民航客舱服务英语-unit 1-(课堂PPT)

little bit 有一点 It’s a little bit cold here. Prepare for 准备 I am preparing for my exam. prefer 喜欢 I prefer tea to coffee. Out of the stock 没有了 Instead 替代的 I offer you a blanket instead.
all. 就这些(口语短语)
oral practice 4
A:我已经等了15分钟了,怎么回事呢! B:很抱歉拖延了你的饮料,我可以知道你点 了什么吗? A:我点了一杯咖啡。 B:是黑咖啡还是白咖啡? A:白的,不加糖。
Some explanation:
A:我的包不见了。 B:你放在哪里了?放在行李架上或其他什么 地方了吗? A:我放在座位旁边了。可能掉到地上了,但 我找不到了。 B:不要急,我保证你能找到的。找到了吗? A:哦,找到了。它就在凳子的下面,多谢了 、
Sentence patterns Hello! Welcome aboard! What ‘s up? What’s happening?
民航客舱服务实用英 语Fra bibliotek刘霞Main idea:
words and expressions: Dialogues: Sentence patterns: Act out:
Some explanation:
time for``` 是· · · 的时间了 We have prepared```我们准备了· · · We have prepared some drinks and desserts for guests. Which would you like? 你喜欢什么啊?
all. 就这些(口语短语)
oral practice 4
A:我已经等了15分钟了,怎么回事呢! B:很抱歉拖延了你的饮料,我可以知道你点 了什么吗? A:我点了一杯咖啡。 B:是黑咖啡还是白咖啡? A:白的,不加糖。
Some explanation:
A:我的包不见了。 B:你放在哪里了?放在行李架上或其他什么 地方了吗? A:我放在座位旁边了。可能掉到地上了,但 我找不到了。 B:不要急,我保证你能找到的。找到了吗? A:哦,找到了。它就在凳子的下面,多谢了 、
Sentence patterns Hello! Welcome aboard! What ‘s up? What’s happening?
民航客舱服务实用英 语Fra bibliotek刘霞Main idea:
words and expressions: Dialogues: Sentence patterns: Act out:
Some explanation:
time for``` 是· · · 的时间了 We have prepared```我们准备了· · · We have prepared some drinks and desserts for guests. Which would you like? 你喜欢什么啊?
民航客舱服务英语-unit 1-

Dialogue four weather condition
❖ What contents does the weather condition consist of?
❖ It will clear up in Macao today. The temperature rises to and drops to with breeze.
Listen to dialogue two flight information
❖ How about the distance from Hangzhou to Hong Kong?
❖ What contents does the flight ❖ Information consist of?
Dialogue three flight route
❖ What contents does the flight route consist of?
❖ We are bound for Sydney and the flight time is , the departure time is and the arrival time is .
❖ How about the special ❖ passengers?
Dialogue six assigns the task
❖ What contents does the assigning the task consist of?
❖ I will assign the task by seniority and qualifications for the coming flight.
This is
Dialogue four weather condition
❖ What contents does the weather condition consist of?
❖ It will clear up in Macao today. The temperature rises to and drops to with breeze.
Listen to dialogue two flight information
❖ How about the distance from Hangzhou to Hong Kong?
❖ What contents does the flight ❖ Information consist of?
Dialogue three flight route
❖ What contents does the flight route consist of?
❖ We are bound for Sydney and the flight time is , the departure time is and the arrival time is .
❖ How about the special ❖ passengers?
Dialogue six assigns the task
❖ What contents does the assigning the task consist of?
❖ I will assign the task by seniority and qualifications for the coming flight.
This is

由东京飞往北京 , 是中国东方航空公司承运的回程航班
Section1 Ground Service
Unit1 Ticket Service
Part 1 Listening
1. Inquiry
A: Good morning. May I help you ?
公司的基地所在地区 , 第二位代表航班基地外终点所在地区 , 其中数字 1 :华北,2 :西北,3 :华南,4 :西南,5 :华东, 6 :东北,8 :厦门,9 :新疆 , 第三、第四位表示航班的序号 , 单数表示由基地出发向外飞的航班 , 双数表示飞回基地的回程 航班。
末位 6 是双数, 表示该航班为回程航班 06 为航班序号, 西北, 西安属西北地区 华北地区, 国航的基地在北京
➢ Learn how to refund tickets for passengers. ➢Learn how to reschedule for passengers.
编排是由航空公司的二字代码加+4 位数字组成 , 航空公司二字代码由国际航协统一分配。后面四位数字的第一位代表航空
way to Tokyo. Is that correct? P: Yes. Thank you.
Section1 Ground Service
Part 2 Dialogues
2. Telephone Confirmation
Unit1 Ticket Service
P = passenger
G: It’s my pleasure.
由东京飞往北京 , 是中国东方航空公司承运的回程航班
Section1 Ground Service
Unit1 Ticket Service
Part 1 Listening
1. Inquiry
A: Good morning. May I help you ?
公司的基地所在地区 , 第二位代表航班基地外终点所在地区 , 其中数字 1 :华北,2 :西北,3 :华南,4 :西南,5 :华东, 6 :东北,8 :厦门,9 :新疆 , 第三、第四位表示航班的序号 , 单数表示由基地出发向外飞的航班 , 双数表示飞回基地的回程 航班。
末位 6 是双数, 表示该航班为回程航班 06 为航班序号, 西北, 西安属西北地区 华北地区, 国航的基地在北京
➢ Learn how to refund tickets for passengers. ➢Learn how to reschedule for passengers.
编排是由航空公司的二字代码加+4 位数字组成 , 航空公司二字代码由国际航协统一分配。后面四位数字的第一位代表航空
way to Tokyo. Is that correct? P: Yes. Thank you.
Section1 Ground Service
Part 2 Dialogues
2. Telephone Confirmation
Unit1 Ticket Service
P = passenger
G: It’s my pleasure.
《民航服务英语》最新版教学课件Unit1 Check-in at teh airport

Task C
Activity 2 Task B Related picture
Describe the picture with the words and expressions below .
Activity 2 (Task C)
1.托运行李 • 2. 免费行李限额 • 3.头等舱票 • 4.超重行李 • 5.一件行李 • 6.超重行李费 • 7.窗口位/过道位 • 8.传送带 • 9.放在称上 • 10.非吸烟区 • 11.网上值机 • 12. 行李牌 •
Thank you.
英 [ɪ'miːdɪətlɪ] 美 [ɪ'midɪətli] adv. 立即,立刻
Ladies and Gentlemen,
May I have your attention please? Passengers for flight _____ to ______who have not been checked in for this flight please goes to counter
Ladies and Gentlemen,
英 [ə'pɒlədʒaɪz] 美 [ə'pɑlədʒaɪz] vi. 道歉;辩解
英 [ɪnkən'viːnɪəns]
n. 不便;麻烦
May I have your attention please?
We regret to announce that the boa CA_____from_____to______
民航服务英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 叶宁 43222 民航服务英语1

Sydney is the state capital of _________ and the most populous city in Australia. It is located on Australia’s __________ of the Tasman Sea. As of June 2010, the greater metropolitan area had a population of ________ people. Inhabitants of Sydney are called Sydneysiders.
I can: ◇talk about the procedures of booking air tickets. ◇change the date of the booked flight.
Knowledge Base Words and Phrases
book [bʊk] vt. 预订 flight [flaɪt] n. 飞行;班机 available [ə'veɪləbl]adj. 有效的;空闲的 red-eye flight ['red'aɪ flaɪt] 夜间航班 departure [dɪ'pɑːtʃə] n. 离开;出发 department [dɪ'pɑːtmənt] n. 部;系 cancel ['kæ nsl] vt. 取消;删去 arrival time [ə'raɪv(ə)l taɪm] 到达时间
Unit 1 Ticket Service
Part III Announcements
Exercise Read the announcement and fill in the blanks with the given words.

Oral Skills Training
Teach students how to engage in effective oral communication, including skills such as questioning, answering, requesting, and rejecting.
Utilizing videos, podcasts, and interactive exercises to engage learners
Providing regular feedback and assessments to monitor progress
Basic English language for flight attendants
Flight Attendant English Reading and Writing
Compensation strategies
Predicting the main idea
Predicting the main idea is an effective reading strategy that helps students understand the overall content of a text It involves making predictions about what the text will be about based on the title, headings, and other issues
Dialogue for medical emergencies
Assist medical personnel on board and provide necessary information to ensure the safety of passengers
Teach students how to engage in effective oral communication, including skills such as questioning, answering, requesting, and rejecting.
Utilizing videos, podcasts, and interactive exercises to engage learners
Providing regular feedback and assessments to monitor progress
Basic English language for flight attendants
Flight Attendant English Reading and Writing
Compensation strategies
Predicting the main idea
Predicting the main idea is an effective reading strategy that helps students understand the overall content of a text It involves making predictions about what the text will be about based on the title, headings, and other issues
Dialogue for medical emergencies
Assist medical personnel on board and provide necessary information to ensure the safety of passengers
民航客舱服务英语综合教程PPT unit 1 Preflight Briefing

Unit 1 Preflight Briefing
Section 1 Listening
Phrases in Listening •preflight briefing 航前准备会 •communicate information 交流信息 •reduce the risk 减少风险 •cabin crew manuals 乘务员手册 •emergency procedures 紧急程序 •aviation first aid 机上急救 •organize workload 安排工作 •safety and emergency procedures 安全和紧急程序 •individual questions 一对一问题 •potential nose gear collapse 潜在前起落架故障
have your required items: ID, passport, _m ___a__n_u__a__ls__ and introduce
themselves - their task is to organize the workload and make sure the cabin crew know their responsibilities.
company news. it is also wise to check your cabin crew manuals for a quick reminder of safety and emergency procedures and aviation first aid. 3、The senior cabin crew member( SCCM) will check with you that you
Unit 1 Preflight Briefing
Section 1 Listening
Phrases in Listening •preflight briefing 航前准备会 •communicate information 交流信息 •reduce the risk 减少风险 •cabin crew manuals 乘务员手册 •emergency procedures 紧急程序 •aviation first aid 机上急救 •organize workload 安排工作 •safety and emergency procedures 安全和紧急程序 •individual questions 一对一问题 •potential nose gear collapse 潜在前起落架故障
have your required items: ID, passport, _m ___a__n_u__a__ls__ and introduce
themselves - their task is to organize the workload and make sure the cabin crew know their responsibilities.
company news. it is also wise to check your cabin crew manuals for a quick reminder of safety and emergency procedures and aviation first aid. 3、The senior cabin crew member( SCCM) will check with you that you

The passenger asks for your help.
New words expressions
1. Flight attendant stewardess/steward
2. Purser
chief purser
3. Boarding card/pass
4. Rucksack
Do you think how to become a qualified flight attendant?
A qualified flight attendant
should be friendly, warm-
hearted, patient, helpful,
intelligent, confident, courteous
and careful.
The questions met on board.
1. A passenger can’t find his seat. How would you help him? 2. A passenger wants to siቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ together with her friend in 6A.
7. aisle seat window seat
过道座位 窗户座位
Group role-play
After watching the movie, please make up the following dialogues.
1). A man who is sitting in economy class wants to move to the first class or business class as he thinks it’s too noisy and crowed here. A flight attendant comes up to help him.
New words expressions
1. Flight attendant stewardess/steward
2. Purser
chief purser
3. Boarding card/pass
4. Rucksack
Do you think how to become a qualified flight attendant?
A qualified flight attendant
should be friendly, warm-
hearted, patient, helpful,
intelligent, confident, courteous
and careful.
The questions met on board.
1. A passenger can’t find his seat. How would you help him? 2. A passenger wants to siቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ together with her friend in 6A.
7. aisle seat window seat
过道座位 窗户座位
Group role-play
After watching the movie, please make up the following dialogues.
1). A man who is sitting in economy class wants to move to the first class or business class as he thinks it’s too noisy and crowed here. A flight attendant comes up to help him.

情态动词 Could I have the television on?
4.Sorry, that flight is sold out. We have seats available on both the 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM flights. Which one would you prefer?
➢ be sold out: 售罄 ➢ available : 可用的
Information Bank
Business English
两字代码加4位数字组成,航空公司代码由民航总局规定公布。 例如 CA代表“中国国际航空公司”、CZ代表“中国南方航空公司”、 MU代表“中国东方航空公司”、SU代表“四川航空公司”、FM代表 “上海航空公司”、HU代表“海南航空公司”、MF代表“厦门航空公 司”、ZH代表“深圳航空公司”、SC代表“山东航空公司”。后面四 位数字的第一位代表航空公司的基地所在地区,第二位代表航班 基地外终点所在地区,其中数字1代表华北、2为西北、3为华南、 4为西南、5为华东、6为东北、8为厦门、9为新疆,第三、第四 位表示航班的序号,单数表示由基地出发向外飞的航班,双数表
1. What information you need to offer when you are going to book a flight ticket?
2. If you have reserved a ticket already, when should you go to pay and pick up your ticket?
1 B, 2K,3L,4G, 5A, 6D, 7J, 8E, 9F, 10 H, 11 C, 12 I.
情态动词 Could I have the television on?
4.Sorry, that flight is sold out. We have seats available on both the 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM flights. Which one would you prefer?
➢ be sold out: 售罄 ➢ available : 可用的
Information Bank
Business English
两字代码加4位数字组成,航空公司代码由民航总局规定公布。 例如 CA代表“中国国际航空公司”、CZ代表“中国南方航空公司”、 MU代表“中国东方航空公司”、SU代表“四川航空公司”、FM代表 “上海航空公司”、HU代表“海南航空公司”、MF代表“厦门航空公 司”、ZH代表“深圳航空公司”、SC代表“山东航空公司”。后面四 位数字的第一位代表航空公司的基地所在地区,第二位代表航班 基地外终点所在地区,其中数字1代表华北、2为西北、3为华南、 4为西南、5为华东、6为东北、8为厦门、9为新疆,第三、第四 位表示航班的序号,单数表示由基地出发向外飞的航班,双数表
1. What information you need to offer when you are going to book a flight ticket?
2. If you have reserved a ticket already, when should you go to pay and pick up your ticket?
1 B, 2K,3L,4G, 5A, 6D, 7J, 8E, 9F, 10 H, 11 C, 12 I.

Airline service agents should be familiar with the types of questions that customers may ask, such as different flights, departure and arrival time, airfare, discounts, seat selection, special meals, etc. Agents are responsible for helping customers understand the procedures of reserving a seat and taking a flight.
Sample Conversation 1
Clerk: Good morning. This is China Southern Airline Booking Office. Can I help you? Passenger: I want to fly to Changchun. Do you have any fight from Shanghai to Changchun tomorrow? Clerk: One moment, please. I’ll check what’s available. Passenger: I’d like to travel business class. Clerk: OK. We have Flight CZ6374 leaving Shanghai at 7: 05 a.m. Do you make the reservation now? Passenger: Yes. Clerk: What’s your name, please? Passenger: John Smith. j-o-h-n, for John, s-m-i-t-h, for Smith. Clerk: All right, sir. Now I’ve confirmed one business class seat on Flight CZ6374 leaving Shanghai at 7: 05 a. m. to Changchun on July 16. Is that right? Passenger: Yes. When should I get to the airport? Clerk: Please be there by 5: 05 at the latest. Passenger: OK. I will. Thank you, bye!
Sample Conversation 1
Clerk: Good morning. This is China Southern Airline Booking Office. Can I help you? Passenger: I want to fly to Changchun. Do you have any fight from Shanghai to Changchun tomorrow? Clerk: One moment, please. I’ll check what’s available. Passenger: I’d like to travel business class. Clerk: OK. We have Flight CZ6374 leaving Shanghai at 7: 05 a.m. Do you make the reservation now? Passenger: Yes. Clerk: What’s your name, please? Passenger: John Smith. j-o-h-n, for John, s-m-i-t-h, for Smith. Clerk: All right, sir. Now I’ve confirmed one business class seat on Flight CZ6374 leaving Shanghai at 7: 05 a. m. to Changchun on July 16. Is that right? Passenger: Yes. When should I get to the airport? Clerk: Please be there by 5: 05 at the latest. Passenger: OK. I will. Thank you, bye!

Practice 1: words &
Practice 2: dialogue practice
1-24 2-23
3-22 4-21
7-18 8-17
9-16 10-15
5-20 6-19
11-14 12-13
Q2: What kinds of information would a passenger inquire at the check-in counter?
--seating preference(座位选择); flight or destination information; upgrades(升舱); checked luggage(行李托 运)...
Teaching Objectives
➢to let Students to handle the simple dialogue by using the expressions in Unit 2
• 航站楼 • 办理登机手续
• 托运行李 • 日常必需品 • 携带行李允许量
Q1: What kinds of questions will check-in agent ask at the airport? --(问候) Greetings;
(身份证,护照)Can/May I have your ID card and tickets?
(行李托运) How many bags do you have?
Practice 1: words &
Practice 2: dialogue practice
1-24 2-23
3-22 4-21
7-18 8-17
9-16 10-15
5-20 6-19
11-14 12-13
Q2: What kinds of information would a passenger inquire at the check-in counter?
--seating preference(座位选择); flight or destination information; upgrades(升舱); checked luggage(行李托 运)...
Teaching Objectives
➢to let Students to handle the simple dialogue by using the expressions in Unit 2
• 航站楼 • 办理登机手续
• 托运行李 • 日常必需品 • 携带行李允许量
Q1: What kinds of questions will check-in agent ask at the airport? --(问候) Greetings;
(身份证,护照)Can/May I have your ID card and tickets?
(行李托运) How many bags do you have?
民航客舱服务英语-unit 1-

❖ Procedure 程序,过程,步骤 airbus 340 空客
aircraft 飞机
❖ Pilot 飞行员
flight deck 驾驶仓
❖ Initial flight 首航
Please listen to dialogue one
❖ How to greet other? ❖ How to introduce yourself to other?
民航客舱服务实用英 语
Main idea:
❖ New words and expressions: ❖ Dialogues: ❖ Sentence patterns: ❖ Act out:
❖ What kinds of people are there in the picture?
❖ Can you tell me how many passengers are checked in first class and economy class?
❖ How about the special ❖ passix assigns the task
❖ We are bound for Sydney and the flight time is , the departure time is and the arrival time is .
Dialogue four weather condition
❖ What contents does the weather condition consist of?
❖ What are they doing according to the picture?
Unit 1航空服务英语课件

Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information
Dialogue: Task 2 Listen to the tape and complete the dialogue.
Telephone Call for Information(电话问讯) A: Hello! B: Hello, is this the ________I_n_q__u_ir_y__O__f_fi_c_e_?__? A: Yes, who is _____c_a_l_li_n_g______________? B: Denny ________c_a_ll_in__g___________. A: ________A__n_y_t_h_i_n_g__we can do for you, Mr. Denny? B: Can you tell me the ______a_r_r_i_v_a_l_t_im___e_______of CZ3460 from Kunming? A: Certainly. It is ________s_c_h__e_d_u__le__d______to arrive at 9:25 pm. However, _________d__u_e__t_o__t_h_e_____bad weather conditions, this flight will not arrive _______o_n__s_c_h__e_d_u__le______.The flight has not yet ____________t_a_k_efrnoomffKunming. Would you please ________________acgaaliln at 9:00 pm for ____fu__r_th__e_r______information? (This flight will be delayed for twUonit h1航o空ur服s务. T英h语at is to say, it will land at 11:25 pm.)

3、_(__该__航__班_)__预__计__今__天_晚__上__9_:_2_5_分_抵__达__。________ 4、__由__于__天__气_原__因__,__本__次_航__班__将__不__能_按__时__抵__达__。___
5、___航_班__还__没__有__从_昆__明__起__飞__。_________________ 编辑课件
Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information
Dialogue: Task 2 Listen to the tape and complete the dialogue.
Telephone Call for Information(电话问讯)
v. 归因于
8. on schedule
prep. 按照预定(时间)
9. take off
v. 起飞
10. land
v. 降落
Lesson 1 Telephone Call for Information
Words Study: Task② Please remember the new words as quickly as you can! Then write down the Chinese for each word.
5. _D_u_e__to__th_e____ bad weather conditions, this flight will not
arrive _o_n__s_ch_e_d_u_l_e__.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
❖ What contents does the assigning the task consist of?
❖ I will assign the task by seniority and qualifications for the coming flight.
Sentence patterns Self –introduction May I introduce myself ? My name is I want to introduce myself. Let me introduce myself.
❖ What are they doing according to the picture?
❖ What do they usually discuss at this meeting?
New words and expressions
Briefing 准备会 preflight briefing
民航客舱服务实用英 语
Main idea:
❖ New words and expressions: ❖ Dialogues: ❖ Sentence patterns: ❖ Act out:
❖ What kinds of people are there in the picture?
❖ How about the distance from Hangzhou to Hong Kong?
❖ What coຫໍສະໝຸດ tents does the flight ❖ Information consist of?
Dialogue three flight route
❖ What contents does the flight route consist of?
How to greet other or how to introduce yourself in English
❖ How do you do! ❖ Nice to meet you。 ❖ My name is ❖ This is
Listen to dialogue two flight information
素食者 first class 头等仓 economy class 经 济舱 business class 商务舱 special passenger 特殊乘客 vip 重要人士 Announcement 广播词 cabin Check 客舱检查
New words and expressions
Christine is going to give some flight information and assign the task.
❖理论部分结束 ❖谢谢
❖ 作业 背单词 翻译第4页的第二题
❖ Can you tell me how many passengers are checked in first class and economy class?
❖ How about the special ❖ passengers?
Dialogue six assigns the task
purser 乘务长
Aircraft type 机型 Boeing 777
波音777 estimated flight time
预计飞行时间 flight route 飞行线
New words and expressions
Arrival time 抵达时间 cabin service 客舱服务 Passenger information 乘客信息 vegetarian
Sentence patterns Introduction others Please allow me to introduce you to. I would like you to meet. This is
Act out After Shirley’s self-introduction, senior purser
❖ Procedure 程序,过程,步骤 airbus 340 空客
aircraft 飞机
❖ Pilot 飞行员
flight deck 驾驶仓
❖ Initial flight 首航
Please listen to dialogue one
❖ How to greet other? ❖ How to introduce yourself to other?
❖ It will clear up in Macao today. The temperature rises to and drops to with breeze.
Dialogue five passenger information
❖ What contents does the passenger information consist of?
❖ We are bound for Sydney and the flight time is , the departure time is and the arrival time is .
Dialogue four weather condition
❖ What contents does the weather condition consist of?
❖ I will assign the task by seniority and qualifications for the coming flight.
Sentence patterns Self –introduction May I introduce myself ? My name is I want to introduce myself. Let me introduce myself.
❖ What are they doing according to the picture?
❖ What do they usually discuss at this meeting?
New words and expressions
Briefing 准备会 preflight briefing
民航客舱服务实用英 语
Main idea:
❖ New words and expressions: ❖ Dialogues: ❖ Sentence patterns: ❖ Act out:
❖ What kinds of people are there in the picture?
❖ How about the distance from Hangzhou to Hong Kong?
❖ What coຫໍສະໝຸດ tents does the flight ❖ Information consist of?
Dialogue three flight route
❖ What contents does the flight route consist of?
How to greet other or how to introduce yourself in English
❖ How do you do! ❖ Nice to meet you。 ❖ My name is ❖ This is
Listen to dialogue two flight information
素食者 first class 头等仓 economy class 经 济舱 business class 商务舱 special passenger 特殊乘客 vip 重要人士 Announcement 广播词 cabin Check 客舱检查
New words and expressions
Christine is going to give some flight information and assign the task.
❖理论部分结束 ❖谢谢
❖ 作业 背单词 翻译第4页的第二题
❖ Can you tell me how many passengers are checked in first class and economy class?
❖ How about the special ❖ passengers?
Dialogue six assigns the task
purser 乘务长
Aircraft type 机型 Boeing 777
波音777 estimated flight time
预计飞行时间 flight route 飞行线
New words and expressions
Arrival time 抵达时间 cabin service 客舱服务 Passenger information 乘客信息 vegetarian
Sentence patterns Introduction others Please allow me to introduce you to. I would like you to meet. This is
Act out After Shirley’s self-introduction, senior purser
❖ Procedure 程序,过程,步骤 airbus 340 空客
aircraft 飞机
❖ Pilot 飞行员
flight deck 驾驶仓
❖ Initial flight 首航
Please listen to dialogue one
❖ How to greet other? ❖ How to introduce yourself to other?
❖ It will clear up in Macao today. The temperature rises to and drops to with breeze.
Dialogue five passenger information
❖ What contents does the passenger information consist of?
❖ We are bound for Sydney and the flight time is , the departure time is and the arrival time is .
Dialogue four weather condition
❖ What contents does the weather condition consist of?