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The Planning of personal goals In 2015-2020

The overall goal : To complete the master degree ,work for the government and get married.

The periodical target and the execution plan

I The 2015 target and the implement steps:

(I)The goals of January to march and the implement plan

During the winter vacation In January to march in 2015, my main goal is to prepare the province and institution of the civil service exam. Because that my goal is to get the work of the capital of civil servants, I need to do the related test exercise before using my master's degree. The provincial and national exam is a good chance for me to practice. So during the period of January to march, I need to study the civil servants of books and exercise books.

(II) The goals of March to June and the implement plan

March to June is the time during the period of school, My main goal is to assist my supervisor to complete him scientific research project and the topic of my graduation thesis. Now I am teaching in Inner Mongolia part of economic and trade college of foreign language and I can earn some wages.so the time of march to June, On the one hand ,I will continue to do my part-time job, On the other hand I will communicate with my teacher to determine the direction of my graduation thesis.. (III)The goals of June to September and the implement plan

Apply for the United States paid internships before 30th September 2014.

When I meet the requirements of the internship, the Internship is begin at June 15 and over at September 15, 2015, three months of it. In 2015 June

15 to September 15 my goals are:

a. Complete the work, obey the arrangement of the internship company

b. Look for every chance to exercise the oral expression ability. The main method is join in party or organization that held by some local Chinese ,for that to make Chinese friends, also some locals.

c. Travel. The first is to complete the travel where I worke

d. And the second is to complete part of the attraction in the United States within the scope of my economic capacity.

(IIII) The goals of September to December and the implement plan During the period of graduate student in grade three, my goal is to complete the graduation thesis, review the civil service exam, do well prepared for the final victory.

II The 2016 target and the implement steps:

(I) The goals of January to June and the implement plan

Have been admitted to the China banking regulatory commission in the Hohhot, complete the graduation thesis, say goodbye to my students.a graduation trip to five countries in Europe.

(II) The goals of June to December and the implement plan
