30, 0x80, 0x00*, 0xF5(Length, 0xFF, ‘W’, 0x30, Lo(ID), Hi(ID), Checksum)Response:← 0x07, 0xFF, 0x57, 0x85, 0x32, 0x00, 0x52, 0x5A, 0x40(Length, 0xFF, ‘W’, 0x85, Lo(ValueA), Hi(ValueA), Lo(ValueB)*, Hi(ValueB)*, Checksum)ValueA is the contents of RAMID 128. In this example it is 0x0032 which indicates HUB4 with 2 extra RAMIDs.*) Please note that you will get an extra ValueB. This is a feature of newer Multi firmware versions. Because the IDs range from 0..255 the Hi(ID) field would always be 0. Newer Multi firmwares allow you to specify a second ID in this field. So in this case ValueB is the value of RAMID 0 because the0x00 is interpreted as the second ID. RAMID 0 corresponds with UMains (This can be found in paragraph 7.3.11 of the 'Interfacing with VE.Bus products' document.) So in this example the UMainsvalue is 0x5A52 ⇒ 231.22V NOTE: You will always get a ValueB in the response. You can make handy use of this by reading an extra RAMID or you can ignore it if you don’t need it.Writing the set point with +200 Watt:We should write RAM ID 129 to +200.Writing requires 2 frames, one frame specifying the ID to write and one frame specifying the data to write.→ 0x05, 0xFF, 0x57, 0x32, 0x81, 0x00, 0xF2(0x32=Command Write RAMID, 81 00 = 129, Note that 2nd byte will always be 0 in this command)→ 0x05, 0xFF, 0x57, 0x34, 0xC8, 0x00, 0xA9(0x34=Command Write Data, C8 00 = 200)Note: If a negative set point is needed you should specify this as the 2’s complement value so for example -200W must be specified as 0xFF38 (=65536-200) so that would result in: → 0x05, 0xFF,0x57, 0x34, 0x38, 0xFF, 0x3AResponse:← 0x05, 0xFF, 0x57, 0x87, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E Write OK (87 means successful. Just ignore the rest of the frame (00,00 in this case))Please refer to the 'Interfacing with VE.Bus products' document, available from our whitepapers, for more info.4. Combining Hub-4 with Lithium batteriesVictron Lithium batteries with a VE.Bus BMS: select this in the Hub4 assistant and all will be done automatically.Non-Victron batteries:when you do not want to discharge, set the switch to charger-only. Note that when theswitch is set to charger-only, and there is no grid available, there will still be a smallpower draw on the battery to power the control board.when you do not want to charge, disable charging via the disable-charge flag.As an alternative to running the control loop externally, using ModbusTCP, it is also possible to run code on the CCGX itself and update the AcPowerSetpoint via D-Bus. We have one customer that is running a MQTT client on the CCGX, written in Python, that gets the control-loop output as updates from a MQTT broker. And the Python script sends them to the Multi, using D-Bus service com.victronenergy.vebus.ttyO1, and path /Hub4/AcPowerSetpointDISQUSView the discussion thread.。

微电脑程序控制器TB100 TB400 TB700 TB600 TB900 说明书

微电脑程序控制器TB100 TB400 TB700 TB600 TB900 说明书

微電腦程序控制器操作手冊TB100 TB400 TB700 TB600 TB900在使用本控制器之前,請先確定控制器的輸入輸出範圍和輸入輸出種類與您的需求是相符的。

1. 面板說明1.1 七段顯示器PV :處理值(process value),紅色4位顯示 SV :設定值(setting value),綠色4位顯示.21.2 LED LED LEDOUT1 :第一組輸出(Output1),綠色燈OUT2 :第二組輸出(Output2),綠色燈 AT :自動演算(Auto Tuning),黃色燈PRO :程式執行中(Program),黃色燈 ----- 只適用於 P TB 系列 AL1 :第一組警報(Alarm 1),紅色燈 AL2 :第二組警報(Alarm 2),紅色燈MAN :輸出百分比手動調整(Manual),黃色燈※注意:當發生錯誤(Error)時,MAN 燈會亮,並將輸出百分比歸零1.3 按鍵SET:設定鍵(寫入設定值或切換模式) :移位鍵(移動設定位數):增加鍵(設定值減1):減少鍵(設定值加1) A/M :自動(Auto)/手動(Manual)切換鍵。

自動:輸出百分比由控制器內部演算決定手動:輸出百分比由手動調整OUTL(在User Level 中)決定2 自動演算功能(Auto tuning)2.2 需先將AT(在User Level 中)設定為YES ,啟動自動演算功能。

2.3自動演算結束後,控制器內部會自動產生一組新的PID 參數取代原有的PID 參數。

* 自動演算適用於控溫不準時,由控制器自行調整PID 參數。

2.4 ATVL:自動演算偏移量(AutoTuning offset Value)SV減ATVL為自動演算設定點,設定ATVL可以避免自動演算時,因PV值震盪而超過設定點(Overshoot)。


HUB4 Monitor System Hub V1.0 说明书

HUB4 Monitor System Hub V1.0 说明书

HUB4Monitor System Hub with 4 PoE (Power over Ethernet) Ports for Personal Mixers or Compatible Stage Boxes, 48/44.1 kHz AES50 In and Through, StageConnect and 16-Channel Analogue OutV 1.0带有此标志的终端设备具有强大的电流, 存在触电危险。

仅限使用带有 ¼'' TS 或扭锁式插头的高品质专业扬声器线。


此标志提醒您, 产品内存在未绝缘的危险电压, 有触电危险。



小心为避免触电危险, 请勿打开机顶盖 (或背面挡板)。



小心为避免着火或触电危险, 请勿将此设备置于雨淋或潮湿中。

此设备也不可受液体滴溅, 盛有液体的容器也不可置于其上, 如花瓶等。


为避免触电危险, 除了使用说明书提到的以外, 请勿进行任何其它维修。


1. 请阅读这些说明。

2. 请妥善保存这些说明。

3. 请注意所有的警示。

4. 请遵守所有的说明。

5. 请勿在靠近水的地方使用本产品。

6. 请用干布清洁本产品。

7. 请勿堵塞通风口。


8. 请勿将本产品安装在热源附近,如 暖 气 片, 炉子或其它产生热量的设备( 包 括功放器)。

9. 请勿移除极性插头或接地插头的安全装置。


若随货提供的插头不适合您的插座, 请找电工更换一个合适的插座。

10. 妥善保护电源线, 使其不被践踏或刺破, 尤其注意电源插头、多用途插座及设备连接处。



TB系列控制器參數區操作說明:如何修改溫度設定點 ?在通常顯示下, 按左移鍵"一次" , SV值個位數閃爍, 閃爍的數字才可利用▲或▼鍵更改之, 欲更改十位數, 百位數或千位數字, 可再利用左移鍵移到該位元上, 再利用▲或▼鍵更改之, 設定完成請再按 SET 鍵"一"次, 即可回到通常顯示。

TB系列第一層參數群 :要進入第一層參數群, 押 SET 鍵一下即可。

變更設定參數後, 必須再押 SET 鍵, 才有完成輸入。

代號說明原始值At Yes:執行自動演算, NO:停止自動演算NOAL1 第一組警報設定值(全刻度) 0要離開第一層參數群, 押 SET 鍵一下即可。

TB系列第二層參數群 :要進入第二層參數群, 押 SET 鍵5秒以上即可。

變更設定參數後, 必須再押 SET 鍵, 才有完成輸入。

代號說明原始值p 加熱側比例帶0 - 200.0%, 0=ON/OFF 30HYS1 主輸出不感帶, P=0時為on-off控制, 才有此參數出現0I 加熱側積分時間0-3600秒, 0=積分動作OFF 240d 加熱側微分時間0 - 900秒, 0=微分動作OFF 60db1 不用設定AtuL 自動演算偏移值全刻度 0=SV 值0CytL 加熱側比例週期0 - 150秒Relay = 15 SSR = 14~20mA = 0LCK 參數群鎖定0000 - 11110000要離開第二層參數群, 押 SET 鍵5秒以上即可。

TB系列第三層參數群要進入第三層參數群, 同時按SET 鍵+左移鍵6秒以上即可。

變更設定參數後, 必須再押SET 鍵, 才有完成輸入。

代號說明原始值INP1INP1 輸入信號選擇, 請參照入力種類表可視輸入之TYPE而自行設定之L.SP.LLSPL 使用溫度範圍下限0或可自行定設U.SP.L USPL 使用溫度範圍上限可自行設定ALd1ALD1 第一組警報種類, 請參照警報種類表11 (為偏差高溫警報)ALt1 ALT1 警報動作時間, 一般設定99分59秒99分59秒 HYSA HYSA 警報不趕感帶, 0 ~ 1000 ℃0PVOS PVOS 入力值補正(全刻度) 0UNIt UNIT 單位切換℃ 或 ℉℃OUD OUD正逆動作選擇HEAT-逆動作, COOL -正動作 HEAT OPAD OPAD PID與FUZZY選擇 PID H= HZ 電源頻率60/50Hz選擇 60Hz 要離開第三層參數群, 同時按SET 鍵+左移鍵6秒以上即可。



Taurus系列多媒体播放器TB4规格书文档版本:V1.3.2文档编号:NS120000358版权所有© 西安诺瓦电子科技有限公司2018。








i 目录目录目录 ........................................................................................................................................ ............. ii1 概述 ........................................................................................................................................ . (1)1.1 产品简介 (1)1.2 应用场景 (2)2 产品特点 ........................................................................................................................................ .. 32.1 支持多屏播放同步机制 (3)2.2 处理性能强大 (3)2.3 全方位控制方案 (3)2.4 支持同步异步双模式 (4)2.5 支持 WiFi AP 连接 (4)3 硬件结构 ........................................................................................................................................ .. 63.1 外观图 (6)3.1.1 前面板 (6)3.1.2 后面板 (7)3.2 尺寸图 (8)4 软件结构 ........................................................................................................................................ .. 94.1 系统软件 (9)4.2 相关配置软件 (9)5 产品规格 ........................................................................................................................................ 106 音视频解码规格. (11)6.1 图片 (11)6.1.1 解码器 (11)6.1.2 编码器 (11)6.2 音频 (12)6.2.1 解码器 (12)6.2.2 编码器 (12)6.3 视频 (13)6.3.1 解码器 (13)6.3.2 编码器 (14) ii1 概述板载亮度传感器接口,支持自动和定时的智能亮度调节。



I n d e x產品規格 (3)產品機構 (4)機構尺寸圖(E Z2S) (4)板金開孔圖(E Z2S) (4)產品外觀圖(E Z2S) (5)E Z2S C O N N E C T E R介紹 (6)E Z2S接線示意圖 (7)I N:X1接腳定義&電氣介面 (8)O U T:Y1接腳定義&電氣介面 (9)H K接腳定義&電氣介面 (10)P1~P2接腳定義&電氣介面 (11)M P G接腳定義&電氣介面-1 (12)M P G接腳定義&電氣介面-2 (13)主軸接腳定義&電氣介面-1 (14)主軸接腳定義&電氣介面-2 (15)新代E Z S E R I E S數控系統規格 (16)服務據點 (17)S Y N T E C C N CE Z2S e r i e s產品規格新代ES系列控制器為低價車床控制器解決方案,內含2軸伺服控制、主軸以及手輪接口,面板前置CF讀卡機,16點I以及16點O與新代所有TB家族端子板、RIO子模組2軸伺服定位控制接口1個主軸Encoder接口,內含5V輸出1個手輪專用接口,內含A+.A-.B+.B-與外掛式手輪DI點與5V輸出面板前置cf card讀卡機輸入點數:16點(牛角接頭)輸出點數:16點(牛角接頭)第二面板專用接口(牛角接頭)外型尺寸:400mmx280mm後半部重新設計產品機構機構尺寸圖(EZ2S)板金開孔圖(EZ2S)產品外觀圖:(EZ2S)Top view Bottom ViewE Z2S C o n n e c t e r介紹P1、P2:伺服定位控制接口(D型15P)Spindle ENC:主軸ENCODER接口(D型15P)Spindle Command:主軸命令接口(歐規端子)MPG:手輪Encoder接口(D型15P)X1:輸入接口(20P牛角接頭)Y1:輸入接口(20P牛角接頭)HK:面板輸出入接口(26P牛角接頭)A、B:CF卡插槽Ethernet:網路線插孔KEYBOARD:PS/2鍵盤接頭E Z 2S 接線示意圖I N:X1接腳定義&電氣介面外部輸入介面X1在EZ2S 控制器,有一組外部輸入接頭,可直接接至各種檢測感測器(如近接、微動開關等..)配合TB16IN使用,可簡化配線。



TLTB电动同步液压千斤顶操作程序指南Operate the guidebook请详细阅读说明书在使用!在空打或载重时请勿超过红色警戒线或规定行程,千斤顶升到指定行程后,严禁在强行高压上升,以免破坏千斤顶拼帽!用前须知!必须有熟练操作人员上岗资格,试泵人员按照单位规定程序进行。

1、本超高压电动同步液压千斤顶最高吨位为本千斤顶标牌额定吨位,最高工作压力设定为63MPa, 最高行程为本千斤顶标牌额定行程. 选购千斤顶时,一定考虑吨位和行程。




千斤顶在进行调试时,活塞杆上升到规定行程后, 或活塞杆回位原来位置,最高压力都不能超过5MPa,重载到需要的行程应立即关停电机,千斤顶和电动泵处于保压状态,在确保安全的前提下方可操作。




4、造成千斤顶损坏没有得到本公司允许,在没有专业液压知识的维护人员私自打开千斤顶拼帽进行维修,或随便调动电动泵高、低压阀,经本公司发现一律不给予三包维护!注意事项 !超高压电动同步液压千斤顶最高工作压力设定为63MPa,严禁调动电动泵高、低压阀!在空行程或载重上升规定行程后,严禁再度强行高压上升,以免损坏千斤顶拼帽。






四轴脱机运动控制器说明手册外观图:开机画面要求极为严格,固对一般低端卡(山寨卡)会有所排斥,请更换其它正品卡再读取!对于HDSD(TF),会因卡的问题,并不能完全认识,请更换其它的卡再读取!在存入TF卡中的文件与文件夹的总数量大于50个后不给予显示!“返回原点”Z轴升到安全高度,XY轴退“返回机械原点”:Z轴退到机械原点,Y轴退到机械原点,Y轴退到机械原点,(请注意配置脚,电平与使能)“对刀”Z轴下降(或升高),当碰到探针,停止运行后清Z轴坐标为对刀器偏移值,并Z轴抬刀得弹回高,此过程结束.(请注意配置脚,电平与使能)面板快徢键¢为“坐标清除操作”X轴单轴清零Y轴单轴清零Z轴单轴清零A轴单轴清零全轴清零退出功跟字意所示一样面板快徢键¤“手动点动”“手动”恢复手动“1mm”:当选取时后按对应的方向键,会移动相应的长度(增量移动方式)如想移动一个具体的长度,可以在输入筐输入具体的数字,(只能按”OK”后变成黄筐才能输入,返回变绿有效),按相应的轴方向键,即可.对应X+X-Y+Y-Z+Z-A+A-都有效面板快徢键X Y Z A 为“直接坐标操作”“运行到到”对应的轴会直接运行所指定的坐标中.“更变坐标”:对应的轴会直接变成所设定的数(此操作为不可逆,请慎重操作)面板快徢键S为“主轴操作”输入筐可填入转数,此参数的最高值在主机设定中可设置。



点击”机台配置”如下,后点击”电机参数”进入如下画面字意解释:脉冲当量:单位长度所需的脉冲个数,(每一毫米所需的脉冲量)支持浮点输入最高速度:此电机所能运行的最高速度(毫米/分钟),当输入超过系统所能达到的最大值时,会按系统所能达到的最大值为准.加速度: 电机所能运行的最高加速度.此值过小会严重影响多微线段的拐角速度脉冲电平: 1或0,高电平有效,还是低电平有效,由驱动器决定的方向电平:1或0高电平有效,还是低电平有效,改变此会改变运行方向脉冲宽度:脉冲有效的输出时间,只为一个量值,正常下可以取0.脉冲当量= 步进电机驱动细分数×(360/步进电机步进角度)/丝杆螺距例: 步进角度=1.8 丝杆螺距= 5mm 细分= 8脉冲当量= 8*(360/1.8)/5 = 320最高速度值: 要按照电机的能力最终确定,以不失步为原则,取最大速度值的70%,留30%余量给电机(步进电机的特性).T加速度表如下:加速度值的最终确定按电机的最大所能容忍的加速度值的70%为宜,保留30%突变值给电机,才能保证电机不会失步(步进电机的特性).脉冲电平与脉冲宽度的关系(注:实际宽度是给定宽度加系统默认度)方向电平:当方向电平为1是在轴正运行时,输出为高电平,反运行为低电平当方向电平为0是在轴正运行时,输出为低电平,反运行为高电平”打开文件”在显示栏中出现文件名,此文件名格式为标准的8_3格式8个字符名,3个后缀当显示中文时能有四个中文名,3个后缀,大于四个将不给全名显示,用~N代替旋动高级功能键,或上下功能键能翻页显示点击高级功能键的中间键或”OK”键可以选取文件,进入如下界面此时可以打开文件,或返回文件选择(重新选取),或退出到主界面点击”打开此文件”进入该文件内容显示如下现在可以浏览文件内容了,点击高级功能键中间键,或OK键可以调出始下子菜单的界面:可以选取是否从第一行开始,或N行开始,或指向N行进行显示,也可以直接返回文件选择重新选取文件扣选筐选定输入筐后,可以输入所需要的行数,输入后选”指向选取行”就可以直接跳跃到指定的行数,如对于超大,超多行,所用耗时间也会跟着变大!!如果输入的行数大于文件本身的行数,此时会指向文件的最尾端.点击:“从第一行始始”,”从选取行开始”这两项都会跳出到主界面来, 到此打开文件完毕.并把主键功有交给主界面区.”开始运行”就可以直接开始运行了!,如果在此之前有断点过,并且没更改过文件,此时会跳出一个窗口如下:第一项为安全高度,安全高度的作用:在当前头具的位置要移动到加工位置时会提起刀具,此高度就是安全高度,也可以看做Z轴的所在高度用扣选筐选定后可以更改这个值,也可以在高级功能里更改默认安全高度.“续点运行”:断点在N点至N+1之间点时,续点运行后会直接从N点开始,其中会重复N至N+1点之间已加工过的轨迹,并接入未完成的轨迹.“续点前运行” :断点在N点至N+1之间点时,续点前运行后会直接从N+1开始,会丢弃N至N+1行的加工轨迹,请多加注意.“退出”放弃本次运行.(注: 当断点续接运行行数超大时,因为要从头找出坐标系与续点,会有一定运算时间,TF卡的读写速度会影响当前的运算速度.在左上角会指示运行数)“限位输入”使能:是否选定限位功能脚位: 对于选定限位功能后,所对应的输入脚位(可选取1-16)电平: 输入高电平有效,还是低电平有效. (见模拟图)“机械原点”使能:是否选定限位功能脚位: 对于选定限位功能后,所对应的输入脚位(可选取1-16)电平: 输入高电平有效,还是低电平的效, (见模拟图)方向:返回至机械时XYZ方向,可正可负返回速度:返回至机械时与对刀时的速度以上的输入脚位对应着控制器的16个输入端,可以任意指定是那个脚位做为当前限位输入“文件管理”点击”文件管理”所进入左边图示的文件列表界面,可以添加新文件,删除文件,修改文件.点击所扣选筐指定的文件后会进入如下界面:“编缉此文件”:可以编辑所选定的文件“返回文件选择”: 重新选取文件“新建文件” :新建一个文件“删除文件”:删除选定的文件“返回主界面”:直接退回到主界面新建文件与删除文件界面:“编缉此文件”“编缉此行”对选定的行进行编缉控制器面板上的相应键,输入所需的G代码,后按”OK”键,保存返回,(前端是旧的参数行),面板修键中有”←”可以对输入出错的字符进行退位修改. “插入行” ,”删除此行”在所选取行的前端插入空行如图:“删除此行”,会删除指定行“返回行选择”返回G指令行再重新选定“返回文件选择”返回文件列表界面注: 如果文件最后一条指令没能运行到,请在文件最后加入一行空行!“主轴控制”M03,M04,M05M03顺时针运行: 此时关闭M04对应的脚位并开启M03对应的脚位M04逆时针运行: 此时关闭M03对应的脚位并开启M04对应的脚位M05 会同时关闭M03,M04的脚M07,M08,M09M07: 开启对应的脚位,不会影响M08M08: 开启对应的脚位,不会影响M07M09: 会同时关闭M07,M08的脚位延时: 启开M03,M04,M07,M08所用时间. PWM的位脚是固定为16脚,如开启这个脚位,对应于OUT输出应改去除,不然会因两者同时控制而冲突!PWM频率: 是指输出的频率Max S: 是指最大S对应于最大频率占空比= S(G指令给定的值)/(MAX S)如有需要控制复位时机台使能的请配置如下:当出现RESET灯闪动时,相应配置的脚位会输出相应的电平可用这个来控制四轴的使能端,或机台工作提示安全高度输入筐:输入后,保存在系统中G指令码参数:G2/G3超差是指手工计算或其它计算后输入G02/G03.是因为计算精度问题,使之圆弧圆心跟给定的值不一致,此刻,有一个容错值,系统会根据给定的参数,重新计算最理想的圆心坐标,详述可见G02/G03说明弦长: 系统拟合生成段弧形时的弧形弦长,详述请见G指令码说明高级操作功能:在待机时(没有运行加工)进行调速: 按住停止键不放(黑四方键),同时再旋动高级功能键,就可以直接调节运行速度百份比,在主屏幕上可以看到速度百份比(I:100-1)显示.在加工运行中,直接旋动高级功能键,可以调整运行速度的百份比, 在主屏幕上可以看到速度百份比(I:100-1)显示.超速133.33%运行操作:(1)运行加工中:下压高级功能键的中间键,旋动高级功能键,就可以超出系统给的最高速度33.33%,(2)在待机下:按住停止键不放(黑四方键), 下压高级功能键的中间键,旋动高级功能键,就可以了.(此操作应注意系统给定的参数最低限定,加速度与最高速度参数变量会因此而做新的调整,会使机台的整体性能超出预设值,所以要慎重使用!)接口模拟图所需电源为稳定直压12V,电流应大于1A,本控制器工作电流在于300MA-800MA左右在接入电源时,务必分清正负端!模拟图所示的”5V输出”是指输出的电源,此电流可提供500MA左右的电流给外部器件使!G指令解读G00:格式:G0X..Y..Z…A轴快速移动,G0用于快速定位刀具,没有对工件进行加工。



USB 设备使用指南一、工作模式BX-4M(USB)控制器支持采用USB 设备便捷地实现LED 显示屏的播放节目更新。

其工作模式为将保存有播放节目的USB 设备(U 盘)插入控制器的USB 接口座(或者USB 延长线接口座),播放节目将自动上传至控制器上的FLASH 存储器,并更新覆盖其原来的播放节目。

在新节目上传成功后,LED 显示屏自动进入更新后的节目播放状态,此时须拔去U 盘。

新一代BX-4M 系列控制器在BX-3M(USB)控制器的基础上,新增以下重要功能:1. 新增支持采用一个U 盘更新多种不同规格的LED 显示屏节目信息的功能。

即BX-4M 系列控制器能够根据已经设置的屏幕参数,自动识别 U 盘内的对应播放节目。

这样大大方便了对于不同规格的集群显示屏系统采用U 盘进行统一的播放节目更新。

2. 新增支持采用U 盘更新升级控制器底层程序的功能。

支持采用一个U 盘更新升级多张控制器底层程序,也支持LED 显示屏节目信息和控制器底层程序的同时更新和升级。

3. 新增支持USB 在高级用户加密方式下的播放节目更新和控制器底层程序升级,如果控制器内设定过密码,则只有在相同密码下的LedshowTW2011 软件中,下载到U 盘的播放节目或底层升级程序才能被更新或升级到控制器中。

如果在没有密码或密码错误下的 LedshowTW2011 软件中,下载到U 盘的播放节目或底层升级程序则不会被更新或升级到控制器中。

二、工作电压控制器正常工作电压为5V ,范围为4.5V~6V。

但是需要特别注意:USB 接口的稳定工作电压须≥4.9V。

三、更新播放节目的USB 设备使用步骤及操作流程1.通过LedshowTW2010 软件主界面工具栏的USB 快捷钮,将播放节目下载保存到U 盘中。

不要对U 盘中的onbonbx 文件夹及里面的文件进行改动。

2.保存播放节目到U 盘时,必须确定控制器中的屏幕参数和LedshowTW2010 软件上的屏参设置一致。

Transcend USB 2.0 4-Port Hub TS0MHUB4 中文说明书

Transcend USB 2.0 4-Port Hub TS0MHUB4 中文说明书

USB 2.04-Port Hub TS0MHUB4 中文使用手冊目錄產品介紹包裝內容 (1)產品特色 (1)系統需求 (2)安裝使用硬體安裝 (2)移除安裝 (4)產品規格 (4)保固條款產品介紹感謝您選購創見資訊所生產製造的4-Port Hub。

本產品完全符合USB 2.0規格並且向下相容於USB 1.1標準。

遠大於USB 1.1規格的頻寬,創見4-Port Hub具備每秒最高480Mb的傳輸速率,讓您在桌上型及筆記型電腦上輕鬆地使用需要傳輸大量資料的裝置,例如:數位相機/攝影機、掃描器、印表機、DVD、燒錄機等裝置。


包裝內容4-Port Hub包裝盒內應含有下列物品:• 4-Port Hub• 電源供應器• USB連接線• 快速安裝說明產品特色完全符合USB 2.0傳輸規格向下相容於USB 1.1傳輸規格隨插即用:可自動偵測並安裝其他週邊裝置熱插拔功能:不需關閉電源即可插拔裝置資料傳輸:支援高速(480M bps)、中速(12M bps)及低速(1.5M bps)傳輸 提供四個Series A 之USB連接埠(downstream ports)經由Hub串接,最多可支援127個USB裝置電源指示燈:顯示4-Port Hub之供電狀態USB埠指示燈:顯示已連接裝置支援self-powered模式支援OHCI及EHCI過電流偵測及個別電源控制系統需求具備功能正常之USB連接埠,且已安裝下列任一作業系統的桌上型或筆記型電腦:• Windows® 98/98第二版, Windows® Me, Windows® 2000或Windows® XP • Mac™ OS 8.6或更新的版本安裝使用硬體安裝1. 在安裝4-Port Hub之前,請先確認您電腦的USB埠可以正常使用。

2. 將變壓器的電源線插入位於4-Port Hub側面的電源插孔,然後將變壓器之插頭插入電源插座。



Taurus SeriesMultimedia PlayersTB4Specifications Doc u ment V ersion:V1.3.2Doc u ment Number:NS120100359Copyright © 2018 Xi'an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Trademarkis a trademark of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Statementi Table of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of Contents ............................................................................................................................ ii 1 Overview .. (1)1.1 Introduction (1)1.2 Application (2)You are welcome to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. If you experience any problems in use or have any suggestions, please contact us via contact info given in document. We will do our best to solve any issues, as well as evaluate and implement any suggestions.2 Features (3)2.1 Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playing (3)2.2 Powerful Processing Capability (3)2.3 Omnidirectional Control Plan (3)2.4 Synchronous and Asynchronous Dual-Mode (4)2.5 Wi-Fi AP Connection (4)3 Hardware Structure (6)3.1 Appearance (6)3.1.1 Front Panel (6)3.1.2 Rear Panel ................................................................................................................................................73.2 Dimensions (8)4 Software Structure (9)4.1 System Software (9)4.2 Related Configuration Software (9)5 Product Specifications ................................................................................................................ 106 Audio and Video Decoder Specifications (11)6.1 Image (11)6.1.1 Decoder (11)6.1.2 Encoder (11)6.2 Audio (12)6.2.1 Decoder (12)6.2.2 Encoder (12)6.3 Video (13)6.3.1 Decoder (13)6.3.2 Encoder (14)iiaurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications 1 Overview1 Overview 1.1 IntroductionTaurus series products are NovaStar's second generation of multimedia playersdedicated to small and medium-sized full-color LED displays.FeaturesThe TB4 of the Taurus series products (hereinafter referred to as “TB4”) has thefollowing features:●Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playing●Powerful processing capability●Omnidirectional control plan●Synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode●Wi-Fi AP connection Note:If the user has a high demand on synchronization, the time synchronization module isrecommended. For details, please consult our technical staff.In addition to solution publishing and screen control via PC, mobile phones and LAN,the omnidirectional control plan also supports remote centralized publishing andmonitoring.Other Hardware FeaturesThe hardware of the TB4 also has the following features:●Loading capacity up to 1300,000 pixels, with the maximum width of 4096 pixelsand maximum height of 1920 pixels●Wired Gigabit Ethernet●Stereo audio output●HDMI Loop●HDMI input and auto full-screen display●Manual and scheduled switching between synchronous and asynchronousmodes.●USB drive importing display●Onboard light sensor connector allowing for automatic and scheduled brightnessadjustment1 Overview 1.2 ApplicationTaurus series products can be widely used in LED commercial display field, such asbar screen, chain store screen, advertising machine, mirror screen, retail storescreen, door head screen, on board screen and the screen requiring no PC.Classification of Taurus’ application cases is shown in Table 1-1. Table1-1 Application●●multiple screens.Independent screen: U s e a PC or the client software of amobile phone to enable single-p oint connection andmanagement of a screen.Cluster screen: Use the cluster solution developed byNovaStar to realize centralized management and monitor ofWired connection: A PC connects to Taurus through theWi-Fi connection: PC, Pad and mobile phone can connect to Taunusthrough Wi-Fi, which can be enabled in the case without PC in conjunctionwith ViPlex software.●Ethernet cable o r LAN.●aurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications2 Features 2.1 Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playingThe TB4 support switching on/off function of synchronous display.When synchronous display is enabled, the same content can be played on differentdisplays synchronously if the time of different TB4 units are synchronous with oneanother and the same solution is being played.2.2 Powerful Processing CapabilityThe TB4 features powerful hardware processing capability:● 1.5 GHz eight-core processor●Support for H.265 4K high-definition video hardware decoding playback●Support for 1080P video hardware decoding● 2 GB operating memory●8 GB on-board internal storage space with 4 GB available for users2.3 Omnidirectional Control Plan●More efficient: Use the cloud service mode to process services through a uniformplatform. For example, VNNOX is used to edit and publish solutions, andNovaiCare is used to centrally monitor display status.●More reliable: Ensure the reliability based on active and standby disasterrecovery mechanism and data backup mechanism of the server.●More safe: Ensure the system safety through channel encryption, data fingerprintand permission management.●Easier to use: VNNOX and NovaiCare can be accessed through Web. As long asthere is internet, operation can be performed anytime and anywhere.●More effective: This mode is more suitable for the commercial mode ofadvertising industry and digital signage industry, and makes informationspreading more effective.2.4 Synchronous and Asynchronous Dual-ModeThe TB4 supports synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode, allowing moreapplication cases and being user-friendly.When internal video source is applied, the TB4 is in asynchronous mode; when HDMI-input video source is used, the TB4 is in synchronous mode. Content can be scaledand displayed to fit the screen size automatically in synchronous mode.Users can manually and timely switch between synchronous and asynchronousmodes, as well as set HDMI priority.2.5 Wi-Fi AP ConnectionThe TB4 has permanent Wi-Fi AP. The SSID is "AP + the last 8 digits of the SN", forexample, "AP10000033", and the default password is "". The TB4 requires no wiringand users can manage the displays at any time by connecting to the TB4 via mobilephone, Pad or PC.aurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications aurus Series Multimedia Players TB4 SpecificationsTB4 ’s Wi -F i AP signal strength is related to the transmit distance and environment. Users can change the Wi-Fi antenna as required.3Hardware Structure3.1 Appearance3.1.1 Front PanelNameDescriptionPWR Power status indicatorAlways on: Power input is normal.System status indicator● Flashing once every other 2 seconds: The system is operating normally.● Flashing once every other second: The system is installing the upgrade package.● Flashing once every other 0.5 second: The system isdownloading data from the Internet or copying the upgrade package.● Always on/off: The system is operating abnormally. CLOUDInternet connection status indicator● Always on: The unit is connected to the Internet and the connection status is normal.● Flashing once every other 2 seconds: The unit isconnected to VNNOX and the connection status is normal. RUNFPGA status indicatorSame as the signal indicator status of the sending card: FPGA is operating normally.SYSFigure 3-1 Front panel of the TB4Note: All product pictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.Table 3-1 Description of TB4 front panelT urus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 SpecificationsNameDescriptionSWITCHButton for switching between synchronous and asynchronous modes● Always on: Synchronous mode●Off: Asynchronous modeFigure 3-2 Rear panel of the TB4aurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 SpecificationsName DescriptionTEMP Temperature sensor port LIGHT Light sensor port WiFi-AP Wi-Fi AP antenna port COM1 Reserved COM2 ReservedGigabit Ethernet port Indicator status:●Yellow indicator always on: The unit is connected to 100M Ethernet cable and the status is normal. ●Green and yellow indicators always on at the same time: The unit is connected to Gigabit Ethernet cable and the status is normal.USB USB 2.0 portHDMI ● IN: HDMI 1.4 input ●OUT: HDMI 1.4 outputAUDIO OUT Audio outputRESET Factory reset buttonPress and hold the button for 5 seconds to reset the unit to factory settings. LED OUTOutput Ethernet portETHERNETNote: All product pictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.Table 3-2 Description of TB4 rear panelName DescriptionON/OFF Power switch100-240V~,50/60Hz Power inputUnit: mm4 Software Structure4 Software Structure4.1 System Software●Android operating system software●Android terminal application software●FPGA programNote: The third-party applications are not supported.4.2 Related Configuration SoftwareTable 4-1 Related configuration softwareNovaLCT5 Product Specifications 5 Product Specifications8 GB on-board with 4 GBavailable0°C–50°CListDimensionsAntennafor usersPackinginformationmensions (H×W×D)6Audio and Video Decoder6.1.2 EncoderTypeCodecSupported Image SizeMaximum Data RateRemarks6Type Codec Supported Image SizeContainer RemarksJPEGJFIF1.02JPG, JPEGNot SupportNon-interleaved Scan Software support SRGB JPEGSoftware support Adobe RGB JPEGBMP BMP No Restriction BMP N/A GIF GIF No Restriction GIF N/A PNG PNG No Restriction PNG N/A WEBPWEBPNo RestrictionWEBPN/A4 8 × 48 p ixels~8176 × 8176 pixel sSpecifications6.1 Image6.1.1 Decoder6.2 AudioOGG, OGA8KHZ~48AMR-NB 2HZ~ 48 16 6.3 VideoH. EncoderMOV, 3GPM bps。



诺瓦科技WIFI-LED控制卡TB4规格书Taurus SeriesMultimedia PlayersTB4Specifications Doc u ment Version:V1.3.2Doc u ment Number:NS120100359Copyright © 2018 Xi'an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be copied,reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Trademarkis a trademark of Xi’an NovaStar TechCo., Ltd.Statementwww.novastar.tech i Table of ContentsYou are welcome to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. If you experience any problems in use or have any suggestions, please contact us via contact info given in document. We will do our best to solve any issues, as well as evaluate and implement anysuggestions.Table of Contents Table of Contents (ii)1 Overview (1)1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................1 1.2Application (2)2 Features (3)2.1 Synchronization mechanism for multi-screenplaying (3)2.2 Powerful Processing Capability (3)2.3 Omnidirectional Control Plan (3)2.4 Synchronous and AsynchronousDual-Mode (4)2.5 Wi-Fi AP Connection (4)3 Hardware Structure (6)3.1 Appearance (6)3.1.1 Front Panel (6)3.1.2 Rear Panel ................................................................................................................................................7 3.2Dimensions (8)4 Software Structure (9)4.1 System Software (9)4.2 Related Configuration Software (9)5 Product Specifications (10)6 Audio and Video Decoder Specifications (11)6.1 Image (11)6.1.1 Decoder (11)6.1.2 Encoder (11)6.2 Audio ..........................................................................................................................................................126.2.1 Decoder ..................................................................................................................................................126.2.2 Encoder ..................................................................................................................................................126.3 Video (13)6.3.1 Decoder (13)6.3.2 Encoder ..................................................................................................................................................14www.novastar.techiiTaurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications 1 Overview1 Overview 1.1 IntroductionTaurus series products are NovaStar'ssecond generation of multimedia playersdedicated to small and medium-sizedfull-color LED displays.FeaturesThe TB4 of the Taurus series products(he reinafter referred to as “TB4”) has thefollowing features:●Synchronization mechanism formulti-screen playing●Powerful processing capability●Omnidirectional control plan●Synchronous and asynchronousdual-mode●Wi-Fi AP connection Note:If the user has a high demand onsynchronization, the time synchronization module isrecommended. For details, please consultour technical staff.In addition to solution publishing andscreen control via PC, mobile phones andLAN, the omnidirectional control plan alsosupports remote centralized publishingand monitoring.Other Hardware FeaturesThe hardware of the TB4 also has thefollowing features:●Loading capacity up to 1300,000 pixels,with the maximum width of 4096 pixelsand maximum height of 1920 pixels●Wired Gigabit Ethernet●Stereo audio output●HDMI Loop●HDMI input and auto full-screen display●Manual and scheduled switchingbetween synchronous andasynchronous modes.●USB drive importing display●Onboard light sensor connectorallowing for automatic and scheduledbrightnessadjustment1 Overview 1.2 ApplicationTaurus series products can be widelyused in LED commercial display field,such as bar screen, chain store screen,advertising machine, mirror screen, retailstore screen, door head screen, on boardscreen and the screen requiring no PC.Classification of Taurus’application cases is shown inTable 1-1. Table 1-1 ApplicationTaurus SeriesMultimediaPlayers TB4Specifications2 Features 2.1 Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playingThe TB4 support switching on/off functionof synchronous display.When synchronous display is enabled, thesame content can be played on differentdisplays synchronously if the time ofdifferent TB4 units are synchronous withone anotherand the same solution is being played.2.2 Powerful Processing CapabilityThe TB4 features powerful hardwareprocessing capability:● 1.5 GHz eight-core processor●Support for H.265 4K high-definitionvideo hardware decoding playback●Support for 1080P video hardwaredecoding● 2 GB operating memory●8 GB on-board internal storage spacewith 4 GB available for users2.3 Omnidirectional Control PlanTaurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 Specifications 2 Featurescontrol plan featuring followingadvantages:More efficient: Use the cloud servicemode to process services through auniform platform. For example, VNNOXis used to edit and publish solutions,and NovaiCare is used to centrallymonitor display status.●More reliable:Ensure the reliability based on activeand standby disaster recoverymechanism and data backupmechanism of the server.●More safe: Ensure the system safetythrough channel encryption, datafingerprint and permissionmanagement.●Easier to use: VNNOX and NovaiCarecan be accessed through Web. As longas there is internet, operation can beperformed anytime and anywhere.●More effective: This mode is moresuitable for the commercial mode ofadvertising industry and digital signageindustry, and makes informationspreading more effective.2.4 Synchronous and Asynchronous Dual-ModeThe TB4 supports synchronous andasynchronous dual-mode, allowing moreapplication cases and being user-friendly.When internal video source is applied, theTB4 is in asynchronous mode; whenHDMI-input video source is used, the TB4is in synchronous mode. Content can bescaled anddisplayed to fit the screen sizeautomatically in synchronous mode.Users can manually and timely switchbetween synchronous and asynchronousmodes, as well as set HDMI priority.2.5 Wi-Fi AP ConnectionThe TB4 has permanent Wi-Fi AP. TheSSID is "AP + the last 8 digits of the SN",for example, "AP10000033", and thedefault password is "12345678". The TB4requires no wiring and users can managethe displays at any time by connecting tothe TB4 via mobile phone, Pad or PC.aurus SeriesMultimediaPlayers TB4Specificationsaurus Series Multimedia PlayersTB4 SpecificationsTB4 ’s Wi - F i AP signal strength is related to the transmit distance and environment.Users can change the Wi-Fi antenna as required.3 Hardware Structure 3.1 Appearance3.1.1Front Panel Note: All product pictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary. Table 3-1 Description of TB4 front panelT2 FeaturesT3 Hardware Structure aurus SeriesMultimedia PlayersTB4 SpecificationsFigure 3-2 Rear panel of the TB4aurusMultimedia Players TB4 Specifications status:●Yellow indicator always on: The unit iswww.novastar.tech 18www.novastar.tech19Unit: mm4 Software Structure4 Software Structure 4.1 System Softwarewww.novastar.tech 20www.novastar.tech 21rating system software●Android terminal application software ●FPGA programNote: The third-party applications are not supported.4.2 Related Configuration SoftwareTable 4-1 Related configuration software5 Product Specifications5 Product Specificationswww.novastar.tech 22Antenna6 236 24Specifications6.1Image6.1.1DecoderAudio and Video Decoder6.2 Audio 25 26 27 28 296 6.3 Videoand YUV400(monochrome) is also supported for H.264.。

TWN4 MultiTech 2 M BLE 用户手册.pdf_1697689237.12779说明

TWN4 MultiTech 2 M BLE 用户手册.pdf_1697689237.12779说明

TWN4 MULTITECH 2 M BLE TWN4 MultiTech 2 MUSER MANUALTABLE OF CONTENTS1INTRODUCTION (3)1.1ABOUT THIS MANUAL (3)1.2ELATEC SUPPORT (3)1.3REVISION HISTORY (3)2INTENDED USE (3)3SAFETY INFORMATION (4)4TECHNICAL DATA (5)5MODE OF OPERATION (6)5.1OPERATING MODE (6)5.2POWER UP (6)5.3ENUMERATION (6)5.4INITIALIZATION (6)5.5NORMAL OPERATION (6)5.6DETECTION OF A TRANSPONDER (6)5.7SUSPEND MODE (6)6COMPLIANCE STATEMENTS (7)6.1EU (7)6.2FCC (7)6.3IC (7)6.4RF EXPOSURE COMPLIANCE (7)6.5UNITED KINGDOM (8)APPENDIX (9)A – TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (9)B – RELEVANT DOCUMENTATION (9)1INTRODUCTION1.1ABOUT THIS MANUALThis user manual is intended for the user and enables a safe and appropriate handling of the product. It gives a general overview, as well as important technical data and safety information about the product. Before using the product, the user should read and understand the content of this user manual.For the sake of better understanding and readability, this user manual might contain exemplary pictures, drawings and other illustrations. Depending on your product configuration, these pictures might differ from the actual design of your product.1.2ELATEC SUPPORTIn case of any technical questions, refer to the ELATEC website () or contact ELATEC technical support at:***********************In case of questions regarding your product order or if you wish additional copies of this user manual, contact your Sales representative or ELATEC customer service at:********************1.3REVISION HISTORYVERSION CHANGE DESCRIPTION EDITION02 Chapters “Safety Information” and “Compliance Statements” updated 07/202101 First edition 05/20212INTENDED USEThe TWN4 MultiTech 2 M BLE reader module has integrated RFID (LF & HF) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), which is supported by mobile phones with Android version 4.3 or greater, iOS 8.0 or greater and PCs with Windows (new Bluetooth hardware integrated). The app on the reader communicates with the BLE module with easy commands and has direct enhancement to the GATT structure, which gives you the flexibility to write your custom apps.The product is intended to be integrated into a host device.Any use other than the intended use described in this section, as well as any failure to observe the safety information listed in this document, will be considered misuse and will void the warranty. ELATEC is not responsible for any damage or injuries resulting from any misuse of the product.3SAFETY INFORMATIONInstallation•The installation of the product should be done by a trained and qualified personnel only.Do not install the product by yourself.•Metallic materials on or in direct vicinity to the product might reduce the reading performance of the product. In some circumstances, plastic screws should be preferred to metallic screws when installing the product. Refer to the installation manual of the product for more information.Handling•Depending on your product configuration, the product might be equipped with one or more light-emitting diodes (LED).Avoid direct eye contact with the blinking or steady light of the light-emitting diodes.•The product has been designed for a use under following conditions:o Temperature range: -25 °C – 80 °C (operating conditions)o Relative humidity: 5% – 95% (non-condensing)o Integration into a host device.Any use of the product under different conditions might damage the product or alter its reading performance.•The use of other RFID readers or reader modules in direct vicinity to the product, or in combination with the product might damage the product or alter its reading performance. In case of doubts, contact ELATEC for more information.•The user is liable for the use of spare parts or accessories other than the ones sold or recommended by ELATEC.ELATEC is not responsible for any damage or injuries resulting from the use of spare parts or accessories other than the ones sold or recommended by ELATEC.•Like most electronic devices, RFID systems generate electromagnetic waves that can vary in amplitude and frequency. It is generally known and accepted that some RFID devices might potentially interfere with personal medical devices, like pacemakers or hearing aids.Users with a pacemaker or any other medical device should use TWN4 MultiTech 2 M BLE carefully and refer to the information given by the manufacturer of their medical devices before using TWN4 MultiTech 2 M BLE or any host device containing TWN4 MultiTech 2 M BLE.Maintenance and cleaning•Any repair or maintenance work should be done by a trained and qualified personnel only.Do not try to repair or carry out any maintenance work on the product by yourself.Do not allow any repair or maintenance work on the product by an unqualified or unauthorized third party.•The product does not need any special cleaning.Do not use any detergents or other cleaning agents on the product.Disposal•The product must be disposed of in accordance with the EU directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) or other applicable local regulations.Product modifications•The product has been designed, manufactured and certified as defined by ELATEC.Any product modifications not expressly approved by ELATEC, including – but not limited to – modifications of antennas or other radio-related components, is not allowed and will void the warranty and all approvals granted to the product.If you are unsure about any part of the safety information above, contact ELATEC support.Any failure to observe the safety information above will be considered misuse and will void the warranty. ELATEC is not responsible for any damage or injuries resulting from any misuse of the product.4TECHNICAL DATAThe reader module is equipped with the following antennas:TWN4 MultiTech 2 M BLEHF antenna (13.56 MHz)Dimensions: 42 x 44 mm / 1.65 x 1.73 inchNumber of turns: 3LF antenna (125 kHz)Dimensions: 28 x 28 mm / 1.10 x 1.10 inchNumber of turns: 151BLE (2.4 GHz)The antenna for the BLE module is integrated in the BLE chip.For more information, refer to the related product data sheet or other technical documents.5MODE OF OPERATION5.1OPERATING MODEIn order to start operating TWN4 MultiTech 2 M BLE, it simply has to be connected directly to a host device.5.2POWER UPIn case of an external power supply unit is used, the following requirements must be satisfied:•Limited power source according to the safety norms listed in the respective declaration(s) of conformity•Short-circuit current < 8 AOnce TWN4 MultiTech 2 M BLE is connected to the host, it detects the type of communications cable (e.g. USB or RS-232), with which it is connected to the host. In case of RS-232: Additionally, the RS-232 is sending a version string via RS-232 to the host.5.3ENUMERATIONThis is only applicable for the USB version: Once the device has been powered up, it is waiting for completion of the enumeration by the USB host. As long as the device is not enumerated, it is entering a minimum power consumption mode, where both LEDs are turned off.5.4INITIALIZATIONAfter powering up and enumeration (in USB mode), the device is turning on the built-in transponder reader logic. The green LED is turned on permanently. Some RFID reader modules need some kind of initialization, which is performed in this step. After successful initialization, the device sounds a short sequence, which consists of a lower tone followed by a higher tone.5.5NORMAL OPERATIONAs soon as the reader module has completed the initialization, it is entering normal operation. During normal operation, the reader module is searching for a transponder continuously.5.6DETECTION OF A TRANSPONDERIf a transponder is detected by the reader module, following actions are performed:•Send the ID to the host. By default, the USB device sends by emulating keystrokes of a keyboard. An RS-232 device sends the ASCII code of an ID.•Sound a beep.•Turn off the green LED.•Blink the red LED for two seconds.•Turn on the green LED.Within the two seconds timeout, where the red LED is blinking, the transponder, which just has been recognized will not be accepted again. This prevents the reader module from sending identical IDs more than one time to the host.If during the two seconds timeout of the red LED a different transponder is detected, the complete sequence restarts immediately. 5.7SUSPEND MODEThe USB version of the RFID reader module supports the USB suspend mode. If the USB host is signaling suspend via the USB bus, the reader module is turning off most of its power consuming peripherals. During this operation mode, no detection of transponders is possible and all LEDs are turned off. Once the host is resuming to normal operation mode, this is also signaled via the USB bus. Therefore, the reader module will resume to normal operation too.6COMPLIANCE STATEMENTS6.1EUTWN4 MultiTech 2 M BLE is in compliance with the EU directives and regulations as listed in the respective declaration of conformity.6.2FCCThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.CautionThe Federal Communications Commission (FCC) warns the users that changes or modifications to the unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.FCC §15.105 (b)Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: •Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC ID: WP5TWN4F3Contains FCC ID: QOQBGM1116.3ICThis device complies with Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause interference; and(2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.IC: 7948A-TWN4F3Contains IC: 5123A-BGM1116.4RF EXPOSURE COMPLIANCERF exposure statement (mobile and fixed devices)This device complies with the RF exposure requirements for mobile and fixed devices. However, the device shall be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized.6.5UNITED KINGDOMTWN4 MultiTech 2 M BLE complies with the requirements of the UK legislations and other regulations as listed in the respective UKCA declaration of conformity.The importer is responsible for applying the following information to the packaging of the product:•UKCA marking•the importer company’s details, including the company’s name and a contact address in the United Kingdom.APPENDIXA – TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONSTERM EXPLANATION BLE Bluetooth Low EnergyFCC Federal Communications CommissionHF high frequencyIC Industry CanadaLF low frequencyRFID radio frequency identificationUKCA UK conformity assessedWEEE Waste of electrical and electronic equipment.Refers to Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European UnionB – RELEVANT DOCUMENTATION ELATEC documentation•ELATEC quick start guide•TWN4 BLE user guide•TWN4 MultiTech 2 technical handbook •TWN4 MultiTech 2 M BLE data sheet •TWN4 MultiTech 2 M BLE integration manualElatec reserves the right to change any information or data in this document without prior notice. Elatec declines all responsibility for the use of this product with any other specification but the one mentioned above. Any additional requirement for a specific customer application has to be validated by the customer himself at his own responsibility. Where application information is given, it is only advisory and does not form part of the specification. Disclaimer: All names used in this document are registered trademarks of their respective owners.ELATEC GMBHZeppelinstr. 1 • 82178 Puchheim • Germany P +49 89 552 9961 0 • F +49 89 552 9961 129 • E-mail:********************。



SOUNDCRAFT 使用手册-------- GB4四编组现场演出调音台---------------此版本目前只供内部参考用(最终细节均已Soundcraft 英文版参考手册为准)------编标:杨海涛介绍:GB4是SOUNDCRAFT推出的专门为多功能会议室,剧场,体育场馆等中型扩声系统而设计的现场调音台。





GB4 使用手册目录:供电设备安装-———————————————————————————3音频系统接地——————————————————————————— 3系统电平调整-———————————————————————————3特性————-———————————————————————————4使用————-———————————————————————————4输入通道(单声道、立体声)————————————————————5辅助输出————————————————————————————— 6功能使用—————————————————————————————7输出部分—————————————————————————————8输出功能使用——————————————————————————92—TRACK ———————————————————————————9静音编组操作———————————————————————————10矩阵操作—————————————————————————————10耳机监听—————————————————————————————10技术指标—————————————————————————————11系统线路—————————————————————————————13主输出线路图———————————————————————————15供电设备安装:GB4供电设备符合EN60065标准,检查安装地点交流电源电压值,标准电压220V 误差正负10%确认电压后,连接设备电源线,打开设备测试,查看设备是否正常。

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压量或电流量信号,这四组信号可通过 4 个多圈微调电位器,在原有主调电位器调节输出的(电压或电流)基础上增加或衰减,以达到多台电机的同步同速和同步非同速控制。

该控制器具有输出模拟量(电压或电流)随时间线性上升功能,调节机器内部电位器W1 可使上升时间,0-60秒线性调节(图 1 )
注:V/I 输出电压和电流,ms 启动时间

控制要求,M1 电机800 转,M2 电机860 转,M3 电机1000转,M4 电机
1200 转,在开机调节时先将主调电位器,调节四台电机的统一转速800 转,在分别调节RESET 2 。




(图 2 )
在生产中需要,对多台电机的的同步控制( 四台以上), 就需要多台同步器并联使用, 每台同步器都带有自动输入控制
端口,IN 0-10V, 和输出端口OUT 0-10V, 在控制中只要将其中的一台同步器做为主控, 就能实现多台同步器并联同步同速
和同步非同速的控制. 连接见( 图3) 在控制中, 将同步器 2 的主调电位器调到最高调节同步器 1 的主调电位器时,8
台电机将同时加速, 或同时减速如果那台电机的转速需要单独改变, 只须要调节相应的微调电位器RESET. 就能实现不同转速



2:在分别调节RESET1. RESET 2. RESET 3. RESET 4, 电位器使相对应的指示灯重灭到正好亮,这时输出基本为0V 。

输出断OUT1-4 并接一只电压表或电流表,调节RESET 1-4 电位器使输出为0V 即可。

TB-4 同步控制器,以其功能齐全,性能优异,价格低廉的优点,在工业中被广泛的应用,在多台电机,同步同速和同步
