在线考试单选题 (共25道题)收起1.(2.0分)盛唐山水诗派的代表人物是()。
•A、李白、杜甫•B、韩愈、孟郊•C、王维、孟浩然•D、杜牧、李商隐我的答案:C 此题得分:2.0分2.(2.0分)唐代以意境朦胧含蓄多情的“无题”诗著称的诗人是()。
•A、王维•B、王昌龄•C、杜牧•D、李商隐我的答案:D 此题得分:2.0分3.(2.0分)杜甫诗歌的风格是()。
•A、沉郁顿挫•B、飘逸奔放•C、清新淡雅•D、通俗易懂我的答案:A 此题得分:2.0分4.(2.0分)《定风波》(莫听穿林打叶声)最能表现苏轼()。
•A、所受的儒家思想影响•B、遭遇的仕途坎坷•C、坎坷后的妥协和消极人生态度•D、潇洒旷达的精神气度和不随物悲喜的人生态度我的答案:D 此题得分:2.0分5.(2.0分)《张中丞传后叙》中写南霁云抽刀断指时:“一座大惊,皆感激为云泣下”,对刻画南霁云的形象,表现手法是()。
•A、类比显现•B、对比反衬•C、象征暗示•D、侧面烘托我的答案:D 此题得分:2.0分6.(2.0分)《张中丞传后叙》的写作特点是()。
•A、以议论为主,叙议结合•B、以记叙为主•C、以记叙和抒情为主•D、以议论和抒情结合我的答案:A 此题得分:2.0分7.(2.0分)中国古代小说产生于神话传说、寓言故事、史传、杂记,发展中形成了( )两个系统。
•A、章回小说和白话小说•B、文言小说和白话小说•C、历史演义和英雄传奇小说•D、神魔小说和讽刺小说我的答案:B 此题得分:2.0分8.(2.0分)“五四”运动以来,针对当时的自由体诗缺少节制,过于散漫而提出格律化要求的是()。
•A、七月派诗人•B、九叶派诗人•C、新月派诗人•D、现代派诗人我的答案:C 此题得分:2.0分9.(2.0分)40年代在雅俗共享方面,作品既为现代的、先锋的、新潮知识分子接纳,又能够吸引传统的、通俗的、新市民读者群的作家是()。
•A、茅盾•B、张爱玲•C、沈从文•D、巴金我的答案:B 此题得分:2.0分10.(2.0分)下列关于诗人徐志摩的表述错误的一项是()。
【石油大学】大学语文(二)-第二次在线作业试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,1.(5.0分)李金发所属的诗派是()。
A、中西结合的创作方向B、文艺大众化的创作方向C、 "三突出"的创作方向D、社会主义现实主义的创作方向正确答案:B第3题,3.(5.0分)构成音节的最小单位是()。
Dபைடு நூலகம்韩非
【石油大学】大学语文(二)-第一次在线作业试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,1.(5.0分)下列不属于用典好处的一项是()。
《大学语文》在线作业(一)戴望舒《雨巷》表现了作者的( )心情A:追求爱情B:追求理想C:热爱江南D:彷徨迷惘参考选项:D“落日楼头,断鸿声里,江南游子,把吴钩看了”表现的意思是( ) A:报国无门的悲愤之情B:太阳落山,月亮升起C:作者喜欢江南美景流连忘返参考选项:A征帆去棹残阳里,被西风,( )斜矗。
A:酒旗B:高楼C:孤塔D:老树参考选项:A( )提出“兴,百姓苦;亡,百姓苦”A:孟子B:张养浩C:白居易D:杜甫参考选项:B《五代史伶官传序》的中心论点是( )A:“盛衰之理,虽曰天命,岂非人事哉”B:“满招损,谦得益”C:“忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身”D:“祸患常积于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺”参考选项:A《前赤壁赋》主要描写了哪三种景物?( )A:明月、江水、秋花B:江水、明月、清风C:清风、黄花、梧桐D:清风、明月、芦荻参考选项:B“用善骑射杀首虏者多,为汉中郎”中前一句翻译正确的是( ) A:使用善于骑马射箭的人杀了很多匈奴人B:因为善于骑马射箭杀掉的匈奴人多C:任用善于骑马射死首领的人很多参考选项:B“君子和而不同,小人和而不同”出自( )A:《论语》B:《孟子》C:《周易》D:《老子》参考选项:A《再别康桥》的作者是( )A:戴望舒B:徐志摩C:沈从文D:郁达夫参考选项:B《登幽州台歌》的主题是( )A:感慨人生短暂B:怀念英明的君王C:抒发怀才不遇的悲愤参考选项:C。
中国石油大学成人教育《大学语文》在线考试复习题及参考答案《大学语文》课程综合复习资料一、单选题1. 姚纳是哪部小说中的人物?A、《米龙老爹》B、《苦恼》C、《麦琪的礼物》D、《风波》2. “民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻”的提出者是:A、孔子B、孟子C、庄子D、韩非3. 《五代史伶官传序》的中心论点是:A、“盛衰之理,虽曰天命,岂非人事哉”B、“满招损,谦得益”C、“忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身”D、“祸患常积于忽微,而智勇多困于所溺”4. “君子远庖厨”这个词语源自:A、《论语》B、《孟子》C、《谏逐客书》D、《庄子》5. 《蒹葭》一诗最突出的特点是:A、意境朦胧、含蕴不尽B、长于夸张、催人泪下C、直抒胸臆、大胆追求D、借境抒情,善用比喻6. 《徐霞客传》的作者是:A、钱谦益B、韩愈C、邹容D、秋瑾7. 作品被称为“诗史”的古代诗人是:A、李白B、杜甫C、白居易D、陆游8. 《我与地坛》的作者是:A、吴组缃B、史铁生C、迟之建D、老舍9. 下列作品中,属于汉代人物传记的是:A、《李将军列传》B、《五代史伶官传序》C、《前赤壁赋》D、《徐霞客传》10. 契诃夫写有短篇小说:A、《米龙老爹》B、《海鸥》C、《羊脂球》D、《苦恼》11. 《怀大爱心,做小事情》的作者是:A、余光中B、莫言C、何光沪D、胡适12. 梨洲先生是:A、辛弃疾B、王安石C、苏轼D、黄宗羲13. 《乡土情结》的作者是:A、季羡林B、柯灵C、余光中D、艾青14. 《前赤壁赋》主要描写了哪三种景物?A、明月、江水、秋花B、江水、明月、清风C、清风、黄花、梧桐D、清风、明月、芦荻15. 《始得西山宴游记》的作者是:A、韩愈B、柳宗元C、颜之推D、陆游16. 《长恨歌》开篇言“汉皇重色思倾国”,这里实际是指:A、汉武帝B、陈子昂C、唐玄宗D、燕昭王17. 《饮酒》(其五)中最富于哲理意味的直抒胸臆的诗句是:A、结庐在入境,而无车马喧B、问君何能尔?心远地自偏C、采菊东篱下,悠然见南山D、山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还18. 《晏子对齐侯问》出自:A、《国语》B、《左传》C、《尚书》D、《礼记》19. 《史伯对桓公问》出自:A、《国语》B、《左传》C、《尚书》D、《礼记》20. 《容忍与自由》的作者是:A、莫言B、季羡林C、胡适D、余光中二、填空题1. 《论睁了眼看》的作者是。
第8题魏晋南北朝时期的⼩说属⽂⾔⼩说系统,分( )两类。
C: 借客之口宣泄政治失意返归自然人生无常的苦闷,借主之口人生无常表达潇洒超脱的轻快。
(单选题) 6: 《登楼赋》的作者是( )
A: 李白
B: 王桀
C: 王博
D: 欧阳修
(单选题) 1: 《吊古战场文》的主题是( )
A: 守在四夷
B: 怀念战死者
C: 歌颂开拓疆土的英雄
D: 感慨怀才不遇
(单选题) 2: 《柳敬亭传》的作者是( )
A: 韩愈
B: 宗元
C: 苏轼
D: 黄宗羲
(单选题) 3: 《苦恼》的主人公是( )
(单选题) 7: 易安居士是指( )
A: 辛弃疾
B: 王安石
C: 苏轼
D: 李清照
(单选题) 8: 我是你河边上破旧的老( )
A: 木桥
B: 树
C: 房子
D: 水车
(单选题) 9: ( )兮秋风,洞庭波兮木叶下。
A: 簌簌
B: 萧萧
C: 嫋嫋
D: 依依
(单选题) 10: 雪夜访戴故事的主角是( )
A: 王羲之
B: 王献之
C: 王徽之
D: 刘义庆
A: 姚纳
B: 万卡
C: 契诃夫
(单选题) 4: 征帆去棹残阳里,被西风,( )斜矗。
A: 酒旗
B: 高楼
C: 孤塔
1拿到试卷:熟悉试卷刚拿到试卷一般心情比拟紧张,建议拿到卷子以后看看考卷一共几页,有多少道题,了解试卷结构,通览全卷是克服“前面难题做不出,后面易题没时间做〞的有效举措,也从根本上预防了“漏做题〞.2做题顺序:从卷首依次开始一般来讲,全卷大致是先易后难的排列.所以,正确的做法是从卷首开始依次做题,先易后难, 最后攻坚.但也不是果断地“依次〞做题,虽然考卷大致是先易后难,但试卷前部特别是中间出现难题也是常见的,执着程度适当,才能绕过难题,先做好有保证的题,才能尽量多得分.3做题策略做题策略一共有三点:1.先易后难、先熟后生.先做简单的、熟悉的题,再做综合题、难题. 2.先小后大.先做容易拿分的小题,再做耗时又复杂的大题. 3.先局部后整体.把疑难问题划分成一系列的步骤,一步一步的解决,每解决一步就能得到一步的分数.4学会分段得分会做的题目要特别注意表达准确、书写标准、语言科学,预防被“分段扣点分〞.不会做的题目我们可以先成认中间结论,往后推,看能否得到结论.如果不能,说明这个途径不对,立即改变方向;如果能得出预期结论,就回过头来,集中力量攻克这一“卡壳处〞.如果题目有多个问题,也可以跳步作答,先答复自己会的问题.5立足中下题目,力争高水平测试时,由于时间和个别题目的难度,多数学生很难做完、做对全部题目,所以在答卷中要立足中下题目.中下题目通常占全卷的80%以上,是试题的主要构成,学生能拿下这些题目,实际上就是有了胜利在握的心理,对攻克高档题会更放得开.6保证运算正确,立足一次性成功在答卷时,要在以快为上的前提下,稳扎稳打,步步准确,尽量一次性成功.不能为追求速度而丢掉准确度,甚至丢掉重要的得分步骤.试题做完后要认真做好解后检查,看是否有空题, 答卷是否准确,格式是否标准.7要学会“挤〞分测试试题大多分步给分,所以理科要把主要方程式和计算结果写在显要位置,文科尽量把要点写清晰,作文尤其要注意开头和结尾.测试时,每一道题都认真思考,能做几步就做几步,对于考生来说就是能做几分是几分,这是测试中最好的策略.8检查后的涂改方式要讲究发现错误后要划掉重新写,忌原地用涂黑的方式改,这会使阅卷老师看不清.如果对现有的题解不满意想重新写,要先写出正确的,再划去错误的.有的同学先把原来写的题解涂抹了,写新题解的时间又不够,本来可能得的分数被自己涂掉了.测试期间遇到这些事,莫慌乱!不管是大型测试还是平时的检测, 或多或少会存在一些突发情况.遇到这些意外情况应该怎么办?为防患于未然,老师家长们应该在考前给孩子讲清楚应急举措,告诉孩子遇事不慌乱,沉重冷静,必要时可以向监考老师寻求帮助.Grammar andVocabulary Section ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.This is where my kids grew upFor years now, I ' ve been wanting to sell our home, the place where my husband and I raised our kids. But to me, this house is more than just a building. In the front room, there 'a wall that has hundreds of pencil lines. Every growth stage (21)(mark) in pencils, with each child name and the date.Of all the objects and all the memories, it ' this one thing in a home that '(22)(hard) to leave behind. Our kids grow in so many ways, but the wall is physical evidence of their progress. Friends I know have visited their previous home only (23) (discover) their wall of heights has been freshly painted over. Over the years, I ' vealked about how much I would hate leaving that wall behind when I moved, (24) the last marks were made 10 years ago when my kids stopped growing. So one day, while I was at work, my children decided to do (25)about it.They hired Jacquie Manning, a professional photographer (26)work is about capturing the beautiful things in life. She came to our house while I was at work, and over several hours, (27) (take) photos of the hundreds of drawings and lines, little grey fingerprints, and old marks. Somehow, she managed to photograph (28)we had experienced in all those years. Afterwards, she put all the photos together into one image, (29)(transform) them into a beautiful history of my family.There weeks later, my children w onderful gift made its way to me -- (30) life - size photo of the pencil lines and fingerprints that represents entire lifetimes of love and growth .Section BDirections: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.Emphasizing social play and students helping one another in kindergarten improves academic outcomes, self-control and attention regulation, finds new UBC research. The study, published in the journal PLoS One, found this approach to kindergarten curriculum also 31 _ children ' s joy in learning and teachers ' enjoyment of tea “Before childrenhave the ability to sit for long periods _32_information, they need to be allowed tobe 33 and be encouraged to learn by dong, Dr. Adesaidiamond, the study 'lead author. "Indeed, peopleof all ages learn better by doing than by being told.〞Through a controlled experiment, Diamond and her colleagues_34_the effectiveness of a curriculum called Tools of the Mind (Tools). The curriculum was introduced to willing kindergarten teachers and 351 childrenwith different backgrounds in 18 public schools.Tools was developed in 1993 by two American researchers. Its basic_35_is that social - emotional development and improving self-control is as important as teaching academic skills and content. The Tools 36_the role of social play in developing skills such as self - control, selective attention and planning. - " Skills likescontrol and selective attention are necessary for learning. They are often more strongly associated with school readiness(入学准备) than intelligence quotient (IQ ), “said Diamond. This experiment is the first to show 37 of a curriculum emphasizing social play.〞Teachers reported more _38_behavior and greater sense of community in Tools classes. Late is the school year, Tools teachers reported they still felt _39_and excited about teaching, while teachers in the control group were exhausted. "I have enjoyed seein4(theprogress my students have made in writing and reading. said a Tools teacher in Vancouver. " have also enjoyed seeing the students get so excited about coming to school and learning. They loved all the activities so much that many students didn ' want to miss school, even if they were sick.〞in. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.In product design, imagining user ' s feelings leads to more original outcomes Researchers find that in a new p roduct design, connecting with user ' s heart, rather than their head, can lead to more original and creative outcomes.Developing original and_41_products is critical to a company' long-term success. Thus, understanding what influences originality can have important and potentially _42_consequences for businesses. Ravi Mehta, a professor of business administration, shows that adopting a(n)_43_that imagines how the user would feel while using a product leads designers to experience greater empathy (同感),which _44_creativity and, in turn, outcome originality for new product design.There are two ways that the product designer can_45 the consumer ' product usage. One focuses on objective use of the product - how consumers might use the product, that is, an objective - imagination " approach.The other focuses on feelings - how the product makes the consumer feel, a -imag insfeeninga pproach.Consumers always want to have new products that solve problems more efficiently and at a less cost. So product designers _46 _this trap of being very objective in focusing on the use of a product. That ' im portant, leads designers to experience greater empathy, which makes them more_48_, the feelings-imagination approach leads designers to experience greater empathy, which makes them more_49_ to the consumers ideas. This leads to greater outcome originality. Mehta said, “ when you imagine consumers and focus on their feelings, thapowerful ' and will lead to something much more innovative than only focusing on a product 'usage. The research shows that a feelings - based approach is 50 to the commonly used objective - based approach, the researchers wrote. It not only helps product designers build a better product, but is also them create more innovative products.The implications of the findings extend to everyday consumers, who now play a role in shaping companies design. Mehta said, “ Marketers are incre&singnsumers for new product ideas. _ 52,, there was verysuccessful campaign a few years ago focused on getting consumers to create a new potato chip flavor.The experiments demonstrated a _53_effect of adopting a feelings - imagination approach. That suggest that these designers may _ 54 imagining users feelings. In this way, designers can develop products the could _55 _to the masses. Companies can easily adopt this process and promote feelings-imagination exercise through their websites or social media.41. A. primary B. innovative C. natural D. domestic42. A. temporary B. slight C. indefinite D. profitable43. A. policy B. proposal C. approach D. standard44. A. enhances B. exhibits C. illustrates D. explores45. A. recommend B. extend C. exploit D. imagine46. A. fall apart B. figure out C. fall into D. turn into47. A. originality B. objectivity C. creativity D. flexibility48. A. In conclusion B. In addition C. As a result D. By contrast49. A. open B. harmful C. resistant D. equal50. A. evident B. superior C. relevant D. alert51. A. joining in B. applying to C. turning to D. taking to52. A. In reality B. In other words C. What ' s more D. For example53. A. dramatic B. positive C. negative D. serious54. A. depend on B. benefit from C. contribute to D. involve in55. A. appeal B. refer C.adapt D. commitSection BDirections: Read the following three passage. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)When she was ten years old, Isadora Duncan dropped out of school to teach people dance. If that job was le to any other ten-year-old, it would have turned out frustrating, difficult, and a little discouraging.But Duncan was different. Not only was she already talented enough to earn money even at that age, but she also had a rare kind of confidence that helped her treat troubles as fuel -- something to elevate the fire that is already burning inside of her.It ' no surprise, then, that when she moved to New York to join a theatre company, she found herself restricted. The existing dancing style, their way of operating -- all of this seemed to her the work of a misguided past. Duncan was very direct about what she wanted, confidently telling people she had a different vision of dance that she was going to spread in the world. This, naturally, led to ridicule and laughs early on, but as she built up her work, these instances became less frequent. Today, she is remembered as “ The Mother of Dance, " with much of the modern art owing its expressive style to her influence. Inspired by the ancient Greeks, she brought the style to life.In her autobiography (自传),one of the things Duncan frequently refers to as the basis of her expressive spirit is the fact that she had a childhood where shewasn' constantly watched. The expectations of her mother (who raised her) were open - ended. It was freedom of this lifestyle that drove her to see what she could do.Growing up, before she left school, she was told one of two things : that was either completely useless or that she was a genius. There was nothing is between. Even when she started working, people either bowed to her or they basically ignored her. But there wasn' t one moment Duncan doubted her owngenius.There is an old quotation “if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believingthat it is stupid. " And it captures an important truth. At school, Isadora Duncan wasea Ifa the dance hall, shegave from to brilliance.56. What does the underlined phrase “ treat troublmeasi?uel〞A. Duncan used troubles to push her forward towards her dream.B. Duncan was good at burning away everyday troubles.C. Troubles turned Duncan into a confident girl.D. Troubles it the fire of dancing in Duncan.57. Which of the following is TRUE about Duncan?A. Her experience in New York was the foundation of her career.B. Her teaching job when she was little destroyed her confidence.C. Her dancing style was not very well received at the beginning.D. Her mother set higher expectation on her than she could bear.58. What does the author try to tell the readers in the last paragraph?A. It is useless climbing a tree to catch fish.B. Everybody is a genius in his own way.C. Miseries come from human stupidity.D. Teachers can impact students greatly.59. What is this passage mainly about?A. Isadora Duncan ' childhood and her achievements today.B. Duncan ' s career development and other dancers her.opinions ofC. Isadora Duncan ' s eexperiences and the reasons for her success.D. Duncan ' s high status in the dancing world and her unique expressivstyle.(B)Taking your pulse during physical activity allows you to measure how hard you are exercising. You should exercise to sty within your target heart range.Increasing your heart rate is a key part of exercise, but it is important that your heart rate is not too high or too low. If you are a beginner, you should also be able to breathe comfortably while exercising. This will ensure that you are exercising at a level that is safe and effective for your body.The chart below illustrates target heart rate ranges for exercise based on the maximal heart rate for selected ages. Here are steps for using the chart:Target Heart Rate Zone60. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Exercise intensity can be reflected by a person ' s heate.B. The faster your heart rate is, the more effective the exercise is.C. Vigorous exercise will definitely present a threat to people safety. ' sD. The target exercise heart rate range for a 45 -year-old is 90-149 RMB.61. A 34-year-old man is running and the number of pulses he takes for 15 seconds is 40. His finess coach had better tell himA. 〞Yoare doing fine. "B. "Yocan run faster. 〞C. 〞Yoshould slow down a bit. "D. "Yoishould drink some water.〞62. What is the purpose of this passage?A. To advise people to form a habit of taking their pulses while exercising.B. To inform people of the target heart rate zone for those aged 60 an under.C. To tell people the importance of maintaining moderate amount of exercise.D. To show people how to measure heart rate to keep proper exercise intensity.〔C〕A tiny clue found in ancient deposits has unlocked big secrets about Greenland 'past and future climate. Just beyond the northwest edge of the vast Greenland Ice Sheet, researchers have discovered lake mud that have survived the last ice age. The mud, and remains of common flies in it, record two inter-glacial periods 〔间冰期〕in northwest Greenland.Although researchers have long known these two periods -- the early Holocene and Last Inter-glacial - experienced warming in the Arctic, the mix of fly species shows that Greenland was even warmer than previously thought. " Asar as we know, it has never been found in Greenland. We think this is the first time anyone has reported it in ancient deposits or modern lakes there, Axford said. " Wwere really surprised to see how far north it migrated 〔迁徙〕.〞This new information could help researchers better measure Greenland ' s sensitivity to warming, by and improving models of climate and ice sheet behaviour. Those models could than improve predictions of how Greenland ' s ice sheet might respond to maniade global warming. After all, Greenland coveres 80 per cent of the Arctic country and holds enough ice to equal 20 feet of global sea level . " Northwest Greenland might feel reallyremote, but what happens to that ice sheet is going to matter to everyone in every coastal city around the world, said Yarrow Axford, an associate professor in the team. " One of the big uncertaintieerioecisrhiowsast theEarth changes when it gets warmer. Geology gives us an opportunity to see what happened when the Earth was warmer than today, s aid Axford.People might be surprised to see how today ' s Greenland looked during the la-gltwoalnleriods.During the Last Inter-glacial, global sea levels increased by 15 to 30 feet, largely due to thinning of Greenland and Antarctica icessheets. However, now researchers believe northern Greenland 'ice sheet experienced strongerwarming than previously thought, which could mean that Greenland is more responsible for that sea-level rise.Finding lake deposits older than about 10,000 years, however, has been historically very difficult in Greenland. To measure these ancient temperatures, researchers look to ice core s〔冰核〕and lake deposits. Since ice and lake deposits form by a gradual buildup on annual layers of snow or mud, these cores contain history of the past. By looking through the layers, researchers can obtain climate clues from centuries ago.63. Why are the remains of flies mentioned in the first two paragraphs?A. They serve as evidence that there is still life in the Northwest Greenland.B. They were one of the many ancient lives that were left in the Greenland mud.C. They are indicators that Greenland was much warmer than previously thought.D. They help the researchers realize that there was once a warm period in the Arctic.64. The new information about Greenland is important becauseA. researchers have no idea how to measure Greenland speed.warmingB. it can help researchers better predict Greenland warminge sponse toC. people should be more sensitive to the changes in the ice in GreenlandD. it is uncertain how fast the Earth changes with man - made global warming65. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A. It is easier for today 'scientists to find ancient lake deposits.B. People are surprised at the landscape feature of Greenland today.C. Researchers measure the changing temperatures by directly examining mud.D. Greenland holds enough ice that might one day threaten life in coastal cities.66. Which do you think is the best title of the passage?A. Greenland Used to Be Much GreenerB. Earth Once Experienced Warm PeriodsC. Coastal Cities Warned of Coming DisastersD. Northwest Greenland, A Perfect DestinationSection CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.South Africa still has a long way to go on the right to foodA. As a result, questions of hunger are largely absent in South African politics.B. Handing food injustice requires a transformation of the under-sirable structure of the food system.C. Therefore, the government has put forward numerous food and nutrition security programs to fight against hunger.D. This means that smaller scale producers, processors and retailers are squeezed out.E. Hunger, lack of nutrition and related illnesses are not equally spread.F. There are international examples of governments taking their obligations seriously with regard to the right to food.Fifty- four percent of South Africans are hungry or at risk of hunger. Hunger affects people ' as their ability to live full and productive lives because the rights to dignity, health and education are affected by hunger.67 ___ There are significant race, class and gender differences. For example, black South Africansare 22 times more likely to be food insecure compared with white South Africans. Food insecurity is defined as not having physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.This unequal distribution indicates a situation of severe food injustice in South Africa. Yet from the researchwith urban farmers it ' s clear that people do not know of the right to food, and don ' t see unequal accej food as an injustice. _____ 68 While there are frequent protests around access to jobs, education, housing,water and electricity, we rarely, if ever, see protests about access to food.One of the drivers of unequal access to food is the way in which the industrial food system works. For example, a few large companies dominate each aspect of the food value chain.69 Because the large companiesdominate the supply chain, they are able to maximize profits at the expense of small - scale producers, to whom they pay very low prices.70 It needs to ensure that marginalized producers, processors and retailers have an opportunityto earn a decent living. At the same time corporate dominance needs to be addressed.Anyway, at the most basic level, it requires that South Africans know they have a right to food in the first place.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Most of us -- even those at the top -- struggle with public - speaking anxiety. When I ask my clients what makes them nervous, invariably they respond with the same answers: "I don ' t like being watchedeyes on me " or "I don ' t like being in the spotlight. 〞To understand why, we need to go way back to prehistoric times, when humans regarded eyes watching us as an existential threat. Those eyes were likely predators (肉食动物) and people were terrified of being eaten alive. The bad news is that our brains have transferred the ancient fear of being watched into public speaking. In other words, public - speaking anxiety is in our DNA.Fortunately, there is a solution: human generosity. The key to disarming our panic button is to turn the focus away from ourselves and toward helping the audience. Studies have shown that an increase in generosity indeed leads to a decrease in amygdala (扁桃腺) activity, which is responsible for our panic feeling in the brain. When we are kind to others, we overcome the sense of being under attack and start to feel less nervous.Admittedly, this is hard to do. But it ' absolutely possible to become a generous speaker. To begin with, when you start preparing for a presentation, the mistake you often make is starting with the topic. Instead, you should start wi th the audience. Identify the audience ' s needs, and craft a message that speaks directly to those needs. Ak you are the most nervous right before you speak. This is the moment when your brain is telling you, judging me. " But it is exactlyet moment when you should refocus your brain. Over time, your brain will begin to get it, and you will become less nervous.V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1 .有些地方因污染而出现了许多奇怪的疾病. (arise)2 .全球气候变暖使得一些稀有动物濒临灭绝. (leave)3 .我养成了习惯,趁记忆忧新,就把难忘的经历写下来. (while)4 .该选手的机智及开阔的知识面使评委们大为惊讶,他们一致同意他为冠军获得者. (So ...)VI. Guided WritingDirections: Write an English composition in 120 - 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.假设你是明启中学学生王磊,你校下个月将举行中外学生交流活动,现向学生征求活动方案.你主动向校长写信,表达你的想法.你的信包括以下内容:1 .活动的主题;2 .你设计的1-2个活动的具体内容;3 .你设计该活动的理由.嘉定区2021学年第一学期高三英语教学质量检测试卷参考答案Listening: 1-5 BCDBD 6-10 BACBB 11-13 BDA 14-16 ACB 17-20 BCACGrammar:21. is marked 22. the hardest 23. to discover 24. even though/if25. something 26. whose 27. took 28. what 29. transforming 30. aVocabulary: 31-35 GHFJB 36-40 AIDECCloze: 41-45 BDCAD 46-50 CBDAB 51-55 CDBBAReading comprehension : 56-59 ACBC 60-62 ACD 63-66 CBDAReading 六选四:67-70 EADB参考答案:1. Many people have public-speaking anxiety because there are many eyes on the speakers..分〕2. The reason is that humans turned the fear of being watched by predators in prehistoric times into public speaking.〔1分〕3. To solve the problem, people should focus on helping the audience, speaking directly to the audience refocusing your brain before speaking. 〔1 分+1 分+ 1 分〕第二点还可以写成:The reason dates back to prehistoric times when humans regarded eyes watching them as those of the predators that would eat them alive.第三点还可以写成:To solve the problem, people should be generous to the audience/ focus on helping the audience. They should speak directly to the audience ' s needs and refocus their brain before speaking. Possible version 1:Many people have public-speaking anxiety because there are many eyes on the speakers. The reason is that humans turned the fear of being watched by predators in prehistoric times into public speaking. To solve the problem, people should focus on helping the audience, speaking directly to the audience ' s needs and refocusing their brain b speaking. 〔55〕Translations:1. Some strange disease have arisen from pollution in some places.Some strange diseases have arisen in some places because of pollution.2. The global warming has left some rare species of animals threatened with extinction. The global warming has left some rare species of animals in great danger of extinction.The global warming (has) left some rare (species of ) animals dying out.3. I have formed/ developed /cultivated a habit of writing down the unforgettable experiences while they ' sell fresh in my mind/ memory.4. So amazed were the judges at the wisdom and wide knowledge of the contestant that they all agrees that he would be the champion. / be the winner./win the championship.。
D: 陆游
(单选题) 1: 《春江花月夜》中统摄全篇的是()
A: 春
B: 江
C: 花
D: 月
(单选题) 2: 纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,( )如霜。
A: 月
B: 鬓
C: 人
D: 发
(单选题) 3: 白云回望合,青霭入看( )
A: 无
A: 张巡
B: 许远
C: 南霁云
D: 贺兰进明
B: 夸张
C: 对比
D: 烘托
(单选题) 10: 《西湖七月半》的作者是( )
A: 冯梦龙
B: 张岱
B: 浓
C: 蓝
D: 重
(单选题) 4: 雪夜访戴故事的主角是( )
A: 王羲之
B: 王献之
C: 王徽之
D: 刘义庆
(单选题) 5: 《双调·夜行船·秋思》在体裁上属于( )
A: 乐府诗
B: 词
C: 民歌
D: 散曲
(单选题) 6: 狡兔三窟出自( )
A: 《老子》
B: 《韩非子》
C: 《战国策》
D: 《孟子》
(单选题) 7: 李清照《声声慢》连用( )叠字
A: 七组
B: 十四组
C: 十三祖
(单选题) 8: 《张中丞传后叙》中抨击的人物是 ( )
同时在学习过程中,紧密联系个人思想、工作实际,努力做到边学习、边思考、边提高,争取在最短的时间内提高自己的业务水平.(二)自由学习学习时间:1. 周一至周五,利用业余时间每天晚上8:30—10:00学习一个半小时。
2. 周六、周日,学习2个小时。
三、学习措施1. 每周坚持上网学习,及时解决学习中遇到的困难。
四、学习原则1. 循序渐进,持之以恒,不能“三天打鱼两天晒网”2. 统筹兼顾,科学安排。
3. 融会贯通,学以致用。
4. 学习和实践相结合。
中国⽯油⼤学《⼤学语⽂》第⼀阶段在线作业第⼀阶段在线作业单选题 (共20道题)收起1.(2.5分) “富贵不能淫章”中,居天下之(),⽴天下之(),⾏天下之();在括号中填⼊正确顺序的选项()。
A、安居、正位、⼤道B、⼴居、安居、正位C、⼴居、正位、⼤道D、正位、⼤道、⼴居我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分2.(2.5分)选择下列恰当的句⼦填空:孟⼦⽈:“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻。
(),”A、是故得乎丘民⽽为天⼦B、诸侯危社稷,则变置C、得乎诸侯为⼤夫D、变置社稷我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分3.(2.5分) “得道多助,失道寡助”的修辞⼿法是()。
A、对偶B、排⽐C、⽐喻D、顶真我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分4.(2.5分)《苏武传》集中描写了苏武奉命出使匈奴,以及在异国()年的种种遭遇和表现。
A、⼗⼋B、⼗九C、九D、⼗我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分5.(2.5分)评价《史记》为“史家之绝唱,⽆韵之离骚”的⼈是()。
A、韩愈B、⽑泽东C、鲁迅D、⽅苞我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分6.(2.5分)唐代擅长写《⽆题》诗的诗⼈是()。
A、李⽩D、刘禹锡我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分7.(2.5分)杜甫诗歌的风格是()。
A、沉郁顿挫B、飘逸奔放C、清新淡雅D、通俗易懂我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分8.(2.5分)选择正确的选项完成原诗句:《春江花⽉夜》诗句:(),江⽉年年只相似。
A、江天⼀⾊⽆纤尘B、江畔何⼈初见⽉C、江⽔流春去欲尽D、⼈⽣代代⽆穷已我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分9.(2.5分)选择正确的选项完成原诗句:《过故⼈庄》诗句:开轩⾯场圃,()。
A、邀我⾄⽥家B、绿树村边合C、把酒话桑⿇D、还来就菊花我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分10.(2.5分)选择正确的选项完成原诗句:《⾛马川⾏奉送出师西征》诗句:⼀川碎⽯⼤如⽃,()。
A、随风满地⽯乱⾛B、轮台九⽉风夜吼C、半夜军⾏⼽相拨D、将军⾦甲夜不脱我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分11.(2.5分)⽂学作品中表现的,“可以向往追求却永远达不到追求⽬标”的⼀种意境被称为( )。
这段文字传递了什么样的信息?〔 D 〕A.成功需要效率B.时间就是金钱C.最近的那一幅画最值钱D.成功的最正确目标是最有可能实现的那个2、科学家预测天气远比三国时的诸葛亮借东风要难。
对这段文字的正确理解是:〔 D 〕A.巴西与美国可能有着相似的气候特征B.一些小生物对全球的气候可以产生很大的影响C.整个地球越来越成为一个整体,此处的气候可以影响彼处的气候D.改变全球气候的因素很复杂,一些看似微小的因素可能也会影响气候的变化3、随着生产和生活垃圾的急剧增加,垃圾处理已成为一个重要的社会和经济问题。
“垃圾是放错了地方的资源〞说明:( C )A.垃圾变废为宝刻不容缓B.专家发现了垃圾的新用途C.人们未充分认识到垃圾的价值D.垃圾处理可以通过多种方式解决4、人与兽的根本不同就在于:人可以以精神疗救肉体,也可以以精神的记述--书籍,来拓展生命的疆域,使生命不朽。
这段文字所表达的主要意思是:〔 C 〕 A.精神可以使人不朽 B.动物不能用精神疗救肉体 C.人与兽的区别在于人有精神力量D.精神可以以书籍为载体拓展生命疆域5、幸福固然依赖于一定的物质条件,但更直接地依赖于我们感受幸福的心灵。
作业第1题文学作品中体现旳,“可以向往追求却永远达不到追求目旳”旳一种意境被称为( )。
【石油大学】大学语文-第二阶段在线作业试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,1.(2.5分)第一篇现代白话短篇小说是1918年5月()。
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A、李白、杜甫B、韩愈、孟郊C、王维、孟浩然D、杜牧、李商隐我的答案:C 此题得分:2.0分2.(2.0分)唐代以意境朦胧含蓄多情的“无题”诗著称的诗人是()。
A、王维B、王昌龄C、杜牧D、李商隐我的答案:D 此题得分:2.0分3.(2.0分)杜甫诗歌的风格是()。
A、沉郁顿挫B、飘逸奔放C、清新淡雅D、通俗易懂我的答案:A 此题得分:2.0分4.(2.0分)《定风波》(莫听穿林打叶声)最能表现苏轼()。
A、所受的儒家思想影响B、遭遇的仕途坎坷C、坎坷后的妥协和消极人生态度D、潇洒旷达的精神气度和不随物悲喜的人生态度我的答案:D 此题得分:2.0分5.(2.0分)《张中丞传后叙》中写南霁云抽刀断指时:“一座大惊,皆感激为云泣下”,对刻画南霁云的形象,表现手法是()。
A、类比显现B、对比反衬C、象征暗示D、侧面烘托我的答案:D 此题得分:2.0分6.(2.0分)《张中丞传后叙》的写作特点是()。
A、以议论为主,叙议结合B、以记叙为主C、以记叙和抒情为主D、以议论和抒情结合我的答案:A 此题得分:2.0分7.(2.0分)中国古代小说产生于神话传说、寓言故事、史传、杂记,发展中形成了( )两个系统。
A、章回小说和白话小说B、文言小说和白话小说C、历史演义和英雄传奇小说D、神魔小说和讽刺小说我的答案:B 此题得分:2.0分8.(2.0分)“五四”运动以来,针对当时的自由体诗缺少节制,过于散漫而提出格律化要求的是()。
A、七月派诗人B、九叶派诗人C、新月派诗人D、现代派诗人我的答案:C 此题得分:2.0分9.(2.0分)40年代在雅俗共享方面,作品既为现代的、先锋的、新潮知识分子接纳,又能够吸引传统的、通俗的、新市民读者群的作家是()。
A、茅盾B、张爱玲C、沈从文D、巴金我的答案:B 此题得分:2.0分10.(2.0分)下列关于诗人徐志摩的表述错误的一项是()。
A、徐志摩是新月社重要成员B、《再别康桥》是徐志摩的代表作C、现代派诗歌的代表诗人D、飘逸清丽是徐志摩诗歌的一种风格我的答案:C 此题得分:2.0分11.(2.0分)《诗经》中的“风诗”,宋代学者郑樵称为()。
A、朝廷之音B、乡土之音C、宗庙之音D、集市之音我的答案:B 此题得分:2.0分12.(2.0分)《赞美》全诗所表达的感情与信念的核心是每一节的结尾()。
A、我要以一切拥抱你B、我到处看见的人民呵C、为了他我要拥抱每一个人D、一个民族已经起来我的答案:D 此题得分:2.0分13.(2.0分)《面朝大海,春暖花开》是一首用词明丽的短诗,给读者的是()感受。
A、快乐与幸福B、愉悦与甜美C、深刻的悲剧D、深刻的孤独我的答案:C 此题得分:2.0分14.(2.0分)37岁的巴金离家18年后第一次返回故乡的旧宅。
我的答案:D 此题得分:2.0分15.(2.0分)《爱尔克的灯光》中象征对新生活的信念和对理想的追求的是()。
A、故居大门内亮起的昏暗灯光B、哈里希岛上的爱尔克灯光C、“我常常看见的”“我的心灵的灯光”D、“傍晚逐渐黯淡的最后的阳光”我的答案:C 此题得分:2.0分16.(2.0分)王小波在《工作与人生》中认为“人生意义”是()。
A、追求权势、社会地位和工作成就B、生儿育女C、写小说使人的价值得以实现D、从自己热爱的工作中获得的乐趣我的答案:D 此题得分:2.0分17.(2.0分)曹禺的《日出》用工人们有力的夯歌和灿烂的日出,呼唤一个能给所有人带来幸福的光明世界。
A、陈白露B、潘月亭C、金八D、整个社会,而不是个别恶人我的答案:D 此题得分:2.0分18.(2.0分)文学作品中表现的“可以向往追求却永远达不到追求目标”的一种意境被称为()。
A、朦胧意境B、空灵境界C、企慕情境D、意象我的答案:C 此题得分:2.0分19.(2.0分)被誉为“万古送别之祖”的《诗经·邶风·燕燕》写的是()。
A、情人送别B、情人久别重逢C、仲氏远送燕子南飞D、卫国君主送妹妹远嫁南国我的答案:D 此题得分:2.0分20.(2.0分)鲁迅评价(),“其言甚长,其思甚幻,其文甚丽,其旨甚明,凭心而言,不遵矩度……其影响于后世文章,乃在三百篇以上”。
A、《诗经》B、《论语》C、《离骚》D、《孟子》我的答案:C 此题得分:2.0分21.(2.0分)“诸子散文”的表现方法以()为主。
A、抒情B、描写C、比兴D、议论我的答案:D 此题得分:2.0分22.(2.0分)“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻”的观点是()提出来的。
A、孔子B、孟子C、韩非子D、老子我的答案:B 此题得分:2.0分23.(2.0分)先秦诸子中,善用“欲擒故纵,引君入彀”论辩手法的是().A、孔子B、孟子C、老子D、庄子我的答案:B 此题得分:2.0分24.(2.0分)鲁迅称之为“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》”的作品是()。
A、楚辞B、《汉书》C、《史记》D、《诗经》我的答案:C 此题得分:2.0分25.(2.0分)《苏武传》中写:匈奴迁武北海上无人处,使牧羝,羝乳乃得归。
A、羊羔B、羊群C、公羊D、母羊我的答案:C 此题得分:2.0分多选题(共25道题)26.(2.0分)唐诗空前繁荣的局面主要表现在()。
A、求新求变,充满了创造精神B、诗人、诗歌数量空前多C、题材广泛,流派纷呈、名篇叠出D、体裁丰富,众体皆备E、唐诗入乐成为主流我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.0分27.(2.0分)闻一多称赞《春江花月夜》是“诗中的诗,顶峰上的顶峰”他认为这首诗具有的特质是()。
A、大胆直抒爱情B、音韵铿锵有力C、由爱情辐射出的同情心D、被宇宙意识升华过的爱情E、强烈的宇宙意识我的答案:CDE 此题得分:2.0分28.(2.0分)下列关于《春江花月夜》内容的正确表述是()。
A、展现春江花月夜的自然景色B、以明月长照对照人生短暂C、以乌云遮掩月光表现心中的凄苦D、抒写诗人心中对人生的迷惘和感叹E、抒写人间离情别绪我的答案:ABDE 此题得分:2.0分29.(2.0分)下列关于《过故人庄》形式表述正确的是()。
A、形式对内容的高度适应B、语言亲切简朴C、描写细腻D、风格平淡自然E、蕴藏着深厚的情味我的答案:ABDE 此题得分:2.0分30.(2.0分)关于宋词格式下列表述正确的是()。
A、每个调子有固定格式B、段数、句数、字数有一定的规定C、平仄用韵有一定的规定D、“段”也称为“阕”或“片”E、平仄用韵没有规定我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.0分31.(2.0分)关于婉约词下列表述正确的是()。
A、清丽委婉、细腻精巧的艺术风格B、作品内容大多关注社会生活C、文人落拓情怀、男女恋情、离愁别苦、自然山水为其传统题材D、作品内容大多写作者的生活和体验E、对人的情感世界的体察和描绘方面积累了许多经验我的答案:ACDE 此题得分:2.0分32.(2.0分)关于豪放词下列表述正确的是()。
A、苏轼以雄大的才略、开阔的胸襟进入词的领域B、诗能表现的内容词也能表C、突破词为“艳科”的狭隘范围D、豪放词作家不写婉约词E、表现出不可压抑的激昂之情我的答案:ABCE 此题得分:2.0分33.(2.0分)关于苏轼下列表述正确的是()。
A、因“乌台诗案”陷狱,几致丧命B、被贬为黄州团练副使C、苦难后的思考却升华了精神境界D、经历磨难他深感人生孤独寂寞E、经受了磨难他获得了一种澄明通达的人生观我的答案:ABCE 此题得分:2.0分34.(2.0分)关于辛弃疾以时代主题的词下列表述正确的是()。
A、反映国家破碎、南宋分裂的现实B、表达以英雄自许、渴望恢复祖国河山的豪情壮志C、壮志未酬的忧愤D、情辞慷慨,爱憎分明E、情辞浪漫,感染力强我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.0分35.(2.0分)关于欧阳修散文下列表述正确的是()。
A、作品《醉翁亭记》、《秋声赋》等B、平易流畅,清新自然,具有婉约含蓄之风貌C、文词练达,韵致无穷D、倡导散文不要学习骈文的词彩和声调的运用E、注意吸收骈文在词采、声调方面的长处我的答案:ABCE 此题得分:2.0分36.(2.0分)《诗经》的艺术特色是()。
A、现实主义B、赋比兴手法的运用C、语言朴素简洁D、多为四言体诗,少量杂言体诗E、浪漫主义我的答案:ABCD 此题得分:2.0分37.(2.0分)关于《张中丞传后叙》的文章结构下列表述正确的是()。
A、以张巡为中心,以许远、南霁云为衬托B、每个人物只选取几个细节加以描写C、以南霁云为中心,张巡、许远为衬托D、正面人物的不同性格互相映衬E、反面人物反衬正面人物的磊落胸怀和凛然正气我的答案:ABDE 此题得分:2.0分38.(2.0分)关于“新月派”诗歌理论下列表述正确的是()。
A、新月派诗人中徐志摩的理论最为完整明确B、新月派诗人中闻一多的理论最为完整明确C、诗应当有音乐的美(主要指平仄、音韵)D、绘画的美(主要指词藻、色彩与意境等)E、建筑的美(主要指诗节句式的匀称整饬)总之要“理性节制情感”,带着“镣铐”来“跳舞”我的答案:BCDE 此题得分:2.0分39.(2.0分)关于徐志摩诗歌的艺术特色下列表述正确的是()。
A、诗歌柔美、清丽、音韵和谐B、颂扬理想;表达对爱情、自由、美的追求C、擅长细腻的描写景物,以示象征意义D、擅长细腻的心理捕捉、缠绵的情感刻画E、语言直白、洒脱我的答案:ABD 此题得分:2.0分40.(2.0分)关于诗人穆旦下列表述正确的是()。
A、他的诗歌具有强烈的现代意识和爱国情怀B、富于深厚凝重的情感和思辨C、对诗歌如何表达现代人的生存处境做了出色的探索D、继承了中国古代诗歌的艺术传统E、他艺术个性独特、思想超越、手法前卫,而又能扎根现实我的答案:ABCE 此题得分:2.0分41.(2.0分)关于《赞美》下列表述正确的是( )。
A、赞美祖国的山川河流B、赞美平凡的农夫C、赞美那在苦难的历史重压下,始终不放弃希望的坚韧的民族精神D、赞美我们民族生生不息的强大生命力E、赞美“一个民族已经起来”的坚定信念我的答案:CDE 此题得分:2.0分42.(2.0分)关于《面朝大海,春暖花开》下列表述正确的是()。
A、“大海”的意象与“彼岸”有关B、诗人不愿面对尘世,选择“面朝大海”,实际上是对彼岸的终极眺望C、“春暖花开”不可能在大海上,姹紫嫣红的永恒灿烂是在彼岸D、抒写了辽阔的海面和乐观的情怀E、“彼岸”又是一个永恒的困境---永远在眺望之中但不可能达到的理想我的答案:ABCE 此题得分:2.0分43.(2.0分)《诗经·邶风·燕燕》表现人物分别之际的伤感之情,运用了典型细节()。