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Thank you for listening!
c. direct object
7. Kitty dances every day.
a. predicate
○c. adverbial
b. predicative
8. Andy bought Millie an ice cream.
a. indirect object b. predicative
○c. direct object
7. lucky _u_n_lu_c_k_y__ 8. weak __s_tr_o_n_g__
9. lazy _h_a_r_d_-_w_o_r_k_i_n_g_
II. Fill in the blanks with the opposite of the adjective given in each sentence
9A Unit One
n →adj.
peace →success
sadness→ sad
purity →pure
wisdom →wise
power →powerful
difficulty →difficult
heat →hot
happiness →happy
warmth →warm
energy→ energetic
4. Smoking is _h_a_r_m__fu_l_ (harm) to your health. 5. This TV dropped to the ground and couldn’t be
mended. It’s _u__s_e_le_s_s_ (use) now. 6. Amy saw so many _c_o_l_o_r_fu_l_ (color) dresses in
act create imagine suit organize relax sleep worຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduy thought
I. Write down the opposites of
the words
1. inactive __a_c_ti_v_e__ 2. shy _o_u_tg_o_i_n_g 3. patient _im_p_a_t_i_e_n_t4. generous _s_e_l_f_is_h_ 5. modest _p_r_o_ud____ 6. fair __u_n_f_a_ir__
that → to
Ⅳ.More exercises make perfect
选择 1 It is not good ________ (of, for) you to read in the sun. 2 It is typical ________ (of, for) Simon to make such a mess. 3 It is necessary ________ (of, for ) them to support and help each other during the event.
3. My sister is very kind. She likes to take care of others.(合并为一句) It’s very ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ take care of other
4. We think he will be an excellent chairperson (否定句)
Rewrite the following sentences as required
1. Sarah is too young to go to school.(同义句) Sarah isn’t ____ ____ to go to school.
2. Doing exercise can often make you healthy. (同义) It is ____ ____ you to do exercise often.
Ⅴ.Read and complete part C1 (page 12
1.Amy wants to travel around the world.
○a. predicate b. predicative c. adverbial.
2.An energetic person has lots of energy.
1.There is _e_n_d_l_e_s_s_ (end) homework to do before the exam.
2. Betty is a kind and __h_e_lp_f_u_l_ (help) girl.
3. Some people are always happy. They can be _c_h_e_e_r_fu_l_ (cheer) every day.
a. predicative
○c. attributive
b. adverbial
5.Simon loves playing football.
○ a. predicate b. subject c. adverbial
6. Suzy looks tired.
○a. predicative b. adverbial
the shop that she couldn’t stop buying one after another.
Ⅲ Correct the mistake in each sentence
1. That’s very interesting to play computer games.
That’s →It’s 2. It’s useful for we to learn English well .
○a. direct object b. indirect object
c. predicate
3.Peter always buys his friends nice gifts.
○a. indirect object b. subject
c. direct object
4.Sandy has her black hair in a ponytail.
practice →practical person→ personal
humor→ humorous
harmony →harmonious stress→ stressed
strength →strong
selfishness →selfish
confidence→ confident elegance →elegant
we →us 3. It’s careless for him to lose the key. 4. Peter is enougfhorea→syo-fgoing to get on well with
enough easy-going → easy-going enough
5. Suzy is humourous enough that make us laugh.