1. 红色:在中国文化中,红色象征着喜庆、幸福和热情。
2. 黄色:在中国文化中,黄色象征着皇室和尊贵。
3. 蓝色:在西方文化中,蓝色通常表示冷静、清新和安宁。
4. 绿色:在西方文化中,绿色象征着自然和健康。
5. 黑色:在西方文化中,黑色通常表示悲伤、丧失和死亡。
6. 白色:在西方文化中,白色通常象征着纯洁和无辜。
, a click to unlimited possibilities
blue在英文中还有“黄色,下流”的意思。例如: blue talk 下流的谈话 blue vedio 爱情动作片 有时blue又有“高贵,社会地位高”的意思。例如: blue blood 贵族血统 blue在和其他词搭配的时候还有其他意思。例如: out of blue意想不到 once in a blue 千载难逢 drink till all's blue 一醉方休
He is too yellow to stand up and fight
美国有些城市的出租车上写有“yellow”的字样,而不是“taxi", 因为这里的出租车是黄颜色的。
yellow page 黄页
yellow book 黄皮书
yellow boy 金币(俗)
black in the face 脸色铁青
to look black at someone 对人怒目而视
而在中文里,黑色除了表示邪恶外同时还有其正面的的象征。 在京剧脸谱里,黑色脸既表现性格严肃,不苟言笑,如“包公 戏”里的包拯;又象征威武有力、粗鲁豪爽,如:“三国戏”里 的张飞,“水浒戏”里的李逵。
绿色还可以表示缺乏经验,没有经验,知识浅薄。如green hand 新手 as green as grass毫无生活经验的。
在中国,红色传统上表示喜庆,比如在婚礼上和春节都喜欢用 红色来装饰。结婚,生孩子等叫“红喜”。由于中国的政治环 境,所以红色还象征着党和国家以及革命。比如近几年兴起的 “红歌潮”。说到潮流,在中文里,红还代表着“流行,受欢 迎”的意思,比如“红遍大江南北,大红大紫”。当然,还有 一些在特定的语境下,也有其特有的意思,如“红包”、“红 伤”等。
红茶 红糖 红运 红豆 火灾 red tape red sky
black tea brown sugar dividen love pea red ruin 官僚作风 彩霞
黄色在两种语言中都有与疾病相关之意。 我们常用“面黄肌瘦”形容一个人身体状 况不佳,在许多疾病名称中也含有“黄” 字,如“黄疸性肝炎”,“舌苔泛黄”。 在英语中,yellow blight指枯黄病, yellow fever是黄热病。”。在现代汉语, 黄色常用来比喻色情、低级趣味、不健康 的东西,如“黄色电影”(pornographic pictures)、黄色书刊(filthy books) 等。但英语文化决定了yellow没有这方面 的文化内涵。英美国家中许多商店、图书 馆及个人家里所收藏的yellow pages是电 话簿,yellow指只表示纸张是黄颜色的, 而没有汉语“黄色”所含的色情、庸俗等 含义。而在西方国家,特别是信仰基督教 的地方,因为yellow是背叛耶稣的 犹大所穿衣服的颜色,因此不是人们崇尚 的色彩,yellow也有引起种种不愉快联想 的含义,如yellow belly(胆小鬼)、 yellow streak(生性怯懦)、yellow dog (卑鄙的人)、yellow looks(阴沉多疑 的性格)、yellow journalism(不择手段 的夸张、渲染以招揽或影响读者的新闻作 风)
综上所述,颜色词在不同的文化语 境中,具有鲜明的民族文化特征, 中英颜色词的内涵差异源于两者的 文化差异,我们应注意从文化内涵 入手,熟悉和了解英美国家的风土 人情、历史文化以及艺术宗教等方 面的背景,留心反映民族文化的词 语和习惯表达法,把握和细究颜色 词语的意义,包括许多微妙、特定 的象征意义,以及它所承载的文化 信息,从而在跨文化交际中,科学、 准确地宣传中华民族的优秀文化, 同时积极吸收和借鉴英语文化中的 优秀成分,不断促进和加强各国人 民之间文化的交流与融合。
RED(红色) 英汉中相同的文化内涵无论是在英语国家还是在中国,红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关。
英: red letter day:指的是“纪念日”或“喜庆的日子”。
roll out the red carpet for sb. (铺开红地毯、用隆重的礼仪隆重地欢迎某人)。
比喻“愤怒”、“羞愧”等情感英: see red: 怒不可遏(大概是由于牛看见红色的就会发狂吧)。
2.英汉中不同的文化内涵英:(1)red-blooded males: 精力充沛的人, 活跃的人(2)红色指“负债”或“亏损”,因为人们总是用红笔登记负数。
于是就有了这些词组:red figure赤字;red ink赤字;in the red亏损;red-ink entry赤字分录;red balance赤字差额。
(3)Red贬义词, 西方资本主义视共产主义为洪水猛兽,所以意指“左翼政治主张”或“共产主义者”。
Colors in Chinese Culture: SymbolicMeanings and their ImpactColors, an integral part of our daily lives, often convey deeper meanings and cultural significance in various contexts. In Chinese culture, colors are not just visual elements; they carry profound symbolic meanings and emotional values. The choice of colors in Chinese art, fashion, architecture, and festivals reflects a deep understanding of their cultural significance.Red, considered the most auspicious color in Chinese culture, is associated with happiness, prosperity, and good fortune. It is widely used during weddings, birthdays, and other celebrations. Red envelopes, known as "hongbao," are given during special occasions to symbolize good luck and blessings. The color red is also associated with the Chinese zodiac sign of the Ox, symbolizing hard work and determination.White, on the other hand, is often seen as a color of purity and peace. It is traditionally worn during mourning periods and is associated with death and mourning. However,it is also used to symbolize the purity of snow and is often seen in Chinese landscapes.Black, in Chinese culture, is often associated with darkness and negativity. However, it is also seen as a symbol of elegance and sophistication. Black is often used in traditional Chinese ink paintings to create a sense of mystery and depth.Green, representative of nature and harmony, is highly valued in Chinese culture. It symbolizes growth, fertility, and prosperity. Green is often used in Chinese gardens and landscapes to create a sense of tranquility and balance.Yellow, considered the color of the emperor in ancient China, symbolizes power, dignity, and respect. It is often associated with the royal family and is used in temples and palaces to show respect and reverence. Yellow is also seen as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.Blue, though less commonly used in traditional Chinese art, is associated with stability, loyalty, and trustworthiness. It is often seen in Chinese porcelain and is considered a calming color that promotes tranquility and peace.In conclusion, colors play a crucial role in Chinese culture, carrying symbolic meanings and emotional valuesthat reflect the values and beliefs of the Chinese people. The choice of colors in Chinese art, fashion, architecture, and festivals is a testament to the rich and diversecultural heritage of China.**中国文化中的色彩:象征意义及其影响**色彩,作为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,往往在不同的语境中传达出更深层的含义和文化意义。
以下是一些关于颜色的英语表达及其文化背景:1. Red(红色):红色通常与爱情、激情和能量相关联。
2. White(白色):白色通常与纯洁、无暇和神圣相关联。
3. Black(黑色):黑色通常与悲伤、死亡和神秘相关联。
4. Blue(蓝色):蓝色通常与宁静、和平和忠诚相关联。
5. Green(绿色):绿色通常与自然、生命和希望相关联。
6. Yellow(黄色):黄色通常与智慧、快乐和阳光相关联。
7. Brown(棕色):棕色通常与地球、稳定和可靠相关联。
8. Pink(粉色):粉色通常与温柔、浪漫和女性相关联。
9. Purple(紫色):紫色通常与神秘、奢华和权力相关联。
中西文化差异下的颜色词翻译一、本文概述Overview of this article颜色词作为语言中的重要组成部分,承载着丰富的文化内涵和象征意义。
Color words, as an important component of language, carry rich cultural connotations and symbolic meanings. In Chinese and Western cultures, due to differences in history, geography, religion, aesthetics, and other aspects, the meanings and emotional reactions expressed by color words often differ greatly. Therefore, in cross-cultural communication, the translation of color words has become a complex and important issue.本文旨在探讨中西文化差异下颜色词翻译的挑战与策略。
This article aims to explore the challenges and strategies of translating color words under the cultural differences between China and the West. We will analyze the basic meanings and symbolic meanings of common color words in Chinese and Western cultures, and reveal the cultural differences behind them. Next, we will explore the possible problems that color words may encounter in the translation process through specific cases, such as meaning distortion and cultural misunderstandings caused by literal translation. On this basis, we will propose corresponding translation strategies, such as using free translation, additional translation, and subtractive translation, to better convey the true meaning and symbolic significance of color words in Chinese and Western cultures.通过本文的研究,我们期望能够增进对中西文化差异下颜色词翻译的理解,提高翻译质量和效果,促进跨文化交流的顺利进行。
不同颜色在中国文化中的意义英语作文The Meanings of Colors in Chinese CultureColors are everywhere around us – in the clothes we wear, the toys we play with, the food we eat, and even the buildings we live and study in. But did you know that in Chinese culture, different colors can have very special meanings? Let me tell you about some of the most important colors and what they mean to the Chinese people.RedLet's start with the color red, which is one of the most significant colors in Chinese culture. In China, red is considered a very lucky and happy color. It represents good fortune, joy, and celebration. That's why during Chinese New Year, you'll see red decorations, red envelopes with money gifts, and people wearing beautiful red clothes. The bright red color is believed to scare away evil spirits and bring blessings for the new year.At weddings, the bride traditionally wears a red dress or has red decorations in her hair and makeup. Red symbolizes love, prosperity, and fertility, which are all great things to wish for a new marriage. Chinese children even get red eggs as gifts whenthey are born to wish them a bright future filled with happiness and success.YellowAnother color with special meaning is yellow. For the Chinese, yellow is a royal color associated with the emperor and power. In ancient times, only the emperor and his family were allowed to wear yellow clothes and use yellow decorations in the palace. That's because yellow represented dignity, wealth, and status.Today, yellow still has positive meanings like energy, wisdom, and happiness. You might see yellow decorations during special occasions to represent these good wishes. However, too much yellow can sometimes seem overpowering or gaudy, so it's best used in moderation.GreenWhat about the color green? In Chinese culture, green represents growth, harmony, and new beginnings. It's considered a very refreshing and peaceful color that makes people feel calm and balanced. Green is often used in decorations during spring festivals to celebrate the return of nature after the cold winter months.Since green symbolizes life and renewal, it's also a popular color choice for environmentally-friendly products and businesses that want to show their care for the planet. You might see a lot of green logos and packaging for organic foods oreco-friendly companies.WhiteWhite is a very pure and clean color in Chinese culture. It represents purity, brightness, and perfection. White is commonly seen at weddings, where the bride often carries a bouquet of white flowers as a symbol of her innocence and the start of a new, unblemished life with her husband.However, white can also represent death and mourning in certain situations. At funerals, the Chinese sometimes wear white clothing to honor the deceased and express their grief. But in general, white is considered a positive color associated with light, peace, and new beginnings.BlackOn the other hand, the color black has mostly negative meanings in traditional Chinese culture. Black is the color of darkness, evil, and bad luck. It represents destruction, fear, andsadness. That's why you'll rarely see black decorations or clothing at celebratory events like weddings and festivals.However, black can also sometimes represent power, strength, and wealth, especially when combined with other colors like red or gold. But in general, the Chinese prefer to avoid using too much black, especially in important situations where they want to attract positive energy and fortune.BlueFinally, let's talk about the color blue. In China, blue is often associated with immortality, healing, and good health. It represents the sky, water, and nature's life-giving forces. Blue is considered a calming and peaceful color that can help reduce stress and create a sense of tranquility.However, blue can also sometimes have negative meanings related to sadness, coldness, or losing one's way. But overall, blue is a positive color that symbolizes endurance, persistence, and the ability to overcome challenges and hardships in life.So as you can see, colors are not just for decoration in Chinese culture – they carry deep symbolic meanings passed down through centuries of tradition and belief. From the lucky red of Chinese New Year to the purity of white weddings, colorsplay an important role in celebrating special occasions and expressing cultural values.The next time you see a colorful Chinese decoration or outfit, remember the rich meanings behind each vibrant shade. Colors in Chinese culture are like a secret language that speaks volumes about the hopes, dreams, and spiritual beliefs of a people with a long and fascinating history. Isn't that amazing?。
翻译 颜色与中国文化
“ yellow” is the color representing “earth” in the Five Elements and “the center” in the Five Directions. So in history, “yellow” stands for “imperial power and state” and “the land on which all things grow”. e.g. 皇帝 godfather emperor
b. Red is culturally connotative in “prosperity, success, smoothness, luckiness and achievements”, etc.
e.g. In the opening ceremony for business or enterprises or in the foundation stone laying ceremony (奠基仪式 or completion ceremony 奠基仪式) 奠基仪式 of a project (落成仪式 ,people will have red 落成仪式), 落成仪式 silk for festoons(花环 and then cut the ribbons, 花环) 花环 which implies “the congratulation for success, smoothness, achievements”.
Yellow---Mostly advocate by Chinese Some examples: 金黄 golden yellow 土黄 yellowish brown 橙黄 orange yellow 米黄 cream-colored 焦黄 sallow
1. 红色:- 在中国文化中,红色象征着喜庆、热情和好运。
例如:红包(red envelope)在中国是一种传统的礼物,通常装有红色纸币。
- 在英语中,红色通常与激情、力量和危险相关。
例如:红色的玫瑰(red rose)象征着爱情。
2. 黄色:- 在中国文化中,黄色象征着快乐、光明和土地的丰收。
例如:黄河(Yellow River)是中国的第二长河流。
- 在英语中,黄色通常与快乐、温暖和活力相关。
例如:黄色的太阳(yellow sun)象征着温暖和生命力。
3. 蓝色:- 在中国文化中,蓝色通常与清澈、深远和冷静相关。
例如:蓝天(blue sky)代表着晴朗和宁静。
- 在英语中,蓝色通常与平静、信任和冷静相关。
例如:蓝色的海洋(blue ocean)象征着广阔和深远。
4. 绿色:- 在中国文化中,绿色象征着生机、健康和自然。
例如:绿茶(green tea)在中国被视为一种健康饮品。
- 在英语中,绿色通常与自然、希望和新生相关。
例如:绿色的草地(green grass)代表着生机和活力。
5. 白色:- 在中国文化中,白色通常与纯洁、幸福和悼念相关。
例如:白色的鸽子(white dove)象征着和平与纯洁。
- 在英语中,白色通常与纯洁、清晰和无辜相关。
例如:白色的雪花(white snowflake)代表着纯净和洁白。
中国文化中颜色代表含义英语作文English: In Chinese culture, colors hold significant meanings and symbolism. Red, for example, is the color of good luck, happiness, and prosperity. It is commonly used during festivities and weddings to bring joy and blessings. Yellow is associated with royalty and power, commonly worn by emperors in ancient times. White represents purity, cleanliness, and mourning, often seen in funerals and used in religious ceremonies. Black symbolizes solemnity, formality, and elegance, often worn during important events and ceremonies. Blue represents calmness, stability, and tranquility, often used in traditional Chinese paintings to depict landscapes and scenes of nature. Finally, green is the color of growth, vitality, and harmony, symbolizing health and prosperity. Overall, colors in Chinese culture play a crucial role in conveying emotions, values, and beliefs.中文翻译: 在中国文化中,颜色具有重要的含义和象征意义。
中英民族文化差异翻译“红”“白”“黑”周小湣摘 要: 因民族历史文化、政治、宗教、习俗和社会环境等因素的影响,汉英两民族的颜色观有所不同,所以翻译颜色词往往不是直译。
关 键 词: 民族文化; 颜色观; 颜色词作者简介: 周小湣,福建儿童发展职业学院外语系(福建 福州 350013)引言:科学研究表明,除色盲外,人类观察颜色的视觉系统在生理上并无区别,汉语中常用的颜色词如红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫、白、黑、灰等在英语中都有其大体相对词:red、orange、yellow、green、blue、purple、white、black、gray等,所以翻译时可以直译。
The pathways red with cherry blossoms,The lakeside green with willow leaves.英国语言学家莱昂斯(J.Lyons)认为不同语言对颜色的不同的切分同各种语言所负荷的不同文化有关。
中国文化中颜色代表含义英语作文Colors in Chinese CultureMy name is Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. I love learning about the rich culture and traditions of China. One thing I find really fascinating is how different colors have special meanings in Chinese culture. Let me tell you about some of the most important colors and what they represent.RedThe color red is extremely important and lucky in Chinese culture. It symbolizes happiness, good luck, and prosperity. That's why red is used a lot during the Chinese New Year celebrations. Houses are decorated with red lanterns, red scrolls with couplets, and red envelopes filled with money are given as gifts. Brides wear red dresses on their wedding days for good luck. Even babies are given red eggs and red hats after they are born to protect them from evil spirits. Whenever I see bright red things, it makes me feel joyful and optimistic.YellowYellow is another really meaningful color in China. It is considered the noblest color and represents neutrality, wisdom, and royalty. In ancient times, only the emperor was allowed towear yellow robes and live in the Yellow Palace. Many important buildings in the Forbidden City have yellow glazed roof tiles. Dragon robes with yellow decorations were exclusively worn by emperors on special occasions. Some of my favorite characters in kung fu stories are the legendary Yellow Emperor and the Monkey King with his yellow cape. Whenever I see yellow, it makes me think of wise rulers and powerful heroes.GreenThe color green is very connected to nature in Chinese culture. It represents growth, harmony, fertility, and good health. In the spring, all the new green leaves coming out is a beautiful sight that fills me with energy. Green jade stone is highly prized and considered very valuable, partly because of its gorgeous green color. Green hats were worn by scholars who passed the imperial exams to become government officials. Even today, environmentally-friendly practices that help nature flourish are called "going green." Seeing lush greenery always lifts my spirits and reminds me of peaceful times.WhiteWhite is a very pure and clean color in Chinese beliefs. It symbolizes purity, brightness, and fulfillment. White jade is treasured as much as green jade. Many gods and goddesses aredepicted wearing white robes. At Chinese weddings, a white rooster is included because the color represents fertility and new beginnings for the couple. White chrysanthemums are popular flowers that represent wholeness and perfection. The White Lotus Society were a group who sought spiritual enlightenment. Whenever I think of white, it makes me imagine things that are sacred and unblemished.BlackIn contrast to white, the color black has some negative meanings associated with it, although not entirely. Black can represent power, strength, and unhappiness. People wear black clothes at funerals to show they are in a period of mourning. Black flags are symbols of giving up or resigning. The Black Society were a group of people who didn't follow traditional values. However, black lacquerware is very elegant, and having black hair is considered attractive. Seeing the color black doesn't always make me feel gloomy as long as it's used in an artistic way.BlueThe color blue doesn't have as many special meanings compared to other colors, but it is still significant. In general, blue represents heaven, immortality, and wood. Ming dynastyvases with beautiful blue decorations are highly prized. The Blue Dragon is one of the most powerful creatures in Chinese mythology that controls the waters. There are many temples with blue roofs that look so graceful. When I gaze at the blue sky on a sunny day, it fills me with tranquility and thoughts about the wonders of nature.Those are some of the key colors and what they mean in Chinese culture. As you can see, colors play such an important role and each one has deep symbolic meaning. From the brilliant red of firecrackers to the calming blue of ancient pottery, the colors make me appreciate the richness of my heritage. I hope you found learning about the meanings of colors in China as fascinating as I do!。
1. 红色(Red):文化内涵:红色在中国文化中象征吉祥、喜庆和热情。
翻译:Red例句:- 中国春节期间,人们会戴红色的衣物和饰品。
(During Chinese New Year, people wear red clothes and accessories.)- 红色玫瑰象征着爱情和浪漫。
(Red roses symbolize love and romance.)2. 黄色(Yellow):文化内涵:在中国文化中,黄色代表着皇室的权力和地位,也象征着丰收和富裕。
翻译:Yellow例句:- 中国传统文化中,黄色是皇家的颜色。
(In traditionalChinese culture, yellow is the color of royalty.)- 这个房间的墙壁涂成了明亮的黄色。
(The walls of this room are painted in a bright yellow color.)3. 蓝色(Blue):文化内涵:蓝色在西方文化中通常被视为冷静、平静和信任的象征。
翻译:Blue例句:- 我喜欢在晴朗的天空下看蓝色的海洋。
(I love looking at the blue ocean under a clear sky.)- 这个房间的墙壁漆成了深蓝色,给人一种宁静的感觉。
(The walls of this room are painted in a deep blue color, givinga sense of tranquility.)4. 绿色(Green):文化内涵:绿色在许多文化中都被视为生命、自然和希望的象征。
1. 红色 (Red):在中国文化中,红色代表着喜庆、热情、吉祥和好运。
2. 黄色 (Yellow):在中国文化中,黄色象征着皇权和尊贵。
3. 白色 (White):在中国文化中,白色代表着清白、纯洁和丧事悼念。
4. 蓝色 (Blue):在中国文化中,蓝色常与男性相关,代表着清澈和
而在英文文化中,蓝色通常与忧郁和冷静相关,例如“Monday blues”表示星期一的低落情绪。
5. 绿色 (Green):在中国文化中,绿色与春天、生命和希望相关,
而在英文文化中,绿色通常与自然、环保和生态相关,也与嫉妒相关(green with envy)。
1.红色(red)在中西方语言中,红色往往与庆祝活动和喜庆日子有关,比如,在中国,男娶女嫁要贴大红“双喜(double happiness written in red)”,生意兴旺叫“红火(flourishing)”,表示好运的“红运当头(in luck’s way)”等,这些词在翻译时,“红”如果被简单的译成“red”就很难被英语国家的人们理解,所以翻译这些词时,译出它们的语用意义就便于理解。
在西方文化中red也有表示“隆重”的含义,如We will give him the red-carpet treatment.我们将举行隆重仪式欢迎他;It was a red-letter day for us when Paul came home from the war.保罗从战场回家那天,是我们值得纪念的日子。
英语作文不同颜色在中国文化的含义全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Different colors have different meanings in Chinese culture. Each color carries a unique significance and is associated with various aspects of life, beliefs, and traditions. Understanding the symbolism behind colors in Chinese culture can provide insight into the values and beliefs of the Chinese people.Red is the most auspicious and popular color in Chinese culture. It symbolizes happiness, good fortune, and prosperity. Red is often used in celebrations such as weddings, New Year, and other festive occasions. It is also believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. In Chinese tradition, giving someone a red envelope filled with money symbolizes good wishes and blessings for the recipient.Yellow is another important color in Chinese culture, symbolizing royalty and power. In ancient China, only the emperor was allowed to wear yellow clothing as it was considered the most noble color. Yellow also represents theelement Earth and is associated with the changing of seasons and harvest time.Green is associated with nature, growth, and vitality in Chinese culture. It symbolizes harmony and balance and is often used in decorations and clothing to bring good luck and prosperity. Green is also believed to have healing properties and promote physical and emotional well-being.White, on the other hand, is associated with death and mourning in Chinese culture. It is the color worn at funerals and is considered inauspicious. White symbolizes purity and is often used in traditional Chinese weddings as a symbol of the bride's innocence and purity.Black is another color that carries negative connotations in Chinese culture. It symbolizes darkness, evil, and bad luck. Black is the color worn by mourners and is associated with death and sadness. It is often used in ceremonies and rituals to ward off evil spirits.Blue is a color that is less common in traditional Chinese culture but is increasingly being used in modern contexts. It is associated with the element of water and represents tranquility, peace, and serenity. Blue is often used in decorations and clothing to create a calming and soothing atmosphere.Overall, colors play a significant role in Chinese culture and are deeply embedded in the beliefs, traditions, and customs of the Chinese people. Understanding the symbolism behind colors can provide insight into the rich and diverse cultural heritage of China.篇2The Meaning of Different Colors in Chinese CultureColors play an important role in Chinese culture, with each color holding its own unique meaning and significance. Throughout history, these colors have been used in various aspects of Chinese life, from art and literature to festivals and rituals. Understanding the cultural meanings behind these colors can provide insight into the rich and vibrant culture of China.Red is perhaps the most famous color in Chinese culture, symbolizing good luck, happiness, and prosperity. Red is often used in weddings, celebrations, and festivals to bring good fortune and ward off evil spirits. In Chinese weddings, the bride typically wears a red dress, and red decorations are used to decorate the wedding venue. During Chinese New Year, red lanterns and banners are hung up to welcome the new year and bring good luck for the year ahead.Yellow is another important color in Chinese culture, representing royalty and power. In ancient China, yellow was reserved for the emperor and his family, as it was believed to be the color of the earth and the center of the universe. Yellow is often used in traditional Chinese art and architecture to symbolize wealth and prestige. The color yellow can be seen in traditional Chinese opera costumes, as well as in the Forbidden City in Beijing.Blue and green are colors associated with nature and healing in Chinese culture. Blue represents the sky and the ocean, symbolizing tranquility and peace. Green is the color of spring and new beginnings, representing growth and vitality. These colors are often used in traditional Chinese medicine and practices such as feng shui to promote health and well-being. Green bamboo is considered a symbol of longevity and resilience in Chinese culture.White is a color often associated with death and mourning in Chinese culture. White is worn at funerals and other somber occasions to symbolize mourning and show respect for the deceased. In contrast, white is also associated with purity and innocence, and is often used in traditional Chinese weddings to symbolize the bride's purity and virtue.Black is another color with contrasting meanings in Chinese culture. While black is often associated with death and mourning, it is also seen as a powerful and mysterious color. Black is associated with water and the element of yin, representing strength and resilience. In traditional Chinese calligraphy and ink painting, black ink is used to create beautiful and intricate designs that symbolize harmony and balance.Purple is a color associated with wealth and luxury in Chinese culture. Purple was traditionally worn by nobility and royalty, and was considered a symbol of power and prestige. In modern Chinese culture, purple is often used in auspicious occasions such as weddings and celebrations to bring good luck and prosperity.In conclusion, colors play a significant role in Chinese culture, with each color holding its own unique meaning and symbolism. Understanding the cultural significance behind these colors can provide insight into the customs, traditions, and beliefs of the Chinese people. By incorporating these colors into art, fashion, and everyday life, the Chinese people continue to celebrate and honor their rich cultural heritage.篇3The Meaning of Different Colors in Chinese CultureColor plays a significant role in Chinese culture, with each color carrying its own unique symbolism and meaning. From traditional beliefs to modern practices, colors are used to convey emotions, thoughts, and cultural norms throughout the country. Understanding the meaning behind different colors in Chinese culture can provide insights into the values and attitudes of the people.Red is one of the most prominent colors in Chinese culture, symbolizing good luck, happiness, and prosperity. It is often seen during festivals, celebrations, and special occasions. Red is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring about good fortune, which is why it is commonly used in weddings, New Year celebrations, and other important events. In Chinese traditions, red also represents love and passion, making it a popular choice for romantic activities or gifts.Yellow is another important color in Chinese culture, representing power, royalty, and prosperity. In ancient times, yellow was reserved for the emperor and his family, as it was considered the most prestigious color. Today, yellow is still associated with wealth and success, with wealthy individuals often wearing yellow clothing or using yellow decorations intheir homes. Yellow also symbolizes the earth and harvest, making it a popular color during the autumn months.Blue, on the other hand, is often associated with healing, tranquility, and wisdom in Chinese culture. It is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body, making it a popular choice for meditation and relaxation practices. Blue is also associated with the element of water, symbolizing purity, clarity, and renewal. In Chinese art and design, blue is often used to represent the sky and sea, creating a sense of peace and serenity.Green, similar to blue, is associated with nature, growth, and harmony in Chinese culture. It represents balance, renewal, and abundance, making it a popular choice for environmental and sustainability initiatives. Green is often used in traditional Chinese medicine, as it is believed to have healing properties and promote overall well-being. In Chinese traditions, green is also associated with youth and vitality, symbolizing new beginnings and opportunities.White is a color with diverse meanings in Chinese culture, representing purity, mourning, and spirituality. It is often worn during funerals and other somber occasions, symbolizing respect for the deceased and their families. White is also associated with cleanliness and simplicity, making it a popular choice forweddings and other formal events. In Chinese art and design, white is often used to create a sense of purity and innocence, evoking feelings of peace and serenity.Black is a color associated with power, mystery, and authority in Chinese culture. It is often used to symbolize strength, resilience, and determination, making it a popular choice for formal events and ceremonies. In Chinese traditions, black is also associated with water and the element of Yin, representing the qualities of introspection and intuition. Black is commonly worn by business professionals and government officials, conveying a sense of elegance and sophistication.Overall, colors play a vital role in Chinese culture, conveying a wide range of emotions, beliefs, and values. Understanding the meaning behind different colors can provide insights into the rich history and traditions of the Chinese people. Whether used in art, fashion, or daily life, colors continue to hold deep cultural significance in China and play a crucial role in shaping the country's identity.。
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白色的表情意义是气愤、恼怒、紧张、悲伤、冷漠、痛疼等。而其社会意义在一定意义上与红色相对。在古代,白色具有贬义,“白衣”代表没有功名的人,“白屋”也指没有做官的读书。在现在,白色的意义多数是与红色相对。象征凶事,喻指悲哀。如“白虎星”在民间人们认为白虎石凶神,恶相。“白事”是丧失的代名词。还有象征反革命,如“白匪”“白色恐怖”等。此外,白色还有属于自己社会意义。寓意“徒劳”“空”,如“一穷二白”“白费力气”等;还可寓意光亮、明亮,如“真想大白”;寓意“纯洁”“单纯”,如“白玉无瑕”“清白”。white在英语中还有“善意、幸运、吉利”的含义,如a white lie(善意的谎言),a white witch(行善事的女巫),a white day(吉日)。
Key words:color culture;culture meaning;translation;eastern and western count:世界上各民族都是以各自不同的方式来表现自己的文化、体现自己民族的价值,各种颜色词在不同民族中的联想和使用具有鲜明的民族文化特征。在过去几百年来,各民族的色彩文化随着社会发展也在不断的发展。所以,我们将会着重强调中西方色彩文化的比较。
对于汉语中红色的翻译,因为大多数都是褒义词。因而这一类词不能直接译为“red”。比如说汉语中“开门红”get off to a good stare,“满堂红”success in extremely popular,“红娘”match-maker, go-between,“红火”flourishing prosperous。。此外,汉语的“红”色有“忠义、直接”之意,“红脸关公”象征着忠臣;而在英国,由于威廉二世的脸比一般人他暴虐、残忍,所以“红脸”在英语中表示“暴躁、残忍、血腥”。中国古代常用“红颜”、“红粉”指代面容娇好的女子,用“红闺”、“红楼”指富贵人家女儿的闺阁。而在英语中,颜色“red”中没有与“女子”相关的引申义,翻译时不能直译而要意译。“红颜”可译为“a beautiful girl”或“a pretty face”,“红粉”可译为“a gaily dressed girl”。
对于白颜色的翻译,多数不能按照汉语直接逐字翻译。。white hope则用来讽刺人们渴望带来巨大成功的人,white tie指善意的谎言,它的反义为black tie恶毒的谎言,white trash是美式英语中的贬义词,指没有文化、穷困潦倒的白人,还有to show the white feather表示胆怯,white sale大减价,white coffee加牛奶的咖啡,都不能按字面意思来理解。([2].朱蕾《色彩词的文化内涵与翻译》[J].)
Color Culture and Translation of Color inChinaand Western Countries
Author: Li Tongyu
(CollegeofForeignlanguages,ShandongAgriculturalUniversity, Tai’an 271018 )
Abstract:All nations in the word have their own way to express their cultures and nation’s value. Different colors in different nations have own distinct nations cultural features in usage and imaginations of colors. In the past hundreds of years, color culture in all kinds of nations had been developing as the society developed. We will pay attention to comparison of cultural meaning of color in eastern and western countries.
(一)Red (红色)
醒目,说明了一种红红火火的活力,像火一样,因此也代表革命,最为突出的体现是“红色政权”、“红色歌曲”。而在西方国家,红色意义虽然也有喜庆吉祥的意思,就如“roll out the red carpet(铺展红地毯)”
便是准备隆重地欢迎的意思。但是其多数表示流血、牺牲、暴力,例如:have red hands犯杀人罪,red ruin火灾,catch sb. red- handed当场抓获,red tape官僚作风,a red battle血战,red herring题外话,red ideas革命思想,see red生气。