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形符总计: 2476
中学词汇级别形符: 2251 占总形符百分比:90.91%
一般词汇级别形符: 34 占总形符百分比: 1.37%
较高词汇级别形符: 8 占总形符百分比: 0.32%
更高词汇级别形符: 18 占总形符百分比: 0.73%
超纲词汇级别形符: 32 占总形符百分比: 1.29%
高级词汇级别形符: 4 占总形符百分比: 0.16%
未入库词汇形符: 129 占总形符百分比: 5.21%
类符总计: 937
中学词汇级别类符: 787 占总类符百分比:83.99%
一般词汇级别类符: 17 占总类符百分比: 1.81%
较高词汇级别类符: 6 占总类符百分比: 0.64%
更高词汇级别类符: 14 占总类符百分比: 1.49%
超纲词汇级别类符: 25 占总类符百分比: 2.67%
高级词汇级别类符: 3 占总类符百分比: 0.32%
未入库词汇类符: 85 占总类符百分比: 9.07%
词汇总计: 821
中学词汇级别词汇: 672 占总词汇百分比:81.85%
一般词汇级别词汇: 16 占总词汇百分比: 1.95%
较高词汇级别词汇: 6 占总词汇百分比: 0.73%
更高词汇级别词汇: 14 占总词汇百分比: 1.71%
超纲词汇级别词汇: 25 占总词汇百分比: 3.05%
高级词汇级别词汇: 3 占总词汇百分比: 0.37%
未入库词汇词汇: 85 占总词汇百分比:10.35%
a A.M. about accord accuracy action adaptation admission adventure affect afternoon again air all allow along already also always amaze among and anger angle angrily animal annoy anymore appear apple appreciate around arrange arrival arrive art artist artistic as Asia ask at attitude attractive August author away b back bad badly bag
basket battle be beach bear beat beautiful because become before beg begin behavior betray better between big birth blue book boom bore bottle brain break breathe bring brother brown build burst business but buy by c call can canal car card care carry cash catch cater center chance change charge cheat check child China Chinese choice choke church circumstance city civil clean close cloth coffee cold come comfort comment communication company condition conduct conflict connect consider contribution could countryside create creation crowd cure curious d dark dawn day December decision declare delight demand describe desire destination development die difference different dinner disappoint discover do document dollar donation down dozen draw drawing dream drink dry dull dusty each early easy eat
education egg encourage end engineer engineering enter environment even evening every everything example except excite exhibition exist exit expansion expect experience explain express eye f fail fall family farm farmer fast favorite fear February fee feel feeling few fill find fine finish first fist fly focus follow food for forbid found France freeze French frequent fresh friend friendship from full fun future gain generation generous get gift give global go good great green group grow growth hand happen happiness happy hard have he head healthy help her here him his history hold home Hong hope hopeless hot hotel hour how hurt i ice I'd if ignore ii import importance in instead institution interest into island it its job juice juicy
just keep kid know knowledge kong lack land large last late lead learn leave lemon less let level lied life light lightly like link little live local London long look loose lose lot love lover low luckily major make man many March market matter may me meal mean medicine meet memory menu message mislead Miss mistake modern moment money month more morning most mountain move much museum must my name natural nearby need neighborhood new nice night no normal north northeast not notice November now object of off offer old on once one oneself online only open optimistic or orange order other our ourselves out outcome outside over P.M. pack painting paper paragraph Paris part particular particularly past path patience
pay people per perfect personality pick picture piece pink pioneer place plan platform play player plus point pollute pool popular positive power powerful prayer present problem productive program project promise protect proud prove psychology put quality quick quit rain rare real realize really recognize red refer reflect regret regular relationship relax religious rely report respect responsibility restaurant result return review risk river road room root round sandwich Saturday save say scenery screen sculpture see seek seem select selection sell send seriously serve set shall Shanghai shape share sharp she shine show side sight simple simply situation size skip sky sleepy slow small smog so society soft some someone something sometimes Spain speak special spend spiritual spot stage stand start state
stay step still store straight strange strawberry street strong study subject successful such suddenly suffer suggest suggestion sun sunset sunshine supermarket supply support sweet swim table take talk taste tasteless tear technology telephone television tell tent terribly test than thank thankful that the their them theme then there these they thing think thirty this those through Thursday time to together tomato tonight too top topic touch tourist toward towards town toy trade traditional training travel traveler tree trip trouble truck true trust try two under undertake unfortunately up us use vegetable very victim viewer violate visit visitor vitamin vivid walk warm warmth water way we weather website week weekend well what whatever when whenever where whether which whichever WHO whoever
why will wind wine winter with without wonderful word work world worth worthwhile would year yet york you your yourself
breathing cafe confidence differently exhibit heading intellectualizing james java malcolm monthly popularity regarding reopen retirees uncertainty
abundance collaboration infinity preservation update well-being
betrayal fin grove instructor jack limestone mentality metropolis newly persistence psychologist st. watery wharf
adviser contraction deepen flemish florida forgiveness intellectualize lewis lifestyle madrid middle-aged parisian perfectly reflexology ritz showman showy supplier thames tucker understandable unemployed warming wrongdoer younger
admiration baroque salvador
a.learn abercrombie aits- artworks b.it better-known bookings:www.canalmuseum.brindley c.stop caf carlton chope chris cold- cotsword customers-some d.remember dali dawg deal- dirtier e.they've eyots f.this figueras freezers frisch
g.seeing getaways gratefulness guilin homed homemakers importantly industrialization infinities into:.ix kent la lehance lehane lehanne l'enigme li lifeare lifestyle-longer liz masterworks maud maurice me- miranda museo museum-theatre nacional ni parisians part- pastimes payne petersburg pompidou red-painted reina rt sans sarasota session-care severn sofia stroudwater th unfailingly un-french vegetables- vickers vine-ripened wake-up whatson where- would't wouln't wwwyangshuo