

卓越 上能20200710组串式光伏逆变器产品手册整合世界500强光伏业务 全球领先的光伏逆变解决方案提供商地址:江苏省无锡市惠山区和惠路6号邮编:214174上能电气股份有限公司3~6kW 8~12kW 20kW 36~50kW 50~70kW 100~225kW上能电气股份有限公司(股票代码:300827)是一家专注于电力电子产品研发、制造与销售的国家高新技术企业。

GDLYEC-PV-3~270/500光伏并网逆变器用户使用手册版本2.0国电龙源电气有限公司目录1关于本手册 (3)1.1 前言 (4)1.2 内容简介 (4)1.3 面向读者 (4)1.4 手册使用 (4)2 安全须知 (5)2.1 警示符号说明 (6)2.2 安全提示 (7)2.3 操作中的注意事项 (9)3 产品简介 (10)3.1 光伏并网系统 (11)3.2 产品特点 (11)3.3 电气原理 (12)3.4 产品外观 (14)4 产品功能与LCD操作指南 (17)4.1 GDL YEC-PV-3~270/500主要功能 (18)4.1.1 并网发电 (18)4.1.2 MPPT功能 (18)4.1.3低电压穿越功能 (18)4.1.4 保护功能 (19)4.1.5 远程控制功能 (20)4.1.6自动开关机功能 (20)4.2 GDL YEC-PV-3~270/500运行模式 (20)4.3 GDL YEC-PV-3~270/500 LCD操作指南 (22)4.3.1 LCD主界面 (22)4.3.2 LCD控制指令发送 (24)5 产品安装 (30)5.1 注意事项 (31)5.2 机械尺寸 (31)5.3 放置与移动 (31)5.4直流输入线缆连接 (32)5.4.1 直流输入电气参数规格 (32)5.4.2直流输入线缆要求 (33)5.4.3线缆连接 (33)5.5交流输出线缆连接 (36)5.5.1交流输出电气规格 (36)5.5.2 交流输出线缆要求 (36)5.5.3 线缆连接 (36)5.6 系统地线连接 (38)5.6.1地线线缆要求 (38)5.7 远程监控通信线连接 (38)6 产品运行指南 (40)6.1 启动 (41)6.2 关机 (42)7 电气特性 (43)1关于本手册关于本章本章介绍了本手册的主要内容、面向的读者、手册使用须知以及手册所使用的符号定义,帮助用户更好的阅读本手册内容。
锦浪三相五代组串式光伏逆变器 GCI-(25-50)K-5G-PLUS 使用说明书

锦浪科技股份有限公司锦浪科技股份有限公司地址: 浙江省宁波市象山县滨海工业园金通路57号,315712 服务热线: 400-101-6600 销售热线: +86 (0)574 6580 3887 传真: +86 (0)574 6578 1606邮箱:****************公司网站: 当您发生问题时,请将您使用逆变器的产品序列号告知我们。
我们将尽快给您答复!使用说明书Ver 1.1锦浪三相五代组串式光伏逆变器GCI-(25-50)K-5G-PLUS注意:如果说明书与实物有出入,请以实物为准。
246666688122121214235102222223. 操作界面3.1 操作界面示意3.2 状态指示灯3.3 按键3.4 LCD显示屏5. 产品安装5.1 选择安装位置5.2 逆变器安装5.3 电气连接6. 启动及关闭6.1 启动程序6.2 关机程序1. 介绍2.1 安全标识2.2一般性安全指南2. 安全指令1.1 产品描述1.2 包装清单2.3 使用须知7. 一般操作7.1 主菜单7.2 信息目录………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4………………………………………………………………………………………………………………247.3 设置……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………247.4 高级信息……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………283132357.5 高级设置8. 维修保养9. 故障处置10. 逆变器的处置…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7774. 产品搬运及储存4.1 产品的搬运4.2 产品的储存…………………………………………………………………………………………………………3611. 产品规格……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………GCI三相五代组串式并网逆变器可以将光伏电池板产生的直流电能转换成交流电,并将其接入电网。
华为SUN2000-(50KTL, 50KTL-C1)快速指南说明书

SUN2000-(50KTL, 50KTL-C1)快速指南文档版本:09部件编码:31509128发布日期:2020-08-04HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.1产品简介1.由于产品版本升级或其他原因,本文档内容会不定期进行更新。
2.安装设备前请详细阅读《SUN2000-(50KTL,50KTL-C1) 用户手册》,了解产品信息及安全注意事项。
(1)PV 连接指示灯(2)并网指示灯(3)通信指示灯(4)告警/维护指示灯(5)维护腔门(6)主机面板机箱正面端口说明(1)电缆防水固定接头(AC OUTPUT 1)(3)USB 接口(USB )(5)直流开关2(DC SWITCH 2)(7)直流输入端子(由DC SWITCH 1控制)(2)电缆防水固定接头(AC OUTPUT 2)(4)直流开关1(DC SWITCH 1)(6)电缆防水固定接头(COM1/COM2/COM3)(8)直流输入端子(由DC SWITCH 2控制)机箱尺寸工程安装件尺寸2安装要求安装角度2.1倒置前倾竖直后仰水平安装空间2.2为了便于将逆变器安装到工程安装件上,同时便于逆变器底部接线和后续维护,建议600mm≤ 底部空间≤ 730mm。
SUN2000-(50KTL) 用户手册

SUN2000-(50KTL,50KTL-C1)用户手册文档版本 Draft A 发布日期2016-01-30华为技术有限公司版权所有© 华为技术有限公司2016。
文档版本Draft A (2016-01-30)试验局版本。
目录前言 (ii)1 安全注意事项 (1)2 产品介绍 (3)2.1 产品简介 (3)2.2 外观说明 (4)2.3 标签说明 (8)2.4 工作原理 (10)3 逆变器存储 (12)4 系统安装 (13)4.1 安装前检查 (13)4.2 准备安装工具 (13)4.3 挂墙安装 (17)4.3.1 选择安装位置 (17)4.3.2 搬运逆变器 (22)4.3.3 安装工程安装件 (23)4.3.4 安装逆变器 (26)4.4 支架安装 (29)4.4.1 选择安装位置 (29)4.4.2 搬运逆变器 (32)4.4.3 安装工程安装件 (32)4.4.4 安装逆变器 (34)5 电气连接 (35)5.1 开维护腔门 (35)5.2 连接保护地线(PE) (36)5.3 连接交流输出线 (38)5.4 连接直流输入线 (42)5.5 连接通信线 (48)5.5.1 通信方式说明 (48)5.5.2 连接RS485通信线 (49)5.6 关维护腔门 (55)6 系统调试 (57)6.1 上电前检查 (57)6.2 系统上电 (57)6.3 系统下电 (58)7 系统维护 (59)7.1 日常维护 (59)7.2 故障处理 (60)8 逆变器处置 (65)8.1 拆卸逆变器 (65)8.2 包装逆变器 (65)8.3 报废逆变器 (65)9 技术数据 (66)A 缩略语 (69)1 安全注意事项人员要求●所有针对SUN2000的操作必须由训练有素的专业电气技术人员进行。

Dongguan Sheng Yang Industrial Co., Ltd.SY-GWV300/500W Grid Tie InverterUser ManualThis data is a copyright of DongguanShengYang Industrial Co.Ltd.Without the written permission of the copyright holder, any unit or individual shall not be duplicate, disclosed to others orused,or we will be held liable in liability. This guide and the latest information maybe have someerror, but we will improve on time. If no prior notice changes, but incorporated into the new usermanual, Dongguan Sheng Yang Industrial Co., Ltd. has the final say.Tel:+86-0769-********/85372132/85372133Fax:+86-0769-********/85099281Website:Address:NO.1Shang Xin Road, Xin Rong Cun, Xin’an Community,Chang’an Town,Dong Guan City,Guang Dong ProvinceProduct picturesSystem Function●Power line carrier-current communication(Follow-up perfect)By using electric power as a carrier of AC alternating current, can modulate high-frequency software-processa ble (60KHz) in AC wire transmission and can achieve the communication/ newsletter between inverters or between inverter and computer. And it can transfer the power data and the brightness date of the sunshine in the real-time. Also monitor all functions of inverter.1、Carrier frequency:60KHZ(Frequency customizable)2、Interface way:TTL level serial interface3、Carrier rate:300BPS4、Serial rate:9600BPS(Can customize according to customer's request)5、Modulation mode:FSK+DSSS6、Newsletter distance:2Km●Display function1、AC voltage display2、Outage display3、Power shows4、AC frequency display5、DC over-voltage display6、DC under- voltage display7、Power adjust display●12-grade power searchIn overcast weather,the solar battery’s output current is extremely tiny, then inverter will automatic open 12-grade power search function.1、The program can automatically open power adjustment for 12 times.2、The current direction can adjust from the maximum to the minimum.3、In automatic adjustment process, we will see the LOW light flashing.And the power will keep as a starting point,from 0 to the maximum output power, and it will restart at most for 12 times, then locked in the maximum power, the ST lamp long bright.4、It need 10 minutes for 12-grade power search.●Wide voltage input(15-60VDC)Achieve wide voltage input.1、DC voltage input:15-60VDC2、Second level power variable voltage conversion●High-frequency two-way and one-way grid function1、High frequency direct modulation, AC half wave synthesis2、Two-way grid means: Load consume directly. And can reverse AC current transmission.3、One-way grid means: Load consume directly. And banned reverse AC current transmission.●Kinds of frequency output function.It can apply to 50Hz and 60Hz frequency of AC.Frequency range: 45Hz ~ 63Hz●directly connected to the solar panels (do not need to connect the battery)Using precise Dynamic differential pressure type MPPT function, APL functions, the inverter automatically adjust the solar panels of maximum output power,simply connect the solar panel to the grid inverters. Do not need to connect the battery.1、Differential pressure type MPPT: 0.1 V accuracy2、Power lock: 10W (AC output)●AC 0 angle with high precision auto-detectionAC phase angle of 0 through isolation amplifier then input to the MCU for high-precision detection and analysis.The phase shift rate is less than 1%, thus achieve high-precision with phase modulation AC output together.1、AC phase shift: < 1%2、Over-zero protection: 0.2 V AC3、AC switching: 50Hz / 60HzSynchronous High-frequency ModulationIn the process of the grid, usually adapt the same phase angle in parallel. (ie, When the two-phase alternating current total is equal to e switch to combination the two AC fusion) and the product is rectified AC half-frequency AC to 100Hz first, then the machine use the high frequency current in the circuit and semi-100Hz frequency alternating current generated combination, to achieve high-frequency modulation.1、Modulation synthesis: half wave and full-bridge modulation synthesis (100Hz / 120Hz)2、Synthetic way: MOSFET full-bridge3、High frequency: 50KHzPure Sine Wave OutputUse SPWM directly to make pure sine wave output.1、Output waveform: Adopt complementary PWM to push-pull pure sine wave.2、Generate means: enhancement-mode SPWM●Automatic Sensing Function Solar LuminosityUse the latest luminosity perception operation technology. The different illuminate angle and intensity of the solar panel will produce different current output. Use advanced CPU to operate the different illuminance and the data can be directly displayed on the LCD. Then you can visually see the sense of the strength of the sun unit.Used more convenient.1、Luminosity sampling point :power sampling point2、High precision AD sampling: integral AD sampling methodPower Automatically Locked (APL)In different current fluctuations, we should use the MPPT function. When the MPPT function adjusted to the maximum power point, the product automatically powers locked in maximum power point, then made the output power more stable.1、Power lock: The biggest sampling point of MPPT.Automatically Adapt To Different Load Power FactorAdapt to any of the power load.●Constant Current, Constant PowerThis product is constant current, constant output power, without any overload, over-current phenomenon.●Automatically Shut Down When The Power Output Of a FaultWhen the city power system is in failure, the inverter will automatically turn off the output.Current Limit ProtectionCurrent limit●Stack Multiple Machines●Multiple small power inverters in parallel can achieve large output power.●High-Frequency High Conversion RateAdapt high frequency converter, the output more efficient.Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)Because the current intensity and the voltage changes at any time, if there is no power point tracking, there will be a lot of problems. In the past time, usually adopt a solar controller, but this product uses high-precision MPPT operation power, automatic and immediate adjust the solar panels output power at the maximum output point, then achieve a stable output purposes.MPPT is for short of " Maximum Power Point Tracking". It means the controller can sense the voltage of the solar panels on time, and can track the highest voltage and current (VI).Then made the inverter discharge to power grid with the highest efficiency.The peak voltage (Vpp) of the solar panels is about 19.5V when it in factory. And the environment temperature is 25 ° C. The reason of setting this temperature(interestingly, different from the subjective imagination, we ordinary people the conclusion may let us surprised) is that when the weather is very hot, solar panels’ peak voltage will fall to about 17.5 V while in cold weather, the peak voltage can achieve 20.8 V.Now we back to contrast the difference of MPPT solar energy grid inverter and traditional inverter. The traditional solar inverter is a bit like the manual gearbox. When the engine speed increase, while the gearbox gear don't increase at the same time, it will definitely affect the speed of the car. For traditional inverter speaking, the parameter output power is been set in factory. It likes a car have been fixed set on fixed 1 gears, no matter how powerfully you trample accelerator, the speed of a car is limited. While have the MPPT function it will be different, it is automatically. It will automatically adjust the gears according to the engine’ speed, so it can make cars in the most gears in a reasonable efficiency standard operation. It means the MPPT controller can track the maximum power point of solar panels in real-time then express the biggest efficiency of solar panels. The higher the voltage, the more power can be output through the MPPT. Thus improve the charging efficiency.Theoretically speaking, using MPPT, the efficiency can be increased by 50% compared with the traditional inverter. But due to environmental impact and various around energy loss, the ultimate efficiency can improve20%-30% according to our actual testing.Parameter TableKD-WVC Grid-series models300Watt 500Watt Recommend use solar panels400Wp 600WpDC MAX input current 20A 40AAC MAX output power 300Watt 500WattDC MAX Open-circuit input-voltage 100VDCDC input voltage range 15~60VDCMAX output power factor 0.99DC input Reverse voltage protection FUSEAC output voltage range (120V versions:90~160VAC)(230V versions:190~260VAC)AC frequency range 45~63HzOutput current total harmonic distortion THDIAC <5%AC Phase <0.5%Islanding protection V AC;f ACOutput short circuit protection Current-limitingShow LED mode:power instruction;voltage instruction;AC frequency instruction;over-voltage instructionCommunication way 60KHz modulation,power line carrier-current communication Standby Power <1WNight Power <1WAmbient temperature range -25 ℃~60℃Humidity 0~99%(Indoor Type Design) Waterproof Indoor Type Design Electromagnetic Compatibility EN50081.part1 EN50082.part1 Power System Disturbance EN61000-3-2 EN62109 Network test DIN VDE 1026 Certificate CEPacking and weightNet weight 1.3kg(200—600W) 2.0kg(800—1000W) G weight 2.0kg(200—600W) 2.7kg(800—1000W) Size (L x W x H) 21 x 16.5 x5.3cm 31 x 16.5 x5.5cmPackage (L x W x H) Inner box:34x25x15.5CMBig box:51x37x33CMInner box :43x25x15.5CBig box:52x45x33CMInstallation Wall hanging AC power cord length 1.8m Cooling FanUser Guide1、Installation Connection1、Red terminal: Connect DC positive, black terminal: Connect DC negative. Show in Figure 1.Figure 12、AC socket: Connect to the mains. Put the side of the AC cord which has holes into the inverter with 3 footoutlet and the other side of the AC cord to home 3PIN AC outlet. Show in Figure 2.Figure 2 Figure 33、Switch: Connect the connections in right way, then turn on the switch. The inverter starts to work.2、Grid tied inverter used in the wind and solar street lights.Use this product, do not need to add solar panel controller, battery.Connection Method 1 (Figure 4 below): Connection method 2 (Figure 5 below): Figure 4 Figure 5Connection Method 1: Wind energy, solar energy can supply to the grid at the same time, then achieve the highest efficiency. First consider this connection method. Figure 5Connection method 2: Use a large power generation capacity first. The other capacity is in added. Wind and solar capacity complement each other with moderate efficiency.3、Stack usingIn order to achieve higher power use requirements, this product can be stacked, such as: 4 grid inverter1000W stacking can achieve 4000W.And the number of the stacking is unlimited. Used as shown in Figure 6:Figure 64、Input and output1、DC input limit✧Input voltage range: 14V to 60VSolar Panel: Recommend using the power more than 30W and the standard voltage of 36V PV panels.Recommend using multiple solar panels. Solar panel in series will result in high-input voltage which will exceed the working voltage range of the inverter.Wind turbine system: Rated voltage 24VDC, maximum voltage 48VDC.2、AC output:✧V oltage range of the inverter whose output is 220V AC.: 170V - 260V,50HZ✧V oltage range of the inverter whose output is 110V AC.: 90V - 160V,60HZ5、LED Indicator:1、Red LED:1、Low-voltage protection (input DC voltage is less than 14VDC).2、Over-voltage protection (Input DC voltage is greater than 60VDC).3、Over-temperature protection (when the chassis temperature is above 75℃,the temperature dropped about 2-10 minutes to restart automatically after cooling).4、Fault Protection (when 110V AC or 220V AC power outage or shutdown).5、Islanding protection: When the electric supply stop, the inverter automatically shut down output.2、Green LED:1、Green LED flashing: The inverter is adjusting power output. MPPT is in working condition.2、Green LED long in time: The inverter is in working condition with the maximum output power. Notes---Non-professionals do not disassemble. Only qualified personnel may repair this product.---Please install inverter in the low humidity and well-ventilated place to avoid the inverter over-heating, and clear around the inflammable and explosive materials.---When using this product, avoid children touching, playing, to avoid electric shock.---Recommended Maximum DC input 4AWG cable capable of handling more than 50A of the cable size.---Optimal length of the DC input line 8M or less, long cable will allow solar panels to the inverterDC voltage drop caused by wear and tear.---Connected to a power outlet to provide AC.---Connected solar panels, battery or wind generators DC input DC power supply cable. ---Proposed wind power plant with its own charge controller and load dump. Accessories for productOne standard AC wireOne warranty cardOne user manualOne certificate of quality。

- 0.5%高精度智能组串检测,在线分析和定位故障 - 支持PLC通讯,节省通讯线缆及施工成本 - 重量轻,单机39kg,安装维护方便
电流检测 直流熔丝
电流检测 电流检测
MPPT1 (升压)
直流防雷器 直流滤波器
MPPT2 (升压)
510×700×240mm 壁挂式 39kg
100% 99% 98% 97% 96% 95% 94% 93% 92% 91% 90% 0%
Vdc=550V Vdc=780V Vdc=850V
波器NPE直流防雷器 直流滤波器
MPPT3 (升压)
交流浪涌 保护器
产品型号 输入(直流) 最大输入功率 最大输入电压 启动电压 额定输入电压 MPP电压范围 满载MPP电压范围 MPPT数量 每路MPPT最大输入组串数 最大输入电流 输入端子最大允许电流 输出(交流) 额定输出功率 最大输出功率(PF=1) 最大输出视在功率 最大输出电流 额定电网电压 电网电压范围 额定电网频率 电网频率范围 总电流波形畸变率 直流分量 功率因数范围 保护 孤岛保护 低电压穿越 直流反接保护 交流短路保护 漏电流保护 直流开关 直流保险丝 过压保护 系统 最大效率 欧洲效率 隔离方式 防护等级 夜间自耗电 工作温度范围 相对湿度 冷却方式 最高海拔 通讯 直流端子 交流端子 机械 尺寸(宽×高×深) 安装方式 重量

MT系列用户手册350-00202-00SOLAR INVERTER光伏并网逆变器公司网站公司微信售后服务直拨热线: 400-998-1212备注:以上联系方式如有变更,恕不另行通知。
1 符号释义2 安全说明与警告3 安装方式4 操作说明5常见问题解答6 技术参数7 产品维护8 相关认证3.1安装说明3.2逆变器外观介绍与包装信息3.3设备安装3.4电气安装4.1指示灯说明4.2显示屏和按键说明4.3故障代码4.4提示与免责声明4.5WiFi模块重启和恢复出厂设置 (01).................................................... 02.. (02).................................................... 03. (05) (10) (11)................................................. 16....................................... 16.. (01) (17)6.1指示灯说明6.2主电路示意图 (19) (26) (23)7.1清理风扇 7.2DC开关检查7.3电气连接 .............................................. 22. (23) (16).................................................... 237.4更换保险丝 . (23)注意安全—忽视该手册中警示标志,会造成轻微或中度伤害高压危险 小心触电表面灼热 小心触碰不得作为普通垃圾弃置,要经过特殊的途径回收处理CE标志可回收再利用此面向上不得倾斜倒放叠压层限制 最高可以叠6层易损物品 小心轻放怕潮湿断电后需等待5分钟确保机器完全放电1 符号释义江苏固德威电源科技股份有限公司(以下简称固德威)MT系列光伏并网逆变器是严格按照相关安全法规设计及测试的,但作为电气和电子设备,安装、维护时需遵守以下安全说明,不当的操作将对操作者、第三方造成严重伤害以及财产损失。

太阳能离网控逆一体机深圳市普顿电力设备有限公司使用说明书敬告用户使用前应详细阅读此说明本产品在设计和生产时已充分考虑到操作者的安全以及产品的安全使用, 否则会人身伤害或事故,所以请严格依照以下说明使用或安装。
光伏并网逆变器 SDT G2系列 用户手册说明书

用户手册光伏并网逆变器SDT G2系列版权声明用户手册 V1.0-2021-09-15未经固德威技术股份有限公司授权,本手册所有内容不得以任何形式复制、传播或上传至公共网络等第三方平台。
版权所有©固德威技术股份有限公司 2021。
商标授权注意目录用户手册 V1.0-2021-09-15目录1 前言 (1)1.1 适用产品 (1)1.2 适用人员 (1)1.3 符号定义 (2)1.4 版本记录 (2)2 安全注意事项 �������������������������������������������������������������������3 2.1 通用安全 (3)2.2 直流侧 (3)2.3 交流侧 (3)2.4 逆变器 (4)2.5 人员要求 (4)3 产品介绍 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������5 3.1 应用场景 (5)3.2 电路框图 (5)3.3 支持的电网形式 (6)3.4 外观说明(5-15kW) (7)3.4.1 部件与尺寸介绍 (7)3.4.2 指示灯说明 (9)3.4.3 铭牌说明 (10)3.5 外观说明(17-25kW) (11)3.5.1 部件与尺寸介绍 (11)3.5.2 指示灯说明 (13)3.5.3 铭牌说明 (14)4 设备检查与存储 ��������������������������������������������������������������15 4.1 签收前检查 (15)4.2 交付件 (15)4.3 设备存储 (16)用户手册 V1.0-2021-09-15目录5 安装 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������17 5.1 安装要求 (17)5.2 安装逆变器 (19)5.2.1 搬运逆变器 (19)5.2.2 安装逆变器 (20)6 电气连接(5-15kW) ���������������������������������������������������������22 6.1 安全注意事项 (22)6.2 连接保护地线 (22)6.3 连接直流输入线 (23)6.4 连接交流输出线 (25)6.5 通信连接 (27)6.5.1 连接通信线(可选) (27)6.5.2 安装通信模块(可选) (28)7 电气连接(17-25kW) �������������������������������������������������������29 7.1 安全注意事项 (29)7.2 电气连接(GW17KT-DT/GW20KT-DT/GW25KT-DT) (29)7.2.1 连接保护地线 (29)7.2.2 连接直流输入线 (30)7.2.3 连接交流输出线 (32)7.2.4 通信连接 (33)7.3 电气连接(GW17KF-DT/GW20KF-DT/GW25KF-DT) (35)7.3.1 连接保护地线 (35)7.3.2 连接直流输入线 (35)7.3.3 连接交流输出线 (38)7.3.4 通信连接 (40)8 设备试运行 ���������������������������������������������������������������������44 8.1 上电前检查 (44)8.2 设备上电 (44)目录用户手册 V1.0-2021-09-15 9 系统调测 ������������������������������������������������������������������������45 9.1 指示灯与按键介绍 (45)9.2 通过显示屏设置逆变器参数 (46)9.2.1 显示屏菜单介绍 (46)9.2.2 逆变器参数介绍 (48)9.3 通过APP设置逆变器参数 (49)10 系统维护 ����������������������������������������������������������������������50 10.1 逆变器下电 (50)10.2 拆除逆变器 (50)10.3 报废逆变器 (50)10.4 故障处理 (51)10.5 定期维护 (54)11 技术数据 ����������������������������������������������������������������������55用户手册 V1.0-2021-09-1501 前言1 前言1�1 适用产品1�2 适用人员本文档主要介绍了逆变器的产品信息、安装接线、配置调测、故障排查及维护内容。
正泰CPS SCH250KTL-DO三相并网光伏逆变器快速安装指南说明书

在使用太阳能光伏逆变器前,请详细阅读以下安全和注意事项:3 外观与尺寸CPS SCH250KTL-DO 上海正泰电源系统有限公司快速安装指南官方网站: 服务热线*************-866300三相并网光伏逆变器版本: 2.0日期: 2021/11/104.1 供货范围光伏逆变器安装挂壁架附件袋(包含附件如下)4.2 保持适当间隔4.3 安装方式要求4.4 不允许安装状态为维持逆变器具有良好的散热条件,安装及规划时应至少保持以下适当间隔:两平行逆变器之间的距离必须≥300毫米,并保证通风良好。
4.6 逆变器的挂壁安装5.1 配线准备1、按挂壁架安装孔位图所示标记1. 直流输入快插端子2. LINKIT通讯接口3. RS485通讯线进出线口4. 交流输出接线口5. 风扇6. 直流开关7. 泄气阀5.2 线缆要求5.3 线缆连接首先,用对边5mm的内六角扳手松开固定接线盒上盖的2颗螺钉,取下接线盒上盖。
2、在标记好的位置用Ф12mm 钻头钻孔,然后用所配螺钉M10X50 ④、M10弹垫 ②、Ф10mm 平垫 ③、M10螺母 ①将挂壁架 ⑤固定好。
工具:电钻(配Ф12mm 钻头)、17号扳手。
3、 将逆变器主机按下图所示挂在挂壁支架上。
4.5 安装所需工具及力矩序号工具用途力矩15mm内六角扳手接线盒上盖217号套筒扳手接地端子固定逆变器3 1.5m m 一字螺丝刀RS485通讯端子10号套筒扳手4交流输出接线端子固定挂壁架5斜口钳制作线缆6剥线钳制作线缆7压线钳制作线缆30.0kgf.cm 230.0kgf.cm2.0kgf.cm60.0kgf.cm --- 1. 接地连接CPS SCH250KTL-DO接地线有2种接法,逆变器留有内部接地柱位于交流接线端子右侧,外部接地柱位于机器底部右侧交流端口旁。

GBL220-500-315-HE 500kW光伏并网逆变器用户手册(许继)


华为SUN2000-(50KTL, 60KTL)-M0快速指南说明书

SUN2000-(50KTL, 60KTL)-M0 Quick GuideIssue: 07Part Number: 31509315Date: 2021-05-06HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Indicator Status DescriptionPV connection indicatorSteady green At least one PV string is properly connected, and the DC input voltage of the corresponding MPPT circuit is higher than or equal to 200 V.OffThe SUN2000 disconnects from all PV strings, or the DC input voltage of each MPPT circuit is less than 200 V.Grid-tied indicatorSteady green The SUN2000 has connected to the power grid.OffThe SUN2000 does not connect to the power municatio n indicatorBlinking green The SUN2000 receives communications data normally.OffThe SUN2000 receives no communications data for 10s.1Product OverviewIndicator DescriptionFront View(1) PV connection indicator (2) Grid-tied indicator (3) Communication indicator (4) Alarm/Maintenance indicator (5) Maintenance compartmentdoor(6) Host panel cover1.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied.2.Before installing the device, carefully read the user manual to get familiar with product information and precautions.3.Only qualified and trained electrical technicians are allowed to operate the device. Operators should understand the components and functioning of a grid-tied PV power system, and they should be familiar with relevant local standards.4.Before installing the device, check that package contents are intact and complete against the packing list. If any damage is found or any component is missing, contact the dealer.e insulated tools when installing the device. For personal safety, wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE).6.Huawei shall not be liable for any consequence caused by violation of the storage, moving, installation, and operation regulations specified in this document and the user manual.Indicator StatusDescription Alarm/Mainte nance indicatorAlarm statusBlinking red at long intervals (on for 1s and then off for 4s)A warning alarm is generated.Blinking red at short intervals (on for 0.5s and then off for 0.5s)A minor alarm is generated.Steady redA major alarm is generated.Localmaintenance statusBlinking green at long intervals (on for 1s and then off for 1s)Local maintenance is in progress.Blinking green at short intervals (onfor 0.125s and then off for 0.125s)Local maintenance fails.Steady greenLocal maintenance succeeds.PortsSUN2000 Dimensions Mounting Bracket Dimensions(1) Cable gland (COM1, COM2,and COM3)(2) DC switch 1 (DC SWITCH 1)(3) DC input terminals (controlled by DCSWITCH 1)(4) DC input terminals (controlled by DCSWITCH 2)(5) DC switch 2 (DC SWITCH 2) (6) Cable gland (AC OUTPUT)(7) Cable gland (RESERVE)(8) USB port (USB)2Installation RequirementsInstallation Angle2.1Installation Space2.2For ease of installing the SUN2000 on the mounting bracket, connecting cables to the bottom of the SUN2000, and maintaining the SUN2000 in future, it is recommended that the bottom clearance be between 600 mm and 730 mm.●The SUN2000 mounting bracket has four groups of tapped holes, each group containing four tapped holes. Mark any hole in each groupbased on site requirements and mark four holes in total. Two round holes are preferred.●M12x40 bolt assemblies are supplied with the SUN2000. If the bolt length does not meet the installation requirements, prepare M12 bolt assemblies by yourself and use them together with the supplied M12 nuts.●The following describes how to install the SUN2000 by using support installation as an example. For details about wall-mounted installation, see the user manual.●Save the security torx wrench for later use after removing it from the mounting bracket.3Installing the SUN2000Position for saving a security torx wrenchYou are advised to apply anti-rust paint on the hole positions for protection.Installation Preparations4.14Installing CablesNo.NameModel/SpecificationsDescription 1Ground cable16 mm 2outdoor copper cable•If you choose the ground point on the enclosure for connecting a ground cable, prepare the ground cable.•If you choose the ground point in themaintenance compartment for connecting a ground cable, use an AC output cable that includes a ground cable instead of preparing an extra ground cable.2AC output power cable 35 mm 2outdoor copper cable-3OT terminal M8When using outdoor copper cables for AC connection, select copper wiring terminals. For requirements on the cables and terminals of other materials, see user manual.4DC input power cablePV cable that meets the 1100 V standard N/A5RS485communications cable (terminal block)Computer cable DJYP2VP2-22 2×2×1•If RS485 communication is used, prepare the RS485 communications cable.•A terminal block is recommended for connecting to the RS485 communications cable.RS485communications cable (RJ45 network port)Outdoor shielded network cable/CAT 5E6Cable tie N/A N/A1.Before installing cables, ensure that all required OT terminals and cables are prepared.2.The following table lists only recommended cable specifications. For more cable specifications, see the user manual.2.Open the maintenance compartment door and install the support bar.Installing the Ground Cable4.2•The ground point on the enclosure is preferred to connect to the PE cable for the SUN2000.•The ground point in the maintenance compartment is mainly used for connecting to the ground cable included in the multi-core AC power cable. For details, see section " 4.4Installing AC Output Power Cables."•The ground cable must be secured.•It is recommended that PGND cable of the SUN2000 be connected to the nearest ground point. For a system with multiple SUN2000s connected in parallel, connect the ground points of all SUN2000s to ensure equipotential connections to ground cables.•To enhance the corrosion resistance of the PE terminal, apply silica gel or paint on it after connecting the PGND cable.Opening the Maintenance Compartment Door4.31.Never open the host panel of the SUN2000.2.Before opening the maintenance compartment door, turn off the downstream AC output switch and the two DC switches at the bottom.3.If you need to open the maintenance compartment door on rainy or snowy days, takeprotective measures to prevent rain and snow entering the maintenance compartment. If it is impossible to take protective measures, do not open the maintenance compartment door on rainy or snowy days.4.Do not leave unused screws in the maintenance compartment.1.Loosen the two screws on the maintenance compartment door using a security torx wrench.3.Remove the cover and hang it on the hook of the enclosure door.1.Route the cable through the cable gland.Installing AC Output Power Cables4.4If the screws on the enclosure door are lost, obtain spare screws from the fitting bag boundto the inductor cover at the bottom of the enclosure.1.Select an appropriate rubber fitting based on the outer diameter of the AC power cable to ensure proper sealing.2.There are two types of waterproof connectors for the AC OUTPUT port. The dimensions depend on the SUN2000 that is used.3.To avoid damaging the rubber fitting, do not route a cable with a crimped OT terminal through the rubber fitting.4.Do not adjust the cable when the thread-lock sealing nut is tightened. Otherwise, the rubber fitting will shift, which affects the Ingress Protection Rating of the device.Position for saving spare screws•If you connect a ground cable to the ground point on the chassis shell in a scenario with no neutral wire, you are advised to use a three-core (L1, L2, and L3) outdoor cable.•If you connect a ground cable to the ground point in the maintenance compartment in a scenario with no neutral wire, you are advised to use a four -core (L1, L2, L3, and PE) outdoor cable.•If you connect a ground cable to the ground point on the chassis shell in a scenario with a neutral wire, you are advised to use a four-core (L1, L2, L3, and N) outdoor cable.•If you connect a ground cable to the ground point in the maintenance compartment in ascenario with a neutral wire, you are advised to use a five -core (L1, L2, L3, N, and PE) outdoor cable.3.Crimp an OT terminal.Core wireInsulation layer Heat gunHydraulic pliersHeat shrink tubingJacketInsulation layerCore wirea.Three-core cable (excluding the ground cable and neutral wire)c.Four-core cable (excluding the ground cable but including the neutral wire)b.Four-core cable (including the ground cable but excluding the neutral wire)d.Five-core cable (including the ground cable and neutral wire)2.Remove an appropriate length of the jacket and insulation layer from the AC output power cable using a wire stripper. (Ensure that the jacket is in the maintenance compartment.)L2=L1+3 mm L1L1L2=L1+3 mm ≤ 230 mm≤ 230 mmL2=L1+3 mm L1≤ 230 mmL1L2=L1+3 mm ≤ 230 mm4.Connect the AC output power cable to the terminal block, and then tighten the nut using a torque wrench that has an extension rod.a.Three-core cable (excluding the ground cable and neutral wire)c.Four-core cable (excluding the ground cable but including the neutral wire)b.Four-core cable (including the ground cable but excluding the neutral wire)d.Five-core cable (including the ground cable and neutral wire)5.Tighten the thread-lock sealing nut.6.Clear debris from the maintenance compartment.•Ensure that AC terminations provide firm and solid electrical connections. Failing to do so may cause SUN2000 malfunction and damage to its terminal block, even starting thermal events.•If the AC output power cables are subject to a pulling force because the inverter is not installed stably, ensure that the last cable that bears the stress is the PE cable.4.5Installing DC Input Power CablesSelecting DC Input TerminalsThe SUN2000 provides two DC switches, named as DC SWITCH 1 and DC SWITCH 2. DC SWITCH 1 controls the 1st to 6th sets of DC input terminals, whereas DC SWITCH 2 controls the 7th to 12th sets of DC input terminals.Select DC input terminals according to the following rules:1.Evenly distribute DC input power cables on the DC input terminals controlled by the two DCswitches.2.Maximize the number of connected MPPT circuits.Ensure that the PV module output is well insulated to ground.e the Amphenol Helios H4 PV connectors provided with the SUN2000. If the connectorsare lost or damaged, purchase the PV connectors of the same model. The device damaged caused by incompatible PV connectors is not covered under any warranty or serviceagreement.2.The metal contacts supplied with the DC connectors are either cold forming contacts orstamping forming contacts. Crimp the metal cold forming contacts using crimping toolUTXTC0005 (Amphenol, recommended) or H4TC0001 (Amphenol). Crimp the metalstamping forming contacts using crimping tool H4TC0003 (Amphenol, recommended) or H4TC0002 (Amphenol). Choose the crimping tools that fit the metal contacts.3.Before connecting DC input power cables, label the cable polarities to ensure correct cableconnections. If the cables are connected incorrectly, the SUN2000 may be damaged.4.Insert the crimped metal contacts of the positive and negative power cables into theappropriate positive and negative connectors. Then pull the DC input power cables to ensure that they are connected securely.5.Connect the positive and negative connectors to the appropriate positive and negative DCinput terminals. Then pull the DC input power cables to ensure that they are connected securely.6.If polarity of the DC input power cable is reversed and the DC switch is ON, do not turn offthe DC switch immediately or unplug positive and negative connectors. The device may be damaged if you do not follow the instruction. The caused equipment damage is beyond the warranty scope. Wait until the solar irradiance declines and the PV string current reduces to below 0.5 A, and then turn off the two DC switches and remove the positive and negative connectors. Correct the string polarity before reconnecting the string to the SUN2000.8-10 mm8-10 mmPositive connectorNegative connectorPositive metal contactNegative metal contact Recommended: PV cable that meets the 1100 V standard.Ensure that the cable cannot be removed after crimped.UTXTC0005(Amphenol)ClickEnsure that the locking nut is secured.H4TW0001(Amphenol)Use a multimeter to measure the DC voltage.ClickInstalling DC Input Power Cables (Cold Forming Metal Contact)•If the voltage is a negative value, the DC input polarity is incorrect. Correct the polarity.•If the voltage is greater than 1100 V DC, too many PV modules configured to the same string. Remove some PV modules.Installing DC Input Power Cables (Stamping Forming Metal Contact)H4TC0003 (Amphenol)H4TW0001(Amphenol)Negative metal contact Recommended: PV cable that meets the 1100 V standard.Ensure that the cable cannot be removed after crimped.Positive connectorNegative connectorClickEnsure that the locking nut is secured.Use a multimeter to measure the DC voltage.Click8-10 mmPositive metal contact8-10 mmInstalling the RS485 Communications Cable4.6 1.When routing communications cables, separate communications cables from power cables to prevent communication from being affected.2.An RS485 cable can connect to either a terminal block or an RJ45network port. It is recommended that the RS485 cable connect to a terminal block.Terminal Block Connection (Recommended)3.Remove the cable terminal base from the terminal block. Connect the communications cable to the terminal base.1.Remove an appropriate length of the jacket and core wire insulation layer from the communications cable using a wire stripper.No.Port Definition Description1RS485A IN RS485A, RS485 differential signal+2RS485A OUT RS485A, RS485 differential signal+3RS485B IN RS485B, RS485 differential signal –4RS485B OUTRS485B, RS485 differential signal –2.Route the cable through the cable gland.5.Bind the communications cable.4.Install the terminal base on the terminalblock, and connect the shield layer to theground point.When connecting the shielded cable, choose whether to crimp the OT terminal based on site requirements.6.Tighten the thread-lock sealing nut and seal the waterproof connector.RJ45 Network Port Connection1.Prepare an RJ45 connector.2.Route the cable through the cable gland.No.Color Pin Definition1White-and-orange RS485A, RS485differential signal+2Orange RS485B, RS485differential signal–3White-and-green N/A4Blue RS485A, RS485differential signal+5White-and-blue RS485B, RS485differential signal–6Green N/A7White-and-brown N/A8Brown N/A4.Bind the communications cable.3.Insert the RJ45 connector into the RJ45 networkport in the SUN2000 maintenance compartment.5.Tighten the thread-lock sealing nut and seal the waterproof connector.5Verifying the Installation1.The SUN2000 is installed correctly and securely.Yes □No □N/A □2.The DC switches and downstream AC switch are OFF.Yes □No □N/A □3.All ground cables are connected securely, without open circuitsor short circuits.Yes □No □N/A □4.AC output power cables are connected correctly and securely,without open circuits or short circuits.Yes □No □N/A □5.DC input power cables are connected correctly and securely,without open circuits or short circuits.Yes □No □N/A □6.The RS485 communications cable is connected correctly andsecurely.Yes □No □N/A □7.Check that all used cable glands at the bottom of theenclosure are sealed, and that the thread-lock sealing nut isYes □No □N/A □tightened.8.The AC terminal cover is reinstalled.Yes □No □N/A □9.The maintenance compartment door is closed and the doorscrews are tightened.Yes □No □N/A □10.Unused DC input terminals are sealed.Yes □No □N/A □11.Unused USB ports are plugged with watertight caps.Yes □No □N/A □12.Unused cable glands are plugged and the thread-lock sealingnuts are tightened.Yes □No □N/A □6Powering On the SystemBefore turning on the AC switch between the SUN2000 and the power grid, use a multimeter to check that the AC voltage is within the specified range.1.Turn on the AC switch between the SUN2000 and the power grid.2.Turn on the DC switches at the SUN2000 bottom.SUN2000 App7Login PageWLAN or Bluetooth Connection USB Data Cable ConnectionSelect ConnectionModeSelect User Quick Settings1.The SUN2000 app is mobile phone app that communicates with the SUN2000 monitoring system over a USB data cable, Bluetooth module, or WLAN module. As a convenient local monitoring and maintenance platform, itsupports alarm query, parameter configuration, and routine maintenance. The app name is SUN2000.2.Log in to Huawei AppGallery (https://), search forSUN2000, and download the app installation package. You can also scan the QR code (https:///appdl/C10279542) to download the installation package.3.Connect a USB data cable, a Bluetooth module, or a WLAN module to the USB port of the SUN2000 to implement the communication between the SUN2000 and the app.●The screenshots in this document correspond to app version●When the WLAN connection is used, the initial name of the WLAN hotspot is Adapter-WLAN module SN , and the initial password is Changeme .●The preset passwords for Common User , Advanced User , and Special User are 00000a .●Use the initial password upon first power-on and change itimmediately after login. To ensure account security, change the password periodically and keep the new password in mind. Not changing the initial password may cause password disclosure. A password left unchanged for a long period of time may be stolen or cracked. If a password is lost, devices cannot be accessed. In these cases, the user is liable for any loss caused to the PV plant.●Set the correct grid code based on the application area and scenario of the solar inverter.Main menu screenBefore installing the module, configure the communication parameters of the host on the SUN2000app. For detailed configuration, see the user manual.8(Optional) Installing a 4G ModuleThe 4G communication mainly applies in the distributed PV plants with a small number of inverters. The inverters directly connect to the FusionSolar management system through the 4G network.•If the 4G communication is used, a maximum of 10 SUN2000s can be connected.•Install the 4G module on the SUN2000master.The RS485communication is used between the SUN2000master and slave, and between the SUN2000slave and slave.1.Press the buckle inwards to remove the 4G module enclosure, and then install the SIM card.•If the 4G module you purchase is configured with a SIM card, skip this step.•If it is not configured with a SIM card, prepare a standard one (dimensions: 25 mm x 15 mm, capacity ≥ 64 KB.•When installing a SIM card, you can determine the SIM card installation direction based on the silk screen and arrow mark on the slot.•When being pressed into place, the SIM card will be locked, which means that the card is installed correctly.•To remove the SIM card, push it inwards. Then the SIM card springs out automatically. •When reinstalling the 4G module enclosure, ensure that the buckle springs back to the original position.2.Remove the watertight cap from the USB port and fix the 4G module.Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Huawei Industrial Base, Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China。

目录1. 简介 - 02 -…………………………………………………………………… 1.1 外观说明 - 02 -……………………………………………………………2. 安全警告与说明- 04 - ……………………………………………………… 2.1 安全标识- 04 -…………………………………………………………… 1.2 装箱清单- 03 -…………………………………………………………… 2.2 安全说明- 04 -……………………………………………………………3.操作界面- 06 -……………………………………………………………… 2.3 使用注意事项- 05 -……………………………………………………… 3.2 状态指示灯- 06 -………………………………………………………… 3.1 界面视图- 06 -……………………………………………………………4. 产品安装- 08 -……………………………………………………………… 4.1 选择安装位置 - 08 -………………………………………………………5. 电气连接- 11 -……………………………………………………………… 5.1 直流输入端连接- 11 -………………………………………………… 5.2 交流输出端连接- 13 -…………………………………………………… 5.3 地线连接- 15 -…………………………………………………………… 4.2 逆变器安装- 10 -…………………………………………………………- 16 -……………………………………………………… 5.4 交流断路器 5.5 逆变器监控连接- 16 -……………………………………………………- 17 - 5.6 数据采集器的安装…………………………………………………6. 启动和关闭- 18 -……………………………………………………………7. 电表接线图(该功能仅适用于定制机型)- 19 -…………………………… 6.1 启动逆变器- 18 -………………………………………………………… 6.2 关闭逆变器- 18 -…………………………………………………………………………………- 22 -8. 如何在监控平台上查看光伏并网电站的负载功率- 23 -……………………………………………………………9. 维修和维护- 23 -…………………………………………………10. 故障代码与解决方法- 24 -………………………………………………………… 10.1 故障代码- 28 -………………………………………………………………11.技术参数关于本手册本手册主要介绍产品信息及安装、操作和维护。