数学分析_I_试题(1)doc - 扬州大学

扬州大学 20 —20 学年度第 学期
《数学分析 1》期末考试试卷(试卷编号: 01)
(闭卷 120 分钟)
题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 复核
应得分 20 20 20 20 5
一.判断题(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)
1.设 A,B 为非空数集, S = A ∪ B ,则 sup S = max{sup A,sup B}
F(x) = f (x) 在 (0, +∞) 递增.(5 分)
八.若函数 f 在闭区间[a,b]上连续,则 f 在[a,b] 上有最大最小值.(5 分)
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扬州大学 20 —20 学年度第 学期
f(x)无界,则存在 { xn }
) ,使得
(xn )
6. lim (1+ x)x = e x→+∞
f−′(x0 )
′( x0 )
9. f (x) = x −[x] 是周期为 1 的周期函数

1. 《高等数学》(V. Smirnov)这本教材是俄罗斯最经典的高等数学教材之一。
2. 《数学分析》(I. Petrovsky)这本教材被广泛应用于俄罗斯的大学教育中。
3. 《微积分学教程》(N. Krylov)这本教材被许多俄罗斯大学的工程和科学专业引用。
4. 《线性代数与解析几何》(A. Skorobogatov)这本教材适用于线性代数和解析几何的学习。
数学分析与习题课 教学大纲

二、课程内容第一章、引论(5 课时)1. 集合;2. 实数的连续性实数的一些描述方法。
3. 数集与确界确界的描述、确界原理及其应用;4. 逻辑记号的对偶法则逻辑记号的对偶法则;用逻辑记号叙述否命题;5. 常用不等式三角不等式、Bernoulli不等式、平均值不等式、Cauchy不等式。
.第二章、数列极限(20课时)1. 数列极限的定义数列极限的ε-N语言和邻域语言。
2. 数列极限的计算适当放大法;发散数列;一些重要例子;Cauchy命题和Stolz定理。
3. 单调数列的极限单调有界定理、闭区间套定理及其应用;4. Cauchy收敛准则用Cauchy收敛准则描述极限存在和不存在;5. 子列及其应用.子列的概念、它与收敛发散的关系及其应用。
第三章、映射与函数(2课时)1.映射;2. 一元实函数;3. 函数的几何特性草图的画法(如两个函数和的草图等);有界函数、单调函数、反函数、奇偶函数和周期函数的特性。
第四章、函数极限与连续性(10课时)1. 函数极限的定义与性质,函数极限的定义、性质和几个重要的函数极限;三种存在性条件(Heine归结原则;单调有界函数的收敛定理;Cauchy准则),能有选择地应用。

第15讲 泰勒公式讲授内容一 、带有佩亚诺型余项的泰勒公式由微分概念知:f 在点0x 可导,则有 ).())(()()(0000x x x x x f x f x f -+-'+=ο即在点0x 附近,用一次多项式))(()(000x x x f x f -'+逼近函数)(x f 时,其误差为(0x x -)的高阶无穷小量.然而在很多场合,取一次多项式逼近是不够的,往往需要用二次或高于二次的多项式去逼近,并要求误差为n x x ))((0-ο,其中n 为多项式的次数.为此,我们考察任一n 次多项式.)()()()(0202010nn n x x a x x a x x a a x p -++-+-+= (1)逐次求它在点0x 处的各阶导数,得到 00)(a x p n =,10)(a x p n =',20!2)(a x p n ='',n n na n x p !)(,0)(= ,即 .!)(,!2)(,!1)(),(0)(020100n x p a x p a x p a x p a n n n n n n =''='== 由此可见,多项式)(x p n 的各项系数由其在点0x 的各阶导数值所唯一确定.对于一般函数f ,设它在点0x 存在直到n 阶的导数.由这些导数构造一个n 次多项式n n n x x n x f x x x f x x x f x f x T )(!)()(!2)()(!1)()()(00)(200000-++-''+-'+= (2) 称为函数f 在点0x 处的泰勒(Taylor)多项式,)(x T n 的各项系数=k k x f k (!)(0)(1,2,…,n )称为泰勒系数.由上面对多项式系数的讨论,易知)(x f 与其泰勒多项式)(x T n 在点0x 有相同的函数值和相同的直至n 阶导数值,即.,,2,1,0),()(0)(0)(n k x T x fk n k == (3)下面将要证明))(()()(0n n x x x T x f -=-ο,即以(2)式所示的泰勒多项式逼近)(x f 时,其误差为关于n x x )(0-的高阶无穷小量.定理6.8 若函数f 在点0x 存在直至n 阶导数,则有+=)()(x T x f n 即),)((0n x x -ο).)(()(!)()(!2)())(()()(000)(200000n n n x x x x n x f x x x f x x x f x f x f -+-+-''+-'+=ο (4)证:设 n R (,)()(),()()0n n n x x x Q x T x f x -=-=现在只要证 .0)()(lim0=→x Q x R nn x x 由关系式(3)可知,0)()()(0)(0'0===x R x R x R n n n n ,并易知!.)(,0)()()(0)(0)1(0'0n x Q x Q x Q x Q n n n n n n =====-因为)(0)(x fn 存在,所以在点0x 的某邻域U(0x )内f 存在n —1阶导函数)(x f .于是,当)(0x U x ∈且0x x →时,允许接连使用洛必达法则n —1次,得到.0)]()()([lim !1)(2)1())(()()(lim )()(lim )()(lim )()(lim 0)(00)1()1(000)(0)1()1()1()1(''0000=---=-----====--→--→--→→→x f x x x f x f n x x n n x x x f x f x f x Q x R x Q x R x Q x R n n n x x n n n x x n nn n x x n n x x n x x定理所证的(4)式称为函数f 在点0x 处的泰勒公式,)()()(x T x f x R n n -=称为泰勒公式的余项,形如))((0n x x -ο的余项称为佩亚诺(Peano)型余项.所以(4)式又称为带有佩亚诺型余项的泰勒公式.注1 若)(x f 在点0x 附近满足),)(()()(0nn x x x p x f -+=ο (5)注2 满足(5)式要求(即带有佩亚诺型误差)的n 次逼近多项式)(x p n 是唯一的. 以后用得较多的是泰勒公式(4)在00=x 时的特殊形式:n k x k x f xx f x x f k k k ,,2,1,)1()!1()1()(,,11)()1ln()(1)(' =+--=+=+=--).(!)0(!2)0()0()0()()(2n nn x x n f x f x f f x f ο+++''+'+= (6)它也称为(带有佩亚诺余项的)麦克劳林(Maclaurin)公式.例1 验证下列函数的麦克劳林公式:)1( );(!!212n n xx n x x x e ο+++++= (2) );()!12()1(!5!3sin 212153m m m x m x x x x x ο+--+++-=-- )3( ;)()!2()1(!4!21cos 12242++-+++-=m m m x m x x x x ο (4) )()1(32)1ln(132n nn x nx x x x x ο+-+++-=+- ; )5( );(!)1()1(!2)1(1)1(2n n x x n n x x x οααααααα++--++-++=+(6))(1112n n x x x x xο+++++=- . 证:这里只验证其中两个公式,其余请读者自行证明.(2) 设x x f sin )(=,由于)2sin()()(πk x x f k +=,因此.,2,1,)1()0(,0)0(1)12()2(n k f f k k k =-==-- 代人公式(6),便得到x sin 的麦克劳林公式.由于这里有)()(212x T x T m m =-,因此公式中的余项可以写作)(12-m x ο,也可以写作)(2m x ο).关于公式3)中的余项可作同样说明.)4(设因此 .,,2,1,)!1()1()0(1)(n k k f k k =--=-代人公式(6),便得)1ln(x +的麦克劳林公式例2 写出22)(x ex f -=的麦克劳林公式,并求)0()98(f与)0()99(f .解:用)2(2x-替换公式1)中的x ,便得).(!2)1(!22212224222n n n nx x n x x x e ο+⋅-+⋅+-=-根据定理6.8注2,知道上式即为所求的麦克劳林公式.由泰勒公式系数的定义,在上述)(x f 的麦克劳林公式中,98x 与99x 的系数分别为.0)0(!991,!4921)1()0(!981)99(4949)98(=⋅-=f f 由此得到.0)0(,!492!98)0()99(49)98(=⋅-=f f 例3 求x ln 在2=x 处的泰勒公式.解:由于),221ln(2ln )]2(2ln[ln -++=-+=x x x 因此 ).)2(()2(21)1()2(221)2(212ln ln 122nn nn x x n x x x -+-⋅-++-⋅--+=-ο例 4 求极限4202cos limx e x x x -→-.解:本题可用洛必达法则求解(较繁琐),在这里可应用泰勒公式求解.考虑到极限式的分母为4x ,我们用麦克劳林公式表示极限的分子(取4=n ,并利用例2):),(821 ),(2421cos 54225422x x x ex xx x x οο++-=++-=-).(12cos 5422x x ex x ο+-=--因而求得.121)(121lim cos lim 45404202-=+-=-→-→xx x x e x x x x ο 二 、带有拉格朗日型余项的泰勒公式上面我们从微分近似出发,推广得到用n 次多项式逼近函数的泰勒公式(4)。


2.设计思路:本课程是专业基础课,为数学专业一二年级新生设置,教学历时3个学期,教学内- 9 -容为学生专业发展的后继学习奠定必要的理论基础。

x(x²-1)>0; (2)||(3)
证:用反证法.倘若结论不成立,则根据实数集有序性,有a>b 或a<b:
4、证明:对任何xER,有(1) |x-1+x-221; (2)|x-i|+|x-2|+|x-3|≥2,(2)因为2-|x-3sx-1|sx-1+1x-2,所以x-1+x-2+1x-322
5、5、设a、b、ceR*(R*表示全体正实数的集合),证明:Va+b-va+sb-d 深:对任意的正实数a、b、c有2abcSa(b+c),两端同时加a+bc2,有a+bc+2abcsabdc+b即(a +bc)2 <(a +b2)(a2 +c)。

第1章 集合与映射 █ █1《数学分析Ⅰ》第1讲 教学内容:数学分析总概第1章 集合与映射一、数学分析总概牛顿(Newton.I 1642-1727)英国数学物理学家,在1665-1666年间发表著名公式()()()baf x dx F b F a =-⎰。
莱布尼兹(Leibniz.G.W 1646-1716)德国数学家,在1673-1676年间发表著名公式()()()b af x dx F b F a =-⎰。
二、集合 §1.1集合概念:一些事物所汇聚的总体通常称为一个集合,总体中的每一个成员,叫做该集合的元素。
一般用大写英文字母表示集合,小写英文字母表示集合中的元素,例如:,,...A B C 通常表示集合;,,...,...a b c x y 等表示集合中的元素。
-自然数集; -整数集; -有理数集; -实数集; {|0}x x +==>▇ ▇ 数学分析2有限集 可列集 无限极 空集 子集 ∙集合的运算:(1)并集:A B{|A B x x A =∈ 或}x B ∈见(图1-1)(2)交集:A B{|A B x x A =∈ 且}x B ∈见(图1-2)(3)差集:A B -{|A B x x A -=∈且}x B ∉见(图1-3)(4)设 A X ⊂,即A 为X 的子集,补集:CA X A =-称为A 的补集。
见(图1-4)(5)无限并:设12,,...,...n A A A 是一 列集合,定义1{|,}nn n x n x A ∞=A=∃∈∈(6)无限交:设12,,...,...n A A A 是一 列集合,定义1{|,}nn n Ax n x A ∞==∀∈∈设Γ是任意的一个非空集合(拓扑集),α∀∈Γ,对应有集合A α, {:}A αα∈Γ称为集合族,无论Γ是有限集、可列集、还是不可列集(不可数集),都可定义(1) 不可数并:{|,}A x x A αααα∈Γ=∃∈Γ∈ (2) 不可数交:{|,}A x x A αααα∈Γ=∀∈Γ∈第1章 集合与映射 █ █3命题1.1 设{ A α:α∈Γ}中每一个集合都是某个大集合X 的子集,记 A C=X -A ,其中A ⊂X ,则 (3) ()c αα∈ΓA =c αα∈ΓA (4)()c αα∈ΓA =c αα∈ΓA 上面公式(9)和(10)通常称为DeMorgan 公式(隶末根定理)。

陈纪修数学分析答案【篇一:陈纪修教授《数学分析》九讲学习笔记与心得】class=txt>云南分中心 ? 昆明学院 ? 周兴伟此次听陈教授的课,收益颇多。
” 那么,如果你要学好并用好《数学分析》,那么,掌故微积分思想产生与发展的历史是非常必要的。

Chapter1.Metric Spaces§1.Metric SpacesA metric space is a set X endowed with a metricρ:X×X→[0,∞)that satisfies the following properties for all x,y,and z in X:1.ρ(x,y)=0if and only if x=y,2.ρ(x,y)=ρ(y,x),and3.ρ(x,z)≤ρ(x,y)+ρ(y,z).The third property is called the triangle inequality.We will write(X,ρ)to denote the metric space X endowed with a metricρ.If Y is a subset of X,then the metric space(Y,ρ|Y×Y)is called a subspace of(X,ρ).Example1.Letρ(x,y):=|x−y|for x,y∈I R.Then(I R,ρ)is a metric space.The set I R equipped with this metric is called the real line.Example2.Let I R2:=I R×I R.For x=(x1,x2)∈I R2and y=(y1,y2)∈I R2,defineρ(x,y):=(x1−y1)+(x2−y2).Thenρis a metric on I R2.The set I R2equipped with this metric is called the Euclidean plane.More generally,for k∈I N,the Euclidean k space I R k is the Cartesian product of k copies of I R equipped with the metricρgiven byρ(x,y):=kj=1(x j−y j)21/2,x=(x1,...,x k)and y=(y1,...,y k)∈I R k.Example3.Let X be a nonempty set.For x,y∈X,defineρ(x,y):=1if x=y, 0if x=y.In this case,ρis called the discrete metric on X.Let(X,ρ)be a metric space.For x∈X and r>0,the open ball centered at x∈X with radius r is defined asB r(x):={y∈X:ρ(x,y)<r}.A subset A of X is called an open set if for every x∈A,there exists some r>0 such thatB r(x)⊆A.1Theorem1.1.For a metric space(X,ρ)the following statements are true.1.X and∅are open sets.2.Arbitrary unions of open sets are open sets.3.Finite intersections of open sets are open sets.Proof.Thefirst statement is obviously true.For the second statement,we let(A i)i∈I be a family of open subsets of X and wish to prove that∪i∈I A i is an open set.Suppose x∈∪i∈I A i.Then x∈A ifor some i0∈I.Since A i0is an open set,there exists some r>0such that B r(x)⊆A i.Consequently,B r(x)⊆∪i∈I A i.This shows that∪i∈I A i is an open set.For the third statement,we let{A1,...,A n}be afinite collection of open subsets of X and wish to prove that∩n i=1A i is an open set.Suppose x∈∩n i=1A i.Then x∈A i for every i∈{1,...,n}.For each i∈{1,...,n},there exists r i>0such that B ri(x)⊆A i. Set r:=min{r1,...,r n}.Then r>0and B r(x)⊆∩n i=1A i.This shows that∩n i=1A i is an open set.Let(X,ρ)be a metric space.A subset B of X is called an closed set if its complement B c:=X\B is an open set.The following theorem is an immediate consequence of Theorem1.1.Theorem1.2.For a metric space(X,ρ)the following statements are true.1.X and∅are closed sets.2.Arbitrary intersections of closed sets are closed sets.3.Finite unions of closed sets are closed sets.Let(X,ρ)be a metric space.Given a subset A of X and a point x in X,there are three possibilities:1.There exists some r>0such that B r(x)⊆A.In this case,x is called an interiorpoint of A.2.For any r>0,B r(x)intersects both A and A c.In this case,x is called a boundarypoint of A.3.There exists some r>0such that B r(x)⊆A c.In this case,x is called an exteriorpoint of A.For example,if A is a subset of the real line I R bounded above,then sup A is a boundary point of A.Also,if A is bounded below,then inf A is a boundary point of A.A point x is called a closure point of A if x is either an interior point or a boundary point of A.We denote by A the set of closure points of A.Then A⊆A.The set A is called the closure of A.2Theorem1.3.If A is a subset of a metric space(X,ρ),then A is the smallest closed set that includes A.Proof.Let A be a subset of a metric space.Wefirst show that A is closed.Suppose x/∈A. Then x is an exterior point of A;hence there exists some r>0such that B r(x)⊆A c.If y∈B r(x),thenρ(x,y)<r.Forδ:=r−ρ(x,y)>0,by the triangle inequality we have Bδ(y)⊆B r(x).It follows that Bδ(y)⊆A c.This shows y/∈A.Consequently,B r(x)⊆A c. Therefore,A c is open.In other words,A is closed.Now assume that B is a closed subset of X such that A⊆B.Let x∈B c.Then there exists r>0such that B r(x)⊆B c⊆A c.This shows x∈A c.Hence,B c⊆A c.It follows that A⊆B.Therefore,A is the smallest closed set that includes A.A subset A of a metric space(X,ρ)is said to be dense in X if A=X.§pletenessLet(x n)n=1,2,...be a sequence of elements in a metric space(X,ρ).We say that (x n)n=1,2,...converges to x in X and write lim n→∞x n=x,ifρ(x n,x)=0.limn→∞From the triangle inequality it follows that a sequence in a metric space has at most one limit.Theorem2.1.Let A be a subset of a metric space(X,ρ).Then a point x∈X belongs to A if and only if there exists a sequence(x n)n=1,2,...in A such that lim n→∞x n=x. Proof.If x∈A,then B1/n(x)∩A=∅for every n∈I N.Choose x n∈B1/n(x)∩A for each n∈I N.Thenρ(x n,x)<1/n,and hence lim n→∞x n=x.Suppose x/∈A.Then there exists some r>0such that B r(x)∩A=∅.Consequently, for any sequence(x n)n=1,2,...in A,we haveρ(x n,x)≥r for all n∈I N.Thus,there is no sequence of elements in A that converges to x.A sequence(x n)n=1,2,...in a metric space(X,ρ)is said to be a Cauchy sequence if for any givenε>0there exists a positive integer N such thatm,n>N impliesρ(x m,x n)<ε.Clearly,every convergent sequence is a Cauchy sequence.If a metric space has the property that every Cauchy sequence converges,then the metric space is said to be complete.For example,the real line is a complete metric space.3The diameter of a set A is defined byd(A):=sup{ρ(x,y):x,y∈A}.If d(A)<∞,then A is called a bounded set.Theorem2.2.Let(X,ρ)be a complete metric space.Suppose that(A n)n=1,2,...is a sequence of closed and nonempty subsets of X such that A n+1⊆A n for every n∈I N and lim n→∞d(A n)=0.Then∩∞n=1A n consists of precisely one element.Proof.If x,y∈∩∞n=1A n,then x,y∈A n for every n∈I N.Hence,ρ(x,y)≤d(A n)for all n∈I N.Since lim n→∞ρ(A n)=0,it follows thatρ(x,y)=0,i.e.,x=y.To show∩∞n=1A n=∅,we proceed as follows.Choose x n∈A n for each n∈I N.Since A m⊆A n for m≥n,we haveρ(x m,x n)≤d(A n)for m≥n.This in connection with the assumption lim n→∞d(A n)=0shows that(x n)n=1,2,...is a Cauchy sequence.Since (X,ρ)is complete,there exists x∈X such that lim n→∞x n=x.We have x m∈A n for all=A n.This is true for all n∈I N.Therefore,x∈∩∞n=1A n.m≥n.Hence,x∈A§pactnessLet(X,ρ)be a metric space.A subset A of X is said to be sequentially compact if every sequence in A has a subsequence that converges to a point in A.For example,afinite subset of a metric space is sequentially compact.The real line I R is not sequentially compact.But a bounded closed interval in the real line is sequentially compact.A subset A of a metric space is called totally bounded if,for every r>0,A can be covered byfinitely many open balls of radius r.For example,a bounded subset of the real line is totally bounded.On the other hand, ifρis the discrete metric on an infinite set X,then X is bounded but not totally bounded. Theorem3.1.Let A be a subset of a metric space(X,ρ).Then A is sequentially compact if and only if A is complete and totally bounded.Proof.Suppose that A is sequentially compact.Wefirst show that A is complete.Let (x n)n=1,2,...be a Cauchy sequence in A.Since A is sequentially compact,there exists a )k=1,2,...that converges to a point x in A.For anyε>0,there exists subsequence(x nka positive integer N such thatρ(x m,x n)<ε/2whenever m,n>N.Moreover,there exists some k∈I N such that n k>N andρ(x n,x)<ε/2.Thus,for n>N we havek4ρ(x n,x)≤ρ(x n,x nk )+ρ(x nk,x)<ε.Hence,lim n→∞x n=x.This shows that A iscomplete.Next,if A is not totally bounded,then there exists some r>0such that A cannot be covered byfinitely many open balls of radius r.Choose x1∈A.Suppose x1,...,x n∈A have been chosen.Let x n+1be a point in the nonempty set A\∪n i=1B r(x i).If m,n∈I N and m=n,thenρ(x m,x n)≥r.Therefore,the sequence(x n)n=1,2,...has no convergent subsequence.Thus,if A is sequentially compact,then A is totally bounded.Conversely,suppose that A is complete and totally bounded.Let(x n)n=1,2,...be a sequence of points in A.We shall construct a subsequence of(x n)n=1,2,...that is a Cauchy sequence,so that the subsequence converges to a point in A,by the completeness of A.For this purpose,we construct open balls B k of radius1/k and corresponding infinite subsets I k of I N for k∈I N recursively.Since A is totally bounded,A can be covered byfinitely many balls of radius1.Hence,we can choose a ball B1of radius1such that the set I1:={n∈I N:x n∈B1}is infinite.Suppose that a ball B k of radius1/k and an infinite subset I k of I N have been constructed.Since A is totally bounded,A can be covered by finitely many balls of radius1/(k+1).Hence,we can choose a ball B k+1of radius1/(k+1) such that the set I k+1:={n∈I k:x n∈B k+1}is infinite.Choose n1∈I1.Given n k,choose n k+1∈I k+1such that n k+1>n k.By our construction,I k+1⊆I k for all k∈I N.Therefore,for all i,j≥k,the points x niandx nj are contained in the ball B k of radius1/k.It follows that(x nk)k=1,2,...is a Cauchysequence,as desired.Theorem3.2.A subset of a Euclidean space is sequentially compact if and only if it is closed and bounded.Proof.Let A be a subset of I R k.If A is sequentially compact,then A is totally bounded and complete.In particular,A is bounded.Moreover,as a complete subset of I R k,A is closed.Conversely,suppose A is bounded and closed in I R k.Since I R k is complete and A is closed,A is complete.It is easily seen that a bounded subset of I R k is totally bounded.Let(A i)i∈I be a family of subsets of X.We say that(A i)i∈I is a cover of a subset A of X,if A⊆∪i∈I A i.If a subfamily of(A i)i∈I also covers A,then it is called a subcover. If,in addition,(X,ρ)is a metric space and each A i is an open set,then(A i)i∈I is said to be an open cover.Let(G i)i∈I be an open cover of A.A real numberδ>0is called a Lebesgue number for the cover(G i)i∈I if,for each subset E of A having diameter less thanδ,E⊆G i for5some i∈I.Theorem3.3.Let A be a subset of a metric space(X,ρ).If A is sequentially compact, then there exists a Lebesgue numberδ>0for any open cover of A.Proof.Let(G i)i∈I be an open cover of A.Suppose that there is no Lebesgue number for the cover(G i)i∈I.Then for each n∈I N there exists a subset E n of A having diameter less than1/n such that E n∩G c i=∅for all i∈I.Choose x n∈E n for n∈I N.Since A is sequentially compact,there exists a subsequence(x nk)k=1,2,...which converges to a point x in A.Since(G i)i∈I is a cover of A,x∈G i for some i∈I.But G i is an open set.Hence, there exists some r>0such that B r(x)⊆G i.We canfind a positive integer k such that1/n k<r/2andρ(x nk ,x)<r/2.Let y be a point in E nk.Since x nkalso lies in the setE nk with diameter less than1/n k,we haveρ(x nk,y)<1/n k.Consequently,ρ(x,y)≤ρ(x,x nk)+ρ(x nk,y)<r2+1n k<r.This shows E nk ⊆B r(x)⊆G i.However,E nkwas so chosen that E nk∩G c i=∅.Thiscontradiction proves the existence of a Lebesgue number for the open cover(Gi)i∈I.A subset A of(X,ρ)is said to be compact if each open cover of A possesses afinite subcover of A.If X itself is compact,then(X,ρ)is called a compact metric space. Theorem3.4.Let A be a subset of a metric space(X,ρ).Then A is compact if and only if it is sequentially compact.Proof.If A is not sequentially compact,then A is an infinite set.Moreover,there exists a sequence(x n)n=1,2,...in A having no convergent subsequence.Consequently,for each x∈A,there exists an open ball B x centered at x such that{n∈I N:x n∈B x}is afinite set.Then(B x)x∈A is an open cover of A which does not possess afinite subcover of A. Thus,A is not compact.Now suppose A is sequentially compact.Let(G i)i∈I be an open cover of A.By Theorem3.3,there exists a Lebesgue numberδ>0for the open cover(G i)i∈I.By Theorem 3.1,A is totally bounded.Hence,A is covered by afinite collection{B1,...,B m}of open balls with radius less thanδ/2.For each k∈{1,...,m},the diameter of B k is less thanδ.Hence,B k⊆G ik for some i k∈I.Thus,{G ik:k=1,...,m}is afinite subcover of A.This shows that A is compact.6§4.Continuous FunctionsLet(X,ρ)and(Y,τ)be two metric spaces.A function f from X to Y is said to be continuous at a point a∈X if for everyε>0there existsδ>0(depending onε)such thatτ(f(x),f(a))<εwheneverρ(x,a)<δ.The function f is said to be continuous on X if f is continuous at every point of X.Theorem4.1.For a function f from a metric space(X,ρ)to a metric space(Y,τ),the following statements are equivalent:1.f is continuous on X.2.f−1(G)is an open subset of X whenever G is an open subset of Y.3.If lim n→∞x n=x holds in X,then lim n→∞f(x n)=f(x)holds in Y.4.f(A)⊆f(A)holds for every subset A of X.5.f−1(F)is a closed subset of X whenever F is a closed subset of Y.Proof.1⇒2:Let G be an open subset of Y and a∈f−1(G).Since f(a)∈G and G is open,there exists someε>0such that Bε(f(a))⊆G.By the continuity of f,there exists someδ>0such thatτ(f(x),f(a))<εwheneverρ(x,a)<δ.This shows Bδ(a)⊆f−1(G). Therefore,f−1(G)is an open set.2⇒3:Assume lim n→∞x n=x in X.Forε>0,let V:=Bε(f(x)).In light of statement2,f−1(V)is an open subset of X.Since x∈f−1(V),there exists someδ>0 such that Bδ(x)⊆f−1(V).Then there exists a positive integer N such that x n∈Bδ(x) for all n>N.It follows that f(x n)∈V=Bε(f(x))for all n>N.Consequently, lim n→∞f(x n)=f(x).3⇒4:Let A be a subset of X.If y∈f(A),then there exists x∈A such that y=f(x).Since x∈A,there exists a sequence(x n)n=1,2,...of A such that lim n→∞x n=x. By statement3we have lim n→∞f(x n)=f(x).It follows that y=f(x)∈f(A).This shows f(A)⊆f(A).4⇒5:Let F be a closed subset of Y,and let A:=f−1(F).By statement4we have f(A)⊆⊆F=F.It follows that A⊆f−1(F)=A.Hence,A is a closed subset of X.5⇒1:Let a∈X andε>0.Consider the closed set F:=Y\Bε(f(a)).By statement5,f−1(F)is a closed subset of X.Since a/∈f−1(F),there exists someδ>0 such that Bδ(a)⊆X\f−1(F).Consequently,ρ(x,a)<δimpliesτ(f(x),f(a))<ε.So f is continuous at a.This is true for every point a in X.Hence,f is continuous on X.As an application of Theorem4.1,we prove the Intermediate Value Theorem for continuous functions.7Theorem 4.2.Suppose that a,b ∈I R and a <b .If f is a continuous function from [a,b ]to I R ,then f has the intermediate value property,that is,for any real number d between f (a )and f (b ),there exists c ∈[a,b ]such that f (c )=d .Proof.Without loss of any generality,we may assume that f (a )<d <f (b ).Since the interval (−∞,d ]is a closed set,the set F :=f −1((−∞,d ])={x ∈[a,b ]:f (x )≤d }is closed,by Theorem 4.1.Let c :=sup F .Then c lies in F and hence f (c )≤d .It follows that a ≤c <b .We claim f (c )=d .Indeed,if f (c )<d ,then by the continuity of f we could find r >0such that c <c +r <b and f (c +r )<d .Thus,we would have c +r ∈F and c +r >sup F .This contradiction shows f (c )=d .The following theorem shows that a continuous function maps compact sets to compact sets.Theorem 4.3.Let f be a continuous function from a metric space (X,ρ)to a metric space (Y,τ).If A is a compact subset of X ,then f (A )is compact.Proof.Suppose that (G i )i ∈I is an open cover of f (A ).Since f is continuous,f −1(G i )is open for every i ∈I ,by Theorem 4.1.Hence,(f −1(G i ))i ∈I is an open cover of A .By thecompactness of A ,there exists a finite subset {i 1,...,i m }of I such that A ⊆∪m k =1f−1(G i k ).Consequently,f (A )⊆∪mk =1G i k .This shows that f (A )is compact.Theorem 4.4.Let A be a nonempty compact subset of a metric space (X,ρ).If f is a continuous function from A to the real line I R ,then f is bounded and assumes its maximum and minimum.Proof.By Theorem 4.3,f (A )is a compact set,and so it is bounded and closed.Let t :=inf f (A ).Then t ∈f (A )=f (A ).Hence,t =min f (A )and t =f (a )for some a ∈A .Similarly,Let s :=sup f (A ).Then s ∈f (A )=f (A ).Hence,s =max f (A )and s =f (b )for some b ∈A .A function f from a metric space (X,ρ)to a metric space (Y,τ)is said to be uni-formly continuous on X if for every ε>0there exists δ>0(depending on ε)such that τ(f (x ),f (y ))<εwhenever ρ(x,y )<δ.Clearly,a uniformly continuous function is continuous.A function from (X,ρ)to (Y,τ)is said to be a Lipschitz function if there exists a constant C f such that τ(f (x ),f (y ))≤C f ρ(x,y )for all x,y ∈X .Clearly,a Lipschitz function is uniformly continuous.8Example.Let f and g be the functions from the interval(0,1]to the real line I R given by f(x)=x2and g(x)=1/x,x∈(0,1],respectively.Then f is uniformly continuous, while g is continuous but not uniformly continuous.Theorem4.5.Let f be a continuous function from a metric space(X,ρ)to a metric space(Y,τ).If X is compact,then f is uniformly continuous on X.Proof.Letε>0be given.Since f is continuous,for each x∈X there exists r x>0suchthatτ(f(x),f(y))<ε/2for all y∈B rx (x).Then(B rx(x))x∈X is an open cover of X.Since X is compact,Theorem3.3tells us that there exists a Lebesgue numberδ>0for this open cover.Suppose y,z∈X andρ(y,z)<δ.Then{y,z}⊆B rx(x)for some x∈X. Consequently,τ(f(y),f(z))≤τ(f(y),f(x))+τ(f(x),f(z))<ε/2+ε/2=ε.This shows that f is uniformly continuous on X.9。
北京大学数学科学学院【数学分析 I】课程习题集(参考 谢惠民 数学分析习题课讲义)

或任意 n ≥ N 有 则仍有矛盾. 从而 c = 1.
1 ∈ (c − ϵ, c + ϵ) .
解. 取 M > 1 使得
a1, a2 ∈
,M M
1 M
M ],
α = lim sup an, β = lim inf an
均为正数, 且 α ≥ β. 又从两个方向分别导出不等式, 可得出 αβ = 1. 取 {ank }∞ k=1 收敛于 α, 易证
证明. 只须证 α < c < β 的情形. 找 p1 < q1 < p2 < q2 < · · · 使得
xpl > c > xqm (l = 1, 2, . . . ; m = 1, 2, . . .). 又存在 pj ≤ rj < qj (j = 1, 2, . . .) 使得
xrj ≥ c ≥ xrj+1.
ank −1
ank −2
而 2
ank−3 = ank−1 − ank−2 (nk > 3).
左式关于 k 的上极限不大于 α, 但右式关于 k 的极限为 2α − β > α, 矛盾.
问题 4 (08 上期中). 设 {an}∞ n=1 为单调递增的正整数列. 证明: 数列
cn = max(bn+1, bn) (n = 1, 2, . . .).
则 {cn}∞ n=1 不增且有下界, 故其下确界 c 为其极限值 (显然 c ≥ 1), 从而任 意 ϵ > 0, 存在 N 使得任意 n ≥ N 有

P.182 习题1.验证下列等式 (1)C x f dx x f +='⎰)()( (2)⎰+=C x f x df )()(证明 (1)因为)(x f 是)(x f '的一个原函数,所以⎰+='C x f dx x f )()(.(2)因为C u du +=⎰, 所以⎰+=C x f x df )()(.2.求一曲线)(x f y =, 使得在曲线上每一点),(y x 处的切线斜率为x 2, 且通过点)5,2(.解 由导数的几何意义, 知x x f 2)(=', 所以C xxdx dx x f x f +=='=⎰⎰22)()(.于是知曲线为C x y +=2, 再由条件“曲线通过点)5,2(”知,当2=x 时,5=y , 所以有 C +=225, 解得1=C , 从而所求曲线为12+=x y3.验证x x y sgn 22=是||x 在),(∞+-∞上的一个原函数. 证明 当0>x 时, 22x y =, x y ='; 当0<x 时, 22x y -=, x y -='; 当0=x 时, y 的导数为02sgn lim 0sgn )2(lim020==-→→x x x x x x x , 所以⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=<-=>='||0000x x xx x xy 4.据理说明为什么每一个含有第一类间断点的函数都没有原函数?解 由P.122推论3的证明过程可知:在区间I 上的导函数f ',它在I 上的每一点,要么是连续点,要么是第二类间断点,也就是说导函数不可能出现第一类间断点。
5.求下列不定积分⑴Cx x x x dx x dx x xdx dx dx x x x +-+-=-+-=-+-⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰-31423233233421)11(⑵C x x x dx x x x dx xx ++-=+-=-⎰⎰||ln 343)12()1(2332122⑶C gxC x gdx x ggxdx +=+⋅==⎰⎰-22212122121 ⑷ ⎰⎰⎰+⋅+=+⋅+=+dx dx dx xx x x x x x x )9624()3)32(22()32(222C x x x ++⋅+=9ln 96ln 624ln 4 ⑸C x dx x dx x +=-=-⎰⎰arcsin 23112344322⑹ C x dx x dx x x dx x x +-=+-=+-+=+⎰⎰⎰)arctan 1(31)111(31)1(311)1(322222 ⑺C x x dx x xdx +-=-=⎰⎰tan )1(sec tan 22 ⑻ C x x dx x dx x xdx +-=-=-=⎰⎰⎰)2sin 21(21)2cos 1(2122cos 1sin 2⑼ C x x dx x x dx xx xx dx x x x +-=+=--=-⎰⎰⎰cos sin )sin (cos sin cos sin cos sin cos 2cos 22 ⑽C x x dx x x dx x x x x dx x x x +--=-=⋅-=⋅⎰⎰⎰tan cot )cos 1sin 1(sin cos sin cos sin cos 2cos 22222222⑾ C C dt dt tt ttt+=+⋅⋅=⋅=⋅⎰⎰90ln 90)910ln()910()910(3102⑿C x dx x dx x x x +==⎰⎰81587158⒀ Cx dx xdx x x x x dx x x x x +=-=--+-+=+-+-+⎰⎰⎰arcsin 212)1111()1111(222⒁C x x xdx dx dx x dx x x +-=+=+=+⎰⎰⎰⎰2cos 212sin 1)2sin 1()sin (cos 2⒂ C x x dx x x xdx x ++=+=⎰⎰)sin 3sin 31(21)cos 3(cos 212cos cos ⒃ C ee e e dx e e e e dx e e x xx x x x x x x x ++--=-+-=------⎰⎰33333313331)33()( P.188 习题1.应用换元积分法求下列不定积分:⑴ C x x d x dx x ++=++=+⎰⎰)43sin(31)43()43cos(31)43cos( ⑵ C ex d e dx xe x x x +==⎰⎰222222241)2(41 ⑶ C x x x d x dx ++=++=+⎰⎰|12|ln 2112)12(2112 ⑷ C x n x d x dx x n nn +++=++=++⎰⎰1)1(11)1()1()1( ⑸Cx x xd xdx x dx xx++=-+-=-+-⎰⎰⎰3arcsin 313arcsin 3)3113131)31131(2222⑹ C C x d dx x x x x +=+=+=++++⎰⎰2ln 22ln 22)32(221222323232⑺C x C x x d x dx x +--=+-⋅-=---=-⎰⎰232321)38(92)38(3231)38()38(3138 ⑻C x C x x d x x dx+--=+-⋅-=---=-⎰⎰-3232313)57(103)57(2351)57()57(5157 ⑼C x dx x dx x x +-==⎰⎰2222cos 21sin 21sin ⑽ C x x x d x dx++-=++=+⎰⎰)42cot(21)42(sin )42(21)42(sin 22ππππ⑾ 解法一:C xx x dx dxx dx+===+⎰⎰⎰2tan 2cos 22cos 2cos 122解法二: ⎰⎰⎰⎰-=--=+xxdx x dx xdxx x dx 222sin cos sin cos 1)cos 1(cos 1 C xx xxd x ++-=--=⎰sin 1cotsin sin cot 2⑿解法一:利用上一题的结果,有C x C x x x d x dx +--=+--=-+--=+⎰⎰)24tan()2(21tan )2cos(1)2(sin 1πππ 解法二: C x x xx d x dx x dx x x dx +-=+=--=+⎰⎰⎰⎰cos 1tan cos cos cos sin 1)sin 1(sin 1222 解法三:⎰⎰⎰+⋅=+=+222)12(tan 2cos )2cos 2(sin sin 1x x dx x x dx x dxC x x x d ++-=+=⎰12tan 2)12(tan 2tan 22⒀ 解法一:⎰⎰⎰---=-=)2()2sec()2sec(csc x d x dx x xdx πππC x x C x x ++-=+-+--=|cot csc |ln |)2tan()2sec(|ln ππ解法二:C x x x x d dx x x dx x xdx ++-=-===⎰⎰⎰⎰1cos 1cos ln 211cos cos sin sin sin 1csc 22C x x +-=|cot csc |ln解法三:⎰⎰++=dx x x x x x xdx cot csc )cot (csc csc cscC x x C xx x x d ++-=+++-=⎰|cot csc |ln cot csc )cot (csc解法四:⎰⎰⎰==dx x x xdx x x xdx 2cos2sin 22sin2cos 2sin 21csc 2C xC x x d x +=+-=-=⎰|2tan |ln |2cot |ln 2cot 2cot 1⒁C x x d x dx x x +--=---=-⎰⎰22221)1(11211 ⒂ C x dx x dx x x +=+=+⎰⎰2arctan 41)(4121422224⒃C x x x d x x dx +==⎰⎰|ln |ln ln ln ln⒄ C x x d x dx x x +-=---=-⎰⎰25535354)1(1101)1()1(151)1( ⒅ C x x C x x dx x dx x x ++-=++-⋅=-=-⎰⎰|22|ln 281|22|ln 221412)(1412444442483⒆C xx C x x dx x x x x dx ++=++-=+-=+⎰⎰|1|ln |1|ln ||ln )111()1( ⒇ C x dx x xxdx +==⎰⎰|sin |ln sin cos cot(21) ⎰⎰⎰-==x d x xdx x xdx sin )sin 1(cos cos cos 2245C x x x x d x x ++-=+-=⎰5342sin 51sin 32sin sin )sin sin 21((22) 解法一:C x x x x d x x dx +-==⎰⎰|2cot 2csc |ln 2sin )2(cos sin 解法二:C x x xd xx xdx x x dx +===⎰⎰⎰|tan |ln tan tan cos sin cos cos sin 2 解法三:⎰⎰+=xx dx x x x x dx cos sin )cos (sin cos sin 22C x x dx xxx x +-=+=⎰|cos |ln |sin |ln )sin cos cos sin ((23) C e e de e dx e e e dx xx x x x x x+=+=+=+⎰⎰⎰-arctan 1122 (24) C x x x x x x d dx x x x ++-=+-+-=+--⎰⎰|83|ln 83)83(83322222(25) C x x x dx x x x dx x x x dx x x ++-+++=+++-+=+++-+=++⎰⎰⎰2323232)1(2312|1|ln ))1(3)1(211()1(3)1(2)1()1(2(26)⎰+22ax dx解 令t a x tan =, 则C a x x C t t t a tdt a a x dx+++=++==+⎰⎰||ln |tan sec |ln sec sec 221222(27)C a x x a a x x d a a x dx ++=+=+⎰⎰21222212222322)(1)(1)(解法2 令t a x tan =, 则C ax a x C t a tdt a t a tdt a a x dx ++=+===+⎰⎰⎰222223322322sin 1cos 1sec sec )( (28)⎰-dx xx 251解 令t x sin =, 则Cx x x C t t t td t tdt dt t t t dx x x +---+--=+-+-=--===-⎰⎰⎰⎰25223221253225525)1(51)1(32)1(cos 51cos 32cos cos )cos 1(sin cos cos sin 1(29)⎰-dx xx31解 令t x =61, 则6t x =, 56tdx =C t t t t t t dt tt t t dt tt t t t dt t t t dt t t dx x x++--+++-=-++++-=-++++-=-+-=-⋅=-⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰|11|ln 26)357(6)11)1((611)1)(1(6111)(61613572246224622422533其中61x t = (30)⎰++-+dx x x 1111解 令t x =+1, 则21t x =+, tdt dx 2=,Cx x x C x x x C t t t dt t t dt t t t tdt t tdt t t dx x x +++++-=+++++-+=+++-=++-=+-=+-=+-=++-+⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰|11|ln 414|11|ln 4141|1|ln 44)1442()142(2)121(21111111122.应用分部积分法求下列不定积分: ⑴ C x x x dx x x x x xdx +-+=--=⎰⎰221arcsin 1arcsin arcsin⑵ C x x x dx xx x x xdx +-=⋅-=⎰⎰ln 1ln ln ⑶Cx x x x x xdx x x x x x xd x x xdx x x x x d x xdx x +-+=-+=+=-==⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰sin 2cos 2sin cos 2cos 2sin cos 2sin sin 2sin sin cos 222222 ⑷C x x x dx x x x x xd dx x x +--=+-=-=⎰⎰⎰223223412ln 121ln 211ln 21ln ⑸ C x x x x x xdx x x dx x ++-=-=⎰⎰2ln 2)(ln ln 2)(ln )(ln 222⑹ ⎰⎰⎰+-==dx x x x x xdx xdx x 2222121arctan 21arctan 21arctan C x x x x dx x x x +--=+--=⎰)arctan (21arctan 21)111(21arctan 21222 C x x x +-+=21arctan )1(212⑺ ⎰⎰⎰+=+dx x dx x dx x x ln 1)ln(ln ]ln 1)[ln(ln C x x dx xdx x x x x x +=+⋅-=⎰⎰)ln(ln ln 1ln 1)ln(ln⑻ ⎰⎰--=dx xx x x x dx x 2221arcsin 2)(arcsin )(arcsin⎰-+=221arcsin 2)(arcsin x xd x x⎰----+=dx xx x x x x 22221112arcsin 12)(arcsinC x x x x x +--+=2arcsin 12)(arcsin 22⑼ ⎰⎰⎰-==xdx x x x x xd xdx 23tan sec tan sec tan sec sec⎰⎰⎰+-=--=xdx xdx x x dx x x x x sec sec tan sec )1(sec sec tan sec 32 |tan sec |ln sec tan sec 3x x xdx x x ++-=⎰所以 C x x x x xdx +++=⎰|)tan sec |ln tan sec 21sec 3⑽⎰⎰+⋅-+=+dx ax x x a x x dx a x 222222⎰+-+-+=dx ax a a x a x x )(2222222⎰⎰+++-+=dx ax a dx a x a x x 2222222)ln(2222222a x x a dx a x a x x ++++-+=⎰所以C a x x a a x x dx a x +++++=+⎰))ln((212222222 类似地可得C a x x a a x x dx a x +-+--=-⎰))ln((212222222 3.求下列不定积分:⑴ C x f a x df x f dx x f x f a aa++=='+⎰⎰1)]([11)()]([)()]([ ⑵C x f x df x f dx x f x f +=+=+'⎰⎰)(arctan )()]([11)]([1)(22⑶C x f x f x df dx x f x f +=='⎰⎰|)(|ln )()()()( ⑷ C e x df e dx x f ex f x f x f +=='⎰⎰)()()()()( 4.证明:⑴ 若⎰=dx x I nn tan , ,3,2=n ,则21tan 11----=n n n I x n I 证 ⎰⎰⎰----=-=dx x dx x x dx x x I n n n n 22222tan sec tan )1(sec tan22tan tan ---=⎰n n I x d x .因为⎰⎰-----=x d x n x x d x n n n tan tan )2(tan tan tan212, 所以x n x d x n n 12tan 11tan tan ---=⎰. 从而21tan 11----=n n n I x n I . ⑵ 若⎰=dx x x n m I nm sin cos ),(,则当0≠+n m 时,),2(1sin cos ),(11n m I nm m n m x x n m I n m -+-++=+-)2,(1sin cos 11-+-++-=-+n m I nm n n m x x n m , ,3,2,=m n证 ⎰⎰+-+==x d x n dx x x n m I n m n m11sin cos 11sin cos),( ]sin cos )1(sin [cos 112211⎰+-+--++=dx x x m x x n n m n m ])cos 1(sin cos )1(sin [cos 112211⎰--++=-+-dx x x x m x x n n m n m ))],(),2()(1(sin [cos 1111n m I n m I m x x n n m ---++=+-所以),2(1sin cos ),(11n m I n m m n m x x n m I n m -+-++=+-, 同理可得)2,(1sin cos ),(11-+-++-=-+n m I nm n n m x x n m I n mP.199 习题1.求下列不定积分:⑴ ⎰⎰⎰-+++=-+-=-dx x x x dx x x dx x x )111(1111233 C x x x x +-+++=|1|ln 2323 ⑵ 解法一:C x x dx x x dx x x x +--=---=+--⎰⎰|3|)4(ln )3142(127222解法二:⎰⎰⎰+-++--=+--dx x x dx x x x dx x x x 12732112772211272222 ⎰⎰---++-+-=)27(41)27(123127)127(21222x d x x x x x dC x x x x +--++-=34ln 23|127|ln 212 ⑶ 解22311)1)(1(111xx CBx x A x x x x +-+++=+-+=+ 去分母得 )1)(()1(12x C Bx x x A ++++-=令1-=x ,得31=A . 再令0=x ,得1=+C A ,于是32=C . 比较上式两端二次幂的系数得 0=+B A ,从而31-=B ,因此⎰⎰⎰+---+=+dxx x x x dx x dx 2312311311⎰⎰+-++---+=dx x x dx x x x x 22112111261|1|ln 31⎰+-++--+=dx x x x x 43)21(121)1ln(61|1|ln 3122C x x x x +-++-+=312arctan 311)1(ln 6122 ⑷ 解 ⎰⎰⎰⎰+--++=+--+=+dx x x dx x x dx xx x x dx 42424224112111211)1()1(211 ⎰⎰⎰⎰++-+-=+--++=22222222221)1(211)1(211112111121x x x x d x x x x d dx x x x dx x x x ⎰⎰-++-+--=2)1()1(212)1()1(2122xx x x d x x x x d C xx x x x x +++-+--=2121ln 24121arctan221C x x x x x x ++++---=1212ln 8221arctan 42222 ⑸⎰+-22)1)(1(x x dx解 令22222)1(11)1)(1(1++++++-=+-x EDx x C Bx x A x x , 解得 41=A , 41-==CB , 21-==E D , 于是 ⎰⎰⎰⎰++-++--=+-dxx x dx x x x dx x x dx 22222)1(1211141141)1)(1(C x x x x x x x +++-++-+--=)1(arctan 411141arctan 41)1ln(81|1|ln 41222 C x x x x x ++-+-+-=)11arctan 21|1|(ln 4122 ⑹⎰⎰⎰++-+++=++-dx x x dx x x x dx x x x 222222)122(125)122(2441)122(2 其中1221)122()122()122(24222222++-=++++=+++⎰⎰x x x x x x d dx x x x ⎰⎰⎰+++=++=++)12(]1)12[(12]1)12[(4)122(1222222x d x dx x dx x x)12arctan(1)12(122+++++=x x x 参见教材P.186 例9或P.193关于k I 的递推公式⑺. 于是,有C x x x x x dx x x x ++-+++-++-=++-⎰)12arctan(251)12(1225122141)122(22222 C x x x x ++-+++=)12arctan(25)122(23522.求下列不定积分⑴⎰-x dxcos 35解 令2tan xt =,则C t t t d tdt t dt t t dx x dx+=+=+=++--=-⎰⎰⎰⎰2arctan 21)2(1)2(2141121135cos 3522222 C x+=)2tan 2arctan(21 ⑵⎰⎰⎰⎰+=+=+=+)tan 32(tan cos )tan 32(sin 3cos 2sin 2222222x xd x x dx x x dx x dxC x x x d +=+=⎰)tan 23arctan(61)tan 231()tan 23(612 ⑶ ⎰⎰⎰++-+=+=+dx xx xx x x x x xdx x dx sin cos cos sin sin cos 21sin cos cos tan 1 )sin cos )cos (sin (21)sin cos cos sin 1(21⎰⎰⎰+++=++-+=x x x x d dx dx x x x x C x x x +++=|)sin cos |ln (21另解:设⎰+=x x xdx I sin cos cos 1,⎰+=x x xdxI sin cos sin 2,则C x dx x x xx I I +=++=+⎰sin cos sin cos 21,C x x x x x x d dx x x x x I I ++=++=+-=-⎰⎰|sin cos |ln sin cos )sin (cos sin cos sin cos 21所以C x x x I x dx +++==+⎰|)sin cos |ln (21tan 11⑷⎰⎰⎰-+++-+-=-+22221)1(11xx dx x dx x x dx xx x⎰⎰⎰-++-++---+-=2221231)12(211x x dxx x dx x dx x x 其中(利用教材P.185例7的结果)]1)21(512arcsin 45[21)21(451222x x x x dx x dx x x -+-+-=--=-+⎰⎰ 2222121)1(1)12(x x x x x x d x x dx x -+=-+-+=-++-⎰⎰512arcsin)21(45122-=--=-+⎰⎰x x dxxx dx所以有⎰-+dx xx x 221C x x x x x x x +-+-+--+-+--=512arcsin 231221]1)21(512arcsin 45[2122C x x x x +-++--=21432512arcsin 87 ⑸C x x x x x d xx dx ++++=-++=+⎰⎰|21|ln 41)21()21(222⑹⎰+-dx x xx 1112解 令 x x t +-=11,则2211t t x +-=,22)1(4t tdtdx +-=,代入原式得 ⎰⎰⎰⎰---=--=+-⋅⋅⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-+=+-dt t t dt t t dt t t t t t dx x xx 222222222222)1(114)1(4)1(411111⎰⎰⎰⎰-+-++--=---=dt t t t dt t dt t dt t ]12)1(1)1(1[114)1(141142222222C t t t t dt t t dt t +++---+=-++--=⎰⎰1111|11|ln ])1(1)1(1[112222 C xx x x +---+=221|11|ln总 练 习 题求下列不定积分: ⑴Cx x x dx x xx dx xx x +--=--=--⎰⎰-4312134541121414334132454)2(12⑵]11arcsin [21arcsin 21arcsin 2222⎰⎰⎰--==dx xx x x dx x dx x x 其中)2sin 21(2122cos 1cos cos sin 1222t t dt t dt t t t dx x x -=-==-⎰⎰⎰)1(arcsin 212x x x --=所以]11arcsin [21arcsin 222⎰⎰--=dx xx x x dx x xC x x x x x +---=)]1(arcsin 21arcsin [2122 C x x x x x +-+-=22141arcsin 41arcsin 21 ⑶⎰+xdx 1解 令u x =,则udu dx 2=C u u du uu udu xdx ++-=+-=+=+⎰⎰⎰|)1|ln (2)111(2121 C x x ++-=|)1|ln (2⑷ ⎰⎰⎰⎰===x x x xde x x d x e dx x x e dx x esin sin sin sin sin 2sin sin 2cos sin 22sin C x e C e x e x d e x e x x x x x +-=+-=-=⎰)1(sin 2)sin (2)sin sin (2sin sin sin sin sin⑸ C x e C e u e du u e u x dx ex u u u x+-=+-==⎰⎰)1(2)(22)(令⑹C x x d xx x dx x xdx +-=--=-=-⎰⎰⎰1arcsin )1(1111112222 解法二:令t x sec =,CxC t dt t t t t x xdx +=+==-⎰⎰1arccos tan sec tan sec 12⑺⎰⎰⎰++=+-=+-x x x x d dx x x x x dx x x sin cos )sin (cos sin cos sin cos tan 1tan 1C x x ++=|sin cos |lnC x dx x dx x x +-=-=+-⎰⎰|)4cos(|ln )4tan(tan 1tan 1ππ ⑻ C x x x dx x x x dx x x x +-----=-+-+-=--⎰⎰23232)2(123|2|ln )2(2)2(3)2()2( ⑼C x x x d x xdx x x dx ++=+==⎰⎰⎰32224tan 31tan tan )tan 1(cos sec cos ⑽ ⎰⎰⎰-==dx x dx x dx x 2224)22cos 1()(sin sin ⎰⎰++-=+-=dx x x dx x x )24cos 12cos 21(41)2cos 2cos 21(412 C x x x C x x x x ++-=+++-=4sin 3212sin 4183)84sin 22sin (41 ⑾ ⎰+--dx x x x 43523解⎰⎰-+-=+--dx x x x dx x x x 223)2)(1(5435令22)2(21)2)(1(5-+-++=-+-x Cx B x A x x x 去分母得:)1()2)(1()2(52++-++-=-x C x x B x A x 解得:32-=A ,32=B ,1-=C 所以⎰⎰⎰⎰---++-=+--dx x dx x dx x dx x x x 223)2(121321132435 C x x x +-++-=21|12|ln 32 ⑿ ⎰+dx x )1arctan(解 令u x =+1,duu dx )1(2-=⎰⎰⎰⎰-⋅=-⋅=+du u du u u du u u dx x arctan 2arctan 2)1(2arctan )1arctan(122)1ln(arctan 2]arctan )1[(C u u u u u u +++--+=C x x x x x ++++-+=)22ln()1arctan(⒀ ⎰⎰⎰+-=+-+=+dx x x x dx x x x x dx x x )22(2222433433747 C x x ++-=)2ln(214144 另解:C x x dx x dx x x x dx x x ++-=+-=+⋅=+⎰⎰⎰)2ln(2141)221(4122444443447 ⒁⎰++dx x x x2tan tan 1tan 解 令u x =tan⎰⎰⎰⎰++-+=+++=++du u u du u du u u u u dx x x x 222221111111tan tan 1tanC x x C u u ++-=++-=31tan 2arctan 32312arctan 32arctan ⒂ ⎰⎰-+---=-dx x x x dx x x 10021002)1(1)1(2)1()1( C x x x +-+---=979899)1(971)1(491)1(991⒃⎰⎰⎰-+-=-=dx x x xx x d x dx x x 2211arcsin 1arcsin arcsin C xx x x +-+--=|11|ln arcsin 2⒄⎰⎰⎰--+=--+=-+2)]1ln()1[ln(21)]1ln()1[ln(11lndx x x dx x x x dx x x x C x xxx dx x x x x x x ++-+-=-++---+=⎰11ln 21)1111(21)]1ln()1[ln(21222⒅⎰⎰⎰+==x d xx dx xx dx xx tan tan tan 1cos tan 1cos sin 1247C x x ++=)tan 511(tan 22⒆ ⎰⎰⎰⎰+-++=+-+=+-dx x x e dx x e dx x x x e dx x x e xx x x22222222)1(21)1(21)11( C xe dx x e x e dx x e x d e dx x e x x x x x x ++=+-+++=+++=⎰⎰⎰⎰2222221111111 ⒇ ⎰=dx uv I n n ,x b a u 11+=,x b a v 22+=解 ][221211⎰⎰⎰--===dx v b u n u v b u d v b dx uv I n nn n n ])([2][21122111121⎰⎰---+-=-=dx u v b a b a v b n u v b dx u uv b n u v b n nn n ])([21122111----=n n nI b a b a n I nb u v b 所以])([)12(2112211---+=n n n I b a b a n u v b n I. ..。

' n
1 2
S '(1) .
5. (1) α < 1. (2) α < 2 . (3) α < 0 .
6. 提示: ∀η > 0 , 证明 {Sn (x)}在 [a + η,b −η]上一致收敛于 S '(x) . 取 0 < α < η ,
则 S '(x) 在 [a + α,b −α ]上一致连续, 即 ∀ε > 0, ∃δ > 0 , ∀x', x"∈ [a + α,b −α ],
A→+∞ n=0 ⎝
A 2n
⎟⎞ = +∞ . ⎠
1.(1) R = 1 , 3
1 3
1 3
⎟⎞ ⎠
(2) R = 1, D = (0,2) .
[ ] (3) R = 2 , D = − 2, 2 .(4) R = 1, D = (− 2,0].
(5) R = +∞ , D = (− ∞,+∞). (6) R = 1, D = [−1,1].
∑ (−1)n n−x 与 (−1)k ∑ (−1)n n−x ln k n (k = 1,2,") 在 (0,+∞) 上内闭一致收敛.

第14讲 柯西中值定理与洛必达法则讲授内容一、柯西中值定理定理 6.5(柯西(cauchy )中值定理) 设函数f 和g 满足 (i)在],[b a 上都连续;(ii)在(b a ,)上都可导;(iii))()(x g x f ''和不同时为零;(iv)),()(b g a g ≠ 则存在),,(b a ∈ξ使得.)()()()()()(a g b g a f b f g f --=''ξξ证:作辅助函数)).()(()()()()()()()(a g x g a g b g a f b f a f x f x F -----=易见)(x F 在],[b a )上满足罗尔定理条件,故存在),(b a ∈ξ,使得.0)()()()()()()(='---'='ξξξg a g b g a f b f f F因为0)(≠'ξg (否则由上式)(ξf '也为零),所以得证.例1 设函数f 在[a,b])0(>a 上连续,在(b a ,)内可导,则存在),(b a ∈ξ,使得 .ln)()()(a b f a f b f ξξ'=-证:设x x g ln )(=,显然它在],[b a 上与)(x f 一起满足柯西中值定理条件,于是存在b a ,(∈ξ),使得+→0limx .1)(ln ln )()(ξξf ab a f b f '=--整理便得所要证明的等式.二、不定式极限现在我们将以导数为工具研究不定式极限,这个方法通常称为洛必达(L ’Hospital)法则. 1.0型不定式极限定理6.6 若函数f 和g 满足:(i)0)(lim )(lim 0==→→x g x f x x x x ;(ii)在点0x 的某空心邻域)(0x U 内两者都可导,且0)(≠'x g ;A x g x f x x =''→)()(lim(A 可为实数,也可为±∞或)∞,则.)()(lim)()(limA x g x f x g x f x x x x =''=→→证:补充定义0)()(00==x g x f ,使得f 与g 在点0x 处连续.任取x ∈)(0x U ,在区间[x x ,0] (或[0,x x ]上应用柯西中值定理,有,)()()()()()(00ξξg f x g x g x f x f ''=--即)()()()(ξξg f x g x f ''=(ξ介于).0之间与x x当令0x x →时,也有,0x →ξ使得.)()(lim)()(lim)()(limA x g x f g f x g x f x x x x x x =''=''=→→→ξξ注意 若将定理6.6中0x x → 换成,,,,00∞→±∞→→→-+x x x x x x 也可得到同样的结论.例2 求 .tancos 1lim2xx x +→π解:容易检验x x f cos 1)(+=与x x g 2tan)(=在点π=0x 的邻域内满足定理6.6的条件(i)和(ii),又因212c o s limsectan 2sin lim)()(lim32=-=-=''→→→x xx x x g x f x x x πππ故由洛必达法则求得.21)()(lim)()(lim=''=→→x g x f x g x f x x ππ例3 求.)1ln()21(lim221x x exx ++-→解:利用)1ln(2x +~),0(2→x x 则得xx e xx e x x e xx xx xx 2)21(lim)21(lim)1ln()21(lim210221221-→→→+-=+-=++-=1222)21(lim230==++-→x e xx求.1xex -例4解:这是0型不定式极限,可直接运用洛必达法则求解.但若作适当变换,在计算上可方便些.为此,令x t =,当+→0x 时有+→0t ,于是有.11lim 1lim 1lim-=-=-=-+++→→→tt tt xx t eet ee2.∞∞型不定式极限定理6.7 若函数f 和g 满足:(i) ;)(lim )(lim 00∞==++→→x g x f x x x x ii )在某右邻域)(00x U +内两者都可导,且;0)(≠'x g (iii )A x g x f x x =''+→)()(lim(A 可为实数,也可为±∞∞,),则.)()(lim )()(limA x g x f x g x f x x x x =''=++→→注:定理6.7对于00,x x x x →→-。

考试科目: 数学分析(I)一 、求极限、导数或高阶导数(每小题5分,共35分)1.n lim →∞⎛⎫++……解:n n n 11(1)(1)lim lim n n n n →∞++⎛⎫≤+≤……,故原式1=2.2.()222n x x x n x x x x 2x 2lim =lim =lim =lim =022ln 22ln 22n →∞→∞→∞→∞. 3.()42220011-cos 12lim =lim =sin ln 1+2x x xx x x x x x x →→•.4. 11limarcsin()1ln x x x x→--解:111limarcsin()arcsin 1ln 26x x x x π→-==-. 5.设(0)xxy x x =>,求y '.1(ln (ln 1))xx x x y x x x x x -'=++.6. 设函数)(x y y =是由参数方程⎩⎨⎧-=-=)cos 1()sin (t a y t t a x 确定,求2t dydxπ=和t dy dxπ=。
21t dy dxπ==.7. 设函数f 二阶可导,1()1x y f x -=+,22d y dx解:221()(1)1dy x f dx x x -'=++, 22344141()()(1)1(1)1d y x x f f dx x x x x --'''=-+++++.二、解答题(每小题8分,共32分)1. 已知001a <<,)n+1a n 0≥,求证n a 的极限存在并求其极限.解: 易知{}n a 单调增有上界1,故由单调收敛定理及n+1n n lim a =→∞知n n lima =1.→∞2. 讨论函数()211sin x x f x e x-=的间断点及其类型. 解: 0x =为可去间断点,=1x ±为第二类间断点.3. 求函数()(4)f x x =-的极值点与极值。

对外经济贸易大学2009─2010学年第一学期《数学分析(I)》第一章自测试卷学号: 姓 名: 成 绩: 请同学们在100分钟内独立、闭卷完成!一、 判断下列陈述的正误(每题2分,共14分) 得分 ___1.存在在区间[,]a b 上连续的函数()f x ,其值域为[0,1][2,3]⋃。
[ ]2.若数列2{}k a 收敛,数列{}n a 单调,则数列{}n a 收敛。
[ ]3.若0)(lim 1>→x f x , 则0)(>x f 。
[ ]4.当0x →时,322x x +是比2x 高阶的无穷小量。
[ ]5. 若()f x 在区间[,]a b 连续,)(sup ],[x f b a 存在,则最大值)(sup ],[x f M b a =。
[ ]6. 设()f x 定义在区间[,]a b 上,且0)(,0)(<>b f a f ,则)(x f 在),(b a 必有零点。
[ ]7.若()f x 在区间[,]a b 连续,则()m in {(),}h x f x x =在[,]a b 上一致连续。
[ ]二、填空题:(每空3分,共21分) 得分 ____ 1. 已知0)12(lim 2=+-++∞→a x xx x x ,则__________a =。
2. =+∈)sin (sup )1,0(x x x __________。
3. 若1)(lim 0-=→x f x ,则=∞→|)(|lim 1n n f 。
4. =+-→x x x x 10)11(lim 。
5. n1n )n 1-(2lim ∞→=____________.6. )(lim 24n n n n -+∞→=_______________. 7. 曲线x x y ++=112的渐近线为 。
三、基本概念题(每小题6分,共12分) 得分 __1. 设S 为非空集合,试给出S 的下确界的定义;设集合⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧∈=+N 1Q n n,求该集合的下确界,并用定义加以证明。
《数学分析》I-2017-2018-1 期中考试 试题参考答案

《数学分析》I-2017-2018-1期中考试试题参考答案一题,填空题(每空3分,共15分)1.lim$→$&f x≠A的定义为:∃ε->0,∀δ>0,∃x′,0<x′−x-<δ,有f x′−A≥ε-2.设f(x)在0点可导,则lim8→09:;<=>8;9(-)8?=:Af′(0)3.函数y=sgn(sin x) 的间断点为:kπ,k∈Z4.若lim$→∞$NO$;O$=9,则a=ln35.若函数f x=cos x;$?,x≠0a,x=0在x=0处连续,则a=1二题,选择题(每题3分,共15分)1.(D)2.(D)3.(D)4.(A)5.(C)三题、计算题(每题5分,共30分)1.lim$→0O V NW V NX VYZV(a>0,b>0,c>0)lim$→-a$+b$+c$3:$=lim$→-1+a$−1+b$−1+c$−13:$因为lim$→-a$−1+b$−1+c$−13x=13ln abc所以有:lim$→-O V NW V NX VYZV=abc^2.设x_N:=x_+2,x:=2,证明该数列收敛,并求其极限。
下证该数列单调递增:x_N:−x_=x_+2−x_;:+2=x_−x_;:x_+2+x_;:+2所以该数列单调,因为x:<x A,所以该数列单调递增。
假设极限为A,则有:A=A+2→A=23.设y=f(x+y),其中f具有二阶导数,且f′≠1,求b?cb$?y d=f d x+y1+y dy dd=f dd x+y1+y d A+f d x+y y′′所以有:y′′=f′′x+y1+y′A 1−f′x+y其中:y d=f d x+y/(1−f′(x+y)) 4.设y=sin A x,求y(_)解:y=sin A x=1−cos2x2y(-)=1−cos2x2n ≥1,有y_=1−cos 2x 2_=−122_cos 2x +nπ25. 设x =ln 1+t Ay =arctan t,求b ?c b$?d Ay dx A =d dx dy dx =d dx 11+t A 2t 1+t A =d dt 12t dt dx =−12t A 1+t A 2t =1+t A−4t Y6. 利用微分计算sin 30-30′(30d =lYm-≈0.0087)sin 30-30d 30d =π360≈0.0087=sin π6+π360≈sin π6+cos π6π360≈12+32π360四.证明题(本题10分)证明:五.论述题(每小题5分,共10分)1. 指出函数:$−:$的间断点,并指出其类型。

《常微分方程教程》 丁同仁、李承治 高等教育出版社 10、复变函数论 《复变函数教程》 方企勤 北京大学出版社 11、数学模型 《数学模型讲义》 雷功炎 北京大学出版社 12、抽象代数 II 《抽象代数》(胶印本)徐明曜,赵春来 2003 13、实变函数论 《实变函数》 周民强 北京大学出版社 14、微分几何 《微分几何初步》 陈维桓 北京大学出版社 15、偏微分方程 《偏微分方程》 周蜀林 北京大学出版社 16、数理统计 《数理统计学讲义》 陈家鼎等著 高等教育出版社,1993 17、随机过程 《应用随机过程》 钱敏平,龚光鲁,北京大学出版社 1998 18、数值分析* 《数值分析》自编讲义 张平文,李铁军 19、拓扑学 《基础拓扑学讲义》 尤承业 北京大学出版社 20、测度论 《测度论讲义》 程士宏著 北京大学出版社,待出版。 《测度与积分》 严加安著 陕西师范大学出版社,1988 21、泛函分析 《泛函分析讲义》(上、下册),张恭庆,林源渠 北京大学出版社 22、微分流形 《微分流形初步》 陈维桓 高等教育出版社 23、微分拓扑 《微分拓扑新讲》 张筑生 北京大学出版社 24、时间序列分析* 《应用时间序列分析》 何书元 北京大学出版社 25、回归分析* 《回归分析》 周纪芗 华东师范大学出版社 , 1993 26、最优化方法* 《最优化方法理论与方法》,袁亚湘,孙文瑜 科学出版社 27、非参数统计* 《非参数统计讲义》 孙山泽 北京大学出版社 , 2000 28、初等数论* 《初等数论》 潘承洞, 潘承彪, 北京大学出版社, 1991 29、多元分析* 自编讲义 30、数值代数* 自编讲义
1、数学分析 I 《数学分析 I》 (彭立中,伍胜健,谭小江) (教材科讲义) 2、数学分析 II 《数学分析 II》(伍胜健,谭小江,彭立中)(教材科讲义) 3、数学分析 III 《数学分析 III》(谭小江,黄克服,伍胜健,彭立中)(教材科讲义) 4、高等代数 I 《高等代数简明教程》(上册)蓝以中 北京大学出版社 5、高等代数 II 《高等代数简明教程》(下册)蓝以中 北京大学出版社 6、抽象代数 I 《抽象代数基础》 丘维声 高等教育出版社 7、解析几何 《解析几何》 丘维声 北京大学出版社 8、概率论 《概率论引论》 汪仁官 北京大学出版社 9、常微分方程
数学分析(一):一元微积分 南京大学 6 第六章积分的推广和应用 (6.3.1) Riemann积分的基本

f (x)g(x) dx
= [fn(x) − f (x)]g(x) dx
≤ M |fn(x) − f (x)| dx ≤ M/n,
这说明 (2) 式成立.
命题 4 (分段线性逼近) 设 f ∈ R[a, b], 则存在一列连续的分段线性函数 fn, 使得 fn(a) = f (a), fn(b) = f (b),
— Riemann 积分的基本性质
推论 1
(1) 设 [α, β] ⊂ [a, b], 如果 f 在 [a, b] 中可积, 则 f 在 [α, β] 中也可积. (2) 设 c ∈ (a, b), 如果 f 在 [a, c] 及 [c, b] 中都可积, 则 f 在 [a, b] 中也可积, 且
|fn(x) − f (x)| dx = 0,
且每一个 fn 均介于 f 的上下确界之间. 此时, 任给 g ∈ R[a, b], 还有
fn(x)g(x) dx =
f (x)g(x) dx.
命题 3 (阶梯逼近) 设 f ∈ R[a, b], 则存在一列阶梯函数 fn, 使得
当 |g| 有正下界时, 不妨设 |g| ≥ m > 0. 此时, 由 1/g(x) − 1/g(y )
|g (x )−g (y )| |g (x )g (y )|
得 ωi (1/g) ≤ m−2ωi (g), 由此可知 1/g 可积, 于是 f /g = f · (1/g) 可积.
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二. 序列极限
序列极限定义;无穷小量与无穷大量; 序列极限的性质; 单调有界序列,实数系连续性的基本定理;Cauchy收敛准则;序列的上,下极限
三. 函数的极限与连续性
函数极限的定义与推广;函数极限的性质,数列极限与函数极限的关系;函数极限存在性定理及两个重要极限; 函数的连续与间断;连续函数的基本性质与初等函数的连续性;闭区间连续函数的性质;一致连续函数;无穷小量与无穷大量的阶
Mathematical Analysis (I)
本课程是数学类各专业最重要的基础课之一。第一册内容主要包括极限论、一元微分学。本课程是数学分析(II)(III)的基础, 同时是许多后继课程如微分方程、微分几何、复变函数、实变函数、概率论、基础物理、理论力学等学习的基础。数学分析(I)将提供大学数学的基本能力及思维方法的训练重要课程。具有良好的数学分析(I)的基础对于今后的学习和研究起着关键的作用。
Mathematical analysis (I) is one of the most important courses for the students who wish to study the mathematics and related subjects. The course mainly includes the theory of limits of sequence of numbers and functions; derivatives and differentials of real functions. The course is a basis for Mathematical analysis (II) and (III) and for many courses such as differential equations; differential geometry, functions of one complex variable; real analysis, probability; basic physics, etc. The course provides the training for the mathematical thinking and skills.
期中考试时间, 初步定在 2020.11.18(周三随堂),前三章内容。
期末考试时间, 学校已定: 2021.1.20 上午。
课程总评成绩由三部分构成: 平时成绩 15%,期中成绩 35%, 期末成绩 50%.
作业提交和发放: 习题课课堂。
作业布置: 课堂、微信群、邮件 等方式。
四. 导数和微分
导数的引入与定义; 单侧导数;求导的方法; 微分的定义与一阶微分的形式不变性; 高阶导数与高阶微分
五. 导数的应用
微分中值定理; del′Hospitale法则;Taylor公式;利用导数研究函数
原函数; 不定积分;第一与第二换元法;分部积分法;一些常见函数的不定积分 有理函数积分