Epoxy Adhesive 2216 BA 胶粘剂
常用塑料助剂英文缩写英文简称中文全称作用AC 偶氮二甲酰胺发泡剂ACR 丙烯酸酯加工助剂兼抗冲改性剂BaSt 硬脂酸钡热稳定剂BBP邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯增塑剂BPBG丁基邻苯二甲酰基甘醇酸丁酯增塑剂BR丁二烯橡胶BS硬脂酸正丁酯增塑剂CaCO3碳酸钙填充剂CaSt硬脂酸钙热稳定剂CdSt硬脂酸镉热稳定剂CPCB双季戊四醇己二酯增塑剂CR氯丁橡胶DAP邻苯二甲酸二戊酯增塑剂DBP邻苯二甲酸二丁酯增塑剂DBS癸二酸二丁酯增塑剂DBTL月桂酸二丁基锡稳定剂DCP邻苯二甲酸二仲辛酯增塑剂DCP过氧化二异丙苯交联剂DEP邻苯二甲酸二乙酯增塑剂DHP邻苯二甲酸二庚酯增塑剂DIBA己二酸二异丁酯增塑剂DIBS癸二酸二异丁酯增塑剂DIDP邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯增塑剂DIHP邻苯二甲酸二酯增塑剂DINP邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯增塑剂DIOA己二酸二异辛酯增塑剂DIOP邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯增塑剂DIOS癸二酸二异辛酯增塑剂DIOZ壬二酸二异辛酯增塑剂DLTP硫代二丙酸二月桂酯辅助抗氧剂DMEP邻苯二甲酸二甲氧基乙酯增塑剂DMP邻苯二甲酸二甲酯增塑剂DNOP邻苯二甲酸二正辛酯增塑剂DNP邻苯二甲酸2,3-二甲基己酯增塑剂DNP苯基对苯二胺抗氧剂DOA己二酸二辛酯增塑剂DOP邻苯二甲酸二辛酯增塑剂DOS癸二酸二辛酯增塑剂DOTP对苯二甲酸二辛酯增塑剂DOZ壬二酸二辛酯增塑剂DPOP磷酸二苯异辛酯增塑剂DSTP硫代二丙烯二硬脂基酯辅助抗氧剂DTBP二叔丁基过氧化物交联剂DTDP邻苯二甲酸二(十三)酯增塑剂ED3环氧脂肪氧酸辛酯增塑剂兼稳定剂ELO环氧亚麻籽油增塑剂EPDM乙烯-丙烯-二烯类三元共聚物(三元乙丙胶)抗冲改性剂EPM 二元乙丙胶EPR 乙丙橡胶ESO 环氧大豆油增塑剂兼稳定剂HSt 硬脂酸润滑剂IIR 丁基橡胶K胶苯乙烯-丁二烯共聚物抗冲改性剂M-50 烷基磺酸苯酯增塑剂MPCS 五氯硬脂酸甲酯增塑剂NBR 丁睛橡胶抗冲改性剂NR 天然橡胶ODP 磷酸二苯-辛酯增塑剂PbSt 硬脂酸铅热稳定剂PCL 氯化石蜡增塑剂兼阻燃剂PCP 五氯苯酚防霉剂PDOP 亚磷酸苯二异辛酯螯合剂SBR 丁苯橡胶Sb2O3 三氧化二锑阻燃剂SBS 苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯三元嵌段共聚物抗冲改性剂SiO2 二氧化硅(白碳黑)填充剂兼增强剂T-50 烷基磺酸苯酯辅助增塑剂TBP 磷酸三丁酯增塑剂TCEP 磷酸三(乙-氯乙)酯增塑剂TCP 磷酸三甲苯酯增塑剂TEP 磷酸三乙酯增塑剂TiO2 二氧化钛(钛白粉)着色剂兼光稳定剂TNP 亚磷酸三(壬基苯基)酯抗氧剂TOP 磷酸三辛酯增塑剂TOTM 偏苯三酸三辛酯增塑剂TPP 磷酸三苯酯增塑剂TPR 热塑性橡胶TVS8813,8831 有机锡稳定剂热稳定剂TXP 磷酸三(二甲苯)酯增塑剂UV-9,531,327 抗紫外线剂光稳定剂WAX 石蜡润滑剂ZnO 氧化锌光稳定剂ZnSt 硬脂酸锌热稳定剂。
巴斯夫T U P 等工程塑料用于宝马防撞 靠枕
宝 马汽车公司( Mw) B 最近 开始使用活动防撞击靠枕 ,其动力学框 架 主要使用巴斯夫的工程塑料。 该塑料框架 由美国( W) I 伊利诺 公司设在德国R tn e 的全 自动装备 T oi n tg 厂生产 ,然后 由位 于安 贝格市 巴伐利 亚镇的G a r mme公司组装成靠枕。 r
至 1 元 ,涉5 0 万股 新股 ,最多集 用于汽车 、拖拉机和铁道车辆 的悬架系统 。公司相关人员表示 ,新型弹 . 2 .0 0
簧将为板弹簧行业带来变革 ,有助于汽车轻量化和节能降耗。
综 合媒体 消息 , 中国汽车 内饰 以配售形 式到创 业板上市 。招 股文 件显示,配售 价介乎08 1 元,涉 . . 至 2 5 0 万股新股 ,最多集6 0 万元 。 。0 0 ,0 0
5起 。 o 然 而 ,今年 欧洲 汽车 零部件 并
聚氨酯全球 创新领袖陶氏汽车系统事业部目 前新推出两款牌号 为B T FL 5和B T MA E E A I 5 E A T 6 的多功能胶粘密封剂产品。 5 牌号为B T FL 5 E A IL5 的多功能单组分湿 固化
胶粘 密封 剂 具有 优 异 的密 封 性 能 、持 久 的 弹性 以
在这个过程 中,巴斯夫 公司不仅提供给I w公司各种牌 号的材料 ,包括 T Ut drB 3 0 6P T 、Ut m dB E 3P 6、Ut m d K P 6)l lau 4 0G (B ) la i  ̄ 3 G ( ) la i A3 (A 6Y r  ̄ r A r f l Eat a ̄1 ,而且还提供计算机辅助 工程计算和头部冲击测试 。 l o nfP sU ] 宝 马公司的使用t t dr,Ut m 和Eatln材料制成的防撞击 n au ̄ la i r r l o a ̄ s l
环氧树脂胶粘剂英语英文回答:Epoxy adhesives are a type of structural adhesive that is widely used in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, and construction. They are known for their excellent bonding strength, durability, and resistance to chemicals and environmental factors. Epoxy adhesives are typically formulated using two components: a resin and a hardener. The resin is the main adhesive component, while the hardener initiates the curing process. When the two components are mixed together, they react to form a strong, cross-linked polymer network that provides the adhesive bond.Epoxy adhesives offer several advantages over other types of adhesives. They have high shear and peel strength, making them ideal for applications where the bonded jointis subjected to significant stress. Epoxy adhesives also exhibit good impact resistance and fatigue strength,ensuring the longevity of the bond under dynamic loading conditions. Additionally, epoxy adhesives have excellent chemical resistance, making them suitable for use in environments with exposure to solvents, acids, and bases.The bonding process of epoxy adhesives involves several steps. The first step is surface preparation, which includes cleaning and roughening the surfaces to be bonded to ensure proper adhesion. The next step is mixing the resin and hardener components in the correct proportions, typically using a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio. The mixed adhesive is then applied to one of the surfaces to be bonded, and the two surfaces are brought together and held in place until the adhesive cures. The curing time of epoxy adhesives can vary depending on the specific formulation and the temperature at which they are applied.中文回答:环氧树脂胶粘剂是一种广泛应用于航空航天、汽车和建筑等行业的结构胶粘剂。
3M胶⽔规格说明书TDS3M ? Scotch-Weld ? Structural AdhesivesLoad-bearing formulations for metals,rubber, glass and more.As an alternative to mechanical or fusion fastening, the reasons for Scotch-Weld Adhesives are many: greater design latitude, cleaner lines, material sub-stitution, less machining, lighter weight, more dura-bility, and often less cost.To meet application and end-use requirements you can select from one-part heat-curing epoxies, and two-part room-temperature curing epoxies, acrylics and urethanes. There are formulations for bonding steel, aluminum, copper, low surface energy plas-tics, rubber, glass, wood, masonry and more.Whatever properties you need–durable adhesion, flexibility, creep resistance, heat and environmental resistance, void-filling —you’ll likely find a Scotch-Weld product to meet your requirements and expectations.3M has long been recognized as a pioneer in struc -tural strength adhesives. But to meet end use perfor -mance requirements doesn’t just mean providing the right chemical formula. Which is why 3M also develops dispensing systems to facilitate production in low and high volume assembly. Many two-part 3M formulations are available in Duo-Pak cartridges for dispensing with a manual or pneumatic 3M ?EPX ? Applicator.Aircraft entry steps – Brush-applied 2-part Bicycle frame assembly – 3M ? Sco tch-Weld ? Bonding magnets to steel rotor –Bonds 3M ? Sco tch-Weld ? Adhesive 2216 B/A provides a Epoxy Adhesive DP-420 bonds steel couplings made with 2-part 3M ? Sco tch-Weld ? Epoxytough, flexible bond between honeycomb and the into aluminum tubing of the frame. Couplings are Adhesive DP-460 cure at room temperature and framework in entry step panels of commuter air-threaded for easy assembly and disassembly. The reach 4500 psi in overlap shear strength. Void-fill-craft.toughened epoxy bonds for the long run in ing properties secure loose fitting surfaces.high stress areas.Ellsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-0698Product Information: 3M? Scotch-Weld?Adhesives in Duo-Pak CartridgesWe are on the web@ /doc/d89c2de49b89680203d8250d.html Product Information: 3M ?Scotch-Weld ?Two-Part StructuralProduct Information: 3M ? Scotch-Weld ?Adhesives in Duo-Pak Cartridges (cont.) Average Overlap Mix Approximate Approximate T-Peel PSI Ratio Viscosity Worklife At 75°F Product(Volume) 75°F (24°C) At 75°F (24°C) -67°F 75°F 180°F 250°F (Color)FeaturesB:A (CPS) (24°C) PIW (-55°C) (24°C) (82°C) (121°C)DP-8005 ? Structurally bonds polyolefins without 10:127,5002.5-3 Min.16–2000340– Off-White, surface preparation ? Excellent Black environmental resistance ? 2-3 hourhandling strengthD u o -P a k C a r t r i d g e sSizes 35ml 250mlGal Pail DrumAverage Overlap Shear StrengthMix Approximate Approximate T-Peel PSI Ratio Viscosity WorklifeAt 75°FProduct (Volume) 75°F (24°C) At 75°F (24°C) -67°F 75°F180°F 250°F(Color) FeaturesB:A (CPS) (24°C) PIW (-55°C) (24°C) (82°C) (121°C) 1751 B/A ? Long worklife adhesive ? Rigid epoxy 3:2700,00045 Min.414002000500300Gray8-12 hrs. handling strengthExcellent void filler and machinable for many "Body Solder" applications 1838 B/ALong worklife adhesive Rigid epoxy 4:5 400,000 60 Min. 4 1500 3000 500 300Green8-12 hrs. handling strength Meets MIL-A-23941AExcellent Environmental Resistance 1838 B/A Long worklife adhesive Rigid epoxy 6:5 250,000 60 Min. 5 1500 3000 500 300Tanof B/A 1838 Green Adhesive1838-L B/A ? Long worklife adhesive ? Rigid epoxy 1:1 10,000 60 Min. 5 2000 3000 400 200Translucent ? 8-12 hrs. handling strengthTranslucent, low viscosity version of 1838 B/A Green Adhesive 2158 B/A Long worklife adhesive Rigid epoxy 1:1 375,000 120 Min. 4 1700 2000 400 300Gray ? 8-12 hrs. handling strength ? General purpose product2216 B/A ? Long worklife adhesive? Flexible epoxy 2:3 80,000 90 Min. 25 2000 2500 400 200Gray8-12 hrs. handling strengthCan bond plastic, metal and other dissimilar materials2216 B/A ? Long worklife adhesive? Flexible epoxy 2:3 350,000 90 Min. 252000 2500 400 200Tan ? 8-12 hrs. handling strengthNon sag2216 B/A ? Long worklife adhesive? Flexible epoxy 1:1 10,000 120 Min. 25 3000 2000 200 100Translucent ? 16-20 hrs. handling strengthTranslucent versionof 2216 B/A Gray Adhesive 3501 B/A ? Fast cure adhesive ? Rigid epoxy 1:1 500,000 7 Min. 5 1500 2400 300 200 Gray20-30 minutes handling strengththat can bond metal, wood, most plastics and masonry products 3532 B/A ? Fast cure adhesive1:1 30,000 7 Min. 25 2500 2000 300 150Brown20-30 min. handling strength Semi-rigid urethaneRapid cure for flexible bonds of many plastics, wood, and rubber 3535 B/A Very fast cure adhesive1:1 30,000 3 Min. 25 2500 2000 300 150Off-White15-20 min. handling strength Semi-rigid urethane Faster setting version of 3532 B/A Adhesive 3549 B/A Long worklife adhesive 1:1 30,000 60 Min. 25 2500 2000 300 150Brown2-4 hrs. handling strength Semi-rigid urethane Longer worklife version of 3532 B/A AdhesiveT w o -P a r t U r e t h a n e A d h e s i v e sT w o -P a r t E p o x y A d h e s i v e sSizes 2oz, Pt Qt, Gal Pail 2oz, Pt, Qt Gal, PailQt, Pail2oz, Pt, Qt Gal, Pail2oz, Pt, Qt Gal, Pail Pail2oz, Pt, Qt Gal, Pail Pail2oz, Pt, Qt Gal, Pail2oz, Pt Gal2oz, Pt Pail2oz, Pt2oz, Pt PailS h ear Strengt h8-12 hrs. handling strength Tan version Tan version of 2216 B/A Gray Adhesive Rapid room temperature curing material Ellsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-0698 Product Information: 3M? Scotch-Weld? One-Part Epoxy Adhesives; Metal PrimersWe are on the web@ /doc/d89c2de49b89680203d8250d.html3M? Scotch-Weld? Electronic Grade Epoxy AdhesivesHigh-performance specifically for demanding electronics applications.For assembly of sophisticated electronics where outgassing and corrosion of adhesive bonds are a concern, Scotch-Weld Electronic Grade (EG) epoxies are the advanced alternative to mechanical fasteners and lower-grade adhesives. These 2-part epoxies produce far lower contamination levels of ionic and outgassing impurities than typical epoxy adhesives. Chloride content is lower than standard industrial counterparts.Targeted dispensing is easy with the3M? EPX? Applicator System. Duo-Pak cartridges with long shelf life are stored at room temperature for added convenience in many oper-ations.17Component rigidization –3M? Scotch-Weld? Voice coil assembly – Controlled flow ofEpoxy Adhesive DP-125EG reaches handling 3M? Scotch-Weld? Epoxy Adhesive DP-460EG strength within 3 hours at room temperature. provides a clear, targeted application in bonding Stabilizes board components with 1500 psi the coil into the head gimble assembly.shear strength and 20 piw.Ellsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-06983M? Scotch-Weld? Film AdhesivesFilm adhesives for the best combination of fatigue resistance and highest performance.Film adhesives can be formulated with the highest performance level of all structural strength adhesives available. Scotch-WeldFilm Adhesives offer the best combinationof shear and peel strength, plus shock and fatigue resistance. They also provideseveral other advantages:Uniform adhesive thicknessthroughout joints for an even, securebond line.Adhesive confined to immediatebonding area for a clean operationand less waste.Simple application for fast assembly.Stability for extended usability andshelf life.Precise fit – Available in various thicknesses Simultaneously seal and bond – In metal-and widths, 3M? Scotch-Weld? Film Adhesive to-metal lamination 3M? Scotch-Weld? Film can be die-cut into shapes to facilitate bonding of Adhesives bond with up to 4800 psi shear complex parts. strength and provide a barrier against water,fuels, and oil.We are on the web@ /doc/d89c2de49b89680203d8250d.html3M? Pronto? Instant AdhesivesFast bonding with the rightcombination of strength, curetime and viscosity.For speed and performance, you’ll likely find a product in this line with precisely the right combination of bond strength, cure time and viscosity.These one-part cyanoacrylate adhesives rapidly reach handling strength at room tem-perature without a catalyst. On many applica-tions, bonds reach handling strength in 5–10seconds and 80% of full strength in an hour.A single drop per square inch can bond manyplastics, rubber, metal and more with tensilestrength up to 5000 PSI.Depending on the specific formulation, youhave the following features: resistance tofuels, lubricating oils and other chemicals from-40°F to 200°F (-40°C to 93°C); gap filling;extended cure rates for repositionability; highpeel and impact strength; conformance toMIL-Spec A-46050C.With 3M? Pronto? Instant Adhesives appli-cation is easy from their own containers orthrough intermediate manual dispensers or auto-mated systems. Curing requires no expensiveequipment or fixturing.A single drop of 3M? Pronto? Instant To bond a flexible PVC mat into a high 3M? Pronto? Instant Adhesive CA-8 is an Adhesive quickly bonds many plastics, rubber, impact polystyrene turntable, 3M? Pronto? Instant excellent multi-purpose product for use in a variety metal and more. Adhesive CA-40H provides high viscosity and a of assembly applications. slower set time to meet handling requirements.Architectural pottery – For repair of fiber-3M? Pronto? Instant Adhesive CA-40 works Veneer and wood repair – 3M? Pronto? glass/ concrete cast pottery, 3M? Pronto? Instant on many problem surfaces where other adhesives Instant Adhesive CA-40H is a high viscosity Adhesive CA-50 Gel bonds with high tensile and may fail, such as bonding EPDM rubber. liquid for void filing between veneer and core. A shear strength. Non-sagging formulation applies light spray of 3M? Pronto? Surface Activator over neatly when bonding curved surfaces. the adhesive before assembly accelerates curingspeed.Product Information: 3M? Pronto? Instant AdhesivesEllsworth Adhesives“Your One- Stop Shop”Adhesive & chemical products from allthe top manufacturersDispensing equipment-manual to fully automaticComplete tech support (inside and out) An outside sales staff that is very willing to serve (most are degreed engineers) Custom packaging to your specification We are easy to reach:in person-check the location nearestyou on the phone -1-800-888-0698over the internet @/doc/d89c2de49b89680203d8250d.html Have an application problem? CallEllsworth Adhesives at 1-800-888-0698We are on the web@ /doc/d89c2de49b89680203d8250d.html3M? Jet-Weld? Thermoset Adhesive SystemHot melt speed and structuralstrength performance in thepalm of your hand.This single system combines many production benefits typical of hot melt adhesives and bond performance usually associated with 2-part structural adhesives.Fast initial set can help you reduce costs. Fast handling strength helps eliminate or minimize fixturing and speed assembly.One-component, moisture-curingformulation eliminates metering, mixing and curing equipment. And 100% solids give you a low-VOC adhe-sive system with no drying equipment and no attack on plastics.With the long bonding range and initial repositionability, assembly of complex parts is easier. Bond lines are thin, flexible and tough for improved part fit, appearance and rugged performance.Combine this versatility with the applicator's portability, and you have a system that can adapt readily to many of your production requirements.The 3M? Jet-Weld? II Applicator and moisture-curing urethane adhesives put a powerful production capability in your assembly operation. Bond strength approaches the high end of the performance range, exceeding many con-ventional hot melts and PVA (polyvinyl acetate) adhesives. Bond wood, plastics, rubber, dissimilar materials, plasti-cized vinyls, and more.Decorator tables – 3M?Jet-Weld?Adhesive Trade show booths –3M?Jet-Weld?Adhesive Speaker assemblies – Flexible, tough bond performs multiple tasks including V-groove bonds extruded aluminum bracket to laminate lines of 3M?Jet-Weld? Adhesive holdbonding at the table joints. covering of honeycomb panel. Bracket is for dissimilar materials and multiple components. hanging graphics.High performance gliding windows – With Bent wood furniture – With 100% solids 3M? Wood furniture – 3M? Jet-Weld? Adhesive is fast handling strength, 3M?Jet-Weld?Adhesive Jet-Weld?Adhesive, a manufacturer holds the aes-easily applied as a bead for bonding wood helps speed the bonding of interior wood trim thetic contours of unique bentwood furniture. furniture and cabinet components. Fastto the vinyl sash. handling strength helps speed production. Ellsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-0698Product Information: 3M? Jet-Weld?Adhesives1 234Job-matched tips –1) Threaded cap for sealing tip after use.2) Extension tip for improved sight linein hard-to-reach areas.3) .062" tip for low flow applications.4) .125" tip for high flow applications. .090" tip standard on 3M?Jet-Weld?II Applicator. Container sizes to meet your production volume – ? 10 fl.oz. cartridges 2k foil packsGallon pail5 gallon pail55 gallon drumWe are on the web@ /doc/d89c2de49b89680203d8250d.html3M Light Cure AdhesivesSelect UV curing versions for thin films and coatings, and bonding heat-sensitive substrates. For curing through thicker sections, visible light formulations cure to depths of 2" to almost 4".For visible light, the 3M Curing Light VL1 (at right) is a compact and convenient hand tool for spot curing.Wire tacking – To reduce processing time, Potting – All 3M ?Light Cure Adhesives feature 3M ? Light Cure Adhesives cure on demand superior depth of cure for potting applications.with exposure to UV or visible light.Precision bonding, potting, encap-sulation, tacking, andmore at the speed of light.With cure speeds generally less than 5 seconds, you can raise the speed limit for many electronics assem-bly applications. These specialized acrylate formula-tions cure on demand when exposed to UV or visible light. And for precision targeting and placement, each adhesive in the line is available in 3, 5, 10, and 30ml EFD ?-compatible syringes.Use with manual, semi-automatic, or fully automatic dispensing systems to meet your production require-ments for encapsulation, potting, fixturing, wire tacking, sealing, conformal coating, and lens bonding.Ellsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-06983M ? Fastbond ? and Scotch-Grip ? Contact AdhesivesA tradition of 40 years and the performance you’ll want for a long time to come.This line offers a wide range of choices for con-tact adhesive applications. Select from bonding ranges, strengths, solids content, and solvent or water-based formulations to meet requirements for bonding laminate, foam, and more. In the line, you’ll find the water-basedpioneer 3M ? Fastbond ? Contact Adhesive 30 NF – proven for almost 40 years in cabinet shops and still in compliance with current and current-ly proposed air quality regulations. Plus, there’s the latest innovation – 3M ? Fastbond ? Contact Adhesive 2000-NF with handling speed exceed-ing most solvent-based systems and up to 350 psi in overlap shear.The Fastbond Water-Based StoryWhile competition pressures you to improve productivity, regulatorylegislation demands that you move toward more environmentally-responsible tech-nologies. Some local and regional regula -tions have made traditional solvent-based contact adhesives virtually obsolete. Fastbond is the 3M trademark on a contin-ually growing line of water-based adhesives that are helping many industries meet the challenge right now and aim for the fore-seeable future. By replacing solvent-based adhesives, compliance is getting easier in Tabletop lamination – With 3M ? Fastbond ?Foam fabrication –In compound cushion more and more applications.Contact Adhesive 2000-NF, you get three times the cov-assembly, high tack 3M ? Fastbond ? Foam erage of a typical solvent-based system. For produc-Adhesive 100 holds curves in seconds. Lighter tion speed, you go from spray to trim in seconds.density foam is adhered around the higher density core with a smooth rounded edge.Buy only the quantity you need – Depending on the specific 3M ? Fastbond ? Adhesive, you can select quart or gallon jugsfor convenient handling, or 5-gallon pails and 55-gallon drums for largebulk dispensing.Upholstered household furniture – 3M ? Fastbond ? Foam Adhesive 100 quickly bonds substrates throughout chairs and couches. Bond foam to foam and fiber fill, foam to wood, fiber fill to fabric, and more. Cabinet assembly – 3M ? Fastbond ? Contact Adhesive 30-NF is a formulation proven in shops for four decades. Combines open time of up to 4 hours with high immediate bond strength. Apply with roller, brush, or spray gun.Marine carpeting – In bonding carpet to fiberglass flooring and steps, 3M ? Fastbond ?Contact Adhesive 2000-NF helps withstand the foot traffic and moisture in boat cabins.Product Information: 3M ? Fastbond ? Contact Adhesives, Water-BasedProduct Information: 3M ? Scotch-Grip ? Contact Adhesives************************************/minuteseparationrate.*********************************/minuteseparationrate.Note: 3M ? Hi-Strength 90 Adhesive, a Note: Flash Point (closed cup) in all Fastbond Adhesives: None. popular 3M aerosol adhesive, is now also available in bulk form.We are on the web@/doc/d89c2de49b89680203d8250d.html3M ? Fastbond ? and Scotch-Grip ?AdhesivesInnovative answers toa wide variety of non-struc-tural bonding challenges.3M ? Scotch-Grip ? Adhesives are industrial tools designed to provide innovative answers to a wide variety of non-structural bonding problems.Some formulations are tailored to specific types of applications such as Scotch-Grip Plastic Adhesives. These high strength, fast drying elastomers bond polycarbonate, vinyl, and many other plastics to themselves and materials such as wood or metal. With Scotch-Grip Rubber and Gasket Adhesives you can easily bond neoprene, EPDM, and many more.Other Scotch-Grip Adhesives are multi-purpose and used worldwide in hundreds of different product assembly operations. If you’re looking for a reliable non-structural adhesive, you’re likely to find just what you need in the Scotch-Grip Adhesives line backed with more than 50 years of 3M adhesives research and engineering.Containers to meet your production requirements – Depending on the specific 3M ? Scotch-Grip ? Adhesive, you can select drums, cans, pails, or handy tubes.These collapsible tubes are self-containedlightweight applicators to give you “take-it-to-the-job” convenience for multi-station or low volume assembly and field repairs.Pinball machine refurbishing – 3M ? Scotch-Grip ? Plastic Adhesive 4693H bonds and seals decorative translucent plastic inserts into the underside of the playing surface. Up to 60 minutebonding range with contact bond properties.Light fixture assembly – To prevent moisture Chemical drum gasket – With excellent penetration, a pressure flow gun applies 3M ?resistance to fuel and oil, 3M ? Scotch-Grip ?Scotch-Grip ? Rubber and Gasket Adhesive to bond a Rubber and Gasket Adhesive 847 bonds and seals rubber gasket into a commercial light fixture cover.drum gaskets in place. Very low VOC formulation.Display board – 3M ? Scotch-Grip ? Plastic Adhesive 1099 bonds wood flooring samples to a plastic display board with overlap shear strength ofmore than 385 psi. Very low VOC formulation.Washing machine repair – 3M ? Scotch-Grip ? Rubber and Gasket Adhesive 1300 bonds with high immediate strength and seals the doughnut ring seal in the outer tub. Bond line resists up to 300°F (149°C).Sporting goods – In bonding plastic feathers and nocks onto arrow shafts, fast-tacking 3M ?Scotch-Grip ? Plastic Adhesive 4475 dries quickly to a firm bond. Resists plasticizers, water, and heat up 200°F (93°C). Product Information: 3M? Scotch-Grip? Plastic AdhesivesEllsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-0698Product Information: 3M Insulation and Light DutyAdhesivesHVAC duct insulation – Easy and economicalto apply, 3M? Fastbond? Insulation Adhesive 49 is asingle-component water-based pressure sensitiveformulation with instant tack to speed assembly. We are on the web@ /doc/d89c2de49b89680203d8250d.htmlNote: 3M? Super 77? Adhesive, a popular aerosol adhesive, is now available in bulk form for high vol-ume applications on many light-weight materials.3M Sealant TechnologiesSolutions for the elements from windows to ductwork.Air, water, dirt, fuel, cold, heat – keeping these or other elements in or out is a challenge in applications as varied as windows and doors, truck lap seams, HVAC ductwork, vinyl siding, and livestock troughs. With 3M ? Scotch-Seal ? and Weatherban ? Sealants, you have a wide selection of solutions based on more than 50 years of development and innovation. Meeting your volume requirements – Depending on the formulation, 3M sealants are To meet your requirements, you’ll find formulations available in caulking cartridges, collapsible from acrylic to polyurethane, and forms from self-applicator tubes, pails, drums, or rolls. liquids to tapes.Ductwork – 3M ? Scotch-Seal ? Duct Sealer 900 fills gaps and cures quickly to a firm rubbery seal on medium and high pressure ductwork for heat-ing, ventilating, and air conditioning.Product Information: 3M ? Scotch-Seal ? and Weatherban ? SealantsProduct Information: 3M Aerosol AdhesivesProduct Information: 3M ? Hi-Strength 90 and Super 77?Adhesives in Bulk3M’s most popular aerosol adhesives are now available in bulk form. The following char-acteristics of interest to higher volume users supplement the chart above.We are on the web@/doc/d89c2de49b89680203d8250d.html 3M ? Shipping-Mate ? Aerosols for PackagingThe convenient system to help your package do its full job.A package performs three functions –containment, protection, and communication. The Shipping-Mate aerosol family can help you save time and effort for the full job. For containment in shipping and handling, rely on Shipping- Mate case sealing adhesive for neat, clean bonds with carton- tearing strength. For protection, you have fewer worries with Shipping-Mate palletizingadhesive stabilizing coated cartons or bags. For communica -tions, Shipping-Mate labeling adhesive bonds to even difficult sur- faces, and Shipping-Mate Box Re-nu covers unwanted printing to provide a new looking surface.3M aerosol chemicals contain no methylene chloride, chlorofluo -rocarbons (CFCs), or 1,1,1-trichlorethane (methyl chloroform).3M ? Shipping-Mate ? Case Sealing Adhesive3M ? Shipping-Mate ? Labeling Adhesive – 3M ? Shipping-Mate ? Box Re-nu Coating – – Helps save time and money if you fill miscellaneous Clear spray adhesive permanently bonds labels to To save the cost of new corrugated cartons, this orders, have cartons that come unglued, fill by hand, many problem surfaces such as glass, rubber, or easy- to-use aerosol covers most printing and or open and close for inspection. Quick drying to metal where other adhesives or gummed labels labels with permanent tan color for carton reuse. keep pace with your operation. may fail. Moisture-resistant formulation. Quick drying and long lasting.N/R = Not recommended AdhD T.M. C-700: 1/8" birch veneer bonded to 1/8" birch AdhD T.M. C-483; 500 g load for 1 hr. at noted temp. N/A = Not applicableveneer.All container sizes 24-fl. oz. except Box Re-nu AdhD T.M. C-449. Coating.Ellsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-0698。
%Epoxy resin adhesive, which has excellent adhesive properties, has been widely used, but its use in the high-performance area was limited by its poor thermal resistance, it should be improved. In this paper, several major methods about the modification of epoxy resin adhesives to improve its heat-resistant were reviewed. The methods included structural adjustment, heat-resistant curing agent, heat-resistant resin, inorganic nanoparticles, etc. The novel heat resistance epoxy resin and inorganic nano-materials modified epoxy resin had been hot research point.【期刊名称】《黑龙江科学》【年(卷),期】2015(000)006【总页数】4页(P16-19)【关键词】环氧树脂;胶黏剂;耐热;改性【作者】梁西良;王旭;王文博【作者单位】黑龙江省科学院高技术研究院,哈尔滨 150000;黑龙江省科学院高技术研究院,哈尔滨 150000;黑龙江省科学院石油化学研究院,哈尔滨 150000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ43环氧树脂(EP)胶黏剂具有黏附性能好、内聚强度高、低收缩性和耐化学腐蚀性佳等优点,应用范围很广。
3M2216胶水-灰色,属于:3M Scotch-Weld双组份结构型胶粘剂
● 8~12小时达到操作强度
3M2216胶水技术参数:粘度近似值75°F (24°C)(CPS):80000
75°F (24°C)时的操作时间近似值:90分钟
75°F (24°C)时的T型剥离(PIW):25
2.75°F (24°C):2500
1. 聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)聚二甲基硅氧烷是一种常见的抗粘剂成分,它具有低黏度和耐高温的特性。
2. 聚乙烯醇(PVA)聚乙烯醇在许多应用中作为流变调节剂使用,它可以使涂料和树脂具有更好的流动性和可调性。
4. 聚甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯(HEMA)PEG-PVA是一种常见的抗粘剂成分,它可以降低涂料和树脂的黏度和粘度,使其易于处理和使用。
6. 正硅酸铝纳米颗粒(Al2O3)正硅酸铝纳米颗粒可以增加材料的硬度和强度,提高材料的耐磨性和稳定性。
DP-190 3M胶水物理特性
![DP-190 3M胶水物理特性](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/84188404e87101f69e319565.png)
3Scotch-W eld TMEpoxy AdhesivesDP190 Translucent and GrayProduct Description3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive DP190 Translucent is a 1:1 mix ratio, fastercuring version of 3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive 2216 B/A Translucent.3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive DP190 Gray is a 1:1 by volume mix ratio of3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive 2216 B/A Gray and exhibits good peel, shearand environmental aging properties.Available in bulk containers as 3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive 190 B/ATranslucent and 190 B/A Gray.Features•90 minute worklife•High shear and peel strength•Flexible•1:1 mix ratio•Translucent or gray colorTypical Uncured Physical Properties Note:The following technical information and data should be considered representative or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.Scotch-Weld Scotch-WeldEpoxy Adhesive Epoxy AdhesiveDP190 Translucent DP190 Gray Base Resins Epoxy/Amine Epoxy/Amine Viscosity1, Approximate Base (B)2,000-8,000 cps75,000-150,000 cps @ 75°F Accelerator (A)7,000-15,000 cps40,000-80,000 cps Net Weight Base (B)9.3-9.711.0-11.4 (Lbs./gal.)Accelerator (A)8.2-8.610.6-11.0 Color Base (B)Clear White (Lbs./gal.)Accelerator (A)Amber GrayMix Ratio (B:A)By Volume1:11:1By Weight 1.15:1 1.06:1 Worklife2 2 gram80 min.—@ 73°F (23°C)20 gram60 min.90 min.Footnotes:1.Viscosity determined using 3M test method C-1D. Procedure involves Brookfield RVF, #7 spindle, 20 rpm and 80°F (26°C).Measurement taken after 1 minute rotation.2.Worklife determined using 3M test method C-3180. Procedure involves periodically measuring a 2 gram mixed mass for self-leveling and wetting properties. This time will also approximate the usable worklife in an 3M™EPX™Applicator mixing nozzle.Scotch-W eldTMEpoxy AdhesivesDP190 Translucent and Gray- 2 -Typical Cured Properties3M™Scotch-Weld™3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive Epoxy Adhesive DP190 TranslucentDP190 GrayColorT ranslucentGrayHardness (ASTM D 2240)Shore D 3560Worklife 280 minutes 90 minutes Tack-free Time 3~ 4 hrs ~ 6 hrs Time to Handling Strength 4 6 hrs 8-12 hrs Full Cure Time 514 days 7 days Elongation 6120%30%Tensile Strength 62750 psi3500 psiPhysicalScotch-Weld Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive Epoxy Adhesive DP190 Translucent DP190 Gray Weight Loss by Thermal Gravimetric 1% @ 390°F (199°C)1% @ 477°F (247°C)Analysis (TGA)75% @ 594°F (312°C)5% @ 639°F (337°C)Thermal Coefficient of Expansion (TCE)by TMA 8(∞x 10-6units/unit/°C)Below Tg86 (41-68°F 62 (41-68°F [5-20°C] range)[5-25°C] range)Above Tg166 (167-284°F 177 (167-284°F [75-140°C] range)[65-140°C] range)Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) by DCS 9Onset 50°F (10°C)45°F (7°C)Mid-Point80°F (27°C)68°F (20°C)Thermal Conductivity 10(@ 110°F on .250 in. samples)BTU - ft./ft.2- hr. - °F).079.220Cal./sec. - cm - °C).39 x 10-390.9 x 10-2Watt/m - °C.136.381Thermal Shock Resistance 11Potted Washer Olyphant Test Pass 5 cycles Pass 5 cycles (3M ITSD Test Method C-3174without crackingwithout cracking+100°C [air] to -50°C [liquid])ThermalScotch-Weld Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive Epoxy Adhesive DP190 TranslucentDP190 GrayDielectric Constant @ 1 KH Z @ 73°F (23°C)6.26.5(ASTM D 150)Dissipation Factor @ 1 KH Z @ 73°F (23°C)0.160.09(ASTM D 150)Dielectric Strength875 volts/mil 830 volts/mil (ASTM D 149)Sample Thickness Approx. 30 mil.Volume Resistivity7.5 x 1010ohm-cm5.0 x 1012ohm-cm(ASTM D 257)ElectricalNote:The following technical information and data should be considered representativeor typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.Footnotes:3.T ack-free time determined per 3Mtest method C-3173. Involves dispensing 0.5 gram amount of adhesive onto substrate and testing periodically for noadhesive transfer to metal spatula.4.Handling strength determined per3M test method C-3179. Time to handling strength taken to be that required to achieve a 50 psi OLS strength using aluminum substrates.5.The cure time is defined as thattime required for the adhesive to achieve a minimum of 80% of the ultimate strength as measured by aluminum-aluminum OLS.6.T ensile and Elongation. Usedprocedure in 3M test method C-3094/A TSM D 882. Samples were 2 in. dumbbells with .0125 in.neck and .030 in. samplethickness. Separation rate was 2inches per minute. Samples cured 2 hrs RT plus 2 hrs/ 160°F (71°C).7.Weight loss by TGA reported asthat temperature at which 5%weight loss occurs by TGA in air at 5°C rise per minute per ASTM 1131-86.8.TCE determined using TMAAnalyzer using a heating rate of 50°F (10°C) per minute. Second heat values given.9.Glass T ransition T emperature (Tg)determined using DSC Analyzer with a heating rate of 68°F (20°C)per minute. Second heat values given.10.Thermal conductivity determinedusing ASTM C177 and C-matic Instrument using 2 in. diameter samples.11.Thermal shock resistance run per3M test method C-3174. Involves potting a metal washer into a 2 in.x 0.5 in. thick section and cycling this test specimen to colder and colder temperatures.Scotch-W eldTMEpoxy AdhesivesDP190 Translucent and Gray- 3 -Typical Adhesive Performance Characteristics3M™Scotch-Weld™3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive Epoxy Adhesive DP190 TranslucentDP190 GrayEtched Aluminum 1800 psi 2500 psi Sanded Aluminum (60 grit)850 psi 1500 psi Cold Rolled Steel 850 psi 1400 psi Wood, Fir 650 psi 1100 psi Glass, Borosilicate260 psi 300 psi Glass, +3M™Scotch-Weld™Primer 3901300 psi 300 psi Polycarbonate 400 psi 800 psi Acrylic 350 psi 500 psi Fiberglass 1000 psi 1600 psi ABS 400 psi 700 psi PVC650 psi 800 psi Polypropylene90 psi50 psiOverlap Shear Strength (OLS) to 12(Bonds cured 24 hrs @ RT + 2 hrs 160°F [71°C])The following product performance data were obtained in the 3M laboratory under the conditions specified. The following data show typical results obtained with the 3M™Scotch-Weld™Adhesives when applied to properly prepared substrates, cured,and tested according to the specifications indicated. The data were generated using the 3M™EPX™Applicator System equipped with an EPX applicator static mixer,according to manufacturer’s directions. Thorough hand mixing should afford comparable results.Note:The following technical information and data should be considered representativeor typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.Scotch-Weld Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive Epoxy Adhesive DP190 TranslucentDP190 Gray1 hr @ RT 10 psi 10 psi 6 hrs @ RT 200 psi 50 psi 24 hrs @ RT 800 psi 1000 psi 7 days @ RT 1200 psi 2000 psi 1 mo @ RT 1800 psi 2200 psi 3 mos @ RT1800 psi2500 psiRate of Strength Buildup(OLS on Etched Aluminum)12Bonds tested after:Footnotes:12.Overlap shear (OLS) strengths were measured on 1 in. wide 1/2 in. overlap specimens. These bonds were madeindividually using 1 in. x 4 in. pieces of substrate. The thickness of the bond line was 0.005-0.008 in. All strengths were measured at 70°F (21°C) except were noted. (Test per ASTM D 1002-72.)The separation rate of the testing jaws was 0.1 in. per minute for metals, 2 in. per minute for plastics and 20 in. per minute for rubbers. The thickness of the substrates were: steel, 0.060 in.; other metals, 0.05-0.064 in.; rubber, 0.125 in.; plastics,0.125 in.Scotch-W eldTMEpoxy AdhesivesDP190 Translucent and Gray- 4 -Typical Adhesive Performance Characteristics (continued)Scotch-Weld Epoxy AdhesiveScotch-Weld Epoxy AdhesiveDP190 TranslucentDP190 Gray-67°F (-55°C)3500 psi 1500 psi 70°F (21°C)1200 psi 2500 psi 120°F (49°C)290 psi 1000 psi 150°F (66°C)200 psi 600 psi 180°F (82°C)160 psi400 psiOverlap Shear Strength vs Temperature 12(Bonds cured 24 hr @ RT + 2 hrs @ 160°F [71°C]) Bonds tested at:Scotch-Weld Epoxy AdhesiveScotch-Weld Epoxy AdhesiveDP190 TranslucentDP190 Gray-67°F (-55°C) 3 piw 3 piw 70°F (21°C 20 piw 20 piw 120°F (49°C) 3 piw 10 piw 150°F (66°C) 2 piw 4 piw 180°F (82°C)1 piw2 piw180°F Peel Strength vs Temperature 12(Bonds cured 24 hr @ RT + 4 hrs @ 160°F [71°C]) Bonds tested at:Scotch-Weld Epoxy AdhesiveScotch-Weld Epoxy AdhesiveDP190 TranslucentDP190 GrayAcetone A/A A/A Isopropyl Alcohol A/A A/A Freon TF A/A A/A Freon TMC A/B A/A 1,1,1-T richlorethane A/A A/A RMA FluxA/AA/AKey: A - Unaffected, B - Slight Attack, C - Moderate/Severe AttackSolvent Resistance 13One Hour/One MonthOne Hour/One Month3M™Scotch-Weld™3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive Epoxy Adhesive DP190 TranslucentDP190 Gray24 hrs RT + 2 hrs @ 160°F (71°C)1700 psi 2500 psi 24 hrs RT + 2 hrs @ 240°F (115°C)3200 psi 3000 psi 1 wk RT + wk @ 90°F/90% RH 1400 psi 2400 psi 1 wk RT + 1 wk 248°F (120°C)3500 psi 3500 psi 1 wk RT + 1 wk H 2O Immersion1700 psi2500 psiEnvironmental Aging(OLS on Etched Aluminum)12Bonds tested after:Note:The following technical information and data should be considered representativeor typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.Footnotes:12.Overlap shear (OLS) strengthswere measured on 1 in. wide 1/2in. overlap specimens. These bonds were made individually using 1 in. x 4 in. pieces of substrate. The thickness of the bond line was 0.005-0.008 in. All strengths were measured at 70°F (21°C) except were noted. (T est per ASTM D 1002-72.)The separation rate of the testing jaws was 0.1 in. per minute for metals, 2 in. per minute for plastics and 20 in. per minute for rubbers.The thickness of the substrates were: steel, 0.060 in.; other metals, 0.05-0.064 in.; rubber,0.125 in.; plastics, 0.125 in.13.Solvent resistance was determinedusing cured (24 hrs RT + 2 hrs 160°F [71°C] samples (1/2 in. x 4in. x 1/8 in. thickness) immersed in the test solvent for 1 hour and 1month. After the allotted period of time the sample was removed and visually examined for surfaceattack as compared to the control.Scotch-W eldTMEpoxy AdhesivesDP190 Translucent and Gray- 5 -3M ™EPX ™Pneumatic Applicator Delivery Rates6mm Nozzle 10mm Nozzle Adhesive*gms/minutegms/minute3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive DP190 Gray11.946.0200 ml Applicator – Maximum Pressure 58 psi1/4 in. Nozzle Adhesive*gms/minute3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive 112DP190 TranslucentScotch-Weld epoxy adhesive DP190 Gray 16.9Scotch-Weld epoxy adhesive DP190 Gray21.5 (nozzle cut back 2 divisions)Scotch-Weld epoxy adhesive DP190 100°F (38°C)41.150 ml Applicator – Maximum Pressure 50 psi*Tests were run at a temperature of 70°F ±2°F (21°C ±1°C) and at maximum applicator pressure.Handling/Curing InformationDirections For Use1.For high strength structural bonds, paints, oxide films, oils, dust, mold release agents and all other surface contaminants must be completely removed. However, the amount of surface preparation necessary directly depends on the required bond strength and the environmental aging resistance desired by the user. For suggested surface preparations on common substrates, see the section on surface preparation.2.MixingFor Duo Pak Cartridges3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesives DP190 Translucent and DP190 Gray are supplied in a dual syringe plastic duo-pak cartridge as part of the 3M™EPX™Applicator system.To use, simply insert the duo-pak cartridge into the EPX applicator and start the plunger into the cylinders using light pressure on the trigger. Next, remove the duo-pak cartridge cap and expel a small amount of adhesive to be sure both sides of the duo-pak cartridge are flowing evenly and freely. If automatic mixing of Part A and Part B is desired, attach the EPX applicator mixing nozzle to the duo-pak cartridge and begin dispensing the adhesive.For hand mixing, expel the desired amount of adhesive and mix thoroughly. Mix approximately 15 seconds after uniform color is obtained.For Bulk ContainersMix thoroughly by weight or volume in the proportions specified in the typical uncured properties section. Mix approximately 15 seconds after uniform color is obtained.3.For maximum bond strength, apply adhesive evenly to both surfaces to be joined.4.Application to the substrates should be made within 75 minutes. Larger quantities and/or higher temperatures will reduce this working time.5.Join the adhesive coated surfaces and allow to cure at 60°F (16°C) or above untilcompletely firm. Heat up to 200°F (93°C) will speed curing. These products will cure in 7 to 14 days @ 75°F (24°C).6.Keep parts from moving during cure. Contact pressure necessary. Maximum shear strength is obtained with a 3-5 mil bond line.7.Excess uncured adhesive can be cleaned up with ketone type solvents.**Note: When using solvents, extinguish all ignition sources, including pilot lights, and followmanufacturer’s precautions and directions for use.Adhesive Coverage (typical): A 0.005 in. thick bondline will yield a coverage of320 sq. ft./gallon.Scotch-W eldTMEpoxy AdhesivesDP190 Translucent and Gray- 6 -Surface PreparationFor high strength structural bonds, paint, oxide films, oils, dust, mold release agents and all other surface contaminants must be completely removed. However, the amount of surface preparation necessary directly depends on the required bond strength and the environmental aging resistance desired by the user.The following cleaning methods are suggested for common surfaces:Steel:1.Wipe free of dust with oil-free solvent such as acetone, isopropyl or alcohol solvents.*2.Sandblast or abrade using clean fine grit abrasives.3.Wipe again with solvent to remove loose particles.4.If a primer is used, it should be applied within 4 hours after surface preparation.If 3M™Scotch-Weld™Structural Adhesive Primer EC1945 B/A is used, apply a thin coating (0.5 mils) on the metal surfaces to be bonded, air dry for 10minutes, then cure for 30 minutes at 180°F (82°C) prior to bonding.Aluminum:1.Alkaline Degrease: Oakite 164 solution (9-11 oz./gallon water) at 190°F (87°C) ±10°F for 10-20 minutes. Rinse immediately in large quantities of cold running water.*2.Acid Etch: Place panels in the following solution for 10 minutes at 150°F (65°C) ±5°F.*Sodium Dichromate 4.1 - 4.9 oz./gallon Sulfuric Acid, 66°Be 38.5 - 41.5 oz./gallon 2024-T3 aluminum (dissolved)0.2 oz./gallon minimum Tap water as needed to balance3.Rinse: Rinse panels in clear running tap water.4.Dry: Air dry 15 minutes; force dry 10 minutes at 150°F (65°C) ±10°F.5.If primer is to be used, it should be applied within 4 hours after surface preparation.Plastics/Rubber:1.Wipe with isopropyl alcohol.*2.Abrade using fine grit abrasives.3.Wipe with isopropyl alcohol.*Glass:1.Solvent wipe surface using acetone or MEK.*2.Apply a thin coating (0.0001 in. or less) of 3M™Scotch-Weld™Metal Primer EC3901 or equivalent to the glass surfaces to be bonded and allow the primer to dry before bonding.*Note: When using solvents, extinguish all ignition sources, including pilot lights, andfollow manufacturer’s precautions and directions for use.Application Equipment SuggestionsFor smaller or intermittent applications, the 3M™EPX™Applicator is a convenient method of application.For larger applications these products may be applied by use of flow equipment.Two part meter/mixing/proportioning/dispensing equipment is available forintermittent or production line use. These systems may be desirable because of their variable shot size and flow rate characteristics and are adaptable to many applications.Scotch-W eldTMEpoxy AdhesivesDP190 Translucent and Gray- 7 -StorageStore products at 60-80°F (15-27°C) for maximum shelf life.Shelf LifeThese products have a shelf life of two years in their unopened original bulk containers and 15 months in duo-pak containers from date of shipment.Refer to Product Label and Material Safety Data Sheet for health and safety information before using this product. For additional health and safety information, call 1-800-364-3577 or (651) 737-6501.Precautionary InformationExcept where prohibited by law, 3M and seller will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted, including warranty, contract, negligence or strict liability.Limitation of LiabilityThis Industrial Adhesives and T apes Division product was manufactured under a 3M quality system registered to ISO9001 standards.T o request additional product information or to arrange for sales assistance, call toll free 1-800-362-3550 or visit /adhesives. Address correspondence to: 3M Industrial Adhesives and T apes Division,Building 21-1W-10, 900 Bush Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000. Our fax number is 651-778-4244. In Canada, phone: 1-800-364-3577. In Puerto Rico, phone: 1-787-750-3000. In Mexico, phone: 52-70-04-00.For Additional InformationAll statements, technical information and recommendations contained in this document are based upon tests or experience that 3M believes are reliable. However, many factors beyond 3M’s control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application, including the conditions underwhich the product is used and the time and environmental conditions in which the product is expected to perform. Since these factors are uniquely within the user’s knowledge and control, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for the user’s method of application.Product UseUnless stated otherwise in 3M’s product literature, packaging inserts or product packaging for individual products, 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable specifications at the time 3M ships the product. Individual products may have additional or different warranties as stated on product literature,package inserts or product packages. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANT ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A P ARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM OR USAGE OF TRADE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user’s application. If the 3M product is defective within the warranty period, your exclusive remedy and 3M’s and seller’s sole obligation will be, at 3M’s option, to replace the product or refund the purchase price.Warranty and Limited RemedyPrinted in U.S.A.©3M 200478-6900-2952-1(2/04)Recycled Paper 40% pre-consumer 10% post-consumer3Industrial BusinessIndustrial Adhesives and Tapes Division3M Center, Building 21-1W-10, 900 Bush Avenue St. Paul, MN 55144-1000。
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由于银粉和氧化铝及铁弗龙非常 薄及平坦很难加以量测或无法量测其 银粉 尺寸大小,所以一般以光扫描机来计算其 银粉尺寸大小。
控制黏度,热膨涨系数和导电/导热度Control of Viscosity,CTE and Electrical/Thermal Conductivity
银胶接合剂烘烤的化学性质 Cure chemistry for Epoxy system
R’ Epoxide Group
银胶制造流程 Epoxy adhesive Manufacturing Process
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半导体封装导电型黏着材料 银胶
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Epoxy adhesive composition
自酸蚀粘接剂 Self-Etch Adhesive 中文使用说明书
![自酸蚀粘接剂 Self-Etch Adhesive 中文使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3cadbda9afaad1f34693daef5ef7ba0d4a736d97.png)
XUY0384053L Ver.5自酸蚀粘接剂Self-Etch Adhesive中文使用说明书合树脂或复合体填充材料、粘固材料及核心制作材料配合使用。
这种粘接剂能被卤素光、LED 光聚合固化。
【适用范围】用于牙科修复时树脂基类的材料与牙齿的粘接:∙用于所有类型的光固化复合树脂或复合体充填材料(依据Black 窝洞分类)∙配合3M ESPE 生产的RelyX™ ARC 树脂粘固剂对由复合树脂或复合体、陶瓷或金属制成的间接修复物进行粘结∙用于光固化复合物制成的核心制作材料∙牙根表面脱敏∙修复复合树脂或复合体充填材料∙口腔内修复复合树脂、金属烤瓷及全瓷修复体【性能及结构】本产品由甲基丙烯酸酯、磷酸酯(MHP)和硅烷化硅石等构成。
∙应使用不含丁香酚的暂时性粘固剂进行临时性粘合,因为含有丁香酚的临时性粘固剂会消极影响Adper Easy One 的固化过程∙牙髓保护:通过在最接近牙髓的区域涂布一层少量坚固的氢氧化钙材料(例如3M ESPE公司生产的Alkaliner™),以避免刺激牙髓。
患者注意Adper Easy One中含有经皮肤接触可能在过敏体质的人员中引起过敏反应的物质。
牙科工作者注意Adper Easy One 中含有经皮肤接触可能在过敏体质的人员中引起过敏反应的物质。
2216e固体培养基配方1.氨基酸:- L-异亮氨酸 (L-Isoleucine): 0.02 g/L- L-亮氨酸 (L-Leucine): 0.02 g/L- L-缬氨酸 (L-Valine): 0.02 g/L2.碳源:- 葡萄糖(Glucose): 2 g/L3.氮源:- 氨基酸混合物 (Amino acid mixture): 5 g/L(包含L-谷氨酸、L-精氨酸、L-赖氨酸等氨基酸)4.无机盐:- 青霉素 (Penicillin): 0.1 g/L- 派瑞霉素 (Streptomycin): 0.1 g/L- 氯化钠 (Sodium chloride): 5 g/L- 磷酸二氢钾 (Potassium dihydrogen phosphate): 3 g/L - 硫酸镁 (Magnesium sulfate): 0.5 g/L- 硫酸汞 (Mercury sulfate): 0.001 g/L5.pH调节剂:- 磷酸二氢钠 (Sodium dihydrogen phosphate): 2.5 g/L- 三氧化二锰 (Manganese dioxide): 0.001 g/L6.硫源:- 硫酸亚铁 (Ferrous sulfate): 0.01 g/L以上是2216e固体培养基的基本配方,可以根据需要进行调整和修正。
3M 胶水 规格说明书 TDS
![3M 胶水 规格说明书 TDS](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d89c2de49b89680203d8250d.png)
Load-bearing formulations for metals,rubber, glass and more.As an alternative to mechanical or fusion fastening,the reasons for Scotch-Weld Adhesives are many:greater design latitude, cleaner lines, material sub-stitution, less machining, lighter weight, more dura-bility, and often less cost.To meet application and end-use requirements youcan select from one-part heat-curing epoxies, andtwo-part room-temperature curing epoxies, acrylicsand urethanes. There are formulations for bondingsteel, aluminum, copper, low surface energy plas-tics, rubber, glass, wood, masonry and more.Whatever properties you need–durable adhesion,flexibility, creep resistance, heat and environmentalresistance, void-filling—you’ll likely find a Scotch-Weld product to meet your requirements andexpectations.3M has long been recognized as a pioneer in struc -tural strength adhesives. But to meet end use perfor -mance requirements doesn’t just mean providing theright chemical formula. Which is why 3M also developsdispensing systems to facilitate production in low andhigh volume assembly. Many two-part 3M formulationsare available in Duo-Pak cartridges for dispensing with amanual or pneumatic 3M™EPX™ Applicator.Refrigerant coil – 3M™Sco tch-Weld™ Epoxy Retail store display columns – To maintainAdhesive 2214 bonds and seals coils with overlap the quality wood-like appearance, 3M™Scotch-shear strength of 4500 psi. One part eliminates Weld™ Structural Plastic Adhesive DP-8005 elimi-metering and mixing. nates screws, nails, and related surface finishing inAircraft entry steps – Brush-applied 2-part Bicycle frame assembly – 3M™ Sco tch-Weld™ Bonding magnets to steel rotor – Bonds 3M™ Sco tch-Weld™ Adhesive 2216 B/A provides a Epoxy Adhesive DP-420 bonds steel couplings made with 2-part 3M™ Sco tch-Weld™ Epoxy tough, flexible bond between honeycomb and the into aluminum tubing of the frame. Couplings are Adhesive DP-460 cure at room temperature and framework in entry step panels of commuter air-threaded for easy assembly and disassembly. The reach 4500 psi in overlap shear strength. Void-fill-craft. toughened epoxy bonds for the long run in ing properties secure loose fitting surfaces.high stress areas.Ellsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-0698Product Information: 3M™ Scotch-Weld™Adhesives in Duo-Pak CartridgesWe are on the web@ Product Information: 3M ™Scotch-Weld ™Two-Part StructuralProduct Information: 3M ™ Scotch-Weld ™Adhesives in Duo-Pak Cartridges (cont.)Average Overlap Mix Approximate Approximate T-Peel PSI Ratio Viscosity Worklife At 75°FProduct(Volume) 75°F (24°C) At 75°F (24°C) -67°F 75°F 180°F 250°F (Color)FeaturesB:A (CPS) (24°C) PIW (-55°C) (24°C) (82°C) (121°C)DP-8005 • Structurally bonds polyolefins without 10:127,5002.5-3 Min.16–2000340– Off-White, surface preparation • Excellent Black environmental resistance • 2-3 hourhandling strengthD u o -P a k C a r t r i d g e sSizes 35ml 250mlGal Pail DrumAverage Overlap Shear StrengthMix Approximate Approximate T-Peel PSI Ratio Viscosity WorklifeAt 75°FProduct (Volume) 75°F (24°C) At 75°F (24°C) -67°F 75°F180°F 250°F(Color) FeaturesB:A (CPS) (24°C) PIW (-55°C) (24°C) (82°C) (121°C) 1751 B/A • Long worklife adhesive • Rigid epoxy 3:2700,00045 Min.414002000500300Gray• 8-12 hrs. handling strength• Excellent void filler and machinable for many "Body Solder" applications 1838 B/A• Long worklife adhesive • Rigid epoxy 4:5 400,000 60 Min. 4 1500 3000 500 300Green• 8-12 hrs. handling strength • Meets MIL-A-23941A• Excellent Environmental Resistance 1838 B/A • Long worklife adhesive • Rigid epoxy 6:5 250,000 60 Min. 5 1500 3000 500 300Tanof B/A 1838 Green Adhesive1838-L B/A • Long worklife adhesive • Rigid epoxy 1:1 10,000 60 Min. 5 2000 3000 400 200Translucent • 8-12 hrs. handling strength• Translucent, low viscosity version of 1838 B/A Green Adhesive 2158 B/A • Long worklife adhesive • Rigid epoxy 1:1 375,000 120 Min. 4 1700 2000 400 300Gray • 8-12 hrs. handling strength • General purpose product2216 B/A • Long worklife adhesive• Flexible epoxy 2:3 80,000 90 Min. 25 2000 2500 400 200Gray• 8-12 hrs. handling strength• Can bond plastic, metal and other dissimilar materials2216 B/A • Long worklife adhesive• Flexible epoxy 2:3 350,000 90 Min. 25 2000 2500 400 200Tan • 8-12 hrs. handling strengthNon sag2216 B/A • Long worklife adhesive• Flexible epoxy 1:1 10,000 120 Min. 25 3000 2000 200 100Translucent • 16-20 hrs. handling strength• Translucent versionof 2216 B/A Gray Adhesive 3501 B/A • Fast cure adhesive • Rigid epoxy 1:1 500,000 7 Min. 5 1500 2400 300 200Gray• 20-30 minutes handling strengththat can bond metal, wood, most plastics and masonry products 3532 B/A • Fast cure adhesive1:1 30,000 7 Min. 25 2500 2000 300 150Brown• 20-30 min. handling strength • Semi-rigid urethane• Rapid cure for flexible bonds of many plastics, wood, and rubber 3535 B/A • Very fast cure adhesive1:1 30,000 3 Min. 25 2500 2000 300 150Off-White• 15-20 min. handling strength • Semi-rigid urethane • Faster setting version of 3532 B/A Adhesive 3549 B/A • Long worklife adhesive 1:1 30,000 60 Min. 25 2500 2000 300 150Brown• 2-4 hrs. handling strength • Semi-rigid urethane • Longer worklife version of 3532 B/A AdhesiveT w o -P a r t U r e t h a n e A d h e s i v e sT w o -P a r t E p o x y A d h e s i v e sSizes 2oz, Pt Qt, Gal Pail 2oz, Pt, Qt Gal, PailQt, Pail2oz, Pt, Qt Gal, Pail2oz, Pt, Qt Gal, Pail Pail2oz, Pt, Qt Gal, Pail Pail2oz, Pt, Qt Gal, Pail2oz, Pt Gal2oz, Pt Pail2oz, Pt2oz, Pt PailS h ear Strengt h • 8-12 hrs. handling strength • Tan version • Tan version of 2216 B/A Gray Adhesive• Rapid room temperature curing material Ellsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-0698Product Information: 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ One-Part Epoxy Adhesives; Metal PrimersWe are on the web@ High-performance specifically for demanding electronics applications.For assembly of sophisticated electronics where outgassing and corrosion of adhesive bonds are a concern, Scotch-Weld Electronic Grade (EG) epoxies are the advanced alternative to mechanical fasteners and lower-grade adhesives. These 2-part epoxies produce far lower contamination levels of ionic and outgassing impurities than typical epoxy adhesives. Chloride content is lower than standard industrial counterparts.Targeted dispensing is easy with the3M™ EPX™ Applicator System. Duo-Pak cartridges with long shelf life are stored at room temperature for added convenience in many oper-ations.17Component rigidization –3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Voice coil assembly – Controlled flow ofEpoxy Adhesive DP-125EG reaches handling 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Epoxy Adhesive DP-460EGstrength within 3 hours at room temperature. provides a clear, targeted application in bondingStabilizes board components with 1500 psi the coil into the head gimble assembly.shear strength and 20 piw.Ellsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-0698Film adhesives for the best combination of fatigueresistance and highest performance.Film adhesives can be formulated with thehighest performance level of all structuralstrength adhesives available. Scotch-WeldFilm Adhesives offer the best combinationof shear and peel strength, plus shock andfatigue resistance. They also provideseveral other advantages:• Uniform adhesive thicknessthroughout joints for an even, securebond line.• Adhesive confined to immediatebonding area for a clean operationand less waste.• Simple application for fast assembly.• Stability for extended usability andshelf life.Precise fit – Available in various thicknesses Simultaneously seal and bond – In metal-and widths, 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Film Adhesive to-metal lamination 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Filmcan be die-cut into shapes to facilitate bonding of Adhesives bond with up to 4800 psi shearcomplex parts. strength and provide a barrier against water,fuels, and oil.We are on the web@ Fast bonding with the rightcombination of strength, curetime and viscosity.For speed and performance, you’ll likely find aproduct in this line with precisely the rightcombination of bond strength, cure time andviscosity.These one-part cyanoacrylate adhesivesrapidly reach handling strength at room tem-perature without a catalyst. On many applica-tions, bonds reach handling strength in 5–10seconds and 80% of full strength in an hour.A single drop per square inch can bond manyplastics, rubber, metal and more with tensilestrength up to 5000 PSI.Depending on the specific formulation, youhave the following features: resistance tofuels, lubricating oils and other chemicals from-40°F to 200°F (-40°C to 93°C); gap filling;extended cure rates for repositionability; highpeel and impact strength; conformance toMIL-Spec A-46050C.With 3M™ Pronto™ Instant Adhesives appli-cation is easy from their own containers orthrough intermediate manual dispensers or auto-mated systems. Curing requires no expensiveequipment or fixturing.A single drop of 3M™ Pronto™ Instant To bond a flexible PVC mat into a high 3M™ Pronto™ Instant Adhesive CA-8 is anAdhesive quickly bonds many plastics, rubber, impact polystyrene turntable, 3M™ Pronto™ Instant excellent multi-purpose product for use in a variety metal and more. Adhesive CA-40H provides high viscosity and a of assembly applications.slower set time to meet handling requirements.Architectural pottery – For repair of fiber-3M™ Pronto™ Instant Adhesive CA-40 works Veneer and wood repair – 3M™ Pronto™ glass/ concrete cast pottery, 3M™ Pronto™ Instant on many problem surfaces where other adhesives Instant Adhesive CA-40H is a high viscosity Adhesive CA-50 Gel bonds with high tensile and may fail, such as bonding EPDM rubber. liquid for void filing between veneer and core. A shear strength. Non-sagging formulation applies light spray of 3M™ Pronto™ Surface Activator over neatly when bonding curved surfaces. the adhesive before assembly accelerates curingspeed.Product Information: 3M™ Pronto™ Instant AdhesivesEllsworth Adhesives“Your One- Stop Shop”• Adhesive & chemical products from allthe top manufacturers• Dispensing equipment-manual to fully automatic• Complete tech support (inside and out) • An outside sales staff that is very willing to serve (most are degreed engineers) • Custom packaging to your specification We are easy to reach:in person-check the location nearestyou on the phone -1-800-888-0698over the internet @ Have an application problem? Call Ellsworth Adhesives at 1-800-888-0698We are on the web@ Hot melt speed and structuralstrength performance in thepalm of your hand.This single system combines many production benefitstypical of hot melt adhesives and bond performanceusually associated with 2-part structural adhesives.Fast initial set can help you reduce costs. Fast handlingstrength helps eliminate or minimize fixturing and speedassembly.One-component, moisture-curingformulation eliminates metering, mixing and curingequipment. And 100% solids give you a low-VOC adhe-sive system with no drying equipment and no attack onplastics.With the long bonding range and initial repositionability,assembly of complex parts is easier. Bond lines arethin, flexible and tough for improved part fit, appearanceand rugged performance.Combine this versatility with the applicator's portability,and you have a system that can adapt readily to many ofyour production requirements.The 3M™ Jet-Weld™ II Applicator and moisture-curingurethane adhesives put a powerful production capability inyour assembly operation. Bond strength approaches thehigh end of the performance range, exceeding many con-ventional hot melts and PVA (polyvinyl acetate) adhesives.Bond wood, plastics, rubber, dissimilar materials, plasti-cized vinyls, and more.Decorator tables – 3M™Jet-Weld™Adhesive Trade show booths –3M™Jet-Weld™Adhesive Speaker assemblies – Flexible, tough bond performs multiple tasks including V-groove bonds extruded aluminum bracket to laminate lines of 3M™Jet-Weld™Adhesive holdbonding at the table joints. covering of honeycomb panel. Bracket is for dissimilar materials and multiple components.hanging graphics.High performance gliding windows – With Bent wood furniture – With 100% solids 3M™ Wood furniture – 3M™ Jet-Weld™Adhesive is fast handling strength, 3M™Jet-Weld™Adhesive Jet-Weld™Adhesive, a manufacturer holds the aes-easily applied as a bead for bonding wood helps speed the bonding of interior wood trim thetic contours of unique bentwood furniture. furniture and cabinet components. Fastto the vinyl sash. handling strength helps speed production. Ellsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-0698Product Information: 3M™ Jet-Weld™Adhesives1 234Job-matched tips –1) Threaded cap for sealing tip after use.2) Extension tip for improved sight linein hard-to-reach areas.3) .062" tip for low flow applications.4) .125" tip for high flow applications. .090" tip standard on 3M™Jet-Weld™II Applicator. Container sizes to meet your production volume – • 10 fl.oz. cartridges• 2k foil packs• Gallon pail• 5 gallon pail• 55 gallon drumWe are on the web@ Select UV curing versions for thin films and coatings, and bonding heat-sensitive substrates. For curing through thicker sections, visible light formulations cure to depths of 2" to almost 4".For visible light, the 3M Curing Light VL1 (at right) is a compact and convenient hand tool for spot curing.Wire tacking – To reduce processing time, Potting – All 3M ™Light Cure Adhesives feature 3M ™ Light Cure Adhesives cure on demand superior depth of cure for potting applications.with exposure to UV or visible light.Precision bonding, potting, encap-sulation, tacking, andmore at the speed of light.With cure speeds generally less than 5 seconds, you can raise the speed limit for many electronics assem-bly applications. These specialized acrylate formula-tions cure on demand when exposed to UV or visible light. And for precision targeting and placement, each adhesive in the line is available in 3, 5, 10, and 30ml EFD ®-compatible syringes.Use with manual, semi-automatic, or fully automatic dispensing systems to meet your production require-ments for encapsulation, potting, fixturing, wire tacking, sealing, conformal coating, and lens bonding.Ellsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-0698A tradition of 40 years and the performance you’ll want for a long time to come.This line offers a wide range of choices for con-tact adhesive applications. Select from bonding ranges, strengths, solids content, and solvent or water-based formulations to meet requirements for bonding laminate, foam, and more. In the line, you’ll find the water-basedpioneer 3M ™ Fastbond ™ Contact Adhesive 30 NF – proven for almost 40 years in cabinet shops and still in compliance with current and current-ly proposed air quality regulations. Plus, there’s the latest innovation – 3M ™ Fastbond ™ Contact Adhesive 2000-NF with handling speed exceed-ing most solvent-based systems and up to 350 psi in overlap shear.The Fastbond Water-Based StoryWhile competition pressures you to improve productivity, regulatorylegislation demands that you move toward more environmentally-responsible tech-nologies. Some local and regional regula -tions have made traditional solvent-based contact adhesives virtually obsolete. Fastbond is the 3M trademark on a contin-ually growing line of water-based adhesives that are helping many industries meet the challenge right now and aim for the fore-seeable future. By replacing solvent-based adhesives, compliance is getting easier in Tabletop lamination – With 3M ™ Fastbond ™Foam fabrication –In compound cushion more and more applications.Contact Adhesive 2000-NF, you get three times the cov-assembly, high tack 3M ™ Fastbond ™ Foam erage of a typical solvent-based system. For produc-Adhesive 100 holds curves in seconds. Lighter tion speed, you go from spray to trim in seconds.density foam is adhered around the higher density core with a smooth rounded edge.Buy only the quantity you need – Depending on the specific 3M ™ Fastbond ™ Adhesive, you can select quart or gallon jugs for convenient handling, or 5-gallon pails and 55-gallon drums for largebulk dispensing.Upholstered household furniture – 3M ™ Fastbond ™ Foam Adhesive 100 quickly bonds substrates throughout chairs and couches. Bond foam to foam and fiber fill, foam to wood, fiber fill to fabric, and more. Cabinet assembly – 3M ™ Fastbond ™ Contact Adhesive 30-NF is a formulation proven in shops for four decades. Combines open time of up to 4 hours with high immediate bond strength. Apply with roller, brush, or spray gun.Marine carpeting – In bonding carpet to fiberglass flooring and steps, 3M ™ Fastbond ™Contact Adhesive 2000-NF helps withstand the foot traffic and moisture in boat cabins.Product Information: 3M ™ Fastbond ™ Contact Adhesives, Water-BasedProduct Information: 3M ™ Scotch-Grip ™ Contact AdhesivesBirch plywood to birch plywood @ 0.1 inches/minute separation rate.Canvas to cold rolled steel @ 2.0 inches/minute separation rate.Note: 3M ™ Hi-Strength 90 Adhesive, a Note: Flash Point (closed cup) in all Fastbond Adhesives: None.popular 3M aerosol adhesive, is now also available in bulk form.We are on the web@Innovative answers toa wide variety of non-struc-tural bonding challenges.3M ™ Scotch-Grip ™ Adhesives are industrial tools designed to provide innovative answers to a wide variety of non-structural bonding problems.Some formulations are tailored to specific types of applications such as Scotch-Grip Plastic Adhesives. These high strength, fast drying elastomers bond polycarbonate, vinyl, and many other plastics to themselves and materials such as wood or metal. With Scotch-Grip Rubber and Gasket Adhesives you can easily bond neoprene, EPDM, and many more.Other Scotch-Grip Adhesives are multi-purpose and used worldwide in hundreds of different product assembly operations. If you’re looking for a reliable non-structural adhesive, you’re likely to find just what you need in the Scotch-Grip Adhesives line backed with more than 50 years of 3M adhesives research and engineering.Containers to meet your production requirements – Depending on the specific 3M ™ Scotch-Grip ™ Adhesive, you can select drums, cans, pails, or handy tubes.These collapsible tubes are self-containedlightweight applicators to give you “take-it-to-the-job” convenience for multi-station or low volume assembly and field repairs.Pinball machine refurbishing – 3M ™ Scotch-Grip ™ Plastic Adhesive 4693H bonds and seals decorative translucent plastic inserts into the underside of the playing surface. Up to 60 minutebonding range with contact bond properties.Light fixture assembly – To prevent moisture Chemical drum gasket – With excellent penetration, a pressure flow gun applies 3M ™resistance to fuel and oil, 3M ™ Scotch-Grip ™Scotch-Grip ™ Rubber and Gasket Adhesive to bond a Rubber and Gasket Adhesive 847 bonds and seals rubber gasket into a commercial light fixture cover.drum gaskets in place. Very low VOC formulation.Display board – 3M ™ Scotch-Grip ™ Plastic Adhesive 1099 bonds wood flooring samples to a plastic display board with overlap shear strength ofmore than 385 psi. Very low VOC formulation.Washing machine repair – 3M ™ Scotch-Grip ™ Rubber and Gasket Adhesive 1300 bonds with high immediate strength and seals the doughnut ring seal in the outer tub. Bond line resists up to 300°F (149°C).Sporting goods – In bonding plastic feathers and nocks onto arrow shafts, fast-tacking 3M ™Scotch-Grip ™ Plastic Adhesive 4475 dries quickly to a firm bond. Resists plasticizers, water, and heat up 200°F (93°C).Product Information: 3M™ Scotch-Grip™ Plastic AdhesivesEllsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-0698Product Information: 3M Insulation and Light DutyAdhesivesHVAC duct insulation – Easy and economicalto apply, 3M™ Fastbond™ Insulation Adhesive 49 is asingle-component water-based pressure sensitiveformulation with instant tack to speed assembly. We are on the web@ Note: 3M™ Super 77™ Adhesive, a popular aerosol adhesive, is now available in bulk form for high vol-ume applications on many light-weight materials.Solutions for the elements from windows to ductwork.Air, water, dirt, fuel, cold, heat – keeping these or other elements in or out is a challenge in applications as varied as windows and doors, truck lap seams, HVAC ductwork, vinyl siding, and livestock troughs. With 3M ™ Scotch-Seal ™ and Weatherban ™ Sealants, you have a wide selection of solutions based on more than 50 years of development and innovation. Meeting your volume requirements – Depending on the formulation, 3M sealants are To meet your requirements, you’ll find formulations available in caulking cartridges, collapsible from acrylic to polyurethane, and forms from self-applicator tubes, pails, drums, or rolls. liquids to tapes.Ductwork – 3M ™ Scotch-Seal ™ Duct Sealer 900 fills gaps and cures quickly to a firm rubbery seal on medium and high pressure ductwork for heat-ing, ventilating, and air conditioning.Product Information: 3M ™ Scotch-Seal ™ and Weatherban ™ SealantsProduct Information: 3M Aerosol AdhesivesProduct Information: 3M ™ Hi-Strength 90 and Super 77™Adhesives in Bulk3M’s most popular aerosol adhesives are now available in bulk form. The following char-acteristics of interest to higher volume users supplement the chart above.We are on the web@The convenient system to help your package do its full job.A package performs three functions –containment, protection, and communication. The Shipping-Mate aerosol family can help you save time and effort for the full job. For containment in shipping and handling, rely on Shipping- Mate case sealing adhesive for neat, clean bonds with carton- tearing strength. For protection, you have fewer worries with Shipping-Mate palletizingadhesive stabilizing coated cartons or bags. For communica -tions, Shipping-Mate labeling adhesive bonds to even difficult sur- faces, and Shipping-Mate Box Re-nu covers unwanted printing to provide a new looking surface.3M aerosol chemicals contain no methylene chloride, chlorofluo -rocarbons (CFCs), or 1,1,1-trichlorethane (methyl chloroform).3M ™ Shipping-Mate ™ Case Sealing Adhesive3M ™ Shipping-Mate ™ Labeling Adhesive – 3M ™ Shipping-Mate ™ Box Re-nu Coating – – Helps save time and money if you fill miscellaneous Clear spray adhesive permanently bonds labels to To save the cost of new corrugated cartons, this orders, have cartons that come unglued, fill by hand, many problem surfaces such as glass, rubber, or easy- to-use aerosol covers most printing and or open and close for inspection. Quick drying to metal where other adhesives or gummed labels labels with permanent tan color for carton reuse. keep pace with your operation. may fail. Moisture-resistant formulation. Quick drying and long lasting.N/R = Not recommended AdhD T.M. C-700: /" birch veneer bonded to /" birch AdhD T.M. C-483; 500 g load for 1 hr. at noted temp. N/A = Not applicableveneer.All container sizes 24-fl. oz. except Box Re-nu AdhD T.M. C-449. Coating.Ellsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-0698Convenience and a fistfulof work power for maintenance and production.In thousands of factories and plants, these aerosol chemicals are proven daily to save time and effort in maintenance and production.Lubricating, cleaning, inhibiting rust, and other tough jobs become finger-touch easy. Compact container fits in a tool box to go readily to any job site and can help you reduce storage space and cost. With targeted applica-tion you get more useable product for your money.3M aerosol chemicals contain no methylene chlo-ride, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), or 1,1,1-trichlorethane (methyl chloroform).3M ™ Silicone Lubricant – Lubricates cutting 3M ™ Citrus Base Cleaner – ™Citrus Base Cleaner –For fast, easy clean-3M ™ 5-Way Penetrant – A tapping liquid for tools and tables. Fast, easy application helpsup of gears, up of gears,this heavy-duty degreaser/cleaner stainless steel or aluminum is only one of many prevent build-up of adhesive, wax, inks, and paints. helps soften and loosen grease, oil and grime.applications for this versatile chemical.Won’t stain or become gummy. Just wipe away with a shop towel.We are on the web@The 3M systems approach to help you improve productivity and lower costs. 3M™Jet-melt™Adhesives and 3M™ Polygun™Applicators are engineered to be advanced systems to help you improve productivity, lower cost and minimize waste.GJet-melt adhesives are 100% solids thermoplastic resins.When heated, they become fluid and quickly wet thebonding surface. Upon cooling, they harden and reachbond strength in seconds.You can move assemblies immediatelyto keep production flowing. This helps eliminate clamps,fixturing and drying, and saves time, energy and space.Each adhesive is designed and precisely manufacturedfor efficient use in one of the Polygun Applicators. Tomeet your equipment and handling requirements,Jet-melt Adhesives are also available as pellets, discs,and bricks for bulk application systems.CFNot shownNot shownNot shown3M™ Polygun™ Applicators are lightweight, easy-to-use unitsusing 3M's innovative melt-on-demand or progressive feedtechnology. 3M™ Jet-melt™ Adhesives provide a versatile lineof high performance formulations for fast, strong bonds on avariety of surfaces – wood, plastic, foam, fabric, cardboard,rubber, and more. Adhesives are available in stick, cartridges,and bulk form.AH DEBFor bonding the guide to a drawer bottom, In electronic applications, 3M™ Polygun™ TC For economical package sealing 3M™ Jet-3M™ Jet-melt™ Adhesive 3738 provides high Applicator delivers high performance and control melt™ Adhesive 3762LM is a versatile formulation delivery rate and long bonding range to meet for tacking, mounting, unitizing, potting, coil with 25-second bonding range for production production requirements. termination, and more. speed.3M™ Polygun™ EC Applicator can be used For versatility in P.O.P. assembly, 3M™ Polygun™ LT Applicator and 3M™Jet-melt™ with 3M low-melt adhesive to effectively bond 3M™Jet-melt™Adhesives are available for bonding a Adhesives make an ideal system for welting and heat-sensitive substrates such as styrene foam. variety of plastics, woods, and light gauge met-gimping, bonding fabric to wood.als. Selection includes low-melt formulationsapplied at only 250°-270°F (127°-132°C).Ellsworth Adhesives 1-800-888-0698Product Information: 3M ™ Polygun ™ ApplicatorsAccessories to improve your productivity972797269713 9764991697829768972997859922 9777994699179921 9940 9725Tip No. Description9913 2 Hole Spreader (1/4" hole span) 9916 3 Hole Spreader9917 3 Hole 1" Spreader for Polygun II Applicator only 9921 .090" Fluted Tip 9922 .063" Fluted Tip 9940 .125" Fluted Tip9946 .072" Brass Extension for Polygun II Applicator only9725 Mini Extension Tip .072" Opening for all Polygun Applicators 9726 "T" Tip (shown with valve and adapter) for all Polygun Applicators 9727 "L" Tip (shown with adapter and valve) for all Polygun Applicators 9729 High Viscosity Valve (TC, EC, PG-II)9785 .070" Tapered Aluminum Extension for all Polygun Applicators 9777 1/4" Slotted Spreader (3755-LM adhesive only) 9782 1/2" Slotted Spreader (3755-LM adhesive only) 9764 3/4" Slotted Spreader (3755-LM adhesive only) 97681" Slotted Spreader (3755-LM adhesive only)A general purpose tip (.090) is supplied with each Polygun. To43Foot Pedalincrease productivity, optional tips Increase capacity and ease can provide multiple beads, flat of operation with Quadrack ribbons, guided beads for carton Converter and Palm Trigger.sealing, and extended reach.2156Heavy Duty Benchstands provide added convenience.Accessories (4, 7, 8) can provide high capacity, hands-free operation for Polygun II and Polygun II LT.Magazine FeederBenchmount 7 8We are on the web@。
2216 ab结构胶规格书
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2216 ab结构胶规格书
对于2216 AB结构胶的规格书,我们需要从多个角度来进行回答。
2216 AB
2216 AB结构胶通常会有详细的使用说明,包括适用的材料、使用
通常,2216 AB结构胶会有相关的质量认证和标准符合证明,
和案例应用可以帮助其他用户了解产品的实际使用效果和应用范围,从而更加全面地了解2216 AB结构胶的规格书。
综上所述,对于2216 AB结构胶的规格书,我们可以从产品的基本信息和性能参数、适用范围和使用注意事项、质量认证和标准符合情况、用户反馈和案例应用等多个角度进行全面回答。
1 实验部分
原材料 2,2- 双 [4- (4- 氨 基 苯 氧 基) 苯 基 ] 丙 烷 ) : 熔点 128.1 ~129.0℃ , 纯度 99.8% , 上海 (BAPOPP 1.1
作者简介: 许梅芳 (1988- ) , 女, 硕士研究生, 福建莆田人, 主要从事电子化学品、 胶黏剂方面的研究开发工作。 通讯联系人: 虞鑫海(1969- ), 男, 博士, 浙江义乌人, 主要从事电子化学品、 耐高温高分子材料及其单体的合成、 合成纤维成形机理、 电缆屏蔽 带、 胶黏剂、 无卤阻燃材料、 聚酰亚胺新材料等方面的研究开发工作。
2011 年第 33 卷第 2 期
胶黏剂的制备 按设计配比, 将 BAPOPP/ BPADA- PI 粉末加入
到 ES216 环氧树脂中, 于 120℃ 下反应 2h 后, 加入 CE127 环氧树脂, 搅拌反应 1h, 呈均相加入苯代双 ) 潜伏性固化剂, 于 100℃ 下, 搅拌反 氰胺 (LCA- 30
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3Scotch-W eldTMEpoxy Adhesive2216 B/AProduct Description3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive 2216 B/A is a flexible, two-part, room temperature curing epoxy with high peel and shear strength. Scotch-Weld epoxy adhesive 2216 B/A is identical to 3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive EC-2216B/A in chemical composition. Scotch-Weld epoxy adhesive EC-2216 B/A has been labeled, packaged, tested, and certified for aircraft and aerospace applications.Scotch-Weld epoxy adhesive 2216 B/A may be used for aircraft and aerospace applications if proper Certificates of Test have been issued and material meets all aircraft manufacturer’s specification requirements.Features•Excellent for bonding many metals, woods, plastics, rubbers, and masonry products.•Base and Accelerator are contrasting colors.•Good retention of strength after environmental aging.•Resistant to extreme shock, vibration, and flexing.•Excellent for cryogenic bonding applications.•The tan NS Adhesive is non-sag for greater bondline control.•The translucent can be injected.•Meets DOD-A-82720.Typical Uncured Physical PropertiesNote:The following technical information and data should be considered representativeor typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.Product3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive2216 B/A Gray 2216 B/A Tan NS 2216 B/A Translucent BaseAcceleratorBase AcceleratorBase Accelerator Color:White Gray White T an T ranslucent Amber Base:Modified Modified Modified Modified Modified Modified Epoxy Amine Epoxy Amine Epoxy Amine Net Wt.: (lb/gal)11.1-11.610.5-11.011.1-11.610.5-11.09.4-9.88.0-8.5Viscosity: (cps) (Approx.)Brookfield RVF 75,000 -40,000 -75,000 -550,000 -11,000 -5,000 -#7 sp. @ 20 rpm 150,00080,000150,000900,00015,0009,000Mix Ratio: (by weight) 5 parts 7 parts 5 parts 7 parts 1 part 1 part Mix Ratio: (by volume) 2 parts 3 parts 2 parts 3 parts 1 part 1 part Work Life:100 g Mass @ 75°F (24°C)90 minutes90 minutes120 minutes120 minutes120 minutes120 minutesScotch-W eldTMEpoxy Adhesive2216 B/ATypical Cured Physical PropertiesProduct 3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive 2216 Gray 2216 Tan NS2216 Translucent ColorGray T an T ranslucent Shore D Hardness 50-6565-7035-50ASTM D 2240Time to Handling Strength8-12 hrs.8-12 hrs.12-16 hrs.Typical CuredElectrical PropertiesProduct 3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive2216 Gray 2216 TranslucentArc Resistance 130 seconds Dielectric Strength408 volts/mil630 volts/mil Dielectric Constant@73°F (23°C) 5.51–Measured @ 1.00 KHz 6.3 @ 1 KHzDielectric Constant@140°F (60°C)14.17–Measured @ 1.00 KHz —Dissipation Factor 73°F (23°C)0.112 Measured @ 1.00 KHz 0.119 @ 1 KHzDissipation Factor 140°F (60°C)0.422–Measured @ 1.00 KHz —Surface Resistivity@73°F (23°C) 5.5 x 1016ohm–@ 500 volts DC —Volume Resistivity@73°F (23°C)1.9 x 1012ohm-cm–@ 500 volts DC3.0 x 1012ohm-cm @ 500 volts DC Typical CuredThermal PropertiesProduct3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive 2216 Gray 2216 Translucent Thermal Conductivity 0.228 Btu-ft/ft 2h°F 0.114 Btu-ft/ft 2h°F Coefficient of Thermal 102 x 10-6in/in/°C 81 x 10-6in/in/°C Expansionbetween 0-40°C between -50-0°C 134 x 10-6in/in/°C 207 x 10-6in/in/°C between 40-80°Cbetween 60-150°CHandling/Curing InformationDirections for Use1.For high strength structural bonds, paint, oxide films, oils, dust, mold release agents and all other surface contaminants must be completely removed. However, the amount of surface preparation directly depends on the required bond strength and the environmental aging resistance desired by user. For suggested surfacepreparations of common substrates, see the following section on surface preparation.2.These products consist of two parts. Mix thoroughly by weight or volume in the proportions specified on the product label and in the uncured properties section.Mix approximately 15 seconds after a uniform color is obtained.- 2 -Typical CuredOutgassing Properties % TML% CVCM % Wtr 3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive 2216 Gray .77.04.23Outgassing DataNASA 1124 Revision 4Cured in air for 7 days @ 77°F (25°C).Scotch-W eld TM Epoxy Adhesive 2216 B/AHandling/Curing Information (continued)3.For maximum bond strength, apply product evenly to both surfaces to be joined.4.Application to the substrates should be made within 90 minutes. Larger quantitiesand/or higher temperatures will reduce this working time.5.Join the adhesive coated surfaces and allow to cure at 60°F (16°C) or above untilfirm. Heat, up to 200°F (93°C), will speed curing.6.The following times and temperatures will result in a full cure:7.Keep parts from moving until handling strength is reached. Contact pressure isnecessary. Maximum shear strength is obtained with a 3-5 mil bond line.Maximum peel strength is obtained with a 17-25 mil bond line.8.Excess uncured adhesive can be cleaned up with ketone type solvents.* Adhesive Coverage:A 0.005 in. thick bondline will typically yield a coverage of320 sq. ft/gallonProduct3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive2216 Gray2216 Tan NS2216 Translucent Cure Temperature Time Time Time 75°F (24°C)7 days7 days30 days150°F (66°C)120 minutes120 minutes240 minutes200°F (93°C)30 minutes30 minutes60 minutesApplication and Equipment Suggestions These products may be applied by spatula, trowel or flow equipment.Two-part mixing/proportioning/dispensing equipment is available for intermittent or production line use. These systems are ideal because of their variable shot size and flow rate characteristics and are adaptable to many applications.Surface Preparation For high strength structural bonds, paint, oxide films, oils, dust, mold release agentsand all other surface contaminants must be completely removed. However, theamount of surface preparation directly depends on the required bond strength and theenvironmental aging resistance desired by user.The following cleaning methods are suggested for common surfaces.Steel or Aluminum (Mechanical Abrasion)1.Wipe free of dust with oil-free solvent such as acetone or alcohol solvents.*2.Sandblast or abrade using clean fine grit abrasives (180 grit or finer).3.Wipe again with solvents to remove loose particles.4.If a primer is used, it should be applied within 4 hours after surface preparation.If 3M™Scotch-Weld™Structural Adhesive Primer EC-1945 B/A is used, applya thin coating (0.0005") on the metal surfaces to be bonded, air dry for 10 minutes,then cure for 30 minutes at 180°F (82°C) prior to bonding.*When using solvents, extinguish all ignition sources, including pilot lights, andfollow the manufacturer’s precautions and directions for use. Use solvents inaccordance with local regulations.- 3 -Scotch-W eld TM Epoxy Adhesive 2216 B/ASurface Preparation (continued)Aluminum (Chemical Etch)Aluminum alloys may be chemically cleaned and etched as per ASTM D 2651. This procedure states to:1.Alkaline Degrease – Oakite 164 solution (9-11 oz/gal of water) at 190°F ±10°F(88°C ±5°C) for 10-20 minutes. Rinse immediately in large quantities of cold running water.2.Optimized FPL Etch Solution (1 liter):Material AmountDistilled Water700 ml plus balance of liter (see below)Sodium Dichromate28 to 67.3 gramsSulfuric Acid287.9 to 310.0 gramsAluminum Chips 1.5 grams/liter of mixed solutionTo prepare 1 liter of this solution, dissolve sodium dichromate in 700 ml ofdistilled water. Add sulfuric acid and mix well. Add additional distilled water to fill to 1 liter. Heat mixed solution to 66 to 71°C (150 to 160°F). Dissolve 1.5grams of 2024 bare aluminum chips per liter of mixed solution. Gentle agitation will help aluminum dissolve in about 24 hours.To etch aluminum panels, place them in FPL etch solution heated to 66 to 71°C (150 to 160°F). Panels should soak for 12 to 15 minutes.3.Rinse: Rinse panels in clear running tap water.4.Dry: Air dry 15 minutes; force dry 10 minutes (minimum) at 140°F (60°C)maximum.5.If primer is to be used, it should be applied within 4 hours after surfacepreparation.Plastics/Rubber1.Wipe with isopropyl alcohol.*2.Abrade using fine grit abrasives (180 grit or finer).3.Wipe with isopropyl alcohol.*Glass1.Solvent wipe surface using acetone or MEK.*2.Apply a thin coating (0.0001 in. or less) of 3M™Scotch-Weld™StructuralAdhesive Primer EC-3901 to the glass surfaces to be bonded and allow the primer to dry a minimum of 30 minutes @ 75°F (24°C) before bonding.*When using solvents, extinguish all ignition sources, including pilot lights, and follow the manufacturer’s precautions and directions for use. Use solvents in accordance with local regulations.- 4 -Scotch-W eld TM Epoxy Adhesive 2216 B/ATypical Adhesive Performance Characteristics A.Typical Shear Properties on Etched AluminumASTM D 1002Cure: 2 hours @ 150 ±5°F (66°C ±2°C), 2 psi pressureOverlap Shear (psi)3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive2216 B/A Gray2216 B/A Tan NS2216 B/A Trans.Test Temperature Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive -423°F (-253°C)2440——-320°F (-196°C)2740——-100°F (-73°C)3000——-67°F (-53°C)30002000300075°F (24°C)320025001700180°F (82°C)400400140T-Peel Strength (piw) @ 75°F (24°C)3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive2216 B/A Gray2216 B/A Tan NS2216 B/A Trans.Test Temperature Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive 75°F (24°C)252525B.Typical T-Peel StrengthASTM D 1876Shear ModulusTest Temperature(Torsion Pendulum Method)-148°F (-100°C)398,000 psi (2745 MPa)-76°F (-60°C)318,855 psi (2199 MPa)-40°F (-40°C)282,315 psi (1947 MPa)32°F (0°C)218,805 psi (1500 MPa)75°F (24°C)49,580 psi (342 MPa)- 5 -Scotch-W eldTMEpoxy Adhesive2216 B/AOverlap Shear (psi) 75°F (24°C)3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive 221622162216B/A Gray B/A Tan NS B/A Trans.EnvironmentTime Adhesive Adhesive Adhesive 100% Relative Humidity 14 days 2950 psi 3400 psi @120°F (49°C)30 days 1985 psi 2650 psi 1390 psi90 days 1505 psi *Salt Spray @75°F (24°C)14 days 2300 psi 3900 psi 30 days 500 psi 3300 psi 1260 psi60 days 300 psi T ap Water @75°F (24°C)14 days 3120 psi 3250 psi 30 days 2942 psi 2700 psi 1950 psi90 days 2075 psi Air @160°F (71°C)35 days 4650 psi 4425 psi Air @300°F (149°C)40 days 4930 psi 4450 psi 3500 psi Anti-icing Fluid @75°F (24°C)7 days 3300 psi 3050 psi 2500 psi Hydraulic Oil @75°F (24°C)30 days 2500 psi 3500 psi 2500 psi JP-4 Fuel 30 days 2500 psi 2750 psi 2500 psi Hydrocarbon Fluid7 days3300 psi3100 psi3000 psi Typical Adhesive Performance Characteristics (continued)C.Overlap Shear Strength After Environmental Aging-Etched AluminumOverlap Shear (psi)Time aged @ 300°F (149°C)Test Temperature 0 days 12 days 40 days 51 days -67°F (-53°C)220033103120286075°F (24°C)3100515049304740180°F (82°C)50010007601120350°F (177°C)420440560—D.Heat Aging of 3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy Adhesive 2216 B/A Gray (Cured for 7 days @ 75°F [24°C])- 6 -*Substrate corrosion resulted in adhesive failure.Scotch-W eldTMEpoxy Adhesive2216 B/AE.Overlap Shear Strength on Abraded Metals, Plastics, and Rubbers.Overlap shear strengths were measured on 1" x 1/2" overlap specimens. These bonds were made individually using 1" by 4" pieces of substrate (Tested per ASTM D 1002).The thickness of the substrates were: cold rolled, galvanized and stainless steel –0.056-0.062", copper – 0.032", brass – 0.036", rubbers – 0.125", plastics – 0.125".All surfaces were prepared by solvent wiping/abrading/ solvent wiping.The jaw separation rate used for testing was 0.1 in/min for metals, 2 in/min for plastics, and 20 in/min for rubbers.Overlap Shear (psi)@75°F (24°C)3M™Scotch-Weld™Epoxy AdhesiveSubstrate2216 B/A Gray Adhesive 2216 B/A Tan NS AdhesiveAluminum/Aluminum18502350Cold Rolled Steel/Cold Rolled Steel 17003100Stainless Steel/Stainless Steel 1900Galvanized Steel/Galvanized Steel 1800Copper/Copper 1050Brass/Brass850Styrene Butadiene Rubber/Steel 200*Neoprene Rubber/Steel 220*ABS/ABS Plastic 990*1140*PVC/PVC, Rigid940*Polycarbonate/Polycarbonate 1170*1730*Acrylic/Acrylic1100*1110*Fiber Reinforced Polyester/Reinforced Polyester 1660*1650*Polyphenylene Oxide/PPO 610610PC/ABS Alloy / PC/ABS Alloy 12901290*The substrate failed during the test.- 7 -Typical Adhesive Performance Characteristics (continued)Storage Store products at 60-80°F (16-27°C) for maximum storage life.Shelf LifeWhen stored at the recommended temperatures in the original, unopened containers,the shelf life is two years from date of shipment from 3M.Scotch-W eldTMEpoxy Adhesive2216 B/APrinted in U.S.A.©3M 200578-6900-9583-7(8/05)Recycled Paper 40% pre-consumer 10% post-consumerRefer to Product Label and Material Safety Data Sheet for Health and Safety Information before using this product.Precautionary Information- 8 -All statements, technical information and recommendations contained in this document are based upon tests or experience that 3M believes are reliable. However, many factors beyond 3M ’s control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application, including the conditions underwhich the product is used and the time and environmental conditions in which the product is expected to perform. Since these factors are uniquely within the user ’s knowledge and control, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for the user ’s method of application.Product UseUnless stated otherwise in 3M ’s product literature, packaging inserts or product packaging for individual products, 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable specifications at the time 3M ships the product. Individual products may have additional or different warranties as stated on product literature,package inserts or product packages. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANT ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A P ARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM OR USAGE OF TRADE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user ’s application. If the 3M product is defective within the warranty period, your exclusive remedy and 3M ’s and seller ’s sole obligation will be, at 3M ’s option, to replace the product or refund the purchase price.Warranty and Limited RemedyExcept where prohibited by law, 3M and seller will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the legal theory asserted, including warranty, contract, negligence or strict liability.Limitation of LiabilityThis Industrial Adhesives and T apes Division product was manufactured under a 3M quality system registered to ISO9001:2000 standards.3Industrial BusinessIndustrial Adhesives and Tapes Division3M Center, Building 21-1W-10, 900 Bush Avenue St. Paul, MN 55144-1000800-362-3550 • 877-369-2923 (fax)/industrial。