
专业英语试题一、词语翻译1.Electromagnetic induction 电磁感应2.Broadcasting 广播3.发射机Transmitter4.Encoder 编码器5.光电阴极Photocathode6.像素Pixel7.Harmonic structure 谐波结构8.多路器Mutiplexer9.电离层Ionosphere10.Deterministic 确定的11.功率谱密度power clensity spectrum12.信噪比signal-to-noise ratio13.Demodulation 解调,检波14.Nonlinear 非线性的15.Vacuum-tube 真空(电子)管16.Modulation coefficient 调制系数17.Upper side frequency 上边频18.调制信号modulation signal19.直流电源DC power suply20.Quadrature 正交21.振荡器resonator22.Inversion 倒置23.差分difference24.Cascade 串联,级联25.Deemphasis 去加重1.field-effect 场效应管2.oscilloscope 示波器rmation 信息,消息,情报4.optical fiber 光纤5. signal-to-noise 信噪比6.bandwidth 基带7.vocal tract 声带8.bipolar 双极(线)的9.decoder 解(译)码器10.Fourier series 傅里叶级数11.decibel 分贝12.modulation 调制,调节13.amplifier 放大器,扩音机14. transformer 变压器15.resonator 振荡器16.prescribe 指示,规定17.difference差分,差别18.frequency modulation调频19.frequency divider分频器20.viewpoint 观点21.impurity杂质,混合物22.nanometers纳米23.packaging封装24.very large integration 超大规模集成电路25.digital signal processing数字信号处理26. baseband 基带27.binary二进制编码28.mainframe 主机,大型机29.electronic mail电子邮件30.mobile telephone service移动电话业务二、英译汉1.A serial link is often used to attach a computer to a modem.答案:串口通常用来将计算机和调制解调器连接起来。

1、Which of the following is a type of white blood cell primarily involved in the immune response against viral infections?A. ErythrocytesB. PlateletsC. LymphocytesD. Neutrophils(答案:C)2、The process by which a drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted within the body is known as:A. PharmacodynamicsB. PharmacokineticsC. BioavailabilityD. Drug tolerance(答案:B)3、Which organ is responsible for filtering blood and removing waste products to form urine?A. LiverB. KidneyC. LungD. Heart(答案:B)4、The study of the structure and function of cells is called:A. HistologyB. CytologyC. AnatomyD. Physiology(答案:B)5、Which of the following hormones is released by the pancreas and plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels?A. InsulinB. ThyroxineC. AdrenalineD. Glucagon (Note: correct term is Glucagon-like peptide-1, but for simplicity, 'Glucagon' is used here)(答案:A)6、The medical term used to describe the inflammation of a joint is:A. ArthritisB. CarditisC. NephritisD. Dermatitis(答案:A)7、Which of the following imaging techniques uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of internal body structures?A. X-rayB. CT scanC. UltrasoundD. MRI(答案:C)8、The process of converting food into energy that the body can use is known as:A. DigestionB. MetabolismC. AbsorptionD. Assimilation(答案:B)9、Which vitamin is essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth, and is primarily obtained from sunlight exposure?A. Vitamin AB. Vitamin CC. Vitamin DD. Vitamin K(答案:C)10、The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels is called:A. NeurologyB. CardiologyC. DermatologyD. Gastroenterology(答案:B)。

专业英语9-14单元复习试题及答案一、Translate the following words into English.1. 频谱2. 激光束3. 热核的4. 数字模拟转换器5. 数据库6. 地球外的7. 阻碍8. 兼容性9. 征兆10. 分开11. 数字信号处理器12. 一致13. 基带14. 单色光的15. 卵石二、Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese.1. functional accelerator2. acquisition time3. low pass4. hold time5. anti-aliasing filter6. quantization level7. sampling interval8. full scale range9. dynamic range10. signal-to-noise ratio 11. bus interfaces 12. wireless infrastructure 13. field-programmable14. spectral inversion 15. price/performance ratio 16. under sampling 17. zero order hold18. glue logic 19. power dissipation 20. sample and hold circuit三、Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the list given below.The first essential step in analog-to-digital (A/D) is to sample an analog signal. This step is performed by a sample and hold circuit, which samples at regular intervals called . The length of the sampling interval is the same as the sampling period , and the reciprocal of the is the sampling frequency f s. According to the Nyquist theorem, a signal with a maximum frequency of W Hz (called a band-limited signal) must be at least 2W samples per second to ensure accurate recording. When this minimum is not respected, called aliasing occurs.R ①sampling intervals ②distortion ③conversion ④sampling period ⑤sampled四、Comprehension. choose the best answer according to this passage.Previously in this chapter, we’ve discussed how data elements (characters, fields, and records) c an be organized in files. In file-oriented systems, each file is independent and contains all the information necessary to process the records in that file. In a database, the data is organized in multiple related files. Because these files are related, us er can access data in multiple files at one time. A database management system (DBMS) is the software that allows the user to create, maintain, and report the data and file relationships. By contrast, a file management system is software that allows the user to create, maintain, and access one file at a time.There are problems with traditional data management. Many result from viewing applications independently. For example, consider payroll. Most organizations prepare their payrolls by computer because using a machine instead of a small army of clerks saves money. Thus, the firm develops a payroll program to process a payroll file. Inventory, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and general ledger analysis are similar applications, so the firm develops program, and inventory file, an accounts receivable program, an accounts receivable file, and so on. Each program is independent, and each processes its own independent data file.The solution to these problems is often organizing the data as a single, integrated database.How does the use of a centralized database solve the data redundancy problem? All data are collected and stored in a single place; consequently, there is one and only one copy of any given data element. When the value of an element (an address, for example) changes, the single database copy is corrected. Any program requiring access to this data element gets the same value, because there is only one value.1.In file-oriented systems, each file is independent and contains all the information necessary to processthe in that file.A. elementsB. recordsC. dataD. software2. A database management system (DBMS) is the software that allows the user to create, maintain, and reportthe and file relationships.A. softwareB. elementsC. dataD. records3. The firm develops an inventory program to process .A. data fileB. an accounts receivable fileC. a payroll fileD. an inventory file4.The solution to these problems is .A. changing the programB. using a machine instead of a small army of clerksC. often organizing the data as a single, integrated database.D. having such items in one instead of many locations5. Any program requiring access to this data element gets the same , because there is only onevalue.A. programB. valueC. dataD. copy五、T ell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F) according to the passageHow should you think of the laser? Think of it simply as a tool. One that uses light instead of mechanical energy. And a tool that allows its user to control the form and amount of energy directed at a particular place. The laser can cut through a two-inch-thick sheet of steel or detect a single atom. It can perform a task as dramatic as igniting a thermonuclear fusion reaction or as seemingly mundane as drilling a hole in a baby-bottle nipple.A laser is a device that produces a very special kind of light. Y ou can think of it as a super flashlight. But the beam that comes out of a laser differs from the light that comes out of a flashlight in four basic ways: Laser light is intense. Y et only a few lasers are powerful. That’s not the contradiction you might think.. Intensity is a measure of power per unit area, and even a laser that emits only a few milli-watts can produce a lot of intensity in a beam that’s only a millimeter in diameter.Laser beams are narrow and will not spread out like ordinary light beams. This quality is called directionality.Laser light is coherent. This means that all the light waves coming out of a laser are lined up with each other.Lasers produce light of only one color. Or, to say it in a more technical way, the light is monochromatic. Ordinary light combines all the colors of visible light (i.e., the spectrum). Mixed together, they come out white. Laser beams have been produced in every color of the rainbow (red is the most common laser color), as well as in many kinds of invisible light, but each laser can emit one color and one color only.1. The laser can cut through a two-inch-thick sheet of steel or detect a single atom.()2. The flashlight can perform a task as seemingly mundane as drilling a hole in a baby-bottle nipple.()3. All the light waves coming out of a flashlight are lined up with each other.()4. Laser beams are narrow and will not spread out like ordinary light beams.()5. Ordinary light combines all the colors of visible light . ()六、T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese.1.The low pass filter, called the anti-aliasing filter, removes all frequencies above half the selected sampling rate.2. The A/D converter chooses a quantization level for each analog sample. An N-bit converter chooses among 2N possible quantization levels. The larger the number of levels, the smaller the quantization errors, calculated as the difference between the quantized level and the true sample level.3. Once digital signal processing is complete, digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion must occur. This process begins by converting each digital code into an analog voltage that is proportional in size to the number represented by the code.4. For example, signals whose frequencies are restricted to a narrow band of high frequencies can be sampled ata rate similar to twice the width of the band instead of twice the maximum frequency.5. The images of each frequency f present in a sampled signal appear, through sampling, at the infinite number of frequencies kf s±f Hz.6. After a brief acquisition time, during which a sample is acquired, the sample and hold circuit holds the sample steady for the remainder of the sampling interval. This hold time is needed to allow time for an A/D converter to generate a digital code that best corresponds to the analog sample.答案一、1. spectrum 2. laser beam 3. thermonuclear4.digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion5. database6. extraterrestrialImpediment 8. compatibility 9. Premonition 10. asunder11、digital signal processor 12、Consistency 13. baseband14. Monochromatic 15. Pebble二、1. 性能加速器 2. 采集时间 3. 低通 4. 保持时间 5. 抗混叠滤波器6.量化电平7. 采样间隔8. 满量程范围9. 动态范围10.信噪比二、总线接口12. 无线基础设施13. 现场可编程的14.频谱反转15.性能价格比16. 欠采样17. 零阶保持18. 互联逻辑19. 功率耗散20. 采样保持电路三、 1. ③ 2. ① 3. ④ 4. ⑤ 5. ②四、1. B 2. C 3. D. 4. C 5. B五、1. T 2. F 3. F. 4. T 5. T六、1、(课本P112倒数第二段倒数第二行)2、(课本P113第二段)3、(课本P113倒数第二段)4、(课本P113倒数第一段第五行)5、(课本P113倒数第一段)6、(课本P112倒数第一段)。

计算机专业英语一.选择题、1. A computer system has input, output, (storage) and processing components.2.how data are represented inside a computer system in electronic states called (bits )3.Which is magnetic secondaryst oragedevices?(tape)4.To facilitate an even faster transfer of instructions and data to the processor, most computers are designed with (Cache memory)5. A computer having the hardware and software necessary for it to be connected to a network. The sentence describes (Network Computer)6.With optimal laser disk technology, the read/write head used in magnetic storage is replaced by (two) lasers7.An (SISD) computer carries out one instruction on one datum at a time8.He told me all (As a result), he will have to be away from school for two or three months.9.Would you mind (filling) this form?10.One of the methods (adopted ) is to organize visits to other factories.11.The house (standing ) at the comer of the street was built in 1984.12. A multiprocessor system has (more than one CPU )13.To prevent user programs from interfering with the proper operation of thesystem, the hardware wasmodified to create twomodels: (User mode andmonitor mode )14. A collection ofinterconnected networksis called an (internet)15.Which descriptionis false? (The beauty ofan Intranet lies inplatform dependence)16.In computernetworks, the rules andconventions used in theconversation are knownas (protocol)17.The data modelsdon't include (controlunit models )18.Objected 七asedlogic models are used for(describing data at theconceptual and viewlevels )19.Polymorphismgives objects the abilityto respond to messagesfrom routines when theobject's exact type isn'tknown. In C++ thisability is a result of (latebinding )20.What you saidreminds me (of )something I read a fewdays ago.21.The smog is due toinvisible gases, mostlyfrom automobile exhaust.22.Edison failed(thousands of ) timesbefore he succeeded inproducing the firstelectric lamp.23The “intelligence” of acomputer system is(processor)24.Which is a magneticsecondary storage device?(disk )25.All programs anddata must be transferredto (primary storage )from an input device orfrom secondary storagebefore programs can beexecuted or data can beprocessed26.Three maincategories of optical laserdisks don't include(primary storage)27 An (MISD ) computerwould apply severalinstructions to eachdatum it fetches formmemory2& Which description isfalse? (We can't view anOS as a resourceallocator)29. (parallel OS ) istightly coupled30.The steps that occurbetween the user's clickand the page beingdisplayed don't include(the TCP connectionisn't released )31.The ISO/OSI modehas (seven) layers32.Which description istrue? (Ifs not necessarythat different viewsshould contain differentdata)33 Physical data modelsare used for (describingdata at the lowest level)34.(Multimedia) isencoded at least througha continuous and adiscrete medium35.(Expert system) iss set of programs thatmanipulate encodedknowledge to solveproblems in a specializeddomain that normallyrequires human expertise36 The waveform repeatsthe same shape at regularintervals and this portionis called a (period)37.Processor has onlytwo fundamental sections(the control unit and thearithmetic and logicunit)38.The kids are (boundto) be hungry when theyget home—they alwaysare.39.A11 thecharacteristics thatdistinguish birds (from)other animals can betraced to prehistoric times.40. A computer systemhas (input ), output,storage, and processingcomponents.41.Processor has onlytwo fundamental sections(the control unit and thearithmetic and logicunit)42. A programinstruction or a piece ofdata is stored in a specificprimary storage locationcalled an (address )43. A multiprocessorsystem has (more thanone CPU )44.Input devices don'tinclude (video displays)45.(the World WideWeb)isanarchitecturalframeworkforaccessinglinkeddocuments spread out overthousands of machines allover the Internet46.An (Intranet ) issimply the application ofInternet technologywithin an internal orclosed usergroup47.All Intranet relateddocuments are written in(HTML)48. A small piece ofcode that can betransported over theInternet and executed onthe recipient's machine.The sentence describes(applet)49 He had a large(number) of facts toprove his statements.50.Scientists will haveto come up (with ) newmethods of increasing theworld' s food supply.51.It is impossible tosolve (so difHcultproblem ) in such a shorttime.52.The decision(having been making),the next problem washow to make a good plan.53.( It is not yetknown ) whether robotswill one day have visionas good as human54.(databasemanagement system )allows one or manypersons to use and/ormodify this data55. A data model is acollection of conceptualtool for describing(data,dataelationship,data semantics, dataconstraints)56.record-based logicmodels don't include(Physical data model).57.Which description isfalse? (delta framesdon't recordthe interframe changes)58.How data arerepresented inside acomputer system inelectronic states called(bits)59.Which is magnetic secondaryst oragedevices?(tape)二.写出下列英文拼写的中文意思(每题2分,共20分)1CPU:中央处理器2modem:调制解调器3SIMD:单指令流多数据流4sort:排序,分类5class:类6desktop:桌面7DVD澈字视盘8font:字体1.processor:处理机9bit:位,二进制位lOcache:高速缓存limouse:鼠标12SISD:单指令流单数据流13pixel:像素14bitmap:位图15key board:键盘16input:输入17document:文档18E-mail:电子邮件18instructio n:指令20output:输出21FTP:文件传输协议22MIMD:多指令流多数据流23capacity:容量2.throughput:吞吐量24Ethernet:以太网25disk:硬盘26field:域27item:条目28virtual function:虚拟函数29pointer:指针30cursor:光标31icon:图标32package:包33boot:引导,自举34TCP/IP:传输控制协议/互联网协议35DNS:域名服务36HTTP:超文本传输协议37URL:统一资源定位器三•写出下列中文的正确英文拼写形式键盘:keyboard1只读存储器:ROM2电子邮件:E-Mail3文件:file4光驱:CD-ROM5互联网[Internet6多媒体:multimedia7指令:instruction8随机存取存器:RAM9芯片:chip10人工智能:artificialintelligence11下载:download12防火墙:firewall13机器人robot14万维网WWW15集线器hub16数据data17程序program18协议protocol19操作系统operatingsystem20网络计算机networkcomputer21 专家系统expertsystem22中央处理机CPU23调制解调器modem24超文本传输协议HTTP25(企业)内部网intranet26数据库管理系统DBMS27主关键字key28 工作站workstation四.以下各段叙述是对计算机专业术语的英文解释.从供选择的答案中,选出应填入() 内的正确术语1 (Window managers )It manage the devicesused to exchangeinformation betweenapplications and users2( DBMS ) The softwarethat allows one or manypersons to use and/ormodify this data3( insert ) To ass text ordata to a file whileediting4( Network computer )A computer having thehardware and softwarenecessary for it to beconnected to a network5( E-Mail ) Let you sendmessages to Russia,Japan and so on6( Gateway ) A devicethat connect networksusing differentcommunicationsprotocols so thatinformation can bepassed from one to theother7( multimedia )Combination of media8( hub ) In a network, adevice joiningcommunication lines at acentral location ,providing a commonconnection to all deviceson the network 五•从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下列英语文句中()内的正确答案lln computer networks ,pages that point to otherpages are said to us( hypertext) 2A11Intranet relateddocuments are written in(HTML)3( Interframe )compression uses asystem of key and deltaframes to eliminateredundant informationbetween frames 4Acomputer system hasinput, output ,( storage )andprocessing component5 、C++'sadvantagesincludestrongtyping,( Operato r overloading ),and less emphasis on thepreprocessor 6^ Whenhypertext pages aremixed with other media ,the result is called(hypermedia )7the ( processor ) is"intelligence"of acomputer system8( multimedia ) meansfrom the user'sperspective, thatcomputer information canbe represented throughaudio and/or video, inaddition to text, image,graphics and animation9When hypertext pagesare mixed with othermedia, the result is called( hypermedia ) 六•从供选择的答案中,选出应填入下面叙述中{ }内的最确切的解答,把相应编号写在答卷的对应栏内。

英语语法练习题名词1. This is ___ reading-room.A. the teacher’sB. teacher’sC. teacher’sD. the teachers’首先排除B,因为就像男厕女厕一样,需要使用复数形式来指代同一类人d?2. Nothing was found but ___ broken.A. the room windowB. the room’s windowC. the room of the windowD. the window of room a选择D房间的窗户是the window of the room就像我家的小狗一样,the dog of my home所以感觉D中其实也还是少了一个the我觉得是B,可答案是A,不知道答案有没错,觉得很奇怪开始我也想过是否是A,但是不确定但是B我可以毫无疑问的告诉你,B不对的,因为所有格是针对有生命的东西的,不能说是房间的窗户,但是A中的是可以这么说的,不要所有格是可以的那A也是可以的喽?很多人都回到D就是了恩,是的,A是对的,这里如果仔细考虑像我开始说的D是不对的,因为缺少了一个定冠词the,这是不对的3. How many___ would you like? dA. paperB. breadC. pieces of papersD. pieces of bread Two pieces of paper4. He was praised for his ___.A. braveB. Bravery bC. bravelyD. great brave5. Please get me a new ___ when you go to town. bA. clothesB. dressC. clothingD. trousers6. There are 34___ doctors in the hospital. bA. womanB. womenC. woman’sD. women’swoman doctor 复数一定要用: women doctors 两个都变复数7. Some___ are even thinner than your little finger. cA. bambooB. bamboosC. kinds of bambooD. kinds of bamboos翻译:几根竹子甚至比你的小手指还要细(明显是几根竹子,不是几种竹子) 做确定的竹子的根数讲时不可数; 比如几根竹子,此时不能用复数形式; 做竹子的种类讲时,可数;比如好多种竹子,此时用复数形式; 同样的FISH也是一样, 几条鱼,不可数;几种鱼,可数; fish 当作为鱼肉的时候不可数8. He was born in this town and now he lives in ___. bA. Building secondB. Building TwoC. the Building TwoD. Building the Second如:Lesson Two= the second lesson冠词的一种特殊用法,也就是我们所说的零冠词.例如:提问:which row are you in? 回答:I am in Row Tow.9. Old as he is, he has ___to do every day.A. a lot of workB. much worksC. lots of homeworksD. quite a lot of homeworkswork译为工作时,不可数译为著作时,可数10. Jack’s room is furnished with ___.DA. new furnituresB. many new furnituresC. many new pieces of furnituresD. many new pieces of furniturefurniture是不可数名词只能用以下类似的惯用组合:a set of furniture:一套家具three articles of furniture:三件家具 three pieces of furniture 三件家俱much furniture:很多家具11. Have you read ___newspaper yet? AA. today’sB. Today’sC. the today’sD. your today’s今天的报纸用today's newspaper 是正确的。

汽车专业英语复习题名词翻译:1、活塞环 piston ring2、电控系统electronic control system3、里程表speedometer4、发动机排量engine capacity5、自动变速器automatic transmission6、机油表oil gauge7、方向盘steering wheel8、做功冲程power stroke9、exhaust gas废气10. electric current电流11. high gear高速档12. automobile dealing汽车贸易13. sports car 跑车14. instrument panel仪表板15. accelerator pedal加速踏板16. physical property 物理性能17、电子燃油计量系统electronic fuel metering system18、减速slow down19、刹车蹄brake shoe20、General Motor 通用21、wheel drum 车轮毂22、TDC 上止点23、BDC 下止点翻译(中译英):上海汽车工业总公司已与德国大众和美国通用两大汽车公司建立了合资公司。
The Shanghai Auto Industry Corportion has established joint ventures with German V olkswagen and American General Motors.四冲程发动机—曲柄旋转两圈做功一次。
Four stroke —a power stroke every other revolution of the crank.液体冷却系由水泵、水套、发动机风扇、散热器等组成。
The liquid cooling system consists of water pumps,water jackets,engine fan ,radiator and so on.在仪表板上,我们能看见几个显示发动机运转情况的仪表。

专科考试题库及答案英语一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The correct spelling of the word "environment" is:A. enviromentB. envirnmentC. environmentD. enveronment答案:C2. Which of the following is NOT a verb?A. to runB. to jumpC. to flyD. river答案:D3. Choose the correct preposition to fill in the blank: She is very good at ________ English.A. inB. onC. atD. to答案:C4. The phrase "break a leg" is commonly used to:A. wish someone to have an accidentB. wish someone good luckC. tell someone to stop dancingD. ask someone to leave答案:B5. The past tense of "build" is:A. buildedB. buildC. builtD. building答案:C6. Which of the following is the correct use of articles?A. I saw a dog yesterday.B. I saw dog yesterday.C. I saw the dog yesterday.D. Dog is a good pet.答案:C7. "I have never seen such a beautiful painting" means:A. I have seen many beautiful paintings.B. I have seen a beautiful painting.C. I have seen a painting like this before.D. I have never seen a painting as beautiful as this one. 答案:D8. "She is a quick learner" implies that:A. She learns slowly.B. She learns quickly.C. She is not interested in learning.D. She is not a good student.答案:B9. "He is a man of few words" means that:A. He is not a man.B. He is very talkative.C. He does not talk much.D. He is not intelligent.答案:C10. The word "meticulous" means:A. CarelessB. MessyC. Detailed and carefulD. Confused答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The opposite of "happy" is ________.答案:sad2. The word "bicycle" has ________ syllables.答案:four3. The verb form of "read" in the past tense is ________. 答案:read4. "She is ________ to the party."答案:invited5. "He ________ his homework last night."答案:finished6. "The ________ is too hot to touch."答案:stove7. "I ________ to the beach last summer."答案:went8. "She is ________ her way to success."答案:on9. "They ________ the house."答案:sold10. "He ________ his wallet."答案:lost三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)阅读以下短文,回答后面的问题。

英语专业考试试题及答案一、词汇与语法(共20分)1. The word "flourish" is most similar in meaning to which of the following?A. ProsperB. WitherC. StagnateD. Perish答案:A2. Which sentence is grammatically correct?A. She has been studying English for three years.B. She has been studied English for three years.C. She had studied English for three years.D. She had been studied English for three years.答案:A二、阅读理解(共30分)阅读以下短文,然后回答问题。
Passage 1In recent years, the popularity of online education has surged. It offers flexibility and convenience, allowing students to learn at their own pace and from any location.3. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The drawbacks of online education.B. The benefits of online education.C. The challenges faced by traditional schools.D. The decline in the popularity of traditional schools.答案:B4. According to the passage, what is one advantage of online education?A. It is less expensive.B. It requires students to be present in a classroom.C. It provides a structured learning environment.D. It allows for flexibility and convenience.答案:DPassage 2The environmental impact of plastic waste is a growing concern worldwide. Many countries are implementing policies to reduce plastic use and promote recycling.5. What is the focus of the passage?A. The economic impact of plastic waste.B. The environmental impact of plastic waste.C. The technological advancements in plastic production.D. The history of plastic production.答案:B6. What action are countries taking in response to the issue mentioned in the passage?A. Increasing plastic production.B. Encouraging the use of plastic bags.C. Implementing policies to reduce plastic use.D. Ignoring the issue of plastic waste.答案:C三、完形填空(共20分)Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the correct options.Passage 3The internet has transformed the way we communicate and access information. It has made our lives more convenient, but it has also brought about new challenges.7. The internet has _______ the way we communicate.A. simplifiedB. complicatedC. revolutionizedD. limited答案:C8. The passage suggests that the internet has both advantages and _______.A. opportunitiesB. disadvantagesC. benefitsD. drawbacks答案:D四、翻译(共15分)Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese.9. With the development of technology, robots are becoming more and more intelligent.答案:随着技术的发展,机器人变得越来越智能。

00196专业英语复习题特别强调:本资料仅供教师使⽤,不得直接发给学⽣及对外交流!000196旅游英语复习题Ⅰ.选择题(Directions:In this section,you are given 30 questions,beneath each of which are four choices marked A,B,C, andD.You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question)1.Which of the following statement is NOT true?A. Morris dancing in French rural communities owes much to tourism.B. Through travel,people are finding friends in every corner of the earth.C. Tourism contributes to both preservation and development of the world's culture heritage.D.The social significance of tourism is very true for the individual travelers.2.A well-known example of the large scale destruction of an ecosystem through vegetation removal to accommodate tourist facilities is the case of the _______.A. coastal regions of AustraliaB. European AlpsC. Acropolis in AthensD. Snowdonia in Wales3.Which of the folloing is NOT included in the fabled Five Mountains in China?A. HuashanB. LushanC. SongshanD. Taishan4.In 1985,_______ became the first international hotel company to open a hotel in China bearing its own name.A. SheratonB. Holiday InnC. Hilton InternationalD.IBIS(France)5._______ inns and taverns,in particular,gained a reputation for cleanliness and comfort and set the standard for accommodation in other parts of Europe.A. SwissB. GermanC. FrenchD. English6._______ are the primary destinations for the Chinese at present.A. Some European countries.B. Some North American countries.C. Some ASEAN countries.D. Some South American countries.7.Tourist expenditures have different effects on a destination economy:sales by food vendors to restaurants are _______ effect;while taxi fares and airline ticket sales are _______ effect.A. induced;directB. direct;indirectC. indirect;directD. induced;indirect8.In the U.K.,the Queen's Silver Jubilee is in _______.A. 1977B. 1967C. 1987D. 19579.As to the various pollutions,which of the following is NOT true?A. In the US,many dunes have been destroyed by the use of beach buggies.B. In the UK,many dunes have been seriously eroded by motor cycle rallying.C. In Spain,the removal of coral for commercial sale damages coastal regions.D. Footpaths in Snowdonia in Wales have been eroded by over-use.10.China is a mountainous country.Hills,mountains,and plateaus cover _______ of the total area.A. 1/3B. 3/4C. 2/3D. 1/211.The Western Council for Travel Research in _______ employed the term visitor.A. 1965B. 1964C. 1963D. 196212.Which of the following country is not a member of OECD?A. FinlandB. LuxembourgC. VietnamD. Italy.13.Which of the following is not mentioned as WTO's objective?A. To facilitate,in travel,people's access to education and culture.B. To act as an international agency of coordination and cooperation to spread tourism.C. To avoid discrimination between contracting countries.D. To improve the conditions of country dwellers and so to contribute to an expanding world economy.14.Which of the following country is not a member of OECD?A. SingaporeB. TurkeyC. JapanD. Greece15.In Europe _______ are the two leading contenders for a global reservations system.A. SABRE and GALILEOB. GALILEO and APOLLOC. GALILEO and AMADEUSD. APOLLO and AMADEUS16._______ is recognized as the national flag-carrier.A. The private airlineB. The public airlineC. The chartered airlineD. jet airline17.In 1995,an average of _______ of domestic travelers went on sightseeing in China.A. 52.4%B. 54.2%C. 56.4%D. 54.6%18.Which of the following is not an international visitor?A. A crew member of a foreign vessel or aircraft stopped in the country on a lay-over.B. An employee of international bodies on a mission lasting less than one year,or a national returning home for a temporary.C. One who visits in the capacity of a diplomat or a member of the armed forces.D. A foreign commercial or business traveler.19.According to Maslow,self-actualization need excludes _______A. personal developmentB. self-discoveryC. satisfaction of inner desiresD. exploration and evaluation20.The first task of a brochure is to _______.A. save spaceC. attract attentionD. be beautiful21. ________ Americans have different views on many issues, they tend to agree on one subject: taxes are too high.A. DespiteB. In spite ofC. BecauseD. Although22. These little things aren't important ________ themselves, but put together, they can cause troubles.A. byB. inC. forD. at23. If there were any inhabitants of the moon, they would see our earth reflecting the light of the sun, again like a huge mirror ________ in the sky.A. hangB. hangedC. hungD. hangs24. When we call a word “learned,” we do not mean that it is used by learned persons alone,________ simply that its presence in the English vocabulary is due to books and the cultivation of literature rather than to the actual needs of ordinary conversation.A. soB. sinceC. butD. for25. ________ is accepted as true often is relatively, and not absolutely, true. A. What B. ThatC. WhichD. It26. I ________ awake for about two hours last night.A. lieB. liedC. laidD. lay27. In theory, every person will have ________ to an unlimited amount of information with the development of telecommunication satellites.A. entryC. entranceD. opening28. It is in Iran ________ the family members are involved in the wedding preparations.A. whereB. in whichC. thatD. from which29. I have never before met ________ as he is.A. so an intelligent personB. a so intelligent personC. so intelligent personD. so intelligent a person30. The role of the father in the traditional family was to provide ________ his family.A. forB. withC. upD. overⅡ.阅读理解题Directions: Read the following two passages and then choose the best answer to each question.(1)Greenspace facilities are contributing to an important extent to the quality of the urban environment.Fortunately it is no longer necessary that every lecture or every book about this subject has to start with the proof of this idea.At present it is generally accepted,although more as self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proof.The recognition of the importance of greenspaces in the urban environment is a first step on the right way,this does not mean,however,that sufficient details are known about the functions of greenspace in towns and about the way in which the inhabitants are using these spaces.As to this rather complex subject I shall,within the scope of this lecture,enter into one aspect only namely the recreative function of greenspace facilities.The theoretical separation of living,working,traffic and recreation which for many years has been used in town-and-country planning,has in my opinion resulted in disproportionate attention for forms of recreation far from home,whereas there was relatively little attention for improvement of recreative possibilities in the direct neighborhood of the home.We have come to the conclusion that this is not right,because an important part of the time which we do not pass in sleeping or working,is used for activities at and around home.So it is obvious that recreation in the open air has to begin at the street-door of the house.The urban environment has to offer as many recreation activities as possible,and the design of these has to be such that more obligatory activities can also have a recreative aspect.The very best standard of living is nothing if it is not possible to take a pleasant walk in the district,if the children cannot be allowed to play in the streets,because the risks of traffic are too great,if during shopping you can nowhere find a spot for enjoying for a moment the nice weather,in short,if you only feel yourself at home after the street-door of your house is closed afteryou.31.According to the author,the importance of greenspaces in the urban environment _______.A. is still unknownB. is usually neglectedC. is being closely studiedD. has been fully recognized32.The theoretic separation of living,working,traffic and recreation has led to _______.A. the disproportion of recreation facilities in the neighborhoodB. the location of recreation facilities far from homeC. relatively little attention for recreative possibilitiesD. the improvement of recreative possibilities in the neighborhood33.The author suggests that the recreative possibilities of greenspace should be provided _______.A. in special areasB. in the suburbsC. in the neighborhood of the houseD. in gardens and parks34.According to the author,greenspace facilities should be designed in such a way that _______.A. more obligatory activities might take on a recreation aspect.B. more and more people might have access to themC. an increasing number of recreative activities might be developedD. recreative activities might be brought into our homes35.The main idea of the passage is that _______.A. better use of greenspace facilities should be made so as to improve the quality of our lifeB. attention must be directed to the improvement of recreative possibilitiesC. the urban environment is providing more recreation activities than it did many years agoD. priority must be given to the development of obligatory activities(2)The actual work of cleaning and caring for the guest room is performed by the room attendants.Their duties include recognizing the guests,introducing room facilities and service,making or changing beds,dusting furniture,sweeping or cleaning floors and carpets,washing bathrooms,replacing towels and washing clothes,making up room and doing turn-down service.They should also supply any personal service to satisfy the guests' reasonable demands,such as wake-up service,room service,laundry service,shoeshine service and baby-sitting service.Whenever and wherever possible,the staff should offer to do extra things for the guests.In addition,they are expected to check up rooms and report any signs of damage or wear and tear that may make repairs and maintenance necessary.Finally,to be competent hotel staffs,they should be capable of handling with unexpected emergency and try to minimize the damage or negative influence.Room attendants have an intimate contact with the guests.A guest may ask the attendants to make up his room at a certain time,or he may indicate he does not want to be disturbed at all,or he would like to have meals in his room.Almost all hotels provide signs that the guest can hang on the doorknob in either of these cases.In addition,guests frequently ask room attendant for items that are supplied by the housekeeping department,such as irons,transformers,special pillows,extra hangers,cribs for infants and hair dryers.In some hotels,the room attendants pick up and deliver clothing for the laundry and valet service.Heavier chores are performed by men who are usually called housemen.Their work involveswindow-washing,shampooing carpets,polishing metals,removing and cleaning draperies,cleaning the public areas of the hotels,and many other tasks that might be beyond the physical capacities of women.The housemen also run errands for thehousekeeping department,such as providing guests with extra things on request.36.heavy chores are performed by _______.A. housekeepersB. housemenC. room attendantsD. assistants37.The word “intimate" in the first line of the second paragraph means _______.A. close and familiarB. clearC. internalD. interesting38.The word “crib" in the phrase “cribs for infants" means _______.A. copyB. boneC. foodsD. a bed for new baby39.From this passage we can know that _______.A. room attendants work very hard .B. room attendants are very kindC. room attendants are the busiestD. room attendants' work are very important40.Housemen do the following except _______.A. washing windowB. serving foodsC. running errands for the housekeeping departmentD. cleaning draperies(3)We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes are about people. “Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?” “When I got that great job, did Jim really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?”“And Paul-why didn't I pick up that he was friendly just because I had a car?” When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it's too late.Why do we go wrong about our friends——or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don't really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, “You're a lucky dog.” Is he really on your side? If he said, “You're a lucky guy” or “You're a lucky gal,” that's being friendly. But “lucky dog”? There's a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesn't see it himself. But bringing in the “dog” bit puts you down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn't think you deserve your luck.“Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for” is another noise that says one thing and means another. It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem as part of your life as a whole. But is he? Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn't important. It's telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you haven't got a date for Saturday night.How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says quare with(符合) the tone of voice? His posture? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.41. In the first paragraph, the writer recalls some things that happened between him and his friends. He ________.A. feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to himB. feels he may not have “read” his friends' true feeling correctlyC. is sorry that his friends let him downD. thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girl friends, Helen42. In the second paragraph, the writer talks about someone saying, “You're a lucky dog.” He is saying that ________.A. the speaker of this sentence is just being friendlyB. this saying means the same as “You're a lucky guy” or “You're a lucky gal.”C. the word “dog” shouldn't be used to apply to peopleD. sometimes the words give a clue (线索) to the feeling behind the words43. This passage tries to tell you how to ________.A. avoid mistakes about money and friendsB. “size up” peopleC. avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell youD. keep people friendly without trusting them44. In listening to a person the important thing is ________.A. to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyeB. to listen to how he pronounces his wordsC. to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his postureD. not to believe what he says45. The phrase …puts you down? (Para 2, Line 7) can be replaced by another phrase “________”.A. makes you humbleB. reduces you to silenceC. press you downD. makes you sadⅢ.Fill in the blanks with the proper phrases given below.Make some changes if necessary:(20%)be involved in come into service add to be identical to attribute to appropriate for consist of cut down give rise to submit to see leave angry take catch find provide interesting do go46.I have little to _______ what people already know.47.I _______ a research project at present.48.He _______ his success _______ hard work.49.These bad conditions _______ declined tourism in the area recently.50.That area's future weather pattern might _______ long,dry periods.51.The large jet airliner _______ last year.52.The law in that country requires that a wife _______ herself _______ her husband.53.You must _______ the expenditures to what is essential.54.John liked Bob's car so much that he bought a car which _______ Bob's.55.The joke is not _______ such a formal occasion.56. There is no way to escape ________ the work today.57. We will have a visit to the seaside ________ the weather remains clear.58. Had I left a little earlier, I ________ the train.59. The last train ________, we had to walk home.60. A few years later she came home only ________ that her hometown had greatly changed.61. The more she thought about it, ________ she grew.62. I'm sure he ________ Tokyo by this time tomorrow.63. We become used to ________ blood on the news on television, or in full color in newspaper and magazines..64. It is ________ novel I have ever read.65. I can't find the recorder in the room. It must ________ by someone else.Ⅳ.Indicate whether each of the statements is true(T) or false(F)( )66.The most important job of the flight attendants is the safety and comfort of the passengers.( )67.The place where the pilot sits to fly the plane is called the cockpit.( )68.At the end of the flight, passengers use their airline tickets to locate and identify their luggage.( )69.A validated ticket means that the passenger has paid for it and that the airline must provide transportation. ( )70.A reservation card is proof that a reservation was made.( )71.The gift shop manager must be able to speak to all the guests who come into the shop.( )72.Media refers to all the ways of spreading information.( )73.Generally, radio reaches the largest and broadest market, cutting across many different social and income groups. ( )74.The guide has to escort tourists to activities or show them special sights.( )75.A single passenger train may have as many as 20 cars all pulled by the engine at the front of the train.Ⅴ.Phrase translationPart one: Translation the following phrases into English:76.天然公园77.包价旅游78.特别服务项⽬79.珍稀植物和动物80.单位成本81. 他⾛都不会,更不⽤说跑了。

专业英语考试试题与答案1.Why are cast metal sheet ingots hot-rolled first instead of being cold-rolled? Because of cold rolling is to use hot rolled steel coils as the raw material, after acid pickling to remove oxide skin for cold rolling, the finished product is hard roll, because of cold work hardening caused by deformation of continuous cold rolling hard roll strength, increase hardness, toughness and plastic index decreased, so the stamping performance will deteriorate, can only be used for simple deformation of the parts2.What type of heat treatment is given to the rolled metal sheet after hot and “warm” rolling? What is its purpose?轧钢的热处理的类型?轧钢热处理的目的?Heat treatment of the main types are annealing, normalizing, quenching and tempering, solution treatment and aging treatment, cold treatment, chemical treatment, etc.Annealing:The steel is heated to a certain temperature and heat preservation for a period of time, and then make it slowly cooling, called annealing. Steel annealing is a heat the steel to the phase change or part of the phase change temperature, slow cooling after heat preservation heat treatment method. The purpose of annealing is to eliminate tissue defects, improve the organization make composition uniformity and fine grains, increase mechanical properties of the steel, reduce residual stress; Can decrease the hardness at the same time, improve the plasticity and toughness, improve machinability. So before annealing in order to eliminate and improve both the legacy of tissue defects and internal stress, and to prepare for the follow-up process, so the annealing is belong to the intermediate heat treatment, also called heat treatment in advance Normalizing:Normalizing is heated to above the critical temperature of steel, to all into homogeneous austenitic steel, heat treatment and natural cooling in air. It can eliminate hypereutectoid steel mesh cementite, for hyposteel normalizing can refine crystal lattice, improve comprehensive mechanical properties, low requirements for the parts use the normalized instead of the annealing process is more economic. Quenching:Quenching is the steel is heated to above the critical temperature, heat preservationfor a period of time, then quickly into the quenching medium, the temperature plummeted, rapid cooling at greater than the critical cooling rate of speed, which is mainly composed of martensite and unbalanced heat treatment method of the organization. Can increase strength and hardness of the steel quenching, but to reduce its plasticity. That is commonly used in quenching hardening agent are: water, oil, caustic soda, and salt solution, etc3.How are metal alloys made by the casting process? (b) Distinguish between wrought alloy products and cast alloy products.金属铸造合金的过程是怎样的?区分可锻合金产品和铸造合金产品。

《专业英语》复习卷1使用班级:电信糸一.Vocabulary(词汇)(一)Put the following words and phrases into Chinese.(写出下列词组的汉语)1 ・ semiconductor devices2.eletric field3.polarity switchyout design5.reverse biasedbinational logic7.machine-language code& cable TV programs9. fiber optic1 ()・spectrum efficiency(二)Put the following words and phrases into English.(写出下列词组的英语). U 1.调频熬 2.感抗'. 3.双极型晶体管4.电子与空穴5.低功耗6.十进制数字系统7.软件开发人员8.阴极射线管9.帧屮继10.国际漫游能力二.Translation (翻译)1 ・ Resistors are used to limit current flowing to a device, thereby preventing it from burning out, asvoltage dividers to reduce voltage for other circuits, as transistor biasing circuits, and to serve as circuit loads.2. A multimeter is a general-purpose meter capable of measuring de and ac voltage, current,resistance, and in some cases, decibels.3・The transformer's job is to reduce the 7200 volts down to 240 volts that make up normal household electrical service.4. The router basically reads the destination address on the packets being sent by your computer andthen forwards the packet to the appropriate destination.5・ Adjust the quality of your scanned image before you actually start editing the image in your image editing software.三.Comprehension(阅读理解)Passage AA computer virus is a computer program that is created to make and spread copies of itself. The program may however also be designed to have other effects on the systems it infects, ranging from the annoying to the disastrous.Virus attacks are growing rapidly these days・ According to BusinessWeek, the 76,404 attacks reported in the first half of 2003 nearly match previous year's total number. As new antivirus tools are more powerful than before, the virus writers are getting a lot smarter with newer and creative ways to attack network systems. Let's first examine some common virus types: Basic Virus - a piece of software code that is developed to attack computers and network systems via email or Internet connections. It quickly replicates itself andgradually attaches to files, programs or the hard drive.Trojan Horses - This is a program that doesn't replicate when entering a system but can be effectively used to open 'back doors.1 Trojan Horses allow hackers to take controlover a particular system or to steal very important data.Worm ・ this type of virus is able to spread itself automatically over the network from one computer to the next. During a worm attack, users1 computers get infected withouteven having to click open email attachment or any program, etc.Since it is very difficult to avoid the virus, your best defense is a powerful antivirus program. In order to fight with such viruses, the software vendors should focus on makingtheir products more robust. This may ask for a trade-off between user-friendliness andsecurity. In specific cases it may require line-by-line inspection, code retooling and evensystems automation to defend the installed programs.(一choose the best answer according to the passage A•(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。

Streamline(流线型)weld(焊接)vertical(垂直的)horizontal(水平的)strust(支架)former(框架)twisting(扭曲)eliminate(消除)reemerge(再次出现)Wing attachment point(机翼挂载点)deck(甲板)cabin(机舱)stainless steel(不锈钢)truss structure(桁架结构)monocoque(硬壳式结构)semimonocoque(半硬壳式结构)accommodate(适应,容纳)wheel(轮子)taxiing(滑行)park(停放)floats(浮板)crew(船员,乘务员)vacuum(真空)layout(布局,设计)aluminium(铝)function(函数,功能)copper(铜)corrosion(腐蚀)horizontal stabilator(水平全动式尾翼)trim tab(配平调整期)wheel(轮子)braking(刹车)steer(操作)thrust(推力)susceptible(易受影响)corrosion(腐蚀)fiber(纤维)alloy(合金)tension(张力)versatile(万能的,多功能的)stiffness(硬度)rivet(铆钉)bolt(螺栓)screw(螺丝)nut(螺母,螺帽)fastener(紧固件)plastic(塑料)extensive(广泛的)render(补偿)composite(复合材料)Accommodate(容纳)drag(拉拽,阻力)collapse(崩溃)fuselage(机身)winglet(小翼)rudder(方向舵)elevator(升降舵)cockpit(座舱)spoiler(扰流片)aileron(副翼)wing flap(襟翼)stringer(桁条)spar(翼梁,翼墙)rib(翼肋)fuel tank(邮箱)wing tip(翼尖)power plant(发动机,动力装置)bulkhead(隔板)skin(蒙皮)propeller(螺旋桨)engine(引擎)include(包含)primary(主要的)instrument(工具,仪表)pilot(飞行员)passenger(乘客)undertaken(同意)airfoil(机翼)extent(程度)structure(结构)static(静态的)dynamic(动态的)substantial(大量的,实质的)generation(产生)aviation(航空)astronautics(航天)aerospace(航天)aeronautical(航空的)aeronautics(航空)Magnus effect(马格努斯效应)Bernoulli’s principle(伯努利原理)gravitation(引力)adopt(采用)postulate(假定)insight(眼光)contemporary(当代的)aircraft(飞机,飞行器)diversity(多样性)various(多种多样的)quantitative(定量的)qualitative(定性的)envelope(包裹,外壳)fluid(液体)feet(英尺)altitude(高度)altimeter(高度计)exert(施加,运用,发挥)reference(参考,引用)adjustment(调整)acceleration(加速度)mass(质量)opposite(相反的)blast(爆炸)identical(相同的,相等的)viscosity(粘度)friction(摩擦)tendency(趋势)adhere(附着)rough(粗糙)drag(拖拽)incline(使倾斜,斜坡)potential(潜在的)apply(应用)application(应用)major(主要的)attribute(把…归于,认为…是)gain(获得,增益)manufacture(制造)eventually(最终)beverage can(易拉罐)attach(连接,粘上)substructure(基础)central(中心的)formulation(结构,公式)identification(鉴定)administrate(管理,支配)acknowledgement(承认,鸣谢)airship(飞艇)kite(风筝)accuracy(精确性)accordance(一致)academy(学院,学会)additional(另外的,附加的)admit(承认,允许)contribute(贡献)attain(获得,达到)integrate(集成,合并)proportion(比例,部分)resume(恢复,重新开始)Newton’s basic laws of motion(牛顿基础动力学定律)horizontal stabilizer(水平尾翼,水平安定面)二、图标题,选词填空(1)图一:(2)图二:(3)图三:三、英译中As shown in [Figure 1-4], at point “A," a stagnation point exists where the air stream impacts(impinges) on the front of the airfoil and splits; some air goes over, and some under. Another stagnation point exists at “B," where the two airstreams rejoin and resume at identical velocities. When viewed from the side, an up wash is created ahead of the airfoil and a downwash at the rear. In the case of Figure 1-4, the highest velocity is at the top of the airfoil, and the lowest velocity at the bottom. Because these velocities are associated with an object (in this case, an airfoil), they are called local velocities as they do not exist outside the lift-producing system. This concept can be readily applied to a wing or other lifting surface. Because there is a difference of velocity above and below the wing, the result is a higher pressure below the wing and a lower pressure above the wing. This pressure difference produces an upward force known as the Magnus Effect, the physical phenomenon whereby an object's rotation affects its path through a fluid.翻译:如图1-4所示,在A点,这里有个停滞点,气流在这里撞上机翼的前表面并分开;一些空气向上,一些空气向下。

英语学科专业知识试题一、选择题1. The noun form of the adjective "happy" is _______.A) happinessB) happilyC) happierD) happiest2. Which of the following words is spelled correctly?A) recieveB) beleiveC) achieveD) deceive3. "I haven't seen him _______ yesterday." Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.A) sinceB) forC) fromD) until4. "What time _______ your English class start?" Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence.A) doesB) doC) isD) has5. The sentence "She sings beautifully" is an example of _______.A) a simple sentenceB) a compound sentenceC) a complex sentenceD) a compound-complex sentence二、填空题1. She _______ a book when her friend called her.2. The teacher asked the students _______ their homework.3. The students _______ very tired after the exam.4. _______ he speaks English fluently, he still makes some mistakes.5. The movie was _______ interesting that I watched it twice.三、简答题1. What is the difference between "its" and "it's"? Give examples.2. Explain the concept of subject-verb agreement and give an example.3. What is the purpose of using conjunctions in a sentence? Give two examples of conjunctions and explain their functions.4. Describe the structure of a basic sentence. Provide an example sentence and label its components (subject, verb, and object).5. What are modal verbs? Give three examples of modal verbs and explain their uses.注意:以上是示例题目,实际考试题目可能不同。

专业英语课程考试题库1. Multiple Choice Questions- Which of the following is NOT a component of SWOT analysis?A. StrengthsB. WeaknessesC. OpportunitiesD. Threats- The process of dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers who have different needs, characteristics, or behaviors is known as:A. Market segmentationB. Market positioningC. Market penetrationD. Market development- What does the acronym GDP stand for?A. Gross Domestic ProductB. General Distribution PointC. Gross Development ProtocolD. Global Demand Projection2. True or False- Focusing on the four Ps of marketing (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) is primarily relevant to B2C businesses.- A company's mission statement outlines its core purpose and values, guiding its strategic decisions and operations.3. Fill in the Blanks- A company that differentiates itself through product innovation and design may use _______________ as a competitive strategy.- _____________ refers to the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data about a specific market, customers, or competitors.4. Short Answer- Explain the concept of diversification in the context of business strategy.- What are the key differences between inbound marketing and outbound marketing?5. Essay Questions- Discuss the impact of globalization on international business and the importance of cross-cultural communication in today's interconnected world.- Analyze the role of technology in shaping modern marketing strategies and the challenges faced by businesses in adapting to digital advancements.以上是专业英语课程考试题库的内容,希望能为考生们的学习和备考提供帮助。

专业应试题库一,专业词汇翻译A spherical system of coordinates 球坐标系Absolute scale绝对温标Absolute temperature 绝对温度Absolute zero 绝对零度Acute angle锐角Adiabatic process绝热过程Adjacent邻近的Amount of heat 热量Amplitude振幅Analytical expression解析式Angular momentum角动量Angular velocity角速度Annihilate湮灭Appreciable相当多的Approximate solution近似解Arbitrarily任意的变换莫测的Assume that 假设At constant pressure定压At rest静止的,Axial symmetry轴对称Axis of rotation转轴Be independent of 独立的,Be proportional to 与……成正比Bend使弯曲的Capacitor电容器Center of mass质心Centripetal force向心力Cgs厘米-克-秒制(Centimeter-Gram-Second)Change in jumps 突变Chaotic无序的Charge by conduct 接触起电Charge by induction 感应起电Circulation motion圆周运动Classical mechanics经典力学Coefficient系数Coherent相干性Combustion engine内燃机Comparison 参照物Compensate 补偿,抵消Conductor导体Consecutive 连贯的Consequently结果,因此Conservation守恒Considerable 相当大的Constant常量Constructive interference 干涉相长Coordinate system坐标系Coulomb’s law库仑定律Counter-phase反相Cross-sectional 横截面Curl旋度Curvilinear motion曲线运动Cyclic process循环过程Decrement衰减率Denominator分母Density密度Derivative导数Destructive interference干涉相消Developing显影Deviation from脱离逸出Diatomic双原子的Difference差异Diffraction衍射Dimension 维Discrete value离散值Displacement位移Distance 距离Distribution function分布函数Divergence 散度Dynamics动力学Elastic collision弹性碰撞Electric dipole电偶极子Electric field 电场Electric potential 电势Electric potential energy电势能Electrically polarized电极化Electrodynamics电动力学Electromagnetic电磁学Electron电子Electrostatic静电Elementary mass元质量,质量元Embodiment体现具体化Emulsion感光剂Energy能量Energy level 能级Entropy 熵Equilibrium平衡Equipartition principle均分定理Ether以太Exposure曝光External force外力Factor因素First law of thermodynamics热力学第一定律Focal plane焦平面Fraunhofer diffraction夫琅和费衍射Free fall自由落体Friction摩擦力Gamma photon伽马射线General theory relativity广义相对论Geometrical几何的Gradient梯度Gravity重力,地心引力Grow proportionally to 正比增长Harmonic function调和函数Harmonic oscillator谐振子Heat 热Heat capacity 热容Heat engine热机Heat transfer热传递Hence因此Histogram直方图Hologram 全息图Holography 全系照相Homogeneous(反应堆)燃烧和减速剂均匀调和的Huygens’ Principle惠更斯原理Hypothetical medium 假设介质Ideal gass理想气体Identical 同一的,完全相同的Illuminate说明Impart 给予Impulse冲量Inalienable不可分割的Incident light入射光Inclination倾角Incoherene非相干的Increase增加Increment增量Inertia惯性Inertial reference frame惯性参考系Infrared radiation 红外辐射Initial moment 初始时刻Instantaneous瞬间的Insulator 绝缘体Integral 积分Interference 干涉Internal energy 内能Internal force内力Intra-molecular energy 分子内能Isotropic 各向同性的Kinematics运动学Law of cosine square余弦定理Length contraction长度收缩Macroscopic宏观的Mass质量Mass-energy conversion质能转换Mean distance 平均距离Mechanical equivalent of heat热功当量Mechanics力学Medium 介质Microscopic 微观的Molar heat gas capacity 气体摩尔热容Mole 摩尔Molecular physics分子物理学Momentum动量Monatomic单原子Monochromatic light单色光Motion运动Multiply乘以Neutron中子Newton’s first law牛顿第一定律Non-equilibrium state非平衡态Normal acceleration法向加速度Normal to 垂直于Nuclei原子核Nucleon 核子Numerator 分子Object beam 物体光束Obtuse angle钝角Operator算符Overlap 重叠Polarization两极分化极化Parallel axis theorem平行轴定理Parallel beams平行光束Parallel rays平行光Parallelogram method平行四边形法则Parameter of state状态参数Perfectly rigid body刚体Perpendicular垂直的Phase difference相位差Phenomena现象Piston活塞Point charge点电荷Point particle质点Power功率Preference优先权Principle of relativity相对性原理Probability可能性Probability distribution function概率分布函数Projection 投影Propagate传播Proton质子Pseudoscopic幻视镜的Quantitative conclusion定量结论Quasi-static 准静态的Radian弧度Radius半径Rarefaction稀薄的Real image实像Rectilinear motion 直线运动Redistribution重新分配Reference frame参考系Reference wave参考波Relative atomic mass of an element相对原子质量Relative molecular mass of substance相对分子质量Relaxation process弛豫过程Relaxation time 弛豫时间Reversible (process)可逆过程Rotational inertia转动惯量Scalar标量Scalar field标量场Semiconductor半导体Semitransparent 半透明的Solid angle立体角Spatial coherence 空间相干性Special theory of relativity狭义相对论Specific heat capacity 比热容Speed 速度速率Stationary 固定的Subscript下标Superpose 重叠的Superposition叠加Symmetry对称的Temperature温度Temporal coherence 时间相干性Terminal velocity末速度Test charge检验电荷The difference on optical path 光程差The equation of state of an ideal gass理想气体物态方程The magnitude of a vector向量的大小The number of degree of freedom自由度数量The reciprocal of 倒数The refractive index折射率The right-hand screw rule右手螺旋定则The second derivative of 二阶导数The square of distance距离的平方The tangential acceleration切向加速度Thermodynamic temperature scale热力学温标Three dimensional三维的Time averaged value时间均值Time dilation时间膨胀Timepiece计时器Torque力矩Torsion balance扭秤Translation motion平动Triatomic三原子的Tuning fork音叉Twin paradox孪生佯谬Ultraviolet light紫外线Undeformable body不可形变体,刚体Uniform circular motion匀速圆周运动Unit time单位时间Vector field 矢量场Vectors矢量Velocity 速度,矢量Virtual image虚像Wave length 波长Wave number波数Weight重量)二、段落翻译翻译('541、For a stationary field, the work done on a particle by the forces of the field may depend on theinitial and final position of the particle and not depend on the path along which the particle moved. Forces having such a property are called conservative.对于固定的场,力作用在质点上的公取决于初始位置和末位置,而与路径无关,具有这个性质的力叫保守力.2、 A combination of bodies that are stationary relative to one another with respect to whichmotion is being considered an a timepiece indicating the time forms a reference frame.由运动上相对静止的物体所组成的复合体,外加显示(记录)时间的仪器,一起构成了参考系统。

《专业英语》试题及答案第一大题:判断题1、()In China,minority people share the same basic rights with the Han.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A2、()Beijing Opera,one of China's most famous art form,is over200years old.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B3、()Of the world's two great cuisines, the Chinese is as varied as, and, in fact, much younger in tradition than the French.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B4、()Buddhism is the mere major religion that came exclusively from Chinese roots and grew to maturity in Chinese soil.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B5、()At Datong, the Huayan actually consists of two monasteries, the upper and lower.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A6、()The first tour in the modern sense was put together by Thomas Cook in England in 1981.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A7、()A agent can use the terminal to ask the computer a question and receive an answer in a matter of seconds.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B8、()However,different nations have same rating systems.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B9、()In many countries,tipping is necessary in non-self-service restaurants or cafes.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A10、()No smoke is allowed on the flight,even in the lavatories.A.正确参考答案:B11、()Mt.E'mei is reputed as"the most beautiful mountain under heaven."A.正确B.错误参考答案:A12、()Du fu was born in present-day Gongxian County,Henan Province in712.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B13、()I wonder if you could make some change to our agenda.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A14、()Shopping is a tourist attraction in big cities.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A15、()In western countries, when people dine out together, they often go Dutch or have a Dutch treat.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A16、()Strictly speaking, Confucianism is more an ethical system than a religion, and only Daoism is native to China.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A17、()Tokyo has some world-class higher institutions, including Tokyo, Waseda and Keio universities.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A18、()The Shang Dynasty constituted the first Chinese state in ancient time.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B19、()In China, the foreign visitor is often shown a variety of Chinese medical techniques.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A20、()Over the pass centuries,foreign elements have been absorbed and assimilates into Chinese culture. A typical example is Buddhism.A.正确参考答案:A21、()Generally speaking, the western part of the country is more populous and developed than the eastern part, but less resourceful than the latter.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B22、()Usually, if you are invited by a Chinese, you are not expected to foot the bill.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A23、()China is a multinationalcountry with 56 nationalities, and the Hui is the majority people.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B24、()Recent studies also show that the Yangtze River is another major source of Chinese civilization.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A25、()People enjoy drinking tea not only for quenching thirst and overcoming fatigue but also for helping digestion.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A26、()Muslim cuisine and vegetarian cuisine include pork and all sort of meat respectively.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B27、()As one of the world’s few free ports, Hong Kong offers duty-free goods.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A28、()There are the first seven thing to start with when a day begins—firewood , rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and coffee.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B29、()Zhuge Liang was a celebrated statesman and military strategist of the Wei Kingdom.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B30、()Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, a world natural heritage and a world biosphere reserve, has been listed by the UNESCO.B.错误参考答案:A31、()A good location isn’t an important factor in the success of an agency.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B32、()The three basic elements of tourism are the tourist, the tourism resources and the travel agency.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B33、()In recent years, China has established a modern, long-distance highway system and inter-city fast train service.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A34、()Chinese food is featured by “colorful”, “flavorous”, “delicious”, “shapeable”, “varied” and “complex”.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A35、()The travel agency is supposed to design tour routes, work out tour plans, make tour prices and so on.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A36、()Exercise isn’t another important element in Chinese health therapy.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B37、()Hotel both in America and China are rated as one star, two stars, three stars, four stars and five stars.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B38、()For defense against nomadic Mongolian tribes, the first emperor of the Tang Dynasty had the Great Wall connected.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B39、()The three greatest brocades in China are Shu Brocade, Yun Brocade and Song Brocade.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A40、()From antiquity,the Chinese have been assiduous keepers of official archives.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A41、()In China, trains are divided into “hard seat” and “soft seat” coaches and “hard” and “soft” sleepers.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A42、()The most famous painting of the Tang Dynasty is Life along the River on the Eve of the Qingming Festival.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B43、()Coffee is the most popular beverage for the Chinese, just as tea for Americans.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B44、()China, reputed as the “Silk Nation”, has been famous for her silk products for centuries.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A45、()In most Chinese cities, there exists a very convenient transit system: urban buses, trolleys and double-deckers.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A46、()Most of the minorities differ from the Han in language and custom.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A47、()There are three types of trains:“special express”, “direct express” and “slow”.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A48、()The so-called tri-colored glazed pottery was typical of the Song Dynasty.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B49、()Mount E’mei is one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A50、()Many newer hotels don’t offer buffets for breakfast and lunch.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B51、()Carbon monoxide is harmful to mankind's health.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A52、()Ethanol can be obtained from oil crops.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B53、()The oxygen can be combined with hydrogen in a fuel cell.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A54、()Alcohol produced from corn is a renewable energy source.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B55、()A solar cell works mainly based on the optoelectronics effec.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A56、()Bacteria are termed prokaryotic because they lack nuclear membranes.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A57、()Chemoorganotrophs are referred to as autotrophs.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B58、()A species surviving in uncrowded but possibly physically restrictive environments is designated as K-selected.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B59、()The numerically predominant bacteria in soil are Streptomycetes.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B60、()Throughout most of the world, industry is the leading consumptive user of water.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B61、()Withdrawals for agricultural purposes currently account for over two thirds total abstraction in all OECD countries.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B62、()The practice of exploiting underground water for agriculture is essential for the protection of natural resources.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B63、()Land degradation, is the decline in land quality or reduction in its productivity and environmental regulatory capacity.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A64、()Land degradation is a physical process driven by socioeconomic and political causes.A.正确B.错误参考答案:B65、()Accelerated soil erosion is another principal land degradation process.A.正确B.错误参考答案:A第二大题:翻译句子1、中国是一个人口众多的多民族国家。
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个人根据机器翻译,仅供参考专业应试题库一,专业词汇翻译A spherical system of coordinates 球面坐标系统Absolute scale 绝对温标Absolute temperature 绝对温度Absolute zero绝对零度Acute angle 锐角Adiabatic process 绝热过程Adjacent临近的Amount of heat 热量Amplitude 振幅Analytical expression 解析式Angular momentum 角动量Angular velocity 角速度Annihilate 消灭Appreciable可感知的Approximate solution 近似解Arbitrarily任意的变换莫测的Assume that 假设At constant pressure 定压比热At rest静止的,Axial symmetry 轴对称Axis of rotation 旋转轴Be independent of 独立的,Be proportional to 与.... 成比例Bend使弯曲的Capacitor电容器Center of mass 质心Centripetal force 向心力Cgs 匝米-克-秒(Centimeter-Gram-Second)Change in jumps跳跃的变化Chaotic无序的Charge by conduct负责的行为Charge by induction 感应电荷Circulation motion 圆周运动Classical mechanics 经典力学Coefficient 系数Coherent连贯的Combustion engine 内燃机Comparison 参照物Compensate补偿,抵消Conductor 导体Consecutive 连贯的Consequently 结果,因此Conservation保存保护Considerable相当大的Constant 常量Constructive interference 干涉Coordinate system 坐标系Coulomb's law库伦定律Counter-phase 相位差Cross-sectional 分类排列Curl卷曲,Curvilinear motion 曲线运动Cyclic process 循环过程Decrement衰减率Denominator 分母Density 密度Derivative 倒数Destructive interference 破坏性干扰Developing 发展中Deviation from 脱离逸出Diatomic双原子的Difference 差异Diffraction 衍射Dimension 维Discrete value 离散值Displacement 位移Distance距离疏远Distribution function 分布函数Divergence 分歧Dynamics动力学Elastic collision 弹性碰撞Electric dipole弹性偶极子Electric field 弹性场Electric potential 弹性势Electric potential energy 弹性势能Electrically polarized 电极化的Electrodynamics 电动力学Electromagnetic 电磁的Electron 电子Electrostatic 静电的Elementary mass聚集起来的元素Embodiment体现具体化Emulsion感光乳剂Energy能量精力Energy level 能级Entropy 炳Equilibrium 均衡Equipartition principle 均分原理Ether乙醍Exposure 暴露External force 外力Factor因素First law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律Focal plane 焦平面Fraunhofer diffraction 夫琅和费衍射Free fall自由落体Friction摩擦力Gamma photon伽马射线General theory relativity 广义相对论Geometrical 几何的Gradient 梯度Gravity重力,地心引力Grow proportionally to 正比土曾长Harmonic function 调和函数Harmonic oscillator 谐波发射器Heat局温热度Heat capacity 热熔Heat engine 热机Heat transfer 热传递Hence因此Histogram直方图Hologram全息图Holography全系摄影Homogeneous (反应堆)燃烧和减速剂均匀调和的Huygens1 Principle 惠更斯原理Hypothetical medium 假设介质Ideal gass理想气体Identical同一的,完全相同的Illuminate 说明Impart给予Impulse 脉冲Inalienable不可分割的Incident light 入射光Inclination倾向爱好Incoherent语无伦次的Increase 增加Increment 增量Inertia 惯性Inertial reference frame 惯性参考系Infrared radiation 红外线照射Initial moment 初力矩Instantaneous 瞬间的Insulator绝缘体Integral完整的Interference 干涉Internal energy 内能Internal force 内力Intra-molecular energy 分子内能Isotropic单折射性Kinematics 运动学Law of cosine law 余弦定理Leng由contraction长度收缩Macroscopic 宏观的Mass块儿Mass-energy conversion 质能转换定理Mean distance平均距离Mechanical equivalent of heat 热功当量Mechanics 力学Molar heat gas capacity 摩尔热能Molecular physics 分子物理学Momentum 势能Monatomic单原子的Monochromatic light 单色光Motion动作Multiply多样的Neutron 中子Newton's first law 牛顿第一定律Non-equilibrium state 非平衡态Normal acceleration 法向加速度Normal to垂直于Nuclei原子核Nucleon 核子Numerator 分子Object beam物体光束Obtuse angle 钝角Operator话务员Overlap 重叠Polarization 两极化Parallel axis theorem 平行轴的定理Parallel beams 平行光束Parallel rays 平行光Parallelogram method平行四边形法则Parameter of state 态变数Perfectly rigid body 完全刚体Perpendicular 垂直的Phase difference 相位差Phenomena 现象Piston活塞Point charge 点电荷Point particle 质点Power功率Preference 优先权Principle of relativity 相对论Probability 可能性Probability distribution function 概率分布函数Projection 投射Propagate传播繁殖Proton质子Pseudoscopic 幻视镜Quantitative conclusion 定量白勺结论Quasi-static准静态的Radian弧度Radius半径Rarefaction 稀薄的Real image 实像Rectilinear motion 直线运动Redistribution 重新分配Reference frame 参考系Reference wave 参考波Relative atomic mass of an element ―个元素的相对原子质量Relative molecular mass of substance 相对分子质量的物质Relaxation process 弛豫过程Relaxation time 弛豫时间Reversible (process)可逆过程Rotational inertia 转动惯量Scalar标量Scalar field 标量场Semiconductor 半导体Semitransparent 半透明的Solid angle 立体角Spatial coherence 空间相干性Special theory of relativity 狭义相对论Specific heat capacity 比热容Speed速度速聿Stationary 固定的Subscript 下标Superpose重叠的Superposition 叠力口Symmetry对称的Temperature 温度Temporal coherence 时间相干性Terminal velocity 末速度Test charge监测电荷The difference on optical path 光路的区别The equation of state of an ideal gass 理想盖斯方程The magnitude of a vector 向量的大小The number of degree of freedom 自由度数量The reciprocal of 倒数The refractive index 折射率The right-hand screw rule 右手螺旋定则The second derivative of 二阶导数The square of distance 距离的平方The tangential acceleration 切向加速度Thermodynamic temperature scale 热力学温标Three dimensional 三维的Time averaged value时间平均价值Time dilation时间扩张Timepiece 计时器Torque力矩Torsion balance 扭秤Translation motion 平移运动Triatomic三原子的Tuning fork 音叉Twin paradox享生子谬论Ultraviolet light 紫外线Undeformable bodyUniform circular motion 匀速圆周运动Unit time单位时间Vector field 矢量场Vectors 矢量Velocity 速率Virtual image 虚像Wave length 波长Wave number 波数Weight重量二、段落翻译翻译(5 x4)1、For a stationary field, the work done on a particle by the forces of the field may depend on the initial and final position of the particle and not depend on the path along which the particle moved. Forces having such a property are called conservative.2、A combination of bodies that are stationary relative to one another with respect to whichmotion is being considered an a timepiece indicating the time forms a reference frame.3、The concepts of an equilibrium, state and a reversible process play a great part inthermodynamics. All the quantitative conclusions of thennodynamics are strictly applicable(适用)only to equilibrium states and reversible processes.4、If a gas is in equilibrium, its molecules move absolutely without order, chaotically. All thedirections of motion are equally probable, and none of them can be given preference over others.5> Huygens' principle: The theory by which light waves spreading out from a point source can beregarded as the superposition of tiny secondary wavelets.6> If we imagine a separate isolated body in a space where no other bodies are present, then wecan not speak of the motion of the body because there is nothing with respect to which the body could change its position.7、A combination of bodies that are stationary relative to one another with respect to whichmotion is being considered and a timepiece indicate the time forms a reference fram.8、Translational motion is defined as motion in which any straight line associated with themoving body remains parallel to itself.9N Dynamics studies the motion of bodies with a view to what causes this motion to have the nature it does, i.e. with a view to the interactions between bodies.10,Vectors are defined as quantities characterized by a numerical value and a direction and, also, as ones that are added according to the triangle or parallelogram method.11,We shall define internal forces as the forces with which given body is acted upon by the other bodies of the system and external forces as those produced by the action of bodies not belong to the system.12,For a conservative force, the work done on a particle by the force may depend only on the initial and final positions of the particle and not on the path along which the particle moved,. 13,Conservative forces can be defined in two ways:(l)as forces whose work does not depend on the path along which a particle passes from one point to the another, and(2) as forces whose work along any closed path equals zero.14,We can thus use the function E/f to determine the work done on a particle by conservative forces along any path beginning at arbitrary point 1 and terminating at arbitrary point 2 .15,Assuming that the reference frame relative to which we are considering the complex motion of a rigid body is stationary, the motion of the body can be represented as rotation with the angular velocity coin a reference frame moving translationally with the velocity v0 relative to the stationary frame.16,All the quantitative conclusions of the thermodynamics are strictly applicable only to equilibrium states and reversible processes.17,The absolute temperature is proportional to the mean kinetic energy of translational motion of the molecules of a substance.18,The heat capacity of a body is defined as the quantity equal to the amount of heat that must be imparted to the body to raise its temperature by one Kelvin.19,Temperature: A measure of the average kinetic energy per molecule in a substance, measure in desrees Celsius or Fahrenheit or in Kelvin..20,Absolute zero: the lowest possible temperature that a substance may have- the temperature at which molecules of a substance have their minimum kinetic energy.21,Multiplication theorem of probabilities: the probability of the simultaneous occurrence of statistically independent events equals the product of the probabilities of each of themoccurring separately.22,Entropy: a measure of the disorder of a system. Whenever energy freely transforms from one form to the another, the direction of transformation is toward a state of greater disorder and therefore toward one of greater entropy.23,By coherence is meant the coordinated proceeding of several oscillatory or wave processes. 24,The superposition of waves producing regions of reinforcement and regions of cancellation.Constructive interference refers to regions of reinforcement; destructive interference refers to regions of cancellation.25,There is no appreciable physical difference between interference and diffraction. Both phenomena consist in the redistribution of the light flux as a result of superposition of the waves.干涉和衍射没有明显的区别26,Like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract each other.同种电荷相互排斥,异种电荷相互吸引27,The arrangement of the charges setting up the field being studied may change under the action of the test charse.。