
()1.“Thismademefeelangry.〞Isakindof_____structure构造.()A.S+V+OB.S+V+DOC.S+V+IO+DOD.S+V+DO+OC()2.TheteacheraskedMr.Smithto_____foramoment.A.holdupB.holdonC.holdoffD.handin ()3._____maynotseemvery_____.A.WatchTV;usefulB.WatchTV;usefullyC.WatchingTV;usefullyD.WatchingTV;useful()4.Jimsat_____tohismotherwithhiseyeshalf_____.A.closed;openedB.close;openC.closely;openingD.closely;opened()5.Wemustbestrict_____ourselvesandstrict_____ourwork.A.in;withB.with;inC.in;inD.with;with ()6.Bobdoesn’tknow_____towriteabout.A.howB.thatC.whatD.where()7.Don’topenthewindow,_____?A.shallweB.won’tyouC.doyouD.willyou ()8.Doyouhaveanyother_____tomakeonthesubject?A.advicesrmationsC.suggestionsD.newses ()9.Hewas_____atthe_____news.A.excited;excitingB.exciting;excitedC.excited;excitedD.exciting;exciting()10.Theworkersweremade_____thewholeday.A.workB.toworkC.workedD.working()11.Ican’tdecide_____.A.whattodoitB.howshallIdoitC.howtodoitD.whatshallIdoit()12.Thestudentswentoutoftheclassroom_____.A.noiseB.noisyC.noisilyD.quiet()13.Healwaysmakeshisclass_____.A.livelyandinterestedB.livelyandinterestingC.aliveandinterestedD.aliveandinteresting()14.Ifyoudon’tgotothecinematonight,_____.A.sowillIB.NeitherdoIC.NorshallID.SoIwill ()15._____ofthetwinshasbeentherebefore.A.BothB.NeitherC.allD.None()16.Thecoloursofhistrousersaredifferentfrom_____ofyours.A.oneB.onesC.thatD.those()17.“Whatdoyouthinkofhissurfing?“Oh,〞noonedoes_____.〞A.goodB.wellC.betterD.best()18.Youlook_____.Whatdoyou_____?A.worry,worryaboutB.worry;worriedaboutC.worried;worryaboutD.worried;worriedabout()19.Runningandswimming_____goodforyou.A.beB.isC.areD.maybe()20.Canyoupleasespend_____explainingit_____us?A.sometimes;toB.sometime;toC.sometimes;forD.sometime;for二.完型填空.Somepeoplejustcannotdecidewhattodoallbythemselves.Theyoften1 theadvice(建议)oftheirfriends.Buttheyneverdoastheirfriendshavesaid.MyfriendJackis2person,andheisalwaysaskingmeforhelp.Ttrytohelphim aswellasIcan,butheneverlistenstome.YesterdayI3anewwaytomakehimtakemyadvice.Itworked.“Look,〞hesaid,4mealetter.“Whatdyou thinkIshoulddo?〞Thelettertoldimthattherewasagoodjobforhim.Itseemed tobeagoodchance(机遇)forayoungartist.Histeacher5himtoAustraliatowork.The job would pay very6,andhe7totraveland visitmany interestingplaces.8“this,Rose?〞heasked,“IfItakethejob,Iwillhaveto stayinAustraliafortwoyears.Imaystayabitlonger.Butitwouldbeawonderfultimeforme.ShouldIgo,Rose?〞“Don’go,t〞I told him,“You’suffer(ll受累)alot there.〞“Don’go?t〞he9 surprisedatmyanswer.Asyouhaveprobablyknown,Jackwent.Iwonder(想知道) 10hefoundthatIreallywantedhimtotakethejob.()1.A.askfor B.receive C.take D.give()2.A.suchkind B.thiskind C.sucha D.asuch()3.A.thought B.tried C.gave D.wanted()4.A.showing B.showed C.toshow D.shown()5. A.willsend B.send C.wouldsend D.sends()6.A.good B.well C.nice D.enough()7.A.couldbeable B.could C.wouldbeable D.wouldbegoing()8.A.WhatdoyoulikeB.HowdoyoulikeC.HowdoyouthinkofD.Whatdoyouthink()9.A.asked B.spoke C.said D.looked(10.A.why B.whether C.that D.when三.阅读理解.If you are like most people,yourintelligence(智力)changeswiththeseasons,Youareprobablyalotsharperinthespringthanyouareatanyothertimeofyear.Afamousscientist,EllsworthHuntington(1876—1947),concluded(总结)thatclimateandtemperaturehaveaneffect(作用)onyourmentalabilities(智力).Hefoundthatcoolweather ismuch more favourable forcreative(激活)thinkingthansummerheat.Thisdoesnotmeanthatallpeoplearelessintelligentinthesumme rthantheyareduringtherestoftheyear.Itdoesmean,however,thatthementalabilitiesoflarge numbersofpeopletendtobelowestinthesummer.SpringappearstobethebestperiodoftheyearforthinkingOnereasonmaybethatinthespringman’smentalabilitiesareaffected(受影响)bythesamefactors(要素)thatbringaboutgreatchangesinnature.Fallisthenext-bestseason,thenwinter.Asforsummer,itseemstobeagoodtimetotakealongvacationfromthinking.Huntingtondecidedthatclimateandtemperaturehave______A.agreateffectoneveryone’sintelligenceB.someeffectonmostpersons’intelligenceC.someeffectonafewpersons’intelligenceD.noeffectonmostpersons’intelligence( )2.Whyisspringthebestseasonforthinking?Because_______________.A.allnature,includingman,isgrowingthenB.itlastslongerthantheotherseasons ((C.itisnottoowarmandnottoocoldD.bothBandC)twobestseasonsforthinkingseemtobe_____________.A.springandfallB.winterandsummerC.summerandspringD.fallandwinter)4.Whichisthefollowingiswrong?A.ItseemsthatthecoldofwinterisbetterforthinkingthanveryhotweatherPerhapsHuntingtonbased(认为根基)hisconclusion(结论)onworkwithpersonsinthesameclimate.C.Fallisthesecondbestseasonforthinking AandBarewrong( )5.Themainideaofthispassageisthat____________.A.mostpeople’sintelligencechangeswithseasons seasonsarethereasonofthechangingintelligencespringisthebestseasonforthinkingsummeristhebestseasonfortakingalongvacation(B)ShenzhenisacityinSouthChina.Itisnotverybig,butithasattractedpeopleofthewholecountr yandthewholeworldaswell.Justabouttwentyyearsago,itwasonlyasmallfishingvillage.Therewerenotmanypeoplether e.Mostofthemlivedonfishing.Thingshavegreatlychangedsincethe1980's.Itbecamethefirstspecialeconomiczone(经济特区)inChina.Becauseoftheopeningpolicy(政策),economicchangesbetweenChinaandtheoutsideworldhaveincreasedgreatly.Peoplecancomea ndgoeasilybetweenShenzhenandHongKong.BothforeignersandChinesehavebuiltalotoffactorie s,companiesandtourists'attractionsthere.Peoplealloverthecountryhavecometofindjobs.Manyofthemhavesettleddowninthisnewbooming(盛行的)city.Shenzhenisdevelopingsofastthatithasbecomeawell-knownmetropolis(大都市)inChina.()6.Shenzhenlies China.A.insouthof B.tosouthof C.innorthofD.onsouthof()7.AbouttwentyyearsagomostofthepeopleinShenzhen.A.workedinthefactories B.didhouseworkC.caughtfishforaliving D.livedahappylife()8.WhendidShenzhenbecomeaspecialeconomiczone﹖A.十九世纪八十年月。
九年级牛津9A 9A Unit3试题含答案(单项+完型+阅读+词汇+书面表达)

14-15学年牛津九年级上学期Unit3试题Class: Name: Marks: (满分120分)一、单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分)( )1. Make a of the things you need to buy before shopping and that will save money as well as time.A. numberB. listC. photoD. price( )2. The film star is busy all day and has little time her little son.A. toB. ofC. forD. in( )3. — Listen! The TV is . Who is in the living room?— Little Jim. He is watching his favourite cartoon.A. offB. outC. awayD. on( )4. — I have written to them twice to tell them the problem, but there is no at all.— Maybe they didn’t get your letters.A. replyB. callC. informationD. news( )5. If we keep all the problems , we will feel worse and worse and that will be bad for our health.A. for usB. for ourselvesC. to usD. to ourselves( )6. In order to improve my English, I bought lots of English test papers my brother’s advice.A. listening toB. asking forC. according toD. looking forward to( )7. — I can’t work out this Maths problem. I wonder who I should help.— Why not ask Li Ping? He is good at Maths.A. look forB. go forC. go withD. go to for( )8. — Why do you look so sleepy in class, John?— Sorry, sir. I to watch a live football match last night.A. kept upB. made upC. stayed upD. put up( )9. — I think it’s necessary for us to one or two hobbies. Do you have any hobbies, Kitty?— My hobby is just hanging out with my friends, so I often late at weekends.A. develop; stay outB. have; go outC. get; go homeD. develop; stay awake( )10. This morning I got up a bit late, so I had to take a taxi. Luckily, I got to school .A. from time to timeB. at timesC. on timeD. at the same time( )11. Tomorrow there will be an English test and now the students are all busy the notes and English words.A. going onB. going downC. going acrossD. going over( )12. — David, the weekend is coming. What shall we do?— go hiking in the countryside?A. What aboutB. Why notC. Why don’tD. Let’s( )13. — Could you tell me ?— Call me Jack, please.A. what your name isB. what your name wasC. what is your nameD. what was your name( )14. — I tried my best to prepare for the English exam in your way, but I still got low marks.— Don’t worry. . Continue to work hard and I’m sure you’ll get higher marks next time.A. It’s still earlyB. It takes timeC. It dependsD. It doesn’t work( )15. — Thank you for sharing your ruler with me.— That’s what friends are for.A. Don’t mention it.B. It doesn’t matter.C. Never mind.D. All right.二、完形填空(每小题1分,满分15分)Some kids need to repeat a grade in school. This means if you’re in the 16 grade, you have to do the third grade again next year 17 moving on to the fourth grade. Repeating a grade can be a(n) 18 thing, though, because you get another chance to complete your schoolwork. For example, a kid might have 19 reading. Other kids might have been 20 and absent (缺席的) for a long time, so they missed a chance to learn 21 they needed to learn.If it’s you who 22 repeat a grade, you might be thinking, “Is everyone really movingon without me?” Repeating a grade might make you sad, angry, or 23 . It can be stressful. You might be upset 24 you won’t be in class with all of your friends. You might feel25 about repeating a grade. You may think that people are talking about you or 26 you. You can be really hurt if someone makes fun of 27 about repeating a grade.Try talking 28 your mum or dad, a teacher, or a friend advisor when you’re having these feelings. School can be hard work, but there are strategies (策略) you can learn to help it go a little 29 for you. Set a goal for yourself and 30 working toward it bit by bit. Ask for help if you need it, and you’ll get there!( )16.A. first B. second C. third D. fourth( )17. A. except B. besides C. for D. instead of( )18. A. wrong B. right C. easy D. difficult( )19. A. trouble B. fun C. practice D. secret( )20. A. ill B. afraid C. healthy D. silly( )21. A. much B. everything C. none D. anything( )22. A. can B. can’t C. must D. mustn’t( )23. A. neither B. all C. each D. both( )24. A. so B. because C. but D. though( )25. A. shy B. excited C. happy D. afraid( )26. A. caring about B. looking after C. laughing at D. replying to( )27.A. himself B. him C. yourself D. you( )28. A. with B. for C. about D. against( )29. A. worse B. better C. later D. earlier( )30. A. stop B. give up C. keep D. make up三、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分30分)ADear AmyI think I hurt my friend Sandy. Yesterday I toldmy friend Lucy a secret of Sandy. And thenSandy heard about this. She was very angry. Ifeel really guilty (内疚的). What should I do,please?YoursElizabethDear ElizabethWe all make mistakes. You should rememberthat most people can be in the same trouble asyou are. Here is some advice for you:Make a sincere apology (道歉).It takes courage to say what you have done iswrong. The important thing about an apologyis sincerity(诚意). When you apologize, youshould do it sincerely because you really feelsorry. Let the person know you’re not going tolet it happen again.Apologizing in person is the best.If you can’t say sorry to your friend face toface, you can write a note. You should let yourfriend know what you are thinking, even ifyour friend doesn’t accept it. For some people,it takes time to forgive someone else.Forgive yourself.We can learn from mistakes. Don’t think itover again and again after you apologize.Being too sorry all the time can’t help you. Justmake things right and move forward.YoursAmy( )31. Who needs help?A. Amy.B. Lucy.C. Sandy.D. Elizabeth.( )32. What’s her problem?A. She has no close friend and often feels lonely.B. She hurt her friend Sandy and doesn’t know what to do.C. She argued with her friends Sandy and Lucy.D. Her good friend Lucy told her secret to Sandy.( )33. How does Elizabeth feel now?A. Angry.B. Bored.C. Guilty.D. Happy. ( )34. How many suggestions are given?A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.D. 5.( )35. Which of the following is TRUE?A. When you apologize, you need to be sincere.B. Amy has no courage to say sorry to Lucy face to face.C. We should think it over again and again after we apologize.D. Don’t say sorry to someone if she or he doesn’t accept your apology.BDear daughterYou are a wonderful person and your mother and I love you. It will not be long before you leave school to make your way in the world. Can I give you some friendly advice? Here are some things that you should never do.1. Never get upset with your looks.We think you look great. Please be happy with the person you are and the body you have. Eat well, take exercise and be healthy. Some girls become upset because they try to lose weight or get the perfect shape. You look fine.2. Never spend money more than your income (收入).Never spend money more than your income and save a little every month. Don’t borrow others’ money if possible.3. Never look down on yourself.You are great of achieving great things so believe in yourself. When things go badly, never stop believing. Some girls get upset and lose confidence (自信), and then all kinds of problems can follow.4. Never give less than your best.We are very proud of what you have succeeded so far. You should be proud too. Keep doing well. Keep trying your hardest at everything you do.5. Never forget that your parents love you.Whatever happens in life, your family will still be your family. Whatever difficulties you have, you can always talk to us and we will try to help. We are here for you.LoveDad( )36. From the letter, we can know the daughter will soon.A. leave schoolB. go to collegeC. go to another cityD. face lots of difficulties( )37. According to the father, some girls become upset because they .A. aren’t healthy enoughB. don’t make enough moneyC. look down on themselvesD. try to have the perfect shape( )38. When someone gets upset and loses confidence, .A. nobody will love himB. he can’t get good incomeC. all problems will follow himD. his parents won’t believe in him anymore( )39. The father thinks his daughter has been a person.A. happyB. successfulC. perfectD. hard-working( )40. The father writes this letter to his daughter in order to tell her .A. that her parents love herB. what she should never doC. how she can become successfulD. that her parents will always help herCMany people in the world have heard of a special school called Kentucky Avenue School. It’s their duty to give the children the best of both traditional and progressive(进步的) education. While the teachers in other schools teach the students in the usual ways, most teachers here are allowed to choose to enrich (丰富) the children’s challenging subjects with creative, hands-on projects.A visitor to the school might see, for example, that in language arts, the older children are talking about Hamlet while the younger children are writing a puppet play (木偶戏). In Spanish, students might be drawing family trees. In science, they are allowed to act out cell membranes (细胞膜) or test with magnets (磁铁). In music, they are allowed to learn a kind of jazz, play the guitar, or learn lyrics in sign language. In gym, they are allowed to take a class with dance music or play balls in the park. In current events (时事), they might be filming an original news report.There are always so many interesting things going on at Kentucky Avenue School that adult visitors often shout, “I wish I could go to school here!”( )41. Kentucky Avenue School’s duty is to give the students education.A. traditional and progressiveB. progressive and originalC. traditional and originalD. progressive and unusual( )42. At Kentucky Avenue School, students might in Spanish.A. talk about HamletB. draw family treesC. act out cell membranesD. film an original news report( )43. Students might be taking a class with dance music .A. in gymB. in scienceC. in mathsD. in language arts( )44. We can learn that the lessons of Kentucky Avenue School are all .A. commonB. boringC. unforgettableD. creative( )45. The passage mainly tells us .A. where Kentucky Avenue School isB. many usual teaching ways in Kentucky Avenue SchoolC. what students are learning in Kentucky Avenue SchoolD. some students and teachers in Kentucky Avenue School四、填空(每小题1分,满分15分)A. 根据句意和汉语提示,用正确的单词填空。

【四会单词】1.分数 2疯狂的;生气的3.考试,测试4或许,可能5处理 6.选择7除……外;只有8醒着的9几乎不10想象,设想11怀疑12值得,值……钱13建议14原因15严格的,严厉的16课业17宝贵的,贵重的18友谊19清单 20谁(宾格)21安静,寂静;沉默22担心;令人担忧的事23解决24字典25答复,回答26化学27 进展,进步28担心的,烦恼的29大声地;出声地30发音(动词)31正确地32发音(名词)33提及;说起【拓展词汇】34青少年的35书虫,书呆子36精神压力,紧张【单词表短语】37使人受不了38处理,对付39值得做某事40对某人要求严格41待在户外;(晚上)不回家42根据43青少年辅导员44嘲笑45复习;回顾46不客气47与……同龄的Period One Comic strip and welcome to the unit【课前预习】1 exercise vi. & n.vi. (不及物动词) 知识链接:①exercise every dayn. (名词) 知识链接:①不可数名词:take exercise②可数名词:do morning exercises【边学边练】It is good for you (每天做早操)2 be on 开着的。
其反义词是be off (关着的)【边学边练】The light (开着的)3 lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的。
alone adj. 单独的,独自一人的。
【边学边练】There are a lot of people around me ,but I (觉得孤独)I (独自一人) in the house when my parents went to work.4 try v.尝试,试图,努力。

英语(Go for it)九全Unit 3基础练习题(A)及答Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?一、单项选择1. --- Could you please tell me you will go toHongKong on business?--- Sure. I prefer to take a plane.A. whetherB. whyC. whenD. how2. You don't know I want to see you again. It'sa year since I last saw you.A. how soonB. how longC. how oftenD. how much3. --- Can you tell me you usually play football? --- Once a week.A. how soonB. how longC. how oftenD. how far4. Lily said she a new piano the next day.A. buysB. will buyC. would buyD. bought5. I want to know .A. when we should arrive at the airportB. when should we arrive at the airportC. when the airport we should arrive atD. when the airport should we arrive at6. Boys and girls, attention, please. Now let me tellyou to the Bird Island.A. how to getB. what to getC. whom to getD. where to get7. It was sunny. He suggested out for a walk.A. goingB. to goC. goesD. go8. The little elephant is afraid to go alone. He alwayswalks his mother.A. besidesB. besideC. belowD. under9. It's to drop litter everywhere.A. politeB. unhappyC. terribleD. impolite10. If it is quite to you, I'll visit you nextTuesday.A. convenientB. fairC. easyD. comfortable11. --- Could you tell me you did it so well?--- With my parents' help.A. whoB. howC. whenD. what12. Please remind me he said he was going. I maybe in time to see him off.A. whereB. whenC. howD. what13. --- I don't know Mr. Green will come to seeus.--- He will help us with our English.A. whyB. whenC. howD. where14. --- What did Yang Ying say?--- She said they a school trip the next weekend.A. will haveB. hadC. would haveD. have15. Could you please tell me a great actress?A. how Zhao Wei has becomeB. how did Zhao Wei becomeC. how became Zhao WeiD. how does Zhao Wei became16. The math problem is so hard. I really don'tknow .A. how to do itB. how to doC. what to do it17. It's getting colder and colder. I suggest somewarm clothes.A. buyB. to buyC. boughtD. buying18. Nancy likes to sit the window of the trainwhile traveling, watching the trees past the window.A. overB. aboveC. besideD. on19. It's to make a noise while eating noodles inthe United States.A. impoliteB. strangeC. impossibleD. friendly20. I live next to Hualian supermarket. It'svery to buy things.A. beautifulB. cleanC. deliciousD. convenient二、按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。
2020年牛津译林版9A英语九年级上册Unit3-4 单元测试题(含答案)

9A Unit3-4一、单项选择(15’)1. We bought a great deal of _______ in the supermarket.A. vegetablesB. breadC. eggsD. mangoes2. On Christmas Day, ______ of us was excited because we each ______ a present.A. every one; was given C. everyone; were givenB. everyone; was givenD. everyone; were given3. All the tourists wonder ______ there will _______ tomorrow.A. if; be rainyB. whether; have rainC. that; have rainD. whether; be rain4. ______ do you call this piece of fumiture?A. How 5. I had no choice _______ his advice though I wasn’t willing to go with him.A. but acceptingB. but acceptC. but acceptedD. but to accept6. My father is _______ busy with his work to communicate with me.B. WhyC. WhatD. WhomA. so too 7. The shirt needs ______ right now.A. to washB. washed B. very tooC. far soD. far tooC. being washingD. to be washed8. ---Do you know the book One Hundred Years of Solitude 《( 百年孤独》) has been printed again? ---It is expected to be. ______ unusual novel it is!A. What 9. ______ I am in trouble, my classmates will help me out.A. BeforeB. WheneverC. Although 10. The research he had devoted himself ________ a perfect success.A. to provedB. provedC. to proveD. to provingB. What aC. HowD. What anD. But11. Would you please not ______ him while he ________?A. to trouble; worksB. to trouble; is workingC. trouble; is workingD. trouble; working12. ---When shall we go on our school trip? ---_______.A. Not until next weekB. Till next weekC. For next weekD. Nearly a week13. ---She didn’t make _______ much progress, did she?---______, though she did her best.A. such; Yes 14. Dad forced himself ______ up drinking because of his poor health.A. to givingB. to giveC. giveD. givingB. so; YesC. such; NoD. so; No15. ---Could you tell me _______? ---No problem.A. what wrong is with your teethB. where have the police caught the thievesC. what you will do with the difficult problemD. who would be recommended as the chairperson二、完形填空(10’)What do you think of stress? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?Most of the students think stress can do harm ___16__them in some ways. There's a story about a teenager in a middle school. He even ____17__ his study because of the stress from school and family. We also usually ___18___ that someone turns to psychological doctorsbecause of heavy working stress. There is no doubt that some people think stress is a dangerous wolf.On the other hand, other people argue that stress is not a bad thing. They ___19__ stress can produce momentum (动力) in the end. For them, right attitude and action can reduce stress and make it ___20__. When I was a child, my mom always pushed me to study hard. She wished I could go to an ideal ___21__ for further education. I experienced stress for the first time. Porn to a poor family, I deeply knew ___22___ was not easy for us, and everything my mom did to me was just to hope I could live a better life in the future. ___23__ the saying goes, "no pains, no gains." So Idid what my mom expected because I didn't want to let her down. At last, I did measure up (达到标准) to my mom's expectation and go to college ___24__. Thanks to my mom's push! Thanks to the stress! In this way, I don't think stress is a bad thing. Overall, stress is not a bad thing in ___25__. The key is how we deal with it.( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( () 16. A. for B. in C. to D. of) 17. A. began with) 18. A. wonder) 19. A. doubt) 20. A. useful) 21. A. company) 22. A. lifeB. showed offB. decideB. believeB. difficultB. collegeB. spiritC. gave upC. promiseC. disagreeC. strangeC. factoryC. opinionC. AsD. cheered forD. hearD. forgetD. terribleD. farmD. silenceD. Or) 23. A. Then B. But) 24. A. quietly) 25. A. himselfB. wildlyB. myselfC. speciallyC. itselfD. successfullyD. herself三、阅读理解(20’)ACollege students are facing a difficult time for finding jobs, many companies don’t want have more workers because of the global financial crisis(全球经济危机). Some famous managers in Shanghai traveled to a local university recently to give students advice on how to increase( 增加) their chances of finding jobs.Xu Yi, a student from Grade 3 of East China University said, “It’s very difficult to find a job now. So I have to think ahead about my future job.” Some managers form many foreign companies gave reports about the economic(经济的) situation, employment demand(雇佣需求) and how they choose talent(人才). Many companies have no plans for having more workers, but the managers said students could still find chances in hard times.Holly, a manager of Rhodia company in China, said, “Internships(实习) are a good start. Students should catch every chance for an internship to sow their talent”.The Chinese Acadamy of Social Sciences gave a report on Tuesday, saying about one million graduating students in our country cannot find jobs this year. Six million more students will graduate all over the country next year.26. What difficulty are college students facing in finding jobs now?A. Many companies don’t want to have more workers.B. None of the companies want to have more workers.C. They don’t know which company to choose.D. There are not any companies.27. What advice did some famous managers in Shanghai give the college students?A. How to make themselves C. How to be a managerB. How to work hardD. How to increase their chance of finding jobs28. Which of the follow is NOT true according to the second paragraph?A. Many foreign companies don’t have plans for having more workers.B. The managers said students could still find chances in hard times.C. The report is good for the college students.D. The report didn’t include employment demand.29. What did Holly advise college students?A. They should work hard.B. They should catch every chance for an internship.C. They should respect the employers.D. Finding a job is a real start.30. How many graduating students in our country can’t findjobs this year?A. About one millionB. Two millionC. Six millionD. Three millionBHow much do you know about Albert Einstein?Albert Einstein, born on March 14, 1879 in Germany, was a great scientist in the world. He was strange because he hated haircuts and new clothes. He believed in peace. All his life, he hated war. However, his most famous idea, E = mc², helped create the world’s most dangerous weapon (武器). Many people think he was the smartest person in the world. But Einstein said that he thought like a child with many questions and unusual ideas.What did he like?When Einstein was a child, his mother made him take violin lessons. At first, he didn’t like the violin. But then he learned to love music and became a good violinist.Later, he said, “Love is the best teacher.”Why is the sky blue?In 1910, Einstein asked a question which many children often ask,“Why is the sky blue?”After his careful research, he answered the question like this: “It’s because light is made up of many colors including blue. When light travels to Earth, gas particles(气体微粒) spread the blue light all over the sky.”His answer is true in physics.31.According to the passage, Albert Einstein _______ haircuts and new clothes.D. disliked33.Einstein ________ learning sailing and playing the violin.A.was interested inB.looked forward toB. without mother’s push, we can’t love anythingC. we should love our teacherA.magicB. wise C.scientific D.careful四、阅读表达(6’)15th OctoberDear George,My name is Christina. I called your radio show last week to ask for your advice about a problem my mum and I had. I wanted to see my friends and do things that interest me, but my mum was sad and said I was not spending enough time at home with our family.You gave me some good advice. You told me to spend more time talking to my mu. First I thought your answer was silly, but then I decided to take your advice. You were right!When I was younger, my mum and I talked all the time, and we were close. She was one of my friends. When I grew older, I stopped talking to her and only wanted to talk with my friends.I didn’t think my mum missed talking with me, but she did! That is why she was sa d when I went to see my friends. Now my mum and I spend one day a week with each other. We cook dinner together, or we go for a long walk. Once she even took me and my best friends out to dinner together!Thank you for your help and good advice, George. I’ll keep listening to “Talk Time” every week.SincerelyChristina36. What is George?37. What did Christina write to George for?38. Do you want to spend more time with your mum? Why or why not?五、根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词(14’)1. Thank you for giving me many useful ___________(建议).2. Please pay attention to correcting your _____________(发音) when you read English.3. During World War II, millions of ____________(德国人) suffered from the war, too.4. ---Did you know how they ___________(处理) with their old furniture?---They gave it to the old people.5. I called you last night, but there was no ___________(回复).6. White has always been a ____________(象征) of purity in Western Cultures.7. So far, he’s ____________(成功) in saving thousands of people in danger.8. He is the __________(严格) teacher I have ever met. But I like him a lot.9. The school football team has had three ____________( 胜利) this month ___________( 抵抗)other schools.10. Many volunteers went to Nepal after the earthquake, I really ____________( 钦佩) them for their _____________(勇气).11. He ____________(毕业) from Suzhou ____________(大学) last year.六、翻译句子(15’)1. 我上周六理了发。

9A Unit 3 Teenage ProblemsClass___________ Name___________ No___________ Score ___________一、词汇(每题0.5分,共30分)A.根据句意、中文提示和英文释义拼写单词。
1. School life has a great influence on the development of ____________ (青少年的) students.2. Tom was very unhappy and ____________(say that he will not do something)to share the book with hisbrother.3. Try to ____________ (想象) a bedroom as big as a basketball field.4. Tom is always an honest boy. I never ____________ (be not sure if something is true) what he says.5. ____________ (maybe)their biggest problem is that they don’t have enough time to do it.6. Thanks for giving me ____________ ( of great value, worth or use) information.7. Drunk dribing is one of the most common_____________(原因) of many traffic accidents.8. No one can ____________ (get) anything without effort.9. I don’t think the film is well ____________ seeing.10.We should take our teachers’ ____________ about how to learn English well. They’re so useful.11.John’s had a lot of problems at home recent ly and they are starting to influence his ____________ (work thatstudents do at school or for school).12.The noise from the machines almost drove me ____________ (angry,crazy or very silly)that day.13. Do you think Simon’s parents are ____________(严格的)?14. She wonders____________ (if) she should tell her father about it.15. I need someone to share my ____________(担心)with.16. Nora loves English, Maths and ____________ (化学).17.---What’s the ____________ (重量) of the wooden box? ---Fifty kilos.18. His parents are angry at his school work. They can’t see his ____________ (进步)after each exam.19. My grandpa __________(start to have a skill, ability, etc.) the habit of jogging in the morning many years ago.20. Sometimes, I want to ____________ (say that you will not do something) to do so much homework.B.2122. The students went out of the classroom ____________.23. I can’t se e them clearly, Can I look at them much ____________.24. A bull has four ____________.25. Can you tell me the ____________ between the two words?27. Mrs. Rainbow can help us change our moods ____________.28. ---Can you help me with the work? ---With ____________.29. It will be a good ____________ to revise our lessons every evening.30. He has no courage to tell the ____________.31.32.____________ ahead can help you make work easier.33. Pay attention to ____________ down what the teacher said in class.34.What will you do if someone ____________ at you?35.Our teacher is helpful enough to give us lots of useful ____________.37. My cousin has two ____________ —One is English-English and the other is English-Chinese.38. The baby has been ____________for ten minutes. He is waiting for his mother to feed him.39. Our English teacher often asks us to read after him in class to improve our ____________.40. To break the ____________, the teacher told a joke and the students all laughed right away.C.41. ---42. You ____________ him with his lessons next week, aren’t you?43. We will go to the bookshop if Mr Black ____________ time.44. I must go now. Someone ____________ for me there.45. There ____________ any students in the school yesterday.47. Is your mother a teacher?--- Yes. She ____________ English since she left college.48. He told me he____________an operation then.49. Jim ____________ an e-mail to his uncle at present.50. There ____________ no library here in the past.52. ____________, he failed in the driving test.53. The words you should pay attention to ____________ on the blackboard.54. Whatever the weather is like, you’ll find them ____________ outside.55. I think you advice is worth ____________.5657.Two bridges ____________ in our province last year .Now people feel very satisfied with the traffic.58. ---Where are the children? ---They____________ about what TV programmes to watch in the sitting room.59.Don’t drink too much coffee.It ____________you to be too excited.60. --- ____________ your penfriend ____________ to your e-mail?--- No, not yet.二.单项选择(每题1分,共50分)( ) 1.--- Mum, I think I’m _______ to get back to school.---Not really, my dear. You’d better stay at home for another day or two.A. so wellB. so goodC. well enoughD. ill enough( ) 2. Taking _______ exercise in the open air is a good way to prevent yourself from _______SARS.A. more; getB. much; getC. less; gettingD.more; getting( ) 3. Many students are too busy _______ to have time for their hobbies.A. studyingB. to studyC. studyD. with studying( ) 4. His friends find _______him everything that has happened.A. it necessary to tellB. that necessary toC. necessary it toD. necessary to tell( ) 5. My parents don’t allow me _______.A. to give up itB. to give up dancingC. giving it upD. giving up( ) 6. _______of my parents has been to Beijing before.A. BothB. AllC. NoneD. Either( )7. They learned it all by themselves. That is to say nobody told them _______.A. what to do itB. how to do itC. where to doD. when to do( ) 8. I’m afraid it’s too noisy, would you please _______?A. turn it upB. to turn up itC. turn it downD. turn down it( ) 9. His father looked _______ at him when he knew he failed in his exams.A. happyB. happilyC. angryD. angrily( )10.This book is really worth _______.A.to readB. to readingC. readingD. reads( )11. I have_______things to do, I am _______ busy now.A. too much; too manyB. too much; much tooC. too many; too muchD. too many; much too( )12. I’ll come _______ next week when I’m less busy.A. some timeB. sometimeC. sometimesD. some times( )13. May works hard _______ English and she is always the first _______ to school.A. in, to getB. at, to getC. in, gettingD. at, getting( )14. Mr Smith gave _______ on the study of physics.A. a good adviseB. good adviseC. good adviceD. some good advices ( )15. He has _______ few friends that he doesn’t know who to _______.A. so, talk withB. such, talk toC. so, talkD.such, talking( )16. We must be strict_______ ourselves and be strict _______our study.A. in; withB. with; inC. in; inD. with; with( )17. Hurry up, _______ you will miss the train.A. andB. soC. howeverD. or( )18.We finally _______why he was late to catch the train.A. foundB. found outC. looked forD. invented( )19. He was_______ in the room all day, but he didn’t feel _______A. alone; aloneB. lonely; lonelyC. alone; lonelyD. lonely; alone( )20. ---Please don’t stay up to late. It’s bad for your health.---_______.A. No, I didn’t..B. No, I won’tC. No, I willD. Yes, I do( )21. The policeman asked him.A. what did his car look like.B. what was his carC. his car looked like whatD. what his car looked like( )22. I _______much time _______my homework yester day .A.took , to doB. cost , doingC. spent , to doD. spent , doing( )23. People found him on the road _______ a cold winter morning .A. inB. atC. onD. for( )24. He has to stay at home because he has _______close friends .A. a few B .few C. little D. a little( )25. Could you work out how much time _______ finish your homework?A. do you needB. you needC. you need toD. do you need to( )26. _______ unfair news it is !A. What aB. What anC. WhatD. How( )27. --- Bo bby didn’t go to school this morning , did he ?--- _______. Though he was not feeling very well .A. No , he didn’t .B. Yes , he didC. No, he didD. Yes , he didn’t .( )28.Taking more exercise and eating less food_______ good for your health.A. isB. areC. wasD. were( )29. Would you please_______ in the library?A. not to talk loudlyB. don’t talk loudlyC. not talk loudlyD. not talking loudly( )30. You shouldn’t_______ too much. It’s bad for your health to_______.A. worry, worriedB. worried, worryC. worry, worry aboutD. worry, be worried ( )31.We must be strict _______ ourselves and strict _______ our work.A. in; withB. with; inC. in; inD. with; with( )32.We don’t think it’s good to stay_______late to play computer games.A. onB. outC. fromD. out of( )33. It’s so_______ in the classroom that he can’t focus on his homework.A. noiseB. noisyC. noisierD. noisily( )34.---Would you like some coffee?---Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffee_______ milk.A. withB. ofC. toD. than( )35. You shouldn’t_______ too much. It’s bad for your health to_______.A. worry, worriedB. worried, worryC. worry, worry aboutD. worry, be worried ( )36. Would you mind lending me your bike? _______.A. Certainly not, here you areB. Yes, OKC. Yes, My bike is brokenD. Yes, here you are. ( )37.--- Could you tell me _______ the gardon ? --- The day after tomorrow, I think.A.when will you visitB.when you will visitC.when would you visitD.when you would visit( )38.The film star is busy all day and has little time _______her little son.A. toB. ofC. forD. in( )39.— Why do you look so sleepy in class, John?— Sorry, sir. I _______ to watch a live football match last night.A. kept upB. made upC. stayed upD. put up( )40.I want to know _______ you will come back at 8:00tomorrow.A.thatB.whenC.whereD.whether( )41.Tomorrow there will be an English test and now the students are all busy_______the notes and English words.A. going onB. going downC. going acrossD. going over( )42. — David, the weekend is coming. What shall we do?—_______ go hiking in the countryside?A. What aboutB. Why notC. Why don’tD. Let’s( )43.— Thank you for sharing your ruler with me. —_______That’s wha t friends are for.A. Don’t mention it.B. It doesn’t matter.C. Never mind.D. All right.( )44. —Could you tell me_______? —Sorry, I don’t know.A. where are my booksB. where can I find my booksC. where my books areD. where my books put( )45 — Listen! The TV is _______. Who is in the living room?— Little Jim. He is watching his favourite cartoon.A. offB. outC. awayD. on( )46.— Thank you for sharing your ruler with me.—_______ That’s what friends are for.A. Don’t mention it.B. It doesn’t matter.C. Never mind.D. All right.( )47. — John, can you tell me the_______ why you are often late?—I can’t sleep well from time to time. The_______of my problem is that there is often much noise near my building.A. reason; reasonB. cause; reasonC. reason; causeD. cause; cause( )48. — I have written to them twice to tell them the problem, but there is no _______ at all.—Maybe they didn’t get your letters.A. replyB. callC. informationD. news( )49. In order to improve my English, I bought lots of English test papers _______ my brother’s advice.A. listening toB. asking forC. according toD. looking forward to ( )50. Tomorrow there will be an English test and now the students are all busy_______ the notes and English words.A. going onB. going downC. going acrossD. going over三、句型转换(每空1分,共20分)1. They found something important in his bag. (改为否定句)They ___________ find ___________ important in his bag.2. She doesn’t know where she should go for advice. (改为同义句)She doesn’t know ___________ ___________ go for advice.3. She coloured the birds blue to make herself more peaceful. (改为同义句)She coloured the birds blue ___________ ___________ she ___________ make herself more peaceful.4. I think that it is important to do homework. (改为同义句)I think ___________ important ___________ do homework.5. She could do nothing but wait. (改为同义句)She had no ___________ but __________ __________.6. Daniel is kind. He helps his friends at all times. (合并为一句)Daniel is ___________ ___________ to help his friends at all times.7. My parents let me play computer games last weekend. (改为同义句)My parents ___________ me ___________ play computer games last weekend.8. I got up early this morning because I wanted to catch the early bus.I got up early___________ ___________to catch the early bus.(改为简单句)9. I can’t decide where I will spend my coming holiday. (改为同义句)I can’t decide ___________ ___________ spend my coming holiday.。

-2017学年译林牛津版英语9AUnit3单元测试卷及答案九年级上册Unit 3(一卷共计50分)一、单项选择(20分)1. They found the book quite ___________ after they read it ____________.A. value; the second timeB. value; a second timeC. valuable; a second timeD. valuable; the second time2. ―What did Uncle John say just now?―He asked us _____________________.A. which was the way to the museumB. why we mend the broken watchC. that we mended the computerD. where did we mend the TV3. ―Everyone says you are a good doctor. You never makea mistake, do you?―________________. No one is perfect.A. Yes, neverB. Yes, sometimesC. No, sometimesD. Oh, really4. I can’t believe that you have spent _____________ money on ____________sheep.A. so little; such muchB. so much; such a littleC. such little; so fewD. so much; so little5. The lights in the classroom have already______. Do you know how long they have _______?A. been turned on; been turned on;B. been on; been turned on;C. been turned on; been on;D. been on; been turned on;6. ―Simon, I hear you are going abroad for further study. Have you decided ____?―Next September.A. when goingB. when to goC. how goingD. how to go7. ---Be careful. You might fall into the river.---Thank you. I ____________ I ______ I ______ so close to it.A. didn’t know; am standingB. don’t know; am standingC. didn’t know; was standingD. didn’t know; would standing8. My _________ friend, Mary, lives _____________ the park.A. close; close withB. close; close toC. closing; closed atD. close; closed to9. When you are playing computer games, please don’t forget ___________ your study.A. toB. aboutC. withD. in10. I didn’t know _________________.A. how many times he had been thereB. why did he go to GermanyC. what’s w rong with the mobile phoneD. who to ask help when in trouble11. --Who’s won an award for bravery this term ? --John_____. He has ____ it for a month.A. did; wonB. is; wonC. has; been givenD. has; had12. People don’t know the value of their health _______they lose it.A. whenB. asC. afterD. until13. ________ surprise ! I hear you have finished writing a ________ report.A. What an exciting; seven thousand word’sB. What excited; seven thousand wordsC. What an exciting; seven-thousand-wordD. What exciting; seven-thousand-word14. There is some doubt _________ Tom is the most suitable person for the job.A. /B. whetherC. thatD. what15. ―Would you like some c offee?―Yes, and some milk, please. I prefer coffee _________ milk.A. ratherB. toC. withD. than16.―Did you find the small village yesterday?―Yes, without any difficulty, for it has __________changed over years.A. hardlyB. greatlyC. clearlyD. nearly17.―What time shall we go to _________, at two or at three?―I don’t mind. _________ time is all right.A. the engineer’s; EitherB. the engineer; EitherC. the engineer’s; BothD. the engineer; Neither18. My father doesn’t like shopping much. He would rather _________ TV at home than_________ around for hours in shops.A. watch; walkB. watch; to walkC. to watch; to walkD. to watch; walk19. It is thoughtful ________ David to divide the cake ________ three equal pieces for us.A. for; toB. for; inC. of; intoD. of; with20.―How about your interview on Saturday?―_________! I failed.A. SorryB. Don’t mention itC. Cheer upD. Best wishes二、完形填空(10分)One day, I was reading a newspaper when my wife called, “Will you come here and make your baby daughter eat her food?”I threw the _____21____ away and rushed to my 8-year-old daughter, Sinduja. In front of her was a bowl full of rice. She said to me, “Dad, _____22_____ I eat all the rice, will you give me whatever I ask for?”“Certainly.” I said.“Dad, I want to have my hair _____23_____ off from my head this Sunday!” She said. I felt a little surprised. “Sinduja, why don't you ask for something else? We will be sad when seeing you with a clean-shaven head.”“Dad, you have agreed to give me ____24____ I ask for.”Sinduja cried. “Now, you are breaking your promise!”On Monday morning, I dropped her at the school and watched mu hairless Sinduja walking towards her classroom. Just then, a boy with a hairless head got out of a car, and shouted, “Sinduja, please wait for me!”“Sir, your daughter Sinduja is _______25______ indeed!” A ladygot out of the_______26_____ and continued, “That boy who is walking along with your daughter is my son, Harish. He is _____27_________ from leukemia(白血病). He lost all his hair because of the side effects of the chemotherapy(化疗). He was afraid that his classmates would laugh at him, so he ______28________ to come back to school. Sinduja visited him last week. I ____29______ imagined she would give up her lovely hair for my son!”I stood there, unable to move or speak. “Thank you, my little angel. You are teaching me how selfless real love is!” I thought.The ______30_______ people on this planet are those who live for the ones they love!21. A. book B. magazine C. picture D. paper22. A. though B. until C. because D. if23. A. cut B. got C. put D. taken24. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. none25. A. patient B. funny C. great D. fashionable26. A. bus B. taxi C. van D. car27. A. suffering(遭受) B. getting C. hearing D. coming28. A. wanted B. hoped C. refused D. decided29. A. always B. sometimes C. almost D. never30. A. richest B. happiest C. luckiest D. healthiest三、阅读理解(20分)(A)Food, Drink RefreshmentRelax and unwind in our new state of the Loch Ness Eatery. Whether you are looking for a snack or a full meal, we can provide almost anything to suit everyone. We will be ready for helping you at all times.Fresh Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, etc.Good Choice of Home Baking and Cakes.Home-made Soup and Sandwiches.Sweets and Soft Drinks.Packed Lunches for Those Who Prefer a Picnic.Searing for over 150 Visitors.Tel: +44(0)1456 __31. The above is most probably _________________.A. an advertisementB. a food reportC. a shopping listD. a menu32. At the Loch Ness Eatery, visitors can ______________.A. book comfortable roomsB. have a picnicC. cook for themselvesD. have a relaxing time33. The reading also includes______________.A. the prices of food and drinksB. the address of the EateryC. the name of the bossD. the way of contacting the Eatery(B)Last summer holiday, I volunteered to work at a vets(兽医诊所). There I saw a lot of dogs.Minnie was the funniest-looking dog I’d ever seen. Short thin curly(卷的) hair covered her fat body. Her eyes always seemed surprised. And her tail looked like a rat’s tail.She was brought to the vet because her owners didn’t want her any more. I thought Minnie had a sweet personality, though. No one should judge(评判) her by her looks, I thought. I advertised Minnie in the local paper: Funny-looking dog, well-behaved, need a loving family.When a boy called, I warned him that Minnie was strange-looking. The boy on the phone told me that his grandfather’s sixteen-year-old dog had just died. They wanted Minnie no matter what. I gave Minnie a good bath. Then we waited for them to arrive. At last, an old car pulled up in front of the vet’s. Two kids ran to the door. They picked Minnie up and rushed her out to their grandfather, who was waiting in the car. I hurried behind them to see his reaction to Minnie. Inside the car, the grandfather held Minnie in his arms。
9A Unit 3 部分参考答案

9A Unit 3 部分参考答案Welcome to the Unit【当堂反馈】一、1-5 CABDC; 6-10 CBDBC;二、have got; may be; How do feel; Did have any;三、1. was quarrelling with;2. Swimming and running are good for3. have enough time to wash4. do my homework at home; is always on;5. make any noise;6. my closest friend;【课后拓展】三、⑴too; to ⑵I; am ⑶我不想向我的父母征求意见,因为他们会担心我四、1. about 2.noise 3 healthily 4 either 5 ill 6 produce 7 instead8 attention 9 filled 10 actionReading (1)【当堂反馈】一、value, hardly, support, advice, strict, offering, achieve, tired, crazy, accept二、1-5 C D A D D 6-9 B A B D三、1. have no time; 2.hear from; 3. when to start; 4. no choice , to stay;四、1. to hand in ,on time;2. wotrh listening to;3. spends, practicing playing basketball4. how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and hobbies;5.looking forward to, without homework; get relaxed【课后拓展】二、DBECAReading (2)【当堂反馈】一、1-5 DABCD 6-10 CDBCD二、to chat; laughs; to solve; playing; sleepy; Getting; to stay; importance; suggestion;三、1. I have a problem, and I don’t know how to deal with it;2. I can’t do anything but wait.3. He stays up late to complete the exercises every day;4. He always doubts whether it is worth spending much time practicing playing football.5. The youth worker gave me some advice. It is of great value to me.【课后拓展】二、ADBCC三、1-5 CBDCA 6—10 AACACVocabulary【当堂反馈】一、1、got married 2. got a high mark 3. get enough sleep 4. got excited5. gets a bus6. get some help from二、AGCHEFBD三、1. got the highest marks; 2. get a lot of homework from; 3. enough time to revise for;4. was told to clean the classroom, got home late;5. you can get your money back【课后拓展】二、1). weather 2). bike 3). arrived 4). for 5). others 6). ready 7). had8). At 9.) get 10). top三、CCDBA,DDCABGrammar 1【当堂反馈】一、主语;表语;宾语;宾补;定语;状语;状语;二、1. where to buy 2.how to make; 3. what to do; what not to do; 4. which to take;三、ACAACBABAA【课后拓展】三、(1)We found a can of red paint, and wrote on the tall water tank in the middle of the town some bad words about the sheriff.(2).My friends said they did this but I lied.(3).并且我知道这些年,你一直都带着它。
仁爱版英语九年级上册9A Unit3 SectionD_基础知识训练(含答案)

SectionD 基础知识训练一. 根据首字母或括号中所给词的提示写出单词。
1. In England, people often speak B English to each other.2. There are some differences between American English and British English in p and spellings.3. The man from the USA like a beggar has nothing but a few c on him, but how did he come to China?4. On Sundays he likes cooking for his family according to (cookbook).5. The people who live in tall buildings go up and down in (elevator) every day.二. 单项选择。
( ) 1.—That’s all. How much are they?—It’s 30 dollars.A. totalB. totallyC. togetherD. all( ) 2. In American Englishand British English, people often use different words andtothe same thing.A. expression; showB. language; sayC. expressions; expressD. language; speak( ) 3. I’ve not seen him for a long time. He becomes stronger and more polite.A. alsoB. eitherC. as wellD. as well as( ) 4. Tom and Tim are twins, but they totally each other.A. are; different inB. are; different withC. are; different fromD. are; different for( ) 5. I know a little Chinese and I have difficulty the people here.A. in understoodB. in understandingC. in communication1/3D. in communicate三. 根据汉语提示完成句子。
英语总复习练习(9A Unit3)

2019年中考英语总复习练习(9A Unit3)一、词汇检测(13分)1. Simon has a habit of being (醒着)at night,worrying about things.2. (也许)they have been here before, or they can't know the place so well.3.Your (建议)seem to be of great help to me. I will take them.4. Do you know the (原因)of the accident?5. A scream broke the (寂静)of the night.6. We have reasons to believe that (进步)can be made through our effort.7. He seems to be very (担心的).Do you know what's the matter with him?8. Can you (想象)what our school will be like in 20 years?9. The letter "b" is not (发音)in the word "climb".10. For me, friendship seems more (宝贵的)and I feelcomfortable being with my friends.11. to the traffic law, people under 18 can't get a driving license.12. —What did you do last night? You seem so sleepy.—I up late to see the basketball game.13.—Thank you so much. I can't imagine how I could finish this taskwithout you.—Don't it. I just did what I should.二、单项填空(20分)( )1. Never the people in trouble. We should try to help them instead.A. laugh atB. agree withC. care aboutD. worry about( )2.—What's the of her sadness? She is usually a cheerful girl.—It's the death of her loved cat.A. reasonB. ideaC. causeD. mistake( )3. Fred loved Maths, but believe it or not, he passed the last exam.A. onlyB. easilyC. almostD. hardly( )4. It was so late at night, but the lights were still in my parents' bedroom.A. openB. closedC. onD. off( )5 .Your son just has a cold, Madam. There is nothing .A. worriedB. to worryC. to be worriedD. to worry about( )6. share you photos in the USA with us?A. How aboutB. Why notC. Why not youD. Would you like( )7. They had no choice but more people part in charity activities.A. encourage; to takeB. to encourage; to takeC. to encourage; takeD. encourage; take( )8.—Thank you for your on my plan for the summer holiday.—You're welcome. I hope they are worth .A. advice; to takeB. suggestions; takingC. advice; takingD. suggestions; to take( )9. We must ourselves and our work.A. strict in; withB. be strict in; withC. be strict with; inD. strict with; in ( )10. that the old man has a lot of money.A. It seemedB. He seemedC. It seemsD. He seems( )11.—Have you prepared for your coming entrance exam well yet?—Not really. I'm still my lessons carefully.A. catching up withB. going overC. getting on withD. insisting on ( )12. I never doubt .A. if he can deal with these problemsB. whether can he deal with these problemsC. whether he can deal with these problems or notD. that he can deal with these problems( )13. The young wine to some countries.A. isn't allowed buyingB. isn't allowed to buyC. doesn't allowed buyingD. are not allowed to buy( )14. The maths problem is difficult. Can you ?A. do with itB. work it outC. deal it withD. work out it ( )15. The accident that yesterday in a few days.A. was happened; has dealt withB. happened; will be dealt withC. has happened; dealt withD. happened; has been dealt with( )16. Reading is a good way you remember what you've read.A. aloud; which to helpB.loudly; helpsC. loudly: which helpD. aloud; to help ( )17. I really don't know .A. what to do withB. how shall I do itC. how to deal with itD. what shall I do with it( )18.―How much homework has your cousin finished?―at all. He has sat there the whole morning, doing .A. Not; nothingB. None; nothingC. No one; nothingD. Nothing; none ( )19. ―Peter is not himself thes e days.―Well, coul d you tell me ?A. how is he feeling nowB. why was he so unhappyC. what is wrong with himD. that something worried him( )20. ―Thank you for telling me about it. ―.A.With pleasureB. That′s rightC. Of course notD. Don't mention it三、完形填空(10分)After seating myself in my room and turning on my computer, I noticed a Post-it note stuck to my monitor(显示器).It read, "Don't turn on your computer. You stayed up until midnight doing your homework last night―Mom." I 1 the note into the wastebasket. " Why do they 2 ?" I thought. "They're never here anyway."Right after high school started, I almost lost contact with my parents. With all their business 3 , they asked the neighbors to watch over me. Of course, the neighbors didn't do such a(an) 4 job, as they had kids of their own. The only communication between me and my parents was through Post-it notes.After spending about eight hours away from home, I usually came home to find the house 5 empty. It made me sad. I would come home from school to be welcomed by 6 , to talk to no one and to be watched over by my netgritiors. That was why I started 7 more clubs and staying after school more often so I didn't have to feel so lonely. Luckily, at school, my friends were there for me. They were all there to give me a 8 or talk with me when I wanted to talk. I felt great when I was at school. Yet, something was still 9 ―myparents.Now I realize that nobody can take the place of my parents. I wish that they would be there at home, waiting for me to come back from school. There are too many things my parents don't know about me.I wish that they actually had a(n) 10 to understand me. I want them to understand that they're my parents and I'm their kid and I need them. ( )1. A. showed B. threw C. led D. pulled( )2. A. check B. know C. care D. speak( )3. A. designs B. dreams C. taps D. partners( )4. A. free B. easy C. careless D. good( )5. A. suddenly B. especially C. completely D. necessarily( )6. A. everybody B. anybody C. somebody D. nobody( )7. A, creating B. joining C. finding D. serving( )8. A. hand B. wish C. suggestion D. reason( )9. A. surprising B. missing C. exciting D. amazing( )10. A. excuse B. chance C. task D. place四、阅读理解(20分)If you ever get the feeling that you're on your own,Then spare a thought for Don Sammons.The small town of Buford in Wyoming is a single-Populated area, as the 60-year-old is the only man livingthere.But even though the town is 8,000 feet up a coldmountain, he says he doesn't feel lonely and he runs apetrol station and convenience shop. Mr. Sammons left Los Angeles with his wife and bought the tiny town with six buildings to get away from their busy lifestyle.When the couple moved in, there were seven people living in Buford working for a railroad that passed nearby, but they all moved away to bigger towns by the mid-1990s. Then his wife died 15 years ago and his son, now aged 26, moved to Colorado three years ago. So that left Mr. Sammons in Buford on his own.He gets about 1,000 visitors a day to the village during the summer, but this drops to around100 during the winter, in which the windsoften blow at 70 mph.Mr. Sammons turned a school house, which was operated (运营)between1905 and 1962, into his office and made another old store built in 1895 into a four-car-garage. He lives in a three-bedroom small wooden house and enjoys 200 yards to his workplace. "I'm the king of the castle here," he said.Buford was formed in 1866 to protect workers to build a railroad. It was once home to 2,000 people, most of whom were foreign migrant(移民)rail workers, and a post office was built in 1880. The town was named Buford after Civil War general John Buford following the opening.The town was sold to a private buyer by the railroad company in 1970 and Mr. Sammons arrived with his wife ten years later after working in the moving business in California.( )1. When did Mr. Sammons buy the town Buford?A. In 1970.B. In 1980.C. In 1990D. In 2019.( )2. Mr. Sammons bought the town with the main purpose of .A. making money by doing businessB. opening up the tourism industryC. leading a peaceful and quiet lifeD. avoid being bothered by other people( )3. The text is mainly about .A. Don Sammons' daily lifeB. the history of a small townC. the cultural custom of a townD. an old town and its only resident(居民)( )4. Which one is the right order of the following events about the town of Buford?a. A post office was built here.b. All rail workers left the town.c. Many foreign migrant rail workers work hered. A school house was operated here.e. A store was built here.A. c-a-e-b-dB. c-e-a-d-bC. c-a-d-e-bD. c-a-e-d-b( )5. According to the text,Don Sammons .A. has many friends who come to see him every summerB. sometimes feels lonely because his son is awayC. lives alone but feels satisfied with his life in the townD. is used to the warm weather in winter in the townWe often face the following situations in our daily life:●The woman next door plays her piano after 12 o’clock at night.●The family across the street never cleans up their yard. The rubbishblows into your yard.The man next door always parks his car in front of your drive.Have things like this ever happened to you? If so, you may ask yourself, “Who are these people? Why are they doing these things to me?”These days, many people don’t know their neighbors. Sometimes we share a friendly smile or say hello, but lots of people don’t even knowth eir neighbor’s names! When you don’t know someone, it’s easy to be angry when something has happened that you think is unfair. You think, “Maybe they like to make me angr y, “or “Maybe they do it on purpose.” Believe it or not, your neighbors probably don’t mean to irritate(激怒)you. Of ten, they don’t even know that they’re making you feel angry. So before you take unusual steps to fix the problem, you should discuss it with them first.When you move towards your neighbors, you should talk to them in a friendly manner. Praise their children to make them feel good. Then explain the situation. And if you can think of a simple way to solve the problem, suggest it.If talking doesn’t work, ask anoth er person to help. This person can listen to both sides of the story and help you and your neighbor solve the situation.Finally, sometimes it’s a good idea to avoid the problem. Depending on the problem, it might be best to just stay out of your neighbor’s way. ( )6. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing paragraphs 1&2?A. To ask some questions.B. To lead in the subjects.C. To list some situationsD. To tell some stories.( )7. You should talk about the problem with your neighbors first because ________.A. they often say hello or smile to youB. you do not know what they are calledC. they probably don’t plan to ma ke you unhappyD. they will take unusual steps to solve the problem( )8. When talking with your neighbors, you can make them have a good feeling by _______.A. praising their childrenB. explaining the problemC. shaking hands with themD. making friends with them ( )9. The best way to solve the problem sometimes is to ________.A. ask another person for helpB. turn a blind eye to it.C. tell the story to your friendD. let your neighbor get out of the way( )10. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Ways to deal with neighborsB. Problems caused by neighborsC. Situations we may face every dayD. Reasons why we become angry at neighbors五、句子翻译(14分)1.因为坏天气,除了在家看电视我们别无选择。
九年级英语9A Unit 3练习题及答案

Unit 3, 9A Name__________一、选择填空:( )1.Taking more exercise and eating less food_____ good for your health.A. isB. areC. wasD. were( )2. ______ your parents strict_____ you and_____ your study?A. Is, with, inB. Are, in, withC. Is, in, withD. Are, with, in( )3. Don’t forget_____ your girlfriend here next time.A. to bringB. bringingC. to takeD. taking( )4. Would you please_____ in the library?A. not to talk loudlyB. don’t talk loudlyC. not talk loudlyD. not talking loudly( )5. The boy is very lazy. Before the exams he would rather watch TV than____for his tests.A. reviseB. to reviseC. revisingD. to revising( )6. We don’t think it’s good to stay_____ late to play computer games.A. onB. outC. fromD. out of( )7. It’s so_____ in the classroom that he can’t focus on his homework.A. noiseB. noisyC. noisierD. noisily( )8. Would you like some coffee?Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffee_____ milk.A. withB. ofC. toD. than( )9. You shouldn’t_____ too much. It’s bad for your health to_______.A. worry, worriedB. worried, worryC. worry, worry aboutD. worry, be worried ( )10. Would you mind lending me your bike?_________.A. Certainly not, here you areB. Yes, OKC. Yes, My bike is brokenD. Yes, here you are.( )11. Why don’t you like the talk? It’s_____ one that I have ever listened to.A. the most interestingB. the least interestingC. more interestingD. such an interesting( )12. What are you going to do this afternoon? I’m not sure. I _____ go shopping with my mother.A. mayB. canC. mustD. need( )13. I haven’t heard from him_____ last year.A. byB. sinceC. /D. in( )14. If you are feeling stressed, you should_____.A. shout at your friendsB. share your problems with friendsC. quarrel with your friendsD. blame your parents( )15. Students should pay no attention to people who_____ them.A. laughs atB. laugh atC. laugh overD. laughs over( )16. Thanks for listening to my problem and_____. ________.A. give me your adviceB. giving me your adviceC. give me your adviceD. giving me your advices( )17. I’m sorry I’m late again because I _____ catch the early bus.A. won’tB. didn’tC. don’tD. haven’t( )18. He feels very lonely because he has_____ close friends.A. A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little( )19. Can I get you a cup of tea? _________.A. With pleasureB. It’s nice of youC. Thank you for the teaD. You can, please( )20. Do you think that Mr Smith is a _______ person?A. happilyB. quicklyC. slowlyD. friendly( )21.The meeting will be held in half an hour, but they haven’t got everything ready____.A. everB. alreadyC. yetD. still( )22. He doesn’t know_____ to hand in the homework. I think he may do it tomorrow.A. whereB. whatC. whichD. when( )23. He has got something to_____ at the meetingA. tellB. talkC. speakD. say( )24. I like the pictures which_____ on show.A. isB. beingC. wasD. are( )25. Let’s go to play football,_____?A. shall weB. shall youC. will weD. will you二、词形变换:1. If you work hard, you’ll______________(success) in the exams.2. Thank you very much for giving us some______________(value) advice.3. On of my_____________(hobby) is to collect stamps.4. You must give up_____________(play) computer games, or you’ll fail in the exam.5. He often________________(quarrel) with his wife about housework.6. When you have problems, you’d better write a letter to your best friend abouthow________________(deal) with these problems.7. I read about one of his_____________(article) on______________(teen) problems in the newspaper.8. From his words, we draw the ____________(conclude) that he was lying to us.9. It’s ___________(polite) to laugh at the disabled persons.10. Why not _________(send) an e-mail to her instead of ___________(reply) to her letter?11. We think it ___________(necessary) to give students tests every day. If so, the students will be very tired.12. He’s business-like. He’s good at ___________( plan) things ahead.13. Our English teacher uses different_______________(act) to keep us ______________(interest)in class.14.I really don’t know which __________(do) first. I feel __________(stress) from time to time.15.I hope I can have my parents’____________(support).16.Are you crazy about __________( play) football?17.Keeping your ____________(worry) to yourself can make them worse.18. She’s making a few birthday ___________(wish) , but we don’t know what she’s wishing for.19. ______________(hand) in your homework on time, or your teacher will be angry with you.20. It’s my____________(please) to give you some useful ___________(suggest).21. Don’t make any _________(noise) any more. It’s much too __________(noise) here.22.______________(much) you eat, the ____________(health) you’ll be, because ___________(eat) too much will make you ___________(health).23. It’s not _________(wise) to spend hours________(play) football after school or _________(stay) out late.24.She is not very ___________(sport), she can’t run fast and hates swimming.25.The problem of stress gets ___________(bad) when people don’t share their problems.Unit 3, 9A一、选择填空: BDACA, BBADA, BABBB, BBABD, CDDDA二、词形变换:1. succeed2. valuable3. hobbies4. playing5. quarrels6. to deal7. articles, teenagers’/ teenage8. conclusion9. impolite10. send, replying 11. unnecessary 12. planning 13. activities, interested14. to do, stressed 15. support 16. playing 17. worries 18. wishes19. Hand 20. pleasure, suggestions 21. noise, noisy22. The more, more unhealthy, eating, unhealthy 23. wise, playing, stay24. sporty 25. worse。

Unit 3 Teenage problems(B)一. 教学内容:9A Unit 3 Grammar二. 教学目标:1. To-infinitives 动词不定式2. “wh〞 words + to-infinitive 疑问词+不定式动词3. Sentence types 句子的四种类型【具体教学进程】〔一〕To-infinitives 动词不定式Subject (主语)To plant trees every year is necessary.不定式作主语常能换成形式主语“it〞.To eat too much is unhealthy for you.It is unhealthy for you to eat too much.To learn English well is important.It is important to learn English well.咱们相信早上读英语是有帮忙的.We believe it is helpful to read English in the morning.Predictive (表语)My dream is to be a great football player.不定式作表语,说明主语的内容,性质,特点,能接不定式作表语的名词有: dream, plan, duty, aim, purpose, job 等1. 我的目的是帮忙你提高你的英语水平。
My purpose is to help you improve your English.2. 赫本的妄图是成为一个成功的芭蕾舞者。
Hepburn’s dream was to become a successful ballet dancer.Object (宾语)不定式能够接在有些动词后作宾语, 如: hope, promise, plan, learn, decide, choose, prepare, agree, remember, forget, seem1. 请你不要忘记参加咱们的俱乐部派对。
牛津英语9A Unit 3第三单元检测卷含答案

牛津英语9A Unit 3第三单元检测卷含答案(满分:100分时间:90分钟)一、单项选择(15分)( ) 1. -The meat is_______ delicious.-Yes, but don't eat_______.A. too much; too muchB. much too; too muchC. too much; much tooD. much too; much too( )2. _______ have a rest if you feel tired?A. Why don'tB. What aboutC. Why notD. How about ( )3. The man lives in a_______ island_______.A. lonely; aloneB. alone; alone .C. alone; lonelyD. lonely; lonely .( )4. Sometimes I don't know_______ my worries.A. how to do withB. how to deal withC. what to deal withD. what to do( )5. I have no choice but_______ him here.A. waitB. to waitC. wait forD. to wait for( )6. Sometimes I find_______ hard to get along with him.A. thisB. thatC. itD. its( )7. I don't know whether the book is worth_______.A. to readB. readingC. to readingD. read( )8. I speak slowly_______ you can hear me.A. soB. thatC. such thatD. so that( )9. His father is strict_______ him_______ his study.A. in; onB. on; onC. in; inD. with; in( )10. I wonder_______ he will help you with your Maths.A. ifB. thatC. whatD. which( )11. You aren't allowed_______ your car here.A. to parkB. parkC. parkingD. to parking( )12. I look forward to_______ you soon.A. seeB. to seeC. seeingD. see( )13. -Could you tell me_______?-Look! He is playing basketball over there.A. where Scot isB. what is Scot doingC. how Scot did itD. why Scot is doing it( )14. -Thank you for your help.-_______.A. That's rightB. All rightC. Don't mention itD. You are right( )15.-Shall we go hiking?-_______.A. That's rightB. RightC. You are welcomeD. Good idea二、完形填空(10分)The Vietnam (越南) War broke out. The young husband 1 the army and died in the war. His wife and son began to have a 2 life after that. Even though their life was very hard and sometimes they didn’t have enough food to eat, the 3 still decided to raise her son by herself.Several years later her son immigrated (移民) to America 4 finally became an engineer. He often sent letters to his mother with much money. However, with many excuses, the son 5 to come back home to visit his mother.6 his mother died, the son returned. But he didn’t cry. His mother left a box behind. During the funeral (葬礼), the s on opened the box and7 cried and shouted, “Mom! Mom!”8 looked at each other and then looked at the box. It was full of $100 bills and a piece of paper.It read, “Son, I don’t spend too much money. I miss you a lot.Every time I heard a motorcycle 9 , I ran out of the door but it wasn’t you. I saved money 10 you in case (以防) you get sick.”1. A. joined B. moved C. found D. sent2. A. comfortable B. easy C. hard D. happy3. A. son B. father C. husband D. wife4. A. but B. and C. so D. or5. A. refused B. agreed C. asked D. offered6. A. Before B. When C. While D. As7. A. slowly B. hardly C. quickly D. suddenly8. A. Nobody B. Anyone C. Everyone D. Somebody9. A. passing by B. going away C. showing up D. running off10. A. with B. on C. to D. for三、阅读理解(30分)A( )1. If you. want to see the movie with your parents, how much will you pay for it?A.¥40. B.¥20. C.¥60.( )2. Who's the director of the film?A. Julie Andrews.B. The Sound of Music.C. Robert Wise.( ) 3. According to the bill, we know the customer ordered_______ kinds of things there.A. 4B. 5C. 6( )4. Rose got retired last week and is looking for a part-time _______ job, where will she work?A. At Beijing Theatre.B. In the church.C. At International Food Festival.( )5. Rose has got the job, she has to work on_______.A. Sunday and Mon dayB. Wednesday and FridayC. Saturday and SundayBDear Karen,As you probably know, it's my sister Suzie's 16th birthday in a week. We're planning a surprise party for her. Julie's going to pick her up from school as usual on Friday but she's not taking her home. She's bringing her to the Palace Hotel, the big modern one near the station. We're having a meal there and we've also hired (租用) the ballroom(舞厅) for a party in the evening. I hope you can come!All her friends from school are coming and quite a few of the people from our village too. Of course, Mum and Dad are coming up from England and I've managed to persuade(说服)our other sister, Marie, to come over from Australia. She's bringing her kids with her too.After the party we're going to have another one on Saturday! Well, not really a party. We're inviting the family and close friends(that includes you) for a meal at the house. If the weather is nice, we'd like to have a barbecue in the garden. Julie's going to make a special cake for Suzie.Anyway, we hope to make it a really special weekend for Suzie. On Sunday we're all going for a walk in the country. You know how she loves walking and we're all going to need a bit of exercise after all that lovely food. We're hoping to' go up to the lake. Marie said she wanted her kids to feed the ducks just like Suzie and she did when they were very young. I'm 'sure Suzie will love that too.It would be great if you could com e over for the weekend. We would all love to see you.Let me know as soon as you can.Best,David ( )6. Who is Karen?A. David's cousin.B. David's friend.C. David's sister.D. David's classmate.( )7. David and Julie are planning to have Suzie's birthday party_______ on Friday evening.A. at the Palace HotelB. at the houseC. in the gardenD. beside the lake( )8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned?A. To make a special cake.B. To have a barbecue.C. To go swimming.D. To feed the ducks.( )9. -_______ won't come for the meal at the house on Saturday because David doesn't invite them/her.A. KarenB. People from their villageC. Suzie's Mum and DadD. Marie and her kids( )10. Why is David planning a walk in the country on Sunday?A. Because he thinks Suzie loves walking very much.B. Because he thinks Suzie used to take a walk there after dinner.C. Because he thinks it is special for Marie's kids to go for a walk in the country.D. Because he thinks Suzie can feed the ducks in the river when going for a walk.C( )11. From the information above, we know this is_______A. a mapB. an air ticketC. a piece of newsD. an advertisement( )12. You can't enjoy_______ in Tongren.A. taking a bus around TongrenB. staying in good hotelsC. getting some small presentsD. receiving a good tour guide service( )13. You can visit_______ places if you take the tour.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five( )14. How can you book the tour?A. By phone.B. By writing blogs.C. By chatting with them online.D. By sending them an e-mail.( )15. Where can you go to book a ticket to Tongren?A. Ming Paradise.B. Shiqian.C. TV station.D. No. 28 Yanan Road Guiyang.四、任务型阅读(10分)Ask any group of teenagers in the UK what they most like to eat, and foods like pizzas, pasta, burgers and chips are always mentioned. Many young people would probably also list the local fast-food restaurant as their favourite place.But what teenagers like to eat is not necessarily what they should eat. For a growing body, eating foods with plenty of calcium(钙) , such as milk, yoghurt and cheese, is important because calcium is essential for the development of healthy, strong bones(骨头). Similarly, foods that are rich in iron(铁)are good for developing bodies, so it's good for them to eat red meat, bread and green vegetables.Lifestyle habits can be developed during our teenage years, so it is greatly important that young people are educated about what foods are good. In 2005, in order to change eating habits and open teenagers' minds to new tastes, a cook named Jamie Oliver started a "Feed Me Better" project. He worked with teachers and cooks in a number of schools across the UK to provide more healthy school meals. Although some teenagers and parents refused to have a try at first, the project was generally a huge success. The newspapers wrote articles about him and a TV programme showed his visits to the schools.No one expects to end the teenage love with fast and junk food, but, hopefully, if projects like "Feed Me Better" continue to give out the right messages, more young people will understand the importance of eating healthily.1. What problem do teenagers in the UK have?_____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why are milk and bread healthy foods?_____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why is it important to educate people during their teenage years?_____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Did Jamie Oliver improve school dinners successfully?_____________________________________________________________________________ 5. In order to help teenagers, what does the writer expect people to do?_____________________________________________________________________________ 五.词汇检测(15分)A.根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,每空一词。
2020年牛津译林版9A英语九年级上册Unit 3 Teenage problems 单元测试题(含答案)

9A Unit 3单元测试卷第Ⅰ卷(选择题共80分)一、听力部分(本题共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)第一部分:听对话回答问题本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。
1.What does Tina often do in her free time?A B . C2. What is the animal sign of the girl?A B C3. When will the colour therapy report begin?A. B. C.4. What is the boy’s problem?A. B. C.5. What is the weather like tomorrow?A.It’s cloudy.B.It’s rainy.C.It’s fine.6. What problem do most students have now?A.Th ey can’t sleep at night and feel very tired in the morning.B.They have too much homework.C.They worry too much.7. How does the girl feel about herself?A.Sad.B.Happy.C.Shy.8. What will Mr Smith do during the holidays?A.He will go home.B.He will go to some places.C.He will stay at home.9. Which colour does the girl like best?A.Yellow.B.Green.C.Black.10. How many desks are there for the parents?A.Sixteen.B.Twenty-five.C.Twenty-six.第二部分:听对话和短文回答问题。

牛津英语9AUnit3单元测试学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.What _______great progress you have made in _______English exam .A.a , the B.the , the C.a, an D./ , the 2.People _______your age , have similar problems , such as getting on with others and having too much homework .A.in B.with C.of D.to3.Lily is the top student in her class , but she doesn’t know_______to make friends . A.who B.how C.which D.what 4.David has been missing for 3 days. His mother is too ______to sleep.A.happy B.energetic C.worried D.curious 5.Two little children died in the river during the holiday .Many people wanted to find out the ___of it .A.reason B.cause C.suggestion D.stress6.These problems are quite hard for the students _______.A.to work them out B.working out C.to work out D.working them out7.Jim sat _______to his mother with his eyes half _______.A.closed , open B.close , opened C.close , closed D.closed , closed 8.The Lavender Manor(薰衣草庄园) in Huai’an is ______worth _______.A.very , to visit B.well , visiting to C.very , a visit D.well , visiting 9.Unit 3 is very important .Remember _______as often as possible .A.going it over B.to go over it C.going it over D.to go it over 10.I expect Mr.Li to _______my letter , but there’s still no _______.A.reply , replies B.reply , to reply C.reply to , replies D.reply to , reply 11.They had no _______but _______help from others .A.chance , ask for B.choice , to ask for C.change , to ask D.choice , ask 12.I used to doubt _______I would realize my dream .Now I never doubt _______I will make it if I do my best .A.that , that B.whether , whether C.that , whether D.whether , that13.I don’t know what he _______when Mr.Wu came in .A.was doing B.has done C.is doing D.would do14.---Thanks for sharing the book with me . ---_______! That’s what friends are for . A.well done B.No problem C.With pleasure D.Don’t mention it 15.---Could you please tell me _______? ---The people and the food .A.how does Tom like China B.if Tom likes ChinaC.what does Tom like China D.what Tom likes about China .二、完型填空I first met 8-year-old katy on a rainy afternoon. I was a 16 at a hospital. The clerk at the desk told me about Katy. She was there because she felt a lot of 17 , The doctors found a problem at the base of her brain. I knew she was 18 even before she got better.When I entered Katy's room, she was not in her bed. 19 Katy did not feel well, she was playing with Tommy, a little boy. It took a lot of 20 for her just to sit in the chair. But she played with Tommy because it made him 21 .Katy was always smiling and never appeared to be in pain. She 22 to just lie in bed. One day I found her painting a picture. Later, she gave it to one of the older patients, Another day she went outside to 23 flowers for another sick little girl. Katy made 24 smile.The doctors 25 to solve the problem in Katy's brain, The operation was successful! The doctors informed the hospital staff of the good news. Katy was fine. She soon felt 26 Then she was able to 27 the hospital a month later.I have had a long career as a nurse. I have met many patients. 28 , I have never met another girl like Katy. Even after she got well, she still came to the hospital. She played various games with the young patients. She read many books to the 29 patients. Katy's kind heart helped her get better so 30 . She is a hero to me and everyone else at the hospital. 16.A.nurse B.waiter C.doctor D.patient17.A.fun B.need C.pain D.pity18.A.silly B.shy C.sorry D.special19.A.Because B.Until C.Though D.After20.A.courses B.effort C.place D.notes21.A.proud B.lonely C.mad D.happy22.A.agreed B.refused C.decided D.failed23.A.sell B.smell C.get D.grow24.A.everyone B.nobody C.someone D.none25.A.afforded B.hated C.regretted D.managed26.A.better B.worse C.quieter D.sadder27.A.find B.leave C.reach D.forget28.A.Instead B.Besides C.Therefore D.However29.A.nice B.old C.smart D.crazy30.A.slowly B.widely C.quickly D.lately三、阅读单选When people talk to each other,write letters or make phone calls,words of the spoken form or the written form can send any message they want to pass on.But besides words, do you know any other ways you can use to communicate with people?Rich expressions on your face can be one of them.A smile on your face shows that you are happy.Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad or excited.Body languages can do the same job.When you put your hand up in class,the teacher knows that you want to say something or you may have some questions to ask. You shake your head from side to side and people know you are saying"no"or refuse others' requirements.When you nod,people will understand that you are saying"yes"or agree to others' opinions or suggestions.Other forms can also carry different message.For example,a sign at the bus stop gives passengers instructions on which bus to take.The flag language made by soldiers can pass different orders.Sound from the school bell tells the students and the teachers when to begin or end a class.A photographer can use the photos he has taken to tell others about what he thinks of the world around him.Music and films also convey the feelings and ideas of the musicians and the directors.So next time when you see a piece of art or listen to some music,take it as communication with its creator and try to get the meaning behind it.31.When people want to use the words to communicate with others,they________.A.write letters B.cry aloud C.keep silent D.make friends 32.According to the passage you just need to________ if you agree to others' suggestions.A.close your eyes B.put up your handC.move your head up and down D.shake your head from side to side 33.Through a photo we may know________A.Which bus can be taken B.What's the orders mean for soldiers C.How the photographer sees the world D.when the students should have a class 34.The underline world convey probably means__________in the passage.A.掩饰B.传递C.克制D.爆发35.The best title for the passage may be________.A.Spoken and Written Languages B.Forms of Communication C.Facial Expressions and Gestures D.Suggestions on Communication.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空36.Some people say ____________(沉默) is gold but I don’t think so .37.Can you repeat the grammar rules ____________(correct)?38.After 12 hours’ work , they found it difficult to stay ____________(wake).39.I prefer to use electronic(电子的) ____________(字典) since they are very convenient 40.Reading ____________(出声地)can help you remember things more easily .41.I think friendship is much ____________(value) than money .42.Correct ____________(发音) is the first step to remember English words .43.____________(化学) is not so difficult to learn but you must spend enough time . 44.When ____________(express) herself , she is used to using body languages . 45.We were happy to see that all the problems ____________(solve) yesterday .五、句型转换句型转换46.Why don’t you go to the cinema to relax yourself this evening ?____________ ____________ going to the cinema to relax yourself this evening ? 47.It will let you know how to deal with the rubbish .I will tell you an _________of _____________to do with the rubbish .48.Students should balance schoolwork and lifeStudents should __________ __________ __________between schoolwork and life . 49.Simon asked Mary ,”when will you leave for Paris?”Simon asked Mary __________ __________ __________leave for Paris .六、完成句子翻译句子50.根据海伦老师所说,海伦能很好地管理好自己的时间。

九年级英语Unit3基础知识训练过关题Class Name1. 学生们应该允许穿他们自己的衣服。
Students shouldn’t be allowed to wear their own clothes .2. 我在家不允许玩电脑游戏.I am not allowed to play computer games at home .3. 每个星期天允许我看一个小时电视。
I am allowed to watch TV for one hour at home on Sunday .4. 不应该允许他们穿耳孔。
They shouldn’t be allowed to get their ears pierced .5. 这些书都是用英语写的。
These books are all written in English6. 教室应该每天打扫三次。
The classroom should be cleaned three times a day .7. 所有的作业必须在学校完成。
All the homework must be finished at school .8. 这种书在任何书店都有售吗?Is this kind of book sold in any bookstore ?9. 他不喜欢挨批评,但他总是受批评。
He doesn’t like to be criticized , but he is always criticized .10. 老师常说手机不能带到学校来。
The teacher says that mobile phones can’t be brought to school .11. 他们学校也教英语吗?Is English taught in their school too ?12. 如果我是班主任,我会允许学生在外吃中饭。
If I were a head teacher , I would allow the students to eat lunch outside the school . 13. 应该允许他参加考试,要不然他会考试不及格。
牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit3 单元测试(有答案)

牛津译林版九年级英语上册9A Unit3 单元测试一. 选择填空:( ) 1. --What about having a drink? -- _____________.A. Help yourselfB. Never mindC. You're rightD. Good idea( ) 2. __________ you offered him !A. What a useful adviceB. How useful adviceC. How a useful adviceD. What useful advice( ) 3. We should be strict _______ ourselves ______ our work.A. with, withB. to, onC. with, inD. on, with( ) 4. I bought lots of English test papers ______my brother‟s advice to improve my English.A. listening toB. asking forC. according toD. looking forward to( ) 5.His friends find ______him everything.A. it necessary to tellB. that necessary toC. necessary it toD. necessary to tell ( ) 6. I haven’t ________ hi m since he left school.A. hear fromB. heard a letter fromC. heared fromD. heard from( ) 7. His father has gone to America. He’ll stay there for ____________’A. some timeB. sometimesC. sometimeD. some times( ) 8. If you take_______, you will get _______.A. enough exercise; enough healthB. enough exercise; health enoughC. exercise enough; enough healthyD. enough exercise; healthy enough( ) 9. There are a number of things ____him these days. He did nothing but ___ wine yesterday evening.A. worried; drinkB. worrying; to drinkC. Worried about: to drinkD. worrying; drink( ) 10. It's too noisy at home because the TV is always .A. onB. turn onC. openD. turned off( ) 11. I wonder our sports meeting will be held. Can it be next week?A.whetherB. whatC. whenD. if( ) 12. —David, the weekend is coming. What shall we do?—___________ go hiking in the countryside?A. What aboutB. Why notC. Why don‟tD. Let‟s( ) 13. The workers were made _____ the whole day.A. workB. to workC. workedD. working( ) 14. --Do you know __________. --I'm not sure. Maybe an English teacher. .A what the beautiful lady with glasses isB. what is the beautiful lady with glassesC. who the beautiful lady with glasses isD. who is' the beautiful lady with glasses( ) 15.You may _____trouble if you stay out too late without _____ your parents first.A. get out of , tell B go into, to tell C .get into ,telling D .go out of, telling二. 完型填空:I am a person who can get angry easily. But since I read an article from my English teacher, things 1 a lot.I am ___2____at a boarding (寄宿的) school, so I 3 learn not only how to study well, but also how to 4 with others. Some of us are 5 while others are quiet. It is common that people have problems and arguments. So____6____ can we be tolerant(宽容的)?Smiling at 7 is the easiest way. Another way is to think 8 your ideas are reasonable (有道理的) and right _____9____ having an argument. If others’ ideas are really not good, keep an open 10 . Try to forgive them. Having a friend is 11 better than having an enemy after all!Also, don’t point out other’s 12 in public. This will mean people lose face andget__13___. If you really want to help, send a letter instead. On the other hand, if someone points out your disadvantages(缺点), don’t be 14 . Just think this is a person who really wants to__15____ you and become friends. Remember: Tolerance makes life easier.1. A. changed B. have changed C. change D. are changed2. A. studying B. teaching C. writing D. working3. A. can B . may C. have to D. will4. A. keep up B. get on C. catch up D. talk about5. A. busy B. shy C. serious D. outgoing6. A. why B. where C. how D. what7. A. others B. other C. the other D. the others8. A. which B. when C. if D. why9. A. until B. while C. before D. when10. A. head B. mind C. brain D. hand11. A. much B. so C. as D. very12. A. thoughts B. faces C. mistakes D. ideas13. A. lost B. burnt C. hurt D. helped14. A. happy B. angry C. interested D. confident15. A. worry B. hurt C. help D. laugh at三. 阅读理解:AEveryone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a talk, laugh, and do things with friends. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We don’t always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never have a friend.No two people are ju st the same. Sometimes friends don’t get along with. That doesn’t mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up and go on being friends. Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very sad. We miss them very much. But we can call them and write to them. It could be that we would even see them again. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women who have been friendly to people in a town. Some libraries are named in this way. So are some schools. We think of these people when we go to these places.There’s more good news for people who have friends. They live lon ger than people who don’t. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.()1. The first paragraph tells us_________.A. no one needs friends.B. we always need friends to look after us.C. making friends is the need in people’s life.D. we need to be alone( ) 2. Which of the following doesn’t the writer say in the passage?A. People are not happy when their friends leave them.B. People will never see their friends leave them.C. People can know their friends in different ways.D. People like their friends very much if they get to know them.( ) 3. Which of the following is the most probably the place named after friendly people?A. A cityB. A room.C. A townD. A library.( ) 4. People who have friends live longer than people who don’t because __________.A. they feel happier and are healthierB. they get a lot of help from their friendsC. they take better care of themselvesD. both A and C( ) 5. The main idea of this passage is _________.A. that people are all friendsB. that people need friendsC. how to get to know friendsD. how to name a placeB七、任务型阅读(共5分,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,并根据所读短文内容在文章后的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。
2020年牛津译林版9A英语九年级上册Unit3-4 单元测试题(含答案)

9A Unit3-4一、单项选择(15’)1. We bought a great deal of _______ in the supermarket.A. vegetablesB. breadC. eggsD. mangoes2. On Christmas Day, ______ of us was excited because we each ______ a present.A. every one; was givenB. everyone; was givenC. everyone; were givenD. everyone; were given3. All the tourists wonder ______ there will _______ tomorrow.A. if; be rainyB. whether; have rainC. that; have rainD. whether; be rain4. ______ do you call this piece of fumiture?A. HowB. WhyC. WhatD. Whom5. I had no choice _______ his advice though I wasn’t willing to go with him.A. but acceptingB. but acceptC. but acceptedD. but to accept6. My father is _______ busy with his work to communicate with me.A. so tooB. very tooC. far soD. far too7. The shirt needs ______ right now.A. to washB. washedC. being washingD. to be washed8. ---Do you know the book One Hundred Years of Solitude(《百年孤独》) has been printed again? ---It is expected to be. ______ unusual novel it is!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. What an9. ______ I am in trouble, my classmates will help me out.A. BeforeB. WheneverC. AlthoughD. But10. The research he had devoted himself ________ a perfect success.A. to provedB. provedC. to proveD. to proving11. Would you please not ______ him while he ________?A. to trouble; worksB. to trouble; is workingC. trouble; is workingD. trouble; working12. ---When shall we go on our school trip? ---_______.A. Not until next weekB. Till next weekC. For next weekD. Nearly a week13. ---She didn’t make _______ much progress, did she?---______, though she did her best.A. such; YesB. so; YesC. such; NoD. so; No14. Dad forced himself ______ up drinking because of his poor health.A. to givingB. to giveC. giveD. giving15. ---Could you tell me _______? ---No problem.A. what wrong is with your teethB. where have the police caught the thievesC. what you will do with the difficult problemD. who would be recommended as the chairperson二、完形填空(10’)What do you think of stress? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?Most of the students think stress can do harm ___16__them in some ways. There's a story about a teenager in a middle school. He even ____17__ his study because of the stress from school and family. We also usually ___18___ that someone turns to psychological doctorsbecause of heavy working stress. There is no doubt that some people think stress is a dangerous wolf.On the other hand, other people argue that stress is not a bad thing. They ___19__ stress can produce momentum (动力) in the end. For them, right attitude and action can reduce stress and make it ___20__. When I was a child, my mom always pushed me to study hard. She wished I could go to an ideal ___21__ for further education. I experienced stress for the first time. Porn to a poor family, I deeply knew ___22___ was not easy for us, and everything my mom did to me was just to hope I could live a better life in the future. ___23__ the saying goes, "no pains, no gains." So Idid what my mom expected because I didn't want to let her down. At last, I did measure up (达到标准) to my mom's expectation and go to college ___24__. Thanks to my mom's push! Thanks to the stress! In this way, I don't think stress is a bad thing. Overall, stress is not a bad thing in ___25__. The key is how we deal with it.( ) 16. A. for ( ) 17. A. began with ( ) 18. A. wonder ( ) 19. A. doubt ( ) 20. A. useful ( ) 21. A. company ( ) 22. A. life ( ) 23. A. Then ( ) 24. A. quietly ( ) 25. A. himself B. inB. showed offB. decideB. believeB. difficultB. collegeB. spiritB. ButB. wildlyB. myselfC. toC. gave upC. promiseC. disagreeC. strangeC. factoryC. opinionC. AsC. speciallyC. itselfD. ofD. cheered forD. hearD. forgetD. terribleD. farmD. silenceD. OrD. successfullyD. herself三、阅读理解(20’)ACollege students are facing a difficult time for finding jobs, many companies don’t want have more workers because of the global financial crisis(全球经济危机). Some famous managers in Shanghai traveled to a local university recently to give students advice on how to increase(增加) their chances of finding jobs.Xu Yi, a student from Grade 3 of East China University said, “It’s very difficult to find a job now. So I have to think ahead about my future job.” Some managers form many foreign companies gave reports about the economic(经济的) situation, employment demand(雇佣需求) and how they choose talent(人才). Many companies have no plans for having more workers, but the managers said students could still find chances in hard times.Holly, a manager of Rhodia company in China, said, “Internships(实习) are a good start. Students should catch every chance for an internship to sow their talent.”The Chinese Acadamy of Social Sciences gave a report on Tuesday, saying about one million graduating students in our country cannot find jobs this year. Six million more students will graduate all over the country next year.26. What difficulty are college students facing in finding jobs now?A. Many companies don’t want to have more workers.B. None of the companies want to have more workers.C. They don’t know which company to choose.D. There are not any companies.27. What advice did some famous managers in Shanghai give the college students?A. How to make themselvesB. How to work hardC. How to be a managerD. How to increase their chance of finding jobs28. Which of the follow is NOT true according to the second paragraph?A. Many foreign companies don’t have plans for having more workers.B. The managers said students could still find chances in hard times.C. The report is good for the college students.D. The report didn’t include employment demand.29. What did Holly advise college students?A. They should work hard.B. They should catch every chance for an internship.C. They should respect the employers.D. Finding a job is a real start.30. How many graduating students in our country can’t find jobs this year?A. About one millionB. Two millionC. Six millionD. Three millionBHow much do you know about Albert Einstein?Albert Einstein, born on March 14, 1879 in Germany, was a great scientist in the world. He was strange because he hated haircuts and new clothes. He believed in peace. All his life, he hated war. However, his most famous idea, E = mc², helped create the world’s most dangerous weapon (武器). Many people think he was the smartest person in the world. But Einstein said that he thought like a child with many questions and unusual ideas.What did he like?Einstein liked learning sailing(帆船运动). He sailed in small boats all his life. Heonce joked, “Sailing is the sport that takes the least energy!”When Einstein was a child, his mother made him take violin lessons. At first, he didn’t like the violin. But then he learned to love music and became a good violinist.Later, he said, “Love is the best teacher.”Why is the sky blue?In 1910, Einstein asked a question which many children often ask, “Why is the sky blue?”After his careful research, he answered the question like this: “It’s because light is made up of many colors including blue. When light travels to Earth, gas particles(气体微粒) spread the blue light all over the sky.”His answer is true in physics.31.According to the passage, Albert Einstein _______ haircuts and new clothes.A.forgot B.minded C.liked D. disliked32.The underlined part actually shows Albert Einstein was a/an _______ person.A.clever B.imaginative C. practical D.childlike33.Einstein ________ learning sailing and playing the violin.A.was interested inB.looked forward toC.was known for D. was bored with34.From Paragraph 3 we know that _________.A. mother teaches the bestB. without mother’s push, we can’t love anythingC. we should love our teacherD. when we love something, we’d like to learn about it35.Einstein offered a_______ explanation for the question why the sky is blue.A.magic B. wise C.scientific D.careful四、阅读表达(6’)15th OctoberDear George,My name is Christina. I called your radio show last week to ask for your advice about a problem my mum and I had. I wanted to see my friends and do things that interest me, but my mum was sad and said I was not spending enough time at home with our family.You gave me some good advice. You told me to spend more time talking to my mu. First I thought your answer was silly, but then I decided to take your advice. You were right!When I was younger, my mum and I talked all the time, and we were close. She was one of my friends. When I grew older, I stopped talking to her and only wanted to talk with my friends.I didn’t think my mum missed talking with me, but she did! That is why she was sa d when I went to see my friends. Now my mum and I spend one day a week with each other. We cook dinner together, or we go for a long walk. Once she even took me and my best friends out to dinner together!Thank you for your help and good advice, Geo rge. I’ll keep listening to “Talk Time” every week.SincerelyChristina 36. What is George?37. What did Christina write to George for?38. Do you want to spend more time with your mum? Why or why not?五、根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词(14’)1. Thank you for giving me many useful ___________(建议).2. Please pay attention to correcting your _____________(发音) when you read English.3. During World War II, millions of ____________(德国人) suffered from the war, too.4. ---Did you know how they ___________(处理) with their old furniture?---They gave it to the old people.5. I called you last night, but there was no ___________(回复).6. White has always been a ____________(象征) of purity in Western Cultures.7. So far, he’s ____________(成功) in saving thousands of people in danger.8. He is the __________(严格) teacher I have ever met. But I like him a lot.9. The school football team has had three ____________(胜利) this month ___________(抵抗)other schools.10. Many volunteers went to Nepal after the earthquake, I really ____________(钦佩) them for their _____________(勇气).11. He ____________(毕业) from Suzhou ____________(大学) last year.六、翻译句子(15’)1.我上周六理了发。
Unit 3 复习练习(含答案)-2020-2021学年九年级英语牛津译林版上册

牛津英语9A Unit 3复习练习一、词汇运用题。
1. Ricky had no _________ (选择) but to leave the company. (2014徐州)2. There is no _________(怀疑) that Nantong will develop into a modern city in the near future. (2014南通)3. These engineers successfully __________ (开发) a new kind of energy-saving car last year. (2013连云港)4. Some teenagers don’t know how to _________ (处理) with their personal problems and they often go to therapy. (2013南京)5. Do you lie ________ (醒着的) at night, worrying about things? (2013苏州)6. You’ll make ____________ (进步) in speaking English if you keep on practising.(2013南通)7. The TV program Super Brain(最强大脑)is so fantastic that it is well worth _________ ( watch). (2014泰州)8. I think A bite of China is well worth _______(watch).(2014盐城)9. No one in the small town has ever ________ (deal ) with such a problem before. (2014无锡)10. We felt strange about his ______ (silent) at the party as he used to be very outgoing. (2013无锡)11. It’s said that Chinese parents are(strict) with their children than American parents.(2013无锡)12. When ___________(meet) his ole friends, Tom felt very excited(2013南京)13. As teenagers, we should not keep worries to ____________(our) .(2013南通)14. When spring comes, we may feel __________(sleep), especially in the afternoon. (2013南通)15. If you can answer all the questions ________ (correct). you will get a gift from the host. (2013泰州)16. It’s raining. Why not __________ a raincoat with you? (take) (2013扬州)17. This moment is so valuable that it is worth ___________ (record). (2013镇江)18. We must understand that high _________(分数) don’t always mean good abilities.19. There is no ___________(怀疑) that you are satisfied with your results of the exams.20. After the car accident, his legs were so weak that he could ___________(几乎不) stand.21. I think all your ___________(建议) are very important and helpful to us22. He has made a lot of ___________(进步) in his English study.23. We must find out the ___________(原因) of the failure, and then we may succeed24. _____________(友谊) is one of the most priceless things in the world.25. _____________(化学) is a very useful subject and it has a lot to do with our daily life.26. This book will be of great ________ to him in his study. It is quite ___________ (价值).27. To stay where you are is the best ___________ (choose), you’ll get into danger if you go out.28. When the crazy people heard the exciting news, they got even __________ (mad).29. My father is the _________ (strict) of my parents with me in my study.30. __________ (deal) with problems in groups will help you solve them easily.31. Our English teacher often asks us to read after him in class to improve our _______________ (pronounce).32. After hearing the news, they looked at each other in __________ (silent).33. If you answer the last question ____________ (correct), you will lose all your points.34. The writer often drinks coffee to keep himself __________ (wake) so that he can work late into the night.35. You can use different __________ (method) to solve the problem.36. Jane is a cheerful girl and she has few ___________ (worry).37. He _______________ (not reply) to his penfriend yet, so he’s busy ___________ (reply) to her now.38. It seems that he had difficulty _________ (solve) the problem.39. If someone ____________ (laugh) at you, you should pay no attention to him.40. My teacher suggests ______________ (not work) out the problem alone.二、单项选择。
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9A 复习Unit 3 Teenage problems1. People feel __more tired__(tire) easily than any other season(季节).2. An ant(蚂蚁) has two _stomachs____(stomach).’t you think the radio is too __noisy__(noise) (be + adj.)too much is _unhealthy____(health) for you.should have more _communication_(communicate) with parents _to improve___(improve) you're your relationship(关系). to do 表目的shop opens at 9 . and __closes (close) at 7 .( close v.关闭)students kept___talking___ (talk) until the teacher ___came______(come) into the room.~一直做某事 keep doing until后面的从句与主句时态一致8. The noise always drives me __mad(mad), please keep __quiet___(quiet).保持安静 keep quiet 使得某人发疯 drive sb mad9 Would you please _not turn____(not turn) on the TV你愿意不….吗 Would you please not doWould you like ___to tell_______(tell) students __do_____(do ) more sport.想要做某事 would like to do 让某人做某事 let sb do10. I have no __choice_(choose) but __to finish __(finish) my work. *除了…外别无选择 have no choice but to doLast year I _was chosen __(choose) to be the monitor of the class.某人被选为… sb be chosen to behomework must __be handed___(hand) in on time.Homework做主语,用被动情态动词 +be done12.. I hope the film is worth _watching___(watch). 值得被…. be worth doing13. Everyone needs a_close___(close) friends to talk to. (close adj.亲密的)The shop is __closed____(close) at this time of the day. It is _open______(open) after eight every morning. (closed adj.关着的 open adj.开着的)-14. The man lived __alone_______. He felt very _lonely________. (alone, lonely)alone adv.独自 = by oneself= on on e’s own lonely adj.孤独的(plan) ahead can help you make work _ easier__ (easy) than before. doing作主语 make sb + adj, than 是比较级的标志16. Don’t make so much _noise___(noise), I don’t want you talk __noisily_(noise).制作噪音 make noise noisily adv.噪杂地修饰动词 talk__suggestion_(suggest) is of great _value__(value) to me, it is very valuable_(value).对某人来说有价值 be of great value to sb= be valuable to sb18. If he __refuses__(refuse) ____to accept_____(accept) your presnt, you will feel sad.,拒绝做某事 refuse to do if(如果)后面的句子用一般现在时代替将来时(play) computer games, mum doesn’t allow me __to eat_ ( eat) snacks.当做某事时While doing 允许某人做某事 allow sb to do sth20. Can you __advise___(advice) him ___no to go_(not go) to the dangerous place.建议某人不做某事 advise sb not to do sth21. I wish I ___could_____( can) have my ___parents’_________(parent) support.Wish+虚拟语气的句子,could在此处表虚拟语气。
words made me __interested___(interest) in the _interesting__(interest) book. 使某人…. make sb +adj./ do。
intersted 感兴趣的,修饰人 interesting 令人感兴趣的,修饰事物23. Thank you for your _support__(support) (your support 中的support 是不可数名词)= Thank you for _support______(support) me support me 中的support是动词)24 Now people eat _more__healthily__(health) than before and many of them pay much attention to ___taking__(take) sports after work. healthily修饰 eat, than是比较级的标志, 有后缀ly的词的比较级加more 注意… pay attention to doing25. He offered __to give____(give) me a gift, but I ___refused__(refuse)主动做某事 offer to do but 是连词,两边的句子时态一致,用过去时。
]26. __Unluckily____(luck), he broke his left leg yesterday. (luckily/unluckily修饰整个句子)should find a way of ___dealing____(deal) with the problem.做某事的方法 the way to do= the way of doingam sure _to get___( get) engough sleep will help you keep __healthy (health).一定…. be sure to do 保持健康 keep healthy29. ___Read___(read) more, and then you will get more knowlegde.祈使句, and(这样) you will…祈使句, or (否则) you will…(final), he worked out the problem __successfully___(success).》最后(adv.) finally 修饰整个句子 successfully 修饰动词短语 work out the problem31. Liu Mei spends a lot of time __playing_____ ( play) games with her friends.某人花费时间做某事 sb spend +时间 doing sth / on sth32. Do you have much time ___to revise___(revise) for the tests有时间做某事 Have time to do = have time for33. He looked _stressed_( stress), because he looked sadly__(sad) at his bad marks.Look (看起来,是联系动词) + adj. look at (看) 用副词来修饰34. The pollution today is ____worse___(bad) and ___worse__(bad).$越来越…比较级 + and + 比较级 bad/ ill/ badly—worse--worse Your idea is one of __the most valuable __(value) ____suggestions__(suggest).最…的之一 one of +最高级+ 名词(复)35. In the past 3 years, the small town __has changed___(change) a lot.在过去in the past (过去时的标志)在刚刚过去的3年里 in the past/ last three years (现完的标志)36. Students’duty is _to try__( try) their best __to learn____( learn ) their subjects.我的责任/梦想/方法是做某事 my duty/ dream/ way is to do sth%尽某人做大努力做某事 try/ do one’s best to do sth37. Mother promised me to buy_( buy) a new bike for me if I _win___(win) the first.We will go to Yancheng if it __doesn’t rain___(not rain) tomorrow.答应某人做某事 promise sb to doIf(如果)后面的句子用一般现在时代替将来时38. I think there is no need __to bring__( bring) too much water.没有必要做某事 there is no need to do sthyou __meet_(meet) difficulty, friends will encourage you __to face_ ( face) it. When后面加的是时间从句,用一般现在时代替将来时。