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The Role of Accounting Research


Throughout this book, we use science’s concept of theory (positive theory). Under that concept, the objective of accounting theory is to explain and predict accounting practice (broadly defined).However, as we note in Chapter 1,the accounting literature includes other views of theory.In many of those other views, the objective of theory appears to be the production of prescriptions for government accounting policy (i.e., for accounting standards and regulation of disclosure). Proponents of those views assume an objective function and, based on assumptions regarding how the world works (an implicit positive theory), deduce accounting prescriptions. The emphasis is on the prescription rather than on the positive theory underlying it. There is typically no attempt to test the underlying theory, and the theory is often countrary to accepted empirical hypotheses (e.g., the efficient markets hypothesis).


On the surface, this prescriptive literature is contradictory. If its proponents are serious about their prescriptions, they would be concerned about the predictive ability of their implicit positive theory.Unless the theory is predictive, the prescriptions are unlikely to achieve their objective. In Chapter 1 we explain the demand for positive theories. Individuals demand positive theories to predict the conseqences of their actions. That includes individuals in standard-setting bodies (such as the FASB and SEC).Those individuals want to predict the consequences of adopting particular standards or accounting policy prescriptions.So the apparent users of the prescriptive literature want a theory that explains and predicts. Why then do we observe a prescriptive accounting literature that emphasizes prescription and logic, but not the predictive ability of the underlying theory?


We think the answer is that there is a demand for accounting literature in addition to the demand for positive accounting theory. That additional demand arises in the political process described in Chapter 10 and is the demand for excuses.Individuals want accounting policy prescriptions for self-interest reasons (e.g., electric utility managers want an accounting standard so they can argue for use of the required procedure in rate setting). But, in a political process that is a competition for wealth transfers and is characterized by costly information, it isn’t optimal to announce publicy that you want the prescription is in the public interest (e.g., maximizes some
