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变形记(节选) 卡夫卡
①一天清晨,格里高尔·萨姆沙从烦躁不安的睡梦中醒来时,发现自己在床上变成了一只 大得吓人的甲壳虫。他躺着,感到脊背坚硬,犹如铁甲。他稍稍抬起头,看见自己的肚子高高 隆起,棕色,并被分成许多弧形硬片,被子很难盖得住,很快就会全都滑落下来。他那许多与 他原来的身躯相比细得可怜的腿脚,无可奈何地在眼前舞动着。
论《变形记》中的变形九江学院外国语学院 09级B0933班王聪 20906100311摘要:变形,英语单词为deformation,指物体在外来因素作用下产生的形状和尺寸的改变。
”[ 2 ]为我们作出解释的还有《世界文学史纲》,它如是说:“卡夫卡的《变形记》描写的是人变成虫的荒诞离奇故事。
”[ 3 ]《新编外国文学》则这样说:“小说写旅行员格里高尔一天早晨醒来发现自己变成了一只大甲虫, 遭到了家人的厌弃, 最后孤独寂寞地死去。
英文阅读:卡夫卡变虫记《变形记》(德语Die Verwandlung,英语The Metamorphosis)卡夫卡短篇代表作,是卡氏艺术上的最高成就,被认为是20世纪最伟大的小说作品之一。
Beetle Boy卡夫卡变虫记Gregory Sampson awoke one morning to discover that he had become a giant beetle.He stared into the mirror on the back of his bedroom door. He had a large, purple-brown beetle body. He had two big, dark beetle eyes. He had two long beetle antennae. And six long, thin, hairy beetle legs. Gregory couldn't remember this ever happening before.“Gregory, get dressed and come down for breakfast," his dad called.Gregory tossed himself down on all sixes and scurried into the bathroom. His beetle claws clicked against the floor tiles. Gregory washed himself and brushed the large, sharp fangs that protruded from his mouth. He looked in the mirror above the sink and scared himself. Yup, he was still a beetle.Gregory had never seen a bug wearing clothes before, but most bugs didn't have to dress for a day at school. He rummaged through his dresser and took out a baggy shirt and pants with an elastic waistband. The pantsweren't too much of a problem to pull on, but the shirt had only two armholes. Second-grade boys were not supposed to have six insect legs. Gregory cut two more holes in the shirt for his two new arms. Or were they legs?"Gregory!" his mother yelled. "Hurry, please!"Gregory scampered down the stairs a bit too fast, doing two back and three side flips along the way. He landed at the bottom on his beetle shell back. His six legs kicked at the air as he tried to right his body. Finally, after a few minutes of wriggling, he was able to grab hold of the banister and flip himself over so that his claws met the floor.No one looked up as Gregory entered the kitchen. Dad stood at the counter packing school lunches for Gregory and his little sister, Caitlin. Mom sat at the table reading the newspaper. Caitlin was drinking a glass of orange juice. Her plate was piled with bread crusts and half an egg yolk.Gregory hoisted himself into his chair and began eating his eggs and bacon. "Mom," he called, "Dad, Caitlin, I'm a bug. Look at me. I'm a giant beetle."Dad closed the lunch boxes and smiled at Gregory. "And I'm a hippo."Gregory waved a claw. "But I'm a bug, Dad, don't you see? What should we do?"Mom answered from behind the paper. "You've always been our little bug-a-boo."Caitlin wrinkled her nose. "Yesterday you said you wanted to be an astronaut." She picked a piece of bacon off Gregory's plate. "Do bugs like bacon?""Do you know how to change me back?" Gregory asked his mother. "Did this ever happen to you when you were a little boy?" he asked his father."Can't we discuss this after school?" Mom replied. You have to get out to the bus."Dad walked Caitlin and Gregory to the front door and handed them their lunches and backpacks."Can bugs be astronauts?" Gregory asked his father.Dad laughed and gave his son a pat on the shell.Gregory stared at himself in the hall mirror. Yup, still a bug. Couldn't anyone see?。
弗朗茨·卡夫卡的《变形记》中的象征意义解读1. 引言1.1 概述在弗朗茨·卡夫卡的著名小说《变形记》中,象征意义是一种常见的表达手法。
1.2 文章结构本文主要分为五个部分:引言、正文、具体场景中的象征意义解读、卡夫卡对现代社会问题的批判以及结论。
1.3 目的本文旨在通过对《变形记》中象征意义的解读,揭示作者所要表达的深层含义,并探讨这些象征元素如何突出了作品的主题和思想。
2. 正文:2.1 卡夫卡的生平与创作背景:弗朗茨·卡夫卡(Franz Kafka,1883-1924)是一位重要的捷克作家,他被认为是20世纪最具影响力和独特风格的作家之一。
2.2 主人公格列高利的象征意义:《变形记》中的主人公格列高利·索姆斯(Gregor Samsa)是一个普通劳动阶级的销售员,他突然一天早上醒来时已经变成了一个巨大的昆虫。
弗兰茨卡夫卡1883年出生于奥匈帝国统治下的波希米亚(今捷克西部地区)首府布拉 格的一个犹太商人家庭。父亲艰苦创业成功,形成粗暴刚愎性格,从小对卡夫卡实行 “专横有如暴君”的家长式管教。卡夫卡一方面自幼十分崇拜、敬畏父亲,另一方面, 一生都生活在强大的“父亲的阴影中”。母亲气质抑郁、多愁善感。这些对后来形成 卡夫卡孤僻忧郁、内向悲观的性格具有重要影响。 卡夫卡小学至中学在德语学校读书,后学会捷克语,自幼酷爱文学。1901年进入布拉格 大学学习德国文学。不久迫于父亲之命改修法律,1906年获法学博士学位。卡夫卡中学 时代就对法国自然主义文学,斯宾诺莎、尼采、达尔文等产生极大兴趣。大学时代, 接受了存在主义先驱、丹麦哲学家基尔凯戈尔的思想和受到中国老庄哲学的影响。 在爱好文学的同学马克斯布洛德的鼓舞和支持下,开始文学创作。并与布拉格的作家 来往,参加一些社交活动。写成了首篇短篇小说《一场战斗纪实》。在法院实习一年, 在“通用保险公司”当见习助理后,1908年到工伤事故保险公司任职。1921年卡夫卡肺 结核复发。1922年6月辞职。养病斯间除继续创作外,游历欧洲各地。1924年因肺病恶 化,医治无效,于同年6月3日病逝于维也纳。
故事表面看来荒诞不经,实则蕴涵了丰富而深刻的内容。 故事表面看来荒诞不经,实则蕴涵了丰富而深会人的异化。 真实表现了西方现代资本主义社会人的异化。
在这个社会,人被“物”(如金钱、机器、产品、生产方式等)所驱 使、胁迫、统治而不能自主,成为“物”的奴隶,进而失去人的本性, 变为非人。主人公格里高尔的故事正是人异化为“非人”这一哲学生 存现状的艺术表现。小说运用意识流手法直接反映“人化”了的小动 物的内心感受,通过虚化、荒诞的情节和荒唐的行为描写人真实的心 理状态,表现那个时代小人物非理性的生存环境。描写非现实生活中 的事件,让非现实的人物生活在现实生活的环境中,其目的是通过格里 高尔的心灵语言和孤苦环境展现西方社会人的异化的普遍本质。
《乡村医生》《致科学院的报告》《饥饿艺术家》《地洞》 《猎人格拉克斯》《歌手约瑟芬,或耗子之流》等 长篇小说有《审判》《城堡》《美国》。 他的作品大都是死后由挚友马克斯·布洛德编辑出版。
第二部分写格里高尔变了,习惯了甲虫的生活习性,却保留着人的 意识。他失业了,仍旧关心怎样还清父母的债务、送妹妹上音乐学院等事 情。可是,数月后他成了全家的累赘。父亲、母亲、妹妹改变了对他的态 度。(表现人对自己的命运的无能为力,失去自我就会陷入绝境)
第三部分写为了生存,家人只得打工挣钱,并且越来越忍受不了格 里高尔这个负担。终于,妹妹提出把哥哥赶走的意见。格里高尔又痛又饿, 陷入绝望,最后带着对家人的无限爱意死去。他的父亲、母亲、妹妹开始 过着自己养活自己的新生活。(揭露亲情淡薄,人性扭曲)
观点 内容 艺术 手法 成就
不主张用作品去再现生活,而是提倡从人的心 理感受出发,表现生活对人性的压抑和扭曲。
反映资本主义社会的黑暗,人和人关系的冷酷, 以及人对社会的绝望,带有强烈的批判性。
使用极度夸张以至怪诞离奇的表现手法,描绘 扭曲的人性,表现人的本能和无意识的主观感 受,开掘个人的直觉、本能、无意识、梦幻、 变态心理以至半疯狂、疯狂的言行、心理。
一张看上去杂乱无章的面孔,眼睛、 鼻子、嘴唇完全错位摆放,面部轮廓 结构也全被扭曲、切割得支离破碎。 女人的面部因无法控制的情绪而痉挛, 悲愤的大眼和前额颠倒支离,眼睫毛 是齿轮般的,眉毛是倒悬的锯齿般的, 特别是那引人注目的嘴唇和牙齿之间 凄凉的蓝白色域上,由于悲伤而破碎; 她面色忽黄忽紫,浸透着墨绿的苦涩; 她长着钢丝般的头发,头顶的帽子红 得让人心焦;扭曲和断裂的,不只是 一种线条的表现方式,更是极度痛苦 的心灵。
The Magicians《魔法师(2016)》第四季第一集完整中英文对照剧本
金伯·安东尼恭喜考试蓝皮书金伯·安东尼魔法师第四季第一集《变形记》弗兰兹·卡夫卡山姆·坎宁安情况如何她还在调查她是警♥察♥还是...正在确认百老汇的演员经常扮演"稀奇古怪"的角色雅斯曼·莉莉·坎宁安《迷失的鸟群 : 警探山姆·坎宁安的故事》公元前哲学家苦行主义犬儒学派的代表人物《魔法师》前情回顾Previously, on "The Magicians"...- 我杀了个神 - 那些旧神...- I killed a god. - The old gods...当我们无害时他们会无视我们when we're harmless, they ignore us,但一旦我们得寸进尺他们就会斩草除根but when we become malignant, they amputate. - 魔法消失了 - 我有东西要给你看- Magic is gone. - I need to show you something. 我的天呐Oh, my God.我有魔法I have magic.你想不想要恢复你的魔法Do you want your magic back or not?我会送你去史诗探险I'll send you on an epic quest.《七钥传说》"The Tale of the Seven Keys."茱莉这就是我们的探险任务Jules, this is our quest.我感到我的能力提升I think I'm leveling up.- 我是... - 一位名副其实的女神- I'm... - A full-on goddess.你是为了喷泉而来You're here about the fountain.魔法的秘密The backdoor to magic.爱丽丝你在做什么Alice, what are you doing?她在毁掉钥匙She's destroying the keys!我明白你是为了大家好I know you thought this was for everyone's good. 总有一天你会发现事实并非如此You'll see someday it wasn't.茱莉亚你可能会失去你的力量Julia, you could lose your power.一旦魔法再次流动Once magic is flowing again,你有三十秒的时间来连接虹吸管you have 30 seconds to attach the siphon.我听说你有一种实验药剂I hear you have an experimental potion不仅能够抹去人的记忆that not only wipes your memory,而且能创造出全新的外表but creates a whole new persona.她和我们做了笔交易然后毁约了She made a deal with us, then broke it.与其他人不同她是图书馆的一员Unlike the others, she belongs to the Library.那个东西它会附身That thing, it can jump bodies.它发现他们了It's seen them.它知道魔法已经回归了It knows magic is back.尽管他们毫无自知但它知道他们是魔法师It knows they're magicians, even if they don't.如果他们不知道自己的身份If they don't know who they are,没法使用魔法的话if they don't have magic,- 他们就无法自保 - 你愿意陪我玩吗- they can't protect themselves. - Will you play with me? 我想你把我...I think you've got me...错当成别人了mistaken for somebody else.我觉得无论是什么事情I think anything is more fun和朋友一起做时都会变得更有趣when you do it with a friend.感觉从未有一个理由让我可以坚持那么久Feels like there's never a reason to last that long.明天见了好吗Um, I will catch you guys tomorrow, yeah?好的Okay.该死Shit!该死Shit.我的天呐My God.该死Shit.嗨你好Uh, hi. Um, hello.嗨Hi.你是金伯·安东尼吗Kimber D'Antoni?我是托德I'm Todd.你来晚了You're late.跟我来Follow me.不好意思这是什么地方Uh, I... I'm sorry. Where am I?纽约北部Upstate New York.- 布雷克比尔斯大学 - 等等这...- Brakebills University. - Okay, hold on. How...下午好很高兴见到你Good afternoon. Nice to see you.- 这怎么可能 - 给你一个专业提示- How is that possible? - Pro tip,你要牢记这些规则in case you remember any of this:对图书管♥理♥员♥一定要有礼貌always be polite to Librarians.他们看起来没什么威胁They look harmless,但他们手里确实一些好东西懂吗but they do regulate the good stuff, you know?要是惹怒他们那么突然间Make them cranky, all of a sudden,你提出的请求就不得不延后处理了there's this lag time when you put in a request.我是说虽说旧不如新I mean, New World Order, definitely better than it was,但以我拙见还是以前的秩序部好些but in my humble "O," a little worse than the old days.好了打住Okay, uh, stop.不好意思这到底是怎么回事I'm sorry, what's happening?你得到了研究生项目的一次初试的机会You've been offered a preliminary exam for entry into the graduate program. 我产生幻觉了吗Am I hallucinating?如果我说你没有I mean, if I say no,你会觉得这句话也是幻觉的一部分对吧that could be part of it, right?但你的确没有产生幻觉But, I mean, no.真的你没有Um, really no. Nope.好吧Okay, yeah.然而你这话说得真的一点用也没有That definitely wasn't helpful at all.那抱歉啦Sorry.来吧我们得快点了Come on. We gotta hustle.你迟到了Late!欢迎你们Welcome.你们可以称呼我为院长You may address me as Dean.我知道你们都满腹疑问I know you all have questions.时候一到这些问题自会得到解答They will be answered in time.接下来的一个小时For the next hour,你们的任务是完成测试your task is to complete your test.祝诸位好运Best of luck to you all.考试开始Begin.如果我们像以前那样You know, this would go faster一次性做完所有的测试那样速度会更快if we could just do them all in one batch, like we used to. 你知道我们现在没那种条件You know we don't have that kind of supply.我知道我只是说说罢了Yeah. I'm just saying.如果图书馆能直接把名单给我们I mean, how many extra hours of our time is this taking, 我们能少浪费多少时间呢when the Library could just give it to us?别装了你也是这么想的你心知肚明Come on. You know you're thinking it.那个怪孩子看上去是个废柴呢Well, looks like the weird one's a dud.- 是你提到的那个... - 让球镜短路那个- Is the one you said... - Shorted out the globe?是的Yeah.这种魔法前所未见Never seen that before.那天很晚了不是吗It was late in the day, no?可能是供应短缺了Supply runs low.可能是这个原因Could be that.没错True.她一写完我就马上抹去她的记忆I'll pull her and wipe her as soon as she's done the written portion. 该死Ah, damn it.怎么了What was that?- 我不太确定 - 让我看看...- I'm not quite sure. - Let me see...我建议不要这样做I'd advise against it.我什么都没看见I didn't see anything.而且这么做让我头痛欲裂I've got a splitting headache.好吧Okay.我信你的话I'll take your word for it.- 所以要留下她吗 - 留着吧- So keep or lose the migraine? - Let's keep.暂时留下For now.我亲眼看见的Saw it with my own eyes.是美洲蟑螂Periplaneta Americana.巨型蟑螂Huge.- 蟑螂对书籍可没有好处 - 可不是吗- A cockroach can't be good for the books. - Exactly.我想贴个告示牌提醒大家I'm thinking of posting a sign to remind everyone这里不是他们自己家that their mother doesn't work here,他们应该自己清理自己的面包屑and they should clean up their own crumbs.真有趣这么做很聪明That's funny. Very clever.谢谢Thank you.我是该用海维提卡字体还是新罗马字体呢Should I use Helvetica or Times New Roman?如果用漫画字体是会传达乐观情绪Would Comic Sans communicate good cheer还是会削弱告示的严肃性呢or undercut the seriousness of the message?今天你的呼吸都令人感到压抑Even your breathing is depressing today.你知道吗爱丽丝You know that, Alice?我有个主意Hey, I have an idea.- 是吗 - 没错那就是你自己玩蛋去吧- Yeah? - Yeah, go fuck yourself.我不是来这儿供你取乐的I'm not here to entertain you.你说是就是吧If you say so.前几天你逃跑的时候事情就很有趣'Cause the other day, when you tried to escape, that was funny. 当时拳打脚踢尖叫哭嚎的All that kicking and shrieking.每次想起来都让我笑掉大牙Gives me a big chuckle every time I think of it.你好呀奎恩女士Good day, Ms. Quinn.该吃午饭了Lunch.还以为你会让你的奴隶们来送饭I thought you had slaves for that.是初级馆员Junior Librarians.今天我必须让你吃点东西了I must insist you eat today.好啊放马过来Fine. Insist away.你这个爱管闲事的贱♥人♥You nosy bitch.你说什么Excuse me?你是不是读了我的书You read my book, huh?一直读到空白处Right up to the great blank spot.那一章你读完了吗Did you read that whole chapter, hmm?想谈谈我和昆廷都用了些什么体♥位♥吗You wanna talk about all the positions Quentin and I were in?书里面写我高♥潮♥多少次了吗Did my book tell you how many times I came?我不能让你饿着I can't let you starve,但我也不想强迫你吃and I don't want to force you to eat.这对我们俩都没好处Neither of us would enjoy that.只要你继续合作就能获得更多合规书籍Keep cooperating, and you may continue to receive approved reading material. 等等Wait.我有个问题I have a question.很遗憾I'm sorry.福格院长不会来了Dean Fogg's not coming.福格院长Dean Fogg.你来是为了新生们事吗The new students?感谢你远道而来把这个送来Appreciate you coming all the way here to deliver this.没事毕竟你.... 怎么说来着Yes, well, you did... what's the word?强制要求我这么做Mandate that I do so.公事公办罢了A formality.我们对你的选拔方式予以最大的信任We have the utmost faith in your selection methods.这只是为了做个记录This is merely for our records.这个孩子This one.利普森教授报告说你的球镜对她Professor Lipson reported she caused an unusual reaction 有异常的反应on your globe.你知道这是为什么吗Do you know why?我以后会搞清楚的I'm sure it'll become clear.她很有潜力She shows great potential.在什么方面呢In what way?我目前还不确定I'm not sure yet,但这正是她来布雷克比尔斯上学的原因but that's why she's at Brakebills.好吧我相信你的直觉Well, I trust your instinct.通过了Approved.真是愉快呢Always a pleasure.爱丽丝没什么大碍Alice is fine.当然情绪还是比较抑郁Depressed, surly.仍然吵着要见你Still asking to see you again.她被她口中的"在城♥堡♥里所见之物"迷住了She's fixated on the thing she says she saw in the castle.你告诉了她是吗You told her, didn't you?我告诉她你的独♥立♥契约者正在调查那个隐患That your independent contractors are looking into the threat, yes, 但她并非担心它会造成大范围的伤害but she's not worried about mass destruction.她只是担心她的朋友们She's worried about her friends.他们安全得不得了呢I can't think of anyone better protected than they.我直说吧塞尔达Let's be frank, Zelda.我的学生们拯救了魔法My students saved magic.这个世界可能对秩序部和The world may throw flowers at the feet of the Order艾琳·迈克阿莱斯泰赞誉有加and Irene McAllistair,但你我都知道真♥相♥到底是什么but you and I both know the goddamn truth.秩序部成为了监管者The Order stepped into an oversight position.我们所做的一切都是为了保护知识Everything we do is to preserve knowledge,为世界带来和平to make things safer.我没有质疑你们带来的好处I'm not arguing the benefits.难道没有吗因为这都是有代价的But you are, because they come at a cost.我们的底线是如果你的学生们再次出现Bottom line, if your students resurface,而艾琳要想灭口的话I can't stop Irene from doing what she will那我也爱莫能助了to ensure their silence.我们与她We have certain...也有一些约定agreements with her as well.所以So...他们必须呆在原处维持现状they must stay where they are, as they are.那他们就不会有事They'll be fine.毕竟你的魔咒Your spellwork was...效果卓群masterful.你知道唯一令我慰藉的是什么吗塞尔达You know my one solace, Zelda?如果我对他们的保护When my attempts to protect them不可避免地失败了inevitably fail,那这份血债会算在你的头上their blood will be on your hands.祝你愉快塞尔达Have a good day, Zelda.别叫我冷静我快气死了Don't tell me to relax. I'm pissed.好吧我明白Okay. I get it.- 但你反应过激了 - 你自己撞枪口上了- But you're overreacting - I should throw this at you. 山姆冷静点Sam, come on.你已经逮捕三个重要犯人了You made three very strong arrests.而这个混小子就这么逃之夭夭了And this douchewater just walks away,凭什么你倒是解释给我听based on what? Explain that to me.那个混小子总能逃之夭夭That douchewater always gets away.你这话是什么意思What are you talking about?我见过他被捕六次Seen him booked six times.每次都是不了了之Never sticks.我能说什么呢有些人就是那么幸运Hey, what can I say? Some people are lucky.或是他们的律师幸运Or their lawyers are.我的建议是这事儿还是算了吧My advice is, let it go.女士你好Uh, excuse me, miss?需要帮忙吗Can I help you?有个男的That guy.他刚还在这He was just here.可能是我戴了耳机我没听见Oh, I must not have heard.祝你愉快先生Have a good day, sir."现代女巫""Hedge witch."该死Oh, shit.不是吧Oh, come on.什么破烂玩意儿Piece of shit.该死Damn it.振作起来坎宁安Get your shit together, Cunningham.该死Shit!意料之中Of course.- 嗨马克 - 听着我知道你是警♥察♥ - Hi, Mark. - Listen, I know you're a cop.是的我也知道你的身份Yeah, and, uh, I know what you are.我只不过是想离开I was just, uh, leaving.可不是嘛我发现你还挺擅长跑路的Yeah, I've noticed you're good at that.被捕六次从没留在局子里过Six arrests, nothing ever sticks.我从不伤害任何人那都是副作用Look, I don't hurt anyone. It's all strictly side hustle. 别说废话Cut the shit.我知道不止你一个I know there's more of you.你们自称什么来着 "现代女巫"That you call yourself, what? Hedge witches?什么情况What the hell?我没有偷任何会伤害到别人的东西I'm not stealing anything that's gonna hurt anyone. 我做的都是法术增益符咒这类小咒语Minor shit. Charms, enhancements.和黑暗魔法无关听着Nothing dark and... look, I have no interest我对于试探你的证人保护♥法♥咒in poking whatever kind of witness-protection spell 没有任何兴趣好吗you've got going, okay?我只不过看了一眼它就想杀了我That thing tried to kill me for looking at it.你在说什么What are you talking about?符咒魔咒Charms, enchantments.这是"冰♥毒♥"的法语名不成What, is that French for "crystal meth"?你完全一无所知对吧You have no idea, do you?你对自己现在的身份毫无怀疑You just think you're you.你干什么Not so fast.那是什么What is that?拼词大会奖牌吗Spelling bee medal?- 还给我 - 那是什么- Give that back. - What is it?我的护罩Protection.保护你免受什么的伤害From?你You.等等停下Wait, stop!哟呵Yoo-hoo!觉醒吧殿下Arise, Your Majesty.觉醒吧Arise.怎么回事What the hell?你可以过来了国王You may approach, High King.过来吧Come, come.让我瞧瞧你Let's take a look at you.你好Hi.这究竟是怎么回事What the fuck is going on?真是让人头疼Mm, it's a little bit worrying看来你并不知道尤其是...that you don't seem to know, considering... 尤其是什么Considering?那玩意儿是羊角吗Are those horns?等等Wait.我现在是在杰夫·高布伦的家里吗Am I at Jeff Goldblum's house right now?我嗑了什么药啊What did I take?你只是睡着了You are asleep.我恩贝尔弗洛里最伟大的神I, Ember, greatest ever God of Fillory,在你处在更倾向于接纳的状态时am blessing a visitation of my person来亲自来探访你on your prone and receptive state.更准确地说Well, more technically,我是一团能量的化身I, an energetic emanation我被至高之神恩贝尔安排在这里previously placed here by the great God Ember,如今为了与你交流我被激活了have been activated to contact you.激活Activated.激活我的呢Activated, mm,是一场巨大的混乱by a disturbance of great magnitude.警报啊殿下Alarums, Majesty!我化身前来是为了警告你I have emanated to warn you.大不幸之事即将发生Great ill is afoot.好吧Okay.我们从头开始说起好吗We're gonna have to take this from the top, all right? 因为自打我从班克斯床上醒来之后Because I literally haven't been this confused我还就从没像现在这么摸不着头脑since the time I woke up in bed with Banksy.真是令人担忧This is concerning.担忧什么Which part?首先你长得可真像一个...For one thing, you look awfully like...女的a female.有点令人毛骨悚然呢It's chilling.算了No matter.你一定要马上开始工作国王You must get to work immediately, High King.好当然了Great, sure.什么工作呢Work on?我这个伟大的化身Well, this glorious emanation只有在世界大战瘟疫can only be triggered by world war, pandemic,敌对之神未经邀请便踏入弗洛里领土arrival of hostile or uninvited gods onto Fillorian soil, 侏儒造♥反♥ 和亡灵返生时才会被激活revolt of dwarves, or mass rising of the dead.虽然我也不知道那些复活的僵尸能干嘛Not sure they'd be able to do much, the dead.他们全都腐烂得不堪一击They're sort of feeble and rotting.不过它们看起来很诡异It just struck me as creepy,所以我还是希望你能阻止这种事and I'd rather you put a stop to it.好吧角人Okay, horn person?我的名字是珍妮特My name is Janet.我不是什么国王I'm not a king.我是个编辑时尚编辑I'm an editor, a fashion editor.你连裤子都不♥穿♥ 我觉得你找错人了You're not even wearing pants. I don't think this message is for me. 等一下Wait.我是恩贝尔你这无礼的小珍妮特I am Ember, you insolent little Janet.你不准离开There is no walking away.你只能照我说的做快点Only doing what I say. Quickly.我告诉你我不知道...I'm telling you, I don't know...马上解决此事Fix this now!这都是什么破事儿啊Fuck me.试试吧Fuck it.好了Okay.什么What?怎么回事What the... Fuck!太糟糕了对这个模特的肤色修正是种族歧视The color correction on this model is so bad, it's racist.安排电♥话♥会谈Set a call.刘医生回电♥话♥了吗Did Dr. Liu call back?回了他说测验结果都正常Yes, he... he said that all the tests were normal.但我的眼睛感觉很怪My eye is weird.看到的颜色也很怪Colors are weird.你说说这怎么就正常了索菲How is that normal, Sophie?他向你推荐了这个Well, uh, he suggested this,他还说如果问题还是得不到解决的话and he says he can see you next week他可以下周再见你一次if the problem doesn't resolve.下周吗Next week?太完美了Perfect.看来Well...这一定就是年度最辣眼睛的饰品了吧Now I've definitely seen this year's ugliest accessory.他们只有这一款It... it was the only one they had.那我就勉为其难地忍♥了I'll deal with it.没事It's fine.还有索菲Oh, and Sophie.你帮我订那些书了吗Did you order those books for me?《弗洛里和未来》"Fillory and Further."我的亚马逊账户被封了抱歉我...Oh, um, the Amazon account locked me out, and... sorry, I... 我尝试到处问问I'm calling around,可那本书在书店里也都售罄了but bookstores are sold out of it.不过我会继续找的I'll keep trying.说这么多话没有用That was a lot of words.赶紧把事情办好才是真的Just get it done.嘿Hey!什么鬼What the hell?珍妮特·布朗钦斯基Janet Pluchinsky?- 我这是被捕了吗 - 不是- Am I under arrest? - No.那发生了什么事Well, what's going on, then?你为什么戴着这个可笑的拼字比赛奖牌And why are you wearing that ridiculous spelling bee medal? 这是个魔法护身符It's a magical amulet.听着我没疯好吗Look, I am not crazy, okay?有件事我必须告诉你There's something you need to know,但当我开口的时候and as soon as I start telling you about this,就会有各种可怕的东西朝我们飞来bad shit is gonna start flying at our heads,这个能保护我们and this helps...但也不是绝对的安全but not completely.你都在胡说些什么啊That makes no sense.你就不能敞开心扉吗就两秒钟Would you just keep your mind open for two seconds, okay? 我叫山姆·坎宁安My name is Sam Cunningham.我是西雅图毒品查缉警♥察♥I'm a narcotics officer with the Seattle P.D.翻到第三章Flip to chapter three.这关乎你的人生It's your life.和我的人生And mine.听着这个金属的玩意儿Look, this medal thing,有种我不知道怎么说it has some sort of... I don't know what to call it...像一种磁场效应它能帮我们抵御可怕的东西like, a field of effect, and it is bouncing shit away from us.抱歉但你说这话你自己相信吗I'm sorry, do... do you hear yourself?你最近一定经历过一些奇怪的事吧Tell me things haven't been weird for you lately.我们身上发生了一些事Something was done to us.有个男的他告诉我他是个女巫This guy, he told me that he is a witch,我知道这听起来匪夷所思可他真的是and I know how that sounds, but he was real.好吧我知道这听起来也是真的很可笑And, okay... and I know how that sounds.有话快说Just spit it out.他告诉我我不是我He told me that I wasn't me.这也...That this...不是我的真实身份wasn't my identity.然后我找到了这个And then I found this.我从来没听过这本书Well, I've never heard of this book.这本书非常鲜为人知It's super obscure,但它讲述了我的整个人生but my whole life is in it.我的父母学院还有我的倒霉前男友My parents, the Academy, my last shitty boyfriend. "珍妮特·布朗钦斯基""Janet Pluchinsky"直接闯入了副编辑的办公室"had stabbed her way to the accessory editor's desk." 这个遣词造句简直蠢透了That's a dumb way of putting it.文笔确实算不上一流The writing isn't award-winning.而且这张图上我的胸部看起来简直匪夷所思And my boobs look insane in this drawing.这作者肯定是个男的对吗A man wrote this, correct?没错但还有一些细节要确认Correct, but the details.你八岁时是不是养过澳洲飞袋鼠Did you have a pet sugar glider when you were eight?早餐就着辣椒酱吃切德干酪爆米花Ate white cheddar popcorn with Tabasco for breakfast?你还有一个专门放内衣和假发的衣柜You have a dedicated closet for wigs and fetish underwear?这边Come on!没事的It's okay.什么鬼啊What the hell?我也不知道但肯定还有其他和我们一样的人I don't know, but there are other characters that are out there, too. 我们得找到他们Look, I think we need to find them.但我们得先出去快走Let's get the fuck out of here! Come on!嘿Hey.叫你呢Hey.我知道你没睡着I know you're not sleeping.- 滚 - 我也想啊- Go away. - Love to.但我这不是被关在监狱里了嘛Locked in a cell.听着...Look, uh...我不怎么会安慰人I'm not good at comforting...但我觉得事情都会变好的But for what it's worth, it's gonna be okay.- 才不会你不用骗我 - 我没骗你- No, don't lie. - I'm not.我以前也经历过和你一样的事I've been where you are.我有没有告诉过你我被关起来的原因Did I ever tell you why they locked me up?因为你话太多吗Talking too much?我一心想完善这个咒语I was obsessed with perfecting this spell.你知道第欧根尼吗You ever hear of Diogenes?知道一个碌碌无为的哲学家Yeah, sad-sack philosopher with a lantern, 在白天打着灯笼想找到一个诚实之人in search of one honest man.我就是在继续他的事业I was finishing his work找到真正的好人to find good people.为什么Why?让自己不那么孤单Feel less alone.最大的难处在于Biggest obstacle being that世界上几乎没有好人存在almost no good people exist.总之我不断精炼Anyway, I kept refining it,然后我发觉我应该专注于孩子们and I realized that I had to focus on children, 因为有些孩子because sometimes,他们还没有坏到骨子里they're not rotten to the core yet.反正这就是我想要的Anyway, that's all I wanted,找到一些好孩子was to find some good kids,给他们一些微不足道的奖励and in some small way, reward them.在一个紧要关头我需要的这本书Come to a point where I needed this book. 却被禁了Restricted.他们把它放在一个地方称其为...They kept it in a place they call, uh...毒室The poison room.我的一个朋友就命丧于此Yeah, killed one of my friends.好吧Yeah.我的朋友们也是It killed some of mine, too.我以前和精灵一起合作I was working with these elf gentlemen.那可太糟糕了Uh, it was bad.- 精灵真的存在吗 - 精灵都是好人- Elves... elves are real? - Sweet guys.那些关于他们的传言只有部分是真实的All that weird sex stuff you hear about is only partially true.总之图书馆的人找上了我Anyway, the Library came after me.说我持有违♥禁♥品♥ 还说我在图书馆内实施谋杀Possession, uh, murder on Library property,搞得好像我真的谋杀了谁一样like... like I personally murdered anyone.怎么可能Please.慢着Wait.奖励好孩子的法术你和你的精灵...A spells that rewards good children, and you and your elves...这都是很早之前的事了That was a long time ago.你是圣诞老人吗Are you Santa Claus?我...Well...我不是圣诞老人Well, I'm not, not that.我不喜欢那个名字But I don't like that name.这名字太商业化了像商场里的名字It got very commercial, very shopping-mall.就叫我尼克好了小混♥蛋♥Look, just call me Nick, asshole.我曾试着逃出去I tried to escape early on.最后烟囱里迷路了被他们发现了Ended up lost in the stacks. They found me, of course,那时我正试着自杀and that's when I tried to kill myself.真的吗Really?你房♥间是什么样子How... how did you cast in your room?- 我现在没法用魔法 - 当然不能- I can't do any magic. - Of course you can't.整个监狱都刷上了隔离魔法的涂料I mean, the entire cell is coated with deadening paint.你得挖掉整面墙才能逃出牢房♥I mean, you'd have to scrape off an entire wall to get anywhere. 怎么挖掉整面墙How?我的方法比较原始Uh, I did it the old-fashioned way.我先把食物盘的边缘撕下来I pulled the edge off of my food tray.我的意思是...Well, the point is...我很高兴我没有死Is that I'm glad I'm not dead.我不会死在这里I'm not gonna die in here...你也不会And neither are you.我们俩都是聪明人We're both smart.我们会想出办法的We'll figure it out.你为什么会在意这些呢Why do you care?听我讲Okay.2004年的圣诞节Christmas 2004.那个粉红色的日记就是你和你父母The pink diary that your parents都以为是你哥哥送给你的那本thought your brother got you and vice versa... 等等那个难道是你送的Wait, are you saying that that was you?爱丽丝你是个好孩子Alice, you are good.你很善良You're nice.老实讲有很多像你一样聪明的孩子Honestly, most kids as smart as you他们都很淘气很坏were naughty as shit.我知道I... I know...你伤害过别人you hurt people,并且你为此痛苦不已and you think that means you should hurt... 但我知道but I know.我知道你并不坏I know you are not a bad person.答应我Promise me.答应我你会坚持下去Promise me you'll hang in there.我答应你I promise...圣诞老人Santa.有人吗救命警卫Hey! Help! Guard!救命救命Help! Help!爱丽丝Alice!救命有人吗救命Help! Somebody, help!快来人啊这里Help me! Over here!这里爱丽丝Here! Alice!爱丽丝Alice!- 救命救命 - 爱丽丝- Help! Help! - Alice?快来人帮帮忙We need help in here!爱丽丝快来人Alice! Help!爱丽丝Alice.我今早就应该注意到I should have seen this coming.你之所以在这里You're here是因为你破坏了和秩序部的合同because you knowingly broke a contract with the Order. 并非因为你给你朋友们造成的那些麻烦Not for causing what happened to your friends.那不是你的错You didn't cause that.那是他们自己的选择They made their own choice.我明白I know...你很内疚Something about guilt.你好奇我为什么会在意这些You wonder why I care.毕竟你背叛了秩序部After all, you betrayed the Order.你可能觉得我把你单独监禁是为了惩罚你You probably think I've singled you out for punishment. 我的确是把你单独监禁I did single you out.但却是为了让你康复For rehabilitation.你有成为魔法大♥师♥的天赋You have the makings of a Master.你清楚你可以比任何人都走得更远You could go further than anyone, you know.比福格比你父亲马雅可夫斯基Fogg, your father,有更伟大的成就Mayakovsky.你可以在这里实现这一切这里有一些工作That can happen here. There's work.我们会邀请与你同样情况的人来参与Some in your situation may be invited to participate, 然后and then...这不是监狱this isn't a prison,因为还有什么比投身秩序部的伟业because what could be more fulfilling更有成就感的事情吗than immersion in the great work of the Order?我知道你讨厌这里I know you hate this place.自从你毁了钥匙Given what you did to those keys,我就知道你讨厌魔法所以I gather you hate magic itself, so...在你做好准备之前I won't ask...我不会过问until you're ready.我期望着那一天的到来I hope that day comes.我也不会放任你自杀I'm also not going to let you kill yourself.不要再做傻事了Don't try that again.伤口应该已经愈合了The wounds should be healed.罗娜会带你回房♥间Rona will bring you back to your room.我还以为你是聪明人I thought you were smart.。
41海外文摘OVERSEAS DIGEST 海外文摘2020年第17期总第818期No.17,2020Total of 818《变形记》是卡夫卡于1912年创作的短篇小说,该小说讲述了一个“人变成虫”的故事。
1 语言层面上的“空白”语言层面上,《变形记》这一命名便会引发读者的无数猜想:是什么东西变形?讲述的是什么故事?由此,从题目上看,作者就为读者铺设了一个空白,读者若想要继续了解故事就需要进一步阅读小说,进而了解具体内容。
小说主人公萨姆沙发生了变形,萨姆沙变形后的形象被作者称作“ungeheuers Ungeziefer”,即“巨大的害虫”,德语词典里对“Ungeziefer”一词给出了定义,其中文解释是:某一类人们认为有害的虫,例如虱子、跳蚤等,因此会将其杀死。
由于在生物学目录上也无“ungeheures Ungeziefer”的对应物,因此也就出现了人们对昆虫形象的各类猜测——蟑螂、螳螂、屎壳郎(虽然小说中的女佣就是如此称呼之,但没有得到萨姆沙的回应)、巨型虱子、甲虫等[2]。
Die V erwandlung (变形记)中德对照--卡夫卡Die Verwandlung (Auszug)Franz KafkaAls Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt. Er lag auf seinem panzerartig harten Rücken und sah, wenn er den Kopf ein wenig hob, seinen gewölbten, braunen, von bogenförmigen Versteifungen geteilten Bauch, auf dessen Höhe sich die Bettdecke, zum gänzlichen Niedergleiten bereit, kaum noch erhalten konnte. Seine vielen, im Vergleich zu seinem sonstigen Umfang kläglich dünnen Beine flimmerten ihm hilflos vor den Augen.一天早晨,格里高尔•萨姆沙从不安的睡梦中醒来,发现自己躺在床上变成了一只巨大的甲虫。
»Was ist mit mir geschehen?«, dachte er. Es war kein Traum. Sein Zimmer, ein richtiges, nur etwas zu kleines Menschenzimmer, lag ruhig zwischen den vier wohlbekannten Wänden. Über dem Tisch, auf dem eine auseinandergepackte Musterkollektion von Tuchwaren ausgebreitet war - Samsa war Reisender - hingdas Bild, das er vor kurzem aus einer illustrierten Zeitschrift ausgeschnitten und in einem hübschen, vergoldeten Rahmen untergebracht hatte. Es stellte eine Dame dar, die mit einem Pelzhut und einer Pelzboa versehen, aufrecht dasaß und einen schweren Pelzmuff, in dem ihr ganzer Unterarm verschwunden war, dem Beschauer entgegenhob.“我出了什么事啦?”他想。
《变形记 卡夫卡 》 英文
people. So The Metamorphosis reflected the society at that
time. We can draw the conclusion that there is some philosophy(哲理) in The Metamorphosis, which is the reason
he thought he was small and had no confidence. While in his work, The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa might be a kind of distorted(adj.扭歪的,受 到曲解的) hopelessness. He was created by a lifelong loneliness. So we can see a picture of Kafka. Besides, Kafka expressed his accusation (n.指责,谴 责;)for the distorted values of people and questioned the human nature.
The Metamorphosi20th century German
novelist. He was born in a Jewish
merchant (犹太商人)family in Prague,the capital of Czech Republic(捷克). Kafka is known as “the wizard(魔法师 )of modern literature“and "one of the
一个人的生命究竟有多大的意义(the meaning of one’s life),这有什么标准(standard/criterion)可以衡量(evaluate)吗?提出一个绝对的标准当然很困难;但是,大体上看一个人对待生命的态度是否严肃认真,看他对待工作、生活的态度如何,也就不难对这个人的存在意义做出适当的估计了。
古来(From ancient time till now)一切有成就的人(all those/all the people with great accomplishment),都很严肃的对待自己的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多工作、多学习(study and work to the best of their abilities),不肯虚度年华(idle away),不让时间白白地浪费掉(or just simply waste their life)。
我国历代的劳动人民以及大政治家(statesmen)、大思想家(master minds/thinkers)等等都莫不如此(Such examples have been set a lot)。
Could there be any standards to evaluate the meaning of one’s life? Actually, it is quite difficult to bring about such absolute standards. However, it would not be that difficult to make an appropriate evaluation of the meaning of one’s life. If we can, on the whole, perceive his attitude towards his life and work.From ancient time till now, all those with greataccomplishment, regard their life seriously. As long as they live in this world, they will study and work to the best of their abilities. They will not idle away or just simply waste their life. Such examples have been set a lot by Chinese laboring people, great statesmen(cf. politicians)and master minds(great thinkers)of past dynasties.中国民族(the Chinese/Chinese people)自古以来(since ancient time)从不把人看作高于一切(regarded human being as the creature of the highest class among everything in the world),在哲学文艺方面(philosophy and arts)的表现都反映出人在自然界中与万物占着一个比例较为恰当的地位(to take up an appropriate position),而非绝对统治万物的主宰(a ruler dominating the world)。
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Gregor Samsa once supported his family, but when he transformed into an insert, his family started to disgust (vt.使 反感,厌恶)him with the time going, and even detest (vt.憎恶 ,嫌恶,痛恨)him , hoping that he could die earlier. How selfish、distant and cruel they are! Lastly, Kafka criticized the capitalist society. In the early 20 century, the World War 1 happened. The inhumanity (非人道)and slaughter(大屠杀) could be seen everywhere. Money worship(拜金主义) was the source of(……的根源) distorted humanity and values of people. So The Metamorphosis reflected the society at that time. We can draw the conclusion that there is some philosophy(哲理) in The Metamorphosis, which is the reason why it is classic in the modern literature history.
The Metamorphosis
Franz Kafka,the 20th century German novelist. He was born in a Jewish merchant (犹太商人)family in Prague,the capital of Czech Republic(捷克). Kafka is known as “the wizard(魔法师 )of modern literature“and "one of the best writers in twentieth Century".
The Metamorphosis, written in 1912, is one of Kafka’s masterpieces(n.佳作; 杰作). It talks about Gregor Samsa.
刘易n he woke up, he found himself transformed into a gigantic (adj巨大的,庞大的; 巨人似的.) insect. At first, his parents and sister were filled with compassion and they cared for him. But at last, they regarded him as a burden( n.负担,包袱), leaving him alone. In the end, he died in loneliness quietly. The tragedy( n.悲剧,惨剧)of Gregor Samsa is just the epitome (n.缩影;) of Kafka himself. In his whole life, he lived just like an insect. He can’t realize his dream because of the poor situation, and he didn’t have possession of love. So he thought he was small and had no confidence. While in his work, The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa might be a kind of distorted(adj.扭歪的,受 到曲解的) hopelessness. He was created by a lifelong loneliness. So we can see a picture of Kafka. Besides, Kafka expressed his accusation (n.指责,谴 责;)for the distorted values of people and questioned the human nature.