



























毕业设计马铃薯去皮机的设计目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第一章引言 (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (3)国内外马铃薯去皮设备简介 (3) (3)蒸煮装置 (4)化学去皮装置 (5)第二章马铃薯去皮机的结构设计 (7)马铃薯去皮机的设计及特点 (7) (10) (10) (10) (11) (11) (11)第三章马铃薯去皮机的参数确定 (13)物料在工作圆筒内的受力分析 (13) (14) (15) (17)第四章主要零件的结构设计与计算 (18)V带轮结构设计计算 (18)4.2传动主轴的结构设计计算 (19) (20) (21) (21)第五章主要零件的校核 (22) (22) (22) (22) (23) (24) (24)总结 (25)致谢 .................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

参考文献 . (26)摘要:马铃薯去皮是所有马铃薯制品加工工艺过程的重要环节,目前存在的各种去皮方法都各自有其一定的局限性。



关键词:去皮机;摩擦;设计;马铃薯Abstract: Peeling is an important annulet in potato processing, Methods of peeling which have been used at present all has their limitation. Along with the development of potato processing industry and the progress of our society and economy, it has become an urgent task for finding an efficient, economical and no pollution method of potato peeling. This paper introduced the large-scale machine for peeling potatoes which is designed by the principle of friction and suited to the factory of food processing, and it presented the key of design,working principle and the composition of the large-scale machine.Keywords:Peeling machine; friction; design; potato第一章引言目前,世界79%的国家种植马铃薯,总面积2000万hm,左右,总产量3亿多吨,仅在小麦、玉米、水稻之后,居第四位。

































马铃薯擦皮机机械设计 机械设计制造及其自动化专业毕业论文

马铃薯擦皮机机械设计  机械设计制造及其自动化专业毕业论文









关键词:马铃薯;去皮;机械摩擦;AbstractAlong with the development of food industry, food processing by the world has become more and more attention, especially luncheonette and the birth of the convenient food, prompting fresh dehydrated vegetable industry rapidly, it will request the intensive processing of raw materials with development. Among them, the potato is deep processing by people attaches great importance to the development of the industry and one of fast.Our country is the main producers of potatoes, years of planting area and total production ranking second in the world, but in our country most potatoes were directly used for feed or edible. Because only each year a few used for further processing, and the fresh potatoes excess, increases the difficulty of keeping fresh winter, also lowered its nutritional value. Investigate its reason is lack of processing equipment, especially to leather machinery. And equipment introduced from abroad, the price is expensive, high production costs, which the industry development in more slowly. Peel potatoes all potato products processing technology is the important part of the process, the existing various to skin method has its certain limitation. Along with the development of the potato industry and China's social and economic progress, how to search for a high quality, highly effective, the energy conservation, the environmental protection potatoes peel potatoes methods have been the machining process of the urgent need to address the problem.Key words :Potato ;Skinning ;Steam ;目录摘要. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 错误!未定义书签。



小型马铃薯去皮机的设计发布时间:2022-06-13T06:54:13.528Z 来源:《时代教育》2022年4期作者:张增男[导读] 针对市面上马铃薯去皮机具有去皮不完整、维修困难、皮屑在机体堆积等问题,本文设计了一款适合于中小型张增男山东协和学院工学院,山东济南)[摘要] 针对市面上马铃薯去皮机具有去皮不完整、维修困难、皮屑在机体堆积等问题,本文设计了一款适合于中小型饭店的马铃薯去皮机。



[关键词] 去皮机;摩擦;马铃薯马铃薯通常情况下,人们也将其称之为土豆,是一种常见的家常菜之一。














毕业设计马铃薯去皮机的设计目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第一章引言 (1)1.1目的意义和国内外现状概况 (1)1.2马铃薯原料加工预处理工艺流程简介 (2)1.2.1马铃薯的分级 (2)1.2.2马铃薯的清洗 (2)1.2.3马铃薯的去皮 (2)1.2.4马铃薯的护色 (3)1.3 国内外马铃薯去皮设备简介 (3)1.3.1机械装置 (3)1.3.2 蒸煮装置 (4)1.3.3 化学去皮装置 (5)第二章马铃薯去皮机的结构设计 (7)2.1 马铃薯去皮机的设计及特点 (7)2.2摩擦式马铃薯去皮机基本结构 (10)2.2.1工作圆筒 (10)2.2.2工作转盘 (10)2.2.3传动系统 (11)2.2.4其他 (11)2.3工作原理 (11)第三章马铃薯去皮机的参数确定 (13)3.1 物料在工作圆筒内的受力分析 (13)3.2工作转盘转速的确定 (14)3.3马铃薯去皮机功率的确定 (15)3.4整机主要参数指标 (17)第四章主要零件的结构设计与计算 (18)4.1 V带轮结构设计计算 (18)4.2传动主轴的结构设计计算 (19)4.2.1轴上零件的周向定位 (20)4.2.2确定轴上圆角和倒角尺寸 (21)4.3滚动轴承的初步选择 (21)第五章主要零件的校核 (22)5.1滚动轴承的寿命计算 (22)5.2轴的计算和校核 (22)5.2.1作出轴的计算简图 (22)5.1.2轴的强度校核计算 (23)5.1.3按弯扭合成应力校核轴的强度 (24)5.1.4轴的扭转刚度校核计算 (24)总结 (25)致谢 (26)参考文献 (27)摘要:马铃薯去皮是所有马铃薯制品加工工艺过程的重要环节,目前存在的各种去皮方法都各自有其一定的局限性。





第57卷 第7期Vol. 57 No. 72019年7月July 2019农业装备与车辆工程AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT & VEHICLE ENGINEERINGdoi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-3142.2019.07.010马铃薯去皮机的设计朱颖( 200093 上海市 上海理工大学 )[摘要] 马铃薯去皮已成为加工马铃薯制品必须的工艺环节,针对目前马铃薯产业迅速发展,但是马铃薯深加工技术跟不上市场需求的问题,设计了一种马铃薯去皮机,重点研究介绍了该机器工作原理。


[关键词] 马铃薯;去皮机;摩擦;设计;农产品加工[中图分类号] S226.4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-3142(2019)07-0036-03Design of Potato Peeling MachineZhu Ying(University of Shanghai for Science And Technology, Shanghai City 200093, China)[Abstract] Potato-peeling has turned into an essentially technical procedure of potato processing. Focus on the technique of potato deep processing which can not keep pace with market demand, as a result of the rapid development of potato industry. In order to solve the problem, we propose a design of potato peeler, which analyses operating principle of this machine. The successful application of potato peeler can effectively settle the time-consuming problem, and improve productivity and profits as well.[Key words] potato; peeling machine; friction; design; agriculture products processing0 引言我国的马铃薯加工产业起步晚,加工技术较落后,加工出的马铃薯制品质量赶不上国外水平,而且产量也不能满足市场需求量。



马铃薯去皮机的毕业设计1. 引言马铃薯作为全球重要的粮食作物之一,在农业生产中起着重要的角色。



2. 设计目标本毕业设计旨在设计一台能够高效、准确地去除马铃薯表面皮层的机器。





3. 设计原理3.1 马铃薯表面特点分析在设计去皮机之前,首先需要分析马铃薯表面的特点。



3.2 设计思路基于对马铃薯表面特点的分析,我们可以采用以下设计思路来实现自动化去皮:1.马铃薯输入:通过一个进料系统将马铃薯送入去皮机。





4. 设计方案4.1 进料系统进料系统是将待处理的马铃薯送入去皮机的关键部分。


4.2 刀具系统刀具系统是实现去皮的核心部分。



4.3 排渣系统排渣系统用于清理被切割下来的马铃薯皮屑。


4.4 出料系统出料系统用于将已去除皮层的马铃薯送出去皮机。



2018.05 农村实用技术农业机械一种摩擦式马铃薯去皮机的设计马兴飞(商丘工学院,河南 商丘 476000)1 去皮机的结构设计1.1 去皮机的设计及特点马铃薯的清洗是去皮之前必不可少的一道工序,因此选用搅戈式机械清洗机,该清洗机在国内生产车间普遍使用。





图1.1 摩擦式去皮机结构图1-机架 2-排渣管 3-出料口 4-圆筒 5-加料斗盖 6-反转螺帽 7-进水孔 8-转盘 9-挡水环 10-V带 11-小带轮 12-电机13-大带轮 14-轴 15-键1.2 去皮机基本结构如上图1.1所示,去皮机基本结构包括:立式机型、机架、工作圆筒、传动机构和转盘。

1.2.1 工作圆筒去皮设备要求安全、耐用、卫生等特性。


1.2.2 工作转盘工作转盘是去皮过程中马铃薯产生相互运动的主要部件。



图1.2 工作转盘结构示意图1.反转螺帽 2.转盘 3.挡水环 4.传动轴1.2.3 传动系统采用V带传动,具有成本低、保护工件、传动比较小等特性。

1.2.4 其他摘 要:针对目前马铃薯去皮方法的局限性,研究一款小成本、高效、环保马铃薯去皮机。







1 前言综观食品加工业对加工技术的要求,食品加工技术的发展趋势大致如下:第一,提高原料的利用率。














马铃薯去皮机设计的 一般规程,了解其在 实际使用过程中的利 与弊。

答辩人:小不点 答辩时间:5.5 指导老师:大不点
.查阅中英文资料,研 究国内外马铃薯去皮
整体方案的设计:电 动机、皮带传动、脱 皮辊、过滤装置、传 动轴及轴承等的设计
04 选题的设计方案
可行性分析:对 数据进行假设、 分析经过资料收 集确定方案实施
答辩人:小不点 首先阅读大量相关文献 资料,教材,包括机械 设计制造的原理及方法, 总结马铃薯去皮机在实 际应用中的优缺点,并 针对优缺点进行分析。
答辩时间:5.5 指导老师:大不点 尽量多的使用标准件, 以节约制作加工成本。 计算齿轮以及各个重要 部件的耐久度,使成品 更加耐用
03 选题的主要内容和拟解决关键问题
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【关键词】:去皮机设计马铃薯Abstract: The peeling of potatoes is an important link in the process of potato processing, and the existing methods of skin removal are limited. With the development of potato industry and China's social and economic progress, how to find a high-quality, efficient and energy-saving potato peeling method has become an urgent problem in potato processing. This paper mainly introduces the design points, working principle and equipment composition of a large potato peeling machine based on the principle of friction, which is suitable for the food processing plant and other places.Keywords:Peeling machine; friction; design; potato目录第一章引言 (1)1.1研究目的及研究意义 (1)1.2国内外现状概况 (1)第二章马铃薯去皮机的结构设计 (2)2.1 马铃薯去皮机的设计及特点 (2)2.2摩擦式马铃薯去皮机基本结构 (5)2.2.1工作圆筒 (5)2.2.2工作转盘 (5)2.2.3传动系统 (5)2.2.4其他 (5)2.3工作原理 (6)第三章马铃薯去皮机的参数确定 (7)3.1 物料在工作圆筒内的受力分析 (7)3.2工作转盘转速的确定 (8)3.3马铃薯去皮机功率的确定 (9)3.4整机主要参数指标 (12)第四章主要零件的结构设计与计算 (13)4.1 V带轮结构设计计算 (13)4.2传动主轴的结构设计计算 (15)4.2.1轴上零件的周向定位 (16)4.2.2确定轴上圆角和倒角尺寸 (16)4.3滚动轴承的初步选择 (16)总结 (18)参考文献 (19)致谢 (20)1 绪论1.1研究目的及研究意义目前,世界上有79%个国家种植马铃薯,总面积达2000万hm2,总产量超过300万吨,仅次于小麦、玉米和大米,居世界第四位。



红薯去皮机的设计发布时间:2021-06-15T11:12:20.633Z 来源:《科学与技术》2021年6期作者:宋开功胡明科[导读] 在很多时候表皮是一种我们不需要,但是又去不掉的一种多余部分,我们通常希望的就是能够在不需要的时候去掉它,宋开功胡明科山东协和学院山东济南 250107摘要:在很多时候表皮是一种我们不需要,但是又去不掉的一种多余部分,我们通常希望的就是能够在不需要的时候去掉它,同时可以减少能源物质的消耗,通过减少一定的时间工作量,然后就可以达到降低总成本的目的。




关键词:去皮设计红薯Abstract: In many cases, skin is a kind of unnecessary part that we don't need, but we can't get rid of it. What we usually hope is to remove it when we don't need it, and reduce the consumption of energy and substances. By reducing the workload of a certain amount of time, the total cost can be reduced Peel the paper introduces a friction, the purpose is through to remove skin friction way, main characteristics is to make the food placed directly on a emery wheel through them to the walls of an arrangement with the rotation of the emery wheel, and then by using friction to remove excess skin on the surface of the vegetable and fruit, and a large number of water at this time, will be finished Wash clean. One of the main advantages of this method of friction peeling is that it can effectively reduce the energy cost, reduce the capital and do not directly damage the appearance of vegetables and fruits and other products. For this, we can say that it is a good quality product But if be irregular vegetable fruit undertakes purify skin, because its are irregular sex, need to go to undertake purify manually namely, wait for the hole on vegetable fruit for instance Key words: Peeling Design sweet potato1 绪论在当今世界蔬菜水果得到了绝大多数人的肯定和追求,因其具有很多我们人类所需要的物质,而对于蔬菜水果其保质期时间较短,故此对水果蔬菜我们产生了很多的物质加工处理进行长时间保存。



1 英文文献翻译1.1 英文文献原文题目Potatoes Potatoes peeled peeled peeled structure structure structure design designAbstract: Abstract: the the the graduation graduation graduation design design design is is is mainly mainly mainly studied studied studied on on on the the the bas bas is is of of of the the the principle principle principle of of of friction friction friction of of of potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling machine machine machine d d esign, esign, working working working principle principle principle and and and the the the composition composition composition of of of the the the equipment equipment . . Through Through Through the the the analysis analysis analysis of of of original original original data, data, data, project project project demonstratio demonstratio n n and and and related related related data data data analysis analysis analysis and and and calculation, calculation, calculation, the the the overall overall overall des des ign ign of of of a a a complete complete complete potato potato potato peeler peeler peeler to to to peel peel peel and and and mechanical mechanical mechanical stru stru cture cture is is is a a a new new new form, form, form, to to to better better better serve serve serve the the the fruits fruits fruits and and and vegeta vegeta bles bles to to to the the the development development development of of of leather leather leather industry, industry, industry, better better better adapt adapt adapt to to the the demand demand demand of of of the the the market market market both both both at at at home home home and and and abroad, abroad, abroad, so so so has has the the good good good market market market prospect. prospect.Keywords: Keywords: potatoes potatoes potatoes peeled peeled peeled structure; structure; structure; Friction Friction Friction ; ; ; drive drive 1 1 the the the domestic domestic domestic research research research status statusTechnology Technology is is is to to to measure measure measure whether whether whether an an an enterprise enterprise enterprise has has has the the the advan advan ced ced nature, nature, nature, whether whether whether have have have market market market competitiveness, competitiveness, competitiveness, whether whether whether can can keep keep ahead ahead ahead of of of competitors' competitors' competitors' important important important index. index. index. With With With the the the rapid rapid rapid d d evelopment evelopment of of of domestic domestic domestic potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling agency agency agency market, market, market, the the the core core of of the the the related related related production production production technology technology technology and and and research research research and and and devel devel opment opment will will will certainly certainly certainly has has has become become become the the the focus focus focus of of of the the the industry industry enterprises. enterprises. Understand Understand Understand the the the potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling machine machine machine in in in the the the pro pro duction duction of of of the the the core core core technology technology technology research research research and and and development development development at at at h h ome ome and and and abroad, abroad, abroad, process process process equipment, equipment, equipment, technology, technology, technology, application application application and and trend, trend, for for for an an an enterprise enterprise enterprise to to to improve improve improve product product product technical technical technical speci speci fication, fication, improve improve improve the the the market market market competitiveness competitiveness competitiveness is is is critical. critical. Potato Potato products products products the the the main main main varieties varieties varieties of of of potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, potato potato potato chips,chips, dehydrated dehydrated mashed mashed mashed potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, etc. etc. etc. No No No matter matter matter what what what kind kind kind of of of pr products, oducts, its its its processing processing processing technology technology technology requirements requirements requirements of of of raw raw raw material material s s to to to deal deal deal with with with the the the peel peel peel potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, to to to guarantee guarantee guarantee the the the quality quality of of the the the products, products, products, ensure ensure ensure its its its appearance, appearance, appearance, color color color and and and taste. taste. taste. P P eel eel potatoes potatoes potatoes peeled peeled peeled methods methods methods mainly mainly mainly include include include artificial, artificial, artificial, chemica chemica l l peeling, peeling, peeling, mechanical mechanical mechanical peeling, peeling, peeling, etc. etc. etc. Artificial Artificial Artificial to to to skin skin skin peelin peelin g g effect effect effect is is is better, better, better, but but but low low low efficiency, efficiency, efficiency, high high high loss loss loss rate, rate, rate, obv obv iously iously can can can not not not adapt adapt adapt to to to the the the needs needs needs of of of the the the development development development of of of th th e e potato potato potato industrialization; industrialization; industrialization; Chemical Chemical Chemical peeling peeling peeling a a a hot hot hot alkaline alkaline alkaline o o r r peel peel peel and and and low low low temperature temperature temperature liquid liquid liquid method method method in in in two two two forms, forms, forms, main main ly ly rely rely rely on on on the the the strong strong strong alkali alkali alkali solution solution solution and and and liquid liquid liquid chemical chemical chemical p p eeling eeling effect, effect, effect, softening softening softening and and and relaxation relaxation relaxation potato potato potato skins skins skins and and and body body -to -to keep, keep, keep, then then then use use use high high high pressure pressure pressure water water water jet, jet, jet, peeled. peeled. peeled. This This This me me thod thod the the the flushing flushing flushing process process process of of of before before before and and and after after after peeling peeling peeling the the the d d emand emand is is is higher, higher, higher, and and and liquid liquid liquid alkali, alkali, alkali, peel peel peel or or or consumption consumption consumption is is too too large, large, large, the the the cost cost cost is is is higher, higher, higher, and and and this this this way way way the the the serious serious serious in in fluence fluence the the the taste taste taste of of of the the the product. product. product. Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical peeling peeling peeling is is is fric fric tion tion peel peel peel form, form, form, the the the main main main dependence dependence dependence between between between potato potato potato and and and potat potat o o and and and potato potato potato with with with silicon silicon silicon carbide carbide carbide or or or rubber rubber rubber friction friction friction between between role role and and and achieve achieve achieve the the the goal goal goal of of of peel, peel, peel, good good good effect effect effect of of of this this this a a pproach pproach to to to skin, skin, skin, reduce reduce reduce the the the production production production cost, cost, cost, reduced reduced reduced environm environm entalpollution, pollution, simple simple simple operation, operation, operation, fast fast fast speed, speed, speed, can can can one one one person person person opera opera tion, tion, high high high energy energy energy efficiency efficiency efficiency to to to maximize maximize maximize the the the interests interests interests of of of th th e e products. products.2. 2. the the the working working working principle principle principle of of of the the the potato potato potato peeler peelerThe The potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling machine machine machine adopts adopts adopts horizontal horizontal horizontal machine, machine, machine, mainly mainly including including working working working cylinder, cylinder, cylinder, work work work table, table, table, frame frame frame and and and transmission transmission parts parts (see (see (see diagram). diagram). diagram). When When When to to to work work work in in in the the the potato potato potato peeling peeling peeling m m achine, achine, wheel wheel wheel rotation, rotation, rotation, the the the material material material by by by a a a bucket bucket bucket shape shape shape inlet inlet, , material material material fall fall fall on on on the the the surface surface surface of of of a a a rotating rotating rotating brush brush brush roller roller corrugated corrugated bulge, bulge, bulge, the the the effect effect effect of of of the the the centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal force force force by by by the the brush brush roller roller roller tangent tangent tangent upward upward upward movement, movement, movement, material material material constant constant constant alon alon g g the the the motion motion motion for for for a a a cylindrical cylindrical cylindrical wall, wall, wall, rise rise rise to to to the the the top, top, top, was was at at the the the top top top of of of the the the block block block back back back into into into the the the working working working surface surface surface of of the the plate. plate. plate. Into Into Into the the the rough rough rough surface surface surface and and and friction friction friction brush brush brush roll.roll. The The reciprocating reciprocating reciprocating movement movement movement of of of the the the material material material in in in this this this process,process, by by violent violent violent agitation, agitation, agitation, and and and formed formed formed with with with a a a brush brush brush roller, roller, roller, wall wall and and between between between particles particles particles is is is given given given priority priority priority to to to with with with flip, flip, flip, rubb rubb ing ing friction, friction, friction, impact impact impact of of of comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive mechanical mechanical mechanical effects, effects, effects, so so as as to to to achieve achieve achieve the the the aim aim aim of of of the the the skin. skin. skin. At At At the the the same same same time time time of of of f f riction riction peel, peel, peel, from from from inject inject inject water water water into into into the the the hole, hole, hole, in in in a a a timely timely manner manner will will will be be be wiped wiped wiped off off off the the the skin skin skin of of of the the the through through through brush brush brush b b rush rush roll roll roll and and and roll roll roll gap gap gap to to to discharge discharge discharge mouth mouth mouth eduction eduction eduction body. body. body. In In the the case case case of of of non-stop, non-stop, non-stop, open open open the the the discharge discharge discharge valve valve valve of of of mouth, mouth, material material by by by dial dial dial discharged discharged discharged through through through the the the discharge discharge discharge port. port. port. After After peeling peeling potatoes potatoes potatoes peel peel peel by by by institutions institutions institutions discharging discharging discharging chute chute chute into into the the auxiliary auxiliary auxiliary body, body, body, after after after screening screening screening and and and other other other auxiliary auxiliary auxiliary wor wor k k again again again into into into the the the next next next procedure. procedure.3. 3. summary summaryBelieve Believe in in in the the the near near near future, future, future, once once once the the the product product product is is is applied applied applied to to the the actual, actual, actual, will will will greatly greatly greatly save save save the the the working working working time, time, time, improve improve improve wo wo rk rk efficiency, efficiency, efficiency, improve improve improve the the the economic economic economic benefit, benefit, benefit, at at at the the the same same same tim tim e e will will will make make make a a a great great great contribution contribution contribution for for for the the the mass mass mass production, production, production, g g iving iving impetus impetus impetus to to to the the the development development development of of of potato potato potato industry industry industry better better better a a nd nd faster. faster. faster. Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical peeling, peeling, peeling, powered powered powered by by by motor, motor, motor, through through through the the pulley pulley drive drive drive cylinder cylinder cylinder at at at the the the bottom bottom bottom of of of the the the spinning spinning spinning l. Low Low middle, middle, middle, high high high edge edge edge mill mill mill wheel wheel wheel surface, surface, surface, undulate. undulate. undulate. Tubers Tubers to to join join join the the the cylinder, cylinder, cylinder, each each each other other other due due due to to to centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal force forceand and the the the friction friction friction effect, effect, effect, within within within the the the cylinder cylinder cylinder up, up, up, down, down, down, lef lef t, t, right right right turn, turn, turn, and and and constantly constantly constantly rolling; rolling; rolling; And And And the the the rubber rubber rubber cylind cylind er er lining, lining, lining, will will will rebound rebound rebound tuber, tuber, tuber, in in in the the the mill mill mill and and and the the the cylinder cylinder wall wall under under under the the the function function function of of of rubber rubber rubber potato potato potato tuber tuber tuber is is is grinding grinding to to the the the skin skin skin evenly, evenly, evenly, achieve achieve achieve the the the goal goal goal of of of potato potato potato peeling. peeling. peeling. T T o o skin skin skin with with with clear clear clear water, water, water, and and and then then then open open open the the the side side side door, door, door, tube tube r r discharge discharge discharge from from from a a a side side side door, door, door, dander dander dander with with with flow flow flow from from from the the the di di scharge scharge gap gap gap around around around the the the millstone. millstone. millstone. The The The machine machine machine for for for batch batch batch prod prod uction, uction, peeling peeling peeling machine, machine, machine, mill mill mill rotate rotate rotate at at at a a a certain certain certain speed, speed, speed, rol rol ler ler potato potato potato in in in under under under the the the action action action of of of centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal force, force, force, gravity gravity and and the the the friction, friction, friction, using using using potato potato potato work work work relative relative relative to to to the the the mill,mill, the the relative relative relative speed speed speed difference difference difference between between between the the the potato potato potato skin skin skin remov remov ed.1.2中文翻译马铃薯去皮结构设计马铃薯去皮结构设计摘要摘要::本次毕业设计主要研究了以摩擦原理为基础的马铃薯去皮机的设计要点、工作原理工作原理 及设备的组成。













关键词:马铃薯;联合收成机;分离装置;分级装置;传动系统AbstractWith the market demand for potatoes continuously increased,it’s industrialization and mechanization planting,harvesting,deep processingmechanism become an important subject in different countries.According to statistics,the world’s potatoes planting area is about 20 millionhm2in 2006,in which our countries planting area reached 5.0153 million hm2,with the potatoes planting area and the total yield all jumped to the first place in the world,our country become one of the quickest growing potato’s consumer in the world.But in the most areas of our country, there are more than 70%total work of the potatoes harvesting are basically stopped in the traditional artificial seeding cutting,digging,picking stage,the level of mechanization of harvest in some areas relatively low,it’s seriously influence the potatoes scale prod uction and make it far not meet the demand of the market.In recent year,the research and extension of the potato harvest machinery has made a great development,but at present,our machine type mainly in small type,small mating power,simple structure and light.There is a big gap between our country and foreign country about the technology level of the equipment research,the labor intensity is still great,they are seriously hold back the potatoes industrial development.So in order to adaptation the globe and international competition,through the comprehensive research on the present potatoes harvestmachinery at home and abroad,we improved the design of a new type single lined potato’s combine harvest,which integrated the digging,separation,transportation,grading,cleaningselecting,bagging(boxing)in one machine.After improved the design of the potato combine harvester,which separating device used the arc round roller components.This device has simple structure and good separation,overcome the restriction of the jitter chain and screen type separation,that in small type potatoes harvest machine and the use in viscous soil,improve the separation efficiency.The grading device’s improve is mainly used the first order and the second order grading mechanism which composed of cylindrical roller and semi lunar groove had different space,realized the big,medium,small potatoes grading andtransportation,greatly reduced the labor intensity and improved the product efficiency.After determined the whole improving design scheme,using the CAXA software built the integral three-dimensional modeling and make the motion simulation to the grading deviceing the ADAMS software,analysis the all level potatoes simulated motion situation,verify the feasibility and reliability of the design and proposed the improving suggestion according to the simulation results.Keywords:potato;combine harvester;separating device;grading device;transmission syste目录摘要 (1)Abstract (1)第1章绪论 (5)第1章绪论 (5)1.1 前言 (5)马铃薯种植概况 (5)马铃薯机械化收成技术与收成机具 (5)1.2 国内外马铃薯收成机概况及进展现状 (6)1.2.1 国外马铃薯收成机的进展现状 (6)1.2.2 国内马铃薯收成机的进展现状 (8)1.3 本课题研究的意义、内容及方式 (10)1.3.1 研究意义 (10)1.3.2 研究内容 (12)1.3.3 研究方式 (12)第2章马铃薯收成机的整体原理及挖掘部份设计 (13)马铃薯的生长农艺特点及收成要求 (13)2.1.1 马铃薯的生长农业特点 (13)2.1.2 收成要求 (13)马铃薯收成机的整机机构及工作原理 (14)2.3 辊式摘穗器原理及参数................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。



机械创新课程设计说明书设计题目:多功能土豆削皮机专业:机械设计制造及其自动化班级:姓名:成绩:2017年6月23日目录摘要 (3)第一章前言 (4)1.1 设计背景 (4)1.2 设计思路 (5)1.3 功能设计 (5)第二章材料及机构选择 (5)2.1 材料选择 (5)2.2 齿形选择 (5)第三章主体部分的设计与计算 (5)3.1 耐磨性计算 (5)3.2 螺纹强度校核 (6)3.3 螺纹牙强度计算 (6)3.4 效率计算 (6)3.5 传动螺旋刚度计算 (6)第四章螺纹控制弹簧设计计算 (7)4.1 选择弹簧材料,确定许用应力 (7)4.2 确定弹簧直径d (7)4.4 验算载荷与变形 (7)4.5 计算其余几何尺寸 (8)4.6 验算稳定性 (8)设计心得 (9)参考文献 (10)摘要本文主要研究对土豆削皮机的创新设计,各结构单元的设计首先是分析设计背景,了解目前研究现状的优缺点,通过分析、比较来确定一种最合理的传动系统方案以实现既定的功能要求。







5.制图与建模:使用AutoCAD,PorE来进行设计后的制图以及三维仿真关键词:土豆削皮机,多功能,强度校核,人机原理第一章前言1.1 设计背景瓜果土豆中含有较多的营养物质,但是现代生产的各种农药激素在蔬菜表面都有残留。

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