第二章文艺复兴时期1. 文艺复兴运动源于14世纪的意大利,后遍及欧洲各国,在英国兴起较晚。
文艺复兴运动的思想家,人文主义者是托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More),他的作品《乌托邦》描绘了一个理想的未来社会,他因此被认为是空想社会主义的先驱。
2. 文艺复兴时期的英国文学得到了空前的发展,在诗歌,散文和戏剧方面尤其兴盛。
英国文学简史期末考试复习要点一、中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485)•《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)•《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight )杰弗利·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)“英国诗歌之父”。
(Father of English Poetry)《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales)二、文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期—17世纪初)•托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More )《乌托邦》(Utopia)•埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser)《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)•弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)《论说文集》(Essays)克里斯托弗·马洛 Christopher Marlowe•《帖木儿大帝》(Tamburlaine)•《浮士德博士的悲剧》(The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus)•《马耳他岛的犹太人》(The Jew of Malta)威廉·莎士比亚William Shakespeare )《哈姆莱特》(Hamlet) SONNET18三、17世纪文学约翰·弥尔顿 John Milton《失乐园》(Paradise Lost)•约翰·班扬(John Bunyan)《天路历程》(The Pilgrim’s Progress)四、启蒙时期文学(17世纪后期—18世纪中期)18世纪初,新古典主义成为时尚。
亚历山大·蒲柏(Alexander Pope)是新古典主义诗歌的代表。
•乔纳森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift《格列佛•丹尼尔·笛福 Daniel Defoe 英国小说之父《鲁滨孙漂流记》(Robinson Crusoe)•亨利·菲尔丁 Henry Fielding《汤姆·琼斯》(Tom Jones)•乔纳森·斯威夫特 Jonathan Swift《格列佛游记》Gulliver’s Travels•亨利·菲尔丁 Henry Fielding《汤姆·琼斯》(Tom Jones)托马斯·格雷 Thomas Gray《墓园哀歌》(Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard)五、浪漫主义时期文学(1798-1832)•罗伯特·彭斯 Robert Burns•威廉·布莱克 William Blake•威廉·华兹华斯 William Wordsworth•塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治 Samuel Taylor Coleridge《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads)一. Old English Literature & The Late Medieval Ages中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485)<Beowulf>贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-SaxonsEpic: long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated.e.g. Homer’s Iliad and OdysseyArtistic features:ing alliterationDefinition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound (头韵)Some examples on P5ing metaphor and understatementDefinition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideasGeoffery Chaucer 杰弗里•乔叟1340(?)~1400(首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。
英国文学复习教学提纲1. Arcadia2. The Shepherds Calendar3. The Advancenient of Learning4. King Midas5. The Jew of Malta6. As You Like It7. Othello8. Julius Caesar9. Every Man in His Humour10. The Alchemist11.Songs and Sonnets12.The Temple13.Lycidas14. Samson Agonistes15. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners16. The Pilgrim's Progress17. Absalom and Achitophel18. Annus Mirabilis19. Paradise Regained20. The Hind and the Panther1. Anglo-Saxon conquest happened in the 5th century.2. The first Englishmen are Anglo-Saxons.3. The history of English literature began with Anglo-Saxon settlement in Britain.4. Beowulf is the most important specimen of Old English literature.5. The main stories of Beowulf are based on the folk legends of the primitive northern tribes.6. Beowulf presents an all-round life picture of the tribal society.7. The use of alliteration, metaphors, understatements strong stresses and predominance of consonants is a notable feature of Beowulf.8. The first known religious poet in England is Caedmon.9. When we talk about the Old English prose the first name that comes into our mind is Venerable Bede.10. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is Alfred the Great's most important contribution to the Old English prose literature.11. The Norman Conquest brought the body of customs and ideals known as chivalry into England.12. After the Norman Conquest, the knightly code, the romantic interest in women tenderness and reverence paid to Virgin Mary were reflected in English literature.13. The prevailing literary form in the feudal England was the romance.14. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is the culmination of the romances about King Arthur.15. William Langland wrote about social discontent and preached the equality of men and dignity of labour.16. Piers Plowman describes the narrator's dream visions.17. Chaucer is acclaimed not only as the father of English poetry but also as the father of English fiction.18. The Romaunt of the Rose, the most popular poem of Middle Ages, was one of Chaucer’s translations from French.19. Being one of the forerunners of modernism, Chaucer praises man's energy, intellect, quick wit and love of life.20. One of Chaucer's great contributions to English poetry is his introduction of French poems to English poetry.31. The keynote of English Renaissance was humanism.32. Elizabethan poetry is remarkable for its variety, freshness, youthfulness and its romantic feeling.33. One of the great contributions made by Thomas Wyatt to English poetry is the introduction of the sonnet.34.Henry Howard is credited with introducing the blank verse into English poetry.35. Three cycles of sonnets were produced in the Renaissance period. The first one is Astrophel and Stella.36. The Faerie Queene contains six stories about the adventures of knights, who are made to be allegorical characters by Edmund Spenser.37. The dominating thoughts of The Faerie Queene are nationalism, humanism and Puritanism.38. It is likely that when writing Hamlet Shakespeare borrowed somethingfrom The Spanish Tragedy.39. When Shakespeare wrote King Lear and Macbeth, he mainly relied on Holinshed's Chronicles.40. In writing plays, Ben Jonson insisted on adherence to the three unities.ine IILCrarure of41. The literature of the Revolution Period is different from the literature of Elizabethan Period.42. The works of the Metaphysical Poets are characterised by mysticism in content and fantasticality in form.43. The poems by the Metaphysical poets are full of farfetched conceits.44. John Milton wrote the finest pastoral elegy in English, Lycidas, to memorialise the tragic death of a Cambridge friendand classmate.45. The stories of Paradise Lost were taken from the Old Testament.46. Paradise Lost was written in blank verse.47. Milton’s poetry is noted for sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.48. In The Pilgrim’s Progress, the allegorical narrative is based on the idea of a journey.49. In describing the Vanity Fair, Bunyan draws a satirical picture not only of London at the time of the Restoration but of the whole bourgeois society.50. Dryden's greatest work of literary criticism is An Essay of Dramatic Poesy.T 1. After Anglo-Saxon conquest, seven small kingdoms appeared in Britain and later they were combined into a united kingdom named England.F 2. Anglo-Saxon literature is exclusively a prose literature in oral form. T3. English poetry in the Anglo-Saxon period falls into two groups: non-religious and religious.T 4. Beowulf is the oldest surviving epic in the English language.T5. Beowulf reflects how people in the tribal society fought against nature.F 6. Caedmon's legendary life story is described by Bede in The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.F7. Historia Ecclesiastica describes how religion was introduced and spread in England.T 8. Venerable Bede is the first scholar in English literature and has been regarded as the father of English learning.F 9. The Ecclesiastical History of the English People is the bestmonument of the Old English prose.T 10. Cynewulf took his poetical subject matter partly from the church liturgy, but more largely from the homilies of Gregory the Great.F 11. After Norman Conquest, three languages were used in England. They were French used by the Normans, Latin used by scholars and clergymen,。
pagan poem)King Alfred —“英国散文之父father of English prose ”,作品:Anglo-Saxon Chronicle●Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance 人文主义是文艺复兴时期的核心。
) ●诗歌poetry ,诗歌式戏剧poetic drama ,散文prose (essay) 是主要的文学形式。
●戏剧drama 是英国文艺复兴最大的成就。
伊丽莎白时期(16世纪—17世纪初)是英国戏剧的高峰golden age 。
● 英国文化复兴的3个时期: The beginning period (1516—1578)The flowering period (1578—1625) ——伊丽莎白时期 “a nest of singing birds ”【莎士比亚】The epilogue period (1625—1660)世纪前半叶最有趣的诗人,第一个把sonnet 引进英国文学。
英国文学史上第一个创作无韵诗blank verse 的诗人。
“诗人中的诗人the poet ’s poet ”,“诗圣”,“桂冠诗人poet laureate ”,伊丽莎白时期最伟大的非戏剧诗人。
开创“斯宾塞诗体Spenserian stanza ”,作品:the Faerie Queene初始阶段伟大的人文主义者,著作:Utopia【of studies 】【of truth 】58篇散文,英国散文史上的一座里程碑。
)英国剧作家和小说家,作品:Euphues (euphuism 夸饰文体)人性对知识和幸福的渴求)【Marlowe 最好”28首献给黑女士,描写爱情】Twelfth Night ; Much Ado About Nothing钦定版圣经King James Bible (1611年)—英语及英国文学的一个里程碑monument 。
英国文学简史英美文学史名词翻译Neoclassicism (新古典主义) Renaissance (文艺复兴)Metaphysical poetry (玄学派诗歌) Classism (古典主义)Enlightenment (启蒙运动) Romanticism (浪漫主义)Byronic Hero (拜伦式英雄) Aestheticism(美学主义)Stream of consciousness (意识流) the Age of Realism (现实主义时期)Naturalism (自然主义) Local Colorist (乡土文学)Imagism (意象主义) The Lost Generation (迷惘的一代)Surrealism (超现实主义) The Beat Generation (垮掉的一代) Metaphysical poets (玄学派诗人)New Criticism (新批评主义)Feminism(女权主义) Hemingway Code Hero (海明威式英雄) Impressionism (印象主义) Post modernity (后现代主义)Realism (现实主义) Allegory (寓言)Romance (传奇) epic(史诗)Blank Verse (无韵诗) Essay (随笔)Masques or Masks (假面剧) Spenserian Stanza (斯宾塞诗节)Three Unities (三一.原则) Meter (格律)Soliloquy (独白) Cavalier poets (骑士派诗人)Elegy (挽歌) . Action/plot (情节)Atmosphere (基调) Epigram (警句)The Heroic Couplet (英雄对偶句) Sentimentalism (感伤主义文学)Aside (旁白) Denouement (戏剧结局)parable (寓言) Genre (流派)Irony (反讽) Satire (讽刺)Lyric (抒情诗) Ode (颂歌)Pastoral (田园诗) Canto (诗章)Lake Poets (湖畔诗人) Image (意象)Dramatic monologue(戏剧独白)Psychological novel (心理小说)Allusion (典故) Protagonist and Antagonist (正面人物与反面人物) Symbolism (象征主义) Existentialism (存在主义)Anti-hero (反面人物) Rhyme (押韵)Round Character (丰满的人物) Flat character (平淡的人物)Oedipus complex (俄狄浦斯情结/蛮母厌父情结) Iambic pentameter (抑扬格五音步)Poetic license (诗的破格) Legend (传说)Myth (神话) Pessimism (悲观主义)Tragicomedy (悲喜剧) Comedy of manners (风俗喜剧)Free Verse (自由体诗歌) Magic realism (魔幻现实主义) Autobiography (自传) Biography (传记)Foot (脚注) Protagonist (正面人物)Psychological Realism (心理现实主义) Setting (背景)Chronicle《编年史》Balladsconsonant(协调,一致) repetition (反复)repeated initial(开头的)一、中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485)•《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)•《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight )杰弗利·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer) ―英国诗歌之父(Father of English Poetry)《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales )二、文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期—17世纪初)•托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More )《乌托邦》(Utopia)•埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser)《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)•弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)《论说文集》(Essays)•克里斯托弗·马洛(Christopher Marlowe)《帖木儿大帝》(Tamburlaine)《浮士德博士的悲剧》(The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus)《马耳他岛的犹太人》(The Jew of Malta )•威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare )四大悲剧: Hamlet(哈姆雷特)、Othello(奥瑟罗)、King Lear(李尔王)、Macbeth(麦克白)四大喜剧:A Midsummer Night's Dream《仲夏夜之梦》As you like it《皆大欢喜》Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》The merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》三、17世纪文学•约翰·弥尔顿John Milton 《失乐园》(Paradise Lost)(诗人、政论家;失明后写《失乐园》、《复乐园》、《力士参孙》。
英国文学史资料British Writers and Works一、中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485)•《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)•《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight )杰弗利·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)“英国诗歌之父”。
(Father of English Poetry)《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales)二、文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期—17世纪初)•托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More )《乌托邦》(Utopia)•埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser)《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)•弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)《论说文集》(Essays)克里斯托弗·马洛Christopher Marlowe•《帖木儿大帝》(Tamburlaine)•《浮士德博士的悲剧》(The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus)•《马耳他岛的犹太人》(The Jew of Malta)威廉·莎士比亚William Shakespeare喜剧《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night’s Dream)、《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)、《哈姆莱特》(Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(Othello)、《李尔王》(King Lear)、《麦克白》(Macbeth)历史剧《亨利四世》(Henry IV)传奇剧《暴风雨》(The Tempest)本·琼生Ben Johnson•《人人高兴》(Every Man in His Humor)•《狐狸》(V olpone)•《练金术士》(The Alchemist)三、17世纪文学约翰·弥尔顿John Milton《失乐园》(Paradise Lost)《复乐园》(Paradise Regained)诗剧《力士参孙》(Samson Agonistes)•约翰·班扬(John Bunyan)《天路历程》(The Pilgrim’s Progress)•威廉·康格里夫(William Congreve)《以爱还爱》(Love for Love)《如此世道》(The Way of the World)四、启蒙时期文学(17世纪后期—18世纪中期)18世纪初,新古典主义成为时尚。
1. How much do you know about the English literature in the Romantic Age? The Romantic Age in England was like the Elizabethan Age, distinctively an age of poetry. It was regarded as the second great age in English literary history; for poetry is the highest form of literary expression, and seems to have been most in harmony with the noblest powers of the English genius. The glory of the age is in the poetry of Scott, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelly, Keats, Moore, and Southe;yWomen novelists appeared in this age. It was during this period that women assumed for the first time, an important place in English literature. Mrs. Anne Radcliff was one of the most successful writers of the school of exaggeratedromance. Jane Austen offered us her charming descriptions of everyday life in her enduring work her masterpiece --- Pride and Prejudice;The greatest historical novelist Walter Scott also appeared in this period. His historical novels combine a romantic atmosphere with a realistic description of historical background and common people life. Scott marked the transition from romanticism to the period of realism which followed it;Romantic prose was represented by Lamb, Hazlitt, De Quincey and Hume. Lamb was the best essayist, whose familiar essays are very famous.3. What are the major features of Dickens ' novels?Dickens'novels offer a most complete and realistic picture of the English bourgeois society of his age. His novels tell much of the unhappy experiences of his own childhood. They reflect the protest of the people against capitalist exploitation, and criticize the vices of capitalist society.The success of Dickens novels also lies in his character-portrayal. Not only are the major characters in his novels very carefully delineated and given distinctive individual characteristics but also his minor figures create in the readers'mind strong impressions of their personalities. Some of Dickens'characters are really such “typical characters under typical circumstances”that they become proverbial or are representative of a whole group of similar persons.Dickens is a great humorist and satirist. His novels are full of humor and satire Dickens is not especially known for the construction of plot in his novels. There is in his novels often more than one minor thread of story beside the major one, and these threads are generally very loosely woven together. He seems to love a complicated and involved plot.In almost every one of Dickens'novels there is a happy ending, which points to the author's optimism which is an admirable thing for a critical realist because that means his still has his hopes after seeing the gloomy world all around him and one hand, and as a petty-bourgeois intellectual, could not overstep the limits of his class on the other hand.⑥ Ano ther feature in Dicke ns' no vels is his adroit use of Ian guage. On the whole Dickens has a richness of expressions and generally succeeds in using the right words and phrases at the right moments for the right characters to attain the right effects. 12. What arethe characteristics of Dicke ns (同第三题?2. What are the chief characteristics of the 18th-century literature in England? The main literary stream of the 18th century was realism. What the writers described in their works were social realities. The main characters were usually common men. Most of the writers concentrated their attention on daily life;thThe 18th century was an age of prose. A group of excellent prose writers, such as Addison, Steele, Swift, Fielding were produced;Novel writing made a big advance on this century. The main characters in the novels were no longer kings and nobles but the common people;In this age satire was much used in writing. Since there was fierce strife of the political parties in society, nearly every writer of the century was employed and rewarded by Whigs or Tories for satirizing their enemies. English literature of this age produced some excellent satirists, such as Pope, Swift and Fielding.14. What are the chief characteristics of the 18t—ce ntury literature in En gla nd? 同第二题4. What are the major features of Shakespeare 's dramatic works? Shakespeare is a realist. He is one of the founders of realism in English literature. His plays are mirrors of his age. He described the decaying of the feudal society and the rising of the bourgeois spirit. His comedies reflect lives of the young men and women who just freed themselves from the fetters of feudalism and who were striving for individual emancipation. His comedies lay emphasis on emancipation of women. In his tragedies Shakespeare depicted the life and death struggle between the humanists——the newly emerging forces and the corrupted king and his feudal followers ——the dark power of the town, and also the contradictions between the rich and poor.The stories of Shakespeare's plays often took place in other countries or in the past instead of in England or in his own age. Yet the thought and the feelings of his characters and their attitudes toward life belong to the age of Shakespeare. In fact, his characters are representatives of the people of his time.Shakespeare's main charactersare depicted in typical situation. They are typical characters. Their fundamental traits are reveled in their conflicts with their surroundings, in their relations with their fellow men. Each of his characters is a representative of a group of men.Shakespeare'sdramatic form fits the content of his plays very well. His plays are not controlled by the roles of the classical unities of time, plays and action.Shakespeare was a great master of English language. The language of each of his characters fits his position in society and revels the peculiarities of his character.⑥Bia nk verse is the prin ciple form of his dramas.⑦One very striki ng phe nomenon in connection with Shakespeare character-portrayal is his emphasis on the psychological make-up of his major characters.6. What are the major features of Dicke ns s?(同第三IIl)5. How much do you know about Milton Pa'ra s dise Lost?Paradise Lost is the greatest English epic, consisting of 12 books and done in blank words. The stories were taken from the Old Testament: The Creation; the rebellion in Heaven of Satan and his fellow-angles; their defeat and expulsion from Heaven; the creation of the earth and of Adam and Eve; the fallen angles in hell plotting against God; Satan's temptation of Eve; and the departure of Adam and Eve from Eden.The main idea of the poem is the heroic revolt against Go'ds authority.Adam and Eve embody Milton 's belief in powers of man their caving for knowledge adds a particular significance to their character. It is this longing for knowledge that opens before mankind a wide road to an intelligent and active life. The picture of God surrounded by his angles resembles the court of an absolute monarchy, while Satan and his followers bear resemblance to a republican parliament. This alone is sufficient to prove that Milton 's revolutionary feelings made him forget religious orthodoxy.Satan is the real hero of the poem, and represents the spirit of rebellion against an unjust authority.13. How much do you kn ow about Milt on Paradise Lost ?同第五题)7. How much do you know about Wordsworth?Wordsworth was the representative of the first generation of Romantic poets, who expressedthe deepestaspirations of English Romanticism. He saw nature and men with new eyes. His whole work is an attempt to communicate that new vision.His poetry is distinguished by the simplicity and purity of his language. It was his theory that the language spoken by the peasants when purified from its defects was the best of all.His theory and practice in poetical creation started from a dissatisfaction with social reality under capitalism, and hinted at the thought of“back to nature”and “back to the patriarchal system of the old time”.Nearly all of his good poetry was written during the first decade of his literary career (1798-1807).His later writings were full of mysticism and many of them unreadable.⑥LYRICAL BALLADS ——the joint work of Wordsworth and his friends Coleridge, marking the beginning of the Romantic Movement in England; the majority of the poems written by Wordsworth and Coleridge's contribution being his masterpiece “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”;the poems characterized by a sympathy with the poor, simple peasants, a passionate love of nature and the simplicity and purity of the language.⑦Wordsworth was at his best in descriptions of mountains and rivers, flowers and birds, children and peasants, and reminiscences of his childhood and youth. He , as a great poet of nature, was the first to find words for the most elementary sensations of man face to face with natural phenomenon.⑧Some of Wordsworth's PRINCIPLE POEMS are Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey(1798), The Prelude(1805-1806), The Excursion(1814), andmiscellaneous sonnets(written at different periods of his life).8. What are the major features of Milton ' s poetry?Milton is a great revolutionary poet of the 17 th century. He is also an outstanding political pamphleteer of the Revolution Period. He dedicated himself to the revolutionary cause.Milton is a great stylist. His poetry has a grand style. His poetry is noted for sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.Milton is a great mater of blank verse. He is the glorious pioneer to introduce blank verse into non-dramatic poetry. He has use it as the main tool in his masterpiece Paradise Lost. His blank verse is rich in every poetic quality and never monotonous. 11. What are the characteristics of Milt on '同S第八effiy?9. What are the major features of Chaucer ' s writing?Chaucer's major contribution to the English poetry is that the introduced from France the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter to English poetry.He is the first great poet who wrote in the current English language ——he wrote dialect of London.His poetry is full of swiftness and vividness. Chaucer's style in The Canterbury Talesis remarkably flexible.His prose, like his vocabulary, is easy and informal.Chaucer is a great satirist, but he is almost never bitter when he pokes fun at the foibles and weaknesses of people.15. What arethe chief characteristics of Chaucer ' ia(gi?e同ry9)writ 10. How much do you know about Shelley?Shelley loved the people and hate their oppressors and exploiters. He called on the people to overthrow the rule of tyranny and injustice and prophesied a happy and free life for mankind. He stood for this social and political ideal all his life. He and Byron are justifiably regarded as the two great poets of revolutionary romanticism in England.Queen Mab is Shelley'sfirst long poem of importance. It expresses all his major political ideas. Queen Mab is revolutionary poem condemning tyranny and exploitation and the unjust war waged by the rich to plunder wealthThe Revolt of Island is another important long poem.Prometheus Unbound, a lyrical drama, is Shelley's masterpiece. The story was taken from Greek mythology. The figure of Prometheus has been symbolic of those nobble-hearted revolutionaries, who devote themselves to the just cause of the people.Shelley's short poems on nature and love form an important part of his literature output. To him nature exists as an unseen life of the universe and his love of nature is almost boundless.⑥ Shelly's lyrics on love are also beautifully written. His best love lyrics include such well-known poems asLove's Philosophy, One Word is Too Often Profound.。
学姐包过版!《英国文学史及选读》第二册-期末复习讲义(绝对全)介绍一下,一共包括四分讲义,按顺序看,学姐没有看书,只看得讲义,复习了一个星期,考了90多分,第一份:总体了解考点,大体了解就行(往下翻还有别的)English Literature ( Book II)Romanticis1.Romanticism(名词解释)要对浪漫主义兴起的时间,根源,主要特点,主要代表作家都有所了解。
22.William Wordsworth要知道他的“Lyrical Ballads”前言是英国浪漫主义时期开始的标志,也是宣言。
Lake Poets(名词解释)。
他诗歌的主要两类题材:nature and common people’s lives。
写过的著名作品:I wandered lonely as a cloud; To the cuckoo; Lines composed a few mil es above Tintern Abbey; The solitary reaper; We are seven 等等。
3. Samuel Taylor Coleridge两首名诗:The Rime of the Ancient Mariner; Kubla Khan主要写作supernatural题材。
4. George Gordon Byron,Byronic Heroes (名词解释); 著名作品:Child Harold’s Pilgrimage要知道大致内容,另外此诗用Spenserian Stanza 写成;Don Juan要知道大致内容。
5. Percy Bysshe Shelley著名作品:Queen Mab; The Revolt of Islam; Prometheus Unbound(lyrical drama,3要知道大致内容及此剧与古希腊的“被束缚的普罗米修斯”不同之处及其意义。
)其它名作: Ode to the West Wind; To a skylark等等。
精选全文完整版可编辑修改V. Give a brief answer to the following questions. (20%)1. Discuss the theme of Wuthering Heights。
2. Say something about John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim Progress.①The Pilgrim Progress, written by John Bunyan, was written in the old-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream. It became an immediate success upon its publication.②The allegory depicts the Puritan struggle for freedom of worship, the eternalstruggle of man to find unity with God. The purpose is to urge people to seek salvation through constant struggle with their weaknesses and social evils.③The book is ranked as one of the greatest allegories in English language. Itsets a standard in story-telling with vivid characterization and natural dialogue.It becomes a landmark for later works such as Thackeray’s Vanity Fair, and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Celestial Railroad.3. Say something about Hamlet.①Hamlet is generally regarded as the most representation of Shakespeare’sartistic creations and the summit of the Renaissance drama.②It is not a simple revenge play but a tragedy of humanist ideals crushed bycruel reality. It addresses the fundamental question of the meaning of human existence, with Hamlet’s meditation on life and death at the centre.③It portrays the social realities in England at the end of the 16th century andthe start of the 17th century.4. Say something about Robinson Crusoe.①The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, which is oftenshortened as Robinson Crusoe, was based on the true experience.②It is an interesting picaresque novel about an 18th century English adventurer.Crusoe is practical, religious and mindful of his profit. He resembles the rising bourgeoisie at the earliest stage of its development.③In depicting Crusoe’s efforts and growth on the island, the novel glorifiesboth physical and mental labor. The novel also shows the author’s attitude towards colonialism and Negro slavery.1. Discuss the theme of Wuthering Heights5. Say something about Paradise Lost and its theme.7. Say something about The Canterbury Tales.The Canterbury Tales is written in middle English created by Chaucer. The pronunciation and spelling are quite different from those in modern English, but the reading of the Tales is not as difficult as it first appears for the modern reader.It is sometimes argued that the greatest contribution that The Canterbury Tales made to English literature was in popularizing the literary use of the vernacular English. Chaucer’s poetry, along with the poetry of his other pee r writers, helped standardize the London Dialect and establish English as the literary language of the country.Chaucer was one of the first English poets to use the five-stress line, a decasyllabic cousin to the iambic pentameter, in much of his work. This arrangement became one of the standard poetic forms in English. He is father of English poetry.9. Say something about Bacon’s Of Studies.①Bacon was one of the greatest minds in an age of giants. His compact style withwise ideas has won him populariti es. His famous essays in students’ bibliography include ”Of Study”,” Of Beauty” and “Of Truth”.②Of Study discusses the function and method of reading. It is one of Bacon’smost frequently quoted essays.③The essay is known for its clearness, brevity and f orce of expression. Thediscussions are clearly presented. The first sentence points out the three functions. Then it discusses some wrong opinions about study, the importance of experiment in study, the various methods to read, the role of discussion and notetaking. The essay also argues that study is different fields can bring all sorts of benefits and improve spiritual defeats.④Bacon has employed various rhetorical devices in the essay: metaphor makes theessay rich; parallelism makes it sinewy; and contrast makes it persuasive. 10. Say something about Paradise Lost and its theme.(同上第⑤题)14. Say something about Gulliver’s Travels.①Gulliver’s Travels, as Swift’s highest achievement, is considered to be asatirical examination of the human nature, man’s p otential for depravity and the dangers of misuse of reason.②The novel gives an unparalleled sarcastic depiction of all the social vicesof the early 18th century. In spite of his contempt for the rulers and social evils, Swift cherished a great love for the common people.③Gulliver’s Travels is a fantasy, and at the same time, a realistic work offiction, including four voyages.18. Say something about the poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.①I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,also known as “The daffodils”, was written byBritish romanticist William Wordsworth.②The poet described his heartfelt happiness as he saw the beautiful daffodilsand sang high praises of nature.③Its rhyme scheme is ababcc.④The poem can be divided into two parts: the first part describes the sceneryand the second part expresses the poets’ emotion. We can see daffodils everywhere, and the poet compares them to the stars in the sky. He is immensely influenced by the beauty and the memory of the daffodils is imprinted in his mind, which brings back happiness when he feels lonely, dull or depressed.22. Say something about the poem Ode to a Nightingale.Ode to a Nightingale, written by John Keats under a plum tree in the yard of his friend out of “a tranquil and continual joy”in the nightingale’s song, contains his poetic feeling on the song of the nightingale. The poem is not about the bird only, it is about human experience in general. The principal stress of the poem is a struggle between ideal and actual: nature and the human, art and life, freedom and bondage, waking and dream.23. Say something about Pride and Prejudice.Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen, ha long been a favorite of both readers and critics and is often regarded as Jane Austen’s consummate achievement27. Say something about Jane Eyre.①Jane Eyre, written by critic realism novelist Charlotte Bronte, is a frank andpassionate story of the love between a governess and her master, a married man, Mr. Rochester.②The novel is written in the first person and contains authentic autobiographicalexperiences.③Jane Eyre has many merits. It is the first governess novel in English literature.It is one of the most popular works of the working middle class women. It announces30. Say something about Tess of the D’Urbervilles.①Tess of the D’Urbervilles is the twelfth novel by Thomas Hardy. It tells themisery and tragedy of Tess. It deals with such themes as injustice of human existence, social classes and social status of women in Victorian England.②It questions society’ sexual mores by portraying a heroine who is seduced bythe son of her employer and is not considered a pure and chaste women by the rest of society.③Thus it is an attack on the hypocritical morality of the society an d thepolitical status quo in English.38. Say something about Charles Dickens.Charles Dickens is a British critical realist in Victorian Age. Charles Dickens was the son of a navy clerk. When he was fifteen, he left school and entered a lawyer’s office. In 1834, his lifework of writing began. The novel Pickwick Papers brought him into the first rank of the most popular novelist of his day. The rest of his life was work without rest.①The first period of his literary career: This period is referred to the yearsfrom 1836-1841, which is marked for youthful optimism. The main novels in this period are: Pickwick Papers, Oliver Twist and The Old Curiosity Shop.②The second period of his literary career: the second period, which began from1842, was a period of excitement and irritation. In this period, he visited America and was shocked by the corruptive influence of wealth and power there. The main novels are: Dombey and Son, David Copperfield.③The third period of his literary career: Dickens’ works in this period showintensifying pessimism. His main novels in this period are: Great Exceptions,A Tale of Two Cities.39. Say something about John Milton.Milton is the greatest writer of the seventeenth century. In his life and literary career the two dominant historical movements of Renaissance and Reformation combined and received their most intense and intelligent expression. He towers over his age just as Shakespeare towers over the Elizabethan Age and Chaucer over the Medieval Age. His works mainly include Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes.41. Say something about Geoffrey Chaucer.The 14th century is called “Age of Chaucer”. Chaucer is acclaimed not onlyas “the father of English poetry”, but also the father of English fiction”.His masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales, is one of the most famous works in all literatures.43. Say something about Jane Austen.①Jane Austen was the first English Woman novelist.②Austen was born in Hampshire, a small town in southwest England. She was educatedat home and led a quiet life. Austen wrote altogether 6 novels, among which the most important ones are Pride and Prejudice, Sense and sensibility and Emma.③Jane Austen was popular all through the 19th century. She died in 1817 at theage of 42.45. Say something about Thomas Hardy.①Hardy was born in Dorset, which he called Wessex in his novels. His principlenovels are the Wessex novels. Among his famous novels, the best-known are Tess of the D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure.②Other works by Hardy include The Return of the Native, Far From the MaddingCrowd and The Mayor of Casterbridge.48. Say something about George Bernard Shaw.Bernard Shaw was the greatest dramatist in English literature in the 20th century.He used stage to criticize the evils of capitalism.His major plays include Man and Superman, Major Barbara and Pygmalion.Shaw is a critical realist writer and a humorist. His plays deal with contemporary social problems.53. What is the theme of The Waste Land?The theme of the poem is modern spiritual barrenness, the despair and depression that followed the First World War, the sterility and turbulence(动荡)of the modern world, and the decline and breakdown of Western culture.1. Discuss the theme of Wuthering Heights5. Say something about Paradise Lost and its theme.VI. Write no less than 120 words on each of the following topics in English.3. Thomas Hardy, living at the turn of the century, is often regarded as a transitional writer. In him we see the influence from both the past and the modern. Tess of the D’Urbervilles is one of his greatest works. Try to discuss the fate of Tess in this work.The discussion about the fate of Tess in Tess of the D’Urbervilles.Tess of the D’Urbervilles is Thomas hardy’s representative work, as a transitional writer, his work reflect the profound changes about the social economic, politic, moral, customs and the tragic fate about the people(especially the fate of women)which caused by the capitalism intrudes England rural towns, it reveals the hypocrisy of bourgeoisie moral, legal and religion.Tess of the D’Urbervilles concentrate on the ‘character and environment. The heroine Tess while clever beauty, diligent and kind, but as a victim of she finally was on the gallows. So what are the reasons? Here we analyze her tragic fate from the following 3 aspects:Firstly, the tragic fate of Tess first comes from the capitalist society.In the furious conflict between individual and environment, Tess's fate is inevitably miserable. Tess lived in the Victorian period as British capitalism intrudes England rural countries. Though she is diligent and kind, clever beautiful girl, but as a laborer, a powerless of agricultural workers without money and social status, naturally will be affected by the capitalist society of oppression and reproach. With the capitalist invasion, those who own a small piece of land and production material of peasants are forced to, and then go bankrupt. Visible, Tess's tragic fate and her economic poverty are closely linked. This is one the social reason.Secondly, unjust laws system is also a factor in Tess tragedy. In capitalist society, the legal system are protect the exploiting class profits while oppress powerless workers. From the story, we knew that Alec is a domineering, do evil young guy, he was protected by the injustice law while the beautiful and diligent Tess was killed, it shows the underclass counteractions people in society is impossible to get treated fairly.Thirdly, Tess's destruction is closed linked with the hypocrisy of religion .Alec's characters, revealed the hypocrisy of religion. He is on the business, is a bourgeois upstarts and carnal "person". He set a trap to seducea Tess, but using the biblical allusions to blame them. Later he was turnedinto a good cleric. Who advised Visible, in capitalist society, religion isthe reactionary ruling class anesthesia, cheating, and a fool of working people.Marx once said: "with artificial Christian." Religion is bourgeois reproach and defiled women provided theoretical basis.Fourthly, Tess is also a victim of the bourgeoisie hypocritical moral. From the story, Angel is the representative of bourgeoisie hypocritical moral, though he is a liberal thought of intellectuals, but he has a deep psychological ingrained in traditional ethics and morality. his own dissolute behavior was forgived by Tess, but he did not forgive Tess on the situation the fault is not Tess, but Alec. He has not a little sympathy on Tess, which force Tess came back to Alec.Fifthly, Tess’s tragic is also related by her own personality.Tess is a brand-new woman created by hardy, she has dual personality. On the one hand, she dares to against the hypocrisy of traditional moral and religious, On the other hand, cannot completely get rid of the traditional ethics of their own. Because Tess was born in a peasant family, remaining some of the old farmer on moral and destiny view that she appeared when traditional moral against the weak side. when she treated with the secular public opinion, she also think herself is guilty. Tess, as a certain historical period of the individual, must be particular historical period of social consciousness and moral concepts, she thought and action are bound by age and social consciousness.From above all, the tragedy of Tess have social reason also have her own personality reason, but all these reasons are directly linked with the bourgeoisie society, it’s the kinds of reflects of the society. Her destroy is inevitably in the bourgeoisie society.6. Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe is a very influential novel in the enlightenment period of the English literature. It depicts Crusoe as a figure of middle class who makes success through his hard work. Discuss the social reason why the novel becomes so successful.Robinson Crusoe is supposedly based on the real adventure of an Alexander Selkirk who once stayed alone on the uninhabited island Huan Fernandez for five years. Factually, the story is an imagination. In the story the author describes inviting plots of Robinson Crusoe who survives and lives quite well on an island after the shipwreck. In Robinson Crusoe, Defoe traces the growth of Robinson Crusoe from a naïve and artless youth into a shrewd and hardened man, tempered by numerous trials in his eventful life. The realistic account of the successful struggle of Robinson here is a real hero: a typical eighteenth century English middle-class man, with a great capacity for work, inexhaustible energy, courage, patience and persistence in overcoming obstacles, in struggling against the hostile natural environment. He is the very prototype of the empire builder, the pioneer colonist. Robinson Crusoe is an adventure story in the spirit of the time. So when it was published, people all liked that story, and it became an immediate success.7. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen explored three kinds of motivations of marriage the middle-class people had in the second half of the 18th century. Say something about this novel and try to make a discussion about the three kinds of motivations with specific examples from the novel. Make comments on Austen’s attitude towards these motivations.First, there is marriage merely for fortune, money and social rank. This is to be found in Miss Bingley’s pursuit of Darcy, Lady de Bourgh’s intention to marriage between her daughter and Darcy, and in Charlotte Lucas’marriage to Mr.Collins. The snobbery and vanity of the rich and the practicality of the poor gentry women are fully accounted for.The second is the tendency to marry for beauty, attraction and passion regardless of economic conditions or personal merits. This is generally known as Mr.Bennet and Mrs. Bennet who has a beautiful face but an empty head and of their youngest daughter Lydia to the handsome, charming but morally weak and penniless Wickham. The terrible aftermath of such marriage is only too obvious in the marriage of the two generations of the Bennet.Lastly comes the idea marriage, which is a love match with considerations of the lover’s personal merits and economic conditions. Such perfect happinessis to be found in the marriage of Darcy and Elizabeth and that of Mr.Bingley and Jane, although the satisfaction of both the personal and economic conditions like this is really a bit too idealistic.What Jane Austen tries to say is that it is wrong to marry just for money or for beauty, but it is also wrong to marry without consideration of economic conditions. Of the three types, she prefers the the last one. And in the last type, she seems to give her particular preference to the marriage of Darcy and Elizabeth.28. What is the social significance of The Canterbury Tales?The Canterbury Tales has its social significance in several ways. ①It represents the spirit of the rising bourgeoisie people’s right to pursue earthly happiness is affirmed by Chaucer. ②the ideas of humanism are shown in C haucer’s praising of man’s energy ,intellect, wit and love of love. ③Chaucer exposed and satirized the evils of the time. ④the corruption of the church is vigorously attacked. ⑤Chaucer showed sympathy for the poor to some extent. ⑥Chaucer established the language of literature.36.John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress is generally regarded as a religious allegory. Say briefly about thisbook and what does the work symbolically concern? What is the predominant metaphor that is carried on through the whole work? And what is the author’s purpose in writing such a book?A. It concerns the search for spiritual salvation.B. “That life is a journey” is to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines.C. The author’s purpose is to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines and to seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weakness and all kinds of evils.ment on Jane Austen’s characte ristics of her novels.1. Jane Austen is one of the realistic novelists. She drew vivid and realistic pictures ofeveryday life of the country society in her novels.2. Jane Austen’s main concern is about human beings in their personal relations, human beingswith their families and neighbors. Stories of love and marriage provide the framework for all her novels and in them woman are always taken as the major characters.3. Jane Austen’s work has a very narrow literary field. She confines herself to small countryparishes, whose simple country people become the characters of her novels, but within her own field, she is unrivaled.4. Her novels show a wealth of humor, wit and delicate satire. Her plots are straight-forward.There is little action. Her characters are like real living creatures, with faults and virtues mixed as they are in real life. Jane Austen is successful in the employment of irony and frequent use of witty and delightful dialogues.。
Part One:Early and Medieval English Literature 1.Beowulf:national epicof theEnglish people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements(此处可能会有填空,选择等小题)3. “Sir Gawainand the Green Knight”: 2.Romance(名词解释)ﻫafamousroman about KingArthur’s story5. Character of Robin Hoodﻫ6. Geoffre 4.Ballad(名词解释)ﻫyChaucer:founder ofEnglish poetry; The Canterbury Tales(main contents; 124 stories planned,only 24finished; written in Middle English; significance; form:heroic couplet)7. Heroic couplet (名词解释)Part Two: TheEnglish Renaissanceﻫ8. The Authorized Version of English Bible and its significance(填空选择)10.Thomas More——Utopia 9.Renaissance(名词解释)ﻫ11. Sonnet(名词解释)ﻫ12. Blankverse(名词解释)ﻫ13.EdmundSpenser“The Faerie Queene”;Amoretti(collection ofh is sonnets)ﻫSpenserian Stanza(名词解释)14.Francis Bacon “essays”esp.“Of Studies”(推荐阅读,学习写正式语体的英文文章的好参照,本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读)15.ChristopherMarlowe(“Doctor Faustus”and1. WilliamShakespeare可以说是英国6his achievements)ﻫ文学史中最重要的作家,一定要看熟了。
英国文学简史General introduction of English literature1。
1) Old English Literature (449-1066)古英语时期文学——The Song of Beowulf 《贝奥武甫》2) Medieval English Literature (1066-15th century)中世纪英语时期文学—-Geoffrey Chaucer (1340_1400)杰弗里·乔叟代表作:French influence:Romance of the Rose《玫瑰传奇》The Book Of Duchess《公爵夫人之书》Italian influence:The Legend of Good Women《良妇传说》The House of Fame《声誉之堂》The Parliament of Fowls《百鸟议会》Troilus and Criseyde 《特罗勒斯与克莱西》Maturity:The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》2.Renaissance English literature (late 15th century ~early 17th century)文艺复兴-—-———-Thomas More 托马斯。
莫尔Utopia 乌托邦(1516)-——he gave a profound and truthful picture ofthe people’s sufferings and put forward hisideal of a future happy society.-—Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯·培根(1561——1626)The philosophical——-The Advancement of Learning《学术的推进》The literature —---—Essays《随笔》The professional works——-—--Thomas Wyatt托马斯怀亚特(1503-—1542)The first to introduce the sonnet into English literature(引入十四行诗的第一人)Lyrical poetry---—-—Edmund Spenser 埃德蒙斯宾塞(1552--1599)Poet's poet 诗人中的诗人The Faerie Queene 《仙后》(the greatest epic poem 史诗)The Shepheardes Calendar《牧人月历》——William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚(1564-—1616)The most popular and the most wildly respected writer in all English literature四大悲剧:HamletOthelloKing LearMacbeth四大喜剧:A Midsummer Night’s DreamThe merchant of VeniceAs you like itTwelfth Night-—Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托弗·马洛The greatest of the pioneers of English dramaThe one who first made blank verse the principal instrument of English dramaEnglish Literature of the Revolution and Restoration Period (1640-1688)资产阶级革命与王朝复辟时期的文学--———-—John Donne约翰多恩(a metaphysical poet 玄学诗人)代表作:”the flea"(跳骚)—love poem“Song”(歌)“A Valediction: Forbidden Morning”(别离辞:节哀)“Death be not proud”(死神,你莫骄傲)死亡时永恒的,不要害怕死亡,人死后可以超生,到天堂“The Canonization"(封圣)-—John Milton约翰·弥尔顿(puritan)Paradise Lost《失乐园》Paradise Regained《复乐园》Samson Agonistes《力士参孙》On his blindnessOn His Deceased Wife《悼念我的亡妻》-—John Bunyan 约翰·班扬The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》—-—is written in theold-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream.4。
1这个时期的文学作品分类: Pagan(异教徒卜Christian(基督徒)2、代表作:The Song of Beowulf《贝奥武甫》(national epic民族史诗)采用了隐喻手法3、Alliteration押头韵(写作手法)例子:of man was the mildest and most beloved, Two elements which shaped Old English poetry:a.Anglo-Saxon invasion :Germanic myth and legendb.English conversion to the Christianity stories of the Bible and SaintsTo his kin the kin dest, kee nest for p raise.A good example:《贝奥武甫》Characteristic feature of Old English poetry :a.Written in a Ianguage of strong stress and many consonants, with frequent use of compounds-p icture n ames ;cks both meter and rhyme and depends on alliterati on and acce nt.、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350)盎格鲁——诺曼时期canto诗章1、romanee 传奇文学------ a new literature brought in by the Norman Conquestthe themes of it: love and adventurethe form of it : a new metrical system with even lines, exact meter and melodious thymes2、代表作:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight《高文爵和绿衣骑士是一首押头韵的长诗,它是King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table《亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士》中最有名的三、Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)杰弗里•乔叟时代1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父His great achieveme nt:a.b.Art of n arrati onBrillia nt characterizatio c. Humor and satire文学体裁: 诗歌poem, 小说novel,戏剧dramaOrigin 起源:Christia nity 基督教bible 圣经Myth 神话The Roma nee of king Arthur and his kni ghts 亚瑟王和他的骑士、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)盎格鲁------ 撒克逊时期2、heroic couplet 英雄双韵体: a verse unit consisting of two rhymed(押韵)lines in iambic pentameter (五步抑扬格)3、代表作:The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》(heroic couplet ) ---- 英国文学史的开端① 大致内容: The p ilgrims are people from various parts of En gla nd, rep rese ntatives of various walks of lifeand social groups.(朝圣者都是来自英国的各地的人,代表着社会的各个不同阶层和社会团体。
一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类:pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)2、代表作:The Song of Beowulf贝奥武甫(national epic民族史诗)采用了暗喻、押头韵手法。
3、The ancestors of the English are Angles, Saxons and Jutes.二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350)1、The Roman Conquest: In 1066, the Duke of Normandy William led the Norman army to invade England. The result of this war was William became the king of England. After the conquest, feudal system was established in English society. Chivalry was introduced by the Normans into England. 1066年诺曼人入侵,带来了欧洲大陆的封建制度,也带来了一批说法语的贵族。
文学上也出现了新风尚,盛行用韵文写的骑士传奇,它们歌颂对领主的忠和对高贵妇人的爱,其中艺术性高的有Sir Gawain and the Green Knight高文爵士与绿衣骑士。
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1. How much do you know about the English literature in the Romantic Age?①The Romantic Age in England was like the Elizabethan Age, distinctively an age of poetry. It was regarded as the second great age in English literary history; for poetry is the highest form of literary expression, and seems to have been most in harmony with the noblest powers of the English genius. The glory of the age is in the poetry of Scott, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelly, Keats, Moore, and Southey;②Women novelists appeared in this age. It was during this period that women assumed for the first time, an important place in English literature. Mrs. Anne Radcliff was one of the most successful writers of the school of exaggerated romance. Jane Austen offered us her charming descriptions of everyday life in her enduring work her masterpiece----Pride and Prejudice;③The greatest historical novelist Walter Scott also appeared in this period. His historical novels combine a romantic atmosphere with a realistic description of historical background and common people life. Scott marked the transition from romanticism to the period of realism which followed it;④Romantic prose was represented by Lamb, Hazlitt, De Quincey and Hume. Lamb was the best essayist, whose familiar essays are very famous.3.What are the major features of Dickens’ novels?①Dickens’ novels offer a most complete and realistic picture of the English bourgeois society of his age. His novels tell much of the unhappy experiences of his own childhood. They reflect the protest of the people against capitalist exploitation, and criticize the vices of capitalist society.② The success of Dickens novels also lies in his character-portrayal. Not only are the major characters in his novels very carefully delineated and given distinctive individual characteristics but also his minor figures create in the readers’ mind strong impressions of their personalities. Some of Dickens’characters are really such “typical characters under typical circumstances”that they become proverbial or are representative of a whole group of similar persons.③Dickens is a great humorist and satirist. His novels are full of humor and satire④Dickens is not especially known for the construction of plot in his novels. There is in his novels often more than one minor thread of story beside the major one, and these threads are generally very loosely woven together. He seems to love a complicated and involved plot.⑤In almost every one of Dickens’ novels there is a happy ending, which points to the author’s optimism which is an admirable thing for a critical realist because that means his still has his hopes after seeing the gloomy world all around him and one hand, and as a petty-bourgeois intellectual, could not overstep the limits of his class on the other hand.⑥Another feature in Dickens’novels is his adroit use of language. On the whole Dickens has a richness of expressions and generally succeeds in using the right words and phrases at the right moments for the right characters to attain the right effects. 12. What are the characteristics of Dickens’ novels?(同第三题)2.What are the chief characteristics of the 18th –century literature in England?①The main literary stream of the 18th century was realism. What the writers described in their works were social realities. The main characters were usually common men. Most of the writers concentrated their attention on daily life;②The 18th century was an age of prose. A group of excellent prose writers, such as Addison, Steele, Swift, Fielding were produced;③Novel writing made a big advance on this century. The main characters in the novels were no longer kings and nobles but the common people;④In this age satire was much used in writing. Since there was fierce strife of the political parties in society, nearly every writer of the century was employed and rewarded by Whigs or Tories for satirizing their enemies. English literature of this age produced some excellent satirists, such as Pope, Swift and Fielding.14. What are the chief characteristics of the 18th –century literature in England?同第二题4. What are the major features of Shakespeare’s dramatic works?①Shakespeare is a realist. He is one of the founders of realism in English literature. His plays are mirrors of his age. He described the decaying of the feudal society and the rising of the bourgeois spirit. His comedies reflect lives of the young men and women who just freed themselves from the fetters of feudalism and who were striving for individual emancipation. His comedies lay emphasis on emancipation of women. In his tragedies Shakespeare depicted the life and death struggle between the humanists——the newly emerging forces and the corrupted king and his feudal followers ——the dark power of the town, and also the contradictions between the rich and poor.②The stories of Shakespeare’s plays often took place in other countries or in the past instead of in England or in his own age. Yet the thought and the feelings of his characters and their attitudes toward life belong to the age of Shakespeare. In fact, his characters are representatives of the people of his time.③Shakespeare’s main characters are depicted in typical situation. They are typical characters. Their fundamental traits are reveled in their conflicts with their surroundings, in their relations with their fellow men. Each of his characters is a representative of a group of men.④Shakespeare’s dramatic form fits the content of his plays very well. His plays are not controlled by the roles of the classical unities of time, plays and action.⑤ Shakespeare was a great master of English language. The language of each of his characters fits his position in society and revels the peculiarities of his character.⑥Blank verse is the principle form of his dramas.⑦One very striking phenomenon in connection with Shakespeare character-portrayal is his emphasis on the psychological make-up of his major characters.6. What are the major features of Dickens’ novel s? ( 同第三题)5. How much do you know about Milton’s Paradise Lost?①Paradise Lost is the greatest English epic, consisting of 12 books and done in blank words. The stories were taken from the Old Testament: The Creation; the rebellion in Heaven of Satan and his fellow-angles; their defeat and expulsion from Heaven; the creation of the earth and of Adam and Eve; the fallen angles in hell plotting against God; Satan’s temptation of Eve; and the departure of Adam and Eve from Eden.②The main idea of the poem is the heroic revolt against God’s authority.③Adam and Eve embody Milton’s belief in powers of man their caving for knowledge adds a particular significance to their character. It is this longing for knowledge that opens before mankind a wide road to an intelligent and active life. The picture of God surrounded by his angles resembles the court of an absolute monarchy, while Satan and his followers bear resemblance to a republican parliament. This alone is sufficient to prove that Milton’s revolutionary feelings made him forget religious orthodoxy.④Satan is the real hero of the poem, and represents the spirit of rebellion against an unjust authority.13. How much do you know about Milton’s Paradise Lost?(同第五题)7. How much do you know about Wordsworth?①Wordsworth was the representative of the first generation of Romantic poets, who expressed the deepest aspirations of English Romanticism. He saw nature and men with new eyes. His whole work is an attempt to communicate that new vision.②His poetry is distinguished by the simplicity and purity of his language. It was his theory that the language spoken by the peasants when purified from its defects was the best of all.③His theory and practice in poetical creation started from a dissatisfaction with social reality under capitalism, and hinted at the thought of “back to nature” and “back to the patriarchal system of the old time”.④Nearly all of his good poetry was written during the first decade of his literary career (1798-1807).⑤His later writings were full of mysticism and many of them unreadable.⑥L YRICAL BALLADS——the joint work of Wordsworth and his friends Coleridge, marking the beginning of the Romantic Movement in England; the majority of the poems written by Wordsworth and Coleridge’s contribution being his masterpiece “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”; the poems characterized by a sympathy with the poor, simple peasants, a passionate love of nature and the simplicity and purity of the language.⑦Wordsworth was at his best in descriptions of mountains and rivers, flowers and birds, children and peasants, and reminiscences of his childhood and youth. He , as a great poet of nature, was the first to find words for the most elementary sensations of man face to face with natural phenomenon.⑧Some of Wordsworth’s PRINCIPLE POEMS are Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey(1798), The Prelude(1805-1806), The Excursion(1814), and miscellaneous sonnets(written at different periods of his life).8. What are the major features of Milton’s poetry?①Milton is a great revolutionary poet of the 17th century. He is also an outstanding political pamphleteer of the Revolution Period. He dedicated himself to the revolutionary cause.②Milton is a great stylist. His poetry has a grand style. His poetry is noted for sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.③ Milton is a great mater of blank verse. He is the glorious pioneer to introduce blank verse into non-dramatic poetry. He has use it as the main tool in his masterpiece Paradise Lost. His blank verse is rich in every poetic quality and never monotonous.11.What are the characteristics of Milton’s poetry?(同第八题)9. What are the major features of Chaucer’s writing?①Chaucer’s major contribution to the English poetry is that the introduced from France the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter to English poetry.②He is the first great poet who wrote in the current English language——he wrote dialect of London.③His poetry is full of swiftness and vividness. Chaucer’s style in The Canterbury Tales is remarkably flexible.④His prose, like his vocabulary, is easy and informal.⑤Chaucer is a great satirist, but he is almost never bitter when he pokes fun at the foibles and weaknesses of people.15. What are the chief characteristics of Chaucer’s literary writ ing?(同9)10. How much do you know about Shelley?①Shelley loved the people and hate their oppressors and exploiters. He called on the people to overthrow the rule of tyranny and injustice and prophesied a happy and free life for mankind. He stood for this social and political ideal all his life. He and Byron are justifiably regarded as the two great poets of revolutionary romanticism in England.②Queen Mab is Shelley’s first long poem of importance. It expresses all his major political ideas. Queen Mab is revolutionary poem condemning tyranny and exploitation and the unjust war waged by the rich to plunder wealth③The Revolt of Island is another important long poem.④Prometheus Unbound, a lyrical drama, is Shelley’s masterpiece. The story was taken from Greek mythology. The figure of Prometheus has been symbolic of those nobble-hearted revolutionaries, who devote themselves to the just cause of the people.⑤Shelley’s short poems on nature and love form an important part of his literature output. To him nature exists as an unseen life of the universe and his love of nature is almost boundless.⑥Shelly’s lyrics on love are also beautifully written. His best love lyrics include such well-known poems as Love’s Philosophy, One Word is Too Often Profound.。