





1. 准备待测蛋白样品和BSA标准品。


待测蛋白样品和BSA 标准品需稀释至适宜的浓度范围。

2. 取一定量的待测蛋白样品和BSA标准品分别加入试管中。

3. 加入BCA试剂,BCA试剂中含有两个重要的成分:琼脂糖和胺基乙酸。


4. 使用乙醇洗涤液洗涤玻璃坩埚,将洗净后的玻璃坩埚用于测定。

5. 加入NaOH溶液,NaOH溶液用于加强试剂与蛋白质之间的相互作用。

6. 将试管放入水浴中加热,使反应发生。

7. 反应完成后,测量吸光度。

BCA试剂与蛋白质形成的紫色产物在560 nm处具有吸光度。

8. 使用标准曲线计算待测蛋白样品的浓度。




BCA 法测定蛋白浓度-酶标仪一、药品1.BCA 蛋白浓度测定试剂盒( P0012, 500 次酶标仪,碧云天),含以下成分:a)BCA 试剂 A (P0012-1, 100ml ,碧云天),室温保存b)BCA 试剂 B ( P0012-2, 3ml ,碧云天),室温保存c)蛋白标准( 5mg/ml BSA )( P0012-3, 1ml ,碧云天), -20 度保存二、仪器和试剂1.酶标仪(测定波长为 540-595nm之间, 562nm最佳),水浴锅2.96孔单条可拆酶标板(平底)3.15 ml 离心管 1个(准备 BCA 工作液用)4. 1.5 ml 离心管 1个(准备蛋白标准品工作液用)5.单道移液器和枪头, 8道移液器(排枪)和枪头6.PBS三、操作步骤1.水浴锅调至 37℃。

2.蛋白标准品工作液( 1 mg/ml )的配制:将蛋白标准品(5mg/ml )从 -20℃冰箱中取出,完全溶解并混匀。

取60μl 蛋白标准品( 5mg/ml ),加入 240μl PBS,即稀释 5倍,即配成蛋白标准品工作液( 1 mg/ml )。

3.计算 BCA 工作液总量 = 0.2 ml(×样本数 +8)×2×1.1(标准品和样本均需测复孔)。

BCA工作量按 50体积的 BCA 试剂 A 加上 1体积的 BCA 试剂 B配制(即50:1),需充分混匀。

BCA工作液室温 24小时内稳定。

样本数 (n)1~56~78~1011~1213~1415~1617~1920~2122~2324~26A ( ml)6789101112131415B( ml)总量 (ml)按下表配制 8 个蛋白标准液( S0~S7),充分摇匀。

30302 BCA蛋白定量试剂盒说明书

30302 BCA蛋白定量试剂盒说明书

BCA蛋白定量试剂盒货号: 30302规格: 500微孔仅供研究使用FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY北京华肽先锋生物科技有限公司BEIJING SINOPEPT BIOTECH CO.,LTDBCA 蛋白定量试剂盒货 号:30302 产品规格:微板法500T产品简介:BCA 蛋白定量法原理是在碱性条件下,蛋白将Cu2+还原为Cu +,Cu+与BCA 试剂形成紫色络合物,其吸光值与蛋白浓度成正比。

测定在562nm 处的吸收值,做标准曲线并计算待测蛋白的浓度。


产品组成:1. 稀释标准品:用与样品相同缓冲体系的稀释液按下表稀释标准品(建议稀2. 配置BCA 工作液:根据标准品和样品的数量,将试剂A 和试剂B 以50︰1的体积比混匀。

3. 试管检测(线性范围:20-2000μg/ml )1) 将0.1ml 样品与稀释好的标准品分别添加于试管中;2) 向各试管中加入2ml BCA 工作液,37℃水浴中孵育30min 或者RT 孵育2h (样品:BCA 工作液=1︰20); 3) 37℃冷却至室温;4) 用分光光度计测定562nm 处的吸光值(若无562nm 滤光片可以选择接近波长的滤光片进行测定,比如560nm 或者570nm ); 5) 绘制标准曲线,计算样品中的蛋白浓度;6) 如果所得到的蛋白浓度不在检测范围内,请重新稀释样品至BCA 线性范围内进行再次测定。

4. 微孔板检测 (线性范围:20-2000μg/ml)1) 将25μl 样品与稀释好的标准品分别添加于96孔板的微孔中; 2) 各孔中加入200μl BCA 工作液,充分混匀(样品:BCA 工作液=1︰8) 3) 盖上96孔板盖,37℃孵育30分钟或者室温孵育2h ; 4) 37℃孵育的样品需要冷却至室温;5) 用酶标仪测定562nm 处的吸光值(若无562nm 滤光片可以选择接近波长的滤光片进行测定,比如560nm 或者570nm ); 6) 绘制标准曲线,计算样品中的蛋白浓度;7) 如果所得到的蛋白浓度不在检测范围内,请重新稀释样品至BCA 线性范围内进行再次测定。





原料浓度加入量(g)厂家货号A液(1000ml)二喹啉甲酸(BCA)1%10aladdin B107658无水碳酸钠2%20天津博迪化工股份有限公司/碳酸氢钠0.95%9.5国药集团化学试剂有限公司10018960酒石酸钠0.16% 1.6国药集团化学试剂有限公司30169818氢氧化钠0.4%4国药集团化学试剂有限公司10019762B液(25ml)硫酸铜4%1国药集团化学试剂有限公司81005261备注:A液各成分混合之后,调节PH至11.25。





康为世纪- BCA蛋白定量试剂盒

康为世纪- BCA蛋白定量试剂盒

BCA Protein Assay KitBCA蛋白定量试剂盒Version 21092010‐2.2I 产品规格Catalog no. CW0014Number of preps. 500试剂A 100 ml试剂B 3 mlBSA标准品 (2mg/ml) 2 mlII 保存条件试剂A、B室温放置,BSA标准品4℃储存。

III 产品简介BCA蛋白定量法是目前广泛使用的蛋白定量方法之一。

本产品是基于BCA(Bicinchoninic Acid)法研制而成,实现了对蛋白质进行快速、稳定、灵敏的浓度测定。




本试剂盒含有牛血清白蛋白(BSA)溶液作为蛋白质标准品溶液,测定范围为20~2000 ug/ml。


2.采用37℃孵育30 分钟或室温放置2小时进行反应,结果无差异。




V 操作步骤1.稀释BSA标准品:用与待测蛋白样品相一致的稀释液按下表稀释BSA标准品。

管号稀释液用量(ul)BSA标准品用量(ul)BSA标准品最终浓度(ug/ml)A 0 1002000B 200 200 1000C 200200(从B管中取)500D 200200(从C管中取)250E 200200(从D管中取)125F 400100(从E管中取)25G 200 0 0(空白)2.配置BCA工作液:根据BSA标准品和待测样品的数量,将试剂A和试剂B以50:1的体积比混匀。






BCA 蛋白定量试剂盒是一种经典的蛋白质定量方法,利用铜离子在碱性条件下与蛋白质中的蛋白质氨基酸反应生成紫色络合物,这个络合物的吸光度与蛋白质的浓度呈线性关系,从而可以通过光谱测定吸收值来计算蛋白质的浓度。

材料与试剂:1. BCA蛋白定量试剂盒(Thermo)2. 蛋白质标准品3. 去离子水4. 96孔板5. 震荡器/离心机6. 吸光度计步骤:1. 首先使用去离子水清洗96孔板,并将其放置在震荡器或离心机中以除去潜在的污染物。

2. 根据需要,准备一系列不同浓度的蛋白质标准品,并分别添加到96孔板中的不同孔位中。


推荐使用浓度范围为0-2000 μg/mL的标准品。

3. 使用BCA蛋白定量试剂盒中的试剂,按照提供的说明书中的配方将试剂稀释到适当的浓度。

4. 将BCA蛋白定量试剂加入到96孔板的所有孔位中,每孔100 μL。


5. 轻轻摇晃或轻轻震动96孔板,以确保试剂与样品充分混合。

6. 将96孔板放置在室温下孵育30分钟,使试剂与蛋白质反应。

7. 使用吸光度计在562 nm波长下测量各孔位的吸光度。


8. 使用标准曲线法,根据吸光度测量值计算样品中的蛋白质浓度。

注意事项:1. 请遵循BCA蛋白定量试剂盒的说明书中的操作指南,确保准确性和可靠性的结果。

2. 避免使用异柠檬酸盐缓冲液,因为它会干扰试剂的反应。

3. 在使用吸光度计前,请确保对仪器进行基线校准。

4. 为了提高准确性,建议每个样品至少重复三次测量,然后取平均值。



BCA法蛋白含量测定试剂盒使用说明BCA法(bicinchoninic acid assay)是一种用于测定蛋白质含量的常用方法。














7. 使用紫外-可见光谱仪测定吸光度,以280 nm为波长,绘制标准曲线。






6. 使用280 nm波长的紫外-可见光谱仪测定吸光度。





BCA蛋白定量试剂盒使用说明书一、产品简介BCA 蛋白定量试剂盒是一种常用的蛋白质浓度测定方法,具有操作简便、灵敏度高、准确性好等优点。


二、试剂盒组成1、 BCA 工作液:A 液与 B 液按 50:1 的比例混合而成,现配现用。


3、 96 孔板三、所需设备1、酶标仪(波长 562nm)2、移液器(量程分别为20μl、200μl、1000μl)3、涡旋振荡器4、离心机四、操作步骤1、标准曲线的绘制(1)将蛋白标准品(2mg/ml)用 PBS 或生理盐水稀释成一系列浓度梯度,如0μg/ml、25μg/ml、50μg/ml、100μg/ml、200μg/ml、400μg/ml、600μg/ml、800μg/ml、1000μg/ml、1500μg/ml、2000μg/ml。

(2)在 96 孔板中,每个浓度梯度设置 2 个复孔。

分别向孔中加入25μl 不同浓度的标准品溶液。

(3)向每个孔中加入200μl BCA 工作液,轻轻振荡混匀,37℃孵育 30 分钟。

(4)使用酶标仪在 562nm 波长下测定吸光度值(OD 值)。

(5)以蛋白浓度为横坐标,OD 值为纵坐标,绘制标准曲线。

2、样品测定(1)将待测样品用 PBS 或生理盐水适当稀释(若样品浓度过高,可能会超出标准曲线范围)。

(2)在 96 孔板中,设置样品孔和空白孔(仅加25μl 稀释液和200μl BCA 工作液)。

向样品孔中加入25μl 稀释后的样品。

(3)向每个孔中加入200μl BCA 工作液,轻轻振荡混匀,37℃孵育 30 分钟。

(4)使用酶标仪在 562nm 波长下测定样品孔和空白孔的吸光度值(OD 值)。


五、注意事项1、 BCA 工作液应现配现用,避免长时间放置导致失效。



BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒说明23225蛋白质化验试剂盒:为500试管或5000微孔板的检测提供充足的试剂23227蛋白质化验试剂盒:为250试管或2500微孔板的检测提供充足的试剂试剂盒组分:BCA 试剂A,1000 mL (No. 23225产品中) 或500mL ( No. 23227产品中),碳酸钠,碳酸氢钠,二喹啉甲酸,酒石酸钠溶于0.1 M氢氧化钠中。

BCA 试剂B , 25 mL, 包括4%硫酸铜一次性标准白蛋白, 2mg/ mL, 10 × 1 mL 安瓿, 包含2 mg/ mL牛血清白蛋白(BSA) 存在于0.9% 盐和0.05%叠氮化钠中。

储存:以上试剂保持在室温下储存和装运注意:如果试剂A 或试剂B 在低温下运输或长期储存时出现沉淀现象,可以通过缓慢加温或轻轻搅拌溶液使沉淀物溶解。


目录介绍 (1)准备标准试剂和工作试剂 (2)准备试管 (3)准备微型版 (3)故障检修 (4)有关美国热电其他产品 (5)附加信息 (5)参考文献 (6)介绍美国热电(Thermo)公司的BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒是基于二喹啉甲酸(BCA)通过比色检测和定量测定总蛋白的洗涤剂兼容配方。

该方法通过碱性介质中的一种蛋白结合了Cu2使其显著减少转变为Cu1 (缩二脲反应)。

用一种含二奎琳甲酸的试剂选择性的比色法高敏感的比色杯中的Cu1. 这种测定方法的紫色色反应产物是通过BCA的两个分子和亚铜离子螯合作用形成的。

这种水溶性复合物在562nm 处有强吸收峰。

在大的活性范围内(20-2000µg / mL)几乎同蛋白浓度增加呈线性关系。

BCA 法不是真正的终点的方法;也就是说,最终颜色继续发展。

孵化之后, 继续的颜色发展速度是足够慢以允许一起进行测定大量样本。




产品使用说明书BCA 蛋白定量试剂盒试剂盒简介以下货号试剂盒可参照此说明书操作:建议同时参考本说明书英文原文(说明书编号TB380)。

BCA Protein Assay Kit :500 / 2500 rxn 货号71285-3BCA 蛋白定量方法是基于双缩脲反应,即在碱性溶液中蛋白将Cu 2+ 还原成Cu 1+,而根据检测到的单价Cu 离子的浓度可以检测体系中对应蛋白的量。

Bicinchoninic acid 是一种显色剂,可以螯合被还原的铜离子,产生一种在562nm 有强吸收的紫色复合物。

Novagen 的BCA 试剂盒可以用于测定浓度在20-2,000µg/ml 范围内的蛋白的浓度,根据样品量分为标准型和微型两种形式进行测定。

试剂盒提供的组分足够用于500次标准型反应(50µl 蛋白样品加上1ml 反应试剂)或2,500次微型测定(25µl 蛋白样品加上200µl 反应试剂,可以在96孔板中进行高通量定量)。

试剂盒中提供的BSA (牛血清白蛋白,2mg/ml )为用户制作标准浓度曲线提供了便利。

Novagen 的BCA 试剂盒准确度高,兼容性好,能与各种化学试剂和表面活性剂兼容,可以方便地配合默克Novagen 的BugBuster ®,PopCulture ®,CytoBuster™,Reportasol™和Insect PopCulture 抽提蛋白的细胞裂解试剂一起使用。

有些化学成分,例如螯合剂,强酸、强碱、还原剂等,可能会干扰BCA 法采用的还原及螯合定量过程,详细情况请看说明书后附列表。

试剂盒提供的组分500ml BCA 反应液(0.1M NaOH 缓冲的bicinchoninic acid ,碳酸钠,酒石酸钠,碳酸氢钠,pH11.25) 15ml 4% 硫酸铜3×1ml BSA 标准品(2mg/ml )储存室温存放。






2.实验前准备2.1 试剂准备根据试剂盒的说明书,准备好所需的试剂物品,包括BCA试剂、标准品、还原缓冲液、洗涤缓冲液等。

2.2 样品准备将需要测定的样品进行处理和提取,并根据实验要求进行稀释。


3.样品处理3.1 样品加标准曲线制备将已知浓度的标准品按照一定比例加入到已处理好的样品中,制备出一系列浓度梯度的样品。

3.2 样品处理步骤按照试剂盒说明书的要求,逐步进行样品处理,包括样品还原、洗涤等步骤。


4.比色测定4.1 样品吸光度测定使用紫外-可见分光光度计测定各个标准品和待测样品的吸光度值。


4.2 绘制标准曲线将各个标准品的浓度与吸光度值进行统计和计算,绘制出标准曲线。




附件:1.BCA蛋白定量试剂盒说明书2.实验记录表格法律名词及注释:1.BCA蛋白定量试剂盒:BCA全称为Bicinchoninic Acid,是一种常用于蛋白质浓度测定的试剂盒。



全文结束 \。



凯基BCA蛋白含量检测试剂盒一、试剂盒说明BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒(BCA Protein Assay Kit)是根据目前世界上最常用蛋白浓度检测方法之一BCA法研制而成,实现了蛋白浓度测定的简单,高稳定性,高灵敏度和高兼容性。


三、操作步骤2.根据样品数量,按50体积BCA试剂A加1体积BCA试剂B(50:1)配制适量BCA工作液,充分混匀;3. 各孔加入200μL BCA工作液;4. 把酶标板放在振荡器上振荡30sec,37℃放置30分钟,然后在562nm下比色测定。


B.分光光度计测定2.根据样品数量,按50体积BCA试剂A加1体积BCA试剂B(50:1)配制适量BCA工作液,充分混匀;3.各管加入1000μL BCA工作液;4.各管充分混匀,37℃放置30分钟,然后在562nm下比色测定。





产品使用说明书BCA 蛋白定量试剂盒试剂盒简介以下货号试剂盒可参照此说明书操作:建议同时参考本说明书英文原文(说明书编号TB380)。

BCA Protein Assay Kit :500 / 2500 rxn 货号71285-3BCA 蛋白定量方法是基于双缩脲反应,即在碱性溶液中蛋白将Cu 2+ 还原成Cu 1+,而根据检测到的单价Cu 离子的浓度可以检测体系中对应蛋白的量。

Bicinchoninic acid 是一种显色剂,可以螯合被还原的铜离子,产生一种在562nm 有强吸收的紫色复合物。

Novagen 的BCA 试剂盒可以用于测定浓度在20-2,000µg/ml 范围内的蛋白的浓度,根据样品量分为标准型和微型两种形式进行测定。

试剂盒提供的组分足够用于500次标准型反应(50µl 蛋白样品加上1ml 反应试剂)或2,500次微型测定(25µl 蛋白样品加上200µl 反应试剂,可以在96孔板中进行高通量定量)。

试剂盒中提供的BSA (牛血清白蛋白,2mg/ml )为用户制作标准浓度曲线提供了便利。

Novagen 的BCA 试剂盒准确度高,兼容性好,能与各种化学试剂和表面活性剂兼容,可以方便地配合默克Novagen 的BugBuster ®,PopCulture ®,CytoBuster™,Reportasol™和Insect PopCulture 抽提蛋白的细胞裂解试剂一起使用。

有些化学成分,例如螯合剂,强酸、强碱、还原剂等,可能会干扰BCA 法采用的还原及螯合定量过程,详细情况请看说明书后附列表。

试剂盒提供的组分500ml BCA 反应液(0.1M NaOH 缓冲的bicinchoninic acid ,碳酸钠,酒石酸钠,碳酸氢钠,pH11.25) 15ml 4% 硫酸铜3×1ml BSA 标准品(2mg/ml )储存室温存放。















4.各管加入2ml BCA工作液,37℃放置30分钟(增加孵育时间和温度能够增加562nm 的吸光度值和检测最低浓度,降低测量范围)。



BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒产品编号产品名称包装价格P0012 BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒 500次 258.00 元O 碧云天生产的BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒是根据目前世界上最常用的两种蛋白浓度检测方法之一BCA法研制而成,实现了蛋白浓度测定的简单,高稳定性,高灵敏度和高兼容性。

O 灵敏度高,检测浓度下限达到25微克/毫升,最小检测蛋白量达到0.5微克,待测样品体积为1-20微升。

O 在50-2000微克/毫升浓度范围内有较好的线性关系。

O BCA法测定蛋白浓度不受绝大部分样品中的化学物质的影响,可以兼容样品中高达5%的SDS,5%的Triton X-100,5%的Tween20, 60, 80。



O BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒对样品中各种物质详细的兼容性表,参见BCA蛋白浓度测定兼容性表。

O 每个试剂盒可以检测500个样品。

包装清单:BCA试剂 A 100 mlBCA试剂 B 3 ml蛋白标准(5mg/ml BSA) 1 ml说明书 1 份保存条件:BCA试剂A和B室温保存,蛋白标准请-20?冻存。

本试剂盒自订购之日起一年注意事项: O 需酶标仪一台,测定波长为540-595nm之间,562nm最佳。




O 如发现样品稀释液或裂解液本身就有较高背景,请试用Bradford蛋白浓度测定试剂盒。

O 为了加快BCA法测定蛋白浓度的速度可以适当用微波炉加热,但是切勿过热。

O EDTA浓度必需小于10mM,不兼容EGTA。



INSTRUCTIONSPierce® BCA Protein Assay Kit23225 Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit, sufficient reagents for 500 test-tube or 5000 microplate assays 23227 Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit, sufficient reagents for 250 test-tube or 2500 microplate assays Kit Contents:BCA Reagent A, 1000mL (in Product No. 23225) or 500mL (in Product No. 23227), containingsodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, bicinchoninic acid and sodium tartrate in 0.1M sodiumhydroxideBCA Reagent B, 25mL, containing 4% cupric sulfateAlbumin Standard Ampules, 2mg/mL, 10 × 1mL ampules, containing bovine serum albumin (BSA)at 2mg/mL in 0.9% saline and 0.05% sodium azideStorage: Upon receipt store at room temperature. Product shipped at ambient temperature.Note: If either Reagent A or Reagent B precipitates upon shipping in cold weather or during long-termstorage, dissolve precipitates by gently warming and stirring solution. Discard any kit reagent thatshows discoloration or evidence of microbial contamination.Table of ContentsIntroduction (1)Preparation of Standards and Working Reagent (required for both assay procedures) (2)Test Tube Procedure (Sample to WR ratio = 1:20) (3)Microplate Procedure (Sample to WR ratio = 1:8) (3)Troubleshooting (4)Related Thermo Scientific Products (5)Additional Information (5)References (6)IntroductionThe Thermo Scientific Pierce BCA Protein Assay is a detergent-compatible formulation based on bicinchoninic acid (BCA) for the colorimetric detection and quantitation of total protein. This method combines the well-known reduction of Cu+2 to Cu+1 by protein in an alkaline medium (the biuret reaction) with the highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of the cuprous cation (Cu+1) using a unique reagent containing bicinchoninic acid.1 The purple-colored reaction product of this assay is formed by the chelation of two molecules of BCA with one cuprous ion. This water-soluble complex exhibits a strong absorbance at 562nm that is nearly linear with increasing protein concentrations over a broad working range (20-2000µg/mL). The BCA method is not a true end-point method; that is, the final color continues to develop. However, following incubation, the rate of continued color development is sufficiently slow to allow large numbers of samples to be assayed together.The macromolecular structure of protein, the number of peptide bonds and the presence of four particular amino acids (cysteine, cystine, tryptophan and tyrosine) are reported to be responsible for color formation with BCA.2 Studies with di-, tri- and tetrapeptides suggest that the extent of color formation caused by more than the mere sum of individual color-producing functional groups.2 Accordingly, protein concentrations generally are determined and reported with reference to standards of a common protein such as bovine serum albumin (BSA). A series of dilutions of known concentration are prepared from the protein and assayed alongside the unknown(s) before the concentration of each unknown is determined based on the standard curve. If precise quantitation of an unknown protein is required, it is advisable to select a proteinstandard that is similar in quality to the unknown; for example, a bovine gamma globulin (BGG) standard (see Related Thermo Scientific Products) may be used when assaying immunoglobulin samples.Two assay procedures are presented. Of these, the Test Tube Procedure requires a larger volume (0.1mL) of protein sample; however, because it uses a sample to working reagent ratio of 1:20 (v/v), the effect of interfering substances is minimized. The Microplate Procedure affords the sample handling ease of a microplate and requires a smaller volume (10-25µL) of protein sample; however, because the sample to working reagent ratio is 1:8 (v/v), it offers less flexibility in overcoming interfering substance concentrations and obtaining low levels of detection.Preparation of Standards and Working Reagent (required for both assay procedures) A.Preparation of Diluted Albumin (BSA) StandardsUse Table 1 as a guide to prepare a set of protein standards. Dilute the contents of one Albumin Standard (BSA) ampule into several clean vials, preferably using the same diluent as the sample(s). Each 1mL ampule of 2mg/mL Albumin Standard is sufficient to prepare a set of diluted standards for either working range suggested in Table 1. There will be sufficient volume for three replications of each diluted standard.Table 1. Preparation of Diluted Albumin (BSA) StandardsVial Volume of Diluent(µL)Volume and Source of BSA(µL)Final BSA Concentration(µg/mL)A 0 300 of Stock 2000B 125 375 of Stock 1500C 325 325 of Stock 1000D 175 175 of vial B dilution 750E 325 325 of vial C dilution 500F 325 325 of vial E dilution 250G 325 325 of vial F dilution 125H 400 100 of vial G dilution 25I 400 0 0 = BlankVial Volume of Diluent(µL)Volume and Source of BSA(µL)Final BSA Concentration(µg/mL)A 700 100 of Stock 250B 400 400 of vial A dilution 125C 450 300 of vial B dilution 50D 400 400 of vial C dilution 25E 400 100 of vial D dilution 5F 400 0 0 = BlankB.Preparation of the BCA Working Reagent (WR)e the following formula to determine the total volume of WR required:(# standards + # unknowns) × (# replicates) × (volume of WR per sample) = total volume WR required Example: for the standard test-tube procedure with 3 unknowns and 2 replicates of each sample:(9 standards + 3 unknowns) × (2 replicates) × (2mL) = 48mL WR requiredNote: 2.0mL of the WR is required for each sample in the test-tube procedure, while only 200 µl of WR reagent is required for each sample in the microplate procedure.2.Prepare WR by mixing 50 parts of BCA Reagent A with 1 part of BCA Reagent B (50:1, Reagent A:B). For the aboveexample, combine 50mL of Reagent A with 1mL of Reagent B.Note: When Reagent B is first added to Reagent A, turbidity is observed that quickly disappears upon mixing to yield a clear, green WR. Prepare sufficient volume of WR based on the number of samples to be assayed. The WR is stable for several days when stored in a closed container at room temperature (RT).Procedure Summary (Test-tube Procedure, Standard Protocol)Test-tube Procedure (Sample to WR ratio = 1:20)1.Pipette 0.1mL of each standard and unknown sample replicate into an appropriately labeled test tube.2.Add 2.0mL of the WR to each tube and mix well.3.Cover and incubate tubes at selected temperature and time:•Standard Protocol: 37°C for 30 minutes (working range = 20-2000µg/mL)•RT Protocol: RT for 2 hours (working range = 20-2000µg/mL)•Enhanced Protocol: 60°C for 30 minutes (working range = 5-250µg/mL)Notes:•Increasing the incubation time or temperature increases the net 562nm absorbance for each test and decreases both the minimum detection level of the reagent and the working range of the protocol.•Use a water bath to heat tubes for either Standard (37°C incubation) or Enhanced (60°C incubation) Protocol. Usinga forced-air incubator can introduce significant error in color development because of uneven heat transfer.4.Cool all tubes to RT.5.With the spectrophotometer set to 562nm, zero the instrument on a cuvette filled only with water. Subsequently, measurethe absorbance of all the samples within 10 minutes.Note: Because the BCA assay does not reach a true end point, color development will continue even after cooling to RT.However, because the rate of color development is low at RT, no significant error will be introduced if the 562nm absorbance measurements of all tubes are made within 10 minutes of each other.6.Subtract the average 562nm absorbance measurement of the Blank standard replicates from the 562nm absorbancemeasurement of all other individual standard and unknown sample replicates.7.Prepare a standard curve by plotting the average Blank-corrected 562nm measurement for each BSA standard vs. itsconcentration in µg/mL. Use the standard curve to determine the protein concentration of each unknown sample. Microplate Procedure (Sample to WR ratio = 1:8)1.Pipette 25µL of each standard or unknown sample replicate into a microplate well (working range = 20-2000µg/mL).Note: If sample size is limited, 10µL of each unknown sample and standard can be used (sample to WR ratio = 1:20).However, the working range of the assay in this case will be limited to 125-2000µg/mL.2.Add 200µL of the WR to each well and mix plate thoroughly on a plate shaker for 30 seconds.3.Cover plate and incubate at 37°C for 30 minutes.4.Cool plate to RT. Measure the absorbance at or near 562nm on a plate reader.Notes:•Wavelengths from 540-590nm have been used successfully with this method.•Because plate readers use a shorter light path length than cuvette spectrophotometers, the Microplate Procedure requires a greater sample to WR ratio to obtain the same sensitivity as the standard Test Tube Procedure. If higher 562nm measurements are desired, increase the incubation time to 2 hours.•Increasing the incubation time or ratio of sample volume to WR increases the net 562nm measurement for each well and lowers both the minimum detection level of the reagent and the working range of the assay. As long as allstandards and unknowns are treated identically, such modifications may be useful.5.Subtract the average 562nm absorbance measurement of the Blank standard replicates from the 562nm measurements ofall other individual standard and unknown sample replicates.6.Prepare a standard curve by plotting the average Blank-corrected 562nm measurement for each BSA standard vs. itsconcentration in µg/mL. Use the standard curve to determine the protein concentration of each unknown sample.Note: If using curve-fitting algorithms associated with a microplate reader, a four-parameter (quadratic) or best-fit curve will provide more accurate results than a purely linear fit. If plotting results by hand, a point-to-point curve is preferable to a linear fit to the standard points.A.Interfering substancesCertain substances are known to interfere with the BCA assay including those with reducing potential, chelating agents, and strong acids or bases. Because they are known to interfere with protein estimation at even minute concentrations, avoid the following substances as components of the sample buffer:Ascorbic Acid EGTA Iron Impure SucroseCatecholamines Impure Glycerol Lipids TryptophanCreatinine Hydrogen Peroxide Melibiose TyrosineCysteine Hydrazides Phenol Red Uric AcidOther substances interfere to a lesser extent with protein estimation using the BCA assay, and these have only minor (tolerable) effects below a certain concentration in the original sample. Maximum compatible concentrations for many substances in the Standard Test Tube Protocol are listed in Table 2 (see last page of Instructions). Substances were compatible at the indicated concentration in the Standard Test Tube Protocol if the error in protein concentration estimation caused by the presence of the substance was less than or equal to 10%. The substances were tested using WR prepared immediately before each experiment. Blank-corrected 562nm absorbance measurements (for a 1000µg/mL BSA standard + substance) were compared to the net 562nm measurements of the same standard prepared in 0.9% saline. Maximum compatible concentrations will be lower In the Microplate Procedure where the sample to WR ratio is 1:8 (v/v). Furthermore, it is possible to have a substance additive affect such that even though a single component is present at a concentration below its listed compatibility, a sample buffer containing a combination of substances could interfere with the assay.B.Strategies for eliminating or minimizing the effects of interfering substancesThe effects of interfering substances in the Pierce BCA Protein Assay may be eliminated or overcome by one of several methods. •Remove the interfering substance by dialysis or gel filtration.•Dilute the sample until the substance no longer interferes. This strategy is effective only if the starting protein concentration is sufficient to remain in the working range of the assay upon dilution.•Precipitate the proteins in the sample with acetone or trichloroacetic acid (TCA). The liquid containing the substance that interfered is discarded and the protein pellet is easily solubilized in ultrapure water or directly in the alkaline BCA WR.4A protocol detailing this procedure is available from our website. Alternatively, Product No. 23215 may be used (seeRelated Pierce Products).•Increase the amount of copper in the WR (prepare WR as 50:2 or 50:3, Reagent A:B), which may eliminate interference by copper-chelating agents.Note: For greatest accuracy, the protein standards must be treated identically to the sample(s).Related Thermo Scientific Products15041 Pierce 96-Well Plates, 100/pkg.15075 Reagent Reservoirs, 200/pkg.15036 Sealing Tape for 96-Well Plates, 100/pkg.23209 Albumin Standard Ampules, 2mg/mL, 10 × 1mL ampules, containing bovine serum albumin (BSA) 23208 Pre-Diluted Protein Assay Standards: Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) Set, 7 × 3.5mL23212 Bovine Gamma Globulin Standard, 2mg/mL, 10 × 1mL ampules23213 Pre-Diluted Protein Assay Standards, (BGG) Set, 7 × 3.5mL aliquots23235 Pierce Micro BCA Protein Assay Kit, working range of 0.5-20µg/mL23236 Coomassie Plus (Bradford) Assay Kit, working range of 1-1500µg/mL23215 Compat-Able™ Protein Assay Preparation Reagent Set23250Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit−Reducing Agent CompatibleAdditional InformationA.Please visit our website for additional information including the following items:•Frequently Asked Questions•Tech Tip protocol: Eliminate interfering substances from samples for BCA Protein AssayB.Alternative Total Protein Assay ReagentsIf interference by a reducing substance or metal-chelating substance contained in the sample cannot be overcome, try the Thermo Scientific Coomassie Plus (Bradford) Assay Kit (Product No. 23236), which is less sensitive to such substances.C.Cleaning and Re-using GlasswareExercise care when re-using glassware. All glassware must be cleaned and given a thorough final rinse with ultrapure water.D.Response characteristics for different proteinsEach of the commonly used total protein assay methods exhibits some degree of varying response toward different proteins. These differences relate to amino acid sequence, pI, structure and the presence of certain side chains or prosthetic groups that can dramatically alter the protein’s color response. Most protein assay methods use BSA or immunoglobulin (IgG) as the standard against which the concentration of protein in the sample is determined (Figure 1). However, if great accuracy is required, prepare the standard curve from a pure sample of the target protein.Typical protein-to-protein variation in color response is listed in Table 3. All proteins were tested at 1000µg/mL using the 30-minute/37°C Test Tube Protocol. The average net color response for BSA was normalized to 1.00 and the average net color response of the other proteins is expressed as a ratio to the response of BSA.Figure 1: Typical color response curves for BSA and BGG using the Standard Test Tube Protocol (37°C/30-minute incubation). Table 3. Protein-to-protein variation. Absorbance ratios (562nm) for proteins relative to BSA using Protein Tested Ratio Albumin, bovine serum 1.00 Aldolase, rabbit muscle 0.85 α-Chymotrypsinogen, bovine 1.14 Cytochrome C, horse heart 0.83 Gamma globulin, bovine1.11 IgG, bovine 1.21 IgG, human 1.09 IgG, mouse 1.18 IgG, rabbit 1.12 IgG, sheep1.17 Insulin, bovine pancreas 1.08 Myoglobin, horse heart0.74 Ovalbumin 0.93 Transferrin, human 0.891.02 Standard Deviation 0.15Coefficient of Variation14.7%Cited References1. Smith, P.K., et al. (1985). Measurement of protein using bicinchoninic acid. Anal. Biochem . 150:76-85.2. Wiechelman, K., et al. (1988). Investigation of the bicinchoninic acid protein assay: Identification of the groups responsible for color formation. Anal Biochem . 175:231-7.3. Kessler, R. and Fanestil, D. (1986). Interference by lipids in the determination of protein using bicinchoninic acid. Anal. Biochem . 159:138-42.4.Brown, R., et al. (1989). Protein measurement using bicinchoninic acid: elimination of interfering substances. Anal. Biochem . 180:136-9.Product ReferencesAdilakshami, T. and Laine, R.O. (2002). Ribosomal protein S25 mRNA partners with MTF-1 and La to provide a p53-mediated mechanism for survival ordeath. J. Biol. Chem. 277:4147-51.Fischer, T., et al. (1999). Clathrin-coated vesicles bearing GAIP possess GTPase-activating protein activity in vitro. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 96:6722-7. Prozialeck, W.C., et al. (2002). Chlamydia trachomatis disrupts N-cadherin-dependent cell-cell junctions and sequester β-catenin in human cervicalepithelial cells. Infection and Immunity 70:2605-13.Roberts, K.P., et al. (2002). A comparative analysis of expression and processing of the rat epididymal fluid and sperm-bound forms of proteins D and E.Biology of Reproduction 67:525-33.Triton ® is a registered trademark of Rohm & Haas Co.Brij ®, Tween ® and Span ® are registered trademarks of ICI Americas. Zwittergent ® is a registered trademark of American Hoechst Corporation.This product (“Product”) is warranted to operate or perform substantially in conformance with published Product specifications in effect at the time of sale, as set forth in the Product documentation, specifications and/or accompanying package inserts (“Documentation”) and to be free from defects in material and workmanship. Unless otherwise expressly authorized in writing, Products are supplied for research use only. No claim of suitability for use in applications regulated by FDA is made. The warranty provided herein is valid only when used by properly trained individuals. Unless otherwise stated in the Documentation, this warranty is limited to one year from date of shipment when the Product is subjected to normal, proper and intended usage. This warranty does not extend to anyone other than the original purchaser of the Product (“Buyer”).No other warranties, express or implied, are granted, including without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or non infringement. Buyer’s exclusive remedy for non-conforming Products during the warranty period is limited to replacement of or refund for the non-conforming Product(s).There is no obligation to replace Products as the result of (i) accident, disaster or event of force majeure, (ii) misuse, fault or negligence of or by Buyer, (iii) use of the Products in a manner for which they were not designed, or (iv) improper storage and handling of the Products.Current product instructions are available at /pierce . For a faxed copy, call 800-874-3723 or contact your local distributor. © 2011 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all trademarks are property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. Printed in the USA.Table 2. Compatible substance concentrations in the BCA Protein Assay (see text for details).§* Diluted with ultrapure water.** Detergents were tested using high-purity Thremo Scientific Surfact-Amps Products, which have low peroxide content.-- Dashed-line entry indicates that the material is incompatible with the assay.§ For a more extensive list of substances, download Tech Tip # 68: Protein Assay Compatibility Table from our website. This Tech Tip includes compatible substances for all of our protein assays and enables easy comparisons.。



干扰物质 盐/缓冲液 HEPES (pH7.9) PIPES(pH6.8) NaCl HCl NaOH Sodium citrate TRICINE(pH8.0) Sodium Acetate Guanidine.HCl Tris
BCA Protein Assay Kit
BCA 蛋白质定量试剂盒
目录号:PA115 试剂盒内容:
BCA 试剂 A BCA 试剂 B BSA 标准品(2mg/ml)
100 ml 3 ml
2× 1 ml 1份
500 ml 15 ml 10 × 1 ml 1份
BCA 蛋白质定量试剂盒(BCA Protein Assay Kit)是根据目前世界上最常用 的两种蛋白浓度检测方法中的 BCA(bicinchoninic acid)法研制而成,实现了 对蛋白质进行快速、稳定、灵敏的浓度测定。本试剂盒的原理是蛋白质分子中 的肽键结构在碱性环境下能与 Cu2+生成络合物,并将 Cu2+还原成 Cu+,而 BCA 试剂可敏感特异地与 Cu+结合,形成稳定的有颜色的复合物,并在 562nm 处 有最大光吸收值,该复合物颜色深浅与蛋白质浓度成正比,可根据吸收值的大 小来测定蛋白质的含量。
1 小时内即可完成蛋白质定量检测。本试剂盒含有牛血清白蛋白(BSA) 溶液作为蛋白质标准溶液,测定范围为 20~2000 ug/ml。
1. 标准品的稀释:用与样品相同缓冲体系的稀释剂按下表对 BSA 标准品进
BSA 标准浓度配制表

BCA 法蛋白含量测定试剂盒说明书

BCA 法蛋白含量测定试剂盒说明书


由于蛋白质能将Cu2+还原成Cu+;BCA可与Cu+结合生成紫蓝色复合物,在562nm 处有最大光吸光值,颜色的深浅与蛋白含量成正比,因此可根据吸光值测定蛋白质浓度。












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BCA 蛋白定量试剂盒
目前世界上最常用的蛋白浓度检测方法是:BCA 蛋白定量试剂盒(BCA Protein Assay Kit)和Bradford 蛋白定量试剂盒(Bradford Protein Assay Kit)。

BCA 法与传统方法相比,更简单、更稳定、更灵敏度。

BCA 法测定蛋白浓度兼容性亦很好,不受大部分样本中其他成分的影响,对于5%以内的SDS 、Triton X-100、Tween 20、 Tween 80具有很好的兼容性。

BCA 法测定蛋白浓度易受螯合剂、高浓度的还原剂影响。

在BCA 法测定蛋白浓度前,应尽量使EDTA 浓度≤m10M; DTT 浓度≤1mM ,2-ME ≤0.01%。

Leagene BCA Protein Assay Kit 在50~1000μg/ml 浓度范围内有较好的线性关系, 其最小检出量为25μg/ml 。

1、 酶标仪或分光光度计
2、 96孔板或离心管
3、 恒温箱
1、 取蛋白标准配制液加入到蛋白标准(BSA)(20mg)中,充分溶解后配制成蛋白标准溶液,配制后可立即使用,溶解后的蛋白标准溶液应-20℃保存。

2、 取适量蛋白标准,稀释至终浓度为500μg/ml 或所需浓度。

如取25μl 20mg/ml 蛋白标准,加入975μl 稀释液,充分混匀,即配制500μg/ml 蛋白标准。


例如待测蛋白溶解于蔗糖中,亦取20mg/ml 蛋白标准溶解于蔗糖中。

一般也可以用0.9%NaCl 或PBS 作为溶解BSA 稀释液。

稀释后的500μg/ml 蛋白标准也应-20℃长期保存。

3、 根据样品数量,试剂(A):试剂(B 配制BCA 工作液,即取BCA 试剂A 和BCA 试剂B , 充分混匀,即获得BCA 工作液。

例如取BCA 试剂A 和BCA 试剂B ,配制成BCA 工作液。

编号 名称 PT0001 250T PT0001 500T Storage 试剂(A): BCA 试剂A 50ml 100ml RT 避光 试剂(B): BCA 试剂B 1.5ml 3ml RT 避光 试剂(C): 蛋白标准(BSA) 20mg 20mg RT 试剂(D): 蛋白标准配制液 5ml 10ml RT 使用说明书 1份

4、将标准品按0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20μl加到96孔板的标准品孔,加稀释液补足。



6、各孔加入200μl 配制好的BCA工作液, 放置。


















