翻译组绩效考核暂行办法(doc 7页)
5、剧中人名一般不翻译,首字母必须为大写非剧中人名或著名的人翻出来不熟悉但有必要翻译的,加英文状态的半角括号注释(注释必须简洁)6、地名一般不翻译众所周知的翻出来(所谓熟悉的,包括国家名、国家首都名、美国州名、著名景点等)不熟悉但有必要翻译的,加英文状态的半角括号注释(注释必须简洁)很陌生的地名和人名,为方便观众可以加上注释,注释的模式统一为:英文地名或人名后面用(),里面写上相关内容,比如,哈利波特与凤凰社中提到Dark Lord,则可以再注释为:Dark Lord(Voldemort即伏地魔)7、歌词必须翻译很多时候,歌词跟影片关联密切,直接表达剧中人的心情,所以,是有必要翻译的,翻译歌词不仅要做到翻译准确,而且需要用词文雅、优美。
8、不会翻或者不确定的地方标TBD(To Be Determined)注:TBD也必须根据自己的想法翻出来考核任务里TBD翻译错误仍按错误计算9、内嵌字幕必须翻译注:内嵌字幕即在画面中出现,但未在英文字幕中给出的字幕。
时间轴加法:在附近复制一条轴,序号任意,改动时间轴的数值使之符合画面,注意别改得和前后时间轴重叠了10、文件命名格式中文字幕:影片名.***-***(句数,例1-100).****(你的名字).chs.srt英文字幕:影片名.***-***(句数,例1-100).****(你的名字).eng.srt11、提交要求必须在24小时内提交,从接到任务开始计时一份英文字幕(就是发给你的,需要改格式,*****部分为听译,需补全了)一份中文字幕(就是你翻译的,注意格式)还有领取考核任务邮件中要求的个人简介其余字幕、片源都不要将中、英文字幕和个人简介用WinRAR打包(压缩文件名为QQ号码+QQ昵称+领取考核任务时间)发送至指定邮箱:scgtest@邮件名称:QQ号码+QQ昵称+领取考核任务时间12、一般在一周内邮件回复考核结果13、考核通过,做任务可以得到●完成一部任务,奖励20威望,200圣元,1个工作组内部积分,1个贡献度●法定长假,3倍工资●为优秀者颁发字幕组内部勋章●根据积分不同,享受不同的等级待遇●志同道合的朋友●能力的提高●作品的流传注:无实际经济收入二格式规范英文字幕格式: 序号时间轴英文字幕空行注:必须保持这样的格式,否则会显示错误1、字幕必须整理到一行上去,即一个时间轴下面仅能有一行字幕2、字幕前面的注释必须删掉,如下图红圈内的部分;如时间轴下仅有注释而没有需要翻译的字幕,则删除注释,保留空轴注:注释即位于小括号或者中括号中,不是人物对白的字幕3、<i>和</i>必须删除4、对话格式:- XXX - XXX短横杠后空一格,两句对话间空两格5、歌词格式:# XXX ##+空格+歌词+空格+#6、标点符号格式:●英文字幕里的逗号、句号、问号、感叹号、引号保留;“-”(连字符时不改) “--”“---”破折号改成“...”省略号●英文字幕里的逗号、句号、问号、感叹号等标点后空一格,句首省略号删除,句中省略号后空一格●引号格式实例:the "five minutes for the cookies," the "no talking" signs posted everywhere前引号前空一格,后引号后空一格或者都不空保持一致●标点出现在句末则不需空格7、英文字幕中如出现乱码、英文单词缺失则必须补上;字幕中如出现i和I混用,或是I和L混用,则必须改正8、未提及的特殊情况以看着舒服为宜注:上图左边为原始英文字幕,右边为修改后的英文字幕中文字幕格式:序号时间轴中文字幕空行注:必须保持这样的格式,否则会显示错误1、字幕必须整理到一行上去,即一个时间轴下面仅能有一行字幕。
编号关键绩效指标,KPI, 权重 KPI定义/公式考核标准信息来源考核主体考核周期
人力资源部产量系数=当月实际产量/,产量系,全年目标产量/12, 财务部、生
产1 产量系数×成本系数 20% 数,, 月度成本系数=1 +,目标成本-部财务部,成本实际成本,/目标成本系数,
主动性、响应时间、解决问参见《云天化股份有限公司内部网上评有业务协作2 周边绩效 15% 题时间、信息反馈及时性、月度绩效考核管理制度》分关系的部门服务质量
目标值80%~每减少1个百满意次数/总抽查次数×3 接待对象的满意度 20% 分点扣1分,每增加1个百客户调查表分管领导年度 100% 分点~加1分。
目标值90%~每减少1个百满意次数/总抽查次数×4 翻译工作的及时性 15% 分点扣1分,每增加1个百客户调查表分管领导年度 100% 分点~加1分。
目标值90%~每减少1个百满意次数/总抽查次数×5 口译、笔译的准确性 30% 分点扣1分,每增加1个百客户调查表分管领导年度 100% 分点~加1分。
6 7 二、加扣项考核指标
编号基础绩效指标,CPI, CPI定义/公式考核标准信息来源考核主体考核周期 1 2 3 4 5 6。
XX绩效考核方案XX Performance Assessment Plan一、考核实施目的The assessment objective1.作为员工薪资调整、绩效奖金发放、职务调整的依据。
As the basis of employees' salary adjustment, performance bonus,position adjustment 2.有效增加员工之间的合作精神,对员工全面的工作进行客观了解和公正评价。
Increase the team spirit between the employees ; know and evaluate employees' job effectively3.帮助员工改进工作方式,提高工作绩效。
Help employee improve the work way and work efficiency二、适用范围Scope of application公司所有高级经理级及以下员工。
All the senior managers and employees三、考核频率Assessment frequency1.季度考核,对当季度的工作表现进行考核,考核实施时间为下月的1~5日,遇节假日顺延。
Quarter assessment,assess the work performance in the quarter, the assessment date is September 1-5 and will be put off if it is holiday.四、考核内容Assessment content1.工作业绩work achievement2.工作能力work ability3.工作态度work attitude4.合作配合work cooperation5.自我提升self—improvement以上为基本考核内容,具体详情另见考核附件Above is the basic assessment content,the details is as the follow ’s assessment attachment五、评分对照Score compare考核分数对照表Assessment score form六、考核实施Assessment carrying out1.考核实施及考核对象配比Assessment carrying out and object matching备注:总部各部门负责人由CEO直接考核。
绩效考核办法Performance Appraisal Procedure一、目的Purpose为了调动员工积极性,不断提升工作技能,增强工作责任心,同时实现人员优胜劣汰,特制定绩效考核办法。
In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, constantly improve their work skills, enhance their sense of responsibility, and achieve the survival of the fittest.The Company constituted this procedure.二、考核方式Assessment method以部门为单位组织考核,每月/季度考核一次,年度内所有月度/季度考核得分的平均分作为年度考核得分。
We have annual assessment and monthly departments organizes the assessments each month. The average score of all months assessment scores in the year is taken as the annual assessment score.三、适用范围Scope本办法适用公司所有白领员工以及生产领班。
This procedure covers all HT Solar white collar employees and shift leaders..四、绩效考核管理委员会Performance Appraisal management Committee领导:总经理Committee leader: General Manager成员:行政副总、运营总监、人力资源经理Committee Member: Admin Vice General Manager、Operation Director、HR Manager.五、绩效工资比例及月度绩效工资核算月度绩效工资=工资标准*绩效工资比例*月度绩效得分*100%Monthly performance salary = standard salary * performance salary ratio * monthly performance scores /100六、考核周期:Assessment cycle月度考核:自每月1日到月末最后一天。
E n g l i s h绩效考核管理规定The latest revision on November 22, 2020Li Ning Co.,Ltd Performance Assessment Management SystemRevised in Dec.,2010Table of ContentsChapter 1 General ProvisionsArticle 1 Scope of ApplicationThis performance assessment management system applies to all employees of Li Ning’s holding companies and joint stock companies in Mainland China, including Li Ning (China) Sports Goods Co., Ltd, Li Ning Sports (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, ,Li Ning Sports Goods Commerce (Beijing) Co., Ltd, Shanghai Yueao Sports Goods Co., Ltd, Shanghai Yidong Sports Development Co., Ltd, Shanghai Z-DO Sports Goods Co., Ltd, LOTTO Sports Goods Co., Ltd, Li Ning Sports (Tianjin) Co., Ltd etc.Other subsidiaries including Li Ning Sports (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd,Li Ning Sports Technology Development (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd, Li Ning Sports USA, Inc,Li Ning Sports Singapore Pte Ltd, Guangdong Yueao Sports Development Co., Ltd, Foshan Li Ning Gymnastics School Services Co., Ltd, other brands and sales companies as well as newly established companies refer to the rules.Article 2 Purpose of Performance Management2.1Performance goals breakdown: Based on performance management system, breakdown the company’s strategic goals and annual operational goals at different levels in order to ensure that the goals for departments and individual employees support company goals effectively;2.2Performance results improvement: Carry out performance goals setting,performance process guiding, performance appraisal and feedback performance management system to ensure the continuous improvement of the performance of individual employees and teams;2.3Building a communication platform: Performance management delivers a completeand easy-to-use management tool for the communication between management members and employees in terms of goals setting, work performance and future development, encouraging the timely communication between them during the assessment cycle;2.4Create performance-oriented culture: Through performance goals-orientedperformance assessment, conduct an objective assessment of employees’ performance, grant rewards or impose punishment, raise the initiatives of employees, and intensify the culture characterized by excellent performance;2.5Upgrading performance-related abilities: Through developing and implementingIndividual Development Plan (IDP) based on the leadership competency model and professional level, improve the abilities of all employees step by step, facilitate the realization of performance goals and help identify excellent employees.Article 3 Performance Management Principles3.1Set sensible goals: In the process of breaking strategic goals down intoperformance goals of individual employees, take into account the longitudinal conformity and latitudinal synergies, identify clear focuses and set sensible goals.3.2Recommend positive encourage: Performance management encourages employees tokeep breaking established goals and their own abilities, inspires them to achieve excellent performance, and gives full affirmation and rewards to those excellent performers;3.3Differentiate performance levels: Through the whole-process management of theall performance all indicators, set performance assessment criteria tailored for Li Ning’s manageme nt conditions to differentiate different levels of performance and reflect different levels of performance results and rewards;Chapter 2 All-round Performance Management System andDuties DivisionArticle 4 All-round Performance Management SystemAll-round performance management consists of two parts: all-indicators management and whole-process management, including performance, abilities and individual development, being a cyclic management from goals setting, process guiding to assessment and feedback.Article 5 All-round performance —— All indicators management5.1 All-indicator performance management comprises performance management system, which takes KPI as the core, and ability development, which takes leadership/professional skill as the core. It involves performance results and the ability needed to achieve the expected performance results.上图中文字:全指标管理:All-indicator management 愿景:Vision业绩导向:Performance Orientation 能力导向:Ability orientation战略目标:Strategy goals 价值观:Value部门目标:Department goals 资质模型:Competency model个人关键业绩指标:Individual key performance indicator能力潜力评估:Ability potential assessment个人发展计划:Individual Development Plan(IDP)5.2Performance management which takes KPI as the core:5.2.1 Key Performance Indicator(KPI): It is a management indicator tomeasure the performance of an employee in a performance cycle, beingthe basis of the company’s performance management system.Thesetting of KPI helps drive the implementation of company strategyand guide the direction of employees working.5.2.2 Key Development Indicator (KDI): It is an indicator set for managementmembers of department managers or above, in order to draw theattention of managers to the team building and employees development.Through the purposeful introduction, coaching and guiding foremployees, help them achieve their performance goals.5.2.3 Observation indicators: For the supervision and risk control of somebusiness results, we just assess the observation indicators and theresults are not included into the final assessment results.Observation indicators include company observation indicators andindividual observation indicators.Company observation indicators: Depending on the company focuses at a certain stage, choose the corresponding indicators fortarget employees to observe and the target employees are identifiedby the company.Individual observation indicators: Depending on the focuses at the current stage, the examiner and the examinee discuss and set theindividual observation indicators in order to carry out and monitorthe execution of the indicators.5.3 Capability assessment management: Performance management does not only focus on the performance, but also on capability to achieve continuous excellent performance and competency behaviors. With the leadership competency models and professional skill as the core, train all employees to develop, assess and give feedback to their competencies and qualities in a planned way to raise their competencies step by step and guarantee the sustainable competitiveness of the company. Capability assessment management includes capability assessment based on leadership competency models and professional skill and development-based potential assessment. In particular,5.3.1Leadership assessment and development: Leadership competency acts asthe important basis for leadership development. The companyhighlights the concept of “every employee in Li Ning is a leader”.The leadership assessment, based on “Li Ning leadership competencymodel”, includes four parts: leading self, leading business, leadingteams and leading others (see Attachment 1).Review, assess, train andfollow-up the employees’ lea dership competency behaviors on aregular basis. See training materials for details.5.3.2 Professional skill assessment and development: Professional skillsdiffer depending on the different positions/tasks, reflecting theprofessional skills needed for an employee to do his work. Review,assess, train and follow-up the professional eligibility of anemployees on a regular basis to improve their efficiencies andachievements. See Notes on Professional Skills and PositionsDescription for the requirements on Professional skills.5.3.3 Potential assessment: Potential reflects the possibility of anemployee to develop higher or toward other areas in the future. Byassessing an employee’s potential, observe his or her space forfuture development and growth as the reference for personnelpreparation and promotion. For details, see Attachment 2:Top 10Factors for Evaluating Leadership Potential in Li Ning5.3.4Individual development plan (IDP): Based on an employee’s performance,leadership, results of professional skills assessment, as well as hisor her knowledge and experience, work out an IDP for the next yeartaking into account work plan and individual’s career developmentneeds.(See Attachment 3).Article 6 All-round Performance - Whole-process ManagementWhole-process management refers to the cyclical whole-process management from performance indicators setting, process follow-up coaching and rewards and punishment after assessment. In particular,6.1Indicator setting: It includes performance goals setting, ability goalssetting, working out of individual development plans, and reaching an agreement on goals setting;6.2 Follow-up coaching: It includes regular review of performance goalsexecution and employees coaching, giving support and coaching to solve the problems, and ensuring the correct work direction and timely resolution of problems;6.3 Rewards and punishments: This includes performance review, assessment,communication as well as the implementation of rewards and punishment.上图文字:全过程管理:Whole-process management指标设定:Indicators setting 业绩目标:Performance goals能力目标:Ability goals 个人发展计划:Individual development plan目标设定沟通:Communication for goals setting评估奖惩:Rewards and punishment after assessment绩效总结:Performance review 绩效评估:Performance assessment绩效沟通:Performance communication 绩效结果应用:Application of performance results跟踪辅导:Follow-up coaching期中回顾:Midterm review 辅导跟进:Coaching and follow onArticle 7 Duties Division7.1Examiner –responsible for setting, managing and evaluating employeeperformance goals, in particular:7.1.1Set performance and ability goals and individual development plantogether with employees: Based on the company’s strategic goals andwork focuses, break down and work out the performance goals of eachbusiness unit and subordinate employees; communicate the goals withemployees and reach an agreement with the setting of performance goals;7.1.2Coach employees to accomplish goals and feedback: Assist and coachemployees to implement the performance goals; help employees upgradeabilities and accomplish performance goals and achieve individualdevelopment;7.1.3Conduct performance assessment and feedback: Depending on performancecycle, perform an interview with employees and conduct assessment, andgive the real and objective feedback to employees. Affirm theexcellent performance behaviors of employees, coach them in theaspects needing improvement and propose clear and specificrequirements, work out an improvement plan together with individualemployees.7.1.4Rewards and punishments: According to the performance assessmentresults, a supervisor puts forward the opinions on the rewards andpunishments with individual employees and communicates the informationto them.7.1.5Identify the key direction for the next stage: supervisors andemployees together discuss the direction, focuses and goals for thenext stage; the supervisors motivate the subordinates to be willingand able to achieve the goals, and provide necessary resources support.7.2 Examinee –the object of performance management which undertakes thefollowing duties:7.2.1Confirm goals: Set, clarify and confirm with the examiner theperformance goals and schedule, while determining ability developmentgoals and individual development plan etc;7.2.2Performance realization: An employee makes efforts to realize thegoals effectively, display commitments and responsibilities inaccordance with company competency behavior criteria. During thisprocess, communicate with the examiner, seek feedback and assistancewith the problems, confirm the results for the current stage and thedirection for the next stage, and ensure the achievements of the finalperformance goals.7.2.3Self assessment and summarization of performance: through theinterview with the examiner or other ways, summarize theimplementation of individual performance, make self assessment of thecurrent performance, review the IDP and propose the points forimprovement in the next stage; seek feedback and get to know theexpectation of the supervisor, and work out an improvement plantogether.Chapter 3 All-round Performance Management –Performance Indicator SettingArticle 8 Breakdown and Setting of Performance GoalsSetting of performance indicators includes Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Key Development Indicators (KDI) and observation indicators. It breaks down the strategic goals of the company level by level and assigns them to each position, representing a process of communication and reaching an agreement between the supervisors and the employees with work goals and considering these work and goals as the basis to evaluate the performance of employees at the end of each stage. The setting of performance goals includes the following:8.1Break the strategic goals of the company down at the level of business unit:in accordance with the annual operation plan of the Group, break its annual goals down at each brand, system and business unit, ensure the support of each business unit to the Group work; when necessary, organize discussion and communication to coordinate the synergies between indicators in all aspects, and form performance contract of head of each business unit;8.2 Goals of each business unit is broken down at the level of departments: Headof each business unit communicates with Dept managers and break down the annual goals of the business unit at each department to ensure the support of departments to the work of their business unit; coordinate the synergies between departments, and form performance contract of department managers;8.3 Break down the departmental goals at the level of employees: Based on thekey tasks and positions of each department, department manager or designated examiner, together with employees, determine the performance goals and completion criteria, form Employees’ Key Performance Indicators;8.4Setting of Key Development Indicators: They are set by the company based onthe development focuses of the company at each stage and the actual situation of each business unit;8.5Setting of observation indicators: Based on the focuses at each stage, taskswhich need the attention of the examinees can be set as observation indicators. Observation indicators can be divided into company level, whichis set forth by the company, and individual level, which is set forth by examiner and examinee after discussion.Article 9 Contents of Key Performance IndicatorsKey performance indicators include indicator type, indicator, weight, target value assessment method, examiner and name of examiner. Please refer to Attachment 4 for KPI Template.9.1Indicators: Key indicators which are determined by examiner and examineethrough discussion and reflect the current focuses. They can be result indicators (directly reflecting the business results of the company, departments and individuals and their performance and showing the success or failure in a straight way); or process indicators (reflecting the actions taken to achieve the result indicators, or the examination items during the process) on which an examinee may have impact;9.2Weight: Determine the weight of each indicator based on the current focusesand the sum of each weight should be 100%;9.3 Target value: goals to be attained according to the indicators at currentstage. Performance examination goals should be explicit, specific and measurable, i.e., specify the work quantity and quality and specific requirements;9.4 Assessment methods: They are methods to calculate or evaluate the score ofeach indicator. Usually there are formula for calculating quantitative indicators and result indicators;9.5 Examiner: It is divided into first examiner (usually immediate supervisors)and second examiner depending on work requirements and subordination;9.6 Name of examiner: Name of the first examiner/second examiner;Article 10 Principles for Setting Key Performance Indicators10.1 SMART principle: Setting performance indicators shall follow the principleof SMART:Specific: Performance goals shall specify the work contents andassessment ways;Measurable: Performance goals shall be measurable through objectivecalculation or subjective assessment, and the cost, time,investigation/calculation difficulties shall be in a controllable range(to avoid select indicators hard to achieve or needing overly high cost);Attainable: Performance goals shall be controllable within the work scopeof the examinee, and attainable through making necessary efforts;Relevant: Performance goals shall be highly relevant to the work of theexaminees;Time bound: Performance goals shall have specific time limit, i.e., theremust be specific results in a specified period, normally the examinationcycle. Alternatively, considering the characteristics of positions setthe more detailed time frame within the examination cycle.10.2 Timely renewal: Performance goals shall be changeable. They shall beadjusted in a timely way when any change of work focuses in the company or departments in a performance cycle takes place;10.3 Principle of longitudinal support: When breaking down the goals at thelevels of business units, departments and employees, pay attention to the longitudinal support of the subordinate to the upper-level unit to guarantee the realization of strategic goals of the company and the support of individual goals to company goals;10.4 Principle of latitudinal coordination: Breakdown of indicators shall alsotake into account the latitudinal coordination between systems and departments. Communication meeting shall be organized and held to determine the core indicators of each department to guarantee the latitudinal coordination and collaboration.10.5 Principle of keeping certain weight: The weight of a single indicator shallnot be lower than 5% and number of indicators shall not be more than 10 to maintain the attention of examinee to each indicator.Article 11 Setting of Ability AssessmentBased on the company’s leadership, professional level and potential, and taking into account the current focuses and the abilities of the examinee, select the corresponding items of abilities needed for individual positions of employees. In particular:11.1 Leadership setting: Leadership competency is the important basis for thecompany to develop leadership and it is set according to Band which anexaminee belongs to;11.2 Setting professional level: Professional level reflects the professionalskills needed for an employee to do his or her job. It is set according to the position which an employee takes;11.3 Potential assessment: Potential reflects the possibilities of an employeedeveloping towards higher level or other directions. It is set in Top 10 Factors for Evaluating Leadership Potential in Li Ning.For specification to fill in, please refer to other relevant regulation. Article 12 Setting of Individual Development PlanIndividual Development Plan is filled in by taking into account work requirements, employee’s current ability and willingness for individual development. It is drafted by the examinee. When interviewing an examinee, the examiner coaches the examinee, providing ability assessment opinions and development suggestions. For specification to fill in, please refer to other relevant regulation.Chapter 4 All-round Performance Management-Process Coaching and CommunicationArticle 13 Purpose of Performance Process Coaching and Communication Process coaching and communication refers to look for solutions through tracking the completion of performance goals, following up progress and finding difficulties and problems. It supports and coaches the examinee and integrates resources in order to ensure the correct work direction and finishing work within the time limit.。
编号关键绩效指标,KPI, 权重 KPI定义/公式考核标准信息来源考核主体考核周期
人力资源部产量系数=当月实际产量/,产量系,全年目标产量/12, 财务部、生
产1 产量系数×成本系数 20% 数,, 月度成本系数=1 +,目标成本-部财务部,成本实际成本,/目标成本系数,
主动性、响应时间、解决问参见《云天化股份有限公司内部网上评有业务协作2 周边绩效 15% 题时间、信息反馈及时性、月度绩效考核管理制度》分关系的部门服务质量
目标值80%~每减少1个百满意次数/总抽查次数×3 接待对象的满意度 20% 分点扣1分,每增加1个百客户调查表分管领导年度 100% 分点~加1分。
目标值90%~每减少1个百满意次数/总抽查次数×4 翻译工作的及时性 15% 分点扣1分,每增加1个百客户调查表分管领导年度 100% 分点~加1分。
目标值90%~每减少1个百满意次数/总抽查次数×5 口译、笔译的准确性 30% 分点扣1分,每增加1个百客户调查表分管领导年度 100% 分点~加1分。
6 7 二、加扣项考核指标
编号基础绩效指标,CPI, CPI定义/公式考核标准信息来源考核主体考核周期 1 2 3 4 5 6。
XX绩效考核方案XX Performance Assessment Plan一、考核实施目的The assessment objective1.作为员工薪资调整、绩效奖金发放、职务调整的依据。
As the basis of employees’ salary adjustment, performance bonus, position adjustment 2.有效增加员工之间的合作精神,对员工全面的工作进行客观了解和公正评价。
Increase the team spirit between the employees ; know and evaluate employees’ job effectively3.帮助员工改进工作方式,提高工作绩效。
Help employee improve the work way and work efficiency二、适用范围Scope of application公司所有高级经理级及以下员工。
All the senior managers and employees三、考核频率Assessment frequency1.季度考核,对当季度的工作表现进行考核,考核实施时间为下月的1~5日,遇节假日顺延。
Quarter assessment, assess the work performance in the quarter, the assessment date is September 1-5 and will be put off if it is holiday.四、考核内容Assessment content1.工作业绩work achievement2.工作能力work ability3.工作态度work attitude4.合作配合work cooperation5.自我提升self-improvement以上为基本考核内容,具体详情另见考核附件Above is the basic assessment content, the details is as the follow ’s assessment attachment五、评分对照Score compare考核分数对照表Assessment score form六、考核实施Assessment carrying out1.考核实施及考核对象配比Assessment carrying out and object matching备注:总部各部门负责人由CEO直接考核。
指标编 号
信息来源考核目的1 Nhomakorabea资料翻译质量
4. 翻译质量跟踪评价4.1依据审译人员对译员所翻译文章的错误类型和数量,对译文停止质量跟踪评价;4.2 翻译的错误类型有以下8种〔详细的描画见附件1〕:〔1〕翻译内容错误;〔2〕技术术语运用不准确;〔3〕技术术语运用前后不分歧;〔4〕翻译内容遗漏;〔5〕语法错误;〔6〕词句不迟滞;〔7〕表达不当;〔8〕其他方面。
4.3 错误率的计算赋予每种错误类型一定的系数,各种类型错误数量乘以对应系数后相加,再除以被审核译文字数,即为该译文的错误率,详细公式如下:译员错误率=∑〔错误数量*系数〕/被审字数审译错误率=〔漏审数量+错审数量〕/被审字数4.4 审译人员对译文审核终了,填写翻译水平全体评价表〔见附件2〕,并将审译稿交回各组组长,由组长担任统计并填写翻译质量评价表〔见附件3〕,并布置译员依据审核结果对译文停止修正后提交。
5.考核5.1依据译员翻译的文字数量和错误率,对译员停止考核;5.2 翻译组员工的工资组成:工资总数=基础工资+福利+提成基础工资依据员工的任务才干和任务业绩评定〔详细方法另定〕,福利按公司一致规范执行;5.3译员每翻译1000字的规范提成为20元,依据错误率的上下停止调整,详细比率和提成规范见附件4;5.4排版人员每排版1000字的规范提成为5元,图表翻译规范提成为每个图表5元。
协助工场长与其他员工的 沟通 会议翻译质量 资料收集质量 资料翻译质量 技术科工程图管理质量 技术科质量档案管理质量 领导交办的其他工作 工作态度
会议翻译是否准确达意,所有与会人员理解没有偏差 资料收集是否完整,是否能够高质量满足领导要求 资料翻译是否准确达意,是否能够保证阅读者较高的满意度 保管工作是否做到完整,合理分类,查阅方便 保管工作是否做到完整,合理分类,查阅方便 是否能够及时、按质完成领导交办的其他工作 责任心、主动性、纪律性、团队协作意识
差 一般 好
பைடு நூலகம்
优秀 权重 加权得分
0-60 61-80 81-100 101-120
1. 确定团队成员。
2. 制定翻译流程。
3. 建立术语库。
4. 强化团队培训。
5. 建立反馈机制。
1. 制定严格的质量控制标准,确保翻译质量符合公司要求。
2. 定期对团队成员进行绩效考核,激励优秀成员,对表现不佳的成员进行及时的培训和辅导。
3. 确保团队成员的工作环境和工具设施完善,提高工作效率和质量。
E n g l i s h绩效考核管理规定Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】L i N i n g C o.,L t d Performance AssessmentManagement SystemRevised in Dec.,2010Table of ContentsChapter 1 General ProvisionsArticle 1 Scope of ApplicationThis performance assessment management system applies to all employees of Li Ning’s holding companies and joint stock companies in Mainland China, including Li Ning (China) Sports Goods Co., Ltd, Li Ning Sports (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, ,Li Ning Sports Goods Commerce (Beijing) Co., Ltd, Shanghai Yueao Sports Goods Co., Ltd, Shanghai Yidong Sports Development Co., Ltd, Shanghai Z-DO Sports Goods Co., Ltd, LOTTO Sports Goods Co., Ltd, Li Ning Sports (Tianjin) Co., Ltd etc.Other subsidiaries including Li Ning Sports (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd,Li Ning Sports Technology Development (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd, Li Ning Sports USA, Inc,Li Ning Sports Singapore Pte Ltd, Guangdong Yueao Sports Development Co., Ltd, Foshan Li Ning Gymnastics School Services Co., Ltd, other brands and sales companies as well as newly established companies refer to the rules.Article 2 Purpose of Performance Management2.1Performance goals breakdown: Based on performance managementsystem, break down the company’s strategic goals and annual operational goals at different levels in order to ensure that the goals for departments and individual employees support company goals effectively;2.2Performance results improvement: Carry out performance goalssetting, performance process guiding, performance appraisal and feedback performance management system to ensure the continuous improvement of the performance of individual employees and teams;2.3Building a communication platform: Performance managementdelivers a complete and easy-to-use management tool for the communication between management members and employees in terms of goals setting, work performance and future development, encouraging the timely communication between them during the assessment cycle;2.4Create performance-oriented culture: Through performance goals-oriented performance assessment, conduct an objective assessment of employees’ performance, grant rewards or impose punishment, raise the initiatives of employees, and intensify the culture characterized by excellent performance;2.5Upgrading performance-related abilities: Through developing andimplementing Individual Development Plan (IDP) based on the leadership competency model and professional level, improve the abilities of all employees step by step, facilitate the realization of performance goals and help identify excellent employees.Article 3 Performance Management Principles3.1Set sensible goals: In the process of breaking strategic goalsdown into performance goals of individual employees, take into account the longitudinal conformity and latitudinal synergies, identify clear focuses and set sensible goals.3.2Recommend positive encourage: Performance management encouragesemployees to keep breaking established goals and their own abilities, inspires them to achieve excellent performance, and gives full affirmation and rewards to those excellent performers;3.3Differentiate performance levels: Through the whole-processmanagement of the all performance all indicators, set performance assessment criteria tailored for Li Ning’s management conditions to differentiate different levels of performance and reflect different levels of performance results and rewards;Chapter 2 All-round Performance Management System and Duties Division Article 4 All-round Performance Management SystemAll-round performance management consists of two parts: all-indicators management and whole-process management, including performance, abilities and individual development, being a cyclic management from goals setting, process guiding to assessment and feedback.Article 5 All-round performance —— All indicators management5.1 All-indicator performance management comprises performance management system, which takes KPI as the core, and ability development, which takes leadership/professional skill as the core. It involves performance results and the ability needed to achieve the expected performance results.上图中文字:全指标管理:All-indicator management 愿景:Vision业绩导向:Performance Orientation 能力导向:Ability orientation战略目标:Strategy goals 价值观:Value部门目标:Department goals 资质模型:Competency model个人关键业绩指标:Individual key performance indicator能力潜力评估:Ability potential assessment个人发展计划:Individual Development Plan(IDP)5.2Performance management which takes KPI as the core:5.2.1 Key Performance Indicator(KPI): It is a managementindicator to measure the performance of an employee in aperformance cycle, being the basis of the company’sperformance management system. The setting of KPI helpsdrive the implementation of company strategy and guidethe direction of employees working.5.2.2 Key Development Indicator (KDI): It is an indicator setfor management members of department managers or above, inorder to draw the attention of managers to the teambuilding and employees development. Through the purposefulintroduction, coaching and guiding for employees, helpthem achieve their performance goals.5.2.3 Observation indicators: For the supervision and riskcontrol of some business results, we just assess theobservation indicators and the results are not includedinto the final assessment results. Observation indicatorsinclude company observation indicators and individualobservation indicators.Company observation indicators: Depending on the company focuses at a certain stage, choose thecorresponding indicators for target employees to observeand the target employees are identified by the company.Individual observation indicators: Depending on the focuses at the current stage, the examiner and theexaminee discuss and set the individual observationindicators in order to carry out and monitor the executionof the indicators.5.3 Capability assessment management: Performance management doesnot only focus on the performance, but also on capability to achieve continuous excellent performance and competency behaviors. With the leadership competency models and professional skill as the core, train all employees to develop, assess and give feedback to their competencies and qualities in a planned way to raise their competencies step by step and guarantee the sustainable competitiveness of the company. Capability assessment management includes capability assessment based on leadership competency models and professional skill and development-based potential assessment. In particular,5.3.1Leadership assessment and development: Leadershipcompetency acts as the important basis for leadershipdevelopment. The company highlights the concept of “everyemployee in Li Ning is a leader”. The leadershipassessment, based on “Li Ning leadership competencymodel”, includes four parts:leading self, leadingbusiness, leading teams and leading others (see Attachment1).Review, assess, train and follow-up the employees’leadership competency behaviors on a regular basis. Seetraining materials for details.5.3.2 Professional skill assessment and development:Professional skills differ depending on the differentpositions/tasks, reflecting the professional skills neededfor an employee to do his work. Review, assess, train andfollow-up the professional eligibility of an employees ona regular basis to improve their efficiencies andachievements. See Notes on Professional Skills andPositions Description for the requirements on Professionalskills.5.3.3 Potential assessment: Potential reflects the possibilityof an employee to develop higher or toward other areas inthe future. By assessing an employee’s potential, observehis or her space for future development and growth as thereference for personnel preparation and promotion. Fordetails, see Attachment 2:Top 10 Factors for EvaluatingLeadership Potential in Li Ning5.3.4Individual development plan (IDP): Based on an employee’sperformance, leadership, results of professional skillsassessment, as well as his or her knowledge and experience,work out an IDP for the next year taking into account workplan and individual’s career development needs.(SeeAttachment 3).Article 6 All-round Performance - Whole-process Management Whole-process management refers to the cyclical whole-process management from performance indicators setting, process follow-up coaching and rewards and punishment after assessment. In particular,6.1Indicator setting: It includes performance goals setting,ability goals setting, working out of individual development plans, and reaching an agreement on goals setting;6.2 Follow-up coaching: It includes regular review of performancegoals execution and employees coaching, giving support and coaching to solve the problems, and ensuring the correct work direction and timely resolution of problems;6.3 Rewards and punishments: This includes performance review,assessment, communication as well as the implementation of rewardsand punishment.上图文字:全过程管理:Whole-process management指标设定:Indicators setting 业绩目标:Performance goals能力目标:Ability goals 个人发展计划:Individual development plan目标设定沟通:Communication for goals setting评估奖惩:Rewards and punishment after assessment绩效总结:Performance review 绩效评估:Performance assessment绩效沟通:Performance communication 绩效结果应用:Application of performance results跟踪辅导:Follow-up coaching期中回顾:Midterm review 辅导跟进:Coaching and follow onArticle 7 Duties Division7.1Examiner –responsible for setting, managing and evaluatingemployee performance goals, in particular:7.1.1Set performance and ability goals and individualdevelopment plan together with employees: Based on thecompany’s strategic goals and work focuses, break down andwork out the performance goals of each business unit andsubordinate employees; communicate the goals with employeesand reach an agreement with the setting of performancegoals;7.1.2Coach employees to accomplish goals and feedback: Assistand coach employees to implement the performance goals;help employees upgrade abilities and accomplish performancegoals and achieve individual development;7.1.3Conduct performance assessment and feedback: Depending onperformance cycle, perform an interview with employees andconduct assessment, and give the real and objectivefeedback to employees. Affirm the excellent performancebehaviors of employees, coach them in the aspects needingimprovement and propose clear and specific requirements,work out an improvement plan together with individualemployees.7.1.4Rewards and punishments: According to the performanceassessment results, a supervisor puts forward the opinionson the rewards and punishments with individual employeesand communicates the information to them.7.1.5Identify the key direction for the next stage: supervisorsand employees together discuss the direction, focuses andgoals for the next stage; the supervisors motivate thesubordinates to be willing and able to achieve the goals,and provide necessary resources support.7.2 Examinee –the object of performance management whichundertakes the following duties:7.2.1Confirm goals: Set, clarify and confirm with the examinerthe performance goals and schedule, while determiningability development goals and individual development planetc;7.2.2Performance realization: An employee makes efforts torealize the goals effectively, display commitments andresponsibilities in accordance with company competencybehavior criteria. During this process, communicate withthe examiner, seek feedback and assistance with the problems, confirm the results for the current stage and the direction for the next stage, and ensure the achievements of the final performance goals.7.2.3Self assessment and summarization of performance: throughthe interview with the examiner or other ways, summarize the implementation of individual performance, make self assessment of the current performance, review the IDP and propose the points for improvement in the next stage; seek feedback and get to know the expectation of the supervisor, and work out an improvement plan together.Chapter 3 All-round Performance Management –Performance Indicator SettingArticle 8 Breakdown and Setting of Performance GoalsSetting of performance indicators includes Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Key Development Indicators (KDI) and observation indicators. It breaks down the strategic goals of the company level by level and assigns them to each position, representing a process of communication and reaching an agreement between the supervisors and the employees with work goals and considering these work and goals as the basis to evaluate the performance of employees at the end of each stage. The setting of performance goals includes the following:8.1Break the strategic goals of the company down at the level ofbusiness unit: in accordance with the annual operation plan of the Group, break its annual goals down at each brand, system and business unit, ensure the support of each business unit to the Group work; when necessary, organize discussion and communication to coordinate the synergies between indicators in all aspects, and form performance contract of head of each business unit;8.2 Goals of each business unit is broken down at the level ofdepartments: Head of each business unit communicates with Dept managers and break down the annual goals of the business unit at each department to ensure the support of departments to the work of their business unit; coordinate the synergies between departments, and form performance contract of department managers;8.3 Break down the departmental goals at the level of employees:Based on the key tasks and positions of each department, department manager or designated examiner, together with employees, determine the performance goals and completion criteria, form Employees’ Key Performance Indicators;8.4Setting of Key Development Indicators: They are set by thecompany based on the development focuses of the company at each stage and the actual situation of each business unit;8.5Setting of observation indicators: Based on the focuses at eachstage, tasks which need the attention of the examinees can be set as observation indicators. Observation indicators can be divided into company level, which is set forth by the company, and individual level, which is set forth by examiner and examinee after discussion.Article 9 Contents of Key Performance IndicatorsKey performance indicators include indicator type, indicator, weight, target value assessment method, examiner and name of examiner. Please refer to Attachment 4 for KPI Template.9.1Indicators: Key indicators which are determined by examiner andexaminee through discussion and reflect the current focuses.They can be result indicators (directly reflecting the business results of the company, departments and individuals and their performance and showing the success or failure in a straight way); or process indicators (reflecting the actions taken to achieve the result indicators, or the examination items during the process) on which an examinee may have impact;9.2Weight: Determine the weight of each indicator based on thecurrent focuses and the sum of each weight should be 100%;9.3 Target value: goals to be attained according to the indicatorsat current stage. Performance examination goals should be explicit, specific and measurable, i.e., specify the work quantity and quality and specific requirements;9.4 Assessment methods: They are methods to calculate or evaluatethe score of each indicator. Usually there are formula for calculating quantitative indicators and result indicators;9.5 Examiner: It is divided into first examiner (usually immediatesupervisors) and second examiner depending on work requirements and subordination;9.6 Name of examiner: Name of the first examiner/second examiner; Article 10 Principles for Setting Key Performance Indicators10.1 SMART principle: Setting performance indicators shall followthe principle of SMART:Specific: Performance goals shall specify the work contentsand assessment ways;Measurable: Performance goals shall be measurable throughobjective calculation or subjective assessment, and the cost,time, investigation/calculation difficulties shall be in acontrollable range (to avoid select indicators hard toachieve or needing overly high cost);Attainable: Performance goals shall be controllable withinthe work scope of the examinee, and attainable through makingnecessary efforts;Relevant: Performance goals shall be highly relevant to thework of the examinees;Time bound: Performance goals shall have specific time limit,i.e., there must be specific results in a specified period,normally the examination cycle. Alternatively, consideringthe characteristics of positions set the more detailed timeframe within the examination cycle.10.2 Timely renewal: Performance goals shall be changeable. Theyshall be adjusted in a timely way when any change of work focuses in the company or departments in a performance cycle takes place;10.3 Principle of longitudinal support: When breaking down the goalsat the levels of business units, departments and employees, pay attention to the longitudinal support of the subordinate to the upper-level unit to guarantee the realization of strategic goals of the company and the support of individual goals to company goals;10.4 Principle of latitudinal coordination: Breakdown of indicatorsshall also take into account the latitudinal coordination between systems and departments. Communication meeting shall be organized and held to determine the core indicators of each department to guarantee the latitudinal coordination and collaboration.10.5 Principle of keeping certain weight: The weight of a singleindicator shall not be lower than 5% and number of indicators shall not be more than 10 to maintain the attention of examinee to each indicator.Article 11 Setting of Ability AssessmentBased on the company’s leadership, professional level andpotential, and taking into account the current focuses and the abilities of the examinee, select the corresponding items of abilities needed for individual positions of employees. In particular:11.1 Leadership setting: Leadership competency is the importantbasis for the company to develop leadership and it is set according to Band which an examinee belongs to;11.2 Setting professional level: Professional level reflects theprofessional skills needed for an employee to do his or her job.It is set according to the position which an employee takes;11.3 Potential assessment: Potential reflects the possibilities ofan employee developing towards higher level or other directions.It is set in Top 10 Factors for Evaluating Leadership Potential in Li Ning.For specification to fill in, please refer to other relevant regulation.Article 12 Setting of Individual Development PlanIndividual Development Plan is filled in by taking into account work requirements, employee’s current ability and willingness for individual development. It is drafted by the examinee. When interviewing an examinee, the examiner coaches the examinee, providing ability assessment opinions and development suggestions.For specification to fill in, please refer to other relevant regulation.Chapter 4 All-round Performance Management-Process Coaching and CommunicationArticle 13 Purpose of Performance Process Coaching and Communication Process coaching and communication refers to look for solutions through tracking the completion of performance goals, following up progress and finding difficulties and problems. It supports and coaches the examinee and integrates resources in order to ensure the correct work direction and finishing work within the time limit.。
3.翻译人员构成和业务流程3.1翻译人员构成翻译部门人员由审译、排版、小组长和译员构成;3.2翻译业务流程(1)原文通过J北京软件自动翻译全文,由各小组内部分工修改;(2)小组内部应组织互审,组长负责组内审译,然后将译文交给审译人员审译;(3)排版组负责修改图表,创建FM BOOK,图表由各组长负责审译;(4)每周五停止翻译,组织讨论本周翻译内容,有新词或分歧进行列表汇总,对翻译进度和存在的问题予以说明并形成报告,提交翻译组负责人、公司领导和日本瑞萨相关人员。
4. 翻译质量跟踪评估4.1根据审译人员对译员所翻译文章的错误类型和数量,对译文进行质量跟踪评估;4.2 翻译的错误类型有以下8种(具体的描述见附件1):(1)翻译内容错误;(2)技术术语应用不准确;(3)技术术语应用前后不一致;(4)翻译内容遗漏;(5)语法错误;(6)词句不通畅;(7)表达不当;(8)其他方面。
4.3 错误率的计算赋予每种错误类型一定的系数,各种类型错误数量乘以对应系数后相加,再除以被审核译文字数,即为该译文的错误率,具体公式如下:译员错误率=∑(错误数量*系数)/被审字数审译错误率=(漏审数量+错审数量)/被审字数4.4 审译人员对译文审核完毕,填写翻译水平整体评估表(见附件2),并将审译稿交回各组组长,由组长负责统计并填写翻译质量评估表(见附件3),并安排译员根据审核结果对译文进行修改后提交。
5.考核5.1根据译员翻译的文字数量和错误率,对译员进行考核;西安瑞微系统技术有限公司5.2 翻译组员工的工资组成:工资总数=基础工资+福利+提成基础工资根据员工的工作能力和工作业绩评定(具体办法另定),福利按公司统一标准执行;5.3译员每翻译1000字的标准提成为20元,根据错误率的高低进行调整,具体比率和提成标准见附件4;5.4排版人员每排版1000字的标准提成为5元,图表翻译标准提成为每个图表5元。
长岩利比亚分公司Walid项目部 2011年1月10日1。
N2= 及时完成的工作项数
N1=翻译总项数Biblioteka 统计结果工作成品千字出错率
N2= 及时完成的工作项数
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翻译组绩效考核暂行办法(doc 7页)
部门: xxx
时间: xxx
(3)排版组负责修改图表,创建FM BOOK,图表由各组长负责审译;(4)每周五停止翻译,组织讨论本周翻译内容,有新词或分歧进行列表汇总,对翻译进度和存在的问题予以说明并形成报告,提交翻译组负责人、公司领导和日本瑞萨相关人员。
4. 翻译质量跟踪评估
4.2 翻译的错误类型有以下8种(具体的描述见附件1):
4.3 错误率的计算
4.4 审译人员对译文审核完毕,填写翻译水平整体评估表(见附件2),并将审译稿交回各组组长,由组长负责统计并填写翻译质量评估表(见附件3),并安排译员根据审核结果对译文进行修改后提交。
5.2 翻译组员工的工资组成:
5.6 员工连续3个月的翻译量达到10万字/月以上,并且错误率均低于 1.5‰,则基础工资增加200元;连续3个月的错误率均高于5‰,则基础工资减少200元;
译员翻译错误率R = ∑(各类型错误*比例系数)/ 被审字数