绝对型 对比型 隐藏all 托福独立写作 题目解析及范文

绝对型 对比型 隐藏all 托福独立写作 题目解析及范文
绝对型 对比型 隐藏all 托福独立写作 题目解析及范文


7.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The most important goal of education is to teach people how to educate themselves.


Education plays a significant role for both individuals and society nowadays,and thus arouse people to consider the goals of it.Some experts on education advocate that the most important goal of education is to teaching people how to educate themselves.While, as far as I am concerned,even though there is an element of truth in such a statement,to say learning how to educate ourselves is the most essential goal is absolutely an overstatement.

Admittedly,learning is ultimately an individual thing,which means we all finally have to learn how to study by ourselves and digest new knowledge without the help from our teachers and parents.Even though during our childhood,our kindergarten teachers told us how to read and write correctly,it is clear that when we are admitted in universities,the way we learn is not following every word our professors tell us,the most valuable lesson we learn at college is how to behave,think and finally how to educate ourselves when we enter the society having no so-called teachers accompanying around us any longer. However,from a different individual perspective or a nation view,I would not take the most important goal as self-education.

From an individual view,the reason we receive education lies in the aspiration of

self-improvement.When a person decides to receive tertiary education,he might not think the stuff of self-education,but instead of that,the pure incentive might be stepping further in the area which he or she is interested in and wanna take as a career in the near future. Take my brother for example.After finishing undergraduate education,in order to get himself well equipped as a doctor,which is his dream job since he was a little boy,he chose to apply for medical graduate student.Even though he has dabbled in various medical knowledge,it is clear that further education in medical college provides him more systematic and professional knowledge.Therefore,,for him,the most important goal of further education is to prepare him to be a better person and make sure a prospective career life.

From a nation standpoint,making sure people involved in school builds solid foundation for the development of the whole country.No one can deny the saying,knowledge is power,which can be interpreted as erudite people contribute significantly to the society and the country.Take China for example.Years ago,China introduced

nine-year-compulsory education,in which all of the kids are obliged to attend school before15years old,following the belief that"read for the rise of China".What is more,the more people admitted to school,the greater chance it is to cultivate excellent people act as mainstay for the revitalization of the nation.Thus,it is undoubted that,for a nation, education aims at prosperity and development rather than merely learning self-education.

To sum up,there are plenty of goals lie in education,when it comes to which goal is the most important one,different angle leads to different verdict.From my perspective,both

self-improvement and contribution to nation are most important goals,and it is hasty to conclude that learning how to educate oneself is the most important goal.

9.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The most important things people learn are from their families.

(绝对词learn1.2from families;learn other from society/school)

The most important thing people learn is from families.





From the first minute of our birth,our families are around us:it is parents who teach us how to speak;it is parents who teach us the precious of honest;it is parents who give us inspiration when we feel blue.No wonder many people hold an idea that the most important thing people learn is from families.From my perspective,I claim that,even though families play a vital role in people's growth,the most important thing learned by people is from outside the family.

In the first place,people learn knowledge from school.It is universally acknowledged that people spend most of youth,from age of six to twenty-two,in schools,a place from which people can learn vast wealth of knowledge.In elementary school,life is filled with the charming of words and the myth of maths.Entering into high school, people can exploit the world of physics and biology,which is wonderful and fantastic.In the colleges and universities,students have opportunities to discuss with prestigious professors and prepare for the future career.In summary,schools are so significant that people cannot make a living without them.

What's more,people can gain working experience and living skills in the society. Confronting with fierce competition,people know how to improve themselves and adapt to this society.After working in a working unit,people grasp abundant working experience.In an unfamiliar environment where families are not around,people learn to protect and take care of themselves.So living without families,people can grow up and live independently.Those living skills and experience are highly important for a people to make a living in today's society.

Last but not least,people obtain the ability to build social connections outside families. In the family,all people we get along with are our parents,brothers and sisters,who have blood relationship with us.Spending all time with them is not conductive to make

contact with strange people.No one can deny that we need to make contact with more strangers than relatives.That is to say families,which are too familiar for us,are not able to provide a proper environment to learn the skills of making acquaintance. Therefore,we should step out of families to make contact with others.

From what have been mentioned above,I firmly contend that the most important thing people learn is not from families.

17.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The most important problems in today’s world will be solved in our lifetime.


Sample answer:

We live in a world with countless problems and personally I don’t believe any of the most important will be solved in our lifetime.The truth is humans are still too selfish and greedy.We always think of our own benefit and comfort first and are unable to put aside our differences to solve worldwide problems.

War is a problem that has devastated the world for centuries and continues to be one of the world’s biggest problems.Whether people fight for power,resources or racial and religious differences,it seems that we are incapable of living together in harmony. The Second World War was supposed to be‘the war to end all wars’but since then many wars have been fought and continue to be fought.It is therefore unlikely that human nature will change and there is no indication that world’s peace will be achieved in our lifetime,if ever.

Climate change is also starting to take a serious toll as increased temperatures have resulted in flooding worldwide.An important part of tackling climate change is to decrease the amount of greenhouse gases,but as yet no real progress has been made.Individually we are not prepared to give up using our cars,or to use less electricity or gas.We are also unwilling to pay the extra costs or suffer the inconvenience of renewable energy.Nations are also unwilling to slow their development.While there have been numerous conferences and meetings to talk about tackling climate change,very little has really been achieved.

Over population is a very serious and growing problem because the more people there are on the planet,the more waste and pollution is produced.The growing population is also straining the world’s resources to the point where scientists are unsure if we will be able to feed the population in the future.In an effort to tackle down the problem,China introduced a one child policy,which helped to reduce the growth of the population,but also create an ageing population where there are not enough young people to support the old.As yet there is no effective solution to solve this problem and it is unlikely to be solved any time soon as the population continues to grow.

In summary,the world’s biggest problems will almost definitely be passed on to our children because,while we are starting to make progress in some areas,essentially we cannot make real progress until nations start working together to make policies instead of just talking.Individuals also need to try and make an effort to solve the world’s problems.

21.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Competition between friends always has a negative effect on their friendship.


对competition的理解不能太狭隘它可以是fight for a good chance of promotion, compete who is a better learn and earn higher grades,who is more beautiful, who wears more charmingly,who lives better,all aspects of life work and study. competition分为healthy/unhealthy,positive/negative

1.admittedly,If it is the blinkered people we are talking about,competition

between friends does have negative effect on their friendship.Fight for an opportunity,angry with each other,selfishness----leads to break-up.However, other positive influence also lie in competition as well.

2.generate more appreciation between friends and leads to more imitate and

solid relation.Learn from each other,grow into better person.

3.encourage improvement.

Therefore,depends on what type of person they are.


It has often been thought that completion could be either beneficial or harmful to friendship.When you compete too much with your friends,it could mean the end of a good relationship.In any case,you ought to learn well how to distinguish what is healthy competition between friends and what is not.

More often than not,there is nothing wrong with healthy competition between friends.Forexample,when you play sports or games and try to beat your friend, competition is normaland natural.This type of competition is healthy because,win or lose,both friends could enjoyit in good humor.Further,betting on which team will win is also a healthy way to competebetween friends,without causing resentment and conflict whatever.Generally speaking,positive competition would do you good, motivating you to work harder and strive for more.When in doubt at this point,it is always inspirational to recall the teaching of Confucius:"Friends are more beneficial who are better than you,one way or another."(无友不如己者)(one way or another无论怎样)

Trying to be better than your friends at everything might not be so healthy, though.There areseveral ways in which a friendship could be severely damaged by competition,invariablymixed with rage and/or jealousy.Sometimes,such negative emotions might turn out to be too overwhelming to be swallowed.One sure way to corrupt friendship is when two friendshappen to find something they might both want so badly that they could not share peacefully,but opt to compete in a mood of pride and superiority.It is easy to tell that non-healthyexamples of competition between friends include:who has the best clothes,the best place tolive and the best car.Thus, if you want to keep your friendship healthy,you must try to stopthis type of behavior.

Accordingly,if you want to keep friendship alive,it is important to enjoy healthy competition and avoid unhealthy compettiion.The right thing to do,then,is to keep competition positive,if possible at all.You may now ask yourself this question:given that unhealthy completionbetween friends is permanent,could friendship as you know it last forever?


1.A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill.School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking,managing personal finances or auto repair.Which do you think the school should require students to take?Why?


Apart from making a good academic performance,high schools nowadays are taking more and more importance into non-ac a d e mic skills,which equip students with more abilities and do good for their future life.When it comes to the issue that which practical skills should a high school recommend its students to learn,cooking? managing personal finances?or auto repair?Well,from my perspective,the first two should not be crossed out from the required-course list(optional course选修课).

Firstly,auto repair is not necessary for everyone.On the one hand,for people who could not afford a car,there is no need to learn the skill of repair.According to statistics,only1/3people in the country drive cars,and the result in less developed countries,such as some African countries,is even worse.Hence,since we cannot make sure every high schoolers will own a car in the future,there is no reason to require all of them learn the skill of auto repair.On the other hand,for those people who have a car,car repair is sometimes too hard to handle and they'would better send the broken car to the professionals.Take my brother for example.His father sent him a BMW as his18th birthday gift.One day the car broke down,in the beginning,he tried to repair it by himself according to his little automobile fundamentals,but things

turned out to be screwed up after he took apart his car in order to find the problem. Eventually,he gave up and delivered his car to the motor repair center,where his car was fixed just in2hours and costed only20dollars.Therefore,considering circumstances I discuss above,there is no very need to force students to learn auto repair.

Secondly,cooking guarantees the happiness in life.I agree with the saying that the art of life lies in cooking.Just imagine the picture of a big family having dinner around the table talking about interesting stories and warm moments happened before.It is cooking dinner at home that enables such a touching occasion.Besides,according to a survey conducted by the humanities and social science institute,the more people cooking and eating together,the closer relationship it is between family members. Thus,cooking plays an important role in generating happiness.And for students in high school,learning cooking skills not only enables them to release some burden from their laborious moms,but also cultivates them into a wonderful chief when they have a family in the near future.

Thirdly,financial ability allows independence and security for people.As the popular saying goes,"Economic base determines the superstructure",which means for individuals,the more solid economic base we have,the more sense of independent and security we obtain.When I was a little girl,my mother gave me pocket money and infused me the conception of money management,which benefits me in a great deal. The case of my sister is also in point.After she was admitted to college,she started to invest a small part of her living expenses,which is much more than pocket money she received before in childhood,in the stock market.And it turns out she made a huge profit later during her college time.According to her,it is the finance knowledge she learned at high school that helped her to make lots of money and enabled her not not to worry about living by herself after graduation,and relying on her family anymore. Therefore,it is clear that excellent financial ability guarantees independence and security for high schoolers after their graduation.

To sum up,for high school students who are under heavy academic pressure,if there has to be some required skills to be learned,I suggest cooking and finance knowledge,which can benefit everyone in their future.Conversely,since auto repair does not fit into everyone's need,it can be canceled from the list.

3.If your teacher says something incorrect in a class,what will you do?

1.Interrupt your teacher right away

2.Keep silent

3.Correct your teacher after class.


解析:这个题目是一个三选一的题目,笔者建议选择第三个选项,即correct your teacher after class,选用总分总结构,后面给出两个理由。


理由一.不会冒犯自己的老师,让老师下不了台,不会耽误课程的进度,相反直接打断老师,是一种不尊重老师的表现。(Firstly,correcting teachers’mistakes after class won’t offend them and make them embarrassed.This practice can well maintain teachers’image and authority in front of students,which is very important for the successful proceeding of the whole class.(+具体事例)However,interrupting teachers right away will challenge teachers’authority,which makes the class in disorder.Worse,the teaching process will be negatively affected with the result that student will have a bad academic performance.)


eg,maintain teachers'image and authority----challenge teachers'authority

be important for sucessful proceeding of the whole class-----make the class in disorder,teaching process be negatively affected.

理由二.课下纠正可以让老师意识到自己的错误,从而改正并改善教学内容VS保持沉默的话,老师就不能改正自己的错误,影响将来的学生接受的信息质量(Secondly,it can enable teachers to realize their own mistakes that we point out the incorrect information after class.As a result,teachers will know what the problems are and then endeavor to correct these errors.On the contrary,keeping silent make it impossible for teachers to be aware of the wrong information they imparted to students.Consequently,those students who accidently neglect teachers’faults are likely to be misled.)

realize problems,correct errors,know the problems,be aware of the wrong information,point out the incorrect information

结尾段:Judging from the above evidence offered,I am convinced that we should correct teachers after class in case they make any mistakes,since this action will maintain the authority of our teachers and also bring benefits to the quality of education.

5.When choosing a place for living,which factor is the most important one for you?1.Living in an area not expensive,2.Living close to relatives3.Living in an area with many shops and restaurants.


not expensive:

money saved from renting can be used in other areas which are more worthy.Earning money is painstaking,and I would rather spend it on the things and activities.living condition is less important than mental delightness.Take my sister for example.born in a poor family and have no extra money to prepare for studying abroad,however, things began to change after she graduated,got a job,and earned money.With limited salary,she decided to rent a cheaper house,and used the left money touse money she saved from renting,take part in TOEFL and GRE,study,get high scores and finally was admitted to standford with full scholarship.On the contrary,if she wasted too much on renting and have no extra money saved,she would have no chance to take exams and go for further degree abroad,which can change her life route significantly.

Secondly,even though cannot live far from relatives,there are other ways that guarantee the intimate bond between family members.Thanks for modern telecommunication techniques,keep in touch,tone of speech and facial expression can be delivere through camera and videos,making phone call.what is more,money saved from renting can be used to go for a famlily trip.which not only release pressure but also make family members closer to each other.On the contrary.if think little of family,are likely to drift apart even though live next to each other,might too lazy and indifferent to contact each other.

Thirdly,online shopping makes it easier and convenience to meet our eating and daily need.Take...for example(how shopping online benefit life).What is more,even for those who are not interested and good at shopping online,drive for a far distance to big grosery and supermarket is also beneficial for release presure and,since it is a sort of a big family activity which might involves in serveral family members,good for family life.Also,cooking generate happiness.On the c,ontrary,with close resuarant and shopping center,it is likely that people will waste more money and time eating out and purchasing.

6.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is as important for older people to study or learn new things as it is for younger people.

(事实+找原因+对比the younger people)

Firstly,studying new and updated things is actually good for the older's health: Alzheimer's disease

Secondly,Self-improvement is a life long thing,no matter for the older or the younger, it is equally important for everyone.

Admittedly,for some older whose physical condition is not allow them to learn hard,it is better for them to enjoy peace life.However,even under such circumstance,the older can learn something new but easy,which benefits them and make them fee, younger than before.

8.Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments,whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by only a few large assignments.Which do you prefer and why?


Firstly,numerous small assignments test various learning levels,which generate a more real final grade.Final grade sometimes plays as the reflection of our academic ability,The higher the grade is,the more capable we are.Conversely,just a few large assignments may examine limited abilities which shows only a few capabilities.Take myself for example.

Secondly,plenty of small assignments make students stay focused and concentrated on learning all the time,which generate better final grades.

What is more,a few large assignments do share their disadvantages.Even though Save more time,students do not need to spend too much time preparing assignment,which gives them more free time to participate in their interest activities.However,not reflect their actual strength.Take my sister for example.She used to have a very good academic performance at high school,she could score high at almost every small examinations.But things screwed up when she did not play as well as usual due to her bad and stressed physical condition.Unfortunately,she was admitted to a obscure university.Conversely,if the admission result could be determined by her excellent daily work and GPA,it is likely that she can go to her dream school.Therefore,it seems clearly to me that.......

10.Some people say that students should study many lessons during a semester,but others say that it is better for students to just take three or four lessons.Which do you think is better?


Firstly,a large variety of lessons benefits more in self-improvement.Broaden horizon, have access to more areas,which conduces to achievement in our goals and mission. Eg.During my sophomore year,major in journalism,interview an economic figure, including writing news,shooting video,take photos.Thanks to the lessons learned last semester,could finish the interview successfully.What is more,since I minored in Economy,I got a better understanding of the words my interviewees said,and communicate further and fluently with him.Conversely,if i just learned news writing,I would not make such an overall and great report.

my compulsory/elective,optional course;economic figure,major in journalism, however,

Secondly,diverse lessons produce more opportunities in upcoming career life.

Admittedly,just taking three or four,save time,do not need to go through too much heavy academic pressure.However,why not study hard and learn more when we are young and have enough time?It seems to me that....

11.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Workers would be much happier if they are doing different types of tasks during their workday than doing the same task.


【differnent types work】

Firstly,doing different types of tasks guarantees a happier career life.Train various skills,improve work ability.More likely to be spoken highly by boss.higher probability of promotion.

Secondly,various types of tasks leads to fringe benefits,where happiness lies in. Make friends with different people who share same interest with you,turn your co-workers into friends,enlarge Social circle.What is more,take my roommate as an https://www.360docs.net/doc/1d7743234.html,ed to be a copy writer,buckled down to chairs and create disposals and ideas all the time,but in fact,she is a travel enthusiast.One day,she got a chance to negotiate with foreign clients,which needed her go on a business trip abroad.She said yes to it,and fortunately,she got a bonus to travel abroad. According to her,it is doing different tasks that enables her to experience more than before and make her life more interesting.

Admittedly,concentrating on just one thing helps learning more in that area,which help the work to be an expert in that field.However,According to s survey conducted by World Health Organization,people are more likely to feel tired and bored when they devote all their passion and energy in one thing all the time,even worse,due to bad mental conditions,work efficiency will be reduced in a great degree.Therefore,in order to be a good employee,the first thing we should do is drag yourself out of doing just one type of work day and nigh,be smart and efficient,and eventually,you will obtain happiness.

【one task work】

There are different standpoints regarding the happiness from the work.Some argue that workers would gain more satisfaction from doing different typesof tasks while others held the opposite idea that to do the same task leadsthem to be happier.In fact,it is hard to judge and up to the context of thework.

Obviously,the majority of people are reluctant to repeat their action mechanically, because they cannot endure the tediousness created by the same work.Trying to do different types of tasks is beneficial for them to keep the motivation of job and is easy to satisfy themselves with achieving success in varied domains.

Meanwhile,however,other consequences as a result from dissimilar sorts of work are supposed to be taken into account as well.

The different types of tasks would make it impossible for workers to be happy sometimes: they coerce these peopleto face new challenges and it costs more time to acquaint every kind of tasks which even would be changed definitely in the second day.Except few extremely bold people,a huge number of workers will feel quite stressful when something is completely new for them.

Further,the same type of task doesn’t means the context of the job is the same.People are likely to suffer from varied kinds of formidableness in the daily work.An architect should do several different plans for one project.Even though they draw a window for one building’s fa?ade,they have to establish dozens of models of windows to match the whole genre.Besides,if their work does not fulfill their customers’demands,the architects have no choice but to redraw the fa?ade.This type of work on some stage can also be called working repeatedly,whereas the context is definitely different and filled with challenges.It affords the strong happiness when the clients acclaim the work at last.So,I believe that no one will affirm that being an architect is a boring position even though they only do design every day.

Consequently,we have to clarify which reasons lead workers to be happy.How different the type of tasks is unlikely to simply determine how happy workers can be during their workday.Ifone type of task containing diverse challenges stimulates someone’s motivation,the people would attain likewise pleasure from the work.

12.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are now.

(对比now vs past)

As the education is playing more and more important role in social life,one controversial issue comes up that whether nowadays students do not respect teachers as much as in the past.Admittedly,we are emphasizing that everyone is equal and stressing the right to express our ideas different from others.However,on one can assert that current teachers are less appreciated and valued than ever before.Despite of different people hold various perspectives,I,given this chance,prefer to assert that nowadays students respect teachers as much as in the past.My point of view,involves the fundamental and deep discussions as follows.

1Conception concern about the ecucation

Teacher play vital role in the education and get more respect than in the past.

To begin with,one should emphasize that nowadays people’s concerns about the education are becoming more and more than in the past.It is undeniable that the teachers play the vital roles in the education and get more respect than in the past.To make it more compelling,let me use more details to demonstrate it.As we all know,to make ourselves more outstanding in this competitive society,we should study hard to compete with others.

2teacher guide and must respect;in the past,people always adopted children and main concerned about how to solve the supplication of food instead of the education.

In addition,the teachers guide us in our study life and then we must respect teachers to gain the knowledge.However,in the past people always adopted several children and they main concerned about how to solve problem about the supplication of food instead of the education.Due to the change of importance of the teachers in the society,students would respect less than nowadays.Obviously,nowadays students respect teachers more than in the past.

3.nowadays,teacher have more aboundant knowledge than more wide perspectives,students more adore teachers than ever before.

In addition,another essential and compelling argument that always deserves people’s attention is that the nowadays teachers have more abundant knowledge and more wide perspectives,and then students become more adore teachers than before.Both common sense and our daily experience inform us that with the development of science and technology,teachers have more ways to gain the knowledge than what I can imagine, such as searching Internet,devoting themselves into the specific research and so forth. What’s more,the nowadays teachers gain the higher degree than before,such as masters and professors instead of the undergraduate.Nevertheless,in the past teachers always gained knowledge from books.Hence nowadays teachers will be more profound than the teacher in the past and gain more respect from students.Admittedly,there are some students do not respect teachers.However the number just occupies the small rate of all students.Furthermore we should acknowledge that there must students do not respect teacher in the past either.

To sum up,some people might still remain unconvinced,but the reasons I have analyzed would make them more aware of the dimensions of this issue.Hence at last,there will be no doubt that the nowadays students do more respect teachers than in the past.


16.In times of an economic crisis,in which area should the government reduce its spending?https://www.360docs.net/doc/1d7743234.html,cation2.Health Care3.support for the unemployed.


The economic crisis in2008which started from the U.A.aroused great panic.In terms

of the history,government played an essential role in the recovery and in helping people pick up hope and faith to rebuild the economy even the whole country.When it comes to the issue in which area should the government decrease the financial aid, education?Health care?or support for the unemployment?Well,from my perspective, the last one may sometimes be sacrificed.

Firstly,it is cutting down the financial aid for the unemployment that can stimulate the jobless to find jobs and earn their livings on their own.In this issue,an economic term plays a role.As the economists say,there is one thing called opportunity cost.When the jobless are out of jobs,they have to give up the money given by the government in exchange for a a better job and a brighter future.To be specific,if someone wants to get more and better,the first thing he or she should do is to give up something that they could attain.This issue can be well explained in the dilemma in the unemployment.By ending the aid for the jobless,the government can not only save money to support more important and urgent areas,but also encourage and stimulate people to fight for themselves to gain a happy life.

Secondly,education is a thing that cannot be crossed out from the government's financial aid list.As we all know,children are the future of the country.Even though cultivating the young and bringing them up into adults seems to be a long-term thing, it is still worthy of the government's investment.In this case,Japan has set up a good example.As the news and journal said,after the World War Two,Japan experienced a serious depression.However,in such urgent circumstances,Japan did not reduce its support in education,instead of that,more budgets goes to it.Fortunately,twenty years later,these people,whom are subsidized by the government during their school time,proved to be the mainstays for the country's development and made great contribution to the society.That's why I hold the point that education cannot be ignored even in the depression time.

Thirdly,health care guarantees people's wellbeing and the society's stablity.For one thing,health is the basis of people's wellbeing.As the maslow's hierarchy of needs theory goes,physiological needs is the basic need for people,which including medical treatment absolutely.Thus,nothing could be more important to make sure that everyone,in the country during the heavy economic depression,can live healthily. With the physical and mental health,the country gains the power and strength to recovery in the near future to some extent.For another thing,some prevailing illness may cause serious social panic and thus harm social stability.No one can deny the fear of death.Conversely,if citizens in the country can ensure obtaining medical assistance when they are sick,even under the condition of lacking money,I believe that the government will gain more faith from its people and point the society back in the right direction again.

To conclude,none of the three,education,health care and the support for the unemployment should be cut down during the economic crisis time.However,if their

must be one to be reduced,I hold the idea that it can be the financial aid for the jobless in the emergency.Since to some extent,it might not be a bad thing,instead, people may be stimulated to fight for a living.

18.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is much easier for people to achieve success without their family members’help now than in the past.


1.更多的机会世界连成一个整体;相反,过去局限于自己家乡,交通不便,获得的机会少,父亲,高考第一,但是限于家庭经济条件,只能回家乡当一个老师,但是brother,学习成绩并不是最优秀的,在大学you很多可以出去交流的机会,于是抓住机会出国further study,最终在国外工作,获得bigger success than my father。Therefore,it seems clearly to me that it is numerous opportunities we have nowadays that enable us to have more access to be succcessful.

2.in ferociously competitive society,we pay much more attention to individuals actual ability than the past,which means the more capablee thee person is,the more likely he will be highly appreciated and then succeed,even without family assistance.Eg. Jack Ma,the president of Alibaba,who are insighgt and decisive,after he study abroad in usa,he discovered the potential and huge profit in online shopping.Then he came back china and start his own business.After ten years'paintaking elaboration, he became the wealthiest businessman in china.However,such luch would not happen on him if he born30years ago,when commen people had no access to found a firm,and the market is tightly controlled by the government,let along free market.

3.诚然,家人能带给很多,social network,knowledge,but the real success depends on individuals effort.For people who has no competitiveness,no matter how much his family could provide him,he will screw thing up.Take my roomate as an example, after graducation,his family helped her find a job in a big company by using his parent's interpersonal relationships.To be honest,the job she get is better than her classmates at that time.But things does not run smoothly,due to her bad work performance,she was dismissed by her boss.

19.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In order to succeed in doing a new job,the ability to adapt oneself to the new environment is more important than the excellent knowledge of this job.


In a job fair,an employer is facing a dilemma.Should he choose an inflexible person with excellent expertise as his employee or experienced one who is more adaptable to the position.Considering productivity,social demand,and personal fulfillment,I fundamentally recommend the employer keep the latter.

To begin with,productivity is directly associated with one’s adaptability to

environment.This point makes sense in three respects.First,inevitably,there is a run-in period when people take over new work.Flexible people are ones who are able to shorten this period of time to a large extent.Second,such employees are good a t applying theory into practice,where the value of knowledge lies.In other words,despite limited knowledge, they display maximum https://www.360docs.net/doc/1d7743234.html,st but not least,adaptable employees are capable of tackling with unexpected challenges.For instance,entering digital age,many editors in traditional publishing house are threatened by the advent of electronic books.It’s adaptable people who respond to the new demand and survive in this clash between tradition and modernization.

What’s more,increasingly competitive society places more demand on the adaptability of employees.A qualified employee should possess cooperation spirit i n team work to attain“one plus one is greater than two”.Sophisticated speaking skills are also needed to negotiate with clients and to demonstrate achievements.Leadership and charism are also important for one to get involved in social circle of the company instead of be pushed aside.Thus,in the complicated modern society,success in a job is far beyond the reach of mere excellent expertise.

Finally,employees through assimilating into environment achieve personal fulfillment and ambition.From the perspective of employees,what is an ideal and satisfactory working condition?Psychological statistic shows that people are less stressful when they are under a familiar circumstances where everything is under control and more satisfied when their knowledge makes practical value in reality.In other words,when adjust oneself to working environment,the person is actually creating a comfortable atmosphere for himself/herself,and as a result good mood and high efficiency.

In the final analysis,people with the ability to adapt themselves to environment invariably stand out because they are productive,demanded and self-confident.

20.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Students are more interested in politics today than they were in the past.









Last decades has witnessed the world circumstance becomes comparatively peaceful as a whole and that(第二个宾语从句的that不可省。)an increasingly number of people obtain

democratic rights.It is acknowledged that people’s political awareness has improved because of their campaigns for freedom and democracy.(逻辑有待商榷,究竟是政治觉悟高了才会去要求自由还是由于要求了自由政治觉悟才会提高?)Students also contributed to the fights and they even rush to the first line some time.(这句话接的很别扭。Among those we can easily find figure of students,most of whom often rush to the front line of the campaign.)However,compared with students in the past,students nowadays have less interest in politics.

First of all,today’s students grow up in a relatively peaceful era and enjoy comfortable life and citizen rights since they were born.Due to this reason,students now have less passion for politics.Thinking back to the1920s,our country were confronted with domesticate strife and foreign aggression.Internal and external problems raised people’s concern of politics.Countless students threw them into the movements of saving the https://www.360docs.net/doc/1d7743234.html,pared with students in the past,who were devoted to politics,students now reduce their concentrations on politics.

Moreover,we cannot neglect the fact that students are under great pressure from heavy study load and fierce competition currently(位置不好).Therefore,they have little energy and time to care about politics.In our country,students are forced to learn many skills, such as playing the piano,painting and Olympic math(不这么说)from their childhood.Also, they have to do their best to pass the college entrance examination and enter top universities.(最好换一下,先说课业压力,再说课外竞争。)Considering various kinds of competitions and challenges,it is reasonable students now concentrate on study and distract from politics.

还是可以更严谨。你看主题句是"heavy study load and fierce competition",如果是我,我会先写学习要求的提高导致压力加大,第二层人口增多导致相对竞争压力的提高。

In addition,politics is so serious and distant a problem that students are not willing to deal with,while(这个逻辑词用得不好)they like interesting and practical things,such as watching movies,taking a trip,playing with smart phone or iPad etc.According to my observation,my classmates prefer to do entertain rather than read political news and analyze political situation.They think political affairs are far away from us and we should do realistic things.Obviously,students have little desire for understanding politics problems.

In consequence,I hold my view that students today are not as politics-concerned as students in the past.It is not only because their living circumstance,but also because heavy pressure they are faced with and their habitation of relaxing and realistic things.




23.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The car(automobile) has had a greater effect on society than the airplane.


Obviously,both the automobile and the airplane have revolutionized our methods of long-distance travelling.The horse carts had been replaced in [a]majority of places over around the world for a century.However,which one affects our society greater,cars or airplanes?From my perspective,the engine carts on wheel are more useful and necessary than the flying ones.The reasons are as follows.

To begin with,the usage range of an automobile is much wider than a plane's. Some people argue that car has an apparently drawback that it is of difficulty to travel out of the land.We are[have]no capacity of driving a car from America to China owing to the hamper of the Pacific Ocean.However,apart from crossing the ocean,we can reach everywhere by a vehicle.In the meantime,that flying machine,in fact,will be limited in some poor condition,where is impossible to establish an airport such as some mountainous area.Also,some poor developing countries are not able to[afford就有able的意思,所以去掉are not able]afford to establish an airport or even have not the technology to produce an airplane;however the cost of an automobile is much cheaper.You can see a car running in the street easily even in some place whose main type of transit is still horses.Therefore,considering the range of usage between them,the car has had a greater effect on society than the airplane.

In addition,just in the cities with international airport,the use of car is more closely associated with citizens’life.Undoubtedly,the private cars and public transportation system provide us[with]a more convenient way for our daily commute.Most of us are supposed to go school and go work by a car,a bus or a subway.I,as a typical ordinary citizen,usually go to my workplace by subway on the workdays,whereas I just fly abroad once a year during my vacation.I find it difficult to get much more connection with a plane except that trip.Admittedly,I concede that some groups of people,especially some business people,will fly from one place to another every day as if they just take a taxi instead of a plane.However,they are only the minority.It is that[去掉that]engine carts on wheel that are associated with our daily life tightly.We rely on the automobile frequently rather than occasionally just like the rate of the utilization of a plane.

Granted,the airplane cut[cuts]down the time of travelling dramatically and we indeed cannot leave that travelling method increasingly.However,I still believe, with the advance of technologies and the highway system,the velocity of an

automobile will bring an innovation,which contributes for us to utilize the ground transit conveniently and efficiently.

In conclusion,as[with]all the aspects I mentioned above,I hold the idea that the car affects more people's lives more directly than the airplane.That means not only Americans are the nation on wheels but people all over the world will be so.



2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The more money people have,the more they should give away to charity.


Money is what makes the world go round,they say,but that is only true if you have it.The suggestion that people who have more money ought to give more to charity just makes sense to most;however,I think the rich should not have to part with their hardly earned cash.

In the first place,they should spend it on art.Creating a moral code that compels the rich to pour their money down the bottomless rat-hole of charitable causes will diminish investment in culture,the lasting legacy of any civilization.Take Bill& Melinda Posterns,along with their friend Warren Pummel,for example.They are reputedly the three most“generous”philanthropists in the world,but the40billion dollar endowment of their foundation is a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed to alleviate hunger,malaria,AIDS,and malnutrition.If they had spent their money on art,they could have bought40museums with better collections than the Detroit Institute of Arts.Imagine that!

Second,they should spend it on expensive educations for their children.It is unnatural to ask somebody to spend their money on people they don’t even know.For instance,if a man can spend a million dollars on sending his two children to engineering school or a million dollars on digging wells for people with no drinking water,he should spend it on his children who might someday invent a way to dig wells for half the cost.Furthermore,those children might be able to get more rich themselves from the royalties on their new patents.

Finally,if people who earn more money store up their treasure,but spend less on the poor and relief work,it will eventually lead to the semi-revolution that we need. The late poet laureate Robert Frost astutely observed that we need a semi-revolution, because the trouble with a total revolution is that it brings the same class up on top. Keeping riches out of the hands of those who manufacture their luxury goods for them will soon lead to a necessary revolt.

You might think the richer somebody gets,the more money they should give away to charity,but these are three strong reasons for letting the rich spend their money on other things or just to keep it in their pockets.(386words or so)

4.It is necessary for high school students to do household work after school because this can give them a sense of responsibility.


13.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?We should state our honest opinions even though other people may disagree with them.


As everyone is an independent individual,it is undoubtedly reasonable that every single person has their own opinions towards certain issues.When it comes to the issue whether we should confess our opinions honestly while others do not agree or not,I hold an optimistic attitude and claim that we should never give up the chance to express our true feelings.

Firstly,expressing our own honest thought contributes to individual's development. For one thing,expression is conducive to the development of self-awareness.Along with a child growth,the next thing that comes after thinking is expression,which is a significant sign for self-consciousness.Just imagine a timid and tour three-grade boy who is involved in a discussion about his dream job in the future.It is likely that he will change his excellent dream-supposed it is being an astronaut-into being a teacher just because everyone in the class consider teacher is the greatest job and hold a negative attitude toward other profession.Sadly,it is because his fear of saying out his true feeling that he lose the chance to know himself well.For another thing, expression helps people to develop a good personality.According to a research studied by the China Children Health Fund,people from3-18are at the most crucial stage to cultivating personality,those who are more brave and manful to speak get higher chance to be outgoing and decisive person.Therefore,being an honest speaker does not mean against others,but enables ourselves well-developed, which benefits us for good.

Secondly,apart from benefits individual development,brave expression also allows people to build healthy and intimate relationship with others.According to a research result reported by the National Academy of Sciences,80.21%people like to make friends with those who are willing to tell their true feelings even though it may be different from their own.Conversely,silent people in a disscussion may not even be noticed,let alone be liked and be popular among peole.Take my brother for example. He works at an advertisement company,in which the working atmosphere is free and light.Once time,he had a different idea about a Coca Cola marketing proposal against his collegues,then he state his honest opinions in the meeting. Unquestionably,a drastic argument happened.But surprisingly,the argument did not

only results in a better proposal,but also build more intimate and unitied relationshiop among his team.It seems clearly to me that it is the expression of true opinion that generate an authentic and hamonious relationship.

Admittedly,honest opinions sometimes may hurt people.Saying that a pink-lace dress does not fits your friend well face to face may make her humulated;telling your mother the food she cooked is disgusting can break her heart.However,from my perspective,truth is hurt.In fact,a real wisdom person can distinguish the true words from falsehood and use them well to make themselves be stronger.In that case,we should definitely express our honest feelings.

In short,honest opinions are conducive.Therefore,do not be afraid to tell others your true feeling next time.

14.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In the busy and crowded world today,we should not expect people to be polite to each other.(隐藏all)

Currently,the world is becoming crowded and busy and we always seem to exert ourselves to complete everything in every minute.Gradually,hustle and bustle life compels us to lose patience for treating others,thereby being impolite to them. However,the crowded and busy world also brings us in an intimate relationship in which everyone is almost never alone.In order to live happily and develop ourselves, we need to treat others in a polite way.So I claim that every individual should be expected to behave politely to others today.

Firstly,being polite will give us the better opportunities to get promoted in the work.As we all know,on the one hand,the first impression we leave on our boss is the cornerstone of being employed in an interview.(做假设+正反例证)Just imagine how possible one boss will hire one person behaved impolitely,such as littering or speaking too loudly in the quite lobby.Also,leaders highly value some employees who are polite to others because they regard those people as the best image of the company to the public.On the other hand,hardly can impolite colleagues spread their ideas and be accepted by others due to their negative behavior and attitude.(实例)Take my friend Lee as an example,given that he always smokes when he talks with others,which makes his boss think he is a loose person,he has fewer chances to travel on a business trip as a representative of his company.(强调句总结)Therefore, it is the politeness that guarantees individual's career success.

Apart from the job opportunities we may get,politeness is related to our happiness and health.(反面例子)In the daily life,most people have similar experience that we would get angry if we are treated rudely.For example,when one person jumps the queue,a quarrel is likely to be aroused immediately among people.In the end,no one can handle affairs in a peaceful mood.With such accidents increasing,our mood will
