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§4.4 动词词组



come from(起源于、出生于、来自),rise from(起源于),derive from(起源于),arise from(发生于、由…而产生),spring from(来自于、崛起于),emerge from (出现于),result from(产生于、起源于),stem from(发生于、滋长于),emanate from(流出于、出生于),grow from(由…而生),originate from(起源于),proceed from (发生于、由…发出),be derived from (临摹、出身于),be descended from(为…之后裔、系出……),copy from(抄录自),translate from (翻译自),quote from (引用自),adapt from(改编自)。

a.I have risen from the ranks to a major.

b.Her money came from a rich uncle.

c.Serious damage may arise from carelessness.

d.These spring from tiny seeds.

e.He is sprung from royal blood.他出身皇家。

f.Something has resulted from my efforts.

g.According to the Bible,we are all descended from Adam.

h.This picture is a copy from Raphael.

i.Thousands of English words are derived from/derive from Latin.

quote from the classics(引自古文),draw water from a well(从井里汲水),drink from a river(临河而饮),draw conclusions from the evi-deuce(由证据中取得结论)。

①originate(来自),当来源是事物时,用from或in皆可;当来源为人时,用from 或with皆可。

②come from有两个含义:一是表示“籍贯(出生于何处)”=come of;一是表示“来自何处”。其区别在于动词时态的不同。当表示“籍贯”时,动时用现在时,因籍贯是永远不变的。当表示“来自何处”时为叙述过去的事情,故用过去时或现在完成时。试比较:

a.Where do you come from?你籍贯何处?


I come from Beijing.我是北京出生的。

b.Where did/have you come from?你来自何处?

I came/have come from Beijing.我从北京来。




ask的对象为人时,可用ask sb.或 ask of sb.;ask sth.of sb.表示“请求某人做某事、或询问某人某事”。

a.May I ask a favour of you?

b.May I ask a question of you?

c.He asked his way of a hunter.


a.He begged a favour of me.

b.He begged money of charitable people.


inquire的宾语为人时,不能直接接人,须接介词of再接人,成为inquire of sb.。如欲表示“询问某事”时,须用介词about:inquire of sb.about sth.,意为“询问

某人某事”。inquire的宾语为地方时,接at:I'll inquire at the office and then tell you.我去办公室打听一下再告诉你。

a.I inquired of him the way to town.

b.He inquired of me the best way to go.

c.I inquired of him about the matter.

d.She inquires of him about her younger brother's conduct.


如仅表示“向某人要求”时,require后接of再接人,成“require of sb.”的形式。如欲表示“要求某人做某事、向某人要求某物”时,用require sth.of sb.句型。

a.I have done everything that was required of me.

b.What do you require of me?

c.She required an apology of me.她要我道歉。


demand必须加of再加被要求的人,demand of sb.表示“向某人要求”。demand sth.of sb.表示“向某人要求某物(做某事)”。试比较:


I demand him of an answer.

I demand an answer of him.

b.He demands too high a price of me.

⑥come of(出身、出自),be born of (出生)

a.He comes of ancient family.

b.She was born of good parents.她出身良家。
