【考点】V2:全面调查与抽样调查. 菁优网版权所有
4.(3 分)(2019 秋•龙岗区校级期末)下列各组数中,结果相等的是( )
A.52 与 25
B.﹣22 与(﹣2)2
C.﹣24 与(﹣2)4
D.(﹣1)2 与(﹣1)20
【考点】1E:有理数的乘方. 菁优网版权所有
【分析】根据有理数的乘方的意义逐一计算并判断即可. 【解答】解:A.52=25,25=32,所以 52≠25,故本选项不符合题意; B.﹣22=﹣4,(﹣2)2=4,所以﹣22≠(﹣2)2,故本选项不符合题意; C.﹣24=﹣16,(﹣2)4=16,所以﹣24≠(﹣2)4,故本选项不符合题意; D.(﹣1)2=1,(﹣1)20=1,所以(﹣1)2=(﹣1)20,故本选项符合题意.
度. 14.(3 分)(2019 秋•会宁县期末)方程(a﹣2)x|a|﹣1+3=0 是关于 x 的一元一次方程,则 a
15.(3 分)(2014 秋•福田区期末)a、b、c 三个数在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简|a﹣b|
16.(3 分)(2019 秋•龙岗区校级期末)若 a+b+c=0 且 a>b>c,则下列几个数中:①a+b;
深圳市百合外国语学校2020~2021学年度第一学期期末考试七年级数学试卷班级:___________ 姓名:____________(考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分命题人:方琴审核人:朱雅琴)一、选择题(共10小题,每题3分,满分30分)1.如果收入15元记作+15元,那么支出20元记作(▲)元.A.+5 B.- 20 C.﹣5 D.+202.“打通一条隧道,就能缩短路程”其中蕴含的数学道理是(▲)A.两点之间,线段最短B.两点确定一条直线C.过一点,有无数条直线D.线动成面3.下面合并同类项正确的是(▲)A.3x+2x2=5x3B.2a2b﹣a2b=1 C.﹣ab﹣ab=0 D.﹣xy2+xy2=04.如图所示是正方体的展开图,原正方体“4”的相对面上的数字是(▲)A.2 B.3C.5 D.65.为了解我区七年级6000名学生期中数学考试情况,从中抽取了500名学生的数学成绩进行统计,下列说法正确的是(▲)A.这种调查方式是普查B.6000名学生是总体C.每名学生的数学成绩是个体D.500名学生是总体的一个样本6.已知同一直线上A、B、C三点,线段AB=6cm,BC=2cm,则A、C两点间的距离(▲)A.8cm B.4cm C.8cm或4cm D.无法确定7.甲队有28人,乙队有20人,现从乙队抽调x人到甲队,使甲队人数是乙队人数的2倍.依题意列出的方程是(▲)A.28=2(20﹣x)B.28+x=20﹣x C.28+x=2×20 D.28+x=2(20﹣x)8.如图,已知纸面上有一数轴,折叠纸面,使表示﹣2的点与表示5的点重合,则表示的点与(▲)表示的点重合.A.3 B.C.D .9.若关于的方程的解是整数,则整数k的取值个数是(▲)A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 10.一副三角板AOB与COD如图1摆放,且,ON 平分,OM 平分.当三角板COD绕O点顺时针旋转(从图1到图2).设图1、图2中的的度数分别为,则(▲)A.105°B.120°C.90°D.无法确定二、填空题(共5小题,每题3分,满分15分)11.3的倒数是▲.12.如果是关于的方程的解,那么的值是▲.13.一块手表上午9点45分,时针分针所夹角的为▲度.14.已知多项式当时,该多项式的值为2020,则当时,多项式的值为____▲_____.15.如图,点C在线段AB上,图中共有3条线段:AB、AC和BC,若其中有一条线段的长度是另一条线段长度的两倍,则称点C是线段AB的“二倍点”.若线段AB=30cm,点M从点B的位置开始,以每秒2cm的速度向点A运动,当点M到达点A时停止运动,运动的时间为t秒.当t为___▲_秒时,点M是线段AB的“二倍点”.三.解答题(共55分)16.(12分)计算化简(1)12﹣(﹣6)+(﹣8)+5 (2)﹣42×(﹣2)+[(﹣2)3﹣(﹣4)](3)a+2b+3a﹣2b (4)(2m2﹣3mn+8)﹣2(5mn﹣4m2+4)17.(6分)解方程:(1)6﹣x=5x (2)﹣= 118.(6分)已知0212=-++b a )(,先化简再求值:求代数式2a 2﹣[8ab+2(ab ﹣4a 2)]+ab 的值.19.(8分)某校随机抽取部分学生,就“学习习惯”进行调查,将“对自己做错的题目进行整理、分析、改正”(选项为:很少、有时、常常、总是)的调查数据进行了整理,绘制成部分统计图如下:请根据图中信息,解答下列问题(1)该调查的样本容量为 ,a = %,b = %,“常常”对应扇形的圆心角为 °(2)请你补全条形统计图;(3)若该校共有3200名学生,请你估计其中“总是”对错题进行整理、分析、改正的学生有多少名?20.(6分)学校要购入两种记录本,其中A 种记录本每本3元,B 种记录本每本2元,且购买A 种记录本的数量比B 种记录本的2倍还多20本,总花费为460元. (1)求购买B 种记录本的数量;(2)某商店搞促销活动,A 种记录本按8折销售,B 种记录本按9折销售,则学校此次可以节省多少钱?21.(8分)现有一组有规律排列的数:-1,﹣1,2,﹣2,3,﹣3,-1,﹣1,2,﹣2,3,﹣3,…其中,-1,﹣1,2,﹣2,3,﹣3这六个数按此规律重复出现.问: (1)第50个数是什么数?(2)把从第1个数开始的前2021个数相加,结果是多少?(3)从第1个数起,把连续若干个数的平方加起来,如果和为566,则共有多少个数的平方相加?22.(9分)已知:如图1,点A 、O 、B 依次在直线MN 上,现将射线OA 绕点O 沿顺时针方向以每秒2°的速度旋转,同时射线OB 绕点O 沿逆时针方向以每秒4°的速度旋转,如图2,设旋转时间为t (0秒≤t ≤45秒).(1)则∠MOA = ,∠NOB = .(用含t 的代数式表示)(2)在运动过程中,当∠AOB 达到60°时,求t 的值.(3)在旋转过程中是否存在这样的t ,使得射线OB 是由射线OM 、射线OA 、射线ON 中的其中两条组成的角(指大于0°而不超过180°的角)的平分线?如果存在,求出t 的值;如果不存在,请说明理由.。
The farmer was very____5____and planned to fire him from his job after the storm. He hurried outside to____6____the storm. To his surprise, he discovered that cows and chickens were in place and doors of the farmhouse were____7____. Everything was in its right place. Nothing could be blown away by the storm.
One day a middle-aged man came for a(n)____2____. The farmer asked, “Are you good at farm work?” The man answered, “Well, I can sleep when the wind blows.” The farmer didn’t understand what he meant but he still hired him.
12.Why did the local people go down to the beach that morning?
广东省深圳市深圳外国语学校2021-2021学年度(上)七年级语文期中测试卷(含答案)1.选出加点字注音完全正确的一项( )A. 难堪.(kān) 收敛.(liǎn) 绽.开(dìng) 栅.栏(zhà)B. 枉.然(wáng) 倏.忽(shū) 自卑.(béi) 争执.(zhí)C. 屋檐.(yán) 黄晕.(yùn) 发髻.(jì) 笃.志(dǔ)D. 搓捻.(niǎn) 澄.清(dèng) 感慨.(kǎi) 攲.斜(jī)【答案】C【解析】【详解】本题考查学生对字音的掌握情况,关于字音,要求学生平时的学习中注意字音的识记和积累,特别是多音字。
ABD三项修改为:A.绽.开(zhàn);B. 枉.然(wǎng)、自卑.(bēi);D.攲.斜(qī)。
2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是( )A. 沐浴疲倦不堪废寝忘食呼朋引伴B. 清冽水波粼粼美不甚收人迹罕至C. 急躁煞有介事翻来复去人声鼎沸D. 诀别个得其所混为一谈不求甚解【答案】A【解析】此题考查学生对字形的掌握情况,对汉字字形的正确书写能力。
3.下面句子中加点的成语使用错误的一项是( )A. 今天你穿得这么花枝招展....的干吗害我差点儿没认出来。
B. 这些动物对我们这些远道而来的客人并不感到惊慌,有时还站在离我们几十步远的地方众.目睽睽...。
C. 他咄咄逼人....,气得我一句话都说不出来。
D. 这时我才恍然大悟....,原来她一直在暗中帮我。
本大题共5小题,每题2分,共10分1.请选出下列加点词语字音、字形都正确的一项()A.酝酿.(niàn g) 黄晕.(yūn) 抖擞.(sǒu)人声鼎.(dǐn)沸B.粗犷.(kuàn g)倜.(tì)傥吝.(lìn)啬翻来复.(fù)去C.徘徊.(huái) 确凿.(záo) 着.(zhuó)落咄咄..(duō)逼人D.搓捻.(niǎn) 贪欲(1án)诅(zǔ)咒饥肠漉漉..(lù)2.下列加点词语运用错误的一项是()A.班主任很擅长发挥每个同学的特长,大家各得其所....,各尽所能地为班级作贡献。
广东省深圳市深圳外国语学校2021-2021学年度(上)七年级语文期末模拟卷(含答案)1.下列各组词语书写及加点字的注音完全正确的一项是( )A. 中.伤(zhōng)澄.澈(chéng) 掺和.(he) 绵廷.(yán)B. 缥.缈(piāo) 陛.下(bì) 显耀.(yào) 愚.蠢(yú)C. 忙碌.(lǜ) 辍.行(zhuì) 充沛.(pèi) 梳.理(shū)D. 放肄.(sì) 苛.刻(kē) 凸.起(tū) 笨拙.(zhuó)【答案】B【解析】【详解】试题分析:考查字音、字形的识记。
2.下列句子中加点的成语使用不当的一项是( )A. 这一幕还令人记忆犹新....,其教训值得吸取。
B. 国家空间天气监测预警中心为中国航天事业的发展做出了不可磨灭....的贡献。
C. 《中国新声代》的学员个个才华出众,对歌曲的精彩演绎令人回味无穷....。
D. “消法”修正案将网络消费者有权自收到商品之日起七日内退货等条款纳入其中,市民们对此纷纷随声附和....表示赞成。
广东省深圳市深圳外国语学校2024-2025学年上学期七年级期中考试数学试卷一、单选题1.中华武术是中国传统文化之一,是独具民族风貌的武术文化体系.“枪挑一条线,棍扫一大片”,从数学的角度解释为()A .点动成线,线动成面B .线动成面,面动成体C .点动成线,面动成体D .点动成面,面动成线2.港珠澳大桥是世界上最长的跨海大桥,被称为“新世界七大奇迹之一”,其总长度为55000米,则数据55000用科学记数法表示为()A .55510⨯B .45.510⨯C .50.5510⨯D .55.510⨯3.用平面去截一个几何体,如果截面是圆形,则原几何体可能是()A .正方体、球B .圆柱、圆锥C .圆锥、棱柱D .球、长方体4.下列式子中:①0;②a ;③2x y +=;④5x -;⑤2a ;⑥21a +;⑦1a ≠;⑧3x ≤.属于代数式的有()A .4个B .5个C .6个D .7个5.如图是由一些大小相同的小正方体搭成的几何体从不同方向看得到的图形,则搭成该几何体的小正方体的个数是()A .3B .4C .5D .66.已知240a a --=,求2332024a a -++的值为()A .2012B .2013C .2014D .20157.已知单项式13m a b +与31n a b --可以合并同类项,则m n +分别为()A .2B .3C .4D .58.下列描述不正确的是()A .单项式23a b-的系数是13-,次数是3次B .一个有理数不是正数就是负数C .用一个平面去截一个圆柱,截面的形状可能是一个长方形D .五棱柱有7个面,15条棱9.按如图所示的程序进行计算,若输入x 的值是3,则输出y 的值为1.若输出y 的值为3,则输入x 的值是()A .7B .13-C .7或13-D .-7或1310.下列结论:①一个数和它的倒数相等,则这个数是1±和0;②若01m <<,则2m m <;③若0a b +<,且0ab >,则22a b a b +=--;④若m 是有理数,则||m m +是非负数;⑤若0c a b <<<,则()()()0a b b c c a +-->;其中正确的有()A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个二、填空题11.如图,是一个正方体纸盒的展开图,按虚线折成正方体后,相对面上的两个数互为相反数,则a =.12.已知多项式3222(3)xy x y xy m xy +-++是关于x 、y 的四次三项式,则m =.13.已知,,a b c 的位置如图:则化简a c b a c ---+-=.14.若a ,b 互为倒数,a ,c 互为相反数,且d 的绝对值为2,则代数式23()2a abcd d ++-⋅的值为.15.观察下面三行数:第1个数第2个数第3个数第4个数…第①行3-927-81…第②行927-81243-…第③行−21026-82…设x ,y ,z 分别为第①、②、③行的第2024个数,则23x y z ++的值为.三、解答题16.计算(1)()()67128510⎛⎫---+-- ⎪⎝⎭;(2)591(3)()()652-⨯⨯-÷-(3)2024153(1)524()1268-⨯-⨯-+;(4)321(3)602|2|5--÷⨯+-17.化简(1)227323a a a a ++-+;(2)()()521134x y x y --+--+18.先合并同类项,再求值:()22222237521x y xy x y xy x y ⎛⎫+--+ ⎪⎝⎭,其中1x =-,2y =.19.“勤俭节约”是中华民族的传统美德,为了在深外校园开展“勤俭节约从我做起”的宣传活动,喜欢统计的派派从学校了解到,七年级上周五天平均每天约使用擦手纸50包,于是派派统计了本周七年级每天的擦手纸的使用情况,制作了如下的一个统计表,以50包为标准,其中每天超过50包的记为“+”,每天不足50包的记为“-”,统计表格如下:周一周二周三周四周五4+1-3-2+1+(1)本周周(填一、二、三、四或五)七年级同学使用擦手纸的总包数最少,数量是包.(2)若一包擦手纸是3元,求本周周一至周五七年级同学使用擦手纸的总金额.20.老师在黑板上写了一个正确的演算过程,随后用手掌捂住了方框内的整式,形式如下:()23x xy --5101xy y =+-(1)设所捂的整式为A ,求整式A ;(2)在(1)的条件下,设2B x xy =-,若3A B -的值与y 的取值无关,求x 的值.21.【概念学习】现规定:求若干个相同的有理数(均不等于0)的商的运算叫做除方,比如222,(3)(3)(3)(3)÷÷-÷-÷-÷-等,类比有理数的乘法,我们把222÷÷写作2③,读作“2的圈3次方”,(3)(3)(3)(3)-÷-÷-÷-写作(3)-④,读作“3-的圈4次方”,一般地,把a a a an a÷÷÷⋯÷个(0)a ≠写作a ⓝ,读作“a 的圈n 次方”.【初步探究】(1)直接写出计算结果:3=②,13⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭③;【深入思考】我们知道,有理数的减法运算可以转化为加法运算,除法运算可以转化为乘法运算,那么有理数的除方运算如何转化为乘方运算呢?除方→211112222222222⎛⎫=÷÷÷=⨯⨯⨯=→ ⎪⎝⎭④乘方幂的形式.(2)归纳:请把有理数0a a ¹()的圈3n n ≥()次方写成幂的形式为:a =ⓝ;(3)比较:()2-⑦()4-⑤;(填“>”“<”或“=”)(4)计算:()()()2025111427487⎛⎫-+÷⨯-+-÷ ⎪⎝⎭④⑤.22.已知多项式3216x y xy -+的次数为a ,常数项为b ,a ,b 分别对应着数轴上的A 、B 两点.(1)a =,b =;(2)若点P 从点A 出发,以每秒3个单位长度单位的速度向x 轴正半轴运动,求运动时间为多少时,点P 到点A 的距离是点P 到点B 的距离的2倍;(3)数轴上还有一点C 所表示的数为30,点P 从点A 出发,同时Q 从点B 出发,P 以每秒3个单位长度的速度向C 点运动,当P 到达C 点后,立即以同样的速度返回A 点,Q 以每秒1个单位长度的速度向数轴正方向运动,当P 重新运动到A 时,P ,Q 同时停止运动.当P ,Q两点之间的距离为6个单位长度时,此时Q点运动的时间为秒.(直接写答案)。
深圳市百合外国语学校2020~2021 学年度第一学期期中考试七年级数学试卷班级:姓名:(考试时间:90 分钟,满分:100 分)一、选择题(共12 小题,每题 3 分,满分36 分)1.-3 的相反数是()A.13B.3 C.-13D.-32.四个数-2 ,2 ,-1,0 中,负数的个数是()A.2 B.1 C.0 D.33.人类的遗传物质就是DNA ,人类的DNA 是很长的链,最短的22 号染色体也长达30 000 000 个核苷酸,30 000 000 用科学记数法表示为()个.A.3 ⨯108B.3 ⨯107C.3 ⨯106D.0.3 ⨯1084.下列各式正确的是()A.--5 = 5 B.-(-5)= 5C.-5 =-5 D.-(-5)=-55.在下面的图形中()是正方体的展开图.6.买一个足球需要m 元,买一个篮球需要n 元,则买4 个足球、7 个篮球共需要()A.(7m + 4n)元B.(4m + 7n)元C.28mn 元D.11mn 元7.用平面截一个几何体,如果截面的形状是圆,那么该几何体可能是()A.棱锥B.棱柱C.球体D.正方体8.若代数式x -y 的值为10,则代数式3(x-y )+ 4 的值为()A.30 B.-26 C.-30 D.349.若数轴上的点A 到原点的距离为7,则点A 表示的数为()A.7 B.-7 C.7 或-7 D.3.5 或-3.510.如果(x- 2)2 + y +1 = 0 ,那么x +y =()A.1 B.-1 C.2 D.011.已知数a ,b ,c 的大小关系如图所示,则下列各式:① abc > 0 ;② a +b -c > 0 ;③a+b+c= 1 ;④ bc -a > 0 ;⑤ a -b -c +a +b -c =-2a ,其a b c中正确的有()个.A.1 B.2 C.3 D.412.有一列数a1 ,a2,a3,a4, an,从第二个数开始,每一个数都等于1 与它前面那个数的倒数的差,如:a = 3 ,则a =1 -1=2,a =1 -3=-1,请你计算当a = 2 时,a 的值是()1 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 2020A.2 B.12C.-1 D.2020二、填空题(共4 小题,每题 3 分,满分12 分)13.如果向东走6 米记作+ 6 米,那么向西走10 米记作米.14.绝对值等于3 的整数的和是.15.某几何体从三个方向看到的图形分别如图,则该几何体的体积为(计算结果保留π).16.如图是由一些大小相同的小正方体组成的简单几何体的主视图和俯视图,若组成这个几何体的小正方体的块数为n ,则n 的最小值与最大值的和为.6 9 ⎪ 三、解答题(共 52 分)17. 计算(1) (-7) - (+5)(2) 36 ⨯ ⎛ 5 - 4 ⎫⎝ ⎭(3) -1 + 5 ÷ ⎛ - 1 ⎫⨯ (-4)(4) -22 + 3 ⨯ (-2) - (-4)2÷ 84 ⎪ ⎝ ⎭18. 如图,是由几个相同的小正方块搭成的几何体,请用黑色水笔画出这个几何体的从正面看和从左面看的形状图.19.若a 、b 互为相反数,c 、d 互为倒数,求(a +b +cd )+a +b的值.cd20.若x2= 4 ,y = 9 ,其中x < 0 ,y > 0 ,求x -y 的值.21.如图,在一长方形休闲广场的四角都设计一块半径相同的四分之一圆的花坛,若圆形的半径为r米,广场长为a 米,宽为b 米.(计算结果保留π).(1)请列式表示广场空地的面积;(2)若休闲广场的长为400 米,宽为100 米,圆形花坛的半径为10 米,求广场空地的面积.22.“十一”黄金周期间,某风景区在7 天假期中每天旅游人数变化如下表(正号表示人数比前一天多,负号表示比前天少)日期 1 日 2 日 3 日 4 日 5 日 6 日7 日人数变化+1.8 -0.6 +0.2 -0.7 -1.3 +0.5 -2.4 单位:万人(1)若9 月30 日的旅客人数为4.2 万人,则10 月4 日的旅客人数为万人;(2)七天中旅客人数最多的一天比最少的一天多万人;(3)如果每万人带来的经济收入约为100 万元,则黄金周七天的旅游总收入约为多少万元?23.如图,已知数轴上原点为O ,点B 表示的数为-2 ,A 在B 的右边,且A 与B 的距离是5,动点P从点B 出发,以每秒3 个单位长度的速度沿数轴向右匀速运动,动点Q 从点A 出发,以每秒4 个单位长度的速度沿数轴向左匀速运动,若点P 、Q 同时出发,设运动时间为t (t > 0)秒.(1)写出数轴上点A表示的数,点P表示的数(用含t的代数式表示),点Q表示的数(用含t的代数式表示);(2)问点P 与点Q 何时到点O 距离相等?(3)若点D 是数轴上一点,点D 表示的数是x ,是否存在x ,使得x - 3 +x + 2 = 7 ?如果存在,直接写出x 的值;如果不存在,说明理由.深圳市百合外国语学校2020~2021 学年度第一学期期中考试七年级数学试卷参考答案一、选择题(共12 小题,每题 3 分,满分36 分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12B A B B B BCD C A C A二、填空题(共4 小题,每题 3 分,满分12 分)13.-1014.015.3π16.26三、解答题(共52 分)17.(1)-12 ;(2)14;(3)79;(4)-1218.19.∵ a 、b 互为相反数∴a +b = 0∵ cd 互为倒数∴cd = 1原式= 1 + 0 = 120.x2 = 4 ,x < 0 ,得x =-2y = 9 ,y > 0 ,得y = 9∴x -y =-2 - 9 =-1121.(1)S =(ab -πr2 )m2(2)S = 400 ⨯100 -π ⨯102= 40000 -100π答:空地面积为(40000 -100π)m2.22.(1)4.9(2)4.3(3)一日:4.2 + 1.8 = 6二日:6 - 0.6 = 5.4三日:5.4 + 0.2 = 5.6四日:5.6 - 0.7 = 4.9五日:4.9 -1.3 = 3.6六日:3.6 + 0.5 = 4.1七日:4.1 - 2.4 = 1.7总人数为:6 + 5.4 + 5.6 + 4.9 + 3.6 + 4.1 +1.7 = 31.331.3 ⨯100 = 3130 (万元)答:总收入为3130 万元.23.(1)3;3t - 2 ;3-4t(2)PO = 3t - 2QO = 3 - 4tPO =QO①3t - 2 = 3 - 4tt =57②3t - 2 = 4t - 3t = 1答:t = 1 或t =5时距离相等.7(3)x =-3 或x = 4。
广东省深圳是百合外国语学校2020-2021学年九年级上学期期中英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.We can test one’s knowledge through a show show C.talent show D.quiz show 2.Which of the following jobs gets to decide the roles for the TV programs?A.cameraman B.make-up artist C.director D.host3.I think Li Xueqin is one of the strongest ________ in the talk show contest.A.contestant B.contestants C.astronomers D.actress4.I am dying to ________ this the prize the prise C.praise D.defeat5.________ will help us learn more about the health condition of our body and cure the disease before it gets worse.A.Medical examinations B.Medicine exams C.ExerciseD.Vitamin6.________ his clothes were old and worn, they looked clean and of good quality.A.As though B.Because C.Since D.Although 7.Jack ________ a kind-hearted man.A.seems B.become C.turns D.feels8.________ can be really hard to quit.A.Smoke B.To smoke C.Smoking D.That smoke 9.________ at the appointment on time is very important.A.To go B.Arrive C.We arrive D.To arrive 10.You worked in London three years ago, ________?A.did you B.don’t you C.didn’t you D.were you 11.My mom is always ________ my studies.A.worried of B.worried about C.nervous about D.anxious of 12.Mary’s _________, so she hasn’t had dinner for two weeks.A.lost weight B.gain weight C.on a diet D.go diet 13.We shouldn’t _________ other’s weaknesses. That’s very mean.A.make jokes about B.joke of C.laugh forD.respect14.It was ________ of Bob ________ the bees which accidently broke into the classroom.A.friendly, to kill B.lovely, to kill C.cruel, to kill D.cruel, killing 15.Jane ________ her time when she was young. Now she feels her life is hard and hopeless.A.regretted wasting B.regret wasting C.cherishedD.regretted to waste16.Kelsey had the ________ a good educational background.A.advantage about B.disadvantage C.advantage ofD.weakness of17.My son has ________ me mad! He’s been crying for an hour to get the toy car.A.driven C.make D.been made 18.Eating with the mouth open is a very ________ habit.A.good B.annoying C.exciting D.respected 19.She was watching Tom and Jerry, ________ out loud.A.laugh C.weeping D.laughing 20.The Iceland team ________ by the French team in the World Cup in 2008.A.beat beated C.was beaten D.won 21.Don’t worry. We still have ________ time.A.many B.a number of C.very little D.plenty of 22.Today’s my payday and I’d like to ________ myself to a big meal.A.invite B.treat D.give23.________, Jerry performed quite well on stage.A.To my surprise B.In general C.As a result D.Altogether 24.It’s ________ go to bed early and have a balanced diet.A.important that B.a necessity that C.improper to D.necessary to 25.What’s your ________ online classes?A.comment about B.view on C.thinking on D.think about 26.We should ________ in too much fat, oil and sugar.A.avoid taking B.avoid to C.take D.stay away from 27.Mona _______ rather than ________.A.prefers to go skiing; make a snowmanB.likes running; play the pianoC.prefered to draw; made snowmanD.likes painting; to play the computer games28.Sarah decided to order ________ for lunch.A.a salad, a glass of coffee, and fried eggsB.noodles, a cup of coffee and fried eggC.two sandwich, a cup of coffee, and fried eggD.two hamburger, one salad, a large cola29.Did you ask the teacher ________ on the second day?A.what we needed to bring the ID cardB.when and where we should shall me get thereD.what should we take30.Which of the following statements is correct?A.I think you should not fix the computer in this way.B.I suggest you to try this brand.C.Can you tell me how can I get to the nearest subway station?D.My brother advised me to take more exercise.二、完形填空Some people are born blind. Others are born deaf. Some people lose arms or legs inmuch harder time than we do. I think we should work harder to help these people and makethese laws, they should be followed more strictly.I also think people of China should have a greater understanding of the 39 that disabled people face. If they 40 that there’s a problem, they can help to find a solution.31.A.has B.of C.with D.have 32.A.easier B.funnier C.harder D.more excited 33.A.fancy B.convenient C.clear D.small 34.A.below B.through C.over D.down 35.A.Without B.With C.No have D.For 36.A.get up B.get in C.go up D.get around 37.A.who B.that C.whom 38.A.criminal B.changed C.similar D.opposite 39.A.challenges B.changes C.improvement D.accidents 40.A.say B.announce C.realize D.discuss三、阅读单选41.How much are a The other Bennet Sister and a The Way We Eat Now?A.$22. 98.B.$24. 98.C.$25. 98.D.$26. 98. 42.Questions and Answers About Plastic is aimed at helping the ________ to understand the environment problems.A.adults C.senior D.teenagers 43.Which of the following statements is correct about The Way We Eat Now?A.Modern food is damaging the health of people.B.Modern food hasn’t had much influence on our life style.C.This book intends to encourage people to stay away from traditional food.D.Its purpose is to let people have a better understanding about the food we are having now.44.If someone is stressed out from work, which book do you suggest?A.The Other Bennet Sister.B.The Way We Eat Now: Ways for Eating in a World of Change.C.Questions and Answers About Plastic.D.Funny Ha, Ha.Q: At recess (课间休息), I don’t know what to do because all my friends are playing games I don’t like. So I end up standing by myself at recess doing nothing. What should I do? Alex Ride, 13.Al: In fact, recess was my least favorite part of the school day for Grades 1 to 5. I was never really into playing kickball. So, like you, I spent many days at recess standing alone. Take advantage of the time you have. Books are good for a lonely recess, because they takeyou out of your world and into another. If reading isn’t your thing, then try making new friends. Some other things I would do were chess and paper cutting. Whatever you want to do, don’t let your time get wasted. Johnny Hayes, 15.A2: When I was 13, half my friends threw themselves into kickball recess which was too vigorous (剧烈的) for me right after lunch. So, like you. I stood around a lot. Then, one day, my teacher, Susie, asked me, “What do you want to do?” I had no answer for her. But suddenly, it came to me: marbles! I asked a few friends, and they were happy to join me. Now, I’ m not suggesting you play marbles, only if you think that’s what you feel like doing and it can make you happy. And one last idea: There’s no harm in trying games your friends are playing that you think you won’t like. You might just surprise yourself.Philip Galanes, adult.45.Who is asking for advice?A.Alex Rider.B.Johnny Heyes.C.Suie.D.Philip Galanes. 46.One of Philip’s suggestion is to a book to a what you feel like doing D.stand without doing anything 47.Why do Johnny and Philip mention the kickball game at their school?A.To show they shared similar experiences.B.To show they were good at the kickball game.C.To encourage Alex to make good use of the extra time.D.To encourage Alex to surprise himself with a new game.48.Which part of a newspaper may this passage be taken from?A.Science Study B.Art Style C.Sports World D.TeenageProblemFights at school sometimes happen. But how can you keep away from a fight? Here’s something you can do.Be calm. Sometimes, you feel so angry that you really want to teach somebody a lesson. But being angry can’t solve problems. Neither can a fight. Instead, you can bring yourself more problems. In the school, everyone involved in a fight will be punished, no matter who started it. There are no winners in a fight.Shout loudly. If you know someone is coming up behind you to attack, turn towards theperson with your hands up in front of your body and loudly say “stop” before walking away. Loud voice can usually make the attacker calm down. If the person doesn’t stop, cry for help by calling out the name of a teacher whose office is nearby._________ Your friend may ask you to join in a fight. Learn to say no. Helping him to fight is not really helping him. If you really want to give him a hand, try to persuade him to give up. Also you can tell him if he gets involved in a fight, he may get hurt and be punished. Then, try to learn why he wants a fight and help him find a right way to deal with the problem.49.The underlined word means ________.A.hug B.try to hurt or kill someone C.stopD.attract50.Which of the following sentences can be put into the blank “________”.A.Face bravely B.Join in a fight C.Learn to refuse D.Talk to someone 51.The passage is written to students keep away from fightsB.warn students not to fightC.advise students to help each otherD.encourage students to work hard52.The passage is written in a/an ________ tone.A.kind B.angry C.humorous D.sadThis painting is called The Fighting Temeraire. Temeraire is the name of the big, old sailing ship that you can see on the left of the picture. People chose this picture to be the greatest painting in Britain.J. M. W. Turner painted it in 1839. It shows the old sailing ship, on the River Thames near London. There’s a small tugboat pulling the old ship. It’s in fact taking the Temeraire on its last journey. In the background we can see the sun setting.The picture, however, is more than just a painting of two boats in the evening. The artist wanted to show the end of an era. The time of the beautiful, old sailing ships is coming to anend. That’s why we see this happening at sunset. In the little, brown tugboat we can see the new industrial era starting. The tugboat is small and dark and it’s making a lot of smoke but it’s very strong, because it’s pulling the much bigger ship.The painting shows a real event. Turner watched the Temeraire taking its trip up the Thames, but he changed some of the details. He painted the old ship white and gold so that it looks like a ghost. In fact, the real ship was black and yellow. We also see the sun setting behind the ship, but in fact, the ship travelled towards the sunset. However, Turner wanted to show the sun setting on the time of the beautiful old sailing ships.Turner painted it when he was quite old, so perhaps he wanted to show the sun setting on his own life, too. He loved the painting and he never sold it. You can see it today in the National Gallery in London.53.The Fighting Temeraire the name of a big sailing shipB.was thought the best painting in BritainC.shows two nice new shipsD.was painted by a famous young artist.54.What does the tugboat stand for according to the passage?A.The new industrial eraB.The beautiful eraC.The painter’s own lifeD.The white and gold ghost55.Which of the following statements is true?A.The color of the real sailing ship was gold and white.B.In the painting the sailing ship was going towards the sunset.C.Finally Turner sold his painting because he didn’t like it.D.Today the painting was kept in the National Gallery in London.56.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?A.The painting The Fighting Temeraire is so outdated that it’s stored in the National Gallery.B.British people probably don’t like to recall the past.C.Turner was sad that he grew old.D.The Fighting Temeraire is considered to be the greatest painting in Britain not onlybecause of its painting skill but also because of its historical meaning.Playing video games and getting money for it seems like a dream job for many of today’s teenagers. But is it all fun and games?Pro (professional) gaming is certainly big business. In 2017, there were more than 3, 000 gaming competitions and over 10, 000 professional players worldwide. A large number of people watch their competitions online, and successful gamers can get more than 1, 000, 000 dollars from prize money and ads. The industry is thriving.Becoming a professional is not just about being good at playing games—it also takes a lot of hard work. Some pro gamers practice for fourteen hours a day. “You need to spend much time and put all your effort into it”, says exgamer George.It can be a difficult job as well. Stress is a big problem for gamers. Tiredness is another, and injuries are common. Top player Hai Lam had wrist problems after years of pro gaming. Careers are short, and many gamers retire before they get 30 and try to find another job. 57.How many pro players were there around the world in 2017?A.130, 000.B.More than 3. 000.C.Over 1, 000, 000.D.More than 10, 000.58.What does the underlined word “thriving” in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Getting worse.B.Booming.C.Developing slowly.D.Coming to an end.59.What’s the main idea of the passage?A.The career as a professional gamer doesn’t last long.B.Professional gaming isn’t all fun and games.C.Being a professional gamer is a good choice for teenagers.D.Being a professional gamer is an easy way to make money.60.Professional gaming can be ________.A.relaxing, meaningless, boring, easy, relaxingC.relaxing, hard, exhausting D.difficult, tiring, stressful四、根据句意填空五、用所给单词的正确形式填空六、语法填空expect one and had warned us it would be included in the final grade. The test began. Sure(minute) except the very last one: What is the name of the old lady, who cleans the lecture hall? I thought it was a joke. I’d seen the old lady many times. She’ d been working in thebecause of it. But then one student put up his hand. He hadn’t finished the test, either. “I’mlast question?’’ “Certainly,” our professor 80 (smile). “In your future jobs...”I’ve never forgotten that lesson. I also learned that the cleaner’s name was Sherry.Aunt Linda’s RepliesDear Anna,It’s right of you to worry about your friend John. It’s not necessary for her to stay on81 diet because of the fact that she’s thin. It happens all the time that we worry about82 (we) looks, so she’s not alone.Dear Peter,You did the right thing at that moment. You’ll feel terribly sorry otherwise. You should still act the same way 83 the same situation if it happens again. There’s no need to listen to your friend on that. How terrible 84 them to laugh at a sick lady!Dear Simon,It’s common for people to wear braces nowadays. Remember, the moment you stop 85 (pay) attention to your friends, they will stop laughing at you. We know it hurts sometimes, 86 think of the days when you can smile beautifully with straight teeth just in a few 87 (month) time!Dear Julie,I would suggest that you talk to your sister 88 (many). Tell her when she can play the piano and when she can borrow your things. Spend some time with her every day 89 you will end up with living 90 (happy) with your sister.七、课内填空fat, oil and sugar. He also stated that it’s necessary for me to have a moreSamuel: What’s a balanced diet?Doris: A balanced diet means kinds of healthy food every day.Research shows that each day you should have plenty of fruit, vegetables and such as noodles and bread. And, in general, you should have and eggs, and less meat.八、书信作文92.Lori是一名初一的学生,因面临第一次期中考试和家长会感到有些焦虑,上课状态欠佳,请你以师哥师姐身份,给她些建议:1. 注意学习和运动及爱好的间的关系;2. 充分休息,上课提高效率;3. 给出1—2条你自己的其它建议。
Last weekend our geography teacher, Mr. Read, took us to Greentown on a school trip. He wrote ____1____ to some big hotels there. In the ____2____ he chose the Ally Hotel among some. We had a ____3____ trip.We left home at 7:00 am on Saturday morning. Mr. Read ____4____ the school bus. The journey ____5____ many hours! Some of us were asleep on the way ____6____ we got up very early in the morning. We finally ____7____ in Greentown at nearly 11: 30 pm. Then it started to rain ____8____.On Sunday morning, we went downstairs for breakfast. We got a ____9____. There was water everywhere in the kitchen! Then _____10_____ lunchtime one of the boys fell into the river. _____11_____, Mr. Read was very good at swimming. He heard the boy _____12_____ and ran out to save him.The Sunday afternoon was terrible _____13_____. Two girls didn’t tell Mr. Read and went to the center of the town. They _____14_____. A policeman brought them back to our hotel. When Mr. Read knew that, he was very _____15_____. We returned to our city on Sunday evening. We were cold, wet and tired. Never again!1. A. news B. letters C. wishes D. ads2. A. order B. race C. end D. start3. A. interesting B. boring C. exciting D. terrible4. A. made B. rode C. drove D. caught5. A. took B. spent C. paid D. kept6. A. so B. because C. but D. and7. A. came B. got C. lived D. arrived8. A. early B. high C. hard D. fast9. A. present B. surprise C. message D. kitchen10. A. on B. in C. at D. for11. A. Quickly B. Finally C. Happily D. Luckily12. A. playing B. shouting C. singing D. fighting13. A. either B. also C. too D. or14. A. went shopping B. got popular C. went home D. got lost15. A. angry B. kind C. happy D. sad二、短文填空(10分)2、My dream is to visit Disneyland in Shanghai. However, my dad is always busy working and can’t ____1____ (take) me there. Today, my dream comes t____2____. I go to Shanghai ____3____ train with my aunt’s family. The trip ta kes ____4____ (we) four hours. When we a____5____ at Disneyland, the weather is quite ____6____ (sun). And luckily, there ____7____ (not be) too many people. We play lots of games. B ____8____ I don’t try the roller coasters (过山车) because it is really scary.I take many ____9____ (photo) with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and some other Disney characters. Look at this photo of Snow White and me, how happily we are _____10_____ (dance)!3、用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文语义完整。
广东省深圳市百合外国语学校2021-2022学年九年级上学期期中英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.—The problem wasn’t difficult for him, was it?—________. He should have been given a more difficult one.A.No, it was B.Yes, it was C.Yes, it wasn’t D.No, it wasn’t 2.—He seems to be dissatisfied with his present post.—I don’t think he judged his ability objectively when he applied for it, ________?A.does he B.did he you D.didn’t he 3.—How about our offer?—Oh, we didn’t expect our offer ________ so quickly.A.rejected reject be rejected D.rejecting 4.During his stay in Xi’an, Jerry tried almost all the local foods his friends ________.A.would recommend B.had recommendedC.have recommended D.were recommending5.—When will we start our work?—We won’t start the work until all the preparations ________.A.are being made B.will be made C.have been made D.had been made 6.After the war, a new school was put up ________ there had once been a theater.A.that B.where C.which D.when 7.—What time will Mr. Brown be back to China?—Sorry, I don’t know ________ .A.when did he go abroad B.why he is going soon will he be back long he will stay abroad8.—________ terrible mess you have made!—Sorry, Mum. I will clear it up right now.A.What a B.What C.How D.How a9.At last,the baby was made________ and began to laugh.A.stop crying B.stopped to stop to cry stop crying10.Lu Tao, together with his parents, will go to Qingdao by ship ________ by train.A.displace B.take the place of C.take place of D.instead of 11.My family consider ________ a computer, which is considered ________ a great help in our work and buy; to be B.buying; being buy; being D.buying; to be 12.—He looks happy today!—Because he has made ________ that the teachers ________ many progresses; are pleased with B.such many progresses; are pleased for much progress; are happy with D.such much progress; are happy for 13.He said he ________ the failure rather than ________ his dream.A.prefered to experience; give up B.preferred to experience; give upC.prefered to experience; to give up D.preferred to experience; to give up 14.The prisoner came to realize that the cheating was so ________ that he ________ himself.A.shameful; felt ashamed at B.shameful; felt embarrassed ofC.ashamed; felt shameful of D.shameful; felt ashamed of15.The girl ________ on the ground ________ to me that she had ________ the purse on the desk.A.lying, lay, laid B.lie, lied, lay C.lying, lied, laid D.lay, lied, lain 16.A gang of children were ________ fireworks in the street when they ________ for the train.A.setting about; set out B.setting out; set offC.setting off; set out D.setting down; set off17.Chinese people usually ________red lanterns along the streets before the Spring Festival.A.hang B.hang outC.hung D.hung out18.They gasped ________ at the news that he unexpectedly finished his task ________.A.for surprise; in advance B.for surprise; surprise; with advance D.with surprise; in advance19.The doctor suggests that he ________ staying up too late.A.gets out of the habit of B.break the habit ofC.gets into the habit of D.form the habit of20.________ with his sister, he expresses ________ the classical music.A.Comparing; strong preference in B.Comparing; a strong preference forC.Compared; a strong preference in D.Compared; a strong preference for二、完形填空As a businesswoman, I care deeply about my customers. But like anyone for whom youtheir handbag’s been stolen. They’ll swear(发誓)that they left it in the changing room, create havoc(混乱)and then 23 it had been in their car all the time.I remember the first really difficult customer we had at Covent Garden. She was 24 absolutely everything, nothing was right and I was rather surprised that she became a “regular”. After a while, she 25 for the way she behaved at the beginning. She had split up with her husband the week before, was living in a flat 26 and since she’d found it too much to cope with(应对), she’d taken it out on(发泄)other people.That taught me a valuable 27 and I pass it on to the people who work in the market. Don’t take it personally. If a customer is rude or difficult, just think “Maybe she’s had a quarrel with her husband. Maybe her child’s not 28 .” Always water it down and don’t let your ego(自我)get 29 . If you do, you won’ be able to handle(处理)it and the whole thing develops into an unpleasant scene and that 30 everyone’s day. 21.A.shopkeepers B.customers C.salespersons D.receptionists 22.A.saying B.guessing C.crying D.replying 23.A.forget B.decide D.know 24.A.curious about B.displeased with C.patient with D.happy with 25.A.searched B.argued C.prayed D.apologized chance herself C.on purpose D.on duty 27.A.lesson B.trick C.knowledge 28.A.ready B.away C.up D.well 29.A.out of sight the way C.behind the scene D.above the law 30.A.ruins B.makes C.starts D.saves三、阅读单选Families celebrate National Grandparents Day in many ways. Every year at this time, we hear from our readers sharing their stories to give thanks and express love to their grandparents. Here is Cindy’s story.My darling Grandfather,I don’t think I could ever find the words to describe the positive (积极的) influence you have had on my life. I’m writing to tell you how important you are in my life.Grandpa, I couldn’t imagine where I would be now without you and Grandma. Through all the difficulties, you two have been like a rock in my life and a peaceful island in a big lonely ocean. You have given me power in my life.Seeing you two again was always like a homecoming. When I came to visit, your loving arms welcomed me and we had wonderful times together talking and walking.You have shown me that there are men who are caring and good. I remember when I was a little girl, how you held me tightly (紧紧地)when I couldn’t, sleep. You always spoke kindly to me.You have shown me what a family man is ---a man who gives what is best for his children. You always gave, even when it was not easy for you or when you were tired and unwell.You have also shown me what a caring husband is --- a man who loves his wife as much as he can. We know that no one is perfect, but in my whole life I never heard you raise your voice at Grandma or treat her disrespectfully(不尊重地).Grandpa, you gave me hope to believe that I could also be a responsible person one day: Thank you for your ongoing love and example to me.Your loving granddaughter,Cindy 31.Cindy is writing the letter to ________.A.share stories with her grandparentsB.tell her grandparents she will visit themC.let her grandpa know how important he her grandpa what kind of person she has become32.What does Cindy mean by saying the underlined sentence in the passage?A.She can always depend on her grandparents.B.She is always welcome in her grandparents’ home.C.Her grandparents give her too much pressure.D.Her grandparents are always kind to her.33.What kind of person is Cindy’s grandpa?A.Kind and strict.B.Caring and responsible.C.Serious and positive.D.Loving and impatient.34.Grandpa has influenced Cindy in a positive way by ________.A.taking her to a peaceful island B.solving her difficulties in lifeC.speaking loudly to her D.setting a good example for her 35.Where is the passage most likely from?A.A poem collection.B.A geography magazine.C.A local newspaper.D.A science-fiction novel.Do you often run outdoors to keep healthy? Have you ever thought about how running helps to clean up the earth? Sometimes a creative mind can bring us a win-win situation.Plogging, a new way to exercise, began in Sweden. The name “plogging” comes from two words—the Swedish word “plocka”, which means “to pick up”, and the word “jogging”, which means “to run slowly”. A Swedish man called Erik started the movement. He saw rubbish here and there when riding to work each day. He became worried about the dirty environment and decided not to go to work by bike any more. Instead, he began to run to work and pick up the rubbish at the same time. To his joy, more and more people followed him and soon plogging became popular.Many people choose plogging instead of just jogging because they think plogging is a good way to help clean up the earth. Sometimes rubbish is difficult to collect because it may scatter all around. But if the runners pick up the rubbish on the way, it is quite different. After all, many hands make light work. Another reason is that plogging burns more calories. According to a research, plogging for 10 minutes burns 48 calories, while usual jogging for 10 minutes burns about 39 calories.Everyone on the earth should play a part in cleaning it up! It’s time for us to take action together. So ready? Let’s plog tomorrow!36.The underlined word “scatter” in the passage means “________” in Chinese.A.爆炸B.集中C.散落D.毁坏37.After Erik saw much rubbish, ________.A.he became worried B.he kept riding to work every dayC.he didn’t care and did nothing about it D.he was interested in it38.People choose plogging because ________.A.there are too many bikes in the cityB.riding bikes is harmful to their can help clean up the earth and burn more is more exciting than jogging.39.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Plogging started in Sweden.B.Plogging for 10 minutes burns about 84 calories.C.The name “plogging” comes from two English words.D.Jogging burns more calories.40.What’s the best title for the passage?A.A Bad Habit—Littering B.The Best Sport—JoggingC.A New Way to Exercise—Plogging D.Burning more caloriesDo you still remember the scene in the famous movie Titanic, directed by Cameron, where Jack was frozen to death in the icy cold water so that Rose could survive on the floating door alone? It broke many people’s hearts. Two decades later, people are still asking the question, “wasn’t there enough room on the door for both of them?” Cameron once responded by saying it wasn’t a question of room, but buoyancy(浮力)—if both of them had tried to stay on the door, he argued, the whole thing would sink.But several guys from “Mythbusters”, an Australian-American science entertainment television program, decided to put the theory to the test themselves. They discovered that if Rose had took off her life jacket to the bottom of the door, there would have been enough buoyancy to keep both of them afloat.“It was an artistic choice, the thing was just big enough to hold her, and not big enough to hold him.” Cameron said. “I think it’s all kind of silly, really, that we’re having this discussion 20 years later. But it does show that the film was effective in making Jack so attractive to the audience that it hurts them to see him die. The film is about death and separation. He had to die.”Since Jack was doomed to die, Cameron said, “it could have happened in a variety of different ways. It’s not about the door not being big enough: that’s just a practical method for his death. Whether it was that or whether a chimney(烟囱) fell on him, he was going down,” Cameron said. “It’s called art things happen for artistic reasons, not for physics reasons.”41.According to Cameron, why can’t audience accept Jack’s death?A.They are artistic people.B.They like the movie.C.They love Jack.D.They are eager for truth.42.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.Jack died by accident.B.Jack’s death was unavoidable.C.The chimney fell on Jack.D.The door could make a difference. 43.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Jack Had to Die B.A Door of Life and DeathC.Audience Knew Better D.Science Behind Movie44.Where can you probably find this article?A.A popular magazine.B.A movie poster.C.A government report.D.A notice board.45.Why was a chimney mentioned in the last paragraph?A.To introduce the structure of the ship.B.To show the original plan of the movie.C.To present the missing part of the movie.D.To explain the unchangeable fate of Jack四、阅读还原6选5根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
西湖边,孝子坊里,橙红色的花儿掩映在翠绿的叶子间,jiāo mèi耀眼,一面凌霄花墙藏于其中;墙边一排一排的板凳上,坐着粉白黛绿....、【乙】的少女们,黛眉微展,笑语盈盈。
到了九月,玲珑dàn yǎ的桂花满怀喜悦,捧出了灿烂的花朵,向远方的客人发出了醉人的芳香;若是逢上xīlì小雨,更是不得了,每一滴雨里、空气里都yùn niàng着它的香,它的甜。
①jiāo mèi②dàn yǎ③xīlì④yùn niàng(2)请根据前后文,将下列三个成语的序号填入文段中相应的地方。
广东省深圳市龙岗区百合外国语学校2023-2024学年七年级上学期期中数学试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题A....4.下列计算正确的是()A.()1-+()1--C.()1-⨯.()1-÷5.用一个平面去截一个正方体,则截面的形状不可能为(A.等腰三角形6.一个长方形的周长为可表示为(A.7.下列说法正确的是(A.绝对值相等的两数相等C.若A.圆锥A.52B.67C.84二、填空题11.某地一天早晨的气温是3℃,中午气温下降了12.在数轴上点A、B表示的数分别是3-和5,则线段13.如图是正方体的一种展开图,表面上的语句为北京题口号“一起向未来!”,那么在正方体的表面与“!14.对于任意有理数a、b,定义一种新运算如3⊕2=3×2+(3﹣2)=7,则(﹣5)⊕4=15.如图,在数轴上点A、B表示的数分别为长度的速度沿数轴向右匀速运动,点N从B点出发以每秒三、计算题16.计算:(1)()()181218+-+-;四、作图题17.如图是由棱长都为1cm 的6块小正方体组成的简单几何体.请在方格中画出该几何体的三个视图.五、计算题(1)判断正负,用“>”或“<”填空:b c -0;a b +0;c a -______0.七、解答题回答下列问题:(1)这8筐白菜中最接近标准重量的这筐白菜重千克.(2)这8筐白菜中最重的重克;最轻的重千克;(3)若白菜每千克售价2元,则出售这8筐白菜可卖多少元?21.如图是一张长方形纸片,长方形的长为10cm,宽为6cm.若将此长方形纸片绕它的一边所在直线旋转一周,得到一个几何体.。
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1.(题文)下列加点词语注音全部正确的一项是( )
A.感慨(kăi) 抖擞(sŏu) 憔悴(cùi)拆散(chāi)
B.一霎时(shà)贮蓄(zhù)匿笑(nì) 仿膳(shàn)
C.搓揉(niăn)讽刺(fěng) 难堪(kān)碣石(jiē)
D.咄咄逼人(duó)菡萏(hàn dàn) 黄晕(yùn) 应和(hé)
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