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姓名: _____________ 分数: _____________



( ) 1. This kind of products is not friendly to you.

A. is impolite to

B. is harmful to

C. is rude to

点拨:考察同义词的应用。句意:这种产品对你不好。A. 对···不礼貌;B. 对...有害;

C. 对...粗鲁。

( ) 2. If you want to book a table for ten, please call us ahead of time.

A. before time

B. in advance

C. in front of time

点拨:考察同义词的应用。句意:如果你想预定10张桌子请提前给我们打电话。A. ahead of time 用于修饰时间上,强调时间提前;B. in advance 强调在某事发生前,偏向于指事情。

( ) 3. We can trust him. He is an honest boy.

A. admire

B. believe in

C. depend on

点拨:考察同义词的应用。句意:我们信任他他。他是一个诚实的男孩。A. vt钦佩、赞美;vi钦佩、称赞; B. 信任;C. depend on依靠、依赖。

( ) 4. Our class consists of 40 students.

A. makes up

B. is made of

C. is made up of

点拨:考察同义词的应用。句意:我们的班级有40个学生组成。A. make up 组成;补足;化妆;编造;B. 由...制成;C. 由...组成。根据语境,consist of 意为:由...组成。( ) 5. Jim is under the weather today. He needs to see a doctor at once.

A. sick

B. upset

C. tired

点拨:考察同义词的应用。句意:Jim今天身体不适。他需要马上看医生。A. 生病;

B. 伤心的;


( ) 6. They should learn another four subjects besides English.

A. as well as?

B. except

C. not including?

点拨:考察介词的应用。besides adv. 此外;而且prep. 除…之外。句意:他们应该学习除了英语以外的另外四个科目。A. 也,还;B. 除...外(不包括);C .不包括。( )7. Grandpa filled the swimming pool with water.

A. filled...of

B. fulled...with

C. made...full of

点拨:考察动词词组的应用。fill....with把…装满… 。句意:爷爷把游泳池装满的水。

A. 应该是be filled of 装满;

B. 应该是be full of 充满...;

C. 使..充满。

( )8. Our English club was founded ten years ago.

A. put up

B. taken off

C. set up

点拨:考察动词的应用。found vt. 创立,建立;创办v. 找到(find的过去分)。句意:我们的英语俱乐部创建于十年前。A. 举起;B. 起飞;脱下;C. 建立。


( )9. To _______ with someone means both of you use or have something together, or you each carry out part of it.

A. provide

B. share

C. support

点拨:考察动词的应用。句意:和某人分享意思是两个人一起使用或拥有某物,或者你们各自完成一部分。A. 提供;B.分享;C.支持。

( )10. I _______ raising different opinions against the board at the meeting because I lost my job for this.

A. admitted

B. regretted

C. avoided

点拨:考察动词的应用。句意:我后悔在会议上提不同的意见反对董事会因为我为此丢了工作。A. 承认;B.后悔;C.避免。

( )11. A_________means an act of speaking formally to a group of listeners.

A. speech

B. permission

C. review

点拨:考察名词的应用。句意:演讲就是在一群听众面前一个正式的讲话。A. 演讲;

B. 准许;

C. 回顾、复习、评论。

( )12. A_________means a duty that you have because of your job or position.

A. possibility

B. difficulty

C. responsibility

点拨:考察名词的应用。句意:责任就是由于你工作的状态你要做的任务。A. 可能性;
