
车身有限元模态分析与试验模态分析比较Comparison of the FEM Modal Analysis and Test Modal Analysis forBody of Mini-Truck周定陆(长安汽车公司技术中心汽车工程设计所)摘要:本文利用MSC.Nastran有限元分析软件和MSC.Patran前后处理软件,微型货车车身进行了FEA建模,并进行了车身模态的理论计算分析,理论模态分析结果与试验模态分析结果进行了对比,对比结果证明了理论分析和试验分析的一致性非常好,这说明了此部分的分析工作完全可以利用计算机来代替试验室的大量同类试验工作,并且可以在还没有设计样车的设计过程中进行。
关键词:汽车、车身、模态分析Abstract: In this paper, a FEA model of a mini-truck was established and the FEM modal frequencies of BIW was analyzed by author with MSC.Nastran analyzing software and MSC.Patran pre/post processing software. Compared results of calculating and testing modal analysis. It is proved that calculating and testing results almost is the same. This means calculating modal analysis in computer can replace testing modal analysis in laboratory and doing it without design prototype of a mini-truck.Keyword: Automobile/Body in white/Modal analysis1前言在汽车产品设计中,预先掌握所设计产品的动态特性,从动态角度对产品进行设计,使所设计的产品满足动态要求,是非常重要的。

到CAE方法它将节省大量的测试成本,及时指导车身的设计结构,提出优化方法; 有限元法已经成为在车身特性设计和分析过程中不可或缺的[3]。
对于车辆,灵敏度分析是指车身刚度强度,自由模式和敏感性分析的应变能,部分结构参数包括材料厚度和横截面转动惯量[5 |。
直接推导法,是亲由胡力构成R.Kapoor M.P,然后由许多人开发和推广人们在广泛的领域。
3 BIW扭转刚度分析汽车BIW的有限元模型由769 862组成元素包括三角形元素和四边形元素重量为371.2公斤。
为了比较车辆扭转刚度试验过程中的有限元分析模型需要使用直径为50 mm的梁单元进行模拟测试设备如图有限元边界条件分析模型如图1所示。

【摘要】基于有限元静态分析理论,采用CATIA软件建立车身模型,运用HyperMesh软件对车身进行静态分析,并与同类型车进行比较,看其结构特性的合理性.在能够反映车身结构的主要静态特性的基础上,对车身进行了必要的简化.%Based on finite element static theory, car body model is built up through CATIA software. Then the model is input into HyperMesh software for FEM, and compared with like products to find its rationality in structure. The car body is simplified on base of the reflection of static characteristics.【总页数】3页(P26-28)
1.轿车车身结构侧向耐撞性的有限元分析 [J], 苏成谦;吕振华;张群
2.骨架式轿车车身有限元分析 [J], 周秋梅;岳凤来
3.轿车车身强度的有限元分析 [J], 戴超;梁继辉
4.轿车车身强度及刚度有限元分析 [J], 丁玉庆;马幼鸣
5.某微型电动轿车车身骨架有限元分析 [J], 张越;周荣;鲁守卫;满开美;岳凤来因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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bending&torsional stiffness and vibration characteristics of the body structure is performed. Keywords: car body; finite element; stiffness analysis; modal analysis; static case; free case
东 北 大 学 2006 年 02 月
A Dissertation in Vehicle Engineering
FE modeling and static&dynamic characteristics analysis of certain car body
by Yang Yuekai
Supervisor: Associate Professor Yang Ying
独创性声明 ......................................................... 摘 要 ............................................................. Abstract ...........................................................

第39卷第9期 2005年9月上海交通大学学报JOU RNAL O F SHAN GHA I J I AO TON G UN I V ER S IT YV o l .39N o.9 Sep.2005 收稿日期:2004205223基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(6017402);教育部博士点基金资助项目(20010248008)作者简介:亓文果(19772),男,山东省莱芜市人,博士生,主要从事汽车碰撞安全性仿真与碰撞事故的再现研究.金先龙(联系人),男,教授,博士生导师,电话(T el .):021*********;E 2m ail :jxlong @sjtu .edu .cn . 文章编号:100622467(2005)0921452205汽车车身碰撞性能的有限元仿真与改进亓文果, 金先龙, 张晓云, 孙 奕(上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,上海200030)摘 要:在碰撞仿真理论的指导下,以某型号小客车为研究对象,建立了整车正面碰撞有限元模型,并按照国家汽车安全法规C M VDR 294的要求进行了整车正面碰撞试验的数值仿真,结果显示,与试验结果取得了较好的一致.根据仿真计算结果,对发动机罩及其铰链进行结构和材料两方面的改进设计,改善了发动机罩的变形吸能模式.在此基础上,为了更全面评价整车结构的耐撞性能,建立了整车偏置碰撞有限元模型,进行了偏置碰撞的数值模拟分析,计算了车身变形及其吸能特性.根据仿真计算结果,对前纵梁和前轮罩进行结构改进设计,提高了其吸能能力.关键词:车辆;车身;偏置碰撞;耐撞性;有限元方法;仿真中图分类号:U 467.13 文献标识码:AThe S i m ula tion a nd I m p rovem e nt of Autom o tive B ody C ra s hP e rfo r m a nce w ith F inite Elem e nt M e thodQ I W en 2g uo , J IN X ian 2long , ZH A N G X iao 2y un , SUN Y i(Schoo l of M echan ical Eng .,Shanghai J iao tong U n iv .,Shanghai 200030,Ch ina )Abs tra c t :B ased on the basic p rinci p le of veh icle crash analysis u sing the non linear fin ite elem en t m ethod ,a comm ercial veh icle fin ite elem en t m odel w as bu ilt .A fron tal crash si m u lati on acco rded w ith the nati onal au tom ob ile safety regu lati on s ,nam ely C M VDR 294,w as carried ou t .T he si m u lati on resu lt and the test re 2su lt have a good coherence .B ased on the si m u lati on resu lt ,several i m p rovem en ts of energy hood and h inge w ere m ade on the structu re and m aterial of the fo rm er design ,the disto rti on m ode of energy hood w as i m p roved .B ased on these researches ,to evaluate the crashw o rth iness of the comm ercial veh icle to a greater ex ten t ,40%fron tal offset crash si m u lati on w as ach ieved u sing the non linear fin ite elem en t m ethod .Som e design i m p rovem en ts of fron tal longitudinal beam and enfo rced bone w ere ach ieved acco rd 2ing to the si m u lati on resu lt ,w h ich i m p roves the energy ab so rb ing ab ility .Ke y w o rds :veh icle ;au to 2body ;offset crash ;crashw o rth iness ;fin ite elem en t m ethod ;si m u lati on 汽车交通事故给社会和人民的生活带来了巨大的灾难,已经成为很严重的社会问题.在汽车交通事故中,出现几率最高的是汽车碰撞,其中正面碰撞最普遍,大约占汽车碰撞的40%[1].根据对交通事故统计数据的分析,实际上正面全宽碰撞只能代表大约1 4的正面碰撞事故.大多数的汽车正面碰撞事故都是偏置的[2](接触面积在30%~70%),因此,欧洲汽车安全法规(ECE )中正面碰撞的接触面积为40%[3].我国的汽车工业还比较落后,汽车安全法规也不完善,但是这不能成为降低车辆安全标准的理由.借鉴汽车工业先进国家的安全法规,研究国产汽车耐撞性能对尽快提高国产汽车的安全性能具有重要的现实意义.早期汽车耐撞性研究主要是进行各种条件下的碰撞试验,需要花费大量的金钱和时间.而采用有限元方法进行汽车碰撞研究,在设计阶段就可以提高汽车的碰撞安全性.有利于降低汽车的研发成本和缩短设计周期.所以,20世纪80年代以后,汽车耐撞性的数值分析得到了迅速的发展.现在,国外采用有限元方法对汽车碰撞安全性进行了大量的研究,取得了显著的成效[4].国内在这方面的工作基本上都是对壁正面全宽碰撞的[5~8],整车偏置碰撞耐撞性的有限元仿真研究较少.本文以某型号小客车为研究对象,建立了整车有限元模型,并进行了正面碰撞和40%偏置碰撞的数值仿真.根据仿真计算结果,对发动机罩及铰链、前纵梁和前轮罩进行结构和材料两方面的改进设计,提高其吸能能力,有效增强了车身的安全性能,对车身结构耐撞性的优化设计具有重要意义.1 汽车碰撞仿真的有限元方法汽车碰撞是汽车结构在极短的时间内(通常在100m s以内),在剧烈碰撞动态载荷作用下发生的复杂非线性动态响应过程.汽车耐撞性分析涉及一个含有未知边界条件的偏微分方程求解问题,即典型的动态接触问题[9],其数值模拟计算采用显式非线性有限元方法,它将连续的求解区域离散为一组有限个且按一定方式相互联结在一起的单元组合体,实际结构中的各个部件通过节点联系在一起,可以用于车辆和人体的详细建模,能够得到各个部件的变形情况、速度和加速度分布、应力和应变分布.在实际应用中,对整个车身进行有限单元划分后,假设当前时步为第n步,则有如下运动方程:M a n+Cv n+Kd n=F ext n(1)式中:M为结构的质量矩阵;C为结构的阻尼矩阵; K为结构的刚度矩阵;F ext为外界作用力矢量;a n为时步n时的加速度;v n为时步n时的速度;d n为时步n时的位移.对式(1),在时域内采用中心差分法得: v n+1 2=v n-1 2+0.5(∃t n+1 2+∃t n-1 2)a n(2)d n+1=d n+v n+1 2∃t n+1 2(3)式中,假定加速度在整个时步内恒定,∃t为时间步长.如果已经求得时步n时的节点位置和加速度以及时步(n-1 2)时的节点速度,则时步(n+1)时的位移d n+1可以由式(2)和(3)解出.因此,在整个时域范围内,可由上述递推公式求得各个离散时间点处的位移、速度和加速度.采用集总的方法可以将M 对角化,式(1)成了一组互不相关的方程,免去了建立和求解联立方程组的繁杂过程,使计算变得简单.2 整车有限元模型的建立本文选择了一部7座商用小客车作为研究对象,其CAD模型由U G和CA T I A软件完成,有限元网格划分由H YPERM ESH软件完成.作为正面碰撞分析主要考察的是车身结构的耐撞性,所以网格划分时主要考虑车身零部件,包括白车身、车门总成、车轮、发动机等.最后的整车模型共由近130个零部件组成,包含了约14万个单元,如图1所示.图1 整车有限元模型F ig.1 F in ite elem en t model of a comm ercial veh icle 在正面碰撞过程中,A柱前部的车身结构是变形吸能的主要部位,其变形模式极为复杂.而C柱之后在碰撞过程中几乎不发生变形.为了保证计算精度,要合理布置网格密度.在划分网格时,车身前部单元划分较密,C柱之后较稀疏.整个车身的单元分布如表1所示.表1 整车模型的有限元网格分布Tab.1 The f i n ite ele m en t d istr ibution of veh icle m odelA柱前部A柱2C柱C柱后部总数单元717455687512431141051节点667945966712473138934 在碰撞仿真的大变形过程中,单元类型和大小对计算精度有很大的影响.由于车身结构主要是薄壁金属件,故单元类型以四边形壳单元为主,对四边形单元形状如长宽比、翘曲度、最大角和最小角等都做出了严格的规定.由于三角形单元比四边形单元的刚度大,会影响计算精度,故要严格控制三角形单元的个数.因为显式算法是条件稳定的,所以时间步必须要满足Cou ran t准则.时间步的大小直接影响着整个计算时间.根据业界的通用准则,在最小特征长度为5mm左右时,既可以保证计算精度,又可以提高计算效率.车身各部分的联接方式主要是点焊联接.建模3541 第9期亓文果,等:汽车车身碰撞性能的有限元仿真与改进时,在需要联接的两个节点之间加入无质量的刚性梁,要求这两个节点不能重合,并且对它们不施加其他任何约束.车门和车体的联接主要通过铰链和门锁固定.在建模中,与发动机罩铰链相类似,通过约束对应节点的位移自由度建立球铰模型来模拟该联接.车身的材料主要为板厚0.8~2.0mm的低碳钢,在碰撞中应变率效应较为显著,建模时以Cow2 p er2Sym onds应变率模型考虑其影响.而对于刚性墙和发动机,则采用刚性材料处理.3 整车全宽碰撞的有限元仿真与结构改进 采用上文所述的整车模型,文献[10]中建立的转向系统有限元模型,以及乘员约束系统有限元模型(包括50百分位的H yb rid III型假人有限元模型、安全带有限元模型、安全气囊有限元模型),组合集成为整车2乘员2约束系统模型.采用该有限元模型,根据我国汽车安全法规C M VDR294规定,以48.3km h的速度对正面撞击刚性墙进行了数值仿真,仿真计算了100m s的碰撞过程,计算软件是国内外广泛使用的L S2D YNA.整车结构变形的仿真结果如图2(a)所示.由图2(a)可见,变形主要集中在车身前部(A柱之前),车辆后部基本没有变形.该车已在清华大学碰撞实验室按照C M VDR294的规定进行了整车碰撞试验.图2(b)是整车碰撞试验的变形结果.仿真计算和试验测得的车身底板加速度曲线如图3所示.由图可见,仿真计算和试验结果取得了较好的一致,说明该有限元模型是可靠的.图2 整车碰撞仿真和试验结果F ig.2 Fu ll passenger car fron t crash si m u lati on and test result图3 计算和试验得到的车身底板加速度曲线F ig.3 T he accelerati on cu rve of sub floo r bysi m u lati on and test 通过碰撞试验和有限元仿真发现,原有结构设计在安全性方面存在不足:一是发动机罩铰链强度偏弱,在碰撞事故中极易断裂(见图2);二是发动机罩内板刚度偏大,导致碰撞中发动机罩变形模式不理想.为此,对原有设计做了如下改进:(1)发动机罩铰链采用高强度钢板以提高其强度.(2)减小发动机罩外板棱边厚度和在发动机罩内板上开孔,以此来降低发动机罩的刚度.通过上述对发动机罩及其铰链的多方案改进,保证发动机罩铰链在整车碰撞过程中不再发生断裂,同时也改善了发动机罩的变形吸能模式,进而有效增强了车身的安全性能.原有设计和改进设计的整车碰撞仿真变形如图4所示.图4 改进设计前后的整车变形仿真对比F ig.4 Comparison of the o riginal and i m p roved designveh icle defo rm ati on4 整车偏置碰撞的有限元仿真与结构改进 整车全宽碰撞主要考核乘员约束系统的安全性,而偏置碰撞主要考核车身的安全性,因此有必要进行该车的偏置碰撞仿真.参考欧洲的正面碰撞试4541 上 海 交 通 大 学 学 报第39卷 验法规,建立整车偏置碰撞有限元模型.可变形壁障一般为可压缩的蜂窝铝块,建模中采用六面体实体单元,材料模型为honeycom b 材料.可变形壁障放置在驾驶员一侧,与汽车前端的接触面积只占车身宽度的40%.整车以56km h 的速度正面碰撞可变形壁障,计算了100m s 的碰撞过程.由图5可见:变形仍然集中在车身前部(A 柱之前),车辆后部基本没有变形.主要吸能零部件是保险杠、翼子板、发动机罩和前纵梁.同时由于冲击载荷不对称,碰撞侧的变形程度比正面全宽碰撞的变形严重得多.图5 40%偏置碰撞整车变形仿真(t =90m s )F ig .5 V eh icle defo rm ati on in 40%offsetcrash (t =90m s ) 虽然正面碰撞和偏置碰撞的主要吸能零部件是相同的,但是偏置碰撞汽车前端的吸能数量远远小于正面碰撞的吸能值.结果导致更多的碰撞能量传到了汽车中后部,将可能导致车顶、车地板和车门等零部件发生较大的变形,严重威胁乘员的安全.在偏置碰撞中,对车身耐撞性的要求集中体现在要保持乘员室的完整性以确保乘员的有限生存空间.为此,对车身的碰撞性能提出以下2个要求:(1)汽车的前部结构尽可能多地吸收碰撞能量;(2)控制受压各部件的变形形式,以防止车轮、发动机和变速箱等刚性部件侵入驾驶室.通过仿真计算发现,前围板的侵入量偏大,影响到驾驶员的人身安全.主要原因是偏置碰撞下S 型结构的前纵梁很难发生压溃变形,而极易发生折弯变形,导致吸收的能量有限,相当多能量直接被前围板吸收,结果导致了前围板侵入量偏大.通过有限元方法,进行多种方案仿真计算,对最初设计作了如下改进:(1)从零部件所用材料上加以改进,具体方案为:对前围板采用高强度钢板以提高其强度,所用材料在高速冲击情况下动态力学性能参数由材料供应商提供.(2)从结构设计上加以改进,具体方案为:①增加前纵梁两个弯头处的壁厚以控制其变形模式以达到增强其吸能能力的目的;②在前轮罩处增加一加强筋,其主要目的也是增强其变形时的吸能能力.由图6可见:前纵梁的改进设计以及在前轮罩处增加加强筋对于提高吸能能力是很有成效的,结构的改进使前纵梁吸能总量比原有设计提高近25%,而且变形吸能时间也从45m s 延长到65m s.图6 改进设计与原有设计方案的能量吸收对比F ig .6 Comparison of energy ab so rbed betw een theo riginal and i m p roved design 以上两种改进方案的仿真计算结果表明,方案①可以保证碰撞发生时前围板的变形量变小,但是对减少其侵入量效果不明显.应用方案②可以保证前纵梁在碰撞时发生压溃变形,延长其变形时间,明显提高前纵梁的吸能能力,使得前围板的侵入量减少了近1 2,达到了预期的效果.5 结 语针对某型号小客车建立了其有限元模型,依据国家汽车安全法规进行了正面碰撞仿真研究.仿真和试验结果取得了较好的一致,说明本文建立的有限元模型是可靠的.在此基础上,建立了整车偏置碰撞有限元模型.通过仿真结果发现,偏置碰撞由于碰撞冲击载荷的不对称性,导致前围板的侵入量过大,危及乘员的人身安全.为此,对前纵梁和前轮罩进行了结构的改进设计.仿真计算表明,改进后的设计明显提高了其吸能能力,有效减小了前围板的侵入量.利用计算机仿真在设计阶段就可以提高汽车的碰撞安全性,有利于降低汽车的研发成本和缩短设计周期.因此,利用仿真技术对于汽车设计和开发具有重要的理论意义和实用价值.5541 第9期亓文果,等:汽车车身碰撞性能的有限元仿真与改进参考文献:[1] 王 蠧,李宏光,赵 航.现代汽车安全[M].北京:人民交通出版社,1998.[2] Saha N K,Calso S M,A sjad M U.Si m u lati onof fron tal offset i m pacts and comparison of in tru2si on s and decelerati on s[J].SAE Tran saction,SA E950647:1204-1220.[3] 朱西产.汽车正面碰撞试验法规及其发展趋势的分析[J].汽车工程,2002,24(1):1-5. 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关键词:轿车车门;侧面碰撞;有限元方法;抗侧碰性能Finite Element Simulation for Taurus Car Door Side CrashGao Wei, Deng Zhao-wen, Xiong Jian(Department of Automobile Engineering, HuBei Institute of Automotive Technology, Shiyan HuBei 442002)Abstract:Strength of side doors is specified in the side impact regulation. as the main part of car body, the car door has important effect on side impact safety. This paper based on nonlinear finite element theory, The finite element model of door was built with Hypermesh software. According to side crash regulation, the side crash worthiness of car door structure was analyzed. Improvement of car door structure was conducted and relevant measures for improving side crashworthiness were discussed. Improvement measures simulation results show that car side crashworthinessis improved.Key Words: car door; side impact; finite element method; crashworthiness汽车的碰撞形式有正面碰撞、侧面碰撞、追尾碰撞、角度碰撞及翻滚等,据有关资料统计表明,国外交通事故死亡人数中,因正面碰撞而导致死亡的接近70%,因侧面碰撞而导致死亡的接近30%[1],并且乘员也大多是侧面碰撞事故中受伤或死亡。


0 引 言
随着 汽 车 制 造技 术 不 断 发 展 ,车 身作 为汽 车 的 重要 组成 部分 ,其 重要 性不 言 而喻 ,车身 性能 应满 足 安全性 、可 靠 性 、舒 适 性 、轻 量 化 等 要 求 J。 目前 , 很 多专 家 学 者 对 轿 车 车 身 结 构 都 进 行 了深 入 的 研 究 ,主 要表 现在 对 车 身 的 刚度 、模 态 、疲 劳 性 以 及 利 用 数值 计 算 方 法 实 现 结 构 优 化 等 方 面 ]。张 国胜 等 以某 白车身 为研 究 对 象 ,采 用 有 限元 方 法 对 其 进行 模态 分 析 和局 部 刚 度 优化 ,将 实 验结 果 与理 论 分 析结果 相 比较 ,有 针对 性 地 加 强 了车 身 的局 部 刚 度 ;巩宇 鹏 利 用 三 维 设 计 软 件 对 车 身 实 体 建 模 , 并 对车 身进 行模 态 分析 ,得 出车 身最优 性 能 ;杨 佳 磷
有 限元分 析软 件 Hyper Works对 车 身结构 进行模 态分析 和优 化设 计 方法 。利 用有 限元 分析软 件 建 立 白车 身整 车模 型 ,对 所建 模 型进 行 模 态分 析 并 获取 固有 频 率值 和 振 型 分 布 ;对 车 身结 构 件进 行
灵敏度 分 析 并作 为优化 设计 变量 ,优 化 车 身结构 。通过 有 限元 实验 仿 真 结果 对 比验 证 了该 车 身结 构设 计 的合理 性 ,提 高 了白车 身一 阶 固有 频 率 ,避 免与发 动 机 产生 共振 ,满足 设计要 求。
轿 车 车 身 有 限元 模 态 分 析 及 优 化 设 计

在汽车碰撞仿真过程中,最常用的仿真方法是有限元法(Finite Element Method,简称FEM)。

FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF AUTOMOBILE CRASH SENSORS FOR AIRBAG SYSTEMSABSTRACTAutomobile spring bias crash sensor design time can be significantly reduced by using finite element analysis as a predictive engineering tool.The sensors consist of a ball and springs cased in a plastic housing.Two important factors in the design of crash sensors are the force-displacement response of the sensor and stresses in the sensor springs. In the past,sensors were designed by building and testing prototype hardware until the force-displacement requirements were met. Prototype springs need to be designed well below the elastic limit of the ing finite element analysis, sensors can be designed to meet forcedisplacement requirements with acceptable stress levels. The analysis procedure discussed in this paper has demonstrated the ability to eliminate months of prototyping effort.MSC/ABAQUS has been used to analyze and design airbag crash sensors.The analysis was geometrically nonlinear due to the large deflections of the springs and the contact between the ball and springs. Bezier 3-D rigid surface elements along with rigid surface interface (IRS) elements were used to model ball-to-springcontact.Slideline elements were used with parallel slideline interface (ISL) elements for spring-to-spring contact.Finite element analysis results for the force-displacement response of the sensor were in excellent agreement with experimental results.INTRODUCTIONAn important component of an automotive airbag system is the crash sensor. Various types of crash sensors are used in airbag systems including mechanical,electro-mechanical, and electronic sensors. An electro-mechanical sensor (see Figure 1) consisting of a ball and two springs cased in a plastic housing is discussed in thispaper. When the sensor experiences a severe crash pulse, the ball pushes two springs into contact completing the electric circuit allowing the airbag to fire. Theforce-displacement response of the two springs is critical in designing the sensor to meet various acceleration input requirements. Stresses in the sensor springs must be kept below the yield strength of the spring material to prevent plastic deformation in the springs. Finite element analysis can be used as a predictive engineering tool to optimize the springs for the desired force-displacement response while keeping stresses in the springs at acceptable levels.In the past, sensors were designed by building and testing prototype hardware until the forcedisplacement requirements were met. Using finite element analysis, the number of prototypes built and tested can be significantly reduced, ideally to one, which substantially reduces the time required to design a sensor. The analysis procedure discussed in this paper has demonstrated the ability to eliminate months of prototyping effort.MSC/ABAQUS [1] has been used to analyze and design airbag crash sensors. The analysis was geometrically nonlinear due to the large deflections of the springs and the contact between the ball and springs. Various contact elements were used in this analysis including rigid surface interface (IRS) elements, Bezier 3-D rigid surface elements, parallel slide line interface (ISL) elements, and slide line elements. The finite element analysis results were in excellent agreement with experimental results for various electro-mechanical sensors studied in this paper.PROBLEM DEFINITIONThe key components of the electro-mechanical sensor analyzed are two thin metallic springs (referred to as spring1 and spring2) which are cantilevered from a rigid plastic housing and a solid metallic ball as shown in Figure 1. The plastic housing contains a hollow tube closed at one end which guides the ball in the desired direction. The ball is held in place by spring1 at the open end of the tube. When the sensor is assembled, spring1 is initially displaced by the ball which creates a preload on spring1. The ball is able to travel in one direction only in this sensor and this direction will be referredto as the x-direction (see the global coordinate system shown in Figure 2) in this paper. Once enough acceleration in the x-direction is applied to overcome the preload on spring1, the ball displaces the spring. As the acceleration applied continues to increase, spring1 is displaced until it is in contact with spring2. Oncethe sensor to perform its function within the airbag system.FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS METHODOLOGYWhen creating a finite element representation of the sensor, the following simplifications can be made. The two springs can be fully restrained at their bases implying a perfectly rigid plastic housing. This is a good assumption when comparing the flexibility of the thin springs to the stiff plastic housing. The ball can be represented by a rigid surface since it too is very stiff as compared to the springs. Rather than modeling the contact between the plastic housing and the ball, all rotations and translations are fully restrained except for the xdirection on the rigidsurface representing the ball. These restraints imply that the housingwill have no significant deformation due to contact with the ball. These restraints also ignore any gaps due to tolerances between the ball and the housing. The effect of friction between the ball and plastic is negligible in this analysis.The sensor can be analyzed by applying an enforced displacement in the x-direction to the rigid surface representing the ball to simulate the full displacement of the ball. Contact between the ball and springs is modeled with various contact elements as discussed in the following section. A nonlinear static analysis is sufficient to capture the force-displacement response of the sensor versus using a more expensive and time consuming nonlinear transient analysis. Although the sensor is designed with a ball mass and spring stiffness that gives the desired response to a given acceleration, thereis no mass associated with the ball in this static analysis. The mass of the ball can be determined by dividing the force required to deflect the springs by the acceleration input into the sensor.MeshThe finite element mesh for the sensor was constructed using MSC/PATRAN [2]. The solver used to analyze the sensor was MSC/ABAQUS. The finite element mesh including the contact elements is shown in Figure 2. The plastic housing was assumed to be rigid in this analysis and was not modeled. Both springs were modeled with linear quadrilateral shell elements with thin shell physical properties. The ball was assumed to be rigid and was modeled with linear triangular shell elements with Bezier 3-D rigid surface properties.To model contact between the ball and spring1, rigid surface interface (IRS) elements were used in conjunction with the Bezier 3-D rigid surface elements making up the ball. Linear quadrilateral shell elements with IRS physical properties were placed on spring1 and had coincident nodes with the quadrilateral shell elements making up spring1. The IRS elements were used only in the region of ball contact.To model contact between spring1 and spring2, parallel slide line interface (ISL) elements were used in conjunction with slide line elements. Linear bar elements with ISL physical properties were placed on spring1 and had coincident nodes with the shell elements on spring1. Linear bar elements with slide line physical properties were placed on spring2 and had coincident nodes with the shell elements making up spring2.MaterialBoth spring1 and spring2 were thin metallic springs modeled with a linear elastic material model. No material properties were required for the contact or rigid surface elements.Boundary ConditionsBoth springs were assumed to be fully restrained at their base to simulate a rigid plastichousing. An enforced displacement in the x-direction was applied to the ball. The ball wasfully restrained in all rotational and translational directions with the exception of the xdirection translation. Boundary conditions for the springs and ball are shown in Figure 2.DISCUSSIONTypical results of interest for an electro-mechanical sensor would be the deflected shape of the springs, the force-displacement response of the sensor, and the stress levels in the springs. Results from an analysis of the electro-mechanical sensor shown in Figure 2 will be used asfull ball travel. Looking at the deflected shape of the springs can provide insight into the performance of the sensor as well as aid in the design of the sensor housing.Stresses in the springs are important results in this analysis to ensure stress levels in the springs are at acceptable levels. Desired components of stress can be examined through various means including color contour plots. One of the most important results from the analysis is the force-displacement response for the sensor shown in Figure 4. From this force-displacement response, the force required to push spring1 into contact with spring2 can readily be determined. This force requirement can be used with a given acceleration to determine the mass required for the ball. Based on these results, one or more variations of several variables such as spring width, spring thickness, ball diameter, and ball material can be updated until the force-displacement requirements are achieved within a desired accuracy.A prototype of the sensor shown in Figure 2 was constructed and tested to determine its actual force-displacement response. Figure 4 shows the MSC/ABAQUS results along with the experimental results for the force-displacement response of the sensor. There was an excellent correlation between finite element and experimental results for this sensor as well asfor several other sensors examined. Table 1 shows the difference in percent between finite element and experimental results including force at preload on spring1, force at spring1-tospring2 contact, and force at full ball travel for two sensor configurations. Sensor A in Table 1 is shown in Figure 1. Sensor B in Table 1 is based on the sensor shown in Figure 2.The sensor model analyzed in this paper was also analyzed with parabolic quadrilateral and bar elements to ensure convergence of the solution.Force-displacement results converged to less than 1% using linear elements. The stresses in the springs for this sensor converged to within 10% for the linear elements. The parabolic elements increased solve time by more than an order of magnitude over the linear elements. With more complex spring shapes, a denser linear mesh or parabolic elements used locally in areas of stress concentrations would be necessary to obtain more accurate stresses in the springs.Notes: 1. Sensor A results are based on 1 prototype manufactured and tested. Sensor Bexperimental results are based on the average of 20 prototypesmanufacturedand tested.2. No experimental data for force at full ball travel for Sensor A.3. %Difference=(FEA Result - Experimental Result)/Experimental ResultCONCLUSIONSMSC/ABAQUS has been used to analyze and design airbag crash sensors. The finite element analysis results were in excellent agreement with experimental results for several electromechanical sensors for which prototypes were built and tested. Using finite element analysis, sensors can be designed to meet force-displacement requirements with acceptable stress levels. The analysis procedure discussed in this paper has demonstrated the ability to eliminate months of prototyping effort. This paper has demonstrated the power of finite element analysis as a predictive engineering tool even with the use of multiple contact element types.汽车安全气囊系统撞击传感器的有限单元分析摘要:汽车弹簧碰撞传感器可以利用有限单元分析软件进行设计,这样可以大大减少设计时间。

本文中的整车有限元模型中的各个零件均由各零件的U G或CATIA 格式的几何模型转入HYPERME2SH 有限元建模软件并进行网格划分,再进行装配而成。
碰撞分析的有限元模型的节点数和单元数都超过了14 万,规模较大。
有限元分析软件采用LS2DYNA ,它是当前在汽车碰撞有限元仿真中应用较多的一个非线性动力显式有限元软件,它的主要算法采用Lagrangian 描述增量法,利用显示中心差分法离散时间域,积分时间步长大小受Courant 稳定性准则制约。
整车结构由100 多个元件装配而成。
模型中的板壳单元以Be2lytschko - Tsay 四边形壳单元为主。
考虑到研究中仿真的碰撞方式是最为典型的正面碰撞,在正面碰撞过程中,A 柱前部的车身结构是变形吸能的主要器件,其变形的模式极为复杂,而中柱之后在碰撞过程中几乎不发生变形。

34 -. 5零件序 号的排序 与更改
在 Sl Wok 中材料明细表零件序号 的排列情况是根据零 od rs i
件 的插入 顺 序进 行 排序 的。 要使 材 料 明细 表 中 的零 件序 号 按顺 序
5 结束语
以 Sl Wok 为平 台 , i a B s 60 开 发工 具 , 发 出 了 o d rs i Vs l ai .为 u c 开 进行排列 , 必须把设计树中零件 的位置进行相应 的排序。系统采 门式起重机参数化设计系统 , 针对开发过程中所运用的关键技术 用 冒泡法进行了排序。 进行了研究 。应用结果表明 , 采用这些关键技术开发的门式起重
讨论正面碰撞的建模方法, 并研究整车的耐撞性 , 结合有关 人力 、 物力研究汽车碰撞安全性 。通过计算机仿真技术可以降低 模型 ,
k 来稿 日期 :0 9 0 — 6 20 — 3 1
】 吣… 】 … 州 ’ … 】 ‘ 一 一 … 】 ‘ 一 】 … 一 删 】 … 一 】 … 】 洲 1 ● 【, t H
中图分 类号 :H1 。 4 7 文献 标识码 : T 2U 6 A
1 引言
随 着汽 车 工业 的快 速 发 展 , 汽车 在 带给 人 们便 利 和方 便 的 同
汽 车 的研发 成 本 , 短设 计 周期 。 缩
汽车碰撞安全 l 尤其是正面碰撞的被动安全 胜是反 映汽车 生,
生 受到人们的广泛关注 。利用有 限元软 时, 也对现代社会产生负面效应 , 交通事故就是其 中之一。 凡涉及 安全l能的一个重要方面 , 件 A S S和求解器 【 —D N NY Y A,建立某轿车的有 限元正面碰撞 s 伤亡的交通事故几乎都与汽车碰撞有关 。 此 , 国都投人大量 各

轿车侧面碰撞车侧面碰撞仿真仿真仿真分析分析分析李年卫 邵俊健 牛亚军 鲁慧才(浙江吉利汽车研究院有限公司 浙江 临海 317000)摘 要要:运用HyperMesh软件,对某款轿车建立侧面碰撞有限元模型,根据C-NCAP侧面碰撞法规要求,进行侧面碰撞CAE仿真模拟,为随后进一步结构优化奠定基础。
关键词关键词::CAE;侧面碰撞; 计算机仿真Simulation Analysis of Vehicle Side ImpactLi Nianwei Shao Junjian Niu Yajun Lu Huicai(Zhejiang Geely Automobile Institute Co. Ltd Linhai Zhejiang 317000)Abstract :The finite model for a certain automobile was created with the software Hypermesh. According to the C-NCAP side impact rules,the simulation analysis was finished, and it established the foundation for further structure optimization.Keywords :CAE ;side impact ;computer simulation1 1 引言引言引言研究汽车安全性最准确可靠的方法是汽车碰撞试验,由于碰撞过程复杂,设计与开发周期长,试验费用高,因此通过对汽车碰撞进行计算机仿真分析来指导和部分取代试验工作,成为汽车安全性研究的一种趋势[1]。

一、有限元分析简介有限元分析(Finite Element Analysis,FEA)技术是一种通过将结构离散为有限个较小的互相连接而成的单元,来模拟和分析结构的特性与行为的方法。

1 C-NCAP碰撞试验方法1.1 侧撞实验条件可变形障碍壁碰撞被测车时的速度为是50 km/h。
相碰时速度在距离0.5 m处稳定下来。
1.2 侧撞试验的评价指标评价整车碰撞性能的重要因素是乘员的伤害指标,却不是唯一的指标。
2 仿真模型的建立2.1 整车有限元模型的建立利用Hypermesh软件在已建立的有限元模型上进行有限元网格划分。

个 、有 限大小的多边形网格 ,这样,我们就能把连续整个的物பைடு நூலகம்分解成 车结构进行最终碰撞胜能的校核是 目前国外对汽车碰撞的仿真研究大
了多个 小 的网格 。
多强调的最后阶段。可是 ,在一般车辆的初始设计 阶段,可能没有制作
4 有 限元分 析法 的步骤
详细的车辆碰撞校核模型所需要 的信息和时间 ,所 以,简单化的碰撞仿
随着人们物质生活水平不断的提高,汽车 已经成为人们生活中必 1993年 ,英 国交 通 研 究 实 验 室
不可少的交通工具 ,然后每年在汽车交通事故中死亡的人数 已经超过 (Transportation Rcscarch Laborato—
了世界的局部战争。可见交通事故已成为人类社会的重大公害之一 ,因 ry)X ̄ 车的正面碰撞进行了仿真计
的、计算机能力和精度等要求来选择合适的尺寸。一般来说 ,碰撞区域 多物理问题 ,最早是从结构化矩阵分析发展而来 ,逐步推广到壳和实体
的网格长度大小是 10—15r am左右 ,最小不能超过 8mm; ̄碰撞 区域的 等连续体固体力学分析,实践证明这是一种行之有效的数值分析方法。
网格 可在 20—30mm之 间。
· 100·
科 技 论坛
汽车 的碰撞 与有 限元分析 法
张 镝 (沈阳理工 大学汽车与交通学院,辽宁 沈 阳 110000)
摘 要:随着计算机技术的发展,有限元计算分析方法被应用到汽车的碰撞模拟仿真试验 中,这种方法的应用不但降低 了汽车的设计成本和
周期 ,也将试验数据更加精确化和准确化。
域 ,碰撞区域即主要变形区,非碰撞区域的车身变形很小或基本不变 能的有限元分析程序 ,也取得了众多成果 ,为汽车碰撞安全 『生做 出了重

因此A 柱会更容易发生变形,此变形形式以折弯为主。
同时A 柱变形过大的话,会造成驾乘人员无法打开车门逃生或由于腿部挤压无法离开事故现场的情况。
因此从保护驾乘人员生命安全的角度出发,对A 柱进行折弯变形分析意义重大。
图2所示为A 柱变形后折弯角度测量图,选取A 柱上3
图1 正面碰撞模型
图2 A 柱变形折弯角度测量图
图3 A柱碰撞角度变曲线
图5 前纵梁位移云图
图4 保险杠位移变化云图
3 仿真变形结果对比分析
图6 前围板位移云图
图7 正面100%碰撞试验发动机舱变形情况
车辆本身包含很多零部件,本文主要针对在100%正面碰撞过程中A 柱的变化、保广告。

轿车车门侧面碰撞有限元仿真及优化研究乔维高;张良安;涂进进【摘要】为了研究和改善车门耐撞性,参考E‐NCAP的柱状碰撞试验,建立了某车型的车门三维模型,并运用Hyper Works和LS‐DYNA对其进行联合碰撞仿真。
得出结论,材料应变率参数为C40 P6,防侧撞梁截面形状为半圆形,安装位置为斜置时的车门的耐撞性较好。
%In order to study and improve the door's crashworthiness ,this paper establishes a three‐di‐mensional model of a car door and performs a joint impact simulation by Hyper Works and LS‐DYNA , according to columnar crash test of E‐NCAP .This paper compares the car's crashworthiness under different material strain rates of a door ,different sectional shapes ,different mounting positions and different numbers of side‐impact beams .Some conclusions are draw n:w hen the material strain rate parameter is C40P6 and the sectional shape of side‐impact beams is semicircular and its mounting posi‐tion is skew ,the door's crashworthiness is better .Meanwhile ,the installation of a side‐impact beam would reduce the deformation displacement of inner boardby over 11% ,which thus can ef fectively im‐prove the door's crashworthiness .【期刊名称】《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》【年(卷),期】2016(040)002【总页数】5页(P275-279)【关键词】被动安全;有限元仿真;耐撞性;优化【作者】乔维高;张良安;涂进进【作者单位】武汉理工大学汽车工程学院武汉 430070; 现代汽车零部件技术湖北省重点实验室武汉 430070; 汽车零部件技术湖北省协同创新中心武汉 430070;武汉理工大学汽车工程学院武汉 430070; 现代汽车零部件技术湖北省重点实验室武汉 430070; 汽车零部件技术湖北省协同创新中心武汉 430070;武汉理工大学汽车工程学院武汉 430070; 现代汽车零部件技术湖北省重点实验室武汉 430070; 汽车零部件技术湖北省协同创新中心武汉 430070【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U461.91我国道路交通以平面交叉为主,侧面碰撞时有发生.同时,近几年来,汽车正逐步走入农村家庭.农村道路较窄,弯路较多,车门较容易碰撞到路边的电线杆或其他硬物.基于文献[1]提出的以侧围部件模型表示整车模型进行侧面碰撞仿真,文献[2]提出的车门外板曲面的建模方法,本文建立了车门的CAD/CAE模型,并参考E-NCAP的圆柱碰撞试验,对车门进行碰撞仿真,进而研究改变车门材料应变率,改变防侧撞梁的截面形状、安装位置和数量对车门耐撞性的意义.该碰撞模型参考了E-NCAP的柱状碰撞试验(模型见图1).本次车门碰撞模型即只考虑整车的车门模型,其他条件不变.1.1 车门有限元模型考虑到侧面碰撞仿真中的有限元模型规模大、效率低的缺点,本文采用以侧围部件模型表示整车模型进行侧面碰撞仿真的方法.车门主要由薄壁零部件焊接而成,仿真中一般使用壳单元刚性联接.本文采用的单元类型为BT壳单元,积分方法为面内单点高斯积分,在厚度大于2.0 mm处用5个积分点,其余部分用2个积分点.仿真过程中,在与圆柱直接碰撞的外板处使用局部沙漏控制,其余部分采用全局沙漏控制,控制参数QH=0.05.车门的实际尺寸是比较大的.除防侧撞梁,加强板采用5 mm×5 mm网格划分外,其他部分均使用10 mm×10 mm的网格[3].在网格的过渡部分采用手动修改的形式提高网格质量.按以上方法,该车门被划分为52 641个单元.车门各部件的联接采用刚性焊点来模拟.碰撞过程中,要求焊接部位不发生撕裂.故仿真中,定义焊点不存在失效.同一部件上的焊点之间隔3~4个节点比较合理.而对于斜置于车门中的半圆形防侧撞梁,其两端的焊点应该分布得更密,以防止其滑脱.车门采用了多种线塑性材料.在定义车门材料时,均采用LS-DYNA的24号材料,忽略材料应变率[4].材料其他参数见表1.1.2 圆柱及碰撞有限元模型参照E-NCAP柱碰试验,考虑中国城市交通及车门结构简化的实际情况,确定碰撞圆柱的直径为254 mm、质量为200 kg,材料为刚体.仿真中,圆柱的材料定义为MAT20材料,网格按10 mm×10 mm的单元尺寸划分,使用局部沙漏控制. 碰撞模型为车门正中间以29 km/h的速度与静止的直径为254 mm的刚性圆柱发生碰撞.碰撞模拟前,对碰撞的两模型,需要进行初始条件的定义.首先,车门铰链处的5个自由度(3个移动自由度和2个转动自由度)需要被约束,而释放绕Z轴转动的自由度[5].车门门锁等边框处沿Y轴的移动自由度被约束.其次,由于车门各部件均为壳单元,各部件之间的接触类型均设置为自动单面接触.而与圆柱发生碰撞的车门外板定义为自动面面接触,接触面的动静摩擦系数选为0.2.最后,根据台车碰撞试验数据,车门内板与乘员身体发生接触一般在25 ms内.故将碰撞时间设定为25 ms,时间步长定为1.0×10-6 ms,d3plot输出时间间隔设定为0.5 ms.在Hyper Mesh软件中完成仿真前处理,并输出一个含有仿真各种设置的K文件,进而将它导入LS-DYNA软件中求解.K文件中的错误设置或不完整设置会在求解过程中凸显出来,LS-DYNA不能兼容的内容也会显示出来,故需参照软件给出的Message,对K文件进行修改,直至系统正常、完整地输出结果.HyperGraph软件可以对该仿真的Binout文件进行后处理.得到的车门关键点的内板侵入量见图2,车门质心加速度见图3.车门内板侵入量是影响乘员生存空间的直接因素,一般规定内板侵入量不应大于50 mm.图2表明,前5 ms内,车门内板几乎没有变形,属于安全逃生阶段.5 ms 以后,车门内板的侵入量逐渐增加,增加的速度是由缓及快,再由快变缓.其中,在13 ms时,内板侵入速度出现最大值.直至20 ms,内板基本不再发生变形,此刻出现最大侵入量,其值为45 mm.车门质心加速度过大会直接导致“二次碰撞”,是车门耐撞性的重要评价指标.图3表明,车门质心在前0.2 ms没有加速度,在13 ms左右出现峰值,峰值约为1.3 mm/ms2.由上可知,内板变形速率、车门质心加速度增加速率出现最大值的时刻均在13 ms左右.这可能是此时防侧撞梁接近“屈服”造成的结果,即防侧撞梁出现“过早屈服”.仿真结果显示,该车门的变形及加速度较大,需进行优化研究.通过合理布置节点,分别研究改变车门材料的应变率,防侧撞梁的截面形状、安装位置和数量对车门耐撞性的影响.原车门模型忽略了材料的应变率,且只在车门内斜置了一根截面形状为半圆形的防侧撞梁.3.1 车门材料应变率材料的应变率是指应变对时间的一阶导数,是材料性能的重要影响因数[6].本文选用了忽略应变率、C40 P5、C40 P6和C50 P5四种不同应变率下的仿真结果作对比研究.不同材料应变率的车门内板侵入量见图4.从碰撞开始,忽略应变率的曲线就与其他3条曲线保持较大差别,且侵入量最小.而从15 ms起,C40 P5与C40 P6曲线才出现差别,而C40 P5与C50 P5曲线始终无明显差别,且C40 P6曲线的变形小于C40 P5和C50 P5曲线.其最大侵入量为50 mm.不同材料应变率下的车门吸能曲线见图5.考虑应变率的车门吸能始终明显大于忽略应变率的车门吸能,且在15~20 ms期间,C40 P5曲线与C40 P6曲线开始出现较大的差别,而与C50 P5曲线十分接近.后三者中,C40 P6曲线吸能最多.在碰撞的前期阶段,车门变形为塑性变形,吸能较多的车门,其变形也较大.在保证车门内板侵入量不大于50 mm的前提下,车门吸能越多越好.故在本次研究中,材料应变率参数为C40 P6的材料最为适宜.3.2 防侧撞梁的截面形状防侧撞梁的截面形状多种多样,对防侧撞梁的耐撞性影响极大[7-9].在截面尺寸相近,质量一样的前提下,本文对截面形状为半圆形、圆形、方形和U形的防侧撞梁进行了仿真.碰撞结束,即25 ms时,不同截面形状防侧撞梁的应力应变云图见图6.方形、圆形和U形防侧撞梁的应力集中,且最大应力在841 MPa以上,远大于防侧撞梁材料的屈服极限.而半圆形截面形状的防侧撞梁的应力分布比较均匀,且最大值约为730 MPa.不同截面形状防侧撞梁的变形见图7.整个碰撞过程,半圆形防侧撞梁的变形量最大,圆形与U形防侧撞梁的变形十分接近,稍大于方形防侧撞梁的变形量.且在18 ms以后,半圆形防侧撞梁的变形显著增加,其吸收的能量也快速增加,起到了很好的吸能防撞作用.综上所述,半圆形防侧撞梁应力分布合理,变形吸能能力较好,有利于提高车门的碰撞承受能力.3.3 防侧撞梁的安装位置防侧撞梁在车门内的安装位置有横置(与车门下边缘平行且位于车门中间),竖置(与车门下边缘垂直且位于车门中间)和斜置(与车门下边缘呈45°夹角且一端位于前下转角处)三种.不同安装位置的防侧撞梁应力应变云图见图8.斜置和横置的防侧撞梁应力分布较均匀,而竖置的防侧撞梁应力分布过于集中.三者的应力最大值比较接近,均在730 MPa左右.不同安装位置的防侧撞梁变形见图9.竖置的防侧撞梁的变形波动幅度大,给予乘员的冲击大;18 ms前,斜置防侧撞梁变形明显小于横置防侧撞梁,给乘员足够的生存空间;而18 ms后,斜置防侧撞梁变形迅速增加,碰撞吸能作用明显.故防侧撞梁斜置时,其应力分布良好且变形吸能过程较合理,对侧碰中乘员的安全更有利.3.4 防侧撞梁的数量防侧撞梁是车门最重要的吸能部件.理论上,其数量的增加能够改善车门的变形和加速度分布情况[10].在此,本文研究了在斜置防侧撞梁的车门上加装一根横置防侧撞梁的侧面碰撞效果.不同防侧撞梁数量的车门应力应变云图见图10.据图中颜色分区可知:加装第二根防侧撞梁以后的车门的应力变形得到明显改善,应力分布趋于合理,变形量得到减小.这是由于两根防侧撞梁共同承担碰撞力和吸能变形的结果.图11为车门内板的侵入量.15 ms前,两曲线十分接近,这是因为横置的防侧撞梁还未参与碰撞,而在15 ms以后,改进车门的两根防侧撞梁同时抵抗碰撞力,其内板变形显著减小.相比原车门,内板侵入量降低了11%.综上所述,防侧撞梁数量对侧面碰撞特性有着明显的影响,加装横防侧撞梁大大增加了乘员的生存空间.1) 材料应变率对侧面碰撞影响很大,且P参数的影响比C参数更大.碰撞效果由优至差排序为:C40P6→C40P5→C50P5→忽略应变率.故将车门材料改为应变率参数为C40P6的材料可提高其耐撞性.2) 半圆形防侧撞梁应力分布较合理,变形吸能能力较好.故改变防侧撞梁的截面形状不能提高车门耐撞性.3) 斜置、横置和竖置防侧撞梁中,斜置防侧撞梁的碰撞效果处于最优.其应力分布均匀,最大变形约为115 mm.故改变防侧撞梁的安装位置不能改善其碰撞安全性.4) 加装横置防侧撞梁的车门内板侵入量从改前的45 mm,降低至40 mm,下降幅度超过了11%.故在车门空间允许的情况下,加装防侧撞梁是增强车门侧面碰撞安全性最快捷有效的措施.【相关文献】[1]伍广,李光耀,陈涛,等.基于乘用车侧围部件模型的侧面碰撞仿真简化建模方法[J].中国机械工程,2009,20(16):1996-2002.[2]武振锋,贾凡,王娜.基于CATIA的轿车车门外板曲面创建与质量分析[J].武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2012,36(4):778-781.[3]陈晓东,尹同耀,朱西产,等.汽车侧面碰撞计算机仿真方法[J].汽车工程,2004,26(1):65-68.[4]胡远志,曾必强,谢书港.基于LS-DYNA和Hyper Works的汽车安全仿真与分析[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2011.[5]邓召文,高伟,熊剑.Taurus轿车车门侧面碰撞有限元分析[J].重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版),2010,29(5):808-812.[6]万德安,赵建才.轿车车门刚度有限元分析及结构优化[J].汽车工程,2001,23(6):385-388.[7]陆勇,曹立波,吴俊.轿车侧面碰撞安全结构改进方法研究[J].中国机械工程,2008,19(24):3006-3011.[8]吴毅,朱平,张宇.基于侧面碰撞仿真的轿车防撞杆结构优化研究[J].机械设计与研究,2006,22(5):108-111.[9]刘卫民,刘卫国,管立君.某微型汽车侧面碰撞安全性能优化[J].汽车技术,2011(10):24-27.[10]WANG D Z, DONG G. Car side structure crashworthiness in pole and moving defor mable barrier side impacts[J].Tsinghua Science and Technology,2006,13(15):725-730.。
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本文中的整车有限元模型中的各个零件均由各零件的U G或CATIA 格式的几何模型转入HYPERME2SH 有限元建模软件并进行网格划分,再进行装配而成。
碰撞分析的有限元模型的节点数和单元数都超过了14 万,规模较大。
有限元分析软件采用LS2DYNA ,它是当前在汽车碰撞有限元仿真中应用较多的一个非线性动力显式有限元软件,它的主要算法采用Lagrangian 描述增量法,利用显示中心差分法离散时间域,积分时间步长大小受Courant 稳定性准则制约。
整车结构由100 多个元件装配而成。
模型中的板壳单元以Be2lytschko - Tsay 四边形壳单元为主。
考虑到研究中仿真的碰撞方式是最为典型的正面碰撞,在正面碰撞过程中,A 柱前部的车身结构是变形吸能的主要器件,其变形的模式极为复杂,而中柱之后在碰撞过程中几乎不发生变形。
按照CMVDR294 碰撞法规的要求,小客车以50km/ h的速度正面撞击刚性墙。
设置的初始边界条件与实车实验的初始条件相同,模拟该车以50km/ h 的初速度正面撞击刚体墙。
由于前纵梁的问题较大, 为了提高其碰撞性能, 解决方法是改变其局部结构来得到更合理的变形模式和更好的能量吸收特性。
汽车碰撞实验是破坏性实验, 有着种种局限性。
其实验成本很高, 实验周期长, 而且必须先制造出样车。
1970年以来, 计算机在汽车设计中的成功应用,使汽车工业事实上进入了一个新的发展阶段。
随后显式有限元方法的发展和成熟, 使这一方法被迅速的应用到汽车碰撞过程的仿真中来。
有限元汽车碰撞数值仿真的运算代价较低, 设计周期短和可以实现无样车的虚拟碰撞实验等显著的优点使各大汽车制造商在近15年来积极地开展这方面的工作。
同时由于80年代以来计算机运算速度和存贮能力的飞速提高、显式有限元方法的发展和成熟、对于薄壁钢结构在高速碰撞条件下如损伤、断裂等新的本构关系的认识,以及各种连接方式的数值模型的建立, 使汽车碰撞的计算机仿真成为一门新兴的学科。
为了解决计算效率的问题, 通常采用显式算法。
在碰撞仿真中, 准确的模拟碰撞过程的关键是采用合理的接触算法和能够描述碰撞条件下材料本质的材料模型。
本文以某型轿车为原型, 建立了白车身的碰撞有限元模型, 并针对计算效率和准确性进行了着重分析。
碰撞仿真的变形结果和整车实验结果较为吻合, 车身典型位置的加速度时间曲线和实验曲线的比较显示本文所建立的白车身有限元数值仿模型是真实准确的。
现代轿车的车身普遍采用承载式车身结构, 与早期的非承载式的车身结构不同, 承载式车身没有以前用来承重的贯穿车身全长的车架结构, 而是由冲压成型的0.7-0.8mm的薄钢板通过点焊、搭接而成的, 这样既提高了整车的抗扭刚度又减轻了车重。
承载式车身在发生高速正面碰撞时, 整个前部车身发生溃缩, 碰撞能量主要通过车身结构的变形来吸收。
因此对于碰撞仿真来说, 就必须建立一个能描述碰撞接触区域内车身结构及其连接关系的精确的几何模型。
获取这样的几何模型的最方便的途径是内部CAD数据, 但是由于CAD和CAE本质的不同使得描述了很多加工和装配上工艺细节CAD的数据在CAE建模中反而成为工作的障碍。
本文建立的轿车白车身几何模型采用了曲面反演技术, 即利用高精度三座标测量仪CMM对覆盖件的主模型或封装模型进行曲面扫描, 对得到的离散数据一般称为云团数据进行拟合和光顺处理,从而得到车身的三维模型。
因为象整车碰撞仿真这样的大规模数值计算动辄进行上百小时, 占用了大量的机时, 进行重复计算是很困难的。
本文采用ANSA和LS - DYNA对国产某轿车的保险杠横梁正面撞击刚性墙过程进行了数值仿真,并对保险杠横梁的结构进行优化设计,说明结构优化后的横梁碰撞安全性优于原始结构。
附录2The safety car collision has been more and more people's attention, whether for cars, small buses or other types of vehicles. As a result of a collision test often requires a lot of time and money, computer simulation is a better way. Moreover, the passive vehicle safety study of the development of the finite element method, nonlinear dynamic explicit finite element method of progress, making use of computer simulation for vehicle safety evaluation and improvement is possible. At present, the major car companies and research institutions has embarked on research from the analysis of the simulation results show a further push to amend the proposal to reached in a collision with the vehicle weight, and other characteristics of the best aspects of the study. In this paper, in order to improve the crashworthiness car as the goal, to a seven-passenger preliminary design for the foundation, set up positive for the simulation of the collision before the collision the Department of finite element model, and a computer simulation of the collision, a program to improve To improve the car's passive safety design standards so as to enhance the all-new models to meet the collision regulations of the success rate.In the car collision on the performance of the finite element analysis, the vehicle's enormous workload modeling. In this paper, the finite element model of vehicle in all the parts are parts of the CATIA or UG format of the geometric model into HYPERME2SH finite element modeling software and mesh, and then carried out by the assembly. Collision Analysis of the finite element model of nodes and units are more than 140,000, and larger. Finite element analysis software used LS2DYNA, it is in the car crash in the application of finite element simulation of a more dynamic non-linear explicit finite element software, its main method used to describe Lagrangian incremental method, showed that the use of discrete-time center-difference Domain, the time stepsize of the points by the Courant stability criteria constraints.Structure of the vehicle by more than 100 components from the assembly. Modeling, to connect the stiffness and strength to determine the actual situation. The shell model unit to Be2lytschko - Tsay quadrilateral shell element-based. The nodes are divided into conventional analog nodes and part of the solder joints of the solid even with failure. Engine and transmission in vehicle collision in the deformation not be taken into account, the material is defined as rigid materials. The doors and body are connected through the hinges and locks fixed, in numerical simulation, bound by the corresponding node through the displacement of the establishment of degrees of freedom model to simulate the ball joints.Taking into account the study of the collision simulation is the most typical collision positive, positive in the course of the collision, A column of the front body structure is a deformation of the main energy absorption device, the deformation of complex patterns, and in column after a collision in the process of Almost no distortion. In order to save calculation time, the body of the front unit more closely, in the column after more rare. Elastic stiffness in the calculation used to control the hourglass.CMVDR294 collision regulations in accordance with the requirements of small passenger cars to 50km / h speed frontal impact in the rigid wall. The initial set of boundary conditions and the experimental car is the same as the initial conditions, the simulation of the car to 50km / h speed frontal impact in the beginning of the rigid wall. In the finite element method after the post-processing, and the simulation results are analyzed. The results show that the deformation concentrated in the front of the vehicle, no deformation at the rear of the vehicle.As the beam before the larger issues, in order to improve the performance of its collision, the solution is to change its regional structure to a more rational pattern of distortion and better energy absorption characteristics. Produced two plastic hinge of the local area, will increase two to strengthen the board to improve the overall beam of energy absorption situation. To improve the design of passenger carsbefore some of the parts Wai.The annual number of road traffic accidents and death toll, as well as the resulting economic losses are staggering. Automotive passive safety of the importance of the world it was accepted. It is recognized that collisions are inevitable. Passive safety research from the age of 60 began to explore the means to carry out more and more toward diversification, professional and high-tech direction.Early automobile crashworthiness research using experimental means. Automobile collision experiment is destructive experiment with various limitations. The high cost of the experiment, the experimental long, but must first create kind of car. Since 1970, computers in the design of the success of the automotive applications, so that in fact the auto industry has entered a new stage of development. In the first car collision in the field of applied computer simulation of the model proposed by the focus is〕 parameter model. Followed by explicit finite element method and the development of mature, so that this method has been applied to the fast-car collision simulation in the course of the past. In 1985 by Germany's Volkswagen production cars for the first prototype of the finite element model successfully simulated the car's front collision course map.Finite element simulation of vehicle collisions lower the cost of computing, and short design cycle can be achieved without the kind of virtual car collision experiments, such as significant advantages so that all the major car manufacturers in the past 15 years to carry out active work in this area. Collision simulation has been applied to study the feasibility of the concept through the vehicle design and development of the whole process. At the same time, since the age of 80 due to the computing speed and storage capacity of the rapid increase in explicit finite element methods for the development and maturity, the thin-walled steel in conditions such as high-speed collision damage or crack the new constitutive relation of understanding, As well as a variety of ways to connect the numerical model, so that the vehicle collision computer simulation has become an emerging disciplines. Automobile collision involving a large displacement, large deformation and large rotation of the complex non-linear dynamics ofthe contact problem. In order to solve the problem of computing efficiency, usually explicit algorithm. In the simulation of collision, the accurate simulation of collision course, the key is to adopt a reasonable method of contact and be able to describe the collision of the nature of the material conditions of model material.Based on a prototype for the car, a white body finite element model of the collision, and for calculating the efficiency and accuracy of the analysis focused. This article was positive for the fixed rigid walls of the collision simulation performance. The simulation results of the collision and deformation of the vehicle is more in line results, the typical location of the body's curves and acceleration of time compared with the experimental curve in this paper shows that the establishment of the body in white like finite element model is true and accurate.Modern cars commonly used by body-bearing body structure, with the early non-bearing structure of the body, carrying the body-weight people do not have to run through the length of the body frame structure, but by stamping forming the 0.7-0.8mm The thin plate through the spot, by lap, so that not only improved the vehicle's torsional rigidity and reduced weight. Body-bearer in the event of a positive high-speed collision, the front of the entire body shrink collapse occurred, the collision energy, primarily by the deformation of the structure of the body to absorb. For the simulation of collision, it is necessary to establish a description of the collision to contact the region connection body structure and the relationship between the geometric precision of the model. Access to such a geometric model of the most convenient way to internal CAD data, but because of the nature of CAD and CAE's description of the different makes a lot of processing and assembly processes on the details of the CAD data in the CAE modeling instead become an obstacle to the work.In this paper, the car body in white geometric model of the surface using inversion, that is, the use of high-precision coordinate measuring instrument panel on the CMM model for the main package or model surface scan, to be known as the discrete data cloud data Fit smoothness and to carry out processing, in order to get three-dimensional modelof the body. Access to a white car after the geometric model of discrete units have been on a collision finite element model.Automobile collision simulation to be calculated on the efficiency of special concern. As the vehicle collision because such a large-scale numerical simulation calculation at every turn for more than 100 hours, taking up a large number of machines, double it is very difficult.Automobile collision is a dynamic large displacement and deformation of the process, the system has a geometric, material and multiple non-linear features of the border. As a result, car collision numerical analysis of general nonlinear dynamic finite element analysis shows. Are indications that the vehicle collision accident, the collision occurred in front (including oblique impact) in the probability of more than 40% in various types of collisions in the first. As a result, a positive study on characteristics of the collision, the crew lowered the damage is very important. In this paper, ANSA and LS - DYNA on the bumper of the car made a positive impact beams rigid wall process simulation, and bumper beams designed to optimize the structure shows that the optimized structure of the beam collided security is better than the original structure.Large deformation problem of collisions usually takes a lot of time calculating how to improve the speed of solving the main problems to solve. With the conventional finite element difference is that in order to avoid large-scale simultaneous equations to solve, raising the speed of calculation, analysis of the collision use of software in general show that algorithm.。