
如:现代西方城市有很多red light district(红灯区),英语中的scarlet有“鲜红的、淫荡的、罪名昭彰”之意。
英语说black tea,汉语说“红茶”。


关键词:颜色词联想意义文化差异跨文化交际Chinese and English Cultural Differences Reflected in the ColorTermsAbstractAs we live in a colorful world, the diversity of colors results in the diversity of the equivalent color terms. Apart from expressing the most basic colors in the nature, colors, to some extent, represent some values and aesthetics of the mankind. In this case, color terms no longer merely express the designative meaning of the objective colors. They are given different symbolic meanings. People with different cultural background have different perceptions and aesthetic experience about colors, in which similarities can be found.This paper will select a few typical color terms to analyze the similarities and differences of color terms in Chinese and English cultures, discuss various reasons for these similarities, and touches upon their influence on the cross-cultural communication and exchanges and the solutions.Key words:color terms, associative meaning, cultural differences, cross-cultural communication目录引言 (1)1、中英两种文化中的颜色词及在跨文化交际中的翻译误区 (1)1.1、中英两种文化中的颜色词 (1)1.2、跨文化交际中颜色词的翻译误区 (1)2、颜色词在中英文化中的不同内涵,其共性与差异性 (1)2.1、白色(white) (2)2.2、红色(red) (2)2.3、黄色(yellow) (3)3、颜色词在中英文化中形成差异性的原因 (3)3.1、文化差异的原因 (4)3.2、价值取向的原因 (4)3.3、思维方式的原因 (5)3.4、宗教方面的原因 (5)3.5、其它原因 (5)4、颜色词的差异性对跨文化交流的影响 (6)5、在跨文化交流中应如何正确理解和翻译颜色词 (6)5.1、直译法 (6)5.2、意译法 (6)5.3、更换颜色词的翻译法 (7)5.4、增加颜色词的翻译法 (7)6、结语 (7)7、参考文献 (8)从颜色词看中英文化差异引言色彩与人类的生活息息相关,是人类认识世界的一个重要领域。

国有些 地方 的人 们也 把 “ 红糖 ” 称 为是 “ 黑糖 ” 。还有
个 原 因是 中国人 喜 欢红 色 , 所 以“ 红糖” 和“ 棕糖”
或是“ 褐糖” 放 在 一 起 的话 , 毫无疑 问, 他 们 会 选择
“ 红糖 ” 。
【 关键词 】颜色词
翻译 【 文献标识码 】 A 【 文章编号 】 1 0 0 8 — 8 8 8 1 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 3 — 0 1 9 1 — 0 2
【 中图分类号 】H 3 1 5
在《 原始文化》 一书 中, 英 国人类文化学家爱德 华・ 泰 勒指 出: “ 如果 说 文化是 一 个结 构 繁 杂 的工程 , 那 么颜 色 词 就是 这 个 系统 工 程 中 的小 零 件 。 ” 小 小 的零件却发挥着不可小瞧的作用 , 从它们身上我们 看 到 了 丰 富绚 丽 的文 化 现象 。在英 汉 两 种 语 言 中 ,
面上来 看 , 这些 中文 和英 文 是两 码 事 。这是 因为 西
言精细, 讲求科学性较高 , 而且形象。而红糖的颜色 虽然属于红色系 , 但不是纯红色。精确一点的话 , 是 褐色 或 棕色 。所 以西 方人 “ b r o w n s u g a r ” 这样 的表 达
事实 上是 实事 求 是 , 精 准 到位 , 客观 描 述 。而 中 国人 的思 维 就是 另一 码事 了。中 国常吃 的粉 状糖 就是 白
和 房子 h o u s e ) 组成 的 。中文翻译 的“ 温室 ” 是 指在 给
人 的整 体 印 象 中要 比其 他 房 子 “ 暖” 的感觉 , 而
g r e e n h o u s e 是西方 人强调这所房子的作用和能效 , 那就是在恶劣冰冷 的环境中, 这样 的房子仍然 能够 使 里 面 的作 物茁 壮 成长 , 一 片油 油之 色 。还 有 , 中国

中西方颜色词象征意义差异的原因【篇一:中西方颜色词象征意义差异的原因】英汉颜色词差异的主要原因是由于英汉民族所处的地理位置历史背景,所拥有的风俗习惯、民族心理和思维方式存在着很大差异.西方从文明一开始,就比较注重科学理性的教育和科学方法的发现,对客观世界和客观认识采取现实的科学态度.因此,西方文化中颜色的象征意义往往比较直接,一般是用客观事物的具体颜色来象征某些抽象的文化含义,所以更易追溯其语义理据和逻辑理据.例如:西方文化中的红色(red)主要指鲜血(blood)颜色,而blood在西方人心目中是奔腾在人体内的生命之液.一旦鲜血流淌下来,生命之花也就凋谢.所以red使西方人联想到暴力和危险产生了一种颜色禁忌.美国学者阿思海姆在他的《色彩论》中说:色彩能有力的表达情感.……红色被认为是令人激动的,因为它能使我们想到火、血和革命的含义.著名汉学家霍克斯在翻译红楼梦时,由于意识到red可能使现代英语读者联想到“暴力、流血,所以采用小说原来曾使用的书名《石头记》,译为the story of the stone.但是由于中国经历了几千年的封建社会以及教育和科技的相对落后,在中国文化中,颜色的生成具有强烈的神秘色彩,它的发展受到中国社会文化发展的较大影响.在先秦,颜色词就已经和古人的世界观、哲学思想联系在一起,后来又和政治挂钩.所以中国文化中的颜色内涵和象征意义十分丰富,而且颜色词的象征意义是多元的.2、白色在中国文化中,白色和红色相反,是一个基本禁忌词,体现了中国人在物质和精神上的摈弃和厌恶.在中国古代的五方说中,西方为白虎,西方是刑天杀神,主萧杀之秋,古代常在秋季征伐不义、处死犯人.所以白色是枯竭而无血色、无生命的表现,象征死亡、凶兆.如自古以来亲人死后家属要披麻戴孝(穿白色孝服)办白事,要设白色灵堂,出殡时要打白幡;旧时还把白虎视为凶神,所以现在称带给男人厄运的女人为白虎星.白色的心理功能在其发展过程中由于受到政治功能的影响,又象征腐朽、反动、落后,如视为白专道路;它也象征失败、愚蠢、无利可得,如在战争中失败的一方总是打着“白旗” 表示投降,称智力低下的人为白痴,把出力而得不到好处或没有效果叫做白忙、白费力、白干等,它还象征奸邪、阴险,如唱白脸、白脸奸雄;最后,它还象征知识浅薄、没有功名,如称平民百姓为白丁、白衣、白身,把缺乏锻炼、阅历不深的文人称作白面书生等.西方文化中的白色象征意义主要着眼于其本身色彩,如新下的雪、新鲜牛奶及百合花的颜色.西方人认为白色高雅纯洁,所以它是西方文化中的崇尚色.它象征纯真无邪,如(1)a white soul纯洁的心灵,(2)wh ite wedding新娘穿白礼服的婚礼;它又象征正直、诚实,如(1)a white spirit正直的精神, (2)whitem en高尚、有教养的人,(3)white hand廉洁、诚实;它也象征幸运、吉利,如(1)one ofthe white days o f sbs life 某人生活中的吉日之一,(2)whitemagic有天使相助的法术;它还有合法、无恶意的意思,如( 1) whitemarket合法市场,(2)white list经过批准的合法明单,(3)awhite lie 无害的谎言.【篇二:中西方颜色词象征意义差异的原因】逻辑的同一无法掩盖文化的差异。

西方文化中红色含有比较多的贬义,象征着残暴流血,red hands 指血腥的手,杀人的手;red alert 指空袭警报;还象征放荡,淫秽,比如a red light district(红灯区)。
Snow white(白雪公主)是纯洁善良的化身,还表示合法,无恶意,比如white lie指的是善意的谎言。
在西方,黑色象征着黑暗、邪恶和痛苦,比如black words指不吉利的话。
2001年9月11日,美国世贸大楼被恐怖分子袭击,被称为black 9.11, 还可以指犯罪,比如black money指黑钱,blackdeed指及其邪恶的行为。
但在中西方文化中都有贬义:如汉语中,妻子辜负丈夫是丈夫蒙羞我们称为戴绿帽子;在英语中绿色有幼稚、嫉妒的意思,如the greeneyes 指的是红眼,Green hand 指新手。

庆之 意 . 如r tr a指 的 是 “ 念 1 或 “ 庆 的 日子 ”在 比 e lt y d ee d 纪 3” 喜 。 少 数 场 合 红 色象 征 尊 贵 与 荣耀 , : loth dcre f . 如 r l u te e pto s o r a r b
从 英 汉 颜 色 词 看 中 西 文 化 差 异
蒲春 芳
( 岛 大学 ; 岛酒 店 管 理 职 业技 术 学 院 , 青 青 山东 青 岛 260 6 0 0)
摘 要 : 英 汉 两种 语 言 里 , 大量 的 表 示 颜 色 的词 汇 。 在 有 正是 这 些 颜 色词 使 语 言表 达 更 加 生 动 和 丰 富 多彩 。 中英 文 的 颜 色词 虽然 在概 念 意 义上 大体 一 致 . 但 同 一种 颜 色在 这 两种 语 言 中有 着 不 同 的 文化 内涵 。 本 文 通过 对 中英 文 中常 见 的 几 种 颜 色词 的 分析 .指 出它 们 在 不 同的 本 土 环境 中所 承 栽 的 不
( 重 欢迎 某 人 ) 隆 。 2黄 色 ( elw) . yl o 在 中国古 代汉 民族 传统 观念 中 , 黄色 是帝 王之 色 , 象 征着 它 尊贵 、 高 与权 力 , 黄 帝 ” “ 袍 ” “ 崇 如“ 、黄 、黄榜 ” “ 、 黄金 ” “ 和 黄道 吉 日” 。在 汉语 中“ 等 黄色 ” 表 示下 流 、 落 , “ 色 书 刊 ” “ 还 堕 如 黄 、 扫 黄 ”“ 色 电影” 。 在英 语 中没有 这样 的说 法 。 这些表 达 中 、黄 等 但 把

例如:the red rules of tooth and claw残暴统治,red revenge⾎腥复仇,a red battle⾎战;它⼜象征激进、暴⼒⾰命,如red hot political campaign 激烈的政治运动,red activities左派激进活动;它也象征危险、紧张,如red alert空袭报警,a red adventure story⼀个令⼈紧张的冒险故事,a red flag危险信号旗;它还象征着放荡、淫秽,如a red waste of his youth他那因放荡⽽浪费的青春,a red light district红灯区,Is she really so red as she is painted?难到她真的像⼈们所描绘的那样放荡吗?⾄于红⾊的褒义,如red-letter day喜庆的⽇⼦,the red carpet红地毯,隆重的接待等,则得益于不同⽂化之间的交流和融合。

一、颜色名称1. 颜色的计数方式辛亥革命期间,许多粤籍人士曾因所习惯的数目计数方式不同而产生误解。
在英语中,颜色的基本单元是primary colors(三原色)和secondary colors(三原色的混合色),还有white(白)和black(黑)两种非色彩语义。
2. 颜色的名称差异由于中英文发音习惯和语言形式的不同,同一种颜色在两种语言中的名称往往会存在差异。
例如,在英语中,“surprising pink”指的是粉红色的一种较亮的变种;而在中文中,“惊艳粉”这个名称并不常用,还没有一个确定的颜色指向。
二、颜色意象1. 黑色的象征黑色在中英文中的象征意义存在一定的差异。

浅析中英颜色词中的文化差异浅析中英颜色词中的文化差异摘 要:颜色词是每个民族文化中的重要组成部分。
但是, 颜色一旦用于人类社会的交际活动, 在人们心目中就会产生特定的含义,引起特殊的联想, 激发特别的感情。
二、汉英颜色词中的文化差异 随着经济全球化趋势的加强,中西方文化交流也不断增强,因而跨文化交际就起着非常重要的作用。
英国语言学家托马斯(Thomas ,1983)将语用失误分为两类:一类是语言本身的语用失误(pragmatic-linguistic failure ),另一类是社交语用失误(social-pragmatic failure )。




关键词:颜色词中西文化差异一. 黑色(black)黑色(black)在英语和汉语两种语言文化中的联系意义大致相同。
英语中的Black Friday指耶稣在复活节前受难的星期五,是悲哀的日子。
如: black money(黑钱,指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱); black market(黑市交易或黑市意为暗中进行政府禁止买卖的商品或外汇的交易,或指进行违法的投机市场); black market price(黑市价格); black day(凶日); black future(暗淡的前途); blackmail(勒索); black list(黑名单)。
但是,黑色在英语和汉语中也有不同的含义. 黑色在中国古代象征尊贵、刚毅、严正、铁面无私、憨直、神秘等褒义。

关键词:颜色词;思维方式;认知方式AbstractThe world which we live in is full of color, everything is colorful. Color is a visual effect of light through our eyes, brains and experiences in life. Color word is the description of these visual effects. We use color words to describe this world. Color words can help us to depict the general image of a thing in our mind. As well as in language, the color words can reflect the person’s emotional color in expression and change the meaning of the whole sentence. As a necessary part of language expression, color words are essential both inEnglish and Chinese. There is a great difference in the political system, religion, history, culture, folklore, habits, ethnic thinking and cognitive style, so the specific forms of color words are different in Chinese and English cultures.This thesis mainly discusses the color words’ causes and differences between Chinese and English culture. Firstly, this thesis put forward the theme “cultural differences between Chinese and English color words” through the basic concepts of color words and word-building. Then it analyzes the color words’ causes of differences in Chinese andEnglish culture, and compares these differences from three perspectives. Finally, by means of the examples and other methods, we compare the differences between some specific color words in our life and translation between Chinese and English culture.This thesis include three parts: an introduction, the main body and a conclusion. Its basic form are as follows:The introduction mainly introduces the background of the study on color words in Chinese and English culture and give a simple introduce of “color” and “cultural differences”. This part told us why I chose this proposition.The second part is the main body, which is made up of three chapters:Chapter One briefly introduces the color words’ basic concept and the word-building in Chinese and English. In this chapter, we can have a overall understanding of color words. Chapter Two focuses on the reasons of the differences of color words between Chinese and English culture from the angles of political system, religion, folklore, customs, habits, culture, ethnic thinking and cognitive style.Chapter Three takes “white, black, red, yellow and green” these five basic color words as the example, and expounds the specific expression of the color words’ differences in Chinese and English life, and summarizes the specific expression ofdifferences incolor words in translationbetween Chinese and English culture.Key Words: color word; ethnic thinking; cognitive styleContentsIntroduction 1Chapter IThe basic concept of color words 31. The basic concept of color words 32. The Word-Building of Color 3Chapter II The Causes of the Differences of Color Words in Chinese and English Cultures71. Political System, History,Culture and Religion 82. Folklore and Customs 103. Ethnic Thinking and Cognitive Style 11Chapter III The Specific Expression of Color Words in Chinese and English Culture 141. Color Words’ Differences Between Chinese and English Culture in Life 142. Color Words’Differences Between Chinese andEnglish Culture in Translation 18 Conclusion 20Bibliography 22Acknowledgements 23IntroductionColor is the reaction of the objective world for people, everything is colorful.Color is closely linked with people’s life.People is living in color. The founder of modern abstract art, Wassily Kandinsky, said in his book On Spiritual in Art, “Color directly affects thespirit” (Kandinsky, 1987). People product a lot of color words to express their feeling. These color words have many cultural connotations. We should pay attention to that in international communication, people’s perception to color symbols is different because they belong to different countries, different cultural backgrounds or belong to the same country and the same cultural background, but the members belong to different social groups or social classes. This kind of difference has a positive meaning in linguistics, which makes the color words have many associative meanings.Cultural difference refers to the differences between various regions’ people due to regional differences. There is a definition of culture that the “culture” is a common psychological process for the people who live in the same environment. This common psychological procedure will be diverse because people from different countries or regions are always influenced by different educations, different social and jobs which will have different ways of thinking.As a part of culture, language bears the important functions of noting and communication. Any human society can not exist without culture. Different cultures will present different cultural forms, and these differences which are reflected in the linguistic level is the language differences. Therefore, the color words rooted in the social culture because of their different growth of the soil, whose meaning contained in the information is not the same, thus forming a cultural difference. Cultural differences are the obstruction in international communication and translation, so it is very important for language learners to realize the causes and specific forms of cultural differences.Since 2008, there have been more and more researches on the differences between Chinese and English cultures areembodied in color words, and about twenty-five thousand papers have been published. There are a group of scholars such as Liu Hongquan and TianChuanmao to study this topic, they promote and lead the development and progress of the discipline.Chapter I The basic concept of color words1. The basic concept of color wordsColor is a kind of natural phenomenon. As the color of natural phenomena, it means “the impression which the light emits, reflects, or transmits through the object”(Jin Funian, 2003: 11). Describe this natural phenomenon’s words is color words.Color words can be divided into two types: descriptive color words and abstract color words in language. The words which only representsone color is abstract color words. For example, “red”, “green”, “yellow”,“blue”, “white” and “black”. And these words also exactly to be basic color words in English. But in Chinese, these five colors also belong to the “basic color words”. Although there are many differences between English and Chinese, and these two languages also have different cultural backgrounds. The number of basic color words in these two languages is roughly equal. Through the language, we can see the different cultural psychology and aesthetic taste of the English and Chinese peoples.American anthropologist Sapir in the Language said, “There are something behind the language, and the language can not leave without the culture. The existence of the culture is thesum of the legacy and the faith of society which can decide our life organization”(Sapir, 2002). It can be seen that the cultural practices of a socialgroup determine the way of life of a language group or nation, the way of cognition, the way of thinking and the value orientation. Therefore, there are significant differences between these two languages in color words.2. The Word-Building of Color“Both in English and Chinese, words are all composed of one or several morphemes. Morpheme is the smallest unit of language that carries information about meaning or function. Morphemes can be divided into two kinds: One is root,the root constitutes the core of the word and carries the major component of its meaning. The other is affix,affixes don’t belong to a lexical category and are always bound morphemes.”(Dai Weidong, He Zhaoxiong, 2002)According to the word-building, we can divide the English color words into three categories: One, simple color words are formed by a single root; Two, derived color words which consist of one root and one or several affixes; Three, synthetic color words which consist of more than two roots. Among them, the method of word-building of derived color words can be divided into four categories: adding method, overlapping method, mutation method and decremented method. According to the word-building, we can divide Chinese color words into two categories: One, simple color words which are formedby single morpheme;The other, synthetic color words consist of more than two morphemes. Amo ng them, the synthetic word’s word-building is divided into additional form, combined form and eclipsed form. In English, the add compose method and then add the prefix, infix or suffix to form a new word. Then in Chinese, the additional form is to attach the affix to the root to form a new word. From this point of view, the English affix method and the Chinese additional form is still similar in the actual vocabulary structure.We can compare the contrast of color words between English and Chinesein the w ord-building method through the English affix method and the Chinese additional form.A. English color word affix method: physical noun + adjectival suffix-y → adjectival color wordsWe take “snow” as an example. “Snow” is a noun, its basic meaning is “soft white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky in cold weather and cover the ground”(Zheng Rongcheng, 1997).Take the sentence “the city was buried under four centimeters of snow” for example. In English, the suffix-y can be combined with the noun to form an adjective, then is also called the adjectival suffix. It often means “abound”. With the further understanding and expansion of human’s understanding of the world, people need a new kind of color word to describe something more image, more vivid description which has the same color and shiny as the snow. So people add the suffix-y after the physical term to constitute a new word “snowy” to describe this color. Because it adds the adjectival suffix-y after the physical term “snow”, “snowy” is defined as a adjective. The basic meaning of “snowy” is marked by the presence of snow. For example, “that is a snowy cat”. By adding th e suffix -y, the English word“snow”becomes “snowy”.This change is not only a change inform, but also a change in the part of category and the meaning of the word. So that the original representation of the physical object into the adjectival color words which describe the color of objects.B. English color word affix method: the adjective for color + adjectival suffix -ish →adjectival color wordsWe can take “pink” for example. “Pink” is defined as an adjective. Its basic meaning is “a light shade of red”. For example,“this flower is pink”. In English, the suffix -ish can be bounded with the adjective to form a new adjective. So it is also called the adjectival affix, which means somewhat or approximately. Because the basic color words are can only used to describe the color which is more pure and strong, it is difficult to describe some light colors and traces. Then people add the adjectival suffix -ish behind these basic color words , a new color word “pinkish” is formed to describe the physical object. Because it adds the adjectival suffix -ish after the physical term “pink”, “pinkish” is defined as an adjective. In English, pinkish means“hot pink”. For example,“that flower is pinkish”. By adding the suffix -ish, the basic English color word “pink” becomes “pinkish”. Although adding the adjectival suffix -ish changed the basic category of the color word, it did not bring great changes to the meaning of basic color words. It only change the depth of describing things’ color slightly.C. Chinese additional form:the adjective with color words’character(的) + adjectival suffixIn Chinese, adjectives can be used to describe the nature and state of things, so they can be divided into two types: qualitative adjective and state adjective. The words “赤”, “橙”, “黄”, “绿”, “青”, “蓝”, “紫” and “黑”, “白” can be used to describe the color attribute of things, so it is defined as the color word adjectives. For example, the basic meaning of “白” refers to “the color of cream or snow”. For example, “她穿着一身白色连衣裙”. According to the Chinese additional form, that is the rule of word-building which add an affix on a root, we can add suffix after the qualitative adjective “赤”, “橙”, “黄”, “绿”, “青”, “蓝”, “紫” and “黑”, “白” which describe the object’s color attributedirectly. We can form two kinds of state adjectives like “ABB(的)” or “A不BC(的)”. For example, “红彤彤(的)”,“绿油油(的)”,“蓝洼洼(的)”,and“黑不溜秋(的)” to describe situation and form of the objects’ color. In Chinese, “红彤彤(的)” basic meaning is“dazzlingly beautiful red”. The basic meaning of “绿油油(的)” is“dark and glossy green”, the basic meaning of “蓝洼洼(的)”is“shiny blue”, the basic meaning of “黑不溜秋(的)” is “black(containing malice)”. It describes ugly black. For example,“这里有绿油油的草,蓝洼洼的天,天上还有一个红彤彤的太阳” or “他穿着一身黑不溜秋的衣服”.The color qualitative adjective are transformed into the color state adjective by adding the suffix. This change first changed the form of the color words, but did not change the adjectival category of the color words, and also did not change the meaning of color words. There are not muchdifferences between “蓝” and “蓝洼洼的” in the description of the color of the objective things “sky”. They all express “the color like shiny sky”. There are also not much differences between “黑” and “黑不溜秋的” in the description of the color of the objective things “clothes”. They all express “the most darkest color,total absence of light”, just latter two add more color words in the fundamental meaning of the word. In Chinese, color meaning of the word contains emotional coloring (commendatory term and derogatory term) and stylistic coloring(written language and oral) and image coloring (shape, color, sound, dynamic). Because it contains more color meaning, compare with the “蓝”, “蓝洼洼的” can be more vivid to describe this “shiny blue” color pattern to the people, and show the author’s favorite to the object. Compare with the “黑”, “黑不溜秋的” is to be more vivid describe the “ugly, no level of black”color effects, and the disgust contempt of the object is self-evident.Chapter II The Causes of the Differences of ColorWords in Chinese and English Cultures Every society treat all the world have their own views, and on this premise, they cultivate a set of inherent norms. Each society tends to be blind to its own way of life, and to reject the lives of others as heretical objects. To a great extent, culture is exhibited by the language. It is specifically manifested in people’s diet, clothing, architecture, artifacts, etiquette, customs, religion, politics, economy, law and other aspects. People’s response to color, appreciation and imagination is the result of the long-term cultivation and cultivation of cultural tradition. There is a consistency between the color words and their referential meaning, but theyhave many differences after all. The color words has the content that the referential meaning can not be completely covered. Once the color word obtains the connotative meaning or the cultural significance, it is no longer only refers to the objective or some concrete thing in the imaginary world, but a established thought method. The color word itself contains connotative meaning or cultural meaning, which can reflect the very important social meaning and cultural connotation. V ocabulary as an important embodiment of culture, contains a lot of original cultural information and reflecting the characteristics of the original culture, including customs, lifestyle, interpersonal relationships, social beliefs, religious faith, and so on. There is an environment for language in which the people who speak the language belong to the race (or many races). That is, it is used in a group which is separated from other groups because of its own different characteristics. Moreover, the language can not exist without culture, can not be separated from the various practices and information inherited by the existence of society. The cultural and social differences between English and Chinese result both English language and Chinese language has its own distinguishing features. So that the color words, as a portion of vocabulary, will inevitably contain different cultural connotations.1. Political System, History, Culture and ReligionIn Chinese, the color words are mainly influenced by history, culture and political systems. In historical and cultural aspects, the advocate of color since ancient in China is come from our forefathers’ worship of nature and the conception of Yin-Y ang and five elements. The inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty from Y in Dynasty ruins have proved that there is worship for Chinese god of four quartets in Shang Dynasty. To Zhou Dynasty, peoplematch the god in four quartets with the four seasons. To the Spring and Autumn period, the god in four quartets turn into the four emperors, and add a God in the central, so that there are Five Emperors. The Five Emperors is Y ellow Emperor, a legendary ruler, Zhuan, Emperor Xu, Ku, Y ao and Shun.They are regarded as the ancestors in the Chinese nation and are respected and adored. To the end of the Warring States period, the Five Emperors are attached to the Y in-Yang and five elements theory, which constitutes the Five Emperors with five assistance system. Our forefathers’ understanding of the Five Emperors with five assistance system give us clues of the Chinese nation’s advocate of color. Since ancient times, red and yellow are noble for Chinese, with white and black are humble. Chinese regard red as noble because of the ancient worship of the sun. The red color, the high temperature and the South place, make the ancients feel mysterious. In the Five Emperors with five assistance system, Emperor Y an guides the summer in south with Zhu Rong’s assistance. Its color is red. In Chinese, Emperor Y an and Zhu Rong’s name all contain “fire”. It is the symbol of the hottest sun. In this view, both Emperor Y an and Zhu Rong are all converted from the Sun. The ancients believed that the blue in the eastern symbolizes the growth of all things, and the red in the south symbolizes the flourish of all things. So the Chinese advocate blue and red. In Chinese culture, people regard yellow as the statue because of the worship of the earth since ancient times. And in the Five Emperors with five assistance system, the ground is in the center so the yellow is the center color. Its emperor is Emperor Huang. Emperor Huang is the legendary Chinese ancestors. Therefore, this self cantered cultural system, conform to the needs of the feudal rulers, so the emperor monopolizes yellow since ancient times. And yellow means noble and supreme. But white and black often contain uncomplimentary meaning in Chinese traditional culture. This is mainly because the direction and color have other meanings more than color for Chinese people. In the Five Emperors with five assistance system, the west is white, belongs to the fall, and the north is black, belongs to the winter. And for the ancients, people should harvest in autumn and store of grain in winter. Lives fade and draw to a close in autumn and winter. It brings lament and sorrow for people. The ancients feel sad in autumn, so the white means not quite clear. For example, Chinese people wear white clothes when their relatives pass away. And according to the theory of YIN, Y ANG and five elements, water is belong to the winter on season, black on color.the water belongs to YIN, and guides punishment and kill. So black represents the not quite clear, murder and other cultural connotations. In ancient times, people is facing black north when they call back the spirit of the dead. Therefore, Chinese regard the white and black means not quite clear since ancient times. This forms the color sequence and grade with Chinese characteristics: yellow, red, green, black and white. This sequence is also the color sequence of ancient Chinese clothing. In political system aspect, the feudal ruling class make the color as the distinction instrumentin social hierarchies to maintain the feudal hierarchy in period of Chinese feudal society, so that the color has cultural characteristics of noble or humble. It is mainly showed on the color of clothes which are wore by people in all kinds of social classes and their home furnishing and so on. As in the Tang Dynasty, official is divided into nine ranks, their official clothes’ color is different. The official clothes which above the third ranks is purple. The official clothes which belong to the fourth ranks and fifth ranks is red. The official clothes which belong to the sixth ranks and seventh ranks is green. There are ornamentation on the official clothes but not on the civilian clothes. So the civilian clothes is called “白衣” and the civilian is called “白丁”. “Red” symbolizes revolution, proletariat and socialism in Chinese modern societywhich influenced by modern history. For example, red political power, and the Chinese Workers’and Peasants’ Red Army. These Chinese color wordsall reveal the cultural connotation in Chinese culture.In English culture, color words are mainly influenced by religion. Christianity is the principle religion in western culture.So its culture is mainly influenced by the Bible. In the Bible, the black symbolizes the devil and wicked, harm and misfortune. So the black means the dead color. Such as the symbolic meaning of black Friday and Christianity are closely linked, which Friday refers to the day when Jesus suffers calamities or disasters. For many western people, white represents God, angel, happiness, noble and morality. In the Bible, Judah, the man who betrayed Jesus, wore the yellow clothes, so yellow was given a sense of timidity and impudicity. Derived by black, white and yellow, these phrases contained the cultural significance, such as black flag(the jolly Roger), black- hearted (malicious and evil), a white lie(a well-meaning lie), a white day (a lucky day), a yellow dog (a skunk person). Therefore, the western culture has a tradition that like white and dislike yellow.2. Folklore and customsLiterary allusions and folk legends containa lot of cultural connotations. Some quotations, historical figures and folk legends which become the language in the ethnic groups which spread and establish with a strong folk culture language then become a part of their life. People use them to express their perspectives, opinions and consciousness.There is a verse “the red bean is born in the south land” in the poet Wang Wei’s poem in Tang Dynasty Love sickness. The “red bean” also means the “jequirity”. If the British and the United States did not read the poem, they will not understand the the message conveyed by “red bean”. Some scholars translated it into “love pea”, its meaning is similar, but it doesn’t have the meaning “red”. As the Chinese word “红娘”, this allusions comes from the Chinese masterpiece The Romance of West Chamber. “红娘” is the maid of the leading character Cui Yingying in this book. She helpedthe other leading character Zhang to contact with Cui Yingying. So she is known as “a nonprofit making woman go-between for lovers” among the people. If Westerners don’tknow this special Chinese national culture, take it for granted that “红娘” is the “red lady”, he will make a foolish figure. That is, “红娘” can not be translated as “a lady in red” but “a matchmaker”.The English word “green - eyed” is comes from the third acts and third scenes in the plays of Shakespeare Othello. Iago said,“O !beware ,my lord,of jealousy;It is green - eyed monster which doth mock1;The meat deeds on I...”(Shakespeare, Zhu Shenghao, 2014)The English word “green” has a associative meaning “envy”. Withthe similar meaning of Chinese words “红眼病” and “眼红” is a typical Chinese pun from the dialect, and is used in many sentences. This pun rhetoric, “红眼病” refers to the disease both on eyes and psychology. It is revealing the cynical and humorous in Chinese culture. Black ox originated in ancient Greece and Rome myth, is used to express the meaning of “oldness” or“bad luck”. It is always used in the following sentence “the black ox has trod on somebody’s foot”. In ancient times, the goatherd felt a black sheep mixes in the flock is bad, so the black sheep is regarded as “the embodiment of the devil”. “Black sheep” referred to “a shame to a group”. Chinese has a same word “害群之马”(an evil member of the herd), it also refers to “a spendthrift in a family”. These colors’ differences between English and Chinese color words reflects the rich folk culture and historical origin of the two languages. And further proves that language is a mirror of the national culture.3. Ethnic Thinking and Cognitive StyleWhen talk about the relationship and the mode of thinking between Chinese and English cultures, we often agree that the differences between English and Chinese reflect the differences in the mode of thinkingbetween English and Chinese. People in English culture is used to think in formal analysis from small to large, and pay attention to the subjective role and make the subject as the center. But people in Chinese culture is used to think in overall view and think from large to small, starting from reality and focus on the combine of subject and object. We can find this character in Chinese translation of two English words “greenhouse” and “snakehead”. “Greenhouse” is “green” add “house”, but we translate “温室” in Chinese. Because Englishwant to express the inherent function of the houses, that the house can make plants in the “green” state in cold weather conditions. And Chinese want to express its overall impression to people, that is the “warmer” feeling than other house. And another example, snakefish is the fishes which have large mouths and have black heads. Westerners think that the fish’s head shape is distinguished from other fish, so this kind of fish is named as “snakehead”. But Chinese name it is based on the external characteristics of the color of the fish, so it is named as “黑鱼”(black fish).In addition, Chinese and western philosophy also provides us some clues to research the cognitive styles of Chinese and Western people. Chinese philosophy pay attention to “ideology” and Chinese culture pay attention to the “spirit”. Chinese paintersoftenwant to express their own spirit and thinking by theirpaintings. While the western philosophies pay attention to the “actuality”. Western culture lays emphasis on scientific and exactness. And the western painting also take care of the accurate description for the proportion of the object to express true feelings. This cultural character is also reflected in the color words. For example, red gives Chinese people a feeling of happy and successful visual effects. So Chinese like red, and like to call many things which color is close to the red as “red”. Such as the crimson sugar which can enrich the blood is known as “红糖” (red sugar). In fact, the sugar’s colo r closes to brown. English named it as “brown sugar” and it is more accurate. Similarly, the Chinese word “红茶”(red tea) is not really red. If you consider it together with “green tea”, the “red” and“green” in the words not only reflects the Chinese。

1. 红色 (Red):在中国文化中,红色代表着喜庆、热情、吉祥和好运。
2. 黄色 (Yellow):在中国文化中,黄色象征着皇权和尊贵。
3. 白色 (White):在中国文化中,白色代表着清白、纯洁和丧事悼念。
4. 蓝色 (Blue):在中国文化中,蓝色常与男性相关,代表着清澈和
而在英文文化中,蓝色通常与忧郁和冷静相关,例如“Monday blues”表示星期一的低落情绪。
5. 绿色 (Green):在中国文化中,绿色与春天、生命和希望相关,
而在英文文化中,绿色通常与自然、环保和生态相关,也与嫉妒相关(green with envy)。

关键词:颜色象征意义文化背景跨文化Abstract:In the human language, there are a lot of words about color, such as black, white, red, yellow and so on. As the carrier of culture, language reflects the similarities and differences of different cultures. But due to the cultural background distinction on folkways, area and the value, the associative and symbolic significance forming in visual and psychological differs from Chinese to English people, which makes the western ethnic difference in the color of the word and the specific use of the understanding, so cultural misreading is caused. In order to distinguish their similarities and differences, to reduce the misunderstanding of intercultural communication, this paper will analyze the main colors words’ meanings between Chinese and Western.Key words:color,symbolic meaning,cultural background,interculture0 前言在人类语言中,颜色词所表现出的独特魅力已得到了语言学家的首肯。

如“a white s oul”指“纯洁的心灵”,这源于T he Bible(《圣经》)故事中,天使总是长着一对洁白的翅膀,头顶悬着银白色的光环。
又如在经典芭蕾舞剧“Swan Lake”(《天鹅湖》)中的白天鹅“white s wan”带有善良、纯洁和美好的涵义。
“white moment of life ”译为人生最得意之时。
例如:“white light”(白光)译为公正无私的判断;“the teacher treated us white.”译为老师公平地对待我们。
;“put on/s tand in a white s heet”是指“认错、忏悔”。
该习语原指犯通奸罪者当众公开忏悔,white s heet是忏悔者在这种场合所披的白衣服。
“this is very white of you”译为你真诚实!在美国早期的无声电影中,戴“white hat”(白帽)的角色,则指好人、正直的人、英雄。
“a white spirit”即正直的精神。
此外化妆品、电器、汽车等一系列高雅的白色包装设计的产品在世界范围刮起了一场白色风暴;“white war”经济竞争,“white s ale”大减价,“white money”银币。
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1 反映消极价值取向的英语颜色词
1.1 红色
red battle 指血战、激战,red hand 指沾满鲜血的手,red vengeance 意为血腥复仇,see the red light表示大难临头。
1.2 蓝色
英语的许多含有blue 的词语含有贬义,如blue in the face 意为“动怒、变脸”,sing the blues意为“垂头丧气”,blue devils 是“忧愁”的意思,blue funk 则表示“难以控制的恐惧”,blue run具有“大失败”的含义, blue sky 表示“不保险的”的语义,blue?Monday指“倒霉的星期一”,to?be?in?the?blues指“情绪低落、忧郁”,?blue?law指“禁止星期日饮酒、娱乐的法规”。
1.3 黄色
在英语中,yellow 具有“生病、不健康”的含义,西方人把黄色人
种视为给他们带来灾难的yellow peril(黄祸)。
Yellow还可以表示“胆小、卑怯、卑鄙”的意思,例如:a yellow dog可鄙的人,卑鄙的人;a yellow livered胆小鬼。
1.4 黑色
“Sb.know black from white”指某人“精明老练”或“老奸巨滑;call black whit / call white black(颠倒黑白);look black at sb.(对某人怒目而视);paint sb.black 指把某人描写成坏人;black sheep 是汉语中害群之马或败家子的对等词;black leg指工贼、骗子;a black-letter day(倒霉的一天);black list(黑名单/把……列入黑名单);black market(做黑市交易/在非法市场做买卖);black guard(流氓/恶棍)。
black Friday直译为“黑色星期五”,西方人用black Friday来描述所谓“倒霉的凶日”,也就是unlucky day。
2 反映积极价值取向的英语颜色词
2.1 白色
White在西方人的眼中,含有“pure 、virtue”之意,是吉祥之色,与中国人的价值取向有着天壤之别。
如,white day,并非指白天,而是“吉日”(lucky day)。
white lie是“善意的谎话”。
witch 是西方传说中的身穿黑衣、头戴尖帽、骑着扫帚把的女巫,而white witch则表示“做善事的女巫”。
同样,a white Christmas 当然是人们向往的美好的圣诞节。
white light 不是“白光”,而是指正义公正的判决。
3 结语
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[2] 贾少梅.趣谈英语颜色的含义山西教育半月刊[J].2004(20).
[3] 蒋燕玲.论英汉颜色词文化信息的传递[J].绍兴文理学院学报,2004,4(第24卷,第2期).。