3.5.1 齿轮工艺选定................................................................................30 3.5.2 确定各主要参数............................................................................31 3.5.3 几何尺寸计算................................................................................33 3.5.4 齿轮强度验算................................................................................35 3.5 轴的设计及强度校核...............................................................................38 3.5.1 选择轴的材料................................................................................38 3.5.2 轴径的初步估算............................................................................39 3.5.3 求作用在齿轮上的力....................................................................39 3.5.4 轴的强度效核................................................................................41 3.6 轴承的寿命校核.......................................................................................44 3.6.1 对Ⅲ轴的轴承进行寿命计算........................................................44 3.6.2 行星轮轴承寿命的计算................................................................46 3.7 花键的强度校核.......................................................................................46 3.7.1 Ⅳ轴花键校核 ...............................................................................46 3.7.2 行星轮系花键校核........................................................................47 结 论........................................................................................................................48 致 谢........................................................................................................................49 参考文献....................................................................................................................50
【教育资料】世界人口将突破70亿 印度人口2025年超中国学习精品
![【教育资料】世界人口将突破70亿 印度人口2025年超中国学习精品](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1fcc6c909e31433238689321.png)
the laboratory.
Population size N(t) when time is t.
This is a closed population.
newborn females.)
R0=1, >1 or <1
10.7 Project population growth
Given a population with age structure and some other information (age-specific mortality rates and birthrates), we can project future changes of the population size.
How to construct a life table (cont.)?
3. calculate dx, a measure of agespecific mortality
4. Calculate agespecific mortality rate, qx
10.3 Different types of life table
Prediction of population growth
N(t)=N(0)Exp(rt) Give a time t, we can predict the population size.
An Example: Deer population: N(0)=300, r=0.5, after 5 years, what’s the population size?
从联合国数据来看,无论是欧美发达国家、日韩等亚洲新兴发达国家,还是中国等发展中国家,尽管各自经历的人口转变速度和阶段不同,到21世纪中叶,65 岁及以上老龄人口占比都会超过25%,并会在相当长时间内维持这个水平。
托育服务社会化及其经济社会效应评估 ◎程 杰 曲 癑 李冰冰内容提要 发展托育服务是积极应对人口老龄化、促进人口长期均衡发展的重要举措。
关键词 托育服务 女性劳动参与 生育率 人力资本积累〔中图分类号〕F24;C971 〔文献标识码〕A 〔文章编号〕0447-662X(2022)02-0039-11一、引言发展婴幼儿托育服务是世界主要国家应对少子老龄化问题的重要举措。
日本总和生育率(totalfertilityrate,TFR)在2005年曾一度跌落至1 26,托育服务等社会政策介入之后出现了短期缓慢上升,2012年提高到1.42,但之后再次下降,2020年下降到1.34。
双语:世界人口在2050年之前将突破90亿UNITED NATIONS - The world's population will likely reach 9.2 billion in 2050, with virtually(实质上,实际上)all new growth occurring in the developing world, a U.N. report said Tuesday.According to the U.N. Population Division's 2006 estimate, the world's population will likely increase by 2.5 billion people over the next 43 years from the current 6.7 billion - a rise equivalent(相等的,相当的)to the number of people in the world in 1950.Hania Zlotnik, the division's director, said an important change in the new population estimate is a decrease in expected deaths from AIDS because of the rising use ofanti-retroviral drugs and a downward revision of the prevalence of the disease in some countries.The new report estimates 32 million fewer deaths from AIDS during the 2005-2020 period in the 62 most affected countries, compared with the previous U.N. estimate in 2004.This change contributed to the slightly higher worldpopulation estimate of 9.2 billion in 2050 than the 9.1 billion figure in the 2004 estimate, the report said.The report also said most population growth will take place in less developed countries, whose numbers are projected to rise from 5.4 billion in 2007 to 7.9 billion in 2050. The populations of poor countries like Afghanistan, Burundi, Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Niger, East Timor and Uganda are projected to at least triple(三倍的)by mid-century.By contrast, the total population of richer countries is expected to remain largely unchanged at 1.2 billion. The report said the figure would be lower without expected migration of people from poorer countries, averaging 2.3 million annually (一年一次).According to the report, 46 countries are expected to lose population by mid-century, including Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea and most of the former Soviet republics.Zlotnik said most countries in Asia and Latin America have reached the "relatively beneficial stage" of having more working-age adults than children or elderly in their populations, "and they will remain in that stage for at least two more decades."But their populations will then start to age, heading in thesame direction as Europe and North America, she said."Europe is the only region at this moment where the number of people aged 60 and over has already surpassed the number of children," she said. "We expect that Asia and Latin America will have by 2050 an age distribution that is very similar to the one that Europe has today."African countries will have an increase of working-age adults by 2050, but the continent's overall population will also nearly double in that time, Zlotnik said."So it is the continent that is going to have to absorb(吸收,吸引)a very high increase, and it will have to absorb it at levels of development that are the very lowest that we have in this world," she said.中文链接:(并非全文翻译)联合国预计,在未来43年内,世界60岁及以上的老年人口可能增加近两倍,到2050年达到20亿人,占全球总人口的约四分之一。
”【中英双语】人口即将达到七十亿,地球受得了吗?2011年某一刻,地球人口将达到七十亿,预计到2045年,地球人口将达到九十亿,地球能承受得起吗?Tags:地球 | 社会 | 人口One day in Delft in the fall of 1677, Antoni vanLeeuwenhoek, a cloth merchant who is said to have been the long-haired modelfor two paintings by Johannes Vermeer —“The Astronomer” and “TheGeographer”—abruptly stopped what he was doing with his wife and rushed to hisworktable. Cloth was Leeuwenhoek’s business but microscopy his passion. He’dhad five children already by his first wife (though four had died in infancy),and fatherhood was not on his mind. “Before six beats of the pulse hadintervened,” as he later wrote to the Royal Society of London, Leeuwenhoek wasexamining his perishable sample through a tiny magnifying glass. Its lens, nobigger than a small raindrop, magnified objects hundreds of times. Leeuwenhoekhad made it himself; nobody else had one so powerful. The learned men in Londonwere still trying to verify Leeuwenhoek’s earlier claims that unseen“animalcules” lived by the millions in a single drop of lake water and even inFrench wine. Now he had something more delicate to report: Human semencontained animalcules too. “Sometimes more than a thousand,” he wrote, “in anamount of material the size of a grain of sand.” Pressing the glass to his eyelike a jeweler, Leeuwenhoek watched his own animalcules swim about, lashingtheir long tails. One imagines sunlight falling through leaded windows on aface lost in contemplation, as in the Vermeers. One feels for his wife.1677年秋天的一天,荷兰代尔夫特市布商安东尼·凡·雷文霍克(据说他是约翰内斯·维梅尔两幅油画——“天文学家”和“地理学家”的长发模特)突然停下和妻子的亲热,冲向工作台。
并将发现的问题、意见和建议函告杭州市建设工程质量安全监督总站[地址:莫干山路 100 号耀江国际大厦 A 座 12 楼,邮政编码:311005],以供修订时参考。
本规范主编单位、参编单位、主要起草人和主要审查人: 本规范主编单位:杭州市建设工程质量安全监督总站
本规范共分 10 章,主要技术内容包括:1 总则;2 术语;3 基本规定;4 牵引及降压变 电所;5 刚性架空接触网;6 柔性架空接触网;7 接触轨;8 杂散电流腐蚀防护系统;9 可视 化接地系统;10 电力监控与电能质量管理系统。
Code for acceptance of construction quality of power supply system engineering of urban rail transit
DB33/T ××/××××-201×
主编单位:杭州市建设工程质量安全监督总站 中铁电气化局集团有限公司 中铁二局集团有限公司
中铁电气化局集团有限公司 中铁二局集团有限公司 本规范参编单位:中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司 杭州市地铁集团有限责任公司 宁波市轨道交通集团有限公司 中铁十一局集团电务工程有限公司 中铁一局集团电务工程有限公司 浙江丽水宏瑜建设有限公司 浙江德光建筑工程有限公司 浙江瓯立园林建设有限公司 纳琦绿能工程有限公司 浙江鸿旭园林建设有限公司 浙江罗邦建设有限公司 丽水市金丰建筑工程有限公司 丽水市鼎旺建设工程有限公司 浙江瓯业园林建设有限公司 丽水市汇桦市政园林有限公司 浙江屹立建设有限公司 浙江华歌建设有限公司 本规范主要起草人:史文杰 周静增 肖国军 雷 鸣 蔡佳旻 周 军 施云琼 王祥涛 于镇川 郭润桥 唐兆军 孙海东 王海涛 左传文 郭 忠 叶波涛 徐 俊 吴赟胤 王存建 王 波 朱智文 赵加建 范 卿 韩明学 陈俊卿 周洪波 何贵龙 黄美香 潘国平 蒋 真 本规范主要审查人:石西全 赵宇宏 戴新国 游劲秋 张 燕 袁 林 刘 伟 洪秀敏
2019全球宏观经济展望报告2018年12月图表目录图表1:应对三轮下行周期,全球进行了三轮放水............................................ - 7 -图表2:各大央行资产交替上升,全球流动性整体增加.................................... - 7 -图表3:金融资产价格回升是危机后美国居民资产负债率回落的主因............ - 8 -图表4:美国居民净资产占收入的比重处于历史高位........................................ - 8 -图表5:金融资产在总资产占比达到了历史高位................................................ - 8 -图表6:2007年以来,全球已经经历了三轮“衰退-放松-回暖-收紧”的循环.... - 9 -图表7:加杠杆对经济的刺激作用明显变弱........................................................ - 9 -图表8:债务伴随的付息压力只是被低利率环境掩盖........................................ - 9 -图表9:2015年之后,欧央行接替美联储提供流动性..................................... - 10 -图表10:美欧收紧速度差是美元走势的重要影响因素.................................... - 10 -图表11:欧央行结束QE,全球流动性将转而收紧........................................... - 11 -图表12:放水过程中,欧央行购买外债明显增加............................................. - 11 -图表13:特朗普减税提前支取了未来的财政空间............................................ - 13 -图表14:2017年年底,全球制造业PMI见顶回落.......................................... - 14 -图表15:在美国的拉动下,DM表现好于EM ................................................. - 14 -图表16:税改推升居民可支配收入,从而支撑消费........................................ - 14 -图表17:税改推升企业税后利润,从而刺激投资............................................ - 14 -图表18:跨国公司海外现金大量回流支撑美企盈利........................................ - 15 -图表19:海外现金汇回推升股票回购................................................................ - 15 -图表20:2020年,财政净支出对美国名义GDP的拉动将转负..................... - 15 -图表21:共和党在中选失去众议院,特朗普推行“减税2.0”难度增加........... - 15 -图表22:3季度企业投资拉动继续下滑至负值................................................. - 16 -图表23:3季度固定资产投资各个分项增速均放缓......................................... - 16 -图表24:10月资本开支意愿大幅下滑............................................................... - 16 -图表25:核心订单增速自2018年8月见顶回落.............................................. - 16 -图表26:美企业资本开支的增速已经高于净利润............................................ - 17 -图表27:外部环境的低迷也抑制了美国的投资需求........................................ - 17 -图表28:美国企业三季度利润表现不及预期,成本抬升或为主因................ - 17 -图表29:美国耐用品消费在3季度有所走弱.................................................... - 18 -图表30:美国消费者对汽车及家具的购买力均下滑........................................ - 18 -图表31:2018年,逆贸易自由化政策数量出现激增....................................... - 20 -图表32:各国限制贸易的政策均有明显增加,美国尤甚................................ - 20 -图表33:金本位使得各国的货币政策调节无力,各国随后纷纷脱离............ - 21 -图表34:1929至1932年,全球贸易下降61.5%,全球生产下降28.6% ...... - 22 -图表35:逆全球化过程中,全球化对发达及新兴经济体的影响将全部逆转- 22 -图表36:绿地投资在2017年已出现大幅下滑.................................................. - 23 -图表37:全球M&A也已在今年出现明显的下滑 ............................................ - 23 -图表38:美国在外资产的收益在整体收入中的占比超过40%........................ - 24 -图表39:EM低廉劳动力及土地成本压低了美国通胀..................................... - 25 -图表40:逆全球化过程中限制人口流动将加剧通胀抬升................................ - 25 -图表41:外储及外资持有美债增长停滞甚至下滑............................................ - 25 -图表42:美元在全球货币储备的占比也处于下行通道.................................... - 25 -图表43:2018年,新兴市场汇率的波动已与发达国家有所脱钩................... - 27 -图表44:偿债能力低的EM经济体较为脆弱.................................................... - 28 -图表45:在以往全球经济下行周期中,新兴市场整体难有超额收益............ - 28 -图表46:上两轮美国经济下行时期,外资参与度更高的新兴经济体影响更大- 29 -图表47:从类固收资产的角度来看,中国当前的股息率已具备比较优势 .... - 30 -图表48:危机后,美国债券久期快速上升........................................................ - 31 -图表49:企业偿债能力整体也已经有所恶化.................................................... - 31 -图表50:美国收紧但全球流动性整体仍宽时,大企业抗压能力好于中小企业- 31 -图表51:美国高收益债市场有出现“补跌”的风险 ............................................ - 32 -。
3 . 预 计 到 2050年 全 球 人 口 预 计 增 长 的 三 分 之二将受当前年龄结构的驱动,即使今天高 生育率国家的生育率在一生中立即降至每名 妇女生育两次左右,也会出现这种情况。这 是事实,因为这些国家的大量儿童和青年将 在未来几十年内达到生育年龄,并开始拥有 自己的孩子。
4.持续快速的人口增长给可持续发展带来 了挑战。该 47个最不发达国家是世界上增长最快的国家 之一 - 预计2019年至2050年期间人口将翻一 番 - 给已经紧张的资源带来压力
旨在实现可持续发展目标并确保不让任何人 掉队的具有挑战性的政策。对于许多国家或 地区,包括一些小岛屿发展中国家而言,实 现可持续发展的挑战因其易受气候变化,气 候变化和海平面上升的影响而更加复杂。
2019年 “ 世 界 人 口 前 景 ” 修 订 版 是 联 合 国 人 口 估 计 和 预 测 的 第 二 十 六 版 。 它 通 过 对 历 史 人口趋势的分析得出了235个国家或地区从1950年到现在的人口估计数。该最新评估考虑 了 1950年 至 2018年 间 进 行 的 1,690次 全 国 人 口 普 查 的 结 果 , 以及 来 自 生 命登 记 系统 和 2,700次全国代表性抽样调查的信息。2019年修订版还提供了到2100年的人口预测,反映 了全球,区域和国家层面的一系列合理结果。
从年龄构成看,3岁以下婴幼儿27.73万人,占总人口的比重为3.99%,与上年持平;0-14岁少儿人口145.60万人,占总人口的比重为20.96%,比上年上升了0.32个百分点;15-59岁人口13.72 出生率死亡率自然增长率2019年人口自然变动情况与2018年对比2019年2018年452.09万人,占总人口的比重为65.08%,比上年下降了0.54个百分点;60岁及以上人口96.97万人,占总人口的比重为13.96%,比上年上升了0.22个百分点。
6.1 正视发展挑战(教学设计)-【上好课】九年级道德与法治上册同步高效课堂(统编版)
![6.1 正视发展挑战(教学设计)-【上好课】九年级道德与法治上册同步高效课堂(统编版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6a983364eef9aef8941ea76e58fafab068dc4440.png)
九上6.1正视发展挑战教学设计课题 6.1正视发展挑战单元第三单元学科道德与法治年级九年级上册课标要求敬畏自然,具有绿色发展理念,初步形成环保意识和生态文明观;能够在日常生活中自觉践行生态文明理念。
GLOBALMULTIDIMENSIONAL POVERTY INDEX 2019ILLUMINATING INEQUALITIESOPHIOxford Poverty & Human Development InitiativePrinted in the US, by the AGS, an RR Donnelley Company, on Forest Stewardship Council certified and elemental chlorine-free papers. Printed using vegetable-based ink.For a list of any errors and omissions found subsequent to printing, please visit and https:///multidimensional-poverty-index/. Copyright @ 2019By the United Nations Development Programme and Oxford Poverty and Human Development InitiativeGlobal Multidimensional Poverty Index 2019Illuminating InequalitiesEmpowered lives. Resilient nations.OPHIOxford Poverty & Human Development InitiativeContentsWhat is the global Multidimensional Poverty Index? 1 What can the global Multidimensional Poverty Index tell us aboutinequality? 2 Inequality between and within countries 4 Children bear the greatest burden 6 Inside the home: a spotlight on children in South Asia 7 Leaving no one behind 9 Case study: Ethiopia 11 Inequality among multidimensionally poor people 13 Multidimensional poverty and economic inequality 13 The bottom 40 percent: growing together? 15 Notes 17 References 17 How the global Multidimensional Poverty Index is calculated 18STATISTICAL TABLES1 Multidimensional Poverty Index: developing countries 202 Multidimensional Poverty Index: changes over time 22FIGURES1 Structure of the global Multidimensional Poverty Index 22 Both low- and middle-income countries have a wide range ofmultidimensional poverty 33 Going beyond averages shows great subnational disparities in Uganda 54 A higher proportion of children than of adults are multidimensionally poor,and the youngest children bear the greatest burden 65 Child-level data in the global Multidimensional Poverty Index 76 In South Asia the percentage of school-age children who aremultidimensionally poor and out of school varies by country 8 7 Ethiopia, India and Peru significantly reduced deprivations in all 10 indicators,each in different ways 98 Trends in poverty reduction in subnational regions for selected countries 109 Ethiopia has made substantial improvements in all MultidimensionalPoverty Index indicators 11 10 Deprivations among multidimensionally poor people in Ethiopia areparticularly high for standard of living indicators 12 11 Inequality among multidimensionally poor people tends to increase withMultidimensional Poverty Index value, but there is wide variation acrosscountries 13 12 There is no correlation between economic inequality and MultidimensionalPoverty Index value 14 13 The incidence of multidimensional poverty is strongly but imperfectlycorrelated with inequality in education. 15 14 Of eight selected countries with data, only Peru and Viet Nam saw highergrowth in income or consumption per capita among the poorest 40 percentthan among the total population 15 15 In all but one of the 10 selected countries the bottom 40 percent areimproving Multidimensional Poverty Index attainments faster than thetotal population 16ii | GLOBAL MULTIDIMENSIONAL POVERTY INDEX 2019The globalMultidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) compares acute multidimensional poverty for more than 100 countries and 5.7 billionpeople and monitors changes over timeGlobal Multidimensional Poverty Index 2019 Illuminating inequalitiesWhat is the globalMultidimensional Poverty Index?Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1 aims to end poverty in all its forms and dimensions.1 Although often defined according to income, poverty can also be defined in terms of the deprivations people face in their daily lives. The global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is one tool for measuring progress against SDG 1. It compares acute multidimen-sional poverty for more than 100 countries and 5.7 billion people and monitors changes over time.The global MPI scrutinizes a person’s depri-vations across 10 indicators in health, educa-tion and standard of living (figure 1) and offers a high-resolution lens to identify both who is poor and how they are poor. It complements the international $1.90 a day poverty rate by showing the nature and extent of overlapping deprivations for each person. The 2019 update of the global MPI covers 101 countries—31 low income, 68 middle income and 2 high income—and uses data from 50 Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), 42 Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), one DHS-MICS and eight national surveys that provide comparable information to DHS and MICS.2 Data are from 2007–2018, though 5.2 billion of the 5.7 billion people covered and 1.2 bil-lion of the 1.3 billion multidimensionally poor people identified are captured by surveys from 2013 or later.The global MPI is disaggregated by age group and geographic area to show poverty patterns within countries. It is also broken down by indicator to highlight which dep-rivations characterize poverty and drive its reduction or increase. These analyses are vital for policymakers.The global MPI was developed in 2010 by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) at the University of Oxford and the Human Development Report Office of the United Nations DevelopmentProgramme (UNDP) for the flagship Human Development Report. The figures and analysis are updated at least once a year using newly re-leased data. See the back cover for more details on the global MPI.Key findings• Across 101 countries, 1.3 billion peo-ple—23.1 percent—are multidimensionally poor.3• Two-thirds of multidimensionally poor peo-ple live in middle-income countries (p. 3).• There is massive variation in multidimen-sional poverty within countries. For exam-ple, Uganda’s national multidimensional poverty rate (55.1 percent) is similar to the Sub-Saharan Africa average (57.5 percent), but the incidence of multidimensional poverty in Uganda’s provinces ranges from 6.0 percent to 96.3 percent, a range similar to that of national multidimen-sional poverty rates in Sub-Saharan Africa (6.3–91.9 percent).• Half of the 1.3 billion multidimensionally poor people are children under age 18. A third are children under age 10 (p. 6).• This year’s spotlight on child poverty in South Asia reveals considerable diversity. While 10.7 percent of South Asian girls are out of school and live in a multidimension-ally poor household, that average hides vari-ation: in Afghanistan 44.0 percent do (p. 7).• In South Asia 22.7 percent of children under age 5 experience intrahousehold inequality in deprivation in nutrition (where at least one child in the household is malnourished and at least one child in the household is not). In Pakistan over a third of children under age 5 experience such intrahousehold inequality (p. 8).• Of 10 selected countries for which chang-es over time were analysed, India and Cambodia reduced their MPI values the fastest—and they did not leave the poorest groups behind (p. 9).Illuminating Inequalities | 1There is wide variation across countries ininequality amongmultidimensionallypoor people—that is, in the intensity of poverty experienced by each poor person • There is wide variation across countries ininequality among multidimensionally poorpeople—that is, in the intensity of povertyexperienced by each poor person. For exam-ple, Egypt and Paraguay have similar MPIvalues, but inequality among multidimen-sionally poor people is considerably higher inParaguay (p. 13).• There is little or no association between eco-nomic inequality (measured using the Ginicoefficient) and the MPI value (p. 13).• In the 10 selected countries for which chang-es over time were analysed, deprivationsdeclined faster among the poorest 40 percentof the population than among the total pop-ulation (p. 15).What can the globalMultidimensional Poverty Indextell us about inequality?The world is increasingly troubled by inequali-ty. Citizens and politicians alike recognize thegrowing inequality in many societies and its po-tential influence on political stability, econom-ic growth, social cohesion and even happiness.But how is inequality linked to poverty?Poverty identifies people whose attainmentsplace them at the bottom of the distribution.Inequality considers the shape of the distri-bution: how far those at the bottom are fromthe highest treetops and what lies in between.Though inequality is complex, if the bottom ofthe distribution rises—if the poorest improvethe fastest—one troubling aspect of inequalityis addressed.FIGURE 1Structure of the global Multidimensional Poverty IndexSource: Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative 2018.2 | GLOBAL MULTIDIMENSIONAL POVERTY INDEX 2019Showcasing inequalities multidimensionallyThe SDGs call for disaggregated information in order to identify who is catching up and who is being left behind. T o meet this need, the MPI has been disaggregated by 1,119 subnational regions as well as by age and rural-urban area. This report uses that information to highlight gender and intrahousehold inequalities in South Asia and track whether countries that reduce multidimensional poverty are leaving no one behind.Beyond averagesLow- and middle-income countries have extensive subnational inequality (figure 2).4 Of the 1.3 billion multidimensionally poor people worldwide, 886 million—more than two-thirds of them—live in middle-income countries:FIGURE 2Both low- and middle-income countries have a wide range of multidimensional povertyNote: Each bubble represents a subnational region; the size of the bubble reflects the number of multidimensionally poor people. The figure is based on 1,119 subnational regions in 83 countries plus national averages for 18 countries. Data are from surveys conducted between 2007 and 2018.Source: Alkire, Kanagaratnam and Suppa (2019) based on Human Development Report Office and Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative calculations.Illuminating Inequalities | 3Across the 101 countries coveredby the global MPI, 23.1 percent of people are multidimensionally poor, but the incidence of multidimensional poverty varies across developing regions—from 1.1 percent inEurope and Central Asia to 57.5 percent in Sub-Saharan Africa • 94 million multidimensionally poor peoplelive in upper-middle-income countries,where the subnational incidence of multidi-mensional poverty ranges from 0 percent to69.9 percent.• 792 million multidimensionally poorlive in lower-middle-income countries,where the subnational incidence of multi-dimensional poverty ranges from 0 percentto 86.7 percent.• 440 million multidimensionally poor peoplelive in low-income countries, where the sub-national incidence of multidimensional pov-erty ranges from 0.2 percent to 99.4 percent.This shows that the challenge of reducingmulti d imensional poverty is not confined tolow-income countries.Inequality between andwithin countriesThe global MPI highlights inequalities at theglobal, regional, national, subnational and evenhousehold level. Each layer of analysis yields anew understanding of inequality and providesa far richer picture than the $1.90 a day povertyrate. Two examples illustrate how subnationaldisaggregations shine a light on inequality.Where multidimensionallypoor people liveThe global MPI indicates that 1.3 billion peo-ple live in multidimensional poverty. But whereare they? Increasing levels of disaggregation canhelp locate them:• Poorest two developing regions: Rankingdeveloping regions by average MPI value re-veals that Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asiaare the poorest (figure 3).• Poorest 49 countries: Ranking countries byMPI value reveals that the poorest 49 coun-tries are home to as many multidimensionallypoor people as Sub-Saharan Africa andSouth Asia. These 49 countries are spreadacross all developing regions except Europeand Central Asia.• Poorest 675 subnational regions: Rankingsubnational regions by MPI value reveals thatthe poorest 675 subnational regions, locatedin 65 countries in all developing regionsexcept Europe and Central Asia, are home toas many poor people as Sub-Saharan Africaand South Asia combined.5Without disaggregation, the striking inequalitywithin countries is easily missed.Disaggregation mattersAcross the 101 countries covered by theglobal MPI, 23.1 percent of people are multi-dimensionally poor, but the incidence ofmultidimensional poverty varies across devel-oping regions—from 1.1 percent in Europe andCentral Asia to 57.5 percent in Sub-SaharanAfrica. In Sub-Saharan Africa the incidencevaries across countries—from 6.3 percent inSouth Africa to 91.9 percent in South Sudan(see figure 3). And within countries the inci-dence varies across subnational regions. Forinstance, the incidence of multidimensionalpoverty in Uganda is 55.1 percent—similarto the Sub-Saharan Africa average. But withinUganda the incidence ranges from 6.0 percentin Kampala to 96.3 percent in Karamoja—meaning that some regions of the country havean incidence similar to that of South Africa,while others have an incidence similar to thatof South Sudan.Poverty is everywhereAction against poverty is needed in all devel-oping regions.While Sub-Saharan Africa andSouth Asia are home to the largest proportionsof multidimensionally poor people (84.5 per-cent of all multidimensionally poor people livein the two regions), countries in other parts ofthe world also have a high incidence of multi-dimensional poverty: Sudan (52.3 percent),Yemen (47.7 percent), Timor-Leste (45.8 per-cent) and Haiti (41.3 percent).Stark inequalities across countriesin the same developing regionIn Sub-Saharan Africa the incidence ofmultidimensional poverty is 91.9 percent inSouth Sudan and 90.5 percent in Niger but14.9 percent in Gabon and 6.3 percent inSouth Africa. In South Asia it is 55.9 percent inAfghanistan but 0.8 percent in the Maldives. Inthe Arab States it is 52.3 percent in Sudan and4 | GLOBAL MULTIDIMENSIONAL POVERTY INDEX 201947.7 percent in Y emen but less than 1.0 percent in Jordan. In Latin America it is 41.3 percent in Haiti but 0.6 percent in T rinidad and T obago. In East Asia and the Pacific it is 45.8 percent in Timor-Leste but 3.9 percent in China and 0.8 percent in Thailand. In Europe and Central Asia it is 7.4 percent in Tajikistan but 0.2 per-cent in Armenia.What intensity addsThe MPI is the product of the incidence and the intensity of multidimensional poverty, and both are important aspects. Any reduction in intensity reduces MPI (even if incidence remains unchanged) and reflects progress to-wards moving people out of poverty. The poor-est countries exhibit not just higher incidence of multidimensional poverty, but also higher intensity, with each poor person deprived in more indicators. Some countries have similar incidences but very different intensities. The incidence of multidimensional poverty in Pakistan and Myanmar is 38.3 percent, but the intensity is considerably higher in Pakistan (51.7 percent) than in Myanmar (45.9 per-cent). Another stark contrast is Nigeria, with incidence of 51.4 percent and intensity of 56.6 percent, and Malawi, with incidence of 52.6 percent, and intensity of 46.2 percent.Source: Alkire, Kanagaratnam and Suppa (2019) based on Human Development Report Office and Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative calculations.Illuminating Inequalities | 5。
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3. 预计到2050年全球人口预计增长的三分 之二将受当前年龄结构的驱动,即使今天高 生育率国家的生育率在一生中立即降至每名 妇女生育两次左右,也会出现这种情况。这 是事实,因为这些国家的大量儿童和青年将 在未来几十年内达到生育年龄,并开始拥有 自己的孩子。
虽然全球口仍在增长,但一些国家的总人 口正在减少。事实上,所有国家都在经历人 口老龄化。
1. 由于生育率下降,世界人口继续增长,尽 管速度比1950年以来的任何时候都要慢。根据 2019年估计的77亿人口,中变量预测1表明全球 人口可能在2030年增长到85亿左右,2050年增 长到97亿,2100年增长到109亿。
6. 预计在2019年至2050年期间,55个国家或 地区的人口将减少1%或更多,原因是生育率 持续低下,而且在某些地方,移民率很高。预 计保加利亚,拉脱维亚,立陶宛,乌克兰以及 瓦利斯群岛和富图纳群岛的人口规模相对减少 幅度最大,约为20%或更多。
7. 在撒哈拉以南非洲大部分地区以及亚洲, 拉丁美洲和加勒比地区,近期生育率下降意味 着工作年龄(25至64岁)人口的增长速度超过 其他年龄组,提供了机会加速经济增长被称为 “人口红利”。
8. 2018年,世界上65岁或以上的人数首次 超过五岁以下儿童。预测表明,到2050年, 65岁以上的人口将是五岁以下儿童的两倍多。 到2050年,全球65岁或以上的人数也将超过 15至24岁的青少年和青少年。
2019年“世界人口前景”修订版是联合国人口估计和预测的第二十六版。它通过对历史 人口趋势的分析得出了235个国家或地区从1950年到现在的人口估计数。该最新评估考虑 了1950年至2018年间进行的1,690次全国人口普查的结果,以及来自生 命登记系统和 2,700次全国代表性抽样调查的信息。2019年修订版还提供了到2100年的人口预测,反映 了全球,区域和国家层面的一系列合理结果。
“世界人口前景”中提出的人口估计和预测描述了四个人口大趋势中的两个(人口增长和老 龄化),以及人类生育率,死亡率和净国际移徙的关键趋势,这些都是可持续发展的组成部 分。总的来说,这些数据构成了监测到2030年实现可持续发展目标的全球进展的证据基础的 关键部分。
• 确认世界人口继续增长,尽管速度放缓;
• 指出一些国家和地区面临的与高生育率驱动的人口迅速增长有关的挑战;
• 注意到由于持续的低生育率或移民,一些国家的人口规模正在减少;
• 强调最近生育率下降正在创造有利于加速经济增长的人口状况的国家可获得的机会;
• 突出了世界人口前所未有的老龄化;
• 确认全球持续增长的寿命和贫富国家之间的差距缩小,同时也表明各国和各地区的生 存存在巨大差异;
• 描述了国际移民如何成为世界某些地区人口增长和变化的重要决定因素。
什么是2019年世界人口前景? ................................................................... iii 2019年世界人口前景的主要发现 ................................................................ 1 介绍 ............................................................................................................... 3 人口规模,增长和年龄结构.................................................................... 5 人口变化的人口驱动因素:生育率,死亡率和死亡率 国际移民 .......... 23 人口动态与可持续发展目标.................................................................. 37 参考 ............................................................................................................. 39
4. 持续快速的人口增长给可持续发展带来 了挑战。该 47个最不发达国家是世界上增长最快的国家 之一 - 预计2019年至2050年期间人口将翻一 番 - 给已经紧张的资源带来压力
旨在实现可持续发展目标并确保不让任何人 掉队的具有挑战性的政策。对于许多国家或 地区,包括一些小岛屿发展中国家而言,实 现可持续发展的挑战因其易受气候变化,气 候变化和海平面上升的影响而更加复杂。
世界人口展望 2019年
人民和人口是可持续发展的核心。四个全球人口“大趋势” - 人口增长,人口老龄化,移民 和城市化 - 中的每一个都对经济和社会发展以及环境可持续性具有重要意义。及时准确的人 口估计和预测使各国政府能够预测未来的人口趋势,并将这些信息纳入发展政策和规划。
5. 预计到2050年全球人口增长的一半以上将 集中在九个国家:刚果民主共和国,埃及,埃 塞俄比亚,印度,印度尼西亚,尼日利亚,巴 基斯坦,坦桑尼亚联合共和国和美国美利坚合 众国。世界上最大的国家中不同的人口增长率 将按大小重新排序:例如,印度预计将在2027 年左右超过中国成为世界上人口最多的国家。