



各种直流电源,如蓄电池、干电池、太阳能电池等。 交流电机调速用变频器、不间断电源、感应加热电源 等电力电子装臵的核心部分都是逆变电路。
• 逆变电路的基本工作原理
• 换流方式分类
S1~S4是桥式电路的4个臂,由电力电子器件及辅 助电路组成。
1)逆变电路的分类 —— 根据直流侧电源性质的不同
型逆变电路 Voltage Source Type Inverter-VSTI
型逆变电路 Current Source Type Inverter-CSTI
V1和V2栅极信号在一周期内 各半周正偏、半周反偏,两 者互补,输出电压uo为矩形 波,幅值为Um=Ud/2。
V1或V2通时,io和uo同方向, 直流侧向负载提供能量; VD1或VD2通时,io和uo反向, 电感中贮能向直流侧反馈。 VD1、VD2称为反馈二极管, 它又起着使负载电流连续的 作用,又称续流二极管。
根据不同的负载类型计算负载等效阻抗: 电阻型:Z=R 电阻电感型:Z=R+jωL Z=(R2+(ωL)2 ) ½ 对于RLC:Z=R+jωL-1/jωC 对于电阻:i=2P/Ud=Ud/2R 对于电阻电感:i=2P/Udcosφ=Ud/2Z 开关管上的电压:U=(2~3)Ud 电流:I=(1.5~2)(2)1/2i
电阻负载时,负载电流 io 和uo的波形相同,相位也 相同。





3.使用大容量IGBT时,必须使缓冲电阻值很小,这样开通时的集电极电流增大, IGBT功能受到限制。






222FECfILp ds⨯⨯+⨯⨯=式中L :主电路中分布电感、Io : IGBT关断时集电极电流、Cs :缓冲电容值、E d :直流电源电压、f :开关频率放电阻止型缓冲电路1.有抑制关断浪涌电压效果。




22fILP⨯⨯=式中L :主电路的分布电感、Io : IGBT关断时的集电极电流、f :开关频率1.3 集中缓冲电路1.4集中缓冲电路的特点及用途以RCD 缓冲吸收电路为例,其中应用的元件需要结合实际的情况进行选择。

其中的吸收电容Cs 的选择可以采用下面的公式:()2020c pk s s U U I L C -= 电路中的电阻Rs 不宜过大,如太大Cs 放电时间过长,电不能完全放掉。

但Rs 太小,在器件导通时,RsCs 放电电流过大、过快,可能危及器件的安全,也可能引起振荡。

一般的,电阻选择参考下面的公式:sws s f C R ⨯=61 其中,LS :主电路电感,主要是没有续流时的杂散电感;Upk :C S 上的最大充电电压; U C0:电源电压;Io :负载电流;f sw :开关频率。


塞米控应用笔记 IGBT测量和缓冲电容规格

塞米控应用笔记 IGBT测量和缓冲电容规格

Application Note Revision: Issue Date: Prepared by: 002008-03-17Joachim Lamp Key Words: IGBT module, snubber capacitor, peak voltage IGBT Peak Voltage Measurement and Snubber Capacitor SpecificationGeneral.................................................................................................................................................................1 Capacitor parameter.............................................................................................................................................2 DC voltage class...................................................................................................................................................2 Capacitance and series-inductance .....................................................................................................................2 Pulse handling......................................................................................................................................................3 RMS voltage and RMS current.............................................................................................................................3 Lifetime.................................................................................................................................................................3 Measurements and verification.............................................................................................................................3 Voltage stress of IGBT (V CEpeak )............................................................................................................................3 Measuring capacitor RMS current........................................................................................................................5 Temperature and self heating under operation....................................................................................................7 Symbols and terms used.. (7)This application note provides information on how to select and test snubber capacitors for IGBT modules in high power applications and how to test the effectiveness. This information should help to prevent failure of the IGBT module and snubber capacitor caused by electrical or thermal overstress. The information given in this application note contains tips on which parameter of the capacitor should be considered and how to carry out the necessary measurements.GeneralIf high currents are switched fast, then voltage overshoots occur, which can destroy the switching power semiconductor. The voltage overshoot is caused by the energy stored in the magnetic field of the current path (e.g. DC-link connections). It is linked by the value of the parasitic inductance or stray inductance L S (E=0,5*L S *i²). The voltage (V=LS *di/dt) may exceed the maximum blocking voltage of the power semiconductor (V CES , V RRM …) because it is added to the DC-link voltage. The first countermeasure is a good low inductive DC-link design to keep the voltage on the semiconductor low. This is done by means of a laminated bus bar system (sandwich of +DC, –DC metal sheets and an insulation layer between) and short connections between the voltage source (DC-link capacitor) and power semiconductor. In addition, snubber capacitors are recommended, which should be mounted directly on the DC-link terminals of each IGBT module. This snubber works as a low-pass filter and “takes over” the voltageovershoot. Fig. 1 shows typical designs. The waveform in Fig. 2 shows in comparison the voltage across an IGBT at turn-off with and without snubber capacitor. The effect of voltage spike reduction can be seen clearly. Fig. 3 shows an equivalent circuit with parasitic inductances.Fig. 1 Low inductance snubber capacitors for mounting on IGBT modulesApplication Note AN-7006In order to decide whether a snubber capacitor is necessary, the maximum collector-emitter voltage (V CEpeak ) of the IGBT has to be checked under worst case conditions to be sure that V CES will not be exceeded under any operating condition. If necessary, several aspects have to be considered when choosing the right snubber capacitor for the application:1. Capacitor DC-voltage class.2. Capacitance value and series inductance3. Pulse handling capability.4. RMS voltage and RMS current5. LifetimeFig. 3 Equivalent circuit diagram of IGBT module connected to DC-link and snubber capacitorCapacitor parameterDC voltage classThe maximum continuously applied DC voltage can be the rated DC voltage given in the data sheet to achieve the life expectancy. Semiconductors with 1200V blocking voltage are used with up to 900V DC-link voltage. For these applications, capacitors with a rated voltage of 1000V are recommended. For 1700V semiconductors, 1250V or 1600V capacitors are recommended, depending on the DC-link voltage.The peak voltage also has to be in the admissible values because otherwise the plastic film could be damaged.Permissible peak voltages are given in the data sheets or have to be requested. Consider also that the applied DC voltage has to be derated when the capacitor is operating at higher temperatures than the rated temperature.Capacitance and series-inductanceThe capacitance value has to be high enough to achieve sufficient voltage spike suppression during switching off. Typical values for these capacitors are from 0.1 μF to 1.0 μF. But not only is the capacitance value important for this. Also a low inductive design of the capacitor isV CE = 200V/dev 400ns/devV ccV 3V 1 Black line : Without snubber Brown line : With snubberT/2V 1V 2DC+L CL SnubberL DC+L ESR R ESRTOPApplication Note AN-7006important. The remaining inductance, caused by the loop between the terminals and the internal connections of the capacitors is responsible for the first voltage spike V2 seen in Fig. 2. A high capacitance value is no guaranteefor a low voltage spike if the self-inductance remains.A low self-inductance can be achieved by using capacitors with wide flat terminals that can be screwed directly onto the IGBT module terminals. The capacitor should be designed so that the terminals encircle as small an area as possible and that they are directly connected to the capacitor coil without having internal wires between (see Fig. 1).The choice of the correct snubber should be determinedby measurements. Furthermore, metallized polypropylene foil capacitors should be used with plastic case according to UL94V-0.Pulse handlingThe inner connections of the capacitor are capable of withstanding only a limited amount of energy at each switching event. The data sheets of the supplier specify limits for pulse operation as i²t or v²t values. These values can be calculated from the oscillating current or voltage waveform of the capacitor. This calculation can easily be carried out using modern digital oscilloscopes.A capacitor failure can occur only because of very high peak currents, even when the involved voltages are lower than the specified ones. In this situation the critical thing is the involved energy and normally there will be a loss of connection between metal spray and film metallization. Because of the very high energy involvedthe film metallization will be vaporized on the connection area to the metal spray. This will lead the capacitor to a high loss factor or even to a capacitance loss. The maximum dv/dt values are less critical because ofthe damped sinusoidal waveform.RMS voltage and RMS currentA damped oscillation occurs at each switching event (onor off = twice switching frequency of the IGBT) betweenthe snubber capacitor and the bus bar capacitance. The maximum magnitude, V3, for an undamped oscillation and the frequency can be calculated using the formulaein Fig. 3. This RMS current leads to self heating of the capacitor. The capacitor will stabilize at a certain temperature which also depends on the ambient temperature and on the mounting conditions (e.g. temperature of power module terminals).Data sheets give values for the permissible RMS current and RMS voltage depending on the frequency. The oscillating frequency depends on the DC-link stray inductance and the snubber capacitor value. Typical values are in the range of 100 kHz to 1 MHz. The permissible RMS current decreases with the frequency because the losses increase.Please see chapter “Measuring capacitor RMS current” which gives tips for practical current measurement on the capacitor.LifetimeThe capacitor lifetime and failure rate is mainly affectedby the operating temperature and operating voltage. The failure criteria differ from supplier to supplier. Check the data sheet and application notes for lifetime and failure rate data. Self healingThe most important reliability feature of film capacitors is their property to self-heal that means to clear a defect in the dielectric. The capacitor can be used afterwards without any restrictions. This defect is caused when the dielectric breakdown field strength is exceeded locally at a weak point in the foil.Measurements and verificationVoltage stress of IGBT (V CEpeak)The maximum value of V CES must never be exceeded. Therefore, measurements have to be carried out to determine the maximum value of V CE (also written as V CEpeak) which can occur in the application. It should show that the module itself, the driver board (gate resistors), DC link and snubber capacitor perform well together with respect to V CEpeak. It is proposed to investigate the following 4 working conditions: •Maximum peak operating current of equipment; •Over current trip from highest to lowest short circuit (SC) inductance specified for the application;Note: Different SC can occur in the application, e.g.on the load, on the cables to the load or inside the equipment close to the IGBT module. Typical SC inductance values are L>10µH for load SC and L<1µH for appliance terminal SC. This is just a short cable or hard connection. Tests should be started from higher inductances going down to the lowest.The highest voltage overshoot typically occurs when the IGBT switches off just before desaturation occurs. This is at low short circuit inductances when the over current detection switches off the IGBT just before desaturation occurs. The test should be carried out at low junction temperature and high junction temperature.•Leg shot through (not applicable for SKiiP modules and drivers with interlock function);Note: TOP and BOT IGBT are switched on at thesame time. In this case, desaturation occurs, whichhas to be detected and cleared by the driver boardwithin the time stated on the IGBT data sheet.Different cases can be investigated:- TOP and BOT switch on at the same time- TOP is already switched on and conducting currentwhen BOT is switching on (and vice-versa).•Diode switch off;Note: Voltage spikes can occur at diode switch off,which can lead to high blocking voltage on the diodeand the parallel connected IGBT. The worst case ismostly at low current (<10%*I C) and low temperature.The voltage has to be measured on the diode whichis switching off or on the parallel connected IGBT.Sometimes the snubber capacitor is more necessaryfor the diode switch off than for the IGBT switch off.Short on times of diodes can also cause voltagespikes if the chip is not fully floated with carriers.The blocking voltage should be measured as close to the IGBT chip as possible. For SKiiP modules, the closest points are the module power terminals. For discrete power modules such as SEMiX and SEMITRANS auxiliary emitter contacts are available which are electrically closer to the chip. Voltages on internalApplication Note AN-7006module stray inductances between measurement point and IGBT chip have to be added to the measured value to obtain the actual blocking voltage at IGBT chip level.A practical approach for most applications is to carry out what is known as a “double pulse test” (see Fig. 6). With different values of the load inductance and the pulse length, each load condition from low load to overload can be adjusted. A single pulse test with limited pulse length should be used for a short circuit. In these tests, the driver board receives its input signal from a pulse generator instead of the control board.Measurement procedure•DC-link is fed by an insulated DC voltage source which is limited in output current. Normally a few 100 mA is enough. Set the DC-link voltage to the highest possible value in the application. This is usually the value of over voltage protection.•The short circuit is realized by thick cable from DC plus connection to AC for measuring BOT switch and from DC minus to AC for measuring on TOP switch.The inductance is given by the length of the wire;1µH corresponds to about 1m length. The short circuit can also be caused by connecting the wire between two AC terminals of two different legs of an inverter circuit. One IGBT (e.g. TOP Phase L1) has to be permanently switched on while the pulse is applied to the other IGBT (e.g. BOT Phase L2).• A pulse generator with adjustable pulse length is connected on the driver input. The pulse generatorcan be set to single pulse and double pulse.•If the over current protection (OCP) is carried out by the control board and not the driver, then the control board OCP error signal has to be monitored to find the point when the input signal would be set to off.This is not necessary for SKiiP modules because the OCP is implemented in the driver board.•Start with the highest inductance. Carry out a single pulse, increase the pulse length until the OCP switches off. Measure the maximum value of V CE. •Lower the inductance and repeat the test down to the lowest short circuit inductance specified for the application. Find the maximum value of V CEpeak. •Carry out leg shot through if the driver has no interlock function.•Apply a double pulse for investigation of IGBT switch on and diode switch off behaviour. The diode (e.g.BOT) is switched off when the complementary IGBT(e.g. TOP) is switching on while the diode isconducting current. This is when the second pulse isapplied.•Carry out measurements on each IGBT module.Highest values occur on the module which is farthestfrom the DC link capacitors.•Perform the test at low and high temperatures. A high temperature can be reached by heating the heatsink e.g. using a heating plate. The junction temperature is approximately the heat sink temperature because the temperature increase due to the single switching is negligible.Grounding and voltage probe connections:•Grounding the oscilloscope is necessary for safety and for taking accurate measurements. Thereforethe DC power source has to be isolated to prevent ashort circuit.•It is recommended to connect the negative polarity of the voltage probe to DC plus when measuring theV CE of the TOP IGBT because this potential doesnot change. This reduces common mode noise onthe measured signal. If the gate voltage of the TOPIGBT is also measured, the AC can be grounded(Fig. 5) and the minus polarity of the voltage probeshave to be connected to this AC.•Differential (isolated) voltage probes can be used for measurements when they have sufficient bandwidth. When starting the measurements it isrecommended to test the behaviour of the differential voltage probe e.g. by comparing thesignal at V CE measurement with a passive voltageprobe.•Common mode noise on the measured signals can also be reduced by putting appropriate ferritesacross the probes and across the oscilloscopemains cable.Application Note AN-7006Fig. 6 Typical double pulse waveformsMeasuring capacitor RMS currentAn alternating current is flowing in the capacitor after switching off IGBT and diode.When switching off IGBT, the current from the bus bar commutates into the snubber capacitor. This leads to a positive peak current at the switching moment. This is followed by a damped oscillation between snubber capacitor and DC-link capacitor (Fig. 7).When switching off the diode, the reverse recovery current will be “pulled out” of the snubber capacitor. This leads to a peak current in negative direction at the switching moment. Similar to switching off IGBT, a damped oscillation follows that can even be higher in amplitude than at IGBT switch off (Fig. 8).The frequency of the damped oscillation in both cases is determined by the bus bar parasitic inductance and the snubber capacitor value. Typically, the frequency is in the range of 100 kHz up to several MHzSnubberLink DC osc C *L **21T 1f −π==The oscillation leads to losses in the capacitor and consequently to self heating. The data sheet of the capacitor supplier gives the permissible load of the capacitor as RMS voltage or RMS current.Measurements and calculations must be carried out to check that the capacitor is not overloaded in the operating system.Measurement procedureCurrent measurement carried out, for example, by a Rogowsky current transducer surrounding the capacitor leg produces good results. An AC-voltage measurement can be less accurate because of its low value in comparison to the high DC-voltage.The RMS value can often not be calculated simply by using the “RMS measure” function of a modern digital oscilloscope over a whole period of inverter output frequency. The offset of the probes are too high in comparison to the low total RMS values to obtain accurate figures.A practical approach is to measure the RMS value within the oscillation time at switch off of “BOT”-diode (t1) and “TOP”-IGBT (t2) (see Fig.9). These two parts are set according to the switching period (T =1/f sw ) to calculate from this the total RMS value for the switching period. This has to be done for the whole sinusoidal waveform of a frequency converter. As a worst case consideration it can be done once at the maximum values of I RMS (t1) and I RMS (t2).Diodeswitch offIGBT switch offCh1 brown Vce 200V/dev Ch2 blue Ic 100A/dev Ch4 green driver input signalApplication Note AN-7006Tt *)t (I T t *)t (I I RMS RMSRMS 221122+=I RMS (t1) = RMS value within period t1I RMS (t2) = RMS value within period t2 T = switching period of the converter ω = angular frequency of oscillationThe RMS voltage can be calculated as follows:C*f **2I V osc RMSRMS π=Fig. 7 Switching off IGBT Fig. 8 Switching off diodebrown: V CE BOT IGBT 200V/Dev blue: I Snubber 500A/Dev red: V Snubber 200V/Devbrown: V CE BOT IGBT 200V/Devblue: I Snubber 500A/Dev red: V Snubber 200V/DevApplication Note AN-7006The measurements should be carried out at maximum thermal operating conditions. The corresponding highest diode junction temperature leads to the highest reverse recovery current. Maximum thermal operating conditions are the values of converter output current, switching frequency, ambient and heat sink temperature that gives the highest temperature. Short overloads in the second range are normally negligible. It should be taken into consideration that the permissible RMS voltage and current depend on the frequency of the oscillation. This is given in the data sheet of the capacitor.The snubber capacitor is also stressed by adjacent IGBT modules from other phases at the same DC-link. However, this load is often much lower because of the bus bar impedance between the IGBT modules. Temperature and self heating under operation Capacitor suppliers limit the admissible temperature of the capacitor during operation. The capacitor can fail immediately if this temperature is exceeded. Also the self heating temperature is limited, which is a measure for the capacitor load. In critical applications, it has to be checked under maximum thermal operating conditions that the temperatures are not exceeded. The capacitor is heated by the following:•AC current that heats the device up due tointernal losses (tan δ / ESR)•Environmental temperature•Heating by high bus bar temperature.The operating temperature is given by the ambient plus the temperature difference of the self-heating effect.T Operation = T a + dT self-heatingThe ambient temperature T a is the capacitor temperature when not in operation but mounted in original position. This temperature can be measured on a not connected dummy capacitor similar to the capacitor under test. This temperature may be higher than the cabin temperature because of the additional heating due to connected hot bus bars.The operating temperature can be measured by thermocouples which are placed inside the capacitor close to the hot spot but this requires specially prepared capacitors. A measurement of the body temperature is sufficient when the temperature gradient from the hot spot to the body is known (R th).T Operation = T body + R th*i²*R ESRSymbols and terms usedSymbol TermAC AC terminal of a power moduleBOT Lower IGBT in a bridge leg configurationC DC-Link Capacitance of the DC-link capacitorC Snubber Capacitance of the snubber capacitor-DC Negative potential (terminal) of a direct voltage source +DC Positive potential (terminal) of a direct voltage sourcedi/dt Rate of rise and fall of currentdv/dt Rate of rise and fall of voltageE Energyf osc Frequency of a resonant circuitf sw SwitchingfrequencyIGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar TransistorI AC AC terminal currentI C, i C Collector current of an IGBTL C Internalparasiticinductance of the collector terminalL DC+/DC-Bus bar parasitic inductanceL E Internalparasiticinductance of the emitter terminalL ESR Internal equivalent series inductance of DC link capacitor L S Parasitic inductance / stray inductanceL Snubber Internalparasiticinductance of the capacitorOCP Over current protectionR ESR Internal equivalent series resistance of DC link capacitorApplication Note AN-7006R th Thermal resistance between capacitor coil and bodySC ShortcircuitSKiiP Semikron integrated intelligent Power moduleT PeriodtimeT a AmbienttemperatureT body Body temperature of the capacitorTOP Upper IGBT in a bridge leg configurationT Operation OperationtemperatureV CC Collector-emittersupplyvoltageV CE Collector-emitter voltage of an IGBTV CES Maximum collector-emitter voltage of an IGBT with short circuited gateV CEpeak Peak value of collector-emitter voltage in applicationV RRM Repetitive maximum reverse voltage of a diodeDISCLAIMERSEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes without further notice herein to improve reliability, function or design. Information furnished in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy or use of such information. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. Furthermore, this technical information may not be considered as an assurance of component characteristics. No warranty or guarantee expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates without further notice.SEMIKRON products are not authorised for use in life support appliances and systems without express written approval by SEMIKRON.SEMIKRON INTERNATIONAL GmbHP.O. Box 820251 • 90253 Nürnberg • Deutschland • Tel: +49 911-65 59-234 • Fax: +49 911-65 59-262sales.skd@ • 1 1 2 8 3 6 5 0 0 3 / 2 0 0 8。



一、概述在电子设备中,LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)液晶显示屏已经成为一种常见的显示技术。



二、LCD驱动电路概述1. LCD显示屏原理LCD显示屏通过在液晶材料中施加电场来控制光的透过程度,从而显示出不同的图案和文字。


2. 缓冲电路的重要性在LCD的驱动电路中,缓冲电路的作用是将输入信号的阻抗转换为适合驱动LCD的输出阻抗。


三、buck电路的基本原理1. buck电路概述buck电路是一种DC-DC转换电路,其工作原理是通过开关管的不断连接和断开,将输入电压稳定降低到所需的输出电压。


2. buck电路的工作原理buck电路中包含一个功率开关、电感、电容和二极管。



四、LCD驱动电路中的buck电路应用1. buck电路的稳压特性在LCD驱动电路中,正常工作需要稳定的电压输出。


2. buck电路的节能特性LCD作为电子设备中常见的显示技术,对功耗的要求很高。


3. buck电路的稳定性和可靠性LCD在工作时需要稳定的电压输出,同时又要求对电源的质量要求较高。




——器件的串联与均压 器件的串联与均压 ( 1 ) 当单个器件的额定电压小于实际需要时,可 当单个器件的额定电压小于实际需要时 , 以用多个同型号的器件相串联起来。 以用多个同型号的器件相串联起来。 ( 2) 相同的漏电流 , 但由于器件特性的分散性 , ) 相同的漏电流, 但由于器件特性的分散性, 各器件所承受的电压却不相等。 各器件所承受的电压却不相等。
静态均流: •串联电阻均流。

动态均流: •解决方法是在器件支路中串入电感。

本章小结 作业: 作业: 共两题。 2.2、2.4,共两题。 额外作业: 额外作业:
收集资料,查询一个没有讲过的新器件,说明其机构、 收集资料,查询一个没有讲过的新器件,说明其机构、 开关特性、主要参数、 开关特性、主要参数、驱动电路等
e)三角形吸 收电路
——电力电子器件的串并联 电力电子器件的串并联 对于大型的电力电子装置, ( 1 ) 对于大型的电力电子装置 , 当单个器件的电 压或电流额定值满足不了要求时, 压或电流额定值满足不了要求时,或者考虑降低装置的 成本时,需要将几个电力电子器件串联或并联起来使用。 成本时, 需要将几个电力电子器件串联或并联起来使用。 由于各个器件之间在静、 ( 2 ) 由于各个器件之间在静 、 动态特性方面会存 在一定的差异,在串、并联组合在一起应用时, 在一定的差异,在串、并联组合在一起应用时,就会因 这些差异导致某些器件的损坏。 这些差异导致某些器件的损坏。 因此,需要采取一定措施加以保护。 ( 3 ) 因此 , 需要采取一定措施加以保护 。 下面以 晶闸管为例介绍器件的串并联问题。 晶闸管为例介绍器件的串并联问题。



RC缓冲电路snubber设计原理RC 缓冲snubber 设计Snubber 用在开关之间,图4 显示了RC snubber 的结构图,用RC 电路可以降低管子的峰值电压及关断损耗和降低电流振铃现象。

我们可以轻松选择一个snubber Rs ,Cs 网络,但是我们需要优化设计以达到更好的缓冲效果快速snubber 设计,为了达到Cs 〉Cp ,一个比较好的选择是Cs 选择两倍大小的Cp ,也就是两倍大小的开关管寄生电容及估算出来的LAYOUT 布板电容,对于Rs ,我们选择的标准是Rs=Eo/Io ,这表示通过电流流向Rs 的所产生的电压不能比输出电压还大。

消耗在Rs 上的电压大小我们可以通过储存在Cs 上的能量来估计。


当电容Cs 充放电的过程中,能量在电阻Rs 上消耗,而这个过程中在一个给定的开关频率下平均的功率损耗如下所得:因为振铃的发生,实际的功耗比上式要稍微大一些。

如下将用实例来演示一遍以上的简化设计步骤,现在用IRF740 ,额定工作电流时Io=5A ,Eo=160V ,IRF740 的Coss=170pF ,布板寄生电容大概40pF ,两倍Cp 值大概420pF 左右,我们选择一个500V 的mike snubber 电容,标准的容值有390 和470pF ,我们选择比价接近的390pF ,Rs=Eo/Io=32W ,开关频率fs 设为100kHz 的话,Pdiss 大概为1W 左右,选择一个寄生电感非常小的2 W 的碳膜电阻作为Rs 。

如果这种简化而实际有效的设计方法还不能有效减小峰值电压,那么我们可以增加Cs ,或则使用如下的优化设计方法。

优化的RC 滤波器设计在一些情况下必须降低峰值电压及功率损耗很严重,我们可以借鉴以下的优化snubber 设计方法,以下是W.McMurray 博士在一篇文章提出的经典的Rcsnubber 优化设计方法,如下讨论其精粹的设计步骤。



续前 if (n_e1==0) case ({x2,x1}) 2’b00 : y1=b[0]; 2’b01 : y1=b[1]; 2’b10 : y1=b[2]; 2’b11 : y1=b[3]; endcase else y1=1’b0; end endmodule
二. MSI 多路选择器的级联 分析图示电路的逻辑功能 A3=1时, 8选1
高有效使能 原码输出
低有效使能 原码输出
高有效使能 反码输出
低有效使能 反码输出
三态缓冲器的Verilog HDL模型及仿真
使能无效 输出高阻
使能有效 正常逻辑输出
三态缓冲器常用于多个数据源 共享一根(组)公用线(总线)
EN1 /EN2 /EN3 SS0 SS1 SS2
G1 G2A G2B A B C
00: 01: 10: 11: A→ALU B→ALU C→ALU D→ALU 寄存器选择 数据
多 路 选 择 器
译码 指令
操作码 001
2. 多路选择器与多路分配器联用,实现多通道数据分时传送。
D0 D1
。 。 。 多 路 选 择 器 多 路 分 配 器 。 。 。
F0 F1
74LS151 (3)
A2 C A1 A0 B
D7…D0 EN D23…D16
A2 C A1 B 74LS151 (2) A0 A D7…D0 EN Y Y D15…D8
74LS151 (1)
D7…D0 EN D7…D0
三. 多路选择器的应用 1. 数据选择传送 8位 寄存器A 寄存器B 寄存器C 寄存器D
























ADI电路笔记 CN-0359说明书

ADI电路笔记 CN-0359说明书

电路笔记CN-0359Circuits from the Lab® reference designs are engineered and tested for quick and easy system integration to help solve today’s analog, mixed-signal, and RF design challenges. For more information and/or support, visit /CN0359.连接/参考器件AD825310 MHz、20 V/μs、G = 1、10、100、1000、i CMOS可编程增益仪表放大器ADuCM360集成双通道Σ-Δ型ADC和ARM Cortex-M3的低功耗精密模拟微控制器ADA4627-1 30 V、高速、低噪声、低偏置电流JFET运算放大器AD8542CMOS轨到轨通用放大器ADA4000-1 低成本、精密JFET输入运算放大器ADP2300 1.2 A、20 V、700 kHz/1.4 MHz异步降压型稳压器ADA4638-1 30 V、零漂移、轨到轨输出精密放大器ADP1613 650 kHz/1.3 MHz升压PWM DC-DC开关转换器ADA4528-2 精密、超低噪声、RRIO、双通道、零漂移运算放大器ADG1211低电容、低电荷注入、±15 V/+12 V iCMOS四通道单刀单掷开关ADA4077-2 4 MHz、7 nV/√Hz、低失调和漂移、高精度放大器ADG1419 2.1 Ω导通电阻、±15 V/+12 V/±5 V、iCMOS单刀双掷开关AD8592 CMOS、单电源、轨到轨输入/输出运算放大器,具有关断功能ADM3483 3.3 V限摆率、半双工、RS-485/RS-422收发器全自动高性能电导率测量系统Rev. 0Circuits from the Lab® reference designs from Analog Devices have been designed and built by AnalogDevices engineers. Standard engineering practices have been employed in the design andconstruction of each circuit, and their function and performance have been tested and veri ed in a labenvironment at room temperature. However, you are solely responsible for testing the circuit and determining its suitability and applicability for your use and application. Accordingly, in no event shall Analog Devices be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages due to any cause whatsoever connected to the use of any Circuits from the Lab circuits. (Continued on last page)One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2015 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.评估和设计支持电路评估板CN-0359电路评估板(EVAL-CN0359-EB1Z)设计和集成文件原理图、源代码、布局文件、物料清单电路功能与优势图1中的电路是一个完全独立自足、微处理器控制的高精度电导率测量系统,适用于测量液体的离子含量、水质分析、工业质量控制以及化学分析。



RC 缓冲电路 snubber 设计原理RC 缓冲snubber 设计Snubber 用在开关之间,图 4 显示了RC snubber 的结构图,用RC 电路可以降低管子的峰值电压及关断损耗和降低电流振铃现象。

我们可以轻松选择一个snubber Rs ,Cs 网络,但是我们需要优化设计以达到更好的缓冲效果快速snubber 设计,为了达到Cs 〉Cp ,一个比较好的选择是Cs 选择两倍大小的Cp ,也就是两倍大小的开关管寄生电容及估算出来的LAYOUT 布板电容,对于Rs ,我们选择的标准是Rs=Eo/Io ,这表示通过电流流向Rs 的所产生的电压不能比输出电压还大。

消耗在Rs 上的电压大小我们可以通过储存在Cs 上的能量来估计。


当电容Cs 充放电的过程中,能量在电阻Rs 上消耗,而这个过程中在一个给定的开关频率下平均的功率损耗如下所得:因为振铃的发生,实际的功耗比上式要稍微大一些。

如下将用实例来演示一遍以上的简化设计步骤,现在用IRF740 ,额定工作电流时Io=5A ,Eo=160V ,IRF740 的Coss=170pF ,布板寄生电容大概40pF ,两倍Cp 值大概420pF 左右,我们选择一个500V 的mike snubber 电容,标准的容值有390 和470pF ,我们选择比价接近的390pF ,Rs=Eo/Io=32W ,开关频率fs 设为100kHz 的话,Pdiss 大概为1W 左右,选择一个寄生电感非常小的 2 W 的碳膜电阻作为Rs 。

如果这种简化而实际有效的设计方法还不能有效减小峰值电压,那么我们可以增加Cs ,或则使用如下的优化设计方法。

优化的RC 滤波器设计在一些情况下必须降低峰值电压及功率损耗很严重,我们可以借鉴以下的优化snubber 设计方法,以下是W.McMurray 博士在一篇文章提出的经典的Rcsnubber 优化设计方法,如下讨论其精粹的设计步骤。



***************************************************************************1. 填充单元它是用来填充I/O单元和I/O单元之间的间隙。

对于标准单元则同样有标准填充单元(filler cell)它也是单元库中定义的与逻辑无关的填充物,它的作用主要是把扩散层连接起来满足DRC 规则和设计需要,并形成电源线和地线轨道(power rails)2. 电压钳位单元tie cell数字电路中某些信号端口,或闲置信号端口需要钳位在固定的逻辑电平上,电压钳位单元按逻辑功能要求把这些钳位信号通过钳高单元(tie-high)与Vdd相连,或通过钳低单元(tie-low)与Vss相连使维持在确定的电位上。

电压钳位单元还起到隔离普通信号的特护信号(Vdd,Vss)的作用,在作LVS分析或形式验证(formal verification)时不致引起逻辑混乱。

3. 二极管单元为避免芯片加工过程中的天线效应导致器件栅氧击穿,通常布线完成后需要在违反天线规则的栅输入端加入反偏二极管,这些二极管可以把加工过程中金属层积累的电荷释放到地端以避免器件失效。

4. 去耦单元当电路中大量单元同时翻转时会导致充放电瞬间电流增大,使得电路动态供电电压下降或地线电压升高,引起动态电压降(IR-drop) 为避免动态电压降对电路性能的影响,通常在电源和地线之间放置由MOS管构成的电容,这种电容被称为去耦电容或去耦单元(decap cell) 他的作用是在瞬态电流增大,电压下降是电路补充电流以保持电源和地线这之间的电压稳定,防止电源线的电压降和地线电压的升高。

去耦单元是与逻辑无关的附加单元5. 时钟缓冲单元时序电路设计的一个关键问题是对时钟树的设计,芯片中的时钟信号需要传送到电路中的所有时序单元。

为了保证时钟沿到达各个触发器的时间偏差(skew)尽可能地小,需要插入时钟缓冲器减小负载和平衡延时,在标准单元库中专门设计了供时钟树选用的时钟缓冲单元(clock buffer)和时钟反向器单元(clock inverter)时钟树综合工具根据指定的时钟缓冲单元去自动构建满足时序要求的时钟网络。



运放稳定性(5):单电源缓冲器电路的实际设计作者:Tim Green,TI公司本系列的第5部分将着重讨论"实际"应用,我们到目前为止所学会的技巧和经验都将得到应用,帮助我们方便地稳定一个复杂的电路。

我们将设计一个通用单电源缓冲放大器(将2.1V 缓冲至4.1V参考),5V单电源供电使它能够线性地工作,可提供较大的输出电流(>13mA),并在 -40°C 至 +125°C工作温度范围的飘移为0.4V。







一种适用于此类用途的IC是由德州仪器公司提供的Burr-Brown 产品PGA309(如图5.2所示)。




这里我们遇到了一个两难的境地,即如何用一个阻抗来激励要求电流超过5mA 的传感器。





snubberSnubber Circuit2008-12-08 09:56缓冲电路(Snubber Circuit)又称为吸收电路。

其中的电阻和电容分别称为缓冲电阻(snubber resistence)和缓冲电容(Snubber capacitance)。



关断缓冲电路又称为du/dt 抑制电路,用于吸收器件的关断过电压和换相过电压,抑制du/dt,减小关断损耗。




SnubberFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaElectrical systemsSnubbers are frequently used in electrical systems with an inductive load where the sudden interruption of current flow would lead to a sharp rise in voltage across the device creating the interruption. This sharp rise in voltage might lead to a transient or permanent failure of the controlling device. A spark is likely to be generated (arcing) and to cause electromagnetic interference. The snubber prevents this undesired voltage by conducting transient current around the device.[edit] RC snubbersRC snubbersA simple snubber comprising a small resistor (R) in serieswith a small capacitor (C) is often used. This combination can be used to suppress (抑制) the rapid(快速) rise in voltage across a thyristor, preventing the erroneous turn-on of the thyristor; it does this by limiting the rate of rise in voltage (dV/dt) across the thyristor to a value which will nottrigger it. Snubbers are also often used to prevent arcing across the contacts of relays and switches and the electrical interference and welding/sticking of the contacts that can occur. Anappropriately-designed RC snubber can be used with either dc or ac loads. This sort of snubber is commonly used with inductive loads such as electric motors. The voltage across a capacitor cannot change instantaneously, so a decreasing transient current will flow through it for a small fraction of a second, allowing the voltage across the switch to increase more slowly when the switch is opened. While the values can be optimised for the application, a 100 ohm resistor in series with a 100 nanofarad capacitor of appropriate voltage rating is usually effective. This type of snubber is often manufactured as a single component.[edit] Diode snubbersMain article: flyback diodeWhen the current flowing is DC, a simple rectifier diode is often employed as another form of snubber. The snubber diode is wired in parallel with an inductive load (such as a relay coil or electric motor). The diode is installed so that it does not conduct under normal conditions. When current to the inductive load is rapidly interrupted, a large voltage spike would be produced in the reverse direction (as the inductor attempts to keep current flowing in the circuit). This spike is known as an "inductive kick".Placing the snubber diode in inverse parallel with the inductive load allows the current from the inductor to flow through the diode rather than through the switching element, dissipating the energy stored in the inductive load over the series resistance of the inductor and the (usually much smaller) resistance of the diode (over-voltage protection). One disadvantage of simple rectifier diode used as a snubber is that the diode allows current to continue flowing, which may cause the relay to remain actuated for slightly longer; some circuit designs must account for this delay in the dropping-out of the relay.[edit] More-sophisticated solid-state snubbersIn some dc circuits, a varistor or two inverse-series Zener diodes (collectively called a transorb) may be used instead of the simple diode. Because these devices dissipate significant power, the relay may drop-out faster than it would with a simple rectifier diode. An advantage to using a transorb over just one diode however, is that it will protect against both over and under voltage if connected to ground, forcing the voltageto stay between the confines of the breakdown voltages of the Zener diodes. Just one Zener diode connected to ground will only protect against positive transients.In ac circuits a rectifier diode snubber cannot be used; if a simple RC snubber is not adequate a more complex bidirectional snubber design must be used.。



缓冲电路的作用与基本类型1、缓冲电路的作用与基本类型电力电子器件的缓冲电路(snubber circuit)又称吸收电路,它是电力电子器件的一种重要的保护电路,不仅用于半控型器件的保护,而且在全控型器件(如GTR、GTO、功率MOSFET和IGBT等)的应用技术中起着重要的作用。







图1(a)是没有缓冲电路时GTR开关过程中集电极电压uCE和集电极电流i C的波形,由图可见开通和关断过程中都存在uCE和iC同时达到最大值的时刻;因此出现了瞬时的最大开关损耗功率Pon和Poff,从而危及器件的安全。

所以,应采用开通和关断缓冲电路,抑制开通时的di/dt,降低关断时的du/dt,使uCE 和iC的最大值不会同时出现。

图1(b)是GTR开关过程中的uCE和iC的轨迹,其中轨迹1和2是没有缓冲电路的情况,开通时uCE由UCC(电源电压)经矩形轨迹降到0,相应地i C由0升到ICM;关断时iC由ICM经矩形轨迹降到0,相应地uCE由0升高到UCC。



RC缓冲电路snubber设计原理RC 缓冲 snubber 设计Snubber 用在开关之间.图 4 显示了 RC snubber 的结构图.用 RC 电路可以降低管子的峰值电压及关断损耗和降低电流振铃现象。

我们可以轻松选择一个snubber Rs . Cs 网络.但是我们需要优化设计以达到更好的缓冲效果快速 snubber 设计.为了达到 Cs 〉 Cp .一个比较好的选择是 Cs 选择两倍大小的 Cp .也就是两倍大小的开关管寄生电容及估算出来的 LAYOUT 布板电容.对于 Rs .我们选择的标准是 Rs=Eo/Io .这表示通过电流流向 Rs 的所产生的电压不能比输出电压还大。

消耗在 Rs 上的电压大小我们可以通过储存在 Cs 上的能量来估计。


当电容 Cs 充放电的过程中.能量在电阻 Rs 上消耗.而这个过程中在一个给定的开关频率下平均的功率损耗如下所得:因为振铃的发生.实际的功耗比上式要稍微大一些。

如下将用实例来演示一遍以上的简化设计步骤.现在用 IRF740 .额定工作电流时 Io=5A . Eo=160V . IRF740 的 Coss=170pF .布板寄生电容大概 40pF .两倍Cp 值大概 420pF 左右.我们选择一个 500V 的 mike snubber 电容.标准的容值有 390 和 470pF .我们选择比价接近的 390pF . Rs=Eo/Io=32W .开关频率 fs 设为 100kHz 的话. Pdiss 大概为 1W 左右.选择一个寄生电感非常小的 2 W 的碳膜电阻作为 Rs 。

如果这种简化而实际有效的设计方法还不能有效减小峰值电压.那么我们可以增加 Cs .或则使用如下的优化设计方法。

优化的 RC 滤波器设计在一些情况下必须降低峰值电压及功率损耗很严重.我们可以借鉴以下的优化snubber 设计方法.以下是 W.McMurray 博士在一篇文章提出的经典的Rcsnubber 优化设计方法.如下讨论其精粹的设计步骤。



CCFL 推挽式缓冲电路
摘要:DS3984, DS3988, DS3881, DS3882, DS3992 和DS3994 为冷阴极荧光灯(CCFL)控制器,它们使用推挽结构来产生驱动荧光灯所需的高压交流波

在推挽式驱动器中,升压变压器的寄生电感与n 沟道功率MOSFET 的寄

加功率MOSFET 承受的应力,同时也会增大系统产生的电磁干扰(EMI)。


无抑制时的漏极电压图1 详细列出了使用15V 直流电源工作时,推挽式驱

在推挽式驱动结构中,当互补MOSFET 开启时,正常情况下漏极电压会升至直流电源电压的两倍(或者本例

然而,如图1 所示,尖峰电压却高达54V。

及互补MOSFET 开启时,n 通道功率MOSFET 的漏极也会出现尖峰电压。

图1. 无缓冲电路时的漏极电压
可抑制漏极尖峰电压的电路及设计可以通过为每个漏极添加简单的RC 网
络来抑制尖峰电压,如图2 所示。


在阐述该过程之后,将有一个实例演示如何降低图1 所示的尖峰电



1.1BUCK 电路的简介串接晶体管的高功耗耗和笨重的工频变压器使得线性调整器在现代电于应用中失去了重要地位。



一般的线性调整器输出负载的功率密度仅为0.2~0.3W/in 3,不能满足电路系统小型化的要求。








其基本拓扑如图1.1.采用的是恒频的工作方式,这种模式下的工作方式,功率开关管的通断频率f 不变,即周期T 不变,通过调节占空比(T T ON /)来调节输出电压。

注:T ON /T 一般称为占空比,即一个周期内的导通时间ON T 占周期T 的百分比。

在某些书中也可以采用)/(OFF ON ON T T T +来表示。

OFF T 为功率开关管的关断时间,OFF ON T T T +=。

1.2 BUCK 电路的基本工作方式1.2.1 BUCK电路的基本框图,如图1.1图1.11.2.2 BUCK电路的基本工作方式如图1.1,MOS管Q和直流输入电压Vdc串联,通过Q的硬开通和硬关断,在V D处形成方波电压。

采用恒频控制方式,占空比可调,Q导通时间为T ON。

①Q导通时,V D点电压也应为直流输入电压Vdc设Q导通,压降为0),电流流经串接电感L,流出输出端。


图1.2②Q关断时,电感L产生反电动势,使得V D点电压,迅速下降到0,便变为负值直至二极管D(因其续流作用而被称为“续流二极管”)被导通,并钳位于-0.8V。


回复第53帖 第8帖 ytdfwangwei 称号:团长 电源币:1389
RCD吸收电路的二极管上面的两个反了. 回复第8帖
第9帖 powerlearn 称号:排长 电源币:108
反了?不会吧!请指教 回复第9帖
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powerlearn 称号: 排长 电源币:108
回复第6帖 第7帖 powerlearn 称号:排长 电源币:108
呵呵!大家多多交流嘛!有什么不当的地方就指正! 我母线电压是400VDC,PFC升压后得到的,用的管子耐压值900V,加这个缓冲电路是为 了
回复第7帖 第38帖 zhouqiaoju 称号:工兵 电源币:45
第10帖 msz181818 称号:团长 电源币:887 就用一只电容串一只电阻或就用一只电容并在线圈两端就可以了 回复第10帖 第11帖 powerlearn 称号:排长 电源币:108 哦!你的意思是不是将四个二极管全部去掉就可以了?还是在变压器的上下两端加一个电 回复第11帖 第12帖 msz181818 称号:团长 电源币:887 是总共只用一只电容 回复第12帖 第13帖 powerlearn 称号:排长 电源币:108 因为我设计的功率也挺大的,所以想用前面提到的缓冲吸收,也就是每一个功率管 握这个设计方法,所以请高手指点!ytdfwangwei总工程师说我上面两个管子的二 好像是吸收尖峰电压的,和RCD作用不同,RCD是降低功率管开关损耗吧,如果我 回复第13帖 第14帖 msz181818 称号:团长 电源币:887 用一只电容就能降低开关管的关断损耗了 回复第14帖 第15帖 powerlearn 称号:排长 电源币:108 非常感谢msz181818工程师,晚辈有一两个疑问,请指点: 1.如果只是在母线之间并一个无感大电容,那怎么样计算这个电容的容值 2.如果我用我上面设计的RCD缓冲吸收(C3和C4对应的二极管方向按照 设计可以按照以上的李爱文老师一书的计算公式么?谢谢了 回复第15帖 第16帖 powerlearn 称号:排长 电源币:108 自己顶 回复第16帖
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有源滤波装置中逆变电路的设计 夏向阳 在三相桥式逆变电路 PWM 调制控制中,IGBT 模块由于开关速度快,开关 频率高,动态损耗较大,关断过程中功率管上有时会出现危险的过电压,造成功 率管的损坏.产生过电压主要有2个原因:关断浪涌电压和续流二极管恢复浪 涌电压•关断浪涌电压是在关断瞬间因流过IGBT 的电流被切断而产生的瞬态 高压;而当续流二极管恢复反向阻断能力时会产生与关断浪涌电压相似的浪 涌电压•如图1所示电路中,当上桥臂的IGBT 模块IGBT1开通时,流过感性负载 的电流IL 不断增加.当该IGBT 关断时,感性负载中的电流不可能发生突变,它必 然通过下桥臂IGBT 模块的续流二极管VD2流通.如果电路是理想的,即不存在 寄生的杂散电感,IGBT1关断时其上的电压VCE1只会上升到比母线电压Ud 高 出一个二极管的压降值,随后VD2导通防止电压进一步增加.图1线路杂散寄生电感对的影响但在实际的功率电路中线路上存在有寄生的杂散电感 ,可以在图电路中增加一个总值为LS 的漏电感以模拟线路杂散电感的影响•当IGBT1关 断时,电感LS 阻止负载电流向VD2切换,在该电感两端产生阻止母线电流减少 的电压VS(VS=LS *dLS/d 电压的极性如图1所示,它与直流电源母线电压相叠 加并以浪涌电压的形式加在IGBT1的两端.在极端情况下,该浪涌电压会超过 IGBT1的额定值而导致它的损坏.续流二极管恢复时会产生与关断浪涌电压相 似的浪涌电压•2.1缓冲回路的设计线路因杂散电感会产生的瞬态浪涌高压,这种浪涌电压如果不加以抑制, 可能会造成功率开关器件的损坏•而减少这种浪涌电压的途径有 2种,一是采 用层状母线结构,降低母线寄生漏电感;另一种方法是安装缓冲电路•缓冲电路 在IGBT 关断时工作,起到提供旁路的作用,从而达到抑制尖峰电压的目的,同 时还可以减小功率器件的开关损耗•因为引起功率电路上产生瞬时冲击电压 的能量正比于1 /2LSi2[5]这里的LS 为母线寄生电感,i 为主电路工作电流.在保 证工作电流i 大小不变的条件下,为了降低这种能量,就必须减少主电路的寄 生电感.因此选用了具有如下片状结构的IGBT 如图2所示.通过与宽排母线相JU1TR1GRF2 一I vr TGBT2 VD21所示 I k连,很好地降低了线路电感A 型结构的缓冲回路最简单,通过一个无感电容直接连接 C1,E2这种结构 适用于低功率电路的设计,随着功率的增大,A 型结构的缓冲效果将会变差,甚 至可能与母线寄生电感产生振荡.B 型结构通过一个快速恢复二极管来捕捉 消除冲击电压和阻塞振荡,解决了 A 型存在的一些问题.这种缓冲回路中的RC 时间常数应该大概为IGBT 开关周期的三分之一(T =T /3=1/3f).这种缓冲回路 也会随着逆变器功率的增大而无法有效控制浪涌冲击电压 .C 型结构的缓冲回路是在大功率系统中应用最多的一种缓冲回路,功能上与B 型类似,但因为 它直接连接了上下桥臂IGBT 的集电极和发射极,从而大大降低了回路电感.D 型缓冲回来能有效的控制冲击电压、寄生振荡和dv /dt 噪声冋题,但其本身功 率消耗太多而不适用高频系统应用.在设计中,采用A 型和C 型缓冲回路的复 I~I r —J_—1 TI J r EIGBT 構块 xd im -I* ---------------- *■ ------ i-11 ------ Hl ---- 1—IGBT 模块 m 1Irm啊壑片- 通向克流整漉电容、*s.rfHS 吸收回踣层、、^L\-C2彥欖事*-代■用 *—(+)<M电压的缓冲电路主要有4种类型,如图4所示 BC D图44种类型缓冲电路结构合回路.图5是使用C型缓冲回路IGBT关断时的典型电压波形.其初始的尖峰电压厶V1主要由缓冲回路的寄生电感和缓冲二极管的正向恢复引起的,当采用快速型缓冲二极管时,对产生这种尖峰电压的影响较小,主要由回路寄生电感产生,这样,可以通过下面的公式来计算厶V1的幅值,即△ V仁 LSX di /dt.⑴式中LS为缓冲回路总的寄生电感;di /dt为IGBT关断时的电流变化率典型的IGBT功率电路的di /dt=0.01 A /ns x |。

当4 V1的最大允许值被确定后就可以通过这个公式来计算缓冲回路的最大允许寄生电感值.装置设计时允许流过的电流峰值为400 A4V1限制为100 V,由式⑴得di /dt=0.01 A /ns x 400 A=4 A /ns.(2)LS=A V1 - di /dt=100 V - 4 A/ns=25nH.从上面的计算可以看出,大功率的IGBT电路要求缓冲回路的寄生电感非常小.在工程实现上可从三个方面到达上述要求.1)选用无感型电阻、电容和快速恢复型二极管.2)缓冲回路尽量靠近IGBT.3)尽量采用多个小的电容并联构成缓冲电容,因为越小的电容并联成的等效电容的寄生电感要比单个电容要小得多.从图5可以看出,在初始尖峰电压△ V1之后还有一个较小的峰值电压厶V2,这个电压的形成主要是由缓冲回路的电容值和IGBT母线寄生电感产生的可以通过一个能量守恒的公式来估算厶V2的大小,即12 L B X i2 = 1/2 X C x △^V式中LB母线寄生电感,i为工作电流,C为缓冲电容值.同样,在设定厶V2 的最大允许值后,可以通过对式(4)的变化来计算一个给定功率电路的缓冲电容值的大小,即L B X i2具体的相关参数的选择可以参考三菱公司相关资料说明•通过以上设计原则和反复实验,本装置缓冲电路选用低电感的聚丙烯无极电容 1. 37卩F1200 V无感泄放电阻36W/100W,以及与IPM相匹配的快速缓冲二极管1200V /100 A.逆变桥缓冲电路应用研究与软开关技术探讨周永明在图2<5的三冲缓冲电路中,A型缓冲电路结构简单,B型利C型电路使用较为广泛,二者的工柞原理基本相同,因此本文将主耍对B型缰冲电路进行分析。

便用B型缓冲电路的IGHT单相、三相逆变桥等效电路如图2不所示:(Q三相6)单祁图2-6 IGBT逆变器蒔效电路给构以开关7;关断时刻为起点来分析缓冲电路的工作原理’其工作过程可分为三个阶段即:换流阶段、杂散电感一谐振放能阶段、缓冲电容G*放电阶段叫1 •换流阶段这」阶段从开关7;接收关断信号开始到开关7;完全截止结束.在这一阶段中,流过6的母线电流经过7;和缓冲电路两条支路分流。


其等效电賂如图2-7所示占LP1当t = i/时有:(cs = J\ (2-2)在此过程中开关两端的电压为毗二蛤十厶鲁•必须说明的是.由于实际的换流过程并非完全的线性’应此在此过程中会出现第个电压尖峰,且此电压尖峰与母线电流丿"缓冲电路寄生电感£八关断时电流的出7曲有关.2.杂散电感G谐振放能阶段线性化换流阶段结束后,开关完全截止.主回路杂散电感匚与缓冲电容G谐振* 一中储存的能摄通过匚泄放。


引起,在下面的分析中可以看到,该电压尖峰与母线电流缓冲电容Q八杂散电鹽£八缓冲电路将生电感厶有关.这一过程的等效电路图如图"8所示;VdSLo>图2弋厶谐扳放能等效电跑£ = S+S +厶列电路方程为:_ r di ・『严d2u^r/初始条件为:22人%(02人4人亦解电路方程可得;叱⑴=匚+(。

)-^r+X血(如-叭(2-3)式中匕举=arcian( / )2圧由(2-3)式当也心气时%达到峰值,其峰值为:(2-43如果忽略线性化换流阶段心的升奇,由(2-4)式可得;(2-5)3.缓冲电容匚放电阶段谐振放能阶段结束后.电容G通过电阻此、电源和负载放电.在放电期间,可以认対负銭疑恒流源。

有丁负载后,可以不考虑匚、毎对放电的影响-其等效电路图如下;W2-9电舁G放电零效电路图由图2-9列电路方程为:初始条件期以)》砂"宀[知(0)七环孚V G解电路方程可得& ----------- ------------- r<2-6)Cjn I 也I Tr聊丿dlt *打心一匚~Tr^ .=-匚丝—~一~ e 8 a di Z?f对于不同拓扑结构的缓冲电路.允许缓冲电容匚放威的最大时间各不一样.对于图2-6 (a)所示的拓扑结构其最大放电时间%TJ3(线性化换流时间和谐振放能时间相对IMfe;可忽略不计)对于图2-6 Cb)其垠大放电时间为TJ2.假设当叫⑴=51冥匕时认为G上的过电压放电完毕,且限定xlOO% = U%,则对于0 2-6 (a)& W ―—(2-7)3C, In 15 &的功率损耗为:P"甘碗如警(丹)同理可求出对于图2咗(b)R M―—’ ~ 2CJnl5P"器<2-9)从(2・8〉、(2-9)虫可以看出缓冲电阻&的功率损耗与巴的阻值、G 的大小并无关系.在这里必须说明的是.在实际的工作过程中由于缓冲一极管的反向恢复特性,导致此阶段开始将出现一个振蕩区,由于此振荡持续的时间相对于放电过程持续的时间来说很短.为了分析问题的方便,在上面的讨论中将缰冲二极管理想化了.4.缓冲电路二极管Q,容就让算在缓冲电路工作过程中、只有线性化换流阶段和厶谐振族能阶段有电流流过缓冲二极管。

在线性化换流阶段电流为打片,在谐振放能阶段电流曲<2-3)式可得为仏叫一切(忽略了线性化换流阶段电压的变 化),曲此可以求得流过缓冲二极管Q 电流的有效值为:对于92-6 (a> :对于图2-6 (b) >必须捋出的是,式(2-11)不能完全作为二扱管电流磔童的选择,必须考 虑觅复冲击电流人的彫响.一般都是由更复脉冲幅置人来决定它的容运选 择,同时选用快恢复二极管,5+仿真实続结果(2—10)[牛# 秒 (1 +加+绅+鈕 如)](2-11)I 】+圧+ 2卩+ sin 坤)]2. 3.4缓沖电路各元件步數对煖冲电路影响的仿真分析L缓冲电容G对缓冲电路的影响保持电歸其他参数不变,只改变匚的值,分别i±C f-O.luF , 0. 27 u 氏654几则可以得到开黄两端的关断电压仿真波形如图—所示:7007i MOV5DOV400V51+CU«5Z.QtU ’53+Qu«t/sIS 2-11 G对关断电压波砸的膨响从2-H中可以看出随着G的増大.第二个电压尖峰越来越小.这是由于G越大,缓冲电路对关断浪涌抑制程度越好,这与公式(2-5)是相符的* 另外*从图2-11中还可以看出随着G的增大,第二个电压尖峰出现的时间越来越滞后,这是由于匚越大,则5谐振赦能周期越长*从而便得叱达到谐振峰值的时间越长.Z缓冲电阻札対缓冲电路的影响保持缓冲电路其他参数条件不变.而改变&的大小.令&分别等于R 18Q. 39则得到的开关关斯时的电压仿真波形如图2-12所示’从图2-12中可以看出&的大小对线性化换流阶段和杂敬电燼谐振放能阶段的电压波形并无影响*但是却对C,放电时的电压波形有影响.这是因为&越小*则它在缓冲二极管反向恢宴过程中的分流作用越天,电流下降率减小* 从而減小了£八兮上的电圧.SJ2-12出对关断电压玻形的矗响3缓冲二极管D对缱冲电路的影响如图2-13给出了卩为理想二极管(反向恢复时间为零或几乎为零)及实际使用的快恢复二极管时的关断电压仿真波形.W2-13 D「对关斷电版波形的影响从图2-13屮可以看出二极管的反向恢复特性虽然不会影响关斷电压前峰值,但却使得ICBT关断时集、射极之刑的端压榻定时间变长.应此在实际使用中应选择反向恢宣时间短、反向恢便特性软的快恢复二极管.级冲电路设计中应注意的何题从233节的分析中我们可知:煨冲电路在关断过程屮将岀现两个电压尖峰,第个电更尖峰出现在换流阶段.此电压尖峰主翌由缰冲电路寄生电感引起的*朝二个电压尖峰出现在匚谐按放能阶段,此曲压尖峰是由于“储能的释放引屆的.同时在缓冲电容匚放电阶段,由于缓冲二极管的反向恢貝特性*还将出现撇荡。
